#well done chat 🫡🫡🫡
crybaby-bkg · 3 months
I know I don’t have to make this an announcement but I promise I’ll start writing more again 😭 I’ve just finally worked out the ending for my novel and I’ve had a lot of crocheting orders to complete but I think about writing everyday I prommy 😭
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miumura · 26 days
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( 📞 ) NOW RINGING » Park Sunghoon, an office worker with an odd knack for finding problems, has been calling you for assistance non-stop to address various issues in his office. Naturally, since it’s your job, you always stop by, but you’ve noticed that his problems are often simple to fix and don’t really require any help. So, it’s hard not to suspect that he’s just making excuses to see you.
Whether it’s a computer “glitch” or a “misplaced” file, Sunghoon’s requests for you seem more like opportunities for a chat than genuine emergencies.
PAIRING ✶ office-worker!sunghoon x assistant-fem!reader GENRE ✶ fluff, co-workers 2 lovers FEATURING ✶ jay from enhypen WARNINGS ✶ reader questions / teases sunghoon quite a bit, super obvious hoon 🫡 WORD COUNT ✶ 2.4K+
PICK UP? » this was inspired by something i had seen on tiktok … bits of it never left my mind since … all credits to it because that fueled me to write !! and i thought it suited him so … no thoughts just office worker sunghoon 🫠
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"Hello, it's me again," his voice crackled over the line as you pressed the phone to your ear. You let out a small sigh, recognizing this as the third time he'd called just this week.
"Why, hello, Park Sunghoon."
“Huh—oh! You know it’s me," he said, sounding surprised, though you could hear the smile in his voice.
"You've been the only one calling my work number lately, Sunghoon," you replied. "And considering how many times you've called, it's normal to recognize your voice by now, don't you think?"
"I guess so…" he chuckled nervously. "Well, do you have time to come to my office? I need help."
"Help with what?"
"My computer is acting up—I don’t think it’s working properly. Can you help me, please?"
"Sunghoon," you sighed, glancing at the mounting work on your desk. "This is the third time this week. Are you sure it's not something simple?"
"Yes! I really do need your help," he insisted, a hint of sheepishness in his tone.
"Fine," you relented. "I’ll be on my way."
"Really?" His voice went up a notch, brimming with excitement before he cleared his throat. "Thank you so much, Y/N!"
Shaking your head, you stood up and headed down the hall to his office. As you walked, you couldn't shake the thought that there was no way he could be this unlucky.
When you finally arrived at his office, you knocked on the door and heard Sunghoon's voice from the other side inviting you in. As you entered, you saw him sitting at his desk, pretending to look frustrated with his computer.
“What is it?”
“Well, what a way to say, ‘hello’. Good morning to you too, YN,” Sunghoon replied, a playful smile tugging at his lips.
“Considering how many times I see you in a day, I don’t have to say that all the time when I do.”
Closing the door behind you, you couldn't help but also comment, “You know, you really should call the IT department for tech problems.”
Sunghoon looked up, still smiling. “Why call them when you've been so great at solving my previous issues?”
"Issues, you say?” you replied, raising an eyebrow skeptically.
“Of course,” he said with feigned innocence. “I would never call you to my office if I wasn’t genuinely struggling.”
"Like how your computer screen froze? When all you could’ve done was just restart your computer?" you asked, giving him a pointed look.
“I didn’t want to mess up more things, so I had to call you,” Sunghoon replied, his face turning a shade of pink as he fumbled for an excuse. It was just so easy for a confident smile of his to dissolve into embarrassment, as if he didn’t set himself up in the first place.
“Okay then, how about the problem with your printer? When all you had to do was refill the ink?”
“I swear I had it refilled last week,” he protested, glancing away. “I wouldn’t have called if I knew that was really the cause of it.”
“And how about the time—the same day as your printer issue—you said you deleted a really important file?”
“Okay, that was a real problem!” Sunghoon said quickly, recalling the incident. “I really panicked when I couldn’t find it on my screen. And you were all I thought about—well, asking for help, that is! Don’t get it twisted!”
“I never said anything,” you teased, unable to hide your amusement. “And all you had to do was check your ‘Recently Deleted’ folder. There was also another copy of it in your downloads.”
“Okay, none of that matters anymore, it’s all in the past!” he brushed off, trying to direct your attention elsewhere. “What matters is that I wouldn’t have known if it weren’t for your great assistance.”
“You could’ve fixed it easily by yoursel—”
“Why don’t we turn our attention back to my computer, please?” he interrupted, eager to change the subject, his voice carrying a note of pleading.
You walked over to his desk, noticing how he seemed to tense slightly as you came closer. Ignoring that, you leaned over to check the computer, both of you staring at the black screen.
“Well, if you see this,” Sunghoon said, pressing the button multiple times to try to turn on his computer. “It doesn’t work.”
“Can you be more gentle?” you suggested, watching as he awkwardly backed away.
“Right, sorry,” he mumbled. “Can you fix this?”
“Sure, get out of your seat, please.” He quickly complied, moving to stand against the wall near his desk. You tried holding down the button, but the computer still wouldn’t turn on. Feeling a bit puzzled, you started looking around the desk. When nothing seemed amiss, you decided to check under the desk and soon noticed a cable...not plugged in.
Grabbing the wire, you held it out and looked at Sunghoon, who was nervously chuckling. “Oh…it was unplugged the whole time…”
You raised an eyebrow, struggling to keep a straight face. “Well, I suppose that explains it.” You plugged it back in, pressed the button once more, and the screen finally lit.
“Wow, who would’ve thought…” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, clearly burning up.
“Sunghoon,” you said, shaking your head with a teasing smile, “you know you could’ve checked this yourself.”
“Who would go ahead and unplug their own computer?” he mumbled, glancing away from your gaze. “I wouldn’t have done that on purpose or anything…”
“You’re really running out of excuses, aren’t you?”
“What…what do you mean?”
“You just want to see me more, don’t you?”
“I do not! I mean, as much as I do enjoy your company, I wouldn’t play tricks just to see you,” he said, rambling nervously. “You’ve just been a reliable person I can trust with these office issues.”
Not fully convinced, you said, “Well then, now that your ‘issue’ is fixed, I will take my leave.” You started to get up from his chair, about to walk away, when Sunghoon abruptly jolted.
His sudden outburst startled you, and you watched as he frantically rummaged through his desk drawers, pulling out two overstuffed folders. “Can…can you help me sort these out? I mean, since you’re here, and you’re so good at handling things, it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for you to help me with my work…right?”
He looked at you with hopeful eyes, his usual composure replaced with a hint of desperation. His attempt to maintain a professional demeanor faltered as he fiddled with the papers, clearly trying to cover up his real intentions. You could see through his act, but the genuine earnestness in his voice made it hard to resist.
“Fine, but only because I’m already here,” you said, with a small smile. As you took the folders from him, you couldn’t help but wonder if this was more about the company than the paperwork.
Sunghoon’s eyes lit up slightly as he grinned and quickly got a chair for you. As you both began organizing the chaotic stack of papers, a comforting silence settled in.
“You know, Sunghoon, I’ve always thought of you as an organized person,” you remarked, glancing at the disarray before you.
“Well, I am,” he chuckled, taking your comment as a compliment. “It’s just that I’ve been swamped with meetings lately, so I haven’t had a chance to sort everything out.”
“I don’t know if I believe that,” you hummed, flipping through the papers. “You still would’ve made sure everything was in the right place.”
“Oh…really?” Sunghoon’s voice held a hint of nervousness. “So, you’ve noticed, huh?”
“Am I not supposed to?” you asked with a playful smile. “Aren’t I the assistant you always call for to fix all your issues?”
“Okay, if you think I made this mess on purpose just to keep you around, you’ve got it all wrong!” Sunghoon quickly defended himself, though his flushed face betrayed his words. “And you know me, I wouldn’t torture myself with a mess just to see you.”
“Relax, I was just teasing. Why don’t you work a bit faster then, hm?”
“You don’t have to remind me about my work, YN,” he pouted slightly, eliciting a soft chuckle from you.
He couldn’t help but sneak a few glances at you every now and then, marveling at the way you carried yourself, the subtle expressions you made as you worked—all of it made it difficult for him to concentrate.
To him, you were the prettiest person he’d ever laid eyes on. His eyes would linger on your features—just looking at your focused expression alone was always enough for him to get lost in the moment, or rather, admiring you. And every single time—without a fail—each look would send a flutter of excitement through his chest.
Sunghoon would catch himself in a daze, realizing he’d been staring a little too long again. He'd quickly snap out of it, giving himself a mini pep talk in his mind.
Get it together, Sunghoon. Focus.
He shifted in his chair, trying to redirect his attention to the task at hand, but it was no use. Every time he glanced up, Sunghoon mentally kicked himself for being so easily flustered. It was ridiculous how just being near you turned him into a nervous wreck. His usual confidence seemed to vanish whenever you were around, replaced by a nervous energy that made it hard to concentrate on anything else.
He tried to distract himself by focusing on his work, but his mind kept wandering back to you—how you laughed, the way you rolled your eyes when he said something silly, and the way you seemed to understand him without needing to say much.
Sunghoon knew he was obvious, but he never failed to deny it. Despite the countless times he’d told himself to just say it, he was afraid he’d only continue to humiliate himself even more. Every time he opened his mouth, the words got tangled in his throat, and he’d end up making some excuse instead.
He couldn’t shake the feeling that you might already see through his intentions and were just waiting to reject him once he finally confessed. The thought made his heart race with fear, and it was enough to keep him from doing anything.
But he pushed his many thoughts aside, trying to focus on the task at hand. He shuffled through the papers on his desk, pretending to concentrate. His nervousness lingered in the air, a constant reminder of the tension he felt whenever you were near.
After another moment of silence, he broke it with a hesitant question. “So, YN, what’s your… go-to coffee order?”
“Hm?” you looked up, slightly puzzled.
“Just… curious! Yeah, that’s all,” he said quickly, his voice a bit too casual.
“I don’t see how my coffee order is relevant to your office problems or work,” you replied, raising an eyebrow.
“Well, yes, but I thought it might be nice to know,” Sunghoon stammered. “After all, if I’m going to be a bother, I might as well get you something you like. The least I could do is make up for, you know, troubling you.”
“And what if I don’t drink coffee?”
“Huh? I saw you drinking coffee with Jay the other day—”
“Watching me now, are we? That’s a bit unprofessional for a work setting, don’t you think?”
“No, wait! I wasn’t—I just happened to notice you while I was on my break,” Sunghoon rushed to explain. “And asking Jay would’ve been awkward. So—ugh, nevermind. Forget I said anything.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, noticing his flush deepening. He truly couldn’t hide it well.
��Yes, ignore me and continue helping me, please,” Sunghoon replied, the pink blush on his face becoming way more evident than before. Was he that painfully obvious with his tactics?
Either way, he wanted to get out of there—this was becoming too much for him, and his usual ways of calming down weren’t working. You couldn’t help but slip a small giggle at his discomfort.
“Well, I’m actually done now,” you said with a playful smile.
“Wait—already?!” His astonishment was clear as he glanced at his side of the desk compared to yours. His papers were still scattered in disarray, while yours were neatly organized and back in their folder.
“Yep. While you were busy being a nervous wreck with your, well, overwhelming thoughts, I managed to focus and finish up,” you explained, sliding the organized folder back to him.
“Oh, right,” he mumbled, still taken aback by how efficiently you handled the task. He should have anticipated it, considering your ability to get things done swiftly—one of the many reasons he admired you. “Thank you, YN.”
“Do you have anything else you need help with?” you asked, your tone friendly.
“Uh, no, thank you,” Sunghoon replied, his cheeks still burning. He was mortified by the series of blunders he’d made in such a short time, and the embarrassment made him wish he could just disappear. He couldn’t believe he’d made such a mess of things.
“Listen, YN,” he started, sounding unusually earnest, “I’m really sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused. I didn’t mean to overstep any boundaries with my questions or requests. And for all the office issues—silly as they might seem—I genuinely appreciate your help. So, um, you can leave now. Thank you again.”
“You don’t need to apologize, Sunghoon. I promise you’re fine,” you reassured him. His expression softened at your words, though he seemed still lost in thought about his mistakes earlier. “You haven’t done anything to make me uncomfortable, and if you had, I would’ve told you.”
As you stood up from the chair and walked toward the door, you glanced back at him. His gaze darted away from the door, though it was clear he was trying to sneak a look as you left.
“Caramel macchiato,” you said.
“My coffee order,” you clarified. “That’s what you wanted, right?”
“Wait—” Sunghoon’s surprise was palpable. “Oh, oh—! Noted! I’ll make sure to remember!” he stammered.
“See you tomorrow, Sunghoon.” You flashed him a final, warm smile. Despite knowing he’d probably call you again, and he knew you knew, you still left him a bit flustered but smiling. He shyly nodded, silently whispering a thanks to you again.
As you closed the door behind you, you heard him mutter to himself, struggling to regain his composure. You could hear the muffled noises of his excitement and embarrassment as you walked away, and it made you chuckle.
You left his office with your heart lighter and your mind buzzing with the possibility that maybe these calls meant something more. Finally getting the answers to the questions you’d always had in mind, it became clear to you that Park Sunghoon was undeniably charming.
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💬 : do we love the flustered!enha agenda or is that js me
ENHYPEN PERM TAGLIST (1) — @flwoie @ixomiyu @haruavrse @shinsou-rii @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @ml8dy @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @hyeosi @ja4hyvn @judeduartewannabe @j-wyoung @thia-aep @vampcharxter @softpia @officiallyjaehyuns @itsactuallylina @hsheart @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @hanienie @jwnghyuns @kpoplover718 @jiawji @rikizm @haknom @yeokii @wvnkoi @whoschr @teddywonss @shinunoga-iie-wa @isoobie @skzenhalove @misokei @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @miercerise @litttlestars @enhapocketz
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stall1iion · 3 months
champions love - four
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liked by bsf1, bsf2, maxverstappen1, landonorris and others
y/n.jpg how i pull up to a function after drinking my weight in alcohol 🍷 🥃🍸
view all comments
username2 so we all just here after seeing the pictures huh?
⤷username1 right? Like everyone and their mama here 😭🤣
username7 omg she’s watching both Bridgerton and Breakfast at Tiffany’s, she is so real
username5 knowing how she was going last night she’s probably hungover as hell 😭🤣
⤷username6 shit from the few videos we got it looked like she was an infinity pool of just alcohol
⤷username4 I wanna know how max got her back home
username11 Hey y/n, a good remedy to hangovers is to drink ginger tea and eat chicken noodle soup like you're sick! I find that always works for me
⤷y/n.jpg oh my god, trying this now, thank you so much 🙏🏽
landonorris how are you functioning?
⤷y/n.jpg functioning? What’s that?
⤷charles_leclerc i’m surprised you can stand to look at any device
⤷y/n.jpg alright, not too much now
maxverstappen1 did you take the pills i put on the bedside?
⤷y/n.jpg yeah I did, thanks btw
⤷bsf1 wait…wait- pause- y/n answer the group chat
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⤷bsf2 so your over at that man’s house again? 😟🤨
y/n.jpg we were discussing next weeks interview
bsf2 yeah girl…stand up, it looks like we netflix and chilling y/n.jpg oooh 😟 yeah no…never that
⤷username3 does this mean we could potentially get black or green flags for Austria?
⤷bsf1 oh no…you done cuddled up with the man…yeah she’s cooked
y/n.jpg why is everyone saying that?? We’re literally like five feet apart? You can’t even see where we are in the picture 😭
⤷lilymhe I propose (demand) we wear our flags to support our queen on Sunday
y/n.jpg your wish is my command 🫡😋
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-> Benedict Bridgeton is y/n's spirit animal
-> y/n's friend's are just teasing (hope they don't come off as bitchy) their just tired of her ass (lovingly)
-> y/n had to explain Targaryen's before watching hotd with max so he wouldn't freak out during the incest bits (90% of the show)
-> y/n got to meet sally and jimmy this trip so expect a lot of cat pictures now!
Author's note!
Hey guys! A bit of a short chapter but I do plan on having the next chapter as it will include our girl's debut on the grid and all the interviews, pictures, and ofc written parts! So bear with me until next Sunday! Hope you enjoy!
Taglist: @boiohboii @ale-522 @ietss @theseerbetweenus @jaxx-7 @sainzluvrr @the-untamed-soul @ashy-kit @hc-dutch @nichmeddar @delululeclerc @sweate-r-weathe-r @dhanihamidi @tellybearryyyy @luvsforme @samantha-chicago
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⤷ Following the messy breakup between Max Verstappen and Kelly Piquet, Max’s manager comes up with a solution to divert the attention – a fake relationship. His new girlfriend? Two time olympic gold medalist figure skater, y/n for the USA team. Easy? Well...
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writinandcrying · 7 months
TMNT HEADCANON / how the turtles text
A lot can be said from how someone express themselves through texting, so this is just some crack / light headcanons !
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Not really based on a single version per say, more that turtles have been deprived of social interaction for the majority of their life and I think texting them would be an very interesting experience lol
Idea based on @avery73 last random turtle post (thanks for being one of our strongest soldiers and writing wonderful pieces 🫡) English is not my first language and I didn’t proofread this, if there is any grammatical erros pls don’t hesitate to tell me!
🎢 Single texts
🎢 Just like this
🎢 Loads of it
🎢 You got 60 new messages
🎢 in the past 2 minutes
🎢 Loads of gifs too
🎢 And voice memos
🎢Oh look
🎢6 personality tests links
🎢What do you mean you won’t do it
🎢He needs to know what kind of cupcake you are!!!!
🎢 And music recs
🎢 Your phone won’t stop vibrating
🎢 for the next weeks
🎢 After you meet him (Honestly really annoying unless you have a crush on him)
🎢 For the latinos/latinas; if he EVER finds out about WhatsApp and the stickers. Oh you are so done. If you have an older phone that shit WILL blow up / malfunction for SURE
🎢 uses TONS OF EMOJIS !!!!! 😍😍😝🤪😋🤩AND CAPS AS WELL!!! 🥳😽✌️👅🗣️
🎢Mikey live reaction when you ask if he’s upset that you asked him to tone it down a notch with the texting on a busy day:
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🎢 Will lowkey tone it down with the emojis when he finds out some ppl find it cringe, but with his angels cakes ???????? 🫵 YOU BET 🗣️ HE WILL SHOW YOU WITH IT 💋🫦💅🏻🤳🏼💃🏻🕺🏽🙈🦋🌺🧡🌚🌻🔥💥🌟
🎢Will accidentally send you some random ass emoji that wasn’t supposed to be on the context of the text, also the autocorrect is def not his friend
Mikey : how’s it going baby gorila
Mikey: babygirl*
Mikey: I’m sorry
🎢 adds emojis to very contacts in his t-phone:
Leo: Leader of the pack 🐺 🐢 🫡
Donnie: Eistein 📚🧬⚗️ (Raph also shares this name on his t-cell)
Raph: Murderous teddy bear 🧸 🧨
Splinter: Mafia Boss 🪤 (no one knows about this name tho)
April: Chanel N.6 🎤(or World of Apes 🦧 lmao)
Casey: New York Hockey League 🏒
Vern: Some dude (adds 🦅 so he knows it’s Vern and not “some random dude”)
Y/n: angelcakes pookie wookie baby boo boo love of my life !!!!!! 😍🥰👀🧚🏻‍♂️
🎢Mikey live reaction when Raph yells at him to stop flooding the chat, followed by mikey texting him “make me” (they are sitting next to each other):
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🔭Huge blocks of it in the speed of light. many topics, many questions and also explanations at just one sitting
🔭But won’t hold back on a smart ass short cut response for one his brothers (literally has the sharpest tongue)
🔭Will hardly uses emojis, only when it’s a single text to express an emotion (most current used emojis: 🤓when he does something impressive 💜: for y/n 🙄: when venting about something annoying Leo / Mikey / Raph did)
🔭Will want to discuss random ass problems he has encountered in his projects, in forums online, specially if you ever show interest in debating / doesnt hold back into showing your strong opinions
🔭 Has named their brothers as “Failed Lab Experiments” and managed to color code their messages (has the only t-phone that has this feature)
🔭Donnie creating the most unique and smartass way to charge his phone just cuz he can:
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🔭Deadass his reaction when texting his crush 👀:
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🔭 Has modified Mikey’s phone so he doesn’t have access to emojis for a whole week after his baby brother decided to spam him “out of no where” (after Donnie won consecutively 10 Mario Kart matches AND ate the last 2 slices of cold pizza)
🔭Result: mikey spammed EVEN MORE and only spoke to EVERYONE by Japanese emojis. Leo and Raph begged demanded that donnie install his emojis back cuz they were DONE with the whole situation
Failed lab experiment N.4: ( ๑‾̀◡‾́)σ" °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° (♡´౪`♡)
Failed lab experiment N.1: Stop.
Failed lab experiment N.4: ┬┴┬┴┤ᵒᵏ (・_├┬┴┬┴ Failed lab experiment N.4: (;﹏;)
Failed lab experiment N.2: You stupid IDIOT Failed lab experiment N.2: look what you've done now he’s sad
🔭 Donnie also has to deal with his brothers thinking he is their personal Google (he will always answer their questions, even out of spite):
Failed lab experiment N.4: Donnie what’s a Cochlear implant
Successful lab experiment: A small, complex electronic device that can help to provide a sense of sound to a person who is profoundly deaf or severely hard-of-hearing. The implant consists of an external portion that sits behind the ear and a second portion that is surgically placed under the skin.
Failed lab experiment N.4: :0 yikes
Failed lab experiment N.4: Okay thanks!!!!
Successful lab experiment: Stop asking me stuff when you can just Google it.
Failed lab experiment N.4: But I like talking to you 🙀😔
Failed lab experiment N.4: You are my favorite turtle Siri!!! 😉
Successful lab experiment: I’d prefer if I wasn’t... Also, why are you curious about cochlear implants?
Successful lab experiment: Mikey?
Successful lab experiment: Mikey!!!!!
(He still doesn’t know why)
🥊 Barely uses emojis. Lowkey barely texts? doesn't see the appeal to it, rather prefer to hang out with you 1 on 1 than being far away from you (will never ever admit to it. maybe after 3 years in a relationship)
🥊as a friend: he wont be the one spiking a conversation, but might keep going if he's truly bored (this is prone to happen during daylight / evening when they still can't go out) but will probably be the one to ask to hang out when he needs an outlet and such 🥊*sees messages* eh i'll reply later *completely forgets about it*
🥊 will effortlessly take the most breath-taking pictures of new york during patrol and send it to you 🥊 if you are already his s/o / someone he trusts: will most likely text you to ask about stuff (if you need anything or something he needs from topside) or to diss / vent / gossip about his brothers 🥊 will send embarrassing pictures of his brothers to you cuz he can't deal with that shit alone lmao
🥊 will either be pretty clueless with the most random ass stuff or out of propose just to tease you: y/n: jniasunoakpfa raph: what was that y/n: keyboard smash? raph: how do i do that y/n: just press anything raph: 7 🥊 Raph Live reaction as soon as he realizes he has feelings for you:
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🥊 Also Raph Live reaction when he comes to terms with this feelings and has an excuse to ignore Leo (even if he doesnt like texting) just bc he can ignore Leo as he pleases:
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🎏 Perfect texts 🎏 looks like an email/letter sometimes 🎏 to most people: 1 message with divided topics. pretty direct 🎏 when he can't reply right away: "Hello. I'm happy you wrote to me. I try to reply promptly but currently I'm not available at the moment-" Like omg bro RELAX. 🎏 to his s/o: 70% direct, the other 30% likes to send little reminders, either with songs or pretty things she has seen during a patrol with a "thinking of you" message. lowkey romantic when he doesn't even mean to be, def shows how thoughtful he is 🎏 prefers to call you rather than texting. especially if you are dating/has a crush on you he might not even realize why he likes calling you so much, until it hits like a brick that he just wants to hear your voice 🎏Leo when he calls you and doesn't know when to "intervene" / his time to talk back (god forbid he's unpolite and interrupts you):
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lowkey him listening to April vent about smth dumb shit Casey did /any human friend venting and he doesnt know how to react lmao 🎏Just like Donnie, has favorite emojis and will only use it in specific situations (this will take time for it to happen, like after years Donnie first invented the t-phone and finally relized he didn't had to be so formal when texting): 🐢 when talking about team work or his brothers / 🪷 for meditating or mindfulness (thinks its peaceful) / 💙 for his boo and his boo only / 😏 only in a relationship, especially when he's feeling scipy (extremely rare for it to happen over text tho)
Group chat (more than one reaction)
💚 catching social cues irl can be hard, you are telling me there are hidden social cues in texting too??
💚 “Nah shut up” group, doesn’t care much about it and won’t change their ways: Leo, Raph
💚 Will research about it, will talk to every single human he knows (yes. you. Vern. Casey and April) Needs to know the social cues. NOW: lmao try to guess
💚 Also needs to know, but for meme reasons, he has to say up to date w the terminology/ slangs: another hard guess /j
💚 Oh btw, Donnie totally uses /j /Tw /srs terminology WHILE he texts fast AND huge text blocks. none of his brothers know how he does it
💚Will over use fresh lingo he has learned overhearing humans on patrol, shows, from his humans friends to the point it’s almost unbearable: Mikey 💚Live reaction of Raph and Leo trying to understand when Mikey or Donnie spamming the group chat with their extremely recent memes or hyperfixations:
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💚the chat WILL be flooded with things related to their favorite basketball teams, show they want to see or dumbass pictures of their daily lifes, example: Mikey: *has sent an selfie*
Mikey: you know y/n
Mikey:If you’re fortunate enough
Mikey: your internal organs will spend their entire lifespan in absolute darkness
Mikey: but mine?
April: oh boy here we go
Mikey: Hasn’t. 😏😏😏
Y/n: Oh?
Mikey: *send another selfie flexing muscles* you see when you fight crime everyday-
Raph: yeah he shallowed a glow stick
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ayeforscotland · 4 months
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New shirt has gone done well in the group chat. Friends should always lift you up🫡
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zhvakinnn · 5 months
Hi can't find your rules or anything and I'm sorry if this is out of your comfort zone but may I request the sbg crew and cuddle headcanons where reader is the big spoon. If possible can the reader be male?
Hii, yes sorry i haven't done my rules yet I'm kinda getting lazy but i will make one 🫡
Male reader!
Warning/s: homophobic's
Characters: Logan, Ben, Aiden
Part 2 characters : tyler, Taylor, Ashlyn
✨as always i don't know much English so if something is wrong correct me✨
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Logan fields
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∆ He always wanted to be hold tight because he finds you're hug comfort
∆ whenever he got beaten up all he wanted was your hug, he always stopped you attacking Barron
∆ " he literally fucking beat the shit out of you for not doing his homework?! How can't i beat his ass too!"
"please, i just want a hug.."
∆ you'll see him startled when you raising you're voice, you suddenly stop and wanted to melt
∆ you'll just stop being mad then hug him telling him I'm sorry
∆ so whenever he wanted to hug he wants to be the little spoon because like i said he finds comfort in your hug's
Bonus fanfiction:
You we're all looking for Logan he said his going to the bathroom so you went there but as you went there you saw him and Barron hearing their conversation
"you think that little boyfriend of yours is gonna save you faggot?"
That last sentence hit you, you noticed Logan looked at you widen eyes you can see him having a black eye
"who you calling little and faggot?.."
You and Barron ended up in the guidance room
Once you got out you glare daggers to barron as he walk out with his new bruises you scoff as you went to find your gang
Once you got there they looked at you in a worried faces they all ask you if you're ok, i only nodded and looked at logan who was more worried once we all got home Logan wants me to go in his house
His grandparents asked me how i got these bruises then i explained to her grandma what happened while Logan got a ice
"thank you for protecting my grandson, now i know who will protect him after i die"
"grandma please don't say that..."
Logan finally got the ice and you two went upstairs once you got there he hugged you and he buried his face in your neck
"thank you.."
You smiled and cuddle for a while
" i love you too"
Ben Clark
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∆ another one of those who were bullied which means he likes being hold aswell well sometimes if you're not in a good mood he will hug you but most of the time you're hugging him
∆ he likes being a small spoon because of his anger issues too, whenever his mad just take him somewhere private and hold him like a damn baby because he is
∆ like dhar mann would say 'dont judge a book by its cover' he may look tough and imitating but inside his such a softie
∆ when you two are cuddling he likes to play music in the background
∆ "hey what happened to him?"
"(name) finally you're here ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ"
Aiden was covering Ben's face and saw his fist rolled
∆ you have to drag him in the bathroom to hug him and tell him to calm down
Bonus scenario:
You were all in the classroom then the bell rang meaning its lunch time
You stretch a bit then when to ben who was sleeping
"love c'mon were to the cafeteria"
You nudge him a bit then he woke up when he lifted his head he smiled at you making your whole body melt
"ok c'mon now you lover birds"
That make him chuckle and so was i when he got up i hold his hand tight, we were all chatting in the hallway while walking to the canteen
You were both holding hands then a bitch went between you too
"exuse me"
She pushed you and Ben apart making Ben angry
"hey hey its ok nevermind her" He sigh and nodded
Then the same girl came annoying you again and again and again
"you're a disgusting homo"
It kept that on Ben's mind
Once you tag along with aiden chatting with him on the way
I pulled ben upstairs
"its ok nevermind her I'm here and i love you" you smiled as you hug him
Aiden Clark
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∆ sometimes you hate him being a small spoon because he wont stay still while sleeping!
∆ you, him and Ben went to a sleepover and he wanted you to hug him behind his back but as you hug him he will turn towards the wall, then the ceiling, then at you and annoying you're face
∆ "i might be annoying but i know you love it (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆" you wanna deny it but you cant because you love him
∆ like Ben he wanted to listen to music but his more into you humming him a lullaby
∆ he's so clingy
Bonus scenario:
He was so hyper everyday but today its ten times worst
Everyone looked at you and like 'how the hell did you get together with this maniac' or ' how do you have so many patients'
After all this you just wanna lay down and sleep
When he was yapping something who knows what that is he suddenly stop when he saw you getting annoyed
For the rest of you're class you wonder what happened to aiden he suddenly became silent
He might be annoying but you miss him yapping
"what the hell happened to him?"-tyler
" yeah he suddenly became-" -taylor
"silent..." -ashlyn
You shrug and looked at aiden once you got him home you greeted his parents and went to his room
" ok what..why...um why did you suddenly became... Silent?"
You said but panic when he looked down the ground, when you're about to speak he said
" am i annoying?"
Oh no no no
" why would you say that" you melt at his words why did he suddenly said that
" because whenever i talk to you you just frowned, i know that fine with everyone for me but whenever i talk you're face suddenly change to annoyed"
You didn't answer and just hugged his head
"I'm sorry I'm sorry i didn't mean to be like that but I'm just stressed but i shouldn't do that I'm sorry i love you"
He hugged you back as you both lay down you hum him a lullaby and both of you fell asleep
Finally donee🤸🏻!
Masterlist | about me | rules
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metallicaislife · 10 months
What’s Your Fantasy?
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A/N: I made a reference to one of my first fics. I saw the opportunity and took it lmao 🫡
Requested by: Anon
Genre: 18+ Smut minors dni
Word Count: 685
Warnings: Threesome, m x f x m pairing, oral(f and m receiving), taking pics during sex, drug use
I was hanging out with Cliff and James. Two of my best friends. We were sharing some of Cliff’s magic green and having a good time. I’m not sure what brought us to the topic, but we found ourselves talking about sex. 
“Okay, but seriously, what is one of your fantasies?” James asked me curiously. 
“I can answer and you aren’t going to judge me?” I followed up with a question. James rolled his eyes. 
“Duh. Are you going to judge her, Cliff?” James turned to Cliff who was sitting next to me. 
“Nope.” He responded, then took a hit off the joint. 
“Fine, okay. This stays here in this circle and dies in your memory tonight.” I started, “I have a fantasy where you two fuck me at the same time.” I said. I immediately regretted it. I should have said something else, anything else. I could have easily lied, but that weed was like a goddamn truth serum. They shared a look and I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me whole. “Well I’m gonna go.” I said standing up. 
“Sit down.” Cliff said in a commanding voice. I did as he said. I held my breath. 
“Funny, I’ve fantasized about having sex with her, but never sharing. Sounds fun though.” James said. 
“Very.” Cliff added. 
Before I knew what was happening, we were in James' room on his bed. I laid between Cliff’s legs with my head resting on his chest as he played with my breasts. 
James head between my thighs as he lapped at my cunt. 
“Oh fuck.” I moaned and fisted James' hair. 
I could feel Cliff’s erection poking my back. He shifted every once in a while rubbing his cock along my back. 
James slipped two fingers in me alternating between curling and scissoring them. I came moaning loudly. 
James looked up, he looked so hot with my slick all over his chin. He got up and went to the dresser, he put a condom on. He grabbed a camera and came back over. He knelt in front of me, lifted my hips with one hand and entered me. 
“So fucking hot.” He muttered and snapped a picture. 
“Lars wishes this is what was in his spank bank.” Cliff said and nibbled my shoulder. I giggled but it turned into a moan as James hit my g-spot. He pulled out.
“On your stomach.” James commanded me. “Cliff, hand me a pillow.” He said. I flipped around and Cliff handed him a pillow. James grabbed my shoulder pulling me up. He placed the pillow where he wanted and let me lay back down. The pillow under my hips so he had the perfect angle to fuck me. I took Cliff’s cock in my hand. I rubbed the precum that had leaked out rubbing it down his shaft. I licked the tip then took him in my mouth. I heard the camera click a couple more pictures before it was discarded. James gripped my hips as he snapped his hips into me unrelentingly. He reached around to rub my clit and I found it hard to focus on giving Cliff the head he deserved. Cliff’s fingers tangled in my hair as he helped guide me on his cock. 
“So cock drunk. Getting fucked and sucking. Such a pretty slut.” Cliff said. My glossy eyes met his as he smirked at me. Tears streamed down my face as I came. Cliff shoved my head down as far as I could go, coming down my throat. I could feel the condom expand inside me as James hips stilled. Cliff pulled my head up letting his cock fall from my mouth, he gingerly laid my head on his lap petting my hair as he lit a cigarette.  
“Fuck, you did so well.” James said as he rubbed my ass. “When you’re done, are you ready to swap?” I lifted my head as he spoke to Cliff. Cliff looked down. 
“Think you can give us two more orgasms sweetheart?” He asked. I nodded, knowing it would be so overwhelmingly great. 
“Good girl.”
Thank you for reading! Feel free to request or chat :)
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jackactuallywrites · 7 months
I am asking very nicely for part 2
I need our pathetic duo
Besties are making fun of MC for being an idiot and they take her to a club and WHO'S THERE? 💀
They meet in a smoking area and MC is going through all stages of grief
That's us btw
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Drunk and Disorderly
Pairing: Simon Ghost Riley x You
Rating: Still pretty mild
Warnings: Alcohol, smoking, clubbing, Liverpudlians
Summary: You to the club assuming Ghost won’t be there. More fool you!
Notes: we simp for @xxven providing all these excellent plot ideas it would not happen without her 🫡
Word count: 1,666 (spooky!)
“I’m not going back to the pub.”
You were being uncharacteristically firm; usually, enough badgering from Katy and Elle would have you giving in and trudging off to the pub, but this time you were absolutely resolute. Elle was less than impressed, letting out a heavy groan as you vetoed the classic Friday evening plans, “Is this because of the whole Ghost thing?” You glowered at her, and Katy snickered, “Can’t believe you thought Soap was some girl chatting him up.” You huffed, “It’s hard to tell in that lighting! Plus, a lot of the girls around here have that haircut.” Elle did her best to hold back her amusement, whereas Katy did no such thing, cackling at you outright, “You twat.” You made a face at her, “Bite me. We’re not going to the pub.” Elle acquiesced, “Alright, fine, fine. What about the club?” Katy grimaced, “So we can watch you get embroiled in lesbian drama again?” Elle grinned, “I mean, what’s a night out without a little drama?” “A little drama? You almost got your extensions ripped out.” “But I didn’t.” You interrupted, “I vote to go to the club as well.” Katy huffed, “That’s because you know you won’t see Ghost in a gay bar, isn’t it?” You saluted, “Absolutely. Two against one.” She sighed, knowing she’d been beaten, “Fine. But no drama!” Elle held her hand over her heart, “No drama!”
Of course, it had been a promise that couldn’t be kept. Elle had a habit of finding herself in the middle of arguments, no matter how hard she supposedly tried to keep out of them. It was lucky for her that Katy was there to console the jilted lover and convince her not to throw her drink over Elle’s head. Elle was unbothered as always, already finding some beautiful person to dance with. With Katy busy soothing troubled lesbians and Elle trying to seduce anything even remotely sexual, you were left alone, though you didn’t mind.
You couldn’t think of a better place to bury your embarrassment than in the middle of a gay club, your face painted with colour and sparkles, your tits pushed up so high they practically touched your chin, and your waist cinched by your corset, your confidence absolutely untouchable. You’d already gotten several numbers that night, not that you planned on using any of them, still silently pining for a certain murderous spectre, but it had done wonders to restore your self-esteem after that dreadful night the week before.
The memory had long since faded into irrelevance in your mind, the music seeming to pump directly into your veins, the bass pounding along with the beat of your heart, your hips swaying, your hands touching your hair, your neck, absolutely enraptured by everything in that moment, lost in the sensations of absolute peace that only pounding music and heavy drinks could provide. You danced until your feet hurt, and the sweat began to bead up on your forehead, threatening to ruin the intricate swirls Elle had spent so long on, finally taking a break from your dancing and heading out for a breath of fresh air—in the smoking area.
You paid little attention to the patrons as you pushed open the heavy door into the cool night air, letting it flow over your face, enjoying the smoke-tainted breeze. The door shifted slightly behind you, someone taking the weight of it out of your hands, holding it open as they came into what was generously called a garden, though was more accurately a group of cheap metal chairs on fake grass, grouped around a single space heater. Most of the chairs were occupied by a group already deep in conversation, some of them known to you, huddled together, with two chairs left out. You were too happy to sink into the available chair, taking the weight off your feet, leaning back and stretching out your ankles, only somewhat regretting your decision to wear heels. The person who’d come along behind you sunk into the last available chair, and you finally looked over at them, wondering if they’d be good conversation.
Fate, it seemed, had a very funny sense of humour.
Ghost was sitting in the chair beside you. Ghost, terrifying Lieutenant, was in the smoking area of a gay bar. He was looking at you curiously, still wearing that trademark skull balaclava, inexplicably allowed to wear it no matter where he was, dressed in a slightly more casual version of his usual uniform, a thick black jumper paired with the classic cargo trousers that every soldier favoured. And there you were, in your skimpy sparkly dress, arse out, tits out, dignity left somewhere behind on the dancefloor. Your only saving grace was the hope that he might not recognise you, as crushing as that might have been.
The nod he gave you was friendly enough, as well as the “Alright?” he offered in your direction, and you did your best to squeak out an “Alright!” in response. Thankfully, he didn’t seem entirely bothered by your practically virginal awkwardness around him, his attention on the cigarettes in his pocket, digging out his lighter as he pulled up his mask, revealing a clean-shaven jaw as he clamped the cigarette between his lips. You were clearly not one for subtlety, as he offered the pack out to you, clearly noticing you staring.
Broke and gasping for a quick smoke was probably a better look for you than desperate, so you took one from the pack, trying to remember where you’d stashed your lighter, but Ghost was already leaning in with his, the tip of his cigarette touching against yours as he sparked them up, taking in a deep breath to encourage the embers to catch. You were absolutely spellbound to be so close to him, able to smell the slight hint of cologne that lingered around him, but you leaned away the moment he did, trying to look at least somewhat casual about it, as though smoking with your lieutenant was something you did every day. It was an undeniably insane scenario, yet when he settled back into his chair, entirely at ease, the tension seemed to dissipate from your body. He wasn’t judging you or staring at you with murderous intent, nor was he stained in blood with sweat trickling over his sculpted chest. He was just a man, sitting in a rusted chair, smoking cheap cigs out in the cold. It might have been the alcohol that caused this revelation, or perhaps the soothing effects of the nicotine, but you could feel the anxiety fade away as you looked at him, noticing just how ordinary he seemed.
“I’m not gonna grass you up for being drunk and disorderly if that’s what you’re worried about.” Ghost’s soft voice snapped you out of your revelation, the man clearly having cottoned on to your weird behaviour around him, yet he’d entirely misconstrued the true cause and given you a perfect excuse. You leapt on the opportunity, smiling, “Hey, I might be drunk, but I wouldn’t say I’ve crossed into disorderly just yet. I’m just worried what Elle will say if she catches me talking to a Manc.” He hummed at that, “What, she a scouser?” You nodded, “And proud of it.” He snorted, his lips curling into a slight smirk, “Why would anyone be proud of being from that shithole?” You gently kicked his leg with the toe of your heel, “Hey, nothing wrong with Liverpool!” “Scousers are what’s wrong with Liverpool. And the world.” You rolled your eyes at him, “Yeah, yeah, get over it. She’s perfect.”
There was something easy about his company, the conversation flowing like water as you idly gossiped about the various officers you’d seen out that night, some of whom were decidedly less than single, as well as occasionally dipping into the finer points of what military equipment you each favoured, with him favouring the classic goretex and you preferring the AKUs. Your cigarettes had long been stubbed out, and the psychological warming effects of the alcohol were beginning to fade, your skimpy dress doing very little to protect you from the chill.
After the third time you’d been wracked with shivers and the second time you’d refused his jumper, Ghost took matters into his own hands, tugging it over his head and offering it out to you. You opened your mouth to protest, but he cut you off, “If you don’t take it, I’ll give you a formal reprimand.” You pursed your lips, rolling your eyes at him, but you took the jumper from his hands, tugging the warm material over your head and letting it fall down over your body, shifting in the chair so it covered more of your exposed skin. The fabric swamped you, but you weren’t complaining, amused that the hem of his jumper was longer than your dress. You grinned at Ghost, holding your arms out to showcase how long the sleeves were on you, “How do I look?” Ghost had long since pulled his mask back down, but you could see the slight crinkle at the corner of his eyes as he smiled underneath it, “Warm.”
The heavy door opened again, revealing a very happy-looking Elle with a big lipstick smudge on her cheek and a somewhat tired-looking Katy. Elle pointed at Ghost, wrinkling her nose and booing loudly, “Manc!” Ghost looked at you, then back at Elle, folding his arms over his chest, showcasing the tattoo sleeve that wrapped around his forearm, “Scouser.” She responded with a childish stream of incoherent babble, and Katy sighed, “Come on, we’re off.” You weren't about to bicker with Katy, so you pushed yourself up from the chair, looking down at Ghost, “You’re not getting this back, you know.” He shrugged, “Fine by me.” You smiled down at him, “In a bit then.” He nodded as you left, his eyes flicking over your body, drowned by his jumper, “In a bit.”
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bugsbutch · 1 year
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whatever happens tonight, tedtrent nation... i loved our chats 🫡 and listen, we were not delusional, only hopeful for a story that would make perfect sense, be compelling and fit within the themes of the show, so let's not put ourselves down
that said... yes, this little thing i wrote is just pure self-indulgent romcommunism, not how i actually think/hope the show might end
transcript under the cut
We see journalists filing out after a press event. At the front of the room, standees advertising Trent Crimm’s new book: “The Lasso Way”.
TRENT CRIMM is decompressing playing with a fidget toy. An ASSISTANT from his publishing company enters.
God, I loathe being on this side of the press room.
I'm sorry, Mr. Crimm, but there's one more person who wants to ask you a question.
Absolutely not, I’m done talking to the press. I am not fielding yet another “Why did Ted Lasso leave for Kansas so suddenly?”
The Assistant sighs like someone who got roped into participating in some stranger’s corny joke.
He told me to tell you he's from Horse & Hound.
I don't-
Trent freezes as he recognises the reference to Notting Hill. He frowns. Surely not…?
He's waiting in the press room.
But Trent is already leaving the room in a hurry.
TED LASSO is sitting in the empty room in Trent's old spot, looking down at the book in his hands. We hear the door click. 
Ted looks up and smiles. His hand shoots up in the air. 
Oh! Mr. Crimm! Here!
Trent ducks his head with a smile, instantly disarmed, and plays along. He sits at the table.
Yes, the gentleman in the second row. I like your moustache.
Ted stands up.
(a little flustered)
Oh, thank you, sir. Ted Lasso, Horse & Hound. So do I have this right: shortly after meeting this clueless American, you upended your personal life, and later blew up your whole career for him as well, then proceeded to follow him for a year writing a book, after which he suddenly left with a sorry excuse of a goodbye. And that guy only realized what it all meant to you, and… and what you meant to him, after he read the dedication you wrote in this book that you sent to him.
Have you got a question in there, Ted?
(a little nervous, but smiling)
Can I take you out to dinner, Trent?
(matching Ted’s smile)
Yes you can, Ted.
A romantic song starts playing. They keep smiling at each other like they’re the only two people in the room (and they are, but that’s besides the point).
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castielli · 1 year
could you do bts (jungkook or taehyung), stray kids (hyunjin, bang chan, felix) (they're not on your list tho), or enhypen (jungwon) dating the most important western pop star in the world and how their whole relationship would play out? just any idea lol
Bang Chan x Male Singer Reader
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Copy-pasted this from my literal photo gallery (I took screenshots cause I wrote it in another tumblr thing??? Idk how to explain) so some parts might be wrong and some words might be missing. I will control it another day, now I need to finish posting all the requests I have done🫡
Bang Chan, leader of the K-pop group Stray Kids, never thought he would fall for someone like Y/N, the most important western pop star in the world. But from the moment they met at an award show, there was an undeniable spark between them.
"Hey, I'm Y/N" the singer had said, extending his hand with a smile.
"Bang Chan" he had replied, taking Y/N's hand in his
They had chatted for a few minutes before Bang Chan was called away for his performance. But he couldn't get Y/N out of his head. Thankfully they exchanged numbers before Y/N's performance.
The day after, Chan found himself scrolling through the singer's Instagram feed with his secret account, sometimes accidentally liking posts from months before. He didn't have the courage to text the other first.
Luckily Y/N was brave enough to start a conversation. They texted and called each other every night, spending countless hours talking to each other on the phone.
And then it happened, they started dating.
Bang Chan couldn't believe it. He was dating Y/N, the most important western pop star. They decided to keep it a secret tho, knowing well how the media would react knowing that a big western singer is dating an important kpop idol. Not only the media, but some toxic fans too.
But as their love grew stronger, they found it harder and harder to hide. They started sneaking around to see each other in secret, always checking to make sure no one was watching.
" hate this" Y/N said one day, as they cuddled on Bang Chan's couch. "I hate having to hide like this. I just want to be able to show the world how much I love you."
"I know" Chan replied, stroking Y/N's hair. "But we have to be careful. We can't risk getting caught and ruin everything."
Despite that conversation, some days later, Y/N posted a photo of himself and Bang Chan on Instagram, with the caption "🏳️‍🌈💕" The post went viral within minutes, and the news of their relationship spread like wildfire.
At first, the response was overwhelmingly positive. Fans from both sides were thrilled for them, and their social media accounts were flooded with messages of love and support. But as the news spread further, the backlash started to pour in. Homophobes targeted them with hateful comments, accusing them of promoting a "sinful" lifestyle. Some fans felt betrayed and turned against them, calling them attention-seekers and accusing them of using their relationship for publicity.
Both singers knew this was gonna happen, but didn't let those words get to them. Both their agencies forced them to deny the existence of their relationship, but they didn't. They knew they were risking their careers, but they didn't care.
Slowly but surely, the storm of controversy died down. Some fans returned, some didn't. And Bang Chan and Y/N continued to be each other's biggest supporters, cheering each other on through every performance and achievement.
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faithst · 1 year
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genre fluff
notes i don’t have a brother 🤞
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— zhang hao
the brother that keeps you in check 🫡
he’d ask ‘have you done your homework yet?’ and other things like chores so you don’t forget
isn’t too strict but won’t let you lay off until you finish everything you need to
he does this so that you can get stuff done quickly and survive in the real world 🤝
makes you learn a musical instrument to continue his legacy 😭
— sung hanbin
the very caring brother
there’s not a single day where he’d raise his voice at you or scold you 🫶
why? because that’s just not his nature
he’d always be patient with you
also always makes sure to check up on your well-being
your standards are very high bcuz of him 👍
— seok matthew
the best friend brother
he just seems like the type to love chatting w you
he’d share abt his day and you share abt yours
he’d know instantly if something’s bothering you
you’d tell him everything and vice versa, so he knows a bit too much abt you
def knows your deepest darkest secrets 🤫
— shen ricky
the secretive brother
as in, he doesn’t talk about himself or his day much
because he prefers to listen to others more so he listens to your problems alot
you don’t know much of his personal life but he knows alot abt yours
he’s not hiding anything, he just never thought to talk about personal stuff 😀
he’d be the type that if you hate someone, he’d hate them too
— park gunwook
the protective brother
protects you in every way possible
not physical fights tho cuz he doesn’t condone violence 💪
but he does condone it verbally (i’m kidding)
would secretly follow you on dates to make sure you’re safe 😭
it’s a bit privacy-invading but you know he just cares for you
— kim taerae
the cool/chill brother
the one who would bring you around with his friends so you won’t feel lonely
or drives you to places you wanna go
but you have to hear taylor swift blasting through the radio every time 😀
pays for your stuff most of the time
does karaoke w you to flex his great voice 😗
— kim gyuvin
the tattler brother
snitches on everything you do 🥲
he does this because he doesn’t want you doing anything illegal
babies you alot (have you seen him w yujin?!?)
would do anything for you 🫶
he would also keep a spare of everything incase you need it
— kim jiwoong
the parent brother (?)
could classify as your legal guardian
he does the most for you; picks you up from school, assists you with homework, gives you advice
the first to know when you’re having a bad day
if you’re feeling a bit sad, he sits there consoling you instead of asking questions
you trust him the most
— han yujin
your regular younger brother
sets you as his role model
teases you for things when in reality he’s jealous 👍
wants the same things you own
he would leave your door open after barging into your room 😭
would prefer to hang out w you than his friends imo
would love playing games with you
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© keiwook
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godfrey-the-chaos-duck · 10 months
Well, @violetganache42 has honoured me with the task of doing the Duckblr Movie Night (gay night) Highlights Post this week! Never done it before so I may fuck this up severely.
Main awesome things
The ROASTS. They were utterly magnificent. We did NOT HOLD BACK (especially when it came to Pete, who can just go and yeet himself to the sun)
Parallels being drawn from The Impossible Summit Of Mount Neverrest and The Last Crash Of The Sunchaser
All of us saluting GAY NIGHT 🫡🏳️‍🌈
Scrooge still hasn't learned that putting kids in danger is a Bad Thing
"Nobody cons my family but me!" ~ Louie Duck
Donald getting his ass kicked at hockey
Lots and LOTS of DuckTales reference jokes in the chat and honestly I loved every one of them
Me getting to tell people that Duckworth is an actual real life surname people have
Discussing Scranta and its many many merits
Goofy and Max being both sweet and very sad
And of course Jamie's art of everyone's favourite sharpie
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Anyone else has anything they wanna add PLEASE DO
This was so fun, I can't wait for next week!
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cindyneilly-arts · 1 year
✨Neilya Cinders✨
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Told ya I will make a ref! I was just very lazy!!!
Thanks you @amoexii for the service of a ref sheet, 🫡 I will now join in with the line of artists with mc ref sheets 🎉
Also who wants some more fun facts? Ya'll? Well *opens floodgates* HERE YA GO:
1. She was born on November 26✨ and a short lil feller going about 5'2 ft (157 cm) (It was the Filipino genes)
2. She got the ADHD goodness, doing late night zoomies and have the greatest urges to play with her wand at all times. I mean, why else would her weakness would deadlines amirite?/j
3. As said in the first fact, and a post before, she's a Filo-Brit! Her mama's a Filipino and her pop's a white guy from 1985/jjj (please take the reference of this joke PLEASE take the reference of this joke at that year pop's is like... 14 years old lmao)
Aside that she is also a half-blood. Her mom's the pureblood and dad's a muggleborn.
Mom's a researcher and taught Neilya a few spells before she went to Hogwarts (reason why she's a menace with Incendio) and Pop's is a magizoologist who made Neilya hyperfixate on magical creatures. And magical creatures are cool
Especially the dangerous ones like fire crabs and screwts and dragons and-
Tldr: Cool af parents.
4. She's bisexual and bigender. Although she'd pass as her assigned gender at birth most of the time (AFAB) he loves to spice it up and look masc (especially as he got older). And now she just basically ping-pongs between the two for euphoria and giggles.
Just yk, not giving two shits how she presents (ok a lil bit, but juuuust a lil bit.)
5. She can play the electric guitar and know a thing or two about self-defense/punching the shit outta people. Why would she ever need to learn the last one? Bc sometimes going physical on a person is ✨satisfying✨
6. Although he looks like she's the last person you should put in the kitchen, Neilya is a great cook! And she visits the Hogwarts Kitchen nightly or whenever she has time to chat with the elves and show them new (*ahem*Asian and other*ahem*) dishes to try.
7. So protective of her loved ones, she is. Her grandmother, Lola Eli, taught her the Alvarez family belief to be strong enough to protect their relatives/loved ones no matter what to any extent, and she helps Neilya be strong enough to do so. So sweet of her huh?
8. Last! ^^ Her nicknames are Nel, Nelsy, and Iya. Altho Iya is just for her mom and her side of the family cause it sounds like iha lol.
Ok done with the facts, see you guys around next time✨
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iwasmadetobeasoldier · 3 months
Mission Report - 1963, Soviet Russia, January 5th.
//This is another random fic I write at night. Yes, its slightly inconsistent with Bucky's mindwipes and brainwashing, (my guy 🫡), but I came with this from the line in CATWS "So, he's a ghost story.", I like the concept of Bucky being a ghost story among Russian soldiers, desert and get the Winter Soldier sent after you. Hope you enjoy//
I..I can hardly forget the day I had to kill another Winter Soldier.
It was late at night, I had been sent to the Russian-[Country] border, there had been an escape from the H.Y.D.R.A. Prison I was in. The one where they kept the rest of the Soldiers. I was sent to bring the escaped back.
It was snowing very hard, but not yet a blizzard. I had tracked the Soldier nearly to the edge of the border, clearly he had intent to escape. Couldn't blame him. I had no idea at the time how bad I wanted to escape, I wanted out of that living hell I went through day after day.
The moon was hidden behind the thick clouds, darkness surrounding me. He had to be around here somewhere, he evidently left too many signs to have been careful. Broken branches, thousands of footprints it seemed, even some blood from a fresh wound.
I continued marching, my uniform not exactly designed the keep warm. It was a harness, nothing more. A restraining strap, something my handlers would use to keep me under control.
The arm creaked in the cold, the snowflakes plinking off it like hail. A reminder of who I belonged to. 
I crested a ridge, the wind whipping around me. Through the snow I could spy a camp below the ridge, it looked like a border watch. The Soldier would most likely try to hid among the others. I checked my weapon and made my way down the ridge, the snow lessening as I was protected by the wall of rock.
I could hear the border guards chatting in Russian. Something about a ghost? One specific soldier who supposedly died in the previous war, but he was still out killing. If you deserted, you were caught by the Winter Soldier.
I didn't know who they were talking about, I didn't care at the time, I didn't know what the think.
I walked straight into their midst, my eyes searching each of their terrified faces, the other Soldier wasn't here. One tried to say something but a bullet silenced him. No witnesses. That was the order. No one was to know about H.Y.D.R.A. Not even Russia's own people.
The last guard was on the ground below me, his weapon pointed at me. I knew he wouldn't shoot, even if he did, he wouldn't be fast enough. 
A bullet flew through the air, the sound of titanium ringing. Another shot. 
The guard was dead at my feet, so were the rest of them. The other Soldier wasn't here, otherwise he would have come out. Unless he was using the guards as a diversion....
I pivoted, my hyper-sensitive ears picking up the panicked crunch of snow as the Soldier ran from the camp.
I raised my weapon, cocking it and carefully aiming. It was rather an easy shot. He was foolishly running in a straight line.
Before I pulled the trigger, I heard two words in my earpiece.
"Hail Hydra."
I don't remember much after that. That night never seemed to end. I was put back under ice and....well, thawed again when they needed me. For years it was the same thing. 
I have to write this down. I'm trying to make amends, really I am. Maybe I should try and find those guards' families...see...see if something can be done.
Okay, yeah. See you later, I guess.
James Barnes 
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bts-trans · 2 years
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230313 J-Hope's Instagram Stories
드라이브는 잘 보셨나요? :) 저도 사실 스케줄 끝나자마자 돌아와서 여러분들과 함께 보고 있었습니다 ㅎ 보면서도 그때의 긴장감이 고스란히 느껴지긴 하더라구요. 현장 분위기가 워낙 좋았던 터라 최선을 다해서 했지만서도 역시나 보면서 j-hope (체스스로에게 아쉬움을 또 던져 봅니다 부족한 저를 멋지게 담아주신 @theseasons2023 제작진분들과 역시나 멋지게 이끌어주신 @moresojuplease 형, 너무 감사드리고 재밋게 시청해주신 우리 아미, 대중분들도 너무 감사드려요 조만간 소소한 마무리 담소하러 위버스 라이브로 찾아뵙겠습니다 (https://instagram.com/stories/uarmyhope/3057289689433408105)
Did you all enjoy watching Drive? 🙂 I actually came back right after my schedule ended so I was watching together with you hehe Watching it, I could really feel the the nervousness that I felt back then coming from me.. The energy on set there was just so good, I really did my best but watching now, of course, I tell myself that I could have done better
Thank you so much to the @/theseasons2023 team, who made my flawed self look so cool and to @/moresojuplease hyung who, as expected, so coolly carried it all through.
Thank you as well to our ARMYs and the larger public for watching.
I'll see you soon on Weverse Live for a little chat to wrap things up🫡
💗💗 (https://instagram.com/stories/uarmyhope/3057292290866730551)
See 130313 translation of Big Hit's Tweet here.
Trans cr; Aditi, Ali @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 7 months
(Author) Aghhh the way I fell head over heels for your page and your writing at such a bad time 😩 ( I have exams:,) but I just wanted to let you know how amazing and well written your work is from start to end. Thank you so much and please keep doing what you do.
Idk how this works but I wanted to ask mr Jeon a question.
Hi, I wanted to find out what do you do if you bump into any of your old students after you were done tutoring them and if you would do the same thing you do to those students with oc. Hope you have a lovely day.
Awww I'm sorry I'm a bit of a distraction now but I'm glad you're here! Be sure to take time to study tho okay! We don't want namjoon shaving anyone's eyebrows off haha. But good luck on your exams! I know you'll do great!
Thank you love that really means so much to me 🥺 I'm so so happy you're enjoying my fics and I hope you'll enjoy what I have in store in the future hehe
I really enjoy writing so I'll do my best to stay consistent 🫡 (although I have started to fall in love with reading again so that's taken up some of my time that's for sure but I'm hoping it'll make me a better writer in the long run 🙏🏼)
(Have any of you guy's read A Court of Thorns and Roses? 👀)
Haha no worries girly you're doing just fine. I know which story you're talking about but maybe try to include the acronym of the full name of the story to make it a bit more clear hehe other than that you did great!
This is to The Art of Etiquette (taoe) Jungkook so let's see what he has to say...
Why hello love,
It's been a while since someone's sought me out so I'm surprised and delighted you dropped by.
I've never taken an interest in my students beyond what I was hired to do so I've always kept things strictly professional with them. However some of my students felt differently and definitely tried to pursue me but it was something I had no interest in.
She really is the only one that's caught my eye, and one of those reasons is that she was so different. She wasn't throwing herself at me. She wasn't acting like a spoiled brat (stubborn yes but not spoiled). And she was still putting effort into her lessons.
She kind of surprised me and so that got me paying closer attention to her and what her adorable reactions are to the smallest things I would do to her. Which turned into a fascination and now...well now theres something more to this but I haven't really figured it out yet.
I'm sorry love I got sidetracked but in terms of bumping into another student we keep things short but pleasant while I pretend to care about their lives and achievements as if they weren't the bane of my existence while I was their tutor.
There are a select few that I would be proud to call my students but I don't see them often.
Thanks for the question love,
Feel free to stop by again if you'd fancy another chat, I did rather enjoy this one.
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