#we’re lurking
wearestealtown · 5 months
i propose the lgbtqs steal dirty sodas from the mormons and claim them as our own. cause whats gayer than taking soda and adding milk and fruitiness
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nebulaedaniel · 9 days
i think dnp should come back to tumblr just to understand how many of us are still here and then MAYBE they will make a tumblr specific meme video
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ohithankyou · 28 days
i wonder if lou ferrigno jr. realizes his impact. dude has literally got people waiting on the edge of their seats for a sighting of him. doing prayer circles memes in complete earnest in hopes of getting anything related to him or tommy. freaking out over him merely liking and commenting on instagram posts. thirsting over every party of him—looks, personality, and all. watching his other filmography just to see him (who cares about the rest ya know). like hope he knows he’s appreciated by so many and that when we finally see him/tommy, we may break tumblr if not bucktommyblr at the very least.
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thatmooncake · 9 months
Hi it’s me again, still updating on the DCA server for coaxing lonely people out of their shells (link to come later, just check the “DCA fan brigade chat” tag on my blog and it’ll be up there when it’s ready to go, currently working on it with @flinxypie now the work day is over):
1. So we’re definitely looking for mods in busy timezones who are active, please dm or reply if this sounds like you or something you might want to do :>
2. I’ve seen a few neat name suggestions for the server like DCA fan brigade, DCA quiet corner, Daycare quiet corner, Lil social awkward daycare corner, among others! What kind of name does everyone like best? Or should we choose something else altogether? Please reply or reblog with tags if you have any thoughts!
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wormlette · 7 months
hey op. thanks for being an inspo for the chilaios nation im writing a post canon oneshot where they invent dungeons and dragons. i loved him to the point of invention and also picking up a new hobby exclusively so i could carve small figurines of monsters to make him happy or however it goes
Wait holy fuck hold on a second when I first read this I thought you were saying you were writing an AU where they’re playing dungeons and dragons and I was already pogged up about it but WAIT A MINUTE. IN UNIVERSE. DUNGEON MESHI. POST CANON. THE GANG INVENTS DND. Holy shit please post that when you’re done I really want to read it. Happy to inform you you’re also doing inspiring work as a member of
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ARE YOU MAKING FIGS TOO? Holy shit you loved him to the point of invention… Dungeon Meshi literally is out here healing us all and our relationships with desire and living fulfilling lives. We do it for him (depressed dad and his dog boy) 😌💞
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gunslinginnhogtyin · 6 months
Hopefully I can get back into the swing of writing here soon!
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dipperscavern · 9 days
I can't tell if this is real anon hate yall got or not everytime I come home something has happened
I'm scrolling to find the answer with no luck genuinely stressed😭
it’s real anon hate @cregnstark is getting AS WE SPEAK 😭 it’s true insanity, scroll at your own risk babe !!
i haven’t gotten anon hate yet as the stark fandom is so well behaved (i’m so proud of you guys seriously)
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everythingoiezoie · 1 year
I wanna take a moment to commend all the Twilight Femslash Authors still kicking around.
Desperately resuscitating my interest in that YA vampire romance genre; that should have died along side my punk kid phase in middle school. Bravo.
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quietlyblooms · 1 month
someone explain to me why going to a new place for a new activity gives me such anxiety that i switch outfits multiple times and take several hours to get ready vs the maybe one hour it usually takes me. why does my brain do this to me and how do i make it stop 😭
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akkivee · 24 hours
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i started cooking this on stream yesterday so i’m attempting to make it more coherent lol but there’s a point of comparison between bat and dh i think was established with the manga dts where dh was reminiscing on their past bc of a shared ghost story, and one where bat helped their ghost lady move on to the next life
ghosts was the common theme (hence the connectivity lol) but i think that was our hint that dh would be handling their past and bat is always trying to move forward. but with these dts, where everyone is kinda flipping the script on their origin points, i wonder if we’re going to see dh collectively moving forward and bat taking a moment to deal with their pasts and by that i mean kuukou taking a moment to stop that boy has been going nonstop towards his goal no matter what the cost be it his body or—
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ahappyphjl · 10 months
starting to really have hope for a festive ditl i need to lower my expectations But at this point anything. is possible
me tf too, anything is possible 🥲 i’ve just decided that it’s gonna happen tbh, find me crying in the club if it turns out i was delusional !
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crowfeathers · 4 months
Im so emo…
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kipandkandicore · 1 year
well… we found out that someone *cough cough* @sophieinwonderland … said that she thought we falsely reported eeveecraft to get them banned.
this is not true at all. she has no basis for this claim. the post we wrote responding to eeveecraft, we wrote specifically because they linked to our document in order to discredit it. that is the entire reason why we wrote that response. we would not have made the post at all if they had not brought up the document we compiled. our response was made in good faith. and never in the post did we explicitly call eeveecraft racist.
did we say that tulpa language is racist? yes.
did we say that alexandra david-neel is racist? yes.
did we call eeveecraft racist, anywhere in our response? not to our knowledge (though we did say that, by saying racist things, they were being racist)
we never reported eeveecraft, nor did we encourage anyone else to do the same. to claim otherwise is slander. on sophie’s blog, she is slandering us, despite having us blocked, to our knowledge! we only knew about these posts at all because a concerned friend saw them and brought them up to us. we don’t view sophie’s blog except in cases like this, where we find she’s been referring to us without our knowledge in order to lie about us.
it’s hurtful. it’s unkind. it’s disrespectful.
how can she claim to ever be engaging in good faith when this is the sort of shit she does? we’ve seen sophie block evading to spread false rumors about those she disagrees with many times over the past year or so. this isn’t something new for her.
like, the entire time we have been in syscourse spaces, our goal has been to learn more, have honest conversations, and to discuss system issues with those of differing views in good faith.
that has been our goal here since day one.
we genuinely didn’t know eeveecraft wouldn’t be able to see our post. we thought tagging them would make that post visible to them. if they resurface, we will absolutely remake that post onto our main blog and @ them there so they can view it.
why spend so much energy railing against us, when we:
1) didn’t respond in bad faith (and did not attack them as she claims, for fuck’s sake) we responded with concern, hoping to genuinely gain some clarification.
2) didn’t know that @ ing eeveecraft wouldn’t make the post visible to them. we’re not blocked by many users and we don’t know how that sort of thing functions.
3) we literally have a partner who is a tulpamancer. we have been in tulpa spaces (frequenting r/tulpas, tulpa.io, tulpanomicon, and tulpa.info) for over a year. tulpamancy is not new to us. this language shift, though, is.
yes, it is possible to be pro-tulpa as a practice, anti-tulpa terminology. like. i don’t know how else to tell you that it’s possible to separate a concept from its label. especially when that label has clearly racist roots and many poc have spoken up about it.
yes, it is possible to believe in endogenic systems and support them fully, even while being syscourse unaligned. “syscourse unaligned” does not automatically mean anti-endo or sysmed, as others might like to believe. like please, we’re begging you, learn some nuance.
note we didn’t call any tulpamancers racist! just the terminology, and people’s actions regarding that terminology. ignoring that fact, brushing it under the rug, or claiming that the terminology isn’t racist doesn’t make it any less true.
if someone says something racist, yeah, we’re gonna call it out. it’s part of learning to be antiracist, and part of learning how to stand up for marginalized people in your communities. even (and especially) when it’s hard. it has been very difficult for us, going down this path. we have been targeted and harmed more by speaking out against tulpa language than we ever have in any of our time in syscourse.
but we cannot let this go. i mean yeah, it’s getting to us, and we’re getting beaten down by people like sophie making wild assumptions about us, talking about us behind our back, and spreading rumors about us that assume the worst in us without ever asking us directly. but idk, like, it should not be up to buddhist poc to have to fight tooth and nail to defend themselves. there should be more white people on their side, listening to them, rallying behind them, and willing to stand up for them.
that’s what we’re trying to do here. that has always been what we’re trying to do. we are not trying to destroy the tulpa community at all!! and if anyone could read our posts without assuming the worst in us, actually read what we have to say without jumping to conclusions… they could see that.
idk. idk. this has been extremely fucked for our mental health. we’re not in a good place. we want to do what we can to keep standing up against racism within the community, but it’s so hard when the people being racist:
1) immediately block you
2) still read your posts, even though they blocked you
3) make posts assuming the worst about you, claim that you did things that you simply did not do, and come after you for things that they never reached out to you about personally
(not to mention in her posts referencing us she treats the survivor’s network discord server like a group of evil sysmeds who plot together to bully endos, when in reality… it is a recovery server for trauma survivors with dissociative disorders. again: the survivor’s network is a recovery server. for trauma survivors. with dissociative disorders. it is a space to come together in order to heal, share resources, and learn from each other. it is a survivor space for those in recovery. we are shocked to find sophie calling the members of this server, a trauma and recovery space, morally bankrupt…)
in our disclaimer in our response to eeveecraft, we said that it’s not our goal to block evade. the post was genuinely meant as a response, one that we put a lot of thought and effort into! we honestly did not know that eeveecraft wouldn’t be able to see the post. we thought @ ing them directly would make it possible for them to view that post in particular. it definitely was never meant as an attack.
and to see folks claiming otherwise while dragging our name through the mud… idk it has us at our wits’ end.
posts referenced for transparency:
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amethysttribble · 2 years
So way back in the day, when the Naruto manga was ending (I know I know, bear with me) things were getting really testy over ships and I was watching a lot of weekly manga reviewers on YouTube
And I remember one in particular said something in regards to ships that stuck with me, which was to the effect of, “if we’re both in a car, and off in the distance I see a moose, I tell you it’s moose, take precautions. You say no, you see a cat, it’s a okay, it’s totally going to be a cat. Well okay, but if when we get further down the road and we hit a moose, please don’t say, ‘wtf, where did that moose come from, that makes no sense’, cause I was telling you that it was a moose tow years ago.”
And this was about stupid shipping discourse, but it’s applicable to other fandom things, and I think about that a lot
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1dontc4re · 2 years
played lurking for love and i really liked the demo! The whole time i couldn’t stop thinking ‘damn Jacob would get along really well with my dad lmaooo’. I can totally picture them talking about fishing and fish keeping. My dad used to keep fish tanks a long time ago but had to get rid of them when my little brothers were born. I imagine they would nerd the fuck out over Jacob’s pet fish, with me as the interpreter.
Anyway im absolutely using this as lore for my self insert oc
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I will never forgive the feminists for what they did to Better Than Revenge
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