#weather update || behind the scenes
[y’all I do believe I am Catching A Cold and it’s Super Fucking Trash]
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bluefunkybeats · 23 days
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pt1 headcanons. sfw
ZAYNE WHO RETURNS TO YOUR CROSS-LEGGED FIGURE ON HIS BED HOLDING THE WHITE LATTICE-PATTERN LAUNDRY BASKET. He gives you a small smile as he comes through the doorframe and sets the basket on the bed and takes a seat himself on the mattress, already getting a start on folding the clothes freshout the dryer.
There’s a gentle light coming in through the window, and the sky such a pure light blue shade for the autumn.
The t-shirts and sweatshirts get neatly folded quite quickly with your two pairs of hands, and Zayne begins stacking them to store them. All that’s left in the apple-pie-latticed basket are a sea of mostly white socks.
Zayne turns back to you after storing everything where it should be in the wardrobe, quite inquisitive at the scene he’s now watching.
He flumps down again at the bed and already curiously grabbing one of the rolled pair of socks.
“Well this is unusual,” he says piqued in his hypnotic velvet voice, rotating the sock like if studying it will uncover something new. “I didn’t know you organised your socks this way.”
“Mhm. Foolproof for finding the right sock,” you comment.
Of course he won’t tell you that you can just make piled matching pairs. It’s cuter this way anyway.
He lets the little snowy ball smelling of fabric softener rest in his palms between his opened thighs as he queries back to you, looking a bit distracted making the little rolls.
Before you know, the side of your cheek is met with a small bun of white against your cheek, making you look up to Zayne extending his arm to a v-shape to let it reach you.
“It’s look like a little snowball,” he remarks, with his signature little smile on his face.
Now you’re clearly piqued by his behaviour, which you let know with a breathy smile.
Zayne is already risen for work, finishing with what he needs to get done before heading off to the hospital. He’s in the kitchen under only the dim white light of the range hood, looking at his phone for any updates in his schedule. He already transcribed a doodle response and short phrase to your mess on his wall-hung calendar, which he had to complete under the very same scarce light source because it’s so dark outside it illusions night time. There’s leftovers suitable for breakfast in the fridge in case you doze in for a few more minutes and don’t have as much time to prepare it.
The reminder to not forget his watch jolts to his mind, and so he enters the bedroom very quietly, so very slowly turning the door handle and slowly lifting it back up to lessen the recoil sound.
In the same cautious manner he slides open his wardrobe to find his watch. He can’t find it for a while, and turns his head around to where you’re still sleeping.
From his viewpoint looking at you, he can see a little further behind you something silver shine on your bedside table. Ah, he remembers now: when he came home last night, very tired, you insisted on giving him a well deserved hand massage before he head into the shower. With the both of you sat at the foot of the bed when he’d just come in the bedroom, gently kneading his hands…; you took the watch off him then.
But, then you did put it back in its correct place, because he remembers finding it there as he dressed into his loungewear whilst you took your own shower followed by him.
However, before closing the closet door, Zayne quickly began missing your touch on his hands again; which led to him fiddling with his watch, his favourite watch, engraved with his name in your handwriting and a heart.
Then he recalls how he had the watch on during dinner, and how you took it off him again when he settled in bed with you and you continued on his hand massage for a little while. That’s how it wound up there.
Zayne quietly steadies to grab his memento of you on your bedside table, and a very rumbled and near silent thunder brings a streak of light between the small gap of the closed curtains.
From the short-lived light source, he was able to catch glimpse on how your fluffy house slippers now appeared a bit stained and discoloured. He surveyed it was likely from the night you crept to the garden, still in your pijamas and slippers to let a collar-clad cat inside the solarium for the night; who was well received with food, water, and a woolly blanket. It was cold and the grass damp that late night, which is the reason why you let the cat come in and why your slippers got soiled.
Zayne grabs a page from a handy small notepad handing ‘round, clicks his pen once and starts writing on it. He clicks it once more and puts it away.
Zayne follows by lifting your hand that’s almost hanging off the bed and bringing it to his lips with a kiss, settling it back down gently, and turning to fasten his watch clasp secure on his wrist.
Your lover then bends down to pick up your slippers, his flexed index securing one slipper, and a flexed middle finger securing the other. Then he makes a job of toeing off his own slippers.
You wake up a few hours later, and notice the little note by your bedside: “Your slippers are in the washing machine. Wear mine.”
You look down and sure enough, Zayne’s slippers are facing outwards from the bed, just where your feet would naturally go to stand.
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ghosty-writes-23 · 14 days
(Re-Vamp) His Precious Doll. - Leon S Kennedy.
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!TAGS!: NSFW Content, Porn with Plot, Yandere!Leon, !DARK CONTENT!, Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Stalking, Breaking & Entering, Past Trauma, Slight Somnophilia, Obsessive/Possessive Behavior, Angst, Panty Stealing, Surveillance, Blood, 3rd Person’s POV, Mental Instability, Drama, Gaslighting, Manipulation, Eating out, !WRAP IT, BEFORE YOU TAP IT! (Don’t be like Leon and y/n), Bareback sex, Riding, Creampie, Leon is a simp, !UNEDITED!
Pairing: Ghostface!Leon + Best!Friend!Fem!Reader
Rating: Mature
Summary: "Oh....Y/n, Y/n, Y/n; You Are In Terrible Danger." You where the object of his affections and he would do anything to have you even if it meant kidnapping you and taking you always from the ones you loved because he wanted to keep you safe.
Word Count: 12k
Ghosty's Notes: Hello my lovelies, I know I promised part.2 to Ghostface!Leon almost over a year ago and never got around to it. (*hangs head in shame*) but fear not as I have come back not only with a new Ghostface!Leon one-shot, but I have written both part.1 & part.2 and even added a part epilogues and updated the story in this post. This now has a story and full smut scenes, thank you so much to the people that have waited this long, I am so sorry it took this long to finally get around to it, so please enjoy this updated new & improved version of His precious Doll face with a new title.
Another Note: This was written with either RE2R!Leon or RE4R!Leon or InfiniteDarkness!Leon in mind.
Thank you for all the support, it means alot❤️
-Ghosty :] ❤️🦝
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Part One: The Wolf In Sheep Clothing.
In the small town of Raccoon city people were getting ready for the Halloween celebration, you loved the spooky season, the cold weather as it gave you an excuse to stay inside all day wrapped up in blankets and watching movies. Tonight, there was Halloween parties going on all around your university, people getting dressed up in funny costumes, some girls going dressing up as bunnies in hopes to get with somebody that is good in bed for the night while boys went as superhero’s to show off their abs and trying to find themselves a girl for the night. you weren’t really into the partying side of Halloween night, or dealing with the hangover afterwards but you did enjoy giving candy to trick or treaters when you used to stay at your mom’s house.
But even with all of the festivities going on there was a small feeling of unease in the town that not even the celebration of the spooky season could hide, recently there has been a string of murders and missing people on campus and as much as people want to pretend it never happened, there is this constant feeling of needing to look behind you and not to travel alone at night, the only evidence the police have found at one of the crime scenes was a Ghostface mask, they don’t know if it from the actual murder for just a Halloween prop but the police are not taking my chances.
Your father was the chief of police at the Raccoon city police department, he was doing everything he could to try and get the person responsible for these crimes and put them behind bars but also to protect the people of this city, you saw how hard your dad worked and sometimes you wished he could take a break ad you could hang out like you used to when you where younger, but you knew that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon so they is why you always savoured the moments you did get with him.
Shaking your head you decided tonight you would be having a self-care night maybe paint your nails, do a face mask and watch buffy the vampire slayer since you found it on Netflix and you had stolen the password to Leon’s account, while you were getting everything set up you where scrolling thought your phone and a news article caught your eye.
It was about the recent body that was found in the lake near the bridge that was located just on the outskirts of town, it seemed the killer striked again and it was another guy you had seen around your university, you think you one or two classes with him and only talked to him a couple of times he seemed like a nice guy from what you could remember.
The article was calling out the police authorities saying they could be doing more, that every missing person, or body found was their fault since they haven’t caught the killer yet, but you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“It’s not like catching a killer is easy.” You mumble under your breath as you exit the article and locked your phone screen with a sigh. you knew your father was trying his best, both him and his department but how do you find somebody that seems to vanish into thin air, plus tonight will not be helping since the killer could be dressed up and in public and nobody would ever know, like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
After a couple of minutes your phone buzzed, grabbing it you unlocked your screen and saw the text message was from your group chat with your friends Chris, Claire, Jill, Carlos, Luis, Ada and Leon. It was a group picture of them at the boys frat house party, they were all dressed up as various Halloween icons.
Leon was Ghostface, It was a tradition that you both dressed up as Ghostface, Chris was Michael Myers, Luis was Dracula, Carlos was a werewolf, The girls were pressed as the powerpuff girls, Jill was Blossom, Ada was buttercup and Claire was bubbles, they each looked adorable in their costumes.
Luis: You should have joined us; we miss you señorita.
Chris: Boo, you suck for not coming, Leon’s been pouting all night.
Leon: No, I haven’t.
Carlos: yes you have.
Claire: I agree with Carlos.
Jill: Me too.
Ada: I agree too.
Leon: Great now you guys are ganging up on me.*Leon has left the chat.*
Y/N: You guys need to stop bullying Leon.
Chris: Why it’s fun.
Y/n: Chris.
Chris: Fine.
Y/n: I’ll come to the next party.
Chris: You better, or I am dragging you out of your apartment over my shoulder.
Luis: You can’t threaten her like that.
Carlos: I would love to see that.
Y/n: Bring it on big boy.
With a small shake of your head, you laughed softly to yourself, this friend group was chaotic but you loved it all the same, you knew Chris wasn’t lying when he said he would come and drag you out of your apartment, he had done it once back in your first year of University.
You remember whining saying you wanted to stay in bed but Chris picked you up like a sack of potatoes and tossed you over his shoulder, then walked out of your dorm, but now you just accept your fate when you know he is coming over. When you clicked out of your group chat messages you saw you had a message from Leon.
Leon: I do wish you had come tonight, makes these parties more bearable.
Y/n: Sorry I wasn’t feeling it tonight, but I promise I’ll come to the next one, protect you from Chris’s teasing.
Leon: That would be much appreciated.
You and Leon had been best friend since you were in diapers, you basically grew up together, having been next door neighbors and your parents being best friends, you and Leon were always at each other’s houses, playing imaginary and make believe games, having sleepovers where you would stay up late watching movies and eat so much junk food your stomach’s would hurt, you went to the same schools and even got accepted into the same universities.
Leon was your bestest friend and your parent’s always used to joke that you and Leon would get married someday, you even had a little ‘wedding’ in your backyard with all of your stuffed toys as guests, your wedding ring was a strawberry flavoured ring pop while Leon’s was grape, you even still had the plastic bottom in your jewelry box.
But when Leon was 21 and you were 19 tragedy struck when Leon’s parents were killed in an car accident, there car was ran off a bridge into a lake, his mother died on blunt force trauma to the head, his father drowned trying to save his wife, you remembered the police officers coming to Leon’s apartment.
You were having your weekly movie night with the friend group, once they had told him the news Leon asked everybody to leave, but just as you were about to leave, Leon grabbed your wrist and pleaded for you not to leave him alone, that night was spend with Leon clinging to you and crying, he told you what the officers told him and your heart broke for him, you cried with him.
You promised him you would never leave him ever, and that you would always be there for him as you held him tightly against you, what you didn’t realise at the time was this would be the start of Leon’s every unhealthy obsession with you that you didn’t even know about.
Back in the present, you looked at the time and saw it was almost 12am, the streets were now quiet expect for the few occasional drunk collage student, you grabbed your TV remote and flicked off the TV causing it to now be completely dark in your living room, you stood up and wrapped your blanket around you as it was a cold night.
“Come on Oero its time for bed.” You say to your cat as it was stretching on the couch where you just were, she was snuggled up to your side purring softly, but she gives a soft meow and hopes off the couch following you up to your room upstairs.
As you push open your bedroom door you notice Oreo was looking behind her and down the stairs, almost as if she saw something or someone you didn’t. “come on cuddle butt its time for bed.” You say picking her up and giving her a cuddle and kisses all over her furry face.
She gave you a soft hiss, but she don’t try and move away from your affections and she was even purring against you, giving her head a final kiss you got into bed and she made her way to her spot on your bed, which was curling up right next to your chest, her little furry head resting on your neck, she liked being close even in her sleep.
“Nighty night Oreo.” You say as you flick off your bedside table lamp and nuzzle in your pillow getting comfortable, Oero gave you a oft meow back and moved until she got comfortable and soon fell asleep purring softly, and you two soon fell asleep completely unaware that Oero’s behavior before was a warning that somebody was in fact in your house and watching you sleep.
3rd person’s POV
Pushing open the door to your bedroom Leon creeped in quietly, his boots carefully stepping around your room as he carefully made his way to your bed, when he saw your figure sleeping peacefully his heart rate picked up causing him to start breathing heavily as his eyes roamed your figure like a starving animal looking at its next prey, carefully Leon reached behind his head and pulled off the cheap store brought mask, revealing his messy blonde hair that was slightly sticking to his forehead from sweat and blood, but not his blood but the blood of the man that had asked you out on a coffee date a couple weeks ago.
He didn’t even bother to clean up, he was lucky he was wearing mostly all black and being covered in blood doesn’t look suspicious this time of year, it was almost like the perfect cover. Carefully and quietly, he placed his bloody Ghostface mask on your bedside table and kneeled down beside your bed, a lovesick look on his face.
To Leon you were his whole entire world, his life started and ends with you, everything he did, every person he hurt or killed was to keep you safe, because when you love somebody you never want them to get hurt ever. He wanted to protect you from the cruelty of this world, he didn’t care if he had to get his hands dirty, or who’s blood he had to spill, if you kept that sweet, innocent and bright smile, he would let the world burn down just for you if you asked him too.
Taking off one of his bloody glove he gently ran his finger over the soft skin of your flesh, causing you to scrunch up at the sudden feeling, but you didn’t wake only making a soft noise that made Leon’s heart skip a beat in his chest, you were always so cute when you were sleeping, so blissfully and naively unaware of the danger you were in, Leon knew you trusted him completely and so blindly, he couldn’t help but feel it was foolish of you to be so trusting of him, especially after all the things he had done.
But that didn’t stop him from wanting you to be a part of him, for now and forever you were his wife after all in his eyes, that plastic ring pop bottom was his most prized possession and he planned on giving you a real ring and for you to take his last name as he wanted you to feel the same way he does about you, he wanted you to be equally obessed with him as he is with you, but he knows it will take time, he is a patient man especially when it is for his sweet doll.
Leon’s breath caught in his throat when he saw you stirring, you had turned over onto your stomach your cat Oreo was still snuggled up to you sleeping, when his eyes drifted back to you he saw your blanket had fallen off slightly giving him a sneak peek at your ass and the black lace panties there decorated them.
He knew that set all too well, he had brought them for you for your birthday a couple months ago because he saw you looking at them, he couldn’t help but imagine you wearing them just for him, giving him a little show and maybe even getting to touch you with them on, just the thought of being able to touch you was making him hard.
Letting out a heavy breath through his noise, Leon was frozen under you settled back into bed, once you had settled Leon had to resist the urge to kiss the small patch of skin near your hips that was peeking out from under your blanket because your oversized short had ridden up slightly. When he breathed in your sweet sent of vanilla and florals his eyes almost rolled to the back of his head as heat and desire ran through his body, you were always smelt so sweet, it was why he stole pieces of your clothing to take back to his apartment and bury his face in it, he stole things ranging from t-shirts and hoodies to your panties and when they didn’t smell like you anymore he would sneak them back into your apartment without you knowing and take something else.
He knew he was sick and perverted, but he couldn’t stop, he needed you like a normal person needs oxygen and if he couldn’t have you then nobody else would, you were his and have been since the day you appeared in his life like an angel, you were his and he was yours and he had to protect you even if it mean he put camera’s in your house without your permission, when you were visiting your parents, he always had to keep his eye on you like the tracker that was in the bracelet he had given you last year.
His blue eyes traced the curves of your body under the blanket, moving closer Leon made sure his movements didn’t disturb your peaceful slumber. His face was now inches from the back of your neck, his warm breath was hitting the back of your neck causing you to stir again since you were a very light sleeper, Leon didn’t want to wake you up, but he was so desperate to touch you to feel your soft flesh under his care callous hands.
Slowly he tugged your blanket down your legs revealing your soft and round ass. Leon made sure his touch was as light as feather as trailed his hand down your body until he would to the top of your panties, he could see a small wet patch forming causing the cotton panties stick to your slick folds.
Leon could feel his mouth go dry as his gulped slightly, licking his lips like a starving predatory looking down at it’s next meal, his pupils have been blown making also the blue of his eyes disappear as his breathing starts to pick up into soft pants as he could feel his pants start to tighten. Reaching up a callous hand he ran his middle finger up your clothed centre collecting some of your slick on his fingers, a soft groan left his lips when he felt how wet you were, it made him wonder what you were dreaming about, were you dreaming about him? Dreaming of the pleasure and ecstasy he could bring you if you would only let him.
Without hesitation Leon brought his finger to his mouth and eagerly suckled his finger, as soon as your slick touched his tounge and soft and pathetic whine left his lips, you tasted like heaven and sin mixed together, he could have came right there at just taste you, he wanted more god he craved more but it was far too risky, he wanted to watch you come undone on his tongue moaning his name in ecstasy as you wither under him and tug at his head.
Thinking for a second Leon moved to the bottom of your bed and carefully hooked his fingers into the side of your panties and carefully tugged then down your legs, keeping an eye on you in case you woke up, but luckily he pulled then down your smooth legs with ease, smiling at his small victory he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your leg as a small thank you for your little gift.
Once your panties were off he brought them to his nose and inhaled deeply, your sweet scent filling his nose causing his eyes to roll back as a deep primal growl rumbled in his chest, you were so innocent and so clueless, knowing he needed to go soon Leon got off your bed and pulled your blanket up over your shoulder and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“Goodnight my sweet doll, I’ll see you again real soon, love you.” Leon whispered before he gave your head another kiss before grabbing his Ghostface mask off your bedside table and placed it over his head, he put your black panties in his pocket for safe keeping before he carefully walked out of your bedroom, giving you once last loving glance Leon smiled underneath his mask before slipping out of your bedroom and closing the door softly behind him.
After leaving your apartment Leon headed back to his own, his heart was full after seeing you he could rest easy knowing you were happy, safe and sound. When he arrived back at the shared frat house he could see drunk and passed out people everywhere, with a tried sigh Leon walked over the limp bodies before he headed to the frat house basement.
It was where most of the alcohol was keep and it had a finger print code which only Chris or Leon could access it so nothing would ever go missing, but it was also a great place to find things in plain sight, after Leon had done some work on the room, he made it sound proof and is currently covered in tarps.
Once inside the small room Leon tugged off his Ghostface mask while walking over to his computer, hitting the space bar the computer jumped to life as Leon sat down in his desk chair, logging in Leon waited for the computer to boot up before a series of camera screen’s filled the wide screen.
All the screen’s where of different angles of your apartment such as your bedroom, bathroom, living room and kitchen, spare bedroom, this was how Leon keep you safe at all times, reaching into his pocket he pulled back out your pair of black lacy panties, Leon’s blue eyes then flickered to the screen that was showing you sleeping peacefully in your bed, a happy smile on your face.
“Soon doll, you will be all mine, and I will be all yours for now and forever until death do us part.” Leon says with a crazed lovesick smile, there were even small hearts in his eyes before he buried his face in your panties and inhaled deeply again, this time now muffling his groans as your sweet scent filled up all his senses.
*The Following Morning.*
Y/n’s POV
You woke up the following morning well rested and refreshed for the first time in a long time, Oero had woken you up with soft meows for food, you gave her furry head a soft kiss before you stretched your arms over your head, causing you to make a soft whining noise as your back and shoulders popped back into place, running your fingers through your hair to move it out of your face a thought sudden occurred to you.
Reaching under your blanket you noised your panties were gone and you were sure you went to bed with them on. “odd, I must of kicked them off when I was asleep.” You thought before getting out of bed and doing your morning routine, but something in the back of your head was telling you something was wrong.
But you pushed that thought to the back of your head, today you decided since you had no classes and no work you where just going to laze around home, play with Oero for a bit maybe go out and get some lunch with the girls if they weren’t too hungover but you didn’t know yet, it was rare when you had free whole days like this so you were going to savour every moment of today.
After showering and putting some comfortable clothing on, you went to feed Oero and give her a morning cuddle before grabbing your phone and looking at the group chat, there were heaps of pictures from the party some of them doing shots, other pictures of the girls dancing and even some of Leon pouting which made you laugh, he had gone all out this year with his Ghostface Halloween costume even having fake blood on his mask and knife.
But even the knife looked real but you knew it was a prop it was the one he used every year. You hearted most of the pictures before your phone started to ring, it was your father you answered immediately wondering what he could need this early in the morning.
“Hey dad what’s up.” You say as you flopped onto the couch in your living room, you hoped this was a happy call, but you knew him calling you during his work hours wasn’t a good sign, it was either something really important or he needed your help with something. . “Hi honey, are you free this morning?” he asked, something was off with his tone, it sounded more formal almost like he was using his police chief voice. “Yeah I am free this morning, is something wrong?” you asked him suddenly becoming uneasy as a wave of anxiety rushed over you on why your dad was now calling you.
“Could you please come to the station, I need to ask you a few question.” Your dad said and you nodded your head. “yeah I’ll be there in 20.” You say to him, after saying goodbye and went and got dressed in some comfortable clothing before you grabbed your bag and gave Oero a goodbye kiss and headed out of your dorm and headed to the police station that was in town.
There was a knot forming in your stomach, what could your father possibly be needed to ask you that he couldn’t do over the phone, the feeling made you feel uneasy and anxious as you got on the public bus and headed into town.
Once the Raccoon city police station, the friendly and polite receptionist gave you a warm greeting and asked you how your morning was going, you said it was going okay and then asked her about her morning to be polite, she said her morning had been slow but her husband had brought her in coffee and breakfast before going into work which you thought was really sweet, after your small chat she told you go wait in the waiting room and that your father would be with you soon, you have her a thank you and headed to the waiting room for your father to come and get you, luckily you only needed to wait a couple of minutes before you saw the familiar dark greying hair of your father, he gave you a small smile as he came over and pulled you into a hug. “Dad what’s going on?” you asked him as your head rested on his shoulder.
“Not here kiddo.” Your father says before he guiding you a small but more private room, it was a small interview room with a two-way mirror and camera to record everything and a table and set of chairs in the middle of the room, there was even a hook in the table that would hold a person in handcuffs to the table, you could also see a file on the table, now your anxiety was through the roof, why had your father asked you to come here so early in the morning. “Dad what’s going on?” you asked him more firmly now; you wanted an answer.
“Well honey you know the case I have been working on?” your father started, and you nodded your head, it had been dubbed the Ghostface murders because of the mask they are assuming the killer wears when he kills his victims, you knew your father was following every lead that he could, but even in a small town leads can dry up or go cold very quickly or lead to nowhere.
You knew it was weighing a lot on your father because all he wanted to do was bring closure to the families and all those involved, to make everybody in this town feel safe again. “yeah but what has this got to do with me.” You asked him not a little confused, why he is asking you this question, does he think you have something to do with the murders?.
“Well, when I was following some leads, I started to notice a common theme.” He started before opening the folder and showed you a range of pictures, they where of you talking to each of the victims, some of you walking to class together, or hanging out or even at parties. “you think I did it?” you asked your father shocked that he would ever think such a thing, but he quickly shock his head. “no honey but I can’t ignore the facts that you are a common theme, that you seem to be connected to each victim.” You father says trying to ease your worries, but it only made them worse.
“I wouldn’t hurt anybody.” You say to your father, and he nods his head and places his hand on yours giving it a small squeeze. “I know Hun and I believe you, but until I figure out who is behind all of this and have them behind bars I don’t want you to be alone.” Your father says causing you to look at him. “What are proposing.” You asked him, you really didn’t want a 24-hour bodyguard it would get on your nerve and would make you feel like you are being watched.
“Maybe you could get a friend to stay over, what about one of the girls or maybe Leon? I just don’t want you staying in that dorm alone with that nutjob loose.” Your father said as he looked at you concerned. You didn’t want him to worry, and you knew either one of the girls or Leon would be okay to come and stay, you just hoped this wouldn’t be a permanent thing.
“I’ll talk to either one of the girls or Leon today.” You says trying to ease his stress, he gave you a smile before pulling you into a hug. “I just don’t want anything to happen to you sweetheart, I couldn’t live with myself if you ever got hurt.” Your father mumbles as he gave you a soft squeeze around your shoulders, you nodded your head and hugged him back, you knew if your father was the police chief then you would be safe no matter what and that put you at ease a little bit.
After spending the morning with your father and answering his questions as honestly as possible and him giving you a few lessons on self-defense and giving you your own pepper spray and showing you how to use it, you had texted Leon if he could come and pick you up, you didn’t feel like going on the bus after a very emotional packed morning, as you waited outside you heard the familiar rumble of Leon’s car before he turned around the corner and came up to the curb.
“Morning princess.” Leon says with a usual cheeky smile, you muster up a weak smile as you got into the front seat and did your seatbelt up. “Morning Lee.” You say as you relaxed back into the seat, it was comfortable and there was a soft melody of music playing in the car.
“You okay, you sound down?” Leon asked as he pulled out onto the road, you nodded your head as you closed your eyes, even though you were at the police station for a few hours you felt drained. “Yeah just a busy morning.” You tell him as you gave him a small smile, but you knew Leon wasn’t going to believe you.
“How about we go away to my parents lake cabin for the weekend?”  Leon suggests knowing it would cheer you up, maybe getting out of town for the weekend would be a good idea you loved going to his parents cabin, you both used to go there a lot as children, you always dreamed of living there and you could use the distraction.
“Okay I’ll drop you off at home so you can pack, and I’ll came back over in a few hours.” Leon says and you nodded your head, you would have to pack everything you would need such as clothing chargers, laptop for classes and makeup and medication as well as get Oero’s traveling crate, because you knew you couldn’t leave her home alone for a weekend and plus you knew Leon liked having her around and wouldn’t mind if she came on the trip. You were excited for this little weekend getaway, but what you didn’t know was you wouldn’t be leaving this weekend getaway….
Part Two: A Mouse Caught In The Monsters Trap.
When you arrived at the Kennedy lake house you felt a wave of nostalgia wash over you, the cabin looked to be in perfect shape, it was two stories and had a balcony that was in front of the master bedroom, there was a doc above the water, on the deck was a hot pool and a BBQ, the memories you had here warmed your heart you almost felt as if you were in your own little paradise.
“its just like a remember.” You said as you closed your car door, Leon had gotten out as well and walked over to you. “I come here every couple of weeks and clean up and maintain the property.” Leon spoke as he looked down at you.
“you did a great job.” You say causing him to smile and even the tips of his ears to go slightly red. “How about you go looking around while I get the bags inside.” Leon suggested and before you could argue and say you wanted to help him, he had shooed you away to go and explore your only little piece of paradise, to which you just playfully rolled your eyes and left to start on a little adventure.
There were flowers blooming and ducks swimming in the lake, the sound of the wind rustling through the tree’s, you remembered playing hide and seek with Leon when you where younger around the forest that surrounded the back of the house, you had always seem to find you while you on the other hand could never find him.
His parents always used to call him your shadow because he followed you around like one, you thought maybe like a puppy, but he didn’t care what you called him, but as you grew up you found comfort in knowing Leon would always be there for you no matter what. You found a comfortable spot near the lake and sat down and just soaked in the peace and quiet, no loud cars or traffic, no daily life stresses, even the stress about the morning you had with your father started to melt away, even if you were only staying here for the weekend you really did wish you could stay here forever.
*Later That Night.*
Leon was preparing dinner in the kitchen while you where watching him from the couch, Oreo was happily sleeping on your lap as you gentle petted her. “So, what is on the menu tonight chef Kennedy.” You say with cheeky tone as you watched Leon prepare what looked a tomato sauce and some pasta, he was wearing a cute little apron and had clipped back his bangs to not let them fall in front of his face as he focusing.
“Well, I was thinking pasta and chicken tonight, since I wasn’t able to get a lot of groceries today, but I will go into town tomorrow and get some.” Leon says giving you a smile as he was tasting the sauce off a spoon then adding in some extra pepper, Leon’s mother had taught him how to cook ad he soaked that information up like a sponge, you always enjoyed Leon’s cooking. You took a sip of your wine, it was a white wine and tasted of grapes and expensive, you weren’t really a wine drinker, but this was delicious.
“Can’t wait.” You say with a grin after you swallowed your mouthful of drink, placing your glass down you carefully picked Oero up and placed her on a cushion on the couch before getting up and going over to you phone that was connected to the speaker, unlocking your phone you decided to put on some music to set a cozy vibe, you could see Leon smirking as he leaned against the counter as he waited for the sauce to simmer. You picked a soft melody.
“Dance with me.” You asked Leon as you held your hand out, he playfully rolled his eyes before taking off his apron and walking over to you. “You know I have two left feet.” He tells you as he takes your hand and gave you a little twirl. “then I’ll teach you.” You say with a little giggle as you intertwined your fingers together and gently swayed around the living room.
“see your dancing.” You smile at him as you danced around slightly to the music. “only with your help.” Leon tries to brush you off before he gave you another twirl expect this time you decided to wrap your arms around his neck, while his hands went around your waist.
“Thanks for today.” You say as you looked up at him he looked down at you gave you a small smile. “you’re welcome, I’m just happy I could make you smile again.” Leon says causing a small blush to colour your cheeks, and this caused him to grin now. “you’re such a sap.” You say with a laugh as you both were still gently swaying to the music. “Only for you doll.” He says in a cheeky tone that makes you playfully roll your eyes but there was a smile on your face as you laughed at his dumb joke.
But as you slowly stopped laughing you looked into his blue eyes, and for the first time you felt your heart racing in your chest and before you knew it you softly kissed him, but as soon as you realized what you were doing you went eyes and quickly pulled away. “I’m so sorry.” You quickly apologized for your actions you couldn’t believe you had just done that, it must be the wine making you feel bolder than you usually are. But when you looked at Leon he didn’t look angry but a little surprised.
“Don’t be sorry Y/n.” Leon say clearing his throat before his hand gently landed on your face and he carefully pulled your face back to his and reconnected your lips in a soft and sweet kiss, you could still taste the tanginess of the tomato sauce he had tasted before, you slowly and hesitantly kissed him back but as you did you felt him pull you closer, this felt different from any kiss you had experience with a guy before, maybe it was because it was your best friend, but something about this felt right.
As your eyes fluttered closed Leon picked you up with ease, your legs wrapping around his waist as he started making his way upstairs to the master bedroom. Once inside the bedroom Leon kicked the door closed and gently tossed you onto the bed, a soft giggle leave your lips as you watched him walk over to you both were breathing heavily.
“You sure this is a good idea?” he asked you as he hovered over you, his arms either side of your head you could see his muscles through his shirt and it was making you wet, you knew this was either a really good idea or a really bad idea but at this moment your brain is clouded with lust making you not thing straight.
“You sure this is a good idea?” he asked you as he hovered over you, his arms either side of your head you could see his muscles through his shirt, he reached one hand up and moved some hair out of your face making your heart flutter slightly at the gentle gesture.
“we can stop if this makes you feel uncomfortable and pretend this never happened.” Leon says softly, when you looked into his baby blue eyes you could see nothing but love and warmth, were you really going to ruin your friendship for one night of passion, “Fuck it.” You say before pulling him down to you and kissing him.
The kiss was soft and sweet at first but slowly it grew more needy and desperate, Leon had tugged off his shirt and threw it somewhere in the room, you couldn’t but help admire his body, he was fit but not overly fit, you bit your bottom lip before you leaned up and removed your own shirt and tossed it onto the ground, You could see Leon’s pupil’s get bigger when he saw more of your bare skin, it made you feel a little more confident in your appearance.
“God you are beautiful.” Leon mumbled causing a small blush to come onto your cheeks, nobody had ever called you beautiful in such an intimate moment, maybe hot, sexy or cute but never beautiful.
You where gently pressed back onto the bed as Leon started to gently kiss your neck and his hand trailed down your body, softy squeezing your hips and your thighs, you felt as if your body was on fire with the heat the was coursing through your veins, As Leon kissed down your neck he unclipped your bra and carefully tugged it off before taking one of your nipple into his mouth and started a suckle ever so slightly, this caused you to slightly buck your hips as your breath hitched, his finger softly teased your other nipple and you squeezed your thighs together as you felt yourself becoming wet. “Leon.” You softly moan his name, causing him to look up at you with an almost love drunk look and he had barley done anything, only teasing the small bud with his mouth until it hardened into peaks. “stop teasing me.” You say with an embarrassing whine, a blush colors your cheeks.
Leon nodded his head before his lips started to travel lower until they got to the top of your shorts, slowly unbutton them and took then off and placed gentle kisses down your hips and lightly nipping at the thin waistband of your panties, you tried to close your legs but Leon just softly chuckled and placed soft kisses on your thighs, down your knees and legs before he gently pulled them open and placed himself between your legs.
You couldn’t believe you were actually going to do this, you were really going to sleep with your best friend, you didn’t know if it was the alcohol or that you might actually have feelings for Leon, he was always there when you needed him no matter the time of day or night, he always protected you and made you feel safe and cared for, maybe the reason it never worked out with anybody was because you were meant to be with Leon, but your thoughts are too cut off when you feel Leon’s kissing and gently biting your inner thigh.
“Distracted Doll?” Leon asks there is a small tease in his voice, but you can also hear the warmth and affection. “Sorry.” You mumble as you looked down at him, his eyes were watching you as if he was watching your ever reaction, Leon just chuckled softly against your inner thigh as he pulled his mouth away with a soft pop, there were a few love bites and bite marks on your inner thigh.
“Can I?” Leon asks as his eyes drift down to your panties which you knew soaked by now you could feel yourself clenching around nothing. You nodded your head knowing if you spoke it would probley come out in a pant more then words.
With your consent and permission Leon eagerly pulled your panties down your smooth legs and balled them up in his hand before bringing them to his nose and inhaling deeply, his eyes almost rolling back as your scent filled his senses, you had never seen something so erotic and sensual before, and you could see him hardening in his sweatpants and you bit your lip.
Soon he tossed your panties onto the ground with the rest of your clothes and looked at your pussy with a hungry daze as he licked his lips.
“Your already so wet princess.” Leon says before he reaches out and runs a single finger down from your pubic area, circles it around your clit earning him a few moans before sliding down to your entrance and slightly dipping inside to collect some slick before he brought the finger up to his mouth and cleaned his finger and in that moment you thought he came just from the taste of you.
Soon Leon spread your thighs widely apart then ducked his head between them before dragging his tongue along your slit in a long slow lick groaning at the taste before he started to devour you like a starving man and you were his first ever meal.
“Gonna make you feel so good doll, gonna make you mine.” Leon promised as teased your clit with his tongue as his eyes looked up at you though his lashes, sweet moans were falling from your lips like a song, no man had ever made you feel this good before, you could almost feel your eyes rolling to the back of your eyes and your toes curling, you felt Leon react two fingers up and used them to spread you even more, the blush on your face was burning bright red, your hands where gripping the blanket under you, all you could focus on was the pleasure Leon was bring you at this moment, it was almost enough to make you see stars.
“Fuck Leon.” You cried out as you felt your thighs begin to tremble around his head, you knew you weren’t going to last long under his skillful tongue, he didn’t even need to use his fingers, you feel Leon grinning against your pussy at the sounds you were making and how your body as reacting to his touch, looking down you could see the look of satisfaction evident in his expression, but soon he redoubled his effort with much more enthusiasm and lust.
“Your getting close Y/n aren’t you, cum for me please.” Leon softly pleaded against your pussy, you could see his face was coated in your slick and juices, and when Leon gently nibbled on your clit that sent you over the edge and you came with a loud cry as your thighs trembled around his head. As you came down from your high you could hear Leon’s softly slurping against you before you gently pushed his head away since you were now a little sensitive.
When Leon pulled away he was grinning like a Cheshire cat as he licked his lips, you felt your cheeks heat p but Leon just gave you a small wink. “Do you want to keep going?” he asked as he ran his fingers though his sweaty blonde hair. You nodded your head and went to touch his sweatpants before he grabbed your wrists.
“tonight is about you not me, we can leave that for next time.” Leon says making you pout slightly you wanted to make him feel as good as he made you feel before, but you nod your head and wonder what he has planned next.
“do you want to top, or do you want me too?” Leon asked as he slipped his sweatpants off, you could see the wet patch on his underwear, you thought for a second. “I’ll top.” You say before moving so Leon can lay down on the bed, it had been a while since you last topped somebody, Leon gave you a smile before laying down on the bed and help guide you to his lap, soon Leon reached over to the bedside table to grab a condom, but you decided to stop him, Leon looked at you wide eyed for a few seconds.
“Are you sure?” he asked you and you nodded. “I’m on the pill and my period isn’t due until next month.” You say with a small blush, you could also see a small blush on Leon’s face as well. “Only if your sure.” He says and you nod your head before you reached down and pushed his underwear down slightly before taking out his harden cock.
It was heavy in your hand and hot, precum was oozing from the head as it twitched ever so slightly, moving your hips back you line it up with your entrance before slowly sinking down, his cock stretching you slightly causing soft and grunts to leave both of your lips.
“So, fucking tight.” Leon cursed and you tried not to clench around him, but it just felt too good, Leon’s hand came up to your hips, helping to steady you and guide your movements on his lap, his eyes were dark with lust and adoration as his eyes roamed your figure as you bounced on him. “Oh y/n.” Leon moaned your name as his eyes fluttered shut and you could feel his hands slightly tighten on your hips.
You were moaning as well heavy pants and soft whines of pleasure were leaving your lips as you rode him, you felt as if you were on cloud nine, moving forward you placed your hands on his chest to steady yourself before you started to bounce slightly harder, at this pace he was perfectly hitting your sweet spot causing your toes to curl and soft squeals of delight to leave your lips, you could feel Leon start to move his hips in time with yours and it was making your eyes almost roll to the back of your head.
“Keeping moving for me sweetheart.” Leon grunts out as your body started to tremble again, you felt as if your brain was melting and all your throughs were getting hazy, all you could focus on was the pleasure Leon was giving you and you were giving him, in this moment it felt as if you two were the only people in the world.
“Leon.” You moaned out his name, you knew you were close, you could feel the knot forming in your stomach, it was getting tighter and tighter, Leon’s eyes opened, and he looked up at you, his body was covered in a thin layer of sweat, his blonde hair was sticking to his forehead, just as your body was sweaty and you could feel your hair sticking to your body.
“Say your mine.” Leon groaned against you, his grip on your hips was almost bruising but the mix of pain and pleasure was addiction, and at the moment you didn’t think about what you were saying or the consequences it would have later on. “I-I.” you tried to say but was cut off when a moan left your lips. “say your mine and then you can cum.” Leon says as he started to thrust up into you causing squeals to leave your lips.
“I’m yours.” You cry out as your whole body was trembling. “good girl, now cum for me.” Leon groaned out and as if you had been hit with a title wave you came with a choked by as you arched your back, soon Leon’s followed with a cry of your name, and you could feel him filling you up.
As the hazy pleasure subsided you fell onto Leon with a soft thud, you both were breathing heavily and covered in sweat, but there was no doubt you were both satisfied. When the trembling finally stopped Leon turned you over and laid you on the other side of the bed, before slowly pulled out with a wet pop. Now you were more than a little sensitive. “I’ll go get a warm cloth from the bathroom to clean the mess up.” Leon says and you nod your head. “yeah that might be a good idea because my legs are like jelly.” You say causing you both to laugh as Leon got out of bed and headed to the bathroom, you watched his bare butt disappear before you relaxed into the bed. For the first time in a long time, you felt really good maybe this would be the start of something good.
*The Following Morning*
You could feel the morning sun gently warm your body as you slowly woke up from your peaceful slumber, you ran your fingers through your hair before you spotted a note on your bedside table. “Gone to get groceries and other things, I’ll be back early this afternoon, if you need anything text me. – Leon.” The note say and there was even a few x’s on the note, it was sweet.
Placing the note down you couldn’t help the smile that came onto your face as you remembered last night, nobody had ever touched you like that, it was almost as if Leon knew your body like the back of his hand.
Running your fingers though your messy hair you decided to get out of bed, and grabbed one of Leon’s shirts off the floor and slipped it on as you headed to the kitchen downstairs to feed Oreo and make your morning coffee, Oero followed closely behind you and rubbed herself on your legs as if she was saying good morning to you, quickly you got her some food and water before turning on the kettle and grabbing your phone to see what’s going on the group chat, only to see nothing.
“odd.” You thought, the group chat is always lively, and you hadn’t seen any new messages on it since yesterday, usually Chris is talking about something or Claire and Jill are sending meme’s to each other but there was nothing, suddenly that feeling of unease from yesterday washed over you again, something just isn’t right but you can’t seem to put your finger on it, and slowly you started to doubt if coming on this little vacation with Leon was such a good idea.
Later On, In the Day Leon has still yet to return to the Lakehouse, but you have been keeping yourself entertained by reading some books you found, playing with Oreo and watching some TV, it was an oddly quiet morning and midafternoon, you did check your phone every now and then to see if there was anything new in the group chat but there was nothing, you went to go and text Claire to see if something had happened but to your shock his number was gone from your phone, along with most of your contacts.
“What the hell.” You thought as you tried to find the rest of your contacts but all you could see was Leon’s number and a few other numbers. Maybe your phone was malfunctioning, but it has never done this before you had only got this phone a couple months ago, sighing softly you tossed your phone onto the couch, just wondering what the hell was going on.
When Leon finally returned back you helped him get the shopping out of the trunk of his car, he had brought a lot of food for both you and Oreo, some toys for your kitty and even some roses for you that made your heart skip a beat, but it still didn’t cover the unease you felt in the pit of your stomach. “Leon do you know anything about the contacts on my phone going missing?” you asked him as you were grabbing the last bags of shopping out of the trunk. “No idea princess.” Leon says as he takes the bags from you, but as he did something in his trunk caught your eye, it as a duffle bag, you didn’t know why but your stomach was tell you to not open it.
“maybe you should get a new phone?” Leon suggests as he closes the trunk to his car, snapping you out of your thoughts you have him an awkward laugh at his suggestion. “Maybe.” You say before you headed inside, for some reason your head was screaming at you to look in the duffle bag were as your stomach was telling you not too.
*Later that afternoon.*
While Leon was busy going for a swim in the lake, you took this opportunity to go into the trunk of his car, you were just hoping it was just full of clothing and that you where just overthinking things, carefully you opened up the car trunk and grabbed the duffle bag, it was heavy and slowly you undid the zipper, and you saw Leon’s bloody Halloween Ghostface costume mask and blade. “I’m overthinking it.” You say as you took a little at the mask, but it only took a few seconds for you to realise that it wasn’t fact blood on his mask but real blood.
“Oh my god.” You say as the realization hit you causing you to drop the mask, but suddenly you felt a presence behind you, the one that used to bring you happiness and safety now made you feel fear and ice cold. “Well, aren’t you a curious little doll.” Leon’s voice spoke but his voice was deeper than it usually is, a soft squeak left your lips. “It’s you, you’re the Ghostface Murderer.” You managed to say as your body begins to tremble in fear, you where here alone with a murderer, what was his plan for you, was he playing you this whole time.
“Guilty, but you have trust me I did this to protect you, those men would have hurt you and used you but not me.” Leon says before turning you around and cupping your cheek in his hand, his callous thumb running over the soft flesh, you were lost for words your best friend a man you trusted was a killer, you had slept with a killer, nausea started to fill your stomach, and you felt as if you wanted to vomit. “Your delusional, how could you hurt innocent people Leon.” You choked out as you pushed his hand away harshly. “they were not innocent.” Leon says with a growl under his breath, his face going hard for a second.
“You’re a monster.” You snapped at him as you tried to leave, but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you to him. “no, I’m not, I’m just protecting the woman I love even if she doesn’t see it.” Leon says as he tightens his grip on your wrist. “Leon this isn’t love, this is obsession, this isn’t healthy.” You say to him before whimpering slightly at the grip on your wrist.
“You are not leaving me.” Leon tell you firmly before he pulls you to him and wraps his arms around you. “you promised to be my wife remember when we where younger, I plan on keeping you to that promise.” Leon says with a grin that made it felt as if you whole world had been shattered. You were trapped here with a murderer that was obessed with you.
It had been 2 weeks since you had gone missing, the Lakehouse that once held happy memories of you and your childhood best friend Leon, was now your prison that you couldn’t escape no matter how hard you tried, you sat on the couch curled up into a ball as you petted Oero you were glad Leon hasn’t hurt her, you knew you needed to get out of here but you knew it wasn’t going to happen easily Leon barley left you alone and always seemed to know where you were.
Over the months Leon’s confessed to everything from hiding camera’s in your house to the murders and even to blocking all the contacts on your phone. He was no longer the man you knew and cared about, The sweet and loving Leon was gone and was replaced with a person you barley recognized.
“Honey I’m home.” Leon called out as he walked in front the front door holding some shopping bags, you weren’t aloud to go outside unless he was supervising you, but even when he wasn’t home you knew he was watching you from the camera’s that had been placed throughout the house.
You didn’t say anything, and this caused Leon to frown slightly, before he waked over to you and gently grabbed your chin in between his fingers and tugged your face to meet his. “I said honey I’m home.” He says in a sweet tone, but you knew it was anything but sweet. “Welcome home dear.” You say monotone as you looked at him.
Your eyes had lost there usual spark they used to have; it was almost like you had given up on life because how were you meant to live your life when your trapped in what felt like a prison. Leon smiled at you and gave your lips a soft kiss, you didn’t kiss back before he went over to his bags and pulled out what looked like a piece of paper.
“Look what I found today.” He says with what can only be described as a giddy smile and laugh before being opened the piece of paper, it was a missing person’s poster with your name and picture on it, there was even a reward on it if you were found.
When you first see the poster it made tears spring to your eyes, knowing you were never going to see your loved ones again, that they were out there looking for you hoping that you would come home safe and sound, but you weren’t you knew Leon wouldn’t let you go that easily, you gave up trying to reason with him when you spent the first week of your captivity trying to convince him to let you go and you wouldn’t tell anybody what happened and you wouldn’t report him to the police.
But all he said was why would he let you go, he loved you and knew with some time here and some tender love and care you would love him the same way he loved you he promised you. But all you felt was dread, hopelessness and sadness. You just hoped by some miracle somebody would either find you or come looking for you before it was too late.
*2 Weeks Later.*
A month had passed since Leon had kidnapped you, nobody had come looking for you and you had fully given up now, the only positive thing you had in your life right now was Oero, who happily purred against you and wouldn’t leave your side, it was almost like she knew something was wrong and didn’t want to leave you alone, Leon had gone out again you didn’t know for what this time, but you knew he would bring back another missing persons poster of yours and show you that your father was increasing the reward, it almost seemed like a game to him.
You were now Leon’s wife, not officially but he had put a wedding band on your finger, or more like forced it, he called you wifey and darling and all sorts of cute pet names that if it was anybody else would make you feel happiness or even warm and fuzzy, but all you feel is sickness and cold wash over you whenever he says your name or pet name he came up with.
It was late afternoon when you heard a car pull up, it seemed Leon was home but then you heard heavy footsteps and what sounded like multiple voices, did Leon bring back a guest? You thought as you suddenly went to hide. But soon you heard your name being called out. “Y/N!” Chris called out and you felt tears in your eyes, then you heard knocking on the door. “Y/n it’s me Claire can you open the door.” Claire sweet voice said, and you felt tears in your eyes, they had come for you ere finally going to be taken from this nightmare. “I can’t, Leon has the key to the door.” You choked out as you wiped the tears that were running down your cheeks.
“Are you okay, your not hurt?” you heard Luis causing more tears of joy to roll down your cheeks. “not besides a few bruises you say before you heard Chris’s voice again. “Y/n back away from the door, I’m going to boot it down.” Chris warns, you pick Oreo up and went and hid in front of the couch, encase some of the door pieces came flying, at first he wasn’t successful you could hear him cursing outside before he asked Luis and Carlos to help him and with the men’s combined weight on the door came flying open, the lock and deadbolt chain snapping in the process.
As the door swung open you stood up and looked at the group walked in, Claire had tears in her eyes as she ran towards you and hugged you tightly, as did Jill and even Ada, you hugged the girls tightly before you began to sob into there arms. “we finally found you.” Jill says cupping your cheeks in her hands, she used her thumb to wipe your tears that were running down your cheeks. “Yeah you did.” You say smiling before the girls moved away and now it was time the boys gave you a hug, Chris hugged you tightly almost like a bear, then it was Luis who cried a few tears and gave you a squeeze, Carlos gave you a hug and ruffled your hair he was glad to see you were alright.
But as happy of a reunion this was you knew you had limited time. “We have to get out of here, Leon he is the Ghostface murder.” You says and they all nod there heads. “We know Luis found his computer hide out in the frat house basement, that was how we found you we used the tracker in your bracelet.” Ada explained and you nodded and you kind of felt grateful you didn’t take it off.
“We will get her stuff, Claire can you and the others make sure Y/n gets in the car okay.” Chris asks knowing we don’t have a lot of time before Leon arrives. Claire nodded as she pulled away from you. “I’ll take her in my car.” Claire says giving Chris a nod before the boys started going around the house to get yours and Oero’s stuff.
“Oero come here girl.” You call out holding out your arms, Oero came running into your arms and did a small leap, you caught her swiftly before you were guided outside and towards Claire’s car, once inside the back you had Ada on one side of you with Jill on the other, Claire was in the front in the drivers seat. You were finally free from this hellish nightmare, but just as happiness started to fill your body you heard another car pulling in, it was one you were all too familiar with, a soft whimper left your lips as Leon stepped out of his car, his face was hard and cold as he saw the front door had been busted down.
“What the fuck do you think your doing.” Leon yelled when he saw Chris walking out with what looked like your bag of clothing. “getting Y/n away from you.” Chris says as he walked closer to Leon, he was taller and bigger then Leon, but you didn’t know what Leon was capable of and you didn’t want to find out. Leon let out a humorless laugh before he looked up at the older male, the look on his face was deranged and psychotic. “you really think I’m going to let you take her from me.” Leon says before pulling out a knife from his back pocket.
“CLAIRE GO NOW!!.” Chris yelled, she didn’t need to be told twice, she turned on the car and stepped on the gas and you guys went flying down the long dirt road, worry filled your body as you could see Chris and Leon fighting in the rearview mirror. “He will be okay, I promise you.” Jill tried to reassure you as she rubbed your shoulder, you didn’t want Chris to get hurt because of you he was just trying to save and protect you. You nodded your head trying to believe her words but in the back of your mind you could help but feel dread.
*4 Hours Later*
You girls were in a random hotel, Claire thought it would be best to hide out until they heard some news from the boys, you had showered and changed into some spare clothes that Claire had, while you were in the shower you finally got the ‘wedding ring’ Leon had forcibly put on your finger off, there was a little blood but nothing a band aid can’t fix.
Stepping out of the bathroom you saw Jill hang up her phone, Claire was watching TV while sitting on the end of the bed and you could see Ada was petting Oero who was peacefully sleeping on her lap. “That was Chris, Leon’s been arrested, and your dad is on his way to pick you up.” Jill says and for the first time in what felt like forever you felt relief wash over you, you tried to not cry again by taking some deep breaths but there was a massive smile on your face, you were finally going home.
Your father and the boys had turned up a couple hours later, there were more tears as your father embraced you and said you were never leaving his sight again, at this point you wouldn’t really mind that, you thanked all of your friends and gave them each a meaningful hug and promised to get a new cell phone and number so you could continue to talk on the group chat.
You made plans that you were going to move back in with your father just until your University year was over and maybe do some traveling with the girls, get out of raccoon city for a little bit and go and live your life, Knowing that Leon was now in the custody of the police and you would never see him again….
Y/n’s Epilogue.
It has been 2 years since the Ghostface murders and the incident with Leon, Y/n had been living her life to the fullest, she went traveling with the Jill, Ada and Claire all over the world, she had even dated a few people but nothing too serious, she had been going to therapy regularly to help with the nightmares and trauma she had faced with everything and slowly she was healing slowly but surely, and she was even dating somebody new but this person was a little more closer to home.
“and how are my two favourite girls this morning.” Chris says as he walks into the kitchen in just his boxers, Oero gave him a happy meow and rubbed her face on his arms while purring, she had really taken a liking to Chris and like to knead his chest or bicep. “Such a sweetheart.” You say biting back a smile as Chris wraps his arms around your waist and placing a soft kiss on your bare shoulder as you were wearing only one of his shirts and some shorts underneath.
“Only for you two.” Chris says making you playfully roll your eyes as you flipped a piece of bacon in the fry pan that was placed on the stove. “Let me.” Chris says before he picks you up with ease and places you on the counter and takes the tongs from your hand.
“please don’t burn it like last time.” You say with a playful tease and he just rolls his eyes pretending to be annoyed, never in your wildest dreams did you ever think you would be this happy after everything, but even Tho you might go though shit in life it does get better if you just give it time, you will be happy…
Leon’s Epilogue.
An older doctor walked into the sterile hospital room that was covered in drawings of a woman, somewhere drawing in pen or pencil while other drawings were done in blood, a young man laid on the bed staring up at the roof, his blue eyes were dull and lifeless as if all the life had been sucked out of them, there where bandages on his arms from either him attacking other doctors or harming himself, His name was Leon Kennedy.
His reason for being at Raccoon city asylum for the criminally insane was because he murdered men for the woman he loved. Y/n was her name, she was the most beautiful woman Leon had ever laid his eyes on, they had grown up together and Leon swore he would always protect her and love her, but after a tragic accident that left Leon all alone, he started to develop an unhealthy obsession with Y/n, this would end with deadly consequences.
“Good Morning Leon.” The doctor says as he closed the door behind him, he was constantly under the supervision of the doctors here. Leon didn’t even look at the doctor just constantly looking at the roof as if his thoughts were 1000’s of miles away. “Leon I want you to tell me about y/n.” the doctor said, and this caused a small reaction on the young man’s face, a smile on his lips as he thought of you, your smile, your laugh, the sound of your voice when you said his name. “She is the love of my life.” Leon says with a lovesick look in his eyes.
“She must be an amazing woman.” The doctor says happy he is finally having a conversation with the young man; Leon turns his head and looks at the door. “she is and I plan on making her mine once again.” Leon says as a deranged smile came onto his face, as he looked at the drawings on the wall. “I will have her again.” Leon laughs delusionally as the doctor backed out of the door and closed the door sealing it shut before letting out a sigh.
This man’s mind is broken and is beyond saving….
©Ghosty-writes-23, 2024. all rights reserved. !I DO NOT! consent to translations or replications or reproduction of my work on any other social media platforms and or make AI Bots without my explict consent and permission.
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whiskeyghoul · 3 months
Hi can you please write a Hotchner x reader
Reader and Hotchner are married and reader is extremely pregnant. It’s kinda like season 1 episode 22 where hotch sends Elle home but instead it's the reader. And similar events take place, except the reader is kidnapped instead of shot. And it’s a quest to find and save her.
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Stay safe, be smart || [Aaron Hotchner x Pregnant!Reader]
A/N: Thank you for the request! This will be a little break between the new sbmws update, since it is taking a bit longer to flesh out. It sounded super interesting and high stakes to me so I hope you enjoy it. It was interesting to write something a lot more case based than what I am used to writing. So if anyone has any more requests please let me know!
WC: 3.3K
Tags: Angst, violence, pregnancy, aaron x reader, pregnant reader, 18+ case mentions, implied violence, death and murder, fluff at the end I suppose.
Warnings: Case details, violence against pregnant women (no real violence described but implied), death, murder, general criminal minds content.
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Aaron’s pov
The sun was beating down on the team as Aaron stepped out of the SUV. It was sweltering in the Phoenix heat. He opened the passenger door, helping you out of the vehicle. Married just a year, you were now pregnant and nearing your maternity leave date. “Thank you.” Your voice was honey sweet to him. Your hand in his before you took it to rest on your belly. He’d felt protective over you for weeks now. Afraid something would happen to you, or the precious little being growing inside of you. He’d asked you every week to take early leave, yet you, stubborn as ever, never agreed. Now he just tried to keep you safe in the field, and when he could put you on office duties.
This case was going to be a hard one.
Greeted by the local police, they led the team to the site where the last body was found. Opening the door of the shed made a wall of smell slam into his face. The crime scene was anything but pretty, with the weather the decomposition had set on quickly, leaving the non air conditioned shed they walked into one of the worst smelling scenes they had been to in a while. He knew it was bad when he had seen the picture, it was even worse in real life. When he heard you enter behind him it was only a moment before you bolted back out the door. “I’ll be right back.” Aaron said to the team before following you outside.
He knew what he would find, but still it pulled at his heart to see you hunched over, emptying your breakfast in a bush just a few feet away from the scene. Your nose had been extremely sensitive the past few weeks, he’d felt bad every time you mentioned just feeling nauseous from the smell of certain things. Jack’s soccer shoes for one, had been banished to the garage. “Are you alright, sweetheart?” he asked, walking over to gently rub your back as you heaved a sigh. Standing back up to full height once you felt confident enough that there wouldn’t be any more upchucking. “The smell, Aaron, it’s horrible.” You wiped the corner of your mouth with the back of your hand. “I know.” he offered an apologetic smile as he pulled you into a side hug. Pressing his lips chastely against your temple. “There’s a bottle of water in the SUV, I think you might need to sit this one out.” He tried to make his voice soothing, placating. He didn’t want you to protest against it. 
“I can sit in the SUV, wait until we get back to the precinct and then work from there?” You said it like a question. Though it was clear you would rather be in the field, that was your place. Aaron nodded his head yes, “That sounds like a smart plan. We’ll get back as soon as possible.” He fished the keys to the SUV out of his pocket, handing them to you with a small, comforting smile. You took them, lips pressed in a thin line, nodding your head before taking off. Aaron walked back to the shed, ready to face the crime scene and finish up as quickly as possible.
The body was that of a woman, the third one in three weeks. Exactly a week apart, the unsub was consistent to say the least. The previous bodies had been thoroughly inspected, Aaron had no doubt they would find similar evidence on this woman. The previous bodies had been raped, but there was no semen left behind. The wounds were a near exact match, in the type, deep slashes on the limbs. Worst of all was the deep, surgical cut mirroring that of a C section. Each victim had been pregnant, the infants bodies were found close to the mother. He knew it was a tough case, emotionally it was going to be worse with you close. The idea of sending you home nestling in the back of his mind. Just in case. To be safe. But he also knew you would never agree. Which was still hard to accept. When they got to the precinct Aaron put you on geographical profile duty together with Spencer. There you would be alright.
“Can’t I go help interview the family?” You spoke up, the rest of the team looked at you. Usually you had just accepted the task handed to you. Aaron looked up from the papers he had just gone to reorganize. “Are you not satisfied with your task, Y/N?” he quirked a brow, looking at you he noticed the shift in your body language. Something in you was determined to get out of the precinct and ‘be more useful’ as you would put it. “I just think that Reid does not need my help on the geographical profile. He’s perfectly capable of doing it himself. Like he has done the cases before.” You crossed your arms. Resting them on the protruding belly, with an arched brow that conveyed an air of annoyance. Aaron sighed, he didn’t want to let up, but you did have a point. Reid had managed fine on his own for the last few cases. “Fine, you can go with JJ to interview the families. But only for the interviews. Stay safe.” He gave in. His lips pressed into a thin line. He really didn’t want to play favorites. Yet he relented so easily at times like these. Your small triumphant smile was barely there but he got a glimpse of it before you turned to the door, leaving him alone to ponder why he even said yes. 
“I thought I told you only the interviews!” Aaron had to take a deep breath, calm down, but his blood was rushing in his veins. If something happened to you, well, he wouldn’t forgive himself. You sat in the back of an ambulance, getting your wounds tended to. He had gotten to the scene as quickly as possible, racing from the precinct to the home of the family. “Thanks to me we have a suspect in custody.” You retorted, wincing as you moved your arms. There was a deep cut that looked to be made with glass, scrapes on your knees that tore straight through the pants. “You could have ruined the entire case. We don’t know if this is the unsub. We didn’t even have a profile yet.” he continued to scold. When he heard you had attacked a man, who was lingering around the house of the family, he knew he had made the wrong choice in letting you go. “He was stalking them! Clearly a sign of a killer checking up on the devastation he has caused.” you raised your voice. A certain mix of anger and panic mingling in the sound of it. 
Aaron sighed, pinching his furrowed brow, you had gotten hurt. “Go to the hotel. You are off the case.” his voice sounded cold to him. It must have sounded even colder to you. “W-what?” You stumbled over the word. He looked back at you, to see your jaw slack, eyes wide in confusion. “You are off the case. I can’t have an agent running around and attacking anyone with no probable cause. We need evidence, not intuition.” He explained. You closed your mouth. A deep swallow as you nodded your head. He could see your jaw tick, holding back from saying anything. “I’m sorry… I’ll see you for dinner.” He whispered but you looked away, eyes cast to the ground as though looking at him would hurt. He felt a tug at his heart. It was for the best. You would be safe in the hotel. He made a mental note to bring your favorite food to make it up to you.
Your pov.
Aaron was right. You had been reckless, even more so than usual. Now you were just reaping what you sowed. The wound on your arm stung, so did your knees. Everything had been cleaned with alcohol and bandaged up nicely by the medics on scene. JJ had stayed with you and drove you back down to the hotel, but you didn’t feel like going inside just yet. Being stuck in a stuffy room with just your thoughts didn’t sound that appealing. And you probably wouldn’t be able to nap. The little one in your belly was using your lungs as their own personal punching bag.
There was a park nearby the hotel, and a stroll in the slowly cooling late afternoon sounded nice. So you had changed into a flowy skirt, since you wouldn’t be doing any running after unsubs anymore. The pants you were wearing were delegated to the trashcan in your hotel room. The afternoon air was still incredibly hot but more bearable compared to earlier in the day. The park was spacious, you walked towards the playground where laughter sounded out from the multiple young children running around. Soon you’d have one of your own children begging you to play tag, going down the slide with them. You smiled to yourself, placing your hand on your belly again, absentmindedly stroking it in a comforting motion. 
You watched for a while, though an unsettling feeling crept up the back of your spine. The hairs on your neck began to stand on end. Having a look around to see if anything suspicious was happening. Maybe you were over reacting. Overly sensitive due to hormones and the entire proceedings of the day. This is what got you kicked off the case. Scolding yourself internally for letting this feeling take over. You left the park, maybe it would be better to stay at the hotel. At Least you won’t get the impending feeling of dread there.
“‘scuse me miss.” A voice said, you looked up to see a man approaching you. Your guard immediately went up. “Can I help you?” You asked, trying to quell the thoughts of mistrust. “Just wanted to ask if you knew the way to the art museum.” He seemed innocent enough. Dark black hair, a clean shave, nice white blouse with no stains. No clear markers that would need you to be on guard. “I’m sorry, I am just here for the week. I don’t know.” You said honestly, though internally cursing yourself for revealing you were not native to the area. A stupid mistake, though it wouldn’t matter if there was nothing to fear. “Ah alright, thanks anyways.” He flashed a charming smile before taking a few steps to walk past.
You let out a soft sigh. See. No reason to be so nervous. You scolded yourself internally. Taking a few steps back in the direction of the hotel before you felt a pinch in your neck, a hand clasped over your mouth and everything went dark.
When you opened your eyes it was still dark, slowly adjusting to the surroundings. Your hands were tied down to a bed, along with our legs and straps around your torso. Neck incredibly stiff from whatever happened. Lights turned on, blinding you, blinking rapidly to adjust to the sudden influx of bright, white light. “You’re probably wondering where you are right now.” A voice called out from over speakers. Training kicked in, knowing it wasn’t smart to engage the unsub in any way like this. They want a reaction, something that allows them to relish in the fear they have created. Biting your tongue you stayed quiet. 
“Well, it doesn’t matter where you are. Because you won’t leave.”
Aaron’s pov
When Aaron entered the hotel room the lights were off. He noticed just how silent it was. Usually you would be tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable when taking a nap. But it was still early. He walked in quietly, trying to not disturb you if you had finally managed to get some well deserved rest. He felt horrible for kicking you off the case, but it was the smartest thing for him to do. The bag of take out rustled in his hand when he put it on the small desk pressed against the wall. Turning to look at the bed, it was still pristinely made, no sign of you. The only sign that you had been there was the pair of pants that laid in the garbage can. 
His blood ran cold. There could be a simple explanation. You went out for a walk. Or down to the lobby for some tea. He quickly took his phone out of his pocket. Hoping that you wouldn’t be too angry to pick up. Dialing your contact, it rang once before immediately heading to voicemail. Your chipper voice saying your name on the other end of the line did nothing to calm his increasingly quickly beating heart. He called again. Same thing. His hands began to feel just a little clammy. ‘Where are you?’ ‘Please text me.’ ‘Are you okay?’ All his text messages arrived but weren’t opened.
He dialed JJ’s number. Who picked up almost instantly. “You went to the hotel with y/n, right?” He asked, his voice strained. “Yes, I watched her walk inside.” JJ sounded a little confused, he could almost hear the frown in her voice. “She’s not here. I can’t reach her, and she never turns off her phone.” He sighed. “I’ll meet you in the lobby. I’ll try and call her.” She suggested it before hanging up the phone. Aaron left the room, leaving the take out behind to grow cold in favor of looking for you. 
When he reached the lobby not only was JJ there, she had apparently informed the rest of the team. All sitting in the leather chairs around a short table. “I can’t reach her either.” JJ spoke up as soon as she saw him. “We’ve all been trying.” Spencer chimed in. His eyes held a certain fear. It was the least comforting feeling knowing that no one on the team could reach you. “She is the unsub’s type. We have to assume that they got her, and we need to be quick.” Aaron’s voice didn’t sound like his own to him. Having to take a certain distance away from the personal part of what was happening. He didn’t want to assume the worst, but he knew he had to. They had a profile and a geographical one too, atleast. A male, who likely lost his wife or girlfriend during childbirth, along with the child. Looking for a replacement, and when the baby doesn’t look like the one he lost, he gets rid of it. A harrowing thought.
“Alright, I will call Garcia to trace her phone. Maybe we can see where it last pinged.” Derek voiced. A smart idea. Aaron couldn’t really think, his mind reeling with things that could have happened to you. “Thank you.” He said and nodded his head. “Prentiss, Rossi, could you canvas the area of overlap in the geographical profile? Take Reid if you must. We know they take the victims to a secondary location, look for something isolated, something that won’t be noticed.” He added, looking at the three agents. “JJ, could you talk with the precinct? Get the police out on the street, looking for signs of y/n or foul play.” JJ nodded her head in return. “Alright, any information you call me, let's go.” Aaron nodded his own head, trying to instill some form of confidence in himself. It was hard.
Aaron kept tabs on everything as minutes ticked by, they seemed like hours. Penelope called with the last ping of your phone, apparently when he had first called it still pinged before it was turned off. Perhaps the unsub scrambling after making a mistake. You did keep your phone in an unusual place just in case. He remembered when he first saw you put your phone in the side of your boot, a strange habit he quickly began to find endearing. Derek, JJ, and himself got into one of the SUV’s as they got the information. JJ went to call Emily to meet them at the last ping place. An ambulance was called for backup, along with some of the agents from the precinct. 
As they raced down a dusty road out of the city, the fear began to take over again. With what happened with Hailey, he couldn’t lose anyone else. He didn’t think that he would be able to bear that. His mind reeled with the idea of having to tell Jack what happened. Losing another mother figure, he didn’t know what damage that would do to him. And his unborn sibling. It would be his worst nightmare. His jaw set, trying not to think the dark thoughts, wanting to remove them from his mind. You were going to be okay. They were going to find you alive and well.
When they spotted a dilapidated white van in the distance, next to a small barn he knew they were in the right spot. “Stop the car, we can’t let him know we’re here.” Aaron instructed, Derek slowed down, parking the car about 20 feet away, hoping the engines didn’t give them away. The second black SUV pulled up next to them. “First, the van, we need to check that no one is inside, then we go to the barn.” He instructed the agents. All geared up in their vests and checking their sidearms. They moved together to the van, no one seemed to be in the driver's seat. The back doors were unlocked and when they opened them Aaron’s stomach dropped. Screens lined one wall, with a computer set up rivaling that of their tech analyst. 2 screens, still lit up with a live camera feed. Two different angles that showed you, tied to a bed, a gag in your mouth. A figure standing over you, dressed in surgical gowns. This was all being recorded.
He stormed out the van, taking the gun from his holster and getting it ready. He walked over to the barn door, the unsub was stupid enough to not lock anything. Maybe it was arrogance. But it made his work a lot easier. He nodded towards Derek, who kicked the door in. “Hands up, drop the knife.” Aaron called as he raised his gun, walking into the barn. The man looked up from you, having a big knife in hand he froze. Looking down for a quick second in contemplation. “Whatever you are thinking of doing, don’t. You are surrounded, either step away from her and put the knife down or face the consequences.” He could feel the blood rushing through his ears, anger and fear colliding inside of him. What he wanted to do was shoot him, punish him for hurting you. But he knew that wouldn’t be the intelligent thing to do. The man stepped away, reluctantly, and from a few feet away he dropped the knife.
Aaron walked over to you, quick strides as he holstered his gun. His hands were shaking as he reached you. Looking at the small cuts on your arms. The wound from earlier that day reopened. He ungagged you, watching as tears started to spill from your eyes, hearing repeated apologies fall from your lips. “Shh… no, I’m sorry. I was so worried. I’m sorry.” He shushed, petting your hair, letting the soft locks slip between his fingers. He quickly worked to unbuckle your limbs and body from the bed. As soon as he could he picked you up, holding you close. As if he could still lose you if he didn’t. “I shouldn’t have sent you away. I’m sorry. I got you now.” He mumbled, his hands holding you tightly as he felt your unregulated breathing against his neck. “I shouldn’t have done it. I should have just thought.” You apologized and he shook his head.
“It’s okay. It’s alright. You’re safe.” He picked you up, taking you to the ambulance and not leaving your side again.
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dark-mnjiro · 11 months
[the devil is] in the mirror :: sano shinichiro
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author’s note: kinktober 2023 week three is finally here. I apologize for the wait as I got a little under the weather and then did something to my neck that made it nearly impossible to write for a couple days because I could hardly turn my neck one direction.
content warnings: sano shinichiro x afab!reader, noncon, dubcon, dark content, mirror maze/mirror sex, hair pulling, choking, explicit sexual content, explicit language, yandere!shin, stalking, dacryphillia, semi/public sex, stalking, degradation, forceful/rough sex, doggystyle, manhandling, implied kidnapping, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, this was heavily inspired by the mirror maze scene in Haunting Adeline
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Panting, your sense of direction was skewed as you looked around. Surrounded by mirrors, only your terrified expression greeted you. You cursed yourself for coming to this haunted attraction and walking through the mirror maze. But your friends had assured you everything would be fine. They would be at your side no matter what. 
You should’ve known he would be here. 
His boots thumped against the floor, seemingly closer to you as your heart jumped into your chest. Your head darted in any direction, but you were only greeted by your reflection. Where was he?
It had started innocently enough. He had repaired your car after an accident and weekly you would see him at the counter, make your weekly payment, and get your updates, before leaving. 
But soon, the seemingly innocent mechanic took on another personality. 
Once you had paid off the repairs and returned your car, he still found reasons to call your phone, claiming it was “just standard policy”. But the daily calls grew too much and you began ignoring them. 
Until one day, he called and was standing outside of your home with what seemed to be your sweater. 
“You forgot this,” he had said. 
How had he even found your address? Why didn’t he leave a voicemail? You took back your sweater, thanking him but quickly shut and locked the door. 
He had remained outside for an hour longer after the interaction. 
The volume of calls increased to the point you had placed complaints with law enforcement. They claimed they would “speak” with him but it seemed, nothing was done. 
He would continue to show up at your address, but smart enough to remain on the public sidewalk so that you couldn’t make a valid complaint. You blocked his number, the mechanic’s number, and just declined any unknown callers that came through. You believed you had some control over the situation, which is why your friends had insisted you go out with them…
You would be safe with them.
“Fuck,” you hissed before your eyes darting from mirror to mirror. 
“Come out come out,” you heard his voice. “Wherever you are~”
The sing-song tone of his voice made nausea bubble in the pit of your stomach. You wanted to snap back but worried that if you did that he would find you easier. You swallowed thickly before putting up your hands to help you distinguish which mirrors were real and where the pathway was. 
“Just a bit more,” you told yourself.
“I see you.”
You froze in place. Terror filled your eyes as you looked around. You couldn’t see him, just hear him. How could he possibly see you and you could not?
“Leave me alone!”
A hand moved to move your hair causing you to whip around and check behind you. No one was there. Tears brimmed at the corners of your eyes. This was becoming torture. Why wouldn’t he leave you alone?
“Stop it! I’m not interested! Just leave me alone!” you shouted. 
A hand shot out in the darkness, gripping your throat before throwing you back against one of the mirrored walls. A yelp of pain moved past your lips while you struggled. A low chuckle hits your ears. You felt fear filling your body as your gaze met his. 
His cold, dark eyes remained fixated on your face. You managed to push yourself up against the mirror as far as you could just to get even the smallest distance between you and Shinichiro. His hand left your throat before his hands were placed on either side of your head and used his arms to cage you in. 
“You can’t keep ignoring me forever.”
His voice was sickly sweet. 
It made you want to vomit. 
You looked away, shutting your eyes tightly together. 
“Let me go.”
Shinichiro tilted his head.
“Let me go.”
Your voice was louder this time. This game had to stop. 
“You’re scaring me… let me go.”
Shinichiro chuckled before leaning in close to your face. “Open those pretty eyes,” he cooed. 
Shaking your head, you tightly kept your eyes shut. 
His hand shot out, encircling your throat. A strangled noise moved past your lips before your eyes shot open. The tears at the corner of your eyes slipped down your face. His eyes darkened as he leaned in with a smirk tugging on his lips. His tongue parted his lips before running the tip of it along the tearstains.
You felt your entire body shudder. “Stop…”
His free hand moved to undo your jeans before pushing them forcefully off of your hips. His grip around your neck tightened as a gasp fell from your lips and the feeling of his hand pushing into your underwear. A calloused finger pressed against your clit.
His dark eyes darted up to meet your tearful gaze.
“That’s right… Keep those pretty eyes on me.”
You tried to speak, tried to scream, but the grip on your neck would only allow you to cough and struggle. His pace against the bundle of nerves quickened and you swore your knees were beginning to give out. 
“You’re wet…” he hissed into your ear. 
Disgust filled your gut at your body’s betrayal.
“You want this…”
His fingers pressed harder against your clit forcing you to gasp. “Oh yes you do,” he whispered before forcing two digits into you. You cried out as the pace was unrelenting. “You’re soaking my hand…”
Panting, you brought up your hands and attempted to shove him off of you. His grip only tightened, causing your hands to shoot back to your neck, trying to loosen his grasp. 
Shinichiro tilted his head. “Y-you what?”
He was mocking you now.
Letting go of your neck, air fills your lungs. But the freedom was short-lived as Shinichiro flipped you around to face the mirrored wall. He pushed your face against it as his hand went up into your hair, gripping the tresses tightly. You cried out in pain as he tugged your head back. 
“You’re mine,” he said gently before planting a kiss against your temple. 
His free hand tugged down your underwear to your knees before you heard the metal of his belt undo and his jeans fall to his ankles. He used his hips to keep you caged against the wall as you felt the tip of his cock press against your core. 
“Let me go!”
Shinichiro tutted you as he managed to push the tip into you. “Scream much louder and everyone in the maze will see what a dirty girl you are…” he cooed. 
A cold fear infiltrated your senses at the thought of someone… anyone, catching you like this. How would you even begin to explain? Tears worked their way into your eyes again as the embarrassment washed over your body. Why wouldn’t this stop?
“You’re so pretty when you cry…”
You cried out again as his full length was forced into you. He leaned his head against your shoulder, groaning as he pulled nearly out before slamming back into you. 
“Better keep your voice down,” he teased as the playful cries of children with their parents were heard in the distance.
You bit down on your lip to try and silence your cries as the pace of his cock quickened. Cursing yourself, you hated your body in that instance as a jolt of pleasure electrified your body as the tip of his cock kissed your cervix.
“That’s it,” he teased before offering you a smack on your bare ass. “You’re clenching around me, sweet girl…”
Your eyes opened just enough to scowl at him over your shoulder. “I-I fucking hate you!”
Shinichiro merely moaned in response before smirking at you. “I love your filthy mouth,” he merely teased. “You’re about to cum. You love it when I do this…” His grip on your hair tightened before jerking your head back again. His pace was becoming erratic. “You’re about to cum… panting like a dog.”
He was right.
You couldn’t catch your breath as you tried to fight off your body’s natural response but with each thrust, you were losing the battle. 
“Cum for me…”
His voice sent shivers down your spine as you couldn’t stop yourself. Pleasure washed over your body before panting… you braced yourself against the mirror before catching Shinichiro’s dark gaze from behind you. 
His grunts were louder as he worked you through your orgasm. Your eyes narrowed, glaring at him. Hating him. It only seemed to fuel him more. 
“Ready for me?” He teased into your ear before leaning down and biting your neck. 
“Fuck you.”
He let go of your hair but used the leverage of his hand on the back of your head to push you further against the mirror to keep you from struggling too much. His thrusts were becoming sloppy, indicating he was near his limit. He groaned your name before offering you a couple of rough thrusts and releasing inside of you. 
Your body shuddered again, not prepared to feel this full. And just as quickly as it happened, it was over. He pulled out, letting you go… he adjusted his pants as you slid to the floor… 
Shinichiro leered over you, taking in the mess he had made of you. Another smirk tugged on his lips before your eyes caught a glimpse of his cock hardening again. 
Fear filled your eyes as you tried to muster enough energy to get away before he grabbed you by the hair again. Yelping, you scratched at his arm, praying he would release you. 
“On second thought,” he commented, yanking you up to your knees. “Perhaps… I’m not done with you yet…”
“N-not here. Please.”
The idea of the incoming children being traumatized by this image only made you feel nauseous. They were growing closer, the giggles becoming louder. 
“Oh no,” Shinichiro tutted before jerking you up again. “Not here…”
You managed to steady yourself on your feet and scrambled to adjust your clothes to appear somewhat decent. “You’re a fucking lunatic…”
He leaned into your ear. “Let’s go home,” he whispered. “I want to watch those pretty eyes cry when you choke on my cock.”
His hand encircled around your upper arm as he tugged you through the rest of the maze as if he had memorized the layout.
“My friends-!”
“Oh no,” he said before pointing to your group of friends lost in conversation, giggling and seemingly flirting with a couple of men. “I’ve already rid ourselves of those distractions.”
“You’re friends… aren’t they?”
“All mine now.”
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gb-patch · 2 years
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The Our Life Now & Forever Demo has been updated!
Thank you to everyone who has been looking forward to this. If you've played the demo before, here's a quick rundown of what's new; 25,000 more words, new MC doll accessories, the 'create your own MC bio' feature, sound effects through all scenes, plus other small tweaks and improvements.
Besides the build itself, the store pages were remade to feature new promotional art, screenshots, and an improved description. Progress and polish for the game are coming along very well 💕.
Itch.io Page (PC, Mac, Android)
Steam Page (PC Only)
Game Premise:
Fall settles over the charming mountain town of Golden Grove as the story begins. But it isn't only glittering leaves that are changing. You and your mom leave behind everything you knew before when you move to a new home nestled right in the middle of a tight knit cul-de-sac. It’s there where a paper airplane lands at your feet and brings you to unanticipated crossroads.
Make your own path through life as you grow from childhood to adulthood with your two closest neighbors. Even in the chilly autumn weather, it’ll be a truly heartwarming time.
Demo Features:
A 75,000-word script and dozens of choices to make
Design your own MC in terms of appearance, identity, personality, and preferences
Make a personalized bio image for your MC that can be saved and shared
Develop your own custom dynamic with the two leads
Customize the font style and textbox arrangement to suit your preferences
Enjoy a music room to listen to the OST at your leisure
Thanks again for waiting for the update. It's been great seeing how excited people are to spend more time in the town of Golden Grove. I hope you have a wonderful afternoon there in these new scenes!
[The beta build you can get on Tier 2 and up of the Patreon has an additional script section not in the public demo.]
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soliloquy-dawn · 5 days
i need some atonement!AU on my tl!! any updates?👀🩷
Hiiii darling.
32k into the first draft, and we're close to the fountain scene! Fucking in the library planned for right after. They have such busy schedules.
I'm gonna use this opportunity to show off the stunning moodpboard that @alienoresimagines made and sent to me BEFORE THEY EVEN READ THIS SNIPPET. Witchcraft, I swear. How did they know? How?
cw: underage, but they're both seventeen and in love. Bucky has impure thoughts. Can't help it, poor chap.
Reconciled with his doomed fate, he lay in waiting, and did not dare to touch. 
What he did do, was suffer unimaginable torture at Buck’s hands. The summer before they both turned seventeen, the torments he was subjected to became more sublime and traitorous. On the hottest days, they would lounge on patches of stubby, yellowing grass, behind a stretch of shrubbery and rose bushes that hid them from prying eyes. Buck would nudge himself closer, burrowing under Bucky’s stretched arm, claiming his bicep as a pillow. His shirt would be damp with sweat and nearly see-through, clinging to his ribcage and the pink swell of his nipples. His hair would coil above his nape in ways that drove Bucky to a state of fumbling incoherence; they spoke to him, those sticky clumps of spun gold, begging to be uncoiled, then patted dry or licked clean. And the worst of it all, Buck’s scantily clad and slender thighs would splay open, and press firmly against Bucky’s leg. At regular intervals, Buck would knock their knees together and rubbed his bare calf against him, and John had to disguise his grunts and moans with an obnoxious cough or an improvised grumble about the weather. 
The whole affair had the guise of a meaningless, casual thing; nothing more than an afternoon of leisure enjoyed between friends. While Buck read his novels, humming contently while flipping to the next page, the immortal toothpick jutting out from between his plush lips, all Bucky could think of was flipping him to the side, pulling his shorts down enough to reveal the pink, flushed skin hiding beneath, and rutting against the swell of his ass until he came all over the soft flesh of his inner thighs. 
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What’s up with the ties between Sally & Eddie?
There are quite a few - to the point where I’m starting to suspect that they may be foils, or at least inherently tied together in the story.
First let's bring things back to the clocks. The “day” side has an obvious resemblance to Sally, like how the “night” side resembles Eddie. There’s not really much I can say here since we don’t know much more yet, and who knows if this has changed behind the scenes. But just think about that, the rarity of the color purple, night vs day, and the “monster”. Keep it in your head, I think it may be important. 
Also the fact that Eddie is the only one with a watch, but Sally’s face has an incredibly similar face on her door.
Obviously Sally has some sort of beef with Eddie, despite him being nothing but friendly and (to our knowledge) being undeserving of it. One thought I entertained was “maybe Sally is dismissive of him because he’s a worker,” but that holds zero water when you consider how perfectly friendly Sally was with Howdy (karen Sally debunked <3). The second thought I had was “maybe Sally senses the queer in Eddie and it intimidates her” - which would make sense if Sally is a lesbian like I suspect. Internalized homophobia, anyone? This holds up if Eddie is going to turn out to be - not open about himself, but comfortable in his skin in a way that, say, Frank isn’t. Which I have a feeling that will be the case, which would likely make Sally put on airs even more so than usual. 
Anyone else seeing a continuous trend of (social) masks and performances unfolding in the Neighborhood? I sure am.
But let’s talk about why I think they might be foils. They balance each other out in an interesting way, despite their only solid similarity being that Both will work/perform no matter the weather. They have a lot of closely related differences:
Eddie has been mentioned (and implied within the story so far) to have a deeper well of knowledge than he lets on, but acts humble about it. Sally has been mentioned (and implied) to know less than she portrays, but acts like a bit of a know-it-all - she pretends to know things that she doesn’t. 
Eddie’s role is about helping others at his own expense, while Sally’s is using others to reach fame. 
Eddie strives to connect with his Neighbors and is all about accuracy/precision. Sally is in her own little world and has proved to be more than willing to improvise / not think things through before acting.
Eddie is slow to anger, and Sally is easily irritated. 
Selfless vs Selfish.
Night vs Day. 
And to put them in the Johari Window - i believe that Sally resides in the Blind Spot (known to others, not known to self), and Eddie resides in either the Facade (not known to others, known to self) OR the Unknown (not known to others, not known to self). Personally I’m starting to believe that Eddie may reside in both. 
It’s far too early to draw any real conclusions, and theorizing on all of this is difficult. I feel as though - as usual - we have puzzle pieces but no frame of reference for the way they fit together, what picture they build. And who knows, tomorrow’s update may shred this to ribbons, but I doubt it. 
One thought I had was that they’re in cahoots about something - it doesn’t have to be something malicious or some sort of secret plot, it could simply be something they both know and are trying to keep quiet about. Eddie is trying to connect with Sally since they have this in common, but Sally is actively putting distance between them to preserve their secret / plausible deniability. Do I actually believe this? Meh. I’m just throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.
So current base thoughts: Sally is dismissive of Eddie either because he intimidates/scares her on an internalized level, or she’s actively trying to put distance between them for a currently unknown reason. There’s probably a secret third option I haven’t even considered!
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Familiarity Breeds Contempt
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Chapter Ten of the Through the Scope series | Chapter Eleven
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 4.1K
Chapter Overview: Rochelle and Frankie's relationship finally reaches a boiling point
TW: toxic relationship, mentions of cocaine, depictions of domestic assault/violence
Notes: hey everyone !! this is a heavier chapter,, so it didn't feel right to include a lot of the things i originally intended too. not to worry though because that's what next week is for hehe ((: thank u to @missbabyjay for being a blessing and giving me some inspo for the fight scene !! i updated the tag list so please let me know if i missed you/ you want to be added ! as usual ... my asks are always open and happy reading <3
*no use of y/n & female presenting reader*
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“What’s going on?” Benny looks puzzled as Will holds your scared body with extreme care. He peers past his brother to find only Pope following closely behind. “Where’s Fish?”
“Dealin’ with his past.” Will sighs as he sets you down. 
You quietly wrap your arms around your body and turn to look back at the front door of the gym.
“His past? Could you be any more vague?” He brushes past his brother for you. Benny crouches down and cups your face in his hands while cautiously inspecting you. “What happened out there?”
“I don’t know. I really don't know. One minute everything is fine and then the next minute a car comes barreling towards all four of us and I’m being rushed inside.” 
He looks for his friends for more answers as he rubs your shoulder. When Will stays silent, Pope speaks up. 
“Crazy bitch decided it would be a good idea to show up here.” He offers.
“Rochelle?” Benny stands to his full height. “Rochelle is outside my fuckin’ gym? No way in hell.” He starts heading for the exit with murder in his eyes, but Will plants a steady hand on his chest. 
“Fish is takin’ care of it. Leave it be.”
“Leave it be?! How can you say that after everything she has done to him?” Benny spits.
“For the love of God will someone tell me what’s going on?!” You finally crack.
All three of them look at you with pained expressions. 
“As much as we want to tell you-” Pope starts.
“And we really want to tell you.” Benny quickly adds.
“This is something Catfish has to tell you himself. You deserve to hear it directly from him and not a third party, hermosa.” 
“But-” You begin.
“He will tell you, hon.” Will wraps his arms around you and you allow yourself to accept the comfort you so desperately need amidst the chaos. “You just need to be patient with him. His past, just like the rest of ours, is hard to talk about. I know it’s easier said than done, but trust us.”
You slowly move your own limbs around his torso and take a deep breath of his woodsy cologne. Of course he wears a scent that is reminiscent of trees. They are one in the same if you think about it. Both of them are tall, strong, able to stand firm in any weather, and always constant. Will is your oak tree and you cling on to him until the raging winds start to die down. Unfortunately, just as trees are predictable, the winds never are. Muffled yelling begins to seep through the door accompanied by pounding fists on glass.
“Francisco fucking Morales!” She screeches. “We need to talk!”
He starts walking towards her. “Yes, Rochelle. We do.”
“Oh!” She gasps dramatically. “So now you want to talk?! That’s funny because you have been avoiding my calls and texts for the past week! I haven’t heard from you since Saturday night! It wouldn’t have anything to do with that fucking receptionsit, would it?”
He knew this would happen. He knew that she would immediately bring you up.
“Do you know how many times you would disappear on me while we were dating, Rochelle?” He asks calmly. “But now that we aren’t dating and I’m the one not responding, it’s an issue for you?”
He can see it in her eyes that she's taken aback. In every argument that they have ever had in the history of their relationship, Frankie had always rolled over and bared his stomach to her. He never tried to fight back in order to preserve the peace. Clearly she thought that this time would be the same.
“Why haven’t you answered my question?! Does that receptionist have anything to do with you ignoring me?!”
“This is between me and you. Leave her out of this.” He wants to keep you as far away from her hooked claws as he can. He might not have been able to escape them, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to let her drag you down.
“So, that’s a yes!” She throws her hands up in the air as if she is celebrating a victory. “I’m also going to correctly assume that she’s the reason why you haven’t given me an answer about getting back together!”
You were the reason. You were without a doubt the reason. In the short time that he has known you and the even shorter time that he has been with you, you have given him things he didn’t think he was worthy of. You gave back all the kindness and care he gifted you tenfold. You listened when he talked, communicated with him about the little things, and above all, even if you didn’t know it yet, were patient with him. He knew he was a broken and shattered piece of glass, but you were like the sea. Your gentle waves came up and kissed his rough edges until they were soft and round. You were nothing like the relentless, careening waters that he knew Rochelle to be. That he thought all relationships to be. You never made him feel like he was in a perpetual state of purgatory waiting to be granted access to the Heaven that was your affection. You gave it to him so willingly and without hesitation.
“No, I’m the reason why you haven’t been given an answer about if we are getting back together. I don’t want to do this anymore,” He motions his hands in between the two of them. “I want something healthy.”
He watches her eyes grow wide at his words. The sheer weight of them slams down on her so hard that he swears he almost sees her knees buckle.
“You ‘want something healthy’?!” She mocks. “I pulled you out of the gutter when I met you!”
“Oh my fucking God.” He whispers. It’s like he’s looking in a mirror eight months ago. “You’re high, aren’t you? You could have killed all of us and yourself driving like that!” Anger starts to bubble below his cool demeanor.
“Don’t change the subject!” She bellows.
“You want to talk about pulling me out of the gutter? Fine! You pulling me out of the gutter caused me to lose my fucking pilots license! The best part was,” He can’t help but laugh dryly. “You didn’t even care! That didn’t even snap you back to reality! You never came to visit me in rehab either!” He takes a deep breath to get centered as he can feel himself getting sucked in. “I’m just as complicit in the drug use as you were. You may have shown it to me, but I continued to buy it. I know this. But, when I needed your support you bailed on me.”
“I gave you a distraction from all of those goddamn nightmares!” She hollers. “If you were too busy being high on coke then you wouldn’t have them!”
“You’re fucking deranged if you think that’s what help is supposed to be!”
“At least when you were with me, you knew I wouldn’t judge you for it!” She quips. “What has she said about your little ‘habit’, Frankie? Did she gasp? Did she move away when you tried to touch her? Did she tell you she needed time to be by herself to think everything over?” 
He stays quiet as he clenches his fists by his side. His nails are biting into the flesh of his palm, but he doesn’t care. Her words vibrate violently around in his head. He hadn’t told you about the coke, not yet at least. It wasn’t something he was comfortable coming right out and saying on a first date. The fear that it would make you look at him differently or even want to leave all together haunted him at night. Keeping it from you was wrong if he wanted to be in a relationship; however, he selfishly wanted to keep the image you had of him inside your head intact and uncorrupted. 
“Well look at that!” She giggles maniacally. “She doesn’t know. You haven’t fessed up, have you?”
“What she and I talk about doesn’t concern you, Rochelle. As a matter-of-fact, nothing I say or do should concern you from here on out.” He conjures images of you and uses them to keep him steady and put the final nail in the coffin. “Since you clearly didn’t understand what my silence meant this past week, I’ll waste my breath on you one last time. I don’t want to be in a relationship with you. I don’t want to associate with you. I don’t want to know you anymore.”
“Frankie, baby. Please-” Rochelle begs. She can feel him slipping out from where she verbally pinned him. The struggle for control was tipping in Frankie’s favor and she didn’t know what to do.
“Don’t pretend like you care now to make up for the fact that you never did the entire time. It’s over for good. I should have ended it officially long ago. I guess in a fucked up way you did help me when we did coke. Whenever I was high I could actually convince myself that I loved you.”
Frankie watches as the woman’s eyes across from him darken. Her lips contort into a sinister smile and she tilts her head to one side. It made his blood run cold at how quickly she could switch emotions.
“She’ll leave you, you know?” Her voice is thick with false sweetness. “If she doesn’t leave you when she finds out about the drugs, she will leave when she learns about the little ‘vacation’ you took.” 
He feels like he just got the air knocked out of him.
“Once she finds out that it’s all an illusion, you and all your friends, she’ll run for the hills. At the end of the day, you’re still the man who shot first.” 
There it is. There is her winning blow. There is that conniving woman he always knew she could be. She had a gift for knowing exactly what to say to destroy a person from the inside out. Every time she did it, that signature smile was always present. It seemed to grow wider each time she twisted her verbal blade into his stomach. Up until this point, Frankie had managed to remain relatively controlled. He knew she was sick, but he never dreamed she would bring up what happened in South America. He told her, in confidence, a little about what happened because he desperately needed to. He went to places he never imagined due to the guilt he felt about Tom’s death. Figuring that talking about it would lessen the pain, he opened up to her. Unfortunately, that only worked when the person he was talking to was actually listening. 
“Leave, Rochelle.” His voice waning under the strain of his plethora of emotions. “We’re done here.”
“I’m not done! I have something to tell that lovely woman hiding inside the gym!” She makes a mad dash to the gym entrance. When she frantically pulls on the handle and finds it locked, she resorts to yelling and slamming her hands against the glass. “Come out! Come out!” 
Frankie has caught up to her by this time and is trying to move her away. As angry as he was, he would never resort to being physical with her. 
“Rochelle, for the love of God get the fuck away! This isn’t going to fix anything!”
“Does it look like I care?!” She screams, turning her body to face him. “I don’t get dumped! That’s not how this works! I’m in control!” 
She starts to bring her fists down on Frankie now. He blocks her blows with his forearms and prays that the guys have kept you far enough away to where none of this madness reaches your ears. 
Loud sirens slice through Rochelle’s incomprehensible rambling. He looks past her flailing body and sees red and blue lights begin to paint the buildings on the street. As they get closer, its noise registers in her ears too. 
“You called the cops?! You called the fucking cops on me?!” She brings her balled up hands down harder and faster on Frankie’s makeshift shield. “Asshole! Asshole! You’re such an asshole!”
A police cruiser pulls into the parking lot and comes to a quick stop in front of the gym. Two officers immediately jump out of the car and rush over. Within minutes they have Rochelle pinned up against the wall of the gym and are attaching handcuffs to her writhing wrists. She keeps yelling things like ‘this is a misunderstanding’ and ‘we were just having a passionate argument’. Frankie watches as the cops have to force her into the back seat because she keeps trying to climb out. She looks like a rabid animal being caged.
“Goodbye, Rochelle.” He doesn’t know if this is the last time he will see her, but for now he knows he can sleep without having to keep one eye open.
Once they finally have her secured, one officer climbs into the passenger seat and the one makes his way over to Frankie. 
“Evenin’, sir. What can you tell me about the young lady?”
He has no idea how the cops arrived and no energy to speak with them. Frankie just wants the comfort of you.
“Uhh her name is Rochelle and I’m pretty sure she’s high right now. I really don’t have any other relevant information to give you. She just showed up here out of the blue.”
“Well, we were already goin’ to charge her with assault when we arrived on the scene, but I’ll have her drug tested when we get back to the station.” The man looks into the gym. “They know anythin’ about it?” 
Frankie turns and sees Benny leading Will, Pope, and you to the front. Benny unlocks the front door and you slip under his arm and scurry to Frankie’s side. He swaddles you in his arms as he buries his head in the curve of your neck. He doesn’t know which one of y’all is shaking harder at this point. 
“I’m Benjamin Miller, the owner of this gym. Maybe I could help answer some questions? My friends here were also outside when she sped through the parking lot earlier.”
Frankie looks up at his friend and nods in his direction. An unspoken ‘thank you’ for getting the attention off of him.
“Let’s get away from all this craziness, estrella. Walk with me.”
You feel him pull away from you, but reach down to take your hand. He holds it tightly as he guides you away from all the commotion. You follow him as he walks around the back side of Brass Knuckles until the sights and sounds of the evening fade away. Then it's only him and you leaning against the brick wall. There are so many questions buzzing around inside you, but no words come. You observe him take a small pack of cigarettes out of his back pocket. He thumbs one out and places it delicately between his lips. Then he looks over at you with tired eyes and offers you the pack. You shimmy one out for yourself, an act of solidarity, and wait as he gets the lighter. He lights yours first and then he takes care of himself. Only after he takes a long drag does he speak. 
“I’m sorry that you had to be a part of that.” He sounds distant when he speaks. You don’t think that he’s doing it on purpose. This must be a defense mechanism.
“Do you want to talk about it? I know it's still really raw, but I’ll listen if you want me too.” 
The sun had long set, but the faint glow from the end of his cigarette allows you to see a small smile pull at his lips.
“Would you settle for the sparknotes version right now? I promise I’ll give you the details tonight.” 
“Whatever you’re comfortable with.” You offer quietly.
“Did you-did you hear anything that she said?” 
“I heard her yell your name before Will and Pope got me completely inside. Then we all heard yelling, more her than you, and finally her banging on the door.” 
“To make a long story short, Rochelle showed up angry because I have been ignoring her since Saturday. Over a month ago, the day Benny hired you actually, she texted me saying she wanted to get back together. It wasn’t a healthy relationship, but it was the longest one I had been in so I was confused. It sounds silly.”
“No it doesn’t.” You reassure him. “Keep going.”
“Well, I knew I didn’t want to be in that relationship anymore and I just didn’t know what to tell her. Ignoring her was childish, I know, but it seemed like the best possible option at the time. I didn’t want to get into a big argument. I guess that blew up in my face, huh?” 
“You did what you thought would be best, Frankie. Unfortunately, things just go south sometimes.” 
“Hmm.” He nods at your statement. “Basically she was just angry that I didn’t want her in my life anymore. She’s not really used to being told ‘no’. You really didn’t hear anything specific though?”
“No.” You take a pull from your own cigarette. “The guys never let me leave the heavy bag area in the back.” 
“Good.” He breathes out. He sounds like he is coming back to you.
“But…” You turn your head up to face him. “They really should have kept a closer eye on me if they didn’t want me involved.”
“It was you!” He says, whipping his head to look at you.
“In their defense, they were all discussing what they should do about her showing up. Will wanted to let you figure it out yourself, Benny wanted to punch her out I'm pretty sure, and Pope was somewhere in the middle. I got tired of sitting there and listening to them bicker so I took my own course of action.”
“You amaze me, you know that?”
“What do you mean?” You feel your cheeks heat up.
“I just-I just can’t believe you did that. There were four people telling you to stay out of it and yet you still found a way to help me. I’ve never had someone like that in my life.”
“Your friends would drop everything for you!” 
“I know that.” He laughs lightly. “I mean I’ve never had a woman I’m … dating do that for me.”
“Oh, so we’re dating?” You tease.
“Yes? No? Talking? Courting, maybe?” 
“Courting?” You cough. You were in the middle of inhaling and that caught you off guard.
“Don’t laugh!” He says, shoving you in the shoulder. “I’ll be honest, I have no idea what we are. I just know I like whatever it is.”
“I like it too, Frankie. Labels can come later.” You take the hand he had resting by his side and interlace your fingers. “So…you smoke?”
“It’s not an everyday thing!” He rushes. “It just helps curb the anxiety in a stressful situation.”
“I get it.” You say honestly. 
“I haven’t had to use them in a little over a month.” His hand squeezes yours. “That’s about when you came into my life.” 
“I’m your new vice, huh?” 
“You have no idea, estrella.”
The two of you stand, hands together, letting the smoke from your cigarettes dance around in the air. The quiet that has encompassed y’all is welcome. You don’t hear the blaring sounds of the siren nor the damped dialogue between the police and your friends. It’s safe to say that the coast is clear and safe, but something keeps you here. Something keeps you both here. You can feel it in the way Frankie is breathing, the way that his thumb is rubbing over your skin, that he has more to tell you. He says your name barely above a whisper.
“I know I said I would only give you a quick summary, but you deserve more than that. You deserve better than that.”
“Frankie, it can wait if you want it to.”
“This is something I need to tell you. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to explain it, but it’s just so hard.” You clutch his hand to let him know you’re listening. “It has to do with my Tuesday work meetings.” 
“Alright?” You aren’t really sure what that has to do with the current situation.
“I don’t really go- they aren’t work meetings. They’re meetings, but they focus on something other than my job. I uhh fuck.” He has to take a breath. “It’s a support group.” 
“For dealing with what you saw on missions?”
“For the things I did to erase what I saw on missions actually. I go to an NA meeting every Tuesday. I met Rochelle when I got back from a particularly bad one. We both kinda clung to each other although, in hindsight, we were both sinking ships. We would go out drinking all the time and when that stopped helping I started using cocaine. It just snowballed from there into something I couldn’t control. I ended up losing my pilot's license because my habit got so bad.”
“God, Frankie. I’m so sorry.” 
“The guys helped me get into a temporary rehab and then find a new job. I’ve been clean for eight months now.” 
“That’s amazing!” You're looking directly into those deep brown eyes. “I’m so proud of you!” 
“You’re what?” The pure shock on his face makes you want to sob.
“Frankie, I’m proud of you. Pulling yourself up after dealing with something like that isn’t easy in the slightest, but you did it. You found your footing and have been walking on your own for eight long months. Going to those weekly NA meetings proves that you are serious about recovery. You should be proud of yourself.”
“You don’t want to leave?” 
“Leave? Why would I want to leave?”
“I’m an addict.” He speaks softly.
“A recovering addict.” You say taking his face in your hand after discarding your cig. “You’re recovering. Please don’t discount all of your hard work. I’m so humbled that you wanted to tell me about this. It would be hard to support you if I left, now wouldn’t it?” 
He surges forward and swallows you in a kiss. His tongue tastes of sweet tobacco as it parts your lips. Your hands find his hair and knock away his cap so you can run your fingers through it. His moans fill your ears as you bite down on his bottom lip. He moves so he’s positioned in front of you. You feel the coarse brick nip at your exposed skin as he pushes your body against it. His hand comes down to roughly palm you through your shirt. You whine in approval as your back arches in a subconscious response to his actions. 
“It’s Pope! I’m coming back there! Y’all better not be doing anything I would be doing!” 
The two of you scramble to separate before you get caught like a couple of horny teenagers. Frankie is in the process of snatching his cap off the ground when Pope rounds the corner of the building. 
“Hi!” You say, breathing abnormally.
“Hello to you.” Pope says with a knowing grin. “Fish.” He nods
The man next to you returns the same greeting.
“Not to kill the vibe of whatever is going on here, but Benny is bitching up a storm.”
“Oh, God. What now?” You question.
“He can’t find his ring girl for this evening.” He smiles.
“It’s barely even 9 o’clock.” Frankie finally chimes in.
“Hey, don’t shoot the messenger.” Pope holds his hands up. “I was just told to come tell you to get your ass inside. You know how the Millers are about punctuality.” 
“Yeah, alright.” You concede. “Tell him I’m coming.” 
Pope throws each of you a devious wink before leaving. You throw your head back and sigh loudly when it's just you and Frankie again. 
“Want to accompany me into the lion's den?” You hold out your hand to him.
“Yes, but can I ask you something first?” 
“What’s up?” 
“Would you maybe, Christ I feel like a child, want to be my girlfriend? I know you said that labels could come later, but I don’t want to wait until later.”
Your smile could light up the entire alley. You throw your hands around his neck and kiss him. He learned from your last interaction and placed one hand on his cap and circled your lower back with the other. You can feel him smiling against you as you pepper his lips, his jaw, and any skin that you can reach with kisses. 
“Is that a ‘yes’?” He laughs when you finally release him. 
“Of course it’s a fucking yes! Francisco Morales, I would love to be your girlfriend!”
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{tag list: @cutesyscreenname @rsquared31 @smol-beb @bitchwitch1981 @avastrasposts @hoeslingz @saltybutteredtoast @javicstories @c-justhere @pimosworld @modernperplexity @beboldbebravethings @mxtokko @moonliqhtszn @tanzthompson @megcads @myloveistoolittle @casa-boiardi @jitterbugs927 @partyofone3413 @pedrit0-pascalit0 @golden-library @pati-et-vivere @mashomasho @lilmizmoz @angstylittlepascal @sofiparallel @selflcontrol @adriennemichelle98 @painitemoondust @pedritosgirl2000 @tpwkmera @romanarose @missbabyjay }
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elaho · 3 months
Joseph's Seed Shop 2.0.0 has now been launched! In addition to being compatible with Stardew 1.6, the Seed Shop has undergone a major update- including: - New shop designs and location, - New pixel art and portraits, - A complete sprite overhaul and update from 1.3 - An additional 'Shop' to purchase recipes from - New interactable map items [Joseph's Truck] - Over 85 cooking recipes - 2 new Producers/producer recipes - 10 new animal products - Over 100 letters And much, much more! Joseph's Seed Shop is available for [FREE] download on Nexus Mods, Curseforge, and ModDrop.
Here's a preview of what to expect from Joseph's Seed Shop 2.0.0 - WARNING: SPOILERS BELOW-
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New Animal Products + Artisan Goods:
The Seed Shop now includes animal products that players can receive in the mail, making the Animal Husbandry mod no longer required for recipes. After reaching an in-game milestone, Joseph will mail players wild game meat depending on the season and weather. These include: - Raw Bear Meat - Raw Moose Meat - Raw Venison - Raw Wild Duck - Raw Wild Goose These animal products can be used in a variety of unlockable or purchasable cooking recipes, or can be used together with one of the new producers v.2.0.0 has to offer: The Cold Smoker.
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The Cold Smoker can be used to craft cold-smoked wild game, salmon, and cheese - enhancing the cooking recipes that require them. They can also make good gifts for NPCs, depending on whom they are gifted to. The Cold-Smoker crafting recipes can be purchased from Joseph starting in Year 2.
_______________________________________________________ Check out my Patreon if you'd like exclusive access to behind-the-scenes Grampleton Maker's Market updates, sneak peeks, previews of character development, storyline, and more! Patreon also includes content for Free Members related to Mod Making and the Market not posted elsewhere, so there is no pressure to subscribe. :)
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noetic-noesis-noein · 2 years
[*smooches for all the wonderful people I have the opportunity to write with* idk if I mentioned it here, but I’ve picked up a third job, so replies ‘n’ things are going to be sparse until I sort out how to be a human being (along with the fact that I’ve got two 12 hour shifts back to back on sunday and monday fffff- but I’m going to try to get back into the swing of things soon :3]
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kahvilahuhut · 2 months
who talks outside while it's raining
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another little cynosure scene idea i decided to 'write' to test it out hehe <3
summary: You ever want to be all alone for a moment and go outside during rain, but then some other guy appears and starts talking to you. That's what Toby's going through in this one. At least it got to talk about cats a little.
warnings: negative thoughts, smoking, relapsing back into old habits
Tobias looked down at the street, leaning on the ledge of the balcony.
A woman was carrying a child while crossing the street, holding the child's head as if that would have helped her hide it from the rain. An old man had walked out of the neighboring building, stood for a moment in the doorway, and went back inside, clearly scared off by the wind blowing all the drops in his face.
It closed its eyes for a moment, feeling the drops on its cheeks, with the wind making them feel even colder.
Great weather to mask one's tears.
Was it the stress or the fact that it had to cancel its evening plans, or both?
Another day of storm warnings, this time with officials deeming it unsafe to go out after five. Right when its work day is supposed to end.
Tobias hated having to stay at office for the night. At least they didn't need to do anything work related after work day's over.
It's not like it was completely sure about coming to the dinner. It felt awful, with all the stress slowly bottling up and with Klara being away for few days. Normally going out and hanging out with someone could make it feel better, but when it's Claudia? There's no way you could tell how that dinner would go. Especially now that it's cancelled because of the storm.
So much for starting to talk to your parent again.
It wiped its cheek with its hand and opened its phone to see if the test results have appeared.
Another failure. Nothing in this week seemed to work.
And then there's Samuel and his deadlines. And the steering group begging for a proper update. And supplies running low with arguments over the next order. And the constant feeling of something being off-
"Hey Toby," Abner's voice startled it, "Enjoying the view?"
It nodded slowly, still facing the street. Company was the last thing it expected, or wanted.
Who the hell goes outside during the rain?
Tobias held its breath in hopes of unclogging its nose as it could already see that he's going to be very talkative.
At least he finally stopped calling it boss. And didn't join some others into calling it 'captain' as a substitute to 'boss'.
"Hm, I understand, the buildings look pretty during rain," he said, and Toby heard his footsteps as he was moving behind him towards the other side of the ledge. "Though, I am a bit surprised to see someone else here. The only people I'd imagine coming here at this weather are smokers. Office policy and all," it heard him flick his lighter on, "...as if that stops some people."
Abner went quiet for a moment, probably to take a drag of his cigarette. "So why did you come here?"
"I, um, I like rain," Tobias managed to reply. It wasn't a lie, it does enjoy rain. No matter whether it's inside or outside, it always comforts it, in a way. Not that this was the actual reason, though. "These little rains before the storms arrive? It's as if they're readying us for the awful weather that's to come. As if they're trying to soften the fall, you know?"
"Hm, you are a strange person. No offense."
"Heh, none taken, Abner."
"Though, I must admit that I kinda agree. Rain is fun. I love feeling raindrops on my head.," he paused again, for a moment, clearly thinking of what to say.
Tobias closed its eyes again, this time not even thinking about the rain, but instead smelling the cigarette smoke. Does it miss it? It couldn't answer. The smell of smoke wasn't what it really enjoyed, but didn't mind, either.
"So," he began, "Your evening plans got ruined by storm warning, too?"
Tobias snorted out a laugh and wiped its face from all the raindrops and whatever was left of its tears. "Something like that, I guess," it replied and turned to face Abner.
"Mm, mine too. We were supposed to go to a cafe to meet some of our friends with my partner," he said, staring at the street, the smoke from his cigarette disappearing into the wind. "Well, at least they get to stay with the cats, now. And I finally get to try out this...um, experience of sleeping in the office."
"Do they still scare undergrads with that?"
"Hah, you bet. 'Corporate labs make their workers sleep at work' and shit like that. It's not that I think this is, well, wrong. Being injured during a storm isn't on my bucket list. But, well, it does make you wonder, why have these sleeping facilities in the first place."
"Some places force their workers to overwork very often... Not this time, obviously, but it's not like they built this place for this project only."
"You have an experience with a situation like that?"
"Ah, well. I've mostly worked in public sector. Awful salary and little benefits but at least they're scared of unions and actually watch after their employees' wellbeing."
"What about the original version of this project?"
Tobias opened its mouth, only to realize it doesn't know what to say. "I, um, I'm not sure, actually. I was kind of, um, living on my own schedule," it said, remembering how it would look through data at night, with Jack waking up and asking it to stop and sleep.
And connected the memory right away with the what happened four days ago. The dark kitchen and the cold feel of the counter, with its forgotten meds near the sink. Klara's soft murmurs about how it should get back to bed. Her talent of never sounding worried when she is has always fascinated it. How often has she been doing it lately.
And all during weekend, no less.
The similarity made it feel sick.
"Everything alright there, Toby?" Abner's voice brought it back to the present.
Tobias nodded and closed its eyes for a moment, realizing how it was staring at his cigarette this whole time, which was now laying in the ashtray.
"Okay, good, um. So," he smirked, "what plans did you have to cancel? Romantic dinner with your wife? Or something even more-"
"No, no, Klara's on a work trip on the West Coast."
"Ooooh, fuck, that sounds bad. Hopefully you're not that sad about it, though?"
"No." It was actually very miserable about it.
She never had to somewhere as often as right now. The empty feeling it always felt during her trips, and the fear that something could happen, both mixing in its head with stress and sadness. Definitely not something that made it feel good.
Realizing that Abner was probably waiting for the real reason, it continued, "I was going to have a dinner with my mother. We are, um, trying to reconnect, get to know each other, I guess?"
"I sense a story here."
"Well. I cut all contact when I was 17. Two years ago we accidentally met at the grocery store. We had a small conversation, exchanged contact info and all. Now we're, well, trying to see if we should get back to no contact at all or if we should try to act like a parent and child. Jury's still out there."
"Wow. Knowing you, she probably did something very bad..."
"She tried to force me into med school. Which I didn't want to do."
Abner laughed. "Oh, god, you can't be serious. Let me guess, she's a doctor, too?"
"A surgeon."
"That explains a lot."
"Uh-huh," Tobias chuckled, "Just sent her a message if she could babysit our cats. Melody's fine with other people but Song is a bit shy around strangers, so she needs someone she knows."
"Oooh, cats?" Abner's face lightened up, "Do you have any photos?"
"You bet I do," it said and tapped its wrist, only to remember that it was, in fact, wearing a unitard top with glove-like sleeves, and thus not able to use the hologram. "Ugh, hang on. The problems of wanting to dress something comfy for an evening at office," it muttered and reached for its phone.
"My partner does that all the time. It was wearing these big warm mittens one time, back when we were up north seeing their parents. I wondered out loud when the bus was going to come, and it happily went 'Oh, let me check!' and started to tap its wrist, only to realize that it's not going to work."
Tobias laughed. "I used to do it all the time when I was your age. I was sooooo obsessed w these tops back then. One time I was supposed to get this one call from this very important sponsor, which was supposed to call me late due to time zone differences. So I was wearing one of these, laying in my bed with some guy, when the chip started buzzing to let me know about the call. I started tapping my wrist, panicking why the hell nothing was happening, when this guy leans on me and shakes my phone in front of my face, saying 'Maybe try this one?' or something like that," it told while scrolling through its phone gallery, trying to pick a good photo, "Having the hologram view helps a lot sometimes but you may get too used to it."
"That must have been embarassing."
"Hah, well, not really, it's not like this sponsor could see how I looked at that moment, hehe" it smirked and showed him a picture on its phone. A tabby cat laying on a beanbag, playing with a toy fish, and a russian blue cat calmly sitting next to it. "This is Melody and Song."
Abner leaned to look at the picture, smiling widely. "Oooh, they're absolutely cute! Wait, hang on," he took out his phone and showed a picture of a small abyssimian. "This is Mars, we got him two months ago. Woke me up at 3AM today by jumping on my chest."
Tobias chuckled. "Oh, they do love to do that sometimes."
"I know, right?" He swiped the screen, to show a photo of a tabby norwegian forest cat and a ragdoll. "And this is Saturn and Jupiter."
"Oooh, they're so adorable... By the way, the planet names?"
"Jupiter and Saturn were kind of accidental. We were looking for fun names and these came up. Really fit them, considering how big they are. As for Mars, well, we just decided to go with the theme. And fits his fur color."
"Ha, I see!"
"And yours?"
"Ah, well. Melody came first, we found her in a bush as a stray kitten on our way back home from playing badminton. I had some experience from cat shelter so we took her home, took her to the vet and all. She was soooo cute. We picked the name because she liked to take naps near Klara's soundtrack vinyls. As for Song, well, kind of fits Melody, yeah?"
"That's so cute!" Abner said, and then looked at his phone screen. "Oh, wait, hang on, my partner sent a message and I gotta answer. Um," he looked around, realizing they were standing under the rain this whole time, "probably should do that inside."
"Hah, yeah, um. A little rainy here," Tobias chuckled. Good thing it was going to take a shower after this, anyway.
"Yeah, right!" He smirked. "By the way, need a smoke?
"You were, um, staring at my cigarette in a weird way."
"Oh, um, that, I..." Tobias didn't know what to say. It hadn't smoked for almost twenty years.
But the thought intrigued it. The feeling smoking had brought it back then. The calm, throwing out the empty feelings that plagued its brain.
It really shouldn't. Is there not enough bad habits already, or feeling bad?
It could just take it to feel the scent of an unlit cigarette. Just to keep it like that.
Is it worth the risk?
"Uh, boss?"
"I'm- sorry, got lost in my head for a moment. Um..." it stared at Abner's hand holding a pack of cigarettes. Surely it won't be bad. It won't let it get bad. "Sure, thank you."
Abner gave it the whole pack. "You look like you need it. Oh, and," he gestured around, "don't stay outside for too long? We need you."
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bimboamyrose · 1 year
Unfamiliar - Ch. 14
First two chapters ☆ Previous (Ch. 13)  ☆ AO3
(life update at the end cause it’s been quite the year)
Ch. 14 - The Present
“There’s no time like the present.” Amy thought back to her conversation with the fortune teller- how wise and experienced she seemed. Her words echoed in Amy’s head- “Your time is as valuable as anyone’s.”
Amy kneeled on the floor of her room, her stack of tarot cards fanned out in front of her. It reminded her of when she was a kid; of when she first met Sonic. The excitement and nerves of that time reflected to her from the back of those same cards. 
But there was no time for a full spread today, as much as she would have liked the guidance. She would instead draw her daily card and discern what she could from that.
She’d been staring long enough. Closing her eyes, she reached in whatever direction felt right. Her fingertips made contact with a frayed corner. Amy held her breath as she turned it, slowly opening her eyes.
“The fool?” she said out loud. At first glance it was a silly choice, but her face quickly lit up. “The fool!” she repeated with joy. “Perfect!”
The card was illustrated with a carefree man happily standing at the edge of a cliff, as if on the onset of a precarious journey. But he looks confident, even if unaware of the possible risks ahead. For better or worse, The Fool took his chances and looked toward the future with optimism.
It couldn’t be a clearer sign. Madame was right- it was time she understood how Sonic felt about her. She would find an opportunity for that today.
Nervous as it made her, Amy hopped around the room giddily, imagining the scene. It went on for a few minutes until she caught sight of her alarm clock.
The morning was growing late. She quickly gathered up her deck, placing her special card face-up on her nightstand. She would slip it into her pocket later for good luck.
Amy rushed out of her room, past her house guest. “Morning!”
Metal read, sitting at his usual spot on the couch. The shape of his heavy body grew further indented into its cushions by the day, a reminder of how much time had passed since Amy opened her home to him. She rustled around the kitchen, glancing at her guest and out the back window as she made herself a quick breakfast. In the time Metal had been there,  the weather had slowly shifted from frosty to damp, the ground flourishing as spring showers rolled over the landscape. It was warm out.
 Amy had overfilled her coffee mug as she pondered it. She frantically reached for the paper towels.
In reality, Metal was doing anything but focusing. A low hum had made its way to Metal’s hearing, tuning in and out since the night before. It echoed the high pitched ring that entered his head after leaving the festival.
Feet away in the kitchen, Amy slammed down a plate on the counter. His head shot up. She was slurping from a coffee mug as she took slices of bread out of the toaster. She placed them on the plate gently enough, but the contact came across as banging to Metal. Then the ringing continued. As if instinctually, Metal scratched at his pointed “ears”- the triangular sound receptors mounted to the top of his head- but the buzzing persisted. Amy was seemingly deaf to the noise. Was it coming from inside him?
“Gotta change,” Amy said quickly, footing it back to her room with her meager breakfast in hand. 
Metal followed her with his eyes until she shut the door behind her. He tensed like a guitar string at the noise. He focused on adjusting his receptors until his surroundings were no longer deafening. But why was his hearing so sensitive all of a sudden? He couldn’t even recall using it to that extreme prior to that morning. 
Before he could process what caused the error, his receptors picked up again. Metal could hear Amy in her room; involuntarily eavesdropping on her. He heard the distinct sound of cards shuffling. She was surely reading those tarot cards of hers, drawing them with gasps and giggles between pulls. He listened on, wondering silently what she was so excited about. 
Then her tablet rang loudly, screeching to Metal’s sensitive hearing. Amy picked up the call as he frantically adjusted his sound receptors again.
“Hi, Tails!” she giggled.
“Hey Amy. You’re sure in a good mood!”
Metal immediately tuned out. It probably wasn’t the right thing to do, invading her privacy- but curiosity had gotten the better of him. And he probably should focus on why his hardware was malfunctioning instead.
But it was no use. Whatever was causing the issue wasn’t letting up, and he could hear their conversation coming in and out. He finally relented when he heard his name some minutes later.
“I’ve been thinking,” he heard Tails remark. “I still find it sorta suspicious that Metal’s here just as Eggman’s supposedly turning over this new leaf.”
Amy sighed. “What is it now?”
“Well, I checked him over yesterday and couldn’t find any evidence of spying like remote control or tracking, but… I’m just not convinced Eggman would abandon him just before going on some business venture. Don’t you think he could be some kind of distraction?”
Amy paused for a moment. Metal sat up on the other side of the wall in anticipation for her response.
“Nah,” she said finally. “I trust him.”
Trust. Metal nodded to himself, relieved at her answer.
 “Oh, speaking of spying- what’s the plan for today?” Amy continued.
Tails grumbled. “I’m giving Sonic the listening device. All you have to do is pay Eggman a visit and plant it somewhere we can listen in on him. It’s not like Eggman to be this private so whatever he’s planning has to be big-”
“If he’s planning anything at all.”
“What?” Tails sounded annoyed. “You believe this act?”
“I’d like to,” she groaned. “He is getting kinda old.” And so is chasing after him, she thought.
Another voice interrupted the conversation before either of them could continue. “Hey, buddy!” Sonic called to Tails from another room.
“Be right there!” Tails answered before turning back to his tablet. “Just… be careful, please?” he pleaded with his friend. “I know you’ve been getting along with Metal, but we can’t put anything past Eggman yet.  
“Yeah, yeah,” she responded aloofly. “When is Sonic coming?”
Metal turned down his glitching receptors before listening to Tails’ response. He tensed his body, once again reminded of the intrinsic, intense loathing he held for Sonic. He hadn’t had time to process how he would manage that rediscovered fury. Then there was the knowledge that Tails still felt threatened by him. Logically, he understood Tails’ concern- armed with his memories, now more than ever; but it was, nonetheless, hurtful. That seemed like the right way to describe it. Metal slacked back into the cushions.
But, what if Tails was right? Metal still couldn’t remember what led up to the day he lost his memory. He could, very well, be part of a scheme unbeknownst to him. And now that he could recollect the relationship he had with Dr. Eggman, Metal felt strange staying out of either Sonic or Eggman’s involvement. Metal, for his part, felt no desire to fight against his creator. He didn’t feel any loyalty to the man, either. But one way or another Amy would end up in the middle of it again…
Before he could ponder it any further, Amy giddily stepped out from her room. She seemed especially cheerful when she returned, unable to keep the grin off her face. Metal was instantly distracted from whatever was happening with his hearing. His eyes followed her path as Amy twirled into the living room, a gift bag hanging from her wrist as she plopped onto the couch next to him. She looked like she was ready to burst with some kind of good news. 
“Hello again!” she beamed. 
Metal sat back upright, glancing down at the bag on her lap and immediately setting aside all those complex thoughts for later.
“I’m getting picked up soon, but I wanted to give you this before I head out today…” Amy held the glittery paper bag out to Metal with a bashful smile. “It’s a present! It’s nothing fancy, but…”
Even as he reached out for the gift, Metal couldn’t keep his eyes off her. What was the gift for? She cast her shy gaze off to the side with a rosy flush. Metal would match it if he could. 
He took the bag from her carefully, setting it on his lap. Fluffy white tissues stuck out from the top which he pushed aside as carefully as he could manage. The delicate paper wrinkled and tore slightly from his touch, causing him to hesitate. “Don’t worry- presents were made to be ripped open,” she assured with a grin.
Metal looked to her beaming face momentarily and continued opening his gift, tossing the crinkly gift wrap aside. The contents were as much a surprise as receiving a gift at all. 
“Do you like it? I thought you might like to write on something nicer than a notepad or a smudgy old whiteboard.”
He pulled out the journal she’d shown him at the equinox festival, its supple leather binding as pleasant in his grip as he remembered. Metal stared at the book, studying its smooth surface. Although it felt durable, he held it gingerly in his palms, still fearing his claws could rip into it unintentionally.
“There’s something else in the bag, too!”
A velvety drawstring sack sat at the bottom of the gift bag. Amy’s expectant eyes watched him. He pulled the top of it apart with care, revealing the contents. He was unsure what he was looking at.
“They’re gloves,” Amy said, as if reading his confusion. “I handmade them for you. I hope you don’t mind…”
Gloves. He examined them carefully. The insides were lined with a hard wearing suede that backed the fine leather exterior, like sturdy working gloves in reverse. Of course; she was probably concerned that he would tear into things from time to time. Her scarf had been unfortunate enough to meet his metallic claws and his whiteboard was scratched beyond reasonable use. Not to mention her arm…
“You don’t have to wear them if you don’t want to.” Amy cut in. “But I thought you might find it more comfortable for some things. Maybe you won’t have to be so careful when you’re reading anymore!”
That was true- he had to take his time turning pages when he read, which slowed him down. It was cumbersome to him especially as he could otherwise get through a book at full tilt. Metal looked from Amy’s considerate gift to her uneasy expression. 
“Do you like them?” Amy worried that she’d offended her friend somehow. “Maybe if you tried them on…? I could always make adjustments…”
Metal shook his head, carefully slipping one of the gloves over his sharp fingers. It fastened at the wrist with openings on the palms and backs that allowed for greater mobility than full gloves would. He ran the tips of his covered claws over the face of the journal. No scratches. He then flexed each of his fingers with ease before slipping on the other. It wasn’t until then that the thoughtfulness of Amy’s gift registered in his mind. They were perfect.
He took the opportunity to reach for her hand as well, easily sliding his fingers beneath her palm and placing his other palm over top. It was a bit harder to sense her, almost as if slightly numb- but he could do it without worry of harming her. It seemed a fair trade. He chimed enthusiastically as he held her hand in both of his.
Amy’s worry melted away. “You do? I’m so glad! I had Tails help me with the measurements and design. I can still make changes if you need them, though,” she assured.
Armed with a doubtless nod, Metal met her eyes and chimed with more enthusiasm than what was probably necessary. Amy wore a satisfied grin as she chuckled back at his reaction. There was comfort in knowing that he could touch her without harm. Metal gave her hand another soft press before pulling back and watching as she slipped away. He followed her hand back down as it met the other in her lap. She knit her fingers together nervously, but the smile didn’t leave her face. 
“Anyway, big day today,” she sighed dreamily. “Sonic’s picking me up for this spy thing real soon. Wish me luck!” Warmth radiated from her cheeks as she thought about her goal for the day. 
Metal was intrigued at her excitement. Could she really be that elated just about going on this mission? 
Unable to keep her excitement to herself, Amy continued. “It’s been a good day so far. You liked your gift, which is such a relief, and this morning, I drew this!” She pulled a tarot card from her pocket. “This is The Fool! I know the name seems silly, but this card is telling me to take a risk in order to embark on a new adventure. Isn’t that exciting? I think it’s a good omen for today.”
The Fool. Amy was so animated, it must have been important to her. He echoed her excitement with a melodic set of beeps. Still, Metal couldn’t help but think of someone else when he heard the card’s name.
As if he was summoned, the doorbell then rang, followed immediately by a quick knock on the door. Anyone could guess who the impatient visitor was even if they didn’t already know Sonic was on his way over.
“Coming!” Amy lept from her comfortable sitting place, practically sprinting to answer the door. She smoothed down her fluttering dress in anticipation.
Metal didn’t move. The mere thought of his rival sent his engine into overdrive. He brooded as Amy opened the door, determined to remain calm for Amy’s sake, but unable to do much about the intense whirring produced by his body when he heard Sonic’s voice.
“Hey, Ames. You ready?” Sonic leaned against the outer door frame with an arm tucked behind his back.
“Hey! Yeah, I’m ready when you are,” she beamed. 
“Could you take care of these first?” He brought a small bouquet of blue and white forget-me-nots out from behind his back. The wildflowers poked up the tops of stems long and short, irregularly arranged together in a little bundle. It wasn’t the neatest bouquet, but they were lively and pretty nonetheless. Amy gasped at the sight of the flowers, catching Metal’s attention.
“Oh, Sonic! They’re so pretty!” She took the modest little arrangement in her hands lovingly, examining the bulbs. “Thank you! Where did you get these?”
“Found a patch of ‘em on the way here. Cute, huh?”
“I love them!” she nodded giddily. 
“That’s not all. Brought you a present- Check this out.”
Sonic dangled a small paper in front of her face. It was dated almost 9 years back. Amy’s face lit up.
“Oh! Is that-”
He turned it over, and Amy was face-to-face with the likeness of her younger self. The photo showed Amy, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles around a cake. It was from her 10th birthday party.
With her free hand, Amy took hold of the little memory and sighed. “How funny! I thought this was lost for good.”
Sonic nodded. “I found it while cleaning out Tail’s lab. Guess it fell off the ol’ pin board behind a bunch of old junk.”
“You were cleaning?” Amy stepped aside so he could come in.
He came in past the doorway. “Well, you know, with his wrist and all…” Sonic trailed off with a shrug. “Anyway, thought you’d want to keep it.”
“I’m gonna stick it on the fridge! Oh- and let me put these in some water.”
Metal listened as she invited Sonic in and took care of the flowers. Amy slipped into the kitchen, immediately pinning the photo under a magnet on her fridge and disappearing under the counter in search of a vase. 
Metal did his best to avoid eye contact as Sonic approached nonchalantly. 
“Hey, Metal. What’s up?”
Aside from the whirring of Metal’s engine, he didn’t answer.
Sonic took a step back. “Whoa, sounds like you’re about to blast off...”
The smug greeting alone could have sent Metal after him, but he sat still in silence. Or he would have been silent, were it not for his unruly engine and its ever intensifying burring. His fingers creaked together. He could feel his body involuntarily cranking up the heat.
“Uh, you alright?” Sonic repeated. 
Amy peeked back at them from over the counter as she stuffed the shaggy stems into a narrow vase. It was difficult to ignore Metal’s demeanor, his engine practically screeching now, body language no more reassuring. “Metal?” His red-hot gaze shot back at her eerily and her own eyes grew wide. “Do you… need some fresh air, maybe?” 
The surprise in her expression snapped Metal back to reality. The glow from his eyes dimmed to its usual state and his body relaxed, fans powering down, as if it were his way of exhaling. He lifted his frame from the couch with a nod. There was some concern in her soft smile as he approached her.
“You ok?”
His eyes shifted back at Sonic, who was now looking to the front door and tapping his foot impatiently. Turning back to Amy, Metal crossed his arms as if to ask her the same question.
“Oh, don’t worry about us- we’ll be fine.” Amy laid a gentle hand on his tense shoulder, feeling it give as he seemed to relax. 
Then, pointing to the fridge, she practically yanked him into the kitchen by the arm. “Before we go, take a look at this!”
But he was too fixated on her grip to see where she was pointing.
Amy clicked her tongue. “Look~!” she repeated, pulling him further.
Metal’s gaze snapped to the photo stuck on the fridge. 
“It’s from when I turned 9! A year after we met. Neat, huh?”
Suddenly captivated, Meta straightened his body. He approached the fridge, vision fixed on the crinkled little photo. He plucked it from under the magnet to take a closer look.
The girl in the photo looked just as she did the day Metal met her; the day he was activated. He could picture her behind those bars, chatting with him. It was strange- he remembered her perfectly without the photo, but it was like seeing a different side of her. She beamed back at him from the picture with a wide smile. short hair and a childish gap between her teeth. There was never an opportunity to see her that way back then. Not for Metal.
“Ah, I forgot I’d just lost one of my baby teeth that day,” Amy blushed giddily. “How embarrassing!” She didn’t actually seem all that embarrassed. 
Metal took a moment to scan the rest of the photo. Sonic looked just like he did the day they met, cocky grin and all. It looked like he was the one holding the camera, facing the lens back at the group. Then his eyes wandered to the cake. It was a small whitish cake messily slathered in cream and topped with strawberries and 9 candles. There was some writing in the frosting.
Happy Birthday, ROSIE!
Rosie? He couldn’t recall hearing that name.
Metal turned to Amy, pointing inquisitively at the cake in the photo. She immediately knew what his question was.
“Oh! The boys used to call me Rosie…” There was something between a smile and a grimace on her face, clearly much more embarrassed by the nickname than the photo.
Sonic laughed from the living room. “Rose the Rascal! Man, we were so mean!”
“Pff, yeah.” Amy took the photo from Metal and pinned it back to the fridge, the magnet now stuck right over the cake. “Guess we all grew out of it,” she concluded. “Anyway!”
Amy turned on her heels and walked past Metal and out of the kitchen. His eyes followed her as she addressed Sonic and led him through the front door. 
“Just lay low while we’re out, kay?” Amy called to Metal, pulling open the door.
Metal caught Sonic’s quick, perplexed glance from Amy and then to Metal as she waved good-bye and the door closed behind them. 
Amy let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. Shaking off the embarrassment, and glad to have avoided any conflict between her rivalrous friends, she aimed her attention back at Sonic. 
“So, do you have that spy thing?”
Sonic cleared his throat. “Yeah.” 
He pulled a tiny gadget out from his glove. “No way Eggman will spot this. Apparently it’s some sorta microphone.” The paper-thin listening device was no larger than a dime. “Since we’re supposed to stick this thing under his desk or something, maybe you oughta handle it.”
“Probably,” Amy said, plucking it from his grasp before he could carelessly toss it to her. She barely had time to tuck it away before she’d been swept off her feet without warning, carried away without another word by her sprinting companion.
Inside Amy’s home meanwhile, the pathetic little bunch of flowers sat in a vase upon the kitchen counter, all crookedly poking out of the vessel. Metal focused on them bitterly. 
Distracting himself, Metal gathered up the gift wrap from earlier into the bag for disposal. He watched his fingers as he did, impressed at the craftsmanship of the gloves that allowed him to complete the task neatly, rather than making scrap of the delicate tissue. It felt slightly unnatural, the change in his usual grip. He glanced out the back door at the lush landscape dotted with flowers. It was so much more vibrant, more pleasant to look at since he’d arrived. An improvement.
Somehow, Amy received Sonic’s messy bouquet with all the same enthusiasm as she had Metal’s perfect bunch some weeks back. Still, he supposed, he could do better now.
Metal tossed the gift wrap and set his sights on the lush landscape beyond the back door. Surely Amy could spare another vase when she returned.
sooo that was another 10 months without updates ackjhasdf oopsss
yeah so since my last update i’ve:
sold my house gone house hunting found the house of my dreams & had my offer accepted... packed up most of my belongings and moved them into storage gone on a very nice trip through greece & italy LOST the dream house due to legal bullshit (i am still devastated tbh) returned home and immediately packed the rest of my things & moved(not into my dream house :I) had to go house hunting... again idk make like 5 offers. none of them were accepted found another place finally, bought it, started renovations (still ongoing) moved into the new place partially got accepted into art school!! (this is my third degree askjdfh) got offered an adjunct teaching role (accepted cause ya girl broke) gone on a little trip to turkey for xmas (it was v nice) started the new job (i have 2 now :I) started art school (bad timing) CONTINUED RENOVATING (i still don’t have a kitchen man) and more renovating i mean it never ends FINALLY moved the rest of my things into the new place (6 months later) and. kept renovating. that’s 3 moves for y’all keeping count
yeah so i’ve had a rough few months lmao BUT it’s summer break, i don’t teach right now, & I’m taking very few classes. my day job is also a lot less busy this time of year. i plan to spend the summer renovating the rest of the place, building a proper kitchen, and hopefully writing & working on my graphic design degree
oh and i get married in august c: AAAAAAAAA
ANYWAY hope you all have had a much less stressful few months & enjoy the chapter. next chapter is actually written & i’m just editing it for next week (knock on wood)
love u guys, thank you, besos, BYE 
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darielivalyen · 8 months
🌿🌿💛 Hello, beautiful Tumblr family! 💛🌿🌿
Today I am thrilled to share with you a sneak peek into my newest interactive fiction project. Journey with me as we unveil a world woven with magic, coziness, and mysteries.
Sneak peek:
You stand before Grandma's house, a quaint wooden cottage nestled amidst the embrace of nature. The oakwood structure, weathered yet welcoming, radiates a rustic charm. A vibrant garden, a tapestry of colors and scents, encircles the house, with an orangery basking in the sunlight to the right.
To the left, the forest deepens into emerald shadows, with lush ferns carpeting the ground. To the right, the murmurs of a waterfall reach your ears, its shimmering cascade just visible through the leafy veil.
"Here we are," Malena announces, her voice tinged with a blend of nostalgia and warmth. "Your grandmother's house. It's been patiently awaiting your arrival. It's a place steeped in memories and waiting to make new ones with you."
This is the beginning of an enchanting story that awaits your touch. What secrets does your grandmother's cottage hold? What tales will the garden whisper to you? You will discover this and much, much more in just a few weeks, with the release of the demo!
Don't forget to follow me for updates, behind-the-scenes snippets, and more teasers that will tickle your curiosity. Let's embark on this magical journey together!
With gratitude and light, Dariel Ivalyen 💛🌿
PS. The next post will be the title reveal!
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thelioncourts · 7 months
I've been real absent online the last couple of months, but I can't miss out on @iwtvfanevents 'a meal to remember' because we are so incredibly blessed with beautifully creative and talented people in this fandom who constantly inspire and allow me to forever-wander in the world of Louis de Pointe du Lac, my most darling and favorite character ❤️ this won't be nearly as organized as I'd like it to be, won't say all I want to say, and I will inevitably miss somebody and/or some fic, but just know that there is so much wonderful content out there, especially by so many of the people on this list that anyone can check out at any point:
twelve days/nine months by @devotiondroid & @weather-mood daniel/louis/armand modern human au quite literally the fic that saved the holiday season for me. when new chapters of 'twelve days' would post, I would drop everything to go read it and would count down the days until the next update was set to happen. 'nine months' is a wip in the same verse and just as stunning. it's no surprise it's amazing; it's toni and it's bri, two people shining with so much talent it's blinding. and their powers combined?? oh my god. (there's also a one-shot in this verse called 'saint valentine' and my brain broke reading it, idk) now, just a list of @devotiondroid fics that changed me as a person: daniel/louis (and a little louis/armand as of now) human au quicksilver/mercury a danlou noir au that I reread a couple of weeks ago just to feel something again and then toni up and posted its prequel 'mercury' and I simply couldn't cope. the noir vibes paired with the gorgeously yearning story is just !!! everything.
daniel/louis modern human au
baby, I'm your man
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WOULD READ 1000000k of this world. the idea of it, the complete ache of this story, has stuck with me, buried somewhere between my ribs, and I'll forget about it for a second then remember and it'll hit me like truck how wonderful it is. toni................m o r e lestat/louis human au my neck, her rope solar plexus hit of a fic. oh, oh the loustat dynamics....it's gorgeous and the concept is !!!!!!!!!! everything to me and now, my list of @weather-mood fics that, when posted, I quite literally become/became a dragon needing to hoard the newfound treasure immediately: armand/louis (armand/louis/REAL RASHID) canon-verse instruction real rashid, my beloved ;;;; no but, honestly, bri has made real rashid so important to me and to loumand, she's why he exists in my first (unfinished) loumand fic 'facio ut facias' because he's just that important. but bri also just always puts into her fics the gorgeous way that loumand are so perfect together, the way they are consumed with one another's existence. armand/louis canon-verse-esque rumpelstiltskin
FAIRY TALE AU. bri is also the inspiration behind my unposted and ongoing fairy tale au because no one does it like her and this one is......oh god, the way armand is the only character that could have ever been in this, the way he fits into louis' life to be this exact character.......don't talk to me lestat/louis; armand/louis; armand/louis/daniel siren au THE ENTIRE PART OF YOUR WORLD (ONCE UPON A WINE DARK SEA) VERSE y'all don't need me to tell you how perfect it all is. I think about it constantly, I've told real life friends about it, it's everything, every single fic of it is everything. lily/lestat pirouette by @weather-mood and @nlbv/@ouizaya
it's so interesting thinking about lestat in those weeks and months of hunting louis, of how he found out things about him from others, how he got lily so involved, how she died because of it all, and the way bri and zaya took all of that and then showed the mental state of lily throughout it all, how much lestat's vampiric control ruined her....................amazing. it's everything.
lestat/louis canon-verse tides by @nlbv/@ouizaya
zaya, my love, she takes some of the sexiest loustat scenes and makes them even sexier before gut-punching you with something insane and devastating and it reminds me so much of the show's writing, the way you'll be like 'look at my family <3' and then suddenly their conversation has gotten dark, the room looks cold, and you wonder how they'll ever truly come back from it......... god shallows by @nlbv/@ouizaya
REPEAT ALL THAT I SAID ABOVE AND THEN SOME. like???? the episode 6 elaboration???????????? oh my god. it's real. it's what happened. we all know it.
roadkill by @nlbv/@ouizaya and baberainbow I think about this fic so often. the car wreck, lestat and claudia being so in-tune with one another hunting because they're the same, the way they're both aware of louis, the way the family works and fits in, the gore and beauty of it. obsessed. TIME TO TALK ABOUT BABE. lestat/louis canon-verse glass the capturing of louis during those earliest vampiric days, paired with lestat's doting as he tried to solidify his wooing, and then just -- everything else, it's all so good.
disruptions that scene in ep 7 where the entire family teams up on that poor man at their door is crazy and this fic takes that concept and just runs with it in the best way
lestat/louis non-traditional a/b/o verse lioness listen.............i'm such a sucker for a good a/b/o fic and we have a severe lack of them in iwtv, thank you, babe, for writing a beautiful one armand/louis canon-verse luna the way that loumand have been together through some of the most insane historical events will haunt me and also I'm in love with the idea of it, thank you, babe, I want every single year and something they experienced together
armand/louis; lestat/louis; louis/others canon-verse catacomb a required read leading into season 2. that's all you need to know.
armand/louis/lestat cannibalistic modern au cleave/tie by @kittyldpdl
a couple of years ago, I went through this obsessive body horror phase where all I watched and read was something that had some kind of body horror and it would make me nauseous but also I was so intrigued, so fascinated, I couldn't stop. this is that. oh my god.
armand/louis; lestat/louis modern au capillary by @kittyldpdl and @salmoncakepls
WIP. I think about it once a week. falling in love with louis while dressing him??????????? oh my god, the concept, the idea, I want to drown in it armand/louis; lestat/louis robot&android au design; intricate by @salmoncakepls
every time I see concepts for this fic my brain short circuits and every time I read it I just !!!!!!!!!!!!! the brain behind this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the most brilliant
goat goat goat time <3 <3 <3 armand/louis prey drive by @iwtvdramacd18
HI I THINK ABOUT PREY DRIVE EVERY TWO DAYS AND FEEL FAINT. like idk what else to say, it just sticks with you and you're like 'wow they're just like that and it's insane and beautiful and raw' and goat just writes it perfectly, always lestat/louis exposure by @iwtvdramacd18
I've never actually heard of this fic, but if I had, I would assume it was the most batshit crazy thing I'd ever read......full compliments lestat/louis WIP lunacy by @iwtvdramacd18
I seriously always admire people who can write the 'monster' so well. I struggle so much with actual horror/monsters/suspense and so to read it so well done always makes me a little crazy armand/louis/daniel canon-verse after s1 gathering dust by @knifeeater
non-linear narrative !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
armand/louis canon-verse esque alluvium by @knifeeater
I see the tag service dom armand and my brain blacks out, comes back, and is forever changed. that's all. armand/louis/lestat perpetuum mobile by @knifeeater
sometimes you read a fic and the opening is the most insane thing you've ever read that you're like 'how can they keep this up?' and then they do and you're like 'oh so you're that kind of talented....okay' that's this fic.
armand/louis canon-verse
dirges by @dictee
'He had told Louis once, a lifetime ago, as a kind of bedtime story, about his work with cadavers in the nineteenth century, in the catacombs under the Parisian graveyards. Louis, half asleep, made some comment about Mary Shelley, but in his mind it was his skin under Armand’s scalpel, as loving a part of Armand as any. Shuddering and offering up the red jewels of his insides. ' please read it. oh my god.
MORE DANLOU NOIR THAT IS JUST i'll let you win by @diasdelfuego
danlou prophet. daniel just being so overcome by louis...........daniel just being so enraptured, so in love. the noIR. ily. need to reread asap actually oh my god.
daniel/louis post s1 nothing left to give you now by @diasdelfuego
'When he turns back around, Louis is still facing away from him, eyeing the coffee table as he shrugs off his coat. It slides gracefully off Louis' elegant frame to reveal a deep burgundy button-down underneath. In Daniel's mind, he thinks as he takes in the sight, Louis is always wearing black —mourning black, the writer in his brain supplies. Daniel takes stock of him while Louis stands at the edge of the carpet and looks over Daniel's apartment. The vampire is just as preternaturally young as he was half a century ago, just as beautiful, looking entirely out of place in Daniel's mundane, chaotic environment.' like imagine the whole fic being this beautifully written................................w h a t
lestat/louis; armand/louis murdery mystery au WIP overlords by @diasdelfuego and @shewhomustbecalledking I'm behind on this (work is the worst, let's all quit our jobs) but what I've read is just !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO INSANE. cannot wait to catch up, I have spring break in three weeks and honestly just want to read the entire time, catching up on this and drowning in its beauty
lestat/louis a/b/o verse WIP house of gold by @shewhomustbecalledking I think this was the first a/b/o fic I read for this fandom and it's the blueprint, it's the reason, it's everything. the way lestat is so perfectly lestat in this is everything to me. I love an in-character lestat so much.
armand/louis; lestat/louis AU gothic horror WIP rhodedendron by @blueiight
'Let the Devil tempt me not, Louis thought, as he crawled to the mirror. Hollowed out eyes stared back at him, light-brown mawkish physique barely visible, swallowed up by loose pajamas, twists slightly askew but still meticulously sectioned off.
You look a fucking mess, bruh. Hardly fit to carry on the Du Lac name, what lady would want troubles such as yours? His Mother’s voice blended in with his own. But alas he could not be, could not sit in his sorrow and forever laud the man he was not.' true southern gothic horror. the last two chapters changed everything for me.
lestat/louis modern human au dreaming put to shame by @downstairsbar
I read this every single weekend. the beginning??? louis classing lestat?????????????? louis knowing lestat's eyes are on him but not understanding it???????????? the way I'd give anything for a million more words about how they got to the last part, about what all follows.
lestat/louis canon-verse modern era WIP
murmur by proval the way these are still our louis and our lestat, reunited after everything, still so the same, still so not..............this author seems to have such a good hold of these characters, I can't wait to see where this fic goes
armand/louis; lestat/antoinette; lestat/louis modern succession inspired au WIP dirty, sexy money by thevintage I've never seen succession but I love a business au and these first three chapters are so good. lestat and louis are divorced, they have claudia to tie them together, lestat is marrying his mistress, and louis has just met armand who is business rival of lestat's and the sparks are already flying and ohmygodohmygodohmygod
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elminx · 8 months
Energy Update: February 2024
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February is a “1” Universal Month [2 (February) + 8 (2024) = 10 = 1+0 =1] in an “8” Universal Year. 1 is the number of new beginnings, and this is reflected somewhat in the astrology for the month. We are entering a new era (Pluto in Aquarius which will last for nineteen years). There may need to be some adjustments. It may seem as if everything in your life has shifted. If you feel this way, know that you are right on time.
The Setup
February begins with the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius, Mercury Venus and Mars in Capricorn, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, and Neptune in Pisces. By month’s end, the Sun and Mercury will have entered Pisces, and Venus and Mars will have entered Aquarius. It’s worth noting that all of our personal planets are still quite bunched up in the last quadrant of the horoscope wheel – this shows that even though February may be a “beginning” of sorts with its 1 energy, there are still things that need wrapping up before we can all fully move on. This is further indicated since Pluto, now in Aquarius, will briefly retrograde back into Capricorn later in 2024 before moving direct and into Aquarius again by year’s end.
The Nitty Gritty
The big astrology for the month is Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius which happened back on 1/20. As our farthest planet from the sun (at least most of the time), Pluto remains in a single sign for an exceptionally long time. In this way, we can view Pluto as our cosmic clean-up crew – it is constantly and very slowly working behind the scenes to dismantle what we all, as individual groups and as a greater society, have outgrown. Much like a vulture, Pluto picks apart what we have been to free us for what is yet to come.
We are most of the way there now. Pluto has been flirting with Aquarius since the beginning of 2023 as it moves forward and backward across the border between Capricorn and Aquarius as part of its retrograde cycle. This is ingress 2 of 3; Pluto will station retrograde on 5/2, reenter Capricorn on 9/1, station direct on 10/11, and enter Aquarius for the final time on 11/19. All of these dates will be pivotal moments in the story of 2024 and the change that this year will bring to all of our lives. But, for now, we are in a place of beginning. In February, all three of our personal planets will enter Aquarius and immediately form a conjunction with Pluto at 00° – in this way, we are given three days to release what is no longer serving us to better move forward and adapt to the changes that fall ahead.
These releases will work from thought (Mercury on 2/5), to action (Mars on 2/13), and finally into our emotional centers (Venus on 2/17). Each of these days will be highly supportive of personal work of all kinds – most especially personal work that falls within the purview of the planet in conjunction with Pluto. A great way to work with this energy would be to perform a simple banishment ritual each day – the first to banish unwanted thoughts, the second actions, and the third emotions. It’s worth keeping in mind here that although the immature presentation of Aquarian energy can be quite selfish, the mature form wants the best for the entire world. With our personal planets and Pluto in Aquarius, social justice magic of all kinds will be strongly supported.
When all of our personal planets are tightly packed together, astrological weather tends to pack a pretty big punch. This is because we will all experience four repeating aspects with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars (and the moon as well, though that works on its own schedule) to the other planets in our sky. We see this in the example above where all of our planets conjunct Pluto in sequence with one another but we will also see them each form squares with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, as well as sextiles to the North Node and Chiron in Aries, and trines with our South Node in Libra. 
Jupiter is the great expander, sometimes considered to be our “go” force in life. Uranus breaks things down to enact change beyond our control. Chiron is the cosmic wound that forces us to heal and grow. And the South Node (of focus here) is the axis of Past Fate: the things that have already happened to us that were unavoidable.
Read together, I see this overarching message stand out: Sometimes, this world can feel like an unavoidable hellscape. Bad things happen. BIG things happen that are far, far beyond our control. Through pandemics, inflation, climate instability, and financial crises, the world moves on. And we still need to live in it. That may sound harsh, but it’s not meant to be. You cannot change what you cannot change. That is one of the deepest lessons that Saturn, the planet of time, has to teach us: absolve yourself of your angst over the things that were never in your control to begin with.
Although in modern times we talk about the planet of Aquarius in reference to its true planetary ruler Uranus, Aquarius’ traditional planetary ruler is Saturn. The secret to Aquarius times is to dream about big change (Uranus), but to keep it grounded in reality (Saturn). You can enact change – change perhaps beyond your wildest expectations even – but that change needs to be possible. Everything in life has limitations, that’s another Saturn lesson.
The sky is the limit but you need to remember not to fly too close to the sun. Apply that metaphor where it fits in your life this month and into March as well because these arbitrary calendar demarcations have nothing to do with astrological transits.
Mars will sextile Chiron and the North Node (now in close conjunction with one another) and trine the South Node between 2/5-2/7, Mercury does so as well on 2/15 – these are not going to be easy days. Consequences of past actions are on the table here and its likely to hurt. We have three signs in play here – the dichotomy of our 7-7 Sun Sign pair (Aries and Libra) and oddball Aquarius. 
Since Aries is the sign of self and Libra is the sign of relationships AND this is happening around V-Day, one can assume relationship tensions will be high throughout the first half of the month. Especially in relationships where there is a big power imbalance or a lot of codependent tendencies. It’s worth keeping in mind here that our way forward is found in the North Node, now in Aries, so independence is likely to trump codependence during this time.
That is going to make a certain type of person very uncomfortable. I don’t always do “Valentine’s Day” transit reads because I find it to be a meh holiday at most, but this one is worth mentioning. Venus and Mars are in close but not quite conjunction the week of the 14th. Each is working their way through Capricorn towards that inevitable conjunction with Pluto. Mars enters Aqaruius on 1/13 and conjuncts Pluto on 1/14. That’s…a pretty big breakup signal.
Not saying that applies to you if you’re in a solid relationship. Just saying that transit, on Valentine’s Day, has red flags and long nights painted all over it. That toxic couple who only stays together for the makeup sex may be pretty into this transit.
If you’re in a loving relationship, try and cut your partner some slack around this time. They may be pretty deep in it and it may not have anything to do with you. Especially male-identifying partners or anybody who has a strong Mars influence in their charts (I’m looking at all of those Aries and Scorpios). There’s a huge amount of performative pressure put on Valentine’s Day and Pluto might just set about dismantling that right about now. That could even be a good thing.
Magic done SPECIFICALLY to dismantle the performative pressure of Valentine’s Day will be highly supported during this time. If that’s your thing and you want to write a group ritual, cue me in, I’m very interested in helping out with that.
It’s not likely to be the sexy times, though. Not unless you are really getting off on some toxic shit. (no shaming here, toxic shit with real boundaries can be super hot)
Venus enters Aquarius on 2/16 and conjuncts Pluto on 2/17 so this energy is going to stick around for a while. If you want to schedule something with your sweeties, do so after the Sun enters Pisces on 2/18, maybe when Venus and Mars conjunct on 2/22. But, even then, at 06° Aquarius, our two relationship planets are still in stellium with Pluto. It’s just not the best month for relationships. Tread lightly and practice all of your empathy skills if you want to get along with your Others this month.
Our new moon for the month is on 2/9 at 20° Aquarius. This is sitting in a tight square with Uranus in Taurus. This may feel a bit like that long-term Saturn square Uranus aspect we dealt with a couple of years back. Something has got to give or it’s going to break. Uranus is our planet of disasters, so it’s worth being careful of fire and explosives when it is activated by either the Sun or Mars. Where are you holding on too tightly in your own life? This is the cosmic right time to let that shit go. The lunar nodes are being activated here as well by a square with Venus in Capricorn so all bets are off.
This is a great day to do wild magic through aspects with both the lunar nodes and Uranus and that is further indicated as this Leo new moon is a “5” moon. This is a great day to shake things up or work to make a significant difference in your life or the world. But, a word to the wise: Leo full moons are naturally “4” moons, so they do require some structure and handling. Again, moving back to the above warning: don’t go overboard with dry botanicals and candle magic with this new moon.
Again: red flags. This time for fires rather than breakups.
Our full moon is on 2/24 at 05° Virgo. All of our personal planets are in play here, too. (theme of the month, after all) Mercury is in conjunction with the Sun while Venus and Mars are still conjunct with one another in Aquarius and square to Jupiter in Taurus (Venus exactly during our lunar event). Virgo can be an overly critical full moon to begin with and this seems turned up to 11. Mercury is in its detriment in Pisces so we may not be thinking straight. Neither Venus nor Mars is particularly at home in Aquarius (and Aquarius loves a good fight…I mean…discussion) so there isn’t a lot of peace to be found here.
Additionally, it’s a 9/1 full moon which carries quite a bit of finality to it. You can use this energy if you know what you are doing. Be critical of what you want to remove from your life during this time. That focuses the natural Virgo “9” full moon energy. But make it work for you, remove it for a new start. That brings it back around to 1 and a new beginning. That’s very in line with our “1” universal Month and it activates the sense of completion of coming full circle that our “8” year demands.
At the end of the month, the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn will meet up in a rare stellium at 09° Pisces on 2/28.  This has "consequences" written all over it.   Perhaps the kindest thing that you can do for yourself (Pisces vibes) when faced with what you have wrought (Saturn) is to admit to it.  Own up. Verbally say that you are sorry if you are actually sorry (Mercury).   If you can do THAT and tap into your heart after the long dry winds of February, you'll know that you've gotten somewhere.
In this way, I see the energy of February as harsh at times, but ultimately, working for us. It may be easy to get mired in the past or feel hopelessly turned to dust and emotionless. The anecdote to Aquarius energy is always found in Leo and the deep heart space. Working with warming herbs, fire (except where already forwarded against), and heart energies of all kinds may help to move stuck energy all month long. There’s a lot of room for change here (magical or otherwise) but you are going to have to work for it.
The Details
2/2 – Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces 2/5 – Sun in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries, Mercury enters Aquarius, Mercury conjunct Pluto 00° Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries 2/7 – Sun in Aquarius sextile North Node in Aries/trine South Node in Libra, Venus in Capricorn square lunar nodes, Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus, Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces 2/8 – Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus, Moon conjunct Pluto 00° Aquarius 2/9 – New moon 20° Aquarius 2/10 – Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus 2/13 – Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces, Mars enters Aquarius 2/14 – Mars conjunct Pluto 00° Aquarius 2/15 – Mercury in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries, Mercury sextile North Node/trine South Node 2/16 – Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus, Venus enters Aquarius 2/17 – Venus conjunct Pluto 00° Aquarius 2/18 – Sun enters Pisces 2/22 – Venus conjunct Mars 06° Pisces 2/23 – Mercury enters Pisces 2/24 – Full Moon 05° Virgo, Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus 2/27 – Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus 2/28 – Sun conjunct Mercury and Saturn (stellium) 09° Pisces 2/29 – Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus Do you like my work? You can support me on Kofi.
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