#we've both been feeling better since the break-up (he said so himself)
potato-elf · 1 year
personal posting in the tags again beware
#venting#venting about my love life in the tags again sorry fellas#so#my ex contacted me again#asked if he could send me a letter he wrote to process the relationship we had#he'd taken that approach a lot in the past on psychologist's orders so i figured i wouldn't rob him of that progress#motherfucker sent me a 5 page essay on everything that went wrong during the relationship#as well as stating that breaking up with me was one of the biggest mistakes he's ever made#and whether there was a chance we could reconcile#but like#I care about him a lot#and I too miss the good parts of the relationship that he mentioned#but I don't think getting back together and giving it another shot after being broken up for 3 months is gonna solve our issues#we've both been feeling better since the break-up (he said so himself)#but I'm scared we'd just fall into the same patterns that made us both miserable if we tried again#so now I have to work through a whole bunch of stuff emotionally again#as well as figure out how to tell him that no I don't think we should try again#and it's making me feel like absolute shit#I was also tentatively starting to date again#and I'm not quite convinced the guy I went on a date with saw it going anywhere#but whether that's true or not I feel like I got set back in the way I'd processed the break-up again#and while I don't think getting back with my ex is a good idea I also don't feel like I'm ready to date again now#honestly#if my ex asked me this either 2 months ago or a year from now I would've seriously considered it#because maybe we would've had the time to actually work on the deeper issues that made our dynamic toxic#but it's been 3 months and from his letter it doesn't seem like he has any idea how to prevent our issues in the future either#so I don't trust us not to fall into the same old habits again#though it hurts a lot to have to make that decision right now because I wish the best for him#but we just weren't the best for eachother#and I keep on questioning whether I'm not making a terrible mistake right now
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leeeeeeeeech · 2 months
Don't Wanna be your Friend Anymore
"B-Beee." I slur, leaning against the ghoul, my vision swimming behind my drooping eyelids. The alcohol kicked in much quicker than I would've liked it too. This game was a dumb idea.
"Told ya," He chuckled, tucking some of my hair behind my ear with a delicate claw. "You cannot hold your liquor fer shit, tootsie pop."
I go to argue with him, but the bile that jumps into my throat beats me to it. I practically launch myself from the couch to stumble towards the bathroom. Beetlejuice cackles, triumphant that he'd won. I come back, sweatier and a couple shots lighter, to Beetlejuice sipping on another bottle of tequila. His hair a subtle purple hue.
"Damn, Beej, you goin' through something?" He jumps, a little startled, before he jerkily shrugs his shoulders, the purple retreating into his hair line, quickly replaced by his signature electric green.
"Nah, I like the burn," He takes another gulp, making a sour face as he set the bottle down. "Augh yep! That's the stuff."
"Come on, what's wrong? You're purple."
His eyes widen, hands jumping to his hair, attempting to cover it up. "N-Nothing's wrong. I just.. ughhh fuck okay okay." He sighs, gritting his teeth. My heart breaks as the purple comes back full force, it even bleeds past his hair. His tie and the white stripes of his suit a faded plum color.
Oh no.
"I miss you." He whispers, his voice strained. I sit next to him on the couch, scooting closer until our legs bump together.
"But I'm right here, Beej." I reach for his hand, but he smacks it away.
"No! No, you're not. Ever since you took that dumbass job you never have time for me!"
"How? We hang out every night."
He shakes his head, red sprouting into the purple, like splotches of blood.
"No. We really don't Y/n. This is the first time we've had an actual conversation in weeks, and it's only happening because we're both drunk!"
My head is swimming from this revelation. Was my new job really affecting him this much? I thought that things were good between us. I... I really fucked up, didn't I?
"I'm sorry, Beetlejuice, why didn't you say anything before?"
He shakes his head. "I didn't want... fuck.. this shit is really somethin' huh?" He gestures to the half empty bottle of tequila. "It really makes ya just say anything!" He laughs, but the joy doesn't reach his eyes, or his hair, or..anywhere really. A mirthless noise.
"Beej, you can be honest, I'm sorry we haven't hung out like we used to. I've been a terrible friend to you."
Beetlejuice mutters something angrily under his breath, crossing his arms and turning away from me. "What?" I lean towards him, grabbing a hold of his shoulder to balance myself.
"I don't want to be your friend." He says, punctuating each word with a pained hiss. I feel like complete shit. I took him for granted. "Beej, I'm so sorry! I wish I knew how to make all this better."
He's quiet for a while, seemingly contemplating, his hair changes from color to color. Red, blue, purple, orange, yellow....pink. I continue to watch in silence as he broods. A soft pink remains at the root of his hair as it fades through the entire rainbow. He pauses for a moment, noticing that I hadn't said anything to him. His eyes meet mine, the pink crawling through his hair slowly, the purple sliding into the forefront of his head. His gaze flickered down to my lips for a beat.
"Beetlejuice, I know I messed up, and if you don't want me-"
"Shut up for a second."
I clamp my mouth shut, watching him carefully as he scoots closer to me.
He cuts himself off, turning away from me with a scoff. I hear him grumble, "Fuck it." but before I can comment on it at all, his hands are cupping my face, and his lips are pressed up against mine. My eyes fluttered closed as he presses into me, my hands wandering up into his hair to pull on the ever-changing strands. He groans into the kiss, the vibrations reverberating throughout me. It makes me shiver
He leans into me further, more hands groping, pinching, pulling. His tongue, cold and wet pressing against my teeth. His heavy breaths, and little groans are too much for me to handle. I push him off, panting and wiping at the slobbery residue of the kiss. Beetlejuice looks upset for a moment, but his eyes flick to my lips again and his hair goes bubblegum pink, strands of red settling in random patches. it makes him look like cinnamon candy.
"Bee-" He holds up a hand to my mouth, shushing me. He runs his free hand through his hair, a few mold spores falling out as he did so.
"Listen, Y/n, I.. I like you. A lot. Anytime I think about you and me it's like my heart's havin' an orgasm." His confession is rushed and stumbled through, but I quit listening to him once his hair started glowing. The pink shining so bright that it cast a soft light throughout the living room. I smiled at all my things being in Beej's light. I interrupt his ramble by kissing the hand that covered my mouth. He flinched, stopping mid sentence.
"You give my heart orgasms too, Beej." I laugh, holding on to his hand with both of mine. His shock quickly fades, replaced with that flirty cockiness that I've come to love.
"I bet I can make you feel like that all over~"
I lean forward into his space, grinning as his cheeks darken at my being so close. Liquid courage or love, I didn't care. I was going to see my ghoul pink for as long as possible.
"Let's test it."
(lil note): this is also on ao3!
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that-basic-simp · 2 months
Not Alone
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Mizu X Fem!Reader CW: Bit of angst WC: 1.4k+
"I'm on the path of revenge. There's no room for love, friendship, or weakness. Now, I have a man to kill," Mizu said as she walked away from me.
Where was she going to? I know she was going to Fowler's castle, but alone?
"Alone?" I asked her.
"Yes. Alone," she said.
"After all we've been through," I said.
She stopped and turned her head over her shoulder, "Do yourself a favor, Y/N, forget all about me. Go back home, where you'll live a nice and happy life, marry a nice man, and live a life that isn't drenched in blood and hatred."
"What if I don't want that?"
"What if I don't want to marry a nice man? What if I don't want to get married at all?"
She turned her body to face me, "Y/N, what the hell are you saying?"
"I want to be with you, Mizu. No matter what."
She shook her head, "You deserve someone better than me. Someone who will actually love you."
"So your feelings towards me weren't real?" I asked, my voice breaking slightly.
"T-That's not what I meant. I-I," she stopped, her eyes moving back and forth before she shook her head once more. "My feelings for you were real. I-I just can't understand them at this current moment in time. I-I can't love you because of my revenge. I want to love you, but I-I just can't."
"You're going to get yourself killed," I said.
"Better die trying," she said and turned around, stumbling off.
"I hope to never see your face again, Mizu!" I yelled, knowing deep down, that wasn't true.
She stopped just for a moment, but then started to walk off again. Tears streamed down my face as I sat down on some steps that were beside me. Ringo came over and offered comfort as he placed one of his arms on my back.
"Are you going to be ok, Y/N?" Ringo asked.
"I'll be fine," I sighed, standing up. "If Mizu is going to get himself killed, he'll get himself killed."
I walked off in the opposite direction of Mizu, even though she was long gone. Although, I couldn't help but turn back to look in the direction she walked off in. Even though she wasn't going  to be there and wasn't going to come back. Shaking my head, I turned and continued to walk off in the opposite direction.
"Is Mizu dead?" I looked at Ringo as he was carrying a cart with Taigen and Mizu's body on it.
"I'm too scared to look."
I turned and faced Mizu, her chest slowly rising and falling. Taigen's was too. I let out a sigh of relief, but I walked off, Ringo following behind me.
"Do you know where to get help?" Ringo asked.
"I do."
Reaching a lone forge in the middle of the woods, I started to bang on the door of Master Eiji's.
"Hello? Master Eiji? W-We need your help. Mizu is not in the best shape."
There was nothing. Ringo sighed and I turned towards the cart. Grabbing her sword, I hit it against the ground, an odd ringing coming from it. The door opened and Master Eiji's head emerged.
"Mizu. Come inside."
Ringo grabbed the cart and wheeled the two inside.
"Master Eiji, Mizu is in bad shape. Along with Taigen."
"Do you know how to treat wounds?"
"Then get to treating," he said, starting a fire.
Ringo started to make some medicine for both of them while I started with Taigen first, since his injuries were more severe. Ringo came over and stitched up Mizu's wounds since I was still working on Taigen.
"Who knew one man could bleed so much," I said as I wiped the blood from his body before stitching the wounds.
Once we were finished, we let them rest for a while. It was Mizu who came to first and she was starting to walk around the forge. I almost bumped into her when I was bringing in wood for the fire. Her eyes had a pang of guilt in them. Turning away from me, she stepped aside so I could walk into the forge.
A few days had passed and Mizu was still not talking to me. She was off doing something with her sword and whenever we passed by, she would avoid looking at me. I think she wanted to say something, but didn't know what. She infuriated me at times, but she couldn't help it. Her past was a rocky one and it was justified. I just hate it when we're not talking to one another.
"Y/N?" she came to me one night.
Looking up at her, there was a guilty expression on her face as she sat down in front of me.
"Now you want to talk to me?"
"I am sorry," she said. "Sorry for everything I said."
I sighed and shook my head, "I can help, Mizu."
"I know you can, but I can't afford to lose you. N-Not after everything you have ever done for me."
"Mizu," I reached for her hand, but she pulled it away.
"You deserve someone better. Someone who will actually love you and will show you that they love you. Someone that deserves your love."
"And why do you think you're not deserving of my love?"
"Look what I said to you before I left. I basically told you I didn't love you and that you don't deserve me."
"You did say that," I said in a flat tone.
"And I meant it. You really do deserve someone who will truly love you."
"I always thought you truly loved me."
"I do," she quickly argued back. "I-It's just that, fuck."
"Mizu, you're not an easy person to love. And you're not an easy person to show love. But there is one thing I do know about you."
"What's that?"
"You know what you want. Easily. And when you don't know what you want, you come to terms with it and think it over. So all I ask of you is one thing."
"What is it?"
"Think us over," I said and stood up, walking out of the forge.
The following night was back to us not speaking. I wasn't surprised. I did kind of tell her to fuck off without telling it to her face. She still needed to reforge her sword and from what I saw the other day, it wasn't working out well for her. But when I saw smoke rising from the woods, I knew she was back at it. Sighing, I was about to step outside to get some wood for Master Eiji, but I saw her walking towards me. She had her blue haori on and her hair was down to its natural length. I have only ever seen it once and she was absolutely stunning when she let it down. There was writing all over her body.
"Do you know the Heart Sutra?"
"The body is emptiness, an emptiness body. All things are only empty. Nothing is born, nothing broken."
She nodded her head. Raising her hand, she offered me a brush. Grabbing it, she turned around, her back facing me. The haori slid from her shoulders, revealing her bare back.
"There are some things I can't do alone," she said.
Raising the brush, I wrote the words of the Heart Sutra on her back.
"Mizu," I said as I began writing.
"I have been thinking, about us."
"What were you thinking about?"
"I still believe you deserve better. That you are deserving of someone who will love you back. But, maybe once this is all said and done, I can be that person who gives you that love. Shows you what it is like to be loved by someone."
"Mizu, you're the one who needs to be shown what it is like to be loved by someone."
"And that someone, I want it to be you."
I smiled slightly, finishing up. She turned to face me and I placed the brush down on the fence post. Taking her face in my hands, I brushed the soft skin with the pad of my thumb. Thankfully the ink was dry on her face or I would have to redo it for her. I smiled at her and she smiled in return. Pulling her towards me, our lips lightly met one another's. It was just a quick peck, nothing more from it. I pecked her lips a few times before she pulled away.
"I-I need to get back to reforging my sword."
"About that," I reached into my pocket and placed something in her hand.
Her eyes widened to find it was the necklace she had gotten me whenever we first started this relationship.
"Y/N," she said, picking her head up.
"I loved that necklace. Truly I did. But, it was a sign of our love back then. Let it be the reason you're able to forge a stronger sword."
She smiled once more, nodding her head.
"You're not alone in this, Mizu," I said, placing my hand on her cheek once more.
She reached up and grabbed my hand, caressing the skin with her fingers.
"I know," she pressed a soft kiss to my palm. "I have you."
"You always had."
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miyaur · 1 year
heylo can i req a sub cyno (OR ANYONE) x dom reader pls 👀
he’s feeling a lil frustrated and pent up and reader asks what’s wrong but he’s kinda avoiding it :( but then reader keeps teasing him and he ends up begging for more ;)
(he whimpers)
☆ 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫. ft, cyno
・sypnosis. he's so frustrated, he just needs someone to kiss it better for him.
・notes. this took so long LMAO, i wanted to see if i could still write more or better than what i had originally planned, and i did write way better than expected so, finishing up old as fuck asks/requests in my drafts i planned to do months ago, so sorry about that lol
・warnings. nsfw utc, sub!cyno, gn!dom!reader, strap/dick mentioned for reader, overstimulation, edging (kinda)
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⟢ 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐀𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐑𝐀 𝐂𝐘𝐍𝐎, can you kiss it better for him? (yes)
・your boyfriend, cyno, was very busy, many piles of paperwork awaited him, even while he was at home he couldn't rest, but it's not like he could just ignore work, he couldn't just rest, not yet, he loved the idea of finally cuddling in bed with you, but work did not seem to lighten, no matter how much work was being done, there always seemed like commissions, or missions in general were constantly being given out, and it's only a matter of time 'till he's too tired to even stand up. you were worried for him obviously, as his partner, obviously you missed him, his presence, his scent, anything really, but most of all you were worried about his wellbeing, is he really okay with that much work? he always mentions he doesn't need help, but the eyebags underneath his orbs said otherwise, poor guy hasn't even gotten sleep.
・you wanted to change that, you wanted to help him release stress, but he was stuck inside his office the whole time, and he'll probably tell you i'm too busy, again, but you could tell he was starting to get needy too. it was only a matter of time 'till he broke. holding all of that in must require a lot of hope and belief, he looked incredibly miserable, and it didn't seem like the bulge in his pants was helping either, his hand grazing over it from time to time, archons he didn't you so bad right now, well, a break doesn't sound that bad.
・him walking out of his office finally looking like he's decided to take a break, or that he's finished, and finally has time for you. but when you tried to hug him like usual, he pushed you away, "something wrong? did i do something?" you asked, "p-please.. y-you're teasing me a-aren't you.." he whimpered out, looking up to you with hunger in his eyes. "what do you mean, love? all i'm doing is trying to hug you, it's been so long since we've been this close to each other." acting clueless, well if he wants you that bad, he has go to tell you himself, that he wants to be fucked bad, be fucked so bad like he's nothing but a cheap whore, "y-you know what i mean, please?" he asks, "please, pleasepleaseplease... 'm so needy tonight, i just need y-you bad" he mewls out, leaning you toward the bed
・"tell me how bad you need me." you asked, holding his chin in your grip, to make him face yours, "i want y' s-so bad, p-please fuck me?"
・the situation you both were in started something like, slowly taking off cyno's shorts, his boxers, whatever he had on 'till he was naked, swelling cock, pretty red tip, begging to be touched, cyno looked like all shades of red right now, trying to hold in his whimpers as you kept slowly caressing his dick, slowly stroking it, small mewls came out his mouth, "s-stop teasing.." he whimpered, breath hitched, red tip oozed with precum, your pace slowly increasing, "oh baby, i'll take all the time i need okay? trust me okay?" you whispered in his ear, leaning in to give him a kiss. hovering your hand over him even faster, his brow knit together, "h-haah! wan' y-you s' bad pleasef— i c-can't.." as he breaks the kiss apart, moaning louder than ever before
・"you're already so close? my, we've just begun." the message sent shivers down his spine, "faster. p-please." he asked, his hand on yours, trying to increase the speed of your hand on his member. he whimpered as you slowly took your clothes off, revealing your body, in front of him, he felt like he wasn't worth it, wasn't worth seeing your precious body, getting treated like a princess after ignoring you for so long. "archons— i-i'm cumming p-please!" he screamed out, your palm being painted white.
・that's why you both are in the situation you are in right now! cyno, relentlessly getting fucked hard, from behind, you stood (or kneeled i guess), as he took all of you in, as you pumped his pretty cock, while your cock/strap is up his ass, his tip sticky with cum, the dazed expression he has was enough to tell he's been with you for very long. a drooling mess, it was so easy to go in and out of his hole from all the cum that had been in since the last rounds, your skillful hands had worked its way down his cock, and up. hole filled with cum, finally seeping out. falling to the bed, you turned him on his back, "i know you can take one more, right babe?" you asked, as his cock sunk into your hole. "mmf—! i.. i can." he answers, oh lord is he in for a night till sunrise.
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Gator Tillman x Fem! Reader
Badge Bunny AU - This can be read as a stand alone. Read more of their series here.
Summary: Gator gets hurt which leads to confessions from the both of you.
18+ Only Minors DNI!
Warnings: Minimal use of Y/N. Reader is referred to as "Bunny" or "Bun." Established relationship. Roy Tillman (Roy being the ass that he is). Gator gets hurt - no details just the aftermath. Angst. Fluff. Brief smut (not explicit).
Word Count: 2.7K
Gator had left that morning in a rush, skipping breakfast altogether to go help Roy with something. The kind of something that he stayed tight lipped about that always made you feel uneasy.
Up before dawn, rousing you to make sure he could kiss you properly before starting his day and he was out the door.
You'd wish you'd said it then. It's been on the tip of your tongue for weeks now.
That thrumming in your chest with every beat of your heart. That ache that comes along when you know you care about someone. When you love someone. When you finally admit it to yourself.
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You'd gotten to work without so much as a “miss you sweet thing” or “tacos tonight” text. It wasn't unusual for him to go a while without hearing from him but today just felt off.
The moment he'd told you he had to be out early; you knew it was trouble.
“Helping dad tomorrow. We've got to clean up a mess.”
You'd started voicing your concerns about Roy more often since he'd finished completely moving in and was no longer under his dad's thumb 24/7.
He started to see things your way, little by little. You were proud of the man he was becoming, no longer seeking his daddy's approval all the time. He was trying to be a better man for himself and for you.
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It was another couple of hours with nothing. You'd sent a few texts his way with no reply. Getting worried, you finally called him on break only for it to go straight to voicemail.
You chewed your nail, debating on reaching out to the one person who would know what was going on. But as if my dumb luck, two deputies walked in for lunch, halting your finger from making that call.
You stomped over to them with a purpose.il
Andy noticed you first, giving you a puzzled look.
“Y/N? Figured you'd be up at the hospital.”
It felt like your entire world came crashing down with those words.
“What happened?” It's all you could think to ask.
“Uh, I don't know all the details, just know he's pretty banged up. Did… did no one call you?”
You didn't answer, going straight to the back telling Henry you couldn't stay.
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Your fists were clenched so tight around the steering wheel, your knuckles were white. The hospital was only about 15 minutes away, but you couldn't get there fast enough.
You were a nervous wreck walking through the entrance only expecting the worst, heading straight for reception.
“I need to see Gator Tillman.” You spoke as calmly as your voice would allow.
“You family, hon? Only family allowed back there with him right now.”
“I….I'm his girlfriend.” You should have just lied but you figured everyone in this damn town knew Gator. He wasn't married.
“Sorry hon. You'll have to wait out here for now.” She gave you a pitying look.
“Yeah, okay.” You sighed and found the nearest seat.
You'd tried to talk to reception again about 20 minutes later, but they weren't going to budge. Wouldn't even tell you if he was okay.
Each second was agonizing. Your knee was bouncing, and each time the door shot open your head followed to see if it was who you were looking for.
At this rate, the skin around your nails that you were picking would all be bleeding.
Sitting in your own agony, you almost missed the voice behind you.
“No, goddamnit, tell him to go out there now.”
You stood up immediately, walking over to catch up with his large strides.
“Roy!” You'd half shouted, as he turned stunned but his face somewhat softened when he saw you.
“Is he okay? Please just tell me he's okay. These assholes won't let me back there since I'm not family. Won't even tell me what's going on.” It all rushed out with one breath.
“Whoa, whoa.” He clasped a hand on your shoulder. You wanted to jerk away from him but stood still.
“He's going to be fine y/n. Broken wrist and bruised ego. But otherwise, he's fine.”
You breathed a small sigh of relief.
“How?” Your eyes welled, from anger. Looking straight at the reason why but you held your tongue.
“He let someone get the drop on him. Let his guard down, but you shouldn't worry about all that. Why don't you go home and wait on him? He should be released in another hour or so. I can get one of the Deputies to drive you.” He smiled, as if trying to be reassuring but it just turned your stomach.
“I'm fine here. I'm not leaving until I see him.” You finally took a step back, as his hand fell from you.
“Suit yourself. Boys, let's go.” He and the rest of his goons skirted past you.
“You aren't staying?!”
He stopped; his jaw tensed before turning to fully face you.
“Duty calls. He’s a grown man. He doesn't need me here. Or you for that matter. He doesn't need some woman making him soft or distracting him.”
He leveled his gaze, stepping closer to you. As much as you didn't want to, you felt small.
“You are just a distraction, aren't you? Clouding his judgment.”
The insinuation that this was somehow your fault was laughable, but his words sat like a stone in the pit of your stomach.
You were rattled, but you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing how he had affected you.
You steeled your gaze, giving him no trace of emotion.
“I think we both know what's always clouding his judgment. What's always in the back of his mind and it's not me.”
His eyes flickered with surprise just for a moment, but you caught it.
“You have a good day y/n. We'll see you real soon.” He tipped his hat and turned to join his crew.
You watched him take his leave. Standing there alone, finally saying fuck it.
You'd seen the general direction he'd come from. Keeping an eye on the front desk, you walked over to the double doors leading to the private emergency rooms.
Luck was on your side, as someone was being wheeled out, you slipped past.
One by one, you peeked your head into doors and through closed curtains. Muttering apologies along the way.
Finally, your eyes spotted familiar boots, ankles crossed at the end of a bed. You sighed but the hammering in your chest didn't stop.
You slowly crept into the room; steps silent as you drew closer to him.
He was sitting back against the pillows, eyes closed with his right arm still against his side. They hadn't set a cast yet.
You silently watched him, his chest with a steady rise and fall, tangible proof he was here.
“Gator?” Your voice was so small you didn't recognize it.
His eyes shot open, immediately finding your glossy ones.
“Bunny? Baby, hey.” He smiled sweetly, studying your face.
You hadn't moved, as if you were scared to actually see him. He had a bruise forming under his right eye, his top lip had a gash in it and you knew his wrist was broken. You could only imagine what else lay beneath his clothes.
‘C’mere.” He reached out to you with his good hand.
You almost lunged at him. Throwing your arms around his neck, careful not to jostle him too much. Pulling his head to your chest, as he wound his arm around your waist, fingers clutched tight with a bruising grip.
He's okay. He's okay. He's okay.
You finally released a breath you'd been holding.
“You scared me, you jackass.” You sniffed, causing him to look up, as your eyes were sparkling with unshed tears.
“Are … are you crying?” He couldn't stop the smile from creeping across his lips, tucking his head back against you.
“No, shut up.” You wiped a stray tear away with the back of your hand.
He wanted to give you shit. Tease you until you were boiling over but he liked this side of you. It was rare to see you soft. Especially soft for him, so he held you a few more minutes letting you run your fingers through his hair.
“Let me see your eye,” you finally spoke.
He raised up, as you placed your palm to his cheek, running your thumb just under his eye and over the ugly purple splotches marring his handsome face.
You turned your attention to his lip, examining it, careful not to touch the angry, reddened wound as your thumb traced along the curve of his bottom lip.
He swallowed the lump in his throat.
“S’fine Bunny. I'm fine. Fucker got the jump on me s’all.” He shrugged as if he wasn't sitting here in a hospital room.
“Fine? You're in the fucking hospital. This isn't fine, Gator. If you hadn't been doing Roy's dirty work, you wouldn't be here.” His nonchalant attitude pissed you off. “And where the hell is your phone?”
“Smashed. I told dad to call you.” His brows knit in confusion.
“Of course, well he didn't. I had to hear it from fucking Andy when he came in for lunch.”
“Oh, he must've gotten busy or somethin’.” Mumbling toward the end.
“Right,” you scoff. “How silly of me to forget how busy Sheriff Roy is to not even give his own son's girlfriend a call when he's in the goddamn hospital. I mean I know he hates me but Jesus Christ.”
“Bunny, just stop. He doesn't hate you. Just lower your fuckin’ voice before they kick you out of here.” He kept his tone level, trying to calm you down when he noticed the nurse passing by gave you both a sideways glance.
You took a deep breath. You knew he was right. It wasn't the place for a full-blown melt down.
“Fine but this conversation is far from over.” Pushing your finger at his chest.
He scooted over on the small bed, making room for you as he tucked you into his side, kissing the top of your head.
“It's ok Bun. It'll heal. Not the first time I've been broken probably won't be the last.”
“Yeah, I know.” As long as he was stuck under any of Roy's influence things would never truly change.
They finally got his cast set and quickly got him discharged so you could take him home.
You stopped for a new phone on the way. Then another stop at the gas station so he could buy a new vape. Somewhere along the way his was lost.
You were both unusually quiet on the drive. Your mind was still running over a million different scenarios on how today could have gone.
He huffed that vape almost nonstop. You knew something was bothering him, so you didn't say anything about the lingering scents wafting in the car like you normally would.
“Want me to cook tonight?” Finally breaking the silence, as he snorted.
“Are you tryin’ to finish me off?” He chuckled.
You reached over, hitting his chest with the back of your hand playfully.
It got quiet again as you drew closer to home. He held your hand, thumb rubbing soothingly against yours as he looked out the window absentmindedly.
Once you finally got him settled into the house, he showered, while you threw a frozen pizza in the oven. About as close to a home cooked meal that you could provide.
You both ate in silence at the small table within the kitchen. You watched him scarf the food down with eagerness, wondering if he'd bothered to grab a bite all day.
He finally looked up and sighed, placing the slice he'd been munching back on his plate giving you his full attention.
“Bunny, you're kind of freakin’ me out. Quit staring at me. Why’re you so quiet, huh?”
Never one short on words, yet you were rendered speechless to the simple fact that you didn't know how to tell him how scared you had been at the thought of losing him.
“Gator, baby… when I found out you were in the hospital, my mind went blank. I was so worried I would never see you again.” The sting behind your eyes made itself known.
“Baby, look at me, I'm fi…”
“I swear to God if I hear you say you're fine one more time I'm going to break your other arm. You are not fine. This is not fine.” You laid your hand on his cast.
“It's…” He started again, but you quickly cut back in.
“No, let me finish.” His mouth slipped closed, as he nodded. “If you keep doing this stupid grunt work for Roy, I'm scared that you're going to end up in prison, or God forbid dead. How do you not see that?”
“Bunny, you worry too much.” He shook his head dismissively. “I got this.”
“From where I'm sitting it doesn’t look like you've got shit, Gator. Jesus!” You stood quickly, the chair almost toppling over from the sudden movement.
He was caught off guard but stood to meet you, catching your wrist before you got too far from him.
“Goddamn Bunny, just calm down. What the fuck am I supposed to do? He's my dad.”
“I don't know? Run away, get out of this town. Out of this state! I don't care where, as long we're together. I just need you!” Your eyes began to well, a moment of vulnerability you never let anyone see.
You allowed him to pull you into his chest, as you wound your arms around his waist. He was hurt, yet here he was consoling you.
He pulled you close. His cast pressed into your back, catching the fabric of your shirt slightly. A glaring reminder of the one person standing in-between you.
You push your cheek tight to his chest, breathing him in. The woodsy spice of his body wash still clinging to him, filling your senses.
“Gator, I can't lose you. I…” You took the moment to lift your chin so you could look directly into his eyes. Those hazel eyes flecked with greens and golds, currently half lidded. He looked as tired as you felt.
Your chest felt tight, it's as if the words were carving their way through you. You had to get them out before they ate you alive.
“I love you.”
It came out loud in the quiet space, as it hung in the air between you. Eight letters, three syllables. Words that could change your entire relationship.
A look flickered across his face, before his gaze further softened.
His reply came pressing his lips to yours. Taking his time, slowly working against yours. Languid movements as if you had all the time in the world and maybe right now you did.
He hisses slightly when you kiss him back, pressure hitting his split lip.
You pulled back, “fuck, I'm sorry.”
“Don't be.” Pressing his forehead to meet yours. “Say it again, please.”
“I love you, Gator Tillman.”
He slides the tip of his nose against the slope of yours, “I love you, too.” Mumbling across your lips as they meet once more.
You couldn't help the smile that lifted the corners of your mouth, as you pulled back to look at him. His look of pure adoration mirroring yours.
You weren't sure where you'd go from here, but you didn't want to worry about that now. You were in the arms of the man you loved, both safe and sound.
You laid bare before him that night; hearts flayed open with nothing else to hide.
Your lips trailing across his skin. Promising to kiss it better. Every cut, every bruise and every broken bone.
Hips rolling into his, soft and lazy. Sweat slicked chests sliding against each other. Pressed so tightly together you didn't know where you ended, and he began.
Arms slung around his neck, endless “I love yous” shared between breathless kisses. His blunt fingertips digging into the fat of your hips as you rode him.
Drawing out the pleasure induced haze for as long as possible. Moans and desperate pleas. Closer, harder, deeper until you were both satiated.
Falling asleep with the weight of his arm draped across your waist as soft kisses were placed across your shoulders with promises of tomorrow and forever.
In the quiet moments before dawn, you watched him sleep. Chest rhythmically rising and falling with each breath. Fingers lazily tracing patterns into his bare skin.
Hoping against hope that when the sun rose, he could fulfill those promises whispered to you in the dark.
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finnitesimal · 7 months
So—- Do you think Missa and Philza will ever get out of the you are very special to me and I talk to you in a romantic way nothing to dissect here. Or would pissa be like how it until end of Qsmp. (Feel free to say things you think needs to happen to break pissa out of will they won’t they situation they been in since the start of the egg event.)
Completely forgot I was gonna answer this I got distracted by pocket love
I think like all rp events it's something the actors need to go hey so are we doing this or can I do something else. I think both of them are pretty aware that they're playing a typically romance-leaning couple, so average hopes on it. Definitely don't think it'll be like this forever things are amping up to be more serious and have more consequences I could definitely see a heat-of-the-moment or a while-i-still-can reveal, or even some new plotline around missa that forces qphil to confront some feelings about it
First of all Missa needs to log on. With or without Phil also Not just during events please I want to see you just hanging with people outside of your husband or even make up your own convoluted storyline to add to the rest Nothing is going to happen unless we actually fucking SEE HIM!!!!!!
and i've said this before but Missa needs to somehow break free of the idea that Phil is infallible, is unfailingly good, is out of reach, is always going to be there or be stable enough to handle anything that comes their way. It's like hero worship how he sees Phil, and it's clouding other memories he has with the others ("Phil was the only one who protected me, who gave me a home" said to Roier. To ROIER.) and his own capabilities as a player, he was doing completely fine from before Phil to the early days of their marriage, and there's a good chance it really is just the difficulty spike of the server catching up to him, or ccMissa could absolutely be playing it up deliberately, but with qMissa's already dwindling self-esteem, it's very easy to look at your ever-capable husband and grossly underestimate your own skillset, what's the point he knows better anyway I don't want to hinder him I'll let him lead, and it's going. To affect his perception of Phil as a flawed, hurting, scared person and completely miss that his husband might actually need his help
Phil also needs to start actually trusting Missa to handle himself, because at this point it feels a bit like Missa is more of a favored family pet than a partner. Kind of helpless so he has to take care of it, easier to put affection into without romantic payoff, loves unconditionally, it's funny to distress him. Part of this is on Missa but it also doesn't particularly help when the first idea you have of your partner is how poor and helpless he is and that you have to go help him out and save him from himself like it's an egg task you need to complete. The closest they've had to actually treating each other like real partners was the first day taking care of their new egg, building the house and doing their tasks together, playing off each other's strengths and needs, and while wet cat missa with strong cool protector is funny and cute and very ship dynamic-able I don't think it's enough to move their relationship forwards.
That and actually acknowledging the fact that Missa has more than friendly feelings towards him Phil is pretty notably missing (ignoring?) Missa's sometimes outright declarations of love the Most we've had is the LoudAsHell "that's the love of my life!" at the introductions for the frozen people, where we got punched backwards Sit The Fuck Down!! and nothing yet so far. Every romantic implication has yet to be addressed but He Still Won't Bite The Bullet And Turn Him Down. come on man get it together yes or no bitch
Also. They haven't. Really spent enough time with each other to really know each other. The lack of trust the barely any conversation, most of their interactions centering around keeping Missa alive and getting him geared up or updated (and for maybe 4-ish hours at most fur every stream <- spans months in between) is not a relationship to get into even in Minecraft roleplay it's not going to let them have any real romantic connection they simply don't spend enough time with each other. It's very cute that whenever they do get together they barely spend any time away from each other but they need to do more with that time
If this continues on the same path I genuinely think they're just going to drift apart. Ultimately Phil is most attached to his kids and if he can't find them here he's going to look elsewhere and he's not going to ask Missa to leave hhs friends and family for him and Missa's going to be too much of a coward to actually tell him how he feels before he leaves and we'll crumble and explode. Arguably worse ending, we're going to watch pissa fester and stagnate until it's not as fun for anyone and we'll all move on from what could've been.
Very few ways I can think of to actually get them together*
¹eeeeeeeehhhhhhhh "together"
1) Divorce. It's not working out with your government-issued spouse? He hasn't been on in months you're leaving anyway and the kids are gone so there's nothing tying you together anymore? Take him down to the courthouse, shake his hand, ignore the conflicted look in his eyes as he thanks you for everything and the empty feeling of looking around your house and parading your new single status around and greeting him as neighbors now and feeling like your bed just keeps getting bigger
2) Desertion. Hundreds of thousands of blocks away living on nothing but avocado toast and the occasional messages from your friends wishing you well looking if he's talking to you yet why are you looking for his name anyway.
3) Noble Self-Sacrifice. What if only one of us was in the Spanish dub
Yeah that's all I can think of it's really not likely at the moment and I think they'd know how to conclude whatever they've got going on better than I can
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ughhhdavid · 1 year
A kinda long analysis of some scenes in The Sound Of Music in relation to the Ted Lasso finale, TedTrent, and Ted's bisexuality ahead.
Since they decided to name the finale as a reference to The Sound Of Music, and perform a song from it as well, I've decided to look into it. After all, Ted has always been pretty similar to Maria. They're both enthusiastic, positive, they come into this family's life, and, while uptight and closed off at first, it eventually warms up to them. They both help their new family become better.
And then they leave.
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They both say it's because they miss their old lives. But Maria actually leaves because she has developed feelings for the Captain. Meanwhile I think Ted missing his family at home is genuine. (However, he had a chance to have both his Richmond family and his Kansas family at the same time. And there's some debate of the reason he didn't want that)
In The Sound Of Music, we get glimpses into Maria's life after going back.
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Sound familiar?
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All these shots of people he loves who you think would want him there. Even his own best friend's wedding. And where is Ted? Why is he missing these moments? Why is he so isolated?
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Uhm... Hello???? If there's one way to describe Ted's face in this scene, it's this.
Now this is where Ted's story ends. But Maria's continues, having a very intense conversation with Mother Abbess about feelings you've never felt before, having something deep inside you that you can't face, being confused, and not wanting to betray God. This seems very queer coded to me.
On the other hand, she thinks that she is only in servitude of God, and accepting the Captain's love would be distracting her from her mission as a nun. To which Mother says, that just because she loves The Captain, that doesn't mean she loves God less.
Now that got me thinking about Ted, and the way he left everything behind, and the way he rejected everyone's love for him, and the way he seemed to think that was the right thing to do in order to fully love and be there for Henry.
But Ted was a great father, even in London, and he didn't need to sacrifice all other things he loved for him. (Of course, parents would sacrifice everything for their kids, I'm just saying Ted didn't have to).
Loving Richmond didn't mean he loved Henry less.
Mother Reverend also says this:
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Which reminds me of what Trent said earlier in the episode:
"I don't think we change, per say, as much as we learn to accept who we've always been"
Next she sings the song "Climb Every Mountain",which finally convinces Maria to go back. Here are some of the lyrics:
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Which, first of all. Rainbow??? Ok.
Like the rainbow in Ted's hallucination? Like the bi flag in that same hallucination that helped him get unstuck and get as close to achieving his dream as he could, with Total Football.
Secondly, this reminds me of Ted on the plane, doubting himself. Thinking about how they could've won the whole fucking thing. And later, the lyrics from "Father and Son" that play while Ted looks at the snowglobe.
"For you will still be here tomorrow
But your dreams may not"
How are we supposed to interpret this if not that Ted is abandoning his dream,Richmond?
And that someone needs to make him realize his dreams are important, too?
Next, Maria comes back and greets the Captain in an interaction that reminded me a lot of Ted and Trent.
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And then the captain says this:
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Which is a criticism I heard a lot about the finale. The entirety of AFC Richmond said goodbye to Ted in big ways, and small ways, but he never said a proper goodbye to any of them. A proper, heartfelt goodbye in which he said something substantial, anything that anyone deserved to hear from him, after spending the past 3 years loving him, being by his side and believing in him.
With Maria returned, The Captain breaks up his engagement to The Baroness.
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He says he has been dishonest. He has hidden his feelings and he can't hide them anymore. Reminded me of Trent, saying he had to come out to his wife 2 times before her believing. Trent, hiding his real feelings from a woman he couldn't love the way she wanted him to.
To which the Baroness gets defensive and acts like she's the one who wants to break up. That she doesn't think he's the right man for her.
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I laughed out loud when she said this, ngl.
Next, The Captain talks to Maria in the garden about her plans to leave again soon.
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Again, reminiscent of Keeley and Rebecca asking Ted to change his mind, and stay. And the book Ted is holding on the plane "How to Change Your Mind: The New Science Of Psychadelics".
The part where he says "it will be all wrong again after you leave". Let's talk about that. Because as Ted leaves, Roy and Jamie throw away years of development and go back to their old dynamic. Nate is a kit man again. So much regression. Beard, going home to an abusive girlfriend. And Ted, who was learning to break free from society's idea of what a family should look like, Ted, who wanted to be free and fluid, going back into those boxes.
For these characters, it's like the show was folded in half,to get the beginning and the end to touch. For them, it's like starting from zero. It's like everything they've been through has been for nothing. (Roy even specifically calls this out).
Back The Sound of Music, Maria and The Captain finally confess their feelings to each other.
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Are you kidding me? A whistle? You mean like coaches have?
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Anyway, this is all the parallels and things I've found interesting while watching this part in The Sound Of Music. I could go on for longer, but this movie is 3 hours long of scenes that remind me of Ted.
"Yeah, it might be all that you get
Yeah, I guess this might well be it."
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klance-brainrot · 4 months
klancing all things end by hozier
tw: angst, mcd, klance on-off relationship
They know they will break up again and then get back together and then break up again because they just don't work together but they can't live without one another.
Their personalities clash too severely for it to work permanently.
"The last time I felt your weight on my chest, you said: we didn't get it right, but love, we did our best"
this is them knowing they are going to break up again soon because they can't be together for more than a month and they both feel the end nearing. This is the calm before the storm, this is the night before another big fight, this is the cuddle before the argument.
"Just knowing that everything will end and we should not change our plan when we begin again"
this is them talking about their next try at a relationship and how, even though it never works, they would never change anything about their fucked up relationship attempts because at least they can be together that way.
"All that we intend is built on sand"
when starting new they both already know it's going to fail again. it's a fragile peace, it's all built on sand, it can be swept away by a single wave.
"If there was anyone to ever get through this life with their heart still intact, they didn't to it right"
this is Lance standing over Keith's grave and thinking about all they could've been and all they could've done together if it had worked. But it didn't work out. They tried so often but it never worked out, but Lance knows he doesn't regret a thing, he would've tried over and over and over again for those moments where it does work.
Until it doesn't.
Since he knows Keith, he knows, he didn't regret a thing either. Keith too would've tried over and over and over again just for those few moments of peace in between.
Their friends and family had tried countless times to tell them that it wouldn't work - it wouldn't work this time and it wouldn't work the next time they tried, but they never listened. For a while they tried to keep their distance from each other, but both of them were doing so bad during it. Lance was barely eating and ended up in the ER. Keith thought he was the only one suffering that badly but once Shiro let it slip that Lance was in the hospital he couldn't do it anymore and he came back. They always came back to each other. They cant live without each other.
"I have never known a silence like the one fallen here, never watched my future darken in a single tear"
this is the first time they broke up. They really thought it would work but their personalities and traumas and behavioral tendencies just work against each other unfortunately. Keith thought it was fixable, he would try everything, but one fight had gone too far and Lance breaks up with him. He sheds one single tear while doing it but remains otherwise neutral and says that it's probably better form him to take some time for himself. Keith is numb from shock and can't really say anthing, nothing that'd help Lance stay. So he watches the single tear fall and he watches him leave. For the first time. He will watch him leave over and over and over again.
"I know we want this to go easy by being someone's fault, but we've come long enough to know this isn't what we want"
this is their 5th breakup. They've done this before. They know how this goes. They get back together, they are good together for a few weeks until everything goes down the drain again. Most of the time there isn't even a trigger really. It's just a few fights too many and a few unfortunate things said that hurt bad. Too bad.
Lance says this when he's about to leave again - they both know it's both of their fault and at the same time it's noones fault.
Because that's who they are.
Keith with his parental trauma and need to distance himself from the ones he loves, and Lance with his fear of abandonment and being the second choice. He grew up in a happy family and can't deal with Keith's traumas forever. He needs to put himself first and he can't do that while being with Keith. But he can't live without him either.
They can't live without each other.
thank you @justdissimp for the beta and @numerous-bees-in-a-skin-suit for the encouragement <3
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bengiyo · 7 months
Only Friends Ep 11 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Atom lied to Cheum that Boston forced him to have sex with him repeatedly, and his friends iced him out completely. Boeing showed up to be an absolute menace and it was compelling. Top and Mew are still doing this dance, and Mew has decided to utilize Boeing to torment Top. Nick avoided advancing things with Dan, and then reconciled with Boston. Ray learned that Sand wasn't taking his dad's money (which is dumb) and decided to commit to rehab.
"Move on. Move in."
Plug, please don't drink after Sand. You do not know where that boy has been.
Look at them messing with Yo and Plug getting back together to lull me into a false sense of security.
Top and Mew are so annoying. Just please break up already.
I like that Nick is being honest with Dan without over sharing. He's also not giving Dan hope. "I like you, but I'm not ready to be anyone's boyfriend right now. Let's just focus on work," is actually good for both of them. Dan is disappointed, but he knows where he stands.
I'm glad Sand is avoiding Ray. He's been called a whore so many times.
I like Sand's mom.
I know they better give Sand that money after all he's been through. I do like that Sand doesn't think Ray needs to completely give up alcohol, but he does need to manage his dependency.
I feel like I've lost the thread on why Mew keeps hanging out with Boeing.
Look at nasty4nasty working again. We've added another boy to Mark's counter and furthered the mission to add complicated layers to digital surveillance and blackmail in modern queer life.
Now what was Boston thinking there when he glanced at Nick when he said he knows what it's like to have a one-sided love?
Things are going too well for Sand and Ray. Ray still got Sand to do the community service with him. Something is going to show up and disrupt them.
Every time I see Mew and Top I'm just like, "Potion Seller, enough of these games!"
I'm glad Sand is pathetic for every man he was in love with. Ray ain't special. Sand is just like this.
We have missed multiple opportunities for a Mama Sandwich and I am despondent.
I wish we'd gotten a better since of Top's emotional interior. Force is clearly playing Top as sincere, and I don't know how much of my distrust of Top is past experiences with guys like him or the reputation he has within the show.
I'm not a fan of Cheum's reaction here to Atom's admission. On his lie, they stormed Boston's house and accused him of assault. They kicked him out of their project. They stripped him of his community. We can support Atom learning something important about himself and still make sure we let him know that what he did was foul. I'm so not into Cheum at all. I was not expecting to have so many qualms with lesbians in this show.
I really loved that conversation between Boston and Nick. They continue to feel the most honest with each other about what they are to each other. I love Boston offering Nick this little time they have left and being clear that it does expire. I like that it's a request, and I like that Nick didn't exactly give him an answer. Nick has been burned, so he's being more cautious with Boston.
I actually kinda want Top and Mew to work out, because the back and forth with them is the kind of thing you need someone willing to spar with for it to work.
Ray saying he'll pay anything for Sand as his boyfriend might be more romantic if he didn't always call Sand a whore when he got mad.
Well well well, are we finally going to get that threesome??
A fire in the last episode what the hell. Who is burning down Top's hotel?? Who isn't Boeing going to try to fuck??
I'm so amused at Ray being possessive of Sand and asking him to draw a boundary with Boeing as if he ever managed to draw one with Ray. Top and Mew remain so uncertain for me, and I'm a bit disappointed that Top will remain an enigma to me. Boston and Nick are the only ones moving towards something that feels sustainable. Atom can leave and never come back. I'm over Cheum.
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chocmuffinsscones · 7 months
BKDK endgame theory
Another highly self-indulgent theory on how bkdk's gonna be endgame canonically
Disclaimer: Since I don't wanna jinx it or feel embarrassed for being so brazen about this mere silly thought of mine, I'll just keep this private until if things similar to what I've predicted became true. Otherwise, this will only be for my eyes alone. - edited 6 Nov 2023
Fuck all of that guess I'm just gonna put it out there and let y'all have fun as I embarrass myself. Just think it's all for lolz if none of these happen, at least I have fun writing to indulge my fantasy - edited 8 Nov 2023
So, what I think is that since hori's gonna keep giving us surprises and +u up his own game, my guess is that to clearly and subtly lock the pair without making it feel forced is to make bkdk make a promise to each other that hinted a lifelong warrant. Refer this to what toga said in her arc
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It's not exactly a love confession, but what'll you feel if someone promise to dedicate their whole life in making you feel happiness, loved? I think that's love disguise in a glass case
So, how's this gonna parallel to our favourite dorks who're both so emotionally constipated and verbally poor at confessing?
Me thinks that, apparently when the boys were pushed to the extremes -- to the moment when there's literally no time affordable to think of anything else besides the most important thing they hold in their life, that the moment their body has to move on their own by instincts -- we'll finally get to see, bright as day, where their true feelings lay.
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As far as we've seen, it has been clearly revealed (except for those who're illiterate or in a dilemma of spiralling denial) that on katsuki's side, Izuku's the one constantly haunting his head for the rest of his 10+ years. He'd jump into battle with him, rush in front of him to avert the blow, fight in pain to stay relevant in izuku's battle -- to the point of fighting to his death to protect his seniors and to yet remain as izuku's image of victory... all these, to atone his mistakes in mistreating Izuku.
Throughout his character growth, Katsuki had been to the extremes. What are the most extreme situations if not death itself?
After that, however, we see katsuki came back with his heart fully open (pun definitely not intended!), feelings more outwardly shown, saying thanks sincerely without hiding behind his explosive demeanor, smiling straightforwardly at his favourite idol AM 🥺
Katsuki had met his breaking point, met death itself, and came back a new man. A man who wanted to change before everything was too late. As soon as he woke up, he didn't waste time hesitating to allow further regrets, showing gratitude and humility whole-heartedly in any instant he should've done like any decent human being would.
Except, there's still one thing he hadn't yet achieve to reach a complete circle for his narrative.
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Pre-war, Katsuki's biggest dread, the constant looming threat choking around his neck, was being unable to be honest and sincere to Izuku.
"But wait! He'd already stated his apology, he has no regrets left!"
Well, if you have that complain, you're not understanding katsuki well enough. Katsuki is a man of action more than his words. It's quite a common habit for Asians too to put more thoughts into action rather than just spewing beautiful words. And Katsuki, through and through, was an all-in-or-nothing kind of guy. He would never stop at just apologising. If his prior intention for reconciliation was to make himself feel better, then the integrity behind his actions and words was nullified, since that would undoubtedly negate the whole building up of his character's motivation. Moreover, it would become a huge flaw in horikoshi's writing as that would depict him in a "fake hero" spotlight as well as contradict the character's self incentive to be the bestest hero there is. I wouldn't bet hori would decide to ruin his writing like this. In fact, this is such a huge plot point for katsuki's character development that such a small blunder at this point would greatly affect the whole endgame story dynamic to his readers. Not that he'd care if he really did chose that path... I mean 🤷🏻‍♀️😬
Anyway, personality-wise, I'd say Katsuki would be the first person to hate that particular kind of people if he sees one. He'd definitely be disgusted of himself if he were one. That's why I wouldn't bet hori will make that blunder, because hori had been writing him as an incessantly growing character, relentlessly pushing his limits to be the best and always showed his results through visible actions.
So then, back to the point, what were left to do if he had already apologised? What more does he need to do then to further compensate?
:) As I've mentioned earlier, nothing beats the offer of a lifelong compensation, of devoting one's own time and energy willingly to the other as long as they need, or provide care and attention whenever they deserve.
"Wait. What does that even sound like tho? Doesn't that seem like a huge burden to bear??"
For Katsuki however, it's as per usual: all in or nothing!
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A promise that hinted lifelong devotion though... That truly sounds like a heavy dedication to carry for the rest of one's life. Doesn't that kind of vow ring any bells? That's the only conclusion I could come to unfortunately. Because Katsuki is a perfectionist, he'll never aim at only atoning his mistakes for a "measly" 10-20 years.
But then, at what kind of situation he would promise a life-binding oath like that out of the ordinary?? Knowing our boys, there's no way they would open their ironclad mouths to say something as romantic as that out of the blue, right??
So here comes my prediction❗❗
📢 warning: take everything below with a grain of salt because at this point it's just me wildin' haha
Evidently, it's been awhile we're constantly warned about Izuku's lack-of-oxygen crisis. He was still fighting sAFO alone while Katsuki came back to focus on AFO himself.
There's a few ways things could go south from there. Afo could very well be dealt by Katsuki now with extra buffs(his new cluster moves), but Izuku was still in an unknown critical state. So while Katsuki busied himself distracting afo, Izuku could somehow got sucked into sAFO's vestige space in a moment's hesitation (or something happened that sucked him into vestige space). We might finally get our vestige space fight between Izuku and tenko & OFA vs AFO, or we could get a heartwarming talk no jutsu (as well as some sprinkle of action fights) between Izuku and Tenko. And all of these played out without the involvement of Katsuki -- as he's stuck in the physical world and is still dealing a rampaging afo. The dudebros would be happy about this. Finally they had a chance to laugh at us at being clowns for wanting katsuki's involvement in the vestige fight. But remember, hori is a troll through and through. He could troll us, he could troll the dudebros too. It's our temporary loss for not getting Katsuki fight beside izuku in afo vestige space, but we'll have something better later!
Because while all of those happen in the vestige space, apparently Tomura and Izuku's body will be out of it, falling to the ground and seemingly lifeless, out of consciousness to the eye of the people in the physical world.
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I can imagine Katsuki having no time to spare while dealing with Afo as this happen. He's got to finish AFO first to get back to Izuku. And I promise you it'll not take too long for him to do that, 'cause it'll be a combo attack from IN and OUT as Izuku counter both Afo and tenko in the vestige space -- but it'll feel a bit longer in Izuku's pov as timeflow seems to be slightly different in there.
Anyhow, as Katsuki was done with afo, what do you think he'll react then when he reached a passed out Izuku? When he arrived to the scene of Izuku and Tenko on the ground, Izuku probably temporarily *not breathing* and motionless. *not breathing due to the setback of gearshift
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Katsuki will be shocked and traumatized. After spilling his heart out to win AFO with/for izuku, how could he stand to win the battle if Izuku wasn't there to claim victory alongside him? He would hold Izuku's hand and kept calling out to him (maybe angrily or threatening but the words are sweet and all of it are very contrasting?👀), calling for his soul to come back. Surely he would start crying and confess all his regrets even more too. *reminder: these are only possible because all his walls were finally broken down after his revival, he's a changed man in and out.*
Then, even better! When the medic units and probably some other heroes arrived to the scene, Katsuki suddenly realised he could give Izuku cpr! He'll do it himself and think it'll work since he learnt it from emergency treating lessons, and he didn't want Izuku to leave his side but also didn't want to do nothing to help Izuku recover.
See? Plus Ultra. Katsuki giving Izuku cpr y'all. Bkdk won. All these too in front of some witnesses and recording cameras. :)
And, yeah, cuz hori is a troll, katsuki's kiss of life actually wasn't the *sole* reason Izuku came to (all for the ambiguity too, ya know ;) and besides, hori likes trolling Katsuki too, not allowing him to get what he wants)-- it was all Izuku's well-deserved victory on defeating afo and saving tenko from the vestige space that allowed him to return to his own body after the vestige world close up. In fact, Izuku didn't actually need it, he was merely away from his body to fight in the vestige space for a bit; if he won, he would eventually come back and wake up by himself, the problem of hypoxia naturally dissolved along with it.
In another words, the "kiss" was just a bonus. It's a heartfelt gift from hori-sensei to his bkdk/grateful manga readers. Because in the end of the day, it's the promise between Izuku and Katsuki that wrapped the deal of bkdk being endgame canonically. For Hori, it's a win-win situation; he could have fun building suspense over his readers, as well as finally letting his favourite boys earn their long overdue peace to be together. Also, completing both protagonist and deuteragonist narrative foil as save to win, win to save. AND not making the whole scene romantically charged, as the reason behind their actions aren't out of sexual desire nor sexual attraction, since tHis Is sTilL JusT a shOuNen mAnGa afterall. Just "bros" devoting their life to each other and occasionally hold hands to get comfortable of each other's touch because they're practicing their next combo move. 😀
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st0rmyskies · 9 months
What would the boy's reactions be to getting caught in the act?
Oooo fun ask is fun!! This is assuming that they get caught in their own space. Under the cut for hints at spice.
Twilight - This would be the whole blushing, stammering, cursing-under-your breath tornado of bedsheets as Twi and his partner are struggling to find their clothes and Twilight is already shouting profuse apologies. For having sex in his own bed. And someone walking in on them. The crimson shame in his cheeks is probably going to take 24 hours to fade completely.
Wild - There's a momentary gasp, a clutching at the sheets to cover his chest, and then a peal of nervous laughter. Wild would only really feel shame if he got caught in a public area of the house; if this was in his own bedroom, he'd just throw a pillow playfully and either ask his roommate to get lost or tease that they should join in.
Champion - He's out of that bed and at the door faster than anyone can blink, completely in the buff, and whoever knocked better protect their neck quick.
Warriors - There is no pause. There is barely any acknowledgment other than Warriors looking toward the door to see who stumbled in. He's not even going to wipe the starry-eyed look off of his face. He's going to keep fucking going, so either get lost or make the most of it.
Sky - Assuming he's with his Sunny, Sky is going to react much like Champion although far less in-your-face. His first priority is to cover his princess to protect her modesty, and then he's going to get into a livid shouting match with whoever just barged in on them, chasing them out into the hall with something wrapped around his waist.
Legend and Hyrule - Both of them are going to freeze stiff in the middle of the act and stare down whoever just opened the door. There's a split second of calculation -- Are they going to go away? Are they going to crack a joke? -- and if their intruder chooses violence, Hyrule's going to cover himself up to his hairline and Legend is going to launch into a tirade of expletives the likes of which haven't been strung together since the age of pirates. You bet your ass he's putting a hex on that person during the new moon.
Four - Catching him in a rare intimate moment isn't going to be good. Please, please don't do it. It takes a lot for Four to let down his walls enough to let Shadow someone in like that, and having their privacy interrupted is going to have him quietly clamming up for 36 hours at minimum. There will be a lot of avoiding eye contact for the rest of the day and any offered apologies will just kind of be waved away. Four's locking his door and setting something heavy in front of it for the next week.
Wind - He's not facing his door when he's caught in the (solo) act, and those big headphones mean that he's not really going to catch on too quick, either. He's going to double-take when the light in the room changes, and then his voice is going to break as he's screaming and throwing his headphones off and hurrying to cover back up. But you've probably already gotten an eye-full from the screens in the room. His string of curses rivals Legend's, and you can bet he's trading some rupees with said medium later that day in exchange for a hex or two. Legend talks him down to a protective ward instead.
Time - We've seen this, actually, in LMTCOY. Time's first instinct is to protect, covering his partner bodily as he sizes up whether this is a threat or just an honest mistake. He's not shy about his state of undress, and if he's going to get up to chew somebody out they'd better be ready to get an eyeful of everything. This is his room, this is their mistake, and when this man gets yelling he can strike to fear of the gods in to just about anyone.
Dark - Get ready for the money shot, babey. Dark loves having an audience.
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historyofshipping · 9 months
More Teen Wolf thoughts
So I knew next to nothing about Teen Wolf when I started watching it last week. I basically just didn't interact with any fandoms when it was live and so I'm coming in without any kind of preconceived notions of who/what the good character/ships/storylines etc other than the movie sucks and I shouldn't watch it. I was also vaguely aware that Ste/rek and Stydia were fandom things.
After watching it, I scrolled through an obscene amount of tumblr stuff related to TW and I truly have to wonder if we watched the same show.
Again, it's a very different viewing experience for me because I didn't have gaps between seasons where I could theorize, over-analyze, etc. I'm also older than the target audience so like that could probably affect how I view things too.
I'll also add that my own relationship had a similar trajectory to Stydia. My partner had a crush on me while I was literally engaged to someone else and we barely knew each other, but then we had a deep friendship form over time. By the time my last relationship ended, his crush had changed to genuine love and my friendship evolved to something romantic. We've been together now over a decade.
So with all that said, here's Stydia thought: I am truly BAFFLED by the fact that people think Stydia getting together was fan service. (More under cut)
Note: I have zero interest in debating or arguing, which is why I'm hoping this won't come up in other ship tags. If you feel the need to argue, just move along because I'll either ignore you or block you. These are just my thoughts - it's not that deep.
I admit I absolutely fell in love with Stydia. I am an absolute sucker for good friends to lovers, detective duos, etc so they were *Chef's kiss* to me.
That said, I'm more than capable of separating my feelings about a ship from a story. So when people say that Stydia was forced together, I'm just kind of dumbfounded since I thought it was literally the only well-written ship in the entire show.
When we start, obviously we have Stiles obsessing over an image of Lydia in his head. But even still, he was never into her popularity or anything like that - he was into the person she was at the core, even when she kept it hidden.
Then they became friends over the course of the next few seasons and Stiles fell in love with her in a different way. He got to know her better and his feelings only deepened. However, she was with other people so he tried to force himself to move on. This is very normal in high school especially.
I did not like the Sta/lia relationship, mostly because I thought Malia deserved a lot better than someone who was clearly still into someone else, but I'm not going to get into that here.
We have canon proof that Stiles was STILL INTO Lydia during season 4&5. So much so that Kira, new to the group and mostly only around post-Malia getting involved, picked up on it: "He still likes her, doesn't he?" "Yeah, but it’s different now." "Stiles was the only one who knew." "He paid attention. He listened to her. He remembered."
Stiles is constantly the one whose main priority is getting her out of Eichen House. He storms in and doesn't give a shit about self-preservation as long as he gets to Lydia and gets her out.
He breaks through his bonds when she's about to be injected.
The camera constantly focuses on their hand touches with each other - whether it's in the hospital, the care with which they constantly stroke each other's face, etc. When Melissa was about to inject Lydia in the neck, she told Stiles specifically to hold her hand - even though he has a fear of needles.
Both of them essentially brought the other back from the dead through their connection.
When he sees her hurt or about to be hurt, it goes back to "I would go out of my freaking mind" - and he does.
Stiles was in love with her for nearly a decade. That doesn't just go away in a few months.
Now, for Lydia, we have her focused on Stiles above all else. He's the one she calls when she's in trouble or upset. She goes to him for comfort. "Stiles saved me."
Whenever there's a Stalia moment and Lydia is around, the camera goes to her for reactions. What comes to mind immediately is in the Mexico car scene where Malia says she'd come back for Stiles.
Now, any of these things individually you could say are just friendship things - and you'd be correct. Above everything, they are friends. Probably best friends. But their bond goes so much deeper than that. Both of them needed that basis of friendship before they could fall into a truly deep love for each other - and that's what we see in season 6.
So yeah, I'm not sure where people are getting the idea that it was out of the blue. It's clearly been built up over seasons and while it *could* have stayed as just very good friends, that wasn't the story they were telling. I'll concede that s6 was kind screwed up because of DOB's filming and injuries but it still wasn't out of the blue.
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lutawolf · 1 year
TharnType Episode 7
If you guys have missed the previous reviews, they can be found here.
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I love this scene so much for so many reasons. One of them being that though they aren't saying they are together, they really aren't hidden. I mean, Tharn his carrying Type's drink for goodness’s sake! I mean, Techno knows.
Then we have a moment of reveal in which Type admits he is dating someone, but doesn't say who. Hiding and yet not hiding. I especially love the way Techno's eyes slide right to Tharn. Like bitch, you are not fooling me, but I need confirmation. "Let's talk about your "girlfriend", Type" 🤣🤣🤣
I mean, they are getting an apartment together. And there we go, there is Tharn admitting it. But other than Techno, Type sets the hard limit of him not wanting others to know. I know this was a hard thing for people to accept, but he put it out there. He was up front. It's just like guidelines, those are your limits, and they are what they are for your own reason. Tharn accepted this.
Now Type is back in his hometown about to learn some hard truths about himself. The way he talks about Tharn is a clear indicator of someone who is trying to stay detached, but can't. Already calling him, and of course Tharn has to call him out on it. Meanwhile, Tharn has no trouble admitting how he feels. Which is good because Type is the type that needs constant reassurance. When you bring a wall down, it is a bit like mowing the lawn. You don't stay on top of maintaining it, the grass grows back. Same with the wall we put up to protect ourselves.
Both of them ending the call smiling like stupid idiots is so cute.
Kom comes to visit! Kom speaking the truth. You always attract men. In the book, this is especially true. That's one of the reasons that Type is more homophobic than he likely would have been. He was constantly being hit on by guys who had a hard time understanding no. Think about women who have been SA, we aren't surprised that they dislike men because they will continue to be bothered and hurt by men. Just because a man is gay doesn't mean he can't be pushy. I mean honestly Tharn is pushy. It just happened that he clicked a switch in Type, unlike the others. But imagine having PTSD and no chance to breath or recoup. That's what has made Type who he is.
Kom says, "Come on, it's better to be loved than hated." So we are going back to this common narrative. We've seen it in earlier episode. It becomes ironic when said to a guy, but it's very commonly said to females. "You should appreciate all the attention you get." Why though? If someone doesn't want the attention, then they don't want it.
Wait Luta, you're confusing. We've watched enough of MAME to know that the characters pursue. Yup, that is correct. SA survivors have walls a mile high, it's gonna take work to break those down. We need people to gradually boulder the wall, not come in like a wrecking ball. We can't feel threatened or scared. And when we lash out, you'll have to take responsibility. Which is the standing difference. Abusers always blame you where people who actually give a fuck, take responsibility.
They are at the full moon party and everything about Type's body language says uncomfortable. Then the guy comes from Type's behind and touches him. Most SA survivors are triggered by touches from behind, first instinct is to punch and ask questions later. Type didn't physically touch the other students who touched him, just this guy who came up behind him. His PTSD fight or flight was triggered and since he was up against a bar and this dude behind him, his body had one choice. But that's real hard to explain to people in the heat of PTSD or coming off of it. Instead, Type once again lets his hate fester, but it bites him in the ass with his friend. Notice that Type is immediately upset, he is starting to get it.
Here is the thing about prejudice. It takes time to over come. People always crack me up when they meet prejudice with anger. When they think that everyone should magically understand and think like them because they can so clearly see that it's right. But everyone has prejudice. Everyone. Now, not everyone gives into it. But bare with me, and I'll try to explain social psychology. At its core, prejudice is simply an association of a sensory cue to an innate behavioral response. So like dog snarls and often bites, becomes dog that snares bites. Basically, human beings adapted mechanisms to respond quickly to visual cues that our brains deem dangerous without our conscious awareness. What's asinine is sometimes our brains see patterns in stupidly harmless things. You ever get a stomach bug and associate a certain food with that stomach bug, so much so that you won't eat it again. Even though you know it won't likely cause you to be sick again?
Now, most people are intelligent and empathetic enough to control reactionary implicit bias. Unless there is patternization or brainwashing. In Type's case, it's not brainwashing because he doesn't have people telling him how bad gays are, but the opposite. However, he has had repeated bad experiences with homosexuals, so it's pattern process. So what does all this mean? Type is scared, terrified really, and kicking someone like that is only going to make them fight back. Tharn is teaching him and helping him grow, but it's going to take time to circumvent the fear.
It took me a really long time to remove my prejudice towards men. A lot of therapy and support. But the empathy is there for Type, he is trying to be better. I love that he talks to Tharn about it, and it's not made into a big deal. Why? Because Tharn knows Type, and he already knows that the guy must have touched Type. Touch is a trigger for Type as it is for me. Once again, we see Tharn not being shy with his feelings, which is exactly what Type needs.
Type coming back home and Tharn immediately racing to him is a top scene for me.
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Tharn's sad face when Type says he won't tell anyone about them. He knew this, I'm not saying it's right, but I'm not judging it either. Type hasn't had time to come to terms with himself yet. I can understand the hesitation. I understand Tharn being upset. They are both justified in feeling what they are feeling.
The sushi scene is more than just a fun scene. Tharn hates sushi, but here is Type in public trying to feed him. So hell yes, he is going to eat that sushi. And Type hates that he hurts Tharn, so he just wants to do something for him.
The store room again!!! Hahaha!!! Mister, I don't want anyone to know, but I'll let you hold my hand in public while begging. Not suspicious at all. The sales girl is such a fan. Me too girl! Me too!
I really don't like San. Not just because of him trying to get back with Tharn but come one. What he did to Tharn was not acceptable.
I love the Facebook birthday scene. Tharn had no intention of telling Type his birthday. He knows Type will go looking, and he loves that. It lets him know that he is special to Type.
Okay so the scene on the bed. Where Type is spilling bullshit. Notice that Tharn does not meet this with anger. Just a deep sigh and calmness. Type rewards him with telling him that he is already his. The softer Tharn is, the more Type gentles, which is very accurate.
So that's it for this episode. Hope you enjoy this book. If you get to the end. Big Thanks!!! 💜💜💜
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idabbleincrazy · 1 year
brief snippet ask game! Spangel always ^^ 💚 true love's kiss / magic kiss / healed
Not What He Expected
(Rated T, vague Bangel & Spuffy, 601 words)
"Did it work?"
Buffy pulled away from Angel's comatose form, eyes bright with worry and held-back tears as she turned to face Spike's questioning gaze. She gripped his hand tightly in hers, the other holding steadfast to Angel's as it lay limp on the bed.
"I don't know, Spike. How long did Wes say it would take for the spell to break?"
"Watcher Jr. said the effect would be immediate."
They both turned back to watch Angel's still body, Spike's keen vampire eyes searching for any minute sign of change. Five minutes they sat there, watching, and nothing. Not a single twitch of a digit, no flutter of eyelash. Nothing.
"I don't get it. Percy said that true love's kiss was the only way to save him. Well, you're his bloody true love, so why ain't he fixed?!"
"Spike -"
"I know, I know. I'm sorry pet, just...this whole thing's got me all knotted up. I may hate the bugger, but that don't mean I want him wasting away like this." Spike eased his hand from Buffy's desperate grasp and rubbed the heel of his palm over the bridge of his nose. "Was bad enough having to admit you're his true love, and getting up the balls to bring you here. Now it turns out the wanker was wrong?"
"Spike, what if I'm not? What if I'm not his true love?"
"Then he's doomed. Cor, luv, who else could it bloody be, hmm? You know how much you mean to him, to both of us. That hasn't changed."
"What if it has? I know he loves me, and I'll always love him. But, I don't think it's been true love for a while now. I mean, we barely even know each other anymore, if we ever did." Buffy turned in her chair, facing him fully. "Spike, you know him better than anyone, even better than Wesley, where it counts. And, I know the two have been, y'know, since you came back. Maybe..."
"No. Slayer, I'm tellin' you, if you're thinkin' what I think you're thinkin', you're outta your bloody tree!" Spike stood up and began wearing a path into the carpet at the foot of the bed. "What we've got is just sex, that's it, nothing more. He still hates me, Buffy, and I still...the only thing about he might even come close to loving about me these days is my tight little body."
"These days?"
"Christ. Forget I said that. And forget thinking I'm his sodding true love!"
"Dammit, Spike! Don't you think you should at least try?" Buffy turned back to watch Angel's paler-than-normal face, muttering, "Stupid emotionally constipated vampires, always thinking they know everything. As if I couldn't feel the tension roiling off of them even back in Sunnydale."
Spike growled in annoyance and stomped over to the head of the bed.
"Fine, bint. If you're so bloody sure about it."
Ignoring her watchful eyes, Spike leaned over the deathly still figure that was his Grandsire, and pressed his lips to Angel's. He'd meant to make it a quick peck, but the moment their lips touched, Angel's parted on a soft sigh, and he felt his neck being gripped before he could pull away. Shock held him frozen as a tongue pushed past his lips to tangle with his, and distantly, he heard Buffy retreating from the room. As the door clicked closed, he let himself sag into the embrace Angel now had on him, giving into this brief respite before all hell broke loose. Someone still had to explain to Angel what had just happened. Bollocks.
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Yay, another ficlet! 😆
All Things Spike: @leatafandom
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helianskies · 1 year
Types ok Kissies! EngPort, 7 or 11 :3
i had to seriously restrain myself with this one. we've gone for prompt 7 since 11 had already been requested here, but... man, these two make me feel things... fair warning: things do get a bit warm in this one! ;)
prompt: french kisses where they trace every tooth with their tongues as though trying to memorise them.
They had gotten married on a whim.
Arthur had said to him one day, “We should do it. Just to say we have, and so that everyone knows that you are mine, and I am yours.”
João had thought it somewhat romantic, if not questionable, at the time. They had been drinking, after all, and Arthur has always had a knack for coming up with some wild ideas whilst under the influence of alcohol.
Yet, he ended up agreeing. 
They had found themselves a quiet church and Arthur had had their witness—a man who sailed under him—hold the priest at gunpoint while carrying out the very simple and private (and secret) ceremony. 
Two men getting married in a church on an island… It really was quite the thrill…
…and a thrill yet to wear off, as, now safely back on Arthur's docked ship not an hour afterwards, the next stage of their union starts to blossom in the candlelight.
Arthur sets João down onto the bed, supported by plentiful pillows while they begin to explore each other in the privacy of Arthur’s quarters. For a moment, he seeks a chance to catch his breath, maybe help them get a bit more… comfortable (clothes are awfully constricting) but as he tries to break away, he is pulled back in only closer. 
He did not realise, until now, just how big an appetite João has.
One hand holds Arthur’s face close, while the other wriggles underneath clinging fabric and his mouth—usually patient, witty, humourous—works hard to keep the Englishman fully occupied. Arthur does not fight it. This man is, after all, his new life partner, and it is his solemn duty to tend to his every need. If that need, as it currently seems to be, is to devour Arthur whole, then Arthur will be a more than willing victim.
And so, he is.
As both the kissing and the illusion of Heaven deepen, and deepen, and deepen further, the tactics change. Arthur does his best to prop himself up, to keep up with João’s ravenous pace, and to not succumb too easily when the other’s venturing hand wanders to areas saved only for him. It is intoxicating—more potent than any liquor he has known. And all the while, João only seems to draw him in closer, insatiable.
A tongue appears. It teases lips before teeth come along and tug and graze. Then it returns and finds deep within Arthur’s teeth, probing, tracing, committing each piece of him to memory. It steals away his breath. It makes him hungry himself—hungry enough to finally seize that break so he can consume the air he needs, before daring to take a dive.
“You’re dangerous,” he warns João, a smile breaking onto his face as he is awarded that time. He brushes aside the other’s delicate locks to get a good look at him (he’ll be the end of me) and relishes in how well-travelled fingers come down from his cheek to tickle under his chin.
“You have always had a thing for danger,” João reminds him. “Like a fish to a hook.”
Arthur hums. “Does that make you the deadly fisherman?”
“I suppose so,” comes the nonchalant response. 
And then, João sits up some more, leaning closer towards Arthur. His hand holds his face, and his smile turns coy. Something about it makes the Englishman’s heartbeat ripple—the tug of a line, the breaking of the water’s surface.
“You had better hurry up and bite, in that case,” he says, “before I have to throw you back to the sea.”
It is a sudden and harsh reminder that Arthur had not wanted, but one that, he supposes, would have come eventually. Such is the life of men of the sea—never still, never resting. Arthur is due to leave port tomorrow—the reason for the sudden decision to hold a priest hostage and exchange stolen rings—and perhaps that is the true source of João’s hunger.
Time is precious, now, so Arthur endeavours to not waste it, nor to deny João what it is he wants.They resume. The only difference this time is that Arthur makes the move, does the holding, and gets adventurous with not only hands but tongue.
He hopes it will bring the other the reassurance that he is a fish on a hook who does not want to be tossed back into the water—that he is a fish ready to bite, and a husband ready to love.
[ wordcount, 744 words; kiss prompts here! ]
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flaringgoosebumps · 2 years
Interesting that the entire party (including older kids) was separate emotionally in some way and maybe that assisted Vecna in some ways👀
Will was unreachable by Mike who tried the hardest to contact him in any situation, which to me, means no one else would've been able to contact him no matter how hard they tried either.
Mike, although present and with Dustin, and seems to be behaving as close to the Mike we've known, he's miserable. It's especially shown after the D&D win, when everyone is celebrating he's alone and upset in the sidelines.
Lucas joining the basketball team in attempts to be perceived in a better light by their peers was a choice he made on his own that somehow neither Mike nor Dustin seemed to support. Yeah, they tried to get Eddie to reschedule the campaign but they didn't do much else to be there for Lucas when he literally asked them to.
Dustin had already been separating from the group for a while, to no fault of his own, he and Mike got closer again but obviously it isn't the same.
We see that because of her grief, Max has alienated herself from anyone.
El lied to Mike about her time in California? Who else did she lie to? The only person who knew the real truth was Will and even though the wonder twins were arguably close emotionally, there was still distance since Will didn't know she was lying to Mike and El thought Will was "acting weird" and didn't know what the painting was, who it was for, and why. El literally stated that she doesn't belong anywhere, which means she is distant from everyone and everything.
Johnathan said himself that he's been distant from Will, the most important person to him, which means he's distant from everyone (aside from Argyle), it shows that he's emotionally distant from Nancy because he is planning on slow motion breaking up with her because he knows he couldn't choose Nancy over his family.
Nancy, never been close with anyone within the party except Johnathon and Steve. Distant from Steve for obvious reasons. Was distant from Johnathon herself, enough to where a classmate noticed and questioned it to the point where she got a bit defensive.
Dustin and Steve (even though in character) arguably distant because Steve wouldn't fill in for the campaign (man nearly dies for him but won't play a game?!?)
The only two that seem to be solid were Robin and Steve. If you look at their friendship in comparison to everyone else's at the first of the season, it shows that everyone has grown distant from one another. Except them. Some of the moments Robin and Steve shared at the front of season 4, everyone else has shared in previous seasons. Especially, the nod from across the room about Tammy Thompson (bestfriendism 🤗) and any kind of intimate talks about their personal life. Both of which seems to be lost among everyone else until they have to team up to help eachother.
I feel like Vecna depended on this type of distance between everyone in order to act upon his plan, because it has shown that when they were all close emotionally, they figured out what was going on quick enough to be able to put a stop to it entirely.
That's part of why they almost beat him, too and maybe part of how they'll end up beating him.
Will, Johnathan and Mike become very protective and worried about El when she gets arrested. Which was opposite to what they had shown moments earlier, especially Mike. Mike and Will reforming their bond immediately. Will having faith that El is the only way to stop or contain anything. Will expressing that the party has always been more helpful than the goverment. Johnathan wanting to go to Hawkins to warn or help who they could. Johnathan knowing he could depend on Argyle to take him and his siblings anywhere.
Erica's loyalty to the people she's been around, her filling in for the campaign on no notice, we've seen she has a group of friends all her own so her doing this at all probably caused her to cancel something. Unquestionably covering for Lucas when he disappears for days. Standing up for Eddie when the town tries to turn against him.
Max knowing she could go to Dustin after not being able to find Nancy, Dustin knowing he could go to Stobin, all of them knowing they could go to Nancy. Nancy already having theories herself after her curiosity leads her to talk to Wayne. Nancy and Robin forming an emotional connection that didn't exist before. Lucas's undying loyalty to Dustin and the party. Lucas making sure Max knew this entire time that he notices her slipping away, reminding her that he just wants to be there, that he is there and refusing to not be there no matter how hard she pushes him away. All of them bonding over finding out the truth, keeping Eddie safe, eachother protected, helping them figure out that Max was in danger in time to even try to figure out how to help her.
Steve worrying about Max to check on her in time to be able to get Lucas and Dustin beside him trying to wake her up, Steve instructing Dustin to radio for help. Dustin frantically on the radio trying to get Nancy and Robin to try to help save her. Lucas always paying attention to her to even know what song stood any chance of helping her. Their cries of agony to reach her piercing through Vecna's trance, a portal existing for Max that didn't exist for anyone else.
It's not just Max's happy memories that saved her the first time she was in Vecna's trance, it's knowing that the people in her memories still love her and would/are trying everything they can to save her, even though she wouldn't let them before. That's what gave her the strength to fight back against Vecna and to run.
Vecna appears to need his victims to be helpless and hopeless. That's why he selected who he did.
Chrissy, alienated from everyone in her life because she feels she has to put on a facade. Her mother bullying her into developing an eating disorder, her dad sitting quietly as it happens. A boyfriend that appears to care for her deeply but doesn't notice when something is bothering her. Holding her up to this pedestal that her mother's abuse made her build for herself. Turning to a kid she barely knew for drugs in order to escape everything. Confiding in him vaguely but not enough to really form anything that could've helped her. Even during her funeral, it shows Jason looking at her mother with sympathy rather than the rage one would feel if he knew how her mother had actually treated her.
Fred, merely just a friend of Nancy, if that. Easily separated from her and it takes awhile for her to even notice. No one seeming to even question his whereabouts until he's already dead.
Patrick, who had been abused at home, no one caring enough to question it or try to be there for him about it. The team being only a team when it was time to play the game or support Jason but no one supporting anyone otherwise. Even when they were looking for Eddie, they made fun of Patrick for thinking the "cult" did something to him rather than try to talk to him about it.
And Max, who in her grief, was cutting any emotional ties she had with anyone at all. Refusing to speak to anyone that could even be there for her in the smallest ways. Her step dad disappearing, her mom drowning herself in alcohol.
They seem carefully chosen because of how they seemingly had no one they felt they could go to about anything and nothing to give them hope that they could even try.
I think that's why anyone reforming emotional bonds and trust in eachother started to and will end up defeating Vecna.
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