#weird platonic soulmate communication
therealrjlupin · 11 months
James and Sirius (Sirius: “I got your back”)
Gryffindor are winning the match by 150 points in the final of the Quidditch House Cup and James is determined, as the captain of the team, to win this one, though his heart dives as he sees the Slytherin Seeker start to chase after the unseen snitch. He is near the goal, and if he shoots and scores, it won't matter if Slytherin get the snitch, because Gryffindor will win and James will be immortalised forever as the captain who finally brought the cup home to Gryffindor; the only problem is that the Slytherin keeper is barrelling towards him and a bludger is doing the same from the opposite direction. Sirius flies up behind him, beater bat raised, and winks at James, and through their uncanny, silent communication, James knows that Sirius will take care of the bludger and take out the Slytherin keeper at the same time--all Sirius says is "I got your back", before Gryffindor are finally, finally the Quidditch champions.
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hitlikehammers · 7 months
feels like home
rating: t ♥️ cw: coming out, softness, recovering from the upside down ♥️ tags: pre-relationship, post-s4, fluff, hurt/comfort, Eddie is having many feelings, the main one being that Steve feels like home, platonic stobbin, supportive platonic soulmates coming out so Eddie feels safe to do the same, injury recovery, still-so-soft
for @steddielovemonth day seventeen: Love is about a hand reaching out to you so you don't get lost (@yournowheregirl)
this definitely takes place chronologically after this one so: have some of these codependent lovebirds as they start to figure their big feelings out ♥️
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It’s weird, and probably unhealthy, that his hospital room—like this—feels kinda like home.
But he thinks it’s okay, to be fair, because it’s not like he thinks this place is home; the smell of antiseptic is still pretty sharp in the air even as he’s gotten disconnected from one machine, drip, or monitor every day until he’s largely free to toddle to the bathroom on his own as long as there’s someone to watch and make sure he doesn’t fall. Wayne’s there for that when he can be, which explains the home associations, but: the rest of the time, in fact—kinda more often than it isn’t?
It’s Steve.
And Eddie struck a deal with himself—no digging in to the fluttery-gooey-warm-chest-squeezy feelings while he’s laid up in a bed—but when he walks around even under supervision, it’s…feeling like he’s cheating.
Plus the feelings are getting kinda…kinda loud.
Because Steve is always there, sometimes he ever stays when Wayne comes, at least for a while. He leaves to keep an eye on the Party, leaves to check up on Max, hits the community hub: but it’s…it’s such a blip of time, honestly, in comparison to being here, with Eddie.
And when he’s gone, it doesn’t…it doesn’t feel at all like home, it feels kinda fucking horrible, so.
Eddie doesn’t even actually have to dig in to that train of thought. It’s pretty fucking clear as-is.
He’s surfacing from kind of, like, a light doze, not even a full on nap, and he’s gentle with the coming-to of it because he can kinda, like, feel Steve’s presence at his side and he’s talking really low anyway, even if he couldn’t, so Eddie definitely knows it’s him, and he could have guessed the other visitor pretty easy even if it wasn’t her voice that was the first to bleed through with actual words:
“She’s,” Robin makes a little stifled whine; “you’ve seen her.”
“Not my type but,” Steve’s saying from next to Eddie; “ I see your point, yeah.”
“She’s like a,” Robin’s voice goes kinda hazy, a little dreamy; “like a fairy creature, or! Or like a prairie woman with those, those hats—“
“A prairie woman who likes boobi—“
“Stop!” Robin hisses low, and Eddie can feel her knock his mattress a little, she must lean over like she wants to enforce her will somehow: “stop stop stop—“
“If you can’t say it you probably shouldn’t be touchin—“ Steve’s saying and god, his voice is so bitching, and Eddie think he kinda fucking lov—
Oh. Oh, well. Shit.
“I’m not touching!” Robin moans, but kinda frantic with it; “the problem is I am not touching!”
And Eddie, too, is not touching the thought he just had about those four fucking letters that are, that, that are—
“Also it’s a gross, immature word,” Robin’s going on and…oh.
Okay, so like: even if he’s just kinda in that liminal space of awareness, they have to know he’s more awake than not; his two remaining monitors are different even when he’s calm and just resting, but as the words themselves sink in, now? His heartbeat’s betraying the hell out of him for the staccato it’s pinging on the screen as he processes it: Robin’s showing her cards, though Eddie’d always figured she might be a bird of his feather, but, like—
“Is it though?” Steve’s murmuring low and so, so judgmental; “seems more immature to not say it at all,” and he, he fucking tsks at her, then, and, and—
And then—
Then Steve’s saying words that make no sense at all, like: sure they’re words. In English. Eddie’s very sure of it. So that means he should definitely comprehend them. But…
“You should listen to me, Robs, seriously. I do still like boobies, too. I have insights.”
And Eddie—Eddie’s eyes fly open, he thinks out of shock? That makes the most sense, like he’s startled into full-wakefulness, that tracks as he blinks up at the water-stainer ceiling with his heart in his throat as he tries to find sense in those words, fails, tries again, fucking fails, all as the Corsican Twins cackle over word choice, good god, and then—
Steve’s grabbing his hand at the wrist and covering it so gently, fucking…cradles it and stories his thumb over the insistent tap of his pulse and meets his eyes, so wide and honest and earnest and if Eddie’s heart wasn’t already primed toward racing it sure as shit would have started just with those eyes on him, and that touch on him, and:
“You okay, man?” and it’s so simple, and Eddie doesn’t fucking know what’s happening on his face, what kind of of shock or terror or something deeper still is seeping from his expression but Steve’s studying him, watching for long seconds that stretch for-fucking-everbefore his jaw squares and his head tiles, something resolute shining through in him and he moves so slowly, lifts Eddie’s hand in his so slowly and Eddie doesn’t even wholly clock what’s happening, let alone that it’s real, as Steve fucking pauses their hands by his lips, so Eddie can feel his breath so warm and he watches, then, waits, and Eddie doesn’t think through what it means when he nods, like it’s not actually a legitimate thought, exactly, he just knows that, that—
Whatever’s happening, and however terrified he thinks he is: he can trust Steve.
Because somehow: Steve’s home.
It’s still fucking earth-shattering when Steve does lean, when his lips brush against the heel of Eddie’s palm, still scrape-covered, and then he reaches just as slow again for Eddie’s cheek to cup, to fucking cradle that, too, and Jesus H. Goddamn Christ—
“You’re safe, Eddie,” is all he says and maybe, maybe Eddie’s reading into it way beyond what he should, but like, it doesn’t feel like Steve’s telling him he’s safe maybe from the lingering threads of a nightmare, or that he’s safe from the government, from the cops, or from the Upside Down coming for them because they all know it’s still fucking coming but Eddie has felt scared of it once, yet, not like this, not here, with—
But Steve’s tone doesn’t just hold that: it’s bigger. He means…
They had to know he wasn’t really asleep, and so, Eddie, Eddie thinks Steve means…
“You’re outta water,” Steve’s saying and Eddie didn’t even notice he’d been reading to pour Eddie a glass from the ever-present pitcher at his bedside then he’s standing, his hand leaving and fuck all if Eddie doesn’t lean into it before he can think twice but Steve just smiles, soft, as he walks out the door.
“We talked about it.”
He turns to Robin almost violently, head kinda snapping her direction with the speed and force he moves with.
“We weren’t gonna hide it from you, but like,” she mashes her lips together, Eddie can see she’s trying to find a way forward with the least possible rambling, but the clearest possible throughway so she can get what she needs to say out, before Steve comes back.
“You shouldn’t feel like you have to,” she hums a little; “be that, you know, open? With us, if you don’t want to,” her eyes are so big and sincere, and Eddie’s pulse is steadying if only slowing by a fraction, but she does help put him at ease, even as she trips a little over the rest: “if you had any thing that was, y’know, kinda private or, something,” she nods to herself and plays with the hem of her shirt: “yeah.”
Eddie nods to himself, and…he can’t, he can’t not ask her, not in this window, because she said they’d talked and if this wasn’t part of it she loves Steve fierce and he could be still a little fresh off death’s door, she’ll still tell him to fuck off if she needs to, so at least there’s that, at least he knows, like, he won’t be allowed to step where he’s not welcome, and—
“I’m,” and fuck, his voice is a mess, he does need a fucking drink but in the absence of one at hand, he clears his throat hard and accepts that consequences of it burning like hell; “he, umm,” Eddie bits his lip and gestures toward the empty door, eyes Robin kinda pitifully: “he said—“
Robin, thank fuck: Robin is merciful, has to see where he’s going, here, and she points to the doorway indicative of who isn’t in it, yet:
“Very both,” she says simply, then point to herself: “very…”
“Boobies?” Eddie suggests and Robin, she just groans.
“Not you too,” and…okay, shit, umm, well—
Eddie… maybe Eddie can be brave. Like, in small doses.
“Actually, ah, I,” he stumbled but then he makes himself take a breath, makes himself try:
“No, not me too,” he says in a rush and looks up at her through his lashes, so fucking vulnerable: “like, very specifically not, me too.”
And she smiles at him so warm and…like, almost welcoming, which is weird but feels, nice? And she pats his arm kinda affectionately and, just—
“Did you decide to take me up on my wisdom so we can actually accept she’s almost definitely into you, and move on to planning your wedding?” Steve slides back in and shuts the door behind him, getting to pouring Eddie some water before he even sits the fuck down.
His fingers brush Eddie’s as he passes it off and, it probably shouldn’t make Eddie all tingly, Steve did kinda kiss his hand? Like, a little?
But that don’t mean shit: Eddie’s all pins and needles and, like, sparkles.
“He’s the only help you’ve got here, Buckley,” Eddie screws his courage up one more time because…because Steve needs to know, too; Eddie wouldn’t put Robin in the position of not knowing whether she can tell her platonic soulmate something, make her keep a secret even by implication but so much bigger that that is, are—
All the things he doesn’t want to poke at, or dig up and examine, that he’s dodging on the excuse of convalescence: all those things taken into account: he trusts Steve. He feels…so much for Steve already, and he feels weirdly sure that whatever happens next, those feelings are only gonna find ways to grow, so—
Steve has to know, not just because Eddie thinks he suspects it, but because Eddie tells him—because it’s….’cause it’s Steve.
“Feels like it’d be foolish not to take the man up on the offer when he’s definitely the expert in the room,” Eddie pushes on, awkward but determined; “seeing as I don’t, umm, know about,” and his eyes flicker to Robin for a second, before they land on Steve to finish:
“About boobies.”
And Steve does say anything, doesn’t look any way save how he’d looked before: calm, and mostly-relaxed, and right next to Eddie, and Eddie’s eyes drop from Steve’s face and find the collar of his shirt, the peak of hair from in between and, shit, shit, he’s talking about tits and then there’s Steve’s chest hair and holy fucking wow he is staring:
“Umm, I mean,” and fucking fuck, now he’s talking—
“Like, not that kind, at least,” and then he forces his eyes down to the sheets over his lap and considers if it’s possible to dissolve into cotton if it’s startchy and uncomfortable as shit, and you happen to be mortified enough to sink into the fucking threads.
But then; then there’s Steve.
Because of fucking course there’s Steve.
And Steve?
Steve takes his cup from him when he could easily have leaned to put it down himself, but then Steve replaces the cup in Eddie’s grip with his own warm hand, like a tether, like a lifeline, like a…
Like a promise.
And when the conversation turns toward strategizing Robin’s approach for Vickie, Eddie’s, he, he just…
He’s home, y’know?
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tag list (comment to be added): @pearynice @hbyrde36 @slashify @finntheehumaneater @wxrmland @dreamwatch @perseus-notjackson
divider credit here
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steddiealltheway · 2 years
Eddie and Nancy start talking to each other as a result of the fruity four hanging out together. It’s not that Robin and Steve are excluding them or anything, but sometimes they’re just on a different level with their weird platonic soulmates psychic communication whatever they call it. Anyways, Eddie and Nancy bond over the weirdness of it, but quickly become good friends.
Like good friends. Eddie is at the point where he thinks he can call Nancy his best friend - sorry Gareth you’re like second in command best friend. Sure, they’re a strange mix, but she’s been there for him even after he came out to her. Shortly after, she had revealed that she thought she might have feelings for Robin, and Eddie was absolutely ecstatic and encouraged her to go after her.
See, Eddie is determined not to lose Nancy as a friend. Because what they have is pretty close to what Steve and Robin have which is really saying something. Plus, Nancy is just a good person, so Eddie would never do anything to hurt her. Which is exactly why the only thing he will never tell her is how strong his feelings are for Steve Harrington.
One of the number one rules is to not date your friend’s ex - especially your best friend’s ex. At least, that’s one of the things Eddie got from the cheesy films that he and Nancy love to watch. But he vows to never ever make a move on Steve, and of course Steve will never make a move on him first.
So, Eddie sees nothing wrong with watching a second movie with Steve after Robin and Nancy have left. In fact, Nancy encouraged him to stay with a knowing smile, and if he didn’t know any better, that smile would mean that he should make a move. But there’s no way. Even though Nancy has feelings for Robin - and looks to be on her way to dating her soon - Eddie will not date her ex - well, attempt to date her ex.
And yes, maybe Robin got permission from Steve to date his ex, but that’s because Steve is just the kind of guy who would never sacrifice Robin’s happiness for his own. Nancy is probably the same way, but that just seems like it’ll leave a bitter trail of resentment.
So Eddie tries not to lean into Steve’s touch in the slightest even when he scoots over and drapes an arm over the back of the couch. He’s entirely on edge through the first few minutes of the movie, and then it becomes worse when he realizes Steve is staring at him. Eddie glances over to ask him if he has something on his face when Steve starts to lean in - eyes locked on Eddie’s lips.
Eddie scrambles back until he’s on the end of the couch. “What are you doing?” Eddie asks, breathing heavily as his heart races.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Steve asks with all the Harrington charm that would make Eddie swoon if he wasn’t so terrified.
“You… you can’t do that,” Eddie says as Steve scoots in closer.
He looks over him then stops. “Hey, if I read things wrong, then I’m so sorry. I’ll let it go. But I really thought you liked me,” Steve says eyebrows pinched together.
Eddie sighs. “Is it that obvious?” Then he freezes as he realizes his grave mistake. He should’ve just taken the bait and said he didn’t like him. Shit. What will Nancy think when she finds out?
Then Steve is smiling again and making his way to Eddie’s end of the couch. He flirts, “If you like me, and I like you. Then, I think there’s a pretty simple solution to those feelings.”
Eddie quickly gets off the couch and backs up until his back is against some wall. “Steve, we can’t do this.”
“Why not?” Steve asks with his head cocked to the side looking entirely confused and adorable.
“Because Nancy!” Eddie explains because it’s clear as day that there’s no way this would work since she’s his best friend.
Steve looks even more confused as he stays sitting on the couch. “I’m not dating Nancy, Eddie. And I don’t like her anymore if that’s what you’re trying to imply.”
Eddie takes a deep breath. “I can’t date my best friend’s ex,” he says firmly.
For some reason, this has Steve standing up and making his way to him with a smile. “You’re concerned about hurting Nancy?” Eddie nods because yeah of course he is. Then Steve is getting up in his personal space again and leaning in. “And what if I told you Nancy encouraged me to make a move on you?”
“What?” Eddie splutters out. There’s no way. He hadn’t even told her about his feelings.
Steve’s flirtatious grin disappears as he looks into Eddie’s eyes. “Eddie, I’m serious. I told Nancy about the way I felt, and she told me to do something about it because you definitely felt the same.”
“I didn’t even tell her,” Eddie argues. And Steve finally pulls away. Then, he grabs Eddie’s hand and tugs him into following him. Before Eddie knows it, Steve has a phone in his hand as he dials a number.
“Hey. Yeah, it’s me… Everything is okay here, don’t worry… Yes, I made a move… And Eddie here is refusing all of my advances because he’s afraid to hurt you… of course.” Steve holds out the phone to him. “Nancy wants to talk to you.”
Eddie reluctantly takes the phone. “Hello?”
“Edward Munson, you better kiss Steve right this instant.”
Eddie’s mouth gapes and then he’s firing back, “Nancy Wheeler, I refuse to date your ex because that’s one of the number one rules of what not to do to your best friend.”
There’s a pause on the other line. “What in the world are you talking about?”
Eddie’s hand goes flying up. “In all those movies the girl is backstabbed by a friend who dates her ex and that ruins the whole friendship! I’m not doing that to you!”
There’s a sigh and then Nancy says, “Eddie. Please tell me you’re not basing our friendship off crappy drama movies.” Eddie pauses as he thinks back to all the advice he’s taken from them. There’s a soft, “Oh my god,” on the other line as Eddie twists the phone cord up in his hand. “Okay, okay. Hear me out. Using those movies as example, you know what every one one of those have in common?”
“No,” Eddie admits quietly.
“The girl never gives the other friend permission, and if she does, she certainly doesn’t encourage her ex to act on it as well! Plus, the girls in all those movies are kind of bitches, and I would like to think we don’t stoop as low as they do.”
Eddie takes a breath and quickly asks, “Nancy Wheeler, please tell me you will not hate me forever if I date your ex.”
“I will hate you forever if you don’t date Steve. Eddie, you’ve been pining after him for months!”
“But don’t you think that will lead to some kind of resentment on your part?” Eddie reasons.
There’s a pause on the other line. “The only resentment will come from you because I’m entirely over Steve, and I want both of you to be happy. Plus… I’m pretty content with Robin right now.”
Eddie smiles as he eggs her on, “Pretty content you say?”
There’s a laugh on the other line before Nancy says, “We’ll talk about this later. But right now you better kiss him. He’s been pining after you for some time too, but I never told you that!”
“I love you,” Eddie says sincerely.
Nancy voice softens. “I love you, too. Now get your damn man.” She hangs up and Eddie carefully puts the phone back on the receiver. He turns to find Steve no longer near him. He wanders back to the living room where Steve sits on the couch, foot tapping quickly as he stares off into space looking so concerned that it’s actually endearing.
Steve’s head snaps to the side as Eddie gets closer to him. “Yeah?” He asks sounding endlessly hopeful.
Eddie leans down and asks, “Is that kiss still an option or…”
Steve takes a moment to process, but then he’s breaking out into the biggest smile as he replies, “Yes, it’s still an option.”
So, Eddie finally leans in and kisses Steve.
He’s going to have a lot to tell Nancy later, including a solid thank you.
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wangxianficfinder · 10 months
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Fic finder
1. Looking for a Cloud Recesses era fic. LWJ eventually ask WWX why he doesn't complete his punishment to get it out of the way (he just doodles in the library so the punishment stretches on). WWX points out that it takes more than 1 to cheat in an exam and yet where are the other culprits? This leads to LWJ's awakening to the unfairness/hypocrisy of LQR and interpreting rules. I think this might be just before the betrothal is cancelled, and LWJ confronts LQR or he steps up for WWX during this scene. Maybe? It could be 2 separate scenes. Argh! Please help! Until A03 lets me download and filter my reading history, you're my only hope! @mreisse
2. Hi.
So i read an uncompleted ao3 fic that wangxian had an arranged marriage and were NOT in a good terms and lwj was always cold to wwx also wwx had to wear a mask all the time or a bad fate would come to him if anyone aside jiangs see his face. At some point he goes to live in a mansion in yilling with mian mian and mo xuanyu and xu yang to go away from rumors because lwj had to also marry wen qing to appease wen rouhan
Anyway i couldn't find the fic anywhere and i don't remember its name. I was hoping if you guys have any idea what happened to it?
FOUND? #2 is A Price to Pay by Wangxianist. They have deleted account and all fics.
3. Hi! /(^ x ^)\
I have a request for the fic finder!
I only remember this one bit? scene?
it's at a battle, SSC maybe? and WWX and 3 or 4 others hold hands and talk as one and they light up, and weird magic happen?
I'm sorry that it is so little and confused /(>×<)\
Hi! /(^ x ^)\ I'm #3 on the fic finder and it is not Quartet
but thank you anyway! I know that I really didn't give a lot to go of
if it helps I think one of the people with WWX might have been WN or NHS, but I'm really not sure
Not FOUND! Quartet series by WithBroomBefore (T, 69k wangxian, JZX & JC & WWX & LWJ, Canon Divergence, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, WWX's canonical comfort with the prospect of his own death, Hurt/Comfort, JZX makes friends, Eventual Happy Ending, some unhappiness along the way, Canon-Typical Violence, JC keeps his golden core, JYL Lives, WQ Lives, Minor Character Death, Kissing, WWX Lives, no golden core transfer, JZX Lives, Fix-It, WN Lives, Weeping, temporary major character death, Murder Road Trip, Implied Sexual Content, Sunshot Campaign, Nonbinary NHS, Telepathy, platonic group soulbonding, Family, Found Family, POV WWX, Podfic Available, Siblings Sworn Brothers, aroace JZX, Happy Ending, all the Wen remnants live, POV JZX, JGY is less murdery, Asexual Character, Aromantic Character, JZX's social awkwardness, Poison)
FOUND! We Can See a New Start by preciousbunnynoiz (M, 127k, WangXian, XiCheng, XuanLi, Soulmates, Time Travel Fix-It, Biting, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, but mentally they are adults, Making Out, Fluff and Angst, Humor, Happy Ending, PTSD, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Supportive LWJ, Communication, Soul Bond, Blood, Found Family, Parent-Child Relationship, aromantic JC, Lesbian WQ, Queerplatonic Relationships, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Disassociate episodes, disassociating, Suicidal Thoughts, Self-Harm, Self-Hatred, Depression, Delusions, Mental Health Issues, Mental Breakdown, Attempted Sexual Assault, Therapy, Supportive JC, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Family Feels, Implied/Referenced Torture, Revenge, Self-Sacrifice, Accidental Bonding, Brotherly Bonding)
4. Hi! I'm trying to find a fic similar do the 8 ask from the previous fic finder. In this one, it's also an arranged marriage, and Lz also pushes Wy into a pond when they're teenagers, but there is a scene, after they're adults and already married, where Lz prevents Wy from falling into a pond, and it's revealed that Lz didn't actually push Wy into the pond, he just bumped into Wy when he turned around too fast and Wy fell into the pond, he was going to help Wy get out, but Wy got out by himself before Lz coulp help him and went away before Lz could say he was sorry and explain what happened.
5. looking for a fic were lan xichen has the big sad, probably was a modern au. lan wangji and wei wuxian come by to help him clean his apartment and lan wangji is like “sorry I haven’t been here for you”. there’s mention of them putting the laundry away and stuff. fairly short.
FOUND! found in translation by sysrae (E, 12k, LXC/NMJ, wangxian, modern cultivation, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks, not LQR friendly, Meddling brothers, Coming Out, Loss of Virginity, Under-negotiated Kink, slight breathplay, Light Dom/sub, Aftercare, Angst with a Happy Ending)
6. Hi! I’m looking for a fic. It’s wangxian modern au, they’re friends with benefits (top!LZ / Bottom!WY) and it’s told from Lan Wangji’s pov. Wei Ying gets in a car accident and is in a coma for 13 days (might be 16) and he ends up staying at Lan Wangji’s place while he gets better. I really can’t remember the title and it making me coo coo. Thank you xx @liv-andletdie
FOUND? Almost Lover by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 37k, Wangxian, modern, Angst with a happy ending, Hurt/Comfort, a bad thing happens to WWX, LWJ gets very sad, Hospital Scenes, Dubious Medical Science, pining for the person you're fucking, Friends With Benefits, friends who come together stay together, learning to use our words, there are also rabbits, Traumatic Injury, mention of past WWX/WQ)
7. Hi, Thank you so much for your amazing work!! I am specifically looking for a fic where Jiang Yanli tells the Jins about where the Wens were living which leads to their death? And Wei Wuxian doesn't forgive her for that and even Jiang Cheng was upset about it. @yilinglaobunny
8. It's both a fic finder and an ITMF, in the fic wwx had a tiger/lion and it was canon era, I'm not able to find it. // added the last part to ITMF post ~Mod L
FOUND? Time Unwinds in a Kaleidoscope of Red by vamprav (E, 30k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Time Travel Fix-It, WWX Has No Golden Core, Golden Core Reveal, BAMF WWX, Undead Tiger, Sentient Burial Mounds, JGY Redemption, As in wei ying recruits him to yunmeng, deadly hairpins) WWX raises a tiger from the dead in that one
9. I’m looking for the fic where WWX “develops” a silver core - him, NMJ (I think), and LWJ follow JGY down a tunnel and catch him being shady, and JGY tries to activate the tiger amulet. It spirals out of control and WWX absorbs the power and it becomes a cool reservoir of power similar to a core, and WQ tells him “congratulations, you successfully invented a new kind of cultivation .”
Thank you for all you do!! @seussian
Hi! #9 on the recent fic finder post isn’t Never Again, although there are similar elements! The scene I’m remembering definitely involved fall~out from JGY using the tiger seal and WWX absorbing its power to save everyone. Thank you for all of your efforts!!
NOT FOUND! Never Again by Hauntcats (T, 67k, WWX & WN & WQ, JC & WWX, wangxian, graphic depictions of violence, major character death, Canon Divergence, Angst, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, Time Travel Fix-It, Not JC Friendly, Dark, BAMF WWX, mentions of abuse, Not Everyone Dies au, XY doesn't have a happy ending)
NOT FOUND! ❤️ Tragedy is Not the End by Hobbsy3 (T, 358k, wangxian, Time Travel, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Golden Core Reveal, Canon Divergence from Qiongqi Pass, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Yunmeng sibling bonding, good dad wwx, good dad lwj, JZX Lives, JYL Lives, Junior Quartet Dynamics)
FOUND! The Breaking of Your Soul (Upon My Lips) by sunsandships (M, 40k, WangXian, XuanLi, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Mutual Pining, Canon-Typical Violence, Golden Core Reveal, Happy Ending)
10. I'm looking for a fic where lqr regrets sending wwx away. I think it was something along the lines of yzy kicking wwx out, and wwx went to the lan household first (in the middle of the night?) but lqr thought he was being a disturbance and didn't let him in to see lwj and then wwx disappeared. Then several years later, lwj and wwx reconnect and there's a part where lqr is really repetent and shows that he always regretted turning wwx away bc he felt like it was partially his fault for how difficult wwx's life was after that. Tyvm in advance for everyone's help!
🔒Welcome to the Family Series by jiejieaini (E, 231k, WangXian, NieLan, XuanLi, Modern AU, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, London, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Adopted WWX, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Reunions, Hand Jobs, Gay Sex, Consensual Non-Consent, Dom/sub Undertones, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Christmas, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Praise Kink, Rough Sex, Rough Kissing, LWJ and WWX Have a Breeding Kink, First Time, Public Blow Jobs, High School, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Blowjobs, Soft WangXian, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Family Fluff, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Drowning, Canonical Character Death, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Dubious Consent, Rimming, Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Marriage Proposal, Weddings, Nightmares, Adoption, Pregnancy)
11. Hello I am trying to find a fic, it was a little long ago
So what happens is that lwj and wwx were in full on love making session, cloths discarded and all and some people barge in on them 😭 I don't remember the rest but the people included lqr maybe idk
FOUND? divulgences by ataraxistence (Not rated, 3k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Humor, Love Confessions)
12. Hi! I read a fic a couple of years ago that I'd love to find again... it was a modern au, where LWJ worked in his family run martial arts complex or something along those lines (I think a-yuan was a student, which is how WWX met him? But I might be getting my fics crossed) I remember LWJ was autistic, and there was a community festival or something and he was getting super overwhelmed so wwx put some juice or ketchup on his hand and pretended to be hurt so LWJ would have an excuse to go inside and "heal" him.
Thanks for all that you do! @scenicpixie
FOUND! leave all your love and your longing behind by ScarlettStorm (E, 143k, wangxian, modern, Meet-Ugly, Panic Attacks, autistic LWJ, neurodivergent WWX, the neighborhood asshole dog, if you've met one then you know, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, Happy Ending, for everyone including the asshole dog, setting out to make the neighborhood safer for your crush and accidentally building community, Eventual Smut, switch rights, Sex Toys, horny yearning, Masturbation, the chef's assortment of partnered sex acts)
13. hi, im looking for a fic with a scene where lwj is in seclusion mourning wwx and is told he'll be forced to marry. he runs out immediately and gets drunk/brands himself, wakes up to lxc telling him their uncle has changed his mind and he won't have to marry (so please stop trying to die please). i remember literally nothing else so any assistance appreciated! @onlyegret
14. For fic finder I am looking for a fic where Wei Wuxian is banished from Lotus Pier while Madam Yu is still alive and everyone in the sect has to turn away from him. Literally turn away: he walks down the streets to leave Lotus Pier and everyone he has ever known turns their faces from him. I think was technically outcast from the world of polite cultivation in whole (like no one from a sect was supposed to interact with him) but I don’t remember how his banishment played out after leaving. TY~!
15. Hi i was wondering if you could help me find a fic. It is set during the yilling patriarch arc, the wens are in burial mounds. In koi tower madam jin was searching for jgs asking jgy about him. JGS was in a brothel and JGY got hit in the head with a vase because he didn't answer? JZX and JYL helped him but he suffered from a concussion and started acting weird and blurting out all his father's evil plan about planning on killing NMJ and trying to get the tiger seal i guess? In the end i think burial mounds and the wen creat a sect with jgy's help ? Amd i think it was a 3zun fic but i really cant remember sorry. Can you please help me find it i am searching for it for weeks now thanks!!! @booksandkdrama01
FOUND? Just a drop by R95irth (Not Rated, 184k, XiYao, WangXian, XuanLi, ChengSangQing, Humor, Crack Treated Seriously, Canon Divergence, Fix-It of Sorts, 3zun | Venerated Triad Dynamics, 3Zun at the very end)
16. Hello, seeking a bit of help because my own searches are turning up nothing. Looking for a fic where Mdm Yu had first (secretly?) married Jin Guangshan, before marrying Jiang Fengmian a bit later. It turns out that Yanli and Cheng are both actually Jin (because Mdm Yu *kept* cheating) and are disowned by Jiang and taken into Jin as servants. Mdm Yu loses her arms(?). Jin Guangyao tried to frame Yanli for poisoning Mdm Jin. @zoolooney
FOUND! Could this one be “OOC!” by A_flower_in_the_snow that was reuploaded on Wattpad
17. Hi, i'm searching for a fic where lan wangji needs a favor from yiling laozu. Wei ying jokingly says He wants his first born and lan wangji proceeds to marry him so the can make that child.
FOUND? ❤️ spider lilies to sunflowers by cicer (E, 33k, wangxian, ABO, YLLZ WWX, fairy tale elements, mpreg, omega LWJ, alpha WWX, LWJ topping from the bottom, Mojo’s post)
18. Hello for the fic finder, can you help find this fic, lwj is a uni professor who's stoic and cold and he's taking online classes and then one day wwx walks into the frame wearing booty shorts (?) and everyone of lwjs students are shocked and trying to figure out who he is. Eventually they find wwxs oh or smth. That's all I remember, if you can find it thank you so much 💞
FOUND? looking through a window by glitteringmoonlight (T, 5k, wangxian, modern, POV Outsider, College/University, Fluff and Humor)
19. Hi, can you help me find this fic in which WWX is a General in the army (and is also a Prince I suppose but not like next in line) and is rumored to be hideous looking because of the scar on his face or something and is feared by the world. WangXian are married (arranged) and WWX only sleeps with LWJ enough to conceive a child and once he is informed of LWJ being pregnant, WWX stops seeing LWJ at all. WWX is under the impression that LWJ would find him ugly and so he even dims the lights and has LWJ wear a blindfold whenever they share their marital bed. LWJ doesn’t know his husband, hasn’t even seen his face properly and has never spoken to him in all the months they have been married and he is feeling extremely lonely but one day he finds an injured man in his courtyard and takes care of him without anyone’s knowledge. He doesn’t know the injured man is actually his husband WWX.
I read this on ao3 and forgot to bookmark it and now I can’t find it. Please, I will be extremely grateful if you could find it.
FOUND? 🔒 Love Swept in with the Rain by Sirendipity (M, 35k, WIP, WangXian, Bottom LWJ/Top WWX, Historical, Arranged Marriage, Secret Identity, Mistaken Identity, Emotional Infidelity, lwj cheats on his husband with his husband, Depression, Mpreg, Discussion of Abortion, Period-Typical Sexism, Hurt/Comfort, Fantasy, Older WWX, Younger LWJ, General WWX, Unreliable Narrator, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Beauty and the Beast Elements)
20. Looking for a fic that I remember only one scene from 😅 WWX tells LWJ that he could not have saved him no matter what he would have done, LWJ breaking down hard after. Pretty sure they were in the Jingshi.
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artiststarme · 1 year
Ignorance is Bliss
Steve liked to pretend the Upside Down never happened, that he was a regular teen boy with regular teen issues. He didn’t like to focus on the new scars marring his skin, the ones with the questionable origins that he’d never be able to explain. The way he saw it, his nightmares and anxiety during the day focused on the past enough. So, he moved on as much as possible. He bottled everything up and acted like he was fine. He acted as a listening board for his friends to vent and kept his own problems under lock and key. It worked as much as one would expect and he was fine.  
But moving on caused its own problems. His friends started getting more distant with him and leaning on each other because how would Steve understand what they were going through if he moved on so quickly? Things only got worse on his own. His nightmares bled into the day, his fears kept him locked away, and his insecurities started to overwhelm him in the Party’s absence. 
That’s where Eddie and Robin came in. They forced Steve to accept the past, to talk about his feelings, and to drop the armored facade that held him captive. It took many tears, several hugs, and more than a few of Robin’s rants to get through to him. But eventually, Steve opened himself up to vulnerabilities and couldn’t fathom how he’d survived in the past without doing so. 
Things were so much better with open communication. Gone were the lonesome days of concealing his emotions and existing as a broken shell of trauma. He could feel what he went through without being weak and he’d never felt so… content. Happy. He had Robin by his side as his best friend and platonic soulmate. He had Eddie as his boyfriend once he found the guts to make a move. And once the Party spent some time with the new and improved communicative Steve Harrington, he had his friends back too. He wasn’t as collected as they thought he was and as soon as they saw how it had affected him, they crawled back with sorries on their lips and understanding in the air. 
The Upside Down came with a lot of bad but it brought some good with it too. It bulldozed into their lives with trauma and pain and public persecution. It tore the Party apart and they had to fight to stay together. But it gave Steve a best friend, a boyfriend, and a family. It brought the Party together and made them a family, dysfunctional as it was.
My Permanent Tag List: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @straight4joekeery @carlyv @pyrohonk @ksherlock15 @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschildextra @goodolefashionedloverboi @mentallyundone @awkwardgravity1 @devondespresso @gregre369 @mysticcrownshipper @disasterlia @lillys-weird-world @messrs-weasley @anzelsilver @orangesunsets12 @awkotaco24 @pukner
@strangerthingfanfic @dangdirtydemons @bookworm0690 @hannahhook7744 @dreamlandforever @marsbars97 @precursorandthedragon @romanticdestruction @5ammi90 @death-thee-nervousqueer @panicatthediaz @justforthedead89 @futuristicnachostranger @breadboi66
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inklessletter · 1 year
The Pause
I am going to introduce you to this dynamic, that I would very much like you to consider: The Pause.
Karen taught Nancy about The Pause when she was ten because she suspected Nancy was going through a hard time at school. The Pause was half a little game, half a trust promise. The rules were simple: The Pause would start when they lifted both feet from the ground. When they did that, Karen explained, time stopped for them to take out of their chests whatever was bugging them, and as long as the game was going on, they could say anything (even swearing!) to feel better, and after The Pause finished (when their feet were on the ground again), whatever they said during that time will not ever be approached again. No judgment, no hard felings. Just release.
Nancy had The Pause present during all her life, because speaking her mind wasn't always easy. She would learn soon enough that speaking up wasn't the hard part; getting heard was.
Anyway, she found herself spreading The Pause. She used it with Mike once or twice. During those moments, Nancy recalled, it was when they got along better. Sad thing they never talked about it later.
Mike had taught The Pause to Lucas, who eventually, taught it to Max in an attempt to talk to her when she was at her worst.
Nancy used it with Steve after their first encounter with the demogorgon, and it was, by far, the one who was most affected by The Pause. She had been at Steve's a few times by then. She knew he didn't have anyone to talk to about his feelings, or what he had gone through, so she taught him The Pause.
That was when Steve fell in love with her.
Then she taught The Pause to Jonathan in Murray's place, and that's when they both learned about their true feelings.
Later on, he would use The Pause with Will, who, a few years later, taught it to El.
Steve taught The Pause to several people, though. The first time he used it, it was before the Snow Ball. He wasn't expecting Claudia mentioning his dad, and everything went downhill from that. They sat in the bed before doing his hair, and they talked about shitty dads, and unrequited crushes with the same girl.
That was the second time Steve fell in love using The Pause.
The next summer, in camp, right before confessing to Suzie, Dustin used The Pause, which gave him strength to do so. Suzie found it cute enough to actually give him his first kiss.
When they first started working in Family Video, Steve learned that maybe Nancy's legacy was the best thing he got from her. He sat on the counter a lazy day and told Robin about The Pause when he saw her weirded than normal, and she obliged and told about her identity issues. She also mentioned that the weirdest thing about that is the fact that she was starting to believe that Steve Harrington was his platonic soulmate, and she was afraid to tell him because he might break her heart if he didn't feel the same.
That was the third time.
Steve taught The Pause once more, to Eddie. They sat on his kitchen countertop, and there was a whole space between them, when Eddie told that he couldn't believe that he actually was ready to die, and he didn't know what to do with that now that he didn't. Eddie told him that he was scared that he'd gave up his place in the world, and now the world wouldn't give his spot back. Eddie told him that he was as afraid to leave as he was to stay in Hawkins, because he was starting to believe that he was falling in love with this hot jackass that was making him using a communication system that implied that they were not going to talk about it anymore in the future.
Steve broke The Pause to walk the space between them and kiss him, because those feelings were not meant to be approached just once in theit life. He needed them to be real, so he could say Steve that he loved him for the rest of his life.
That was the fourth, and the last time he fell in love using The Pause.
Funny thing is, The Pause was now a secret dynamic that everyone in the group knew, but Nancy wasn't aware by that, until The Pause came back to her.
And it came from Robin.
Robin taught Nancy The Pause when they run accidentally into each other a random night in a park, in late 1986. Robin knew something was wrong with her, so she took her to the swings and asked her to lift her feet from the ground. Then, Robin explained Nancy The Pause rules, who listened attentively, not fully believing what was happening. She considered to come clean and tell Robin that she knew about The Pause, that her mom taught her when she was a kid, but she left that unsaid. Instead, Nancy talked about how she felt that her relationship with Jonathan was going nowhere, and she was afraid that they were making each other miserable. She also told Robin about that she might have developed feelings towards another person. Towards a girl. Robin told her that she liked girls, too. Nancy told Robin that she was scared about that part of herself. Robin said that she got it, but it wasn't that scary once you surrounded yourself with the right people.
They held hands there.
That was the first time Nancy fell in love using The Pause.
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slipping back into dan and phil fandom is doing wonders for my mental health. it’s helping me appreciate my 20s, the way i dreamed i might back in the dark front room at my mom’s house, when i was 12 and life was never going to get any better. it starts all over and over and over, actually :) thank you to this community for being the space for me to slow down and really love at each step in my life. best friendship, platonic soulmates, annoying other half, one brain, the dialogue between irony and earnest weirdness, knowing i’m a freak!, and i’m going to find my people. there’s so much positive rhetoric circulating them in this fandom that i can’t help but be so grateful for the parts that stuck to me in my formative years, i love being shown how much of an influence they’ve had on me and how much of a great representation of my life and personality these tall freaks and community reflect.
tldr got high & emotional listening to the spotify playlist of dan’s music reccs
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fer3112 · 6 months
no please get mad at people for denying dnp romantic relationship bc it’s getting fucking weird and pissing me off
Rant under the cut because I'm still mad
It is getting very weird! People are always denying what queer people say, just look at what happened with Rosalia and Hunter Schafer (Hunter said they were in a relationship in the past and a lot of people called her a liar or straight up denied it) or with pop stars like Miley who have said they were queer and people just call them straight. And Just for an example of the opposite thing happening we have Jenna and Julien. Remember when they used to joke around every single video and call each other friend? I didn't see people denying their relationship just becaused they would call each other friends. There's a very real reason behind the historian jokes in the queer community.
And the thing with dnp is that frankly you just need eyes and ears to know that they are not platonic. They are constantly making horny jokes (bj joke on the golf video anyone?), they make it very clear that they are spending the rest of their lieves together, that they don't really spend a lot of time with other people, Dan called them soulmates, etc? And that is just in videos. You pay attention to other things like Dan's interviews ("basically yes"), Crornelia calling Dan an uncle, we know you know, and even the symbolism in dnpc and it just gets more obvious. At this point if you don't see it you just don't want to see it (or you are just lying and saying things like "whatever they are to each other teehee' to not get cancelled because you think it's still 2014). With all of those examples and just they way dnp acts generally tbh you have to twist things really hard to convince anyone that they are not in a romantic relationship or that they are ex boyfriends (lol) because Dan dared to say "it was more than just romantic" when talknig about 2009... was is the correct conjugation of the verb to talk about the past people! and narratively when you talk about the past you have to use past tense even if things are the same in the future! If someone asked me about my best friend I could say 'oh yeah we were best friends in high school we used to spend all time together' and that doesn't mean she's not my best friend to this day it just means I'm talking about the past. Anyway no matter what way you are looking at it, it just makes more sense to think that they are in a relationship that is clearly romantic and even more profound than that, but platonic? I just don't blieve it I'm sorry it makes no sense, I think that the person from the reddit post was just projecting a lot of things when they made that post going around earlier because we know dnp are very horny men and hopeless romantics who have stated that the universe would break in half if they separated. Open your eyes people!
And I don't want this to come off as dismissive of qprs because that's not my intention at all, I believe they exist and that friendships can be as fullfiling and deep as romantic ones, maybe even more (believe me, I know, my best friend has been the only constant and most reliable person in my life for the last ten years) but I just don't think that's the case with dnp at all.
Btw excuse any typos I was heated and thinking in spanish like i tend to do when I'm mad
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tamamatango · 1 month
Friendship Power Scaling (normal thing to do)
Hello space frog fans, how’s everyone? Take another random off-the-cuff analysis post while I procrastinate on the more significant things I’m supposed to be doing (including the Project I plan to reveal when I put up the next part of said project) because I feel like my brain is melting like candle wax these days.
Here’s a topic I’m sure people have thought about but not really put a quantification to: I will be ranking the Keroro Platoon and their partners by their mutual closeness, as in which have the most believable Platonic Soulmates dynamic. (Read: strictly platonic we do not ship any of these in this house.) Why? Idk do I look like I know why I do anything?
So first place is Keroro and Fuyuki. Duh. Literal world-saving levels of bestest best besties forever, would be completely devastated without each other, needs very little explanation really. I guess it is sort of funny that in terms of demeanor they are maybe the least similar out of the duos but they adore each other so much it just doesn’t even matter.
Second I would say is Dororo and Koyuki. Koyuki rescued Dororo both physically and emotionally and completely changed his outlook on everything pretty much, and Dororo is Koyuki’s only real constant in her life from the village. Dororo is pretty overtly more loyal to her and their shared duty to the Earth than he is to the platoon lmao. More pronounced in the manga but still. It’s kinda hard to pinpoint their exact relationship (siblings? Dororo is her dad? Koyuki is his emotional support human?) but their bond is definitely Very Special. Even in the new project trailer Koyuki is holding him, they are so friggin sweet dude.
For third I’m gonna be spicy and say it’s Kururu and Saburo yes I am very biased but hear me out. Despite being the only pair that doesn’t live together it is heavily implied that they are near perfectly in sync but just have a really weird indirect communication system that’s sort of obscured from the audience and even more so the rest of the cast. They act nonchalant about it but they will drop whatever they’re doing immediately if the other needs a solid no questions asked. In the manga they’re even more openly buddy-buddy with all the 親友 and マブダチ talk (anime Kururu is tsun af and pretends he’s too cool for friendship) but they get even less screen time together so rip. I’ve spent more than enough time on these two before but yeah they have extreme best bro energy everyone else just isn’t big-brained enough to Get It.
Fourth is Tamama and Momoka. They’re very much cut from the same cloth and are definitely like siblings, helps that they’re the closest in age out of all the pairs (Tamama might even be a little younger than Momoka depending on what exact Keronian age theory you subscribe to). Momoka pampers Tamama like a pet, they occasionally boost each other via training, and Tamama helps with Momoka’s Love Schemes. But despite the fact that they are kindred spirits in several ways I think they put their pursuits of Keroro and Fuyuki a little above their friendship. And Momoka is not afraid to just kinda kick Tama’s ass, sometimes for good reason sometimes for no reason lol. They still love each other they’re just not as deep in each other’s heads as the higher duos.
And finally the take that would get me tarred and feathered in earlier Keroro fandom days which is putting Giroro and Natsumi last. Okay, so we know Giroro is for better or worse extremely dedicated to Natsumi in an arguably unhealthy way (well, it’s not rly arguable lol, but it’s more innocuous if you headcanon father figure theory and not The Other Thing). But does Giroro have the same level of importance to Natsumi? Eh, I mean she sees him as a close family friend and she obviously really cares about him plus certainly favors hanging out with him well over the other little guys (though she is closer with Keroro than it seems), but I think the affection is very lopsided on one end here. They both have a warrior-like disposition and a soft side but idk how much they relate outside that. And they’re not really each other’s clear BFF in the same way the other duos are since Natsumi has Koyuki and Giroro has Keroro (and Dororo as part of the RGB trio but it’s Keroro who is specifically stated to be his Best Friend in the manga). Their friendship is very cute but they just don’t have the same Unbreakable Bond Sauce that the others have yknow. And sadly they kinda Have to be a little less good at reading each other for the Giroro pining over her jokes to land. Sadly.
Well that’s it, kind of ironic the explanations got longer the lower down the list but that’s more where I felt I had to justify my positions. Like nobody is going to argue me about Keroro and Fuyuki right. At least I hope not because then I think we might have watched a different show? I mean I guess they win a bit less overwhelmingly in Sgt Frog Abridged maybe you watched that. Fuyuki gives Keroro a speech about how fucked up he is in that one that was surprisingly metal
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atmilliways · 1 year
Wrong On The Money (53)
part 53 of 55 | 1929 words | Teen+
Blackmail fic on Ao3 | on tumblr
Robin hadn’t planned on ambushing Eddie. She’d actually been trying not to think about him much, because the whole bullshit blackmail situation made her fly-off-the-handle mad and it was . . . complicated.
I sincerely hope this lives up to all the antici......pation. 🙏
Robin lands on the edge of Eddie’s hospital bed while Steve is off signing his own discharge papers, jostling him enough that he chokes out a curse. “Sorry, but it’s time for your crash course in Steve-sitting.”
Eddie chokes on nothing, going a bright red that pulling his hair across his face does nothing to hide. (Not that it would fool her. She’d picked up on the way Eddie always looked at Steve even before he’d come out to her, it’s so obvious. Nothing’s going to happen her ass.) “In what?!”
She considers her own phrasing, and makes a face. “Don't make it weird, Munson, that’s my platonic soulmate you’re thinking about. If Steve's moving in with you, then you need to know how to take care of him. You know he gets migraines, right?”
The blank look he gives her says it all, but his mouth also asks, “What are migraines?”
Well. She knows Eddie isn’t dumb, but she can’t say he didn’t come by three attempts at senior year honestly. With a sigh, Robin tugs the radio from her belt and holds it up to her mouth, pressing the talk button. “This is Burt Ward to O-Bun-Wan Kenobi, come in O-Bun-Wan.”
“Stop calling me that,” Dustin replies after a short pause. “Over.”
“Sorry kiddo, you know it was Applejack’s turn to pick the call signs. I’m going to need you to keep Farrah Fawcett occupied for a little bit longer than expected, Van Fail-en needs a serious lesson in hair care management.”
There’s another pause, while Eddie twists his rings on his fingers and visibly mouths Van Fail-en and hair care?? to himself, then Dustin’s insistent, “You forgot to say over!”
Robin rolls her eyes. “Whatever, just give me five more minutes. Over and out.”
“Burt Ward?” Eddie asks, squinting at her as she returns the radio to its place on her hip. 
“He played Robin in the Batman movie.” She shrugs. “Erica let me pick mine. Now!” And she claps her hands together, all business. Time to school this nerd in basic dingus maintenance—because while she’s happy to do it, Eddie will be right there if Steve needs help. After what they've all been through together, Robin has faith that Eddie can do the job, even while still on bed rest. “We don’t have a lot of time, so let’s get started. A migraine is like a mega-headache. If Steve starts showing any of the following symptoms, you need to try to get him someone dark and quiet as soon as possible. . . .”
Robin hadn’t planned on ambushing Eddie. She’d actually been trying not to think about him much, because the whole bullshit blackmail situation made her fly-off-the-handle mad and it was . . . complicated.
So, yeah, trying not to think about it, because up until now she’d considered Eddie a friend and the reasons for that are all, technically, still here. Plus, she’s been busy with community college—a compromise between continuing her education as planned, that sliver of fear that things with the Upside Down might start up again, and a steadfast refusal to leave her best friend behind.
And Steve is. . . . Well, she hasn’t seen him so happy in a long time, and never quite like this. Every time he brings Eddie up in conversation (which, like, she can tell he’s kind of walking on eggshells about, but it still happens) he does this thing. This little glance her way after as if to check, and as long as she keeps her expression at neutral he brightens up hopefully by a factor of ten. (Except for when she’d biked up to Family Video this morning and he’d looked so much like shit that she’d tried to talk him into accepting a ride home from someone else. Unsuccessfully, of course, the stubborn dingus.)
In contrast, now, she’s never seen Eddie this subdued. At school he had been the guy who walked on cafeteria tables, stepping around lunches unless they’d belonged to known bullies. In the Upside Down he had climbed a rock before any of them had a chance to warn him about the hive mind vines, and hopscotched his way back down an like over-caffeinated mountain goat. Even still in shock over Chrissy Cunningham’s gruesome death, he’d twitched and flinched at every noise, alternating between gnawing on his lips and on his fingernails.
There’s no fight in him as he bypasses the break room table to slump onto the saggy couch, immediately sliding into the weird sinkhole in the middle that no one can ever get out of in one try. “Look,” he says heavily, staring down at his hands and not so much as fiddling with his rings, “I know you’re pissed at me—”
“You’re damn right I’m pissed,” Robin bursts out, stomping her foot as she thinks about it. “How could you, Eddie? How could you do that when you, of all people, know what it’s like in this town?” She crosses her arms tighter across her chest and glares. “The only reason I haven’t borrowed Steve’s car to run you over with is because you threatened to tell me and not his parents!”
Eddie’s head snaps up at that, and to his credit he looks anguished. “I would never do that.”
“You got close,” she spits. That’s the thing that Steve doesn’t understand; to him, it’s fine because Eddie’s threat hadn’t really been much of one, but Eddie hadn’t known that then. 
If Robin hadn’t been Robin, if it had been some other girl that Eddie mistook for Steve’s girlfriend, that girl could have told Steve's parents. She could have told everyone.
“I know.” Also to his credit, he manages to maintain eye contact, although it looks like it’s costing him a lot. He looks like he’s sinking into himself, hands drifting up to his hair and digging his fingers in as if trying to keep his head from imploding. Or maybe trying to pull it apart. “I know I did. I knew I was crossing a fucking line, alright? But I thought. . . . It’s not an excuse, but I thought it was just going to come out of his dad’s pocket and no one would care.”
That’s not good enough, she thinks, because it does sound like an excuse. But she’d expected him to fall back on saying that he’d thought Steve was still an asshole, like people couldn't change. That the Freak hadn’t given him the benefit of the doubt.
Because Robin hadn't, when she'd first started working with Steve back at Scoops Ahoy. Before she’d ended up tied back to back with the King of Hawkins High in a room with a drain in the floor and realized he was just some guy in a crazy situation, trying to do the right thing. The brave thing. Trying to Indiana Jones his way out of a goddamn mess, at a cost up to and almost including the loss of his own fingernails.
She was anticipating a sob story that Eddie had used to rationalize his actions in his own head, because Steve had told her how Eddie working a part time job and an illegal side job and still trying to stay awake in school had barely enough for two people’s food and rent on his own. And, okay, loathe as she is to admit it, she gets the Wayne part of it—the being so scared you might lose someone that you’re willing to fight God to keep that from happening. 
(“A code, a code, there was a code!”)
But Eddie’s not saying any of that. Maybe (probably) he had thought those things at the time, but he’s not defending himself at all now. Robin tries not to falter, because this was not okay, dammit, but it’s throwing her off. What else had she wanted to say?
Oh, right.
She jabs an accusatory finger in Eddie’s direction, trying to summon extra venom into her weakening glare. “You took advantage of his hero complex!”
He shrugs listlessly, hands still in his hair. “Before March, I had no idea he had one. Are you trying to convince me that Steve’s too good for me and I’m a piece of shit? Believe me, Buckley, I’m well aware.”
“. . . Oooookay,” Robin says slowly, still frowning but with a little less glare. She can’t help it, he’d thrown her off! “As long as we agree on that.”
They stare at each other for a long moment. Finally, Eddie drops his hand back to his lap and leans back, fixing his eyes on the ceiling. 
“I’m sorry I did it, alright? Every time I tell Steve that he says he’s not, because it means Wayne’s still around, and . . . I can’t argue with that part. But I’m still a piece of shit for how it happened, no matter how much he somehow thinks he’s the problem. Which I keep telling him he’s not, by the way, and I’m not going to stop. But. . . .” He pauses to scrub both hands over his face, dragging some of his hair in to cover it. “If you want me to make myself scarce when you’re around, say the word. I don’t have to go to the Party barbecues or whatever. But I’m not dropping Steve until he wants me to go, okay? I know how things went down with Nancy and I can’t do that to him after the shit I’ve already put him through.”
The words, Robin registers, are tense but firm. It sounds like a last stand speech straight out of a film—something where some cowboy knows he’s about to be gunned down but wants to say his piece first anyway. 
What’s jarring is realizing that she’s the firing squad. Eddie is asking her if she wants to kick him out of the entire group, when she’d really only thought as far as kicking his ass. 
His mention of Nancy is throwing her, too. Robin knows that Nancy had never really apologized for bullshit. Not the way Steve told her Eddie has, certainly not the way Eddie is doing now. . . . And Nancy is still a part of the group. 
“Jesus,” Robin mutters. She drops into one of the folding chairs and rubs at her temples. “Consider yourself on probation, alright? Just don’t pull anything like this ever again and we’ll be fine.”
Eddie blinks at her. “Is . . . is that it?”
“I’m still mad at you,” she says. “But . . . yeah. For now. But you’d better not hurt him, or do anything like this ever again, do you hear me Munson? Because I swear to god, I will finish what the bats started.”
“I won’t,” he says, as serious as she’s ever heard him. And they’d gone to war against Vecna together. 
“Alright, then get outta here,” Robin says. She hasn’t unclenched, but. . . . “Go take care of Steve.”
Because someone has to, and she’s stuck here finishing out his shift.
Eddie nods and scrambles up, all his manic energy suddenly back. He’s bouncing on the balls of his feet as she flips the sign and unlocks the door to let him out, and beelines straight for his van the second he gets the chance.
As she watches him tear out of the parking lot, she does feel better about the whole thing—not by a lot, but some. Blackmail or not, Steve seems so happy whenever he talks about Eddie. Robin has never gotten to witness Steve Harrington in full-on relationship mode, and she has a feeling it’s going to be heartwarming, ridiculous, and sappy to the point of being gross. 
She kind of can’t wait.
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witchofhimring · 1 year
🌸Persephone🌸 x reader friendship alphabet (platonic)
Kinda just decided to do this last night. Guess now I have to make a LO masterlist.
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A= Activites (what do you like to do together?)
Chill in a field blooming with flowers while reading. Its relaxing and very nice. The two of you will also spend a lot of time in the library while enjoying overpriced lattes.
B= Best Friend (how close are you?)
Very. The two of you had known each other since childhood so you two know everything there is to know. She tells you her deepest fear, hopes and dreams. She trusts you implicitly. And yes, Hades is very much jealous.
C= Communication (how do they text?)
Persephone prefers to say important/personal things in person so the text messages are mostly just the two of you goofing off. Mostly just memes and the occasional request for one another's opinion on a dress.
D= Date (have you tried dating before? how did it go?)
Nope. Its not like Demeter would let Persephone date anyone. So Hades is her first and only romantic relationship. The two of you are soley platonic.
E= Embrace (are you guys physical or not? if so, how?)
There is hand holding and hugs. Persephone is very physical when it comes to her affection and she likes people knowing she loves them. This is very much canon as Persephone does mention that people on Olympus are more reserved in their affections.
F= Favorite (what’s their favorite thing about you?)
How she feels safe with you. She doesn't have to worry about backstabbing or you running back to Demeter. You have always been there for her and she also wants you to be happy.
G= Gifts (what gifts do they get you?)
She gives you books, teas from all over the world and booked goods. She likes giving you comfort and care packages.
H= Happy (how do they act around you when you both are really happy?)
Very cheerful with flowers growing out of her hair. Will lead to the two of you goofing off (much to Demeter's chagrin).
I= Impression (what was their first impression of you?)
The two of you were so small when you met so she can't really remember. But the first memories she had of you were that you were loyal and kind.
J= Jokes (what is your collective sense of humor?)
Memes. It drives everyone else in the group chat crazy.
K= Kind (what kind of friend are they (crackhead, soft, opposites attract etc.)
Platonic soulmates. The two of you complete each other, always being there to help.
L= Lasting (how long has this friendship lasted?)
Since you were babies, so about 18 years by the beginning of Lore Olympus.
M= Midnight (just a midnight adventure with them (hella chaotic)
Because of Persephone's childhood there weren't very many opportunities to let lose. The wildest thing that has happened have been when the two of you sneak out and observe the mortals. The two of you are curious about life outside of Demeter's little garden.
N= Nicknames (what are some nicknames you have for each other?)
For you: a shortened version on your name
For Persephone: Percy
O= Open (how open are you with each other?)
You two know everything about each other.
P= Pet (what’s their favorite animal?)
Persephone has always wanted a small pet turtle. It now has a place of honor in the library.
Q= Question (what is the weirdest thing they have asked you and what's the context?)
"Have you ever farted out of your vagina?" The two of you were doing yoga when she asked this question. Yes, any woman knows what I am talking about.
R= Rhythm (what is both of yours favorite song?)
Best Friend by Doja Cat
S= Smiling (what do you do that makes them smile?)
-When you send memes
-Make jokes
-Do small things to make her feel better
-When you show your support her
T= Talking (what do they like to talk about with you?)
She loves talking about books with you.
U= Unique (what is a weird thing both of you like to do?)
Not very weird, but tickling contests.
V= Visit (what is your favorite place to go with them?)
Random human villages where the two of you can sneak around and observe their lives. Its peaceful and gives the two of you a feeling of freedom.
W= Wild Card (just a random headcanon)
Boop contests. The two of you pocked eachother on the nose in a game of tag that would last all day. Shenanigans ensue with honey on the floor to waylay the other, rotten eggs dropping from about and other such dirty tricks,
X= X-Ray (how well are you able to read each other?)
Pretty damn well. The pair of you are pretty perceptive to one another's emotions.
Y= Yuck (what do you guys both hate?)
Apollo. Enough said.
Z= Zoo Outing (again- y’all go to the zoo)
Enjoying Hade's pool.
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coldflash-corner · 5 months
Worldbuilding/Etc: My Soulmate AU [1]
-My asks are open, so feel free to send asks if you want me to make a post abt something specific in this AU, whether mentioned in this post or otherwise
-In a reincarnation scenario, soulmates can change. In the case of Kendra and Carter, theirs have never changed before, so in most lives they believed that theirs could never actually change. This is wrong. Kendra's soulmate is not Carter Hall
-Connected to above: It is so extremely rare that people don't even think it's possible in some areas, but sometimes someone can have a soulmate but not be their soulmate. Which can be an interesting time for everyone involved, especially if there are romantic feelings in the mix
-Mick Rory does not currently have a soulmate, and has no memories of every having one. He has oft thought fire to be his soulmate, in a way, because watching the flames makes him feel warm, like there are flames under his skin
-^^in a synesthesia way not a horny way. Please do not be weird about the fire, I'm just a little guy (/lh)
-People can sometimes get a new soulmate after theirs died, but it's not overly common in the mortal communities. Much more common in the immortal circles
-Soulmates of time travelers can use heartbeat and what they know of their partner to figure out if they're talking to the version of their partner who is synced with their part of the timeline, or if they're from the past/future
-Having multiple soulmates simultaneously is possible, and can make some things confusing/fun
-Iris and Eddie are soulmates, but they took forever to tell each other their suspicions bc they didn't want to look like they were moving too fast or pressuring the other into anything
-The author of this AU keeps trying to give Barry 2 platonic soulmates on top of his soulmateship with Snart, but is actively choosing not to even when their brain is pouting about it
-Caitlin's soulmate is Ronnie Raymond. She's had... a time.
-Lisa had a soulmate, who she met when she was fifteen and they were dating until she was 16. This was another girl her same age, who lived in her neighborhood. Unfortunately, she died when they were 16, and Lisa took a while to come even close to recovering from that
-Lisa is especially attracted to Cisco because she thinks he also does not have a soulmate. He... technically does... but they aren't together right now and there doesn't seem to be any future plans of them being together, so he has forced the possibility out of his mind and pretends he doesn't have one
-Mark and Clyde Mardon are an example of platonic soulmates who are siblings
-Joe's soulmate was not his wife and he knows who they are, but he firmly Does Not Talk About Them. Iris and Barry both firmly know that topic is Completely Off Limits and never bring it up
-Hartley hasn't knowingly met his soulmate yet. They're still alive! So maybe one day they'll meet
-Fun Fact: Hartley once thought that his soulmate might be Dr. Wells, because the man seemed to have an eerie ability to track his emotions, but eventually realized that was wishful thinking and that this was definitely not the case
-Barry knew he and Snart were soulmates before Snart knew Barry Allen was the Flash. He didn't know how to approach this, so this led to him just turning Golden Retriever energy to 11 and hoping for the best
-Time travel and dramatically changed timelines can alter soulmate connections ^-^
-People are more likely to be soulmates with people in their general region than otherwise, but it is rarely possible to have a soulmate across the world
-There are "Find My Soulmate" apps where people can be like "Hey I had a panic attack at this time and it lasted for x minutes, did anyone feel that?" or "Hi! I play soccer, has anyone had elevated soulmate heart rate consistently on these days and times as if said soulmate is engaging in physical activity?" and other such things
-Sometimes when a person on a sports team meets a person through those apps who almost CERTAINLY is soulmates with a member of their sports team, they all run experiments together to make sure it's the right one
-If a time or dimension traveler without a soulmate time/dimension travels, there is a small chance they can become soulmates with a non-soulmate-haver in the area. Which can make things fun and spicy for everyone involved!
-Eobard Thawne had a soulmate in his future, but he killed them because the bitch got ISSUUEESS
-^^He was always on the lookout for that telltale heartbeat, in case the time travel fuckery gave him a new soulmate. It never did. But there was someone that he had wished, for sometime, that he would be given that connection with. It's so much better for the other person that it never did. (It couldn't have, really, bc their soulmate was still alive technically, but it's Really Good that it didn't nonetheless)
-Joe had really really wanted Iris and Barry to be soulmates, ever since they were little kids. And he didn't completely handle it well when he learned, without a shadow of a doubt, that they were not.
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willel · 1 year
When using the word "soulmate", I mean genuine soulmate. Supernatural unexplainable connection between one and another. Everything about the bond really makes no sense and all the sense at the same time.
WillEl platonic soulmateism is not about "They're SUCH close friends and siblings omg more friends than anyone else legit"
It's about the fact that they seemingly never met each other in their whole lives, and yet El recognized him instantly in a picture.
It's that despite not knowing any of these people and NEVER meeting Will, she decided to put her all into finding him and figuring out a way to save him.
It's that we've only seen El communicate with people in the void in very odd and unusual circumstances and Will was one of those few weird unusual circumstances compared to everyone else.
How she happened to know everything that was happening to Will prior to coming back home in season 2.
How many knowing glances they exchange with one another in season 3 and 4.
It's different.
The minute you start comparing THAT to Mike and Will or El and Mike then you're already thinking about the entire situation WRONG.
Does Will have a supernatural connection to Mike? Uh no.
Does Will have a supernatural connection to Jonathan? Uhhhh no. By blood and family though, very much yes.
Even if Mike and Jonathan had powers or something, they STILL don't have that supernatural string of fate that seems to bind Will and El together. The back and forth they had in the first two seasons with one missing and the other present. Their mirrored scenes and similar circumstances.
Will and El didn't even need to be friends or siblings and they'd STILL be soulmates because of the supernatural plot of the show.
It's not about Will and El being besties or the best sibs evar. Will and El are referred to as platonic soulmates because of some weird preordained supernatural connection they've had since season 1.
This battle to decide who is closer to who is freakin' pointless because that's not even what platonic soulmates is about in WillEl's case. It's not a competition because there IS NOTHING TO COMPETE AGAINST.
The only people who come close to Will and El's dynamic in this way is Kali and El and Henry and El. I'm sure after reading all this, you'll understand why that is. You'll also understand why Will is likely connected to Henry too, further tightening the string of fate around Will and El.
And you know what's so fun about it??? That it's platonic! That it has pretty much nothing to do with their romantic lives. That is so rare in media and urgggg so satisfying. Like HUZZAH! There shan't be the cliche "our kiss will suddenly fix everything" bs or something like that. They'll have to be creative and come up with something cooler.
I hope you can understand how bothersome it is to see people reduce Will and El's bond down to "Actually, these two people are closer" when it has nothing to do with their closeness.
It's about how the world has brought these two seemingly random people together who strangely have all these similarities. It's just a mega bonus that they're not only friends, but also siblings.
They are soulmates. Plain and simple.
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ravs6709 · 4 months
Ravi's KOTLC Fanfic Masterlist
my pinned post too clogged and i cant even edit it on mobile since too long or too many links or something like that. So here is all like ~40 kotlc fanfics of mine!!!
Organizing by dynamics for easy access. Some fics admittedly better than the others, but I've been writing kotlc fanfic for several years, so bound to happen
*Represents some of my favourites!!!
Hair- Sokeefe Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, no warnings). 0.4k words.
*Protection- Sokeefe Romantic Oneshot (angsty, fluff sprinkled in, and then more at the end. Caps tw). 1.4k words.
Butterfly Kisses- Keefex Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, no warnings). 0.4k words.
Marry Me (There's Free Desserts)- Romantic Keefex Oneshot (fluff, human au, food, one swear). 2.5k words.
Don't Need Your Voice To Understand You- Queerplatonic Keefex Oneshot (Canon divergence, heart-warming, non-verbal communication). 0.9k words.
Together- Sokeefitz Romantic Oneshot (light angst, poly-phobic moments + alden bashing oops, but fluff at the end). 1.1k words.
The Days That Come And Go (They'll Be Beautiful)- Romantic Sokeefitz Oneshot (post-canon, fluff and comfort. No warnings. 0.5k words.
Fire And Foil- Kamex (Keefe/Tam/Dex) Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, censored swearing. Human au). 1.1k words
Cake Eater- Romantic Kamex Oneshot (very fluffy, censored swearing, human au). 0.7k words. (same au as prev, but not connected)
Hoodies- Kam Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, no warnings). 0.8k words.
*Our Very Own Melody- Kam Romantic Oneshot (fluff with a side of angst, soulmates+human au. Censored swearing). 5.1k words.
*All This Love (I'll Show You How It Feels)- Ambiguous Kam Oneshot (human au, fake dating, shenanigans). 2.8k words.
Tam & Linh
Our Hands Linked, Side By Side- Linh and Tam Platonic Oneshot (mostly hurt/comfort, fluffy ending, not really any warnings but Quan is rude). 1.4k words.
*A Desperate Attempt At Understanding- Tam & Linh Platonic Oneshot (sibling angst, arguing, during stellarlune). 1.1k words.
This Great Distance- Sophiana Romantic Songfic (based off Coney Island by Taylor Swift) (post breakup, angst, no warnings though). 1.0k words.
Sweet Treats- Sophiana Romantic Oneshot (mild hurt/comfort and fluff. No warnings). 0.9k words.
Hidden Meanings- Sophiana Romantic Oneshot (pure fluff, no warnings) 1.6k words.
Labels (Or The Lack Of Them)- Platonic Sophiana Oneshot (pure fluff, no warnings. Human au) 1.2k words
Lights Glowing Bright- Romantic Sophiana Oneshot (pure fluff, no warnings). 0.7k words.
The Stars In The Sky (And In Your Eyes)- Sophitz Romantic Oneshot (pure fluff, no warnings). 0.7k words.
Confessions- Romantic Sophitz Oneshot (pure fluff, no warnings). 1.0k words.
Our Very Own Story- Queerplatonic Fedex Oneshot (fluff, soulmates+human au, one swear). 7.4k words
*An X-Ray Ain't Needed To See Within- Dex Study (ish), Romantic Fedex Oneshot (canon rewrite but with new element, angst, depictions of canon torture and stabbing, copious descriptions of heart). 7.9k words.
Don't Worry Yourself Sick - Fedex Romantic Oneshot (sickfic, no warnings). 0.8k words.
Other (stuff that only have 1 fic)
No Murder Allowed- Marellinh Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, jokes about murder). 0.3k words.
Imp-Sitting At Rimeshire- Dexiana Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, no warnings). 0.9k words.
Inventions- Platonic Dexphie Oneshot (mild angst, but then fluff, no warnings) 1.0k words.
Affection- Platonic Keefitz Oneshot (mostly fluff, slight angst and hurt/comfort, no warnings?) 1.2k words.
Within The Background- Platonic Marellinhiana Oneshot (some fluff, deals with Biana's scars so slight injury tw). 1.0k words.
*Euneirophrenia- Romantic Solinh Oneshot (fluff and hurt/comfort, dreamsharing au). 6.2k words.
Way Too Weird (Even For Me)- Gen Oneshot (crack, eating inedible stuff). 0.6k words.
I've Come A Long Way- Sophie & The Foster Family (family feels, no warnings). 1.1k words.
As Pretty As The Petals- Romantic Four Horsegirls Oneshot (fluff, no warnings?). 2.1k words.
Just One More Chance- Romantic Bianuca Oneshot (post breakup, getting back together, mentions of internalized homophobia). 1.5k words.
*Won't You Shine With Me (Oh Distant Star Of Mine)- Romantic Hekster, Kam, Marelliana and Fedex Fanfic (6 chapters, Revue Starlight au, theatre, fluff and angst with a happy ending)
*The Prankster Team- Keefex Romantic Fanfic (Wattpad, and also on ao3) (mostly fluff, but deals with some homophobia (not in detail), abuse (but not in detail) also censored swearing)
*These Feelings Inside (How Deep Do They Go)- Sokeefitz Romantic Fanfic (mermaid+flowershop au, based off Siren's Lament. Fluff and angst. Mentions of death)
*Open Up My Heart (And Let My Feelings Fly Free)- Kam (but relationship type unspecified) Fanfic Oneshot Collection (omniscient reader's viewpoint au, angst with happy ending, check fic for warnings)
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jadejedi · 1 year
Fantasy Book Review: The Tarot Sequence (Books 1-3) by K.D. Edwards
JJ’s rating: 4.5/5
How feral did it make me: 5/5 
My book reviews
Okay, I read these kind of randomly, not really sure what I was getting into, and oh my god. Oh my god!! Okay, so most of the sci-fi/fantasy books I have read other than these were written by AFAB authors in their 20s and 30s. Which is great, and fine, but that’s a fairly limited perspective. These novels were written by an asexual man in his forties (sorry Keith, just sort of guessing on your age here lmao) and is it weird to say that it’s kind of refreshing to read a mlm romance actually written by a queer man? No, I don’t think so. These books, despite the dark topics they sometimes cover, feel like warm coziness to me. Reading these books feels like following along with a group of your beloved friends. God. I love them. 
Summary time! In a world in which Atlantis was a secret society of demigods called the Arcana (all named after tarot cards) before being destroyed in a civil war with humanity, the remaining Atlantean society has relocated to the island formerly called Nantucket. Rune St. John is the last son of the Sun Court, the rest of the Sun Court destroyed in a mysterious attack that left Rune with emotional, mental, and physical scars. Rune and his Companion (think platonic soulmate meets bodyguard), Brand, hire out their work essentially as mercenaries to scrape by. When a son of Lady Justice goes missing, Rune and Brand are hired to find him. Also, they acquire an orphaned teenager? Are they fathers now? They might be fathers now. 
These characters guys. Holy shit. They are perfect to me. K.D. Edwards was really out here like, what if I just… smash every toxically masculine stereotype out there? What if I make a snarky bodyguard character who unabashedly loves his best friend? What if these two men who have known each other all their lives are not afraid to be open about how important they are to each other and how much they genuinely LOVE each other? What if I make a romantic interest who is patient and kind and loving and not at all threatened by the relationship between his boyfriend and his boyfriend’s oldest and most important relationship? What if I create a relationship between these three men that blurs the lines between romantic and platonic?? What if I create an urban fantasy society in which queerness is normal and accepted, and where polyamory is normal and accepted? What if I make a group of characters who need a family and then FIND ONE WITH EACH OTHER???? WHAT. THEN????? (then we all cry, that’s what)
These books are fun, witty, full of monsters and villains, but also some of the most heartwarming characters and relationships I’ve ever read??? Like, god. These are some of the few books that I have bought both audio book and e-book copies because I could not put them down. I *had* to be reading them, if I were at home, or at work, or in the car. And as soon as I finished them, I picked up the first one and reread them. 
This series is planned to be a trilogy of trilogies, with books 1-3 currently finished, and book 4 being written right now. I am so excited for more of this series, I can’t even tell you. Dear god. 
There is some dark content covered in these books, specifically based around what happened to the Rune on the night when his father’s court was destroyed, so if you have any questions about trigger warnings, don’t hesitate to ask. 
These books are an absolute DELIGHT. They are the queer fantasy I’ve always wanted to read, because Edwards understands that what makes the queer community special is the COMMUNITY. It’s about finding and CHOOSING your family, bitch!
Here’s a meme I made a while back to convince people to read these books (yes I spelled dinosaur wrong. oops):
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scruffyssketchbook · 8 months
Just a ramble
I'm uploading the entire SSEC Askblog archive to Toyhouse, and just seeing how the characters developed overtime is bittersweet, especially Dusk. The poor boy at one point was breaking down about how he misses the old askblog, and I can see why. It's pretty night and day. The askers went from asking silly questions to trying to make every character have a breakdown.
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Ofc, I do realize my part to play in this, as I was the one answering these asks, but they kind of became the majority of them over time ^^; I realize that 2024 marks 10 years of me uploading SSEC weekly, and a lot of big changes are coming to the comic and the characters. Kind of scary changes honestly. A lot of people tell me they grew up with these characters, and honestly, I have as well. I had just turned 14 when I started writing these guys, and now I am like- OLD. It's so weird to know that I've been drawing this comic for almost half of my life and influenced so many people with it. I wish I could say I made a lot of friends along the way, but with my extreme shyness paired with my extreme naivety, it kind of just made it so the people I talked to constantly took advantage of me. And I suppose all of that sadness kind of bled into the comic with how the characters developed and how the story went. Sorry ^^;;
Being a bit candid here, my mental health hasn't exactly been the best. For the majority of last year I had been a paranoid mess due to a certain group of people who honestly terrify me and it didn't really help that there were still people in my life still taking advantage of me. But. The Comic was still there for me. The characters were still there!!! And you know, this latest chapter has been a joy to write. The characters are actually having fun and being friends and I've laughed so much when drawing it and- really what I want to say is that I just don't want them to be sad anymore. I want all of the characters to be friends, to be more like the eevolves characters. Eevolves's main theme is love, and all of the characters are just so cute and loving to each other and it's so nice to write. I suppose it's wish fulfilment or just me projecting the things I want to the characters, but I want things like Blizz and Vay fixing their relationship, or Dawn and Dusk showing how close they are, or Daisy and Flame just enjoying each other's company. I want the characters to communicate with each other and get into stupid funny situations more, I want to see them more happy, I want to see them overcome their sad pasts and start to heal the trauma they went through. Like, they deserve to be happy after all I put them through.
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