#we'll see! i'll probably talk more about it later.
mustainegf · 2 days
This is a crazy sad idea I had the other night
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I wake up to the pitter of rain against the windows. The air was dead, with the smell of old wood and the remains of cigarette smoke from the night before. The house held its breath. Lying there, in sheets that smell of memories, the leather and aftershave smell with the damp air and cleaving to everything in this room. His room.
James has left his space this way ever since, the mess of records that he insists have some sort of order, utter chaos to anyone else. Guitars leaned against the wall, scattered papers on the desk. Hard to tell, really. A few half empty beer bottles remained on the nightstand, one of them with the label peeling off where his fingers had unconsciously picked at it.
I sit up and blink away fogginess in my head. My body is heavy, I'm trying to move underwater. Really, I don't want to get up. I want to be wrapped in the warmth of this room, in the memories that lean against me from every corner. But I know I cannot stay here forever. The guys will be up soon, and we'll all gather in the kitchen, making laugh, eat whatever we can find, making plans for the day. It's 1987, and life moves fast. Even if I don't feel like keeping up.
Lately, James has been different. Quieter. Or maybe I'm just noticing things that were always there. The way he sometimes stares off into space, his fingers tapping out rhythms for his own ears. The way he lingers a little too long in doorways, expecting something or someone to appear. He doesn't talk about it, though. None of us do. We just keep going, acting like everything is okay.
Maybe he's downstairs already, fiddling with his guitar, a low hum of his voice humming along to whatever song's in his head. I smile at the thought. James Hetfield. My roommate, my best friend, and sometimes... I don't know what. Something more, maybe. Or something less. It's hard to define what we are.
I drag myself out of his bed and into my jeans,the necklace around my neck is getting heavier with the days. The little locket inside, the one I never take off, a picture of him. I rarely open it. I don't have to. I can pull up his face on the screen in my head anytime. Those diamond cut blue eyes, that wonky smile capable of illuminating the whole damn room.
I trudge softly down the stairs, trying not to make any noise. I used to joke this place was haunted, maybe the ghosts of musicians still waited here, looking for their chance at popularity. James would laugh at me for it, calling me ridiculous, but sometimes. Sometimes, I truly wish it were. And maybe it is.
But it's still an empty kitchen. No James, no one else. Just the light patter of rain, the ticking of the clock on the wall. My face droops immediately. He's probably out in the garage, messing with his guitar, or he went for a drive. That's what he sometimes does when his head needs clearing. I'm fine. I'll see him later.
I sit at the table, running my fingers over the grain of the wood in an absent circle. The house is too quiet. Too still. I shut my eyes and try to recall the last conversation we had, but it's all hazy, reaching for smoke. My mind drifts and for one moment, I might have sworn I heard him, his voice calling my name up the hallway. I snap my eyes open and my heart's racing. But there's nobody.
Just the house. Just me.
I shake my head, feeling pathetic. Need to stop doing this, stop waiting for things that aren't there. I'm not some little girl anymore.
But still… I was hoping the house was haunted.
I lie later on his bed, gazing up at the ceiling, the Scorpions poster on his ceiling boring an image into my skull. The rain has calmed. I have no idea why I am in here. I should do anything else, do something else. Instead, I draw his pillow closer to me, inhaling into the now-faint scent of him that still clings to the fabric. I know if i keep breathing it in, it'll only smell like me. And that's no good.
I simply wish that he would just come back now.
I heard the opening of the door behind me, and my heart leaps half a second, hoping it is him, but it isn't. It's Cliff.
He steps inside, his eyes soft as they land on me, knowing exactly what's going on. That's always been him, kind and patient. He doesn't say anything, not for a minute or so, just walks over and sits on the edge of the bed, his weight sinking into the mattress.
And then I don't know why, but I just start crying. It's out of nowhere, tears spilling down my cheeks before I can even attempt to stop them. They soak into James' pillow like a hello. It's kind of really embarrassing, actually. I'm not a crier. But here I am, sobbing into James's pillow like some sort of broken thing, and I have no idea why.
Cliff says nothing more, but reaches out and gently brushes my hair from off my face, and I imagine his touch is James'.
"He loved you, you know," Cliff says in a voice soft enough that it caresses my slow heart.
My body freezes up. "What?
"James," he says, his fingers still moving through my hair, soothing me like I was a little girl. "He was crazy about you."   I shake my head, a bitter laugh escaping my lips. "You don't have to say that, Cliff. I know you're just trying to make me feel better."
But he doesn't laugh. He doesn't even smile. He just looks at me with those sad eyes of his, chestnut hair falling slightly in his eyes.
"He was gonna tell you," Cliff whispers. "After the tour. He had this big, stupid plan. He wanted to take you out to dinner, make it all special, you know? He was nervous as hell about it, too."
Why is Cliff saying this? Why now?
Again, Cliff says, "He never had the chance." Cliff's voice is no louder than a murmur. "But he loved you. Really did."
I wrap myself into a tight, clinging ball with his pillow. "But he's still here," I choke. "James is… he's still here, Cliff. He's just… he's just out somewhere, right?"
There's such a long pause, when Cliff speaks again, his voice is full with a sadness that I don't want to recognize. But I do.
"He's gone, sweetheart."
I shake my head wildly, eyes refusing to believe what I already know is true. "No. No, he's not. He's coming back. He's just—"
"He passed, remember? Last year. The bus."
I stop breathing as the room tilts, heavy with fog, pushing against my skin, promising to smother me. I remember, yet I don't want to. I don't want to think about that night, the phone call, a feeling of my love slipping away.
"I saw him," I whisper, my voice shaking. "I swear, Cliff, I saw him. He was right here."
Cliff doesn't argue, won't try to reason with me. He just pulls me into his arms, holding me as I break apart. He strokes my hair, whispering soft words that I can't quite make out, but it doesn't matter. All that matters is that James is gone. He's been gone for a year, and I've been living in this house, waiting for a ghost that will never come home.
Cliff lays me back down, tucks James’ blankets around me as if I am some sort of child. He doesn't leave, though. He stays beside me, his hand resting on my shoulder.
"He really did love you," Cliff says again, much softer this time. "More than you know."
The house isn't haunted. At least, it isn't haunted the way I wish it was.
I still wear you in my locket, James. I always will.
And maybe someday I'll find you again.
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dtmacgxstorys · 2 days
Floyd Leech X Reader!
This is a Floyd Leech X Gender Neutral Reader!
Note: I'm stuck on Idia's chapter,(chapter 6) sooo, yeah! Also, if you're somehow Not scared of the Leech twins, you're probably not going to like this!(I Think!) Yes, I love & fear this guy! Jade is scarier more, though!
... How long has Yuu been living at NRC!?
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You have been living at Night Raven College for about 3 & a half months now. "Grim, get up or we'll be late for class again!" "*Merrrr* five more minutes." You make your way to the door of you'r room. "If you don't get up soon, I won't give you any tuna!" Grim sits up fast. "Tuna!? Don't take my tuna away!" He said as he jumped off the bed & on your shoulder. You walk downstairs & made your way out of Ramshackle. You walk through the gates & hear a familiar voice.
"Yo, morning Y/N! Do you want to eat breakfast with me?" "Morning Ace! Yeah, I'll eat with you." You & Aec walk to the cafeteria while making some small talk. You grab some food & sit with Aec & Deuce. You enjoy most of your food in peace,(surprisingly) until you hear a familiar voice. "Hhiiiii shrimpy!~" He says as he hugs you from behind. "Uummm hi Floyd." "Whatcha eaten? Anything good? ... Uumm No."
He says as he puts his chin on top of your head to see your food. "Floyd, please! Stop hugging me!" "Huummm fine." He said as he backed away from you. "See you later Shrimpy!~" After breakfast, Grim's & Your classes are pretty uninventful. Avter your clsses, you were on your way back to your dorm when someone hugged you from behind & someone else grabbed Grim.
"Shrimpy!!!?~ Why do you always have to babysit the catfish? I want you to play with me and just you." "Don't worry about Grim, I'll take good care of him for you." Jade said. "Hey Shrimpy!~ Do you have a swim suit?" ".. Yes, Why?" "Can you go get it?~" ".. Fine." He let go of you, but followed you to your room & looked around while you grab your bathing suit. "(Wispers).. this place is really in bad shape. .. Shrriimmpyy~ did you find it!?" "Yes. Where are we going?" "To Octavinelle! There are some rooms with some smallish pool in them!"
You quietly follow him to Octavinelle & go down a hallway in the front of Octavinelle. You go almost all the way down the hallway before he finds one not occupied. He opens the door for you & you walk in. As soon as you walk in, you can see the pool in front of you & to your right is a good sized bathroom to change in. "Shrimpy~! Can you please get changed, walk into the pool, then close your eyes when you have your balance in then! It has a rock bottom & leads out into the ocean, so you might also feel some fish swing around!"
".. Um.. O-ok." He walks over to the pool & you walk into the bathroom & change into your one-piece bathing suit.(like a diving suit) A little hesitantly, you do as he asked. Floyd is nowhere to be found. A minute went by & you still haven't heard from Floyd. Before you can call out his name, you feel around your left lage & hear: "hehe thank you for turning me Shrimpy!~" You open your eyes to see Floyd, but he looks very different. ".. Floyd!?"
He is holding himself up by the floor leading to the pool, making him seem shorter then you when that isn't the case. "Heha do you like my real form, Shrimpy?~!" He said, flashing his sharp teeth at you with a smirk. He slowly leans in a bit closer to you, waiting for an answer. ".. Un.. It's.. Y-yes!" You say as his teeth hovered just above your collarbone. You can't see, but his smirk widens. He moves up to kiss your chin.
You feel his tail unravel aroun your lag & rast it on the rock. He also moves to make himself eye level with you. "I'm glad to hear that, Shrimpy!~" You start to blush. ".. F-Floyd,... would it be weird to ask you if I could.. like.. pet your tail?" You see him move his tail out of the water & onto the floor next to you. As your giant petting his surprisingly soft tail, he moves closer to you & hugs you from behind & puts his chin on your right shoulder.
".. I love you.. Y/N!" You shiver from hearing him wisper your name. ".. Y-you.. mean it!?" "Hehe Did you think I wanted to eat you or something?" ".. kind of." "Hehe no. I just really like seeing your reactions! I don't want to heat you." He leans over to your left ear & wispers: "unless your into that!~ hehe" You gently push him away. "F-Floyd!?" You say, looking away from him, blushing even more now!
"Hehehehe You really are too cute all flustered like this!~" he said as he puts thumb just under your bottom lip & pointer finger under your chin to gently make you look at him. Ones you look up at him, he kisses you on the lips. You quickly returned the kiss, throwing your arms around his neck. His hands slowly & gently rub your back as you two make out. After a while, he pulls away & ask: "Will you spend the night with me and cuddle?"
".. I should check on-" "Catfish is fine! My brother won't hurt him! .. Do you really not trust us that much!?" ".. You and your brother scare me sometimes." "Because we.. I Love seeing you reactions! I know it's mean, but we're not evil!" You looked at him surprise. ".. I said scarey, Not evil!" "So will you spend the night with me?~" ".. Yes!" He kissed you on the lips reall quick & ask: "Can I whatchyou~" "No you can not which me change!" He pouts and says: "fine."
Sorry for not writing for a while. I've been depressed because my mom believe that xx xy bullshit & I'm a trans man. I started this before I was depressed but... yeah. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! 🥰
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orcelito · 1 year
in other news, sight's next, & what i have planned for it is gonna take a Lot more effort than the previous chapters.
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sophieswundergarten · 2 years
Does anybody remember the weird and excessively long post I made in the middle of the night earlier this week about S. Q. being psychic? Well I just did, so here's round two:
Once he shows up at the Benedict household it becomes highly apparent that he's psychic. The kid himself isn't aware of it, since he didn't talk to that many people at the Institute, so there's a little confusion at first by how strangely he's acting. At least, until Constance walks over and is like "Reynie, why didn't you tell anyone he's psychic? That seems like it would have been an important detail to mention.", at which point there's dead silence. S. Q. is certain that he's not psychic, and says so emphatically, until Mr. Benedict points out that he's been automatically covering his ears since Constance made her announcement, despite no one having said a word.
He sheepishly lowers his hands, at which point Constance grabs his arm and pulls him upstairs to her room (Which, while being close to the adults', is her private space, and she know's everyone will stay away while they decide what to do). She tugs a weighted blanket off her bed and shoves it at him, waiting until he's settled before asking questions.
Constance: "So, you can hear people's thoughts."
S. Q.: "Kind of? I guess. I haven't been around a lot of people before, so it hasn't been as obvious."
Constance: "But you can sense it now?"
S. Q.: "Yeah. I can still kind of hear everyone from downstairs, but it's not that bad, now." [He winces before looking curiously at her] "Yours aren't as loud, though."
Constance shrugs: "That is because I am dampening them. Can you not do that?"
S. Q.: "No, I can't really do anything. I didn't know that this was a thing until just now."
Constance: "Right. Well," [She closes her eyes, tilting her head slightly in concentration] "How is that? Better?"
S. Q., quietly surprised: "Yeah.Yeah, actually." [He looks toward the door] "How did you do that? I can barely hear them anymore."
Constance: "It is something I was experimenting with on the island, with the Emergency messages and everything. I won't be able to do it very much, though, so we'll have to find another method."
S. Q., nodding: "Okay. Thank you. You don't need to do it, though. I'll be able to figure it out on my own."
Constance, staring at him with disdain: "Right, and you're going to be figuring it out like you did downstairs? You'll go through life with your hands over your ears?"
S. Q., making a face: "Good point. Um, what do you do when things get too loud?"
So Constance stays with him for a while, sharing various tactics to quiet his mind (Using physical sensations to ground, reading with someone, and journaling among them). After a bit, Rhonda is elected to go and check on the two of them. S. Q. is doing a lot better, and so he agrees to come back down and talk to Mr. Benedict about everything. The other kids have been asked to go wait in the backyard for a bit, but Constance stubbornly stays with S. Q. It is decided that, since he obviously needs someone to help him, he's going to be staying with them for a while. He can live in one of the rooms that's further from the center of the house, and Constance and Mr. Benedict (as the only people remotely close to an authority on the subject) will work with him on how to control the constant influx/outflow of thoughts. S. Q., luckily, had grabbed one of Curtain's notebooks before leaving, so they have that to go off of. And, with a little bit of time, he gets better.
It goes much smoother because when words aren't helping Constance is able to simply shove the concept into S. Q.'s brain. (This doesn't make her sick because a) She isn't changing his thoughts, just adding information, and b) S. Q. is aware and open to it; he wants her to do it) The best bit is that, after a few weeks of working at it, S. Q. is comfortable being around the rest of the family most of the time. But he and Constance don't stop having entire silent conversations, so they'll be in a room full of people and suddenly someone notices that Constance has been really quiet, only to find her apparently engaged in a staring contest with S. Q. It's great.
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whispering-kavka · 2 years
i need to be loved like, right now and for forever
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headslikekites · 10 months
you know I think working nights is something that wears increasingly on my mental health over time but.
you know I don't think I have an adequate silver lining here. hm.
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mariclerc · 4 months
hey!... can you write a Charles × horner reader.. where the reader has a crush on since they met.... but Charles doesn't like her very much cuz he thinks she's a nepo baby... but the reader still tries to win his heart.... but one day after a bad race he lashed out on her.... breaking her heart.... later he realizes he also has fellings for her...then ask the reader for forgiveness and a second chance (pls make it a happy ending)... thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for this request! It took me a little while to try to develop it, I hope you like it!! 💗💗
Second chance spark | cl16
Summary: where Charles thinks you're a nepo baby just because of your last name. Warnings: a little angst, horner!reader, christian being an asshole and fluffy fluff.
a/n: let me know if you want a part two!!
Part 2
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The paddock of the Spanish Grand Prix is in big move, thousands of people moving from one place to another and there you find yourself, outside of the Red Bull hospitality talking to several of the girls on the team. This is what your life has become, practically, since being the daughter of Christian Horner you can walk around the hospitality and the paddock as many times as you like during the year.
Most people believe that you only walk around the paddock because it is a case of "nepotism", but in reality you are working very hard to be an engineer and earn a place in motorsport and that's why you find yourself doing internships at Red Bull. Also, your relationship with your father is not the best, so it is always a constant argument, but, even if you try not to give it so much importance, it always hurts.
“Oh god girls, look who's coming!” You say excitedly, Charles was walking through the paddock, to you he always looked like an angel, you blush slightly.
Mara, one of the Red Bull pr girls spoke. “Leclerc? Are you trying to charm the competition's sponsors I see.” she jokes and you blush a little.
You rolled your eyes. “Don't be ridiculous, he probably doesn't even know I'm here.” You say and a silence is present between the three of you. “I'm going to say hi.” You say determined.
Lila rise up an eyebrow. “Careful y/n. You don't want to spook the red prince.”
“Oh, please. Like he'd give me the time of the day.” you scoff.
You excuse yourself and stride confidently towards Charles. He notices your approach and his expression becomes guarded.
You've liked Charles since he debuted in the F4 European series, you always thought he was someone quite nice and talented... Besides of being cute, of course, but nothing ever happened between you, you were simply acquaintances. But now since you are always in the paddock you see him every single day and those feelings that you thought were already buried, were reborn with much more strength.
“Hello y/n. Didn't expect to see you here!” he smiles shyly.
“Well, I just came to say hi, a little greeting doesn't go amiss, don't you think?” you say shyly with a soft voice. “Are you nervous about the race?” you asked shyly.
“Yeah, uh, a little bit... But let's see how it goes.” he says trying to avoid your gaze.
“Well, you have a good shot, maybe you can achieve a podium finish.” You say and he looks at you surprised.
“You actually follow the races?” he asks.
You feign offense. “Of course I do, I'm trying to be an engineer! I may not be out there on the track like you and the boys, but I appreciate a good driver when I see one.” you smile brightly.
Charles looks at you for a long moment, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
“Just make sure you're cheering for the right team on race day in the future.” he says teasingly.
“We'll see about that, Leclerc.” you two share a comfortable silence for a moment. You take a deep breath. “Well, I'll leave you alone, I have to go. But good luck in the race, yeah?” You say with a small smile.
“Sure, see you later! And thanks!” he smiles too.
You smiled back and turned to leave, a triumphant glint in your eyes. Charles watches you go, a genuine smile gracing his features. His heart is probably beginning to soften to let you into it.
“Is seriously? You talked to him and he didn't think you were a little innocent girl?” Christian said sitting in his chair in the office.
You were at the Red Bull factory in Milton Keynes, you had gone to see some engineers and work with them since you are doing your engineer internship at Red Bull and they have been very generous to you, teaching you everything they know, what you didn't realize was that your father was going to need you to have a talk. Such talks never end well, let's put it that way.
“Well, no... But I think he was being nice.” you say quietly. “I just wanted to wish him good luck, that's all... Just a little greeting... it's not a big deal.”
“You know? It's amazing that you're so stupid and dumb.” He says getting up from his chair. “And also by talking to the enemy, you don't really learn, don't you?” he asked sharply.
He never misses the opportunity to speak badly about you on any occasion, he simply doesn't care about your feelings, he is only interested in the job, winning and that's it. As if that were more important than your well-being as his daughter.
You take a deep breath. “Then let me finish my internship in another team.” you said and he looked at you. “I think it would be better for both you and me. Don't you think?” you said in a whisper.
“What? You really want to finish your silly and stupid internship at Ferrari, right? To be after a man who doesn't give you attention, is it serious?” he says sarcastically, that wasn't your idea but since he puts it on the table it doesn't sound too bad... “How ungrateful you are, to waste the fact that I gave you the opportunity to do the internship here.”
“And it was the only thing you did.” you murmured. “Because, as far as I remember, you haven't done anything else.”
“What did you say, huh? You little bitch.” He said, raising his voice towards you.
“What you fucking heard! Do you think it's not difficult to be under your shadow every day? How tiring it is to have everyone tell you that you are a child of nepotism just because all you did was get me the internship here! And you know that I had to sacrifice many things to get here.” you said in screams, taking everything out of you, all the years of abuse and so on. “And don't come pretending to be a saint because we both know you're not.”
You leave his office and everyone looks at you, but you don't care, you couldn't allow your father to call you names and spoke to you in a not very nice way. Your tears blur your vision as you leave the factory and you run to your car, you feel as if you no longer have a weight on your shoulders, but at the same time you are afraid of what may happen later between the two of you.
A couple of weeks later, the Austrian Grand Prix is a blur of disappointment, specially for Charles, since he finished a distant third, strategy blunders costing him a shot at the win against Max. The Red Bull Hospitality is abuzz with post-race celebration, a stark contrast to the muted atmosphere in the Ferrari hospitality across the way.
You stand awkwardly near the doorway, your presence a silent question in the room. Charles sits alone, staring into the bottom of an empty beer glass, his face an iron mask of frustration. A knot of worry tightens in your stomach, that's not the Charles you know, always so cheerful and lively despite everything. It's another version of him, darker and more mysterious.
“Charles?” you asked softly.
He looks up, surprise flickering across his features before hardening back into a grimace.
“What are you doing here?” he said sharply.
“I...I just wanted to see if you were alright.” You say shyly.
His harsh tone stings, cutting through the fragile connection the two of you would built.
“Look y/n, I appreciate the concern, but I need to be alone.” he said sharply.
“But-” hurt creeps into your voice.
He interrupts with his voice rising. “No buts! Don't you get it? This is my job, my life! And today, I failed.”
Tears are pricking at your eyes. “I know it hurts, Charles, but you can't let it consume you.”
He stands abruptly, knocking his chair over with a clatter. “Easy for you to say! You don't have the pressure, the expectations hanging over your head like a damn guillotine! You have everything on a silver platter whenever and however you want!” he say furiously.
His words are a punch to the gut. The simmering tension between you and your father explodes in your mind.
“You think I don't know the pressure? Do you have any idea what it's like living under my father's shadow? To be constantly judged, to have every decision questioned?” you say with a shaking voice.
Charles stares at you, his anger momentarily eclipsed by surprise.
“I may not be a driver, but I understand this world, Charles... I understand the pressure.” You say as tears form in your eyes.
Your vulnerability hangs heavy in the air. Shame washes over Charles, realizing the depth of his lashing out.
“Y/n, I...” he said with a soft voice.
He reaches out, but you flinches back, a wall of hurt suddenly separating the both of you.
You take a shaky breath. “I think I should go.” you sigh tiredly. “Nice talk.”
You turn towards the door, your heart heavy with a mixture of disappointment and a newfound understanding of the burdens that the both of you share. You run out there with tears running down your cheeks, nothing could have been worse after what happened with your father, but now you lost a person you cared about despite everything.
The Italian Grand Prix is in full swing after the summer break. Mechanics scurry around the gleaming red Ferrari, the air thick with pre-race tension. Charles, however, finds himself distracted. He steals constant glances towards the Red Bull garage across the pit lane, searching for a familiar face.
He spots you, standing by Christian, your interaction is tense, your father screams at you while you just only nod at his words while holding a few tears in your shy eyes. A pang of fury shoots through Charles, followed by a wave of regret. His outburst in Austria hangs heavy in the air, a barrier he needs to break. He, despite everything, is moderately informed about what happened between you and your father thanks to Max, and it hurts him not to have approached you much sooner.
The pit lane opens to finally start the grand prix, snapping Charles back to reality. He throws on his helmet, a steely resolve replacing his earlier anxiety.
Charles finishes a strong second, the podium it's a little bit bittersweet. He emerges from the car, the cheers of the tifosi a distant echo. All he can think about is you.
He finds you in the Red Bull hospitality, a hesitant knock on the door of your office, announcing his arrival. The room falls silent as he enters.
You stand by the window, your back towards him. Your posture is stiff, but Charles can sense the tremor in your shoulders.
“Y/n?” he say quietly.
You turn slowly, your eyes guarded. The hurt in your gaze is a mirror to his own regret.
“Charles...” you say softly.
There's an awkward silence, the air thick with unspoken words. Charles takes a deep breath.
“I can't apologize enough for Austria. I... I was a complete idiot.” he says.
“Words don't erase the hurt, Charles.” you say in a low voice.
He takes a step closer. “I know. But I wanted you to know... these past few weeks, all I could think about was your words. About the pressure, about being judged... You opened my eyes to a side of you I never knew existed.” He reaches out, hesitantly offering his hand. “And in doing so, I realized... how much I care about you.”
You stare at his hand, then back at his face. A flicker of vulnerability crosses your features before you speak.
“You can't just say things like that, Charles. Not after everything.”
“I know, but I have to try. Because the alternative... the alternative is losing you completely.” says sincerely. He sees a flicker of emotion in your eyes, a flicker that speaks of hope.
“This won't be easy, Charles. My father... Things haven't been so smooth lately between him and I.”
“I know. But maybe, just maybe, we can face it together... Like you said, we both understand this world, the pressure. Maybe we can be each other's support system, not just through wins and losses, but through everything else.” he say softly.
A small smile tugs at the corner of your lips. You look at him, a question in your eyes.
“So, what are you saying?” you asked him.
Charles takes a chance, the weight of his feelings pulling him forward. He steps closer, your faces inches apart.
“I'm saying that... give me another chance, please. A chance to prove that I can be the man you deserve.” he whispers. “Please, if you want, I beg you on my knees... I'll do anything, but please give me a chance.”
The air crackles with unspoken emotions. You lean in, closing the distance between the both of you. At first, the kiss is hesitant and at the same time soft and slow, then deepens, a promise unspoken but understood.
Pulling away, Charles searches your soft eyes.
“Is that a yes?” he smiled while blushing.
You smile softly, a genuine smile that reaches your eyes.
“Maybe... How about we can do something casual between us, not business related, just to get to know each other better?” you say shyly.
A grin spreads across Charles' face, relief washing over him like a victory lap. “It's a deal darling.” you giggled.
He leans in for another kiss, the roar of the engines and the crowd outside a distant echo of the race that's just begun – the race for your hearts.
The air crackles with a different kind of tension now. You and Charles break apart from your long awaited kiss, foreheads resting against each other. Relief, hope, and a spark of defiance dance in your eyes.
“We should probably get going before someone sees us, don't you think?” you whisper shyly.
Charles nods, a playful smile tugging at his lips. He reaches for the door, ready to usher you out, but it swings open before he can touch it.
Standing in the doorway is Christian, his face a thundercloud. The celebratory atmosphere in the room evaporates, replaced with a chilling silence.
“Y/n! My office. Now.” he says with a strong and demanding voice.
You flinch, your body tensing and shaking at your father's tone, but Charles steps forward, his stance protective.
“Actually, she's not going anywhere Horner.” Charles says calmly.
Christian's gaze snaps to him, fury replacing the icy anger. “And who are you to tell me what to do in my own hospitality suite, Leclerc?” he scoffs.
“Someone who cares about her, a concept you seem to have forgotten.” Charles says with a hard and firm voice.
The room collectively gasps. You reaches out a hand to touch Charles' arm, a silent plea for caution. But Charles shakes you off gently, his green eyes boring into Christian's.
“You judge her, belittle her, just because of your own insecurities. You push her away with every harsh word and raised eyebrow.” Charles says defending you, maybe you and him weren't that close, but probably Max told him about what happened between you and Christian.
Christian lunges forward, his hand raised in a threatening gesture. But Charles doesn't back down, he catches Christian's wrist mid-air, his grip surprisingly strong.
“Don't. Even. Think. About. Touching. Her.” Charles says in a low, dangerous voice. “And if you do, you'll deal with me, is that clear?”
Christian throws Charles a withering look before turning and storming out of the room. The silence that follows is deafening. No one had ever spoken to your father that way, not even Max or Jos, but the fact that Charles was the first to do it was something... Shocking, especially for you.
You let out a shaky breath, your gaze flickering between the slammed door and Charles. “I... Charles.” you say in a shaky whisper.
He whispers back. “Don't apologize, you did nothing wrong sweetie.” he takes your hand in his. “He's such a jerk.” He pulls you towards the door, a newfound determination in his eyes. “We're leaving, now. We can deal with your father later, together, okay?” he says.
You hesitate for a moment, then you nodded in agreement, as you walk out of the Red Bull hospitality, heads turn and whispers follow. But you don't care anymore, you have each other, and that's all that matters.
You two step out into the cool evening air, the roar of the Italian crowd a distant hum. Your hands are intertwined, a silent promise against the warm setting sun.
You two may have a long road ahead, filled with challenges and disapproval, but you'll face it together, a united front against the storm.
“Thank you... For what you did in there.” You say softly, he smiles and brings your hand to his lips to place a kiss on the back of your hand.
“It's nothing ma belle, I know I may not know the whole story since the begging, but I'm willing to help you.” he says the same in a whisper.
“I just want to know... Who told you about it?” you asked softly.
“Max told me.” He says and you laugh.
“I thought so! It doesn't bother me that he did it anyway.” you say and let out a giggle while you shake your head. “I think it's something you deserved to know.”
He smiles at you tenderly. “How about we forget this mess with your father with a good pizza, huh?” he says softly.
“And where would we go?” you shyly asked him.
“We can go to my hotel room... Unless you don't want to, I know it would be awkward but... I don't know, ugh.” He said and started babbling, you smiled seeing him like that, it seemed like the cutest thing of all, seeing him nervous about doing something simple with you.
You smiled and placed a soft kiss on his jaw. “I would love to eat pizza with you in your hotel room Charlie.” you say softly. “So it's a date?”
“It's a date.” He says softly as he kisses the tip of your nose and you giggle. “A date between Ferrari's golden boy and the red bull girl.” he says in a whisper while letting out a giggle.
You smiled tenderly. “You couldn't have said it better.” You whispered back.
To think that a couple of months ago you had not imagined that situation, to see Charles against your father and defending you like a true gentleman, but here you two were. Maybe at the beginning not everything was rosy or he simply didn't tolerate you at all due to false "nepotism" status around you, but you both understand how difficult and complicated this world is, maybe with different perspectives, but you two are there to support each other in the ups and downs.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
Charlie: "Sorry- sorry Husk! I know my text said I was on my way, but I had to do something reeeeal quickie- QUICKLY- and-"
Husk: "Your girlfriend?"
Charlie: "HOW DID YOU- ahem. Um. No."
Husk: "Oh yeah? You've got lipstick marks all over your jaw and a fucking grey feather in your hair."
Charlie: (carefully removing feather) "I, had a makeup accident?"
Husk: "Uh huh. And the feather?"
Charlie: "I tripped and fell on some lipstick. While... dusting."
Husk: "You're as shit a liar as she is."
Charlie: (dreamily) "Not as good a kisser, though..."
Husk: "Eugh. You sure got over the murder thing pretty fucking fast."
Charlie: "Hm? Which murder thing?"
Husk: "The 'her doing more murder than all assholes in this place combined' thing. Thought you'd be more. Y'know. Fucked up over it."
Charlie: (laughing) "I mean, it doesn't really change much does it? When we started dating I thought she was a sinner anyway, probably down here for multiple murders, and in way I wasn't even wrong about that! So..."
Charlie: "....."
Charlie: "You think she's got the highest kill count?"
Husk: "Fuck yeah she does."
Charlie: "H-uh."
Husk: "Shit- you ever SEE those Exorcist bitches at work? Ever see HER when SHE'S got something that needs doing? She's like a fucking machine. A glaring, relentless, strict as hell bitch who won't stop for one fucking second until she gets the job done."
Charlie: "That's, true. That's a... very evocative point. It's."
Charlie: "Hmm.."
Husk: ".... you wanna go do more fucking 'dusting' don't you."
Charlie: "I think I missed a spot- let's reschedule for half an hour? An hour? Two give me two hours and I SWEAR I'll be right with you to talk about- about the uhhhh-"
Husk: "You have no fucking clue."
Charlie: "-exactly, yes! We'll reconvene about the thing once I'm done getting her off- Getting off on h- GETTING THE DUST OFF."
Husk: "Save my fucking ears and just fucking go."
Charlie: "Thanks Husk love you too gay you later BYEEEE~"
Husk: "Ugh."
Husk: (drink)
Husk: "Fuck my life..."
Charlie: "IM TRYING!"
Charlie: (distantly) "Yet~!"
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readychilledwine · 7 months
✨️Kink Education with Elizabeth✨️
Does this tiktok do something to you?
If you listen to his voice and suddenly feel true sexual arousal, you may have a form of Auralism. Auralism is the sexual arousal to sound. It could be voices, music, an ASMR trigger, etc. The most common in females is arousal from voices, and that's what I will be working with today. So, whoever your dream man saying "Hello Feyre Darling," is, I need you to think about him as you are reading this.
Auralism is a way of practicing what sex experts call "mindful sensuality" or the practice of using certain skills to enhance emotional and mental erotica. This typically involves using more senses than just touch and vision. Auralism focuses on specifically the sound aspect and a bit of imagination.
💕Peep the Valentines Day List Here💕
As always, NSFW below the cut
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Rhysand x Reader
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Warnings - degradation, dirty talk, slight voyeurism, inferred poly!batboys
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Being High Lady of the Night Court held several responsibilities, but your least favorite was, and would always be, the Court of Nightmares. 
Rhys kissed you one more time as the doors to the throne room sat closed. “We'll finish what we started later, I promise. I will not leave you unsatisfied for long.”
Gods, that timber. The purr. You felt his voice setting heat through your body and did the best to push the feeling away. 
Rhys held the wine glass to your lips, watching you drink it as his hand ran the length of your inner thigh. His gaze went back to Keir, his eyes almost narrowing. “The High lady looks beautiful tonight, nephew.” 
You felt the predatory shift in Rhys, felt the mating bond grow tight. “My mate is always delicious, uncle. You'd be smart to remove your eyes from her.” His voice went straight to your cunt this time, a wave of heat landing there. Oh really? His high lord voice always turned you on, the command of it, the strict tone. 
Keir nodded, walking away, just as your thighs pushed together. His lips brushed your ear, that deep voice hitting you again. “I see I may have left you too desperate, my star.” His hand trailed the valley of your breasts, settling on your lower stomach. “I do wonder if I can get you off just from speaking. Is that possible, darling? To have you come on my lap with such little effort?”
You whimpered again. Head falling into his shoulder. Each letter off his tongue was dipped in honey, sending wave after wave of arousal through you. You kept your thighs together now, knowing in this dress spreading them would put your glistening core on display. 
As if he sensed your feelings, he pushed them apart slightly, a growl escaping him and his eyes growing dark as he looked. “Cauldron boil me, you will cum from this, won't you? Have you gotten too good at playing the role of my whore, y/n darling? Should I fuck on you on this throne and let everyone watch?”
“Rhys,” it was meant to be a warning to stop, but it came out as a soft moan. 
“You'll be saying my name over and over later, begging me to keep going as I fuck you so hard our bed breaks. You always feel so good, wrapped tight around my cock.”
Your core clenched, the coil starting to slowly build. “-and look at you now,” he continued. “Wearing an expensive dress, dripping onto my thigh. When this damned party is over, I will bend you over this throne.”
You moaned his name again. That purr was doing something to you that you've never had happen. “I bet if I spread your legs further, Azriel would be able to see how wet you are from his spot at the back of the room. Cassian can probably smell and taste you.” 
The general had a small smirk on his face as he kept his spot behind Rhysand and the throne. Azriel had his eyes locked in you two, a single brow kissing his hairline. 
“I might let them stay and watch if you wanted. Let them watch me claim you over and over until you're soaking me. Once I'm done with you, maybe I'll let them play too."
“Rhys-” You were so close, snuggling further into his lap, thighs pressed back together and rubbing. 
“Uh-uh,” his hand pushed them apart enough for his pleasure again. “Your High Lord wants to see how desperate his whore is. Gods, look at you. Look at you clenching at nothing, about to cum from my voice alone.”
His name left your throat in a quiet needing moan and Cassian looked down with a full smirk now. A voice cold as death came from the other side of him. A voice Rhys knew you found attractive. “Release my High Lady from her misery.”
“Cum for me,” Rhysand whispered into your ear, kissing the shell of it gently. “Cum for us.”
The coil snapped, your back arching against his chest as Cassian placed a hand over your mouth. “And now look at you, coming with no effort on my part, forcing our general to have to cover your mouth so I don't have to kill everyone here to getting to listen to the noises that are for me and me alone. Pathetic little thing, aren't you?"
Rhys switched to his High Lord voice again. “Cassian, take the High Lady somewhere to clean her up.” 
Cassian nodded, picking you up from Rhysand's lap as your high ended. “Come, my lady, let me take care of you.”
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Valentines Day Taglist:
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Rhys Taglist:
@tothestarsandwhateverend @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @avajustreads
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sunflower-lilac42 · 4 months
𝗱𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗸𝗲𝗻 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀 | 𝘭𝘩43 ♔
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➪ summary: with her recently dating luke, she'd rather her brother and his friends see her drunk rather than him which leads to luke worrying excessively
➪ warnings: drinking
➪ word count: 2.0k
➪ file type: fic
➪ sunny's notes: i've been in such a hughes mood so here's a luke fic, maybe I'll edit safe and sound tonight and get that out too. this was one of my favorites when i wrote it and it still is, i hope you enjoy it again
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This was a bad idea, a horrible idea. She knew she shouldn’t have gone out with them in the first place, but y/n was a people pleaser and caved quickly. Saying goodbye to her friends at the lake house she headed out with her friends to whatever party they wanted her to go to. 
It also never took much for her to get drunk, she could hold and handle her liquor that wasn’t the problem, but she was a lightweight, which made this night all the worse. Two drinks in, the ones forced by her friends, were all it took for her to go back willingly for more. Three drinks after that she was absolutely hammered. 
She knew she should go home so as she started walking out of the party, her friend grabbed hold of her, “Where are you going?!”
“I should get home.”
“It’s only-” Her friend’s words were slurred, checking her watch, “Midnight. Just say for a little while longer.”
Y/n being the person that she was nodded and went back to dancing with her friends. An hour or two later she felt sick and put her foot down with her friends, saying that she was leaving. The three others nodded and let her go, the girl walking outside and stumbling down the street. 
She tripped not long after that, her knees scraping on the ground. She was overly emotional from drinking and instantly teared up. She dug around in her purse for her phone and turned it on, immediately going to call her boyfriend. 
However, just as her finger was about to hit the call button she paused, thinking about how she didn’t want Luke to see how she looked right now. They had known each other since they were little, yet only started recently dating. She had no desire for him seeing how she looked right now. 
Swiping out of Luke’s contact she went to find Trevor’s, calling him instantly. 
“Y/n/n? Where are you?”
“Trev.” Her voice was littered with emotion, Trevor could hear the waver and tears in her voice.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“I think I had-” She hiccuped and sniffled, “A little too much to drink and I-I hurt myself.” Tears were streaming down her face as she spoke, lifting her hand to wipe her cheeks off. 
Grabbing his keys from his nightstand he stood quickly, “Okay, do you want Luke to come with?”
“No, no, no, no-”
“Okay, I won’t ask him. How about Jacky and Cole?” She nodded and whimpered a ‘yes’ and Trevor was knocking on their doors within seconds. 
“Hey, what’s going on?” Jack stood against the doorframe looking at his best friends, “Y/n’s hurt.”
“What?” Luke stood at the end of the hallway, looking between his brother and his brother’s friends.
Trevor’s eyes widened, “Hey Lukey.”
“Y/n’s hurt?”
He nodded and told Jack and Cole to put their shoes on, “Can I come?”
“I asked her and she said no.” 
“What? Why? Let me talk to her!” Trevor put his phone out of reach for the youngest Hughes not to grab it. 
“She doesn't want you to come and I think you should respect that Luke.”
“But she- she’s- she just said she was hurt.”
Tears flooded the boy’s eyes and Trebor looked conflicted, looking between his phone and Luke. Luckily, Jack walked out of his room and placed his arms around his brother, “I’m sure she’s okay. We'll go get her and bring her back.”
“You guys are going? Why do they get to go?”
“Because she wanted them to.”
“Trevor?” Y/n’s voice is heard from his phone where he accidentally put her on speaker. 
No one paid any mind to it, “That’s such bull shit.”
“Luke! She’s scared and drunk and probably just needs what is most familiar and comfortable to her, which is the three of us.” Cole tried to reason with the younger boy, but nothing was getting through to him.
“We’ve been friends for almost as long as you guys have been and we're dating, why wouldn’t she trust me?!”
“She does trust you, Luke. But you two are also just getting into a rhythm of dating and maybe she doesn’t want you to see her like this. And before you say anything, she knows you won’t care but she's not thinking straight. Why don’t you go sit with Quinn until we get home and we’ll let you know, okay?”
“Whatever.” He stormed off into his room, the other three rolling their eyes and rushing out to whomever's car was first. 
“We’ll be there soon, y/n/n, okay?” Cole asked, taking the phone from his friend. 
She nodded and listened to Cole talk to her as they drove to where she sat on the curb, hoping no one would come up to her. 
Luckily, no one did and the three rushed out of the car and to her side. 
“Are you okay?”
“I think so, I just got a little nervous.”
Trevor kneeled in front of her as Jack and Cole wrapped one of their arms around her at each of her sides. Placing his hands on her knees, Trevor spoke, “How many drinks did you have?” 
By now, she was able to talk without slurring her words, her mind being able to think more clearly. She held five fingers up and looked down shamefully. 
Jack chuckled, “You know you can’t drink that much.” 
Still emotional, her eyes held tears again in her eyes, “I know, I know. I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad?”
“Hey, no one’s mad, we just want you to be more careful. Let’s fix up your knees and then we’ll go home.” Trevor went back to the car to grab the first aid kit that Cole had thrown in there.
“Where are your friends?” Cole took off his jacket and placed it around the girl, “They wanted to stay longer. I didn’t want them to have to leave because of me.”
Placing a kiss on her head, Cole chuckled, “You and your people-pleaser tendencies.”
“Hey don’t make fun of me.” She held a put on her face and Jack laughed as well, “We could never.”
She laughed as well and Trevor cheered, placing the last band-aid on her knee, “Yay, we got a smile! You ready to go home?”
She nodded and the three helped her up, Jack happily driving home so she could sit with her brother in the back. She easily laid against Trevor, placing her feet in Cole’s lap. 
“Is Luke mad at me?” 
The three looked at each other, Jack glancing in the rearview mirror, “No, just a little upset.”
“I heard him over the phone.”
Trevor sighed and moved the hair that was crowding over her face out of the way, “He just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“He sounded really frustrated.”
“He’s just worried.”
Moments passed in silence before y/n spoke again, “You were right you know?”
The boys furrowed their eyebrows, “Who?”
“I didn’t even do anything,” Jack claimed, his voice going higher.
“When you were talking to Luke.” 
She flipped over so she was lying on her left side, looking through the rearview mirror so she could see Jack, tracing shapes on the floor of the car, “You said that I didn’t want him to see me like this, you were right.”
“He loves you, you know? He wouldn’t have cared.”
“I know, but there was just something, I don’t know. Scary about it. We’ve been friends for so long and I just didn’t want him to see me mess up as his girlfriend and end it.”
To, y/n, Luke seeing her drunk and emotional as friends was different from him seeing her drunk when they were dating. Sure there were plenty of times Luke had seen her drunk before, but now, it was almost as if she was afraid of him judging her more than before. 
Cole nodded his head, “I can see that. But at the same time, y/n/n, some of the things you can say are different from when you were friends, yet not really now that you’re dating, this for example.” He gestured to her knees, “The only difference is Luke’s worry is more visible, and reasonable.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For always being there for me.” She drifted off to sleep and the three boys looked at each other and smiled. 
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
“Wakey, wakey.”
“No.” Y/n groaned, feeling more of the effects of the alcohol she consumed. 
“Come on, you’re going to give Luke a heart attack soon.”
“But I’m tired. And you’re fucking loud.”
“Only the best for you, sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me that, only Luke can call me that.”
“Oh sure, I’ve been calling you that since third grade but when my brother comes along, he gets priority.”
“Shut it.”
“I can just leave you out here.”
“No! I love you, I’m sorry, you can call me whatever you want just take me inside, please.”
“Alright lil Z, let’s go.”
“Anything but that. I don’t want to be associated with that one.” She pointed to her right where Cole was standing.
“One, now that was rude and two, I’m over here dipshit.”
“I’m telling, Mom.”
“Then I’ll tell her you got drunk.”
“I’m 21, I can get drunk if I want to.”
“Then I’ll tell her you got drunk freshman year of college.”
“Fine. Truce, all of you.”
The three nodded and shook her hand, taking her inside. As soon as the front door unlocked and opened, Luke stood up from his place on the couch and rushed over to the door, “Lukey!”
Luke caught his girlfriend in his embrace, wrapping his arms around her torso, “Hey. You okay?”
“I had a little too much to drink.” She giggled, wrapping her hands around his neck.
“Have fun bro.” The three walked off to their rooms, leaving the couple behind.
“You want to go lay down?”
“Yes please.” Luke picked her up, her legs unconsciously wrapping around Luke’s waist.
He carried her with ease to his room, placing her on the bed, “What do you want to wear?”
“Your clothes.” Luke chuckled and went to grab some clothes for her, helping her get changed.
The two got comfortable in his bed, y/n wrapping herself in the blanket and snuggling up next to Luke,
“I’m sorry for not wanting you to come, I was just nervous about how you would-”
“Hey, let’s talk about this tomorrow, okay? I’m just glad you weren’t severely hurt.” He kissed her forehead and tightened his hold on her.
She nodded, drifting off to sleep, smiling to herself. 
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
•❅ 《 𝘉𝘖𝘕𝘜𝘚 𝘚𝘊𝘌𝘕𝘌 》 ❅•
Luke woke up around eight and took a look around his room, y/n was nowhere to be found, “Babe?”
He got up and trekked downstairs to see his brothers Trevor and Cole in the kitchen, “Have you guys seen y/n?”
The four looked at each other, then at Luke, trying not to laugh, “Bathroom.”
“Hey! I’m out of the bathroom, thank you very much.”
“After spending thirty minutes in there.” Jack retorted, coming around the side and sitting next to her, kissing her on the head, “But we love you.”
“Do you though?”
“Hey stop being mean to my girlfriend!” Luke pulled the girl away from his brother and into his lap.
“Get your hands off my sister.”
“Never.” Trebor gagged and went back to pouring the orange juice into the glasses.
“Cole’s the only one that was nice to me last night.”
“That’s so not true. You got mad at me for calling you sweetheart.”
“I did?”
“Mhm, you were all like ‘Luke’s the only one that can call me that.’ and ‘Luke this’ or ‘Luke that’.”
Y/n blushed, hiding her face in her boyfriend’s chest, “Awe, you love me.”
“You wish, Hughes. I love Cole and Quinn. You three are jerks.”
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⬂ 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗝𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲𝘆 𝗗𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗹𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 ⬂
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junkissed · 1 year
squeaky clean
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member — bf!seungcheol x bf!mingyu x reader genre — smut, fluff/comfort, poly relationship (see warnings!) word count — 2.7k synopsis — after a long day, a nice relaxing bubble bath is exactly what you need, and your boyfriends are more than willing to help you unwind. good thing your bathtub is big enough for three. smut warnings — descriptions of female anatomy, unprotected sex, bathtub sex (this is fake. fiction. made up. do NOT have sex in soapy water), slight mxm (cheol gives gyu a handjob), kissing (reader x cheol & reader x gyu only, no cheol x gyu) nicknames (pretty girl, angel, baby, sweetheart, etc. you know the drill; gyu is called puppy once or twice but not in a pet play way), soft dom!cheol, gyu & reader are mainly sub leaning, lots of dirty talk & praise, a little bit of voyeurism from cheol but it's soft (you'll see) notes — this is a poly fic! meaning all three of them are in a relationship, meaning all three of them are having sex, meaning yes there is a little bit of mxm in this. i am in no way trying to ship them or imply anything about them, this is just for fun and because i believe poly relationships also deserve representation in fanfics. if you're not comfortable with that please feel free to skip this fic! you are the one responsible for what you choose to read, and i encourage you to read the warnings first so you have a sense of what happens. i still do not write solely mxm and i probably won't do fics like this often; this is very different from my usual content but i'm branching out a bit and trying new things!! feedback, asks, and reblogs are always super super appreciated :) (also ps this is a special present for @duhnova and @onlymingyus i hope you like it !!)
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when mingyu and seungcheol get home from work, they're surprised to find you laying across the couch, arms hanging over the side and your face smashed against a pillow.
immediately cheol walks over and sits on the couch beside you, putting the back of his hand against your forehead with worry. "baby, what's wrong? are you feeling sick?"
"just tired," you sigh. "i think i need a nap, maybe." he starts to stand up, offering to get the thermometer to take your temperature and make sure you don’t have a fever, and he pouts when you tell him you’re not sick.
"have you showered yet? i'll make dinner," mingyu offers, already slipping his jacket off and starting for the kitchen. 
"no, not yet." you sit up and wince, rubbing your neck. "i'll have to do it in the morning."
"don't you have a meeting tomorrow morning, though?"
you groan, remembering that your schedule tomorrow will be just as busy, if not more, than today. "then i'll wake up extra early, i guess."
cheol glances at mingyu, exchanging a look with his partner. "why don't you take a bath?" he suggests after a pause. "we'll get it all ready for you so you don't have to worry about a thing. you can have a nice, relaxing bubble bath, and you'll sleep so good afterwards."
"mm, that does sound nice," you concede, leaning back against the back of the couch. "alright, fine."
cheol stands up, putting his hand on your shoulder. “we’ll let you know when everything’s ready. for now, you just sit and relax.” you nod, and he walks away out of your view and waves his hand at mingyu, motioning for him to follow him to the bathroom.
a while later you hear your name being called, and you pull yourself off of the couch and follow the sound of mingyu's voice down the hall.
when you walk in, cheol is sitting on the edge of the bathtub and mingyu stands at the sink. as promised, the tub is filled with thick bubbles, the sweet scent of vanilla and peach soap filling the room.
"all ready for you," mingyu says with a grin, and as you step towards him to kiss him he wraps his arms around you, drawing you closer as he deepens the kiss. you sigh against him and relax into his hold for a moment, letting him hold you up. it's a soft, slow moment, and when you finally break apart it leaves your insides feeling warm.
as you slide your shorts down to your ankles, you can almost see the bulge in his jeans that he casually tries to hide with his hands, and your stomach flutters and your cheeks warm at the sight. but before you can say anything about it cheol motions you to come closer, pointing at the bathtub. "come make sure the water's the right temperature," he says, directed at you though his eyes are locked with mingyu's behind you, a wordless conversation between them.
you cross the room, feeling every bit as exposed as you are and suddenly very aware of the fact that you're the only one in the room that's half naked. 
dipping your hand into the water, you instinctively shudder at the warmth on your fingertips. it's perfect, as usual, and you pull your hand out, wiping the wetness on your bare leg. "just right," you say, and he smiles, leaning over from the edge of the tub to kiss you.
out of nowhere it crosses your mind that seungcheol must be able to taste mingyu on your lips, and you try to hold back a moan at the thought but it escapes you too quickly, a strangled breath against his mouth that's too quiet for mingyu to have heard but more than loud enough for cheol to notice.
you pull away, about to pretend that didn't happen, but the look on your boyfriend's face means you aren't getting out of this that easily. cheol raises his eyebrows and you turn your head to glance at mingyu, who is still leaning against the counter, trying very hard to be casual and draw attention away from his obvious erection.
"it's okay, angel," cheol whispers, nodding his head over at mingyu. "go ask him. i know you need something, don't you, my pretty girl?"
you stay quiet but nod, and with a smile cheol kisses you once more before you turn and walk back over to mingyu. you tuck your arms behind his back, holding him against your body. "will you… join me, gyu?" you ask, looking up at him through your lashes as you tug at the hem of his shirt.
he attempts to stifle a groan, his hands ghosting just inches above your bare back as if he's holding himself back from touching without your permission. "i’d like that," he says finally, trying not to appear too eager, though his body language speaks volumes.
"yes, please," you answer, then turn to look behind you again. "but only if cheollie joins us, too."
cheol laughs, already pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it to the floor with your pile of clothes. "fine by me."
with the two of them following close behind, you finally strip out of the last of your clothes, leaving your bra and panties at the foot of the tub as you climb into the water. as soon as your skin dips beneath the bubbly surface you let out a long sigh, sliding lower and lower until your whole body is submerged up to your neck.
it’s only been a few seconds since you’ve gotten in the bath, but you can already feel the stress melting away. but as you watch mingyu walking towards you, nearly tripping over his own feet in his rush to get out of his pants, you’re reminded that the heat between your legs isn’t just from the water temperature.
at your nod mingyu climbs in after you, soapy water sploshing out of the tub as he sinks down in front of you. his long legs get stuck for a second, but he soon adjusts so he’s straddling you, bent knees poking up above the layer of bubbles.
making sure everything in the house was big enough for three was one of seungcheol’s priorities back when you’d moved in together, and as he watches mingyu giggle and splash water at you, he’s glad he decided on the extra large bathtub, too.
he waits a moment before he joins the two of you, studying the way you sit with gyu and the smiles that light up both of your faces. you’re the two most important people in his life, and he loves watching you interact with each other, the sweetness bubbling up more than any bath soap could ever do.
but cheol’s thoughts are quickly interrupted when your whispered talk with mingyu suddenly turns into heated kisses, the sound of your airy moans drawing his attention to the soap suds running down your chest. leaning forward, mingyu takes one of your breasts into mouth and you sigh, leaning against the edge of the tub and arching your back into him. 
seungcheol gently pushes you to sit up as he finally gets into the tub behind you, and you rest your back against his chest as mingyu continues to suck at your breasts. you can feel cheol's hard cock pressed against your ass, but you don't think about it for more than a few seconds because immediately one of his hands slides around your hips, trailing down your body beneath the bubbly surface until his fingers find your clit, making you jump as your breath catches in your throat. his other hand curls around your chest, squeezing your other breast in his palm.
you wiggle around in their grasp, almost overwhelmed by all the attention from your boyfriends, but the feeling is so comfortable that you can't help but relax back into the water, giving up your control. it doesn’t happen too often, but the nights when the both of them are focused on pampering you are some of your favorite, allowing you to shut your brain off for a while they take the lead.
mingyu coos as you close your eyes, rolling your head back against seungcheol's shoulder. "that's it, sweetheart." 
"let us take care of you, pretty girl," cheol adds, twisting your nipple between his fingers and drawing a soft moan from your lips. 
cheol moves his fingers from your clit to spread your folds apart, and when he finally inserts his finger you can already feel yourself clenching down around him. you whimper out his name, reaching out to grab onto mingyu's shoulders as he begins to curl the tip of his finger just right against your walls. mingyu sits up, changing his position only so he can move his teeth up your neck, grazing them against every inch of skin and biting and sucking to make sure you're completely marked up.
you're sure your nails must be leaving marks on mingyu's skin as well, from how tightly you're gripping onto his broad shoulders, but if he notices he doesn't say anything; he just continues moving his mouth up and down your neck and collarbones, little whines escaping him all the while.
"you want him or me tonight, baby?" cheol asks, his fingers still stroking your clit. "or both of us? whatever you want, we're all about you tonight."
absently mingyu starts to grind down on your leg, rocking his hips back and forth along your thigh and it distracts you from whatever you were about to answer. "gyu, first…" you moan, your hands sliding down his soapy body to grab at his hips. "please—"
"then gyu it is, baby," seungcheol whispers affirmatively, his cheek pressed against yours as he tucks your wet hair behind your ear. "feel how hard he is for us? for you? he's all yours tonight, angel, tell him what you need."
"need you to– fuck me, gyu," you gasp out, trying and failing to stop his hips from moving. all three of you are more than familiar with how sensitive he is, and it wouldn't take much for him to cum just from grinding on your leg and whimpering like a needy puppy, but he's too strong for you to be able to stop him. "gyu, please, want you inside."
"listen to how prettily she begs for you, puppy," cheol says, and he moves his fingers out of you to rest on mingyu's thigh as you whine at the loss. "better not leave her empty for long, you know how bratty she gets…"
normally you would have something bratty to say in response, but you're so exhausted you don't have it in you to talk back. "please, need you, gyu," you repeat pitifully, already so gone that you can't think of anything you want more than to be stuffed full of cock and fucked into oblivion.
at your words mingyu stops moving his hips with a groan, leaning forward to smash his lips against yours. you can vaguely feel cheol kissing at the side of your temple, but mingyu's ferocity and passion makes it hard to think about anything except how good it feels to have his tongue in your mouth, teeth clacking together with the force of his kisses.
impatiently you slide your hands down from mingyu's waist, wrapping your fingers around his girthy cock. he groans into your mouth, pulling away sharply to catch his breath as you begin to line up the tip with your hole, eager to feel his cock hug your walls.
but before you can push him inside you, you feel cheol's hand on top of yours, gently prying your fingers away. beneath the water he runs his fingers along the length of mingyu's cock, and the other man shivers at the feeling. your hands were so small compared to cheol's, and his touch was much rougher than your gentle grip.
slowly at first seungcheol begins to move his hand up and down, gradually beginning to increase his pace in time with mingyu's panted breaths. 
you can barely keep up with what's happening in the water just inches above your cunt, too intently focused on watching the way mingyu's face contorts in pleasure with each skilled flick of cheol's wrist. in fact you don't even mind watching and waiting, the intimate act between them more than enough to satisfy you.
but you can tell mingyu is getting close by the way his eyes squeeze shut and his shoulders tense up, and you know cheol can tell, too, because he slowly loosens his grip, making mingyu whine in frustration.
"don't forget about our little angel, gyu," cheol hums, letting go completely except for a single finger that he traces across the thick vein along the top of mingyu’s cock.
he groans but leans forward to begin kissing your neck again, his lips trailing along your jaw as you thread your fingers through his wet hair.
with mingyu’s cock still in his grasp, cheol angles him at your entrance, and after running the tip through your folds a few times to tease you he finally helps the man push into you, guiding him inch by inch into your throbbing cunt.
all you can do is moan and hold on to anything you can, one hand still in mingyu’s hair and the other gripping cheol’s thigh behind you for support. water pours over the side of the tub as mingyu begins to rock his hips into you, arms and hands and legs spread out in a tangled mess everywhere.
for a moment you start to worry about how you’ll ever be able to clean up the bathroom after this, but the thought is quickly pushed to the back of your mind when you feel cheol’s fingers on your clit once again.
“i know you’re close, baby.” you hear cheol’s low voice speaking into your ear, and your hips jerk at his tone. “so tight and so perfect for our mingyu, making him feel so good. so sweet for us, so perfect…”
with the way cheol’s mumbling praises you would almost have thought he’s the one getting fucked right now, but his words pass right through you, too focused on the sensation building in your core to process what he’s saying.
seconds later you cum with a stifled cry, your eyes wrenched shut as the men on either side of you continue to work you through your orgasm. two pairs of strong arms sandwich you against their chests, the familiar weight that surrounds you a grounding feeling.
the rest of the bath passes by in a haze after mingyu and cheol get out of the tub, leaving you to soak for a little longer and have some time to rest. though the water has already started to go cold and most of the bubbles are long gone, it’s still a very pleasant bath, and by the end of it you’re completely relaxed and ready for a nap.
when you decide you’re done for the night, mingyu lifts you out of the tub and wraps a towel around your shoulders as cheol pulls the plug, the remains of the bath water swirling down the drain with a quiet slurp. both of them help you dry off, exchanging gentle kisses and soft touches until you’re tucked into bed wearing a fresh set of pajamas.
cheol helps you pull the covers up to your chin, the sheets feeling cozy and comfortable against your clean skin. he sits at the edge of the bed, running his hand along your forehead in soothing motions. 
“you feel better now, baby?” he hums. “less stressed?”
“mhm. thank you, cheollie,” you reply, letting your eyes fall shut as your tiredness from the day starts to catch up with you. “and mingyu, too. i love you both.”
cheol smiles, leaning over to kiss your forehead as he stands up. “we love you, too.”
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heeliopheelia · 1 year
"look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't fucking lie to me" (heeseung x reader)
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genre: angst word count: 0.7k requested by @flwrshee ♡
warnings: swearing, break up, heartbreak, lying
a/n: fuck i love angst sm LMFAO absolutely looooved writing this one
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The silence is starting to feel heavy as you sit in Heeseung's parked car right next to your apartment complex. You're just coming back from a meeting with his friends and throughout the entire ride you haven't uttered a single word to him.
"Baby, talk to me, please," he sighs out after the uncomfortable atmosphere starts nearly itching his skin.
"What do you expect me to tell you? I just found out our entire relationship is basically a fucking joke," you say, face turned towards the window.
You don't even try to maturely approach the subject. Because how else is one supposed to react after realizing that their boyfriend most likely still has feelings for his ex? The sole thought of it makes your skin crawl and Heeseung can clearly see it as he swipes his eyes over your frowned side profile.
He tries again, feeling as if he's losing you already, one by one. "Nothing about us is a joke to me."
You want to get out of the car, you really fucking do, but at the same time you know that it's probably the last time you see him, the last time you're this close to him and the weak part of you that still wants to stay with him doesn't allow you to leave yet.
You feel goosebumps spiking your skin when his fingers hesitantly touch yours, so you quickly jerk your hand away.
"I feel like some fucking rebound, Heeseung."
"YN, baby," he starts quietly, trying to gain your attention. Pressing your lips together, you try your hardest to hold your tears back. "Will you please look at me?"
And you do, turning your head away from the window, hard eyes finding his immediately. For a second you take in the uneasiness painted on his face, his wide open eyes only making you want to cry even more. So you drop your gaze to your knees.
"I hope you had fun at least," you finally say, fiddling with the bracelet he gave you on your birthday three months ago. "Playing with my feelings like that, hope it was worth it."
"Don't say that, love," he pleads, hand itching to reach out to you again. "You can't believe everything people say so easily."
You scoff, looking at him in disbelief. "These people are your best friends. I see no reason as for why wouldn't I listen to them."
Realizing he's a step away from blowing his entire relationship with you, he finally engulfs your slightly trembling hand in his and brings it to his lips to press a kiss on your knuckles. His jacket around your shoulders suddenly feels all too heavy and burdening, a complete opposite of the comfort it used to bring you so many times before. The smell of his cologne is too strong all of sudden, the warmth of it nearly suffocates you.
"You know I lov-"
You interrupt him quickly, the sharpness or your tone startling him slightly. "Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't fucking lie to me." You swallow the bile in your throat as he sits in stunned silence, eyes gaping at you hopelessly. "I need to hear that she means nothing to you and we'll forget all about it."
"I- I can't," he stutters out, rubbing his face with his hand. "Fuck, I'm sorry. But I'll get over it, I promise. I can't lose you too, YN."
You jerk your hand out of his hold as if it was burning you alive and shake your head with a bitter scoff. "Then what the fuck are you even doing? Leading me on like that, do you realize how much this is hurting me? It's like the entire year we've been together meant absolutely nothing! That's so fucked up, Heeseung!"
"I know, I know!" He groans, pressing his palms to his eyes. "I'm sorry, I just thought that I'd lose these feelings along the way in a relationship with you. I never expected that she'd still have such strong hold on me even a year later."
"Well, since my love is clearly not enough for you, I'm finally gonna stop wasting both of our time," you nearly hiss at him, shrugging his jacket off your shoulders and shoving it into his chest. He catches it, eyes as wide as a deer caught in the headlights. "Thanks for the ride, Heeseung."
"Wait, YN!" He calls after you as you walk out of his car. He reaches out to grab you and somehow try to make you stay but his fingers only manage to graze the edge of your top as you turn around to him. "Don't leave."
"Stop being so fucking selfish. Goodbye. Don't call me again," you let his pleadings go past your ears before you shut the door and leave Heeseung in shambles.
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permanent taglist: @bambisgirl @arizejkt19 @luvmura @milisabunny @cathy-1997 @venividibitchin
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luvkypickle · 2 months
the start ~ e.m. x reader
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summary: When reader finds Eddie's lost notebook on the ground, who knew it would lead to a wonderful night? (lmk if you want a part 2??)
The bell just rang signaling the end of the school day. Eddie is standing with his friends at the front of the school. He stares at you while walking to your car. He hopes you catch his eye so he can wave at you.
"Eddie... Eddie!!"
"What? What?" Eddie snaps out of his haze and is now focused on Gareth and Jeff.
"You're staring like hardcore man, why don't you just go up and talk to her?" Gareth tells Eddie.
"Nah I don't wanna bother her. Maybe I'll say something tomorrow," Eddie replies looking down.
Jeff straightens up and says, "I just had the best idea! Why not invite her to our next concert?"
"She probably doesn't want to go..." Eddie looks down again.
"All right man, you do what you want but just stop staring at her and get the courage to talk to her for once!" Gareth says as him and Jeff walk away to go home. "We gotta go but we'll see you later."
Eddie waves as he starts walking to his van. As he's about to open the door he feels a tap on his shoulder. He flinches slightly as he turns around and his eyes land on you.
"Hi, I'm sorry if I scared you!" you say with a smile. "I saw this in the hallway when I was walking out so I figured I would pick it up to check to see whose it was and I didn't see a name but I saw the little drawings for Corroded Coffin and I remembered that I heard you were talking about that the other day and then I realized it was over by your locker so I figured it was yours!"
Eddie just looks at you dumbfounded as you just stand there speaking.
"Sorry for my rambling, that happens a lot, please just ignore it, but is it yours?" you quickly say.
You reach into your bag and pull out the notebook, holding it out as you were slightly blushing.
You make eye contact with him as he reaches out to grab the notebook.
"Yeah it's mine, thank you so much for grabbing it!" Eddie replies with a smile and your fingers brush together from grabbing the notebook.
You stand there for a minute before turning around. Before you get too far away then turn back around to face him.
"Corroded Coffin is your band right?" you ask with a tilted head.
"Oh.. yeah," Eddie says looking down, scratching the back of his head. "It's nothing big really, just a silly little band. We barely perform for anyone anyway."
"You guys perform in front of people? That's really cool! I'd love to come and see one of your shows?"
Eddie once again has a dumbfounded look on his face. You wanna come to one of his shows? He's ecstatic but doesn't want to show it too bad on the outside. He starts thinking of how you'd look watching him perform at the Hideout. Would he mess up or give the best performance of his life?
"I'd love if you came to one of my shows" Eddie finally snaps out of his thoughts and looks at you with his brown doe eyes. "We're actually performing tomorrow night at this place called the Hideout. It's really cool in there and since it's a Thursday night there won't be too many people there but I'd love to see your face in the audience."
You smile at him and nod, "that sounds perfect! Just give me a time and address and I'll be sure to get there!"
"Uhh here!" He says as he rips a piece of paper out of his notebook and grabs a pen from inside his van. He quickly scribbles the time, address, and a phone number on the paper.
"I, um, actually have band practice today so I have to get going but if you have any questions just give me a call later and I'll be sure to answer." he says as he hands over the piece of paper.
"Okay nice! Thank you Eddie, I'll see you later!" You say as you grab the paper and start walking to car. You look back and wave as Eddie waves back with a smile.
"Boys you'll never guess what happened," Eddie shouts as he walks into band practice.
"What, did you gawk at her more after we left and she gave you a smile?" Jeff asks with a smirk.
"Actually, I invited her to out show tomorrow night!"
"Woah no way man, nice job," Gareth says giving him a slap on the back. "What happened when we left?"
Eddie relays everything that happened to the boys as he sits there blushing and beaming. "And our hands brushed together AND she smiled at me... multiple times!"
"Well you better not mess up at all tomorrow" Jeff says as they all start to set up their instruments.
"I won't, I won't," Eddie stared into space while tuning his guitar.
The next day, once he gets home from school, he hears the phone ring.
"Hello?" Eddie asks as he picks up the phone.
"Hi Eddie! I'm so sorry to bother you right now, I'm not sure if you're getting ready but is there a dress code for your show?"
He feels himself blushing by just hearing your voice. He forgot he gave you his number.
"Oh hey! Yeah you're all fine! Um you can wear whatever you want, most people that come to our shows are just there for the bar but I think you'll look pretty in whatever you wear."
"Alright thank you! I'm so excited to see you perform, see you in a few hours!" You say trying to hide the smile that crept on your face.
"See you later, "Eddie says with a smile.
"So Eddie are you ready?" Jeff asked him as they set up their instruments on stage.
"Yeah I'm totally not freaking out right now," Eddie says, peaking through the curtain to spot your face.
It's finally time for their set to start, Eddie introduces the band and they start performing.
Once the set was over he finally spotted you. You waved at him as he started walking over.
"You did so good! Way better than I was expecting, you said it was just a silly band," You say with a smile as Eddie finally approached you.
"Thank you," Eddie smiled, scratching the back of his head. "I'm really glad you enjoyed."
"Do you normally do anything after your shows?" you asked.
"Well sometimes we just stay here and chat but we always have to pack up our equipment first." He replied.
"Oh okay," you say looking down.
"Why do you ask?"
"Oh I was thinking maybe we could go get milkshakes or something? It's okay if not, I know it's kind of late and you're probably tired."
Eddie is starstruck with your question, "No yeah I'd love to but um..." He trails off looking at the boys who are already smirking and shooting him thumbs up as they overheard your whole conservation. "Okay yeah, did you wanna head out now?"
"Yeah! I rode my bike here though so I can just meet you at the diner?"
"No nonsense! We can just throw your bike in the back of my van and after I can take you home too." Eddie offered.
"Are you sure? I don't wanna keep you out any later than you have to be," you say with a frown.
"Yup everything's all good," He says smiling and leading you out the door. "Just point to your bike and we'll bring it to the van!"
You both find your bike and Eddie puts it in the back of his van. He then runs over to the passenger side and opens the door for you with a bow. You giggle and hop in as he shuts the door and runs to the driver side.
It's a ride of silence. But a comfortable silence.
Once you sit down in a booth, you take a quick look at the menu and decide you want to get a chocolate milkshake and mozzarella sticks.
"Do you wanna split some mozzarella sticks?" you ask, looking up from the menu.
"Yeah sure, I love mozzarella sticks!" Eddie replies with a smile. "What kind of shake are you thinking of getting? I was thinking chocolate."
"I was thinking the same thing actually!" You almost shout.
The waitress comes up asking what you want and Eddie orders for the both of you. After some small talk, your food and shakes come. It was a wonderful night of talking and laughing with Eddie. Unfortunately it had to come to an end when you realized how late it was getting.
After telling Eddie your address, he starts to take you home.
"I had a really good time tonight," you say as he helps you get your bike out the trunk.
"Me too. We should do something like this again?" He says, shyly looking down.
"I would love that! Just shoot me a call whenever! Bye Eddie!"
Before walking away, you placed a kiss on Eddie's cheek. He stands with his hand placed on his cheek staring at you walking towards your door.
"I'll call you tomorrow!" He shouts before getting in his van after you stepped into your house.
note: should I make a part 2?
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filmbyjy · 6 months
husband ff Jake??
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a/n: ahhh i’m trying to finish past requests and i’m sorry this took too long 😭 i didn't want to write a too long of a story so this is just a small one. it is also crack bc i was not in my right state of mind to focus 😭
WARNING: mentions of pregnancy, talking about sex and stuff. no smut bc i can't write it anyways.
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“come on noona! it will be fun! travelling around the world with us and of course jake hyung.” sunoo excitedly exclaims.
you could see the excitement that the other boys had. especially, the boy who had his hands placed on your thighs. “please, baby? take it like another honeymoon until we actually have time for one.” jake pouts.
“oh, yeah. we could walk around and show noona some of the places we’ve been too!” jungwon says.
“I don’t know guys…I feel like I would be intruding. after all, I’m not part of enhypen.”
“but you are part of ‘our family’. besides, you and jake hyung are married!” ni-ki says.
you looked at the other boys for reassurance and they seemed okay with it but you still felt bad. they’d have to get an extra ticket if you came along with them and ENGENEs probably didn’t want to see you in their content.
ever since you and jake got married, there had been quite a lot of death threats sent to you. it was so bad to the point that enhypen’s legal team had to step in on behalf of you. despite having a legal team to help you with any threats, it still didn’t stop. you couldn’t even really leave the house without being recognised in the streets and some ‘engene’ yelling at you for stealing their idol from them.
it definitely didn’t help now that you’re pregnant. which was a surprise for jake (and the boys). this is also why you wanted to stay in Seoul. you couldn’t travel around, not when you’re at your early stages of pregnancy. actually, the obstetrician had already explain to you that you could travel around but you didn't want to take the risk.
“I don’t know, boys…” you say. ni-ki pouts. jake grabs your hand and squeezes.
“something wrong, baby? you usually don’t hesitate on hanging out with us. in fact, don’t you love travelling with us?” jake asks in the softest tone possible.
“I’m fine. I just feel scared…what if the ENGENEs find me annoying? I mean, I always somehow appear in your content and like they are forced to see my face. you know some of them don’t even like me.”
“well, first off. those aren't ENGENEs." jungwon says. "no ENGENE would hate on someone who is close to us or is family to us. besides, even if they are 'ENGENEs', they need to learn that jake hyung is happily married to you."
jake hums at jungwon's words. "you're my wife and they should respect that. i still show as much love to ENGENEs despite being married to you." jake tilts his head. "so, baby. you don't have to worry about a thing. i'll protect you and put you first over ENGENEs if they talk bad about you."
"thanks, babe."
"so why can't you travel with us? there must be another reason right?"
you sighed, "i'll tell you and the boys in a few days. don't worry, it's a really good explanation. i promise i'm not lying or trying to avoid it. i just haven't done something."
"now that's just making me more worried, princess." jake pouts.
"it's nothing bad, i promise. give me like 3 days."
"okay, fine. hmm, but in 3 days we'll be at practice the whole day."
"i know, i'll swing by your break as per usual."
the other boys were just as confused as jake but they just kept quiet.
3 days later
you had gone to HYBE to visit the boys like you usually did. you had brought some food, snacks and box with a balloon tied to it. a little extra thing for jake since you were going to reveal to him about your pregnancy. you had placed the food at the pantry so they could eat there.
you had knocked on their practice room door and popped your head in after you heard a 'come in'.
"i brought some food and snacks! come out before the food becomes cold."
the boys wiped their sweat and went out of the practice room. the coffee table was filled with food and snacks. their jaws dropped.
"did you plan this with the staff or something?"
"a little. it's a little reward for working hard for your tour." you say. jake goes over to peck your lips.
"baby, this is amazing! i married and dated the right woman!" jake exclaims. you laughed.
"what's that?" ni-ki points out the box with a balloon tied to it.
"dessert, eat the food first. it's going to be cold."
and so the boys dig into the food. with schedules being packed and having practices for the whole day lately, they were unable to eat such good food. they were thankful you were there to look after them and feed them well like a mom.
"okay, we're done with the food. i want to open the cake!" ni-ki pouts.
"mmm, how about we have jake open the cake and also cut it in the honour of the start of fate tour!" you say. the boys and jake didn't think much of it so they allowed jake to open and cut the cake.
when jake opens the cake box, he was met with the words "i'm going to be a dad!" and the ultrasound picture stuck to the roof of the box. his jaw drops as he slowly looks up at you. the boys looked over his shoulder as they noticed jake's shocked expression. their jaws dropped quickly after processing the words written on the cake.
"surprise." you shyly say.
"you're- holy shit." jake stands up and hugs you tightly. "i'm going to be a dad!!"
"wait wait. this is a lot to process." jay says. "you two have been fucking while we're all at the dorms..."
"no, that's not the main thing. they didn't use a condom! oh my god, you two are freaky!" sunghoon's face scrunches in disgust.
"we don't do it all the time! it was one time and that was to celebrate the day i proposed to her. i booked a hotel for me and (name) because i respected you guys."
"jake's little swimmers are working hard. just do it once and she gets pregnant?" heeseung says.
"why do you have to say it in the most graphic way in front of the younger ones." you hid your face on jake's chest, clearly embarrassed. not a single words were coming out of the younger members' mouths.
"okay, but can we eat the cake..." ni-ki voices out.
"yes, we can." jake says.
and so after the shock, everyone goes to enjoy the cake that you had brought. they cheered for jake and happily congratulated him. since they were going on tour, jake promised to always call and check up on you whenever he could.
and just before he left, both you and him announced to both of your parents that you were expecting. they all had thrilled faces when they realised that they would be grandparents. throughout the whole tour period, you had stayed with your parents as an advise from jake so that in case something happened, your mom would be around.
you were glad to have someone as caring as jake and you couldn't have asked for a better husband than him.
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mj0702 · 2 months
oh @helen-with-an-a... look what I got here... 😈😈
“Luce... I'm home” you yelled as you kicked the door shut and threw your keys into Onas self made ceramic bowl while you pulled your shoes off and flinged them down the hallway towards your room
“Oh look at that.... it's a Blitzen” you suddenly heard a voice you haven't heard in years
“STEPH!!” you exclaimed happily as you jumped in her arms
“No...” Lucy said quickly catching you mid air and putting you down in front of her friend
“You having a stroke again??” you looked at your sister confused why you weren't allowed to hug Steph
“Go wash your hands... better take a shower... I can smell... something... what were you doing the whole afternoon anyway?” Lucy scrunched her nose
“Mapí and I had to... exit Alexias... hold on us so we jumped over the fence... into a garbage container... but we're both okay...” you said quickly and your sister groaned loudly already pulling out her phone while Steph bursted out laughing
“I text capi... you shower... you table... wait... where's Ona??” Lucy directed and pushed her friend already back into the kitchen while nudging you away with her foot
“We lost her somewhere between Block D110 and C112...” you waved off already taking your shirt off
“Why me?? What have I done in an earlier life that I have to deal with all that?” your sister mumbled whining as she picked up a banana peel and some wrapping paper that fell out of your shirt
“You probably ran over a kid with your horse cart...” you yelled from the doorway of the bathroom but then squeaked as Lucy threw the banana peel after you
“10 Minutes or I'll get Ale and Ingrid to pull you out from under the shower” Lucy yelled down the hallway before entering the kitchen
“I see nothing has changed” Steph chuckled
“Not really no... she's starting to feel more at home... I'm thinking about getting her her own place... but then she comes home telling me she jumped a fence, landing in a garbage container AND losing my girlfriend in the stadium...” your sister sighed rubbing her forehead feeling a headache coming “... which tells me no own place for Bubs... she'll probably blows it up unintentionally within the first five hours”
“She'll come talk to you when she's ready to get her own place Lucy... you know she always had her own head” Steph said softly “.... thinking about it... every Bronze has their own head”
“Yeah well... I did raise her” Lucy pointed out smiling “... excuse me for a second... I have some phone calls to make... again”
“Take your time... I'm staying for a few days” blonde english woman said
“BUBS!!!” Lucy yelled down the hallway 30 minutes later
“What??” you yelled back from the bathroom just gotten out of the shower
“You able to read a watch?? I said 10 minutes... not 30” your sister knocked on the door
“I had to shave!” you said as you pulled the door open
“I... didn't need to know that” Lucy pulled a face
“Me legs... get your mind out of the gutter...” you rolled your eyes pushing past her “I normally get a full Brazilian every three weeks”
“You... you... you... what??” your sister stammered shuffling to catch up to you
“Yeah... Mapí told me about it and it's SO much more convenient than shaving... also.. more environment friendly” you said as you padded down the hallway towards the kitchen
“You... you....” Lucy couldn't get her head around the fact that you went and got – certain parts of your body waxed
“I get my... I want to say Pussy but I think that would break you...” you smirked “... so yes... I get me princess parts waxed”
“We'll never ever talk about that topic again” your sister said strictly after she recovered from her shock – and the fact that she ran into the wall
“Lucy.... I'm 17... I know what a pus...” you stated but Lucy quickly slapped her hand over your mouth
“NEVER again” Lucy looked at you with a death glare
“Let her be Lucy... she's just teasing you...” you heard Steph chuckle from her spot sitting at the kitchen island “Aren't you Blitzen?”
You nodded your head frantically agreeing with your sisters old teammate
“See Bronzey... just teasing” the blonde smirked knowing exactly you made your sister uncomfortable on purpose
“Never again Bubs... or I'll book you a session with Alexia in the Gym... private session... on her day off” your sister threatened you “Ona will be here in a few minutes... you want something to drink?”
“Can I have a KAS Limón?” you asked your eyes looking up at Lucy hopefully
“One...” Lucy said seriously knowing that if you'll have more than one of the soda you'll bounce off the walls the whole night “.... and don't you dare ask Ona for one too... that only worked once”
“You want one too Stephie?” you looked at Steph interested
“Water is fine Blitzen” the former City midfielder smiled
“Water?? Are you sick??” you asked confused before it dawned on you “OH MY GOD!!! YOU'RE DYING AREN'T YOU??!!!”
“No Blitzen... I'm not dying” Steph rolled her eyes “... stop jumping to the worst case”
“Oh... Oh god... my heart...” you clutched your heart theatrically puffing out a deep breath
“Such an actress” Lucys old teammate rolled her eyes
“Amor? Bebita?” you heard Ona called from the front door
“Ona” you raced outside “Steph’s here!!”
“Steph?” the blonde spaniard asked confused
“Houghton” you stressed as you “helped” Ona out of her jacket – you just pulled on the sleeve until the spaniard told you she can do it herself
“Okay...” Ona said still confused as she hung up her jacket which had now a slighter longer sleeve – the one you pulled on
“Come on... you know her... you played against her” you said a little annoyed
You loved Steph. Lucy loved Steph. Keira loved Steph. So why couldn't Ona love Steph?
“Bebita...” the spaniard huffed as you pulled her into the kitchen
“See... it's Steph” you said happily as you came to a halt right in front of the blonde englishwoman
“Hola” Ona said her voice uncharacterically cold
“Ah... I remember you – my shin remembers you... the little fierce spanish defender... from the bad Manchester” Steph grinned as she extended her hand “Steph”
“Ona...” the blonde spaniard took the hand and shook it shortly which Lucy noticed but you didn't
“She's the friendliest spaniard you'll find around here Steph” you said excited being extremely happy to have another “Mom” around
“That would be Jenni Bebita” Ona smiled at you but as soon her eyes left you her features got a little icy again
“But...” you started but got interrupted by Steph
“Blitzen... clam down... I'm staying for a few days” Steph chuckled
“Blitzen?” the blonde spaniard asked raising her eyebrow
“The amount of times I had to watch “Rudolph – The red nosed Reindeer” is uncountable...” the englishwoman rolled her eyes but a small smile tugged on her lips “... it also didn't work when we told her it's a winter movie... she would scream her head off until we put it on... after every tactic meeting... on the big screen... no one was allowed to leave until it was over”
“What?” Ona asked confused
“It's a Christmas movie... she loved it.. and the reindeer she loved most was Blitzen... and even as a wee one she was fast... so we called her Blitzen” Steph explained shrugging her shoulders “... once she screamed so hard and long her head was lobster red”
“Ugh... don't remind me... I thought she would stop breathing any second” Lucy said rolling her eyes as she put down the pan in the middle of the table
“Luuuuccyyyy...” you whined as you took a glance at the food “Paella???”
“I make excellent Paella you Brat...” your sister shoved you slightly
“But it with fishy stuff” you whined again before turning to the left “Onaaaaa”
“Tortilla de patatas?” the spaniard chuckled knowingly
“Sí por favor” you looked at her like a kicked puppy and she leaned over pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before disappearing into the kitchen
“Gracias” you yelled after her smiling brightly
“Okay Steph...” you asked chewing “... whadda do here?”
“Bubs please... I DID teach you manners” Lucy mumbled “... no talking with full mouth”
“What ya doing here Steph?” you asked again after you swallowed your food made by Ona
“I... needed to tell Lucy something and thought I'll come here since she invited me to Barcelona often” the englishwoman answered and you heard there was more to it
“You okay?” you asked getting serious suddenly
“More than okay...” Steph smiled before looking at you “... I'm pregnant”
“Oh I'm sorry” you blurted out
“BUBS” Lucy scolded you harshly and slapped the back of your head
“What...?” you looked confuses before you catched the soft look on Staphs face “.... you... wanted it?”
“Yes Blitzen... Stephen and I were trying for a while actually” the englishwoman smiled softly while your face stayed blank
“Oh my god... that's why you're here...” you jumped up your chair clattering to the floor “... your parents kicked you out.... that's no problem... you can stay here... you can have my bed...”
“Bubs...” your sister tried to stop your rambling
“... I can stay with Mapí... my bed is kinds small but when you and Stephen squeeze together you can make it work...” you kept on rambling “... but don't open the second drawer... oh and if G visits you kinda need to move to a hotel for a few days...”
“Bebita” now Ona tried to stop you while Lucys eyes popped out of her skull at the thought of you and Georgia doing some adult stuff under her roof
“... oh wait...” you suddenly stopped looking at a grinning Steph “... you keeping.... it... right?”
“Yes Blitzen... again... we were trying for a while” Steph laughed knowing you didn't mean it in a offending matter – it was just too much for you to process
“Okay....” you took a deep breath before looking at the former City player “... why?”
“Why what?” Steph looked at you confused
“Why trying for a while?” you tilted your head
“Bubs... Stephen and Steph wanted to be parents” Lucy said softly sensing you started to get stress confused
“You do remember I got married to Stephen a few years ago right?” Steph kept her voice soft “You were my flower girl”
“You made me wear a DRESS...” you grumbled “... of course I remember.. but WHY you want a semen demon?”
“BUBS!!” your sister exclaimed shocked
“Okay Blitzen... listen to me and listen carefully” the former City waited until she had your attention “My parents didn't kick me out... I moved out when I went to Uni and I never moved back in with me parents... secondly... I'm married... and thirdly... We want that child... you can relax Blitzen... everything is like it should be okay?”
“But... why??” you looked like your world was ending – or Steph loosing her plot “Children are manky and grim”
It took a second for Steph to register what you said. Then she couldn't hold back and barked out a laugh which turned into a whole hysterical laughed and every time she looked at your lost face a new wave of laughter bubbled through her body. Lucy and Ona just looked at each other shocked but when they saw how Steph couldn't stop laughing because of your face they just shrugged their shoulders and returned to their Paella
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lee-laurent · 1 month
Playing House - Luke Hughes
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Summary: Tori makes the decision to introduce Riley to Luke
content: angst, some fluff, arguing, kissing, money issues
wc: 2.5k
notes: here it is! as requested by one of my anons :)) this is part 5 of the done trying series! here we goooo
Tori woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing repeatedly on the bedside table. She groaned, reaching out to silence it, but the name on the screen made her sit up immediately.
John Marino.
"Hello? Is everything okay?"
"Hey, Tori. Sorry to call you so early. Riley wanted to talk to you."
Her heart melted at the sound of her son's voice. "Mama! Hi!"
"Hi, baby! Are you having fun with Dada, Nanny, and Pop?"
"Yes! We has pancakes!"
"That sounds so yummy! Are you being a good boy?"
"Uh-huh. Miss 'oo, Mama!"
"I miss you too, Ri-Ri! I'll see you super soon though, okay?"
"O-tay! 'Uv 'oo!"
"Love you too, Riley. Be good for Dada."
She heard John take the phone back. "He just wanted to say hi. I'll bring back tomorrow morning, as planned."
"Right. Thanks, Johnny. See you then."
As she hung up, she felt Luke stir beside her. He blinked a few times, then smiled sleepily. "G'morning."
"Morning, Lu," she replied, leaning in to kiss him. "Riley called. He misses me."
"Of course he does. Who wouldn't?" he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "So, what's the plan today?"
"I was thinking we could relax for a bit, then maybe go for a walk? Show you around the neighbourhood."
"Sounds perfect," he murmured, his voice still heavy with sleep. "But first, more cuddles."
Tori laughed, snuggling into his chest. "Deal."
Later that morning, they were walking hand in hand through the park near Tori's apartment. The sun was shining, and the air was warm- the perfect day to be outside. The found a spot near the small pond, enjoying the peacefulness.
"I love this place," Luke said, looking around. "It's nice and calm. Feels like we're not even in the city at all. Miles away from everything."
"It's been my little escape since we moved here. Riley loves it too. He calls it the 'duck park' 'cause of all the ducks, which unfortunately sounds like 'fuck park' when he says it, but we move."
Luke laughed. "I can't wait to meet him properly. I hope he likes me."
"He will," Tori assured, squeezing his hand. "You're great with kids. I've seen how patient and kind you are with all the kids that come to fan events."
"I guess. But this... this is different. This is your son. I like need to make a good impression."
"You will, Lu. Trust me."
The rest of their day was spent adventuring. They walked around the neighbourhood, talking about everything and nothing. By they time they arrived back at Tori's apartment, they were both beyond tired.
As they settled onto the couch to watch a movie, Tori's phone buzzed again. This time a text from John instead of a call.
Can we talk tomorrow when I drop off Riley?
Tori sighed, "Looks like John wants to talk tomorrow. Probably about you."
Luke nodded, "Figures. But we'll deal with it... together."
"Together," she grinned. Luke chuckled, pressing a loving kiss to her cheek. She shook her head, pulling him in for a proper kiss.
Tori was a bundle of nerves the next morning. She busied herself by tidying up the apartment, acting like her two-year-old would notice whether or not the place was clean. Luke tried to reassure her multiple times, even trying to pull her back into bed, but she could clearly see the tension in his eyes too.
"I- Luke I think I should talk with John alone to start. I know him... and he'd just get angrier if you were there."
"But I want to help you, Vic. I wanna be there to back you up."
"I know, babe. But... just trust me on this one."
"Fine. But if he raises his voice, even just a little, I'm coming in to beat his ass."
Finally, there was a knock at her door. Tori opened it to find Johns standing there with Riley. She felt a knot form in her stomach as John stepped into the apartment, his expression grim. Riley was already distracted, happily playing with his toys in the living room, , with Luke sitting nearby, making car noises to match Riley’s play. She took a deep breath and led John into the kitchen, bracing herself for the confrontation she knew was coming.
"What's this about you introducing Luke to Riley?" John started, his voice low but edged with anger.
Tori crossed her arms, trying to keep her composure. "John, Luke is an important part of my life now. Riley needs to know who he is. Slowly. We'll take it slowly."
"An important part of you life?" John scoffed. "You've barely even been together. He's just another hockey player. He'll probably just break your heart. You really think that's a good idea for Riley? For our son?"
"It's not about him being a hockey player. You know I'm not a puck bunny, John," Tori shot back, her frustration showing. "It's about him being someone else who cares about me and in extension cares about Riley. Someone who wants to be there for us."
In the living room, Luke was playing with Riley, making sure the little boy was entertained. He could hear the heated conversation in the kitchen and felt a pang of concern. He wanted to support Tori, to show John that he genuinely cared for Riley, but he respected Tori's wish to handle it herself.
"Hey, buddy, wanna race cars?" Luke asked Riley, trying to keep his focus on the child.
Riley giggled, nodding enthusiastically. "Yes! Vroom! Vroom!"
John shook his head, his fists clenching at his sides. "You barely known him! Wh- what if he leaves you?"
Tori's eyes narrowed. "You don't get to judge my decisions, John. I'm careful, I don't let just anyone in like this. Luke isn't like other people. He cares about me. And he wants to care about Riley too."
"And you think that's enough?" John challenged. "Does he have what it takes to be a dad? You think just because he says he cares, it's okay to bring him into my son's life? What if Riley gets attached and then Luke leaves? Huh? What if Riley gets hurt?"
"Riley deserves to have people in his life that love him. And Luke wants to do that. He wants to be there for Riley, to be a positive influence."
John sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I just... I don't want Riley to get hurt, Tori. He's already been through so much."
"I know," Tori replied gently. "But keeping him away from people isn't the answer. Luke isn't trying to replace you, John. You'll always be his dad. He's just trying to be there for Riley, to be a friend."
Luke turned to Riley, who was now making his toy car zoom circles around the coffee table.
"You're doing great, Riley!"
Luke looked back to the kitchen, then at Riley, weighing the situation. He took a deep breath and called out, "Tori, maybe I should talk to John too."
Tori turned her head to Luke, her eyes softening. "I appreciate it, Luke, but this is conversation that we need to have alone."
John also glanced towards the living room, his expression hardening at the sight of his son playing with Luke. "If he has something to say, he should say it now."
Tori reached out, placing a comforting hand on John's arm. "John, please. Let's just talk, okay? Don't... don't worry about Luke right now."
They stood in silence for a moment, the tension slowly easing. Finally, John nodded, though he still looked conflicted. "Okay, fine. But if he ever hurts Riley, Tori, I won't forgive him. Or you."
"He won't. I promise."
John sighed again, the fight leaving him. "Okay. I will try to be civil."
"Thank you," Tori smiled. "For Riley's sake."
John nodded, heading towards the door. "Bye, Riley. Dada will see you later. You have fun with Mama and Luke."
"Bye, Dada! 'Uv 'oo!"
"I love you too, baby."
After John left, the atmosphere in the apartment lightened. Luke continued to play with Riley, who was still a bit hesitant but seemed to overall enjoy Luke's company. Tori watched them for a moment, her heart filling with love and affection for both her son and Luke.
"Hey, Riley, do you wanna show Luke your favourite car?" Tori suggest, kneeling next to her son.
Riley looked up at his mom and then back at Luke, his small fingers fidgeting with a toy car. He seemed unsure, glancing between the two, seeking reassurance from his mom.
"It's okay, bud," Luke said softly, smiling at the toddler. "I'd love to see your favourite car."
Riley slowly reached out, handing Luke a small fire truck. "Dis one," he murmured, still clinging to Tori's side.
"Wow, this is a really cool fire truck!" Luke said, examining it with genuine interest. "Does it make sounds?"
Riley nodded, pressing a button that made the fire truck's siren wail. He glanced up at Luke to see his reaction.
"That's awesome!" Luke exclaimed, his enthusiasm making Riley smile.
Encouraged by Riley's reaction, Tori suggest they go to the park. "How about we take your fire truck to the park, Ri-Ri? We can play on the playground and look at the ducks."
"Yes!" They all put their shoes and headed out, Riley clutching his fire truck tightly.
At the park, Riley stayed close to Tori at first, his eyes wide as he observed the other children playing. Luke sat down on the grass, setting up a small area with Riley's toys.
"Riley, look! We can drive your fire truck on this road," Luke grinned, drawing a pretend road in the dirt with a stuck.
Riley watched for a moment, inching closer, intrigued by the game. He glanced at Tori, who nodded encouragingly.
"It's okay, sweetheart. Go play with Luke."
Riley finally sat next to the boy, still a bit tentative but clearly interested. He placed his fire truck down and together they drove it along the makeshift road, adding little sound effects and making up stories about rescues.
As they played, Riley's shyness began to fade. He started to laugh more, his small voice growing more confident as he directed the fire truck and explained a story to Luke. Tori watched on with a smile, feeling an immense sense of relief.
After some time at the park, they headed back home for lunch. Tori prepared sandwiches while Luke and Riley played with more toys in the living room. Riley was now fully engaged, laughing as Luke pretended to be a new character in their game.
"Mama, 'ook! 'uke is dino!" He exclaimed, pointing at Luke, who was stomping around and making growling noises.
Tori laughed, setting the plate of sandwiches on the table. "That's awesome, Ri! Let's eat lunch, and then we can play some more."
The next few hours were spent playing, completely skipping over Riley's afternoon nap completely. He was too busy playing with Luke.
Dinner time was always an adventure with Riley. As they sat around the small kitchen table, Tori served up plates of spaghetti, Riley's favourite food after mac and cheese. Luke took a seat next to Riley, who was already eagerly stabbing at the noodles with his little plastic fork.
"'Ook, 'uke! I do it all mine-self." Riley exclaimed, proudly showing off his newfound skill.
Luke watched with an amused smile as Riley attempted to twist the spaghetti onto his fork, only to have most of it slip back onto his plate. Undettered, Riley tried again, managing to get a very small clump of noodles into his mouth.
"Great job, buddy!" Luke praised, genuinely impressed by Riley's determination.
Riley beamed, his face lighting up with joy. "Tank 'oo! Mama show me."
"You're doing great, Ri-Ri. But remember to take small bites," Tori added.
As dinner continued, Riley's enthusiasm led to more spaghetti ending up on the table and his high chair than in his mouth. He giggled as a particularly long noodle dangled from his chin.
Luke couldn't help but laugh. "You're making quite the mess, little man," he said, reaching over to wipe a bit of sauce off Riley's cheek.
"'Ghetti is fun! 'Ook, 'uke!"
With that, Riley took another forkful of noodles and lifted it high, causing several noodles to fall on the table. He giggled, kicking his feet, waiting for Luke's reaction.
"Whoa, that's some impressive skill. You might need to teach me how to do that."
Tori shook her head in mock exasperation. "You two are a pair," she said fondly. "But let's try to keep some of the food on the plate, okay?"
Riley nodded, his face serious as he tried to be more careful. Despite the mess, the atmosphere was filled with warmth and laughter. Luke felt like he belonged, enjoying the simple moment with his girlfriend and her son.
After dinner, they all moved to the living room for some relaxation. Tori flipped through their apps on the TV before settling on "Paw Patrol," one of Riley's favourites.
"Patrol!" Riley cheered, clapping his hands as he snuggled into Tori's lap.
Luke sat beside them, throwing his arm over Tori's shoulder. "I've heard a lot about these puppies. Which one is your favourite?"
"What his name, Mama?"
"Marshall, bubba."
"Dat one!" Riley pointed at the screen where the fire pup was making a daring rescue with his friends.
"That's a good choice, bud," Luke nodded, making a mental note to research the rest of the characters in the show.
As the episode played, Riley's eyes remained glued to the screen, occasionally glancing up at Tori and Luke with a large green. Luke couldn't help but feel his heart swell at the sight. The little boy was growing on him, and quickly.
After the episode ended, Tori stood up and stretched. "Alright, Ri-Ri. Bathtime."
Riley pouted, but slid off the couch. "O-tay, Mama."
Luke followed them, watching as Tori began filling the tub with warm water, adding a generous amount of bubble bath.
"Need any help?" Luke asked.
"Sure," Tori laughed, handing him a cup. "You can rinse his hair."
Riley splashed happily, creating mountains of bubbles. Luke carefully poured water over Riley's head, using his hand to shield the boy's eyes.
"You've got this down, buddy," Luke said, impressed by how easy the toddler was being.
"Tank 'oo, 'uke! Bubbles are mine favourite!"
"Mine too."
Once Riley was clean and wrapped in a fluffy towel, they all headed to Tori's bedroom for storytime. Riley picked out a book he loved to read over and over again, "Goodnight Moon." He climbed onto the bed, snuggling between Tori and Luke.
Tori began reading, her voice soft and soothing. Riley leaned against her, his eyes growing heavy. Luke listened intently, feeling a sense of peace wash over him.
"Night-night, Mama. Night-night, 'uke," Riley murmured, already drifting off to sleep.
Luke picked him up, carrying him down the hall to his room. Once he was settled in his crib, they closed the door quietly behind them. Tori turned to Luke, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you for helping me tonight. It means a lot to me. And to Riley too."
Luke wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "It was my pleasure, V. I loved every minute of it."
Together, they made their way back to the living room, ready to enjoy the rest of their evening, knowing they were building something special not just for themselves but for Riley too.
Victoria prayed it would stay that way...
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