#weird x ken
cooltrash95 · 1 year
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 months
can y'all please come into my humble abode and imagine something with me i don't yet have the wits to write a full fledged fic out of (yet)?
so, everyone knows how when you get a tattoo, part of the healing process is the itchy phase, right? and for obvious reasons, you can't scratch it. favored method, in my experience and fellow tatted friends, is to just give it a good old slap.
perfect. so now, with this in mind, can you imagine having gotten a large hip/ass piece, and how mortifying it would be to smack your own ass to soothe that itch? and it's just plain painful. you want your new ink to heal properly - it's gorgeous and you put a lot of time, pain, and money into that damn thing - but it just sucks.
enter best friend eddie.
he loves your new ink. thinks it's fucking sick. nearly creamed his damn pants when he found out you were doing a hip/ass tatt (because how can he ask to see it without being weird? how can he react to that without being weird when he's spent the last several years with the world's most pathetic crush on you?) at first, it's fine. you show him the tattoo in a totally friendly, totally platonic way. he hypes you up, he calls you 'the most metal person he knows'. flourishes you with all the compliments and looks at you with starry eyes out of sheer awe at the way he's managed to snag a person into his life who is just so. damn. cool.
but the days pass by, that new ink begins to heal, and it fucking itches.
when you first proposition him, you're even more embarrassed than he is. stumbling over all your words, the request coming out contorted every wrong way. you don't want to make things weird, but is it really that weird for a friend to help a friend? it is really that weird to ask your best friend to smack your tattoo to help with that itch you can't even really properly reach?
it's just friends helping friends.
and that's the mantra you both repeat to yourselves - as you request the embarrassing favor of him, as he agrees almost too eagerly, as you find yourself face-planted in your bed wondering how deeply you can bury down your shame as he tries to make jokes to make it all a bit less awkward.
it's just friends helping friends, until eddie's hand lands down on your ass with a resounding smack, and that first little whimper escapes your lips.
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frost-queen · 5 months
Kenough for you // part 2 (Reader x Ken)
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn, @bimbo4ever , @niktwazny303
Summary: Ken has taken over Barbieland. When Barbie get's desperate for her dreamhouse she turns to you for help. When Ken and you meet each other again, he hadn't forgotten about you. Never being able to get you out of his head. [ read part 1 & part 3 & part 4]
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“I took the lead for once.” – Ken bragged as the other Ken’s sat in front of him. Pulled in by his story. – “She even asked me to stay over.” – he said sounding cool. – “No way.” – one of the Ken’s said. – “Way.” – Ken replied with a nod. One of the Ken’s scoffed with a puff. Ken turned his head to him. – “You don’t believe me?” – Ken asked a bit bitsy. The other Ken placed his hand on his thigh, leaning a bit closer. – “What about Barbie?” – he answered cocky. Ken flexed his muscles, moving his arm up.
“What about her?” – he replied trying to sound unbothered. A few Ken’s eyes widened. Then there was a loud voice. Calling out his name from below. – “KEN!” – the voice cried out clearly frustrated. Ken held his finger up to the Kens, moving a bit closer to the edge to see who was below. It was Barbie standing at his door. – “A moment Kens.” – he commented as if it didn’t bother him.
Ken got down, pushing the barn doors open, letting his arms rest on them. – “What up Barbie.” – he told her cooly. Barbie moved some hair over her shoulder, putting on a sweet smile. – “Ken, this is my dreamhouse.” – she said trying to keep her composure. Ken took in a deep breath. – “This shall hence forth be known as Ken’s mojo dojo casa house.” – he responded.
“This is my dreamhouse!” – Barbie shouted with a stomp of her heel on the ground. Ken chuckled out a laugh so dryly it wasn’t even an attempt of being funny. – “It’s Ken’s mojo dojo casa house.” – he repeated. Barbie wiggled annoyingly like a whiney little child. – “It’s time for the Ken’s to have a dreamhouse Barbie.” – Ken told her. He waved her away, wanting her off his property. Barbie stared in shock at him as Ken returned back inside.
She felt like crying if only she knew what the emotion was. Angry at Ken, she had used up her last attempt. Ever since they came back from the real world, he had been different. Taking over Barbieland to turn it into Kendom. A place where the Ken’s took everything from the Barbie’s. Barbie was at her last wits, letting herself fall into the sofa at weird Barbie’s house.
Weird Barbie stretched her leg up against the wall, tilting her head. – “I assume Ken didn’t listen.” – she said moving her head back and lowering her leg. Barbie shook her head. – “I don’t know what to do anymore. I want my dreamhouse back.” – she whined out wiggling her legs with a shake of her shoulders.
Weird Barbie did a split on the ground, bringing one leg forwards so she had both her legs out in front of her. – “What about the real girl?” – Weird Barbie questioned. – “You mean Y/n?” – Barbie said through her distress. Weird Barbie got back up stretching her arms up above her head. – “Maybe he’ll listen to her?” – Weird Barbie suggested letting her arms flop against her side. Barbie blinked, her distress gone in a matter of seconds. – “You think so?” – she asked getting up. – “It’s worth a shot?” – Weird Barbie answered pulling her shoulders up.
Barbie ran up to Weird Barbie, grabbing her by the shoulders. – “If I can convince her to come here and tell Ken to stop, everything will get back to normal.” – Barbie exclaimed happily, squeezing Weird Barbie’s shoulders together. – “I guess so?” – Weird Barbie replied. – “I could get my dreamhouse back!” – Barbie pushed Weird Barbie away as she spun around, arms flapping till she came to a stop. – “She did do something silly with Ken where their lips touched.” – Barbie said clasping her hands together, already thinking about getting her dreamhouse back.
“You mean kiss?” – Weird Barbie answered scratching the back of her head. – “No silly.” – Barbie answered laughingly. – “There is no contact with a kiss.” – Barbie went on innocently. Weird Barbie held her finger up, wanting to contradict, but Barbie was so in the clouds with her head, it was no use.
Barbie waved Weird Barbie goodbye, going to leave for the real world again. This time there wasn’t Ken jumping on her from the backseat. It was just her and that song she sings her lungs out to leaving Barbieland… urhm… Kendom. Barbie went through sequences of phases before she entered the real world again on rollerblades. Everything was still the same when she left it.
Now she just needed to find you. She… she just didn’t know where you lived. Falling in one of her distress moments again she sat down whining about how she was ever going to find you. As if a miracle was spoken out, you found her. You furrowed your brows seeing the so obvious pink blondie on a spot you first found Ken as well. You decided to walk up to her. – “Barbie?” – you said confused.
Barbie looked up, bringing up a grant smile. – “Y/n!” – she exclaimed getting up and wrapping her arms around you. – “I found you!” – she said aloud making you a bit wary of Barbie’s sudden affection towards you. – “Is… is Ken here too?” – you questioned looking around over her shoulder. – “No, but you are going to save Barbieland!” – she said cheerful still holding your hands.
“I’m doing what?” – you replied shocked and caught off guard. Barbie squealed excitedly, her eyes falling on your shoes. – “We’ll first need rollerblades.” – she pointed out, making your eyes widen. – “Not again!” – you called out being pulled along with her. Before you knew it you were in rollerblades. Arms wide open, you were afraid to make a move. – “I don’t like this.” – you told her remembering last time. – “No complaining, I need my dreamhouse.” – Barbie said, grabbing you by the wrist.
You screamed it out when she started skating, pulling you along with her. It seemed like she was skating without any purpose or destination. With the blink of your eyes, you were suddenly on a snowmobile behind Barbie. – “What is this?” – you asked looking confused around. – “The way to Barbieland silly.” – Barbie answered. It felt like the skimobile wasn’t going forwards but within a matter of moments, the scenery had changed again.
You sat confused in a chair on a camping site as Barbie arrived with an empty plate. – “What is going on?” – you called out slightly panicking as you grabbed onto the chair’s leaning. Barbie joined you, sitting down as well. – “Ken has taken over Barbieland.” – she told you. You stared confused back at her. With the blink of an eye sat you on a two-bike with Barbie. – “He won’t listen to me, so I’m using you.” – Barbie spoke sitting in the front. Looking around you suddenly sat on a rocket with a helmet on.
“Tell Ken to stop and give me back my dreamhouse.” – Barbie told you over her shoulder. You heard a bird caw as you suddenly were in a boat with her. Grabbing the edge, you looked down at the fakest waves you had ever seen. – “You’ll bring everything back to normal.” – she told you with a smile. The boat made way for a pink car as you sat beside her. Feeling a bit awkward. Barbie sang along with the song on the radio as you kept quiet.
You rather inspected the toy car that seemed to almost drive on it’s own. In the distance you saw a big sign covering over with Kendom written on it. – “See!” – Barbie called out, gesturing at it. The car drove past some men, placing bricks on stacks. – “They are building a wall.” – Barbie told you as you kept looking at them even when passed. Not at all how one would build a wall.
Pinching yourself, you hoped you weren’t tripping for it sure felt like it. The pink car drove into the town as you had imagined it a lot pinker. You drove past the beach, hoping to spot Ken there, yet there was no sign of him. The car drove on till it stopped in a small neighbourhood. Barbie got out as you followed her still trying to process what was going on.
Barbie walked up to the house as you staid behind her. Looking curiously around. – “Ken!” – she called out sweetly. Not a moment later opened the barn doors with Ken appearing. – “Barbie.” – he said cooly. – “Ken.” – Barbie said sugary with a sweet smile. – “Can I have my dreamhouse back?” – she asked with a flirty look. Ken chuckled dryly looking away. – “It’s Ken’s mojo dojo casa house.” – he told her annoying her. – “Fine!” – Barbie let out stepping aside to reveal you.
You were still looking curious around till you noticed Barbie had moved. Your gaze falling on Ken. Ken’s eyes widened seeing you. – “Y/n!” – he said excitedly. Smiling boyishly. – “Hi Ken.” – you responded. Ken cleared his throat, changing his attitude. He moved his bare arm up, flexing his muscles at you. – “What are you doing here?” – he asked checking out his own muscles and hoping you were looking at them.
Barbie gave you a little shove forwards, desperate for her dreamhouse. – “I wanted to talk to you. Can I come in?” – you asked. Ken inhaled deep looking over his shoulder. – “It’s boy’s night.” – he told you. – “Can’t you make an exception?” – you answered sweetly. – “One moment.” – Ken held his finger up, disappearing behind the corner. You got startled when he let out a scream off excitement. He then re-appeared all cooly.
“Sure.” – he opened one side for you. You ducked down under his arm, going inside. Barbie wanted to go after you as Ken blocked her way.  – “Not you.” – he said ushering her away. Barbie gasped in shock. Ken turned around leaving Barbie outside. You had entered the house more as you were greeted with many curious men sitting in the living. All turned around to look at you. You presumed they were Ken’s as well, moving your hand up in a greeting.
“Hi Kens.” – you said. Ken came by your side, gesturing at you to make other Ken jealous. – “Hi Y/n!” – all the Ken’s said in unison. Startling you that they knew off you. – “It’s boy’s night.” – one of the Ken’s said. Ken placed his hands on your shoulders. – “Y/n is an exception. She came all the way from the real world to see me.” – he told them.
The moment he said that all the Ken’s came over. Jumping over the sofa to get to you. Some started to poke you in your cheek to feel if you were truly real. Others tried to win you over with their masculinity. It was overwhelming as you felt like being absorbed by Ken’s. Ken waved his hand in front of you, battering the other Ken’s away.  – “Get your own real girl!” – he called out, claiming you as his. Not liking the idea he needed to share you, he grabbed you by your wrist, pulling you upstairs.
Exhausted he sighed loud free from the Ken’s. You stood a bit lost, feeling a bit nervous. It has been a while since you saw Ken. Unable to stop thinking about him and now you were here with him where he lived. Ken’s gaze fell upon you, softening his expression. He walked up to you, taking your hand gently in his. His eyes staring lovingly at you. His cool attitude from earlier fading away. – “I’ve missed you.” – you said gazing lovingly back at him. Ken smiled at that.
He led you further into the room letting you sit down. – “After I left… I couldn’t get you out of my head.” – he told you. – “It’s like I’m thinking more about you than Barbie.” – he confessed, frowning a bit. You smiled shyly as your reaction made Ken wink at you. – “Ken… you should be thinking about Barbie. You are boyfriend and girlfriend.” – you told him, knowing how deep a Ken’s love was for a Barbie. – “But I don’t want to.” – Ken answered holding both your hands now. You exhaled deep, getting up as your hands slipped out of his. Ken looked saddened and hurt at your back. 
“What did you do to Barbieland?” – you asked changing the subject. – “It was time for the Ken’s to take over once I found out about patriarchy. It’s where men and horses run the world.” – Ken explained. – “That is not what…” – you started turning half back to him to explain. – “I know. I lost interest in it once I found out it wasn’t like that.” – he interrupted you. His answer made you chuckle softly at how innocent he was. Hearing you laugh made Ken curl up a saddened smile.
Ken got up as well, approaching you. When he touched your elbow, you slowly turned around to him. His eyes telling you all. He had missed you desperately. As you had missed him. – “Ken…” – you started yearning so much for him. Heart breaking again that you had to leave him again soon. – “I’ll give Barbie back her dreamhouse.” – he simply answered. You nodded letting him know it was the right call. – “and restore Barbieland.” – he said with soft sigh, knowing how it used to be. But maybe things could be different.
Ken’s eyes widened looking at you. He pulled you closer to the centre. Leaving you standing, he rushed to go get his guitar. – “I’ll serenade to you.” – knowing how much you liked that. – “Ken…” – you said knowing he was trying to stall time. – “Or I can show you the beach? I’m really good at beach.” – he chuckled out nervously. Ken laid his guitar away looking desperately around for more ways to keep you around.
“I’ll teach you to skate? We can hold hands. Do that thing again you did with your lips.” – he kept suggesting, getting more desperate by each one. – “Ken.” – you said knowing you couldn’t stay here. You simply came here to restore Barbieland and then leave again. Interesting that it took but a few words of yours for him to restore it. You weren’t meant to stay here. You weren’t meant to fall in love with Ken.
It had always been Barbie and Ken. Never Ken and Y/n. Things like that didn’t exist. Ken grabbed your hands, dropping in despair to his knees. – “I don’t want you to leave.” – he begged. – “You have Barbie.” – you told him with a heavy heart. – “I don’t want her. I want you!” – Ken called out. – “Please…” – he pleaded unable to tear himself away from you. – “Ken, you know I can’t stay here.” – you explained to him.
Ken got up to his feet, ready to do anything to have you longer. – “Am I not worth fighting for?” – he asked with a saddened face. Touching his cheek, you made him look at you. – “You so are Ken.” – you whispered to him. – “More than anything. But I can’t stay here. I’m no Barbie.” – you explained him again.
Ken clamped himself onto you. – “I don’t want you to leave. I don’t want to miss you again.” – he said feeling miserable without you by his side. Ken’s eyes met up with yours, seeing the desperation in them. – “Please…” – he whispered, begging you one last time. A tear rolled down your cheek as Ken wiped it away. – “I wish I could… but  I can’t…” – you told him. Ken placed his hand behind your neck, pushing you closer.
Continue to bring you closer till he felt his lips come in contact with yours. Something he had never done with Barbie. You slowly pulled away as Ken wanted to have another go. Feel your lips on his again. – “Ken…” – you said putting him to a stop. You turned away from him, making your way to the stairs. Ken was panting. Feeling you slip away. – “I’ll come with you!” – he suddenly shouted, making you stop to stare with wide eyes at him.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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braime-won · 1 year
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JAIME and BRIENNE WEEK 2023 | DAY 6 ⤷ parallels: blondes comforting blondes in water JAIME x BRIENNE | WEIRD BARBIE x KEN
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osakiharu · 2 years
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content : gender neutral reader, fluff, this is sfw don’t get too excited y’all, independent!reader, reader is a uni student in draken’s, reader is independent but also quite self critical at times :(, rindou having blood all over his arms whoopsies, also me having rindou brainrot so i went a little crazy with his... i love him i can’t help it, 
word count : around 500-600 each <3 little scenarios for this one hehe
characters : draken, rindou 
notes : okay hi !! long time no see y’all, college is so so insane rn and m sorry for being so dead T^T this was actually a request but i have deleted it with my old requests in my inbox and i only kept the ones i moved to my drafts whoopsies </3 i hope this isn’t too bad and i hope i haven’t gotten rusty from not writing for a little but yeah have some rindou and draken as my apology <3 thankyou to dee for giving me a little help on this when i was brain dead mwah i luv u <3
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draken knew you always preferred to teach yourself things, to stick to your own way of studying, to not have anyone or anything interfere with your routine during exam season. he knows, without fail, you’ll always reject his proposal to help you, but eventually he finds there’s nothing he loves more than to see your cheeks redden at his praise for your work. even if you push him off and tell him to let you continue <3 
“why don’t you let me help, baby? wouldn’t you get it done faster?” he mumbled into your hair before reaching forwards to take your notes from you. “i don’t need help, kenny, ‘m fine! ‘s not about doing it fast, anyways.” of course you were. even if the bags under your eyes and very few hours sleep you had under your belt said otherwise. a kiss was pressed to your cheek before he sat himself down in the chair next to you, resting his head on his crossed arms as he looked up at you. draken decided not to push you for let him help. “how’d y’r exam t’day go? know you were dreadin’ that one.” it’s sweet, you think, the way his eyelids seem to be getting harder to hold open but he’s probably still thinking up a plan to work his way around your stubbornness to get you into bed at a reasonable time. 
“it was fine,” you put your notes down and turned to face him, “i finished with time to spare, too, so i don’t think i did that bad.” of course you did well. you always do, draken thought with a smile. “c’mere.” he nodded his head to the side, signalling for you to sit in his lap. his embrace was comforting, warm, too warm, even, for your tired state couldn’t help but relax into it like you’d been longing to all day. “gettin’ tired, angel?” draken could practically feel you melting into him as he rubbed up and down your back. “mhm… but i gotta finish up, kenny, c’mon.” your attempt at moving back to your original chair was futile as draken pulled you back down into a gentle kiss. 
“hmm… but my baby’s so smart, ain’t ya?” he spoke against your lips, and you couldn’t help the way your cheeks reddened at his comment. “don’t think you need t’do anymore when you’re already doing so good… think ya need to come to bed with me ‘n’ get some sleep, hm?” he could feel your smile against his cheek as he kissed anywhere he could without you shying away from him. draken almost chuckled at your actions. he’d always known you to be an independent person, dealing with everything yourself, and though he was no stranger to your stresses and anxieties, seeing you this flustered was rare to him. fuck, you’re so cute.
“what’s this all about, sweets?” he pinched your cheek between a pointer and thumb, “got somethin’ you wanna tell me?” draken’s grin is wide as you peer down into your lap. you know exactly what he wants you to say, to admit that all you want to hear right now is how good you’re doing, how clever you are, to have your hard work appreciated when you feel like it’s futile and a waste of time. though you shook your head as you met his eyes once again, “shut up.” draken hummed at your response, the chewing of your lip and the remains of your bashful smile gave him the wordless answer he wanted. “c’mon then, smart ass, y’re coming to bed with me,” he patted your thigh as a signal get up, “can’t have my clever little thing over workin’ yourself when you’ve got all those other exams to do, can i?”
if there was one thing rindou had learned about you it was that once you start something you want to finish it, and you want to finish it well. you want to finish it yourself, it doesn’t feel the same if someone helps you, you tell him. but he knows you’re only human, so when mikey comes and drops another tower of rindou’s paperwork on your desk when you’re already up to your neck in it and it’s almost two in the morning, it’s not hard for him to notice the cracks in your resilience
“what’re you still doin’ here?” you heard rindou mumble from the doorway of your office. blood covered his knuckles and fingers, under his rings, and trailed up to his forearms in spatters. his hair was tousled and messy, violet eyes sleepier than usual. from where he leaned, he looked frightening. beautiful, but frightning. “‘m finishing paperwork.” rindou raised a brow, almost confused, as he checked the clock. two in the morning? finishing paperwork? you must’ve gone mad; it looked like you’d barely started with the piles mikey had dropped on your desk. “that’s your work, is it?” he spoke from the front of your desk. “hm? oh, no, it’s yours,” you held up the sheet you’d been writing, “i already finished my work, but mikey just asked me to get a bit of yours done while you were gone… didn’t have to do all of it but i may as well since i’ve started it.” sleepy was the smile that rested on your face. so pretty, he thought.
rindou sighed in response to your commitment and strolled over to you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and giving your cheek a quick kiss. “y’know you don’t wanna do all that, baby, c’mon,” kiss, “y’half asleep anyways, let me deal with it tomorrow, kay? need t’rest that pretty head of yours now.” you sighed and slumped backwards into your chair. it’s just work, it’s not even yours, you thought to yourself. you just couldn’t stand having to hand over the responsibility of doing all that work to someone else. you knew that feeling was silly, though, you just couldn’t help it sometimes. the man behind you could already guess the response travelling up your throat, ready to be mumbled out in defeat. rindou pulled away and beckoned you with a finger to stand up, “why don’t you try thinkin’ of the stuff you've already done, hm? come here ‘n’ tell me about it, sweets.” you always appreciated rindou’s attempts at comforting you, despite him never being one to comfort people, only one to help them forget about their current issue. 
you followed him to the couch in your office and laid your tired head in his lap, strong thighs like pillows to you. and although you mostly spoke through a yawn, you told him about the work you did that day. “mhm, good job, baby.” a thumb stroked your cheek before he pulled you up for a quick kiss or two by your jaw. your smile, shy and a little toothy, was felt against his lips as your cheeks reddened under his touch. “such a good little angel f’me, aren’t you? doin’ my work when you don’t need to.” he took note of how warm your cheeks were on the tips of his fingers and pulled away from your face so you could hide your timidity no longer. 
rindou had always had an inkling, even before you were dating, that you enjoyed hearing things like that; having your work appreciated and acknowledged, feeling supported for once. your silly attempts at hiding your smile that never worked. he could tell you’d always been independent, enjoyed being independent, though he also knew that sometimes you wanted to take a break or to not do everything by yourself, to let someone hold your hand for a while. “i didn’t know you could be so shy, i thought you would’a told me to shut up by now.” you looked up at his stupid smirk, knowing he wanted to hear it from you. playful arguing was futile option as any attempt made was to refute rindou’s statement was a failed one. it was worth a shot. you placed your head back on his thighs and your smile said it all, “you like it when i tell you those things don’t you? it’s what you deserve to hear.” 
your grin hadn’t faltered, a sigh passing your lips. “mhm... yeah.” 
rindou knew he was going to tease you about this forever now. he also knew that you’d deny everything every single time <3
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reblogs appreciated <33
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bruciemilf · 8 months
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“I can fix him” ok that’s nice. His wife is stressing him out. She’s fucking with his vibe, she’s ruining his day
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
A raggedy Ann/Andy reader sounds fun with some characters from the Barbie movie! A rag doll is a doll after all they just have more things they can do like being very flexible
Ohh I love raggedy ann! Tbh I've had a hc that other dolls/action figures can also inhabit Barbieland if their owner played with them alongside their Barbie toys.
They're rare but they do coexist with the Barbies and Kens!
Stereotypical Barbie (Ann!Reader)
At first, learning that a new type of doll was living in Barbieland bewildered her.
You're not like any Barbie she's ever seen before, with you being made entirely of cloth with yarn hair and a triangular nose.
Given how you've been around since 1915, you're stunned by how far dolls have evolved since then.
You're well-liked among the Barbies, although of course many of them had questions about what you could do as a rag doll.
For starters, your plastic-free body gives you more flexibility and freedom they couldn't even imagine having.
You never have to worry about breaking anything!
While you're susceptible to tearing, you know how to sew yourself back up.
Does it scare Stereo!Barbie sometimes when you suddenly produce a needle to fix a loose stitch in your arm? Sure.
But she's extremely accepting and welcoming.
She even invites you to sleepovers during girls' night where you learn more about the Barbies and listen to their gossip.
When she starts having her existential problems, you let her hug you and reassure her she's still the prettiest doll you've ever had the honor of meeting.
Beach Ken (Andy!Reader)
He doesn't usually pay much attention to other dolls aside from Stereotypical Barbie (and occasionally his buddy Allan).
But seeing a new non-Mattel doll enter the scene did pique his interest! Especially since you were the first to ask him why he was staring at her.
He always wonders what your job is...even though you're constantly reminding him you're just a kid.
When he eventually gets it, he'll try to show you the ropes of Beach, trying to act like a cool older brother figure(tm).
Part of him hopes that Barbie will see how sweet he is with kids and another hopes it'll make the other Kens jealous that they're not friends with a cool doll like yourself.
However like Film!Andy you do have a feisty attitude, always rolling your eyes when you see him gushing over her and making a fool out of himself.
Sometimes you think he's trying too hard to impress her.
Yet you have a softer side that comes out after Barbieland is taken back by the girls, and you comfort Ken by saying you did like all the cowboy stuff he brought back (and only the cowboy stuff).
You made the mistake of asking him about horses as he just infodumps random facts for the next ten minutes.
But you finally accepted him as your brother.
Weird Barbie (Ann!Reader)
When you first appeared in Barbieland, you were confused as to why all the dolls here weren't made of cloth like you.
You felt like you were misplaced, and eventually learned about Weird Barbie and sought advice from her.
She explains that your owner in the real world must've either played with you alongside their Barbie toys or shelved you in a collection of them.
Regardless, she assures you it's not a rare phenomenon and it's nothing to freak out over.
You just so-happened to be closer to Barbieland society than most non-Mattel dolls.
She lets you crash at her place anytime you want, and you get to meet all the other outcasted/discontinued dolls who lived with her.
They're curious about you and love how you're flexible enough to do just about anything!
If any of them are feeling sad, you'll give them hugs that help them feel better instantly.
Weird Barbie thinks you're cool 100%.
Plus, you're nice and clearly had manners as you didn't call her "weird" behind her back or to her face.
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dat2ndaccount97 · 4 months
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It's that lovely beautiful time of year again! Meaning it's also time for my Annual Pride Month Doll Group Photo!! Decided to get a physical pride flag for the back drop this year and it looks nice! Really happy with how this year's photos turned out. Also peep Weird Barbie and her Weird Girlfriend on the top.
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axolotls4eva · 1 year
The Barbie Movie
A/N: This was supposed to be posted a whole two months ago but whatver I’m posting it now.
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Okay so I liked the movie, however the fandom itself makes the movie 100x better. The movie had really good concepts and confronted a lot of issues we struggle with Today. The movie was serious but also had a good amount of comedy. I don’t think I can really perfectly capture how the movie was with words but it was a good movie. Overall 9/10.
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tunadumbhoe · 11 months
What if we make Barbie really be the dad that stepped up for Sasha, like, maybe El esposo de Gloria died when Sasha was a baby (I'm not willing to make him a bad person, sorry) so after some years of being a single mother, Gloria finally finds a supportive partner, and guess who is it, Barbara Fucking Handler, who is an attractive marketing senior in Mattel, but it's also the biggest loser of all time (I'm thinking something like Secret Comic Nerd™, or Vanilla Gym Rat), and also a middle aged dad trapped in a thirty-five years old woman's body, she tells dad jokes, she plays catch with Sasha, she loves a good grill day, and, most importantly, is so painfully head over heels for Gloria that Sasha can do nothing but accept the woman in their family.
(She's very happy to have someone to gang up with her when asking for McDonald's, and also, Barbie somehow knows Spanish?? So that's a point for the blonde for sure.)
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foxcantswim · 1 year
Barbie takes Harley to Barbieland... TW: Some language and gross af fluff (and Harley plotting Ken's demise)
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The two blondes stood just outside of Barbieland, Harley leaned against the pink convertible with a sour look on her face.
"You know I love ya puddin', but I ain't wearing that," Harley scoffed at the bright pink dress in Barbie's hands.
"But you will look so beautiful-! N-Not that you don't already, I just-!"
Harley smirked before stepping towards her, "I know, don't worry," her hand cupped Barbie's jaw, causing the latter's face to heat up.
"I-I might have something in my dreamhouse that you can wear... If you aren't too fond of this dress," Barbie's eyes darted around, looking anywhere but into Harley's.
With a sigh, Harley nodded, "I'll consider it puddin'."
Barbie giggled with delight before taking her girlfriend off guard, she pulled her into a short but sweet kiss before bouncing towards the car. Harley couldn't stop the smug smile from appearing on her own face. She would always be wrapped around Barbie's finger, she would never deny it.
... < Come read on ao3 :) Thank you!
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cooltrash95 · 1 year
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so..... about that deleted scene
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loverboyromanroy · 1 year
What'd you think of Kendall calling Gerri 'Gerr-bear'? Was that meant to imply Roman had confided in him about all that? It's so weird to imagine. I feel like they've been playing fast and loose with familiar nicknames all season
i actually didn't read into the nickname too much because i think post-italy, roman probably wasn't very precious about keeping it to himself – i.e. at some point when she came up in conversation, he probably used it facetiously and from then it was just in the ether between the three of them. especially if we're supposed to imagine the kids spent all summer together, i'm sure she came up and i'd expect that roman was jokey about it than sincere. i don't personally think it indicates him telling them everything (or anything, honestly).
the thing i found more interesting about the exchange, actually, was that kendall's first response to roman saying he had thoughts was not that roman was angling for himself, but for gerri, and that kendall asks the question looking at shiv, which made me kind of think that he and shiv both have a genuine underlying concern that roman is still holding a flame for her...why? if they knew the full story, it feels like the two of them in particular would know/assume that relationship was dead, so it feels like to me they have been so in the dark about roman and gerri that they think he could still be soft for her which is...interesting 👀
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loveandthings11 · 1 year
How Deep My Love Goes, Chapter 11
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Read on AO3 Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10
Fic Summary: A Kenrava-focused fix-it alongside canon 💗
Nobody Stays Missing
Two minutes after Kendall has taken his first steps out the door and toward Logan to deliver the letter, Rava sits down and turns her attention to her case for as long as she can before everything blows up. She taps her pen against her laptop keyboard and glances back and forth from her scribbled notes to her typed ones, trying in vain to find the missing piece of her case- written evidence from the company of the years of stolen wages. She looks over her client Tony Trume’s latest distressed email, concerned about his coworker friend and wondering if he’s in danger himself. 
She drops her face into her hands for a moment, wishing she knew an expert in international corporate law. She briefly thinks of Gerri and hesitates. The questions alone would sound like an accusation of having been on the wrong side of cases like this before, and Kendall is about to be at war with Waystar. Rava looks at her phone and thinks maybe she could just ask a quick hypothetical, one lawyer to another. Gerri doesn’t know what’s happening with Kendall yet, she’d still pick up the phone- for the next five minutes. She takes a breath and presses her name. Gerri answers on the first ring. 
“Gerri Kellman.”
“Gerri, hi. It’s Rava.” She can practically hear Gerri’s eyebrows go up.
“Rava? Um, hi, how are you? Enjoying the festivities?”
“Oh, yeah. You know, the Roy joys.” She sounds forced and she knows it.
“Well,” Rava continues, “I actually have a hypothetical for you- having nothing to do with Waystar, just a case thing. Can I run something by you? I’m no expert in corporate law.”
“Oh. Sure, go ahead,” Gerri answers with slight confusion. Rava wonders how much time she has before Kendall gets to Logan’s room with the letter. While Rava details the situation, Gerri stays quiet.
“So, that’s it,” Rava finishes. “Stolen wages for years, a whistleblower who went missing, and a new whistleblower who is terrified that the same thing is going to happen to him. If a situation like that were to occur, what would be the best way to proceed, do you think? I’m, uh… a little lost, but you know this stuff.” Rava smiles into that last part, an effort to curry favor with a woman she knows gets too little credit. Gerri takes a moment.
“Honestly? If I were the attorney on this, well, I wouldn’t be. This kind of thing tends to be bad for everyone except the company you’re after. Look out for yourself here. Nobody will be kind to your reputation if you lose this, and I’m sorry to say it, but you will probably lose this.”
Rava feels a bit of the chill she’d feared. Gerri probably ate cases like this for lunch twenty years ago. She blinks and considers for a moment. She knows she probably only has seconds left before Gerri finds out what Kendall’s done. She can almost hear his footsteps.
“Are you saying that because you’re general counsel for an international company, or because you believe it?”
Gerri sighs and Rava hears a phone vibration on the other end. 
“Both.” She pauses. “Fuck. Look, I’m sorry, I think you know what I have to go deal with-“
“Right, yeah. I appreciate you hearing me out.”
“Sure. Bye, Rava.”
The end of the call sounds final. They’re on opposite sides now. Regret starts to creep up as Rava wonders if hearing that was worth the risk of letting someone else in on her case. She looks at her phone and decides to calm down by taking a look at the photos of the wedding party from just an hour before. She’d asked the photographer to take a couple of shots on her phone of just her and Kendall. She’d run up just in the nick of time and slipped in next to him. He’d smiled and whispered, “Thank God, Shiv just asked if I was hallucinating you coming here.” The camera had caught him whispering in her ear and her laughing. She hopes this bear hug works so Logan can officially be out of the way and she can see Kendall’s smile all the time. It warms her chest even to think about how happy he’ll be when he’s finally in charge. 
“That was really hard.” Kendall stares into the void as the image of Logan’s eyes floats in his head. Filled with anger, shock, disapproval… pride? That’s probably too hopeful. Stewy pats his knee.
“I know. You did it, man. Hey.” Kendall glances up at him. “You fuckin’ did it.” He nods. He can’t remember how to smile right now.
“I fucked my sister’s wedding.”
Stewy rolls his eyes but keeps his tone gentle.
“Well, I’m sure you won’t fuck the next one. Now you’ve learned who to trust. Me. Not Frank. Maybe not Ro-Ro, as much as it hurts.” Kendall looks down. 
“You literally told me not to trust you,” he mutters. Stewy chooses not to hear that and Kendall continues. “But, yeah, it’s not our fault Roman didn’t answer the phone. I had to act or the whole thing would’ve fallen apart. I know he wasn’t expecting it to happen today, obviously- uh, well, none of us were.”
“Yeah, thanks for that, Ken, by the way.” Kendall ignores him. 
“And we don’t even know if he ignored the call on purpose,” Kendall continues. “Maybe he did hear about the press leak and he thought he could change teams at the last minute. Just detach himself and run right back to Dad?” Kendall presses his lips together in stress and slumps forward while he worries.
“You didn’t ask your Dad if Roman had come to him?” Stewy inquires before realizing Kendall could probably barely make himself say the part he planned. “Okay- no, I get it, that was enough for you.” He switches to an easy vibe to keep them both calm. “Honestly, Roman was probably too busy getting fucked up to answer, he’s sick of this shit. Probably the most he’s worked in his entire life,” he laughs. Kendall feels queasy not knowing the answer and Stewy wants to pull them both out of the worrying. “But who cares? Time to celebrate. Drinks!” He gets up and pours himself a generous glass of scotch from the crystal bottle on the nearby mahogany table, opening his jacket and taking out a little plastic bag like they both always used to carry. Kendall visibly shrinks back and shakes his head. 
“Come on, man, again?” Kendall tries, wondering how it’s possible that he still doesn’t get it. Stewy rolls his eyes.
“If you don’t want any, just turn that way.” He gestures toward the wall and pours a bit of coke onto the table. Kendall inhales sharply and gets up and walks toward the door. 
“I can’t be in here if you’re gonna do that.”
“It’s not a big deal,” Stewy says as he cuts up a line and snorts it. 
That’s it.
“It IS a fucking big deal,” Kendall spits out, prompting Stewy’s slow head turn toward him, standing right at the door facing away. He’s been putting up with this for years and now is not a relaxing moment. Now is the time when it’s hardest to say no and Stewy should have known that. He focuses on the carved wood on the door, counting the almost invisible marks in the grain.
“Dude. Relax, I’ll put it away,” Stewy says. Kendall closes his eyes and doesn’t want to turn around. He hates feeling like people think he’s a buzzkill, but he just can’t take it. Stewy looks over at him and puts the bag back in his jacket. “Ken. It’s fine, you can turn around.” He reluctantly does. “It’s all good, man. We’re doing this.” There’s a pause. “Hey. Like we always planned, yeah?” Kendall nods. 
“Yeah.” He looks at the wall and the floor. “I gotta go, the fam’s waiting.” He reaches for the doorknob.
“Ken.” Stewy tilts his head and tries to look at him. Kendall wishes anyone he knew knew how to apologize.
“It’s fine. I’m good.”
Stewy looks at him, feeling discontented with a hint of regret.
“Really? Is this actually about this, or about the vote? Are we good?”
Kendall shrugs.
“Sure.” He opens the door and shuts it behind him. He turns and almost runs into Iverson on the gravelly path, trailed by Rava and Sophie a little ways back.
“Hey!” Rava calls as Iverson walks over to him first. “We were just looking for you.” Kendall leans down to give Iverson a hug. 
“That picture you drew is the best thing I’ve ever seen,” he says seriously. “I mean that.” His son smiles and Kendall looks up at Rava and Sophie as they get closer.
“Hey,” he says. He knows he sounds spent and he feels like it. Rava’s eyes widen.
“You okay? How was talking to your dad?” She looks apprehensive but hopeful. Kendall sighs.
“I mean… it’s done, so, yeah.” He stands up and they all start walking back toward their room. 
“I don’t know. That was just-“ he sighs again. Everything always has to pile on at once. His dad will never forgive him. He’s in a fight with Stewy. He can’t believe he’s going to have to face the entire family hating him at Shiv’s wedding, to face Roman thinking he cut him out on purpose and possibly turning against him. “Is it- can I just not talk about it right now?”
“Sure,” Rava says with concern as he gazes at the road in front of them. “It’s good we’re going back to the room before the festivities start.” The festivities. He can’t imagine wanting to go to a wedding reception later. He nods. The room sounds good. He hopes it’s quiet.
The kids want to continue their walk, so Bianca takes them out. Kendall and Rava enter back into their suite, all heavy wood and velvet upholstery in jewel tones of deep green and blue. Kendall pulls off his shoes as Rava steps down from her heels. He gazes at the grand canopy bed and wants to lie down more than anything. He fiddles with his jacket and Rava gives him a warm look. 
“Are you worrying about wrinkling your suit?” He glances down with a small smile. She knows him so well. “Maybe if you just lie really still,” she suggests jokingly. He gives in and hangs up his jacket, walking back and lying down on his back staring up at the ceiling for a minute. She sits down next to him and looks over. She can’t take the suspense anymore. She has to know something. She starts with an easy question.
“So, um- did he yell? When you gave him the letter?”
Kendall exhales.
She puts her hand on his arm, a gentle reminder that she knows how hard that is for him. He turns his head away and tries to mentally float away from the memory.
“And… I mean, what did he say?”
“He wouldn’t even read it.” She winces a little. “I told him.” He closes his eyes and she smiles a bit sadly.
“Well… you did it.”
“Uh huh.” She rubs his arm.
“It’ll be okay,” she assures him. He keeps his eyes closed.
“Yeah? Do you have any proof?” 
She chuckles a little. 
“Only proof that it’s always ended up okay.” He opens his eyes slowly. She’s not wrong. She wonders if she should tell him about the talk she’d had with Gerri, but thinks now is not the time. It’s not the right day to mention anyone at Waystar. She decides on someone safer. “Hey, does Stewy want to join us and head over to cocktail hour later?” She figures he’s on the team now and his presence might be a positive distraction from the Logan mess. Kendall squirms a little at the thought of explaining and hopes he can just keep his distance from Stewy for the rest of the day.
“Uh, no. No, he’s- let’s just go with the kids.”
“Okay.” She looks at him expectantly. “Everything okay there? He’s still on board and everything?”
“Yeah. Yeah, he’s in.” He’s quiet for a second.
“Did something happen? What’s wrong?” She asks.
“Nothing, just-“ He briefly wishes he had the ability to hide small things like this from her and resigns himself to the fact that she’s too perceptive for that. Sometimes it’s a relief that she can read him like a book, but not at the moment. “He just- lives in the past sometimes. You know?” She gives him a confused look.
“No, what does that-“ She closes her eyes for a second as it hits her. “Jesus Christ. In the room with you? He’s doing drugs right in front of you?” She massages her temples. “I really might kill him, Ken.”
“No, it’s- you know, it’s fine. I mean, he stopped when I asked- when I told him to.”
She shakes her head and looks down at him.
“You shouldn’t have to tell him to,” she says. How anyone could want to make recovery harder for him than it already is is beyond her. Kendall looks at her and implores her with his eyes.
“Don’t say anything. Just- let it be. He’s not gonna change. I can’t have any more enemies right now.”
“Right. So it’s fine that for the next year you’re going to be having meetings at powder-covered conference tables? I don’t think so.” They hear the door open from the living room of the suite and Bianca’s keys jingle. “It’s not just about what you’re okay with,” she says, glancing in the direction of the door where the kids are. They share a meaningful look and he takes a deep breath.
“Yeah. I’ll deal with it.”
She nods, but she’s simmering beneath her placid surface. She considers the dynamic between Kendall and Stewy. Kendall gave Stewy another chance after he abstained from the vote. Stewy didn’t seem concerned that abstaining might end their friendship. He gave Kendall the money, but that just gave him more power over him. As far she Rava can tell, Stewy has the upper hand and Kendall isn’t going to say anything that could jeopardize their coalition. But this is just too important. There is no coalition if everyone in it is high out of their minds. She won’t lose him to a company or an overgrown fraternity.
“You know, I think I left my scarf at the ceremony, I’ll be right back.” She pats his shoulder and gets up, heading back down the path to the room she found him walking out of. She swings open the door and is suddenly alone with Stewy, who is disconcerted as he looks up from the slightly powdery table where his laptop is.
“What on earth were you thinking?” She hisses. Stewy drops his head back and sighs. “Remember Sophie and Iverson, his children? I would think as his supposed best friend you would care whether he can see them?”
“He tattled on me? Jesus… come on, you’re not taking the kids,” he says sarcastically. The cavalier attitude makes her want to scream. She closes her eyes in frustration and memories she hates start to come up. She doesn’t know how to get through to him except to bring him back.
“I- I mean, you were there. Covered his face from the photographers? Sat with me in the fucking ambulance? Promised me this would never happen again? ‘Never again.’ That’s what you said from the doorway of the hospital room you were too scared to come into. Remember any of that? Or have you obliterated all those brain cells?” She scoffs. 
Stewy tries to keep his usual cool , but she can tell she’s getting to him. It had been the only time she’d ever heard him say ‘I’m sorry.’ He’s rarely at a loss for words and he doesn’t like being guilt-tripped. She doesn’t need to play dirty and he resents her acting like it’s his fault Kendall has a problem. The defensiveness combines with the coke and spills out for a moment.
“Stop, it is not a big deal.” Rava’s eyes widen and he hears himself and backtracks a little. “Yeah, I know. I remember.” He can’t bring himself to get deep right now and just wants her to go so he can get the evening started. “I’ve already gotten my scolding for the day. I got it. Okay? No more. I seriously did not think he’d care.” He starts walking out but can’t quite stop himself from turning back around to face her. “You know, it’s not my fault he can’t handle his shit like I can.”
“Can you?” She asks pointedly. She gestures to the table, clearly not yet cleaned. “I mean, can you not?”
He rolls his eyes but it takes a second.
“Don’t worry about me. I’m fine,” he says.
“Well, sometimes I do.”
“You worry about me. Because you care?” He asks airily, sarcasm almost masking curiosity.
She takes a second. He doesn’t have many people looking out for him.
“Yes, Stewy. Because I have the burden of worrying and caring about other people.”
“Oh, right. That must be terrible,” he deadpans. The corners of her mouth turn up nearly imperceptibly.
“Sometimes.” They look at each other. “You know, if you ever want to talk about it, I have experience in being supportive,” she offers carefully.
“You should save that for the guy who needs it,” he says, not unkindly, but not without defensiveness.
“Okay. Whatever you say.” She takes a step toward the door and looks over her shoulder at him. “Never again.”
Stewy nods and mets her gaze for a second.
“Yeah. Never again.”
Rava strides back into the suite and finds Kendall standing just inside the bedroom waiting for her. She stops short as she sees her pashmina draped over his arm.
“Found your scarf.” He raises his eyebrows and looks at her coolly. “I told you I would deal with him,” he says iin disbelief.
“Well, to be honest-“
“You didn’t think I would so you went behind my back.”
He shakes his head.
“That’s great, Rava. You know, if you want to treat someone like a kid, we have two of them.” She rolls her eyes.
“Right. Because that’s what this is.”
“No, what this actually sounds like to me is you having no faith that I can do what I promise. You said that phase was over. ‘New phase.’ But it’s not. You don’t even think I can stand up for myself with someone I’ve known forever? So- so what else do you not think I can do?”
She hears the freakout and sighs, keeping her voice even.
“Okay. I’m not doing this. You’re talking to yourself, you know that? It’s you who’s worried you’re not up to the job, or staying clean, or whatever you’re referring to, not me. And if you want to talk about that, I am here. But Stewy and I are fine.” He’s getting more wound up by the second, feeling the tension of the day coming back after his brief attempt at relaxation.
“You don’t know what I’m thinking.”
“Well, fine. I’m sorry for caring so much about keeping you safe that I’ll go talk to someone who is putting you in danger.”
He scoffs. “Stewy? Okay. I don’t need you to keep me safe, I can take care of myself.”
A silence louder than their voices fills the room.
“Got it. New phase.” She raises her eyebrows and walks toward the door. He sighs and follows after her. Distance is not the phase he meant.
“Well, I didn’t- I- no,” he starts. She feels self-conscious and crosses her arms. “I love that you care.” He comes closer and hesitantly places his hand on her arm. “I love this,” he gestures between them. “I just- just let me deal with my own stuff.” She nods without looking at him. She reprimands herself for wanting to be needed so badly. There’s some relationship book she’d read making her out to be a bad partner for that- for viewing him as someone to fix or save. They haven’t seen his eyes, she’d thought, but she knew they had a point. 
“Yeah. I’m sorry,” she says blandly. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out on your own.” She meant it to sound genuine, but it just makes him sigh. He didn’t mean actually alone. She brushes her hand down his arm and steps away a little bit. “You go ahead to the reception. I’ll catch up later with the kids.” She can feel that he’s upset but she can’t look.
“You’re- you’re skipping cocktail hour? Rava.” 
But she’s walking back into the room already. She knows she shouldn’t do this, but her skin is crawling at the whole situation and she wants to be alone. But it’s the last thing he wants. He can’t believe that she won’t admit she’s wrong and he doesn’t even know who he can talk to at this stupid cocktail hour where there are no cocktails for him. He wishes he could summon that little plastic bag and anything else that might numb him. He feels guilty as he wonders if he’ll ever stop missing Macallan 30. 
Reluctantly, he drags himself into the section of the stone manor that houses this part of the event and puts his hands in his pockets as he passes under the huge wooden archway of the door. He thought he was done making awkward event entrances by himself. He’s almost afraid to look around because he might accidentally make eye contact with someone who wants to kill him, but he quickly glances up to see if Roman’s around- and sees Caroline heading his way. Oh, good. Her smile is gleeful.
“Kendall.” She kisses his cheek. 
“Hi, Mom.” He prepares himself for whatever barbs are coming at him.
“I heard you ruined your father’s day before he even got into his suit,” she titters. “I’m so proud.” He tries not to take the much-needed comment seriously.
“Yeah. Thanks.” The last time they’d talked alone, four months ago, was when Kendall had called to try to connect with her on a lonely Saturday. He was looking forward to the CEO announcement and wanted to share it with someone. Caroline had sounded highly doubtful that Logan would keep his word and it had made him bite his nails and lose sleep for a night. She’d assured him it would be better for him to get out and he’d attempted to explain why that was literally unthinkable. He’d tried to throw in a bit about missing Rava and his eventual plan to win her back, and she’d told him how smart she’d always thought Rava was to stay out of the Roy fray. Kendall had felt stung and wondered why he always kept trying with his mom. He looks cautiously at her as she continues.
“Where’s Rava? Haven’t you gotten her enough staff for her to come join the fun?”
“Yes, Mom. She’ll be here. I guess.”
She looks pleasantly amused and takes a sip of her champagne. Kendall looks at the glass enviously. 
“So, how long do you give it?” His eyes flash up at her. Even he has a limit.
“How long do I give us?” He asks incredulously. “Really?”
“No!” Caroline laughs again, light and tinged with the discomfort of a life of never being taken seriously. “Your sister and Tom.” He takes a breath.
“Oh.” Nice not to be the target. “Uh, I don’t know, until she convinces Dad to make Tom head of whatever the fuck and she finds out that’s all he wanted?”
“Are you going to promote Tom if you win this little game you’re playing with Logan?”
“It’s not a game.” She looks slightly suspicious and Kendall feels more annoyed than ever at the fact that Logan thinks they’re just playing chess. “And as for Tom, as much as I love social climbers…” he trails off as he sees Rava coming through the room’s grand entryway in her blue silk dress. She starts a conversation with the people next to her and doesn’t look around for him. Caroline follows his gaze.
“So what did you do?” She asks. “The au pair?” He shuts his eyes and sighs. 
“Jesus. Obviously not.”
“So now poor Rava’s stuck with the kids and doesn’t come to cocktail hour on time?” He looks miserable. “Always the serious one,” she almost laughs and he wishes she would be serious for one second. She pats his hand. “But the handsome one, too. I’m sure you could do better than that nanny. Lord knows your father always did.” Kendall remembers feeling sorry for her once it occurred to him around age fourteen that Logan kept mistresses at the other residences where he occasionally stayed. 
“Okay, Mom. That’s not- no. I’m not Dad.” 
“No, no, of course not. Only joking.” She tilts her head down and raises her eyebrows. “You could laugh. Not all of us want to be so sullen.” Kendall gives her a dry look and Caroline takes another sip as she looks over at Rava. “Only been a few months since her miraculous return, and she’s all the way over there.” He feels a little lost in resentment. “Careful. The drifting happens before you know what’s hit you.”
Kendall looks at his mom and wishes he could really talk to her, ask her advice and have her give him a hug. He briefly considers the fact that she is referencing a time when she missed Logan and he tries to conjure a memory of his parents laughing or flirting or kissing. A strange sense of pity for both of them settles onto him and he wonders if Caroline ever held Logan the way Rava holds him every night. If Logan would even let her. Stewy’s advice to distance himself from the Enemy echoes in his head as he struggles not to empathize with them.  He’d watched as they’d started to sleep in separate rooms, then separate houses as he got into his late teens. The idea of being distant from Rava that way makes him feel sick.
“Well, we’re not drifting. We’ll figure it out.”
“Of course. So, you give Shiv what- a year?”
“Sure,” he replies. Caroline smiles.
“Come outside with your dear old mum?” She asks, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from her clutch. He glances at them.
“Really trying to quit,” he answers. “For the kids.”
“Oh, you’re no fun anymore,” his mom teases.
“Yeah, that’s what I hear,” he sighs.
“Just one. Or stay here and wait for the feral dogs to come after you,” she says with a twinkle in her eye. "I hear they're all out looking."
He sighs again and turns and follows Caroline outside. He lights her cigarette and stands in the windy air. It’s cold and he buttons up his coat to stop it from prickling his skin through his suit. She hands the cigarette to him and he takes a drag, taking a moment to feel the calm before handing it back and deciding that’s it for the night. He and Rava don’t need another thing to fight about. It’s been weeks and he’s been doing so well. He stares out at the landscape he has so many memories of running in. The feeling of freedom was nice, even if it wasn’t real.
"So, you, uh, just got inspired to get me out of there right on time?" He asks.
"Well, I'm a philanthropist now," she says with a delectable sarcasm.
"Oh yeah?"
"According to Tatler. I wouldn't dare argue with that kind of expertise." He almost chuckles. Did she do something just to be nice?
“You know, your father nearly smacked a waiter tonight, couldn’t have been more than twenty years old.” She says it like she wishes she were surprised. Kendall shakes his head.
“Well, is the kid okay?”
“Oh, he’s all paid off and drove off, that’s the way. No consequences for Logan.”
“Yeah.” Kendall pauses. “Maybe. Maybe there are consequences for him.”
Kendall walks Caroline back into the party and starts carefully wandering into the minefield of a cocktail hour, scanning for Rava. They have to fix this. He hated going to weddings during the separation, even when he was only there for the networking. He used to sit at the table and stare at cake he couldn’t eat during slow songs. Sometimes if the song hit home too hard he’d find an excuse to leave the room. He and Rava always fed each other wedding cake at receptions they attended to recall their own happy day. Loneliness was so much worse when it felt like the memories of his own wedding day were getting rained on. This was the first wedding he’s looked forward to in years- their first as a reunited couple- and he doesn’t want it to be a loss. 
He’s shocked to spot her in the corner with Stewy as well as Kendall’s least favorite board member, Paul. Kendall is under no delusions of who the “friend” was who Stewy had told him wanted Rava. He feels a surge of anger at all three of them- how could Stewy let Paul talk to Rava? How could Rava make up with Stewy before him? How could Paul still be hitting on Rava even after they had officially and very publicly gotten back together?? The way he’s looking and smiling at Rava makes Kendall want to scream. Paul must be twenty years older than them, it’s pathetic. He can see Paul’s eyes flitting to places only he can touch and he has to take a breath so he doesn’t force him to back away. He thinks vengefully about how long Paul will last on the board when he’s CEO. He makes a beeline for their group and tries to stay as smooth as he can. Stewy sees him coming and puts his arm around him once he gets there, patting his back and bringing him into the circle.
“Ken. So glad you made it.” Stewy makes eye contact for a moment. “Seriously.”
“Yeah. Me too,” Kendall answers. We’re good. He swiftly turns to Rava.
“Hi,” he says with a smile at her, kissing her cheek and slipping his arm around her waist. She looks pleasantly surprised at the warmth in what she was expecting to be an awkward moment. He looks at Paul as he wraps his fingers around her side, making sure her body is touching his.
“Paul, good to see you,” he says with what Rava has often joked is his “business smile” as he reaches out his hand to shake Paul’s. She recognizes the expression and tries to hide a grin. This is an entirely different kind of awkward moment.
“You too, Kendall. Hope life outside the Waystar family is serving you well.” Kendall stops himself from rolling his eyes at the obvious dig.
“Yeah. I’m good,” Kendall confirms. 
“Rava was just telling me that you two are heading to Saint-Tropez this season.”
Kendall’s fury at Paul subsides a little at the mention of the couple’s old inside joke- Rava used to tell other people that she and Kendall were going on vacation before she’d ask him so he would have no choice but to take time off and go with her. He looks at Rava and she gives him an apologetic smile. He chuckles. 
“That’s right, I had almost forgotten. But yeah, it’s about time. Pretty over this dreariness. It’s about time to take my wife to the Riviera again.”
“Oh, yeah, well, maybe I’ll see you there. I’m getting a place there this winter too,” Paul replies.
Stewy looks quietly delighted at the passive-aggressive discord and Rava catches his eye for half a second to share in the amusement. The ice between everyone in the circle melts a bit as she leans into Kendall.
“We would love that,” she says. Kendall glances down at her with a hint of a smile. Paul gets the picture and looks at the ice cubes Stewy is lightly swirling. 
“Stewy, can’t have an empty glass. To the bar?”
“Thank God, yes. Excuse us.” Stewy nods and smiles at Kendall and Rava before he walks away. 
Rava looks up at Kendall and hopes he doesn’t let go. His muscles loosen a little but he keeps his arm around her.
“That whole thing with Stewy-“ she starts. “-I should have told you I wanted to talk to him. I got scared, Ken. I don’t think he respects your sobriety. As your friend, he should, so I told him that. We just… hadn’t checked in in a long time. He and I are okay, though. We just needed a minute.” She gives him a hug that he can tell she needs for comfort. He hugs her back and turns his face into her hair. 
“Okay. Yeah- I mean, I don’t know that I really wanted to talk to him about it anyway. I want you guys to be fine though. This is going to be hard if you’re arguing all the time.” They move apart and she shakes her head. 
“No, we won’t. We’re fine now- and I hope he’s going to do better. He knows I want good things for him, too.”
“Okay. Good.” He takes a second. “I really hate fighting with you,” he says quietly. He barely shakes his head for a second. “I don’t want us to, like, drift, you know?” He sighs and searches her eyes before glancing down for a moment. The thought of being distant and cold like his parents is so genuinely upsetting that he can feel a lump forming in his throat. “I’m fucking insanely stressed and I know things are all over the place, but- I don’t want to do things ‘on my own.’ I tried that, you know… and I hated it.”
“Hey, no, no drifting. Come here, Superman.” She pulls him back. “I want you right here all the time,” she lays her hand on the back of his head with her chin over his shoulder. It feels so freeing to say the truth after trying to keep her distance for so long. He breathes in her scent and lets some tension go. He wishes they were already in their room so he wouldn’t have to let go so fast. This day has been exhausting and it’s hitting him. He just wants to curl up in bed and fall asleep to the sound of her breathing.
“That’s what I want too,” he murmurs. He pauses to collect himself before remembering the conversation they’d just been a part of. “That and for Paul to fall off a cliff,” he grumbles, tightening his arms around her and slipping his hands just a bit lower on her back. Rava smiles and decides to egg him on just a little bit.
“Ohhhh, he’s not that bad.”
Kendall pulls back to look at her.
“No?” He asks with just enough humor to keep it low-key. “You don’t see the way that old geezer looks at you? I can’t wait til I don’t need his vote and can fire him Dad-style, whole board watching.”
“Ken,” She stifles a laugh. “That is insane.”
“He was fucking undressing you with his eyes,” he mutters. Rava smiles and presses her chest into him. 
“Well, maybe after the reception I’ll let you undress me with your hands.” 
“Are you flirting with me?” He brushes his cheek against hers and works all the charm he has. She pretends to think.
“I think I might be.” He feels the warmth come back into his body.
“So, reception for, like, not that long?” He laughs. She laughs along and he takes her hand as they walk toward the reception hall. “Are the kids-?”
“With Connor,” she answers.
“Oh, good. They’ll come back teaching us about fucking- cryogenics and conspiracy theories about French history,” he jokes. “Actually though, I’ve always thought he should be a dad.”
Rava shrugs and grins. 
“Maybe he will be. Willa’s not exactly age-appropriate.” He chuckles.
“Yeah. The kids need cousins.” The thought makes him happy and Rava considers what a good job Connor did with his first kid.
The passive-aggressive toasts that veer toward simply aggressive make Rava shake her head and roll her eyes at Kendall every minute or so, quietly laughing at the pathetic nature of their insults. She’s keeping it light enough that he can ignore most of the jabs in his direction and he’s grateful only to have to listen halfway. It’s hard to distract him when Logan subtly accuses him of ruining the wedding, but he tries to focus on knowing what he’s doing is right. He looks nervously at Roman and is not comforted by his lack of eye contact, which feels purposeful. Kendall can’t decide if he’s being paranoid or not. Next to him, Rava almost catches Gerri's eye, but Gerri deftly avoids looking back. As Rava sips more champagne, her tongue gets more acidic, making him laugh with her sharp comments about everyone’s caustic remarks. He admires how naturally she can lighten a mood, the way she can smooth over the most difficult situations so effortlessly. He’s always wished he had that kind of ease and hopes it somehow soaks into him. During a brief break between toasts, Kendall gets curious about her family politics.
“Hey, how’s everything with your stepdad these days? I know he was kind of being difficult to you around Thanksgiving-“
“And most of the time? You know, he ‘expects my success!’” she imitates. She gives him a twinkle. “But unsurprisingly, he’s been much nicer since I told him we’re back together.” Kendall tries not to let the glow shine through his eyes. He’s unsuccessful and Rava thinks it’s sweet. She knows how much it means to him to get challenging parental approval. “He does love you,” she smiles.
Kendall shrugs in a comically exaggerated way.
“I should be the favorite somewhere, right?” 
She takes his hand under the table and chances a look in Logan’s direction. She catches him calmly looking right at Kendall. The vitriol seems to have left his icy blue eyes, and for a second, she could swear he was just a dad wanting to see his son at a family wedding. 
“Mmm, I wouldn’t discount being number one here either. Not just yet,” she says. 
Kendall decides he likes the premise too much to argue with it, but his stomach twists at the idea that his dad must feel betrayed and furious. He allows himself a millisecond-long glance at his father, who he can see is turning away. He feels a pang of regret and tries to replace it with fortitude, but he’s hit with a wave of desperate wishes to be closer to him, to hear that he’s proud, to get a hug just given out of affection. He thinks about how hard he’s trying to earn his dad’s respect and wonders if he can ever win his love. He remembers Logan smiling at him when he was a little kid and feeling like the world was his every time. What had he done wrong to lose that? He runs through every corporate action he had taken since his dad had bestowed the future title on him a year and a half ago. The late-night strategy sessions they’d had about his ascendence to the throne were some of the only bright spots of the last few years. “When it’s you,” Logan had always started, “I want you to focus in on…” Kendall had always had to try with all his might to hear anything after ‘when it’s you’ in his father’s gruff, strong, self-assured voice. He could have sworn he felt the hot shots of adrenaline and dopamine shooting through his entire body. The few times he’d received praise for doing something right, he had floated home on air. Anxiety floods him at the thought that he might never get another night like those. He’s dying for reassurance.
“I think we should go to your parents’ house when we get back,” he says suddenly. Rava smiles uncertainly.
“Okay.” She squeezes his hand. “You in need of some cookies and compliments?”
He had truly missed his in-laws during their time apart. Rava’s mom and step-dad had always been so kind to him in ways his own parents never were. Rava’s mom Cheryl freely hugged him all the time and always asked the cook to bring him seconds. Their beautiful house always smelled like some delicious baked good, and even into his thirties she would still pat him on the shoulder and tell him he was doing a great job and deserved a break. Rava’s step-dad Robert poured him scotch and talked business in a much more upbeat and excited way than Logan did, once in a while even offering a high-five after hearing about a successful board vote or an acquisition when Kendall managed to save existing jobs while still turning a profit. It was so rare that Kendall got the chance to talk about work with someone who had no financial stake in what happened and just genuinely wanted him to succeed. As a powerful M&A lawyer, Robert had high expectations of Rava and could be hard on her, and Kendall tried to slip in bits about her success too. They went golfing every few months after Robert retired, and Kendall knew it as worth enduring Logan’s disapproval of him having any other family members. One of the most painful casualties of the separation for Kendall was his never-ending worry that his surrogate parents for seventeen years now thought he was a junkie and hated him. But Rava had reminded him throughout their time apart that she would never talk about him that way and that they were also sad about the split.
“Cookies and compliments,” he breaks into a little smile and looks at the table. “Do you know how good that sounds right now?” He almost laughs at himself for how much he needs to be around people who honestly like him in this moment.
“Then we’ll go. For now, how about some cake, and your hair looks nice,” she says with a grin. He reaches up to check his hair in case it was messy and that was a joke. She laughs lightly. “Really? I meant that! It is definitely time to go to my parents’. You need a break.”
“Stewy will love that.”
“He’ll love having you getting things done at full capacity. And Roman- where is Roman?”
“Uh, we don’t know,” he replies uneasily. 
“You don’t know?” She repeats. 
“He gave his speech, he went somewhere with Tabitha maybe, I don’t see her either now, but… you know- weird timing.”
“Well, yeah,” she agrees. Just as she finishes the word, the DJ returns and turns on the fun music everyone’s been waiting for. Kendall and Rava breathe a sigh of relief at being free from the dangerous speeches and walk out onto the dance floor. Kendall stops for a minute to look around and make sure it’s safe out there. Logan is walking out with Frank and Gerri, Shiv is with Tom at the head table, and Roman has indeed disappeared. He finds that particularly worrisome but decides to push it out of his mind and enjoy the moment. Rava goes ahead to the kids and the three of them start dancing while Kendall hangs back. Classic multicolored uplighting flits across their faces and he takes a moment to absorb the purely happy scene. Rava catches his eye and smiles as she does silly dance moves with the kids. He feels the same flip in his chest as he would when she’d spot him at a party when they were just starting to date. She could always tell that the party king image was an inch deep and that he probably needed encouragement to approach her. Sophie runs over and throws herself into him for one of her sweet enthusiastic hugs that make everything brighter. Rava follows with Iverson and reaches for Kendall’s hand.
“You wanna dance?” She’s bouncing already and he takes her hand and follows her out with a cheerful air. She makes them all into a circle and they swing around, jumping up and down. The kids look positively delighted, and seeing their joyful expressions looking up at him makes him promise himself he’ll do anything it takes to keep them like that forever. He watches Rava giggle and twirls her. She spins close to him and gives him a quick kiss.
“Mom!!” Sophie yells. Rava chuckles and pats her head as she looks back at Kendall and watches him bounce and dance.
“I remember you,” she smiles at him. “You’re fun!” He laughs. 
“You’re definitely the only one who’s of that opinion tonight.” But he only needs one. The song slows down and Rava glances at Kendall’s watch.
“Kids, it is way past your bedtime!” She motions to Bianca to come take them to bed. “Bianca is going to help you get ready for bed and then we’ll come kiss you goodnight, okay?” The kids reluctantly agree and Kendall kisses the top of their heads before Bianca leads them out.
“Slow song…” Rava looks at him invitingly. They sway to the music and she looks up at him, placing both her hands on his face and pulling him to her lips. She can’t wait another second to feel his lips, to close her eyes and lean into him. He lets himself relax the way he only ever can with her. After a minute he returns to proper form, but she steps in to close the gap between them, laying her head on his shoulder.
“I don’t remember this part of Cotillion,” he smiles.
“Hmm, well, New York didn’t do it like Connecticut, then,” she smirks.
“Oh, am I married to a bad girl?” He whispers.
“You have no idea.”
“No? You have tricks I haven’t seen?”
She raises her eyebrows and pulls him to her again for a deeper kiss. They’ve both forgotten everyone’s eyes around them.
“Mmmm… that’s good champagne,” he whispers. She laughs silently and puts her forehead on his.
“Yeah, I’m generally not very good at that,” he jokes. He kisses her again, open-mouthed, and she can feel the passion. He’s tasting her. “So good,” he breathes. “Let’s go. Back to the room.”
She giggles and he starts walking with his arm around her. Just at that moment, they clock Roman and Tabitha walking through the door. Rava looks disappointed at the thought of yet another interruption in their day and Kendall notices.
“Hang on just a second,” he says quickly, and she reluctantly lets him go and makes peace with another night of falling asleep by herself. To her surprise, he walks over to Stewy and then straight back to her. “Okay, let’s go.”
“You don’t have to talk to Roman?” Rava asks.
“I told Stewy I think I’ve had enough confrontation for one day. I talked to my dad, I think he can handle my brother.” He smiles at her. “You know what he said, though, and I hadn’t even processed it yet?”
“We did it. We’re taking over the fucking company.”
Chapter 12 💗
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braime-won · 9 months
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Also I kind of ship Ken and Weird Barbie ..
Is that a thing? Lmao
Like I bet when he figures out his personality he’s gonna be weird too.
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