#wedding culture
if an andalite wore a wedding ring would it wear it on the third finger down from the top or the second one up from the bottom?
Okay, so the human practice of doing that comes from the ancient Roman belief that there's an artery directly connecting the third finger to the heart... as filtered through De Beers' ad campaigns that invented the idea of the engagement ring to force people to buy their blood diamonds. The reality is probably that the ring finger became the one for rings because it's the weakest and least-used, as the only one without its own ligament. Therefore, a ring on that finger is least likely to result in injury or inconvenience.
So assuming an andalite wanted to adopt American marriage customs, I would vote for a) the finger that gets its own artery, if there is one, b) the weakest and least-used finger, or c) the finger that colonial mining companies decide to put in their ad campaign. In that order.
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New publication alert! Check out my story "Out of This World," published by Defenestration Magazine. About bridezillas, wedding culture, baking, and dreams of space.
A preview here:
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Read it in full here!
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Thinking about writing an extra chapter for Fluttershy and discord's wedding what cultural traditions should I base it with?
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hermo-dactylus · 1 year
I think we need to shed more light on how fucked normie american society's wedding expectations are. These past 6 months have been absolute hell on earth for me. I've fallen down into the deepest depression I've ever had, my PD has gotten so bad where I'm basically having an attack every day, my room is a mess because I have no life outside of work and planning and I'm too overwhelmed, I'm losing weight, my hair is falling out, my face is covered in stress acne, i literally can't go 💩 bc I'm so stressed, i have absolutely no appetite.
Don't let anyone push you into some dumb and expensive wedding for literally a couple hours of your life. Getting eloped or court married is not "the wrong way". The modern wedding industry and wedding culture in America is a giant money sucking vampire that needs to be kissed by a wooden stake a thousand times.
I have to babysit a large group of people (most of which are my massive family and didn't have a say in inviting or not) and make sure they don't get "offended" that our ceremony is polytheist, that we have (god forbid!!) Lebanese food (ofc included vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free options but it's not hotdogs and BBQ so), no garter toss, etc. I have been getting shit from my entire family the whole way, yes they are technically working their asses off with me but that doesn't negate the fact that I've been fighting them the whole time and it adds a significant amount of stress to my life.
I can't talk to my grandma anymore without me going into an anxiety attack bc just talking about wedding stuff triggers me. I also hate the social obligations- i got yelled at for talking to a friend i haven't seen in 5y at my bridal shower and my mom is hyping me up saying I'm going to be talking to so many people i won't be able to eat, yeah no lol. After all of this i don't want to speak to another person besides fiance again for the next 600 years.
There's also so many god damn extra costs like I'm already sacrificing my sanity and my life force energy and my money for this whole function and you're telling me i need to pay all of my bridesmaids and get them gifts?? NO! I have to spend extra money on food for people that don't like Lebanese? NO! I have to get "real" favors? NO! I don't care about being a "bridezilla" at this point I'm so done.
I wish i could go back in time and badger my fiance into letting us elope bc i remember bringing it up a bunch when we first got engaged and he told me he would feel bad if we "didn't do it the right way" prime example of how society grooms people's expectations of what's "right" and what's "improper" now we're both reaping bc I'm stressed as a cat in a rocking chair factory and he feels super guilty about not being here bc we're LD. Mega regret was had on both sides.
This is basically a giant rant and i honestly have zero excitement for my wedding next Saturday. I just want it to be over at this point. I think I'll be more excited the week after the wedding honestly bc that's when we move in together and get to do all the fun stuff like decorate and cook together.
End of rant and if you made it this far ily 💕
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lovebirdceremonies · 1 year
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
"In short: Thailand's Senate has approved a bill legalising same sex marriage in the South-East Asian country.
It will afford same-sex couples practical benefits such as being able to have children through IVF and make emergency medical decisions for their spouse.
What's next? The first weddings may take place later this year, 120 days after the law is announced in the Royal Gazette.
Thailand has become the first nation in South-East Asia to legalise same sex marriage, with the country's Senate approving the landmark bill this afternoon.
The legislation was expected to pass after it cleared the country's House of Representatives in a near-unanimous vote in March.
Despite Thailand's bustling gay bars and prominent transgender community making it a mecca for LGBTQ+ tourists, until now local same-sex couples there have been unable to marry.
The law will take effect 120 days after its announcement in the Royal Gazette, so the first same sex weddings may take place later this year.
Couples who have been waiting years have hailed the move as a historic moment that will afford them rights only reserved for spouses.
A Lifechanging Law
Photos of Anticha and Worawan [including the article picture], dressed in floor-length white gowns and trailed by rainbow flags, getting married at Bangkok's first Pride Festival two years ago went viral, but they are still not legally married.
Now they will be able to change that, and Anticha Sangchai is elated.
"This will change my life and change many Thai people's lives, especially in the LGBT community," she said.
"It is a historical moment and I really want to join with my community to celebrate this moment.
"I want to send a message to the world that Thailand has changed. Even though there are still many issues, this is a big step for us." ...
There were an estimated 3.7 million LGBT people in Thailand in 2022, according to LGBT Capital, a private company which models economic data pertaining to the community around the world.
For the young couple from Bangkok, being able to marry also has very real practical implications.
If they want to have children through IVF, Ms Sangchai says they will need a marriage certificate first.
"I am quite concerned about the time because we are getting older every day, and the older you get the more difficult it is to have a healthy pregnancy," she said.
"So we've been really wanting this law to pass as soon as possible."
Cabaret performer Jena is excited Thailand's laws are finally catching up with the nation's image...
She too had worried about the practical implications of being unable to marry.
"For example, if myself or my partner had to go to hospital or there was an accident that needs consent for an emergency operation, without a marriage certificate we couldn't sign it," she said.
She now wants the government to move forward with a law to allow transgender people to amend their gender on official documents." ...
An Economic Boost?
Thailand has long been famous for LGBTQ tourism and there are now hopes this new law could allow the country to cash in on the aging members of the community.
Chaiwat Songsiriphan, who runs a health clinic for people in the LGBTQ community, said laws preventing same sex marriage were the last barrier holding the country back from becoming a gay retirement hub.
[Note: They do not just mean for rich westerners; Thailand as a gay retirement hub would probably appeal most to and definitely benefit LGBTQ people from throughout Asia.]
"Thailand has an LGBTQ-friendly environment since Thai culture is quite flexible," he said.
"One of my foreigner friends, a gay friend, told me that when he's in his country he has to pretend to be straight … but when he comes to Bangkok he said you can be as gay as you want.
"When we talk about retirement or a long-term stay for the rest of their lives, what people need is … food, good healthcare services, transportation, homes.
"I think Thailand has it all at a very affordable price."
He said it could help give the country a desperately needed economic boost.
"This will have a lot of benefits for Thailand's economy because when we talk about retirement it's people literally bringing all the money they have earned for the rest of their working lives to spend and invest here," he said.
He said he, like the rest of the community, was thrilled by the news.
"It's not about a privilege, it's just equality," he said.
"We are we also humans, so we should be able to marry the one we love.""
-via ABC Australia, June 18, 2024
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myeonzen · 4 months
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crazy handsome
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antropofagis · 1 month
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forsapphics · 3 months
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Abbi Jacobson & Jodi Balfour's Wedding (June 5, 2024)
photographed by Lucia Bell-Epstein (x)
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twixnmix · 10 months
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Andy Warhol and Grace Jones attending Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger's wedding in Hyannis on  April 26, 1986. 
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jidysz · 6 months
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Polin museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw, Poland
It's a great place, very worth seeing
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"OMG IVE BEEN PLANNINGING OF THIS WEDDING SINCE I WAS A KID!!!11!!" ????? all I ever planned as a kid was how to put earthworms on the annoying girls seats after recess.
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authentic-bee · 5 months
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Ijeoma in @ice-creamforbreakfast x @obigem The Naija Collection.
I'm obsessed. Can you tell?
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demeterdefence · 7 months
even ignoring everything else wrong with lore olympus (which in itself feels impossible) there is just something really egregious and insulting at the way a "modern retelling" over an ancient greek myth just full-heartedly whitewashes the entire culture and mythos.
and it's not like rachel is the first to do it - greek myths and legends have been whitewashed for centuries, depictions of the gods have been categorically stripped of their ethnicity and origins long before rachel got a hold of them. it's the fact that rachel goes out of her way to insult the original myths whenever she can, that she emphasizes and pushes a western-centric mindset and viewpoint over and over and over and not only reinforces the whitewashing, but continues it down the line.
like, this is the first episode.
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rachel goes out of her way to mock the original styles and wardrobes of the ancient greek world, and i get her attempt was to make persephone feel "out of place" with the more "modern" clothing that the other gods wear, but it really just does more to a) demonize demeter, who is almost always in traditional clothing, b) sexualize persephone.
go even broader with it, move away from the clothing itself, and rachel doesn't even bother to use any of the ancient traditions that are core to the myths. like for the love of god, she uses a christian wedding for persephone and hades!
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greece is the birthplace of modern democracy and had a powerful judicial system, and rachel instead uses the modern / western iteration of court because ... why not
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(completely unrelated but the inserts of everyone except eros and aphrodite come from the stupid zoom session zeus had back when he first charged persephone with treason, meaning we have proof yet again that rachel isn't drawing the characters into the scene, she's making pngs and sticking them into pre-arranged backgrounds downloaded from stock images)
and there are ten thousand more examples i could pull, because this is just the whole entire comic. you can look at a lot of modern adaptions and see where things have been modernized respectfully, and where they are done with disdain for the source material - no one is claiming percy jackson, for example, is perfect, but the author took a great deal of care in his research, and the love for the original myths and culture shine through. lore olympus has zero respect for the original stories, exemplified in how rachel demonizes demeter - the actual crux of the myth. it's bad writing and bad research and further attempts to whitewash a rich and storied culture that had people from so many walks of life, who existed in full spectrum of lgbt identity, who did not conform or even know of the world that exists today. you can modernize without erasing it, and rachel's refusal to do so is one of the many issues tacked to lore olympus.
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lovebirdceremonies · 1 year
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allurahomeofbeauty · 6 months
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