#foot soldier Leonardo
the-maximist-drawer · 1 month
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Foot Leonardo!
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yki-dolls · 1 year
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Some sketches, mostly of my own designs of the turtles.
(and Leo meeting rise Leo and being... Scared.)
Do I remember the context to most of these? No!
Why is Mikey clinging to the wall? I can't remember! :D
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kollectorsrus · 7 months
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thevondoom62 · 1 year
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The Foot Clan’s vile experiments reach depraved new heights as multiple failed attempts to resurrect their fallen master results in mutilated Shredder clones. Eventually, their efforts pay off and the true Shredder is reborn more dangerous than ever.
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misteria247 · 2 years
I think The IDW comics introduced us to the idea of Foot!Leo
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IDW YOU EVIL GENIUSES YOU-
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swaggerblonde · 3 months
Swagger Blonde Quick Plays TMNT 3 The Manhattan Project NES Part 2
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Risetober days 6-10
6 - Bouquet
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7 - Games
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8 - pizza
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9 - foot soldier
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10 - Witch
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journey-of-the-tmnt · 2 years
Did a goofy little lip-sync test with Leonardo and Raphael, featuring our beta design Foot Soldier!
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Konamicember- Let's get to the big finale- and kick shell in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
Konamicember- Let’s get to the big finale- and kick shell in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
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Biblically accurate Leonardo! Real red eared sliders look like they have a little cat smile and stick their noses straight up in the air, it’s so cute! They are also very square looking, with boxy little heads and shells. I think you can tell the ball python inspiration in his head shape here tho, I’ve drawn a lot more snakes than turtles in my time lol
Real turtles’ shoulders are actually fused to a shoulder girdle formed by their shoulder blades and collarbone within their shells, so their arms kinda stick out elbows up and aren’t super flexible. Being mutated, the brothers would have flexible shoulders and independent bones in there, but I think they’d still have the thinner skin and soft scales around their necks, shoulders, and thighs that allows them to tuck into their shells and on their outer arms and calves I think they’d have much thicker scales to protect those soft parts.
They probably can’t fully fit into their shells due to their mutation, but I think the idea of them still being able to pull their heads in like a seal is quite funny.
Imagine swinging a sword at him and his head just goes “swoop!”, and then all there is is his nose poking out and he’s glaring at you all huddled in his shoulders. If I was a Foot Soldier I’d incapacitate myself just from laughing, no fighting needed.
[Raphael] [Donatello] [Michelangelo] [Extended Family]
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A lot of people talk about how strong the Rise Turtles must be due to the fact they were made to be super soldiers but something I’ve been thinking about is how impressive the human’s of Rise are.
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April is pretty impressive for the fact that she’s able to keep up with literal super soldiers & we know that April has known the Turtles for years since before the series started & in the time April has known the rest of the Hamato clan she obviously picked up various skills from knowing them for so long. 
Though April is most commonly associated with her bat she’s been shown to be able to use multiple types of weapons such as when she uses a shillelagh in the first episode or when she shows her skill in archery during the episode The Gumbus when she makes a makeshift bo & arrow.
April is also skilled in hand to hand combat, having been trained by Splinter & Splinter has even taught April moves that he hasn’t even taught to the Turtles.
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Casey is a trained Ninja who has been training with the Foot Clan since she was seven not only is she skilled in ninjutsu & hand to hand combat but we’ve also seen her expertly handle a wide variety of weapons as well, making her an extremely skilled fighter.
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Casey Junior grew up in the apocalypse & was raised as part of a rebellion against the Krang so Casey Junior is equipped as fighting incredibly powerful enemies in harsh conditions. Casey Junior was also trained by a future version of Leonardo meaning that the Future Leo also might have trained Casey in ninjutsu as well.
All the humans are very skilled & highly trained.
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sprite-writes-fanfic · 3 months
Hey so how do you think the 2003 boys would deal with having a s/o who is like “my sophisticated brain likes *good personality traits of their turtle boyfriend* but then my monkey brain goes nuts for a guy who can throw a heavy axe into a tree” basically complimenting their boyfriend for their personality, but then they feel hot under the collar whenever their boyfriend wields weapons and do martial arts. During fights, tournaments or the sparring, when not joining in, on the slide lines s/o starts fanning themselves sometimes with a fan that seems to have come from nowhere while being like “oooo you’re so good! Keep going sweetie!!”?
Oh hell yeah, can do! Sorry it took so long! 😅
Attracted By Their Fighting
🐢💙❤️2003 TMNT x Reader💜🧡🐢
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Word Count: 643
CW: Gender-neutral reader, reader loving a good brawl, just general headcanons, written on separate days so it may seem a little more off-flow I suppose? I hope you enjoy either way!
💙 Leo was just doing some training by himself, trying to perfect some moves that he was learning this week, and you sat there watching him, mostly for the first time. It’d probably be a little later into the relationship when he felt comfortable enough for you to watch him. He felt your eyes basically burning holes through him, eyeing him quite intensely.
💙 He looked back and noticed your red cheeks and was rather confused, like… Huh? Asked if you’re okay, and you shake away from your thoughts going, “Just like watching you practice, keep going baby!” It’ll eventually click with him that you’re attracted to him fighting, and he feels rather flustered by it. Feels oddly motivated by your attraction to his training and honestly shows off more.
💙 Ends up perfecting the move with you cheering him on and looks back at you with a big smile. He ends up inviting you to more of his training and sparring sessions, he doesn’t particularly like you being near any real fights that he’s taking on, it's more of a no-go with him.
❤️ When you saw Raph fighting, you felt something strange within you. A little flustered by the way he’s handling these Foot soldiers… A strange occurrence, but you couldn’t help but hyperfixate on those little grunts that left his lips, the sweat rolling off his skin, and the way his muscles flexed whenever he moved, you were absolutely hypnotized by it all.
❤️ You fan yourself when you felt your cheeks burn, and when he approached you, he asked about why you were so red. Does not take long for it to click with him that you were getting all flustered by him fighting and the way he was using his strength on those Foot soldiers.
❤️ Will tease the ever loving shit out of you for this, this man is MEAN. He will continue to tease you and hold this over your head about it. Would definitely use it against you too when he wants something, like say you’re denying him because you think it’s funny, not gonna last long when he brings up you know what.
💜 Donnie doesn’t realize for a long time about your attraction to him fighting. He simply just thinks that you’re cheering him on, and that’s all he really wants to be honest. He loves having himself a little cheerleader who’s pushing him forward with words of encouragement.
💜 He will continue to think that it’s just you being super supportive. It’s really up to you if you tell him. He will remain blissfully unaware for a long while… Until you do tell him.
💜 Oh… Oh. That’s why you get so excited by his fighting?? You really find it hot?? Oh wow, he did not expect that. But he kinda likes it. Definitely shows off more and always glances back to see if you’re watching anytime he’s fighting, seeing if you’re watching, and you are. You’re watching rather intensely.
🧡 Mikey’s honestly surprised, but he knows somethings up when you’re acting all shy and flustered after a good fight. He’s definitely nosy about it too, he will poke and prod until you tell him what’s up.
🧡 Until you finally get annoyed and tell him, and then he’s all shocked, like woah. Really? You find it hot while he’s fighting?! He’s gonna do it more. Oh he’s so gonna show off more, he even takes on fights his brothers are fighting, (which his brothers are confused as hell for why he’s taking their fights but okay).
🧡 After every fight, he flirts with you going like, ‘Was that hot or what, babe?’ While giving that cheeky ass grin, he’s a little stinker. Overall, a huge ego boost, but please don’t let him overdo it because he WILL definitely overdo it and will most definitely get hurt, man does not know when to stop.
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0mysticmidnight0 · 3 months
hi there! I dunno if you're still taking requests, but if you still are, then..
Can you make the portal duo with a reader who's really clingy, but is too shy to ask for any affection? The reason for reader's clingy behavior is because they weren't given the proper affection and attention when they were younger/ a kid?
remember, you don't have to do this request, I don't mind! Hope you have a great day/night :)
I've been getting a hand full of shy/clingy reader requests so i decided to combine Two of them! @fluffybun24 suggested something similar!
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-He'd find it cute! He sees you as a target, a new someone to play and tease with and would use this to his advantage. He'd flirt with you daily and for HOURS until you're a blushing mess. You just played it off as playful teasing since he sounded more playful than loving. -You always thought he saw you as just a friend and that's all you two would be! Despite all the playful teasing. He loves seeing you hide behind your arms and blush as you try to hide your face. -He'd spend most of his time with you. Two people are needed for a mission? Leo's volunteering both of you. -He does most of the talking for you. You were a bit surprised that he got most of what you were going to say right. -Once, you were in danger, in one of those two person missions Leo volunteered that you guys would do and surrounded by the foot clan. He dreaded the sight of you in danger. The next thing he knew, he was covered in blood, finishing off another foot soldier and slowly turning to you. You were on your knees, crying and whimpering. He cups one of your cheeks with his hand and rubs it gently, not knowing HE was the reason you were upset. "Don't worry, amor. They can't hurt you anymore. NO ONE will hurt you anymore." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Would take this as an opportunity to make a new friend! He would always be showing you physical affection and wouldn't understand if you started hiding your blushing face after he held you hand. -Once it clicks to him that you're shy, he'll start asking permission every time he wants to make physical contact! If he remembers at least... -He gets pretty close to you really quickly! Even if you don't speak much, You're always there to listen to him. Always wiling to stay up to speak to him. He'd be knocking on your window after his brothers argued with something about how he's too young. You'd pour a cup of coffee and listen all night long. -He would would start stalking you so he could talk to you. He always knows when you're free so he could just swoop in. -Once of these times, He saw one of your bullies and they started picking on you and you started to be cornered. He couldn't take it anymore. It was late in your school anyways, The lights went out and after a few seconds they went back on and you were terrified.. The head of your bully on the ground and blood everywhere. You ran and bumped into Mikey who's hands were covered in blood. "Oh..? That? Don't worry! Just some strawberry jam." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Thinks it's adorable but sometimes struggles to communicate with you. Though, He appreciates how quiet you are due to how Chaotic his brothers are. He was very sweet and patient with you. -Tries to help you engage in more talkative conversations instead of just nodding to whatever he says. He gets to know you better and you two become close. Sometimes you start the conversation first which still surprises him but he's incredibly proud. -He'd probably teach you basic self-defense lessons to defend yourself from anyone who tries anything funny. He then realizes that your shy nature instantly makes you a target to pick on. He starts following you everywhere to protect you from any unwanted attention. He'd give you breaks and bring snacks of course! -On one of these days, He saw someone flirt with you in an alleyway. You tried to tell them you were uncomfortable with this but they didn't seem to hear you. Then, They touched you. You moved away instantly. They thought you were playing hard to get so they came closer. Raph jumped down from the roof. He grabbed the persons neck and snapped it. You looked scared.. "Raph thinks its time for your next lesson! Raph didn't mean to scare ya'!"
-It hits him immediately that you were shy. He saw how much you struggled with words, even stumbling over your own words and sentences. Due to this, he'd engage conversations first, as well as affectionate actions. He wants you to be comfortable, Even if he was a giant mutant turtle. -He liked how good of a listener you were. He would often talk to you about his inventions, research and would probably info dump whenever he could. -Once he got close enough to you, he'd start inviting you more into his lab. Expect him bugging every device you own. He'd start following you with cams. It was just to check on you but before he knew it, It was part of his daily routine. -He made a robot to protect you, detecting any threats, Letting Donnie use a controller to control the robot. Being responsible for every action and movement the robot made. -One day, His robot detected danger. It was a foot soldier. Before it could come any closer, More foot soldier surrounded you. Donnie knew what he had to do. No one was in this area anyways. The robot starts to kill every foot soldier in its path and you look up to see Donnie running toward you, holding a controller. "Are you alright? I didn't get any blood on you, did i? Did i miss one?"
This was a bit long, i hope you enjoyed!! From:MysticMidnight
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kollectorsrus · 1 year
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thevondoom62 · 1 year
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Casey is a savage, if unrefined, fighter. He’s a valuable ally to have against any foe.
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dancingdonatello · 5 months
Hiii I'm not sure if reason are open but I can't get this outta my mind
Imagine one the 2012 turtles (of ur choice) is fighting a villain, and then gets thrown thru some human's window, hitting his head and passing out. The human finds him and notices that he's a turtle but doesn't really care and tries treating his wounds while he's out cold. He wakes up in their room, under a weighted blanket and surrounded by pillows with bandages all over him and an ice pack on his head. The human walks in and is just like "Oh you're up! Are you okay??" how do u think he'd respond? 😳
there is only one turtle who is to be thrown through windows
2012 Leonardo x reader
Leo’s eyes peeled open. At first everything was blurry. But when he blinked a few times, he was able to take in the view of pillows and blankets swamped on top of him.
“Are you okay?” A head leaned over him, worriedly looking down at him.
He jolted upwards, jumping when the bag of ice on his head fell onto his legs and shocked him with the iciness of it.
“What?” he asked, before tensing. He shouldn’t have spoken.
“Are you okay?” you repeated, looking a little nervous at how tense he became.
He stood up and wobbled dangerously for a moment before righting himself. It was better to leave now before you freaked out and started hitting him with a frying pan or something. He wanted to grab his swords, but.. when he felt for them over his shoulder, they were gone. He stepped toward the window and then suddenly, you moved.
“You’re gonna cut yourself on the glass!” You grabbed him by the strap on his shell, tugging him back. “There’s probably some still on the floor, too… I didn’t have time to sweep it all up.”
He ripped himself out of your grasp, now a little creeped out by how easy you were with touching him. How natural it was for you to just reach out and stop someone like him from hurting himself.
You brought your hand back to yourself, blinking a little at how rough he had been to get away. “Sorry.” At least you looked a little nervous to be around him… “There’s another window, if you want.”
You were offering him another window. He slowly relaxed his shoulders. You didn’t seem like some foot soldier uncover trying to get a lucky chance just because he went through your windows. Or some crazy weirdo who wanted to hurt him or keep him. You just seemed… nice.
He nodded.
You led him to another window in your apartment and even opened it for him, before moving out of the way.
Only when he made it onto the roof and relaxed when he was finally out of some human’s sight did he realize that you had also wrapped up the cuts and slashed on his arms and legs. He even had a bandaid on a paper cut he had gotten on his thumb.
He looked over the edge of the building and saw you sticking your head out your window and trying to look up to see where he went.
He backed up a step before you saw him and sighed. You’d have to pay a lot of money to get that window fixed. And what were you going to do with all that cold wind tonight?
The only thing to do was to return in an hour or two with some stuff to cover the window, right?
It would just be him returning the favor. That was the only reason.
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