#whoops o.o
amugoffandoms · 1 year
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really tried to get something out of this, really wasn't sure what to do today!
Devil's Advocate - idiom, a person who expresses an opinion that disagrees with others so that there will be an interesting discussion about some issue. Historical Context: The Devil's advocate opposed 'God's advocate' (advocatus Dei; also known as the 'Promoter of the Cause'), whose task was to make the argument in favor of canonization. During the investigation of a cause, this task is now performed by the 'Promoter of Justice' (promotor iustitiae), who is in charge of examining the accuracy of the inquiry on the saintliness of the candidate.
Fuuta exhales as he impatiently taps his foot against the floor while staring at the wall across from him.
It's funny. A couple days of days ago, he didn't expect to be in fucking prison. He didn't even... commit murder. But, anyways, what does that matter? There are innocent people here!
"What kind of human rights violation..." Fuuta huffs.
MILGRAM is confining and imprisoning innocent people here! What the fuck kind of… That's wrong! On multiple levels! And, they didn't even them smartphones or computers! What the hell?? They're practically sick in the head for depriving people from the internet.
Everyone's acting like this is a good thing, either to just hang out or be properly judged. How in the slightest is this a good thing???
He's brought this up multiple times just for someone to agree with him and say that this is wrong, but they all seem to just ignore what he says.
It doesn't even matter. He'll fucking scream at the Warden about how wrong this is. He'll be the representative that brings up everything wrong if no one else will. He'll be the one to bring up better treatment.
He needs to make sure everyone knows that they're a prisoner and they need to find a way out because everything here is wrong. He'll shout as loud as he can so everyone can understand that they need to get out of this violation of everyone's rights.
He rubs his eyes as he throws himself onto his bed and stares at the roof instead.
This is wrong! So, why is everyone denying it? Why would you deny the very truth staring in your eyes??
He may be aggressive, but he's at least bringing up good points.
Why would someone kidnap ten different people just to "judge" them?? How fucking stupid--
Fuuta wants to throw a pillow across the room, pissed off at this entire situation.
He'll fucking destroy this place. Show them true justice.
Exhaling, he shuts his eyes. He wants to just forget this place for a little while when he sleeps.
Eventually, he drifts off.
Fuuta stares at his phone, posts he apparently posted but doesn't remember posting on his timeline. He must have posted this in a fit of justice. He saw how wrong this was and knew that there was an injustice being occurred, so he called them out!
He was probably trying to prove her injustice, showing that she's wrong. She needs to understand that! She's in the wrong, so she shouldn't make excuses, right?
He was promoting justice by vanquishing evil and proving how people are in the wrong. When they find out they're wrong, they can hopefully change.
Even if she's young, she... she needs to understand what she's done. She's just another offender, right...?
Shaking his head, he continues to scroll on his phone, lying on his back. He keeps seeing random posts and they're all uninteresting, so he swipes to see any other posts until-
High school student found dead after backlash online
"What?" Fuuta whispers to no one and quickly sits upright. He wraps his blanket around him, just... to feel safe, or something stupid...
He clicks the article and starts reading.
...Girl was found... dead... earlier this morning...
Parents... mentioned backlash online for something... unsure what really happened... stated she was... paranoid days before she died
Police are still... figuring out if... this was a suicide.
"No-- No way... She didn't--" Fuuta mutters.
She wasn't supposed to die.
Fuuta jolts awake with a scream stuck in his lungs. He's fine. He's fine. He's fine.
And... for a moment, he almost thinks he hears someone call him a demon for attacking people and letting the girl die.
He shakes his head. He's just helping justice by vanquishing evil doers, right?
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jellyjamheadobb · 4 months
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I'm finally getting around to stealing this idea from @thatlittledandere so leave a reply or reblog (whichever you prefer) and I will make this a shitty MS Paint meme. I will tag the tributes participants when I post the completed chart. I don't have that many active followers/mutuals, but depending on how many people are interested I may do more than one of these~ uwu
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look-i-love-u · 2 years
hey Vey! Got a headcanon on your mind today?
Hey, Anon.
One day Mickey comes home from spending time with the handful of family members he doesn't hate. He just opens the door before slamming it shut again. Ian, who is sitting on the couch in the living room, jumps up immediately.
"Mick!", there might be a hint of panic in his voice.
"Nope! No!", is the reply he's getting. "I'm going to try this again. Open this door and see my sexy ass husband waiting for me and not...whatever I just saw!"
Ian's loud sigh is audible on the other side of their apartment door.
He has his arms crossed in front of his chest and looks annoyed when Mickey actually does open the door again. His foot quickly shooting out to keep his husband from slamming it closed again.
"Really, Mick. Dramatic much?"
But Mickey just squeezes his eyes shut. Opens them for a second before covering them with his hand. "What the fuck, Ian!", he sound like he's in mourning, suffering the greatest pain.
"It had to be done.", Ian sighs again.
Mickey shakes his head. Finally looks at him again. "But they're all gone. It's... Without any warning!"
"I watched the kids. Franny spit her gum out on a pillow. Which I lay down on. Tami shaved them all off.", Ian explains and holds out his arms.
Mickey sinks into them. "I miss them.", he whispers, listening to Ian's heartbeat.
"I know, baby. But my curls will grow out again. If it makes you feel better... I can grow a beard in the meantime?!"
Mickey pulls away from him. Nods breathlessly. Fuck yes, he's on board with that!
"And till then...", Ian smiles and takes Mickey's hand. "it feels sooo good when you do this.", he almost purs when Mickey's hand slides over his shaved short hair. The look in his eyes and the tone of his voice may convince Mickey that this new haircut might not be the worst thing after all.
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dramatisperscnae · 5 months
"i know there's been a lot between us, kyle, but i want you to know i'm... thankful," it's hard to be honest in a place like the one hal's actions put him, but he has to be. kyle held the torch for them all when he nearly snuffed the green lanterns out. hell, if the kid didn't want to look at his face ever again after meeting him as parallax, he'd understand, but here they are, sharing a rare moment of peace.
maybe it's the rare opportunity of sharing a moment at warriors without guy or john watching. maybe it's the alcohol talking already (he shouldn't drink, anyway, but recommendations are not something he follows through often), but he thinks kyle deserves a little honesty.
"i know you think you weren't chosen but even if you weren't, you were better than any expectations anyone could have. doing all you did, with no training? kilowog would've been out of his mind." he chuckles at the rim of his pitcher. "and hey, i know that means little considering i was the one who put you in that spot first thing, but... i mean it. you are one of the best of us."
Kyle really hadn't known what to expect when Hal had invited him out. They hadn't really had much interaction since Hal's return, and the only meetings they'd had before then had mostly been Hal - well. Parallax. - trying to kick seven kinds of shit out of him. And then had come the Sun-eater, and then Hal had died, and now…well, death somehow had a way of never quite being permanent for the true legends, didn't it?
Not that Kyle included himself among that number despite his own death during that Atlantis fiasco, but that was neither here nor there.
But he couldn't deny it was nice to actually talk with Hal Jordan himself for once, without the added weight of Guy and John in the conversation. It wasn't that Kyle didn't like being a part of the group - far from it - but get all four of them together and Kyle tended to feel kind of like D'artagnan to the others' Three Musketeers; a part of the group, absolutely, but still somehow on the outskirts, without the deeper bond the other three had.
He sipped at his beer, the conversation reaching a natural lull for a moment before Hal spoke up again and had Kyle looking up in mild confusion. Thankful…? What, just in general or for something specific? And where had it come from all of a sudden? They'd been just shooting the shit, catching each other up on the more mundane aspects of their respective lives - what few those were - and suddenly this?
But Hal didn't stop there. Kyle stared at him, brain trying to catch up with what he was hearing. No one else had really ever acknowledged the fact that Kyle had never gotten the same training as the others…hell, he'd never even heard the oath until Donna had introduced him to John, and he sure as hell hadn't known the legacy he carried. He'd done his best, of course, but there had been - still were - days where it just didn't feel like enough.
And then Hal had to go and finish like that. Kyle couldn't help the wry, almost disbelieving chuckle as he focused on his beer rather than the man across from him. It was one thing for Kyle's own ego to occasionally talk like that, but to hear it from Hal Jordan? The legend himself? That was something else. Especially since Hal still seemed to think Kyle really had been chosen.
"I wasn't chosen, y'know," he said with a shrug. "It could've been anyone in that alley that night. Could've been the homeless guy. Happened to be me. 'You shall have to do', exactly what he said before he shoved the ring at me and disappeared." And then, a scant few months later, he'd had to fight to keep the damned thing when both Ganthet and Hal had showed up to take it back and claim it personally, respecively. No, Kyle Rayner hadn't been chosen. He had chosen. He'd fought for his right to wear the ring.
"But that…it means a lot, actually, coming from you," he added with a crooked grin. "More than you think. I mean, all that bullshit aside, you're still Hal Jordan, y'know? The living legend, that whole thing?" Supposedly the best Green Lantern ever, depending on who you asked. "When he gave me the ring, Ganthet's only instructions were to 'do what I must'." Kyle shrugged. "So I did. Learned a lot of lessons the hard way, but…I'm still here, so I've gotta be doing something right, yeah?"
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woodsfae · 1 year
I've been trying out a hot new story-writing technique called "pre-write the whole thing before posting" and it's going well. But. I'm so well trained by my years of posting-as-I-go that after I've been writing (and not posting) I keep checking for new comments anyway.
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darkclouud9 · 2 years
I'm old.
MrsT is here to celebrate!!
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strxnged · 2 years
i already know im gonna listen to wayyy too much We Are The City in 2023 and im excited about it
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sbnkalny · 2 years
The UK Saturday morning children's show Tiswas used the concept of gunge in abundance. Having already established messy slapstick humour through custard pies and buckets of water being thrown over presenters and guests, Tiswas had taken to locking up adult volunteers into a cage. Once inside the cage, the inhabitants would normally be soaked with buckets of water at random points in the show. Where gunge became involved, was thanks to the tin bath perched on top the Cage. Through a handle, this tub could be tilted, dropping its messy contents onto the people below, While famous for its custard pie humour, it would not be unusual for Tiswas to have buckets of food and imitation mud/horse manure poured over people. Custard and baked beans were popular choices.
Please help me start a whole new ecosystem in the Ocean to make a nest in my chest and used the resulting diarrhea to write it on. And I curse you and your eyes are flying out of my mouth I'm MR. bucket! buckets of fun!. I wish I'd step out of my mouth I'm mr. BUCKET! buckets of fun!. So come see me {pull back to reveal the hideous, pink face of a tiny, colorful bird perched atop the stone. It's one in a million Oh, it's what you say is an imitation of the ask button not existing whoops. Baked beans
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evilminji · 4 months
Oh my god ( o.o) you know One Piece?
Legendarily LONG AF anime?
I just realized... if you had The Rest Of Time, a PASSION PROJECT, and mad animation skills? The ability to duplicate yourself? Could MAKE your own studio and any suppliesyou need?
Then Season 273 of that Zone Anime is ENTIRELY PLAUSIBLE.
And probably not uncommon.
Same with every OTHER show. Cause like? Why do THEY give a fuck if it "makes money"? It goes until they're bored or they're DONE! Not a second sooner! Yeah, you may have to go collect a copy for some of them YOURSELF, but? Big whoop! They are FREE.
Think of the movie/animations libraries!
All the weird artsy films that could never be made in life! The alien films, genres you've never even HEARD off before! Multiversal media!
You think YOU binge shows? This is going to DESTROY TUCKERS LIFE.
It probably lands him in the HOSPITAL. He forgot to EAT, he forgot to DRINK. What year is it? J...just one more episode! ONE MORE EPISODE! They have to get the sword of destiny back!!! The village is counting on theeeeem! *is dragged away to an ambulance*
@hdgnj @babbling-babull
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naffeclipse · 2 years
Seeing that adorable art of Mer!Eclipse experiencing spicy food for the first time made me think of something pretty cute (if non-canonical): Y/N grabbing a bunch of candy and other human foods and sitting out with Eclipse one night to try them together 💕 Idk if you’ve seen that one vid where a baby tries ice cream for the first time and is like O.O and shoves their face into it to have more but that’s the mental image I get.
Unless he’s like a cat and is incapable of detecting sweet flavours…? Either way, love your work! Your fluffy Mer!Eclipse content has been keeping me warm this winter :’]
You need to thank @pure-plum for the adorable Mer!Eclipse art! It is very cute ♥
That's what would happen! Eclipse never had anything sweet before, so I picture Y/N sitting out on their boat with a tub of ice cream and eating, concentrating on the flavor enough to give Eclipse a taste! He really loves the sweet. It's much better than the horrible spiciness hehe
Then they have to endure a brain freeze together! Eclipse is very much not amused by that and Y/N apologizes after recovering. Whoops, I forgot that happens sometimes lol but that's the price for sweet ice cream.
Eclipse is going to need some face kisses to mend the brain freeze ♥
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goth-mami-writer · 5 months
A post about my life lately.
(If you fucking care ✌️🫠)
⚠️Tw: There's some mentions in this that may stir certain emotions regarding✨️pro-choice✨️mindsets (abortion) and vomiting. So if you think that's gonna upset you, don't interact pls. Thx.⚠️
I've been away. And here's why without being theatrical - I found out I was pregnant again. And....I wasn't happy.
I'm a mom to 1 already and...I knew that I couldn't do it again. It's hard, to be as frank as I can. The physical effect of pregnancy on the body is something...I despise? I had awful, TERRIBLE sickness the first time anddd fuck, it was the same this time.
Yeah, no. You can go ahead and count me out.
Well- Were you using BiRtH CoNtrOl?!, you may ask?
Yes. Abso-fuckin-lutely. I had an IUD inserted two months after I had my first kid. Cause FUCK THAT. I knew I didn't want another. My son's awesome. Being his mom is my reason for living. But pregnancy is not for me.
So- this being the decision, I fucking called the one person I goddamn trust and that's Mera. ❤️ @short-honey-badger
And bitch, did we plan a trip. We had to drive OUT OF OUR STATE TO RECEIVE THE CARE NECESSARY. (That's a topic for another day tho t-.-t )
✨️Anyways,✨️ Mera is a badass and drove me to said appointment as I'm fighting the most debilitating nausea. All I could stand to eat without vomiting was fucking popsicles and slushies. So yum at 5 am, BTW.
~But here's where shit gets wild~
I show up, ready to have this done. Get on with my life. Maybe start writing again because I know that I'll feel better. The nurses and staff were incredible and sweet. But there was one problem.....my IUD was out of place, they tell me.
Okay? I knew that, right? Obviously, that's why it didn't work and I got pregnant. Makes sense.
NONONONO. I'm laying on a table out of my home state, laughing gassed out of MY FUCKING MIND, with a lady doctor telling me in the calmest demeanor that she can that I need FUCKING ✨️EMERGENCY SURGERY✨️
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So...the staff is obviously letting me recover from the procedure- THE ONE I JUST HAD. and now I'm being fed all this medical jargon basically saying that if I didn't receive surgery, this IUD was gonna tear its way into my other organs because it was already embedded in the muscle tissue of my abdomen.
Fucking AWESOME.
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Luckily, all these people were contracted to the local hospital in this city and they were going to let them know I was coming over and all that good jazz, but I basically needed to get over there. Like...now. RIGHT NEOW. 💀
So then it's me and Mera just navigating parts of a city that we just DO NOT fucking know, trying to get me to said hospital where this surgery needed to take place. It wasn't far but goddamn this hospital had absolute SHIT parking. It was a monster to fucking navigate as well. Luckily, I was on some good pain meds that were keeping me kinda stable, but ooohhhh, not for long.
We get checked into the ER and yeah, I started HURTING. Not to mention also, viciously nauseous once again. But this time, because I hadn't eaten anything since 5am and I was told that it would basically be fucking ILLEGAL for me to eat again until I got off this operating table.
(I thought you said it was an emergency, why didn't they have you in OR yet??)
My particular case needed staffing of crazy ass doctors to oversee this procedure. I swear to God, I met like 5 people in the four hours that I sat in the emergency room before being prepped for surgery.
I was rolled out for testing like four different times! All kinds of shit just being shot into my IV while I'm still fucked up on the first dose of morphine that's still whooping my ass in and out of consciousness as Mera is at my bedside like,
"O.o u okay?" (Bc she's an angel that stayed with me during the entirety of this fucking insanity like T-T)
FINALLY. I got into my fucking surgery. It went fine, everything is fine. But goddamn, I'm exhausted. Mera was exhausted. We'd been up for almost 24hrs at this point in the day and now I'm finally being admitted into an actual room for post-op recovery.
That next morning before my discharge, I was let know the gravity of my situation and things like that. I was reassured that nothing I did caused this IUD to move. And that meant one thing-
It was never inserted correctly in the first place.
✨️So✨️ let me be the first one to tell you- please. For the love of FUCK. Go get your IUD checked. Via fucking ultrasound.
Don't let that sassy nurse stick a speculum in your fuggin hoo-haa and tell you she can see the strings so you're good.
Check your IUD!!! Or you're gonna be knocked up, getting a little pregnancy✨️deletion✨️ in a strange state where a really nice lady doctor is gonna tell you that you're like weeks away from internally bleeding and need dire abdominal surgery to prevent that. And all you're gonna have is your bestfriend who you feel terrible for bc she didn't sign up for any of this bullshit. But there you are, passed out on morphine, hungry, confused, nauseous and WAITING FOR SURGEONS.
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grigori77 · 6 days
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 107
Thorum? Oh, this'll be interesting ... and HELLO to Marisha's body horror fan ... oh dear ... what's THIS madness? Wow ... this just got weird ... oh, thanks, Robbie ... that's helpful ... meanwhile Matt discovers a freaky new kink ... O.O
Yeah ... advertising by way of David Lynch ... that's about right. Thankfully she's BACK ... oh, TEN YEARS?!!! Awesome ...
Hmmmm ... Sam was kind of adorable there ... XD
The return of Momlan! Yay!
So ... how much shit is still going to go off in here?
D&D maths and lots of rollies ... wow ... and somehow for the first time Orym is stone dead LAST in the order ... even more wow ...
Laudna casts Mirror Image on herself, then FORM OF DREAD!!! YEAH!!! Oh yeah, that's RIGHT, no more Delilah! So she gets to be completely new and fresh and OH MY GOD CRAZY VICTORIAN BANSHEE!!! I love that ...
Chetney charges in and pulls out Ludinus' notes from the Bag, passes them to Fearne, then ... what the hell is he DOING? Brand of Castigation? That's a weird move ... and he deald her 13 points of damage? Seriously, WHAT?!!! I thought you were FRIENDS!!! If this is some kind of plan it's a WEIRD one ...
Braius dashes in to climb in through the window, then Inspires Fearne with his newly painted portrait of her which looks suspiciously like a piece of specially-commissioned promotional artwork ... cute ...
Ludinus' turn ... balls ... Matt asks what Fearne's hitpoints are? Oh THAT can't be good ... she's STUNNED?!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL -- NO!!! Laudna Counterspells and it SUCCEEDS!!! NIce save Marisha Ray you absolute GODDESS!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!! But CRAP ... now he knows she's there, though ... but she's just SPOOKY right now, so ... yeah ...
Ashton dives into the muck and essentially starts SWIMMING AROUND, going for the column ... and prepares to take a swing at it with his hammer? Interesting ...
Fearne heads into the chamber and screams: "DADDY?!!! WE NEED TO TALK!!!" ... okay? Deception check? Hmmm ... oh yeah, Matt is NEVER gonna live "spread your legs" down ... XD ... 24? Oh, NICE ROLL, Ashley! So it actually WORKS!!! Unbelivable ...
Dorian rushes in too and sees the immediate threat to Fearne ... and casts Force Cage around her! Nice ... nick of time, Robbie! And some Bardic Inspiration while he's at it! Nice!
Gloamglut's turn! Crap! It breathes dark fire OVER Fearne's head and it INSTEAD goes at Laudna and Imogen! Crap squared! O.O They dodge but still get singed ... ouch!
Zathuda jumps down and MATERIALISES right behind both our girls! Crap! He attacks with his fancy sword! Laudna Shields, plus she still has her Mirror Image ... but the second catches her ... OUCH!!!
The Emissary drags themselves out of the mire and rushes to Ludinus ... looking for protection like a little bitch, it seems ...
Legendary action for the dragon! Balls! It scratches at Imogen and catches her, but it's just a glancing blow, at least.
Imogen uses Misty Step to bamf ONTO GLOAMGLUT'S BACK?!!! Are you effing KIDDING ME?!!! O.O She attempts to TAKE CONTROL with the reins? Wow ... that is BALLSY ... and she's a horse girl so she has ADVANTAGE at this! Wow ... 20? Holy shit ... she just SAVED HER GIRLFRIEND'S LIFE!!!
Orym really doesn't have a great idea of WHAT THE FUCK is actually going on right now ... so he rushes the best he can to get inside ... he JUST makes it to Fearne ...
Ira slithers in through a window and goes for the Sorrowlord ... okay, then ... and SCARES THE FUCK out of him while he's distracted with Laudna! XD I love that ...
Laudna casts Void Puppet to send a freaky phantom version of her RIGHT THROUGH the Sorrowlord, then casts Blight on him! Sweet! Matt takes a dump on his save so she FUCKS HIM UP ... wow, she has A LOT of dice to roll ... I can't wait for this result ... 40 points of damage! Holy fuck! Oh yeah, that clearly HURTS HIM ...
Chetney risks a slip past the guard and is missed while he goes, thankfully Matt rolls REALLY SHIT there, so he's through and charges for Ludinus, attacking him with his wolfy claws ... A HIT!!! And another hit with e Dirty 20! Nice! 20 and then 18 points of slashing damage for those! Nice ... it hurts him, but not bad yet ...
Braius Misty Steps his way to Ludinus ... now FLANKING hi along with Chet! Sweet ... he attacks with his crazy mace! With a 3rd Level Divine Smite! 40 points of damage! Yeah ... another attack, but that one goes painfully wide ... NUTS!!!
Ira uses a Legendary Action to attack Zathuda! Sweet ...
Ludinus tries to whip the Emissary away with magic but Laudna Counterspells ...only for him to Counterspell right back? Hmmm ... It's a Roll-Off!! O.O Nuts, Ludinus JUST wins that ... great ... now what can they do? He preps but just HOLDS IT in anticipation ... okay, then ...
Ashton pops up out of the mud and CHARGES HIM!!! And he Rages while he's at it ... okay, then ... now he comes in swinging! First is a NAT 20!!! Yes ... with a Chaos Burst! And a charge from the Ring! Right ... how much is this gonna hurt him? A lot of dice math, then ... always promising ... O.O ... 56 + 14 ... which means it BREAKS HIS CONCENTRATION and the spell he was brewing is GONE!!! Yes! Taliesin: "For my NEXT attack ..." XD ... 28 DEFINITELY hits ... 24 points of damage ... HDYWTDT!!! SWEET!!!
Crap ... Ludinus, you sneaky bastard ... the hit triggers an explosion from the clone? Ouch ... but it does envelop the Emissary while it's happening, at least ... but a bunch of them have to make Dex saves ... crap ... O.O ... Braius takes a FULL FUCKING HIT ... ouch ... and now Matt has Ashley rolls a D20 ... oh dear ... at least the ceiling doesn't cave, but it's definitely PRECARIOUS now ...
Fearne bamfs Mister out, tries to use Fiery Teleportation to port herself OUT of the cage ... hmmmm ... Charisma save? Okay ... she pulls it off! Nice ... she materialises by the Emissary and is immediately attacked by one of his guards! Crap ... she tries to convince the Emissary this is all fucked up with the news that Ludinus has been slaughtering fae for power for decades ... and Ashley rolls FUCKING AMAZING on her Persuasion so it DEFINITELY convinces! Sweet!
Dorian dashes up behind Fearne, but takes a blow from one of the guards as he passes ... ouch ... no attack, he's just there to back her up ...
Gloamglut pulls back at Imogen's urging, but it's charging up and there are PLENTY OF TARGETS under it ... crap ... Laura must now make a strength check to contest what it does next ... 13 against a dragon? Oof ... yeah, the dragon UNLEASHES a jet of dark fire on the chamber! CRAP!!! Fuck that's a lot of dice Matt's rolling right now ... O.O
Ira attacks again with another Legendary action ... Ashley rolls shit, and it fails SPECTACULARLY ... great ...
Zathuda makes like he wants to parley ... Insight Check for Laudna! She passes the message on, but VERY CAUTIOUSLY ... meanwhile as the Sorrowlord backs off Ira just ATTACKS HIM ... okay ... Zathuda pulls back and tries to BOLT, giving Laudna an attack of opportunity ... she grabs onto his wrist and Marisha rolls a Nat1 ... oh boy ... yeah, that's a SPECTACULAR fail, he's already gone ...
The Emissary questions the Sorrowlord ... oh, this just got interesting ... is this a standoff or can they talk their way out of this after all?
Imogen tries to speak to Gloamglut with her powers ... oh wow ... this could go SPECTACULARLY wrong ... O.O ... oh, so this will be a contest of wills ... Wisdom roll for Laura, then ... hmmmm ... 15? Oh bugger ... oh, but Matt rolled SPECTACULARLY shite ... it actually WORKS!!! I can't believe it ... she holds Psychic Lance for just in case ...
Orym gracefully makes his way in to pull Bait & Switch with the Emissary ... interesting ... then tries to defuse the situation while simultaneously Hexing Zathuda ... wow ...
Is Ira shit-stirring right now? Or is he just being cautiously smart?
Laudna skitters down the wall into the main chamber ...
Okay then ... looks like it really IS a parley ... Fearne gives the Emissary Ludinus' journal, while Chetney describes what happened in Molaesmyr ... meanwhile it looks like Zathuda's hanging Ludinus out to dray right now ... interesting ... insight check for Fearne ... OH SHIT!!! WHISPERS!!! Cue a WizzKids plug from Sam!
Zathuda tells the Emissary to go, intent on seeing his end through, but maybe now as a ruse instead ... can we actually BUY THIS right now? I don't trust it ...
What does this actually mean for the main plans? Have they just shot themselves in the foot somewhat?
Yeah, Imogen just gets BUCKED RIGHT OFF as Gloamglut lands ... but she starts flying instead so she can catch herself. Okay, then ... so Zathuda's making out that he's their inside man in the Vanguard now ... do we actually BELIEVE HIM right now? I mean this is bullshit, right? I don't trust him ...
Is this all going to go south because Fearne has no interest in going along with THEIR plans for her? Hey, Zathuda, stop talking FOR our girl, she can make up her OWN damn mind!
So ... a deal with the devil, or they're letting them set up against them KNOWING full well the plan moving forward? Or they just go all in right now and try and kill them all RIGHT HERE ... honestly NONE of these choices really sound too great ...
Now we're all positioning for JUST IN CASE this all goes off again after all ... oh boy this is tense no matter WHAT ...
Fearne gives Gloamglut scritches ... right as Imogen Psychic Lances Ludinus? HOLY SHIT ... O.O Meanwhile Orym dashes up Gloamglut's tail and uses Seedling to catch the Emissary with Grasping Vine ... Acrobatics check? Oh, that's child's play for our Wee Man ... with Silvery Barbs from Laudna too that succeeds ... he gets hurt by the drop but now they're got him in their grasp!
And now it's all GOING OFF just like I expected it to ... O.O
Rolling Initiative AGAIN!!! I don't think I can take this fucking TENSION ...
Orym drags the Emissary away, then hits him a few times to try and subdue him without killing him ... he's out cold with just a couple of hits. Okay then, now what?
Imogen Pyshic Lances Zathuda again, this time at 6th Level ... NINE D6 of damage? Holy shit ... 29 points of Psychic damage! Oh my fucking GODS ...
Gloamglut goes for the Emissary ... OF COURSE it does ... O.O ... meanwhile the building is under some SERIOUS strain now ... and the guards are FLEEING now ... as they should, really ... it slashes at Orym with claws and tail ... Orym manages to dodge, but the miss hits the pillar instead ... shit ... yeah, that's it, the pillar is DUST ...
The building is now COLLAPSING ... O.O
Fearne psychically tels everybody to RUN and then climbs up onto Gloamglut ... what the actual FUCK?!!! The dragon's having NONE OF IT so she has to fight for it ... oh boy ... 5 is a SHITE roll ... yeah, that's DEFINITELY not gonna work ...
Chetney BOLTS ...
Braius rushes to Fearne, then casts Thunderweight on her to launch her up onto the dragon's back? Holy fucking shit ... he gives her a little kiss on the booty for Inspiration ... she rolls a Dirty 20 and NOW SHE'S ON THE DRAGON!!!
Ashton dives into the mud and just SHOOTS OUT with impressive speed ...
Dorian rushes to the Emissary, throws them over his shoulder and just teleports them both outside ... NICE!!!
Ira goes into his Nightmare Form ... oh shit! He leaps onto Gloamglut's back, clambers to Zathuda and starts cutting down into him! Holy shit ...
Laudna asks Fearne if she wants the dragon to live, which she DOES, ofcourse she does ... Void Puppet again? Ooooooh ... Disintegrate? Fuck ... if this works it could just straight up MURDER Zathuda on the spot ... Matt PLEASE fail this save ... Silver Barbs! That could help ... oh my gods HOW MANY DICE is she gonna roll right now? Marisha (to Ashley): "Is it okay if I kill your dad?" 81 points of damage? Holy fucking shit ...
Zathuda is now MISSING A LEG and somehow he's STILL ALIVE ... so she just Eldritch Blasts him instead ... only one hits ... 12 points ... oof ... that was SO COOL but it was almost EVEN COOLER ...
Using Seedling Orym tries to yank himself up beside Zathuda ... but Gloamglut resists VIOLENTLY. People are thrown about by the force of iits wings, and Fearne's knocked off its back ... CRAP!!! And after all that Orym STILL doesn't gain purchase after all ... so he just makes another attempt to run up its body ... which ALSO fails, so he just gives up trying to go for Zathuda and instead just starts slashing at the dragon. Hack! Slash! He draws blood both times ...
Imogen uses Telekinesis to try and rip Zathuda away from the saddle ... Strength check! 14? Against 10 that's A WIN!!! He's torn free and dumped RIGHT IN FRONT of Braius ... that deals him 4 D6 of damage! 14 points and he's UNCONSCIOUS!!! Wow ...
All right, NOW what?
Imogen Misty Steps to Laudna ... Gloamglut BARELY manages to squeeze itself out through the same hole it got in through ... FALLING DEBRIS!!! Watch your heads! Time to fucking RUN!!!
Yeah, this is now becoming EXTREMELY complicated and extremely urgent ... people need to just do what they can AS FAST as they can ... meanwhile IMogen's dragging Zathuda out with her Telekinesis ... they have BAREL;Y SECONDS NOW!!! The roof is coming down, people!
Is Braius SERIOUSLY committing desecration on his way out right now? O.O
Singularity Assault? How badly is Ashton going to fuck this all up right now? This sounds like something that could go SPECTACULARLY bad ... wow ... he's REALLY going to punch Chetney right now ... I can't belive he actually DID that ...
I mean TECHNICALLY that does work but it is REALLY UGLY ... O.O
Wait ... Braius and Imogen AREN'T OUT YET when the building collapses? What does that mean?
Seriously, are they okay? And NOW he chooses to call it a break? RIGHT NOW?!!! Matthew fucking Mercer!
Zathuda's first death save? Oh, okay ... meanwhile Ashton's already starting to try and dig them out ... and OF COURSE Laudna is currently FREAKING THE FUCK OUT ...
Dorian's trying to convince the guards that they're not a threat to the Emissary and somehow it seems to work? Crazy ... that was like THE WORST fake-out ever ...
Telepathic Bond! Yeah, try that ...
Wait, what the FUCK is happening right now? The temple is currently REBUILDING ITSELF ... so it's, like ... completely rebuilt now? Crazy ... but at least THEY'RE both okay ...
Thank FUCK for that ...
Braius gives Zathuda a Medicine check ... which COULD actually KILL HIM if it fails ... wow ... this'll be interesting ... so he's stabilised, but thankfully STILL unconscious ... okay then. That's smart ...
They all rush right back inside the temple ...
Well that settles it, then ... that was DEFINITELY the Arch Heart fixing that ...
Matt is LEAVING ... what the fuck ... SOMEONE ELSE is coming instead ... OH HELLO!!! Abubakar Salim is in the house again ...
Oh shit, yeah, it is just GOING OFF right now ...
Ah, I think I get it ... so they're all tripping out in the midst of another spiritual vision like the one Orym had before ... okay then ...
Like I said, this is DEFINITELY the Arch Heart ... oh okay, so he's clearly focusing on Braius right now ... makes sense after THAT exit ...
Look here, Doomseed, there is NOT going to be any talking your way out of this ...
Oh, so that was a BLUFF? SILAHA you sneaky bastard ... XD
A feast? Interesting ... is that actually going to be at all REAL? Are they actually going to gain sustenance from that?
Oh shit ... he sees something specific in Fearne? Interesting ... and now he's noticed it in Ashton too ... yeah, there's definitely something MISCHIEVOUS in this particular god, and I love it ... XD
I'm not at all surprised by Ashton going off on him right now, he's definitely the most primed to react badly to THIS kind of behaviour ...
A vessel ... wait ... is he about to try and turn one of THEM into a Vessel? I'm not sure I like that idea ...
He likes Laudna, of course. I expected he would. I'm not surprised he finds her a little fascinating too.
That's how it is, really. The true heroes are never the ones you really EXPECT to be. They're misfits, troublesome and morally dubious, terribly complicated and in some ways rather problematic, and yet right now they're EXACTLY what this world needs ...
Sacrifices for the greater good ... oh yeah, that shit always sounds great in theory, doesn't it? But in practice it's always messy, and ugly, and often times it's not really worth it in the end ...
Oh, so this isn't really an OFFICIAL meeting, then? He's not doing this with their blessing? That's interesting too ...
What, sacrifice a god to Predathos? You really think THAT'S gonna work? Sounds a bit rudimentary to me ...
Oh hello, Asmodeus ... that's interesting ...
Insight check? SERIOUSLY?!!! Yeah, I don't think 19's gonna cut it, Riegel ...
Nifty little Dawnfather impression ... yeah, you got a good ear for that, Braius. XD
Bit of a dramatic way to make your point there, Orym ... O.O
He is very pretty, yes. I mean he's a literal Starman. That's, like, inherently cool ...
Dorian makes a very interesting point ... although I'm a little worried it might get him smote at the same time ...
Wow ... so are they genuinely gonna go along with this, then?
The guy LITERALLY just yanked a star out the sky. This can't be good ... O.O ... and the star is ALIVE ... great ...
HER?!!! Her who?
Imogen, what the fuck are you doing? Oh shit ...
A smell of winter? What ... okay, where's THIS going?
And now they're all awake again ... and out boy is LEAVING?!!! Shit ... and now Matt's back! Crazy ...
A ring? Is this some kind of new Vestige? THAT'S the end of the episode? Oh, A CARD?!!! Cooooooool ...
Oh wow ... yeah, that does all sound seriously boss ... that is a SERIOUSLY OP'd piece of magical kit, there ...
So that's it. Okay then ... is it Thursday yet?
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naughtybg3confessions · 5 months
Have you ever considered taking on help? Like having other mods who can edit and post in your vision? That's A LOT of unposted confessions!! o.o
Whoops, this one got long buried under a ton of confessions (thus proving your point, I think).
I'm doing my best to organize days for clearing out the inbox a little faster, and allowing some confessions to skip the wait (like ladies night, character appreciation days, etc). But even if I had help, I'm not sure I'd want to post more than 20-30 confessions a day on average... posting too many on the same day would mean tags/dashboards get flooded, and some confessions would get buried and miss the attention.
I'm considering starting a discord server, where I can develop a sense of comradery and trust with some of our followers before I pick an additional mod. Having access to the inbox requires admin privileges, which I'm hesitant to give out to random people (even if all who've offered so far seem very nice!)
I understand the wait is long, but in the meantime, people get to see new confessions posted every day and interact with the blog. And I think you get a certain sense of payoff when you see yours finally posted. (at least I do. My confessions never skip the line!)
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mable-stitchpunk · 5 months
I feel like my question was misunderstood.
I am not saying if you're going to adapt the Talbert files stuff now. I'm saying that had Scott actually gone down this route(William creating the puppet, Michael being a cryptid called the Stitchwraith) do you think it might have impacted home a bit? You worked a lot of stuff from canon into the plot so I was just curious
(FYI, sewer cryptid Ennard was gonna be a thing LOL)
Oh!... Well, that's a much different story. Whoops. 😅
Also, apparently it says the deceased children in the Follow Me minigame were teens who broke into Freddy's, so apparently I had another now non-canon prediction, lol.
Ahem, but I digress. Yes! It would've definitely. So, let's see... This would've likely gone into effect between Sister Location and Pizzeria Simulator, so...
Okay, so everything before the finale of Can't Go Home Again would've been the same. Mike, Mari, Foxy, Baby, even Ennard- all the established stuff would've stayed that way, because it was Pizzeria Simulator that allowed me to finally split from the lore. So, what next?
Michael would've still been Springtrap as it was built up, BUT I might've either established that the Stitchwraith stuff happened earlier or put him into a Stitchwraith-esque body moving forward.
With Cassidy being a huge character and Charlie likely not being revealed as the Puppet, Charlie likely wouldn't have become the Security Puppet, maybe? She might've stayed human. Which means the little family she made might've not even happened! I'm not sure whether Cassidy would've been a main character or not, but I could've seen condensing the characters and having them be siblings.
The biggest change I could've seen was, likely, there wouldn't have been a Jake and Andrew. If that was the case, the entire situation surrounding Sunnymoon would've been different and Jake himself probably wouldn't be in the story. O.O
And yes, the irony of Michael- who was almost the Stitchwraith- becoming buddy-buddy with Jake- who was the Stitchwraith- is not lost on me. XD
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