#wednesday is gae
ihearth0rror · 2 years
idek i feel like those 3 dudes that like enid and wednesday just like spawned out of nowhere
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froguemorgue · 1 month
The Cryptic Cryptid
truly a standalone drabble
"historical" lams but its the 20th century for... reasons
@lil-gae-disaster you've unleashed my many, many drafts of one-shots I never completed for AO3. here is ANOTHER (very different) vampire au with the boys.
cw: non-gory physical violence
It happened on a Wednesday early in the evening before the sun had even set. What happened wasn't the sort of thing you'd expect to happen on a Wednesday. The middle of the workweek, completely and totally average. So when John invited his boyfriend over so they could cook dinner together after their long days at work, he didn't expect to be pinned to the floor of his apartment by his neck.
But that's getting ahead of the story. It was Wednesday, wintertime, peaceful, about four PM. These days, John felt happy. Like, really happy. The sort of happiness that comes from contentment, not distraction. He didn't need alcohol, drugs, random sex, sleep in excess, or exercise in excess. He was balanced. He would soon finish his last semester of his undergraduate. His internship was working out well, he had long finished his finals, soon enough winter and spring would pass by in a flash and he'd be graduated and already he was well on his way to the next phase of his life; he'd recently visited his family down south and enjoyed the company of old friends and his sweet younger siblings (how grown they were becoming), his sister was enjoying her first year of college herself out in France, he rescued a very quiet and not at all bothersome elderly cat who was well cared for by his boyfriend during his trip, and above all else, he recently realized something about himself: he truly had not an ounce of him left that cared more about being gay than he did about being with Alexander. It was the early 90s and it absolutely was not cool with a lot of people to be gay, but John didn't care. He didn't care who it affected or how his life might be more difficult during his career.
Love, it's so strange and wonderful. It didn't matter that he didn't know how or when to tell his father about the life he was really living up in Manhattan. He just knew that he loved Alexander and they were talking about moving in together soon. "By summer, for sure, if not sooner than that," they'd agreed, and laying on the floor by the Christmas tree as they talked about plans for the future, John was the happiest he'd ever been.
He wasn't alone in that. Alexander, too, had never felt so happy, but something was itching at him. He had tried for so long to ignore it. That afternoon, it was just impossible. And John had been so excited, too. He didn't even think anything of the photos at first. It'd begun with him mentioning an elective he was taking on browsing historical records and primary documents. Essentially, it was completely innocent, even as John chattered happily about doppelgängers and old photographs and conspiracies and a particular case about an unknown woman who seemingly appeared in multiple photos, portraits, and descriptions from different time periods, stretching back at least six hundred years. Some conspiracists attempted to track this supposed immortal's whereabouts and prove that it could, indeed, have been the same person, but of course, that was a crack theory and the professor, while he liked to lecture on it and how primary documents allow historians to both make up fictional narratives and understand nonfiction truths, did not believe it himself.
This fascinated John, but Alexander had no idea that he was actually accruing his own research. He laughed it off a month ago.
On this particular Wednesday, Alexander hung up his scarf and hat and gloves and coat, set his boots neatly by the door, and flopped down beside John on the sofa. The television set was playing some old western film but it was muted and the radio was quiet in the kitchen. The environment was completely normal for when John was focused on something. But grades had already closed, so there was no reason for him to be doing traditional homework. Alexander leaned in with a quiet greeting, head on John's shoulder. He out his cold fingertips on John's neck and complained, "I'm so cold!"
John laughed a little, took his hands and tried to warm them both with his own for a moment.
Alexander then asked, in a voice that was gentle and sincere to match the setting, what it was that John was so wrapped up in. "You've only been home an hour," said Alexander. "Something's really got your attention, huh?"
John began to smile, excited to show him his research. "You're going to love it."
"Yeah?" He turned his head to actually look at the papers and sketchbook in John's lap. He saw a flash of a photo of himself before John flipped back to the beginning of the book. His heart could have stopped beating right there. He remained silent because maybe this was all innocent.
John showed him the first page. West Indies, circa 1698. It was an ink engraving from a wanted poster for a pirate by the name of Lionette. "'Fearless as a lion yet quite little in stature, this criminal, the Lionette, or Little Lion, as he has been so deemed, was once a privateer for French traders out of the West Indies. It is unsure from whence he hailed, however, he is, on more occasions than not, surrounded by numerous ruthless sailors aboard his ship Le Conquérant. The fiend's primary goal is to undermine profits by thieving from trade ships of all charges. It has been reported that he does not always sink the ships, instead, in many cases, Le Conquérant and her crew take charge of the ships and resell the goods to gain personal wealth.'" When John finished reading, he nudged Alexander. "Fearless and short in stature sure sounds like you!" he laughed. "And he might've come from the Caribbean, too. Plus, look at this drawing. Nothing crazy, but maybe it was one of your ancestors or you in a past life, huh?"
Alexander forced a dry scoff. "Hah, yeah."
"So that was the oldest one I found. The next one was probably the... seventh I came across? And it's just an unidentified enlisted soldier during the American Revolution, but it looked too much like you not to include it."
"I'm sorry, did you say this was for an assignment?"
"Well, no," said John, "it's actually just because that class was so interesting. I never meant to start this project at all, I was actually researching primary documents during the first world war on the library computer, but this— here, wait for me to get to it! I didn't put this in chronological order for nothing. But this dude looks like you, huh? Even the other soldiers he's standing beside makes it look like your height and weight."
"Right. That's so funny," he said, attempting his best to brush it off. When John showed him the next portrait of a soldier during the revolution, this time the French Revolution years later, Alex said, "Wow, that's crazy."
"I know. And then this one? Regency era Alexander, isn't he so cute? Best part is, I got the scans of the back of this portrait too, and all it says is 'Fr. Alex, 1821.' For Alex!"
"What an insane coincidence. But who'd want a portrait of themselves as a gift?"
"You, probably."
"All right."
"Portraits aside, this one's insane, right? A photograph of a group of westward wagoners around the mid to late 1840s, and look at this guy."
"This one actually does look a little like me."
"More like that might as well be you in that photo," he joked.
"Then we skip many more decades and there's this one in the early 1890s, taken out west. You know," John teased, "you never told me you looked so good as a cowboy. It would've made me fall faster."
Alexander's brain raced so quickly out of control that he didn't answer. So, John went on. The World War 1 photo was definitely the craziest and it was coupled with a microfilm of a half-tarnished letter from the soldier who sent it, talking about the war, about wanting to raise children, about missing his dearest. The signature, return name, and otherwise any indication of who sent it was all but ruined, besides a couple letters. And, boy, doesn't it look like it could say "Alexander"?
Then there was the one from a queer bar in the mid 1920s. Then, finally, the protest in '67. "I haven't gotten anything better than these. You've probably noticed I swiped a couple of these from your place, I had noticed them in a box when I was helping you clean and I was curious. So I looked elsewhere for photos, too. There were some descriptions which matched you, but at some point I really did feel like I was chasing some stupid conspiracy and I just wanted to keep the solid evidence."
"Evidence of what?" demanded Alexander, a little irritated and feeling backed into a corner. "Why are you going through my stuff without permission?"
"Are you upset," asked John with a wry smiling, actually only teasing, "because you're some kind of immortal? Is that why you had those photos?"
"Oh, get bent."
"Come on," he laughed, "are you mad? I don't understand. Did I do something wrong? I can actually hear your heart pounding."
"You're messing with me."
"Now, why would I do that?"
"You are!" he insisted, feeling his chest heavy like it was difficult to breathe.
"I didn't think you'd react like this but if I took it a little far..." John was visibly confused and startled but Alexander couldn't see that. He could only feel his own blood pumping so loud in his ears, and it made him angry and afraid and hungry.
"I'm happier than I've ever been in my life, John."
"Okay?" John tried to touch Alexander's face but he smacked his hand away, anticipating an attack, and snatched the book from John's hands. "Hey." Without a reply, Alexander kept it from his reach so John stood to try to get it back and that's when Alexander all but tackled him to the floor.
That's how they got there: John's head turned awkwardly to the side and Alexander's forehead pressed against his jaw. He was breathing heavily and John was so confused by the turn of events that he didn't do much to react. He only wondered, silently, where this had come from. Alex had never been weak, not really, but John always thought himself stronger: taller, broader, always besting him when they sparred. He wondered if it had been some sequence of having caught him off guard that he fully bodied him like a linebacker.
Alexander exhaled against his neck, mouth open, then closed his lips for a brief kiss to his flexed carotid artery. He immediately sat back, still holding John down. John wouldn't have guessed in a hundred years that he was one more half-formed thought away from being bitten into like an apple.
John turned his head now that it wasn't being pressed into the floor. "I haven't been tackled like that since high school. Well. Minus the kiss on my neck."
"Hah, yeah." He looked down and suddenly felt glad that he didn't do what he'd momentarily considered doing. "Sorry. Are you okay?"
"...Was it weird that I found all those pictures? Are you mad because I went through some of your things?"
"It wasn't weird. I mean, don't go through my stuff without asking, John, that's so not cool. But... I was, you know, trying to joke but it came out wrong. And I... God, you know I just can't keep my hands to myself."
"It felt like..."
"Don't know. Never mind." He slid an idle hand up Alex's leg and took a deep breath.
"Can I keep the book? And have those photos back?" asked Alex.
"I made it for you. But why did you have those pictures?"
"Same as you. Everyone sees a short redhead and immediately thinks it's me. I want to kiss you."
"I want dinner before seven P.M."
His heart was returning to normal. He smiled a little, embarrassed at himself, how vulnerable he'd been, how he'd nearly threatened John. He kissed John's stubbly neck again where he'd wanted to bite. "Dinner. Yeah. Uh, did you show it to anyone else?"
"No. Would it matter if I had?"
"'Course not. Just, uh, you know how some conspiracy theorists can be. And cryptid hunters and otherwise those who believe in silly stuff like doppelgängers, reincarnation... ghosts and vampires..."
John sat up with him. "Think I'd know if you were a vampire."
"Seriously. I'd figure it out sooner or later. I ever tell you that when I was younger, my father once told me that we're descendants of vampire hunters?"
"Um. No. Those are real?" he asked with a strained smile.
"Not officially. Just some medieval French Catholics who were paranoid and probably consumed a lot of mold with their meals."
Alex's laugh came uneasily.
"So, yeah. Bona fide vampire hunter here."
"Yeah, okay. Let's just make dinner."
"Hey." He gently tugged on his chin so he looked at him, then pecked him on the cheek. Something felt wrong between them. He wanted to believe Alex, and he did at first, but...
They got up. Everything felt sort of okay again but John couldn't help himself every time he caught a glance at his boyfriend and wondered what could possibly be the reason for his earlier reaction and as he explored the possibilities - these insane scenarios - he wondered whether he'd be put off by them.
For example, if Alexander was a time traveler or had been reincarnated as himself over and over again, that'd probably be fine. It'd be crazy and silly, but he knew he wouldn't be upset.
However, if Alexander was something else, like...
"Mince the garlic while I do the onion?" John asked as he handed it to him. "Two cloves, the book says."
Alexander took it without a trace of hesitation and peeled away some of the papery skin. So, maybe not. Or maybe vampires being allergic to garlic was a myth. He could go in the sun, too, and he didn't have fangs, though he had always acted strange around blood, said it made him nauseous, but that was a lot of people.
"Not a vampire, then?" teased John, though it lacked his usual energy.
There came the hesitation. Then the dry, "Ha, ha," from Alexander.
"Y'know, you can tell me if you are. Something like that."
Which only earned an eye-roll from Alexander, who'd begun to press the flat of the knife against the second clove to free it from its organic wrapper. John's eyes flitted between the knife and Alexander.
"What?" asked Alex dryly. "Planning on how you'd impale me if I was?"
"Of course not. I was wondering what you're doing with the garlic."
"Makes them easier to peel if you do this. See?" He showed him the motion against the already-peeled garlic. "I love teaching you cooking tricks, Old Money, but it's sad nobody else taught you. You should have been taught family recipes, or at least common sense in the kitchen."
"Don't remind me how pathetic my life is."
"Oh, it's not pathetic. You've been very lucky to grow up the way you did. It's just a little bit... you know, it's a skill you missed out on. So I'm teaching you now."
"Thanks. How could I impale you when I still have so much to learn in the kitchen?"
"That is not funny, John."
"It's completely unsettling."
"Yeah, tackling me's unsettling, too. I'd have no reason to impale you if you weren't a vampire," he joked, reaching out to touch his arm but Alexander jerked away toward the garlic he began to mince with impressive expertise.
"You shouldn't want to impale me under any circumstance," quipped Alexander. "It's not 'vampire hunting' in your bloodline, it's systemic abuse of power. It's slave traders, witch hunters, and oppressors. The Christian occult."
"The Christian occult?"
"Yes. The biggest occult there is."
"You can't be serious. You know my family is religious."
"Yeah," said Alex, knife down, "and you were groomed into believing it. None of it's real."
"I believe it is."
"Trust me, it isn't. You can either be a Christian and a vampire hunter or be with me but not both."
"You can't ask me to renounce my faith, that isn't fair."
"And joking about killing me is?"
"If you were a vampire, which you aren't because they don't exist. You're being so weird."
"Okay, John, hypothetical for you: what kind of monster would I have to be for you to actually kill me? I'm the same man I've always been, same conversations and intimacy, but you find out there's a catch. What am I?"
"That's a stupid question."
"Would you kill me under any circumstance? The answer should be 'no.'"
"I don't know, what if you were going to kill me first? Or somebody else?"
"I have no reservations swearing with my whole heart that I would never even think about killing you. And I wouldn't so much as hurt anyone who didn't deserve it so, I guess my question is, if it was justified, would you help me get away with murder? Or would you go all Catholic on me?"
John had a feeling Alexander was dead serious and for some reason, the conversation didn't unsettle him. He should be worried about his boyfriend presenting hypotheticals about murder. "Are you some kind of serial killer? Seriously. What's with this?"
"Do you believe I have good intentions or not?"
"I mean, yes, but—"
"Okay, so be honest. Would you cover for me if I committed a crime, even if it's a crime you detest? I'll know if you're lying to me."
John huffed once heavily. "Um, I guess if they deserved it, sure."
"And what if I was a monster? Something not human? Would you be afraid of me?"
"You're freaking me out."
"It's just a question. If I wasn't human, would I still matter to you?"
Alex had put his hand on John's elbow and stood before him with purpose. That's when John knew the truth. The freaking out about the photos, the response, the questions. The need for reassurance. "I love you, Alexander. Your mind and your heart, not just that you're... flesh and bones with a pulse. And if you were some kind of... alien or vampire or whatever... well, what's more thrilling than forbidden romance between a vampire hunter and a vampire?"
Alexander set the knife down completely, acutely aware of the garlic still on his hands. He didn't want to wipe the scent all over John so he made fists, his heart just as tight. It wasn't exactly a secret that they were in love. They were talking about moving in together, after all, but it wasn't something they has ever really said in such seriousness. So he answered, "I love you, too."
With a slight smile, John cupped his jaw and said, "Good! Can we please cook dinner peacefully, now?"
"Sure thing, my handsome pile of flesh and bones with a pulse."
John pecked his cheek and they did just that. But that was all that needed to be said and John knew. He knew and he couldn't let it go.
For weeks, John researched feverishly, even into the new semester. He even called his father and took up all the time he could spare by asking questions about their ancestry. "Vampire hunters? Haha, what's made you interested in this?" To that, he'd told him a bit about his class and sprinkled in a lie about researching ancestry for extra credit. In return, his father told him all he could about their unsavory history. And John wrote everything down.
He studied Alexander's behavior. He wasn't planning anything and he meant what he said in the kitchen that night, but he had to have proof before he confronted his boyfriend. After that, he'd need to know what to do. What would be his duty? What would be his desire?
When they slept next to one another and Alexander excitedly pushed them forward on their plans to move in together, John worried himself over these questions. Who and what was this creature he slept next to? Could he trust him?
And was Alexander going to kill him that night he thought he'd been found out?
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
Quick little rant y'all can ignore (I just love ranting too much)
Unpopular opinion : it is NOT to be a hipster or to be like "I'M NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS~" but very often either I will hate or just not be interested to watch at all the newest Tumblr fandom. I really feel like a Tumblrite but sometimes it feels like I just can't enjoy or be hyped by whatever the others are hyped with without doing it on purpose, as if we have nearly no common taste. I mean sure we all are unique and loving everything others we do is boring and impossible and would prove the person is shallow and can't be true, but just, absolutely nearly every big Tumblr fanfavorites annoys me
Superwholock ? Sherlock was nice but not THAT nice and the others never interested me. HH/HB ? Loathe the characters and story. Lackadaisy ? Don't understand the hype. Nimona ? Don't care. She-Ra ? Hated it. The Owl House ? Can't stand the posts on my dashboard nor the charadesigns. Centaurworld ? I know it is one of those things that look lame in the trailer but from what I got gets deeper, but I saw it being so much overhyped I can't. Green Eggs and Ham ? Ugh couldn't it have just been the old cartoon ? Arcane ? The more people said it was revolutionary the less I wanted to check it out. SU ? I used to love it but then it betrayed me with how badly written it endes up to be. SVSFOE ? Except one or 2 arcs it was not my type and the ending infuriated me. Ducktales ? Only season 1 was good to me. Miraculous Ladybug ? It broke my heart so fuck you show. Encanto ? "Narcissic families are ok and misunderstood if they are pretty". Wendell and Wild ? The demons did look interesting and I was curious for them but sadly the main character is insufferable and Idgaf she is sad she is still an asshole but gets away with it. Wednesday ? Tim Burton understood NOTHING avout the Addams Family and flanderized Wesnesday. HtTyD ? Should have been a standalone. LOK and to be fair ANYTHING coming after ATLA books comics and upcoming series included ? Burn em to the ground. Rise of the Guardians ? Seriously the animation is gorgeous but you have the blandest plot and characters ever but everybody calls it original and groundbreaking wtf ?! Arlo the gator boy/I Love Arlo ? Ew it looks ugly as fuck and I am VERY wary of titles that self congratulate (coincidently the Lou! franchise became very shitty when it was renamed into I Love Lou Very Much so it ticks me off) makes me wanna do the contrary and hate Arlo. Carmen San Diego ? Didn't care. The Cuphead Show ? Only season 1a is good 1b and 1c are shit but because "gae devil" everybody loves it holy shit the game is better. Frozen 2 ? Admit it, you liked it ONLY because you see Elsa like a lesbian and wanted to go "HAHA GET FUCKED" to Let It Go. AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON LIVE ACTION REMAKES
Some I even actually just didn't dislike it or care at first but it was seeing all the excessive posting and love for it despite 1) not wanting to watch (I love Arlo, never I wanted to kill a gator child so much force of seeing him on my dash) and/or 2) seeing legetimate problems and flaws and yet everybody ignoring it (Encanto, I hated the end but I did like the movie itself but seeing everybody justifying the end made me loathe it) it turns into hate. But some I hate from the start but seeing everybody love it anyway makes me wonder if at that rate the problem is me and I nitpick too much or of course like everyone I just have my own tastes and what pops up on my dash is not a reflect of universal taste ?
But I often call it a curse because everybody seems to have fun and it's as if I am doomed not to like and it looks like what the audience usually loves is just not my type, which sucks because I don't have many people to vent about it, not many people to gush about the obscure things I love because I am cursed to really invest myself in old fandoms I only find about now or stuff that don't even interest much people but fit my specific niche tastes, dashboards flooded with "OMG GUYS WATCH IT IT IS *SO* IMPORTANT AND THE BEST EVER" making me want not to whereas only 3 likes on posts of franchises I love that are barely known or loved... Probably why I have so many obscure fandoms actually. I am SURE it is subconsciously why I wanted to give a chance to Elemental and Avatar 2 since nobody talked about it in good or at all here !
I am not even sure and just like me those who love these franchises and are part of these fandoms must just have their own specific intersts peaked of course and if so it is absolutely alright ! But often I see they all have a pattern and I feel like, like when I ranted in my posg that defends Elemental, that they will love it and adore it just for ONE element not matter the rest hence why they only talk about that one element that irritates me when I am flooded in posts praising it but really it is just that element. "Omg so much representation" ok cool what is the plot "it is a trans allegory" yes but more precise ? "it is so GAY (affectionate) and girl power !!!" yes but ? The characters ? "Oh the characters are minorities some are LGBT half are POC and some even have a disability and they fight heteronormativity and traditional beauty standards" ok ok I GOT it but what are they like as people !?! "there is a canon gay ship in it I love them little blorbos" I DON'T GIVE A SHIT DAMMIT WHAT IS THE PLOT AND HOW ARE THE CHARACTERS "also it has a varied cast and is made by minorities and women !" Ok bye now I won't be able to help but see it being loved only because of those and not for its story and it will make me bitter about it as if there is nothing else but that to defend because it implies the scenario itself isn't that special for people to only talk about the Christmas present package rather than the content
It is very occasional I will actually get curious because it IS my type thanks to Tumblr : WOY, Pinky and the Brain Undertale, Good Omens, TDC : AOR. It needs to strike a sort of special chord in me to go "uh !?! A modern cartoon that feels like an old cartoon with funny designs and animation and funny characters !??! Uh !?! 2 gay mice that were probably not meant to be gay but they accidentally cracked many eggs in their portrayal and to think I was not interestee when I thought Brain was bidimensional and didn't give a shit about Pinky like I thought ??! Uh !?! Fun skeletons and a macho fish woman with cute pixel style !? Uh !?! Angel and demon are friends and were on Earth for years looking for a kid !?! Uh !?! In that prequel it shows one reformed Skeksis being actually good helping Gelfling and in a relationship with his Mystic ??!" And other Tumblr favorites I loved like idk FNAF, MLP FIM, Spiderverse, Puss in Boots 2, The Bad Guys and usually in general most popular big studios block buster animated movies I loved and others did were stuff I found by myself which Tumblr just coincidently did too so it doesn't count. Some I even discover them years later when the hype died down and nobody speaks about it anymore (reinforcing my idea that IS probably wrong that they don't even really love it but just go "OO SHINY" when something is new and pretty) that I can notice and love years later or at least late a franchise, like I don't wait on purpose I just really discover it at this moment or something peaking my interest only happened recently or peaked my attention now
Those aside most of the time I will really not be interested, a third of the time because "I am told to so I don't wanna" and it has to be myself or it will feel like a chore like when I am recommended stuff IRL I will actually postpone even if if I had not been recommended I would have started watching it earlier (I heard from a friend this looks like a symptom in a type of neurodivergence but I AM NOT SURE), a third of the time it really doesn't look or sound like my type of story at all and I keep wondering why there is nothing new for me and why everybody is so hyped by it, and a third I actually give a try and I end up straight up hating it or just finding it meh and overrated. I just need to find my own fandoms myself, even if they are obscure, that spark my interest, hoping they don't become bad in the end (SU, Ducktales, the Cuphead Show, Miraculous Ladybug etc. Sigh) which happened too many times already and makes me even more wary force of experience about what is popular since even when I myself find it becomes shit people still love it. And of course they totally HAVE the right to never would I harrass and police what people have to like and dislike, but it kind of feels lonely at times and sometimes it makes me think if something is wrong with me not to enjoy what seems to be enjoyed by everyone else and if it is my fault ; and thinking that even makes me anxious and guilty feeling like I am ranting for nothing and people will think I am an attention seeker making me even more gjulty and so on which becomes a vicious circle with my anxiety
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The winner of the Secret Sonic Showdown is... Competitor 5, Ebony!
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Congratulations to her, and thank you to everyone who participated, be it by entering characters, sharing this tournament, or voting in polls. This tournament wouldn't have happened without you
Second place went to Saffron Bee, third to Simpson the Cat, and Thunderbolt the Chinchilla followed up in fourth
Here is the full bracket, with names:
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Now to answer the big question...
What's next?
For tournaments:
If you would like to follow Ebony, @sonicuniversesmackdown is a tournament pitting the winners of 64 Sonic tournaments against each other, including this tournament! As Sonic Universe Smack-down (or SUS as I like to call it) can't begin until all of the tournaments have found their winners, it will be a bit until it begins, but you can give them a follow to make sure you see when they start
I'm also hosting another tournament, @bestfakesonicshowdown. The goal is to find the best Sonic copycat (think Metal Sonic, Scourge, etc.). If that sounds interesting to you, head on over! Submissions are closing Wednesday night, so get any entries in soon
For this blog:
As there are still many characters who need their doodles, this blog will continue posting art until I've gotten through all of them. Aside from that, I'll be a lot less active here, though I'll still answer asks and promote other tournaments. I might also reblog other posts related to our competitors
If there is enough interest, I may run a second Secret Sonic Showdown at some point. It would probably be at least a few months out, maybe even next year. If that's something you'd like to see, be sure to let me know!
If you're curious about your host here, you can find my main @eldritchgriffin. It's not a Sonic specific blog, but I do post about Sonic a fair bit
The bracket for the bonus round, and links to all the character reveals, are below the cut
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Bonus round winner: Madge
Second place: Veg-Heads
Third: Dive the Lemming
Competitor 1, Speedy/Battle Kukku XVI
Competitor 2, Saffron Bee
Competitor 3, Jani-Ca
Competitor 4, Zonic the Zone Cop
Competitor 5, Ebony
Competitor 6, Simpson the Cat
Competitor 7, Pyjamas
Competitor 8, Lara-Su
Competitor 9, Shortfuse the Cybernik
Competitor 10, Gold the Tenrec
Competitor 11, Filch
Competitor 12, Larry Lynx
Competitor 13, Tommy Turtle
Competitor 14, Cyrus
Competitor 15, Captain Metal
Competitor 16, Has Bean
Competitor 17, Regina Ferrum
Competitor 18, Amadeus Prower
Competitor 19, Extra Life
Competitor 20, Thebes
Competitor 21, Chaos
Competitor 22, Pseudo-Sonic
Competitor 23, Princess Alicia
Competitor 24, Thunderbolt the Chinchilla
Competitor 25, Fabian Vane
Competitor 26, Princess Alucion
Competitor 27, Forelock
Competitor 28, Walt Wallaby
Competitor 29, Bartleby Montclair
Competitor 30, Princess Undina
Competitor 31, Cam
Competitor 32, Spectre the Echidna
Competitor A, Porker Lewis
Competitor B, Gae-Na the Echidna
Competitor C, Jade the Jade Wisp
Competitor D, Veg-Heads
Competitor E, King Solomon
Competitor F, Madge
Competitor G, Dive the Lemming
Competitor H, Racecar Driver Danica Patrick
Competitor I, The Wienerville café waitress
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bookcoversonly · 8 months
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Title: The Memory of Things | Author: Gae Polisner | Publisher: Wednesday Books (2017)
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thepaige-turner · 4 years
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In these uncertain times (honestly how many times have we heard that?) it is still such a joy and privilege to receive book mail so many thanks to @wednesdaybooks for sending Jack Kerouac is Dead to Me along!
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2020ya · 5 years
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by Gae Polisner
(Wednesday Books, 4/7/20)
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Fifteen-year-old JL Markham's life used to be filled with carnival nights and hot summer days spent giggling with her forever best friend Aubrey about their families and boys. Together, they were unstoppable. But they aren't the friends they once were. With JL's father gone on long term business, and her mother suffering from dissociative disorder, JL takes solace in the in the tropical butterflies she raises, and in her new, older boyfriend, Max Gordon. Max may be rough on the outside, but he has the soul of a poet (something Aubrey will never understand). Only, Max is about to graduate, and he's going to hit the road - with or without JL. JL can't bear being left behind again. But what if devoting herself to Max not only means betraying her parents, but permanently losing the love of her best friend? What becomes of loyalty, when no one is loyal to you?
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therealyze · 5 years
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Wolf is dropping 03 - 2020 #TheYze #Wolf #HorcruxProductions #SouthAfrica #Mzansi #Wolfpack #Pretoria #YzeSeason #Shade #gae #cfio #beyourself #2020vision #London #common #pitori #africa #humpday #wednesday (at Somewhere in Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9TpCZ4jnnK/?igshid=kc6tzlc88c2b
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elveny · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
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I was tagged by @kunstpause - thank you!! ♥ - and for the first time in weeks I actually have seomthing to share :D
Tagging forth to @curiousthimble @pikapeppa @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold @autumnslance @allycryz @captainderyn @johaeryslavellan @thevikingwoman @elfyourmother and all who want to grab it :D
From an Estinien x Adriene piece I'm writing:
Not even a month into their training, he brought her a new weapon.
“What’s this?” Adriene asked as he presented it to her. Carefully, she took it from his hands. It was a gorgeous lance, sleek and light and perfectly balanced, but longer than she was used to. The sharp blade gleamed in the shine of the fire, and beneath it was the stylized form of a dragon with spread wings. The shaft was smooth to the touch, and she could see no seam where it was fitted to the blade. It was obviously inspired by the famed Gae Bolg he carried, yet distinctive enough that it did not seem a copy. It was utterly beautiful, and she gave Estinien an astonished, wide-eyed look.
“You need a weapon fit for an Azure Dragoon,” Estinien simply said. “Show me how you use it.”
She went through a series of movements, and immediately saw the difference it made. The Ishgardian way of using the lance differed in several ways from the Gridanian form she had learned, and the slightly longer lance he had given her was infinitely more suited to it.
“I cannot possibly accept this,” she told him when he was satisfied that it fit her perfectly. She let her hand glide softly over the smooth metal, already reluctant to let it go again. “It is too valuable.”
Estinien frowned. “‘Tis a gift freely given.” After a second, he added, “Is it not to your liking?”
Adriene looked up at him, surprised by the mix of uncertainty and irritation she found in his eyes. “No!” she quickly assured him. “I love it!”
The relief flickering over his face was unmistakable, tugging at her heart, and Adriene knew that she could not bring herself to refuse it a second time.
“How can I ever thank you?” she asked quietly.
“You fight at my side. There is no need for further thanks,” Estinien said in his usual gruff way that told her that he would not speak more of it.
“Estinien,” she still said as he turned away from her, reaching to touch his arm. He paused and looked back at her, and she gave him a smile. “I will,” she said. “I promise.”
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shut-upjesse · 4 years
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I took a walk Wednesday on the bike trail with gf and I found this t r e e. Climbed it because i big gae and in memory of Tuck Everlasting ✊
We have dubbed him Steve.
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yukiku · 5 years
After today's manifestations, again peaceful, the new "government" ( it s the same one as before ...) asked the policemen and the BRI to send lacrymogènes gaz ( gaz that hurts the eyes and faint) againest the people, which made many faint in the road...
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Please note that 40% of the population here are younger than 27 years, so most of the people outside were young, and so thy were facing mostly YOUNG girls and guys
There are women, men, elders, children; and disabled people too...
Anyway, the ppl have faced the hot water this Wednesday, but ppl weren't affected claiming " just gives us shampoo too "
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But the ppl didn't gave up, in the morning, they pushed back ( with words and pe1cfully) the hot water again, they weren't affected they stayed, they were holding pots of flowers asking to feed the plants not hurts the ppl ...
But after the failed attempt of the government to stop the Algerians with water they called the special forces with the Gaza bombs...
But what most don't know is even the police don't want to do it
Many policemen were affected by the gae and they were treated by the people who they were attacking..
Why? Because the police didnt want to do it, they had to, it was the "oders" some had to thrw back, and others even cried
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They don't want to hurt us, but they did, they pushed us back, we weren't even able to finish cleaning the whole place since we had to take charge of the victims first
But we will not stop, we will continue until we get what we want, which is justice !!!
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Banana Boat get Skin care on vybes, next on wednesday diskon promo up 50 %. Siap siap ya gaes.. #ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff #fyp #lflfff❤ #fff😊ff💋ff👌ff💕4f❤️🔝🔫💣44follow4followforfollow4f4frs4likeforlikeforfollow4likeforlikesback44likes4me4lramahhits #lflfff❤ #bb #skincare #getvybes #vybes @getvybes #fffffffffffffffffffffffffff #lfl #novaliamahendra #novalovers #nomakeup #novavybes #japan #ingatkamu (di A E S T H E T I C) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQYdjbUrRoM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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diniambarwati · 4 years
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Senyum rabu gaes.... #selfie #diniambarwati #celotehdini #smile #fight #survive #wednesday https://www.instagram.com/p/CDy0_-_AsJR/?igshid=g2cqsddsm0gw
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gingernightowl · 5 years
Jack Kerouac Is Dead to Me by Gae Polisner
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Jack Kerouac Is Dead to Me by Gae Polisner My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Yowch. This was a rough one to read. I’m only recently learning about dissociative disorder . . . so reading about JL’s mother really helped me understand it more. I can’t speak for proper representation, however I can speak about it getting into all my feels. I felt for JL the entire time I was reading Jack Kerouac is Dead to Me. I thought her character would annoy me, a little whiny but it was all within reason. JL endured way too much in such a short period of time with no authority. Her mother was dealing with her own “demons” and it was secondhand anxiety induced. You know how they always say “where are the parents?” in YA novels? This was a perfect example. JL’s mom was present, technically, however she wasn’t 100% there as a parent, nor did she do any real parenting. And JL’s dad was out getting away from it all, leaving JL to fend for herself. JL’s grandmother wasn’t much help, either. Let’s just say it, though: JL is holding herself together like a badass. Without falling apart . . . too much. She’s dealing with failed friendships, her parents letting her down constantly, a boyfriend who may or may not be the best for her, but he’s ultimately all that she has. I was starting to love Max Gordon . . . he was so good for JL; always kept up with her butterflies, very tentative, maybe a little horny but he never forced her. And yes, there’s the age gap. (I had this same issue with Alex, Approximately, though, so I’m not ignoring it . . . just not focusing on it). The ending really ruined it for me, though, which made me kind of not like the book as much as I had originally thought that I would. There were so many unanswered questions toward the end. Which I guess are really up to the reader to decide and interpret. I’d love to see a sequel to see how JL — Aubrey, too — is doing, and I almost want to see if Ethan ever truly apologizes. I’m kind of intrigued by the Ethan and JL side story, kind of feels like a “what if” kind of thing. I’m actually really glad I read some reviews before writing my own, because I saw someone explain the Jack Kerouac reference and the entire time I was reading — I was feeling really dumb. I don’t know much about him, but knowing what I read and the title makes a lot of sense now. This is a really great coming of age story about finding yourself when you have no support, and when everything and everyone is against you. Lost friendships, taking relationships to the next level, and making decisions without knowing the fallout.
Thank you Wednesday Books for an early copy of this book. All opinions are my own.
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analytic-chaoticism · 7 years
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When I saw this video in my subscriptions on a humble Wednesday morning I thought the game dropped without warning on a school day and I was going to hypershit into the nth dimension and I’ll be discussing the Hiveswap press-kit exclusive screenshots so buckle up this is probably going to be a thicc bih
First, we have the thumbnail, which is great. In case anybody was confused (because I’ve seen a lot of confusion) Dammek’s beam is red, not orange, as in the red/green cherub dichotomy. I really like this piece it’s AesthetiqueTM (which is something I’ll say about this game a lot), I like how they’re just ogling each other as they hurtle through space and time, and I like how you can see Hauntswitch reversed behind Hiveswap. You just know in the Hauntswitch launch trailer we’ll get a reverse of this shot. 
Sorry that the following pictures all got compressed ew
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Not much to this besides noting the sacrilegious Signless plush, which is great and I hope will be official merch one day. Just thought I’d point it out because it’s The BestTM and I’ll address now the fact that everything that was branded has been fictionalized (which would have taken a long ass time to change everything which accounts for some delay time) and I’m not sure if they were threatened with copyright or if they were just hedging their bets but that’s what’s happened. 
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Oh hey look a mysterious fucking Nuclear MissileTM dropping from the fucking sky. Note that we’re working with a dark blue and light purple palette here (which will be relevant in a few frames). 
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These monsters (which I call antiguardians) are either really easily startled (which makes sense because they legitimately don’t have eyes - note that the no-eyes trend has been bucked for animals and adults in Hiveswap so these things are legit just blind I think) or are just as scared as Joey as she is of them (or enemy varieties have different personalities and the T-Rex arm-leg beans are just TimidTM. I can see this one being the case and it’s cool and interesting so hopefully).
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The return of the dark blue and light purple palette. We keep returning to these scenes of fear and destruction throughout the first half of the trailer, and @theenglishmanwithallthebananas and I are willing to bet the nuke from earlier was what destroyed Xefros’ neighbourhood, which would explain how everything got fucked up so quick and why he’s so scared in these sequences. 
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hi,m., angery,, . 
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Bye bitch. In case anyone was interested, the red and green stripes turn blue and yellow for some reason, and whether that’s a nod to trickster palettes or will be developed as colour imagery later is yet to be seen. Also this portal looks... amazing. The art in this game is phenomenal and I really really love the lighting it’s so high quality and everything is good and this portal design is rad.
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The closest view of the weird neighbour mansion we’ve seen so far. I can’t say yet how prominently events on Earth will feature during Hiveswap (but for a cohesive narrative with the games playable in either order they have to affect each other somehow, especially considering how what happens on Earth has to be as important and predestined as what happens on Alternia), but we probably won’t see much of this for a while. Looks cool tho. And big. Real big. 
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Every good game needs a good death screen. Now I won’t say that antiguardians can’t shapeshift, but all of the ones we’ve seen have flat teeth and don’t have mouths this big, which makes me think this is perhaps the first boss encounter of the game? A giant antiguardian? Maybe an upgrade on the centipede enemy. 
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Xefros panicked, traumatized, and roughed up by the destruction of an entire fucking neighbourhood. I’m assuming that the cherub portal survived, if not all of Dammek’s hive - considering that his lusus is still around after this. I hope Xefros’ house was lucky enough to make it too if Dammek’s survived the blast, being across the street from each other and all. If it didn’t... that means bye bye sloth, which will make me real fucking sad (but doesn’t line up with concept art we’ve seen of the sloth walking with the trio, unless that’s been changed as we haven’t seen it in the trailers). Of course, this could be another neighbourhood, as we saw the destroyed areas in concept art from Dammek’s lusus’ back, meaning they already rode it somewhere. Who knows what this is. I just hope the sloth is okay. Please. Also I love Xefros’ hive???? so??????? let them be okay.
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What the fuck is this Actual TesseractTM????????? We’ll come back to this later, but we will say now that it’s most likely that Joey finds this on Alternia after arriving at Dammek’s hive (considering it interacts with his doors). @theenglishmanwithallthebananas noted that it looks like a “perfectly generic object but useful” which is so true and thematically really interesting (and likely intentional). I can’t wait to see more with this Mystery BoxTM. 
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In case anyone was confused like I was, Jude’s text is now light green and Joey’s light blue. This palette swap is the same as John and Jade’s and I love it. I don’t know when this change was made but I never noticed and I am here for it. There’s some gerbil tubes on the wall, so unless those are used for a transport system, the Harleclaires have more pets than Tesseract and
God fucking dammit I swear to God... If the likely plot-critical Glow CubeTM is actually called ‘the tesseract’ I’m going to have a conniption of fucking course this would happen. ANYWAY. Potential rodents, not just Tesseract and the pigeons. Also notice the captain mummy off to the right who survives to become one of Grandpa’s esteemed foyer couch guests. 
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This is possibly an entry-level style of puzzle, where Joey dances hard enough to JiggleTM the environment and Make Things HappenTM. A cool use of her dancing mechanic I really like it. 
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Y O U T H R O L L also???????????????????? why is Dammek such a fucking nasty boy? We’ll see how fucking FilthyTM it gets in the next frame but he really needs to do some dishes (I’m not sure how he affords them all as a bronze but he also has 1000000000000 guns so hey). I love his deercat lusus so so so much and I want to know how it feels having another of the same lusus taxidermied and used as a fucking sockrack in it’s son’s basement. This is the recording area from promotional art we’ve seen, Xefros and Dammek are cool and good moirails, Dammek needs to do his laundry as well as his dishes, the Bandcestors print exists in-universe, there are some references in the other posters I don’t get, and trolls eat giant bugs in stew which is gross and I’m absolutely not here for it at all. 
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Look at all these dishes. And all these guns. Wow are there a lot of guns. I mean I guess rebels need guns but... that’s still a lot to just have lying around. Maybe he has a riflekind specibus. The same dark blue/light purple sky as the missile shot is seen through the window so we definitely know the missile is on Alternia, and we can see one of Trizza’s cool imperial drones skulking around ominously too. I really love their design. Other things of note here are a potential microwave and those cool headphones which curve out for his horns. How are those sold? Horns don’t all grow in the same spot, so are headphones custom made, or are there a set amount of standard areas that horns grow from and you can get different headphone styles designed for each? It’s attached to some sort of Walkman. 
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My favourite shot from this trailer. I love Xefros’ room. The lighting is again, fantastic, and also really concerning. Pool balls on the wall, on the floor, in the lights... Obvious connections to LE and it makes sense if you consider Doc Scratch’s involvement. We know Xefros is a Sports BoyTM (we can see his helmet and uniform in the back there) and we know he’s a butler (nice to see the cutlery and proper cutlery position chart on the wall) and I was thinking that billiards is a real sort of refined sport which would align with his gentlemanly image and - if he’s influenced by Doc Scratch, a very gentlemanly aesthetic’d individually who likes to raise proper servants - possible outside interference. I love his little butler suit. His bunk recuperacoon is nice. I like how the UI changes between humans and trolls. I like the telekinesis button design. I like how he has a FLARP manual (FLARPing My Chemical Bromance please), and this writing is fantastic. It really speaks to troll society in a really succinct and witty way which is reminiscent of the earlier Homestuck style and will be great for exposition and I can’t wait to see more. Cohen seems really capable and I can tell the writing will be fantastic already. Also of note is the athlete poster who seems to play the same sport he does based on the gear, and the sexy poster by his recuperacoon. His recuperacoon is a cool shape too, it actually looks really comfy in that reclined upright position. That would be so good for me RN because I am sick and My SinusesTM are Not Happy With Lying DownTM. I absolutely love Xefros’ hive (I just adore those pink and blue trees, and also treehouse houses) so I can’t wait to see more. I really just can’t wait for a lot of stuff.
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Rebelgram. I wonder how many messaging systems there’ll be in this game (if we want to count Prongle as messaging). I like the style and simplicity of this UI, as well as text option convenience. Speaking of, we see some rudimentary dialogue choices which I’m sure will get more complex and interesting as the story and relationships progress. Quirk wise, it seems Xefros uses perfect grammar with no capitalization besides ‘X’, removes ‘e’ from ‘ex’ pairs, and uses ‘X’ in his emojis for his horns. I’d like to note that ‘X;)?’ is probably Joey being confused about the use of the ‘X’ as me and @theenglishmanwithallthebananas looked into together last night and Joey could very feasibly be familiar with emojis considering the date of their invention preceding 1994. I’m excited to see more websites in-game, like troll!eBay, which will potentially make for an interesting mechanic. 
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Dammek’s bedroom is a mess too. We can see another gun in the foreground as Joey climbs out of this vent (presumably from the basement), and another fucking dish stack. There’s a giant hole in the floor and ceiling from the cherub portal beam. His recuperacoon is fucking WeirdTM and... I honestly have... no idea?????????????? how you get in that or why it has so many oddly placed holes (and speaking of how it retains the sopor slime?). There’s a weird magenta box there and I’m really not sure what it could be. A drum set up the back there, and... are those more guns by the window? Really. Where the fuck did he get all these guns? Troll!eBay? More posters in here: Grubbels on the ceiling on the right, some more deercat lusus stuff. Troll!Judge Dredd. Troll!Robocop. I don’t recognize the two at the back, but I do know the troll!Anarky symbol (I feel like that might specifically be a Batman reference because of the antihero/gritty-inclined superhero theme going on here? Could very easily just be a normal anarchy thing tho). 
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Here we see what I think is meant to be a troll!Terminator poster which I swear we saw in HS cuz I remember those horns but I might? be crazy. Another gun is held above the door, which is locked by a biometric bypassed by the tesseract (which goes dark in the next few frames). It’s too small to see because unfortunately these screenshots all compressed, but during this sequence, the cube emits some white sparks, as if the whole ‘lime green and probably really important’ stuff didn’t already make it look related to first guardians/the Green Sun. I’m not sure why it loses power here but... I mean it’s interesting. There’s also a model of a troll getting abducted which is of course A Very Funny CoincidenceTM. From all of these posters I’m getting a very strong Lawless Law, Moral Code, Violent Disestablishment And Vigilante Action vibe for Dammek, which makes sense considering he’s a rebel (potentially a leader??? with all these weapons and the infamy of the Grubbels? with in-world merch? how is that allowed?), and I’m sniffing some Mind on this boy, but obviously that’s super tentative bare bones. 
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Wow this is beautiful. 
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Fucking same.
So that’s the trailer! I figure I might as well also go over the presskit while we’re here: 
None of the info provided here is new, but to recap: Hiveswap takes place in 1994 as a prequel to HS and the birth + arrival of the beta kids on Earth, who will get here in... two years. Enough time for Grandpa to pack up shop and ditch the wife (is Anna Claire still alive?). Every item combination is possible with unique flavour text (I can’t wait to extend the standard 4-5 hour play by testing everything), there’s at least one third wave ska song, frenemies is a possible relationship option (quadrants please and thank you), and Hiveswap and Hauntswitch will be playable in either order. Moving on to those good exclusive screenshots: 
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So many dead animals. I find the bear/deer combination quite tasteful myself, as well as the bull head and hooves mounted above the fucking door. Wow that wolf, am I right? Really happy to see ‘play haunting x’ is still a thing, and I’m excited to see what recurring commands/gags pop up in these games. The rug coordination in this household is awful but I love it and the texturing on these things is fantastic. I’d also like to draw your attention to the corned of the shot, in the back corner above the arrow on the piano and behind the stair rails: 
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It’s this monster from the concept art in the asset reel that came out oh my God 2 years ago. Anyway, it looks lime green in the former screenshot, and if there’s one thing I know about exotic snake monsters (which we’ll get back to in a second) and Grandpa, this is probably a new denizen minion, and subsequently a hint at a new denizen design! Nothing else on Earth looks this cool, right? With the colouration and AesthetiqueTM I considered this being an Abraxas minion but Abraxas looks - from Jake’s browser - to be bird themed so that doesn’t quite line up, but the prospect of finding minions for more denizens and thus new denizen designs in the Harlehouse is really exciting to me. Basically this is all just Really Fucking ExcitingTM. Also trust me to focus on this one background thing.
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Here we see the fight with the centipede antiguardian in the basement which we see later that Joey is in to turn the power back on:
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I’m still really here for dance combat and this game’s beautiful art and insane attention to detail. Most of note for me here are the Typheus minion head and what I’m 100% positive is a Cetus minion head (purple narwhal AKA purple whale AKA Cetus). Although Cetus was never shown Rose’s browser showed a human woman head so if denizen minions can vary a bit from their denizens design then perhaps that snake on the stairs up there is related to Abraxas. I feel like of all the denizens to include a nod to, the one associated with the cherubs - so potentially a Yaldabaoth minion too? - makes sense. 
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More messy rugs and I still love how ugly and tasteless it is. I also love this little blue lady corner with the tiger skin armchair by the French doors we’ve got here. There is so much illegal game in this house. 
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God bless these family photos (pretend Joey is standing on those stairs a little more - I’m fine with the models not quite lining up considering it’s 2D). As we saw in the photo of Grandpa and the buffalo by the piano, it seems Joey and Jude specifically decorate Grandpa’s hunting photos. But I don’t think this is because it unnerves them:
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Once again the art and lighting in this game is phenomenal. But Joey seems quite excited by all these dead things so no I don’t imagine the hunting bothers her very much. That’s funny to me because Joey wants to be a vet, so maybe the excitement is just standard for one of her dance cycles and she’s not actually normally very happy about all the dead things. I guess we’ll see. Note the katana below the orange cat. @Dirk next time Grandpa. It’s cool to see more nods to the alphas and the environmental storytelling is going to be great in this game. 
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I like how Jude’s calling the antiguardians the cryptid vanguard and I almost want to do the same. 
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I only just realized that we’ve seen all this gerbil tubing before but it’s what got me to freak out about Tesseract so I’ll leave that in there. I’m still not really sure how the combat system works at all from what we’ve seen but it looks interesting UI-wise and I really like the death bubbles that pop up at collision points. It’s a cool skull graphic I think we only saw once in Homestuck, and that one on the left looks a bit like the ~ATH face.
Also wow that bat thing has a manly chin.
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I love Jude a lot. 
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These theatrical encounter screens are still great.
All in all: WOW! SO MUCH STUFF! WOW! GREAT! I’M! E!X!C!I!T!E!D IF YOU HAVEN’T NOTICED. Hopefully you enjoyed my thoughts and I’ve pointed out some details or ideas you might have missed. I’m also sorry for being too lazy to edit out the YT bars on the trailer screenshots but hey whatever.
This game looks so fantastic and I can’t believe it’s going to be here in 13 days after I’ve waited for so long (since 2013) and I’m just... yeah this is going to be cool. 
Stay tuned for more Hiveswap theorizing and coverage, which will only increase by a Whole Fucking LotTM when the game actually comes out. Hopefully I’ll be hot on the scene the day it drops but that’s also a Friday so I might lose some time at school but we’ll see how it goes. 
For reference, I will be tagging Hiveswap spoilers as ‘HS spoilers’ and/or ‘Hiveswap Spoilers’ in the future. 
My Hiveswap theories are here:
Antiguardians: http://analytic-chaoticism.tumblr.com/post/164851214030/hiveswaps-antiguardians-possibly-solving
Horror: http://analytic-chaoticism.tumblr.com/post/158878144610/hiveswap-and-horror-possibility-of-scary-segments
Plot: http://analytic-chaoticism.tumblr.com/post/155283894895/hiveswap-cherubs-fantrolls-first-guardians
The Handmaid/Doc Scratch: http://analytic-chaoticism.tumblr.com/post/154670995195/the-handmaid-in-hiveswap-homestuck-ancestors-in
God Tiers: http://analytic-chaoticism.tumblr.com/post/151553862535/tentative-hiveswap-classpecting 
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therealyze · 5 years
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03 - 2020 #TheYze #Wolf #HorcruxProductions #SouthAfrica #Mzansi #Wolfpack #Pretoria #YzeSeason #Shade #gae #cfio #beyourself #2020vision #London #common #pitori #africa #humpday #wednesday (at Pretoria, South Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9To8TnDbP9/?igshid=1t2k7anqlstwa
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