#weight loss program jupiter
tinabrooks7 · 1 year
Achieving Hormone Balance: A Path to Optimal Health in Palm Beach Gardens
Maintaining hormonal balance is essential for overall well-being, yet many individuals struggle with hormone-related issues. In Palm Beach Gardens, there exists a community of dedicated healthcare professionals who specialize in hormone balance. This blog post will explore the significance of hormonal equilibrium, its impact on health, and how seeking professional care in Palm Beach Gardens can lead to a vibrant and balanced life.
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The Importance of Hormone Balance:
Regulation of Vital Functions:
Hormones play a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions, including metabolism, reproduction, and mood. Achieving balance ensures these processes function optimally.
2. Stabilized Mood and Emotions:
Hormonal imbalances can lead to mood swings, irritability, and feelings of anxiety or depression. Balancing hormones can significantly improve emotional well-being.
3. Improved Energy Levels:
Balanced hormones contribute to sustained energy levels throughout the day. This can lead to increased productivity and an overall sense of vitality.
4. Enhanced Metabolism and Weight Management:
Hormones influence metabolism and the body's ability to maintain a healthy weight. Achieving balance can support weight loss efforts and overall metabolic health.
5. Optimal Reproductive Health:
Hormonal balance is crucial for reproductive health in both men and women. It can improve fertility, menstrual regularity, and support healthy pregnancies.
Professional Hormone Balance Services in Palm Beach Gardens:
Specialized Healthcare Providers:
Palm Beach Gardens is home to a diverse community of highly skilled and experienced healthcare professionals specializing in hormone balance. They possess the expertise to assess and address individual hormone-related issues.
2. Comprehensive Assessment and Testing:
Professionals in Palm Beach Gardens conduct thorough evaluations, which may include blood tests and hormone panels, to identify specific hormonal imbalances.
Common Hormonal Imbalances and Treatments:
Estrogen Dominance:
This imbalance is common in women and can lead to symptoms like irregular periods, mood swings, and weight gain. Treatment options may include hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or lifestyle changes.
2. Testosterone Deficiency:
Low testosterone levels in men can result in decreased libido, reduced muscle mass, and fatigue. Treatment options may include testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and lifestyle modifications.
3. Thyroid Dysfunction:
Imbalances in thyroid hormones can lead to symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, and mood swings. Treatment options may include thyroid hormone replacement medication and dietary changes.
4. Adrenal Fatigue:
This condition is characterized by fatigue, stress, and difficulty handling everyday tasks. Treatment may involve stress management techniques, lifestyle adjustments, and sometimes supplementation.
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Why Choose Palm Beach Gardens for Hormone Balance:
Experienced Professionals:
Palm Beach Gardens boasts a community of highly skilled and experienced healthcare professionals specializing in hormone balance. They are dedicated to providing personalized care.
2. Cutting-Edge Technology:
Healthcare providers in Palm Beach Gardens are equipped with modern technology for accurate diagnoses and effective treatment planning, ensuring patients receive the highest quality care.
Achieving hormone balance is an essential step towards optimal health and well-being. By seeking professional care in Palm Beach Gardens, individuals can take proactive steps towards restoring and maintaining hormonal equilibrium. Whether addressing estrogen dominance, testosterone deficiency, thyroid dysfunction, or adrenal fatigue, specialized healthcare providers in Palm Beach Gardens are equipped to provide comprehensive care. Take the first step towards a balanced and vibrant life by scheduling a consultation for hormone balance in Palm Beach Gardens today. Experience the transformative impact of harmonized hormones on your overall health and vitality.
Reclaim balance and vitality with ThinWorks in Palm Beach Gardens. Schedule your consultation for personalized hormone balance today. Embrace a healthier, more vibrant you!
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bouquetface · 1 month
Solar Return Observations 3
Accuracy influenced by entire chart
This can sometimes indicate resolving issues. Venus can offer a harmonious energy. You or someone else may effectively communicate to create solution.
House placement is important as well - EX: In 3rd, it could be with a childhood friend, siblings/cousin, neighbour. You or them could reach out to resolve past problems.
In a social house like 7th, 5th, 11th, 1st, this can indicate a new romantic interest.
In 11th, 10th or 2nd this can indicate a blessing in finances, reputation, or long term goals.
In 10th, you may be promoted. You may find a new source of income. You may be better perceived. A boost in reputation or status.
In 2nd, you may purchase one or many new possession. You may find a new source of income. You may receive help in finances.
However, keep in mind entire chart influences accuracy. For example, SR VENUS conjunct NATAL VENUS in 2nd H opposite Jupiter. This can manifest as making purchases that you can’t afford. Venus can feel indulgent. If you’re not disciplined in finances, Jupiter in 8th may expand your debt/what you owe.
SR Lilith in 9th
Usually I don’t put too much focus on asteroids in SR. However, I have seen this many times in the charts of friend’s in the year they dropped out.
This can manifest as being the “outcast”. You may not feel you belong while travelling. You may feel you don’t belong while enrolled in a uni or other type of higher educational program.
This can result in unintentional or intentional weight loss. South Node can create decrease. In my experience, this can be a year where you focus less on yourself. You don’t even realize you aren’t getting enough sleep and/or food. Your focus is on your relationship’s with other people (romantic, business, platonic). Since SR NORTH NODE would be in 7th, this can be due to changes in relationships with others.
This is can be a difficult placement. Be careful to not act on any impulsive or negative thoughts. You may experience a lot of emotional distress. Mars can be quick to act.
You may rely on other people’s finances as well. A negative manifestation of this would be stealing money or a possession from someone else.
SR Jupiter in 5th
This can indicate you or someone else is expecting a child.
You may meet new romantic interests.
You may find new hobbies. You can teach others about these hobbies/recreational activities.
The negative manifestation is you may find there is a lot of drama in your life this year. You may want to check aspects & natal jupiter placement for more insight. Example: If natal Jupiter is 10th, possibly this drama is regarding the workplace or authority figures.
This can leave you feeling mentally or physically depleted. The reasons may be unknown to you. A mystery illness. Negative emotion lurking behind you for possibly unknown reasons.
North node would be in 6th if you have this placement. This suggests you may be inspired to focus on fixing your health. You may join a gym or find other ways to be active. You may create an entirely new routine. You may get a pet to help your mental health.
A negative manifestation would be changes in daily life possibly on the job that negatively affect your mental or physical well-being.
SR MARS conjunct ASC
This can make you prone to accidents. You could develop a rash. You may find scars on your body or face. You may struggle with more frequent breakouts.
The positive manifestation is you are more energized. You could be more active this year. You could be more assertive and action orientated. This may lead to more arguments.
SR MARS conjunct MC
This can indicate your being seen as more assertive. You may go for leadership roles in the workplace. This can indicate hostility in the workplace and in regard to your reputation/status.
ex: Let’s say SR MC is conjunct URANUS & SR MARS is conjunct MC. This seriously indicates a tough work year. You may unexpectedly be fired or quit.
This indicates a transformative event that is fated. This event may lead to receiving more power or status. However, if badly placed it can be a loss of power & status.
To find in which area of life it will occur, check for the house. EX:
4th H : You may move. You may experience a death in the family.
6th: You may experience the death of a pet. You may be diagnosed with an illness or disorder.
3rd: You may move neighbourhood. You may get a new vehicle. Your relationships with siblings, cousins, childhood friends and even neighbours may change.
SR Saturn conjunct Neptune
This transit will kick your ass if you have been doing any shady shit - lying, cheating, stealing, going behind people's back, etc. The consequences are unavoidable. I have seen people who have this in their SR be exposed, shamed and left.
If you aren't doing any of that, it can still be tough. You may find other's around you are exposed. They could have been going behind your back.
Depending on house & sign, the experience will force you to mature. You can get a hard reality check if you haven't been actually working toward you goals. Saturn will bring experiences that make it hard for Neptune to keep you in a dream state. Saturn wants you to create a solid plan and start working toward your dreams.
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nikproxima · 2 years
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OPAV layout and conceptual upper stage, by Max
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OPAV Inspiration separates from the spent external tank, her cargo delivered to orbit safely. Art by Daylight.
Jupiter-Orbital Payload Assist Vehicle or OPAV was a system developed by Rockwell International in the late 1980s for use by NASA, the USAF and other interested parties. It consisted of three key elements, the Solid Rocket Motors built by Morton Thiokol, later Orbital ATK, the OPAV vehicle, built by Rockwell International, and the modified Super Light Weight External Tank, built by Martin Marietta and later Boeing. The system was comprised of a fleet of five flight vehicles and one airborne testbed, known as Puck. The fleet comprised of OV-201 Adventure, OV-202 Perseverance, OV-203 Endurance, OV-204 Inspiration, and OV-205 Tenacity. The system first flew in 1989 in support of the Olympus Program, with the goal of sending humans to Mars, which was accomplished for the first time in 1997. Like the Space Shuttle she was built from, Jupiter-OPAV would use the large solid rocket motors that debuted on the STS system, and the RS-25 main engines. Also like the Space Shuttle, she would reuse her most expensive components, the SRMs and engines by way of recovery. The OPAV pod's unique shape enabled a controlled descent, where the vehicle would land under parachute. She would exclusively fly with cargo throughout her nearly 60 year service life, in support of both the Olympus Mars program and Destiny Lunar program - with some proposals launching the ACEV system coming later. Safety improvements from lessons learned on the shuttle system would ensure a high success rate in the nearly 350 flights of the program, with loss of only one OPAV vehicle, Perseverance, during a cargo delivery flight. Ultimately, the vehicle would be repaired and placed in storage, while a flight spare, later to be named Tenacity, would enter service. The system would continue to support large cargo missions throughout its life, retiring in 2047 in favor of new, more reusable systems such as Phoenix - a vertical take off, vertical landing heavy lift system and Hydra, a vertical take off horizontal landing system that shared some commonality with the Shuttle and OPAV.
Read Proxima: A Human Exploration of Mars here.
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mypubliclands · 5 years
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Walking in the Wild 
Happy National Walking Day! With spring in full force, what better way to stretch those legs than on BLM-managed public lands? Did you know that walking can help lower blood pressure, reduce stress, aid in weight loss, and many more beneficial factors that can increase your quality of living? Public lands are fantastic places to get those steps in, so what are you waiting for? Here are a few great places you can get out and enjoy a walk on public lands:
Take a stroll along a hardened trail and boardwalk at Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area through native and restored Florida coastal habitats or participate in exciting interpretive programs regarding the site’s important role in World War II and its unique military history.
Walk the wild beaches of California's King Range National Conservation Area and discover solitude in a spectacular setting of 4,000- foot peaks jutting straight from the sea. With more than 100 miles of trails, there's plenty of opportunities to stretch your legs.
Or perhaps lace up the kicks and check out the breathtaking scenery at Colorado’s Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area. Walk by the red rock canyons and sandstone bluffs that hold geological and paleontological resources spanning 600 million years.
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ariadnelives · 5 years
Chapter 7 -- The Nightmare
[Missed earlier chapters? Go catch up here! Otherwise, welcome back! Oh, and make sure to join our discord server! Chapter can also be found @ ao3]
“I hate this lady so much,” Pilar practically snarled as she adjusted the ship's course. “Was she ever young, do you think?”
“Nah,” Ariadne said from the passenger seat, trying in vain to get a spoon to stick to her nose, “I feel like she's probably been an unpleasant old crone forever.”
“She was probably already on Calisto when they got there and they just built the bio-dome around her stupid rocking chair.”
The Jovian moon Calisto was now within visual range, and the rest of the viewport was filled with yellow and orange swirls. No matter how many operations they ran through the colonial moons, they never quite got used to the scale of a gas giant. Jupiter and Saturn took their breath away every time they looked at them. Something primal and hard-coded into their DNA told them that this was not something they were meant to see, and yet, here they were, a stone's throw from Jupiter.
The ship pulled closer to Calisto and Ariadne abandoned her spoon effort to pull out fake IDs to get into the bio-dome.
They got into the dome without incident, found a small garage to park in, and gave an almost comically large tip to the downtrodden-looking lot attendant.
La Pesadilla's high-rise apartment was at the top of a building whose elevator was constantly broken. While a woman of her means would be able to have it fixed, she liked that it was broken because it meant anyone who wanted to visit her would have to take the stairs.
Ariadne quickly repaired the electromagnets, actually making the elevator much faster than it was before it had broken, and wrote “HA” on the “Out of Order” sign. They were at her door in seconds.
La Pesadilla answered and, like Jupiter, her appearance never ceased to shock Ariadne and Pilar. At a glance, one might guess she was 90 years old. Her skin was eerily reminiscent to a well-worn catcher's mitt both in texture and coloration. Her expression was about as friendly as a large-mouth grouper, and under her tattered bathrobe was an inexplicable t-shirt depicting what appeared to be a zebra wearing sunglasses and smoking a cigar. Whether she wore pants under the bathrobe was up for speculation.
She walked with a cane, even though she did not need one, simply because she liked to jab it at people when speaking.
“You didn't fix my elevator, did you?” she more snarled than said.
“Nope,” Ariadne lied.
“Good, I like it broken,” La Pesadilla grumbled, “makes it harder for people to drop by and ask me favors.”
There was a moment of silence in the hall as Pilar and Ariadne struggled to find the words to respond to this statement.
“Well, come in if you're coming in,” she said, gesturing into the apartment with her cane, “I pay to air condition the inside of the apartment, not the hallway. Every second this door is open is a waste of my money.”
Ariadne and Spacebreather, still at a loss for response, stepped into La Pesadilla's apartment.
The place was decorated like a family-style restaurant, which is to say, the walls were covered with hundreds of curios, oddities, and other units of nonsense which begged the question, “what exactly is the difference between vintage collectibles and old garbage?”
Two other women sat on an overstuffed couch in the corner, their focus divided between small information terminals affixed to the armrests and a holographic table at the center of the room playing an old rerun of Val Deimos, P.I. at an almost obscenely loud volume.
“Balotelli's cheating on his wife again,” said the one on the left, a relaxed-looking black woman of approximately 70 with wraparound sunglasses (worn indoors for reasons that were known only to her) and a blue-and-purple sweater knitted to look like a particularly starry galaxy that Ariadne thought might be subtly swirling and twinkling. “How much do you think he'll pay us to keep it under wraps this time?”
“No dice,” replied the one on the right, a strong-jawed white woman of perhaps 65, wearing a tank top, cargo pants, and combat boots with an iron-gray buzz cut. With one hand, she rapidly tapped on her terminal. With the other, she repeatedly lifted a rather heavy hand weight. She did not seem to break eye contact at any point with the flickering rerun streaming on the surface of the coffee table. “His wife knows. Hired a private dick to tail them last week. Tried to have 'em whacked but lost her nerve at the last second.”
“Do we have the records?” Galaxy-sweater asked.
“I have the contract here,” Tank-top replied.
“We double down. He's up for reelection in May, and I'm sure neither of them wants the scandal breaking in April. Probably pay a pretty penny to keep it under wraps.”
“Sex, betrayal, and intrigue?” Tank-top asked. “This sounds like a pretty valuable story. It'd be a shame if some reporter outbid them for it.”
“Oh my god,” Ariadne cut in, “do you always talk in clichéd banter or is this for our benefit?”
Tank-top stopped her arm curls for half a second and then continued. Galaxy-sweater raised an eyebrow at her.
“Who's this lunchbox?” Galaxy-sweater asked in a derisive way that seemed to be second nature to mean old ladies and made even the most baffling of insults seem to make sense.
“This is that brat I was telling you about,” La Pesadilla growled.
Tank-top did not look away from her television program. “The one who always fixes the elevator?”
“I think so,” La Pesadilla grumbled. She wandered into the kitchen but continued speaking, incrementally increasing the volume of her voice so she could still be heard. “Her name starts with an A, and her wife here is named after … I don't know, some kind of rice dish.”
Pilar pondered this for a moment and resolved to ask Cookie about it later on.
“Shoot, hope that elevator is fixed.” Galaxy-sweater smiled, “I got bad knees and shit to do.”
La Pesadilla returned with two brightly colored plastic cups, filled with a cloudy yellow substance. She practically shoved these into the hands of her guests with a grunt.
“What do… what is…” Ariadne was uncharacteristically at a loss for words. She was barely reaching adulthood herself and she still had very little experience in the department of respecting her elders. She suspected that perhaps sixty percent of the people in the room were not acting as they should, but she was unsure of where she fell in that ratio.
“It's lemonade.” La Pesadilla removed a smallish disc-shaped tin from her bathrobe pocket, pulled out a handful of leaves, jammed them into her cheek, and began chewing them. “You're kids, you drink lemonade. You're in my house, I offer you a drink. The elevator's out of order, you take the fucking stairs instead of trying to fix it. There's rules to this sort of thing.”
“I said I didn't fix your elevator,” Ariadne stammered.
“You always say that.” La Pesadilla rolled her eyes. “What do you want? You're talking through our program.” She gestured at the hologram. The show was popular enough that Pilar had seen this particular episode several times with her parents, and since she had not had parents in approximately a decade, it was a safe bet it was not their first viewing.
“You could always pause it while we conduct our business,” Pilar offered in a tone she hoped would come across as helpful. She took a polite sip of her lemonade, which had no ice and seemed to be little more than powdered mix stirred into room-temperature tap water.
“You could've shown up on the hour, like a normal person, so you don't interrupt the last five minutes of my show.” La Pesadilla slumped into an old, heavily-patched recliner, searched for a small metal jar, and spat the leaves out into it. “So, spit it out.”
Galaxy-sweater let out a small “heh” at her phrasing.
“Why do you come here and bother me again?”
Ariadne finally seemed to find her voice. “We're looking for information.”
“Well, you've come to the right place,” Tank-top grunted, somehow still lifting her weight, “we've got all of it.”
“The Red God cult that's formed on Mars in the last year or so. We need to know everything we can about them.”
“What do we get?” La Pesadilla asked. “I mean, you're asking me to do the opposite of my job here. People pay me to keep their secrets. If I tell you about these guys, I ain't got no leverage on 'em, can't charge 'em for my services, feel? If I'm gonna spill the beans, I gotta know it's worth more than keeping my mouth shut.”
“Cut the crap,” Pilar said simply, “money is no object to us, and I think you'll be pleased with the amount we've deposited in your account as an act of good faith.”
La Pesadilla tapped at her display and raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Well, I'll be damned.”
“You'll get the other half when we have our information,” Pilar said.
La Pesadilla looked at Galaxy-sweater and nodded.
“Think we got something on them.” Galaxy-sweater said, tapping away on her own display. “Yeah, their leader's this fancy scientist turned whacked-out bible nut, calls himself the Zealot.”
“Real original nickname,” Tank-top added.
“Got into some real shady shit.” Galaxy-sweater furrowed her brow at the display. “We got our hands on a few black market ledgers about 20 years back, and the shit he was buying? Banned on just about every rock in the system.”
“Why would someone selling illegal goods on the black market keep a ledger of their customers?” Ariadne wondered out loud. Galaxy-sweater looked at her flatly and gestured vaguely at the blackmail operation they were currently sitting in the middle of. Ariadne took a sip of her lemonade. “I see.”
“You said 20 years ago?” Pilar looked confused. “These guys have only been operating for the past year, year and a half.”
“Nah,” La Pesadilla grunted, “they been around longer'n you kids have been alive. The Red God stuff is new. They used to walk around the moons, door to door, saying that the Earth was a New Sodom that was to be destroyed due to its sin and heresy and that the only way to be sure Jesus would spare the rest of the system was to join their church.”
“Or make a donation,” Tank-top said.
“Course, the day they predicted came and went.” Galaxy-sweater chuckled. “The Earth was still there. Then that happened, oh, five or six more times before everyone stopped giving them the time of day.”
“Buncha idjits,” La Pesadilla mumbled, “Jesus don't need our money, and he's got a whole universe to run. He doesn't go around blowing up planets because some people didn't pray right. All he cares about is if you're a good person. He don't even care if you believe in him if you ask me, just live your life best you can and he won't bother you.”
“Like bees?” Galaxy-sweater asked, smirking.
“Exactly, like bees. You don't bother him, he don't bother you.”
Ariadne thought this moralizing was rich coming from a professional blackmailer, and she couldn't help but think she'd been given the same advice about what to do when you encounter a swarm of bees, but she bit her tongue to avoid starting another tangent.
La Pesadilla took a sip from a nearby mug that seemed to be full of red wine. “Anyway, nobody bought his end-is-nigh crock and, last I heard, he was a pretty sick fucker. He bought a bunch of illegal shit and went underground. Nobody heard from them for a while, and they came back with a new god and a shiny new preacher. Little white girl, 'bout your age.”
Ariadne scowled. “Not even close.”
La Pesadilla matched her scowl. “Kid, if we're talking years, I'm easily five of you. You both got all your original teeth? You're the same age, far as I'm concerned.”
“What exactly did he buy?” Pilar attempted to break the tension. She, at times, was confused by Ariadne's talent for locking horns with grumpy older women, but suspected this was a deeper issue than they had time to unpack at the moment.
Galaxy-sweater looked at her screen. “We got three Cortex brand neural implants. Those things were all the rage back in the 90s, companies used to get them for all the employees so memos would go right to their brain.”
Tank-top laughed slightly. “Yeah, but they got banned pretty quick.”
La Pesadilla took another sip of mug-wine. “Security risk… a lot of bosses got caught snooping in their employee's thoughts. There was one big scandal where a manager tried to increase productivity by planting thoughts in his employees heads while they slept. An entire office working 16-hour shifts and sleeping at their desks because their brain was telling them 'if I stop working I'll die, if I ask for overtime I'll die, if I make a mistake I'll die.'”
“Yikes,” Ariadne concluded. “Go on, what else?”
“Blueprints for immersion pod,” Galaxy-sweater  explained, “That's a VR capsule that uses the brain's visualization center as a processor to create realistic simulations of pre-programmed scenarios. Originally designed for video gaming, scrapped because every focus tester who attempted to play a children's shoot-em-up game had to be treated for very real PTSD, and made illegal after the prototypes were found being used as training simulators for a radical Earth-based supremacist paramilitary corps.”
“I'm sensing a theme here,” Pilar chimed in.
“Here's where it gets really interesting,” Galaxy-sweater said, pointing at the screen, “he bought up a bunch of medical equipment. Machines for growing and implanting new organs.”
“Shouldn't need that,” Tank-top piped up, still watching her show but seeming to slow down on the weights. “I know he was sick, but if he needed a transplant he could get one at any hospital and be home for supper.”
“Could've been for implanting the Cortex device,” Ariadne suggested.
“Could be,” La Pesadilla said. “We ain't here to speculate, we just give you the information.”
“Aaaaand,” Galaxy-sweater reached the end of her list, “one Quantum Shift Generator. Weird little devices, designed for the Shop-n-Go corporation. They had this idea for expanding to the colonial moons that they could just build a single store interior which all of their storefronts would lead into, that way they could have a dozen stores in a bio-dome but only pay one set of overworked employees.”
“Wonder why that got banned.” Ariadne smirked.
“If you're thinkin' it's some worker's rights whatever, you're wrong,” La Pesadilla grumbled, pouring herself another mug of wine from a bottle that had been conveniently located next to the mug on the table. “It's because all the exterior doors led to the same interior, but they ain't give you the same courtesy on the way out.”
“What she's trying to say,” Tank-top said, placing her weight on the ground and reaching for a nearby bottle of water, “is that people would attempt to leave the store only to find themselves coming out of the wrong one. You could end up 15 miles across town in the 40 seconds it took you to buy an iced tea and a candy bar.”
“Would've made a great public transit system if there was some way to predict which storefront you'd come out of,” Galaxy-sweater offered.
“That's all we've got,” La Pesadilla said. “Where's the rest of my money?”
“Now, hang on,” Galaxy-sweater said, easing herself off the couch, “these girls paid good money and we have got one more thing. Been meaning to get rid of it anyway.”
She ambled over to a bookshelf, grabbed a small, shabby-looking paperback, ripped the back cover clean off, and handed it to Ariadne. “They dropped this in our mailslot back when they were still pretending to be Christian. Got a picture of the Zealot on the back. Might help.”
La Pesadilla jabbed her cane towards the closed door. “Now, get out of my house and put that money in my account.”
Ariadne and Pilar put down their half-finished lemonades, more than glad to not have to finish drinking them, and walked towards the door. As they exited, they heard La Pesadilla mumble, “and so help me if that elevator is working.” The door closed behind them and they immediately heard it lock.
In the elevator ride down to the first floor, Ariadne looked at the laminated cover she'd been handed. The photograph was of a white man, perhaps in his 40s, with squinting, intense eyes, a full but neatly trimmed gray beard, a straight, pointed nose, and a wide-brimmed black hat.
She felt uneasy and turned the book over. Something about him, something she couldn't quite place but knew very few others would see, hit upsettingly close to home. She didn't look at it again for the rest of the trip back.
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dcarevu · 6 years
DCAU #15: Heart Of Ice
“What killed the dinosaurs? THE ICE AGE!”
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Yeah, I decided to get the Batman and Robin joke out of the way before even starting. Check off that requirement early. Now I don’t have to mention it for the rest of this blog’s life, and can officially forget about its existence. I’ve been waiting for this day. But unfortunately, since this is usually how I watch tv shows, this is probably the last time I’ll get to see Heart Of Ice for a little while as well. I should’ve known that such an emotionally positive moment wouldn’t be without a catch. It’s like when the snow finally melts, but with it goes the cancelled classes.
Episode: 14 Robin: No Writer: Paul Dini Director: Bruce Timm Animator: Spectrum Airdate: September 7, 1992 Grade: A
This, as I’m sure all of you already know, is a damn strong episode that manages to hit me with almost as much strength as Two-Face, but in some ways has a little bit more going for it when it comes to the typical superhero show stuff. I find that Dini and Burnett are on the same page when it comes to the basics, but also have very different approaches to some of their finest moments, at least when comparing Two-Face to Heart Of Ice. As far as which one I like better, I’d probably have to give the edge to Two-Face, as I feel the emotional weight of that one packs more of a wallop. But I don’t think that necessarily means that it’s objectively a better episode. I think there are certainly people who would see more to enjoy in Heart Of Ice in terms of fun, in terms of visuals, and in terms of having a villain who is almost as interesting psychologically, and much more interesting superficially. I mean, it’s a guy with a freezing gun and a suit that makes him look like he just flew in from Jupiter. Plus he has a really cool voice! He’s like something out of the original Twilight Zone.
This actually used to be my favorite episode of the series, so I was a little bit surprised as I watched it and didn't quite get lost in it all like I did a few years back. I might have been expecting too much from it, and admittedly may have hyped it up a little bit too much before my girlfriend watched it (generally I try to not say in advance whether an episode is good or not so it’s completely fresh to her). Definitely enjoyable, I think something that is required for max enjoyment out of this episode is its overall context in the world of cartoons and comic book characters. These days it’s easy to take Mr. Freeze for granted, without thinking about the huge character transformation that Paul Dini created. It’s surprising sometimes to think that before this show, it was rather difficult to find an action show that you could take so seriously. The medium is newer than it feels, and this episode came out only a little bit before I was born. Nowadays we have shows like Avatar the Last Airbender which are more consistent than Batman the Animated Series, and altogether easily rival the DCAU, but if watching this episode and show today gives that feeling, picturing catching it back then is breathtaking. It was the third episode to air, and while I have preferred watching the show in production order, I can see why they did what they did. From the aspect of catching viewers and showing people what the show is all about, it truly does make the most sense to make this an early one. Maybe that’s another reason I remember this episode so incredibly fondly. Last time I watched the show in full, this was the 4th one I saw (I watched The Cat and the Claw parts together when initially they were bafflingly split up).
Everyone knows why this episode works, so I shall attempt to explain why it doesn’t work quite as strongly as it would if it were perfect. Without intending to be a contrarian, because that is definitely not what this blog is about. It’s about just enjoying something, but also giving some raw honest thoughts on that enjoyment, whether it’s positive or negative. This feeling is very difficult, though, because nothing rubbed me the wrong way here except for Batman’s “Freeze!” line. That line nipped at me worse than the 8˚ snowstorm going on outside my window as I type this. Kevin Conroy was a great voice actor from the very beginning of this show, but he just starts to sound so much more natural the further it goes on. He’s still playing a character this early on. But by the time we get to TNBA, the man is Batman. But no, if that one line was enough to ruin the episode for me, that would be pretty cold (ha). I think more it’s just a lack of “the feels” that I feel like the episode is trying to get across. It’s just not as heartbreaking as Harvey Dent’s story. Mr. Freeze being this cold, cold man who hides his emotions under a block of ice is such a great concept, but I think some things could be done to make it feel a little bit less cold to the audience. I don’t really know that could have been accomplished, but I wanted watching Mr. Freeze’s wife about to be unplugged and him getting kicked into those chemicals leave me with the exact same reaction that Batman had. “My God.” Instead it was more, “Oh, that’s pretty bad.” But at the same time, some of the lines of this one really do almost make you tear up a little bit. This writing is practically Shakespearian, so it’s pretty damn difficult to feel nothing or take more than a couple points off.
As much as the last episode we watched just shouldn’t exist, it being right next to this one sets up many direct opportunities to show why Batman was so important to animated family programming. Even ignoring all of the stupid shit we got to see, just compare the villains alone, Penguin vs Freeze. Penguin is a complete gimmick of a villain. What do we know about him? Well, he makes bird noises… He makes bird puns… He has a bird… He hides out in a birdseed factory. Maybe a little arrogant. I mean, am I missing something here? I’m purposely not thinking about his later appearances. Now take Mr. Freeze. He know his gimmick qualities too, like we do with penguin. But unlike Penguin, these gimmicks do not define him. We know that he has suffered a double-loss, namely his freedom and his wife. We know that he initially was working to change the world for the better, even if this meant risking his job. We know that what happened to him was enough to erase the hope and compassion from his heart. We know that he carries himself like he’s unfeeling when we know from listening to him that this is completely the opposite. It’s like he doesn’t want to feel anymore, but in reality he wouldn’t be doing what he does without intense, boiling emotions. And what does he do to hide this heat? Acts cold. In reality, the cold one is his old boss, Ferris Boyle. We understand Mr. Freeze. We may not agree with him. We may not even like him. But at least we get where he’s coming from, which nicely balances out the prick that is Boyle. Sometimes heartless, 2-dimensional villains can be okay if they’re done right and balanced properly. It’s not like these types of people don’t exist in our world. But the way they did this with the Penguin? Doesn’t make for riveting television either way. And when the Penguin is so boring and so ridiculous at the same time, that’s a double turn off. Mr. Freeze is a little bit ridiculous. Look at that costume. Look at the way he rides the fire hydrant water to enter his icy death chamber. Not exactly realism here, folks. But then he also has that human element to ground him. He’s interesting. And the aesthetic of the episode is here. He’s a character, not an obstacle. Granted, this is only one factor of Heart Of Ice or Basement, and I could go on when it comes to things that make each good vs bad, but hey, we have the whole series to further figure out what makes an enjoyable episode. Just thought I’d bring up this one aspect.
Interestingly, cold is what extinguished the friendly fire within Victor, but heat is what defeated that cold in the end…or at least melted it long enough to put him behind those icy bars of Arkham Asylum (not exactly sure how that cell worked, but it was beautiful, so you won’t see me complaining. Sometimes stylization trumps realism). I don’t just mean the fact that Batman’s chicken soup was sitting in a heat-containing thermos. In mean that in a way, it was love that defeated Freeze. Alfred’s love for Batman. It may have been played for comic relief when Alfred first told Batman what he was packing him, but I also thought that it was really sweet. Batman carrying around a container of soup that Alfred made him. It makes me smile so much, and I’m actually a little bit sad that he didn’t get to enjoy it, but hey, it possibly saved his life. Gotta do what you gotta do. Without Alfred’s kindness, Mr. Freeze may have won the battle. Without Boyle’s darkness, Fries may have won Nora’s battle. If this isn’t a good, but not obvious, lesson, well, I don’t know what is. And then we end with mr. Freeze alone, finally able to show some vulnerability. But even when he touches the snow globe which represents the love of his life, the thing frosts over and she stops spinning. Not even through this way can he touch her anymore. And then we close by having Batman watching through the window. The words of Mr. Freeze speak so loudly. But so does Batman’s ending silence. Great stuff here, people. Great stuff.
Oh, and that opening Mr. Freeze theme sticks with you. It’s in my head right now. I’m whistling it out-loud while Char is trying to do homework.
Char’s grade: B Next time: The Cat and the Claw (Part 1)
Full episode list here!
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vitality-sciences · 4 years
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spaceexp · 7 years
Arianespace: Satellite put into orbit at the wrong place
CNES / ESA / Arianespace Flight VA241 Mission poster. Jan. 26, 2018 Two satellites, including the SES-14 for the Luxembourg operator SES, were put into orbit Thursday night by the European launcher Ariane 5, but not at the right place. The two telecommunications satellites, embarked aboard the European launcher Ariane 5, which took off Thursday night from Guyana, were put into orbit, but, rare, not in the right place. Arianespace, contacted by AFP, hoped, however, a future "repositioning satellites in the right place with their propulsion system." "The latest news was reassuring after strong concerns," added the company that markets the launches.
Ariane 5 Flight VA241 lift off
Big fright indeed for its first launch of the year. Shortly after the start of the operation, Arianespace's CEO, Stéphane Israël, announced an "anomaly" in the Jupiter room of the Kourou Space Center and reported a "loss of contact with the launcher". A loss of contact, "a little over nine minutes" after takeoff and "a few seconds after the ignition of the upper deck" and which lasted "from the 9th to the 37th minute of the mission", has Arianespace said in a statement. Two telecommunications satellites From then on, the mission's "second control station" located in Natal, Brazil, did not acquire launcher telemetry, Arianespace notes. The situation was the same at the Ascencion station, on a South Atlantic island (supposed to collect data 13 minutes and 36 seconds after take-off), at that of Libreville in Gabon (18 minutes and 19 seconds after its take-off) and that near the town of Malindi in Kenya (22 minutes and 56 seconds after take-off). If "thereafter, the two satellites were confirmed separated, acquired and put into orbit", notes Arianespace's release they were "not separated at the place where they should have been".
SES-14 satellite
The European rocket had taken off Thursday as scheduled at 19:20 local time (23:20 in Paris), the Guiana space center of Kourou, carrying two telecommunications satellites, SES-14 for the Luxembourg operator SES and Al Yah 3 for Yahsat, operator of the United Arab Emirates. The SES-14 satellite also hosts a scientific load for NASA's exploration program GOLD (Global-scale Observation of the Limb and Disk), a program that must allow, from a geostationary orbit, to reconstitute all half-hour a complete picture of the terrestrial disk.
Al Yah 3 satellite
Built by Airbus Defense and Space in Toulouse, SES-14, a little over 4.4 tons on takeoff, is the 53rd satellite operator SES (European Satellite Company) to be launched by Arianespace since 1984, has indicated Arianespace. Built by Orbital ATK, Al Yah 3, with a take-off weight of nearly 3.8 tonnes, is the second satellite to be taken for Yahsat (Al Yah Satellite Communications Company), after a first launch in 2011. Related articles: Ariane 5: loss of contact with the launcher http://orbiterchspacenews.blogspot.ch/2018/01/ariane-5-loss-of-contact-with-launcher.html NASA GOLD Mission to Image Earth’s Interface to Space http://orbiterchspacenews.blogspot.ch/2018/01/nasa-gold-mission-to-image-earths.html For more information about Arianespace, visit: http://www.arianespace.com/ Images, text, Credits: AFP/Arianespace/Airbus/Orbital ATK/Orbiter.ch Aerospace/Roland Berga. Best regards, Orbiter.ch Full article
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vitality-sciences · 4 years
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