#we're getting somewhere with this werewolf fic
ragnarokhound · 1 year
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49 notes · View notes
thebestofoneshots · 1 month
Gilded Constellations | (wolfstar x reader)
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 7.9 K Warnings: none Prompt: Let's see how Vixen and the boys will fare after the preparations of the prank... This IS a Wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it. Proofread by lovely @aremuslupinsimp
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Chapter 61: Mr. Blue Sky
“Shhhh,” Sirius whispered as Remus opened the door. He was holding your sleepy frame by the waist. Remus had been the one to carry you from the tower back to the common room, but he had accidentally stepped on a wobbly step on the stairs and almost face planted along with you a couple of minutes ago.
Thankfully, Sirius had been quick to sit right in front of the two, breaking most of your fall. The fact that Remus had stretched one of his hands to keep himself up had been of huge help, but it had also made them end up in a rather awkward position. Sirius leaning back against the stairs, you on his chest, sandwiched right in between him and Remus, whose hands were one on the steps, and the other around your waist, respectively.
“They ought to fix that fucking step,” Remus murmured after he cleared his throat. 
Sirius just smiled. “I don’t know, I rather like what it’s done to us,” he retorted. Remus would have probably smacked him if it weren’t for the fact that both of his hands were busy maintaining the structure and stability of the position they’d ended up in. Sirius leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on his temple before he helped him stand back up. 
He was moving you over to him when Remus held his hand up. “Wait, wait,” he whispered. Tentatively leaning on his foot, “shit, no–“ he finished while shaking his head. “Can you take her the rest of the way?” 
“You okay?” Sirius asked with a small frown. Your head was leaning on his shoulder and your breath was almost ticklish against his neck, but he was worried about Remus nonetheless. 
“Yeah, just. Probably a sprain or something,” Moony said as he attempted to lean on his foot again and winced. “Hurts though.” 
“Want me to help you up?” 
“Pads, you’re strong. But there’s no way in hell you carry Vixen and a 90-pound werewolf at the same time.” 
“But I have magic,” Sirius said as he pulled his wand out and raised his eyebrows. Remus gave him a look, something between amused and scared and then shook his head. 
“Just bring her up, it’s not that bad.” 
“If you say so,”  Sirius retorted with a shrug, that he later regretted because you groaned in your sleep. 
“If you wake her up, I’ll hit you.” 
“That’s domestic abuse!” Sirius complained. 
“If anything it’d be animal abuse,” retorted Remus and took a few steps ahead, trying to hide his wince as he stepped on his bad foot. “She probably slept like shit these past few days.” 
Sirius sighed, trying not to think of you alone in that inn, sleeping inside Rem’s jumper near the fire because you missed them both terribly so, but had resulted in staying far, for their sake. “I know,” he sighed and pulled you up bridal style as he walked behind Moony, keeping his eye on the boy’s foot to ensure it wouldn’t give in under his weight.
Once they got to the door, Remus opened it with a spell as Sirius shushed him since you were still stirring in your sleep. Sirius thought it was kind of a miracle that you hadn’t awoken by then since you had rather light sleep, but it was true, you’d had quite a rough day, and he just assumed that was the reason.
Remus pushed on the door and looked inside. “They’re not here yet,” he whispered. “You think they got stuck somewhere? Caught?” 
Sirius shook his head. “They’re probably hiding because of the ghost looking for them. They won’t be back soon, I think.” 
Remus hummed in return, and opened the door fully, allowing Sirius and you to get in. Sirius walked straight towards Remus’ bed and gently dropped you in the middle. 
“I guess we can just share your bed,” Remus said as he took off his jumper and jeans, to change into his pyjamas.  
“Like shit,” Sirius said. “We’re all gonna sleep together.” 
“She’s asleep, we can’t just snuggle up to her!” 
“Like we haven’t done it before?”  Sirius asked with narrowed eyes as he stared at Moony.
“That was different,” Remus said. “You were a dog, she was a fox. I’ve never cuddled her, only Vix.”
“Because she turns into Vixen before invading your bed every single time…” Sirius retorted sarcastically.
Remus sighed, it’s not that he didn’t want to cuddle you, heck he had dreamed of sleeping next to you and Sirius for the longest time, but it was as if he wanted you to want it too. He wanted you to ask him to cuddle you, rather than just impose the cuddles while you were asleep.
“What if she gets upset over it in the morning, huh?” 
“Would you be upset if the two of us jumped into your bed and cuddled you all night?” 
“Of course not! But it’s different, she’s a girl!” 
Sirius tried not to laugh, and he had to cover his mouth to stop the snigger from spreading through the entire room. “Are you for real?”
“And you’ve been dating for longer, I just got here and–” 
“Hey!” Sirius when he noticed Moony was overthinking, leaning closer and placing a hand on his bicep, squeezing gently to get his attention. Moony took a second to focus on the boy’s eyes and Sirius was patient, only speaking again when he was sure Remus was paying attention to him. “We want you with us,” he reassured. “The two of us” -he assented slowly- “we’ve wanted you for a while, we just hadn’t realised it.” 
“Sure she won’t mind?” Remus pressed. Sirius smirked, and kneeled on the floor next to the bed, levelling his head to your sleeping frame. “Wait–” Remus said once he realised what he was about to do. “Sirius wait–” 
But it was too late, Sirius had already placed his hand on your face and pulled some of your hair behind your ear –in a rather similar way to the one he had used when you had been in his arms after that dreadful night– Remus realised. Remembering just how eager you had been to stay on the bed, with him, not as Vixen, but as yourself. Perhaps you really had cuddled before. He was about to stop Sirius with his newfound reasoning, but the boy was already whispering something to you. 
“Hey Starshine,” he said softly, there was a warm smile spreading across his face. “Étoile,” he insisted after not getting a response. 
You open your eyes, sleepily, looking at him and then closing them again. “Yeah?” you mumbled.
“Do you mind if Moony and I cuddle up to you?” 
“But we need to get to the room,” you said, voice sleepy, some words dragging closer to the other. 
Sirius laughed. “We’re already here, we had to carry you,” he said softly. “You fell asleep in the middle of the prank.” 
“No, I didn’t,” you retorted in a mumble. “You were taking too long placing the bombs in the tower.” 
Remus suppressed a laugh when he noticed the small frown that was etched on the boy’s features. “That–” Sirius was about to argue but stopped himself. “Never mind… so, it’s okay if Rem and I cuddle you?” 
You didn’t respond, instead, you extended your hand trying to find him and started pulling him towards you. Sirius smiled and pulled Remus, who had already changed towards himself and changed places with him quickly. That’s when you managed to get a good hold of his arm and pulled him as strongly as your sleepy self managed to. Remus smiled and helped you by pulling the covers and joining you on the bed. Sirius was smiling as he looked at the two and pulled his jacket off. You looked so cute getting all comfortable with each other that he almost didn’t want to go to the bathroom in case he missed anything.
Eventually, Remus had settled on the bed, and you had gotten yourself comfortable on him. Yes, on him. You had half of your body on top of his, much like Vixen did when she cuddled with Remus. “You’re not Sirius,” you mumbled as you dug your head into the crook of his neck, feeling the comforting smell of chocolate and books.  
Remus was taken aback by that, all of a sudden he felt like an intruder, and he started squirming under you. “Sorry,” he rushed out. “Sorry, I’ll call him, wait–” he tried to push you off him.
“No!” you mumbled and pulled him closer again. “I like that it’s you,” you added, your smile tickling the skin of his neck. “You’re really good with cuddles.” 
Remus sighed, a relieved smile curving the tip of his lips upwards. “Yeah?” 
“Mhm,” you confirmed and accommodated yourself further. “Did I ever tell you that you have really nice hands?” you slurred. 
“My hands?” Remus asked as he looked at his palm. “You hadn’t.” 
“Should have,” you said and hummed when you felt one gently running through your back. 
“Thought you said you didn’t want to take advantage of her while she was sleeping,” Sirius said as he stepped out of the bathroom. Remus had to do a double take when he realised Sirius had walked out completely shirtless, and Sirius upon noticing, smirked and pulled his eyebrows up teasingly. “Like what you see?”  
“You’re not sleeping like that,” Remus said as he threw one of his shirts in Sirius’ face. 
“Such a wet blanket,” the boy retorted as he put on Rem’s shirt. It smelled as great as Remus did, but he wasn’t going to let him know that he thought that. In a second he was on the bed as well, opting to lay by your side –technically it was the only available bit– and cuddling up to you, making you end up even closer to Remus than you had been before– if that was even possible. 
“Wait,” Remus said, moving upwards a little and causing you to groan and push him back down. 
“Reeem,” you whined, dragging out the “e” on his name childishly since you were still asleep. Sirius leaned on his elbows just to look at the sort of face his lover had made, he bit his lips, holding back a smirk when he noticed the slight blush creeping up Remus’ neck. If you saying his name made Remus feel anything close to what it made him feel, then dear Moony, might have just gotten himself in a lot of trouble. But the good kind of trouble. 
“Sorry, Luv,” he said as he leaned his head a little closer to yours. “I mean,” he whispered, now trying to look over you and at Sirius, “what if Peter comes? And sees us? Sees me with the two of you…”  
“We’ll just say it’s a dog thing,” Sirius said with a diverted shrug. And then looked towards the boy’s crotch that same smirk now spreading across his lips. “If it’s because of a different kind of problem then–” 
“Oh please,” Remus scoffed.
“Just saying,” Sirius shrugged and allowed himself to lay back on the bed, the smirk on his lips not wavering as he pulled his hands behind his head. “If she were to move that leg just a little to the right–” 
The boy laughed, he had such a beautiful laugh, it was hard for Remus not to want to laugh along with him. “Just saying, I wouldn’t blame you. In fact, I think I could even help you.” 
“Help me? How on earth would you even–” The words died out in his mouth as he realised what Sirius had meant, his blush becoming even more evident now, not that Sirius was looking at it anymore, he had closed his eyes and had a rather satisfied smile on his face. 
“I mean, I’m not sure how it works with boys, but you know I can be very creative,” he added suggestively. “Just the other day, back when you busted in on us, I was doing just that and–”  
“Stop flirting, I’m tired!” You reprimanded, as you pulled one of your hands, searching for Sirius’ mouth and placing it on top of it. 
Sirius mumbled something inaudible and it was Remus’ turn to smirk, “Yeah Sirius, stop trying to get in my pants, Vixen’s trying to sleep.” 
Sirius would have scoffed if your hand hadn’t been on top of his mouth. Instead, he pressed a soft kiss to it and killed the lights with a small wave of his wand. You smiled satisfied at his actions and finally took your hand from his mouth, just sliding it down and allowing it to rest below his jaw, your fingers gently playing with the curly strands from the nape of his neck. 
Sirius smiled and leaned a little closer so your hand had better access to his hair. He wanted to get cuddles from Remus too, but perhaps it was too soon. There was a huge difference between joking about getting on his pants and actually doing it. Especially when he –unlike Remus– had no experience in that realm. He had never held a cock that wasn’t his own. Well, that and James’ but that had been an accident and both of them promised never to talk about it afterwards. 
Remus really, had not been thinking of that last night. In fact, he was so tired after the day he’d had that he had fallen asleep almost instantly. Unlike Sirius who spent way too much time thinking about how things would go around in a boy x boy relationship. He ended up concluding that he’d have to ask someone about it. Luckily, he knew exactly the right person to ask. And no, he had not gone for the logical answer –Remus– but instead he’d gone for the second most logical answer, the only other gay person he knew, Tom Harrow. He’d figured your relationship out already, why not contribute a little further? Besides, Sirius did not want to admit it but he really didn’t want to be the inexperienced one in the relationship. He had never been the inexperienced one and he was not about to start now. 
Regardless of how long it had taken Sirius to fall asleep, he had woken up without an issue, in fact, it was Remus the one that was trying to hide his issue, as you stirred, your leg actually close now. 
“Little Witch,” he muttered as he tried to move you a little to the side. Everyone else was asleep. He could hear Sirius’ soft breaths and Peter’s light snoring from the bed opposite. Least they didn’t get caught, he thought as he remembered Sir Pendragon chasing after them both with all his might.
Now though, he was the one that might get caught, and while you would have probably been understanding, he was certain he wouldn’t live it down if Sirius noticed. Not because he wasn’t understanding, but rather because he definitely wouldn’t miss the opportunity to tease him. Thankfully, he was kind of asleep. Unfortunately, you weren’t all that much. 
“Morning,” you mumbled with a soft smile as you propped your chin over your hand and looked up at him. You had a clear view of his sharp jawline and the very light stubble growing across his neck. You had never realised before that he had one, he probably shaved every day. 
He swallowed and adjusted himself to keep your legs as far from his crotch as it was possible –not that much was possible, not with Sirius still pushing you against him, even as he slept. Heck, he’d swore another Godric-damned person fitted on the space Sirius wasn’t occupying. “Morning,” he retorted, the raspy and slightly deeper undertone he had in the morning was as adorable as you remembered.
You yawned, “Did you really carry me all the way from the tower?” You asked. 
“Mhm,” he responded. You turned your head, it was still pretty dark outside, which meant it was either still the middle of the night, or ridiculously early. 
“It’s 4,” Remus said when he noticed you eyeing the window. You groaned and buried your head on his chest, you grumbled something there too, but it was muffled by his shirt. “You can stay here all you want,” he offered, getting the gist of the complaining mumbles. 
“No, I cannot,” you said as you turned your head. “I’m going to have to fly with Prongs and Puppy.” 
“I doubt either of them will want to wake up.” 
“But we have to,” you insisted. “It’ll be suspicious if we didn’t. They’ll think we might be behind the prank,” you added as you accommodated yourself. You didn’t miss the almost hiss coming from Rem. “Sorry…” you said while you turned to him again. “Want me to get off? I’m not sure what came over me yesterday.” 
“No, don’t worry about it,” he said with a smile, still his voice sounded a little strained. “You were sleepy.” 
“Yeah but– I’ve never been sleepy like that. Only that time with the potion you borrowed, I’d even say it felt like I’d taken something similar,” you said thoughtfully. “By Melin! That’s it! It must have been the Mooncalf milk!” 
“What?” He asked with a confused frown. He’d had dinner with you and he didn’t remember any Mooncalf milk in the Great Hall. In fact, he hadn’t even seen you drink milk. 
“You know how me and the girls had Oreos last night?” you said as you started to draw simple circles over his chest. “Well Lily and Mary were convinced we had to have milk with them, but it was pretty late and I was not about to suggest we sneak out to get some from the kitchen to the sweetest little prefect we have–” 
“Thought that was me,” Remus teased with an eyebrow raised as he turned his gaze back on you. 
You smiled, leaned up to him and pressed a quick kiss to his jaw, “I’m sorry, this is Lily Evans we’re talking about.” 
“Should I be jealous? I mean she’s a redhead…” 
“Nah, she’s taken already,” you replied equally teasingly. He scoffed playfully at that, and after a moment of silence, you knew it was time to continue your tale. “Anyway, I remembered I had a spell for transfiguring water into milk.” 
“Oh, no! You know how hard it is to transfigure food!” 
“It’s not like we were trying to make wine,” you retorted, “just milk.... The first time it was terrible, it was too sour to even drink, so we tried again–” 
“Well, it was good! Lily’s brilliant at transfig.”  
“Well, both Marlene and I agreed that it tasted an awful lot like Mooncalf milk, so maybe there was something off with the spell, I don’t know… Now that I think about it though, Mary and Marlene were soundly sleeping way faster than they would have on a normal basis,” you yawned, your eyes closing down again. “How come every time I’m intoxicated with a potion I end up with you, or thinking about you.” 
“What do you mean every time? It’s only been twice. My painkillers and today…” 
You shook your head as you yawned, perhaps the sleepiness hadn’t worn off entirely. “No, it was three, you missed the horny potion at the Slug Party.” 
“I beg your pardon?” he said, turning to you again. “You’re telling me you stopped James from drinking a horny potion through those snacks?” 
“I’ve saved his ass more times than he can count.” You nodded. “I mean imagine if he had gotten a boner in the middle of the party, Lily would have been outraged, it would have been so inappropriate!” 
Like the one Remus was trying to hide right then? Would you also consider that one inappropriate?
Remus cleared his throat, “Yeah, totally.” 
Which is why it was rather unfortunate for him that you caught the nervous tone in which he had answered almost in an instant. You turned to him. “Oh, don’t tell me you’ve gotten one in the middle of a party.” 
“I won’t,” he said resolutely. 
You huffed. “That kind of just makes me think you have,” you said with a small frown and he chuckled, the rumbling of his chest beneath you making you feel quite at ease. 
He could have gone on and told you it was kind of hard to control sometimes –like for example right at that moment– but you looked way too sleepy for a male anatomy lesson. So instead he leaned over and pressed a soft kiss on the crown of your hair. The familiar smell he had yearned for, doing one too many things for him. “Shouldn’t you start getting up?” 
“No,” you said and clung to him a little more. 
“What about flying?” 
You groaned childishly at that, you knew he was right, you knew you had to get up, but it didn’t make you want to do it any more than you previously did. Remus was warm and big and comforting, you didn’t want to switch it for the bitter cold you’d feel once you were outside flying. Even with warming spells, his cuddles were better. 
“I’m gonna start thinking you want to get rid of me,” you joked with a pout.
“You’re the one that mentioned flying in the first place, not me,” he retorted. “For all I care we stay here and become suspects number one of the prank. I mean, if we all end up in detention together, I win more time with you.” 
“Ugh, that’s so mushy!” 
“Not my fault you fell in love with the mushy werewolf.” 
“It is,” Sirius mumbled, half awake now. “Happens to you because you’re so handsome.” 
You smiled when you noticed Remus’ heart pace increase, even if it was just slightly. And then you heard Peter stir on his bed, remembering he didn’t know yet. “Did you guys put a silencing spell around us?”
“No,” Sirius said with a frown. Rem shook his head. 
You sighed, “And here I thought the werewolf and his best friend would be a lot better at keeping their secrets,” you joked and finally pushed yourself off Remus, the covers sliding almost completely off him as you did, and he was quick as hell when he pulled them back over his mid-drift. But Sirius noticed, to Remus’ later dismay. 
You were now lying right in between the two, Sirius had been forced to scoot over just a bit as you wiggled for some more space. Your wand was somewhere with your coat, so you grabbed Sirius from the table and cast a silencing spell. You yawned and stretched before you sat up on the bed and rubbed your eyes awake. The window was still pretty dark, and it wasn’t helping you become any more resolute to get up, not when your two boyfriends were lying on either side of you, both stupidly cuddleable and warm. 
“Who cares if we get caught,” Sirius mumbled as he tried to pull you towards him by the waist. 
“Well I don’t want to be cleaning the boys’ bathrooms ever again,” you said as you took hold of his hand, pulling it from your waist, but keeping it wrapped in yours. “The smell… sometimes I have nightmares of that,” you added in an overly exaggerated dramatic tone.
“Yeah, sure,” Sirius said as he pulled you by your hand with a lot more strength, causing you to collapse between them again. He leaned to you with a small smile on his face, “Not even if you get all the cuddles in exchange?” 
“Not even then,” you retorted with a smile and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “Come on, at least let’s go there for a few minutes, make sure someone sees us being obnoxious in the air, and then we come back to sleep.” 
“You’re so not going to want to come back after flying,” he said with a pout. He knew you well enough, after practice adrenaline was all over your body, you had never once fallen asleep after, except for that one time you had been drugged.
“Come on,” you said as you leaned over yourself and pressed another short kiss to his lips. “Help me out.” 
Sirius huffed but helped you cross over him to get out of bed. He noticed as you walked to the bathroom, Moony’s lingering stare and his shifting his hips again. 
“You alright there, little Moony?” he asked with a smirk, looking at the bathroom door before turning to Remus.
Remus cleared his throat, “Mhm.” 
“Oh, I wasn’t talking to you,” Sirius smirked and nodded towards his lover’s crotch. “Someone woke first, and it was neither you, nor me.” 
Remus’ eyes opened widely when he realised Sirius had figured him out, a sharp, but almost silent intake of breath along with it. Sirius just wiggled his eyebrows, the smile never leaving his face. Remus shut his eyes in a wince and then brought his hands up to cover it. “Please don’t mention it.” 
“Mention what? Your boner?” Sirius said nonchalantly.
“Sirius!” Remus grumbled, his voice muffled by his hands. 
“If it makes you feel better, I think she didn’t notice,” he added. 
Remus just kept shaking his head, drowning in his own embarrassment. Why wouldn’t it just… subdue? 
“And we are going to leave too, so you can take care of it while we’re gone,” Sirius added, the devilish smile on his lips being slapped off by the pillow Remus had thrown at his face. “You’re very aggressive,” he complained. And Remus huffed in return. When you walked out of the bathroom you already had your flying clothes on. Sirius smiled when he noticed you, until he noticed you were walking towards James’ bed, and not towards him. 
“Oi, Prongs, wake up!” you said as you nudged him with your wand. “This time I’ll make it rain instead of snow.” 
 James groaned about you being a terrible friend and threw you a rather disgruntled look when he opened his eyes. “Do you even know what time we got here?” he asked. 
“After us but before now,” you said with a shrug. “You can tell me all about it while we’re doing laps.” James shook his head. “Prongs, it was especially hard to get out of my bed, it was really fucking warm and comfortable–” 
“Bet,” he retorted with a smirk and teasing eyebrow wiggle. He might have been sleepy, but he was always ready to tease. 
You rolled your eyes and scoffed, “I’m not gonna beg, Prongs. You either get out of bed and we go flying, or I go flying, and you become suspect number one. You know I can already imagine Maggie asking me where you were in the morning and me having to feign ignorance by telling her you and Pups stood me up.” 
“Just him,” Sirius said as he stood from the bed. “I’m ready to go.” 
James groaned one more time before he shook the covers off, “I get the feeling this is revenge for the times I’ve woken you early.” 
Sirius stood just behind you with a little smirk. “And she’s got all the right to do so,” he said as he thought of all the times James had hauled him out of bed for practice. Especially in year two when he was determined to make it into the quidditch team and forced Sirius to go flying every single day (including weekends).
James threw him an intimidating look, slightly similar to the one you had done back when you had been polyjuiced into him, and it was almost as terrifying as yours. You were certain it would have made anyone backtrack at least a few centimetres, anyone except for the marauders, at least…
Sirius obviously wasn’t fazed. He just retorted the look with a small pout and then pulled out his tongue. James got up in an instant, thinking perhaps that could intimidate him, but neither you nor him moved an inch. On the other hand, you looked down and pointed towards his boxers, “Nice undies,” you said with a sneaky smile. 
James turned his head downward and realised he’d been wearing the ironic, but ridiculously comfortable snitched-patterned boxers Monty had gotten him for Christmas. 
“Bet Lily would love them,” you added just to tease him further and he turned to you with a mortified expression. 
“I’ll go change,” he said and disappeared into the bathroom.
“You forgot your clothes, loser,” Sirius shouted and picked up some clothes from James’ trunk and threw them his way when he opened the door of the bedroom. 
“Thanks, Padfoot!” he said before he closed the door again. 
Sirius sighed and walked over to his own trunk, pulling some clothes and shamelessly stripping in the middle of the room. It’s not that any of the people in there had never seen him only in his underwear –or without it– but Remus seemed to be rather done with Sirius when he threw his shirt towards his face. You turned to look at Peter’s bed, just to make sure he was still sleeping before you sighed and shook your head. We have to tell him soon, you thought. Your boyfriends were kind of terrible at being discreet.
James was out of the bathroom in a few minutes and the three of you left the room shortly after, you with the cloak, in case anyone saw you walking out of the boy’s common room. Thankfully, as it was with most mornings at 4:30 AM, the Gryffindor Tower Hallways were empty. 
Once you were in the common room you took off the cloak and placed it and folded neatly before placing it in Steve’s closet. Now that most students knew what awaited them inside, it had become the best place to hide things that you didn’t want people to take. Not that you didn’t add a small locking charm on the drawer you placed it in for good measure. 
The three of you walked outside of the common room not without greeting Lady McDougal as if you hadn’t seen her since last night. 
“Morning!” you said with a smile. “How did you sleep?” 
She narrowed her eyes on you. “There were people coming in and out of the common room with invisibility spells,” she responded in a rather accusatory tone. 
“Oh, what a terrible thing,” you replied with a pout. “And the Prefects?” 
She scoffed, “Oh the Prefects. One of those Slytherin prefects was here slandering all the portraits last night, even Nigellus Black was mad at him, and you know how he is with people from his house!” She said, her tone changing from an accusatory to a higher pitched, gossipy one in almost an instant.
“Yeah?” you asked with a smile, leaning closer as if to hear her better. Sirius side-eyed you while James looked genuinely interested –he hadn’t been there. 
“Mhm,” she said with a nod. “He was calling us old, and loud, and all sorts of nasty things. It was that long-haired boy with the disagreeable face, nothing like our beautiful Sirius.” 
Sirius positively beamed at being called beautiful, especially since he had been a “troublemaker” just a couple of hours ago. 
“Snape,” James sneered. He had disliked the boy for a long time, but ever since that time at the Slug Party where he had called Lily a slur (for the second time) his dislike had grown into outright hatred. Not that any of you blamed him for it, Snape really was an asshole most of the time. Even Evan and Barty had something to say for them –and you never in your life, thought you’d be saying something like that. 
“Oh yes, that must be him,” Lady McDougal added. “Terrible I say, he woke every single portrait in the Grand Staircase, some are still trying to regain some of their lost sleep,” she said as she nodded towards an old sailor who was nodding off with a smoke pipe in his mouth.
You shook your head as you stared as if you completely disproved what Snape had done –the hypocrisy of you being the cause had Sirius biting his tongue not to laugh. “Don’t worry Lady McDougal, I’m sure he’ll pay for his transgressions.” 
“Well, I believe Nigellus already went to talk to Professor Slughorn about it, he’s definitely going to get detention for it.” 
“As he should,” James said resolutely, and now it was you the one biting your tongue not to laugh.
Afterwards, the three of you bid your goodbyes to her and walked towards the storage unit at the pitch to get some balls for practice. Your hand was still slightly sore from a couple of days ago so James spared you from doing any of your normal keeper training and instead had you speed flying since you had always been so good at it. 
You had been right, the cold was bitter and it was not nearly as comfortable as cuddling your boyfriends on the bed but it was as exhilarating as it had always been. The sharp wind hitting your face as you cut through the air was like getting recharged. The sleepiness from before dissolving into the very air you were surging through. 
You did a few laps around the Ravenclaw tower, partly because it was the thickest and partly because you knew the Ravenclaws woke up rather early, so there would be more than one witness that the three of you had been out there doing your daily morning flights. James and Sirius were beating a bludger back and forth and even got shouted at by an older Ravenclaw who seemed rather done with their obnoxiousness. 
“Sorry mate,” James said as he shot the bludger away from their tower, Sirius flew towards it and managed to throw it back towards James that had now moved towards the owlery instead. You smiled and decided to fly that way as well. You had some treats for Reese in your pockets and thought it would be a good idea to surprise him in the morning. James turned to you with a confused gaze as you landed on the sill and climbed over the railing. 
“Vixen?” He asked turning to look at you for a second before turning back to look at the bludger that was rather fast, walking towards his face and beating it away.
“Just gonna feed Reese!” you shouted back, now you were behind the railing, and walking inside the small tower. 
You already knew Reese’ spot, so you walked straight towards it and pulled out some treats from your pocket. You had to pull your wand out first, and that’s when you heard a loud shriek. A large white owl, opened its wings and plummeted towards you. Luckily you were quick enough to get out of the way. The owl crashed onto the ground and spun until he managed to get up. Reese’s food had ended up on the floor and a few other owls had now flown to pick it up, but the white owl seemed angry, he was looking at you as he continued to cry, now opening his wings in a rather threatening manner, although he wasn’t flying towards you. 
“Hey,” you said with a conciliating tone. You weren’t particularly good with animals, but you had never been bad either. You remembered Solacis (who was really interested in owls) had once mentioned a bad fall could badly hurt them, and you were scared that your getting out of the way –even if it was to protect yourself– would end up hurting the owl. “Hey,” you repeated, “It’s okay. Do you want some food? Is that it?” you asked as you pulled some food from your pockets. 
The owl leaned closer, and you thought he was a lot calmer until he bit your finger in the most vicious bite you had ever gotten from an owl. “Oi!” you complained as you tried to shake him off, but he seemed relentless. “Please! I mean no harm,” you repeated. Your hand was trembling as you tried to pry him off with the other, but he was using his feet to try and claw at you. Thankfully your protection equipment was thick enough. 
That’s when you noticed whose owl it was. You faltered, as you stared at it. He bit deeper and you allowed him without complaining anymore. “I’m sorry,” you said then, knowing why he had gotten so viciously mad at you. You probably would have too. You closed your eyes and tried to place some images into the small owl head with some inverted legilimency. The same you had used on Arkalis Rosier. 
The owl looked at you confused, his bite finally softening. 
“Desmaius!” James said a bolt of light left his wand. 
“No wait!” you said, but the spell had already hit the owl, and she had fallen, knocked out on the floor. The rest of the owls seemed to be genuinely offended at James’ actions and were now all altered and flying straight towards him. Some were pulling at his hair, making it even messier than normal while others were straight-up clawing at him. He was batting his arms all around himself as he tried to pry them off. The only owls not getting involved were Reese and the Potter’s owl. Even Lily’s owl seemed to be angry at James, but he was just screeching from his spot. 
You sighed, picked up the white owl in your hands and ran towards James as a small owl clawed at his eyebrow. You grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him out, the owls following the two of you. “We need to get out!” you shouted as you handed him his broom and crossed over the railing, white owl still in your hands. 
The owls were just behind, still screeching and following James. “Quick, on your broom, Prongs!” you shouted, and he did as told. You mounted yours right after him and held tight with one hand as you tried to steady the other owl on the other. 
“Why are you bringing that beast with you?” he asked. Your finger was still bleeding from its bite. The blood made the injury seem a lot worse than it actually was. Especially since you had wiped some of it on your hand.  
“Because he’s not bad!” you retorted as the two of you started to fly away, the owls seemed rather insistent on following the two of you. 
Sirius, who was soaring just behind a tower, smiled when he spotted you, “Hey guys, why are you–” he started, and then he noticed the angry flock of birds flying behind the two with determination. He gasped and quickly caught up. 
“What the hell did you do to the owls?” He shouted as he managed to catch up with you. 
“He stunned one of them,” you replied. 
“What the fuck, Prongs?” 
“He was biting her!” He retorted in defence, the three of you picking up the pace as the owls shrieked behind you. The same Ravenclaw dude opened his window to tell you off but shut it immediately when he noticed the angry owls chasing behind you. 
“I had it under control,” you retorted. “Follow me,” you added before Sirius could complain and then took a sharp turn, straight towards the forest, you thought perhaps you could lose them there. The two boys did as told. You shut your eyes and tried to concentrate on those half-transfigurations as you entered the forest. A few owls left before even flying inside the forest, and you managed to lose the rest of them after a few minutes. When you were sure they weren’t following, you slowed down the pace and landed. 
The three of you were panting, Sirius’ hair was a mess of unruly curls, James’ face was badly gashed and your hand was still bleeding. 
“You should have left that beast there!” he said with a frown, which caused him to wince shortly after. 
“She’s hurt!” 
“Is that the one that bit her?” Sirius asked as he noticed his red-stained beak. 
“YES!” James added, exasperated.
“He had a good reason,” you retorted. Both boys looked at you like you were insane. “I–“ you breathed, “I have her master’s wand,” you finished. 
“Nina’s owl,” James said, almost in a whisper. 
You nodded. “She hasn’t seen Nina in days, she’s probably scared and lost, and then she saw me wielding her wand, she must have thought I–” you sighed, “She must have thought I took it from her, by force.”
Sirius gave you an apprehensive look.  
“Her name is Nieve,” you added. “Nina got her as a birthday present last year, she asked me how to say Snow in different languages, and picked the Spanish one. Besides, I think she hurt herself when she tried to attack me and clashed on the floor. It must be her wing.” 
Sirius wished he was surprised that you took the owl even after it bit you, but it was something you would do. “You’ll bring her back to your room?” James asked.
“I think so,” you retorted, thinking if you could get help for it. Taking Nieve to Kettleburn didn’t seem like the best idea, but bothering Pomfrey with an owl didn’t seem too wise either. Not when she would care more about your bitten finger and James’ cheek. “Sirius, could I have your handkerchief?” you asked. 
He handed it over and you quickly wrapped it around your finger. You walked out of the forest and towards the Gryffindor tower. Some of the portraits –the ones that weren’t asleep– threw you some judging looks. And by the time you were in front of Lady McDougal, they were already whispering amongst themselves. And it was probably because the three of you looked like an absolute mess. 
“My goodness, did you three fight with Pixies while you were out flying?” 
“Just owls,” you said as you motioned towards Nieve, still knocked out in your hands. 
She pouted at you, “Password?”
James answered this time around and the three of you were allowed inside the common room. Lily was already awake, and working on some homework with Remus when she spotted you. 
“What the hell?” She asked, approaching you, looking at Sirius’ blood-stained handkerchief and then at James. “Jamie,” she said reproachingly and placed both hands around his face. James leaned down a little bit, clearly basking on her attention. Remus was up and next to the two of you in seconds, only lagging by a small limp that you barely noticed.  
“What the hell happened to you?” 
“We got chased by owls,” you explained with a shrug. Remus stared at the white owl still in your hands.  “We’re fine though.” 
“That does not look fine,” Rem said. You opened your mouth to speak. “If you dare say ‘I’ve had worse’ I will pour Firewhiskey down your gash,” He threatened. 
Sirius smiled at that, took the owl from your hands and created a small pillow nest for him in the middle of the table. 
While he was busy with that, Lily had already sat James down on the sofa and was standing between his legs. She cleaned her wound with some water and cotton, that you had no idea where she’d gotten. All the while Remus was carefully unwrapping Sirius’ handkerchief from your finger. The blood had dried a little and now it was kind of stuck and dry. 
He hissed when he actually saw your wound. “Bloody hell he might as well have bitten your finger off!” 
“She,” you corrected. 
“It was Nieve,” you added as you nodded to the owl. Sirius had already gotten a small bowl with ice-cold water and handed it over for Remus to dip your finger inside of it. 
Remus scoffed, and after your hand was cleaned, he pulled his wand out and pointed at the gush. “This might hurt a little,” he warned and then whispered something. You winced but didn’t make a sound. Your finger was like new in a matter of seconds, not even a scar. “You’ll explain to me why you brought the owl that bit you while we have breakfast,” he said matter of factly. 
“So bossy,” you complained as you curled your finger. 
“Hey, Vix!” James called as he turned his face to yours, you stopped looking at your finger and turned to him. “Lily wants to cure me, but don’t you think I’d look cool with a scar?” 
“You’d look ridiculous,” Lily retorted, almost exasperated. 
“I wouldn’t! Vix thinks Moony’s scars are cool!” 
You smirked. “Oh, they are,” you said reassuringly. “But not everyone’s as handsome as Moony, I’m afraid you can’t pull off the scar look.” 
“Oi!” he complained. “This one looks cool, though!” He added as he pointed at his face.
“You’re absolutely ridiculous, I can’t believe we’re dating,” Lily said exasperatedly and pointed her wand at James’ face. “Ready?” 
“Yeah,” James said with a bit of a pout and got cured by Evans who decided to leave just the faintest of it uncured so he could get an almost invisible scar since she knew James would probably be proud and boastful about it anyway. “Thank you, my heroine,” he said and pursed his lips to get a kiss. 
“What’s this, kiss the nurse?” she asked, diverted. 
“Mhm, to make me feel better. Didn’t you say muggles did that?” 
You smiled, “Yeah, I remember she did.” 
“Don’t you want me to feel better, huh?” James asked with another pout, earning an eye roll, and then a short kiss from Lily. Sirius cheered while Remus whistled. 
“You’re ridiculously childish,” she huffed, looking at the three, including at you who stared at her while you wiggled your eyebrows.
“But you love that about me,” Prongs retorted with a satisfied smile. 
“Come on, let’s get you something to eat,” she said as she pulled him off his seat, and the two of them walked towards the exit. 
“I’ll be expecting that get well soon kiss as well,” you said with a teasing smile as you picked Nieve in your hands, you weren’t sure how you were going to help her, but you were not going to leave her all alone in the common room where she could panic and bite someone else. 
Sirius looked at the empty common room and then at Remus with a knowing look, Remus seemed to understand what he meant perfectly. A second later they were both leaning towards you and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek at the same time. But rather than pulling apart, they both lingered near your neck.
“How is that for a get well soon kiss?” Sirius whispered.
You bit your cheeks in order to keep a smile from spreading. “I don’t know I–”  
Remus had pressed another kiss, but this time just behind your ear, and it was not an innocent peck, he was almost sucking, it made your knees weak.
“You were saying,” Sirius smiled as he kissed the middle of your neck, the spot he already knew made you moan. You felt your knees wanting to buckle underneath you. 
“You coming or what?” James asked as he popped his head back inside. “Oh,” he said when he spotted both Remus and Sirius’ heads buried in your neck, “I guess you might be.” Your eyes shot open as you gasped in disbelief, James snickered. “Just don’t do it in front of the kids,” he added as he nodded towards Nieve. 
Sirius pointed his wand at James and his head disappeared before sparks flew his way.
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Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
TAGLIST: @rayrlupin @callmelovergirl @warcelia @ireneop @endversewinchester @moonyunebi @smuttysluttybitch @mazzymoons @drugs-for-memes @sofiacblair @vmpir3lvr @remuslupinisbae @rabluver @willgrahamisalesbi4n @thatobsessedreader  @itskailey24 @hell0-kittie @belovedmoony @blacksgarden @loving-and-dreaming @cassie-love20 @starchaser-lily @zucchini-queenie @springflwer07 @sseleniaa @cometsghost @orkwardx0 @imdoingbetternow  @sbrewer21 @remuslupinsbae @maxinehufflepuffprincess @wifiatthetrainstation @unstablereader @msblacklupin @oliversaurus @jaylienpotter @remussbitch @hermionelove @izuoyarmin @themarauderswife7 @keira-kaz2y5 @lampthemacarenagod @bugg06 @a-n-1-m-3-f-r-3-4-k @darlingeels @kissmeunicornbaobei i @xluansstuff @boo8008 @angelmixer @voteforintensedreams @allons-y-molly @aremuslupinsimp @imaginexred @writingshae @nyanwyn @poetrypirate @crazyhorseforgot @saturnhas82moons @ryeyeyer @mothraantics @maqqiekwon @desikudisworld @pastelorangeskies @barking4you @profoundpidgeon @nagareboshi-chiyo @x4ramyluv
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five-and-dimes · 4 months
Dimes/Cheshyr Dreamling Week Masterpost
Oh hi. Didn't see ya there. In honor of Dreamling Week 2024 I am finally compiling my Dreamling fics (which is... all my Sandman fics lol) into a nice convenient masterpost.
Enjoy my excessive hurt/comfort shenanigans:
Your Eyes Slay Me Suddenly (King/Knight AU, 5.8k words) Hob is a knight for King Morpheus, and while they're clearly into each other, Morpheus has some secrets getting in the way.
Run Away (But We're Running in Circles) (Canon Divergence, 10.8k words) Dream isn't really loved- there are just people in his life who love everyone. Hob and co. work hard to prove him wrong.
Off Book (Human AU, Explicit, 890 words) Dream knows that every interaction has a script, even if the words he's supposed to say aren't really what he wants.
As You Always Were (Human AU, 2k words) Hob is finally coming out to his boyfriend. It goes... different than he expected.
Unsung Lullabies (Canon Divergence, 30.7k words) Hob is tasked with watching Dream after he is turned into a small child. In the process, he learns a lot about the things that shaped his lover into who he is as an adult.
A White Blank Page (Canon Divergence, 4.3k words) Hob lashes out at Dream, but it's hard to apologize when Dream thinks he's done nothing wrong.
Mountain Sounds (Vampire/Werewolf AU, 6.3k words) There are many who think it's wrong for a vampire and a werewolf to be together, and so they try to tear them apart. They go about it the wrong way.
Next to Nothing (Retired Dream, 6k words) Dream thinks his difficulties as a new human are a personal failing. Determined not to burden Hob with his struggles, he ends up hiding things he shouldn't.
Undisclosed Desires (Canon Divergence, Explicit, 4.7k words) Hob learns that Dream has never experienced receiving oral sex. He decides to fix that problem immediately.
100 Years of Drowning (So What's a Few More?) (Canon Divergence, 4.8k words) Dream doesn't think it's necessary for Hob to know the details of his imprisonment, even if it makes some things harder. That's all fine and well until Hob wants to shower together.
Sloom (Canon Divergence, 5.2k words) Hob wants to meet Dream's family, and Dream fears the consequences of Hob learning that the other Endless are so much better than him.
Smile Like You Mean It (Canon Divergence, 4.6k words) Hob is determined to hear Dream laugh, and Dream is determined to hide it.
Endless. Not Everything. (Canon Divergence, 5.3k words) Dream is under the impression that Hob is not attracted to his masculine form, and decides to do something about it, even to his own detriment.
Come Morning Light (Canon Divergence, 6.3k words) In which Dream has nightmares about Hob speaking to him with someone else's voice.
Now I Lay Me (Canon Divergence, 10.5k words) Dream is tired of being a person, and so choses to dissolve into the Dreaming in order to preserve his function while still being gone. Those close to him have a lot to say about that decision.
Body and Soul (Canon Divergence, 3k words) Dream is willing to give Hob anything he wants, but his body is sometimes louder than he is.
Safe in the Palm of Your Hands (Canon Divergence, 2.1k words) During a panic attack, Dream shapeshifts and flees somewhere he feels safe. Coincidentally, there is a mouse in Hob's apartment.
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pheita · 3 months
Flash Fic Friday: Count the Days
yay, still in time despite migraine yesterday @flashfictionfridayofficial
I totally blame my sis for this one, with her love for those werewolf romance novels out there.
So, here we are. I know some folks wanted to be tagged in anything I write, so @cljordan-imperium @bee-barnes-author @writingamongther0ses
The cold, crisp morning air filled her lungs as Idalia stood on the small balcony outside her room and took a deep breath. Summer was slowly winding down and turning into fall, which meant the next gathering of the clans. She was reluctant to admit that she was already counting the days until then, because this year she was old enough to come along.
There was a knock at the door, the manner revealing her mother.
"Ida, are you awake yet?"
"Yes, I'll be right down."
She took another deep breath and then went back inside to get dressed for the day. Luckily, she still had the day off and could enjoy it.
Once in the kitchen, she found her mother staring longingly at the coffee machine, which was slowly bubbling away, and somewhere in the house her father and younger brother were rumbling around.
"Rough night?"
Her mother nodded slowly. Night watches were always the most exhausting for everyone, especially at this time of year.
"There's our sunshine," her father's voice sounded behind her, far too cheerful and awake for the time of day.
Idalia put her head in her neck with a groan.
"What do you want me to do for you now?"
"Can you take Collin to school?"
Blinking, she turned and looked at her father. Even though he was more than a head taller than her and a spitting image of The Rock, he looked as insecure as a little schoolboy.
"What happened?"
"We don't know yet," her mother explained, "But some of the other guards found strange tracks in the south of the territory last night. Don't match any kind of were-being we know of."
"That's why they're all being called together," her father added.
Idalia nodded slowly. That made sense. Unknown werebeings in their territory was something the Alpha needed to take care of and of course he needed the knowledge of the older members.
"Do you think it's connected to the reunion? We're hosting it this year, and it's nothing unusual that it attracts strange creatures."
Her father smiled proudly and hugged her.
"I've had that thought too. We'll see."
She felt his tension in the embrace. Whatever was found was worrying everyone more than they wanted to admit.
"All right, I'll take Collin to school. Do you want me to get groceries while I'm at it?"
"That would be great," her mother sighed and left the guard post at the coffee machine to get a pen and paper.
"Dad! I've got to go!"
Collin rumbled down the stairs as only an overgrown 14-year-old could and grabbed one of the ready-made toasts from the kitchen table. Idalia took the shopping list from her mother and pushed Collin out the door.
"I'll take you today, important clan business."
"Cool, are we taking the other way?"
She grinned at the question. The other way was the road over the mountains with all the curves where you could slide so delightfully. A glance over her shoulder told her that her parents hadn't heard and hastily closed the front door.
"Quick, before they realize what you asked."
Toast in his mouth, Collin tossed his backpack into the backseat and got in.
"And already nervous about the clan meeting?" he grinned broadly.
"Cheeky puppy."
"I'm just asking, everyone else is talking about nothing else."
She gave him a sideways glance as she adjusted the rearview mirror.
"Do I look like the others?"
He wrinkled his nose and chuckled.
"Nah, you're not as crazy about finding your mate as the rest. Luckily."
The agonized groan spoke entire book lines.
"The girls in my class don't know any other subject at the moment. What it's like when they get their wolf, what it's like when they find their mate. Blah blah blah."
Collin's eye roll was something Idalia could well understand, it got on her nerves back then too.
"Let me guess, it's the popular girls who talk about it so loudly."
His grumble confirmed everything. So, it was business as usual. With a mischievous grin, Idalia took the turn to the mountain road and got an amused snort in response. Collin knew that if they were going to slide down the road like a rally driver, Idalia needed all the attention she could get. She had to smile more when she thought about how her father used to do that when she was little.
They had just arrived at the foot of the hill when something darted across the road at such an inhuman speed that Idalia could only steer to the side. They came to a screeching halt a few meters further on and both looked back.
"Holy shit, what was that?" asked Collin.
"I have no idea," she answered honestly, but something told her that was what the clan was sitting together for.
She quickly typed a message to her parents that something was on the move in the southwestern clan territory and tried to calm down. Once more she looked over her shoulder behind her where the strange creature had crossed the road and was shaken. Something told her it wasn't the last time she'd seen it.
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blue-aconite · 4 months
𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬!
thank you @antiquitea for the tag! ✨
tagging: @bobfloydsbabe @hangmanssunnies @green-socks @a-reader-and-a-writer @withahappyrefrain @teacupsandtopgun and anyone else who wants to play!
questions and responses under the read more to save your dashboards!
how many works do you have on ao3?
what's your total ao3 word count?
what fandoms do you write for?
i currently write for top gun maverick
top five fics by kudos
the future is set in crayons - saul/andreas & sky/bloom (fate: winx saga) 145 kudos
bonded - farah/saul (fate: winx saga) 85 kudos
cherry blossom - sky/bloom (fate: winx saga) 74 kudos
stray - platonic saul & sky (fate: winx saga) 65 kudos
equalizer - saul/andreas (fate: winx saga) 59 kudos
do you respond to comments?
i try my best to, even if it sometimes takes me a while to get to it.
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh, it either has to be you said you'd grow old with me or love, he called it. i got yelled at a lot after posting both of them.
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
like, happiest contra how the rest of the fic went or just happy in general? it was just a kiss, every little thing she does is magic and homecoming all have happy endings despite being a little angsty somewhere in the middle while once in a lifetime is just the cutest shit ever
do you get hate on fics?
sometimes. i got a lot of hate when i first posted my top gun maverick werewolf au, which caused me to kind of lose inspiration for it (hopefully one day it will return). other than that, i haven't received anything.
do you write smut?
i do but i haven't posted any of it. maybe one day.
craziest crossover?
i haven't written a crossover since i was a kid (maybe 10 years old) and that was for twilight & harry potter!
have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i'm aware of!
have you ever had a fic translated?
not that i know of!
have you ever co-written a fic before?
equalizer was co-written with @septemberrie and cherry blossom was co-written with loulislife
all time favorite ship?
steve rogers / tony stark & thorin oakenshield / bilbo baggins
what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
stealing @antiquitea's answer and saying that i am delusional enough to believe that i will finish every single wip i have in the works (i absolutely will not), because it's spot on.
what are your writing strengths?
absolutely none? i'm hot garbage and i just wing it. i've been told that i'm good at writing emotional scenes, so maybe that.
what are your writing weaknesses?
everything. i often feel like i can't get the right flow.
thoughts on dialogue in another language?
keep it easy if it's not a language you speak yourself. google translate isn't that good, if we're being honest. i tend to avoid it if it isn't my native language.
first fandom you wrote in?
favorite fic you've written?
let me drown hands down. i'm very proud of what i've written so far.
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sergeifyodorov · 1 year
keep making aus and talking about them. please.
ohkay the 1991 werewolf iditarod is a mostly-nonserious project that i Would like to genuinely write but only am balking at because i know for a fact it would take 370 million years and be very long and difficult to give a reasonable pace to. i like my writing to be, if not fast-paced, then at least like. well paced, building to a proper ending and not meandering or spending too much time in some parts or not...
also i don't know enough about the iditarod. like im on the website reading all the stuff and thinkin about it... but i am a city slicker through and through and dont know NEARLY enough about like. survival in the bush. if you dear reader have any resources please drop em in the askbox. anyhway shtep one of this long and arduous writing journey (much like the race herself) would be RESEARCH copious amounts and amounts of it and i am IN SCHOOL right now.
reading jack london as a kid gave me real and true brainworms though i must admit... i think that was my first experience with survivalhorror walking dead be damned. of course he did very much write those two from the perspectives of the dogs but we do have Wolf Sergei in there. more below the readmore i dont want to dashclog ->
okay the general premise is that stevie y is not in fact a hockey player and is instead an adventurer... a guy with dogs. this is his rookie iditarod (but you have to be an experienced musher to run the race, so that is what he is.) somewhere at one of the early earlyyyy checkpoints he has to leave one of his dogs behind (shes hurt/not doing well enough/etc. the vets say Bud, She Can't Get Another Nine Hundred Miles In and stevie goes "yeah reasonable. gbye") so he is working a dog below.
anyway he gets into a different Situation not one checkpoint later (we're talking like. rainy pass/finger lake early shtuff) where the sled gets flipped and dented and he gets hurt, so he decides fuck it, we're holing up for a little bit. whatevs. just until i figure out sled repair, my delivery is wayyyy way ahead at mcgrath (or maybe beyond.... it's common to replace the sled at mcgrath but i don't know if stevie would!). so he's there, resting the dogs, figuring if at this rate he should just turn back. no shame in dnf-ing, always better to protect yourself than to do something stupid in the name of it.
and then a dog comes out of the forest, a blond siberian bigger than the rest of his dogs, uncanny-looking but friendly.
this dog is ofcourse one sergei fedorov; i say "werewolf" but like i don't imagine he's a werewolf in the traditional sense, more like... a land selkie. that he can take off his dog coat and become a beautiful youth. he's still russian, of course, and his english is shaky, but he is enamored of stevie (and who wouldn't be! look at him!)
anyway. long story short they fall in love and complete the race . YES there will be "it's so cold... and we're semi-snowed into this cabin... how ever will we keep warm...?" momence. NO i won't write the fic so you'll have to imagine it for yourself
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nuclearforest · 2 years
Hello phrend. 😎 2deep4me writer asks:
What's the fic you're most proud of?
13. Do you take pride in your writing, or does it embarrass you? Why?
14. Do you compare yourself to other writers? In a positive or negative way?
15. How do you think your writing has improved over time?
Thank u for the ask!! Makes me very happy and lets me ramble abt stuff!
1, Honestly hard to say. Like, I'm proud of One Dog Night because it was the first thing I ever posted and like, really snowballed me into doing more and putting myself out there more. But on the other hand, Month to Love a Werewolf is the first multi-chapter piece I finished! And now Sirens' Guard Dog is on the way. I think those are my big three-- but as far as picking one goes?
It's really hard to say. I can't pick my favorite child lol.
13, Depends on if it is anon online or IRL.
Online? hell yeah i'm proud of being fully unhinged for my blorbo. almost at 350k in 2 years and like. ~300k of that is hans. my really sad sack awful blorbo who i love with all my little heart. stinky, stupid wolfman with a flair for the dramatic.
But IRL? I am a professional with a career you wouldn't catch me dead bringing up writing or fanfic in public. like, my folks asked me once over a holiday why I was on my laptop and what i was writing and i immediately had to bullshit that it was some stupid literary analysis to keep my skills sharp when, uh, it was really werewolf smut. very, very close to being busted but they aren't curious enough to press and i'm a fool not a coward.
THE ONLY EXCEPTION is when i am around those friends that are my enablers and don't care lmao. They think it's funny and it's on brand. Alternatively it's just one facet of the strange little gremlin they've let into their lives. I mean well--promise.
14, yeah. like, healthy or not i'm always out here comparing myself in both good ways and bad. some for learning new styles and tricks and broadening my horizons, but some for like. competitive purposes. and there's nothing to be competitive about but i've been in competitive schooling all my life and for a kid who grew up with little self confidence feeding on the praise of being "gifted" it really sticks with you. so there are many a conscious reminder that it's all for fun. that i shouldn't stress and that it's for me, even if some of that is a lie (i mean, come on--sometimes i'll write shit to brighten somebody's day but generally it's whatever catches my fancy).
but like, old habits die hard and i'm hungry for kudos and comments lmao. usually it doesn't get bad but if it does, i just bury my head in a different crafty pile of sand.
15, I HAVE A TIMELINE. we'll summarize it as exponential improvement and development tho lol.
nobody here will see the shit i wrote in middle school. we're talking paper journal self insert fic that i wrote chapters and chapters of (granted these were like, 100-ish words a chapter). talk about humble beginnings.
move to highschool and i have some fanfic and also a bit of OC work that I share in my school's creative writing club (bruh I STILL wasn't sharing fanfic).
in college I didn't write much. too busy under an engineering course load but i have a few things here and there. mostly fun little snippets of fluff to keep myself occupied.
but that said, now that i'm working and trying to live my best life, i've definitely gotten better in coherent plotlines, length, and fleshing out the details. i still have all the old stuff (even the paper journals, somewhere) and a decade+ later it's meteoric improvement lol. when i wrote One Dog Night that was the longest single story I'd written by a mile. and now i'm on a long chapter work i've updated weekly since i started it following an outline. i'm boggling my own mind.
but that said: i've always been creative and colorful, have not always been able to actually finish a story. funny enough, i've also never had a formal, regular beta and something tells me that won't change soon. (altho sometimes I do ask for a second set of eyes-- so thanks to y'all that have done it for me!)
can't wait to see how i keep growing!
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jwnchstr · 5 months
Title: Let Me Tell You (dribbles) (episode 6)
Summary: The Alpha has a big heavy responsibility which was making sure his Pack Members was protected, his Pack Warriors strong, the Pups safe in his Territory. That also means ignoring his nature about mating even though His Omega was sitting right there. Until a plane crashed onto the Alpha's Territory, leaving a pack of human Men wandering closer and closer into his Pack House. Somewhere between the Hunt, the Alpha realises that what if he was one of those Men? What if he died and leaving His Omega think that he rejected her Mating Call instead of only keeping her safe?
Other fics | My Wattpad | Series Masterlist (will update later)
The Alpha was gone for a few nights. On the night he got back, he found his Pack Members were already at the Long Table. Dinner was ready and they were waiting for their Alpha to eat together.
Once the Alpha gave them the green light, everybody started to devour whatever in front of them. It's not a strange sight especially after the Full Moon. The mated alphas and omegas will tend to have breeding sex non-stop inside their chambers that by the time it's over, they're starving.
The Alpha was amongst them. He was gone for a few nights but not breeding some random omegas. He was tracking those Men, punishing them, warning them, threatening them with his betas. He can't stay inside the Pack House during Full Moon knowing that he could not claim and mate and breed His Omega. He knew he could not stand Her Scent.
Gosh, Her Scent. Full Moon had passed for a few days now, but he could still smell Her Scent. Even though it's not as sharp and thick during Full Moon, but he could still smell it and it's making his pants tight.
The Alpha watched as His Omega played with her soup. Her face sagged. Her lips turned upside down. Her eyes looked tired. She looked like she had lost a few pounds but she didn't look starving either. What happened?
Someone kicked her in her legs causing her to look up. Someone in front of her jerk his chin towards the Alpha. It was her mistake to turn and look at his direction because as soon as their eyes locked, she's transfixed.
She lost the grip of her spoon. It clattered onto the table then onto the floor. It was muffled by the loud chatters and laughters around the table but the people beside her turned. She smiled at them, bent down to recollect her spoon.
Without asking the Alpha's permission, she stood up and left the Long Table. People watched her, aghast because how dare she leave the table without the Alpha's permission.
But while the Alpha could only stare and wonder what's wrong with His Omega, His Second-in-Command knocked the table to get the Pack's attention. Just like that, the Kitchen returned to its original mood.
Without dismissing the dinner, the Alpha left the Long Table. Silently, but not without His Omega's knowing, he followed her to her chamber.
"Are you going to invite me?" the Alpha asked as soon as they reached Her Chamber. She was already inside, her back facing the Alpha who was standing outside her door.
"Do I have to?"
The Alpha smirked. He took a step forward, watched His Omega and entered the room. Her Scent was strong inside Her Chamber. Her Scent blanketed him like a magic blanket. He instantly felt like home, one that he never wanted to leave now that he's involved.
"What do you want?" His Omega asked sternly.
"Just tell me what what do you want and leave."
"What?" The Alpha raised his eyebrows.
"You've never wanted to see me before. Never even noticed me. Never announced It. Why now suddenly?"
The Alpha stared at His Omega.
"Do you even know that we're mates?"
The Alpha's heart broke knowing that His Omega had to ask such question when he knew she knew that every werewolf would know their fated mates. Even if they hadn't claimed them, they know.
"I think you should leave, Alpha. It's late. I–" His Omega sighed. Her hands and knees were shaking. "I need to be alone right now."
"Invite me to your nest."
"You're disturbed. I can help you calm down. Invite me to your nest."
"First, I'm not disturbed. Second, I will never invite you to my nest after what you've done to me."
The Alpha growled.
"Don't you dare growl at me." His Omega bravely pointed her finger at him. "You're the one who rejected me. You never answered my Mating Call. You saw me in distress after the death of the Injured Wolf but you never comforted me. And you're the one growling?"
"I never rejected you."
His Omega gulped. "But you never accepted me either."
"No. I accepted you," the Alpha said. "But I can't approach you, Omega. We can't be like other mated alpha-omega. My job is going to put you in jeopardy."
"Why do you think I care?" His Omega was shaking uncontrollably now. "Please, Alpha, I need to be alone. The–The Full Moon was 3 days ago but I–I think my body is–and you here–"
"Let. Me. Help. You."
His Omega was crying now. "I can't let you if you're going to go back to your normal self tomorrow morning. You're going to leave me, pretend I don't exist, ignore my feelings and emotions. I can't let you do that to me."
"I won't. This time I won't. I promise."
His Omega shook her head. She doesn't want to believe him but His Scent clouded her judgement. She could not think straight.
The Alpha slowly approached her until he got His Omega backed against the wall, caging her. "Let me help you. Please," he said close enough but without touching her.
"Okay," His Omega whispered, nodding her head, defeated. Finally. "Okay, Alpha. Help me."
When His Omega looked up to him, the Alpha knew that she was gone.
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hi! do u have any REALLY angsty fics where derek rejects stiles and/ or where stiles gets jealous of derek & jennifer
Sure. We love us some angst.
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What are you scared of? by jamesm97
(1/1 I 489 I Teen I Sterek)
“Seriously what are you so fucking afraid of?” Stiles shouts he’s about two seconds from throwing something across the empty and desolate loft and hopefully hitting Derek right in the fucking balls.
You Don't Know Anything About Love, You're A Child. by enjoyurfuckingspaghetti
(1/1 I 776 I Not Rated I No Pairing)
Stiles gets angry that Derek is putting himself in harms way, again, and confronts him about it. When Derek asks him why he's so worried, Stiles reveals something he wasn't planning on admitting. The older alpha doesn't take it too well.
Why are you being so cold? by 3DBABE1999
(1/? I 926 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles and Derek meet, fall in love and have a Mate Bonding Ceremony.
Derek is rich. Stiles is poor.
Derek's Pack and family don't know that Derek is Mated and start trying to hook Derek up with an Emissary from another wealthy Werewolf Pack and Derek goes along with it never disclosing that he's already Mated.
Derek's family thinks Stiles is okay as a person, they even like him well enough but they think Stiles is just Derek's friend so when it comes out that Derek is actually mated to Stiles The Hale Family is furious.. Stiles is poor and while they like him okay(ish) they don't think he's good enough to be family and say that Stiles has to be after Derek's money and power as Derek is next in line to be Pack Alpha of a very powerful and wealthy Pack plus the rich CEO of a big corporation and that Stiles is probably a whore that'll cheat on him and get pregnant and try to claim the baby is Derek's. The Hales demand Derek to break his Mating Bond with Stiles and Mate and marry the emissary they're trying to set him up with. Derek doesn't defend Stiles or his Mating Bond the entire time and this hurts Stiles more than anything so Stiles leaves then later finds out he's pregnant with Derek's child.
Somewhere Else by sslovas
(1/? I 2,055 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles is ready to take whatever it is they're doing to the next level, but when he confesses his love one night as they lay tangled together in the Derek's large, warm bed, he had not expected the first word out of the Alpha's mouth to be, "No."
(only when he arrives) Heartbeat Spikes by farstrangerpoetry 
(1/1 I 2,810 I General I Sterek)
Stiles is at Scott's. Derek arrives and Scott leaves. Enter history homework help, lemonade and cookies, and Lydia Martin being a goddess as usual. Sterek banter. Then comes what we're all really reading this for.
All of Me by WhiteFoxx
(3/? I 6,363 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles feels really lonely lately, with Scott hanging out with Allison all the time and his dad constantly at the station. One Saturday night, Stiles decides to go into town, to go to a club to get black out drunk. When it's late and is in need of a ride home, he calls Derek...and that's where the adventure begins.
Or where Derek is being kind of an idiot and kind of rejects Stiles after kissing him.
Wish That I Belonged by mila2
(5/? I 10,297 I Not Rated I Sterek)
Stiles might appear to be thick-skinned: ignoring barbs, being sarcastic, joking about everything. But, in reality, he's quite anxious and sensitive. He feels rejected, unwanted, inadequate, and hurts way more than he lets on. To make matters worse, he has I-don't-want-to-think-about-it feelings for a certain sourwolf, who barely tolerates his presence and doesn't hide his contempt, making Stiles feel even worse about himself.
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lepusrufus · 2 years
Are you making vampires cold-blooded animals? Or are they just cold in general? Bc I think it would be sups interesting if they are actually cold blooded animals. So vi's body temperature would mimic her surroundings. Meaning she could handle extreme environments if she works up to it. Seeing as vampires are pretty durable, they can survive super cold/hot temperatures.
Also we can have a glorious scene where Jinx goes like: "Vi? Have you been cuddling with Caitlyn again?"
What are u doing for the werewolf hierarchy? Seeing you use clans instead of pack give me hope for something not alpha beta.
So this actually had me diving into a bit of a research on metabolism and all that, so buckle up fuckers for some biology modified to fit vampires.
The problem with being cold blooded is that these animals tend to be rather sluggish. And you may come at me and say "well Alex i just saw a damn lizard sprint across me back yard!" And well yeah but they're also extremely dependent on outside temperatures, as we're all well aware. A lizard being somewhere where it's too cold will just stop moving altogether, and then if it gets killed oh well. Which is definitely not the case for our vamps here.
Now warm blood also doesn't fit too well because blood has a very important role in maintaining a consistent body temperature. And vampires well... their blood doesn't really flow right. They have a pulse but it's very faint so they can't really rely on that as much as, say, a mammal would.
So to put it shortly, vampires would be somewhere in between cold and warm-blooded. Also known as mesotherms, and a good example of these are tuna orrrr *drum roll*.... dinosaurs (tho there's still research being made there). Obviously with modifications made to fit so for the love of god don't take this as actual biology lol
So they would be able to regulate body temperature but only to a certain degree. It's kept somewhat constant, albeit lower than your average human at abt 27°C, but is affected much mode drastically by changes in outside temperatures. Vi gets cold really easily because of that, and it's why the Undercity is favored by a lot if vampires sice temperatures stay pretty constant throughout the year, unlike in Piltover.
Their pulse also increases or decreases depending on how much physical activity one does at any given time, which would explain why Vi likes to be as active as she is (which would be rather hard were she fully cold blooded). A bit of a brawl gets your blood flowing and temperature rising, u know.
Their growth rate is also a bit slower than those of a mammal, which increases their lifespan. They're not immortal, but it's not uncommon to see an older vampire reach 125 years rather easily. The in-between kind of metabolism also allows them to spend less energy that would be used in keeping the body temp strictly consistent and therefore not needing as much food. Which makes sense when blood is an integral part of their diet (abt 40% -ish) and not exactly something you can find so easily.
As for the werewolf hierarchy, oh nononono no alpha/omega/whatever. I've been slapped with too many abo fics for me to use those terms with a straight face (to each their own of course, but I personally need some eye bleach). Plus it's outdated when it comes to real life wolves soo...
The werewolves don't really have a hierarchy actually. You could say that they tend to be more social on average and seek out company, but they have a far more.... human? approach when it comes to that.
The Kirammans kind of have one but that stems from them being a clan rather than them being werewolves. It would be exactly the same were they humans. Catherine is simply referred to as "Head of the family/clan" and the rest don't really have titles, but there's definitely an unspoken accord of who answers to who. Cassandra would be second in charge, then her siblings and spouses and then the kids.
The Medardas also have a hierarchy but with the military inclination of Noxus, again that doesn't necessarily has to do with them being werewolves.
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thebestofoneshots · 11 months
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
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Series Masterlist | The Interlude | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 6.3 K Warnings: None Prompt: New Friends, new adventures to come and one Halloween Party to prepare. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Chapter 16: Boogie Wonderland
The next day, you charmed your restricted section book cover, just like you had done with the spicy one, making it look like another casual spell book. You then spend most of your classes devouring its content, it was way more than the two pages you’d found on the 5th-year DADA book, although a good deal of them focused solely on how to defeat a werewolf. 
Tips on how to kill werewolves, spells against werewolves, weapons against werewolves, a particular line irked you so much –if you see a werewolf hex to kill, don’t bother incapacitating– that you were about to throw the book on the ground and cast incendio on it. But it wasn’t until about the second half of the book that it finally started to talk about its qualities. Especially with the section titled “How to spot werewolves in your daily life”. Of course, while most of the things in the book were about spotting and hurting them, you were more focused on learning which things you should never do. 
On a small piece of parchment, you started documenting everything that you had learned so far. You’d even use a codeword to refer to Remus, in case your note was misplaced or lost. 
My Knowledge on WW:
Silver burns them (throw away or alter the ring mom gave me once Puppy returns it).
Silver and Dittany could save someone after being lethally bitten by a werewolf, turning them into one regardless. 
Bites are contagious only if the werewolf bites someone in werewolf form, not outside of it (Luna could bite whoever he wants without turning them, as long as they’re in human form, maybe they’d get a bit of a raw meat affection for a couple of days, but nothing more). Why is this relevant to me?
Werewolves do not remember who they are once transformed. They can be very aggressive, and they have killed friends and loved ones in wolf form; they will remember what they did once they’re back in human form. If Luna turns into werewolf form and you’re around, turn the fuck away.
Any bite or scratch obtained from a werewolf, whether in human or animal form, would leave a permanent scar. (Luna probably has a bite mark somewhere. I wonder where?) 
Werewolves rarely have children. If a werewolf has a child with another werewolf while in wolf form, they’d have a normal wolf, except they’d be beautiful and nearly as smart as a human. 
Werewolves don’t really attack animals, they seem to target exclusively Humans. 
There’s little to no medicine developed to help treat werewolves. -> Racist wizards going at it again.
They can be a little aggressive, touchy or moody as the full moon approaches. 
They have a crazy good sense of smell (even in human form apparently; maybe I’ll get to ask Luna about it someday)
You read through your list a couple of times, wondering if you’d missed anything from the book. But you were certain you had narrowed down the most important clues the book had. There was a section of the book that had a couple of spells to defend yourself from werewolves, but they were all incredibly aggressive attack spells, most of them to severely damage or kill the werewolf, when you finished reading you ripped the page from the book, threw it on the floor and whispered “incendio,” contemplating how the fire slowly consumed the old piece of paper. You might have not been able to burn down the entire book, but that was pleasing enough. And you had to get rid of it before anyone read through it and tried to use it on Remus, or any other good werewolves. Because no matter how many times the book tried to frame Werewolves as being inhumane, and immoral beasts, incapable of feeling remorse, you knew it was all bullshit. 
Remus was kind, gentle, and incredibly caring, he’d been the first one to approach you when you were feeling off after divinations, he’d shared chocolate with you when you were injured, he’d held you when a quaffle had been thrown your way, and he’d even taken you to his quiet spot when he thought it might help you feel better. Remus had, even in the short time you’d met him, always been there for you, and you wanted to be at least half as good of a friend as he’d been. Remus was nothing like the harrowing picture the book painted of werewolves. And while you were sure actual evil werewolves existed, you’d heard of them in the news, with wolves like Fenrir Greyback and its followers, you also knew there were evil and good wizards. It wasn’t a matter of what you were, but a matter of who you were. You’d know, your mom had told you about the hard times her mother had had with her being half fairy, the Wizarding Community just wasn’t very accepting of diversity. 
As you walked back from the courtyard where you were reading, book back in your backpack and parchment gently tucked in the book you had in your hands, you accidentally bumped into someone, and whoever you bumped into had been walking with so much force, the books you were holding fell to the ground. The boy –a Ravenclaw you hadn’t met– leaned down and helped you pick your stuff. But the page on your book had slipped and fell a little further from your grasp, he walked towards it before you even had the chance to react, and he eyed it as you gulped. Thank Merlin you’d used codenames.
“You’re into werewolves too?” He asked. 
You frowned, thinking of a quick excuse, say it was an assignment, say it’s homework, a part of you said. On 6th year? about werewolves? who would ever believe it?, responded the other. But there was something about the question that caught your attention then, “What did you say, sorry?” 
The boy turned to you, “Oh- um… I asked if you were also into werewolves…” he said, as he handed the parchment over to you. There it was: also into them. 
“Uh… yeah, I’ve been doing some research.” 
He nodded, and motioned to the paper, still in your hands “Who’s Luna?” 
You were caught off guard again “It’s a… character, from a story.” You said, making it up on the spot “I’m writing it, the story… I’m writing the story.” How on earth did I become such a shitty liar?
“Oh, that’s amazing! I’m actually really interested in them as well.” 
“You are?” 
He nodded “Yeah, I’ve been working with Professor Slughorn to develop a potion.” 
“To make them human again?” You asked with a frown. 
He shook his head “It’s… That’s impossible… But Slughorn and I think It’s possible to create one that will allow them to remember who they are while in wolf form, to reduce the risk of attacking humans.” 
“What really? That’s brilliant! I’d love to help you!” You said, almost a little too excitedly, so you cleared your throat  “I mean, it would be a really good way of getting knowledge for my story…” 
“Really?” He asked, with a smile “You’re (Y/N), right? New transfer student? Gryffindor’s new keeper?” 
You nodded “I’m afraid I don’t know your name…” 
He extended his hand, and you shook it “Damocles Belby, most people just call me Kless, I’m from 7th…” he seemed to think about the next thing before deciding to ask “Are you really as brave as they say?” 
“They say I’m brave?!” You asked, in disbelief. 
He nodded “You stood up against some nasty Slytherins in class, and they say you fly like a daredevil, or so I’ve heard…” 
“Well, I –gossip sure travels fast here– Why?” 
“I’m more of a books and potions kind of person, you see…” he started, moving one of his arms up to the back of his head, to scratch it, it looked like Kless wasn’t too eager to ask for this particular favour  “…but I really want to test out the effect of Moonflower on the potion, see if it helps. The issue is, and you might not know this but Moonflower–“ 
“–only blooms in full moon.” You finished. 
He exhaled, “Yeah, and I’ve been told that there is a chance to find them in the forbidden forest.” 
“You want me to get it for you, don’t you?” 
He nodded, “Only if it wasn’t too much trouble. And if you helped with it, I could finish the first draft of the potion in a couple of weeks and we could probably test it together, and if the position works, I could get a brilliant recommendation letter from Slughorn to study at Cauldronwell, the School of Advanced Potionry. Maybe we could even get one for you.” 
You took a deep breath, considering the situation, the forbidden forest must be forbidden for a reason, and the boys had warned you about it too. Eventually, you spoke again “If I do this, will you let me have some of the potion?” 
He looked at you, as if thinking about it, probably wondering if he should ask why you’d need the potion, but in the end, he only nodded “Deal.” 
You smiled at that, pleased with the answer he’d given you, “Pleasure to meet you Kless, I’ll see you around.” You said before waving at him and resuming your way to the common room since you’d be helping Remus and Sirius finish up the decorations for the party. But just before turning on the corner you turned your head towards him again “I’ll find you when I get it.” 
He nodded, “I’ll send you a copy of my research through owl mail.” He responded. 
Sirius and Remus were already in the common room when you arrived, you smiled and took the book with the parchment, grabbing the piece of paper and hiding it deep within one of the pockets of your backpack. While you were busy, still packing stuff inside your bag, you felt Sirius’s arms wrap around you as he hugged you from behind. He placed a quick kiss on your cheek before pulling away again, grabbing a piece of candy from the bowl next to your bag on the table and popping it into his mouth. “What were you up to?” He asked, noting you were late. 
“Sorry, got really caught up in this book.” You told him with an apologetic smile as if Sirius could actually be angry at you. You then looked around, the boys had already gotten a head start. James, who was supposed to help, was still locked up in his room, adding some final details to his Hamlet costume while Peter was in the kitchens, making sure the treats were ready for the party. 
“Marlene’s gone to get a fog potion,” Remus said, as he grabbed onto a piece of cloth neatly folded on the table, “Beth and Tom went to Hogsmeade to buy some last-minute treats.” 
You paid close attention as he started to unfold the cloth “Is that the banner Lily made?” You asked, walking closer to him, Sirius was looking at you with a smile as you moved towards his friend. 
Remus nodded and said a quick “Yeah.” Handing a corner of the cloth over, so you could help him, the two of you extended the banner together, finally opening it up. The Banner was long and, it was black with orange letters over it, and it had two Jack-o-lanterns on each side that screamed “Happy Halloween” when you looked directly at them. 
“It’s brilliant!” You said with a smile, as you helped Remus levitate it closer to the ceiling near the entrance. Sirius was busy placing the jack-o-lanterns you had carved during the week all over the common room. Once the banner was hung, you walked towards the table and pulled out a bag you’d left there a couple of classes ago. 
“What’s that?” Sirius asked, walking closer to you again, shoulders brushing against yours. You smirked, and took a skull from the inside, throwing it towards Sirius, he easily caught it and looked at it, before turning back to you. 
“You thought it would scar–“ he started, but then, out of nowhere, the skull started laughing maniacally, Sirius jumped and let it fall on the floor.
The skull said “Auch,” while you and Remus started laughing. 
“Did you see his face?” You asked him. 
“Absolutely priceless, wish I’d gotten a picture of it!” Agreed Remus. 
Sirius just looked at you both with a pout as he picked the skull back from the floor and gently placed it on the table. The skull started to laugh again and Remus silenced it with his wand “You planned this, didn’t you?” 
Remus shook his head, and you answered “We just took advantage of the opportunity to test them. Rem and I’ve been working on them for a while.” 
“Them?” He looked at the bag wearily “How many did you make?” 
“About a dozen,” Remus answered casually. You opened the bag again, and you carefully took the skulls out. You then handed them to the boys, who started to place them all over the common room, one near the sofa, one close to the fireplace, some over at the stairs, and in general, just spread out in rather inconvenient places, the kind of places that would have people jumping from their skin when they started screaming at them. Sirius decided it would be a good idea to have one floating over the fruit punch, and he placed it in the bowl before adding the fruit juice. You saw him take a bottle of rum out too, and pour about a quarter of it onto the drink.
You shook your head, a little smile playing on your lips as he did “Why not add a bit more?” you teased. 
“Sirius!” Remus admonished him. “What did we say about adding alcohol to the main beverage? Last year it was chaos!” 
“It was only a little bit,” he retorted, and then turned to you “Barely a trickle, right Statshine?” 
You nodded “Not even a quarter of a bottle.” Remus shook his head, looking at both of you disapprovingly. “Come on Rem,” you said persuasively “let’s leave it like that, you don’t want to throw out such a good punch do you.” 
“She’s right, Moons, come on,” Sirius said, now he was standing next to you, both looking at the taller boy with puppy eyes. 
Remus looked at the two, both so pretty trying to convince him to do something, he almost couldn’t think of anything else. In fact, he wasn’t sure there was anything in the world you’d ask of him that he would deny, not with that expression on your faces. He took a deep breath, trying not to focus on the fact that he had somehow developed a crush not only on his best friend (which he had been pretty aware of already) but on his girlfriend as well, “Just so you know, I still don’t think it’s a good idea.” 
Both you and Sirius smiled broadly, looking at each other and throwing a high-five between yourselves. “You’re the best Rem!” You told with a dashing smile and then you walked back, pulling the bag up. 
“There’s more?” Sirius asked Remus, he shrugged in response, he didn’t know. 
Slowly, you pulled out a whole skeleton from it. “What the hell?!?” Asked Remus surprised, “You didn’t tell me you also had one of those…” 
“I didn’t have it, I found it.” You told him “It was in one of the old classrooms on the 3rd floor.” 
“Is it… real?” Remus asked cautiously. 
“Didn’t ask him,” you responded with a shrug while looking at the skeleton. Remus raised his eyebrows, amused at your answer. 
And a diverted smile appeared on Sirius' lips before he asked. “Did you charm it as well?”
You ginned “‘Course I did! Who do you take me for? I’ve got a whole plan for it.” 
“And where are you going to place it?” Remus asked, from next to you now as he curiously looked at the skeleton. 
You turned your body a little, shifting the weight of the skeleton onto one of your arms, and pointed at a wardrobe in the far side of the room. 
“In the closet?” The taller boy asked in disbelief “You’re going to put the skeleton in the closet?” 
“It’s a joke in and of itself,” you said with a smile “every now and then the skeleton will drop smoke or random sounds, that way guests are inclined to investigate. And then boom, the skeleton in the closet will jump out and scare the shit out of them.” 
“That’s wicked…” Said Sirius, a smirk playing on his lips “See Moony? I told you she was like us!”
“I was certain when you told me about the day of the library,” Remus said simply. 
You looked at Sirius, eyes wide in shock “You told Remus about the library?” 
“Of course I did, your Howler was genius!” Sirius responded matter-of-factly.
“Certainly,” Remus agreed. 
Right, the Howler, he told them about the Howler, not about the snoging. “It was just, a spur-of-the-moment idea?” You said, tugging in a hair behind your ear shyly as you walked towards the wardrobe with the skeleton –Steve– as you’d named him. You knew how seriously the boys took their jokes and escapades, if Sirius and Remus were complimenting you on something, they weren’t just sweet-talking you. You slowly but surely accommodated Steve inside the wardrobe and closed the doors. 
“What are we missing?” Asked Remus as he looked around the common room, trying to get a look at the big picture. 
“Marlene’s still coming with her smoke potions, right? Spooky music? Maybe…”
“Got that taken care of,” Sirius said, and waved his wand, on the corner, a small violin, a flute and what looked like a piano started playing music. 
You were surprised “where did you get those?”  
“Stole them from the music room last year,” Sirius explained “It was a dare to prove to James that Remus was way stealthier than him, even if he’s taller.” 
You nodded, a little impressed, you then heard the portrait open, Beth and Tom walked inside with bags filled with candy; from slug worms to dancing skeletons, all the Halloween theme candies from Honeydukes were there. Tom walked all the way to the table with the punch and emptied his backpack there. Beth, on the other hand, started to neatly arrange the candies she’d gotten into different vases and floating trays, she ended up also taking the stuff Tom had dumped and finished decorating the sweet’s table, as she’d prompted everyone to call it that from then on.
“You guys did a brilliant job,” Tom said as he looked around in awe, there were spider webs coming from the ceiling, shiny black and orange streamers swirling in the air, black flamed candles levitating all over the ceiling, cauldrons filled with candies. The skulls you and Remus had charmed together still lurking on certain spots, a table filled with potions, “for potion pong,”  as Beth had told you, and overall, an eerie but fun atmosphere. You had even told Moaning Myrtle and Richard Jackdaw to come over as special guests, even if you warned them not to tell any other ghosts about the party, especially Peeves, who would definitely attempt to make some kind of prank, or tell the teachers about your shenanigans. Suddenly he tilted his head. “Do hear that?” He asked. 
Beth frowned “Hear what?” 
“It’s uh… coming from…” Tom started walking towards the wardrobe. You threw a look at the boys, Sirius held your stare with his icy grey eyes, the hint of a smirk drawing on his lips. When you turned to Remus, he was also looking at you attentively, eyebrows raised, clearly looking amused. 
As you exchanged glances with the boys Tom approached the wardrobe “None of you hear it?” 
You shook your head, it wasn’t a lie, the spell only worked for one person at a time, so really, not even Beth would hear the same thing Tom did. Tom was now right in front of the closet, and he hesitantly placed his hands on the handle, like he was considering whether he should open it or leave it alone. But Tom was curious, almost too curious for his own good and in a fast pull, he opened the door. 
The skull jumped out and clang onto Tom, eyes glowing a shade of green and screaming so loud even you winced, perhaps I overdid it, you thought. Tom screeched, jumped back and ended up on the floor, fighting to get the skeleton to unwrap its bony arms off his shoulders. When he finally did it, he threw it to the side and crawled away from it while looking at it with dread. He stayed there, panting as Steve finally shut its bony jaw, the screams and shrieks slowly dying out.
Everyone started to laugh, including Beth, who had been just a little scared at the beginning. Still with his eyes open wide, Tom turned back, a slight frown on his face as he turned to Sirius “What the fuck mate?! That was bIoody horrifying, what did I ever do to you?”
Sirius raised his hands and shrugged, “That wasn’t my prank.” 
Tom’s frown deepened and he turned to Remus “It was you?” He asked again, still trying to gain his breath. Remus shook his head as a reply, there was no way it’d been James or Peter, Tom knew they’d be pretty busy today so he slowly turned his head to you, almost unsure “(Y/N)?” 
You took a deep breath, raising your shoulders, lips tightened in a line before, letting a bit of a smile appear. Guilty, you looked guilty. “I see you’ve met Steve.” 
“You gave that horrid thing a name?” You shrugged, nodding your head as an answer. He sighed “Why me?” 
“Oh, that’s on Steve, he chooses the person he calls, not me.” 
“You put a randomizer spell on it?” Remus asked then, surprised. You nodded “How? I’ve been trying to master those for a while…” he said, walking closer to the skeleton. 
“I found it on The Refined Art of Mild Hexes, it’s somewhere on the first couple of pages,” you told him, and then started waking towards Tom and helped him up “Sorry bout that,” you said, giving the curly haired boy a light pat on the back, he just stared at you, squinting his eyes in distrust, he then scoffed, shaking his head as he looked at the skeleton on the ground. 
“Looks bIoody realistic,” he said, the edges of his lips finally curling into a little smile. 
“Yeah, Remus thought the same, and asked me if it was real.”
He turned back to you, a slightly concerned expression on his face “Well… Is it?” 
“She’d got no clue,” Sirius answered for you. 
You nodded in agreement “Found it lying around in an abandoned classroom.” 
 “And you just took it? What it if was a ghost’s or something?” 
You shook your head “I asked Richie Jackdow, and he said it didn’t belong to any of the ghosts in the castle.” 
“You really have gotten accustomed to Hogwarts, haven’t you?” 
You smiled “I guess you could say I have.”
The portrait opened itself again, and Mary and Marlene came inside. Marlene carrying a tray with potions and Mary with some more treats, this time saltier stuff from the kitchen. “I brought the fruit for the punch,” she said as she walked towards the sweet’s table. 
“Great, you guys prepare that, Sly sprite,” he said turning to you “You’re helping me with this,” he said pointing to his canines, he’d asked you to turn them into fangs earlier that week, when the party was being planned, you’d both found a spell that would be useful, and had decided it’d be the one you’d use. 
“I think I left the book in my backpack,” you said as the two of you walked towards a further away table. 
“Sly sprite,” Sirius scoffed, he was standing next to Remus. 
The taller boy raises his eyebrow “You jealous?” he teased. 
“Of Tom?! No way!” 
“Why not?” Remus asked and turned to you and Tom at the table where you’d left your backpack, you had one hand on the book and the other on your wand, Tom was staring at you attentively “Tom’s handsome, maybe just as handsome as you.” 
Sirius frowned, “You’re not helping,” he added flatly. 
Remus knew very damn well you had no interest in Tom, but he was enjoying himself while looking at a jealous Sirius, thinking back of all the times he’d been jealous himself. “I’m just saying… he’s charming, comes from a wealthy family, and his curls are really nice.” 
“Remus!” Sirius whined, turning his back to look at the hazel-eyed boy instead of at you since you already had both of your hands on Tom’s face as you pulled it back to check on his canines.
“Do you know what this is for?” Asked Mary, taking a potion bottle with a golden cap. Remus shrugged.
“Must be the sugar syrup for the punch,” Beth said “I asked Peter to bring it over in the morning.” 
Mary looked at it, swirled the liquid around inside the bottle, and uncapped it. She gave it a whiff and shrugged, it certainly smelled sweet enough. She didn’t think it twice, and dumped the entirety of the contents inside the punch, then grabbed the bottle and placed it on the potions table, since it fit the aesthetic. 
Meanwhile, you and Tom were still working on his fangs, “Stop moving for fucks sake,” you complained, as Tom looked at himself in the hand mirror he took from your bag. 
“But make them longer, yeah luv?” He answered, his voice already had a little lisp from the fangs. 
“They’ve got a great length Tom, you won’t be able to eat!” 
“Food doesn’t matter, aesthetics do!” 
You sighed, “Don’t dare come whine with me if you cannot eat.” 
“I swear I won’t Sly Sprite,” he said while placing his right hand over his heart. It made you wonder: If both Sirius and Tom entered a drama contest, would they tie? Eventually, you nodded and performed the spell again, grabbing the mirror and placing it in front of Tom’s face. He smiled, checking himself out as he slid his tongue under the fangs and winched at how sharp they were. You gave him an “I told you so” look, but he just shook his head. “Aesthetics (Y/N), aesthetics!”  
You just rolled your eyes and started to stand up but he stopped you by grabbing your arm “Hold up! Man liner!”
“Man liner?” You asked with a frown. 
“Yes! Eyeliner for men, like rock stars! Would you mind doing it for me?” He then looked through the pockets and pulled out an eyeliner pencil. 
You shrugged and nodded, taking the pencil from his hand, and leaning closer to Tom’s face, “Don’t move, all right?” He nodded and you started to line his water line. Softly gliding the pencil. When you were about to finish the first eye you felt someone looming behind you. When you turned you realised it was just Sirius, and you gave him a quick smile before going to line Tom’s second eye. 
Sirius was attentively looking at you as you lined Tom’s eye, both curious at the way you did it and also pretty jealous of how close you were to the other boy. Which prompted him to walk even closer. Once you were done you smiled and pulled away from Tom “There you go Mr. Vampire.” 
“Brilliant!” He said, placing both hands on your shoulder “Thank you Sly Sprite!” 
Sirius cleared his throat from behind “Mind if I borrow my girlfriend away for a minute.” 
Tom, being as oblivious and carefree as he was, nodded with a smile “I’m actually going to go change.” 
Once Tom was gone, you turned to Sirius with a quizzical expression “What was that about?” 
Sirius, who had spoken without thinking, was taken aback by your question “I… uh— Can you line my eyes too?” He improvised.
You frowned, “What are you dressing as?” 
He was about to open his mouth, but shut it before he could speak. “What are you going to dress up as?” 
“Oh… that’s right. You haven’t guessed. You get 3 more tries,” you told him playfully, as you placed your hand on his shoulder, guiding him to sit on the same chair Tom had been in.
He sat there and looked up at you, your breath got stuck in your throat, how was it possible for a boy to be this pretty? You leaned in closer, a lot closer than you had been to Tom, which made Sirius feel a lot better already. “Look up at me, All right?” You told him softly. He did, and you swore you felt your legs wobble, but you took a deep breath and while holding his chin with one hand, you gently placed your other hand on his cheek, to stabilise it while you lined his eyes. You were a lot more careful than you’d been with Tom. Softer, taking a lot longer to drag the eye pencil under his lower lashes. You honestly enjoyed being close to Sirius, more than you’d ever dare to admit to his face, especially since it’d go straight to his head, feeding his already pretty big ego.
“Are you gonna be a mermaid?” 
“No, I’m not.” You replied and continued with your task. 
“What about a princess? You certainly fit the look.” 
“Puppy stop moving!” You reprimanded, as a blush threatened to spread on your cheeks, “And no, I’m not going to be a princess, that’s two tries out of three.” He huffed, he really wanted to win the bet “What about you? Are you gonna be a rockstar?” 
“Nope.” He responded, “3 tries for you too.” 
You leaned in a little closer, narrowing your eyes as you tried to be as accurate as possible, “Will you come as a prince? It’s also something that would suit you.” 
He shook his head “I’m letting James take the spotlight with the mediaeval clothes… You think I look like a prince?” He asked, a little smirk playing on his lips. 
You rolled your eyes, “Everyone thinks you look like a prince, Sirius.” 
“Nah, I’m pretty sure you just said you think I look like a prince.” 
You playfully hit his shoulder before going to the other eye. Almost losing yourself in the frosty blue of them before focusing on your task again. Sirius was still looking at you attentively as you continued to paint his waterline. “Aren’t you gonna try and guess again?” 
“I’ve only got one try left.” 
“And you’re not planning to use it?” 
“I am… just– I want to… think it thoroughly.” 
“You know, you could just tell me whatever your wish is.” 
“It wouldn’t be the same thing,” he retorted. “You should also do Remus’ man liner since he’s going to be a pirate.” 
“I’m not sure he’d like it…” you said, a little insecure about it. 
“I think he would, we should tell him,” he said, very sure of himself. “Hey, Remus!” 
“Mmmm?” the mentioned boy asked from the sofa, where he was arranging some more cauldrons filled with treats. 
“Come over! Will ya?” 
Remus turned to the boy, gave him a look like he did not want to move, but stood up and walked up to the two of you. 
“You’re up next,” Sirius informed him.
“For what?” 
“(Y/N) is doing your manliner.” 
“If you want to…” you added. Finally separating from Sirius since you had finished, smiling at how handsome your boyfriend looked. 
“It’s for your costume.” Sirius said, “It won’t be finished without it.” He then stood up and placed Remus right on the chair in front of yours.
Remus just took a deep breath as he stared at his friend, before turning to look at you, expectantly. 
“You sure you’re ok with it?” You asked, with a little frown. There it was again, the concern and care you always seemed to show Remus, the same concern and care that had his heart fluttering from how close you were standing to him. From how close both Sirius and you were to him, in fact. 
He cleared his throat and nodded, and you leaned closer to him, grabbing his face just as carefully as you had grabbed Sirius’. His skin was a lot softer than you’d imagined, you unintentionally brushed your fingers over one of his scars, but Remus didn’t flinch, which surprised him, since he usually detested when people did it. In fact, he remembered a particular time when he was making out with a boy and he snapped at him for touching his face. 
“Look up at me Rem,” you told him softly, he complied, looking at you through his lashes, Sirius was right next to you, Remus could see his satisfied expression from the corner of his eyes. You finally leaned in, and started to glide the pencil over his lower lashes. You somehow ended up focusing on his eyes, how they had these little specks of amber tones in them, they were bigger, and somewhat softer than Sirius’, very doe-like, in fact. “Tell me if it hurts,” you added later. Remus was nothing like Sirius, the latter would make a fuzz if you pricked him on the eye accidentally. Remus, on the other hand, he’d probably endure it without even wincing. He nodded, and you had to quickly pull the eye pencil away from his face. “But don’t move!” you admonished, grabbing his face a little more sternly now. 
“M’sorry,” he mumbled. 
“What do you think (Y/N)’s costume’s gonna be?” Sirius, who was still very close to the two of you, attentively watching the way you lined Remus’ waterline, asked. He seemed pretty content, falling to notice you were standing so much closer to Remus than you had been to Tom.
“You haven’t guessed yet?” Remus asked, a diverted smile playing on his lips “That’s unfortunate for you.” 
“MOONY!” He whined, “I asked you to help me choose, not to make fun of me.” Remus shrugged. “She said she’s not gonna be a princess, or a mermaid, also not an alien, or an astronaut, from what I asked yesterday. Mmmm.. and she also said she wasn’t dressing as a superhero, though I’m sure she’d look great as Wonder Woman.” 
“Who would’ve thought Sirius would be into costumes…” you teased. Remus instantly chuckled, but it took a little longer for Sirius to understand the joke. 
“Hey! I’m not– I– I just want my prize!” 
“Well then guess by yourself, If Remus guesses for you, he gets your prize.” 
Sirius gasped “You wouldn’t.” 
“I so would,” you teased again. Then pulled back from Remus “There we go,” you smiled at your work, slowly letting your fingers glide over his skin as you pulled them away from his face, Remus really did work that man liner out.
“Damn, mate!” Sirius said as Remus stood, looking up at him “You look absolutely dashing, and you don’t even have the rest of your costume on.” 
“He’s right,” you nodded “Remus’ getting bitches tonight.” 
Remus gave you a reproachful look, but nodded, “I think everything’s pretty much handled already.” 
You saw Tom walk down from the stairs in a puffy shirt and a dark green vest. He’d brushed his curls back, only one gently falling on his forehead, he was definitely working that vampire costume. 
You approached him quickly “Tom! It’s brilliant you’re ready. Deal with everything while we go change, yeah?” 
He nodded, and then smiled mischievously. “I’ll go find the potion, I probably left it somewhere when I dropped all the candies on Beth’s Sweets Table.” 
You raised your eyebrows “Just don’t down it all in one go. Save some for the rest of us.” He winked as an answer. “Tom’s taking care of this, we can go change,” You said, turning to Remus and Sirius, who were just a couple steps behind you. 
Sirius approached Tom first, and handed the eyeliner over “Your eyeliner.” He said icily. 
“Thanks for borrowing it,” Remus added politely afterwards, feeling like he wanted to punch Sirius for being such an idiot to Tom. You clearly weren’t interested in the boy, in fact, anyone would tell him how head over heels you were for him, but he had such a thick head he dared to be jealous. Maybe it was from how much hair he had.
Tom, being Tom, just smiled, almost mischievously. “No problem, you both look smashing, by the way…” He then eyed the taller boy up and down “Remus,” he said with a nod, before walking away to the centre of the room.
You frowned slightly at the exchange, remembering Tom’s words: “You’d be surprised, most of them hide it quite well though, you wouldn’t expect it.” Would it be possible that Remus was also-
You felt a hand press to the small of your back, “let’s go, love,” Sirius said, as he pushed you up the stairs.
“Uh.. yeah sure,” you said, allowing Sirius to guide you, turning your head back towards the front. 
 “Are you gonna be a lady knight?” He asked as you walked up the spiral staircase, Remus trailing behind just a little.
You shook your head “But that would’ve been a brilliant idea!” 
“Well, you’d certainly look great in silver armour,” He replied with a little smirk. You playfully shoved him off as you rolled your eyes. 
“Will you be… a prisoner from Azkaban?” 
“I would look great in those white and blue stripes, wouldn’t I?” He teased confidently “But no… I’m not gonna be that!” 
You sighed “We both lose then. What was your wish?” 
“I’ll tell you later,” he said with a wink. Eventually, you parted ways, waving a hand as the boys walked toward their rooms while you walked to yours.  
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Series Masterlist | The Interlude | Next Chapter
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
Hi! 👋. Could you do a Klaus imagine where the Reader is living with the Mikaelsons for a long time, Reader and Klaus like each other but doesn't express it to each other, but all the other Mikaelsons know that they like each other. So Rebekah sets them up on a surprise date ( Rebekah and the Reader are best friends) . The Reader is a vampire. Thank you for writing. I love ur fics ❤❤
Hidden Expresses
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Entering the Mikaelson compound I feel eyes staring at me so I glanced over my shoulder seeing Klaus eyeing me before he drank some beer from a glass. A smirk on his lips seeing me looking his direction. "Close your mouth love. You might droll on that shirt." He spoke pulling me from my gaze, as I felt my cheeks staring to turn red so I spun around so he could only see my back again. For the past few years I've been living with the Mikaelson family in New Orleans. When I was turned into a vampire by my best friend Rebekah after a werewolf bite me I soon realized I couldn't resist my feelings for a certain Mikaelson anymore.
Klaus sips from his glass watching you go upstairs to your room never looking back at him. It drives him completely mad that you didn't change when you became a vampire, all of who you used to be was there. The girl he fell in love with, hopelessly in love with. "You know you'd actually get somewhere if you stopped eyeballing her and instead told her how you felt Nik." Rebekah entered the room making him role his eyes. "It's safer if she doesn't know little sister." He replied leaving the room. Rebekah put her hands on her hips getting annoyed with the two of you. Elijah and Kol were the same way. The two of you just wouldn't admit that you like each other.
Someone knocks on my door and I called out reading the Twilight series and finding barely anything in common with real vampires in this book. Rebekah stepped in my room opening my closet and pulling out a dress. "Y/n, we're going out tonight." She tossed me the orange dress and I slowly changed into it. "Bex why are we going out exactly?" I asked as we walked down the street with the moon above our heads. After walking for a little bit we ended up out at the bayou seeing a table with food and drinks for two on it. Footsteps approach in the distance so I spun on my heels showing my fangs only to see Klaus wearing a dress shirt and pants, confusion written on his face. Why is he here. Rebekah what are you doing.
"Little sister what have you tricked us into?" He asked stepping closer towards us his blue eyes flickered from me to my best friend. "You two are being infuriating with the looks at each other. The rest of us can't take all the hidden romance. So you're going to have this date and deal with your problem or I'll shove a dagger in your back Nik." She huffed throwing her arms up before vampiing off into the woods. I tried to not stare at the hybrid before me but failed only to see him eyeing me up and down before holding out an open hand. "Shall we, Y/n." Putting my hand in his he helps me sit down then goes to his seat staring at me. "I can't believe Bex's cooked up this crazy plan. I mean like a date in the middle of the woods." I blurted out seeing him raise a brow at me. "Are you saying you wouldn't have agreed if say I'd asked you?"
Tilting my head down I feel my cheeks get red even though vampires can't really do that. "No I didn't mean it - of course I would've if you - I like you - uh." I couldn't form a damn sentence and he chuckled shacking his head with a smile. "I'm just teasing, love. I must say though I'm not annoyed by your company. It's actually rare for you be exactly the same girl you were when you were human." Taking a sip from my glass I tasted some fancy wine staring into those blue eyes. "Nik, don't laugh or call me stupid for saying this but - before I was turned I had a small crush on you and now it's grown bigger..." I slowly admitted spinning my daylight ring on my finger waiting for his response.
He gets to his feet walking over to my side of the table pulling me to my feet and at this point I expect him to laugh or run at me just confessing my feelings. But instead he cupped my face in his hands leaning down kissing me and I gasped remembering the times I would dream this would happen and now it's for real. Slowly wrapping my arms around his neck I kiss him back playing with the hair on the back of his neck. He tugs me forward to his chest wrapping his arms around my waist. We broke the kiss even though we didn't need air for me to see a smile on his face as he whispered resting his forehead onto mine. "I love you too, Y/n with all my heart. If you wouldn’t mind I'd like to make up for lost time." I stuttered out lightly blushing. "What about Bex she'll come looking?" He shakes his head lifting me up into his arms vamping us into an old cabin that is obandin now. "She won't find us out here and if she does I'm sure she'll be thrilled." He breaths out laying me on a bed after removing his shirt kissing me once more. My hands tangled themselves in his hair deepening the kiss thinking in my head, thank you Rebekah.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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Would love to read all of those! But particularly hardy seeing lucian transform, and ellie finding out hardy is a vampire
Let's do Hardy seeing Lucian transform, and if you guys wanna request it later, I'm totally up for writing Ellie finding out about Hardy's 'condition'.
Warning: nudity, transformation
On with the fic!
"What, exactly, is a lycan?"
The question caught Lucian by surprise. He hadn't exactly been expecting the man across the kitchen table to ask him that. Personally, he thought Alec knew what he was, he was a clever man, had been around for over a hundred years, he's bound to have ran into a were creature like himself.
But then again, Alec was also the same person who refused to look into what the hell kind of vampire he was and couldn't tell the difference between one and a human without having to rely on his nose.
They were in Alec's home, looking over crime scene information, trying to figure out if there was a pattern, an MO to things, and it was best to do this in private. Alec had informed Lucian that the walls at the Traders were... not exactly thick. He knew from experience that people could hear a lot of things, as he himself had heard, and he didn't need enhanced senses to know what was happening behind closed doors.
Lucian didn't want to know what Alec had heard during his brief time there, Lucian was well aware of what guests got up to.
"Well," Lucian set down the photo he had been looking at, a ghastly thing, "what do you think I am?"
"An annoyance."
"Charming." He huffed a laugh. "No, but really, what do you think of when you think of a lycan?"
"You." Alec said without hesitation. "Then I think of you as a werewolf, but that's not correct, is it?"
"No, it's... in the area, yes, but it's different. Werewolves do exist, but the kind that I came from, they have been extinct for quite some time. Or at least that's what I've heard, there could be small pockets, hiding out somewhere in Europe or Asia." He shook his head. "Anyway, we're different from our wolf-like brethren."
"Explain." Alec said, sitting back in his chair, arms across.
Lucian sat up in his own seat, folding his hands on the table. "Well... to start, I'm the first of my kind, literally the first lycan. I was born after my mother, who was pregnant with me, was bitten by a werewolf. She transformed with the full moon, and in doing so, carried me in her for the rest of her pregnancy..."
From there, Lucian explained the weirdness of his birth, of how it seemed that it caused a mutation where he was not human, but looked it, until the full moon, yet afterwards he didn't stay a wolf. He had gone back to being human, unlike the werewolves of his kind. Once they change, they never go back.
Alec listened quietly as Lucian explained what a lycan was, a human-like creature that could change into a wolf-beast with or without the moon, after a number of years of adapting to the change. Some are changed into lycans through bites, some are born, but none are like Lucian himself.
"So," Alec finally spoke, "are you... the strongest of your kind?"
"No, I think that my friend Raze was, he could do more damage than I ever could. Then again, he had been a very strong human before I changed him, so... hm. I am the oldest though, and the one in the best control of myself, you'd be surprised how often I had to go months without changing, it's annoying, but it's doable."
Alec looked at him before getting up, going to the fridge. He pulled out a blood bag, good to know he's at least drinking some. Ellie had informed Lucian to keep an eye on Alec when around him, making sure he drank some or took his pills.
As he prepared a mug of blood in the microwave, he looked over at Lucian. "So, you can change at any time?"
"If I wish to, yes. Personally, I try to keep it more for battle, or during full moons when I can just run and hunt, give into my basic instincts."
"I see." He put the mug into the microwave before slipping the half-filled bag back into the fridge. "Can you change right now?"
Lucian raised an eyebrow. "You want to see it?"
"I'm curious. I don't know if I've ever met a lycan before, I tend to avoid any and all supernatural creatures, but yeah, let me see."
Lucian blinked, eyes changing to milky blue. He watched Alec's expression change, a small twitch in his jaw, his eyes widening a fraction. He had seen this before, but it always seems to catch people off-guard.
"Ah, fair warning, I do have to be naked for this." Lucian warned, unbuttoning his shirt.
"Seems... inconvenient in the heat of battle." Alec said, turning when the microwave dinged.
"Well, we just let out clothes get torn to shreds when that happens, no need to worry about clothes when you're being attacked." Lucian chuckled, setting the shirt aside before removing his necklace.
He turned, feeling eyes on him as he started to undo his belt. He wasn't ashamed of being seen naked, he's done this for centuries, in front of many people, but then again, they were lycans. This was Alec Hardy, who got flustered when people told him he was attractive, or called him a dilf on one occasion.
(Lucian had to ask Daisy what that was, she wouldn't stop laughing for a few minutes.)
Those calculating eyes were burning a hole into Lucian as he changed, so he had to appreciate that the vampire wasn't looking away. Well, until Lucian glanced over, watching as Alec turned his head sharply, the fresh blood seeming to have gone right up to his face.
Lucian chuckled and finished setting aside the rest of his clothes. "Alright, now, it's not... exactly a pretty sight."
"I'm a detective, you'd be surprised of what horrors I've seen." Alec replied, busy taking a long drink from his mug, trying not to look at Lucian when he turned to face him.
"Well, this is a bit different from that." Lucian warned before letting out a small growl, feeling his teeth change, his fingers getting longer, clawed. There was the familiar feeling of change in him, of his body morphing itself into what it should look like more often.
As he changed, he could see Alec staring at him, his face clearly showing he was disturbed as he watched, but almost... fascinated?
When it was over, Lucian was looming over him, breathing through his teeth, staring down at the detective who was looking at him with wide eyes. He set down his mug, his hands shaking as he did this, before he reached out. He touched Lucian's chest, feeling the leathery skin and wiry hair.
"Fuck..." He said quietly, looking him over. "You're bloody huge like this."
Lucian let out a laugh, though it didn't sound much like one. He let Alec walk around him, studying him. "You don't have a tail." He heard Alec comment from behind him.
"Hard to believe that vampires tried to keep you as their slaves, when you look like you could tear my head off with ease like a fucking bear." He frowned, looking at Lucian's hands.
Lucian made a sound and tapped at his neckline, showing where there were little markings, small scars that appeared like they were burnt into his skin. Then he started to shift back, gasping when everything was set in place. He rolled his head, hearing his neck crack and that felt good.
He was looking at Alec at a closer eye level now. "They made us submissive with silver collars." He spoke. "Try to transform, you got pierced, not a pleasant experience."
"Oh, I understand." Alec said, eyes on the scars, unconsciously touching a few, before he seemed to snap out of it, pulling back his hand. He coughed, grabbed his blood, and took a long drink. "Right, yeah, you're going to get dressed or just continue working like this?"
Lucian chuckled. "I'm comfortable either way."
"This is my kitchen, I'd really rather you get dressed again..."
Lucian is a flirt, Hardy doesn't understand that he's a bit parched.
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peninkwrites · 2 years
Hey there! For the ask game: 28, 36, and 40? :D -honeyblockm
Hello! :D
28. Who is the most delightful character you've ever written? Why?
PONK! Ponk <3 Ponk!!! I just love the way they talk and their character and how strong they are and compassionate but also refuse to take any shit from anyone and their moral philosophy is fascinating and just. My beloved.
alternatively: my OC Romy. Who is a roughly charming punk butch lesbian werewolf hunter who grew up in a cult in Paris. She hates cops and loves women. Her vibe is "fight or flirt" and the secret third option of "adopt miserable bisexual men and drag them on an emotional journey with a witty quip and mischievous charm" Had to put her in here somewhere <3 (Yes she is everything I want to be, why do you ask)
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice…what do you Know?
oh my god I don't know anything ever. Okay, but if we're being genuine here– I love using fics for philosophical thought exercises. I'm an English Major, Philosophy Minor, and I use those two skills Purely for fanfiction. Whether it's the ethics of torture or what we as humans stay alive for, I love to think about that stuff! In my main teen wolf fic Isaac chose to mercy-kill people, only choosing to rescue someone when it was someone he knew personally. He sure struggled with that one morally lmao. Or like, the idea of recognizing the self in the other! In Is your blood as red as this? Dream being tortured is portrayed as horrifying to Tommy, someone Dream himself tortured, but "getting even" is not what Tommy believes in and Quackity doesn't understand that. Even Dream in that fic being troubled by Tommy recognizing his exile in Dream's condition, whether that made him question his choices, I doubt it, but I'm sure Dream thought about that for a While. Until Quackity gave him something else to think about aha. And ofc I fucking love working with Ponk's thoughts on trust, karma, justice, forgiveness, etc etc etc. There's more recent stuff in TDDD questioning things like: If death is meaningless, is life meaningless too? What does it mean if you only stay alive because you know about a bad afterlife? Is suicide wrong if death doesn't mean anything anymore? Is it okay to abandon someone if they abandoned you first? What does it mean to be a god? Why do we stay alive? Is staying alive about the world, or is it about us? And those are always fun.
The only other thing I can think of is like, I guess minecraft mechanics?? even though I tend to fiddle them around to suit what I want. Other things I haven't already known but have researched for fics, like France or how bodies decay. Fun stuff like that.
40. Please share a poem with me, I need it.
I have spent the last hour manifesting a Tommy poem I've had rattling around my notes app for weeks. Thank you for making me manifest it.
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Hi Sarah! My friend and I are starting a bookclub (as much as you can with two people who aren't pressed for deadlines) and I was wondering if you have any recommendations? (That is if you have time to rec anything!) We're starting off with Deathless and have Fitzgerald next in line somewhere but I def want to try to expand the genres we read and tbh from years of following you, I trust your judgement
I don’t...like giving recommendations? At least not directly, it seems like too much opportunity for getting it wrong. Everybody has their own tastes, after all, and even the best of friends don’t necessarily vibe with what you vibe with. (I’ve experienced this with multiple friends, so I know what I’m talking about.) Truly, one of the reasons that my whole “I’m going to get back into reading for pleasure!” push has been so successful is that I only bother with books that interest me, and stop reading when they fail to catch my attention.
But I’ve now read at least 60 books in 2020, which is approximately 60 more than I’ve read in the years prior, so I’m happy to share that. Below is my list of recent reads, beginning to end, along with a very short review---I keep this list in the notes app on my phone, so they have to be. Where I’ve talked about a book in a post, I’ve tried to link to it. 
Peruse, and if something catches your interest I hope you enjoy!
2020 Reading List
Crazy Rich Asians series, Kevin Kwan (here)
Blackwater, Michael McDowell (here; pulpy horror and southern gothic in one novel; come for the monster but stay for the family drama.)
Fire and Hemlock, Diane Wynne Jones (here; weird and thoughtful, in ways I’m still thinking about)
The Secret History, Donna Tartt
Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn (here; loved it! I can see why people glommed onto it)
Swamplandia!, Karen Russell (unfinished, I could not get past the first paragraph; just....no.)
Rules of Scoundrels series, Sarah MacLean (an enjoyable romp through classic romancelandia, though if you read through 4 back to back you realize that MacLean really only writes 1 type of relationship and 1 type of sexual encounter, though I do appreciate insisting that the hero go down first.)
The Bear and the Nightingale, Katherine Arden (here)
Dread Nation, Justine Ireland (great, put it with Stealing Thunder in terms of fun YA fantasy that makes everything less white and Eurocentric)
The Haunting of Hill House, Shirley Jackson (VERY good. haunting good.)
Tell My Horse, Zora Neale Hurston (I read an interesting critique of Hurston that said she stripped a lot of the radicalism out of black stories - these might be an example, or counterexample. I haven't decided yet.)
The Rose MacGregor Drinking and Admiration Society, T. Kingfisher (fun!)
St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves, Karen Russell (some of these short stories are wonderful; however, Swamplandia's inspiration is still unreadable, which is wild.)
17776, Jon Bois (made me cry. deeply human. A triumph of internet storytelling)
The Girl with All the Gifts, M. R. Carey (deeply enjoyable. the ending is a bittersweet kick in the teeth, and I really enjoyed the adults' relationships)
The Door in the Hedge and Other Stories, Robin McKinley (enjoyable, but never really resolved into anything.)
The Hero and the Crown, Robin McKinley (fun, but feels very early fantasy - or maybe I've just read too many of the subsequent knock-offs.)
Mrs. Caliban, Rachel Ingalls (weird little pulp novel.)
All Systems Red, Martha Wells (enjoyable, but I don't get the hype. won't be looking into the series unless opportunity arises.)
A People's History of Chicago, Kevin Coval (made me cry. bought a copy. am still thinking about it.)
The Sol Majestic, Ferrett Steinmetz (charming, a sf novel mostly about fine dining)
House in the Cerulean Sea, TJ Klune (immensely enjoyable read, for all it feels like fic with the serial numbers filed off)
The Au Pair, Emma Rous (not bad, but felt like it wanted to be more than it is)
The Night Tiger, Yangsze Choo (preferred this to Ghost Bride; I enjoy a well-crafted mystery novel and this delivered)
The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula Le Guin (unfinished, I cannot fucking get into Le Guin and should really stop trying)
The Ghost Bride, Yangsze Choo (enjoyable, but not nearly as fun as Ghost Bride - the romance felt very disjointed, and could have used another round of editing)
Temptation's Darling, Johanna Lindsey (pure, unadulterated id in a romance novel, complete with a girl dressing as a boy to avoid detection)
Social Creature, Tara Isabella Burton (a strange, dark psychological portrait; really made a mark even though I can't quite put my finger on why)
The Girl on the Train, Paula Hawkins (slow at first, but picks up halfway through and builds nicely; a whiff of Gone Girl with the staggered perspectives building together)
Stealing Thunder, Alina Boyden (fun Tortall vibes, but set in Mughal India)
The Traitor Baru Cormorant; The Monster Baru Commorant, The Tyrant Baru Cormorant, Seth Dickinson (LOVE this, so much misery, terrible, ecstatic; more here)
This Is How You Lose the Time War, Amal El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone (epistolary love poetry, vicious and lovely; more here)
The Elementals, Michael McDowell
Gideon the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir (didn't like this one as much as I thought I would; narrator's contemporary voice was so jarring against the stylized world and action sequences read like the novelization for a video game; more here)
Finna, Nino Cipri (a fun little romp through interdimensional Ikea, if on the lighter side)
Magic for Liars, Sarah Gailey (engrossing, even if I could see every plot twist coming from a mile away)
Desdemona and the Deep, C. S. E. Cooney (enjoyed the weirdness & the fae bits, but very light fare)
A Blink of the Screen, Terry Pratchett (admittedly just read this for the Discworld bits)
A Memory Called Empire, Arkady Martine (not as good about politics and colonialism as Baru, but still a powerful book about The Empire, and EXTREMELY cool worldbuilding that manages to be wholly alien and yet never heavily expositional)
Blackfish City, Sam J. Miller (see my post)
Last Werewolf, Glen Duncan (didn't finish, got to to first explicit sex scene and couldn't get any further)
Prosper's Demon, KJ Parker (didn't work for me...felt like a short story that wanted to be fleshed out into a novel)
The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett
His Majesty's Dragon, Naomi Novik (extremely fun, even for a reader who doesn't much like Napoleonic stories)
Three Parts Dead, Max Gladstone (fun romp - hard to believe that this is the same author as Time War though you can see glimmers of it in the imagery here)
A Scot in the Dark, Sarah MacLean (palette cleanser, she does write a good romance novel even it's basically the same romance novel over and over)
The Resurrectionist, E. B. Hudspeth (borrowed it on a whim one night, kept feeling like there was something I was supposed to /get/ about it, but never did - though I liked the Mutter Museum parallels)
Stories of Your Life and Others, Ted Chiang (he's a better ideas guy than a writer, though Hell Is The Absence of God made my skin prickle all over)
Gods of Jade and Shadow, Silvia Moreno-Garcia (fun, very much a throwback to my YA days of fairytale retellings, though obviously less European)
Four Roads Cross, Max Gladstone (it turns out I was a LOT more fond of Tara than I initially realized - plus this book had a good Pratchett-esque pacing and reliance on characterization)
Get in Trouble, Kelly Link (reading this after the Chiang was instructive - Link is such a better storyteller, better at prioritizing the human over the concept)
Gods Behaving Badly, Marie Phillips
Soulless; Changeless; Blameless, all by Gail Carriger (this series is basically a romance novel with some fantasy plot thrown in for fun; extremely charming and funny)
Black Leopard, Red Wolf, Marlon James (got about 1/3 of the way through and had to wave the white flag; will try again because I like the plot and the worldbuilding; the tone is just so hard to get through)
Pew, Catherine Lacey (a strange book, I'm still thinking about it; a good Southern book, though)
Nuremberg Diary, GM Gilbert (it took me two months to finish, and was worth it)
River of Teeth, Sarah Gailey (I wanted to like this one a lot more than I actually did; would have made a terrific movie but ultimately was not a great novel. Preferred Magic for Liars.)
Mexican Gothic, Silvia Moreno-Garcia (extremely fun, though more trippy than Gods and the plot didn't work as well for me - though it was very original)
The New Voices of Fantasy, Peter S. Beagle (collected anthology, with some favorites I've read before Ursula Vernon's "Jackalope Wives", "Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers" "The Husband Stitch"; others that were great new finds "Selkie Stories are for Losers" from Sofia Satamar and "A Kiss With Teeth" from Max Gladstone and "The Philosophers" from Adam Ehrlich Sachs)
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shealynn88 · 4 years
We're Not Friends
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Fandom: Teen Wolf Pairing: Sterek A/N: Takes place early to mid-season 2.  Huge thanks to @all-or-nothing-baby​ who made this a better fic and a better art! Rating: Teen Word Count: 850
Read it on Ao3 or below:
Stiles always seems to get stuck doing the werewolf grunt work.  Chauffeuring one Derek Hale to the sheriff station, the animal clinic, the school.  Looking up records and autopsies and lore that the werewolf should already know.  Hunting down information that might give away his stupid pack that Stiles doesn’t even like anyway because they’re mean and murderous and not cool.  Why does he have to be the one putting up with the werewolf’s threats and stares and shoulders and cheekbones and leather jacket, getting his stupid huge hands all over his jeep and now his kitchen and his living room...
Stiles shakes his head.  Off track.  Off track, Stiles.  “Okay,” he says, forcing himself to focus as he searches the police reports.  “Looks like there haven’t been any other animal attacks reported, so it sounds like you got the rest of the roadkill your buddies ripped through.  You know I could get in huge trouble for this, right?”  He runs the script to clear the access logs.  “Not that you care, of course.  No, because what else would I be doing with my time?  Just breaking into my dad’s computer to get you information that only I can get you. And what do I get for it?  Huh?  A big fat nothing, I’ll bet.  Just the honor of your silent, terrifying company. You know—”  He closes the last window with a dramatic click and then spins around to face Derek, righteously annoyed—and, wow, Derek is closer than he’d realized.  Stiles’ rant sticks in his throat. He’s uncharacteristically quiet when he finally continues.  “You know, I didn’t hold you up in that pool because I thought you’d protect me.  I’m not like that.  Neither is Scott.”
Derek stares at him silently and Stiles finally swallows hard and spins his chair slowly back to the computer.  Down, boy, he tells himself firmly.  Down.
Derek remains silent beside him and Stiles shakes his head and mumbles.  “Don’t know why I bother with you, man.”
“I know,” Derek says, voice low enough that it reverberates right there in Stiles’ stomach in that irritating fucking way that Derek has.  Untrustworthy, horrible, infuriating Derek, who can’t believe anyone exists who isn’t just as selfish and self-absorbed as he is.
Stiles spins back again in a fury.  “You know.  You know?  You think you—”
Derek grabs him by the shoulder and leans in, intense.  Is there anything he does that isn’t red alert levels of intense?  Christ, Stiles can feel his heart in his chest, galloping along at a rate that must be pounding in Derek’s ears.  
Derek’s voice is gravel low, almost angry.  “I know. It wasn’t because you needed my protection.”
“Oh yeah?” Stiles spits back.  Well—”  He stutters to a halt as the words sink in.  “Oh.  Yeah. Well, right.  Exactly.  Because sometimes you don’t need a reason, y’know.  To do something decent.”
Derek’s fingers are on his skin, now, shifted up so they burn against the side of his neck.  “We’re not friends, Stiles.”
Stiles is fairly certain his stomach is somewhere in his left lung, and his skin is on fire, and his heart is going to make a bloody mess when it bursts out of his chest.  “I know,” he whispers, and it’s not at all how he meant it to sound.  Not like this, all desperate and breathy.
“Stiles,” Derek breathes, and he’s close.  God, he’s so close that Stiles can finally see the depths of his eyes—twelve different colors of green and grey and brown in there.  Jesus, this man should be illegal.
“Derek?” he squeaks.
Derek leans in, just the smallest bit, and his breath is hot against Stiles’ mouth, making him forget everything he’s ever known.  He’s never kissed anyone before. Not for real. Not like this, with his whole body on fire and a huge hand on his neck, holding him steady while the rest of him threatens to fall away.  He lets out a shuddering breath as Derek’s lips slot into his, drag his top lip up and then there’s the hot swipe of Derek’s tongue, there and then gone again, and Stiles just lets his mouth fall open in surrender.  Derek kisses him gently, not at all the way he thought a werewolf with twenty chips on his shoulder would kiss.  
Not that he’s thought about it.  
Or dreamed about it.
Derek moves back and Stiles just manages not to follow.
“You shouldn’t…” Derek grimaces and stands up, his hand dropping away from Stiles’ neck.  “I’m not here for you. You don’t know me.  You don’t know anything about me.”
Stiles closes his eyes and touches his lip with one finger.  “I mean, I know some stuff.”
But Derek is already gone, the door swinging shut behind him.
“Oh my God,” Stiles says aloud.  “Oh my God.”  He thunks his head down on the desk and tries to forget the burn of Derek Hale’s mouth.
Things just got very complicated.
Tagging: @all-or-nothing-baby​ @midnightsilver​
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