laf-outloud · 1 year
Hi. Do you know what happened to Aeren's blog? Wellcometothedarkside? She suddenly disappeared. I hope she's okay. I can't believe her gorgeous blog is gone. The blog name still exists but it's empty like it was deleted and restarted. I hope she's okay. I have followed and loved her blog for... over a decade I think! I sent her so many anon gif requests and she did them beautifully, and she had so much love for Jared! Her blog was like a love fest for Jared. Sigh. I hope she's okay.
Sorry, I'm not really familiar with the person behind that blog so I wouldn't be able to tell you. If any of my followers might know and are allowed to share, please do so.
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Heart of a Hunter Act VII - Ch. 10
Heart of a Hunter Act VII - Ch. 10
Characters: Dean x doctor!Reader, Sam Winchester
This story is Act 7 of a saga.
New to the story? Get caught up on the Heart of a Hunter Saga here.
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All your favorite Winchesters are alive, in spite of the curse that nearly took them from you. After coming so close to losing the only family you have left in this world, you’re taking matters into your own hands. There’s a witch to hunt.
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Series Warnings:
Character injuries/sickness - Take note that no one is excluded from this.
Canon-typical violence and language.
Lots of whump.
Lots of caring for hurt characters.
Smut (18 Only. NSFW. You were warned.)
Medical talk. Is that even a warning
Image Credit: bing image search, google image search, @devoiddean  , @soluscheese , @princesshamlet  , @becauseofthebowties  , @welcometothedarkside  , @sammysnaughtygirl ,  
Wordcount: 1904
Chapter 10
"I've got it," Dean said enthusiastically as he shoved an old book into Sam's hands. "Found a cloaking spell that looks promising.” He pointed with a finger. “Middle of the page, right here." 
Sam gazed at the incantation and the description below it. “Cloaking flame, I ignite you. The fire born from blood leaves behind no man … ” Sam translated out loud, reading from the first few lines. He glanced up at Dean again. "How long does it work?"
"Best I can tell, a couple of hours. Just long enough for me to get there.” Dean shrugged. “That's all I'm worried about."
Sam furrowed his brow as he silently read the incantation again. "You're certain this will cloak you and your location?"
"There's only one way to find out." Dean crooked an eyebrow and stared at his brother.
"That's easier said than done. You can't exactly try it out and just walk out of here without risking everything."
"I'll do it," Addie said, drawing both their gazes to her. "I mean it. Let me test it out for you."
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Sam sighed. "You don't have to do that."
"I'm the only one who can," she answered. "Neither of you can leave the bunker, just in case it doesn’t work."
Dean gave Addie his best grin, practically oozing with Winchester charm. "Alright, then."
"I don't know," Sam said slowly. 
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Sam wasn't particularly fond of the idea of disappearing Addie to test out Dean's theory, but he could see he was outnumbered in the decision-making. “The spell requires blood, and there’s a lot of talk about fire….”
"It'll be fine, Sam," Addie assured him. "Besides, a cloaking spell? That could be fun. As long as you can handle Jonah without me until it wears off."
“That we can do,” Dean insisted, seeing that Sam still wasn’t convinced. “I’m gonna hit up the supply room and gather the ingredients.” Jonah cried out through the baby monitor just then, awake from his nap. “I’ve got him,” Dean said. “I’ll take him with me. You two stay here and talk it out. Oh, and Addie, we’re going to need something of yours for the locator spell.”
Addie nodded as Dean leaned in to snap a picture of the spell on his phone and headed for Jonah's nursery.
Addie and the guys stood in the bunker’s library half an hour later with Jonah safely in his swing nearby in the war room.
A conglomerate of herbal ingredients was prepared in a bowl on one of the tables, along with a single black candle.
"So," Addie said. "I'll just go invisible or something?"
"If all goes well," Dean answered.
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"It's not too late to change your mind," Sam said in a half-hearted attempt to talk her out of it.
Addie shook her head. "No way. We've got this. I'm ready."
Dean gave Addie a nod before looking at Sam. Sam hesitated, still wary of letting Addie be the test subject.
Dean glared at him. "Come on, man. Every minute I'm here is another minute my wife is out there alone against the Borrower who tried to take Jonah from us and forced her to stop both our hearts. We don't have time to screw around."
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"He's right, Sam," Addie said. "Look, you're worried about me. It's sweet. But being invisible for a few hours is no big deal. Really."
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Dean had a knife laid out on the table, and Addie reached out to take it. She only winced a little as she drew the blade along the palm of her hand at the base of her thumb just hard enough to draw blood. Sam shifted on his feet, concern in his eyes as he watched her squeeze a trickle of blood into the ingredients bowl.
“That’s good,” Dean told her gently to let her know they had enough as he gently took her hand and wrapped it with a gauze roll and some Coban to keep pressure on the cut.
“Your wife has taught you well,” Addie said with a smile as he released her hand again when he was satisfied with the bandage.
“She does that,” Dean said in agreement, smiling.
Sam took a deep breath to focus and raised the spell book in one hand, looking to Addie. “Ready?”
Addie nodded. Dean used a lighter to put a flame to the candle, holding it out for Sam to take. Sam poured melted wax from it into the ingredients bowl slowly as he recited the incantation out loud. At the end of the fourth and final line, Sam dropped the candle into the bowl, setting the contents aflame.
As a result, flames quickly rose from Addie’s feet, enveloping her in an instant. She was still smiling her reassurance at them both when she disappeared in the blaze. The fire was gone as quickly as it came, leaving nothing visible behind.
Addie was gone.
Sam and Dean’s eyes were both wide as they stood there, frozen in place. Sam’s chest huffed with a panicked breath, and Dean turned to look up at him sympathetically. He patted his brother on the shoulder. “She’s okay, Sammy. You’ll see.”
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Sam took a second to center himself and said into the space where Addie had just been, “Hey, uh, Addie?”
Jonah let out a little squeal from his swing in the next room over, and Dean glanced over his shoulder toward the sound.
Sam’s phone dinged just then with a notification and he set the spell book down and pulled the phone from his pocket. “Relax, you big adorable Moose. I’m right here.” Sam’s mouth stretched into a smile as he read Addie’s text out loud.
Dean chuckled and said, “Hey, hey. What’d I tell ya? She’s good. She kicks ass.”
Dean gave a big, dopey thumbs-up toward Addie’s last known position, but Jonah complained from his swing, cutting Dean’s victory short.
Sam nodded for Dean to go. “I’ve got this.”
Dean stepped down into the war room to lift the baby out of the swing. "Hey, Joey," he said as he realized the cause of Jonah's distress. "Okay. It's okay. Daddy's here." Dean carried him toward the nursery, chuckling as he added, "Do you think there's a spell that could handle these dirty diapers?"
Sam glanced at the next table over which had been set up for the locator spell, but this time it was one of Addie’s belongings in the mix rather than the witch’s.
“Okay, I guess we should get you outside of the warding,” Sam said to Addie, glancing awkwardly around the library, unsure where to focus. “Just long enough to do the locator spell and see if this is enough to fully cloak you.”
He walked through the war room and ascended the stairway a step at a time, assuming Addie was either two steps ahead of him, or right behind him the whole way. When he reached the bunker door it opened ahead of him, staying open long enough to let him know Addie was standing there watching him.
“Don’t go far. I’ll only be a few minutes.”
The door closed again and Sam made his way down to the library to perform the locator spell.
Dean carried Jonah from the nursery back to the library just as Sam was reciting the locator incantation. Dean stopped short before entering, holding Jonah at a safe distance as he watched. He hoped like hell this would work. He needed to get on the road, and the sooner, the better.
The ring on a chain Sam held tugged and pulled until it was directly over Lebanon on the map, pinpointing Addie’s location. Sam sighed and looked up at Dean apologetically. "I'm sorry. You tried."
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Dean's heart sank at the thought of being back to square one, but his resolve didn’t crumble. "I'll find another way," he told Sam. Sam watched as Dean shifted on his feet and then declared, "Gonna go make this little guy a bottle," before heading for the mess hall.
Sam climbed the stairs again and opened the bunker door, calling out to Addie that she could come back inside.
"Hey, do you want to shoot me a text or something and let me know you actually made it back inside okay?"
His phone dinged a moment later and he pulled it from his pocket to read Addie's text.
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Sam grinned at that and started to walk back down the stairway as he spoke to her. "I can still find you with a locator spell. It was worth a try, but it looks like Dean is going to have to sit this one out after all."
That's a bummer. I'm sure he's upset.
"He'll be okay … I think.”
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“He's got Jonah in the mess hall making up a bottle right now. Hopefully, this spell wears off for you in the next couple of hours. In the meantime, how would you like to kill time? Should I put on some Netflix in Dean's man cave?"
Sounds good.
Sam put on a show for Addie and told her to enjoy a much-needed break after everything she'd been doing for him and Dean and the baby, and insisted she texted him if she needed anything. He got a thumbs-up emoji in response before he went to check on Dean.
Dean was lounging in the bedroom the two of you shared. Jonah was lying in the middle of the bed, Dean lightly rubbing his tummy and speaking to him.
"Doing okay?" Sam asked from the doorway.
Dean looked up at the sound of his voice. "Yeah, we're good. How's Addie?"
"Watching TV in your man cave," Sam said as he came forward and sat down on the edge of the bed, smoothing Jonah's hair with his fingers. "At least, I think she is...."
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It was Dean's turn to chuckle. “With the cloaking spell, have you tried to see if you can touch each other?” he asked. “I’m just sayin’ … you know if that were me and-” Sam stopped him short with a look. “What?” Dean said with a laugh. “We’d definitely be trying to dance the invisible tango. Why the hell not?”
“I’m not talking to you about my sex life,” Sam said. "And I really don't need to know more about yours."
But he couldn’t hide the fact that he was biting back a smile.
Then Dean followed Sam's gaze to the spell book on the bed and the mood in the room shifted again. Dean was already back to looking for another solution. "Look, Sammy, it's not that I don't have faith in her to handle this Borrower by herself," he said. "It's just that I have to try. If something ever happened to her-"
"You'd never forgive yourself," Sam interrupted. "I know. I get it."
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Dean nodded, happy that his brother understood. "Why don't you go hang out with Addie. Netflix and chill, whatever." Sam gave Dean another pointed look. "Look, do whatever you want. Just because she's invisible doesn't mean she has to be alone. Jonah and I are good, and I've got steaks thawing out for dinner. By then your window for invisible mattress dancing may have closed.”
"Holler if you need anything," Sam told him, choosing to ignore the rest of the conversation. Dean nodded. Sam leaned down and kissed Jonah's forehead. "You, too, little buddy. Holler if you need reinforcements."
"Or maybe a diaper change?" Dean teased as Sam left the room.
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Act VII Masterlist.
You can find the Masterlist for the Heart of a Hunter Saga here.
Please consider supporting my writing by buying me a coffee. In my case, it’s Dr. Pepper, but a little caffeine goes a long way when it comes to writing and posting this labor of love.
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caspianluftmensch · 4 years
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My holiday mood ♠️
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sammysnaughtygirl · 3 years
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tomorrow is my Birthday in my honor im asking my followers and friends to join in and post sam winchester,walker jared padalecki post for my birthday,tag me please!
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agegapromanceblog · 4 years
Age Gap Romance "Welcome to the dark side"
Age Gap Romance “Welcome to the dark side”
This week I’m writing about a book that took me a month to read, but thankfully it wasn’t because it was bad. Welcome to the dark side was a delight to read. I loved watching Sons of Anarchy and this book was about a MC group, so I had high expectations.
It will contain some spoilers.
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Welcome to the Dark Side by Giana Darling My review: The Plot
Even though this is the second book…
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coaz76 · 5 years
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Got my tickets!!!!! Happy happy Birthday to me! May The Force be with you! #welcometothedarkside #starwars (at Monterey, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B352jqUlObygKVzg25VbUjtf-hHt4Dia-p86VI0/?igshid=c91hl4afkxa4
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pacman-mc · 5 years
IL MONDO È MIO piano e voce e coreografia di rumba #alladin #cover #music #singersongwriter #Disney #italia #love #twice #like #sing #Yangji #thinking #welcometothedarkside #whitemencantjump #blackandwhite #orca #camp #greekisland #manolin #island #night #nightlights #cyprus2019 #cyprus #disney #jasmine #movie #animation #pixar #pianoevoce (presso Anfiteatro Di Ponente Molfetta) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzqF0QlIEFc/?igshid=eus4squ47v81
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alepryor · 2 years
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Celebrating this guy's 40th birthday tomorrow!! Love you David! #welcometothedarkside #overthehill #happybirthday #happy40thbirthday #love #besthubbyever❤️ #married11years (at Oval, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdgYP3wukQV7msuYs9-NFSAMtmwicpkE8ypeBw0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tommehology · 3 years
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It’s good to be bad #welcometothedarkside #disneyvillains #mugaddict #mugaddiction https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca0Uk4nq0p8lxFRCVPqJeoEFFXeAkOtT053Yq00/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ravendespair101 · 3 years
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Hello, I am Raven Kidder. Follow me and my band Don’t Despair Me! If you have any other accounts like Facebook, Twitter and Intagram please follow us up there as well. Please and thank you! 
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pyrodecor · 6 years
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Welcome To The Dark Side Surprised We Lies About The Cookies Darth Vader Woodburned Plaque Available in my Etsy shop PyroDecor13 Link in bio! #welcometothedarkside #wehavecookies #notreally #darthvader #darkside #starwars #starwarsfan #jointhedarkside #jointhedarksidewehavecookies #theforce #pyrographyart #pyrodecor #pyrography #woodburning #etsyseller #etsystore #etsysellersofinstagram #handmadeart #cookies #handcrafted #geekystuff #nerdystuff #nerd #geek #supporthandmade #etsyfinds #starwarsart #darksideoftheforce #localartist #etsyshop
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gspotla · 3 years
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nisandraheartmean · 3 years
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• Tall, dark & handsome..🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ • #AwangWawang #syazwanisapets #mycatiscoolerthanyours #blackcatsofinstagram #blackcatappreciationday #happyblackcatappreciationday #blacklivesmatter #welcometothedarkside https://www.instagram.com/p/CSrj_M9J1dcJnPO58ZTj3sh6kZ8hw-KaKwUjTs0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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skittelzmusic · 3 years
📣 Stop Tripping ! Like,comment & share these posts. These are premium #DadJokes 😂 #ThrowbackThursday : I guess the helmet was on the darkside 🤣 . . #DadJoke #FathersDay #Summer #HappyFathersDay #Dad #Jokes #Humor #StarWars #Viral #StarWarsStatus #TheDarkside #IamYourFather #HouseParty #Holiday #DarthVader #EpicFail #Mask #WelcomeToTheDarkside #FelizDiaDelPadre #ExplorePage #Quarantine #LikeCommentAndShare #Save #TheWeekend #TBT https://www.instagram.com/p/CQfB66lpLNp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mindshift-1 · 3 years
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I may have found a new obsession..#lightsabers #starwars #welcometothedarkside #darthvader #crimsondawn #amazing #sobeautiful #proffieboard #neopixel https://www.instagram.com/p/COJXU66lamK/?igshid=102zrjeuxnxcz
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shyamalathadevi · 6 years
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The force is strong here. May the 4th be with you :) #maythe4thbewithyou #starwars #usetheforce #maytheforcebewithyou #forceisstrong #maythefourthbewithyou #fangirl #yoda #darthvader ##happyplace #workplace #welcometothedarkside #force #discovery #wework #mumbai (at Bandra Kurla Complex)
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