fasciahb · 10 months
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moe onceler smokes a fat blunt i like the WIPs more tho :’(
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Can you do a little thing for if angry or stoned ler!eddie finds out the readers worst spot is their back/shoulder blades??
Absolutely!!! 😖 /pos
Rambles for angry/stoned ler!Eddie under the cut! These hcs will mention w33d so please skip these if you need to. Prioritize your comfort <3 /gen /pos /p
I will also mark the start and end of the section that mentions w33d.
*Start of w33d mention. Please scroll to the second gif to skip this section if you'd still like to view the angry ler!Eddie hcs*
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Stoned!Eddie is such a cinnamon roll 😭 He's gonna get really giddy about this discovery. Eddie's always excited about finding a new ticklish spot because that's just another set of tactics he can use to make you laugh 🥺 Whether you're his significant other or just his best friend, Eddie Munson adores you, and he'll take every chance he can get to see you smiling and giggling.
Since he's an extra bold ler when he's baked, I can totally imagine that he discovered your deathly ticklish back/shoulder blades after blatantly telling you that he wants to find another one of your tickle spots 🥴🏃🏽‍♀️ /lh /pos
OR- If you happen to also smoke pot, he likely made the discovery during one of your stoned tickle fights (absolutely adorable).
Whichever way a stoned Edward Munson found out, you can guarantee that he's gonna be a loving menace about it. He'll spider crawl his fingers up your back and across your shoulder blades and grin when you spiral into uncontrollable laughter. He also loves reading to you when he's high and you'll just be lying down close by or be affectionately "trapped" in a snuggle and his fingers will just be very softly tickling you and drawing out these really quiet giggles that just melt Eddie's heart 🥹💜
*end of w33d mention*
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(For all of Volume 2's issues, we did get many scenes of Eddie emitting ler and lee energy 🥴🏃🏽‍♀️ /lh /pos)
Oh holy moly you're doomed. So doomed. Angry ler!Eddie finding out you have a ticklish back and shoulder blades? Doomed. Doooooooomed. /hj /lh
Eddie's going to somehow make the tickling feel ten times worse and there will be plenty of mock sympathy the entire time he's dishing out his form of payback. Scary 🥴 /lh
He's gonna list every reason you absolutely deserve to get tickled to pieces and he's gonna trace out those reasons on your back as he's tickling you 🏃🏽‍♀️ And then the mock sympathy will increase tenfold.
He's cruel AGAHSHDJFJ BUT- not cruel enough to completely kill you. When you're at your limit he will always stop, however, when he's been dishing out payback tickles, he always makes a smartass comment after he's done. Theatrics are par for the course as well (they always are GAHSHDF this is Edward "the theater kid" Munson we're talking about 🥹❤️ /lh /pos)
"Perhaps next time you'll reconsider invoking the wrath of the overlord of tickling." <- Smartass AGSHDHDJFJ
Angry ler!Eddie is just so 🥴 EEEEE AGAHAHDHDHDJE I hope you enjoyed these hcs, anon! Thank you for sending this concept in!!! /gen /pos
Until next time, everyone!
~ Ushu 💖 (/p)
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miru667 · 2 days
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The whole Once-ler family is working full tilt!
Here's my full piece for the VK Onceler Zine! I was very lucky to get to be a part of it...🥹 I used concept art as my inspiration this time: [link] Keep reading below for my process vid and all my director's commentary!
Thank you for being curious! Here's a video of my WIPs:
Deadlines were TIGHT for this zine! We were given only 2 months (compared to the 6 months I had on the previous onceler zine), so to make sure I could finish on time, I decided to do only base colours and lighting, with almost no shading anywhere. Still, trying to balance all the colours took the longest for me, as you can see in the vid. xP
Also idk if anyone noticed, but for the face I chose to use an already existing onceler doodle: [link] Why? Well, why not! I really liked that doodle and I didn't want it to go to waste. 😆
Things that I enjoyed sneaking in:
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-the golden spiral! Vaguely, at least! At the very least I hope your eyes can follow the order of thneed production, from the fallen tree at the window to the tuft harvesting to the thread spinning, to knitting the thneed and then drawing up plans for bigger and better things, and then ending with him pulling on his iconic glove to show he's going to take control now
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-15 cents, a nail, and a great great great grandfather snail, as well as a tin pail since that's where you're supposed to deposit your payment
-combining things from the 2012 movie and concept art, the 1972 movie, and the 1971 book (e.g. that funny wrench he uses to fix pipes)
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-Miss O'Schmunce-ler! You can see from the vid that I added the bracelet pretty late, because it was a late decision to have a Miss O'Schumunce-ler somewhere. I chose her to be the one picking up the pencil in the end, since she's pretty good with a pencil in the movie hehe
-a thneed, a seed, and a (grickle grass) weed on the floor. The thneed is just the first of many that will soon create a giant pile. The seed lies forgotten in the corner. The weed is foreshadowing the future.
-hinting that Lorax and Once-ler were actually good friends, like they were in the Lorax musical stageplay. 🥺 I kept this part of the script in my mind for this piece:
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This was aftermath Once-ler talking to the Lorax, reminiscing on their good times...and also being stupid and inconsiderate because the Lorax was in fact there all along as his friend, trying to warn him of what was going to happen. 😔
So in my zine piece we're witnessing a peaceful time before all the real biggering really starts. I like to think that in this scene, the Lorax had been sitting on the Once-ler's lap, holding his gloves for him and having a nice chat together with maybe some harmless bickering, but then the Once-ler gets a phone call so he cuts their convo short and rolls his chair over to the window to answer it. Putting business over friendship as usual, of course. Inspo for the lap sitting comes from this fanart by Emi that I love: [link]
What else...the parts that I'm proud of the most are the stool (I spent 2 days just drawing this stool), the curtains, and the Once-ler's pose. I was close to giving up on that pose because I had no idea how to draw it but I'm glad that I tried again. I wanted to show him at ease during a stage in his life that we never got to see much: the happier and more innocent days of his biggering when he only had a small shop. 😊
That's all, I think! Thanks for reading if you did! Once again it was an honour to be part of this zine!!
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vasilek-ymep · 1 month
my lorax au once-ler (Drug-Ler/Junk-Ler/Weed-Ler/Addict-Ler or just Torchalkins)
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translation of the interview 1997:
Jane: We haven't been able to contact You for a long time. Are You always so busy, or is there some other reason?
Once-ler: Yes, I work all the time. The corporation isn't standing still. I'm directly involved in the development of new and more advanced 'drugs' .
Jane: Is 'Dr.' Moore after all?
Once-ler: (laughs) You could say that.
Jane: The our article title is 'Sweet 16x2'. How do You feel at 32?
Once-ler: I feel great. I can't believe it's been so long! This age was always seemed unattainable and very far away to me. Especially at the 16.
Jane: The article should have been called 'Sweet 16'!
Once-ler: (laughs) maybe!
Jane: You haven't changed much. What's the secret?
Once-ler: There are no secrets. I just don't drink or get drugs.
Jane: That's good. Now many people are addicted. Especially teenagers.
Once-ler: It scares me.
Jane: Is Your company RSGS MED CORP aimed at combating teenage alcoholism and drug addiction?
Once-ler: Yes, that's right. It needs to be eradicated.
Jane: I like Your attitude!
Once-ler: Likewise, Jane.
Jane: It's great that You took the time for a little interview. You haven't appeared on TV since the 1990s. What is the reason?
Once-ler: I try to exclude TV from my life. It spoils the nerves. There are no promising shows for me at the moment where I would like to appear.
Jane: Mr. Moore, You have become a sex symbol of the 80s. It's already the 97th year, and You still remain the idol for teens. Tell us about Your views on life.
Once-ler: I think everyone should appreciate the time that God has given us. Every second should be spent usefully. Communication gives us a lot. You need to strive to get to know new people in order to gain experience from them. Of course, the most important thing in life is mental balance, career and family.
Jane: (laughs) arranged in decreasing order of importance for You?
Once-ler: (laughs) Almost.
Jane: My newspaper has received a lot of questions from fans about what You're listening to. Tell us about Your favorite musicians.
Once-ler: I really like Prince!
Jane: Exactly, how could I forget. You have his guitar?
Once-ler: Yes, yes!
Jane: A gift?
Once-ler: Yes, we contacted.
Jane: Which his song do You like the most?
Once-ler: 'Soft and Wet'.
Jane: (laughs) Exotic and sexy!
Jane: In '89 You released Your album under the label 'Crystal', and in '91 You starred in the musical 'Go Billy Gox3'. What was the reason to stop trying to enter a musical career?
Once-ler: Perhaps a criticism. You know, I've always loved funk and rhythm-and-blues more, but my voice is too low to compete with Sly & the Family Stone or Talking Heads.
Jane: I think You'll find Your genre!
Once-ler: (laughs) No, no, I'm not into music.
Jane: You've been in three films. Are You planning to shoot more?
Once-ler: I would like to. So far, there are no scripts that I like.
Jane: Really?!
Once-ler: Alas!
Jane: Tell us about Your favorite actors and films.
Once-ler: Audrey and Ted Wiggins definitely!
Jane: Such a quick response. What kind of paintings do you like with them?
Once-ler: 'Sweet Blood'. All the parts.
Jane: Wow!
Once-ler: I like the theme of inquisitions and steampunk... and vampires, of course! (laughs)
Jane: What do You think about the progressive-anarchic views of life of young people?
Once-ler: I think this is maximalism.
Jane: Were you like that?
Once-ler: Perhaps! It's just that my environment is enviably full of aggressive fanatics. I know you're going to read this, American!
Jane: (laughs) Is there a problem with your cousin?
Once-ler: Conflicts of worldviews.
Jane: You have a direct influence on American politics. Why haven't You been running for president yet?
Once-ler: I'm a pharmacist. I doubt that I can make America strong if I become president.
Jane: Are You a patriot?
Once-ler: True. I protect my homeland from people like me. (laughs)
Jane: Tell readers Your favorite books.
Once-ler: Read McDonagh.
Jane: The Scotsman?
Once-ler: The Irishman. But it seems to me that these are familiar problems for our country.
Jane: You've written two books about finding yourself. Is this an important issue for You?
Once-ler: Very much. As I said before, balance in the soul is a balance in life.
Jane: It's inspiring!
Jane: Are You still single? Or have You got a partner?
Once-ler: I haven't found the right person for me yet.
Jane: In the future, can I leave you my number? (laughs)
Once-ler: I'm yours! (laughs)
Jane: We don't know much about Your personal life outside of the media amplua. Why is that?
Once-ler: I prefer to be in the circle of friends and family without prying eyes.
Jane: Do You like being alone?
Once-ler: Perhaps…
Jane: Thank You, Mr. Moore!
Once-ler: It was a pleasure to answer Your questions!
Jane: You're very sweet. You seem so serious on TV!
Once-ler: Really?! How embarrassing…
Jane: It's even entertaining!
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stonelerr · 11 months
Umm .. what’s weed ?? (゚ペ)?
- Clover-ler 🍀
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Weeds are generally described as rapidly growing invasive plants that choke out desired or more favorable vegetation. However while there are invasive plants are that extremely harmful to the natural ecosystem of certain areas, I'm of the belief that most weeds aren't as horrid as made out to be by members of the HOA. Chamomile for example! While described as a weed, it's a very beneficial plant that's used for medicines to help with digestive problems and fevers. Wild violet is also used to treat upper respiratory infections. Next time you go outside in your backyard, check out your weeds, some of them are pretty cool.
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guy-busleeness · 4 months
lee!Kai and ler!Yul
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Kai was sitting on the grass whilst meditating as Yul sat by him unexpectedly, but not really getting Kai’s attention til he spoke.
“What the hell are you doing?” Yul asked in a rude-ish tone
“Meditating” Kai replied back calmly
Yul looked him up and down before speaking once more
“Why exactly?”
“To connect with myself spiritually” Kai said as he slightly opened one of his eyes to look at him before closing it once more.
“That sounds stupid.” Yul grumbled in response, he didn’t leave his side though, he just sat next to him with his arms behind him and holding himself up by his hands.
His eyes then scanned down to Kai’s side as he glanced at his face and then his side again, giving it a poke which earned a flinch from the green haired latter. Yul looked at him with his eyebrows raised in shock, he poked him in the side again which earned another flinch and a soft giggle.
“Quit doing thahat” Kai said through a soft laugh as Yul draped his arms on his own knees, standing up and sitting behind Kai
Kai then opened one of his eyes and looked at the now empty spot Yul had been sitting before Yul began scribbling his fingers underneath his arms
“Ehehehehehe! *hic* hehehey! Quit it!” Kai squeaked as he almost fell onto his side but was instead pinned down onto his side as Yul sat on his waist to keep him down.
“Huh, You’re not as ticklish as I thought” Yul said flatly, unbeknownst to him, that was in fact Kai’s natural laughter when being tickled.
“Stop ihihihit! *hic* it tihihickles!” The green haired latter squeaked once more as he began kicking his feet a bit, putting a hand on Yul’s chest to try and push him off to no avail.
“Ohohoho no! No escaping this, weed boy!” Yul rudely teased, now tickling Kai’s belly as well as his sides which earned a slightly bigger reaction from the other latter.
“GAHHAhahahahha! *hic* No mohohohore! No more, plehehehease!” He squealed and squirmed.
“Haha, never! Tktktktktktktk~!!” He teased as he tickled near Kai’s giggle button, which seemed to hit the jackpot.
“BWAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA *hic* NOT THERE! NOT THEHEHERE! NOT TEHEHEHEHHEAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAA!!!” Kai screeched as he tried softly pushing at Yul’s hands, a tear of mirth peaking out of the corner of his eye, Yul just laughed at Kai’s vulnerability and began tracing circles around his giggle button.
“Does someone have a ticklish button? Yeah? Do they?” He teased as Kai covered his face his his hood.
“Awwh, why not? Can’t handle it or somethin’?” Yul asked in a mocking baby voice just to run salt in Kai’s wound.
“Rude! Aren’t you the one that said tickling was healing for the soul the other day?” He asked smugly
“HUSH UHUHUHUHUP!!” He hollered in laughter as tears of mirth rolled down his face
“Hmmm… fine, I’ll stop. But I’m SOOOO using this against you” He said as he got off Kai’s waist as he sat up and clutched his chest and belly.
“Asshole” He jokingly said through breathless giggles as he wiped a tear of mirth from his eye.
“Oh!” He exclaimed in mock offense, playfully pushing Kai over which got a chuckle out of the latter
“Jerk!” Yul joked back in response
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blushyeleven · 7 months
Tickletober - DAY 22
Ticklish kiss
Characters: lee!mia, ler!vada
Warnings: mention of drugs (weed), sexual themes implied, mention of being high, tickles, swearing
a/n: my first fallout fic! Also my name is Mia so the amount of self projecting in this fic is ridiculous (it made it more fun to write🤭) and also I’m even more sick so the quality of my fics rn is Not Great so im very sorry😭 (also an anon requested vada headcanons and I promise I’m gonna write them after tkl tober but my fics are priority rn, so anon if you see this, as soon as tkltober is over I’ll write them I promise!)
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𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔
It had been a long night, vada and Mia were just casually layed on mias vibrantly patterned rug in her bedroom after smoking some weed and coming to the decision that vada was going to stay the night at Mias house.
So the two high school girls layed there, in a small break of silence before vada spoke up. “What are you thinking about?” She asked after seeing the puzzled look on the dancers face. “Hm?” She mused before putting her legs up in the air, owning a laugh from Mia. But Mia didn’t answer her question, causing the younger girl to move closer to her while Mia just had a small smile on her face, watching the black haired girls strange, high antics. “What?” Vada giggled and heard another laugh come out of Mia.
“Okay I know your a women of very little words” Vada used her thumb and finger to clearly emphasise on how little she meant, as Mia stared upwards towards her ceiling and was still smiling slightly. “But I know you got some deep shit happening” vada said after a while, her eyes not leaving the girls face. “In that nice little head” Vada then used both her hands to almost cup mias face as Mia rolled her eyes slightly and let out another small snicker. Vada, who clearly wasnt in her right mind was rambling on as Mia just listened.
Mia just shook her head with a snicker before using one hand to cover her face “god” before keeping her hand over her face “anything?” Vada spoke up with a hopeful tone and a silly smile stretched across her face. But Mia was still not talking so vada came to her conclusions on a way to try and get he to open up. “Okay.. let’s say that you die tomorrow.. okay?.. and what if you die sad.. because you regret not saying what you wanted to say” Vada was very clearly out of it.. but it didn’t stop her from being curious.
There was then a long break of silence.. the only thing that could be heard was the crickets outside. Mia, who was deciding what to say then eventually came to her words. “I can’t say it” she sighed to which vada furrowed her eyebrows “why?”
The two girls were then met with another round of silence, Vada was just mesmerising and studying Mias Face as Mia slowly turned to look at vada. Before they were just looking at eachother. Vada then couldn’t help but find her eyes drifting of to Mias lips as the blonde highlighted girl noticed.. and she couldn’t help but also take a few glances at vadas red lips.
Before vada started to move closer, her eyes still locked onto mias lips as the dancer also moved closer before their lips met and formed a synchronised kiss. Vada then pulled away for a moment.. only to ask “is this okay?” In a small whisper to which Mia nodded. Vada then found herself ontop of mias waist, passionately kissing the girl. Never wanting to break away from the moment.
Mia tilted her head up slightly, earning more places for vada to explore with her lips. She then started slowly kissing her neck. Not forceful enough to leave a mark bur the right amount of pressure for it to feel amazing. As vada was leaving small but meaningful kisses along Mias neck she must have hit a sensitive spot because the noise that left mias mouth was clearly abrupt and unexpected. It was an odd mix between a gasp and a squeak although it was enough for the dancers face to react with a piercing pink.
“Are you okay?” Vada asked quickly, a little scared she was doing something wrong or that she hurt the girl. She quickly became slightly insecure of herself, her mind automatically thinking the worse. “Yeah I- im sorry-“ Mia was quick to apologise, avoiding the black haired girls eye contact. “Do you not want this?” Vada asked again, clearly a little worried she went to far before Mia replied quickly “no! I do! Really..” Mia said, finally looking the girl in the eyes with a slight up curve of her lips and her blush intensifying.
“Then what was that?” Vada snickered slightly, feeling a little comforted a reassured by the smile on mias face. The dancer then just sighed before her eyes drifted away again.. “I’m.. im just a Little sensitive there..” She spoke, clearly very embarrassed about the whole ordeal. It was actually quite amusing to vada, she’s never seen Mia like this before. “Sensitive?” Vada echoed, clearly a little lost. But Mia didn’t elaborate, her only reply was a small nod.
Vada was still casually perched onto the girls waist as she was still trying to figure out what she meant. Clearly the high was affecting her if she couldn’t place was Mia was trying to say.. without actually saying it. “What like.. it hurt?” Vada asked, her eyebrows furrowed more. Mia rolled her eyes playfully at the girls stupidity. “No.. like.. it tickled..” Mia answered, her blush almost matching the shade of lipgloss she previously had on.. before vada took it off with her own lips. “Tickled?” Vada parroted again, this time more amused and she snickered slightly.
“Your ticklish?” Vada had an excited glint in her eyes at this new discovery. Clearly Intrigued. “I.. well.. a little” the blonde admitted, rather flustered by the predicament she was in. Vada found herself at a loss for her own words, thinking how adorable this all was. “Sorry if I like.. ruined the mood” Mia sighed, staring off and out of her window. “Fuck having sex.. I wanna try this out” Vada smirked down at the dancer.. watching as her eyes grew twice in size.
“Oh come on.. please?” The younger girl pleaded, eager to test out this rather endearing feature about the girl. Mia just rolled her eyes again.. “okay, fine..” she reluctantly agreed, watching as Vadas smirk grew into a genuine smile as she wasted no time into prodding all 10 of her fingers into Mias side. Earning a jump and a squeak from the girl.
Vada then started mercilessly scribbling her fingers into Mias side as the blonde squirmed helplessly underneath her, letting out the most heart warming and adorable giggles. “ahahahahahha!! Vahahahadaaa!!!!” Mia squeaked out. Vada had never seen Mia like this before, just giving into her own sensitivity and letting herself freely laugh. She enjoyed this new side to the dancer.. but she wanted to hear more.
So naturally, vadas fingers swiftly found a new spot to target as her fingers fell upon mias stomach, skittering her fingers onto the spot as Mias laughter grew. “PFFT BAHAHAHA SHIHIHITT!!” Almost immediately, mia moved her hand up to cover her mouth as she clenched her eyes shut. There was something so.. fun about letting herself be vulnerable in this moment. Letting herself loosen up and actually enjoy herself, even if it was for a couple of minutes.
“I can’t believe your this ticklish! How did I not know?” Vada mused again, the smirk prominent on her face. “IHITS NOHOT LIHIKE I WAHAHAS GOHONNA JUHUST TEHELL YOU!” Mia giggled out, her laughter flowing through her trendy bungalow. “Why not? This is fun!!!” Vada giggled at the girl and her position. She really did look and sound adorable like this. “MAHAYBE FOHOR YOHOU!!” Mia tried to protest, this was probably the most vada has heard Mia try and speak all at once, after all she was a women with very little words. But she seemed to be vocalising herself a lot right now. “Uh! You know your having fun to!” Vada argued back, her smirk etching futher.
“SHUHUT UHUP!” Mia countered. “I’m just sayinggg!” Vada snickered before moving her fingers to mias ribs, clawing at them slightly. Although vada was clearly buzzing from being high, she was still a skilled tickler. She was an older sister after all. It just means that any older sister had a natural power of being able to tickle people really well. “AHAHAHA!! FUHUCK!” Mia was beging to squirm even more, clearly not even realising herself how ticklish she actually was. It has been so long since this had actually happened seeming as she was an only child and her two dads were away most of the time. But she didn’t usually have this kind of affection or fun with any of her dance friends. It was a change, but a nice change. A change that she actually didn’t mind. Even if that did mean vada now jones and could use her ticklishness against her at any given moment. Mia didn’t mind. She only really felt comfortable with vada using it against her anyway.
Vada then dug her hands into mias armpits and watched as the girl let out a window-shattering shriek before exploding into heavy and forcefull laughter. Jackpot. “AHHAAHHAHA FUHUCK! NOHOHO!! VAHAHADAA!!” She shrieked out of helpless girlish giggles as vada knew she had hit her worst spot. Oh boy, did she rinse that spot for all it’s worth as it was filled with nee and exciting reactions. “AHHAHAHAHAH NAHAHAHAHHAHA!! I CAHAHAHNTT!” Mia was in an own battle of the urge to clench her arms to her side in an attempt to block vadas wiggling fingers or to cover her own flushed face. “I think I’ve found a bad spottt” vada observed in a sing-song voice before scratching her nails directly into the poor girls hollows. Draining the laughter from the dancers mouth. “AHAHHAHAHHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHAH!!”
Mia was clearly close to her breaking point as the forceful laughter was creating small drops of water to fall down Mias cheek and for the pure fact that Mia was trying her best to thrash around under the weight of vada, who was practically already pinning her down. “I actually can’t even believe how ticklish you are.. I’m actually shocked” vada mused only making the situation worse for Mia as it somehow made it tickle more. But no amount of squirming could get vadas fingers out of mias armpits.
Mia then started kicking her legs about, causing vada a hard time to stay balanced on her hips with the amount of thrashing that Mia was doing. Before finally, Mia then called out “BAHAHAHHA STAHAHAPP!!” And with Mias wishes, vada stopped, pulling out her hands and watching as Mia tried to regain her breathe through the residual giggles still lingering.
“that.. that was adorable!” Vada snickered, still amazed and overjoyed with how the whole evening played out. “Like.. your so easy to tickle!” Vada teased to which Mia playfully scoffed. “Fuck off..” Mia said with a small smile of her own growing as vada then realised a swift poke to the girls side. As Mia let out a small squeak and jumped up. “Okay fine.. whatever” Mia admitted with a small sigh, but the grin never leaving her face.
It was clear the connection and the chemistry between the two girls, I mean, they were practically bonded by their trauma that they shared and they were both equally grateful that they stepped in when they needed each other the most. And it was moments like these that the students forgot what shitty world they were living in and just enjoyed eachothers company.
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toadallytickles · 2 years
I've had a fantasy about us smoking a bowl together, and then us getting in some nerd debate where you put the entire bong aside just to pin me down and tickle me whole explaining why you're right, trying to make me agree to every little thing while just sitting on my arms over my head tickling my entire upper body🤐
Oooh, this one’s super cute too~. “Um, haven’t we come to know I’m always right? What are you even talking about? Clearly you’ve smoked too much~. Good thing I know exactly how to convince you~.” (¬‿¬) *wiggly fingers*
“Why are you laughing so much? It’s not that funny-! We’re having a serious discussion!”
“I’m only stopping when you agree that I’m right~”
“So sensitive and squirmy.. did you forget what we were discussing~? Or is the only thing on your mind right now is how much you love being tickled by me~?” 💕
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greasersgyatt · 5 months
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‘Sadness? No more’
lee: Johnny Cade
ler: Dallas Winston
tw: venting, mention of suicide
Johnny was sitting alone in the cold lot. He was hanging out with the gang not too long ago but it started to get dark and everyone left home. Johnny never liked going home. He was thinking about going today but he decided not to. He could hear his parents fighting from outside their house. The word ‘hated’ was a understatement of how he disliked his parents, especially their fighting.
He could see his cold breath in the -2 degree weather, shivering. He had tried to start a fire to keep him warm but it was no use. The wind kept blowing it out. Johnny knew it wasnt safe sitting by himself this late because of him being a greaser. Town was weirdly full of socs today and even socs were passing through greaser territory and hanging about there which always made Johnny feel a bit frustrated but also afraid of getting jumped again.
He was thinking for a while, sitting on the curb of the lot. He was thinking about going to the curtis house snd maybe asking them if he could sleep over.. or maybe he could go round to two bits. Then it hit him. Dallas. Dallas would probably let him stay over. He always let when Johnny asked to sleepover even if it wasn’t usual. He got up and started to speed walk towards Buck Merrils house.
He got to Bucks Merrils house and knocked on the door. He knew there was some sort of party going on because he could see the colourful lights peeking through the curtains and he could hear the loud music coming from inside of the house. After a long moment, Buck opened the front door. “what do you want, kid?” Buck asked, his eyes focused on Jobnny. “uh- can i speak with Dallas?” Johnny said. He sounded like he was asking even though it wasnt a question. He was gonna speak with Dallas. “..he’s busy” Buck answered as he was going to shut the door but Johnnny quickly pushed it open again. “No, please. Just tell him that its johnny.” Johnny pleaded. Buck stared at him for a quick second before sighing. “wait here” Buck muttered under his breath as he shut the door.
He waited patiently until the door opened again. He saw Dallas who was shirtless. “..hey Johnny” Dallas said with one eyebrow raised, not really expecting Johnny but he wasn’t complaining hat he was here. “hi Dallas” Johnny said quickly before adding on, “do..- do you mind if i stay over for the night?” Johnny asked, hoping Dallas would say yes since there was a slim chance of Dallas saying ‘no’. Dallas looked at Johnny. “Yeah. of course, kid” Dallas said as he pushed the door open wider for Johnny to come in.
Johnny stepped in and instantly was hit with the scent of alcohol, cigarettes and weed. He didnt say anything about it though since he was used to all of smells. It didnt bother him much. Dallas and Johnny made there way upstairs and into Dallas’s small room that was at the end of the hallway. Dallas closed the door behind him so that the music from downstairs would be a bit quieter.
“..parents fighting again?” Dallas asked Johnny when he looked at him. Johhny sat down on the edge of dallas’s double bed, just answering with a simple “yeah”. Dallas stared at him. He couldn’t help but feel a bit bad for Johnny which was suprising since Dallas was always the ‘fearless, tough’ dude and he never reslly cared about anyones feelings, not even his own feelings. But there was just something about Johnny that he just felt like he needed to protect. Johnny already had a bad enough life with his abusive parents and how he got jumped a few months ago just made it worse since he never deserved that. Nobody deserved what Johnny was going through at his young age.
Dallas sighed, his hands swinging by his side before he goes down to lay on his bed. “C’mere” Dallas muttered quieter than usual as he let Johnny crawl over next to him.
“Dallas- i dont- i dont think i can do this anymore.” Johnny whispered under his breath, making Dallas turn his head in confusion. “I cant live like this anymore.. ill- ill kill myself-!” Johnny blurted out, making his breathing increase. “Hey, Johnny no. Don’t think about that. You’re not gonna kill yourself, kid. You’ve got me.. and the gang. We’re like your better family, Johnny. You dont gotta worry about a single thing happening to you when im around, you got that?” Dallas reassured him, putting his arm around Johnnys shoulder. “Now calm down your breathing, Johnny. Im being serious, you’ve got nothing to worry about.” Dallas added on. “Youll be okay. I promise.” Dallas said with a sigh, glacing at Johnny. Johnny always looked like a lost puppy in a crowd. Who wouldn’t want to protect him?
“..how about i try and cheer you up?” Dallas asked, trying his hardest not to smirk as he knew full on damn well what was about to happen. He was good at cheering Johnny up one way or another, tho today he was gonna try the old first method. “..ho-how would you do that?” Johnny asked, turning his eyes towards Dallas. “Ive got my ways.. so what do you say?” Dallas asked again with a slight grin. Johnny seemed hesitant but nodded. Dallas couldn’t contain his smirk now that Johnny agreed. In one quick move, Dallas grabbed Johnny, making him sit infront of him while Dallas was behind him. “Ready?” Dallas asked. “..yeah?” Johnny muttered with a bit of confusion in his voice. Thats when Johnny just wished he said no.. well.. maybe he did enjoy what happened next. Suddenly, Dallas dug his fingers into Johnnys sides, making him let out a gasp before being in a pit of laughter. He tried his best to swat Dallas’s hands away but he failed since Dallas was behind him. “DALAHAeHAS” Johnny said through his howl of laughter. Dallas smirked as his fingers made their way down Johnnys side, down to his hips and over to his tummy which made Johnny giggle in a more high pitched voice. “What Johnny? Am i making your sadness go away?” Dallas asked with a teasing tone. Johnnt could feel Dallas’s breath hitting against the back of his neck, making him squirm his neck back. “CUHUHUT IT OUT” Johnny squealed when he felt Dallas’s fingers scattering around his tummy, near his belly button. “DALALAS” Johnny begged when suddenly one of Dallas’s hands were poking around Johnnys ribs while his other hand was dancing around on his knee. Johnny basically screeched with laughter, kicking his legs to avoid Dallas’s fingertips on his knees. “What, Johnny? Cant handle a little bit of tickling?” Dallas chuckled “tickle, tickle, tickle Johnny” Dallas teased, laughing as he sees johnnys face turn a pinky colour from the t word.
Dallas finally stopped as he saw that Johnny was slightly coughing from all his laughter. “You good?” Dallas said with a smirk, letting johnny lean back on him while he gets his breath back. “Yeah- yeah” johnny said quickly in one breath as he looked up at dallas then looked away. “..thanks” Johnny mumbled. Dallas just smirked. “No problem, kid.” Dallas answered.
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ANTOHER ONE oh gosh can you tell Eddie has taken over my brain anywho imagine reader is with Eddie while he’s smoking and he just super super high and if you thought he was an evil ler before then he’s even WORSE when he’s high like man’s will full on chase you around the entire trailer park to tickle you and Max peers out from her place like what are those two goons doing now
I'll be placing my thoughts under the cut and tagging it for w33d mention so if any readers don't feel comfy reading about it, please feel free to skip this. Prioritize your comfort and wellbeing please <3 /gen
*Spoilers for ST4*
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^ This man-
I am dying on the hill that is "Eddie Munson is an even scarier (<3) ler when he's high." I will proudly die on that hill. He's already bold about tickling you, but he can get bolder. And what's scary about it, is that he's smiling like an IDIOT <3 and chuckling/giggling the entire time he's tickling you.
Like you can tell when Eddie is baked based on how he's acting when he's in a ler mood. He's gonna use sing-song teases a hell of a lot more. And it's so flustering- This little shit will laugh and giggle when you tell him to shut the hell up 🥴
"I'm gonna get you~"
"Someone needs a giggle~"
*stoned!Ler!Eddie Munson makes sure you have the giggles for the rest of the day*
Alternatively, if you're someone who smokes, getting tickled by stoned!Eddie is even SCARIER- heightened sensation? Brain feeling relaxed? In a mood where it's a lot easier to giggle about things? 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️ /lh
He's such an affectionate ler when he's baked. So expect all the soft and sweet comments and for him to be snuggly after if that's something you're okay with. He's a snuggly boi.
If you aren't okay with physical touch, Eddie will remain in proximity to you but he'll respect your boundaries.
Also- I just need to circle back to that whole "Eddie chases you around the entire trailer park to tickle you" concept. 🫢 BECAUSE HOLY SHIT??? /p
This man will tickle you the second he catches you. He doesn't care where y'all are. LMFAO POOR MAX HAS SEEN THIS SO MANY TIMES- Stoned!Eddie tickling you to the grass. 💀💀💀 This concept is so effing funny to me 😭 I'd like to think that after enough times, one day Max just peers out the window to see Eddie hunched over you on the ground as he tickles the daylights outta you and he sees Max and just grins like a dumbass <3
"Hey, red! Nice day, isn't it?"
^ Fucker <3
Eddie better watch out tho 😈 Cause he's deathly ticklish while baked. Get him back 👏🏾 /lh
AHHHHH This was fun to ramble about 🥴 Thank you so so much for sending this hc!!! 💕 /gen /p
~ Ushu 🤎
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city-tickles · 1 year
Hello. I'm new around here. If you don't mind, can you tell me what's the deal with tickle torture?
This sounds like a Seinfeld punchline 😂
It’s is like any interest/kink/turn on/whatever you want to call it. Your brain saw it somewhere someday and now like Spider-Man getting bit by the spider, you’re stuck with it for life.
It means different things to different people. And it can be whatever you want it to be. Some people who are into tickling might not even be into tickle torture or consider it torture. Some like the lighter, more playful side of it, tickling a friend or partner, teasing them, being silly with them etc. they might not even use a restraint or tool.
Others are more intense where they want to tie their lee up and consensually tickle every sensitive part of their body with fingers, feathers, brushes, oils, etc until the lee can’t handle it anymore.
There’s also a happy medium where you can tie someone up and use tools but be fun, cute and silly too. And an extreme where you want them to cry while laughing. It’s also sexual to a lot of people but you usually know what you’re getting into with a tickle partner and how far to take it/they want you to take it.
But whether you’re a lee, a ler, or a switch, tickling/being tickled is such a fun fulfilling sensation and a dopamine rush you don’t get from weed or alcohol or seeing your favorite movie. Even the laughter from tickling is different. You can meet someone with a deep, booming voice and if you tickle them, they let out the squeakiest little giggle 😂 And to me, it feels good to just laugh hard like that.
TLDR: People enjoy it. It doesn’t have to be that extreme.
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ticklepinions · 13 days
Hey. Thanks for being Queer women friendly, and speaking for Palestine. I'm not Palestinian, but it's still nice to see Tickle Community speaks of the g3nocide. And as a Demigirl with all pronouns, few seconds of scrolling at your blog gave me the safety that years of interaction with many Lers/Lees/Switches barely managed to give. Thank you, and we love you 💚✨️ Weed voicing your opinions, they are important for many of us
Thanks this really means a lot! 💙
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switchytransboy · 2 months
i think i finally figured out how weed impacts my tickle moods HAHA
if i’m like at the perfect level of high where im still on the climb or riding a mid level high out, i usually am super chaotic switch/ler-leaning
if i get really high, usually hit this point by evening LOL, that’s the point where i cross over the switch line into lee land 😅😅😂
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kanene-yaaay · 11 months
Omori tickles are epic and all but y’know what would be epic? Emori tickles! (The AU made by Shrimperini)
For example Emori Aubrey is pretty much the mediator of the group, making sure Sunny, Basil and Kel don’t fight eachother or dumb dumb crap, but imagine if she does this by absolutely destroying them with tickles?
Like Aubrey thinks Basil might be hiding Marijuana from her and so playfully interrogates him through giggles and laughter, pushing him onto the ground to absolutely destroy rip funny weed man, and like a tickle fight begins for the two of them but Basil almost always loses because he loves her!
However when he and Aubrey are hanging out maybe he just… randomly decides to gently tickle her, and like she squeals so adorably and says that’s really mean and he’s all like, “If it’s mean why ain’t you fighting back and fully embracing the laughter?” ;) and then she does then fight back and they just have a tickle fight but actually not because they don’t at all resist the giggles they cause eachother.
For Sunny and Kel perhaps the two are like… being really tsundere to eachother more than usual and Aubrey acts as the “mediator” mediator as in she absolutely WRECKS them with tickles! Sunny just takes it as he struggles to keep away a smile and giggle and Kel is full on flailing and swearing loudly at her and she’s all like “Sorry besties, I’ll only stop if the two of you hug and make up!” ;D
Also goth Mari… I think she’d find it very funny to just one day silently approach Sunny without his knowledge… and then go full silly ler goth mode and tickle him, soothingly reassuring him to not hold back his true feelings and laughter and him just doing that and laughing adorably, in contrast to his emo knife wielding persona he makes for himself! Also does that for Aubrey only she acts a little more rough tickling as she is more used to that compared to Sunny.
Hero…… uhhh idk I think he’d loath tickling of all types, with the possible exception being his girlfriend Mari. Like maybe when he’s stressed out studying Mari decides it’s to get playful and tickle him gently, causing him to snort in laughter and flail onto the ground in complete shock. (The good kind.) Mari is the only person he’ll allow to tickle him but he never tickles back because he thinks she wouldn’t like it. (She would love it actually and he’d love it too due to her cute laughter.)
You’d think emo Sunny wouldn’t like tickling but he love it just ans much and og Sunny, especially when it comes to destroying his best friends Basil and Kel. He doesn’t try with Aubrey as she’s the tickling extraordinaire and would casually destroy him in a tickling match. Basil and Sunny have a tickle fight with eachother as besties, but Kel is literally unable to tickle back against anyone and his flustered swearing is very funny and adorable to Sunny.
Speaking of Kel, he pretends so hard to not like tickling at all but actually…… he absolutely loves it. He never fights back being tickled but that’s only because he’s too shocked to do so, and he usually starts tickling others if they anger him too much… those people being Sunny and Aubrey. Unlike with Sunny he will tickle Aubrey, (Usually justifying it by saying she’s obnoxious but the reality is he wants to make her laugh.) but Aubrey always successfully fights back and DESTROYS him! And for Sunny… well he especially loves tickling him, though he struggles to stop himself from smiling as he doesn’t want his tough delinquent boy persona to be broken and get teased on by Sunny.
What do you think of the Emori tickle dynamics?
Oh my gosh, words are too little to express how much lovely this is! Emori is one of my favorite aus and to see all the silly, playful tickle dynamics here just make my heart sing ♡♡♡♡
Aubrey and Basil's tickle fights seems so adorable and niceeeee. The random attacks and gently tickles are just chef kiss fabulous to me, ya know? Also Aubrey trying to make Kel and Sunny get along by tickling them is so funnnnn x3
Kel and Sunny secretly loving tickling but trying to hide it is very sweet, also! Not to mention the way that Sunny let's himself go around Mari. P R E C I O U S
And the fact that Hero loves tickling when it comes to his gf ♡♡♡♡♡ cute cute cuteeeee
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Hi!! Can I participate in the candy heart event? Can you write a haikyuu one hehe, probably lee kageyama & ler coach ukai (Platonic) with 💚Cutie, I feel like the scenario would just matched P.S. no foot tickles if possible
Heyo anon! Of course you can! :D Coach Ukai! God I love him! I've gotcha covered! This was a little light on the tickles, but they are there! :)
Cutie: "Why are you trying to hide?"
“There you are.” Coach Ukai’s voice scared Kageyama so badly he choked on his milk, sending him hacking and wheezing.
“Whoa, whoa! Breathe kid!” The older man was over there in seconds, rubbing his back as he helped him calm down. “Sorry about that- didn’t mean to attempt murder today.”
“Y-Your fine.” Kageyama gasped, wiping his mouth with a sheepish smile. “Thanks, coach.”
“No problem. Now, in return…” Ukai raised a brow, crossing his arms and putting on his best “Stern coach” face. “You're not at the gym. Why are you trying to hide?"
Kageyama’s eyes widened, face flushing in embarrassment. “Erm, well…I uh, ran.”
“Ran…away?” Ukai asked, confused. “From the team? Did something happen?” He hadn’t seen or been told of any bullying going on, but if they were...
“No! No..well, yes. But no.” Kageyama shook his head. “No one did anything, I just kinda…panicked.” His coach waited for him to continue. He took a breath. “I erm…got to thinking. About things. About…middle school.”
Ah. So that’s what was going on. Ukai was familiar with his background; the whole “King Of The Court” reputation. “That’s still bothering you, huh?”
Kageyama ducked his head, his only gesture of confirmation.
“Listen, I’ve been watching you play since I got here.” Ukai kneeled in front of him so he could see his face. “You’re talented as hell, kid. And your attitude is fine. You’ve grown a lot since then, and you’re gonna keep growing. Don’t let your past mistakes anchor you. Instead- let them be lessons to guide you towards the person you want to be now.”
Kageyama was quiet, letting it all sink in. Then he blinked, brows furrowing. “Is that a Mr. Takeda saying?”
“Close. It was a fortune cookie.” Ukai shrugged. “I bet he gets all his from those too.”
Kageyama laughed, covering his mouth with his hand. “Oh no. You don’t get to laugh at my awesome sage advice without letting me see you smile!” Ukai grinned, grabbing the boy's sides, tickling mercilessly. “Now- are you gonna go back to the gym for practice?”
“Ah! AHehahahahhaha! Oohohohokay I wihiihhill!”
“And are you gonna keep beating yourself up about your past?”
“Tch, well at least you're honest.” Ukai snorted, shaking his head. He let the boy go as he stood, watching Kageyama gasp for air. “Questionable source aside- really. Try to learn to forgive yourself a little, kid. Growth doesn’t come until you’ve sorted out the weeds.”
“Anhohoohohther fohohohortune cohohohokie?” Kageyama asked as they walked back, properly smiling.
“No way- that was a Ukai original!” The blonde grinned. Then he averted his gaze. “Okay…that was the other fortune cookie.”
Candy Heart Prompts Are Officially CLOSED!
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fizzyp0p10 · 9 months
Onceler drawing I did today while camping to took me about 3 days, basically weed-ler
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