#well i hope if you asked you end up seeing this lollll
fangirl-dot-com · 7 months
Chapter 8 - May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor
Guys, Max was never going to be her dad (that’s gonna be reserved for Christian lol). Everyone on the grid will be a brother figure, unless stated otherwise – like Fernando is leaning towards the wise grandpa rule and Lewis will be the cool dad (I have a funny story line to go with this idea). All that to say, Max and Kelly will look after her when she needs it most. I also switched the titles. On with the show, and don’t forget to comment if you want to be added to the tag list and or if it’s somehow not tagging you! Much love <3  
Well, to Max’s dismay and according to google, you cannot adopt your 20 year old teammate that he had met hours earlier.. He had called Kelly early Thursday morning to whine. The more sensible part of his brain also knew that Christian wouldn’t let that happen either. And Kelly had to quickly remind him that he could still watch out for her. 
Max seemed to finally agree at the thought of being one of the protective adults in her life. He knew that you had your manager, who you seemed to trust. But, that didn’t help much when you spoke of how lonely you were. He was going to make it his mission to get you to move to Monaco, where he could keep an eye on you. 
“Maybe Christian could adopt her,” he muttered, staring angrily at his coffee. What that cup did to offend him, he didn’t know. But what he did know, was that he’d see you again later that night. Another festival for him to attend to. He only wished that Formula 1 went back to racing, and not putting on shows that had a strict attendance policy. 
At least you would be there. There was a change in the schedule so that you could be with him, Checo, Daniel, and Yuki on whatever thing they were being put on for the night. The buzzing of his phone ended his staring contest with his cup. 
It was a text from you. 
Little Racer : 
max, i need your help 
what are you wearing tonight??? 
i have an idea, and I think it’s stupid but i want to do it 
Big Racer : 
If it’s you, I don’t think it’ll be stupid. 
Probably what I always wear. Jeans and whatever Red Bull top they give me. 
Little Racer : 
that’s so grandpa core of you maxie 
and what is this all proper grammar for texting lollll 
you are not beating the allegations you millennial 
Max’s brows furrowed. He was not a grandpa or a millennial. He just liked to use the normal setting on his phone with proper capitalization and end marks. He would just have to ask Charles or Lando to see if they agreed with you. They wouldn’t though…would they? Your next message had him actually dying. 
Little Racer : 
do you think that Christian will be mad if i come dressed like elvis?
he said i could but i don’t know… 
Big Racer : 
You wouldn’t dare. 
Little Racer : 
oh boy ladies and gents, he doesn’t know 
*looks into the camera like an episode on the office* 
Big Racer : 
Did you seriously type all of that? 
Don’t answer. 
20 bucks says you won’t. 
The three little dots danced on his screen as he waited for you to respond. 
Little Racer : 
just you wait maxie, just you wait 
You didn’t text him anything after that. Max could only call Christian to understand what just happened. He picked up after three rings. 
“Hello, Max.” 
“Hi Christian. First off, happy birthday.” 
“Thank you son. But I know you didn’t just call me to wish me a happy birthday. You could have told me that later tonight.” In the background, it sounded like a coffee machine was running. Max hoped he didn’t wake him up. 
“Well, Y/n just texted me about wearing, uh.” Max didn’t want to say it out loud, because now it sounded stupid. 
“An Elvis costume? Max, the kid called me last night to ask. Said she didn’t want to ruin an image for us if she showed up like that. But I told her that it would be fantastic idea. Poor kid sounded scared.” 
Max let out a low hum. He didn’t like the sound of that. You were in no position to worry about such a thing. If anyone was to ruin Red Bull’s image, it would be him. He had no filter and Christian often had to tell him to reign in his thoughts. 
Max spoke, “I think I’m going to see about her moving to Monaco. She mentioned she has a flat in Nice, but that’s far away from Milton Keynes, and not close enough to anyone. Christian, she has no one.” 
It took a while for Christian to reply. Max could just imagine the older man running his hand along his forehead. It was hard to think of someone so young to be so alone. 
“Yeah, I think that would be best for her. I’ll make sure she can afford it. Hell, it could even be a property that we buy just for her to stay in when we have breaks.” 
Max listened and nodded his head along. Now it would only be to convince you to move. But suddenly, he remembered his previous conversation with you. He smacked his hand on his head. 
“Is everything alright Max?” the Brit on the phone questioned. 
“I just lost 20 bucks.” 
You however, had no idea that this conversation was happening. All you knew was that you had the go ahead from Christian to wear your beloved Elvis costume. Would you make a fool of yourself? Maybe. 
But who cares. It’s Vegas. To your chagrin, Vito had told you that there would be no walk out, but there would be dramatic paddock entrances. He still promised that you would get your song. That’s all that mattered to you. 
While you waited for the night to begin, you roamed the hotel. Because you were bored, you actually did a lot. 
You started off with breakfast. You were sad that they didn’t have the machines that made Texas-shaped waffles, because that was only in Texas, but the pancakes would do. And because you’re trainer would kill you for not eating well, you took it upon yourself to have a yogurt with some fruit as a side. 
After letting the food settle, you went to the gym for that daily grind. It had been a while since you had been able to work out, but you needed to get back on track. You would be racing tomorrow and you needed to be at your best. You lifted some weights first, starting with the smaller ones as warm ups before you got to the bigger ones. The stretch bands were very useful as you squatted the weights. 
After you were done, you hopped on the treadmill. By using the lower speeds, you were able to practice your runway walk, as if you would ever be a model. But the speeds increased and you found yourself in a full sprint by the end of the run. Five miles wasn’t bad, and you knew you could have gone farther, but you wanted to take a quick dip in the pool before getting ready. 
The water was a nice cool down for your overheated skin. Running was not your first choice of exercise. You’d rather run out of money, than run in real life. It didn’t make sense, but it did. The chlorine in the water was making your hair gross, so you decided to get out so that you could take a shower. 
Like the kid you were, you had your outfit laid out the night before, as if you were going on a fieldtrip. 
You allowed to take your time in the shower. It wasn’t every day that you made your F1 debut. That had your bones chilled. Your Formula 1 debut. You. Putting your head under the stream, you rinsed out the hair mask that you put on. There would be no nervousness. You were born for this. 
The thought of Max’s texts earlier made you giggle. You were glad that he was so welcoming. You would be much more nervous if you had met the infamous Mad Max. But this was more cat-dad Max. Kind Max. 
You only hope that you won’t screw things up. 
You turned on your playlist as you started to actually get ready. You ordered room service so that you didn’t have to go somewhere to eat. The food was amazing, well, as amazing as hotel food could get. You curled your hair as the remnants of your skin care routine dried. You mumbled the words to a song as you stuck a French fry in your mouth.
Once your moisturizer and various oils and toners dried, you started on your more pronounced makeup look. You knew you were going to be photographed throughout the night, and you needed to look good. Looking at the window, you noticed that the sun was setting. That meant that it was time for you to get dressed, and Vito would be there to pick you up shortly. 
Your outfit consisted of a sparkly white crop top and some white pants. A red scarf topped the outfit off. 
You would be arriving right behind Max and in front of Checo. You were excited to see the two men again. Moreso, you were excited to earn 20 bucks. With sunglasses on your nose, you were ready to hit the Sin City. 
Vito could hardly contain his laughter when you got in the car. 
You raised an eyebrow, “What?” 
He shook his head as to somehow rid himself of his laughter. “Nothing kid.” 
“Well Christian said I could wear it. I’ll blend right in. And besides, I’m almost immediately changing into my race suit.” 
He nodded his head at your reasoning. You had pulled off crazier things before, so he didn’t know why he was surprised. Maybe it was because he thought that you might not want to in F1. But, on the inside he was happy that you weren’t losing your child-like nature. He never wanted to see that seeming innocence to leave. He knew that you weren’t totally innocent, but he never wanted to see you hurt to an extent that you quit being happy. That was his favorite thing about you. You seemed to care about what others thought of you, but you knew how to make yourself happy. And if wearing an Elvis costume to the paddock would make you happy, then he would protect your decision. 
You could see the flashing lights even before you got out of the car. American paparazzi were on another level. You knew that Red Bull were one of the last ones to show up, and that freaked you out. Almost every single driver was already on the other side of gate. Your nerves settled when you saw Max get out, and you wanted to follow him. But, you realized that this was what you were waiting for. 
The familiar sounds of 33 Max Verstappen (the original one) could be heard through the car doors. Max’s face morphed into one of almost disgust. You let out a giant laugh and rolled down your window before you knew what you were doing. 
“Max, I love the music. Very Mad Max-esque.” 
He quickly flipped you a loving middle finger as he scanned his card to be let into the paddock. Multiple Elvis impersonators gathered around him for a picture. You hadn’t noticed, however, that the moment you rolled your window down, all of the cameras and photographers were now pointed at you. 
You buzzed with energy when you heard Life is a Highway start to fill the air. 
On the other side of the paddock, Max had stopped to talk to Lando, Oscar, Carlos, and Charles. He also was waiting for you so that you could walk with him to the Red Bull hospitality. He glanced over to see if you were out of the car at least. 
“Nice entrance mate,” Lando clapped him on the shoulder. He rolled his eyes. He’s sure that you roped Christian in to play the song. 
“Well what did they play for you?” 
Lando deflated and muttered, “Let’s go Lando.” Carlos and Charles, along with Max, laughed at his demise. 
Charles suddenly looked over Max’s shoulder. At that moment, Carlos spoke up. 
“I didn’t know Checo was a Cars fan.” The drums and guitar seemed to be turned up to the highest setting. What. An. Entrance. 
Max had a glimmer in his eyes, “He’s not.” 
And suddenly, there you were. In your Elvis costume. And you were loving it. You waved at all the people around you, quickly becoming a crowd favorite. 
From his right, Charles hums and Lando’s jaw is dropped. 
“That’s the new rookie, correct?” Suddenly, George was with them, along with Alex. 
Max only chuckled. “Yep.” He popped the “p.” 
Charles spoke up, “She’s nice. I met her at Arthur’s birthday party, but didn’t speak to her much.” 
“You all will love her. Trust me,” Max said, eyes widened as you got crowded with the other Elvises. You smile could outshine a thousand suns. 
Your eyes quickly met his and you gave him a giant wave. He beckoned you to come over. You flashed a nervous look before it melted away, replaced with bravery. If there was a time to meet some of the grid, you really hadn’t wanted to be dressed as Elvis. 
Your steps were quick and you made it over in no time. Now, most drivers are tall, but look short next to George, being the giraffe that he is. However, you were another thing. 
You’d definitely be taller than Yuki by a couple of inches. But you stood closer to five-foot-six (167.64 cm.), almost 5 inches shorter than Max, and four inches shorter than the rest. 
You gave a shy wave as you spoke, “Hi, I’m Y/n. It’s nice to meet you.” You suddenly remembered something. You turned to Max and held out your hand. 
The boys’ eyes widened as Max fished out his wallet and placed a bill in your outstretched hand. 
“Pleasure doing business with you sir.” You mocked a salute. 
Lando tsk-ed, “What did our Max loose a bet on?” 
“He said I wouldn’t come dressed like this. Little did he know, I’ve had this in my closet for years.” Lando couldn’t help but laugh at your revelation, and neither could Carlos and Charles. 
“Yeah, kid, you should have told me that Christian already gave you the go ahead.” 
“And where’s the fun in that?” You had a shit-eating smirk on your face. Lando was the first one to speak up. 
“How old are you? Max over here keeps calling you kid.” 
“I’m twenty.” 
It was an amazing recreation of that one tik-tok trend. I’m twenty, insert looks of disgust, uhg. Your heart dropped at their reactions. 
It was Carlos who surprised you. He quickly patted your head, “Aw, just a baby.” 
You looked at him in awestruck. You leaned over to Max and all but whispered, “Max?” 
“Yes kid?” he said in full voice. 
“He’s older than you right?” 
“Can I do the thing?” Max looked Carlos up and down before smiling. 
“Go right ahead.” The smile that you had was wiped off your face. You squared your shoulders and held out your hand. Carlos took it with a confused look. You gave him a firm handshake. 
“Thank you Mr. Sainz.” You swear he did a full body cringe. He was about to say something, but Christian had waved the two of you over, yelling something about time to get ready. 
You flashed a smile at the small group, “It was nice meeting you!” You all but bounced away as Max calmly walked by your side. 
“Did she just?” Lando looked to Carlos, who was frozen in his spot. He looked like someone had just told him that his car had blown up on the way here. 
He looked at his hands. “Mr.,” he gulped, “Sainz?” 
Oscar finally piped up. “Well, you are old.” Carlos looked close to a breakdown. 
Charles put a hand on his shoulder as he watched you and Max walk on the ramp. Max’s face was now stone-cold, yet yours still radiated so much warmth. “Come on mate. We got to go.” 
As they walked away, Carlos questioned, “I’m not old, am I?’ Charles could not, would not, should not, give him an answer. 
Lando and Oscar just looked at each other and then back at the disappearing duos. Laughter filled the air as they also began to walk to their respective hospitalities.
As you and Max got closer to the garage, you got a little quieter. 
“I don’t think they liked me very much. I knew the costume would be a bad idea.” The look of dejection was all over your face. Max looked over at you and huffed. 
“Kid, they just don’t know you yet. They’re also stressed about this race. No driver liked to drive on a track that was built in a month.” 
“You’re right.” 
“Kid, I’m always right.” You hit his shoulder. 
Christian was quick to get you, Checo, and Max all together for a couple of pictures. Since it was Christian’s birthday, there was cake and everything for a small celebration. After, the three of you were told to get into the racing suits for the opening celebration. 
You were with Mitch while you did so. 
“You’re telling me. That Kurt Cobain is going to perform. And I’m going to miss it! With John Legend!” Your eyes were wide as you zipped the suit up. 
“For the last time kid, you can meet them after.” You pouted as you tied your shoes. 
“Fine. But let me say, this is very Hunger Games of them. So Americanesque.” Mitch just let you talk. 
After you were ready, minus the helmet and all that, Mitch led you to the glass box. You turned to look at her. 
“Promise me that you’re not going to be dragged away to your death. This is so Katniss Everdeen coded and I cannot lose you like she lost Cinna.” Mitch was going to tell you off for worrying too much, but she could see through your eyes that you were trying to actually tell her that you were scared of the whole thing. No wonder you were rambling, you were just nervous. 
Mitch brought you into a hug and squeezed. You practically melted as you squeezed her back. Over your shoulder, Max was looking at the whole ordeal. He’ll give you a hug right before they went up. He knew how scary this world was. 
Mitch was given the signal that everything was about to start. You climbed into the box and some official closed the door. 
Mitch looked up at you, “May the odds be ever in your favor.” Your jaw dropped in appall as you were slowly being lifted. So she did know the movie! 
Max put a comforting hand on your shoulder as your face was suddenly hit with a breeze. All around you, people were cheering and lights were flashing. You suddenly wished you had brought your sunglasses with you. 
Max scoffed as he raised his hand to wave. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“This isn’t racing. We’re standing here, being observed, like a bunch of clowns.” 
“At least this won’t last long. We’ll be in the car soon Max.” You were right. If it meant anything, he would be back in the car soon, in his element. 
A beep let you three know that the machine would be going down in the next few moments. When the machine jolted down, you quickly stood up straight, hand behind your back, and put three fingers to your mouth. Your lips kissed your fingertips before you held the three fingers up. 
It was still loud as you did it, but the crowd died down as they watched you and mirrored your display. You watched in awe at the raised hands. 
The three of you lost sight of the crowds as the box was now back where it started. Max looked at you in bewilderment. 
“What was that?” 
You let out a large gasp. “You’ve never seen the Hunger Games?” You must have been loud because someone else gasped as well. Looking over, you were met with the sight of blond hair and striking blue eyes. 
“Max, you’ve never seen the Hunger Games?” Logan stomped over. 
“Dude I know. So not girl boss of him.” Max looked at the two of you in confusion. Girl? Boss? 
You and Logan were quickly swept into a conversation about American tendencies while Max just stood in between the both of you, looking like he’s in the middle of a midlife crisis. You and Logan were only pulled away when you needed to get into the car for free practice. 
As you left, you turned around and faced Logan, giving him a look of faux sympathy. “May the odds be ever in your favor.” 
“At least you didn’t volunteer,” Logan laughed as he turned away. 
 Max was still in the middle of his midlife crisis when Christian came to tell everyone that it was time to head to the garage. 
You felt your heart rate picking up as you got closer to the garage. You took a deep breath and exhaled. 
It was show time. 
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Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @leilanixx @angsthology @digitalizeduniqueness @topguncultleader @landosgirlxoxo @gods-menace @itsjustkhaos @thefandomswhre @alwaysboredsworld @vellicora @bintuabbas @sam-is-lost @empress-kimiko @assholeinatrenchcoat @kagatinkita @glitterquadricorn @zyonsay @tsukishimawhore @treehouse-mouse @ashy-kit @agent-curt-mega @julesbabey @lydialawrence @stopeatread @claudia5912 @nichmeddar @blueberry64857959
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paperweight91 · 5 months
Which other CE babe is most likely to make boss and boyfriend!Lloyd jealous and territorial? Maybe you’re on the periphery of a business meeting between the two of them, and Babe (unaware you’re Lloyd’s) keeps shooting you slow onceovers and thanking you and giving you warm smiles, and Lloyd is TWO SECONDS AWAY from shooting him in the face lollll.
So I had several thoughts on this….i hope you like my answer 😈
The Green Eyed Monster
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x reader
W/C: 970
Warnings: jealous!Lloyd, sneaky!reader
A/N: at this point anything under 1k words is a Drabble, if only because I say so. Comments, feedback and reblogs are much appreciated!
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You had been Lloyds personal assistant for years. This job was your calling. You had always taken such great pride in how well you looked after him. It had been a recent party that had changed everything in your relationship with him.
Lloyd had forgotten his favourite watch at home. Which you of course had to traipse all over to get for him. It wasn’t the end of the world, but annoying when you were supposed to be off the clock.
You knew this was a black tie event, so had made sure to put on your best outfit and do your make up. Even if you were only going to be in and out, you couldn’t let your appearance make Lloyd look bad.
When you arrived at the venue you quickly clocked Lloyd and discreetly made your presence known. He waved you over to the conversation he was having with one of the local politicians, you didn’t know who. As you approached, a broad grin had spread across Lloyd’s face, “Honeybee! You made it!”
You quickly hid your surprise, as you noticed the perfectly matching watch on his wrist. It had been a ploy. You had raised an eyebrow at him as he tucked you into his side, and he only smirked and nuzzled your head in response.
Not much had changed it your working relationship. You were both professional. However, your home life had gotten infinitely better since that night.
The two of you had become inseparable in your off hours. You had a surprising amount in common, and the sex was to die for. It had taken you a few months to realize how long Lloyd had actually had feelings for you before the party, and the longer the two of you were together the more in love you fell with him.
You were sitting at your desk when a shadow clouded your vision. Looking up you saw a tall, broad man with beautiful blue eyes. He had dark hair shaved close to his head, and a beard lining his cheeks. He gave you a soft smile and introduced himself.
“Heya Darlin’ I’m here to see Lloyd. Curtis Everett. The girls downstairs told me you could help me with that?”
His eyes glittered as they took you in from head to toe, and you found yourself getting warm under his watchful gaze. You stood and offered your name, before directing him to the conference room you had set up for their meeting.
“Do you want any coffee, tea or water for your meeting Mr. Everett?” You flattened your palms against your skirt to clean off some of the sweat you know had already accumulated there.
“Coffee would be lovely, do you need a hand?” He gave you another smile that left you feeling bubbly.
You giggled, just as Lloyd entered, “No Mr. Everett, thank you for the offer. Mr. Hansen, your regular coffee for the meeting?”
As your eyes flicked to Lloyd, you saw his jaw tick and the vein pop in his throat. That always meant trouble. The fact he only nodded and didn’t verbally answer was all the confirmation you needed that he was pissed. 
You busied yourself getting Lloyd’s coffee ready just the way he liked it. When you got to Curtis’ mug you stopped short, you had forgotten to ask him how he takes his coffee. You shook your head and grabbed a tray to load the two mugs and creamer and sugar onto and made your way back to the conference room. 
Lloyd didn’t acknowledge you as you placed his mug in front of him. Staring straight at Curtis, while Curtis’ eyes never left your figure. You could feel him undressing you, although his expression was soft. 
“I’m sorry Mr. Everett, I forgot to ask how you take your coffee.” You placed his mug in front of him and offered the tray with sugar and creamer. 
“It’s alright darlin’ I normally take it with a bit of sugar, maybe you could just dip your finger in and sweeten it up a bit.” He winked as he looked up at you from behind his lashes.
Before you could respond a loud crack from the other side of the table had both of you looking over at Lloyd. His face was unreadable, but in his fist was the pen he had been playing with when you entered the conference room, snapped in half. 
You stood stock still, torn between your need to comfort and reassure him, and your professionalism. Lloyd’s eyes finally left Curtis, and looked at you. He took in the emotions warring across your face. You saw his lips twist into a frown, before he stood and circled around the table. He gathered you against his chest, and murmured an apology into your hair. 
You nodded and looked up at him, placing a small peck on the corner of his mouth. You smoothed your hands along his shoulders before stepping back and nodding. You turned to Curtis and gave him a warm smile.
“It was lovely to meet you Mr. Everett, have a great meeting. Mr. Hansen can call if you need a refill.” With that you took your leave from the conference room.
As you shut the door behind you, you heard the deep rumble of Lloyd’s voice, “You ever try any shit like that again Everett, I’ll cut your balls off and shove em down your throat. We clear?”
You smiled softly to yourself as your phone buzzed in your pocket. Thanks, he’s going to murder me. You better get great jealous sex, cause I’m not doing this again. - C. You laughed at your best friend's text, and went about reorganizing Lloyd’s calendar for the rest of the day.
You were banking on great jealousy sex in Lloyd’s office later.
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murdleandmarot · 9 days
8,10,20, 30,33,34,35
idk how links work in ask I hope it works
Hi hello!!! The link worked dw lollll
8. I want to work at the house on the rock, or at least in the area surrounding it. I visited once and fell completely in love with the area. Also, it’s one of the more realistic job aspirations, as I can’t see myself doing anything rly significant with my life lol.
Anyhow, I’d love to take literally any house at the house on the rock, i adore it SO so much
10. Augh I don’t have that many interesting facts about me….
One of my pupils is larger than the other? One of my friends noticed it when I had my first ocular migraine, and when we went and looked at old pictures of me, it was right there in the pictures, and we’d just never noticed. Super crazy. The left side of my body continues its trend of being fucked up lol.
20. OO OKAY SO I learned a lot about this today because I was on a video essay kick which finishing a puzzle, but the Datura flower, (Datura Stramonium L), is a SUPER powerful hallucinogenic drug that induces crazy hallucinations and can permanently alter the brains of the people who take them. I know almost nothing about hallucinogenic drugs, (or most drugs lol) but the fact that Datura is super interesting to me.
I first heard about it in the Mabel Podcast, (that I can’t recommend enough, it’s so good), but Datura is fascinating to me. Never gonna touch it though. No thank you.
I chose Datura because I could talk about MK Ultra for literally years and I’d be here all day, I have too many useless facts about that event memorized.
More under the cut, Ty for sending so many :))
30. Dunking my head under a sink. Instant nausea relief and stopper of hysteria. Something about the water on the back of my head is very awakening.
Either that or taking a shower in the dark, but that’s mostly a winter depression thing lolll
33. Other people in the kitchen when I’m trying to bake. Get out of my wayyyyyyy
34. The ending of the Addressing of Cats, everything Haley Heynderickx has ever written ever, In Case I Make It by Will Wood, Love in the Time of Socialism, Savannah Brown, and the end of Encanto. Yes I’m outing myself as a fan of that movie in the year of 2024. It’s so personal and emotional to me. It swells emotionally and musically so so well.
35. I want people to know that I am being genuine, and I want to be kind. A bit basic, but I want people to know that if they’re kind to others and me, I will be kind to you.
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gar-trek · 2 years
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Look I actually did it, the most random assortment of characters the world has ever seen. I thought everyone would ask me to do star trek characters, and like technically this is half star trek characters they are just so niche you can barely tell.
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
its me againnnn hehehe i wanted to ask for a fun hc list of how mammon and belphie would compete for their mc’s love?
(OH and be on the look out, les just say ik where my next paycheck is going to~ ;) i want a sweet continuation of that painfully good fanfic i req last time but i wont without commissioning u properly lollll)
How Mammon and Belphie Would Compete For GN!MC's Love (Headcanons)
FIRST OF ALL! Hey you! I hope you’re doing well!
SECOND OF ALL! I would love to do a continuation of the fanfic! OH MY GOD I WILL CRY! <3
He is not a quitter, and he most definitely will not give up if he knows that someone else, especially if one of his brothers are going after what is rightfully (in his mind) his.
He will pull out all the stops, making sure that he is the center of your attention at all times. You can’t think of Belphie if you’re sitting right in front of him… at least you shouldn’t be able to… It would be pretty rude if you were thinking of someone else when he so generously invited you into his room.
He’ll give you little things, things that’ll make you think of him mainly. He’ll give you his shirt and say that you should wear it because it looks good on you, and it does, but also because it’s his and it’ll show Belphie that you’re his. He’ll let you wear his jacket, even if it’s like 100 degrees… He just assumes that if you’re wearing his things, everyone else will assume that you’re his.
He is majorly competitive, and he will not stop until you love him or tell him that you don’t want him. He doesn’t see why you wouldn’t want him though… He is The Great Mammon and all, so… you’ll actually be winning if you choose him and who doesn’t love to win?
He’ll take you on dates… that don’t cost money, but they’re still romantic. He just doesn’t have any money at the moment… Please don’t judge him.
He’ll try to keep you far away from the house, as far away from Belphie and all thoughts of Belphie, during the dates. Romantic picnics in the park that’s all the way across the Devildom. Random drives late at night so Belphie can’t invite you to sleep in his room with him where you get to pick all the songs and he can watch your eyes light up with all the street lights and lit up store signs.
He’s really doing his best, and he just wants you to love him. It may seem like he’s trying too hard, but when it’s taken into consideration that he doesn’t try this hard on anything else, it should go to show just how important you are to him.
He’s not exactly a quitter, but he definitely isn’t as competitive as Mammon is when it comes to this. Don’t get me wrong, he wants you to choose him, he knows that he’s better than Mammon, but he’s not going to get all sulky not around you or his brothers anyway about it.
From the attic he can hear most things that are going on on the floors below him. The vents lead right up there, so he can hear exactly when you’re with Mammon too. He wouldn’t call it petty that everytime you’re with his brother he just so happens to text you that he needs help finding something up in the attic. It’s just a coincidence that it happens that way.
After you get up to the attic and help him find what he quickly hid in the most inconspicuous place what he’s looking for, he’ll ask you to lay with him for a little bit to help him fall asleep. Those moments usually turn into him talking to you about random things that’ll keep your mind occupied, things that’ll keep you busy, and things that’ll make you forget about Mammon for the moment. It’s a bonus if you actually end up napping next to him though.
He doesn’t actually like leaving the house, so he won’t do that, not unless he really has to. He’ll set up movie dates up in the attic with beanbag chairs and a projector screen made out of a bed sheet that he’s lazily hung to the wall. He’ll have Beel bring up snacks and stuff to make it seem like you’re really at the movies… but in the comfort of his attic.
Of course he’ll let you pick the movie, although he really hopes you pick a scary movie so that you’ll maaaybeee cuddle up next to him and hide in his shoulder… maybe… You can if you want to.
He’ll also do dream dates… which are way more fun than anything Mammon can do and anywhere Mammon can take you. Dream dates let you go wherever you want with him, whether it’s the beach, or an amusement park, or a pretty garden that your mind just made up, he’ll take you there.
He’s trying really hard without actually showing that he’s trying really hard. He doesn’t want to come off as desperate as Mammon is, but he really really really does want you to choose him and love him because he loves you so so so much.
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
PINKY STAR (RUN) :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆
SYNOPSIS: isagi as your boyfriend
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: isagi yoichi my boyfriend of many several years
WARNINGS: swearing? i think idk i forget also yah pretend they all go to the same school and stuff. also horribly self indulgent if u couldn't already tell
A/N: if you remember my old one delete it from your memory it was literally so bad help anyways the re-up because my boyfriend deserves better. also i really like this one and i feel like it’s more in character for him :P lol i've had this in my drafts for like, ever <3 but also my last post for a while because i have ap exams and my sat soon :P
FOR: the anon that asked me where my original isagi bf hcs went :’)
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after the initial awkwardness of being in a new relationship fades and you two become comfortable with each other, a relationship with isagi would be like dating your slightly awkward best friend who you make out with sometimes.
like, i don’t really see isagi being high maintenance, so i feel like a relationship with him would definitely be on the relaxed side, but still romantic, you know?
isagi’s inner monologue is so funny and he definitely lets his thoughts out to you. it makes you laugh to see your usually friendly-to-all boyfriend have his moments, too.
you guys are one of those couples that give each other a look when someone’s doing something weird in public #telepathicconnection <3
but, isagi’s really such a sweetie with you. i know user isagisyoichi may be slightly biased when they say this, but believe me when i say that isagi’s 100% boyfriend material.
walks you to class whenever he can. always either holding your hand as he listens attentively to you complaining about school.
writes down things he feels are important about you in a digital note entitled “y/n 💗,” so he can remember them in the future.
isagi's used to talking to all kinds of people, so even if you're not the most talkative, he can adjust with no problem.
and he’ll always entertain you about whatever stupid conversation you wanna have.
kinda basic with pet names. babe, baby, dork (he would, i don’t wanna hear it), are his usual rotation.
randomly compliments you/says these really romantic things out of nowhere because he can’t control himself and often blurts things out.
“yeah, of course, when we get married, i’ll-”
“when we get married?” you inquire as you cut isagi off. you two have never discussed marriage, just but the thought of isagi wanting to spend the rest of his life with you is enough to make your head spin.
isagi’s eyes go wide when he realizes what he’s said. damn his mouth that moves faster than his mind.
swallowing hard and taking a breath, isagi says, “y-yeah, when we get married,” further affirming his statement with a nod, albeit a bit of a nervous one.
now both of you guys are flustered LOL.
likes to sit his head in your lap and have you play with his hair, while you two talk or just sit in silence.
such a good listener, perfect person to rant about anything with. he’s very understanding, he’ll hold you if you need him to, wipe your tears if you’re crying, give you advice if you need it, just overall so sweet.
also always knows when you're sad because of his intuition. isagi encourages you to open up to him, but ultimately doesn’t force you, just lets you know that he’s always there for you <3
(that's kind of lie because isagi does pry a little LOL, but he means well)
takes care of you! nags you a little, tries his best to make sure you're not doing anything stupid, and if you are, that someone responsible (him) is watching you, looks after you when you’re sick, etc.
gives you his jacket when you’re cold (he’s been waiting to do that his whole life bro LMAOO), carries your things, always texts you good morning and good night, just overall sooo good to you.
but as soft as he is for you, isagi does have this tendency to get these random spouts of confidence, so sometimes he’ll say or do something really bold out of nowhere.
like, he’ll suddenly grab your waist and pull you closer to him, or he’ll kiss you out of the blue. the flustered expression that rests on your face for a change always makes him smirk *heart eyes*
in general, though, isagi's still kind of awkward sometimes regardless and does say or do things that make you go "???" and make him be like "why did i do that" LOL he's so cute though <333
he’s pretty basic with dates, usually opts for things like restaurants, walks in the parks, movie nights, or stuff like that, but they’re still really fun!
but, if you ever want to do something out of the norm, he wouldn't be opposed to it, either. but, you do have to tell him ‘cause he's not a mind reader lol.
(okay but, one time, isagi tried to watch a scary movie with you because he wanted to do that thing where he wraps his arm around you during the scary parts, but HE ended up being scared instead 😭)
isagi’s the type to put your name with a heart emoji or the date you guys started dating in his instagram bio LOL
y/n 💓 IHS Forward #10 ⚽️ *insert some soccer quote about grinding*
it’s a bit middle school, but you let it slide because you know he just wants to show you off <3
study sessions are normal between you two but, you guys always get bored or distracted halfway through and start watching youtube or something LOL.
it’s canon he’s a thigh man lol, so if he ever sees you wearing an oversized shirt, especially one of his, with shorts, isagi will literally short circuit in real life.
he keeps his hand on your thigh when you guys cuddle that day, tracing patterns on your skin, or just squeezing it every now and then.
in general, though, isagi likes poking at and playing with them whenever they're out <3
once, isagi wanted you to do that trend on tiktok where he sits between your thighs and stuff, but he had no idea how to bring it up LOL
so, isagi just watched tiktoks of it in front of you and hoped eventually you would get the hint 🙄
and you did, thanks to his incredible lack of subtly. he doesn’t even care when you giggle and tell him how bad he is at being slick, isagi got your thighs around him, he won!!!!!!
takes a picture (or two or three) to savor the moment.
(even though he could literally just ask you to do it again in the future, but whatever, i guess)
when you’re dating isagi, the team comes with him too LOL
they’re always snapchatting you pictures of isagi when they’re hanging out without you, with stupid captions like, “look how sad your boyfriend is without you 😞”
isagi’s not even sad in the picture, he’s just confused as to why they’re shoving a camera in his face 😭
isagi one hundred percent attempts to get you to run the mile with him during gym if you don’t already.
“babe, just try!” isagi pants, as he catches up to you and your friends, as you guys are still on your second lap.
admittedly, the effort is cute, but beloved, i hate to break it to you- i will not be doing anything of the sort.
he will sit down or walk around with you after you finish the mile, though. if he’s not already playing soccer lollll.
when he does choose to go with you, expect exclamations from the team about how isagi “abandoned us for his little relationship” 👎
isagi’s receiving love language is words of affirmation (also basically canon LOL) so, he really values the compliments you give him with his whole heart.
you could tell him how his hair looks nice in the morning, and isagi will think about it all day.
whether it be about how cute he is, or how talented of a player he is, isagi really is happiest when you praise him <3
speaking of soccer, isagi has this tendency to get lost in the moment and talk your head off about some soccer related tangent that probably makes no sense to you.
his eyes light up and his voice is just oozing with passion for what he does as he goes into detail about how he made this crazy goal at practice while you stare at him with the biggest heart eyes ever, adoring his dedication.
and of course when isagi realizes he was rambling, he apologizes profusely for “boring” you, like the gentleman he is.
but when you reassure him that he could never bore you and that you want nothing more than for him to go on, isagi begins to feels lightheaded due to his adoration for you <3
if you're the type to go all out when it supporting isagi at soccer- like make one of those corny signs, yell from the crowd, wear his spare jersey to games, isagi will physically have to withhold his heart from jumping out his chest.
he's a little embarrassed that you're doing all that for him, but the effort means soooo much to him.
and speaking of soccer, it would mean a lot to isagi if you not only supported him at games and stuff, but expressed an interest in learning more about soccer as a whole, too.
you know, learn a little more about the game on your own accord, ask him to teach you how to properly play, or even challenge him to a one on one, do stuff like that, and he’ll literally be head over heels for you. well, more than he already is.
(he always goes easy on you on your guys 1v1's and he thinks your efforts are adorable, no matter how much you may or may not suck)
he'd repay the effort and try to get interested in whatever your hobbies are!
also, you can get him to do almost anything if you pout and beg hard enough, you’re literally so hard to say no to in isagi’s eyes <3
isagi’s the type to not realize when other people are flirting with him LOL
he just thinks they’re being nice (unless they’re being straight up) and i don’t think he would really process it because he’s so focused on you romantically, if that makes sense.
once he realizes you’re jealous, isagi apologizes earnestly, reassuring you over and over again that you're everything he could ask for and that he would never intentionally try to hurt you and all that jazz.
although, i will admit, sometimes isagi’s kinda smug when you're jealous, especially when it’s over a dumb reason 👎
however, when he’s jealous i feel like it could go one of two ways-
on normal days, isagi would just stand there to “intimidate” the other person, maybe cough a little for emphasis until they go away lol.
but on days where he’s already mad/filled with adrenaline/or someone’s really not taking a hint and you’re visibly uncomfortable- oh boy, it’s like a switch flips in him.
has those same fiery eyes he has during the climax of a game. the energy he’s exuding is dead serious, and that alone is enough for the person bothering you to go away. not bad for a man that’s only 5’8 🥰
adding on, isagi doesn’t take any shit about you, ever. even if it’s from his friends. usually isagi’s very neutral and doesn’t actively try to start conflict, but there are some things he’ll always defend and you’re one of them.
isagi always listens/watches/reads/etc whatever you recommend him (on that note, please recommend him good anime because isagi’s out here willingly telling people his favorite anime is darling in the franxx), even if he doesn’t necessarily like it LOL
you could show isagi objectively, the worst song ever and he would be like “yeah, it was good babe!” (it was not)
also does the same thing when you bring him shopping with you, like he's absolutely NO HELP 😭
you could try on the ugliest sweater known to man and he’d like “you look nice 🙂” pls be honest isagi, you can say it’s hideous!!!!!!
but isagi’s also being somewhat truthful in his statement because he does genuinely think you look nice in everything <3
also loves when you wear his clothes- always feels a mixture between pride and slight shyness?
kinda lol idk but overall, isagi really is sooo happy you wanna show him off that much, especially when you're wearing something of his around his friends :')
he says “i love you” first, no doubt.
he’s a bit nervous when he does because he doesn’t know if you’ll reciprocate, but he really does love you and he feels like he physically can’t hold it in anymore.
“i promise you don’t have to say it back!” isagi reassures anxiously. “i know it’s a really big commitment, and if it’s too early for you right now-”
“i love you, too.”
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meltingpotimagines · 3 years
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this boy is so energetic i hope you're ready
every day with him is just so much
and by so much i mean so much f u n
although oddly enough, that wasn't how it was when you met
when you two met, he was very quiet
which wasn't odd to you, seeing as you didn't know him
but it certainly was odd to everyone else
it's how tanaka knew he liked you
you were the first person to shut him up lollll
he was just
kinda awestruck when he saw you
he was struggling to process how pretty you were??
you're so pretty??? a h???
was slightly flirty but still kinda quiet whenever you saw him
didn't take long for the entire team to notice except hinata but that's just bc boy's painfully oblivious
he was very aware of your presence when you'd come to practice
he'd always end up showing off a little a lot
he wants you to see how awesome of a player he is so you'll think he's cool
daichi yelled at him a couple times for it, but the others find it amusing
it doesn't happen often and it doesn't really affect his playing that much
he just becomes a little more... flamboyant
maybe accidentally crashed into asahi once but he wasn't mad
tanaka and hinata definitely snickered to themselves at yu's sheepish smile
but i mean hearing you giggle was enough to make the stern lecture from daichi worth it
he took that as a green light to ask you out
and apparently he was right bc you agreed
he was the absolute cutest too
he took you roller skating for your first date and lemme tell you
this boy can s k a t e
like, we all know he has incredible balance and practically glides on the court and it definitely transfers over into skating
of course he showed off a little to you with a few fancy moves
gotta make sure you think he's cool
if you can't skate well, he'll hold your hand as you attempt to learn
but if you c a n
boy is gonna hype you tf up
you two became a duo, skating beautifully in sync but occasionally attempting to out-skate the other
definitely caught a lot of attention, not that either of you noticed
y'all were having too much fun
every date after that was really upbeat and fun
you two just couldn't go on a calm date
even if the date was originally intended to be more chill, something would happen to make it kinda wild
and usually it was just your personalities aksjsjs
but that's okay bc as long as you two had fun, neither of you cared if the plans changed~
honestly you two never had this big moment of becoming official
you were together one day and had one of those "what are we?" moments and just agreed that you two were dating now
not one person was surprised when y'all told them
everyone already thought you were official forever ago ajsjsjs
but i mean were they really wrong?
boy did a complete 180° when he was finally comfortable around you
went from a fairly energetic but still kinda reserved to big ball of energy overnight
definitely the type to tackle you in a hug
especially if he hasn't seen you in a while
just kinda shouts your name really loudly before running and lunging at you
wraps his limbs around you and buries his face in your necks and hugs the life out of you
probably rolls around with you, laughing out of pure glee
he's just
really touchy
like r e a l l y touchy
if you're sitting down, he's gonna be hugging you around the neck from behind
you're standing up? he's leaning against you with an arm around you
or if you're short enough, he'll just hug you from behind and rest his chin on your shoulder
also really likes when you hug him from behind
a lot of the time he'll turn around and hug you right back
he does like hand-holding, but he's a more make as much physical contact as possible kinda guy
which is why he loves cuddles sm
all of the positions
on top of you, you on top of him, on your sides facing each other with your limbs tangled, you spooning him, him spooning you
he loves it all
tho he loves being sprawled on top of you best
just kinda flops on top of you and adjusts til he's comfortable
typically has his head on your chest or buried into the crook of your neck
will press a kiss every so often
stares at you like you're the most gorgeous being to ever exist
which to him, you are
even shimizu can't compare, and yk that's saying smth
proudly shows you off all the time
anytime you two meet someone new, he just h a s to make it known you're his
don't worry it's not an ego trip
he's just really proud to be dating someone as amazing as you
tho sometimes he isn't sure why you're dating him
like... you're y o u
you could have anyone but you chose him??
makes him feel like such a lucky guy
but his insecurities d o get to him sometimes, as well as his fears
he wouldn't come to you at first bc he didn't wanna be a burden
but once you found out and insisted that it was no bother and that you w a n t e d to be there for him, you become his go-to
no matter what he was sad about, you were the person he went to immediately
which... was nice
he was always the bright shining light, giving everyone hope and happiness
it was refreshing being able to just f e e l and let someone else be that light for once
likes it when you pepper little kisses all over his face
just kinda closes his eyes and scrunches up his nose, a grin lighting up his face
definitely likes going to the arcade with you
he's a competitive soul, so being able to challenge you in games is one of his favorite ways to spend time with you
he will give his all to win, but if you beat him, he'll absolutely glow with pride
be frustrated that he lost of course, but so proud that he's dating someone that good
when you come to his games, he gets even more pumped up
but doesn't show off anymore, just gives those games 130%
it's not even that he holds back when you're not there obviously, he just somehow gets extra boosts of energy and awareness that he only gets when you're around
hence why coach ukai asked you to come to as many games as possible aksjsjs
everyone can see that you're so good for him, in every aspect of his life
he couldn't be more thankful to be able to say that someone as amazing as you is his
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bonvoyagenoona · 2 years
OMG so excited for what’s coming, especially the jungkook one shot!!! but I would be more than happy with whatever you decide to put out first. Also chapter 3 of AMOMK give it to us the people are waiting!
Hideaway was so goooood too, are we gonna see OC ending up with jimin in an alternate universe or what?
Eeeee hi! Lollll AMOMK Chapter 3 is coming to you soon! And I shared a snippet for ya here! 🤩 Hope you like it!
Thank you so much for reading Hideaway! The three-part Jimin-focused spin-off, Breakaway, has this synopsis:
Jimin has a habit of going dark from time to time, to where not even the great Kim Seokjin can find him. But it’s not to escape Jin. It’s to escape You.
Let me know if you want a snippet! 
(There will also be a three-part Jungkook spin-off, called Faraway!)
Aaahh I’m excited that you’re excited about the Jungkook one-shot! Here’s a snippet of that one, called Blackout! It’s about a blackout that happens during a block party, during which you meet one Jeon Jungkook. 
(And, like Wallflowers was, it’ll be part of a series called Party Favors��that @mochilatae ​/ Roomie and I will be updating you all on soon!)
Here’s the snippet!
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“This boy,” Mrs. Chan laughs, shaking her head. “He might as well move in with us.” As she talks, she walks down the line of her counter, scooping up a bit of everything from her pots and pans and plopping it into your bowl. “If we didn’t feed him, he’d eat garbage off the street! Like one of those fat pigeons!”
Jungkook protests, still unintelligible, but wounded, and passionate, given that flakes of egg roll wrapper fly out of his mouth. 
“Please, Jungkook, you’re so sensitive! Have you seen you?” Mrs. Chan says with a roll of her eyes. “Although, if you keep inhaling these egg rolls…”
She softens at Jungkook’s worried expression.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to call you fat. I just meant— Ugh, what else eats… trash— Like a raccoon, then. How’s that? My sneaky little fluffy, grabby-hands raccoon?”
Mrs. Chan pinches his full cheeks, cooing more… weird?... raccoon-based compliments at him, and he smiles happily, closing his eyes at her caring touch. 
She turns to you and holds up the bowl, a steaming pile of only good and delicious things, for a change. And all for you. 
You smile gratefully and take the chopsticks that Mrs. Chan also hands to you. 
You take your place next to Jungkook, at the sink,  both of you leaning back slightly as you eat. 
“Now, I didn’t catch your name,” Mrs. Chan tells you. 
As you tell her, you can’t help but feel Jungkook paying close attention, such close attention, that you swear he’s nearly pressing his smile onto your cheek as you share your name.
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I’ll be sharing fic announcements soon, but if you like what you read and would like to be put on the Breakaway, Faraway, or Blackout taglists, just let me know via a reblog or comment on this post, by sending an ask, or adding yourself to my spreadsheet!
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lululawrence · 3 years
hello!! i was wondering if u had a werewolf tag for fics? i would search it but not sure how to use tumblr that well :)) if not do u have recs? LOVE U HAVE A NICE DAY<333
hi babes! i don't have one here... damn that's a fucking great idea. hahaha i'm HORRIBLY unorganized when it comes to tags for fics on tumblr. i mostly use ao3 for the organization of fics. so! that said, i defo DO have recs for you!
you didn't specify pairing, which makes me smile because i get to rec rare pairs in addition to larry and hope you read them hehe okay, here we go!
He Carries The Key by me (8k, NR, niall/louis) - this fic is the only one of mine i'll include, okay? promise haha but it is also one i wrote for wordplay just a week or two ago and it's werewolves and a pack fic and i just had a lot of fun. very soft. much fluff. many feels. i hope you enjoy. lol
There's Fur Everywhere by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry (4k, G, Harry/Louis) - this is a 5 times fic, and it's HYSTERICAL. it feels slightly spoilery for me to even be including it on this list, but also... it's still fucking hilarious. emmu is queen of the crack fic that makes you feel all the soft and wonderful things, and she doesn't disappoint with this one.
I Hear Them Calling for You by @jaerie / jaerie (6k, E, Harry/Louis) - this fic is... not for everyone. like at all. please please please read the tags and the summary and if you don't like it or it makes you uncomfortable, then close right out of it. as for ME i loved what she explored with it, all the emotions and the story and worldbuilding of it all. i thought it was fantastic and incredibly interesting. it is A/B/O, pack fic with claiming and... yeah. it's amazing.
Campus Creatures by @kingsofeverything / kingsofeverything and @louandhazaf / YesIsAWorld (25k, E, Harry/Louis) - werewolves! vampires! fae! university! frat houses! science research positions being vied for! enemies to lovers! like... not sure what more you could ASK for, but there's also a fuck ton of humor and nudity and sexual tension and... it's just a lot of fun. can't go wrong, really. haha
From What I've Tasted of Desire by @evilovesyou / 4ureyesonly28 (72k, T, Harry/Louis) - okay so i'm including this one even though like... harry and louis aren't werewolves. but it's a twilight au, so there ARE werewolves and i'm ASSUMING you know twilight and therefore know that means you know they're pretty involved and... that's true for this fic too. ahha for real, though, i love evi's writing and this fic was one of my first introductions to it and it was a fun read, so i wanted to include it in case it had enough of the werewolf flair to entice you haha
Compete Against the Stars by @daggerandrose / amomentoflove (31k, M, Harry/Louis) - omg okay so this one is like ANGSTY AF and i FUCKING LOVE IT because it's one of those fics that you HOPE you have figured out, and you probably do, but also there's SO many twists and turns to it all that you just have NO idea how it's all gonna work out and omg are they gonna just ruin it all for themselves by being stupid and ahhhhh the tension of just FIGURING OUT HOW THEY GET IT ALL TO WORK OUT!!! and of course it does. hahaha but HOW??? this is a RIDE and in my mind feels like a longer fic than 31k in the best of ways, they did an amazing job of packing a LOT of world building and storytelling into those 31k.
the straight for your heart (wolfpack au) series by foreverkneeld and foundfamilyvevo (96k, T/G, Multiple or No pairings including Niall/Louis, Zayn/Liam, OT5, and Shawn/Niall) - This series is the ultimate hurt/comfort and healing pack fic series omg. it was recommended to me when i was in a super hard time and my anxiety was so bad i couldn't focus on anything. These short fics that all focused so much on healing and found family were exactly what i needed. so so soft, so lovely. I still haven't read them all because i'm saving them for when i need them. they're glorious.
when the air ran out and we both started running wild by darlingjustdont (48k, M, Nick/Louis) - OMG OKAY LISTEN THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVS. a tomlinshaw werewolf pack fic?! ahhhhhhhhh i was SO happy when i discovered this one. louis is alpha of the pack and things are... shaky, shall we say. there's a lot going on that he's worried about and then he meets nick and it's kind of enemies to lovers? okay, more than kind of. but omg the FEELS. SO. MANY. FEELS. but also danger and a;lsdgkhas;ldfkja just please read this and rave with me because i don't have many i can talk about this one with and i LOVE IT.
You Smell Like by mystic_believexx (185k, M, Harry/Louis) - i had no idea this fic was so long hahahaha wow ANYWAY louis is human, but he's always been close with harry and therefore basically a part of his pack. but then one day harry leaves and louis kind of accidentally becomes the pack alpha. even though he's human. but there's SO much more to it. there's just sooooo much with the friendship and the pack bond as well as the danger and trying to figure out what the hell is going on... it's just a LOT and one of those epic fics that i still think about even though i read it...a year and a half ago i guess. but it's amazing and i highly recommend it if the word count doesn't scare you away haha
Canyon Moon by @eeveelou / delsicle (41k, E, Harry/Louis) - this is a lion king au, made a/b/o werewolves! i really enjoyed this one a lot, actually, because i could absolutely see the parallels, but also the way it was adapted made it so it wasn't always obvious how it would all play out. it was a really interesting and cool world building as well.
The Truth I Can't Explain (Smoke and Mirrors) by @fallinglikethis / FallingLikeThis (9k, M, Harry/Louis) - ohhhhh this one is SO cool cause it's by tabby so she made it incredibly fun and fascinating to try to figure out. there's magic and mages and werewolves and feuds and they're basically on the eve of battle and holy cow it's just SO cool.
One Touch Is Never Enough by @kingsofeverything / kingsofeverything (4k, E, Harry/Louis) - once again lauren delivers and there's just so much i keep giggling about with this because it is SO fun. there's a lot that louis is dealing with in this fic hahaha and the way she writes it all is so funny. the poor man just wants a fucking massage! lololol it's lighthearted, humorous, and basically filled with fluff, crack, and smut. hahaha
Knot Safe For Work by @jaerie / jaerie (6k, E, Harry/Louis) - a;sldkgha;lfdkjas listen i forgot about this fic until i found it in my bookmarks for werewolves because jenna writes so many fucking amazing fics that when i think of werewolves, i think of at least two others first, but i could NOT do this rec without this fic because now that i remember it exists i am going to have to go and read it again! hahaha harry's a werewolf, louis is a wizard, there's knotting dildos and table sex and... just read it. lolol
Saving's What I Need by @jaerie / jaerie (17k, M, Harry/Louis) - writer louis is out for a drive one day and he hits a dog. THIS POOR DOG! he takes it to the vet and tries his best to take care of it... but things are not as they seem. because yeah, harry is defo not a dog. lollllll this fic was hilarious and sweet and omg there's just so much to love about it. there were so many more emotions in it than i expected. loooove!
Out of the Wild by @jaerie / jaerie (22k, E, Harry/Louis) - this fic has such fun world building, which is actually a huge strength of jenna's fics and you'll hear me rave about it with all 50 of her fics that will end up on this rec list (not really 50, but ya know lol). louis is a fairly wild and undomesticated wolf and harry's from the city and they end up as roommates during the x factor process. oh my word this fic is so fun because of all the challenges they're going through PLUS the wolf side of things and just... the way they work together and navigate it all as well as falling for each other is pure gold.
Out With The Old, In With The New by, you guessed it, @jaerie / jaerie (7k, E, Harry/Louis) - listen, just. this one is smutty as hell and it's gonna take you some places that some people will be uncomfortable with, which is totally valid and fair. please be sure to read the tags and make your decision on whether or not to read accordingly, but also know that its written in a super interesting way that is also pretty amazing if you do decide to give it a shot. lol
Instincts by @marastarfar / StarFar ( 100k so far - it's a WIP!, T, Harry/Louis) - omg listen. i LOVE mara's fics so much and when this first posted it was a one shot little thing that was FASCINATING. i loved it! and then i was happily surprised when i learned more was added to it. and then it was turned into a wip and omg i am so far behind now but i trust mara with my life because i love everything i've read by them and what i've read of this so far is INCREDIBLE so just. yeah. lollll
There's a Power in What You Do by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry (7k, T, Harry/Louis) - i just read my comment i left on this one and it was just mainly me begging for time stamps because there wasn't any way for her to improve upon the perfection of this fic (nesting! softness! even a silly comment in her endnotes to perfectly cap it all!), but i still wanted to remain in the story just a bit longer and learn more about them. hahaha anyway, those time stamps aren't happening, but this fic is still complete perfection.
amaryllis by @hattalove / hattalove (147k, E, Harry/Louis) - for a long time this was thought of as THE werewolf fic. if anyone was talking about a werewolf fic, it was probably this one. is that still the case? probably. i'm not sure. ANYWAY. there's a REASON it was THE werewolf fic and that's because this is amazing. it sucks you in and you feel like you're truly a part of the action. it's filled with the vibe of found family and wanting to figure out what happened while also adjusting to your new life and just... so many feelings. so much angst. SO fantastically epic.
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ushidoux · 3 years
Be My Last - Iwaizumi x  Reader (Pt. 5)
Summary: You have trouble getting over a past relationship and it’s preventing you from moving forward. (~1.6 words)
Warnings: angst, mention of kid and implied marriage.
A/N: We’re at the end here! I hope you’re okay with the way this ended, and if not... *shrug* LOLLLL, we can talk about it. Thanks for reading up to now!! <333 See you in my next fic!!
Part 1|| Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5
Iwaizumi returned late that evening to realize that you were nowhere to be found.
It shouldn’t have been this alarming for him to not see you hanging upside down off the edge of the couch watching tv, futzing around in the kitchen, maybe staring out off the small balcony or snuggled up under the covers.
But you were absent, and on top of everything, the sight of a dark home proved to be too much for him to handle. Moreover, the home hadn’t always really been his, had it? It was yours and Ushijima’s far before he’d even come into the picture.
He had just been filling a space, just as he’d promised you.
He checked his phone only to be further defeated by the lack of a text message to let him know you were going out. You always let him know.
Iwaizumi turned on his heels and went back to his car. The roads were clearer now and he needed to drive. He needed to go, somewhere. It didn’t matter where to.
Years pass.
“Hot cocoa, please!”
Your daughter collapsed in your arms as she made this request, having run in your direction from the opposite side of the sitting room. She grinned widely, her brownish-green eyes seeming to sparkle despite the low light of the room. She is truly the happiest child, you thought for a moment, smiling as you mussed her hair affectionately.
“Okay, baby, we can get some,” you agreed, pulling her close for a kiss on the forehead, because how could you say no to that pure joy on her face?
“Did you have fun with your new friends?” You asked, rising.
You’d been watching her for a while now, seated in an overstuffed armchair by a roaring fire, thankful to be insulated from the frigid winter weather (turned out the cold of Eastern Europe was an entirely different type of cold than you were used to). It was a pleasure to see her discharge energy, bouncing around the other little kids at the ski lodge resort you’d been residing at since this past weekend.
She nodded. “That’s why I’m gonna drink it really fast so we can play some more!”
You chuckled, and held her little hand tightly. At least someone was having fun.
You on the other hand had decided you hated skiing with a passion six hours into the vacation after spilling spectacularly more than enough times on one of the beginner slopes. Not wanting to ruin your husband’s fun, you’d convinced him to let you stay behind with your four-year-old so that she could socialize, you could have a break, and he could try one of the more exciting slopes. 
Everyone won.
Well, sorta. He’d pouted as he set out on his own, and now you felt a little bad. Maybe you’d try again the next morning for him after you left your little one at a kids’ event.
“Is Daddy coming back soon?” 
Your little princess’ legs swung excitedly as she sipped her hot cocoa with far too many marshmallows, just after you’d blown at it a little to make sure she didn’t burn herself.
“Daddy will join us soon,” you assured her, your own hands warm with a cup of tea.
“I’m sorry.”
Before you is a glass of water with too much lemon. You’re seated at a diner, the very diner where you’d first confessed your feelings for him, and he’s speaking to you but you barely hear him - all you hear is the rushing of blood in your temples. 
Why now? What do you do with sorry after all this time?
Wakatoshi sees your expression and cracks a weary smile. 
“I shouldn’t say that, should I? It’s too little, too late.”
He’s right but you don’t answer.
It’s weird to see him after all these years, seated just across from you as though you were on a date as usual. You can imagine a heaping stack of pancakes between you, covered in too much fruit and too much syrup and him chastising you before you force a berry into his mouth. You can imagine laughter. You can imagine gentle touches, kisses, hugs. You can imagine the words ‘I love you.’
Is that what he’s sorry for?
“To-... Wakatoshi, why did you message me?” You don’t mean to sound curt, but if you speak longer you feel as though your voice will give out.
He winces almost imperceptibly at the use of his full name. But he’s always been steadier than you, emotion-wise. At least you think so.
“I wish it had been different.”
“So do I,” you say, quickly before thinking. But you don’t really, do you? 
There’s a man who loves you, possibly more than he loves himself, than he loves anything in the world. And if it weren’t for this, for Ushijima ‘releasing’ you, no matter how harshly, you wouldn’t have had the experience to be loved by him.
“I was wrong.”
He was. He was absolutely wrong. But what’s wrong and what’s right no longer matters. What matters is what is.
He pauses and sighs. You can see his hands now grip the end of the table as though to keep steady. 
“Thank you for coming.”
There is another pause, one that is suddenly too great for you to handle, where you want to sigh but instead you draw in a double breath.
You’re embarrassed because you do not intend to cry. Not after all this. Not in front of him. 
“You didn’t love me enough to compromise,” you end up sputtering out.
Your tears aren’t falling yet but your eyes swim and you blink them back furiously. “Why all this? Why now?”
He blinks once and you can see his fingers tighten around the edge of the booth, knuckles white.
“I was stupid then. I’m different now.”
The fact that his eyes are so sincere makes your heart wrench. You know that he doesn’t lie, he’s never felt a need to.
It’s a response that infuriates you but your anger is cool rather than hot and it’s diffuse, deafening and directionless. There’s no one to be mad at except the very fabric of time.
What do I do with this? What can I do?
Your heart settles, and you measure your next words carefully. 
Your daughter’s eyes widened immediately as she saw him approach behind you, and in mere seconds, she jumped out of her chair to embrace her father, nearly knocking over her hot cocoa in the process. You managed to salvage it to your credit, and you turned in your chair to flash a teasing grin.
“How were the slopes?”
“There was once a time where I would have followed you anywhere if you asked me to. Maybe it was unhealthy, maybe it was naïve, but I truly loved you to that extent. I would have left everything behind if you asked.”
The solemn look he sports on his face, so stoic as a defense mechanism that it seems almost caricature-like, only confirms that he knew. He knew that every word you said was true, and yet... 
“I thought it was the best decision at the time. I didn’t want to hurt you anymore.”
Maybe he was right. That sort of reckless love, especially when not reciprocated in earnest could only result in pain. 
His intentions were good. They were good. That’s what matters.
He had a reason.
Hajime frowned at you, which in turn made his little princess, now perched on his hip frown as well. 
“Your mother’s not being very nice, now is she?” He murmured, as he approached, now settling her back in the chair across from you. “She didn’t even want to ski with me!”
His arms crossed over his chest as he stood beside you now, a pretend-grumpy look on his face.
Your four year-old gasped. “What?! Mommy’s mean? Are you a bully?”
“Hey!” You nudged Iwa in the ribs. “Don’t make me out to be the bad guy! I’m coming with you tomorrow!”
To this, your husband’s eyes lit up, and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, resting his chin on your head.
“You’d do that for me, my clumsy little penguin?” He whispered, just low enough that your little girl, who had now contented herself back to drinking her hot cocoa couldn’t hear.
Your eyebrows furrowed.
“If you keep making fun of me, you’ll be on your own again, and possibly so for the rest of this vacation,” you grumbled back, but he laughed in earnest to your threat, pressing a quick kiss on your cheek before dragging the nearest chair towards your table to complete your circle.
“So what do my favorite girls want for dinner?”
When Ushijima’s hands finally relax, and he places them clasped together on the table, you find yourself reaching for them. It’s no longer a natural, intrinsic movement of the arm and hand, the way it was years ago when you always yearned for physical contact. It’s now measured and intentional.
You squeeze his hands and they feel different. They’re larger, colder, rougher than Iwa’s are. It’s not a bad thing; just not the same. You can imagine that intertwining your fingers with his would feel imperfect, maybe even wrong.
You’ve changed. And he’s changed.
You pause, and your hands linger. 
It’s hard to look in his eyes when you say this, but you do anyway. Their eyes are almost the same color, but Iwa’s are greener. An old idiom comes to mind and you banish it from your mind.
“You will always be my first love, but Hajime will be my last one.”
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caramelcal · 3 years
heartbreak girl
Word Count: 2.7k
a/n: ik i have requests to write (i am writing them don’t worry !) but i got super inspired when i was listening to my bbys 5sos
the luke hemmings / luke patterson comparison videos ive seen are my favourites, love it when two fandoms collide lollll
disclaimer: i do not condone plagiarism on my work at all, this has not been posted on any other platforms, or on tumblr anywhere else but my account (rosemoonmist) if you see anyone plagiarizing mine (or anyone else’s work for that matter) please inform the rightful author ! thank you lovelies x 
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You call me up It's like a broken record Saying that your heart hurts That you'll never get over him getting over you And you end up crying And I end up lying 'Cause I'm just a sucker for anything that you do
You couldn’t stop playing the video. Ever since it was sent you from a random number, you couldn’t stop crying. The video was barely ten seconds long, but it was ten seconds that broke your heart. There your boyfriend was, clear as day, kissing a girl that wasn’t you.
It isn’t long before you heard the front door open and slam behind someone, reminding you of who you told to come over. Luke, your best friend since you guys met in the sandpit at six years old. When he accidentally pushed you in, so you kicked him in the nuts. You guys had been inseparable ever since.
Luke was your best friend, and you were his. You guys had been through everything together. When he first learned guitar, when you did gymnastics, when he joined a band, when you guys first went to high school, and now, your first heartbreak.
“y/n?” He calls from downstairs, looking around the dark room. He had learned from a young age to just come into your house without knocking, your house was his second home after all.
Of course, you do have a few female friends that you could have called but none of them knew you as well as Luke did and you knew Luke would be there with you through everything. He would understand. He would comfort you better than any girl ever could. You walked down the stairs, trying to keep your sobs in but once you caught eyes with Luke, the tears started to fall.
“Luke,” You let out, looking at the boy barely keeping yourself together.
“y/n/n, what’s wrong?” Luke questions, eyes wracking over your defeated posture before looking up at your puffy red eyes. It was clear you had been crying, but why?
“He- he-,” You cut yourself short, letting back a choked sob as you land at the bottom of the stairs, Luke walking closer to you, his face looking at you with concern, “Luke he was with another girl, he cheated-”
Mind wracking back over the video, you broke down into tears, falling into Luke’s now open arms. Suddenly, once you're in the arms of your best friend all of your walls come crashing down and you start to cry louder, letting out every emotion you felt that night. The sadness, betrayal, and overall heartbreak.
Luke holds the back of your head soothingly as you cry into his chest, playing softly with the hair on your head. By this point, he is supporting all of your weight but he doesn’t mind as he lifts you over to the couch, allowing you to continue crying in a more comfortable position than the awkward standing position you were in moments before.
Whilst Luke was sad hearing you cry, he was overcome with anger.  The fact that the scum would cheat, on you of all people. You were amazing, perfect even, so why would someone ever give away the chance of being with you? He knew he wouldn’t. Luke knew how much you loved and cared for the boy, Jack, and to see him cheat on you, he couldn’t help but be furious.
If he was being honest, the thing he wanted more than anything right now was to hook him right in the face. Punch him right where he stood, busting open his face so that no other girl would ever want to kiss him again. It’s what he deserves. Luke knew he was probably being a bit overprotective, but that didn’t matter to him, what mattered was that you were okay right now.
The last thing you needed in your state of fragility was Luke leaving you by yourself to set into the dickhead. Oh no, that could be done another time when you weren’t crying. What you truly needed right now was his comfort, so that’s what he gave you. He held you close, not even saying anything but hugging you closely, silently reminding you that he was here for you and always would be as you softly lulled into a sleep.
And when then phone call finally ends You say "Thanks for being a friend" And I'm going in circles again and again
I dedicate this song to you The one who never sees the truth That I can take away you hurt Heartbreak girl Hold you tight straight through the daylight I'm right here, when you gonna realise That I'm your cure? Heartbreak girl
Walking down the hall, Luke’s eyes catch onto you. Even though he’s been with you all weekend, comforting you after the video you saw on Friday, just looking at you is a sad reminder of how you are doing. A frown has fallen onto your face whilst you look over at something. Following your gaze, Luke finds him, Jack, with his arm wrapped around the girl in the video.
He wants to punch that stupid smirk off Jack’s face, then they’ll see who’s truly laughing. When Luke’s eyes drift back over to you, he feels his stomach dropping slightly. The look in your gaze makes you look broken, eyes conveying a sense of vulnerability that Luke didn’t think was possible. Maybe it’s just because Luke knows you better and knows how to read you better than everyone else, but he notices all of the changes in you. He sees how your eyes lacked the sparkle they usually had, your usual smile not present, even your outfit seemed a little dull. Nonetheless, you’re still gorgeous, Luke thinks so, but you look different; less lively.
All of this heartbreak just because of a stupid boy. One stupid hard-headed jock that doesn’t know how to truly value the important things in his life. The stupid jock that didn’t know how much you were truly worth.
Luke knows he could treat you so much better if you just gave him the chance to. If you looked his way instead of Jack’s. He would hold you close and never let you go, let you know just how much you meant to him and those truly important around you. He would watch you like the only person in the world because you were the only one that mattered. 
He doesn’t even realize he was staring at you until he hears a cough sound from behind him as Reggie puts an arm over his shoulder, smirking, “You’re staring, pal.”
Luke, who’s eyes briefly glanced over towards Reggie when the bassist spoke, glanced back at you quickly, sighing lightly in relief when he realizes you didn’t notice him staring at you. He shrugs half-heartedly, not noticing the knowing look that Reggie gives him as he speaks, “I can’t, Reg. I’m not supposed to like her like this, she’s my best friend.”
“Best friend or not, I see the way you look at her, everyone does but her,” Reggie says before patting his friend on the back.
“She still likes him Reg, and I’ve known her since we were six. She’s been in so many relationships yet she fell for the stupid jock,” Luke says, shaking his head as his fists clench at his sides. He doesn’t realize but his face contorts into anger, making Reggie smirk, “she deserves so much better. She deserves someone who’s going to appreciate her. Someone who will show her how much she means to them-”
“Someone like you?” Reggie asks, making Luke glance at him with an annoyed expression, huffing. Reggie shrugs his shoulders, “Just saying man if anyone knows y/n it’s you. You just gotta be there for her and she’ll realize how much you mean to her. I mean, everyone thinks you guys are meant for each other, soon she’ll see that too.”
I bite my tongue But I wanna scream out You could be with me now But I end up telling you what you wanna hear But you're not ready And it's so frustrating He treats you so bad and I'm so good to you, it's not fair
And when the phone call finally ends You say "I'll call you tomorrow at 10" And I'm stuck in the friendzone again and again
Luke is frustrated. It has been two weeks since his conversation with Reggie, and the hope Reggie had given him for pursuing a relationship was surely fizzling out. Reggie was wrong, that’s what Luke thought anyway. Not only had you not realized how much Luke was bending his back for you, going out of his way to comfort you, being there for you 24/7, you had been so utterly stupid. Jack had given you the most insincere apology known to man, and you were meeting up with him for a date.
It had been forty-seven minutes since you had left, not that Luke was counting or anything and he still hadn’t heard a word from you. No text, no call, nothing. Jack was probably taking up all of your attention with his boring jock stories or his lame jokes. He probably didn’t even compliment you when you arrived and that was practically criminal.
You had been all dressed up when you left, not that Jack would have even noticed, but Luke did. He noticed the way the outfit you wore looked perfect on you, complimenting everything about you and most importantly, how confident you felt in it. You deserved more than a boy that wouldn’t even tell you that you were pretty, Luke knew that, he just wished you did too. 
He paces around his room, feet aggressively hitting the ground. He wanted to punch something, to let out all of the anger and frustration that was itching, begging to be released. Yet, his anger was cut short when he heard his phone start to ring.
“Lu?” Your voice sounded through his phone, ringing in his ears.
“Y/n?” Luke said in confusion, eyes glancing up at the time, “Aren’t you supposed to be on your date?”
You hesitate to answer, a complete silence hanging in the air until your light sniffles sound through the phone, “He didn’t show, Lu. M-My mom dropped me off, I don’t have my car. Can you come pick me up?”
“I’ll be there in 10, stay there y/n/n.”
Luke ran out of the house.
I dedicate this song to you The one who never sees the truth That I can take away you hurt Heartbreak girl Hold you tight straight through the daylight I'm right here, when you gonna realise That I'm your cure? Heartbreak girl
I know someday it's gonna happen And you'll finally forget the day you met him Sometimes I'm so close to confession I gotta get it through your head That you belong with me instead
Luke couldn’t help but smile at you, hazel eyes meeting your e/c eyes as he strung his guitar expertly. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for you to be at band practices, actually, you were at a large amount of them. It was normal for you to watch the band, well that’s what you said you were doing, but you were only really looking at Luke.
You didn’t play any musical instruments properly, but you could play a little guitar from what Luke had taught you. You remembered his teaching you, arms wrapped around you, hands guiding your fingers onto the different frets, playing different cords. He didn’t give up when you messed up, and instead, he smiles and shows you again, your back flushed against his chest.
It was no secret that you always enjoyed watching their band practice and perform, but it was different this time because they had gotten you to stop thinking about Jack. This was the first day that you didn’t feel miserable and instead felt happy in their presence. It was the first day that your gleaming smile returned, one that all members of the band had missed.
Soon enough, they were finished, congratulating each other on how well they played with large smiles.
“We’re gonna sound great at the rally!” Reggie says, flipping his bass down to his side so he didn’t have to hold it as he gave Luke a high five before turning to Alex, all of them breathing heavily with huge smiles.
“Of course, we’re still finishing with the other song, right?” Alex asked, eyes looking over at Luke for approval. He nodded his head, making you look at them in confusion.
“What other song?”
Luke glanced over to you, walking closer before kneeling beside you, guitar still in his hand, smirking “Can’t tell you, it’s a surprise.”
You groaned lightly, flinging your head back before giving the boy your puppy eyes, “Please? I won’t tell.”
He laughed lightly, shaking his head at you. Over the years, he had often been the victim to your puppy eyes, and whilst he often found them irresistible, he knew he couldn’t tell you this secret. He playfully slapped you on the arm, “Get those puppy eyes away, they’re not gonna work today.”
“Fine,” you grumbled, standing up before you stood up alongside Luke, who slung an arm over your shoulder. You guys shared a look, almost communicating through your eyes, something that you guys had gotten freakishly good at since you were kids.
“So, who wants to go grab a smoothie?” Luke said, turning his attention towards the rest of the band as you jumped on his back, ready to leave practice for smoothies.
I dedicate this song to you The one who never sees the truth That I can take away you hurt Heartbreak girl Hold you tight straight through the daylight I'm right here, when you gonna realise That I'm your cure Heartbreak girl
Soon enough, the rally at school came and the students surround the stage that the band was playing on. You stood at the back, proudly watching them as they played. Their most recent song blasts through the halls, exciting the students more than you had seen for the previous people on stage, even Dirty Candy. Sweat drips off of them, lights blazing down on them with intensity.
Eyes looking at Luke, you see him jump around when he sings and it brings a smile to your face. You knew this was their surprise song, the song that they were ending with because it was an unfamiliar tune, but one that Luke was pouring every feeling into as he sang the lyrics.
Suddenly, he’s no longer playing his guitar and it’s hanging on the strap by his side, mic detached from the stand and he’s making his way off of the stage and running through the crowd. You’re astonished, not only because Luke is running off stage, but that it somehow isn’t affecting his vocals.
Everyone seems to knowingly make a path for him to run through, almost as if they know where he is going to. Your eyes stay on him as he comes through the crowd, slowing down to a walk as he begins to sing again,
“I dedicate this song to you The one who never sees the truth That I can take away you hurt Heartbreak girl
Hold you tight straight through the daylight I'm right here, when you gonna realise That I'm your cure? Heartbreak girl.”
His eyes meet yours when he is standing barely feet away from you. His hair is messed up, dripping with sweat but you barely notice. When he stops singing, he lifts the mic away from his face and holds it down away from both of your faces so that it can’t pick up what you’re saying.
People start to talk between themselves, all of them staring at you and Luke standing barely a foot apart, eyes gazing into one another but you don’t notice because you’re too busy looking at Luke. You’re speechless, heart racing faster than you thought humanly possible, with lips slightly apart before he whispers to you, “This is for you, my heartbreak girl.”
Then, his free hand makes its way up and cups your cheek, and his lips connect with yours.
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sapphire-innit · 3 years
VOD: TommyInnit Speaks To Dream’s Sister AGAIN
(rp): Drista!! I love this chaotic child and am looking forward to seeing the children bully each other lmao. I especially love the mythos around Creative mode, and that the most benevolent god on the Dream SMP is just as likely to ban you as hand you a shulker box lol.
I do wonder how in character cc!Tommy is going to be able to stay during this stream: on one hand he’s a master at staying in character even during lh moments, and on the other Exile arc is some Dark Shit and Dristas like what, 14?? Overall I expect this to be one of the lighter streams, with a smattering of moments where we remember that, oh right, Tommy’s pretty actively suicidal at this point and he sees this as one of his last hurrahs.
Speaking of our boy Tommy: it's very clear we are getting closer and closer to the infamous pillar. He switches rapidly between Fight and Fawn reflexes and has mostly internalized Dream’s treatment and conditions at this point. The one stand out moment being him calling out Dream killing Mexican Dream last stream, and pointing out he was changing his story even when Dream tried to lie and say he died of “a drug overdose [...] or natural causes”. I’m curious if Tommy is going to bring it up again, and even more curious if he eventually believes Dream about it; something to watch out for, for sure. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this moment of rebellion happened right after he had someone both stand up for him and spend time with him that wasn’t actively hostile or going to end (supposedly, at least by intention)
Hey we didn’t start off drowning for once!! cc!Tommy was also singing, though that could have been mostly out of character as well. Still, remarkably in a better mood, he even mentions having an appetite! You love to see it, and it's clearly because he’s looking forward to Drista’s visit
He’s building a log tower and on one hand, Tommy building Towers is a natural state of being, and on the other…. I know the pillar is coming and I am scared
A mention of the Anti-Dream hole… I still worry about when exactly and how Dream is going to find it. Still, I’m glad it exists, both for Tommy having a space for things important to him, as well as what it represents about his mental state re:not giving over completely to Dream
DRISTA!!!! LOL she was already online we didn't even see her join LOL. CHAOS GREMLIN she just flew over in creative mode and started wrecking shit, as is her right lmaoooo
“You massive jer--, (quieter) whats a nicer way…, YOU MASSIVE DICKHEAD” oh, Tommy..
I like how he tries to punch her even when shes CLEARLY IN CREATIVE MODE ADSADASD
The violence inherent in fourteen year olds,,,, adsfsadfsdfds
I hate this conversation why is this the conversation asdffdsfsd TEENAGERS
Well SHE can destroy the obsidian asdfsdfds She just Spleefs
“What would Dream do” Probably worse lets be honest
Is he actually gonna go back to L’manburg?? I don’t believe it but I also want :(
Again with the stabbing
“I have the fork, but I'm also killing you” afsafsdfdsf Tommy why are you wearing your good shit omg
Lol cc!Dream trying to defend his character for mocking Tommy’s accent adsfsdfds “I would NEVER” in the totally not believable tone lmaoooo
“I will take it from you and I’ll kill him”... I have so many thoughts about how this works in lore. Is Drista possessing Dream? He can kick her out clearly, but she still has God Powers…
Lol and now SHES mocking his accent lmaoooo (... is it bad she sounded pretty close to me? lol)
Adsfdsfswd casual chaos Drista just broke the Nether Portal
Asking Drista to stop destroying things is a big ask to be honest lmaoo. Also she seems to be at least somewhat informed that ‘Dream is not supposed to be nice to Tommy’ or at least seemed hesitant to do /weather clear
“Tommy [beheaded him] actually… and killed Mexican Dream” Dream you motherfucker
“How to Sex 3” THE PANIK!!!!!! From Both cc!Dream and Tommy!!! This server is Not Child Friendly lol (Doesn’t…. That not even include sex things…. afasfsd)
Honestly I can’t stop smiling this is so wholesome somehow even with all the cursing and violence
Pigstep IS a bop, Tommy is right
“Just let him, just let him this one time” :(
“Tommy I still have the Fork” Drista totally willing to stab her brother to visit L’manburg
Yes, closing your eyes will totally protect you from Forks lol
“I don’t need school, I dropped out” Is this Lore Crumbs, is this Lore
HEYYYY ITS THE BEDROCK, the one piece of bedrock he has lol, I think he still has that in current day right?
Drista is writing her name in BEDROCK adsfsdfds “I’m not going to be able to get rid of that actually” “That's the Point”
LOL SHe also recognized the burrito as from Mos lmaooo
Somehow “I really want to go to the other place.. I don’t know why he won’t let you” hit hard… it was def ooc, and she doesn’t have the full context, but still… its just someone else wanting and asking for Tommy to be able see L’manburg…
Afsdfsd the Small Gasp when she spleefs herself omgg
Punz!!! WHY!!!! Were you there bc Drista might let Tommy through, was this a safeguard for the LORE. Also he’s currently working for Dream directly right, as a merc?
Drista trying to save Tommy!!!! Punz why are you winning a fight with someone in creative adfsadfsd He’s too good lol
They have negotiated a visit… I’m so emotional I wasn’t expecting this…. No one told me we got a real L’manburg visit !
BIG Q SHES FOURTEEN!!! Omg they didn’t tell him it was Drista. BIG Q!!! BIG Q DON’T SELL HER DRUGS
“He was Naked” good for you Drista, good for you. There’s something so hilarious about Drista just stabbing Quackity over and over again cause she’s uncomfortable lol (as is her right)
Wha --- what video was it????? What is this Tommy picture on the Technoganda???
….”are you sure I’m allowed here” Dream’s conditioning is strong :(
“At many minute I could get mugged” To be Fair Tommy, that was true before
Did Tommy just suggest spawning in a Wither asdfsdfds
DRISTA DOG ARMY!!!! Aww and Tommy has one too~
THE BENCH!! THE HOUSE!!! Aaaaaaaaa He’s sitting on the bench nature is HEALING
…. Who destroyed the front of Tommys house?
,,,,Drista what are you doing with that soULSAND
“OK we'll turn on him” adsfsdfsd
OH HEY TECHNO!!! Lol “Oh god he meant me” fucking mood big man
……. Tubbo hallucination……… fuck
To be fair, logging against a /kill is probably the only way to get away lmao
“Getting thrown off a cliff is literally how Theseus died!!” lol its also hilarious to me that Tommy def does not remember being called that. Personally I don't think it fits him super well anyway, but I do like it as something Techno calls Tommy, that shows how much he misjudges Tommy's character and intentions. No heroes here, just a kid trying to do good by their friends and what they care about
Techno actually looking up how to kill someone in creative mode
…. :( I just want my actual clingyduo content this is meeeeannn
OH HEY TECHNO …. You fucker he would and it would be HILARIOUS (get mad if Drista opped Techno that is lol)
Oh F Techno got him with the Obliterator lmaoooo
“I have 114 levels PLEASE” asdfdasfsdf
LOL Tubbo with the TNT there's our nuke boy, I'll take my crumbs where I can get them
Techno immediately snitching about Elytra and dRISTA GETTING THE ACHIEVEMENT
Drista being the chaotic giver of illegal gifts is so fucking good I'M THRIVING
THE RUN ON PUNZ !!!! omg
Also can we just take a minute to appreciate Tommy being allowed around people <3 <3 This is so wholesome and good and chaotic as all hell
“I thought I was Tom Cruz for like a whole week” ...TOMMY??
Dristas on a banning Rampage afsdfsdf
Omg shes actually making a wITHER DASDASDFAS
Oh no poor Tubbo I didn’t know he was liVE
319k viewers jeezus
Awwwww Techno hyping up Wilbur's song :) that's so sweet actually
…………….Fuck you Dream :( saw the chance to Twist the Knife in c! And TOOK IT
Lol ironically the Bedrock bros song is the oNE COPYRIGHTED ONE, god why did Minecraft ever copyright Pigstep what a shit move honestlyyy
Pigstep fucking goING TO TECHNO LOLLLLLL “this is the most powerful item on the server since it DMCA’s people”
Poor Sam he actually has to BUILD give this man a SHULKER
Lol Everyone wants a shulker so much
….aww he tried to toss the pigstep disc lmaooo DRISTAS LITERALLY HOLDING IT Scaaaaaammmmed
Drista “I NEED IT ON HAND” So committed to violence !!!
The fucking creepers on the way out omg fuckign PERFECT
LOL TOMMY WASN’T READY FOR THE TURN AROUND ON CURSING LMAO You can tell he's always been the youngest who people aren't sure how much they can curse around lmao He's so soft honestly he talks such a big game and then CRUMBLES when called on it lol
Asfdsfs she fell through the same hole again afsdfsdfsd
Drista has been introduced to a Weapon and she’s gotten ATTACHED lmaooo
Wait HOLD THE PHONE Dream has multiple sisters??? Lol
“Yeah I like Shit” Dream: “whAT???”
Bye Drista it’s been nice!!! I hope she had a good time, she seems like a good kid (who is definitely not a content creator lol though she keeps up admirably)
Drista’s one of the few people who can make Tommy speechless lmaooo he looks actually shocked lol
Also first mention of GhostInnit…. cc!Tommy…..
Keep preparing…. Was his original plan to rush Dream even if (maybe especially if…) he died? Fuck man
Also holy shit was this stream right before Quackitys? ? amazing
This was honestly such a BLAST and a really good time, and I can see why its viewed as one of the few breaks we get during Exile :) I feel so refreshed and it was so so nice to have Tommy hanging out in L’manburg having fun with his friends (even if Tubbo was stuck being a Hallucination and Also Banned lol) No deeper insight, I just haven’t stopped smiling for an hour and a half <3
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vexedtonightmares · 4 years
hey :) do you mind sharing some more about the skam austin panel today?
yeah for sure!! i’ll put what i remember under the keep reading tab for ppl who wanna hear about it :) i only went to the panel, not the rewatch (bc money lmao) so there are probably some other things they talked about that i missed, but i’m sure there are other ppl on here that can fill you in on any gaps that i miss!
it was valeria (jo), julie (megan), and lakeisha* (shay), and pedro (p jo) on the panel (he was the moderator, the other three did most of the talking), though they did mention other castmates throughout :,) 
*lakeisha was the name they went by on the panel, and in the info before the panel it said they use they/them pronouns, so that’s how i’ll be referring to them throughout this 
all of them started out by talking about what they’re doing currently, julie said she’s dropping out of school because her therapist told her “you as a person matters more than you as a student” which i thought was a great sentiment as well 
lakeisha said they’ve been making a lot of clothes and music (also throughout the whole thing they kept showing us their shoes and they left to pee like halfway through something they were answering one time hfjskaj)
they then talked about their audition processes (val had the most chaotic series of audtions omg i would love to see her audition tapes)
val originally read for either jo or megan, and she had literally just moved there like right before casting and almost didn’t go to her audition
she said that she decided to be the loudest person in the room so that they couldn’t ignore her, and that carried her through most of the rounds of auditioning
she said that at the end she said “if you don’t choose me, which you should choose me, but if you don’t, please choose another latinx actress because you have no idea how much it means to see someone who looks like you on screen”
julie auditioned because she was hoping julie (andem) would bring lisa and tarjei and she basically wanted a free meet and greet djkfshk 
she found out about skam og on tumblr !! she’s one of us 😌 
she thinks julie andem is the coolest person in the world 
they told her that she was pretty much everything they envisioned megan to be, so they cast her fairly early on and then had her partner with the marlon prospects 
giovanni, who eventually played tyler, auditioned for marlon and they kissed during their audition even though they weren’t supposed to
julie went to high school with till who ended up playing marlon and people would always ask her what it was like to get to make out with him and she was just like .... we just working bruh
lakeisha found the ad to audition on instagram and decided why not because it said it was a paid job 
they looked up a bunch of improv games the night before because they had no experience and had no idea what they were doing
in the audition julie asked what the tattoos on their hand meant (and also the one thing lakeisha was excited about being out of contract was that they could get as many tattoos as they wanted without asking for permission)
they all had a lot of love for julie andem and loved working with her
val said that she’d always try to make julie laugh and she said that julie is the reason og and austin are so good, because it’s her story and her vision 
they roasted the shit out of fb too (as they should)
basically fb ghosted them and never renewed the show but also never cancelled it so technically they don’t even know if anyone else could get the rights to reboot the show somewhere else (lakeisha said ‘skam austin onlyfans’ lmao)
i don’t remember which one of them said it but they said fb is like an inconsistent dad lollll
they also think that fb sort of finessed julie/her team because they were under the impression that it would be like og where they had their own website for the show and everything, but then it ended up just being a facebook page
they also filmed promo for season 1 that never ended up being used but they don’t know why 
lakeisha felt super disrespected by the fact that not only did they not get their season, but also the fact that they just dropped the show like it was nothing and none of them even found out that they probably weren’t getting more seasons until they saw that their instagram accounts were gone
everyone was upset about the igs getting deleted too because they put so much work into the content on there for it all to just disappear 
val said “no one tells a story like the one that was about to be told” and everyone agreed
val said that if the show would have continued, jo would have been undocumented and they would have shown her trying to navigate college (not only were we robbed of a jo season, we were robbed of college seasons 😤)
jo x jo were definitely going to be a thing
val said that when they wrapped s2 she was like finally!!! because now they could get into the stories that they really wanted to tell and really knew would make a difference (everyone vehemently agreed)
they were proud of the fact that they’re the most diverse cast and that they don’t just treat the characters of color like sidekicks like the other remakes do
julie talked about how skam france was the only remake to have jonas not accept isak right away when he was coming out and how it was suspicious that he happened to be the only non white jonas and that was the choice they made
val said that druck is the only remake she’s watched but she likes it
they also talked about how, even though it’s great that the cast was so diverse, practically everyone behind the scenes was white
val said that she didn’t really think about it much at the time because she found it hard to speak up since she was very young and inexperienced but looking back she wishes jo’s body wasn’t so fetishized as a latina (she didn’t clarify whether she was talking on a production level or within the fandom, but she talked about costuming so i assumed she meant more on a production level)
they all wished there was more representation off screen as well as on
shay x megan was brought up and julie said that shay was going to have her own love interest (am!even !!!!) come season three, and that it wouldn’t have been megan 
she also said that megan was mostly just confused and like ‘haha i kiss girls when i’m drunk’ but then she also said that megan and shay never had feelings for each other at the same time so 👀 
she was upset that they made megan and marlon get back together at the end of season 2 because she wasn’t a fan of them together, but she said it also makes sense because a lot of teen girls go back to their toxic exes even when they know it’s not good for them
lakeisha said that they hated shay’s acrylic nails because it didn’t make sense to them for her to have them (especially since shay was a musician)
they also said that they’ve been pretty confident and open with their sexuality since they were around 12, and that one time in middle school they dated a boy because he had an xbox and then they were like oh no is this toxic am i using him because he actually has feelings for me?? hdskafja 
they also said that the cfgc music happened because they heard that the boys from og also had a song and at first i was like wtf are they talking about but now i think they meant the penetrator song 💀💀 
julie has a cfgc shirt :,) and they all stole a bunch of clothes and stuff from set, val said she took a bunch of outfits that jo never wore which makes her sad to think about now 
val’s favorite scene to film was the car scene in s1 before the party (she said it was one of the best moments of her life) and julie said she liked that one as well (val said there’s a shot of her looking into the camera and flipping it off but they didn’t include it in the show, i feel robbed)
people asked how it felt for lakeisha to be the first lesbian isak and they said that they didn’t feel like they were, because they didn’t really get the chance :(( but they also said that the idea itself was very intimidating and there was a lot of pressure around it
they also said that they and gio were very very close both on screen and off, they said it wasn’t even like they were an extension of one person, that’s how close they got
there were a lot of improvised scenes, particularly with val, and she also said that incorporating spanish into jo’s dialogue was mostly improvised 
julie, val, and pedro also all talked about how they’re all mexican, and how each of their life experiences vary so much from one another, on the show and off and julie said megan’s upbringing was a lot like hers 
they all also said that they liked the music the show used and a lot of them have emotional attachments to a lot of the songs 
val said she wishes they used more frank ocean and i agree 
they also said they’re not sure if there are bloopers or anything, but they’d love to see them if there are 
i’m trying to think of anything i missed ahhh i feel like they talked about so much but i think i’ve got the key points soooo
that’s all !!! hope this was interesting to ppl who still care about austin like i do :,))
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fanfic-chan · 2 years
Hello, fellow old woman! For the ask game, 44, 48, and 100. Additionally (Don't answer this if you don't want to, no pressure for any of these actually cuz they are deffo on the personal side) what's ur mbti type? Have a nice day/night 💖
Lollll hiii! Thanks so much for sending these in!! Also, I'm an INFJ!! I hope you have a good day/night as well!^^ ❤️❤️❤️
44: what is your biggest fear? 
Needles. I'm super trypanophobic. I remember back when I first got home after my stroke my doctor's wanted to schedule an appointment for bloodwork to see if I had anything abnormal going on that might have caused it. I got so anxious about it during that two week waiting time that I actually ended up getting sick a few times, only for them to reschedule when the day finally came and I had to wait another week. It was terrible.
48: who is your role model? 
My big sister!^^ I've looked up to her ever since she came to live with us when I was probably around 6-7 years old. She's the one who got me into rodeo and we're still super close despite living so far apart. She's one of the only people besides my grandmother that I can actually talk on the phone with without being nervous lol.
100: who was the last person you cried in front of? 
I think it was my dad when we were watching Marley and Me a while back. I was sobbing hysterically and he, of course, teased me about this. He was crying too, for the record XD
Ask me here!^^
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surrealsunday · 3 years
I’m doing a Tempo reread right now and I forgot how much I relate to your version of Lucas - and I say “your version” because I think you actually expanded really well on all of the Skam France characters. You enhanced personalities that are so in canon with the shows depiction of them. As someone who has BPD and horrible anxiety, I feel so close to Lucas and his reactions to the fear of abandonment. The all consuming anxiety and blame I put on myself when I perceive that someone is mad at me. I literally cannot live in any amount of peace when I know someone is upset with me. Lucas trying to apologize to Eliott after the photographer incident in Tempo just felt too real. His Fawn response is exactly how someone with abandonment issues and anxiety would respond. Instant panic, blame on themselves and the desperate need to fix it immediately to make everything right again. You showed it beautifully here and it was consistent throughout the whole fic.
This is one of the reasons I love your writing and why you’re one of my favorite authors in general. Like yes, the writing is good and the stories are fun but, man, you just really understand the characters. I don’t really know what this ask was supposed to be about but it’s just a random thought I wanted to share, I guess, and I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for constantly giving us such beauty in your stories and in a way, allowing me to feel seen and realize that as much as my mental health can make me feel alone and isolated, that I’m not. Anyway! Sappy comment over! I hope you’re doing well Jaime and I cannot- I repeat CANNOT wait to start your Punzel fic once it’s all ready.
Holy shit this is the most amazing message. So first of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH! You don't even know what it means to read peoples comments like this.
I am so freaking thrilled Tempo holds up like that over time and really allows you to see yourself reflected in the emotions (because to me that indicates the emotions come across as real and believable which is all I could ask for). And I truly love the idea that I was able to expand on canon characters. That's definitely what I do in my own head. At the end of the day, it's not like we actually got that much from the show itself. But all the same, I do wonder sometimes if I'm achieving what I set out to do - that is, still making those characters feel like themselves and how we remember them. So thank you thank you for that.
As for the anxiety thing - I wouldn't wish that to be something anyone related to so strongly but I completely feel you on understanding those emotions, and I hope in that way it's cathartic to read. I hadn't thought about those Lucas scenes in Tempo in quite a while. I actually love looking back on them and remembering my thought process. You will actually get a lot more of that 'anxiety guiding behaviour and thought patterns' in Punzel, though it will be coming from Eliott. I think it's something I naturally bring to my writing and I really hope it translates properly. It's funny because suffering from those feelings myself, I often have anxiety about making the anxiety in my fics too annoying (like... enough is enough) lollll. So yeah, anxiety while writing about anxiety. Such is my lot in life 😂. But I do hope it will continue to read as authentic and thoughtful in Punzel as well.
And no, you are definitely not alone! I love your 'sappy' comment and please feel free to come back and chat with me any time. And truly thank you again for taking the time to send me this message 💖💖💖.
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atopearth · 3 years
Collar X Malice: Unlimited Part 1 - Enomoto Mineo Route
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Okay, so I thought Collar X Malice Unlimited was a fandisc sequel but it seems more like an alternate world/possibility or kinda both I guess lol. Not sure if I really care for the new character called Tachibana, but anyway I'm doing Enomoto's route first and I'm so happy already~ I love how quickly and easily he deflected every attempt of Tachibana's to like touch or do anything to Ichika, like geez this guy lol. Anyway Mineo after story!! So I guess it is a sequel hahaha, I guess they just kinda changed a bit of things to fit some other stuff? Anyway, Mineo without his eyepatch is something I'll need to get used to hahaha. Lmaooo when he said that his ikemen powers will go up now after unlocking the seal on his right eye😂😂😂 Aww I love how Ichika told him that him with and without the eyepatch both had their own appeals, and then I died when he called her a heart thief for saying something sweet like that🤣🤣
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HAHAHA when Mineo tried to convince Ichika that he needs to live near her just in case she needs help with anything, and his example was if Kazuki wasn't home and she needed to open a jar of jam😂😂😂😂 Mineo is so hilarious, he'll always be the death of me🥲🥲 Okay, Super Mineoman is the hero I never knew I needed, he's so adorable🤣🤣 I loveee how Soma Saito voices Mineo, like omggg LOL when he said her love is priceless and said priceless in English😂
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I find it so cute and sweet how at home Mineo is with everyone in his team. Lmaoo when they ate his lunchbox because he kept bragging about how Ichika lovingly made it all for him🤣 Awww I love how Ichika fed him! Lmao when he kept talking about indirect kisses and she had to tell him to shut up and just eat the hamburger steak🤣 I loveee how Kazuki asks about how Ichika is doing now, especially considering the new "Adonis" crime. What I love the most though is that Kazuki and Mineo are friendly enough to cook together for the exhausted Ichika! Honestly, if I had to take all those phone calls at SCRPO, I think I would either want to die or kill someone loll. Mineo remembering how Ichika cooking him food when he was down making him cheer up, and then now doing the same for her was so cute. Seeing him so lovingly prepare the food was just so sweet~ And omggg, I love how caring Mineo is towards Kazuki as well. It was one of the things that made me love Mineo more than all the other guys, since I feel like they put in a lot of effort to show how much Mineo cares about Kazuki as well, and how much he embraces their family. I love how honest Kazuki was about thanking him for supporting him when he found out about Akito. Anyway, Mineo and Kazuki made a full course meal in the morning?! Danggg, I'm impressed too, they even made pudding. I was so happy when Mineo flicked Ichika's forehead and told her to not bottle up her feelings inside all the time and to tell him like she is now. She always doesn't want to burden others and that's definitely a bad habit! Okay, I was still laughing at how Mineo was saying he should turn himself in for making her forehead red from the flick, and then he kissed her forehead to make the pain go away!! I nearly died, that was so cute. Lmao at Mineo's birthday being called eggplant day because it's Tokugawa Ieyasu's death anniversary and he apparently loved eggplants lol. Ichika brainstorming ideas for Mineo's present was so funny🤣 it would be so funny if she actually gifted him a funky eyepatch though😂
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Anyway, it was pretty obvious that this Someya pretended to be attacked by Adonis did it to herself and "blamed Adonis" just so her classmates could finally forgive her for her “crimes” and she could live a normal school life again, but yeah honestly, that was really naive of her, and quite ridiculous but I can sympathise to an extent since bullying is always something really terrible to experience and deal with. However, I still found her little story boring tbh lol. Okay, I usually don't care that much about kiss CGs but dang, the sudden kiss CG after their zoo date was soo hot, I loved it. Oh and lmaooo when Isshiki teased Mineo saying he didn't know who he was without his eyepatch😂😂 it's so true though hahaha. OMG, when Kazuki said Enomoto is the only guy he would call big brother, I nearly died, that's so sweet and cute of Kazuki to tell him that!!! LOL when Mineo started speaking English asking him to repeat it once more, please😂😂 Mineo is such a lovable idiot, it was so cute how Kazuki and Ichika were trying to ask him what present would he like and he kept saying them just being there for him was enough🤣 I can understand his sentiments though hahahah, honestly I feel like I would be as silly as Mineo and not notice these things🤣 On the other hand, it was kinda saddening to hear that Hana's arrest made Isshiki doubt his music and whether it was his music that caused people to misinterpret his songs etc, I'm just glad he was able to overcome that and believe and hope that his songs can one day properly reach Hana though.
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Awww, Ichika finally stayed over at Mineo's place but he ended up having to go to work😭 It was so cute how he was practically trying to propose to her with the Miso soup line hahahah. Omgg, the flashback to Mineo telling Mochida and Satake his and Ichika's love story to properly report to his superiors that they're dating was hilarious😂😂 So awkward for Ichika lmaoo, definitely a funny and embarrassing but good memory though loll. Mineo being so earnest about these things really makes you hope that there are people as honest and endearing as him in this world. Considering how undecided Ichika was towards Mineo's birthday present, it's amazing how thoughtfully she prepared that roll cake birthday cake with his favourite pudding as the filling! It sounds so good😭 Anyway, for a moment I really thought they would just hold hands to sleep but omgg, their first time was so cute, and I love how embarrassed they were towards each other in the morning. They're so innocent it's adorable. Lollll I can totally understand Ichika running away in embarrassment and getting mad at Mineo for blurting stuff out to make Sakuragawa realise what they did last night lmao. I'm surprised they survived not talking to each other for so long, like even if they're busy, they could at least communicate through messages! Anyway, I loved how the ending ended with Mineo asking Ichika to be his partner for life in public this time haha, the partner thing was one of my favourite scenes so seeing him do it again was sweet. It made me so happy and giddy for them hahaha. It's also nice how they met each other's families, it's kinda sad that Ichika's parents still don't seem to care for her apparently, but I'm glad Mineo's family is as wholesome as he is and as accommodating and bright. No one could be sad with their family around hahaha. I kinda like how they handled Ogata in the normal ending, it's nice to know that Mineo's sincerity really got through to him.
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Overall, I really enjoyed Mineo's route~ It was honestly pretty short but that's okay because Mineo still makes me laugh so much, he's so funny that it brightens up my mood every time I watch him and his antics lol. I also really enjoyed seeing Ichika and Mineo be this silly happy couple that is really sweet too. But I think the biggest highlight for me is seeing how much of an effect Mineo had on Kazuki and just Kazuki and Ichika's relationship in general. I always loved how Mineo helped Ichika communicate with Kazuki better, so I just love how Kazuki treats Mineo like family now, and it doesn't feel awkward at all with how they all are. Seeing Kazuki appreciate Mineo for the guy he is made me really happy for them haha. Definitely an enjoyable after story and Mineo definitely has the same happy vibe and sincerity as his original route, and the ending was so cute~
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