#we've always been like this
genuflecting · 1 year
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Correspondence from Rupert Raj to Lou Sullivan (February 20, 1983)
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annunakitty · 11 months
The Snail Farm
Featuring myself and @bumblequinn, circa 2008-09 or so, probably, I think. It was a long time ago.
Kitty: Bee, I have an idea Kitty: Do you think operating a snail farm would be profitable? Bee: That depends Bee: Are they giant mutant snails from outer space? Kitty: No just regular snails Kitty: But I'm thinking more of a commune where all the snails contribute in some way, only I won't tell them that I'm breeding them and selling them off Bee: Kitty I don't think the snails would know the difference Kitty: Oh, good. I was afraid they might catch on Kitty: I wonder what the snail market is worth Bee: I hear that it's very unexplored territory Bee: Probably worth millions Bee: You could corner the market! Kitty: Ah, so I may be a visionary after all! Bee: You could be like the Columbus…. of SNAILS. Kitty: Good science, you are right! Kitty: I will even found my own continent consisting entirely of snails Kitty: Literally, the continent will be made of snails Kitty: No fucking slugs allowed Kitty: That kind of indecency is sinful Bee: Quite so. Filthy little bastards. Bee: But how will you get the snails to stay put as a large landmass? Kitty: Simple, really Kitty: They will all stick together Kitty: They are very slimy and sticky, you know. Bee: Hmm, yes Bee: But I'm not so sure Bee: I think you'd better obtain some industrial strength adhesive Bee: Just in case! Kitty: That might be a good idea. Wouldn't want them getting any ideas Bee: Indeed! In fact as I understand it, snails are quite rebellious, are they not? Kitty: Very much so. Why, just the other day I saw one on the sidewalk trying to run out into the street, so I picked it up and pointed it the other way, and the little bugger pulled a U-ey and headed straight for the street again Bee: The little deviant! Kitty: I know! Quite the daredevil too Bee: But back to the continent of Snails! Bee: What shall you call this mystical land? Kitty: Hmm. Kitty: Arthur? Bee: "The Great Nation of Arthur" Bee: I'm not so sure… Kitty: Me either Bee: It needs to have a more robust name than Arthur at least. Bee: Like Phillip! Kitty: Hmm. Bee: Now there is a robust name. Kitty: Phillip is quite robust, but doesn't quite have the… zing that I'm looking for. Kitty: Quite Bee: Wait wait I know. We've been going about this all wrong. Bee: You see, countries often have certain certified country name endings! Bee: Like -ia, -topia, -istan, and so on. Bee: Do you follow? Kitty: Yes… Kitty: Hmm. Kitty: Snailistan seems close, but still not quite… It. Bee: Yes, hm… Bee: BY JOVE, I THINK I'VE GOT IT! Kitty: Please, do tell! Bee: "We welcome all (but snails) to the proud Sovereign Nation of…" Bee: "Fredericktopia!" Kitty: Oh wow Kitty: I believe Archimedes said it perfectly, Eureka! Bee: Indeed! Bee: This is a momentous occasion indeed. Kitty: However, one small detail I believe you mistyped, is that the nation welcomes all but slugs Kitty: But no matter, a minor mistake! Bee: Oh, my! You are correct. How embarrassing! Bee: Yes, all but slugs shall be welcome to the great land of Fredericktopia! Kitty: I am out of things to say Bee: erm Bee: SUDDENLY, FREDERICKTOPIA GAINS SENTIENCE AND DESTROYS ALL HUMAN LIFE Bee: How dreadful! Kitty: WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE! Bee: THE MAAAAADNEEEEEEESSSSS Bee: ok so the end I guess? Kitty: Yeah. Good show, old girl. good show. Bee: Quite indeed!
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lilithsaintcrow · 7 months
“His name was Bob Carlisle, and his big claim to fame was that he was the “original wheelbarrow pedestrian”."
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cairafea · 19 days
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my favourite genre of seventeen is when they're straight up lying
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quotes by Victorians about the 1920s view of their generation's women
"We are frequently told that the Victorian woman...generally behaved like a pampered and neurotic infant. This is all moonshine. I do not think that I ever saw a woman faint before I came to London in 1869, and not often after then...they enjoyed a hearty laugh, and a good many of them a contest of wits with any man." -Nineteenth Century, a Monthly Review, 1927 (written by a man born in 1850)
"What queer ideas the girl of 1929 has about the Victorian period- they are not a bit true...Marriage was by no means the end and aim of our existence. Oxford and Cambridge claimed quite a few of us after school days were over. We had great ideas about 'life' and what it all might mean to us." -St. Petersburg Times, 1929 (written by a woman born in 1853)
"True, debutantes were chaperoned at balls. But that fact did not prevent them from dancing as frequently as they chose with their favorite partners. The idea that girls in the Victorian era spent their days sewing seams and practicing scales is another fallacy." -Gettysburg Times, July 1, 1927 (quote from the Dowager Lady Raglan, Ethel Jemima Somerset, who lived from 1857 to 1940)
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danielsarmand · 3 months
guys. guys. guys. look at me. i beg of you to think about it for one single second. do you really genuinely honestly think that armand. 514 years old never turned a human never made a vampire. would make his first and only fledgling OUT OF SPITE? look at me in the eye. come on. i know you don't genuinely think that
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it's kind of funny that we're back at the start, as it was known from the very beginning, as the story always was, the old lore: "the Divine Gate was built in response to the destruction and suffering of the Calamity as the Prime Deities realized was far too much and, as such, they needed to also remove themselves from Exandria to protect it from the ruin that the gods dwelling here brings"
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camelotluteguild · 2 years
Something i really like about Merlin is how they didn’t make love a redemptive force. Uther loves both his children very much -- doesn’t make him a good man or even necessarily a good father. Merlin and Arthur love each other so much, but it doesn’t save either of them, nor does it always makes them better --  oftentimes, it makes them worse. It makes the love no less compelling or meaningful -- in my opinion, it only makes it more so, and it’s a more realistic approach to love. Thoughts and feelings!
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i cannot WAIT to see joey batey act his entire pussy off in this next season. he CARRIED jaskier and geralt's entire relationship and he made us ship jaskier and yennefer all without even TRYING last season just IMAGINE what he's going to do when he's actually specifically told to act in love with someone. when he actually has complex and relevant plots of his own. the RANGE
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jonesandashes · 3 months
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dryersheetbear · 1 year
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do u. understand
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asweetprologue · 1 year
i know probably nobody following me is even relatively in this fandom but I just finished s5 of the dragon prince and I gotta tell you. the canonical lovechild of the gay-coded villains was not something I saw coming
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xxplastic-cubexx · 23 days
logan on that plane when the divorcees started arguing had to have been AT LEAST one of his top 20 worst moments in life if not at least one of the most awkward like imagine not liking flying in the first place and then the plane starts being crumpled like tin foil once the metallokinetic gets frustrated and now we're all nosediving towards the middle of the ocean
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iidsch · 2 months
also more codelyokoposting but I really really dig XANA as a villain. It's not a person with a complex background that led them down the path of evil, it's not a morally grey character you sympathize with but condemn. It's a powerful AI capable of controlling almost anything in the real world. It doesn't have a face or a body, we only know it for its symbol and for the monsters it controls in the virtual world. It's willing not just to kill people through various methods (poisoning, drowning, car crash, fucking space lasers too?) but also Earth as a whole (it tried to blow up a NUCLEAR PLANT and crash two trains with toxic chemicals in them). And we don't even know why it does this, at least not for now. It may not even have a particular reason, just some sort of virus or malware in the form of an AI that seeks nothing but destruction without any goals in mind. This "pure evil" characteristic doesn't come off as childish, like in some children cartoons, it's just kind of scary to think that such an incomprehensible and destructive force exists, almost feels like a natural disaster
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stromer · 5 months
call me crazy... but i think hockey belongs in the desert idk
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rebouks · 6 months
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Wyatt: I feel like this place is tainted now, like we need to open all the windows and just… [Wyatt wafted his hands as though he could dismiss Kian’s lingering presence as easily as the wind displaced sand] Brynn: You forget soon enough. Wyatt: I need some air, you coming? Brynn: Tch, like I can run anywhere-.. I am huge sea creature. Wyatt: A whale? Brynn: Oh, you dig your own grave-.. I stab you whilst you sleep! [Wyatt chuckled as Brynn smacked him upside the head, only somewhat gently] Wyatt: I don’t doubt it. Remind me to hide the knives when I get back… … Darien: But it was cathartic, right? Wyatt: Hm.. you orchestrated this on purpose, didn’t you? Darien: I’ve no idea what you’re talking about-.. enlighten me. Wyatt: Well, let’s just say that I’m certainly less likely to regret not reaching out. Darien: Ah.. so, it worked? Wyatt: You’re a shrewd man, Mr. Moore. Darien: Why, thank you! Wyatt: So, when’re you going to visit again? Darien: Ohh, I don’t know-.. I figured I’d let your anger dissipate a little first, I like my neck un-strangled thank you. Wyatt: Ha-ha. Darien: Really though, it’ll be nice not having to wonder. Wyatt: It must be exhausting, being right all the time. Darien: Nope! Speaking of-.. reckon he’ll wind up on Kaden’s doorstep next? Wyatt: Probably. He doesn’t know what to do unless someone’s telling him. Darien: Mhm, prison won’t have helped matters-.. do this, shit there, suck that, bend over. [cackling]
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