#well i kinda did but it's fanfic
gamebunny-advance · 2 years
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Grab Bag Doodles
Oh, it’s actually a grab bag this time instead of NSR and OC doodles! I’ve been working a lot more than usual this past week, so I haven’t had the energy to work on anything serious, but I just feel like I’ll explode if I don’t start posting at least something I’ve drawn once every few weeks, so here’s my doodles from last-last week.
1) Tabuu and Primid. Wanted to start drawing them again. I feel like I didn’t get as much out of Tabuu and his underlings as I wanted before my interests started shifting.
2) Mini Bosses. As I doodled this, I thought of a comic about how my human Tabuu, Galeem, and Dharkon seemingly have an aversion to clothes. Tabuu is like that for obvious reasons, he’s already a naked humanoid, so any clothing I gave him in this form was just for modesty. Galeem and Dharkon just don’t wear shoes because I feel like they’re more ethereal that way. I’m also trying to drop some of the religious imagery with them and make them more fantasy focused. It’s still a work in progress though.
3) Malt Shop Blue Sketch. He’s the next one up, but I’m not feeling the pose, so I’m probably gonna rework this. It doesn’t really lend itself to much interesting animation. I did however want to swap out his shades for regular glasses, so we can see his eyes through them.
4) Touhou!DJSS. I dunno, I just like the design I made for him and wanted to draw it again. It’s amazing how well DJSS lends himself to being a haughty anime girl.
5) Ex’s Meme. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while, just so my feelings about this ship are a little more clear. I actually already filled it out, but I’ll wait until I actually finish the art to say anything about it. I wanna redo the art anyway. I think it’d be funnier if they’re interacting a little more directly.
6) Sizeshifter. A joke from the “Let’s do a science!” comic that might get cut. I dunno, think it’s a little low brow, but... it’s still kinda funny. Kliff’s here because he’s helping with the experiments as a part of his community service.
NJ + Kliff: So does it work on your pe-
DJSS: You’re both going to stop right there before I have a reason to kill you.
7) Kun3h0 Expressions. Just working on some expressions for Kun3. I didn’t label them all, but going clockwise, starting in the upper left corner: default, excited, annoyed, despondent, shocked, disappointed. I might rework “despondent” to be a little more interesting. I like making her puffs a little expressive though. Maybe the puffs should “inflate” when she’s mad?
8) Yomi redesign. I don’t think I ever posted about them, but Yomi was the character I came up with to test how HONK works. I was never really happy with their design, but I had to push through so I could focus on learning the program rather then get caught up in the art. They’re still not great, but I like them more than I did before. I might try a human version, because I think this is just serving to prove to myself that I’m really not good at doing more anthro furry stuff yet. We’ll see though~ I’m not too attached to them, so I might design a new avatar for testing.
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youchangedmedestiel · 1 month
What happens when I have a fic idea:
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Eventually I start running in the right direction:
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And finally:
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Before it's too late. Before the moment is gone. Before the vibe left the brain.
My last idea: Dean is dancing and singing in the library, knowing everybody is out somewhere else. At first he is shy and then he goes wild but by then Cas walks in on him and falls in love all over again.
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the-maximist-drawer · 26 days
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Foot Leonardo!
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lgbtlunaverse · 2 months
I think I've been on tragedy brainrot for so long that it's had a detrimental effect on my ability to create for a source material that is both genuinely well-written and has a happy ending. I wanna write farcille fic so bad but ryoko kui did a way too good job at ending things and my ability to write post-canon fluff has been shot and hidden in a dumpster which means all my fic ideas have SUCH horrible vibes.
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angelic-waffles · 6 months
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interstate35south · 5 months
this is kinda in the same vein as one of my other posts but like i really do wish that tnb season 2 showed ANY sort of like?? idk trauma response?? for ANY of the heroes
like don’t get me wrong season 2 ep 14 may be like my number one favorite episode but it’s kinda weird to me the fact that apparently everyone just??? got over it???
it’s canon that everyone who was in the hospital was AWAKE and CONSCIOUS during their whole paralysis??? that shit is TERRIFYING but the most that’s said about that time is ryan’s mention of karina’s parents visiting and like. nothing else??
furthermore i don’t really think they mentioned enough how subaru thomas and lara must’ve felt after fugan and mugan broke into the training center like?? you’re telling me no guilt no nothing?? just in general i feel like the effect on them, the youngest heroes, could’ve been talked about WAY more
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the-fab-fox · 1 year
Ashe tilted his head, his freckles standing out from his pale skin in the bright light of the day.
"I'm sorry, Yuri... What did you say?"
Yuri grinned one of his knowing smiles and shrugged.
"Oh, just that it's refreshing to know someone who is just happy to be themselves. Proud to be even." He then snorted. "I can't even leave my room without my clothes neatly pressed and my make up on. But you just go out into the world as you. No apologies given. Not that they're any to give but, you know what I mean."
Ashe, blushing, shook his head and laughed his unfairly cute laugh.
"You're the least apologetic person between the two of us, Yuri!"
Yuri laughed again and nodded.
"Fair point."
He leaned in and placed a hand on Ashe's thick right thigh, squeezing lightly.
"I'm not going to apologize for this... But only because I don't think I have to," he murmured. Then, without warning—although Ashe supposed Yuri had warned him to some extent—the lavender haired boy kissed him.
After getting over his initial shock, Ashe brought a hand up to grip at the others clothes, tugging them to pull Yuri closer. When the kiss ended, Yuri—ignoring the heat rising up his neck—cleared his throat.
"I think we should find a room—yours is probably closer."
Ashe laughed, the sound; a charming jingle in his head.
"So eager... It's cute."
"Hey. I'm allowed to be eager! I mean... Just look at you."
He waved his hand at Ashe's whole body. The boy giggled.
He actually giggled.
Saints help him.
"You just gestured to all of me."
Yuri nodded firmly. "You better believe I meant all of you. Both inside and out, you are beautiful, Ashe Ubert."
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mortellanarts · 1 year
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He needs you to be okay
You can't answer him
You are not okay
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joyflameball · 5 months
Anyway I think once Wendy found out who Maxwell is she'd like. Latch onto him hard. Like she's clearly got attachment issues (refusing to move on from abby or let her fade away), she's already lost most of her family (abby dead, her parents in the real world), so discovering someone related to her was right there this whole time would def cause her to attach herself bad. This could also give her conflicted emotions, considering that Maxwell still dragged her here, most likely dragged her there with the promise of getting Abby back. Her fucking uncle dragged her into the Constant when she was in a desperate position. Many such cases
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#dst#cassie rambles#wendy and maxwell could also be like. anxious attachment style vs avoidant attachment style#maxwell not wanting people to get close because of what happened with charlie + just not liking being around people#vs wendy clinging on desperately to the last living member of her family she has left#you get it. you get me#don't starve#i think that. wendy found out who maxwell was first#like i don't think maxwell. like. in his final speech he mentions that time moves different#i interpret it as ''time moves slower in hte constant''#so it's been way longer for him#so he barely would remember wendy and there's no indication he knew her dad was jack#i mean. i feel like if he realized his fucking brother was there. he would have a bit of a Moment#so. wendy found out they were related before maxwell did#i don't think she'd tell him at first. how the fuck are you supposed to break that to someone?#''hey. i'm your niece. i'm the kid of your brother who you haven't seen in eons. he's my dad. you're my uncle. btw.''#they're tryna SURVIVE here they don't have time for intense emotional moments over discovering their relation#(plus in the fanfic in my head she found out like. at the same time as a betrayal + losing the codex + wilson fucking died kinda)#(so like. there was a lot going on let's not spring that on everyone as well)#however thsi would probably eat her alive.#i imagine in my brain at some point she finally breaks down begging maxwell to explain why he dragged her into the constant#when he KNEW her because he KNEW they were related and he KNEW who her dad was and HE'S her uncle william SHE'S wendy carter you KNOW me yo#DO YOU SEE MY VISION#I'M NORMAL#PLEASE BELIEVE ME#wendy getse to have an emotional breakdown over her family. maxwell gets to freak the fuck out at wendy being his niece#fun for everyone!#anyway. KLEI PLEASE GIVE US MORE ON THE INTERESTING FAMILY STUFF#GIVE ME MORE WINONA AND CHARLIE GIVE ME MORE MAXWELL AND WENDY#PLEASE I'M STARVED
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amugoffandoms · 8 months
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really tried to get something out of this, really wasn't sure what to do today!
Devil's Advocate - idiom, a person who expresses an opinion that disagrees with others so that there will be an interesting discussion about some issue. Historical Context: The Devil's advocate opposed 'God's advocate' (advocatus Dei; also known as the 'Promoter of the Cause'), whose task was to make the argument in favor of canonization. During the investigation of a cause, this task is now performed by the 'Promoter of Justice' (promotor iustitiae), who is in charge of examining the accuracy of the inquiry on the saintliness of the candidate.
Fuuta exhales as he impatiently taps his foot against the floor while staring at the wall across from him.
It's funny. A couple days of days ago, he didn't expect to be in fucking prison. He didn't even... commit murder. But, anyways, what does that matter? There are innocent people here!
"What kind of human rights violation..." Fuuta huffs.
MILGRAM is confining and imprisoning innocent people here! What the fuck kind of… That's wrong! On multiple levels! And, they didn't even them smartphones or computers! What the hell?? They're practically sick in the head for depriving people from the internet.
Everyone's acting like this is a good thing, either to just hang out or be properly judged. How in the slightest is this a good thing???
He's brought this up multiple times just for someone to agree with him and say that this is wrong, but they all seem to just ignore what he says.
It doesn't even matter. He'll fucking scream at the Warden about how wrong this is. He'll be the representative that brings up everything wrong if no one else will. He'll be the one to bring up better treatment.
He needs to make sure everyone knows that they're a prisoner and they need to find a way out because everything here is wrong. He'll shout as loud as he can so everyone can understand that they need to get out of this violation of everyone's rights.
He rubs his eyes as he throws himself onto his bed and stares at the roof instead.
This is wrong! So, why is everyone denying it? Why would you deny the very truth staring in your eyes??
He may be aggressive, but he's at least bringing up good points.
Why would someone kidnap ten different people just to "judge" them?? How fucking stupid--
Fuuta wants to throw a pillow across the room, pissed off at this entire situation.
He'll fucking destroy this place. Show them true justice.
Exhaling, he shuts his eyes. He wants to just forget this place for a little while when he sleeps.
Eventually, he drifts off.
Fuuta stares at his phone, posts he apparently posted but doesn't remember posting on his timeline. He must have posted this in a fit of justice. He saw how wrong this was and knew that there was an injustice being occurred, so he called them out!
He was probably trying to prove her injustice, showing that she's wrong. She needs to understand that! She's in the wrong, so she shouldn't make excuses, right?
He was promoting justice by vanquishing evil and proving how people are in the wrong. When they find out they're wrong, they can hopefully change.
Even if she's young, she... she needs to understand what she's done. She's just another offender, right...?
Shaking his head, he continues to scroll on his phone, lying on his back. He keeps seeing random posts and they're all uninteresting, so he swipes to see any other posts until-
High school student found dead after backlash online
"What?" Fuuta whispers to no one and quickly sits upright. He wraps his blanket around him, just... to feel safe, or something stupid...
He clicks the article and starts reading.
...Girl was found... dead... earlier this morning...
Parents... mentioned backlash online for something... unsure what really happened... stated she was... paranoid days before she died
Police are still... figuring out if... this was a suicide.
"No-- No way... She didn't--" Fuuta mutters.
She wasn't supposed to die.
Fuuta jolts awake with a scream stuck in his lungs. He's fine. He's fine. He's fine.
And... for a moment, he almost thinks he hears someone call him a demon for attacking people and letting the girl die.
He shakes his head. He's just helping justice by vanquishing evil doers, right?
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cowboy-robooty · 1 year
okay. calling all yandereheads. does anyone know any stories that has a yandere but like they have a sidekick (that doesnt really want to be their sidekick but is forced into it and decides to make the most of their situation and ends up acting like a silly friend to them) and at first they hate their sidekick and want their ass dead but keep em around bc their sidekick helps them stalk their crush but then the story does a switcharoo where the yandere realizes sidekick is their #truelove and goes yandere for sidekick
#THIS CONCEPT HAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL IDK WHY NOBODY DOING IT#LIKE THIS WOULD WORK REALLY FUCKING WELL AS A COMEDY SLICE OF LIFE MANGA I KNOW IT (except in execution the yandere probs never falls in#love with sidekick 🙄)#BUT I NEED TO SEE IF ANYBODY HAS MADE THIS EXCEPT THEY GO ALL IN WITH THE YAOI#im sorry im asking because the demons are taking over again#since this trope has had a gorilla grip on my brain ever since my depressive episode got really bad that one time so i was on wattpad right?#and i was lookin at yandere x readers because i needed to feel middle school joy again but then i found one that was Unironically Good.#i kept reading it bc the yanderes name is the name of my fucking dead grandfather and i thought that was really funny and it was well#written but kinda shitty at the same time bc it wasnt aids to read but it was japanese setting that Was Very American#and (y/n) [that i named yosuke] is actually such a good charactee bc he doesnt give a fuck about anything hes like shang qinghua HES SO#LIKABLE AND FUNNY HES EATING SHIT EVERYDAY AND FEELS LIKE A COMIC RELIEF ITS SO GOOD#oh also for this fanfic i checked the authors acc and saw they had disappeared for months and i was like lol i guess they got hit by a car#and then i found out they actually did#but anyways yeah that fanfic is my enemy though bc its so good but still so fucking shameful and i refuse to get anybody into it#SO THATS WHY I NEED SOME MEDIA TO TAKE THAT PREMISE AND USE IT TO ITS FULL POTENTIAL AGAIN#BC SOMEONE HAS TO TOP THE FUCKING YANDERE X READER WATTPAD FANFICTION#PLEASE#AUWGJSJDKSKSKS THAT FUCKING FANFICCCCC...... So GOOD.... <-(demons are winning)
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heytheredeann · 8 months
Whumptober 2023, Day 14 - "Just hold on."
Tags: Post-Canon, Sci-Fi Elements, Could be read as gen or romantic idk, Immortal Napoleon Solo, Temporary Character Death, Hurt Napoleon Solo, Napoleon Solo Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Gunshot Wounds
Notes: WELL it's been a while since I've written something for the immortal Napoleon series, I'd missed it! This one is a little different, because Napoleon has actually never died before, so this is as much of a surprise for him as it is for Illya LOL. Enjoy! (This is part of a series of stand-alone fics exploring the same general premise in different ways, because it has a lot of potential for whump. You don't need to read the others to follow this, though I'd say that the first fic in the series might have the most in-depth explanation of Napoleon's situation.)
He doesn’t immediately realize what happened, when he hears a gunshot and something slams against his back. The pain explodes belatedly, when he has already taken a stumbling step forward, trying to regain his balance, and then he can’t breathe.
The world starts tilting, but he’s caught before he can hit the ground, more gunshots resounding around him before two arms are wrapped tightly around his chest, pulling him back and easing him down.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Illya frantically says against his ear, pushing down against his back and chest. He chokes out a scream with all the voice he has left, which is admittedly not much, but the pressure doesn’t relent, and his head spins. “Just hold on, it’s going to be okay.”
It’s not. He doesn’t need to be lucid to know, it’s not.
He’s dying, he thinks hysterically, he just got shot and he’s dying.
Shaken by a full-body shudder, he leans back farther against Illya, because everything is beginning to feel numb around him, and he doesn’t want to get cold.
Illya is saying something else. The words don’t seem to reach him above the thundering in his ears, but it doesn’t matter, he likes the sound of Illya’s voice: it keeps him company, keeps him warm, just like the arms enveloping him in this weird, desperate hug.
[More on Ao3]
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herrscherofmagic · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Clara (Honkai: Star Rail), Serval (Honkai: Star Rail) Additional Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Canon Compliant, At least I think it's canon compliant?, it takes place years after the current setting so its hard to say lol, One Shot, Short One Shot, Mentor/Protégé, mentor serval and mentee clara!, also it's kinda like a field trip, or more like a summer camp actually, but space-y in a way, brief mention of Screwllum and Welt and Hook, and of course mentions of Svarog, clara going through a major milestone in life, late-teens Clara Summary:
Clara's on a special trip to a faraway land, and in a moment of respite she takes the time to compose a letter to send back home to let Mr. Svarog know how she's doing!
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museofvoid · 5 months
hhuh i finally posted the first chapter of my fanfic
that's so scary wtf
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kuiinncedes · 6 months
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fuckmeyer · 1 year
(Jacobsbadwig) with all due respect, when the fuck did you get back! I missed you!
never left, only reincarnated :)
#i missed you too!!!!!! how's the fanfic going???? well i hope :)#it has been a Time#my burnout & mental illness got the better of me. i intended on divorcing myself from fandom & deleting my blog#i wanted to make myself as small as possible so i could spend whatever energy i had on work and drugs#i was afraid my presence was negatively affecting the fandom at best & contributing nothing at worst#it didn't feel like there was any place for me anymore - not because of anything anyone said or did but bc#many posts i made i no longer agreed w/ & bc i was too burnt out to write new theories i figured no one would notice or care i was gone#so i got super drunk and deleted everything#people contacted me about my blog but i was too anxious to reply#bc i didn't want to admit i had made a mistake#i kept the handle in case i ever wanted to post#but for a long time i had nothing to say about twilight outside of what my fanfiction had to say about it#i lurked for a while & at the end of the day i missed the community that came with participating in fandom#really tho - what helped was quitting my crushing job and taking several months to travel around the pacific northwest#(burnout is REAL!!!!!!)#and the admin of the twilight Discord server recognizing my handle & taking the time to talk to me - which was very sweet of them#plus - i am rereading Eclipse for the fanfic rewrite and began to have Thoughts#tbh i've been finding it amazing that anyone ever noticed i left or remembered my handle! im kinda blown away#anyway here's all the information you never asked for LMAO#i am happy to be back in the circle :)#cheers to you#<3
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