#we're caught in a trap; i can't walk out; because i love you too much baby
septembersghost · 2 years
i love your review of elvis. i had previously kind of resisted seeing baz's films, just having the impression that they were going to be Too Much for me, but when i heard he was tackling an elvis film, i thought the energies seemed to fit, even though i didn't know much about either man. but if his other films have that same effect of worming under your skin, i need to watch them all. i saw elvis four times in theaters and haven't stopped thinking about it/elvis for a single day since, it's outrageous. i think it makes so much sense to have an outside narrator of elvis' story drive the film. austin shows us the dynamic complexity of elvis through his every movement, but the film and the colonel and the audience are still crying to cage him into that still-life image, inserting distance between us and him. i think the film is always thinking about whether that distance is necessary to actually "love" a person you don't know, but that is the same question that paralyzed elvis with fear. his deep sense of isolation was always fighting against his love for other people and his longing to be on the ground with them, but he sensed that he couldn't let anyone see how much he was struggling lest they pull away. i keep thinking about how the first lyric we hear is "oh, let our love survive," and the film is like ... how much are you going to suffer to keep it going? and who tricked you into thinking you didn't deserve to be loved without giving so much of yourself away? it definitely works as a reflection on hollywood and culture, but it becomes more deeply personal and compassionate toward elvis the more you know about him. <3
chelsea! first of all, i never did take a moment to say how glad i am to see you again and to have you here <333
baz's signature is doing The Most and giving softly dreamy to intensely spliced energy to The Aesthetic, but he somehow manages this in a way that ends up being emotionally affecting and clings to you after viewing. (i think his only film i haven't seen is Australia.) he has a very specific signature and style influenced by his passion for dance/music/fashion, and it's fun seeing how he decides to express that and utilize it as an essential aspect of the storytelling, plus catherine martin makes such beautiful costumes for everything that are illustrative of character and design in such a rich way. i definitely understand why you might have thought his films would be a lot! but since you did enjoy elvis, i wouldn't hesitate to encourage you to give his others a try! moulin rouge remains a particular nostalgic favorite to me (i used to have a moulin rouge poster on my door as a teenager, i still remember my dad buying it for me in the mall. it was one of thee movies for me in high-school. my ex-best friend and i used to blast the soundtrack on repeat, one time during lunch in the classroom we used to hide out in, he jumped on a table to reenact ewan mcgregor singing your song. when i was first very ill, it was a movie i put on a lot. i'm sure this reveals something about me spiritually lol).
something with baz's style that comes through is the incandescent power of music and its deep connection to us. music is always almost like its own character, and he plays with interjecting those anachronistic pieces to give the stories a modernist edge while still staying rooted in their own times, which is very interesting! i loved the strong mix of elvis' own music with the honor to the gospel/r&b/black artists who influenced and inspired him, further mixed with artists he himself inspired and who are creating work now. it made those threads so potent and alive. you're right that the energies match well.
you described this beautifully, i honestly think reading this helped me sort through some of my thoughts and put parts of the film into better context! we have that distance because we're constantly observing, as an audience even when we do feel that sense of love and admiration/appreciation for an artist, there's also a certain complicity because we can never actually know them, and we do inherently want something from them. we can never be undemanding of them as humans, it's that tension where we cherish the art, but we're also by necessity consumers of it. we can't help but be part of the pressure and the noise, even when we try our best to exercise that with empathy for a person. there is an uncrossable distance.
austin shows us the dynamic complexity of elvis through his every movement, but the film and the colonel and the audience are still crying to cage him into that still-life image !!! exactly, and that's what i was referring to a bit in how the idea of an everlasting image haunts me at times, because that can never be a fully realized acknowledgment of anyone. the indelible iconography of it all becomes so much bigger than life that if we want to find the humanistic reality again, it takes some excavation. that's fascinating and heartbreaking to me.
the predatory nature of that framing device gives a lingering sadness to it too, where we are put both into the perspective of our place as audience members, but we also become emotionally connected to the person elvis was and have that reaction of sorrow. i kept wishing desperately that i could protect him from all the things. the ending as well, when it confronts that concept of "love" between an artist and their fans, and how massive that is, how it's intoxicating and enriching, but can also be corrosive. it's difficult and it's moving and it's complicated to navigate.
i think the film is always thinking about whether that distance is necessary to actually "love" a person you don't know, but that is the same question that paralyzed elvis with fear. his deep sense of isolation was always fighting against his love for other people and his longing to be on the ground with them, but he sensed that he couldn't let anyone see how much he was struggling lest they pull away. yes, VERY much so. he tried so hard to conceal that hurt and those struggles because people depended on him, but also because he depended on them too and understandably feared the loss of that love.
the use of suspicious minds as the film's overarching theme was perfect. it totally reframed its meaning and made it speak to both his inner and outer life, to the weight of that fame and love and need.
the film is like ... how much are you going to suffer to keep it going? and who tricked you into thinking you didn't deserve to be loved without giving so much of yourself away? it definitely works as a reflection on hollywood and culture, but it becomes more deeply personal and compassionate toward elvis the more you know about him. absolutely. it's a big question and often sadly a universal one regarding culture and consumption, the expectations put on famous artists to give and give continuously without breaking or showing the cracks (which is impossible and harmful), the demands when such a bright spotlight becomes searing, the strain that comes even from adoration because it's not wholly real. it also subtly questions our fascination with that suffering without exploiting it for visceral shock value. i really appreciate the way the film handled the ending, for example, giving us enough without ever being cruel or relishing in the tragedy for the sake of it. the compassion there is so central.
i knew a bit about him personally, and was familiar with many of his biggest hits, just by virtue of cultural osmosis and the long-held interest i have in older films/music, but the film made me want to do deeper dives into the personal story and the deeper cuts of the music, and i'm loving exploring that, which makes it even more wonderful to be able to share with you! thank you for posting about him and the film because it's what sparked my interest even further to watch it! i've caught up on a lot of movies over the past couple of weeks, but i think elvis had the biggest impact on me, both in thinking about it and the expanse of its themes, and emotionally in feeling both for him and for the magic that exists in the way music keeps living forever. 💗
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untitledmemes · 7 months
Dune: Part One Prompts
Part I An assortment of prompts taken from the movie Dune: Part One (2021). Adjust as necessary to fit pronoun and/or descriptor. In case of Multimuse, don't forget to specify which one/s. Reblog, please do not repost or add.
“ Dreams are messages from the deep. ”
“ Their cruelty to my people is all I've known. ”
“ Who will our next oppressors be? ”
“ It's good you're up early. ”
“ Why do we have to go through all of this when it's already decided? ”
“ If you want it, make me give it to you. ”
“ There is no call we do not answer, there is no faith we betray. ”
“ I'd like you to take me with you. ”
“ Can I trust you with something? ”
“ It felt like if I had been there, you'd be alive. ”
“ You're not taking me seriously. ”
“ Dreams make good stories, but everything important happens when you're awake because that's when we make everything happen. ”
“ I've been training my whole life. What is the point if I can't face an actual risk? ”
“ I need you by my side. ”
“ I told my father I didn't want this either. ”
“ A great man doesn't seek to lead. He's called to it, and he answers. ”
“ I found my own way to it. Maybe you'll find yours. ”
“ Don't stand with your back to the door. ”
“ The slow blade penetrates the shield. ”
“ You fight when the necessity arises, no matter the mood. ”
“ I see you found the mood. ”
“ You don't understand the grave nature of what's happening to us. ”
“ Don't be too sure it's an act of love. ”
“ When if a gift not a gift? ”
“ Defiance in the eyes. Like his father. ”
“ An animal caught in a trap will gnaw off its own leg to escape. What will you do? ”
“ I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings obliteration. I'll face my fear and I'll permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn to the inner eye and see its path. And where the fear is gone, there will be nothing. Only I will remain. ”
“ If you had been unable to control your impulses, like an animal, we could not let you live. ”
“ You inherit too much power. ”
“ Do you often dream things that happen just as you dreamed them? ”
“ Did you have to go that far? ”
“ Do you see so little hope? ”
“ How does it feel to walk on a new world? ”
“ Don't be fooled by the welcome. ”
“ Let's get you out of the sun. The heat can kill in this place. ”
“ They see what they've been told to see. ”
“ If you mean to harm me, I must warn you that whatever you're hiding, it won't be enough. ”
“ When you have lived with a prophecy this long, the moment of revelation is a shock. ”
“ Sire, I failed you today. There's no excuse. ”
“ It must never be known. ”
“ Thanks for the humiliation, old man. ”
“ I have never come so close to dying. ”
“ I respect the personal dignity of anyone that respects mine. ”
“ I believe your people and mine have much to offer one another. ”
“ Name what you want. If it's in my power to grant, I'll give it and ask for nothing. ”
“ Honor requires that I be elsewhere. ”
“ You have good eyes. ”
“ If we take one step out there, we're as good as dead. ”
“ I recognize your footsteps, old man. ”
“ Everything they left us is in shambles. We've been set up to fail. ”
“ I had a vision. My eyes were wide open. ”
“ You can't know that. I barely know that. ”
“ I trusted you completely. Even when you walked in shadows. ”
“ Why are you having these thoughts? This is not you. ”
“ I thought we'd have more time. ”
“ Why don't we just cut their throats? ”
“ Don't! You are not ready. ”
“ For hundreds of years, we've run blood for blood. But no more. ”
“ Here I am. Here I remain. ”
“ I am commanded to say nothing. To see nothing. ”
“ Tell me, please. What do you fear? ”
“ Somebody help me, please. ”
“ You know who you are. ”
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enchantinglyjade · 2 years
Milk & Honey - Ch. 25
Austin!Elvis x Black!OC
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Summary: Elvis is determined not to give up on Honey
Warning: Swearing(?)
Song: Suspicious Minds - Elvis Presley
I spend the next hours getting Charles and I ready for the show tonight. It was the first time we were going to be making an official public appearance, so I had no doubt reporters would be there, ready to snap a picture for whatever controversy they wanted to spread for the night.
I dust eye shadow onto my lids while regretting every decision I’ve made today and still pretending not to miss it. I really didn’t want to go, but the least I can do is support Elvis. We were still friends after all, not to mention he’s my only ride back to Memphis.
I arrive late, maybe on purpose, but mostly to avoid the crowd. Jerry meets us at the door and sneaks us in, sliding us past guests to an open table. A chill runs through my body. The theater is huge and filled to the brim with people. Beautiful lights decorate the walls, illuminating the room in a majestic kind of way. Chandeliers hang from the ceiling, and a giant golden curtain from the stage. I’ve never seen anything like it before. The atmosphere has such an intense energy, it’s enough to leave me feeling giddy despite all the thoughts that have been circulating my head.
I catch a glimpse of Elvis on stage, already halfway through his performance, while I hold Charles' hand behind me. Elvis says something to his large band behind him, before turning back around towards the audience with a smile.
I find Marcella seated in the center of the theater, adorned in a beautiful dress. She side eyes me as we walk past her table, trying to intimidate me with her glare but it does little to bring me down. I’m done fighting her for a lost cause. She can win all she wants.
“We're caught in a trap
I can't walk out
Because I love you too much, baby”
Cheering intensifies as Elvis begins a new song. He dances around center stage in a white suit. He makes a few jokes, getting a kick out of making the audience laugh, but then, he catches me walking through the crowd and an unsettling look replaces his smile.
“Why can't you see
What you're doing to me
When you don't believe a word I say?”
Jerry places us at a table off to the side. I nervously take my seat next to Charles in the red booth. A waitress stops by, setting down two waters, lemon wedges on the side, in front of the small yellow lantern on the table. Charles immediately takes the glass and guzzles it down, droplets of water spilling down his face and onto the new button up his dad just bought him.
“Charles, baby, slow down. You’re gonna choke.” I say trying to coax the glass from him before he hurts himself.
He sets it down empty, letting out a loud ‘AHH’, before taking the lemon off to taste it. His face instantly scrunches at the sour flavor and spits it out, the fruit tumbling across the table. He then reaches for my water to wash away the taste, and turns back to watch his father with my glass still in his hands.
Lord. Why do these two boys insist on keeping me so stressed? At least he keeps me sane through all this. I smirk, shaking my head at him, before looking to the stage.
When I look back up, I make eye contact with Elvis. He gulps loud enough that I hear it come through the speakers. His voice goes quieter, slowly spilling out the lyrics off beat to the music. I shift uncomfortably in my seat, almost anxious for him. What is he doing? Is something wrong?
“So if an old friend I know
Drops by to say hello
Would I still see suspicion in your eyes?
You can't see the tears are real
I'm crying” 
His face contorts into that of sadness, seeming choked up and authentically mimicking the words he’s singing. He attempts to look around at his audience, but with each line he sings, his eyes seem to drift back to me.
I give him a worried look, as if to ask if he’s okay. He only gives a hesitant half nod, before closing his eyes and trying to concentrate on the song. His voice grows in volume once more, finally finding his rhythm again.
“We can't go on together
With suspicious minds 
And we can't build our dreams
On suspicious minds”
He swings his arm in the air, dropping onto his knees, shouting passionately, but breathlessly into the microphone.
Oh, let our love survive
I'll dry the tears from your eyes
Let's don't let a good thing die
When honey, you know I've never lied to you”
He looks me directly in my eyes. We were so many feet apart, yet I still couldn’t help but feel so small and targeted under his gaze. He sings me the lyrics, reassuring me of their every word while begging for my understanding. On that stage, I see the boy I knew 10 years ago singing to me. The world against us, our lives at odds, while he painfully fought for our love, fought for my trust in the best way he knew how, through song.
The crowd uproars, standing to cheer for him. He walks towards the side of the stage, happily greeting fans by the stairs. He then disappears behind the now standing table in front of me. I rise to my feet to try and glance over their heads to find him again. After seconds of searching, eventually I catch a glimpse of that sweat, black swoop in his hair towering above the crowd.
Women throw themselves at him, screaming, touching him, grabbing him. He reaches down, planting quick kisses on their cheeks to satisfy them, making a feeling bubble in the pit of my stomach that I didn’t like. He scans the crowd, desperately looking for something before landing on me and stalking in my direction. In a room full of hundreds, he could only see me, and I him.
My stomach then drops, unsure what his next move could be. I twiddle with my fingers in my spot, my heart beat quickening with every foot closer he gets. He sneaks past the audience, pushing past the crowd to the best of his ability until he’s standing directly in front of me, out of breath and sweat pouring from his skin.
The entire room now has their eyes on us, but mine couldn’t leave his. As I’m about to reach out and ask if he’s alright, he lifts a hand to cup my cheek, the other grasping onto my hand. In that moment, life seemed to freeze around me, passing by slowly while my mind stayed in a bubble of just him and I. His voice echoes above all the rest of the other noise, being the only thing I could hear. “I love you, Bumble.” One camera flash. Then, he reaches down to capture my lips. Two camera flashes. Three. Four. I place my hands on his chest, fighting between pushing him away or pulling him closer, settling on the idea of doing absolutely nothing.
He leans away, leaving my lips to the cold air and my cheeks to the cool metal of his rings. He gives me a smirk, before being pulled into the mob of people by his manager. The Colonel gives me an evil eye, pushing Elvis back towards the stage. 
I’m equally embarrassed as I am madly in love. Elvis can make some dumb decisions sometimes, but, boy, does he make his apologies grand.
I feel a tap on my shoulder and twist my head to see Jerry waving us to follow him. While the crowd is distracted, we weave through the tables and out the door before the photographers take notice of my absence. Jerry then escorts me backstage where I find Colonel, Marcella, and Vernon, who I haven’t seen since the day Elvis left. 
Vernon looks at me with cautious eyes, while Charles walks over to him. “Hey, grandpa!”
“Hey, kid.” He greets back. I see Elvis has already introduced the two of them. Marcella snaps back at their voices, taking note that I’ve now joined them in the room.
The second the curtains come down and Elvis gets off stage, Charles is running up to him. “That was great, Dad! I liked that one move you did when you went-” He begins throwing his body around, making swooshing noises, mimicking the dance moves he saw. Elvis laughs, distractedly watching him, still trying to take peeks at me.
Marcella is next to run over, wrapping her arms around his neck. “You were amazing out there, baby!” She says through her teeth, grasping on to every last drop of hope she could. She kisses him, but Elvis tries to pry himself away, only looking at me in the process.
I sigh. I have so many different emotions swarming in my head right now, I don’t know what to make of anything anymore. I take what’s left of my dignity and turn around towards the exit.  “Come on, Charles. We need to get back to our room.” I say reaching for his hand.
I manage to escape the backstage without running into any of Elvis’ fans or being followed by any particular someones. Once upstairs, Charles plops on the bed like he always does, but this time he doesn’t bother to turn on the TV. He sits with a thoughtful face, staring into the patterns of the carpet. I drag my worn out body into the bathroom to remove my jewelry and step into my comfortable pajamas. “Why are you so sad, Ma?” He ponders, swinging his legs off the edge.
I sigh, grabbing a wet rag, turning off the light, and sitting next to him on the bed, he bounces from my newly added weight. “There’s a lot been going on between Daddy and I, that’s all.” Is that already more than I should be saying to him? I gulp, nervously waiting for his reaction, while I slowly scrub eyeshadow from my lids.
“Like what?”
Aw, shit. “It’s nothing, baby. Don’t worry about it.” I try to reassure him, but he ponders on.
“Do you still love him?”
I go quiet. “Well…yeah, of course…”
“What about Marcella?” He asks with furrowed brows.
I stare off into the distance with a sigh. “I don’t know, baby. I do not know.”
He hums, unsatisfied with the answer, but knowing to drop it. He then lies his head down in my lap, hands on his stomach, while he looks up at me. “Can you tell me how you and dad met?”
A light chuckle escapes my lips, not expecting such a question after everything. “We knew each other since kids, you know that.”
“No, the story. The exact day.” He demands with a large smile.
Damn, I don’t even think I remember. “Well, Grandma Loretta and Grandma Gladys were good friends before I was born. Grandma Gladys would bring your daddy over to our house all the time. I was a baby when I first met him.” I get an unsettling feeling in my stomach. I don’t think I’ve lived a single day without knowing Elvis and it pains me to even think about having another day without him again, but I guess what needs to be done will be done.
I look up from my target on the ground, jumping when I find Elvis in the doorway. I got so lost in thought, I didn’t even notice the door open. Charles snaps up from my lap, confused as to why I was so startled. “Did you just notice he’s here??” He asks astoundedly.
I smile, turning away in embarrassment. Elvis chuckles, stepping in and closing the door behind him. He carefully joins us on the bed, sitting down slowly to wait for me to protest, but I don’t. Charles lays down between the two of us, looking up at the ceiling. “When did you know you loved each other?”
My eyebrows raise. “What do you mean, baby?” I ask him, hoping to prolong the time I have to answer.
He shrugs. “Well, people can’t make a baby without love, so what’s the day you knew you wanted to have me?
How do I get myself out of this one? I really hope that’s all he knows about how babies are made. A few incoherent noises escape my mouth before I find words. “I was too young to remember the day I fell in love.”
Elvis smacks his lips at my phony answer. “Don’t give me that. When’s the day you knew?” He asks, suddenly very involved and intrigued in our conversation now.
I cross my arms. “Well, when’s the day you knew?” I challenge right back.
He turns away in thought. “The day I was tryna teach you how to sing at Club Handy. You were still talkin to Michael, still scared about us and it drove me crazy, but I tried to give you the space you needed cause I didn’t want you to not trust me. But, my God, you looked so beautiful that night. It was the first time I felt like I truly had you to myself, like I saw a part of you no one else was allowed to see.” He takes a deep breath, pleased with his answer, before turning to me, waiting for mine.
I got so caught up in his words, I didn’t even bother to think up my answer yet. I had no idea he loved me that soon. “Well,” I start, still thinking. “Honestly, I think the same day.” He smacks his lips again, rolling his eyes and groaning. “I’m serious!” I laugh, smacking him on the arm. “That’s why I panicked and tried to run off that day, because I knew I felt something serious for you. The day that I finally acknowledged it was the day of the charity concert. Before the champagne by the way.” I reassure him, earning a chuckle. “When you walked away after our fight, I felt such a deep emptiness in me that I couldn’t run from even if I tried. I knew that if I left for Chicago, that I’d never forgive myself and would spend the rest of my life searching for someone like you.” And I was right.
I swallow, sheepishly looking up to meet his eyes. His cheeks lift into a tender smile, while he reaches out to place his hand over mine, carefully snaking his thumb under my palm so he can lift it into his grasp.
Just then, a snore interrupts our sentimental moment. Somewhere in the middle of our conversation, Charles had fallen asleep. I would have laughed had I not felt so incredibly vulnerable in front of Elvis just now.
I take my hand from him, dropping my voice into a whisper to not wake our sleeping child. “What did you come here for? I told you we shouldn’t-” He grabs me by the waist and pulls me in for a deep kiss to shut me up. Oh…well, guess I can’t stay mad at this.
“I ain’t given up on you that easily, baby. Done wasted over half my life doin nothin but wishin I had you. I’m done with that.” His whispers graze along my lips, his thumb across my cheek. “I’m done.” He assures once more.
I close my eyes, resting my forehead against his. “How do I know this is real? That this is the last time we stop putzin around and finally be together.”
His eyes meet mine, lonely and longing, but ever so determined. “I can’t promise you perfection. I ain’t no saint. Never been.”
“I know that.” I giggle.
He smiles, licking his bottom lips. “But I can promise that you are the only one, mama. Don’t know how many times I gotta tell ya, but I’ll keep doin it til you believe me. After all these long, long years, I’m still in love with you. Always have been, always will be. You and me against the world, Bumble.”
He knows just those 6 words were enough to repeatedly put my heart at ease. I smile, stealing another kiss from him.
“Are you two together now?”
I jump away from Elvis, holding my heart at our son's sudden voice. I spin around, seeing him up and awake with a dubious eyebrow raised.
Elvis reaches for my hand once more. “Mama and I have always been together in our hearts.” I roll my eyes with a smile. He’s so cheesy.
“Good. I didn’t like having two moms.” He states, falling back into the pillows.
Elvis guiltily chuckles, stretching out and standing from his spot. “Guess I should get back. Make sure she’s signin them divorce papers and not tearin ‘em to shreds.”
I scoff, standing up with him to follow him to the door. As he’s about to say goodbye, something at the end of the hall catches his eyes. He stands up straight, nervously sterning up his face. Confused, I poke my head outside the room, seeing The Colonel marching towards us, angry as ever.
“You!” He points. “Your wife is very upset, boy. Now, I think it’s in your best interest you keep that girl happy whether it be diamonds or not kissing other women, you better do it. In case you have forgotten, her daddy is the reason you have this show in the first place.”
“I’m divorcin Marcella.” He flatly lays out.
Colonel stumbles over his words, looking between us with a mix of various different emotions. “You’re not going to take a second to think about this?”
Elvis scoffs. “I been thinkin bout this my whole life. I only want one girl and it sure as hell ain’t her. You’ve known that from the beginning.”
Colonel's eye twitches and I swear I see hell shine across them, the lost look in his eyes now replaced with something sinister. “Elvis, I have been with you since you were nothing but a scared little boy doing lewd gyrations on stage. You are making a big mistake.”
Elvis’ fist turns white against the red walls. “I made up my mind, Colonel. Honey and I been through hell and back and I’m done making excuses for other people’s opinions. We’re together and ain’t nothin you can do about it.”
“I’ve worked too hard to keep her away, I’m not letting you throw your career away because of one foolish girl again.” He angrily taps his cane on the ground.
Elvis pauses. “What do you mean ‘worked too hard to keep her away’?”
‘We’re lookin for Elvis Presley and Honey James. Be you they?’
“I tried to reason with you, but you were an immature boy, you would ignore my every call. So I did the only thing I could do to get you to listen.”
‘I promise you I didn’t call the cops that day!’
“Colonel, what the hell are you talkin about?!” Elvis shouts.
‘Another colored woman locked up will have little effect on your reputation.’
My heart beats so strongly, I can feel it through my entire body. That night. The night that felt like the end of everything. “You called the cops.”
@tearupmyhead @chouetteschaussettes @il-giardino @theliterarybeldam @re3kin @anangelwhodidntfall @felicityroth @crash-and-cure @mama-pankow @tzillas @wonderlandlovelove @mirandastuckinthe80s @queenslandlover-93 @coconutessential @pumkiinpasties @buckybarnesbitch00000000 @biafbunny @darkestbeforethedawn16 @dollfaceyourfear @adoreyouusugar @hails-schae @spacegh0ul @im-lame-irl @sargspiderbarnes @whisperily @whatawildone @lukasdreamland @carioquisse @kaitaesupremacy @thella @isthlsfate @katsukis1wife @ella-janehaven
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oddeyecadia · 2 years
a compilation of my pricefield headcanons on twitter bc i feel so normal abt them i need to spread these brainrot like it's the bible
just read an hc that max likes playing with chloe's bracelets. what if she fidgets with them whenever she's anxious too and chloe knows this that's why she keeps wearing more of them. chloe changes them up sometimes but would always keep the one max plays with the most
max definitely does the tiny pinching the back of their shirt thing to chloe whenever they're walking together but not in a cute anime girl way, moreso in a keeping chloe from doing chaotic shit in public way
funny shit abt chloe is she knows behind max's act of indifference, she gets jealous easily. chloe's just more loud about hers. so whenever other people flirts with chloe she just straight up makes out with max in front of them like what happened to hello? how r u? ? my name is?
other than polaroids max would also randomly give chloe rocks when they were kids and chloe kept every single one. years later max grew up to be a crystal collector she has a big ass amethyst tower in her room
chloe is shit at videogames. she plays valorant and is unfortunately a bot frag regular (viper main of course) also she never really grew out of her strategy in fighting games which is basically just press all the button until something explodes. max on the other hand is an absolute god in video games despite not giving a shit about instructions and meta she could still somehow carry the whole team in multiplayers and provide the highest damage when fighting bosses
as much as i love the idea of chloe putting a bow on her pussy or smth as her bday/xmas gift to max i think she'd also be the type to do cheesy shit like taking max to 27 different picture worthy places or drawing the both of them as characters in max's favorite video game or show
max doesn't reply for two minutes and suddenly chloe's doing thirst traps to cope
2022 pricefield would have the noteit app and would send each other notes and pics everyday to display as a widget on their phone. max would often send sunset or nature pics and cute selfies while chloe would use the drawing tool to send max little doodles (and lots of dick drawings)
idc if the general consensus is chloe can't do make up bc in my head she can and she does max's eyeliner by sitting on her lap
baby pricefield crushing on each other is so fucking funny like you have chloe crushing on the quiet kid who's voice would crack during attendance no matter how many times she'd practice beforehand and then u got max crushing on the girl who was caught picking her nose and eat it
my random pf hc of the day is when chloe and max were still a new couple, max went in to give chloe a kiss before going to class/work and they both froze up because WHAT THE FUCK MY BEST FRIEND AND I JUST SMOOCHED before realizing oh yeah we're together, we can do that now. and they just. melt. smiling at each other like idiots cause holy shit they are officially a couple !! the transition from bffs to gfs is so weird in the best way
i just think max kisses chloe's little cheek mole every time they cuddle
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chiffaust · 2 years
hi! tsukasa + 💋 please <3
DAY 6 — CHRISTMAS PROMPT 💋 + tsukasa suou
💋  ─  be caught standing under the mistletoe
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Ah, finally work is done. You can finally close your laptop and breathe a little more freely for the rest of the week.
From the distance, a certain redhead had just watched you from afar, contemplating whether he should go up to you or not and how exactly is he going to go up to you?
His own thoughts overlaps one another until he saw you closing down your laptop, instantly bringing him back to reality; without much thought, he walked up to you with a polite smile on his face.
"Producer-san, thank you for your work today." He said, taking you by surprise.
"Oh, Suou-kun. Haha, no need to thank me~ I'm just doing my work." You waved him off dismissively.
"Right, and NewDi is preparing for a Christmas party to celebrate for our success this year on christmas eve. May I ask if you're coming to the party, producer?"
"Saegusa would kill me otherwise." You sighed, sheepishly being reminded of your boss.
"You mean the vice president? I don't know why would he murder you just because you didn't come a a simple celebration party." He said, slightly irritated in your steed.
"We're friends—at least I think; no need to think too much about it, Suou." You said, chuckling sheepishly as you packed your stuff up from the desk.
The moment you out everything inside your bag, you zipped it the bag together and motioned to the door to Tsukasa.
"Would you like to walk home with me?" You ask before you realized that he is literally rich and probably has a limo waiting for him outside of the building. "—well, walk outside of the building with me." You corrected yourself.
"I'd be honored to!" Tsukasa exclaimed, smiling happily at your invitation.
As you walk out of the office, you noticed just how festive NewDi seems now with the christmas decorations all around the place; the faint bgm of a christmas song was to be heard too, it truly did felt like christmas.
"Ah, producer are the decorations nice...? Us, Knights were the ones who put it on, so it'll be a great insight if you could tell me just how you truly feel about it."
"I think it's nice! I never knew you'd be ones to do that, honestly... I have a wild guess that you and Arashi were the only one's who truly did your jobs."
"Ou-sama hanged mistletoes all around the place—if two people were to be caught under it, it'll mean they'll find their one true love and kiss, or something he said."
"Classic Leo."
"I can't stand him sometimes, honestly." Tsukasa sighed.
"Huh? Were you two talking about me?" Speaking of the devil, he had appeared.
"O-ou-sama?! Just when did you appear in the first place?!" Tsukasa jumps, startled at Leo's sudden appearance.
"I have my ways!" He giggled, smiling like a child. "I was here to say... You've been trapped!"
"Ou-sama, this isn't the time for your jokes!"
"I'm not joking right now—look up, dummy!"
Upon his instructions, Tsukasa looked up and what he saw was completely to his surprise—a mistletoe.
Well, he had knew Leo puts the mistletoes almost everywhere, but he was sure he hadn't seeb any here and it'd be safe to talk here.
"Wahaha, I can't believe it! Suo with the Producer caught under the mistletoe? You two should just kiss already!"
"O-ou-sama, that isn't a funny thing to joke about!" Tsukasa proceed to scold Leo who is having the time of his life.
But then Tsukasa does realize, it's apart of the tradition, isn't it? To kiss the person who you were caught under the mistletoe with? He could've just disagreed with the idea of kissing someone, but he was caught with you; his crush!
He is still a gentleman nonetheless, he will not do anything to you if you don't want it, therefore he will not try to bring that idea up.
"'Kasa?" You tapped his shoulder, causing him to jump slightly for some reason.
"Y-yes, Producer? I must say I do realize this is very ungentlemanly of me, but–"
"No, no! Do you wanna kiss...? Haha, hypothetical question! Just asking..."
Did Tsukasa heard correctly? His ears wasn't playing tricks with him, right...? Did you actually asked him if he'd like to... Kiss you?!
"I-I— uhm, well, I would love to!" Tsukasa soon answered, his face could be easily seen heating up. "B-but, I–"
Before he could continue on his rambling, you decided to give his lip a light peck. If he wasn't the same shade as his hair before, he sure is now.
"Y-you... Mustn't do that, Producer..." He muttered, unable to find the courage to look at you in the face as he covers his mouth with his arms.
"Wahaha! I seriously can't believe it, you two actually confessed your feelings for reach other!"
"OU-SAMA!" Tsukasa yelled, finally having enough of Leo's teasing.
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ifyougoillfollow · 2 years
a song for a song
|Gen. | Mic & Midnight | 1650 words | Fantasy AU|
"Can you sing, senpai?"
Hizashi winces. He hadn't meant to cut Kayama off, even if he hasn't been entirely listening to a word she's said for the past hour or so.
Kayama straightens from her crouch, hands him yet another fistful of dirt-clodded roots to stuff into his increasingly soiled satchel. At this point, he's going to have to wash it. And his robes. And his hair, too, while he's at it. He should have braided it; it's getting kind of long. Now there's probably bugs in it.
Hizashi refuses to cry about it. Plenty of other things to cry about nowadays, and he's yet to cry about any of those, so bugs? Not gonna do it. Not today.
Kayama eyes him a little like she was eyeing those roots on the forest floor a second ago, but in the end she only snorts and says, "You're the bard here, not me."
"And you're the witch, yet here I am with dirty, smelly herbs in my robes."
"No one asked you to come, snotbrain."
Hizashi takes a moment to remind himself that he is not crying today, then says, "Well, fortunately for you, senpai, Aizawa has gotten much better at evading me with his stealthy ninja skills, so looks like you're stuck with my lovely, charmingly clingy self for the foreseeable future."
"Lucky me, indeed," Kayama mutters, even as she's foisting more assorted foliage onto Hizashi's wary arms. She waits until he deems each twig adequately bug-free before setting off again into whatever new direction through the trees her witchy senses are leading her towards.
"Yeah, I can sing," she answers at length, "I guess. Probably not as well as you can, though, if we're being honest. Not exactly my specialty, is it?"
There was a time, not two moons ago, when Hizashi would have preened at his senpai's first-ever admission that she likes his singing. Now, it just serves as a reminder of all the songs he's had caught in his throat since Oboro died.
Kayama is not looking at him, too busy charming her way through previously virgin forest brush in order to allow them easier passage. Hizashi feels her scrutiny regardless. The air is clear and sweet and open. Inviting. Hushed like a sated dinner crowd awaiting the first song of the evening. The absence where Hizashi's song would be if he weren't choking on it rings louder than his voice ever could.
Kayama slows, her shoulders rising gently in what could be a breath or a sigh. Hizashi nearly hightails it out of the forest right then and there – bugs and blushing virgin underbrush be damned – but when Kayama speaks it's only to tell him to keep an eye out for a flower that 'kind of looks like two monkeys fornicating,' and then she's off again about herbs and roots and spices and their many medicinal and decidedly non-medicinal applications.
She has a lovely voice, even when just speaking. Full and rich and with a little too much heat, like smoke from a spitting hearth fire. Hizashi's always wondered what it'd sound like in song, can't stop wondering even as she goes on and on about dirt and leaves and bark, until she finally stops to contemplate a vine unfurling from what might very well be the heavens for all the attention Hizashi's paying to it.
"Sing for me," he says, unable to choke the words down.
Kayama snorts, keeps contemplating her vine. "What, right now?"
Because that wasn't a 'no' and because she's not looking at him and because the clear forest air remains bereft of song, Hizashi asks, "Why not?"
"I don't know many songs, for one."
"Choose whatever. Anything at all."
"What if I choose a terrible song?" she asks, affecting a pout.
"No such thing, senpai!"
She rolls her eyes and bats the vine at him, but it's only a few beats before she caves. "Honestly, I only know lullabies," she says. "You know – for fussy little babies."
Hizashi laughs. "Lullabies are good! Sing me a lullaby, senpai!"
Kayama's answering grin is more teeth than anything, and it's also the first sign that Hizashi has walked into a trap. "All right," she says, voice too-innocent, "if you insist. Follow me." She flashes another snaketooth grin at him and disappears behind a curtain of vines.
At the sight of the lone finger she sticks back through to beckon him forward, Hizashi once again considers taking his chances on a solo sprint back out of the woods. In the end, his curiosity wins out over his meager self-preservation instincts. He follows.
The two-step trek through the vines is harrowing, but what he finds on the other side might be even more so. It's a perfectly picturesque clearing. Suspiciously picturesque. The clearing is warm and bright and cozy, with lush cloud-cover trees surrounding a bed of down-soft grass and wildflowers. There's even a brook babbling quietly to itself off to the side. A far cry from the barely tamed woods two steps behind him.
Kayama, perched on the grass below a swaying willow, laughs at whatever expression is on Hizashi's face. "Welcome to my den of decadence," she all but purrs, "where I bring all my... conquests."
Hizashi tries not to balk. Tries.
Kayama cackles. "Oh, don't flatter yourself. You wanted me to sing you a lullaby, so I'm going to sing you a lullaby. Properly." She pats a spot on the ground right next to her. "Come here."
Hizashi, forever hapless in the face of his senpai's schemes, does as he's told. Once he's seated, Kayama roots around in her bag for some incense to light ("For the bugs," she informs him with a roll of her eyes) and a stoppered vial filled with an unidentified lavender-colored liquid.
"For you," she says expectantly.
Hizashi downs the contents of the vial without question. It tastes like too-sweet perfume, but he's had worse tonics from Chiyo-sensei, so he doesn't complain.
"It's a new sleep potion I'm working on," Kayama explains, even though he hadn't asked. "I've been meaning to test it, but I haven't had any willing volunteers due to what happened last time – which wasn't even my fault, if anyone's asking – and Chiyo-sensei says slipping potions into other people's food is unethical because she's no fun, so here we are."
For his own peace of mind, Hizashi elects not to ask what happened last time. "How long will it take to work," he asks instead, "and how long will I stay asleep?"
"No idea, that's why we're testing it. Now lay back, unless you want to crack your skull if it takes effect suddenly."
Hizashi eyes the grassy ground warily. "How effective is this fancy incense of yours at keeping bugs away again?"
"Oh, come here, you big baby." She tugs at him until he's laying down with his head pillowed on her lap. Hizashi does his level best to not perish on the spot. She flicks him on the forehead. "Relax, already. I won't bite unless you ask me to."
"Not helping," Hizashi grumbles, willfully ignoring his fever-hot face.
Kayama's thigh is warm under his cheek, and she smells like twigs and earth and wildflowers, and Hizashi is not crushing on his senpai – he is not – but suddenly he understands all too clearly why Oboro had once badgered him for weeks to serenade Kayama on his behalf, until Hizashi had agreed on the condition that Oboro write the lyrics himself (and make that fact clear to all present witnesses), which he did, happily, and the lyrics had been terrible and mortifying and damned near impossible to put to melody, but Hizashi had put his bardly reputation on the line and done it, and Kayama had, of course, laughed like he's never heard her laugh before or since, but had also been so obviously charmed by it that Oboro didn't stop smiling for the rest of the week. If all of Hizashi's songs hadn't died with Oboro, he'd be singing that one right now.
"Sing for me, senpai," he says, because his eyes are starting to burn and because she promised and because this moment calls for song. Every moment calls for song.
"You're the bard here," says Kayama, fingers tugging knots from his hair, "not me."
"A song for a song, then."
"Sleepy..." he mumbles, and it's an excuse, but it's also the truth, his limbs heavy as sun-warmed sand.
"When you wake up."
He shakes his head.
"Why not?"
"Can't," he whispers, too tired to scream.
"Sure you can. You're a bard."
Is that what he is? Kayama-senpai sure seems to think so. She keeps saying it. Why does she have to keep saying it?
"I'm not singing until you say it."
No. That's not fair. She promised.
"Yamada." She smacks his sleep-numb cheek until he looks up at her blearily. "You're a bard. Aren't you?"
"I'm a bard," says Hizashi, because if there's one thing he's good at, it's telling people what they need to hear.
"Good boy," says his senpai, and she's not smiling any kind of smile, but she does finally – finally – start to sing.
Her voice is as lovely and Hizashi knew it would be, and the song – well, the song is lovely, too, in the way that all songs are lovely, even though this particular song is about a busy baby bee winding down for bedtime. Hizashi lets the lyrics wash over and through him, but the melody – the melody he soaks up along with Kayama's voice, lets it seep into the very core of him, into the sun-spooled place nestled deep behind his rib-cage from where his songs and his soul and his spells flow and flourish, and he knows without a doubt that he will never be without song again, because if nothing else, he'll always have this one simple melody, soft and whole and true.
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straysongdog · 1 year
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"We're caught in a trap I can't walk out Because I love you too much, baby Why can't you see What you're doing to me When you don't believe a word I say? We can't go on together With suspicious minds (suspicious minds) And we can't build our dreams On suspicious minds"
"Suspicious Minds" by Elvis
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looosey · 1 year
Amari's Rap Journey #2: Class Listening Party
Imagine this. It's the day after classes ended, and you wake up at 12 again, and look up around you at the messy-ass room that's been left after a 48 hour work grind. You do two loads of laundry, take a shower, and cook yourself a breakfast, all while watching the time because at 3 p.m... At 3 p.m. is the class listening party.
MIT Building 4 Room 237. You enter the lecture hall at 3:15 and most of the other kids are sitting sporadically in the first five rows. Scoot up! You think, and you sit next to your friend Z in row 2. Scoot up someone says, and I sit in the first row next to Tagoe, a DJ whose energy I'm a fan of [1]. Everyone is in the first two rows now, including Dee-1 from Harvard and two HASS professors that are close to Lupe, and we're waiting for Lupe to walk in and the listening party to start.
Yo... You needed to be there, it was soooo crazy. We started listening to EP after EP, and these people are actually sooo talented. Some industry level sounds, some quirky conceit albums about physics and history, some conceptual ones about being on one long drive or one continuous loop, and one fun Rico Nasty sounding track that was so fye we had to play it three times and mosh.
When we played mine, I was a lot more confident because I'd already played it in front of iHouse before. I hope to never forget the responses of my fellow rappers in the room though.
They were caught by surprise by the trap record for Show Me The Money, Dee-1 looked at me and asked: that's you? They found G-DRAGON funny, and Ally even recognized it was about G-DRAGON before the chorus hit (that's more than I could ask for). Suffolk county water dropped, and Lupe shouted me out after that some of those bars were written behind bars and Ally said she had been hoping to listen to them again. So both of them responded positively, and I'd shouted them out in the beginning of the track. Nomadic Seoul of course was a little quieter until the beginning of verse 2, which I knew was going to get a stronger response. They really liked the bar:
"Now I know better there's more to life than work, in fact life don't work less there's more to life than work."
And the bars before and after. Lupe said the bars were hard. In general I'd been a little scared about being TOO personal in a freakin, class project, but I'm glad I did what I wanted to. Monk said she liked it too, when I saw her in the hallway.
All in all, I really appreciated them all for hyping the EP up, I think I was dapped up more in those 8 minutes than I been in like 8 years. And Dee-1 even bowed at me after, bruh, like I'm such a fan of his Jay, 50, and Weezy track [2]. I can't. He did leave right after, but still??? I'm complete.
Some of the kids didn't want to show their EP's off, but I know know know that showing up was so important to me. That's a value that was always important but really instilled in me by Lupe and this class.
After my UROP meeting I ran into Ally and we went to his office to get feedback right after. I love Ally, I'm a fan [3]. For advice, I asked him to teach us how we should improve in the next three months. The advice I'll record in another post, but it was detailed and I'm so grateful for it. I appreciate Lupe as a teacher so much and after our dinner tomorrow, the class is really ending. It's been amazing!! Now, to take his class next year or not...
Footnotes (inspired by @tumblasha):
[1] Tagoe's Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/jonathan-tagoe-548571918
[2] the track is so good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1IGfv8zSgw
[3] Ally Minju's spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3jZQxUxjnQ753paNQHHuUk?si=EK-A6vkPSKOmB9s6wOqZ7g
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jaxteller87 · 1 year
big poppa 9
A few weeks passed, and I was eagerly preparing for a special date night, but little did I know the universe had something intriguing in store for me. It turned out that on the same night, Bobby was scheduled to do his famous Elvis impersonation gig at one of the music clubs downtown. If that wasn't amazing enough, somehow, Jax and I's schedules matched up with Donna and Opie's, and we were all able to catch the show.
"Thank you," I exclaimed as Jax gently guided me to my seat.
"Anything for you, Amber. You know that," he said while cupping my face and kissing my forehead.
We had all just gotten situated and ordered a round of drinks when Bobby took the stage.
"Hey, guys!" Donna said softly, "It looks like Bobby's ready to start the show."
"Bobby?" Opie said, "That's strange, I don't see him anywhere."
"What?" Donna replied, "He's right—"
"Are you talking about Elvis?" Jax playfully interrupted.
"Oh," Donna rolled her eyes, "ha-ha," she said mockingly.
"We're caught in a trap; I can't walk out because I love you too much, baby. Why can't you see what you're doing to me? When you don't believe a word I say?" Bobby sang his heart out, "We can't go on together with suspicious minds. And we can't build our dream on suspicious minds…"
 "Wow, he's actually pretty good," I said, "Much better than I remember."
"Bobby always kills his Elvis gig," Jax smiled and took my hand.
I had to admit, old Bobby really knew how to embody the spirit of Elvis. By the time he finished singing "Suspicious Minds," the entire SAMCRO family had gathered to show their support. Tig, Hap, Piney, and several others from the club were there, cheering Bobby's performance.
As the evening progressed, Bobby's musical act easily won over the room. Not only did he have the support of SAMCRO, but every tipsy stranger in the building was humming along with their glasses held high overhead. I thought he sounded pretty good, but he was a lot better with each wine cooler I knocked back, so I could only imagine how he sounded to all the shit-faced locals who were practically passed out at the foot of the stage. Regardless, with each song, he truly captured the essence of the King of Rock himself. During the finale, Bobby closed up with "Heartbreak Hotel," during which he playfully tossed two scarves into the audience, with one of them landing in my lap and the other on Donna's. We couldn't help but laugh as we draped the scarves around our necks. It was even funnier when Jax and Opie took off their shirts and threw them on stage while playfully blowing kisses to old Bobby. A few of the club attendants started to make their way over to us, probably to ask them to simmer down and put their shirts back on, but before they could get close enough, Happy and Juice stepped in and reminded the employees who we were. Let's just say they apologized and quickly turned back the way they came.
As the show finished, I leaned in and tenderly kissed my husband's cheek. The lights shined on Bobby, causing his eyes to twinkle, and with a wink, the lights dimmed, and the old biker earned himself a standing ovation.
Bobby joined us and the rest of SAMCRO in the crowd for a few drinks, and after a few hours, Jax and I found ourselves lying in bed, wrapped up in each other.
"Need more to drink?" Jax's soft voice broke the silence, his lips grazing the top of my head.
I shook my head, a small smile playing on my lips. "No, but I'll have another forehead kiss, please," I giggled. Gently, I reached up softly, grabbing his beard and pulling his lips to mine for a kiss. Afterward, his lips found my forehead once again.
A tender playfulness lingered between us as he tugged my hair gently, eliciting a soft moan from me.
"I'm sorry," he reared back like he had done something wrong, "Was that too hard?"
"Babe, no, it's okay. It felt good," I smiled at him promiscuously. A mischievous glint danced in his eyes as he moved in for another kiss. "Pull my hair," I teased. We stared at each other for a moment before erupting with laughter. "That came out a little cringe, didn’t it?"
"Well, call me big poppa, and I'll forget all about it," he playfully bit my lip, and the laughter turned back to moans.
"Whatever you say, big poppa," I obliged.
That night was just as magical as always. I could almost hear Bobby singing romantic love songs in my head as Jax, and I made love.
The next few days were business as usual. That was until I heard the sound of the front door slamming shut through the house, followed by Jax's heavy footsteps. I rolled down the hall to find him pouring a drink, the scent of Jack Daniel's mingling with the air. He motioned for me to join him, which I did. As I wheeled to him, he picked me up and sat me on his lap in his recliner.
I kissed his forehead, resting my head on his chest. There was no need for words. We understood each other, our bond deep and unspoken. "Clay?" I asked softly, to which Jax nodded in acknowledgment. The weight of the club once again was pushing my husband to the ground. I learned it was best not to say anything but to be there for support. I knew he didn't want to bring up SAMCRO business to me, and home was sure as shit the last place he wanted to talk about it.
So, later that evening, I prepared Jax's favorite meal and poured him a frosty mug of his favorite beer. Afterward, we retreated to the sofa to relax for a spell, with Jax laying on top of me, using my chest as a pillow. I leaned down, kissing the top of his head, my fingers gently tracing circles on his scalp. His eyes fluttered open, and a sleepy smile graced his lips.
As he sat up, rubbing his sleepy eyes, I continued to scratch his head, soothing us both. He gulped the last bit of beer from his glass before laying back on my chest. "Have I ever told you that 'the girls' make the best pillow?" he mused with a smirk.
"No, you haven't," I laughed, "But I imagine they would."
"If only you knew," he snuggled up to them.
"This is kind of a weird question, but what do you prefer, head scratches or beard scratches?" I asked.
He thought for a few moments before stating, "Beard scratches. Especially after, you know—"
"After?" I had an idea where he was going with that, but I wanted to hear him say it.
"You know," he paused, "Sexy time."
As we lay there, wrapped in each other's embrace, I knew this was the essence of our life together – the simple moments of tenderness and connection that made it all worthwhile. This was it. This was my life. And I wouldn't change anything about it.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
We're caught in a trap I can't walk out Because I love you too much, baby Why can't you see What you're doing to me When you don't believe a word I say?
So if an old friend I know Stops by to say hello Would I still see suspicion in your eyes? Here we go again Asking where I've been You can't see the tears are real, I'm crying (Yes I'm crying)
We can't go on together With suspicious minds (suspicious minds) And we can't build our dreams On suspicious minds
Oh, let our love survive I'll dry the tears from your eyes Let's don't let a good thing die When honey, you know I've never lied to you Mmm, yeah, yeah
Well, don't you know I'm caught in a trap? I can't walk out Because I love you too much, baby Well, don't you know I'm caught in a trap? I can't walk out Because I love you too much, baby
Well, don't you know I'm caught in a trap?
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septembersghost · 2 years
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aqua-rella · 1 year
we're caught in a trap, i can't walk out because i love you too much, baby
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lillithaurelia · 2 years
We're caught in a trap
I can't walk out
Because I love you too much, baby
Why can't you see
What you're doing to me
When you don't believe a word I say?
We can't go on together
With suspicious minds (suspicious minds)
And we can't build our dreams
On suspicious minds
Oh, let our love survive
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kbetacygni · 3 years
oh crying sobbing listening to unrelated song and thinking of sterek from my shows 
suspicious minds by elvis presley, something something stiles is kidnapped and derek willingly goes into a trap to save him and theyre both caught and just. probably torture sad horrid and they both think theyre going to die. and stiles is crying and sobbing and he’s so angry, he’s so angry at derek for coming in the first place and having to die with him. and derek shakes his head and he’s bleeding out and he’s smiling and saying “i didn’t want you to be alone” and then they. they say “i love you” to each other for the first time and suddenly pack ex machina happens, like derek’s alpha power and stiles’ spark power somehow feed into the betas and they come in and bust the fucking walls down and save stiles and derek and they both live forever and ever and find safety in each other and im gonna cry 
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How they hide there identities + dating headcannons
Note: The bots saw you a human and basically shot their shot, but you have no idea their alien robots
Warnings: cursing, mentions of the act but only no detail or anything,
Characters: Optimus, Smokescreen, Bee, Magnus
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Introduced himself as Orion figuring it was more human-sounding than Optimus Prime
You guys hit it off right off the bat,
And there it went the relationship,
you guys talked about yourselves, but he told you because he worked for the government he couldn't say much about his job and you respected that
You told him you work at a daycare in the kitchen, it part-time till you got to money for culinary school.
He admired your dream chasing attitude
he starts disappearing more than usual; Ratchet picked up on it first, Optimus only called it extra scouting and Ratchet dropped it.
Made it to your first kiss without being caught! HAH! What an achievement!
Say you're on a date walking around and he sees like Arcee with Jack or one of the kids with a bot he'll make a loop and you'll be walking backward into an alleyway suddenly being kissed
not that it's a bad thing; just random
feels bad about having to leave you in the middle of the night or so early in the morning, you understand his jobs labor-intensive.
Labor-intensive? Destressing? Oh, yeah; you know what I'm talking about
Feels like he's gonna get caught at base a few days after, and kinda low key on high alert.
Just for him a few days later be in the same situation again. He can't help it you're so beautiful to him, so seeing all of you is a dream
Ask him to try your dishes often. He always compliments them, but cant handle spicy food- he was dying when he tried your spicey mac and cheese
Has never got caught bc he's just an OG
Meaning Ratchet knows and just knows how to keep his mouth shut
Actually ends up sitting down and telling you, in full detail and apologizing for keeping such things secret
You tell him your angry at him but you were glad he came out and said it rather than you finding it out yourself
He even asks if you'd like to meet the others soon, but you tell him you think hes enough alien robot for a month and he only chuckles.
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introduced him by saying; "Hey baby the chicks call me smokey but the one smoken tonight."
"I'm sorry excuse me?"
"Yeah, that was stupid...Hi, I'm smokey."
What a dork, you liked it, and you even asked if he was named after smokey the bear; he had no idea who that was and went along with it.
apologizes for the shitty pickup line, but it made you laugh
ah yes the comedian relationship
Surprisingly was able to keep his trap shut but it was so hard for him, you were just to perfect not to want to rant about it.
Sneaks out at night as you work during the night, slow graveyard shift hours, so Smokescreen keeps you company.
Says his expensive Indy 500 has been in his family for a minute and that's how he got it.
Also made it to the first kiss without getting caught
but your two young adults; you on your last year of high school and Smokescreen "homeschooled" on his "Last year" as well; made it to segs without being caught
god the urge to just; Tell everyone how perfect you are it's so hard for him to keep it in, BUT he does.
You teach him how to skateboard and without thinking, he drew the Autobot insignia on the board, you of course ask him what it is and he kinda gets suspicious you drop it because you believe him and trust him
He got caught, he forgot to take the boards out of his back seat so when he transformed he heard the clattering and pulled them out in front of everyone and went "oh...frag"
It didn't help that you called at the moment that everyone was questioning him, forced to answer it and put it on speaker
"Hey! Babe! I know you just left, but I forgot my board in your back seat!"
They made him answer, "Ah! Yeah...Yeah, it's here."
"Great! I'll get it from you tomorrow right? We're still on for our date?"
"Yep for sure..."
"Alright, sorry again for calling you love. Love you, sleep well."
"Love you too."
Luckily just the three kids and their guardians knew about it + Wheel jack; not Optimus Ratchet or Magnus.
They had to take you to base and alien robots oh how wonderful And your pissed
Optimus and the other two obviously know now
You apologized for the attuide you were about to give off and asked if you could leave.
Optimus tried to offer you a ride but you said you rather walk the two to three hour walk.
And you did, but even if Smokescreen tried to go after you he was stopped and scolded by the prime himself
"You not only went against cover you damaged and innocent womans trust. Cybertronian or Human that is something you'll never get back fully. I know that look all to well. She is betrayed and angry."
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introduced himself using his "Nickname"
You thought it was cute, he was super sweet and all
You guys are already on a nickname basis
You just so happen to work with horses and wear a cowboy hat with matching boots.
So you lived on a ranch.
Often likes to go over to your house to watch you take the horses out, he always did like cowboys
he likes to help with your chores if he can, he thinks they're fun, plus he spends more time with you
the chickens like him a lot, they often follow him around
Mud fights in the rain 100%
Rolling in the grass patches
Do you know how the girl usually sits behind the guy like on a bike or a horse? yeah no it's the other way around for you
Got caught on your first kiss by your dad
Suprinsgly they get along and well and now bee comes to the family dinners/riding time
Matching hemp bracelets, when he's not wearing it it's on his rearview-mirrior
Raf notices it: but figured Miko probably put it there.
Naps in the car with you
It wasn't till he see you walking out of the same school Raff goes to did he panic, you walking with a guy friend luckily you're going the opposite way.
That was too close
Until the next day, You walk out of school with Raff, Raff's phone in your hand as you type in your number, thanking him for the PDF he was going to send you.
"Ah yeah! Chemistry isn't my thing and Biology isn't yours. So We'll definitely be able to help each other-"
"Something wrong?"
"Odd. My boyfriend has the same car as you."
"Oh uh really?" You only nodded, "Yeah I call him Bee, it's his nickname after all" "I'm sorry?" "My boyfriend, his real names like... Carmelo or something. But his nicknames bee, which suits him better."
"Carmelo? in like...Camero?" "Yeah, it sounds similar-"
Say less now you're in a base filled with Alien robots and you're confused.
You took it a bit easier than expected: you didn't exactly pry into his family as much as you should have you supposed
But he had told you he had family, so atleast he didn't lie about that exactly
Your still upset that you feel like he couldnt trust you
Actually gets to drive you home its an awkard drive for him.
"I'll....see you tomorrow?" "I dont know I may be upset with you still"
Give him the cold shoulder for a day or two just so he learns his lesson
The third day hes knocking on your door he cant take it no more
You open it up in your pajamas, and hes there holding a basket of eggs and a gang of chickens at his feet covered in mud and what smells like animal crap
"I...I did your chores..." he pants, "all of them..."
"Milk the cows?" He nods, "Run the horses?" He nods again, "...you fed that devil goat?" "Yeah...that one was tricky but I did!"
You only leaned up against the door frame. With crossed arms: oh teasing him was oh so fun but you cant deny those eyes, and smile.
"Come in I'll run the shower and wash your chlothes."
"Are we...?" "Dating? Yeah." "Yes!"
Ultra Magnus
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Now this one...
Man cant keep anything from his superiors for one, and has a hard time breaking the rules in general
So when he seen you walking to work one day?
What does he do?
Fuck it we break rules now
Ultra Magnus = a baddie 😈
"Hello-" "God your hot" "what?" "What?"
That was you, your first response that hes hot.
Introduces himself as Magnus and you go into a whole thing about the meaning of his name, and where it comes from and it means like great in latin or somethin
And hes all like...what?
Socially awkard 🤝 extroverted socially awkard
What a great couple you two are
No like seriously despite being two compelete opposites you get along really well
He's glad you like to stay for dates because he's not trying to get caught
Making out on the couch 100%
Your a historian in trainning you tell him
So he likes listening you tell earths history
Telling romantic historical tales lead into really passionate make out sessions.
He ended up confessing to Optimus after kissing you for the first time the same day
Optimus doesnt believe it.
Ultra Magnus out of all bots.
He doesnt even know how to respond
Magnus then proceeded to confess to you too and your just as confused.
"Im sorry Magnus. Your confusin me here."
That same as if Magnus couldn't catch a break already while he was explaining it to you your mother barged in your door happily calling to you about having snacks
"Oh Y/n! I have those little bundt cakes you like! Had to pay a bit extra as they had to specially make them whatever that means!- who's this?"
As your mother basically is a ball of sunshine and energy, your fathers the completely opposite
You felt it was punishment enough having Magnus having to endure your father
The man was sweating the whole time your father was staring at him.
Your dads just quiet is all.
You felt kinda bad even.
He'll get on his knees and apologize after your parents leave
"I'll never do it again." "Uh huh...live in fear." "Yes of course love" "Dude- no- It was a joke-"
All out of "by the book" confidence? That shits gone now
But luckily you help him gain...some of it back.
By sleeping with him, well. Amongst other things
"You know for a Lutinet for an alien war you get awfully flustered by titties." "Goodnight" "aw but-" "goodnight Y/n!"........."okay but yours are bigger than mine- I mean you are a giant robot-"
God he hates and loves you at the same time
A big like "confidence boost" was waking up to you in the morning for the first time, you sleeping in his arms
Your just so pretty to him >///<
He feels like its an intimate moment when he's reassured he really can be outside the box with you fully: try new things: throw the rule book out the window you certainly didnt follow a rule book
"I can feel you staring-" "What! No-clears throat- Good Morning."
You only smile at him cheek on his chest looking up at him. "Good morning Lutinet...I like the way that sounds you know....Lutient Magnus...well Ultra Magnus isnt it? Hm?"
He only plays with your hair with a smile something you didnt know was rare for him.
Yeah. You'd guys be alright
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one-piece-aus · 3 years
Whumptober Day 7
Yandere Doflamingo x Reader
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Paranoia walked beside you all day, you felt it whispering to you there were eyes on you. You wish so desperately to scurry on home but alas, you were out of food so you needed to be in the market until you were done shopping. If you lived alone, you would've just bought some bread and eaten that for the night, but your mother was staying with you and you didn't want her to simply just eat plain old bread.
You turned your head, trying to see who said your name. You caught the sight of pink hair followed by a familiar face. You smiled when you saw it was someone you knew, the wary feeling you had faded away.
"Oh hello, Coby!" you greeted your friend, relaxing your arms and holding your basket in front of you in a lady-like manner.
The two of you conversed in a light conversation, catching up and sharing a few laughs. You felt better in Coby's presence, and you were glad you ran into him. Sadly, time stopped for no one, and you needed to get the rest of the items on the list before you headed home.
"Well, it was pleasant chatting with you, Coby," you told him, shifting your basket to your side. "But I must be going."
"Uh- uhhh- wait! Uh- before you go... I- I wanted to ask if- if you wanted to go out sometime." His cheeks flush bright red when as he asked you.
"Sure." You smiled.
"Really?" Coby beamed, lighting up brighter than the sun.
"Mhm." You nodded your head then waved. "See you around, Coby."
"Bye [Y/n]." He waved back, smiling like a fool. Coby watched you walk away until you were out of sight before he turned around and cheered. "Yes!" Happily, Coby skipped away, too busy being on cloud nine to pay attention to his surroundings, and the strings dangling around him.
"Apples are getting so expensive these days," you mumbled as you left the market, glancing at the said fruit in your basket.
You had forgotten about the wariness you felt earlier ever since you talked to Coby. Your mind had been so occupied, gathering the food and making sure to return home before sundown. You never gave the sense a second thought, that was until you turned to take a shortcut between two houses and you felt the eyes return.
You frantically looked in all directions to see if anyone was watching you. You were certain another person lurked around, you just felt it and were unsettled by it. However, there were only two directions you could go, forward or back. Both showed no signs of someone there. Looking over your shoulder one last time, you sighed.
"I'm just being paranoid," you told yourself then took a step forward, bumping into someone.
"Ah!" You jumped back, startled by the sudden appearance of the tall man. Looking up to his face, you turned ghost pale. There standing in front of you was the infamous Donquixote Doflamingo. "Wha... I'm- I'm sorry for bumping into you."
"Don't be, little birdie~" Doflamingo purred, lifting a hand to your cheek but you stepped away.
"I'll just be on my way the-" You tried to walk away but got cut off as he trapped you between him and the building behind you.
"You're not going anywhere," he stated in a sly yet hostel tone. "You're going to come live with me."
"I- I can't- I have-have to care of so-"
"Your mother right?" Doflamingo asked, his smirk increasing in size. Your level of fear only grew, wondering how he knew. "Don't worry, we're going to come by to pick her up, and you're going to cooperate with me."
"And what makes you think I'll do anything you say?" You questioned, eyes glancing to find an opportunity to escape.
"Oh, you will because I know how much you love your dear mother. It'd be a shame for her to end up like your pink-haired friend."
"Pink-haired... Coby? What happened to Coby?"
The tall blond stepped aside to let you see the horrific sight behind him. There, hung from multiple strings and flesh blood stained all over, was Coby. You gasped and went in front of him, reaching out to him but pulled your hand back when you saw his lifeless eyes.
"As an addition to moving in with me, you will no longer interact with any man outside of the family," Doflamingo interrupted your sorrowful daze. "Do I make myself clear?"
Never in your life have you ever felt so helpless.
@undercoverweeeb did request a Yandere Doflamingo
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