#soooo normal about them (lie)
will41n · 6 months
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some eefo and effubs :Pc
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nammikisulora · 4 months
so Jacobi is in love with Kepler, yes, absolutely. thing is… no matter how messed up he is (and he is plenty messed up!) he's still a pretty normal guy, so he can deal with having an inconvenient crush on his boss. it happens, right? sure the occasional sex dream on a mission is a bit, uhm, awkward to say the least, but hey, it's not the end of the world.
that's why it's so much funnier to me if Kepler is exactly as gone for him as the other way around, because our precious Artist Formerly Known? he finds this absolutely terrifying. he does not get crushes on people, he is 100% in control of his emotions and lets nothing get in the way of his job! except there's this ballistics expert who somehow worms his way past all his walls and takes up residence inside, and suddenly there's someone who isn't as easily expendable as he should be.
but no matter what, Kepler is a professional above all, so of course he doesn't let this affect him. both of them are acutely aware that nothing could ever happen between them for so many reasons, but while Jacobi is content to let things run their course, Kepler goes all in for repression. fuzzy feelings, him? oh absolutely not! they just work really really well together, they're a great team, that's all!
and yet he is absolutely not the slightest bit Normal™️ about Jacobi when push comes to shove, see things like 50 punds of fireworks and "Sir, Jacobi has shown exemplary skill and dedication throughout -" less than 24 hours after a murder attempt.
bonus points if Cutter knows about it and makes sure that Kepler knows that he knows and yeah I wrote that fic.
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klance-brainrot · 8 months
klancing all things end by hozier
tw: angst, mcd, klance on-off relationship
They know they will break up again and then get back together and then break up again because they just don't work together but they can't live without one another.
Their personalities clash too severely for it to work permanently.
"The last time I felt your weight on my chest, you said: we didn't get it right, but love, we did our best"
this is them knowing they are going to break up again soon because they can't be together for more than a month and they both feel the end nearing. This is the calm before the storm, this is the night before another big fight, this is the cuddle before the argument.
"Just knowing that everything will end and we should not change our plan when we begin again"
this is them talking about their next try at a relationship and how, even though it never works, they would never change anything about their fucked up relationship attempts because at least they can be together that way.
"All that we intend is built on sand"
when starting new they both already know it's going to fail again. it's a fragile peace, it's all built on sand, it can be swept away by a single wave.
"If there was anyone to ever get through this life with their heart still intact, they didn't to it right"
this is Lance standing over Keith's grave and thinking about all they could've been and all they could've done together if it had worked. But it didn't work out. They tried so often but it never worked out, but Lance knows he doesn't regret a thing, he would've tried over and over and over again for those moments where it does work.
Until it doesn't.
Since he knows Keith, he knows, he didn't regret a thing either. Keith too would've tried over and over and over again just for those few moments of peace in between.
Their friends and family had tried countless times to tell them that it wouldn't work - it wouldn't work this time and it wouldn't work the next time they tried, but they never listened. For a while they tried to keep their distance from each other, but both of them were doing so bad during it. Lance was barely eating and ended up in the ER. Keith thought he was the only one suffering that badly but once Shiro let it slip that Lance was in the hospital he couldn't do it anymore and he came back. They always came back to each other. They cant live without each other.
"I have never known a silence like the one fallen here, never watched my future darken in a single tear"
this is the first time they broke up. They really thought it would work but their personalities and traumas and behavioral tendencies just work against each other unfortunately. Keith thought it was fixable, he would try everything, but one fight had gone too far and Lance breaks up with him. He sheds one single tear while doing it but remains otherwise neutral and says that it's probably better form him to take some time for himself. Keith is numb from shock and can't really say anthing, nothing that'd help Lance stay. So he watches the single tear fall and he watches him leave. For the first time. He will watch him leave over and over and over again.
"I know we want this to go easy by being someone's fault, but we've come long enough to know this isn't what we want"
this is their 5th breakup. They've done this before. They know how this goes. They get back together, they are good together for a few weeks until everything goes down the drain again. Most of the time there isn't even a trigger really. It's just a few fights too many and a few unfortunate things said that hurt bad. Too bad.
Lance says this when he's about to leave again - they both know it's both of their fault and at the same time it's noones fault.
Because that's who they are.
Keith with his parental trauma and need to distance himself from the ones he loves, and Lance with his fear of abandonment and being the second choice. He grew up in a happy family and can't deal with Keith's traumas forever. He needs to put himself first and he can't do that while being with Keith. But he can't live without him either.
They can't live without each other.
thank you @justdissimp for the beta and @numerous-bees-in-a-skin-suit for the encouragement <3
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ban-joey · 3 months
ohhh yeah it makes sense i like iwtv so much. what is true/untrue right. the lies we tell ourselves and others are made true depending on who tells them and who repeats them. surely the story that gets written down must be true. just like black sails
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apollo-zero-one · 6 months
Man I can't believe I had the chance to go to a performing arts school up through middle school and I fuckin quit after 6 months just because I got bullied. BRO YOUR HOMEWORK WAS POETRY!! YOU HAD TO PRACTICE DANCING TO COTTON EYE JOE AS YOUR BIG UNIT TEST. GYM CLASS HAD A CIRCUS UNIT!! YOU HAD A WHOLE DAILY CLASS ON IMPROV!!! YOU FOOL!! YOU ABSOLUTE IMBICILE!! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN A YOUTUBER!!! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN ONE OF THOSE TWEENAGERS GETTING LOADED BY MAKING SHITTY YOUTUBE SHORTS IN 2008-14!! But noooOoooOOOoo little miss Noellie (who WANTED TO GO!! who worked SO HARD and sent in an application essay and did an INTERVIEW to get in!!) couldn't handle disruptive classmates or little scuffles and petty grudges and general Attitude of the other students and cried to mommy to put her back in public school. I am EATING MY HAIR over what Could Have Been. I COULD BE SOMEONE'S ANNOYING YOUTUBER!! I could be a DISGRACED DISNEY CHANNEL STAR!! I could be an America's Got Talent winner! A mild to moderately successful comedian! I could be making short films!! But no no no precious thin skinned baby me heard a few new cus words and watched a teacher get heckled and begged to give up The Dream in favor of?? Quiet math tests?? I am such a fucking quitter I quit everything the second it gets too hard I always take the out as soon as it's offered what's my fucking damage.....
#I had SO MUCH POTENTIAL and I SQUANDERED IT!! weak ass third grade PUSSY! Your life could have been SO SICK!!#or you could at least be addicted to cocain or something interesting like that!! Boring ass goody two shoes always just staying home doing#NOTHING bitch make a REAL FRIEND go to a God Damn PARTY live a little instead of just hiding in the closet eating saltine crackers for years#waiting for it to be quiet outside before you ever even toed the line#mentally ill self-isolating motherfucker#you could have shrugged it off you could have GROWN A PAIR and FOUGHT BACK but you just ran and cried for mommy#victim complex little bitch baby always whining and exaggerating and making shit up fucking LIAR I am you and I KNOW what you did and I know#you knew it wasn't the truth and you regretted it the moment it came out of uour mouth but once you'd said it you just swallowed it back and#doubled down incriminating or discrediting others with your lies. For why? Because you didn't like them? You could have ruined someone's#life you wouldn't have hesitated mayhe you did and don't even remember because you cant keep your mouth shut with your pants ablaze#manipulative little shit and to WHAT END? Pity? Sympathy? Attention? Entertainment?? What was even going on in your stupid ugly head?#This is a callout post for my third grade self that possessed demon ass evil nine year old. That kid drowned anthills in olive oil and#poisoned a wild animal once. That kid cut plants just to see if they oozed. That kid modified her whole ass personality on a dime for a boy#she had a crush on. INSTANTLY dropped a LIFELONG CULTURAL ALLEGIANCE (thats what football teams were like back then in our town) because he#said he had the opposite allegiance??? What the fuck? girl had NO integrity none zip zilch.#No empthy either that kid looked at everyone else on earth like they were friggin space aliens and she was the only one with Real feelings.#bitch literally thought like 'I have Feelings they just have Reactions' bitch what the fuckkkkk#that nine year old was fucked the hell up!!!#and for literally NO REASON!! No cause!! Just born fucking evil and weird. jesus fuck.#Evil ass bitch caused her autistic brother months of nightmares and then laughed about it and wrote poetry about how evil he was because he?#was a kid??? Normal sibling rivalry taken way way way too far defamatory ass statements#and this girl had NO CONSEQUENCES because she could lie and manipulate her way out of ANYTHING she had the baby eyes and the helpless charm#and played dumb soooo well . read people like some calculative evil AI scanning their faces for microexpressions and overanalyzing each word#choice like holy shit. its not That Deep. pretentious shit trying to play 5D chess on a checkers board.#Manipulating shit just to see what happens?? zero awareness?? no asking just skipping straight to testing for yourself??#'What happens if I step on this' it fucking breaks 'what does that taste like?' it's not fucking yours to mess with 'if I hit this person#how will they respond?' they'll be upset use your goddamn judgement you are NINE not TWO do you even care a little about any other person??#Are you just living in some other reality???#callout post for the fucking demon child inside of me#im so goddamn problematic I'm so so so deeply mentally disturbed and broken for no reason
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winterrhayle · 2 years
RIGHT???!? i could say soo much about this so here's some screenshots/quotes of what i meant with winter being the ~~gold rush girl~~ and the whole song being from scarlets POV
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‘Winter's eyes sparkled. There were times when Scarlet felt like she'd hardened her heart to the girl's impeccable beauty — her thick hair and warm brown skin, her gold-tinged eyes and rosy lips. But then the princess would give her a look like that and Scarlet's heart would skip and she would once again wonder how it was possible this wasn't a glamour.’
‘Scarlet started laughing again. She remembered what it was like seeing the princess for the first time. Her full lips, delicate shoulders, huge eyes flecked with shavings of gray, all paired with the unexpected scars on her right cheek that should have made her less stunning but didn’t.’
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‘Scarlet burst out of the tree line, flushed and panting. Those who were gathered turned to watch as Strom emerged with Winter in his arms. “The princess has been poisoned,” said Scarlet.’
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‘Did you know they write poetry about you in the outer sectors? I had to listen to this drunk sing a whole ballad a few months back, all about your goddess-like perfection.’
‘Her smile was plaster. “What do you mean?” “I have come to request your hand, Your Highness.” Her lungs convulsed.’
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‘She said the scars made Winter interesting to look at and somehow, odd as it was, even more beautiful. Beautiful. It was a word Winter had heard tossed around all her life. A beautiful child, a beautiful girl, a beautiful young lady, so beautiful, too beautiful … and the stares that attended the word never ceased to make her want to don a veil like her stepmother’s and hide from the whispers.’
‘Winter let the maid style her hair, pulling the top half into a thick braid threaded with strands of gold and silver and leaving the rest to cascade around her shoulders.’
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‘“Hello, crazy,” said Scarlet. It sounded like an endearment. “How are the castle walls today?”’
LIKE, HELLO??? actually im convinced that taylor wrote this specifically for them because theres SO much winlet coding in this and i am just always continuously losing my mind over this
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scattered-winter · 2 years
WINTER. i need to you know that you talk about the things you love with such joy and enthusiasm and excitement that it makes me want to be excited about them too, even though i know literally nothing about them. anyway congrats on the michael-bay-less transformers movie <333
the truth is I have ,,, sooo many mixed feelings about transformers. like. it's part of a much bigger universe filled with lore and it's like. star wars or dc comics-sized. and I simply do not have room in my brain for ANOTHER comics-sized media because that would be. too much. so I just forced myself through the worst movie franchise in history to cherry-pick things that I liked from it and made up everything else. <3
but like. first of all my inner 8 year old goes absolutely buckwild for transformers. they're GIANT ROBOT SUPERHEROES!!! that can TURN INTO CARS!!!!!!! and sometimes they have SWORDDSSSS!!!!!!!!! and as much as I can't stand the movies, the cgi with the transformations is soooooo <3333333333333333 and the transformer designs are all soooo cool too !!!!!!!
and the thing that really gets me about the transformers movies is that they have SO MUCH POTENTIAL to not only make inner 8 year old me the happiest guy on the planet but to also tell a very compelling story!!!! the autobots were forced from their home planet and most of their race was killed by the war that tore their planet apart!!!! all that's left of this once powerful race of incredibly powerful beings is a small handful of exhausted soldiers who are hiding out on earth because they're being hunted all over the galaxy!!!! and even after losing everything, they all still decide to fight for earth and protect humanity from the same fate that took their families, their people, and their entire planet away from them!!!!!!! I'm literally biting !!!!! and after setting up that premise michael bay just. didn't follow through. and the movies are filled with utter bullshit storylines and every autobot's personality gets completely rewritten every single movie because the entire plot revolves around michael's bland self insert characters. the movies are soooooooooo bad but they could be sooooo good and that's my entire mental illness about transformers summed up in a single sentence.
but anyway. I don't know anything about the director of the new movie or if they're any good, but the only way they could be worse than bay is if they let a toddler keysmash on a typewriter <3 I'd even argue that'd be a BETTER alternative than michael bay's directing <33 but anyway. I don't like how optimus looks in the trailer because like I said, the transformer designs in the bay movies are, unfortunately, really really cool. and the new movie seems to have taken optimus' original design like in the toys and old cartoons, which is FINE but also ,,, I miss catboy optimus :(
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like. say what you will about the og movies but they sure could design an autobot !!!!!!!! optimus just looks so ,, boxy in the trailer. and I definitely prefer his other design. but honestly I'd rather have a shittier-looking optimus without bay than a badass-looking optimus with him. so.
I'm overall very very happy with how bumblebee looks though <3333 but to be fair he's my silly little guy skrunkle gal pal so whatever he does will always have me giggling and twirling my hair <333 he has never done anything wrong in his life <33333333
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gxrtyz · 2 years
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hello again i drank a really good coffee yesterday and sped through this drawing. anywho this is my silly little guy of an oc, his name is gertrude and i want to put him in the microwave
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mountainficss · 19 days
Hiii pretty! I love your mind honestly💖 you wrote about the puppie threesome and it was soooo freaking good!!! it got me thinking about threesome with two kitty cats... woozi and wonwoo sub kittens who aren't very physical until they're needy 😫😫😫😫
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!! mentions of: sub!jihoon, sub!wonwoo, threesome, unprotected sex, teasing, nipple play
ahhh thank you sooo much i am so glad you enjoyed it! that makes me so happy <3 and omg i LOVE this idea anon.
i looove thinking about the kitty duo. jihoon and wonwoo would naturally be very mellow and easygoing, not needing much to be satisfied. jihoon would enjoy staying in the peaceful quiet of your home, easily finding things to keep him entertained. wonwoo would also enjoy the calming atmosphere of your apartment, finding it the perfect place to wind down and play games on his computer. the both of them can be a bit independent, but they’d always appreciate the time they spend with you. they definitely love the quality time more than anything, and just being able to be around you would make them very happy kitties. on their regular days, they wouldn’t need more than a sweet kiss to get them by (they’d never be opposed to more of course; they’re just not openly touchy). they also might go out of their way to start little convos with you just because they love you and love talking to you :)
on days where they’re needy, you would notice the difference in behavior right away. they’re very subtle about their delivery, but it doesn’t take much for you to tell since they’re not usually touchy. when you’re in the kitchen, jihoon might graze his hands over your body more often than usual under the guise of getting around you. might even let his hands hover on your waist, even giving it a small squeeze before letting you go. he’d also sit closer to you than normal when you’re seated on the couch, lacing his fingers carefully with yours and running his thumb over your knuckles. you’d shoot him a knowing glance, but would only be met with a flustered jihoon who seemed set on avoiding your gaze. wonwoo would act in a similar fashion, finding any excuse to touch you. he’d beg you to try the new computer game he downloaded, having you sit at his desk and play while he watches. he’d even place his hands over yours, guiding them over the correct keys. wonwoo would also hover behind you in the bathroom when you’re applying your skincare, settling his chin on your shoulder and gazing at you in the mirror. you’d find his clingy behavior a bit silly if he hadn’t turned his head and buried his face into your neck, giving the skin a few heated pecks.
your apartment would practically be buzzing with sexual tension by the end of the day, and you’d become irritated knowing that your two pretty kitties aren’t sprawled out beneath you right this instant. so you’d take matters into your own hands, snatching them both by the collars of their shirts and dragging them to your bedroom. you’d strip without any words, and the pretty boys would follow your lead with no questions asked. they’d try to be discreet about it, but they love being under your control. jihoon might be a bit huffy and wonwoo a bit timid, but when it comes to you and your pleasure they’d immediately drop to their knees for you.
you’d decide on toying with jihoon first, always finding his pouty expression and flushed cheeks adorable. jihoon would lie beneath you, his pretty pale skin completely exposed. you’d straddle him, hovering over his length and simply grinding down once. wonwoo would be seated right behind you, watching over your shoulder as you use jihoon and fisting the blankets below him. jihoon would let out the tiniest of whimpers, trying his hardest to hold back his embarrassing sounds as you grind your wet heat against him. you’d run your fingers over his hardened nipples, relishing in the way jihoon flinches beneath you. “aww, jihoonie. feels too good, hm?” you’d tease him, cupping his face gently and rubbing a thumb across his heated skin. “want me to use you an’ fuck you, right jihoonie? bet it feels good to let go,” you’d continue, watching his face become even redder at your dirty words. he’d always get so adorably pouty when you said such vulgar things, because he knew they were true. “s-stop,” he’d whine, eyes rolling back as you slide his throbbing length into your hole slowly. he’d let out a wanton moan, his hands shooting up to your hips and grasping the flesh harshly. he’d occasionally buck his hips up into you, unable to resist you and needing to feel more. “you might even be needier than wonwoo, baby,” you’d coo, glancing behind you to look at wonwoo’s cute expression. his eyes were widened and glassy, hands still twisted in the sheets in an attempt to control himself. jihoon would just let out another frustrated whine, face becoming increasingly red from your teasing. he hated and loved when you teased him; he’d never admit to liking the muddled feelings of embarrassment and arousal every time you spoke to him.
you’d circle your hips, suddenly bouncing harshly on his length and pulling a surprised moan from sweet jihoon. he’d try his best to hold back his whimpers, but lewd sounds would just keep slipping from his lips uncontrollably as you pleasure him. you could feel wonwoo’s warm presence behind you, and you’d reach back with one hand to grab a fistful of his hair. wonwoo would moan gently, his hands gravitating towards your waist and gripping softly. he loved seeing the way you bounced on jihoon, and watching the both of you pleasure each other would make wonwoo’s cock twitch with want. you could feel wonwoo’s erection against you, smiling to yourself as you continued to ruin jihoon. jihoon would be a moaning mess as he gets closer and closer to his release, his hands getting restless as they travel up and down your body. “c-cumming…” jihoon would trail helplessly, unable to hold back his orgasm and shooting ropes inside of you. you’d slow your pace a bit, helping him ride out his high and making sure his release stays stuffed in your hole. “such a good kitty, jihoonie,” you’d coo, admiring his gorgeous blissed out expression. when you feel jihoon soften inside you, you’d slide off of his cock, immediately sinking down onto wonwoo’s erection with no warning. you’d grind down hard against him, feeling his grip on your waist tighten as jihoon just watches dazedly. you were slick with jihoon’s previous release and your own arousal, and it was easy for you to completely envelop wonwoo’s length. wonwoo would bite back a groan, eventually giving up as you continue your grinding. “ready for your turn, kitty~?” you’d smirk, glancing back at wonwoo and giving him your prettiest smile. wonwoo would nod eagerly, unconsciously bucking his hips up into yours at the pet name.
out of every other activity, playing with your needy kitties would be your favorite pastime <3
taglist: @jeonghanpill , @bangantokchy , @caratboy , @bewoyewo , @luvseungcheol , @wonvsmile , @haolovre , @aaniag , @writingbarnes , @dokyeomkyeom , @allieyaaa
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seulgishaku · 5 months
I'm just soooo obsessed with the concept of Jason putting the safety of the world and the will of the gods over. Literally everything else.
Like it's so bad he starts to stop feeling guilty about letting people die and leaving them behind because "its for a greater cause, it was a worthy sacrifice"
He doesn't get close to anyone just in case they end up being a traitor to his camp, to his city. He can't get rid of people he has feelings for, so he'll have feelings for nobody.
He performs executions for caught traitors and converting demigods with the blankest expressions on his face. This is normal. They drew their swords to Rome and now Rome will draw their swords against them. Who knows how much demigod blood is on his hands.
(A legionnaire made a joke once. "Hey Grace, what's your body count, and don't lie to me. Your a son of Jupiter and a good looking guy." "Idk what that has to do with it, but I've killed 17 demigods." "K-killed?")
The legion at Jupiter raised him to be a loyal soldier
They might have done a little too well.
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kuromiiy · 11 months
two is better than one
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.pairing. foxhybrid!wooyoung x reader x cathybrid!san
.warnings. smut, fingering, pussy eating, blowjob, breeding, spanking, toys, threesome, humping, cum
.synopsis. your life with your two loves.
.tags. smut, fluff, hybrids, polyamory
first of all, both of them acquire your unwavering attention
if they don’t, they’ll form an alliance (like always) and act like they’re dying from heavy neglect
always so dramatic i swear
especially woo, both in fox or hybrid form he’ll lie on his back, paws up and all, acting like he got shot and acts as if he’s dead
the first time he did this you almost had a heart stroke
sannie will pout and get all teary eyed at you
it always works and he knows that very well
anyways, they have soooo much love to give so they need the love they give back
only makes sense to them
they will follow you anywhere, back then when you adopted them it was cute but now…
even when you need to use the bathroom, one will sit on the sink and the other will lean on the door
chatting as if it’s completely normal
hate when you leave without them!!
but hate it even more when you take one of them and the other has to stay at home, the jealousy is real
like, one time you had to take san to the vet and you figured it would be better if woo would stay at home
woo didn’t understand that tho so he accused you, that you rather go out with sannie than him
as if you never go out with him smh so you took him with you
end of story, the vet suggested to take a look at woo too and best believe he never utters a word anymore when he has to stay at home lmao
so back to jealousy
normally both of them aint jealous at all, they always share and willingly too but sometimes
sometimes they (read san) get jealous over the smallest shit
wooyoung got a new toy cause he destroyed his fave one? sans jealous af he wants a new toy too! not fair
but you always try to treat both the same, get them the same stuff etc so it doesn’t really happen often
san and woo love to shift and play
they will chase each other around the whole house and play hide and seek
so adorable to watch, except they really don’t give a damn about their surroundings
it took you 5 new vases to finally set some ground rules
woo builds nests with your clothes and blankies and its so cute to see him roll around in them
and at the beginning he let no one in, not even san, who would beg on his knees
so the day he grabbed you both and dragged you into his precious nest was so overwhelming
you cried a little tbh
since then you also love to lie in there and chill
you might not know but it makes woo so happy to see you in his nest voluntarily he could move trees
cuddling is a must. everyday, same time, for 1:30h
if out of whatever reason its not doable they will sulk and whine about it for WEEKS
will scent you every 30mins too its just necessary. yeah, thats the whole explanation
but you love the feeling for them curling in your arms, faces in your neck and the purrs
sannie purrs very very steady and loud
sometimes he starts just from looking at you
he loves you that much!!
woo also purrs but its more subtle but its there
so whenever y’all lie together there will be purrs for days
woo also squeaks when hes happy or excited
both are pretty possessive
so when you have people over, they’ll both try and sit on your lap and kiss and scent your neck like crazy
your friends told you it looks really funny
as mentioned they’ll go against you often so expect to be hugged by woo so tight you can’t move, while sannie literally attacks you with smooches and kisses
apropos kisses
they’ll line up to get their goodbye kisses, hello kisses, good night and good morning kisses
they take this very serious
mature content
very very high sex drive
both of them
everyday when you wake up, you feel something hard against your ass
sometimes they’ll wake you up with humping against you
morning sex basically isn’t negotiable as they need relief to start the day in a good mood
you love to suck their cocks buttt
your pleasure is the most important thing especially for san
will never cum before you and wooyoung
good luck getting him to move from between your legs
very very good at eating pussy and he’s so enthusiastic about it too
will purr because you taste so good
he always doms too, no matter for who
he likes to get his rim eaten but would actually hiss if someone would try to put a finger in there
he cums a lot, like A LOT
to the point where the whole bed is straight up wet
thick cum too and he loves to cum on your and woo’s face
he’s so sexy while cumming too, groans loudly and pants like a dog (don’t let him hear that)
always includes woo too, for example
he’s fucking you into the mattress, his left hand draws steady circles on your clit and his right hand fingers wooyoung open
will mark you two but only sometimes cause he’s too busy yk?
loves to praise you and woo
“god, aren’t you my good girl?”
“fuck woo, such a sweet hole, all mine”
“i love you both so much, fuck, gonna stuff you full. both nice and bred”
wooyoung on the other hand is very subby, a bratty sub but never too extreme
loves to get fucked by the both of you
will literally cum at the sight of your sweet cunt hovering over his cock and sannies huge dick on his entrance
he’s extremely loud in bed, always whines and moans, if you’re hitting his sweet spot he’ll straight up scream your name
loves to use toys and get spanked on his juicy ass
he’s pretty possessive of both of you so he marks you up to the point it hurts when breathing
will bite a lot and hard
you and san always end up looking like an wild animal attack you
such a huge tease, will present and shake his ass to get what he wants
so basically whenever you come back from who knows where, you’re greeted with panting, moaning and skin slapping
he’s got a filthy mouth
“aaahg sannie! fuck me harder, love your huge cock”
“i wanna have your kittens so bad”
“please, yn, faster! wanna cum in my pussy so bad”
longest yall fucked were almost 2:30h
you and woo passed out and san literally couldn’t get hard for 2 days lmao
you and woo love to dress up to surprise sannie
like you wore a sexy red lace set and woo wore a slutty bralette with a waay too short skirt with knee highs
san almost collapsed but made sure both of you couldn’t walk straight anymore
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yumiis · 7 months
headcannons for getting drunk with tgc?
like how high their tolerance to alcohol is,
what they usually have,
and stuff similar?
ignore my 'ideas' if you dont wanna do them <3
🫧 anon
absolutely!! i love making hcs like this (i also won't be including larry bc he isn't of legal age to drink :P)
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 drunk ; tgc boys
genre/type: fluff/humor, headcanons
read below!
absolute unbeatable tolerance. insane tolerance. dude can take 6 shots of everclear and still walk a straight line.
you've only seen isaac blackout ONCE, and it was complete accident. you hadn't seen isaac drinking that much, but he was actually borderline drunk. he asked you in a pretty sober sounding voice, "how many drinks have i had? should i stop?" you say, "i've only seen you take like 2 shots. drink some more!"
horrible move. he blacked out and also woke up with the world's worst hangover.
ever since then though, his tolerance, like i said, is rock solid.
he likes the classic drinks, so i'd say he likes a good screwdriver.
super clingy and COCKY when he's drunk.
drowning you in kisses and hugs, and he goes, "babe, i'm soooo hot. i'm soooo hot and sexy.."
"sure you are."
your two options are to kill his ego or boost it, but it kills you too much to deflate his ego.
"how cocky was i last night?"
moderately normal tolerance, maybe a TINY bit lower than the average person in their mid-20's.
like, if we're measuring in shots of vodka again, like 4 1/2 shots he'd be gone. not black out gone, but "i'm gonna talk about every celebrity i could probably pull" gone.
he's such a YAPPER when he's drunk dude.
will probably do the trend of writing fake band names to try and make you laugh
he's dancing around to loud ass music in the kitchen, invites you to dance with him, he immediately starts shoving himself against you
he won't shut up about how much he loves you
he's definitely got his head in your lap and he's making you play with his hair and listen to him talk
however you have to stop him talking at a certain point, because he'll just start having a crisis and making himself sad.
he's never blacked out, but he has terrible hangovers.
favorite drink? he strikes me as a daiquiri kinda guy. he'd love them.
but if it's more casual drinking at home, he's happy with some soju.
literally AVERAGE tolerance.
about 2-3 shots of vodka has him tipsy, 4-6 has him drunk, and don't give him more than 8, he might start drunkenly making an album.
he's not a clear liquor guy, he prefers browns like brandy or scotch.
there is almost ALWAYS a bottle of whiskey in the fridge for nick, he never runs out.
he drinks regularly, but he doesn't HEAVILY drink on those nights.
he's super sleepy when he's drunk. he could literally fall asleep anywhere if given the opportunity
he could be laying on the floor to "stretch his back" he's asleep 10 minutes later
you have to carry this dude to bed (and if you can't do it alone, isaac helps you)
like i said he prefers drinking brown liquors, so i think he'd maybe like a tequila sunrise or just straight whiskey
"i have a ROCK SOLID tolerance!" dead in 3 shots. don't listen to him lie to you
every time you and the guys go out for dinner at like chilis or something, blake orders a margarita and everyone sighs in unison
the margarita gets him on the verge of drunk. just a little past tipsy.
he can HARDLY casually drink with anyone because his tolerance is just THAT bad
you constantly pick at him for it but he's just accepted it at this point
he's so SILLY when he's drunk man
cracking jokes that do NOT land at all and are not funny unless he's talking to a bunch of drunk people
"so the.. uh.. what? yeah.. uh.."
he suddenly forgets english
he can barely formulate a SINGLE sentence and he's basically speaking in mumbles
he's like speaking in fancy or speaking in riddles like a troll under the bridge or some shit
you have to baby him while he's drunk or he won't know what the hell is going on
i think he honestly.. just likes whatever he can get his hands on.
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derangedanomaly · 5 months
How would the boys react to reader being a skellie bunny?
Kinda like this.
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But female and all
Decided to do the star sanses too, since you didn't specify which characters you want.
WARNING: Suggestive
He'd probably feel really conflicted, and confused lmao.
He's so into you, but wouldn't want you to know. He's not exactly the loving type...
Finds your whole persona weird... he's never seen a skeleton bunny before, and it looks... strange?
He'd just watch in complete silence as your ears just hop on your head along with your steps. He wonders how you'd feel if he pulled them... (Take it suggestively or not 🤷‍♀️)
He feeds you carrots. And if he could, he would keep you in a cage. Caged like an animal on loose.
He'll actually start to think you look cute, after getting used to your look.
He'll still be a little shit though. No one can change him. 🤷‍♀️ (But you COULD make him worse...lmao.)
Would find you pretty cute to be honest.
He wants to squeeze the ever living shit out of you.
His head will be filled with.... obscene thoughts, whenever you walk in the room..
He's also never seen a skeleton bunny, so he'd just ask a ton of questions.
Like, do you have powers similar to him? Do you have a similar appetite to Horror? Ooh, can you summon a gaster blaster??
So many questions.
Usually, he's not one for caring this much when it comes to new species of monsters, but he just finds you so interesting actually.
He'll 100% want to touch your ears. And you'll have to let him. There's just no other way.
Normally, Dust would be pretty surprised, and immediately start writing your species down with excitement, but....he already knows the type of monster you are.
He doesn't seem fazed at all when seeing you. In fact, he already knows almost everything about your species.
He tries to connect with you through this fact. (But not gonna lie, it's a little creepy that he knows so much without you telling him....)
He tries to be respectful at all times...but you make it too hard sometimes.
He's also not spared from inpure thoughts about you.
He probably really likes the way your ears bounce with every step..
He's just munching on his food while silently watching the bunny tail twitch ever so slightly..
He doesn't EVER want to appear to you like he's some uncontrollable horn dog that can't keep his hands to himself. (That's Killer's job)
He probably has the best self control over ALL of them. (Yes...even Dream and Swap)
He just has a problem of drooling sometimes too much..
But Horror will actually find you pretty cool. You're a bunny AND a skeleton!! He's never seen that before.
He 100% carries you on his shoulders. He loves it!
You're so soft and fluffy, and he wants to pet you SO bad, but he'll be too scared to hurt you, to actually touch you.
Yeah, you'd have to reassure him.
Much like his brother, he'll also treat you like an ACTUAL bunny. (But it's more innocent)
He just doesn't know much about your species. So he'll be probably pretty confused.
Also isn't spared from inpure thoughts.
Keeps scolding himself whenever he has a...not so PG thoughts about you. He's supposed to be the guardian of positivity dammit!
Tries to actually distract himself to stop thinking like that. Even goes that far to actually try to avoid you. Surely if he doesn't see you, he won't think about you! (He's oh so wrong)
Give a small hello to him as you pass, after not seeing him the whole day, and he'll already be on his knees before you.
On the other hand, he'll find your whole species interesting.
Will also ask a ton of questions. (After he gets a lil bit over his simp phase)
He'd be soooo flirty. He doesn't want to lose his shot.
He snickers whenever your ears bounce on top of your head, or if your tail twitches. Finds it incredibly cute.
Ironically, Ink's flirting is probably worse than Killer's. He stares at you a lot.
He'll want to touch your ears SO BAD.
It's gonna get to the point where he'll get obsessed with touching your ears.
You'll probably find many drawings scattered around. Of you. Yes, that's right. He'll draw you all the time.
Sometimes, he will jokingly feed you carrots. He'll have a blast making fun of you. (Please, I beg you, PUT HIM IN HIS PLACE)
Admires Horror for not giving in to his thoughts. Swap is that ONE person that is secretly a little horny.
Also likes your fluffiness. Seriously wants to cuddle up to you.
Will also carry you around.
Lmao, Error will be so dumbfounded when Swap visits him with you on his shoulders.
Occasionally asks you questions about your species.
He doesn't want to insult you somehow, so he'll probably NOT give you carrots, unless you ask for it.
He giggles whenever your tail twitches. (Don't ask him why he's staring at your ass)
He's gonna scold himself so hard for actually objectifying you like this. The guilt will probably make him actually admit to looking at you like this. (The only that was brave enough to admit to to you)
A/N: How the hell did this turn into a SIMP post? 💀 I apologize if this is not what you wanted, my mind just drifted off to other places while writing this.
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lunar-wandering · 2 months
i had a silly hc and had to write a 700 word drabble about it
“Yo, Mac!”
MK froze mid-step, expression dropping in horror.
Macaque tilted his head in confusion, and turned around just in time to see someone around MK’s age throw an arm over MK’s shoulders.
“Hey Mackenzie, how ya doing?”
“Uh, doing… great! Just fine, as always!” MK sneaked a glance at Macaque out of the corner of his eye, seeing the shadow monkey silently mouthing ‘Mackenzie???’ to himself.
Oh. He was so screwed.
“Good, good!” The person patted MK on the shoulder, before removing their arm, waving at him while they started to walk away. “Well, I’m kinda in a rush right now, but we should totally hang out sometime? Gravity arcade maybe? Eh, whatever, I’ll see you around!”
“See ya!” MK held his false cheery expression until the other was out of sight, then let it drop as he turned back to Macaque. “Please don’t tell Monkey King about this.”
“…Uh-huh. Sure. Uh. Who was that?” Macaque’s expression of confusion was slowly starting to turn into an amused smirk.
“Just an old classmate from, like, high-school I think, not sure, I really only hung out with Mei-”
“And why did he call you-”
“Listen.” MK clapped his hands together, held them in front of his face, and took a deep breath in, preparing himself. “Okay. So. Kids are mean, yeah? And my name is pretty long. Um. So when I was asked, y’know, what ‘MK’ stands for. I… kindasortaliedtothem-”
“You what-”
“And people believed it! I thought it’d get found out really quick, but like, even the teachers thought the system had just glitched out and written the wrong name on the attendance sheet! Man, I had people calling me Mackenzie for years-”
“Really fooled me too.” Mei chimed in, fiddling with her phone with a seemingly bored expression on her face.
“Yeah, Mei didn’t know- wait.” MK paused, turning to face her, “When did you get here?”
“About the same time Macaque collapsed to the ground.”
“About the same time Maca- what?” MK quickly turned his head back to stare at Macaque and- sure enough, he was down on the ground, arms wrapped around his chest, shaking with silent laughter. “What- when did he do that?”
“Dunno, he was like that when I got here.” Mei said, putting her phone in her pocket. “Anyways. I still cannot believe you didn’t tell me the truth until my 18th birthday-”
“Hey, I thought that if I treated it like some kind of grand important thing, you wouldn’t be angry at me!”
“Not that it worked. I still pranked the shit out of you once I stopped laughing.”
“I think I’m still finding glitter in my clothes- okay, I can’t stop thinking about it, do you think he’s okay?” MK said, pointing down at Macaque, “Like, is this normal?”
“Oh, yeah-” Wukong said, “He used to do this all the time, his body just kinda gives up on him when he really finds something funny.”
“Okay, so long as it’s- wait.” MK whirled around to point at Wukong, “When did you get here?!”
“Dragon Kid over here texted me that something was going on so I decided to come check it out.” Wukong said, “Soooo. What’s so funny that it’s got Maccie down on the ground anyways?”
“Nothing! I, uh-”
“MK was just telling him about he used to lie to people and tell them his nickname stood for ‘Mackenzie’.” Mei explained before MK could even get the chance to come up with an excuse.
Wukong let out some sort of amused sputter.
“M-Mackenzie? You- you know, you do kinda seem like, like an Mackenzie-” Wukong snorted, and then he was doubling over, slowly collapsing to the ground.
“Ah, both monkeys have fallen.” Mei said solemnly, pulling out her phone and snapping a picture of them as MK sighed.
“Welp, it’s official.” He said, “I’m never living this one down. Why does everyone always find it so funny anyways?”
Mei shrugged, not knowing the answer herself as she started sending the picture of the two monkeys on the ground to Red Son. Movement in the corner of his eye caught MK’s attention, and he turned to see Macaque seemingly forcing himself up again.
“Hey- hey, Kid.” He wheezed, “Just, just out of, y’know, curiosity and for like, comparison. What is?? Your actual name??”
“Oh, uh, it’s-”
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ihni · 2 months
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Bro, my first thought was that this would be HORRIBLE for Billy and Steve because the second Billy shoulder-checked Steve during basketball they would've hit the ground in front of EVERYONE. But then like. I thought more about it and it got worse.
Because Billy would kinda know that his soulmate is gonna be a guy, right. And he'd be doing everything he could to prevent anyone from ever finding out, so
He's been getting into massive arguments with Neil his whole life, every time his dad tries to get him into sports. When he's a kid his dad accuses him of being a pussy for shying away from really engaging with the team, never wanting to make contact with anyone, thinking that Billy's afraid of getting hurt while playing. Billy tries to push back as much as he can, he hates not being able to do anything to prove his dad wrong because he can't tell him the TRUTH, and he gets too angry to come up with a convincing lie.
He gets so paranoid about physical contact that he develops a reputation for beating the shit out of guys who so much as bump into him in the hallway at school. It happens a couple times. Some kid in his class will brush past him, not realizing who he is, and it scares him so much he lashes out.
Once he gets a little older he starts dating (girls) as much as possible. It's for his safety, he tells himself, and ignores the part where he just misses being touched so much he'll settle for whatever he can get. Which is not as much as he'd like, considering most of the girls his age are fucking terrified of him. (Moving to Indiana doesn't help much, he might have the advantage of being a relative unknown, but there's fewer girls who are willing to cozy up with a guy who isn't their soulmate.)
In short. Touch-starved Billy
And that fight at the Byers would go soooo differently....As in it probably would not happen at all, because up until this point they have not touched at all, and have barely interacted because they don't have basketball together and Billy's just been obsessed with Steve from a distance.
Then like. He shows up and Steve is being weird and Billy wants to touch him for all kinds of reasons, but he's also firmly against touching him for just as many. He's wound up and stressed and he can't lash out like he wants to, so he just ignores Steve and walks right into the Byers' house to take it out on the kids. He doesn't have the same hangups about pushing Max around, or Lucas. He knows neither of them could be his soulmate, so they're fair game.
But he's barely said two words to Max before Steve (who in this scenario has NOT been shoved to the ground and kicked, so was right behind Billy as he walked into the house) grabs his shoulder to get his attention, and they both hit the floor.
Which would be so interesting because it's technically the same result as the fight, both of them passed out (thought Max doesn't get to stand up to Billy), so the plot could continue as normal from there, except. Like. The kids are freaking out for entirely different reasons, Max is swearing them all to secrecy and worrying about what Billy's gonna do when he wakes up, and half of them are yelling about how much this does not matter right now because there's monsters to set on fire. Dustin's having a mild crisis about getting advice about girls a couple hours ago from a guy who might be gay now?? There's a debate about whether they should bring Steve with them after Max steals Billy's keys. Mike is uncomfortable with the idea and won't admit why. Dustin gets pissed at him. Lucas tries to breeze past the whole weird soulmate thing and focus on the fact that they'll need all the help they can get if they're gonna do this.
They do still bring him along, and leave Billy behind.
I feel like it would be so interesting for Steve to be trying to concentrate on fighting monsters and protecting the kids but there's this weird new soulmate bond thing distracting him, and he's so incredibly confused by it because it's with BILLY.
Meanwhile Billy wakes up alone in the Byers' house, and has a panic attack when he realizes what happened. His first instinct is to just get in his car and leave town because now this group of shithead kids know his secret and Neil was ALREADY pissed at him for losing Max, this is just gonna make things so much worse and he doesn't know how to deal with any of it. Except his car is GONE, and he has no idea where anyone is or why they took the Camaro. All he does know is that he can't go home right now, and he has nowhere else to go, but he just wants to run SOMEWHERE.
He'd end up avoiding Steve for as long as he can, and quite possibly just would not return home either. I feel like it would be incredibly awkward when Steve drives the kids back to the Byers' and Billy's sitting on the porch, chain-smoking and all hunched over like he's trying not to puke. No one knows what to say for a long moment, and then Billy just shoves past everyone, flees to his car, and drives off alone. I can see him trying to live out of his car for a good couple weeks, completely shutting everyone out, until Steve tracks him down and they actually talk.
(also side note, once they work their shit out and are actually settled into a relationship, Billy would be just. The clingiest. He spent so long avoiding touching people and now that he's allowing himself to he cannot get enough. He WILL be wrapped around Steve at all times.)
First of all, I love you. Just want to get that out of the way. Thank you for blessing my inbox thusly.
Second of all, this hits like half of all my buttons. Touch-starved, posing, secretly gay Billy who's hiding his fear behind a mask of anger? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP.
You got the kids' reactions exactly right, I could picture them so clearly in my mind. And Steve too, fighting monsters while trying to understand this new soul bond (which, how would that show? How would it feel and affect them?), and Billy freaking out and just ... "step one: need car. step two: who the fuck knows" and living out of his car because he's too afraid to go home. What would Neil do? Would he find out about it or would he just be angry that Billy ... left, and didn't come back? How does the soul bond affect Billy and Steve when it is new and they are avoiding each other, is that why Billy doesn't leave Hawkins? I suppose Billy would eventually have to go home since he's underage, how would that go? AAA SO MANY QUESTIONS, MY BRAIN IS ALIGHT WITH DELIGHT
In short; I'd like to order 80K of this please. Future clinginess on the side (to be enjoyed as a dessert <3)
Also thank you for this.
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casually-salad · 2 months
cutie pox chronicles, full master-post.
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welcome to my sick and twisted world.. everything will be found below.
so firstly! i know theres a couple people coming from off tumblr sites to check this out (( hi jay!!! )) so ill explain somethin real quick!
All of my comics have hand written text! now sometimes these can be hard to read, and so if you press this button ( image below ) and ive wrote out all the text in there for your convenience! make sure as well to read the body of the post and also the tags! usually i have some post upload thoughts or feelings i talk about there - some add context and some are fun!
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normally i would recommend going through my archive and searching for "mlp infection au" or "cutie pox chronicles" but you wont have to do that here - but for nontumblr users if you want to check out other blogs i recommend that method.
now before reading there is a massive trigger warning: on all posts with these topics everything is tagged as "tw (topic)" and so i would recommend blocklisting ones that make you uncomfortable or understand what youre going into! triggering contents include: blood, gore, body horror, eye horror and eye trauma, child death, dismemberment, and cannibalism.
now! all posts will be in upload order, liked here with the title and the in story date ( as it changes. ) as well as which posts are single images and which ones are comics. when looking at stat sheets, the more full the better! 0% - or empty health is death, and 0%- or empty, composure is maina. alright!!!!! here we gooooo!!
The Cutie Pox. (day 0) comic
stat sheets ( day 1 ) comic?
Lillys last cutiemark. - single
first sightings -single
first nights out. - comic
how far away does a home stray? - single
lillys last mark - comic
the everfree - single
from hell and back - comic (day 0)
imbalance - comic (day 2)
finding the spark - comic
moon dancers melancholy part 1 - comic
moon dancer sheet - single
fleeting feelings - comic
helping hoof..? - comic
moon dancers melancholy part 2 - comic
freezerburnt - comic
fleeting calmness - comic ( day 3 )
dreams fall hard today - comic
princesses stat sheets - comic?
wilting lilly - comic
youre going to live with that guilt - comic
home - home again. - comic ( day 4 )
hurt everywhere you go part 1 - comic
bracing for impact ( hurt everywhere you go part 2) - comic
get well - comic
fly free canary. - comic
getting worse - comic
a storm on the horizon- comic (day 5 )
i really never thought this comic would get me as far as it did, seince i started posting i went from having 100 followers to about 210, thats more than double! thats insane. i wont lie i am SOOOO ANXIOUS to have such a following!!!!! usually my posts prior wouldnt get more than 5 notes but now!! almost all of them ( at least of this comic ) have over 30 on every one!!! thats just, so crazy. i hope everyone continues to look forward as i begin preparation on chapter 2, and what else i have to offer on here - i have a whole lot more story to tell and im excited to!
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