#well implied mention lol
100-running-teens · 5 months
Prom Queen by Beach Bunny coming on shuffle when I’m in the middle of a relapse is the universe laughing at me
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hanafubukki · 4 months
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"You like him."
Damn Sebek and his stupidly observant ways. You drank your tea, trying not to react to his words.
"I don’t know what you’re talking about."
The look Sebek sent you clearly stated you weren't fooling him, "It’s obvious."
You raised an eyebrow at him.
"...he’s an oblivious idiot."
Sebek caught and took a bite of the cookie you threw at him.
His next words had you almost dropping your cup.
"…do you want help?"
You couldn't help the grin, "Oh? Sebek playing cupid? For little old me?"
Sebek rolled his eyes, "There's worse people you could have chosen."
"Who? You? Ah- Okay! Stop throwing pillows at me! I'm a measly human compared to your stupidly strong strength."
"You could have chosen Ace."
You fake gasped, "I'm telling Ace!"
Sebek rolled his eyes, "Well?"
You hummed, contemplating, "No, I'm okay. I don't mind going at my own pace. Maybe it will become something and maybe it won't."
Sebek nodded at your words, understanding the logic behind it.
Unfortunately for you, Master Lilia wouldn't heed such words. In fact, with the way he was currently spying right now and taking notes, you'll have a cupid whether you wanted one or not.
Sebek sighed, he could feel a headache coming on.
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socksandbuttons · 1 year
Also interesting they do use their 'feralty' as some cover. However ruins weird so we'll see if he figures that out right away or not.
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I have once again edited an image as part of London-based conversation
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beevean · 3 months
This scene was supremely uncomfortable to write.
A certain vampire hunter named Belmont had stepped foot into Wallachia. Hector had never heard of such a clan, but Lord Dracula hissed the name with hefty wariness, and every creature in the room knew that he was no trifling meat to mince: this Belmont could be a genuine danger to the castle. Isaac had noticed him, apparently, and eagerly reported the news to their Lord like a dog bringing a stick and expecting a treat in return.
In that moment, Hector knew. He had to prove himself.
It was not hard for him to enter back in Lord Dracula’s good graces. A few apologies that meant nothing, a couple of languid smiles that cracked his lips, and it was as if their last “conversation” had never happened. He kept his promise. Hector had always been special to his Lord, after all.
As his chewed, dried out remains laid there, cast away as he had fulfilled his purpose, the one thing that pushed him on his feet and dragged him through the vast hallways was the mirage of the forest stretched for miles.
He wanted to die so much.
No. One step further. He had to live for a little longer. Death would not take his soul so long as Lord Dracula held his leash; Hector would not allow it. After he had broken his leash, anything could happen to him. He would die soon, that much was certain; at his Lord’s hands, under the jaws of his loyal hound, or because eventually his body would give up on him. But as long as his grave could be a shallow hole in the forest, far from the enormous castle that used to be his home, he could take another step.
(I’m yours, he had sworn. He did not feel guilty for lying to his Lord, for leaving the kiss of Judah on his blood-caked hand. I can handle the Belmont myself, he had promised. He did not feel guilty for going behind Isaac’s back and taking away the one chance for him to prove himself. He was the lowest kind of sinner: it was what he was born for. He, too, could devour them to the bone. They would both be proud of him.)
« Don’t you look at me like that, » seethed Isaac. Hector started: when did he get back to his room? He didn’t notice himself applying healing oil on his neck. « I asked you a question. »
Hector wasn’t even looking at him, really. He just happened to be in the way of his gaze.
« I wasn’t listening, » he mumbled, hoping that Isaac would leave him alone and knowing he wouldn’t. And right as expected, everything fell into place: Isaac’s cutting glare, the tensing of his shoulders, the smell of a storm approaching. Hector had played the script one too many times.
« Of course you weren’t. Why would you? »
« Don’t start, Isaac. »
« Or what? Are you going to cry to Lord Dracula that I upset you? »
« I’m not being the child here. »
« Excuse me? » Isaac bristled. « Who gave you the right to speak to me this way? »
« According to your logic, Lord Dracula. »
At that, Isaac lunged at him; Hector flinched, body ready to receive a slap, but when he opened his eyes, he saw that Isaac had stopped in an awkward position, with his arm half-raised and teeth bared in a snarl.
Hector was less than grateful for Lord Dracula’s distant protection on his body. He wanted that slap, now. Not to make Isaac happy in his misery, but because it would break one of the many walls between them.
The man’s attention was caught by the fresh bites on Hector’s throat; he had a knack for spotting them, unless Hector buttoned his collar so tight that it clasped on his neck. Now, slick with ointment, they were in full display, the ghost of Lord Dracula hovering between the two of them.
Perhaps, the more he bit them, the more part of himself he infused in their bloodstream. Perhaps that was the reason Isaac passed a thumb on Hector’s scars, with an ugly mixture of scorn and fascination.
(What did that make of Hector?)
« I’m surprised you haven’t dropped dead yet, with how often our Lord feeds from you, » Isaac commented with the impression of aloofness.
« Why do you care? » One last chance.
« What does your blood have that mine doesn’t? »
Hector pursed his lips.
Interpreting his silence the Lord knew how, Isaac replied to it by jamming a long nail in a particularly sore bruise; Hector hissed, and his hand slapped Isaac’s away before he could think of doing so.
And the fuse went off.
« Stop looking at me like that! » Isaac’s face went as red as his hair. « Like I’m not worth a damn! Just because you’re the Lord’s favorite it doesn’t make me inferior to you! »
Hector had planned to leave quietly, without rousing suspicion. He was ready to leave Isaac behind without thinking twice about what he had planned to do; he couldn’t delve too deeply into the consequences. He could still walk past Isaac and ignore him, slam the door shut, leave him out.
The words rose from his throat before he could recognize them for what they were.
« Then perhaps you should do more to be worth something. »
« What…? »
« What are you doing, Isaac? Slacking behind and stubbornly beating your head over the wall instead of listening to me. Crying that Lord Dracula won’t praise you and taking it out on me. Pushing me aside except when you need a warm body. Why should I feel sorry for you, when you treat me like dirt under your heel? »
Hector’s own voice sounded distorted to his own ears, jagged and unpleasant. As unpleasant was the visceral pleasure that seized him at vomiting the thoughts he had buried deep for far too long, at the sight of Isaac’s eyes growing wide and him stepping backwards, away from him.
He should apologize. He would never apologize. Isaac deserved to hear that.
But his surprise lasted for far too little, and he counterattacked:
« You… You would be food for the zombies were it not for me! You threw me away the moment I was no longer useful to you! The only reason Lord Dracula is even sparing a glance towards you is because I felt sorry for you first! I was ecstatic when you came here to study the dark arts with me, I thought you’d be… » A crack where weakness should have been. « How could have I imagined that you would have ruined everything? You are standing on my shoulders and basking in all the glory, and have the gall to pity me! That’s all you care for, selfish bastard! »
Oh, if Isaac thought Hector would fold like he would have in the past, he had no idea of how utterly sick of it all he was.
« I don’t want the glory! I don’t want any of this! » How could ever be happy to be a toy, to be coated in his Lord’s sick touch and sicker lies and expected to be grateful for it?
« Our Lord adores you more than anyone here, more than His own son. What more could you possibly want? What else does the universe owe Saint Hector, for him to finally be happy? »
Why couldn’t he have asked sincerely? Why couldn’t Hector trust whom he thought was his closest companion? He did want, and he wanted too much for him to burden alone: he wanted more of that sorry excuse of an existence, he wanted to cleanse himself, he wanted to live, he wanted out!
He wanted a friend.
« I’m tired, Isaac, and you never noticed, because all you can think about is Lord Dracula. » He would not wipe any tear. Not in front of that man who would devour him at the first sign of fragility. « If I spoke, would you listen to me? Have I ever mattered to you? »
« What you want doesn’t matter. You don’t matter more than Lord Dracula. Don’t you even insinuate that. »
The lack of an answer burdened in Hector’s chest. He wished he could be furious at it.
« I would never. Your world begins and ends with Lord Dracula. »
« And that is how it should be! For being Lord Dracula’s favorite General, you are obnoxiously dense! » Isaac spread his arms like a proselyte. « We were born and made to be His tools to wield. I am honored to be used by Him! I do not need a reward, unlike you: it’s about loyalty! It is the bare minimum of gratitude I can show towards the only person who has ever cared about me. »
Hector took the jab in silence. He would not try to defend himself.
« Do you think he does? »
Isaac stammered. « More than you! »
Is that so.
« You are the worst kind of liar and hypocrite. » Hector dug his nails into his palms, and willed his arms to stop shaking, even though he wanted to hit Isaac so hard. « You say that you’re loyal, but are you really? Because if you were, you’d stop crying and accept how things are! You would accept that Lord Dracula doesn’t give a shit about you! »
« Shut your mouth! How dare you speak in contempt of our Lord?! »
« I don’t care! I am talking about you! » Hector yelled with more force than intended. « If you were a weapon like you claim, you would not be here with tears in your eyes because I’m trying to make you reason. Why do you refuse to see reality? »
« Oh, do you now? Are you speakings from the heavens now? » In the light of the candle, Isaac’s tired eyes flashed a sickly yellow; with his gritted teeth and bulging veins in his neck, he looked less and less human the more he spoke, unrecognizable.
« You make me puke, Hector. Look at you, with that disgusting veneer of superiority, even placing yourself above Lord Dracula… You dare talking about reality? Well, the reality is that you are nothing more than a selfish little boy with an inflated ego, spitting in the plate he’s been eating, expecting to be worshipped because you gift us with the air you breathe on us. » He jabbed a finger on his chest as if to bore it: his hand, too, was trembling. « Never forget that when we met, you wouldn’t even talk, you were that afraid of me. You are here, looking down on me like I am your damn scullery boy, because Lord Dracula tasked me with making something worthwhile out of you. And right now, I am so close to breaking your nose to teach you the lesson you deserve, and then we’ll see how perfect you are. »
Hector let Isaac talk without interrupting.
He should have been offended, he knew it. He should have sworn that he never thought Isaac was inferior to him, he did it all by himself. Somehow, Isaac’s words reached him like a vision through a foggy glass: he had a vague inkling of what they could be, but they didn’t leave an impact.
He, on the other hand, yearned to leave an impact, for once.
« But you won’t do it. Because you are terrified of Lord Dracula not loving you. »
Why wasn’t he furious? He wished he could shout like Isaac, have his heart hammering in his chest, be completely engulfed by rage like flames devour a house. The man in front of him no longer stirred his heart.
What grew louder inside him, instead, were the echoes of his demon friends, always within him as they had never abandoned him – no, he had allowed himself to become them, and just like back then, just like when his mother dared to hurt him… Isaac deserved a lesson.
« I used to be afraid of the world around me, yes. But you are, right now. You are so, so scared of ending up alone and unwanted that you do everything in your power to make sure no one wants you and loves you first! You will drag everyone down in your misery, because it’s easier than clawing your way out! Forget about me – why do you think Lord Dracula would ever love a thing like you? »
And Hector kept talking, and talking, his words a river in flood; he couldn’t stop, he wouldn’t stop, his voice spilled out of him like it was edging at the rim and it couldn’t wait to get out:
« You are a doll to Lord Dracula. You’re a cute toy to play with before putting it on its shelf, once he gets bored of you. You will never be anything more than a thing! And it’s all because of you. You chose to be a thing to be used and thrown away, because, because… because you truly believe you don’t deserve better, I suppose, and when I tried to convince you that it was not the case, you rejected me, because it scared you. You broke yourself into pieces for him, and it was for nothing, and now you’re angry, and you don’t want to admit it, so you thought you could break me with you. »
Isaac recoiled at every word like they were physical blows, and the more he acted like that, the more Hector felt the desire to twist the knife even further, because Isaac only roused desire in him when his eyes shone with bitter tears: he looked like the human he refused to be.
« You are nothing more than a pathetic, miserable thing, and you could have been so much more! I had always admired your passion, your wit, your knowledge! I thought myself so lucky to call you my friend! But there’s none of that in you anymore. You call yourself a weapon, but no, you’re a puppet. Who loves a puppet? Lord Dracula doesn’t need it. I don’t need it. »
And who cared if Hector no longer believed in that axiom, that the both of them had to earn their Lord’s love somehow? Hector had grown past that, but Isaac didn’t, still a child clinging onto the breeches of his father, and Hector felt vile and so satiated in plunging his fangs in Isaac’s heart to tear it to pieces, he would see how it felt, to be weak and powerless and despised! If he wanted to experience Lord Dracula’s love, then by all means, Hector would be all too happy to oblige!
« S-shut up… »
« Don’t you believe me? Why do you think that Lord Dracula refuses to give you all the love that you crave, but he’s forcing it on me? Whose fault is that, Isaac? What did I do, other than exist? »
« Exactly that, » Isaac snarled, and the sobs did not soften the spikes in his words. « Do me a favor, and go die in the next mission. Filth like you should have never been born in the first place! »
The air froze.
No one spoke. Isaac was panting, but Hector could not understand what he was thinking, he could not recognize his face. His head hurt as if Isaac struck a blow and his vision wobbled. It was not a moment too soon that Isaac spun on his heels and fled, and Hector let that stranger march out of his room.
The same mouth he had used to rip Isaac to shreds was covered in ashes. With numb fingers, he touched Lord Dracula’s marks on his throat, where he had ruined him. He decided it was time to go to bed. No map could have taken his mind off the flames dancing behind his eyes.
That night, Isaac left Hector alone, as he wanted.
He tossed and turned around in a freezing bed until the crows cawed and all of his focus had to go on the most important mission of his life.
There was no turning back.
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dreamcast-official · 1 year
listen i like aku/sai but also so many ppl throw the nuclear family structure on them + roxas and xion and then im like. ok thats stupid actually
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jacketpotatoo · 1 year
I was watching clips from Little Women 2019 on YouTube (im so normal about that movie) and on the one with Jo Friedrich getting together at the end, people were commenting “oh I’m so glad Jo found the capacity to love another person romantically because she would be a static character if not. They were so sweet together 🥰” and I had to close the tab because HNG,,,,,,
Firstly, it was heavily heavily implied that the ending where Jo gets together with him was simply made up for the sake of the publisher due to prejudices and constraints of that time period (which was reflected in Alcott’s own experiences of trying to get little women published). This was supported by the colour grading of the scene and it’s place in the story: it’s warm-toned and Jo hadn’t been characterised in any way that would suggest she wanted to be in a romantic relationship for the whole story. Her loneliness is not a byproduct of wanting romantic love, but of living as a struggling artist in the oppressive patriarchal standards of her time; there’s also the fact that her family is moving on and growing up all around her as she’s the only one left behind in her family home, which is further emphasised by the fact that she’s the one constantly clinging to the simplicities of the past. She considers accepting Laurie’s proposal not because she loves him in a romantic way or wants romance, but because life is a fucking struggle. And that’s why Friedrich showing up at her doorstep, from the perspective of a viewer, especially because he hadn’t shown up at all since the film’s opening, is jarring as hell. But it’s deliberately paced to be and ignoring this in order to make such a statement as “oh finally the perfect man for Jo” INFURIATES me. Especially when the scene under the rain? The confession scene? Was the cheesiest culmination of every romantic trope ever. This - accentuated by the jarring shift in themes and character - was a brilliant meta-commentary on actual criticism of the book where it felt like Jo married Friedrich out of nowhere.
Which brings me to the next thing - romantic love being seen as the be-all, end all for… everything. (coldest take of all time but unfortunately, not cold enough apparently) It’s not!!!!!!! Absolutely nothing against it (I love my ships as much as the next person) but when a filmmaker pays such attention in her commentary to love and societal perceptions around it, when she explores sisterly love and motherly love and platonic love etc. all so thoroughly. And you still leave thinking Jo was happiest and fulfilled when she gets together with Friedrich. I… I don’t know what to say. I’ve seen people say that the ending is ambiguous (and it is rather) but I’ve only ever seen it this way and I just don’t agree with the interpretation that Jo just gets married happily in the film because if so, holy crap was it paced/set up badly. All evidence just points to the contrary in terms of character, and themes, and just how the film is structured. And it’s genius! It’s one of the reasons why the film is one of my all time favourites. It’s such effective satire on how society (back then and evidently now) views romantic relationships. So it just makes me so annoyed when people ignore the nuance
Ok *breathes* I’ll stop
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multeasers · 1 year
Since coming back to life, someway somehow, a little over a year ago, Wen Ruohan has lived with only three things in mind: Avoiding anything dangerous, avoiding putting himself in danger, and avoiding anyone and everyone he can.
He admits that, perhaps, this can be thought of as selfish; he, of all people, now lives a life that is safe and relatively peaceful? The dead he alone slaughtered surely turn in their graves, and the dead he indirectly slew are sure to, as well, over the irony, as even before he wasn’t at peace. Few Sect Leaders ever were, after all, and he’d made it a point to not let peace into many lives. There are nights where it keeps him awake, days where it has him sitting in front of a blade...but, so far, he has lived as quiet a life as could possibly be had. He is as grateful for it as he allows himself to be.
The only problem was that, right now, there was something—someone—who went against each of Ruohan’s current ways of living.
He’s not able to bring himself to continue adhering to those ways, however, upon seeing him on the ground and injured.
“Sect Leader Nie. Sect Leader Nie. Can you hear me?”
While he has avoided contact with other people as much as he can, he hasn’t always been able to do so; in fact, shortly after he had first found himself alive again, he had stumbled into a village purely on accident. He’d managed to make his way out before his identity was realized—while he knows he died in Wen robes, he’d awoken in simple black ones lacking any identifying insignia or detail—but in this village he’d made some very important discoveries: The current list of standing Sects, their Leaders, and the date and time. It’s why he already knows that, despite the fact that Nie Mingjue had been the standing Nie Sect Leader in his time, his younger brother Nie Huaisang has now taken that position. It is part of why Ruohan cannot adhere to the principles he has set for himself.
The other part, of course, is that because neither of them would ever forget the actions of his first life (among the deaths hed caused, Huaisang and Mingjue’s father had been one, with Mingjue himself nearly being another), Ruohan knows that Nie Huaisang likely doesn’t even want his help, but it’s because of this that he can’t help but give it in turn. He doesn’t want to leave him here, hurt (though he isn’t sure how yet) and on his own; it’s really the least he could do.
“Sect Leader Nie...”
And yet, no matter how many times he says his name, Ruohan has so far received no acknowledgement from the other; not unexpected at all, but wholly unhelpful. Huaisang is neither moving nor speaking even as he shakes his shoulder, which is something he does expect a reaction for. For Ruohan to so much as touch him is surely enraging to his core, and yet...
He sighs, and against his better judgement decides to drop the title for now. He will try anything, in this moment, really; “Nie Huaisang, I understand I am not the one you want help from, but I am the one who is here. Tell me what’s happened; I’ll have to carry you from here otherwise...”
Another thing to, hopefully, entice a reaction from him, though unfortunately it’s also something one could call a warning; Ruohan now has his fingers to Huaisang’s pulse, felt upon his wrist, and is searching him with his cultivation. He finds that, somehow, the Sect Leader has been paralyzed; which, of course, explains his lack of movement, but the paralysis seems limited to only that which is below his neck. Surely he should be able to speak, if this is the case?
Unless, of course, he’s—
“Sect Leader Nie, please don’t ignore me.” Ruohan would have sounded annoyed and exasperated, were he still the man from before, upon realizing this could be what’s going on, but now, he just sounds imploring. Perhaps even a bit desperate, though even that, surely, can spark a reaction? Even if it’s only one of surprise?
“I am only trying to help you.”
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brittlebutch · 1 year
still can't help but empathize deeply with Hob's anger and affront over the duel during the 'Southern Lawn' episode, mostly because I also cannot understand the social steps taken to land him in that position during any part of those confrontations
#N posts stuff#i trust that they Do make sense but i do not understand the social cues here At All#like i'm still Confused how we got from Wuvvy going to Dictate the letter to Hob like Aabria implied she was#to her Confronting Hob over an injury that Rue dealt to Her#like does the letter Hob was writing to Wrackingspelt imply a depth of feeling for someone Other than Rue in a way that implies#that they had been like. Rejected or something? and so she acts in defense of them for That?#i don't know and i don't understand no matter how many times i watch these episodes lol#to say Nothing of the way Andhera interferes during the fight and then - when Hob bests them - manages to imply that HOB is the one#with some kind of emotionality or Flaw that caused the whole thing to begin with???#''Captain what have you lost that has put you in this position to begin with?'' <- WHAT do they mean by that??#NOT TO MENTION the fact that Hob is Literally Right to take their interference as an offense given the understanding of duels#and the fact that Every Other Individual on that field responds to his affront with Derision and outright Mockery is so.....#dude it Strikes a wounded nerve so deeply in me and i don't even think i had That Many issue with bullying growing up comparatively#that for Hob - who is Well Established as a mocked outsider in his own court - i cannot even imagine how intolerably wounded it must feel#i know i've already written a fic about this but i'm Not over it sorry. this episode makes me want to Bite#i need someone to walk me through what happens lmfao#d20lb
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oceanxveiined · 1 year
Special Dish: Sea God’s Catch
Base: Sashimi platter
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❛❛ The fish and garnishes seem oddly cut, but nonetheless the meat is chilled, tender, and its fragrance holds a sweet zest to it and an odd hint of spice from the side made to go with it. With Danae’s usual lack of culinary skills, it seems she must have put lots of practice into this. And been a bit overeager in her efforts, the overwhelmingly hearty portion considered. Your expression seems to fluster her. “What?! A proper meal’s good to keep up your strength! So eat up! Wh–you want to share it?! I...ugh, fine, I’ll help you finish– ❜❜
#//Idk; fun hc bc why not lol#;mun has spoken#//Would you believe me if I said I struggled to find a dish she’d feasibly be able to prepare lmao#//And it fit her brand so yeeee#//Funny she would insist on making other people eat well to keep up their strengths considering how often she skips/forgets meals; innit#//But when she dotes on someone; she DOTES and she tends to overlook her own habits#//Hence the dialogue (smile)#disordered eating mention tw#//Tagging that jic#v; intertwined fates (genshin verse)#//Sharing food is a love language. Though she’s the one who usually tended to give up bigger portions of her food#//It's just how she got used to things while growing up. Big Sibling Responsibility and all that#//Then after they've parted ways; she's already gotten so in the habit of eating less; she gets a bit queasy actually eating her proper fil#//She no longer had/has to share; but she'll still chose to take smaller portions unless she's made to otherwise#//Whoops; that that's extra info#//Implied is that she essentially makes a Inazuma-Natlan sort of fusion#//It’s sashimi she sprinkled over with citrus juice; spices & then made something reminiscent of mango salsa to go with the sashimi#//Best eaten by scooping a bit of said salsa onto a strip of meat and rolling it to eat together#//Unconventional yes; but she likes it enough so she shares. Whether or not it's actually LIKED by others; That is up to interpretation lma#//Image set is an approx. idea of what it would look like. Might draw the actual one some time#//Uhhh; game stats would be...Increases all party members' ATK by 290 and CRIT Rate by 15% for 300s ig
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
Anon with the "GW not bad for Faerghus" ask. I couldn't read your full response bc your other blog is private but yes, there are people who say that the Kingdom is not in a bad position. Mostly those who think Claude's "scheme" will force Edelgard to end the war bc he could ally with the "still strong" Kingdom to crush her if she didn't, and that GW is some kind of "golden ending" for the three nations. Some even argue that Claude freed Faerghus/Dimitri from the Church's chains - or whatever.
I don't know if you saw my post where I mentioned you should be able to read it now, but if you didn't you should still be able to. I think I switched off the setting for that because I didn't realize it would prevent you from seeing the whole ask. :o
That's wild to hear though that people think the Kingdom isn’t in a bad position. They've lost a lot of military power regardless of whether or not they lose influence. Like I mentioned in the previous ask, it's basically up to Claude whether or not they retain their influence (regardless of what Petra wants in GW or what she thinks she knows about Fodlan lol). If they do, they still have no military might. If Sreng invades they're fucked if Claude doesn't treat them like a vassal state of Leicester and help them under the pretext that Faerghus is now part of Leicester.
In other words, they’re at best a vassal state and otherwise left alone, and at worst they’re left to rot.
Technically, Claude could try to get them to help him fight against the Empire, sure, but they won’t have the military might to help him very much, and like I mentioned in the last ask, the chances of it working are slim. Gautier won’t help and I can say that with pretty much full certainty, and if Gautier won’t help then Fraldarius probably won’t either (remember, it’s Felix who makes the final decisions now and not Rodrigue, so if Felix sees Sylvain is still upset about his father and won’t help the Alliance because of what they did, Felix won’t help them either. Felix is extremely emotional about his friends - especially his childhood friends. If you fuck with them then he’s going to fuck with you).
So now, Claude can either decide to try to force them to help, which would invoke another fight between him and Faerghus and cause more deaths, or he’ll just have to accept that he’s not getting help/a lot of help from Faerghus (I detailed it more in the other ask, so hopefully you can access the rest of it now!).
Post GW, Faerghus won’t be helping anyone in a war, I can tell you that. It’d take everything they had to keep Sreng out and to fix any damages from the Alliance’s attack. Even if Claude called on them, they just... couldn’t help.
Unfortunately even in GW they imply that Dimitri is “freed” of the Church, so of course most people take that at face value and don’t look any deeper than what’s told to them. Dimitri isn’t really free or not free of the Church. He was never in a situation where he was being controlled by them. They’re on friendly terms, but that’s really it. Rhea doesn’t tell Dimitri what to do or how to run Faerghus. It’s just that the people there are very devout because of their good relations with the Church and because Rhea helps Faerghus when they need help. It’s give and take for them just like any political situation. Faerghus isn’t in a bad position because they’re around. They’ve only really benefitted from the Church if anything, because Rhea doesn’t personally involve herself with their political decisions.
The whole “we have to free Dimitri from them” thing sounded more to me like Claude needing to find something “good” to hang onto to excuse himself for making those choices. As it was he was grasping at straws to justify their invasion to begin with. He already didn’t have a good pretext for attacking them. Saying “we’re freeing you” is like... his lowkey way of saying he needs to make himself feel better about it, because Dimitri didn’t need his or anyone’s help to begin with. If they were left alone, Faerghus would’ve been fine. Edelgard in GW is struggling on both sides of the war, so if Faerghus hadn’t been attacked by the Alliance, I can guarantee the Empire would’ve just lost.
Really, if Claude teamed up with the Kingdom in the first place and took down the Empire, they would’ve spared themselves more lives and bloodshed in the long run. Claude caused even more battles to happen and got more innocent people killed. I think by the end of the game he did figure out that he made the wrong decisions, but by then it was too late and he couldn’t take back what he did so he needed to find ways to justify all of it to himself.
I just wish they actually came out and said that though instead of running around it in circles while trying to make us believe he actually believes that the Kingdom was just better off without the Church. They weren’t doing badly with the Church involved or not involved. It was the invasion that hurt them. If Claude skipped around Fhirdiad and killed Rhea, regardless of plot or context or anything, just like, imagine he didn’t invade Faerghus and they just passed through and killed Rhea, then Faerghus’ situation might get a little more complicated for inheritance, but I think just with Dimitri’s temperament that they’d be able to stave off any legitimacy issues pretty quick. That is, people liked him in power so the populace would still be in favor of having him as king whether the Church was there or not. Rodrigue was well liked, so he’d be a perfect public figure to calm down any potential anxiety and worry with the loss of the Church. They could’ve actually made it without the Church, but it was mostly the invasion that really hurt the country and dug them into a hole for the future.
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My local Scott expert: would describing Scott as 'a ball of sunshine' snd 'would give the shirt off his back if he thought you needed it.' Work?
Oh, wow, am I? That's some high praise, lol.
Yeah, I would definitely agree with that description of Scott. One of the things I love most about him is his kindness, so I do think he's the type to give someone the shirt off his back if they need it. Like in AMATW, when he walks into Hank and Hope's building and sees the state of it, he asks, "Is this where you're living? If you need help or money or something, maybe I can…" The dude barely has a dime to his name, but his first instinct is still to offer them help.
As for him being "a ball of sunshine," again I agree with that and I get the sense that's a deliberate choice on his part. Not to be too reductive, but a lot of his jokes/humor tend to fall into two categories, 1) trying to make someone else smile/feel better (for example: this deleted scene with Cassie, the George Washington bit with Hope, and honestly, even the "America's ass" thing was said in response to Tony nagging Steve) and 2) trying to deflect and distract from his own sadness, fear, anxiety, etc. (such as, "Damn, that was a good speech" and "Something about some psycho assassins.") I think a prime example of both of these tendencies would be his reunion with Cassie in Endgame. Once the shock begins to settle in as they hug, he then starts to crack (notably, where she can't see it happening) before he quickly pulls himself together. Then what does he do? He smiles and says, "You're so big," which makes her laugh. Even when faced with probably one of his worst nightmares coming true, he still tries to make her smile, above anything else.
I know I probably seem like I got away from the "ball of sunshine" thing, but I guess my point is that there's nuance to it. It's not as simple as him being this goofy, happy-go-lucky fanboy (which yes, there is some truth to, but), there's depth at play here that often gets lost in the fandom.
Now bear in mind, everything I've said here is based on MCU!Scott, because he's the one I know the best. Plus, EMH!Scott doesn't get much screen time and the little he had portrays him as much more muted and serious, which makes sense given the context of his episode but still, it's a gear change. I think some things could possibly apply to 616!Scott, but he's been around for over forty years at this point and I've only scratched the surface of him there.
Thanks for sending this ask! I hope it helped and if you ever have other questions, my inbox is always open. :-D
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knittinglizards · 2 years
i haven't said anything abt dracula here since the emails ended/i finished the book bc ive been thinking abt other things and bc the ending is underwhelming and thick with blatant examples of the book's bigotry BUT just remembered that it says Jonathan's hair turned white over the course of the story like a fucking cartoon character. and hes like 20something. p funny
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List of words for the computer:
LONG POST- more under the cut
STANFORD- Pulls up a file on Stanford Pines, written by an unknown scientist. It discusses his extra finger and praises his intelligence, as well as calling him the “next evolution in the human species”.
BILL CIPHER- Takes you to the Wikipedia page for the Eye of Providence. Also took me to a Sesame Street video about a Jazzy Triangle and a Square. Not sure what prompted the change.
STANLEY PINES: Takes you to a list of EBay listings for brass knuckles.
FIDDLEFORD: Takes you to the music video for Cotton Eye Joe by Rednex.
SHERMIE: Nothing. I sure do wish we got some lore about Grandpa Pines.
GRAVITY FALLS: The text on the computer reads “never heard of it” and the red light on the bottom turns green.
ALEX HIRSCH: Leads to Google Images for “flannel”. Huh.
WEIRDMAGEDDON: Pulls up an article from the Gravity Falls Gossiper about how nothing happened at all and there was no apocalypse.
DISNEY: Screen reads “rat.gif censored for your protection”
SOOS: Leads to a page of writing from Soos himself, referencing many things (including Tad Strange being gay and madly in love with Woodpecker Guy. Love wins!!!)
DIPPER: Leads to a creepy yellow parchment with a message from Bill Cipher himself trying to trick Dipper into blinding himself by staring at the sun for 13 hours straight! Silly! (Also if you keep clicking on it, the page gets darker and blurrier until it implies we've gone blind)
MABEL: Causes stickers to appear on every available surface. Clicking it enough times leads to message “lab now fully Mabelized”.
WENDY: Leads to a note from Wendy that mentions a way to ward off evil triangles written in the bottom corner of the book.
GIDEON: Makes a web recording of Gideon scatting play. It ends with “I love you forever Mabel”. Please shut the fuck up you little creep.
TAD STRANGE: Plays a video of bread with smooth jazz in the background.
TOBY DETERMINED: Leads to a Google search for a restraining order. Holyyyyy shittttttt
WHO ARE YOU: “I could ask you the same question”
SEASON 3: “Season Two”. I guess that’s that lol
This was about all I could find. Please reblog with anything else you can discover! Thank you, fellow Gravity Falls enjoyers!
And make sure to give some love to all the wonderful folks down in the comments! Many of these answers and tips come from what they've found. I can't list everyone, unfortunately- I didn't expect this post to get popular- but, to everyone who's helped out, THANK YOU.
BLIND EYE: Pulls up an optometrist’s eye exam. Each line reads “WKHBOOVHH”. Too lazy to translate atm.
PIÑATA: Bill Cipher getting beaten to death /hj
MASON: A note from Dipper listing several anagrams of Gravity Falls characters’ names. You can check in the comments for the answers.
AXOLOTL: “You ask alotl questions”. Thanks for the pun, Alex, but I’m kind of losing my mind rn
MYSTERY SHACK: Leads to a Google search for Confusion Hill, the real-life Mystery Shack!
MONSTER: Leads to several YouTube videos for “There’s a Monster at the End of this Book.”
VALLIS CINERIS: Leads to an analog-horror-esque video of Baby Bill and his parents, who have been blotted out by static, and a voice repeating “WHY DID YOU DO IT” over and over again until you stop the video.
PORTAL: “Portal.exe has been deleted. I bet you could build a new one.”
GIFFANY: You need to put it in multiple times. Several warnings about breaching firewall, followed by a message from GIFFANY saying “SOOS! I still love you!” or smth like that, and then GIFFANY herself briefly appearing onscreen. Trying again after that summons her more. Also lets you download some ZIP files.
DORITO: Summons an image of a spinning Dorito, followed by the most cursed image of Bill Cipher I have ever seen.
GOD: A short video of an axolotl in a tank with a Bill Cipher statue plays. This is Alex’s axolotl, shown in the Book of Bill countdown.
REALITY: “Is an illusion”
FILBRICK: “I’m not impressed”
CARYN: “I knew you were gonna write that”
GLASS SHARD BEACH: Leads to an image of the New Jersey Hell Hole.
ANY CUSS WORD: Pulls up a paper reading “NOT S&P APPROVED. WASH YOUR MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP” with an image of soap below.
MATPAT: Leads to a video of MatPat next to a conspiracy board, holding the Book of Bill. He tells us we’re on our own.
BABBA: Plays an audio recording of Dipper singing BABBA. Not Disco Girl, a different song.
CRAZ: Leads to the Jem and the Holograms theme.
XYLER: See above.
AD ASTRA PER ASPERA: Shows us two new journal pages from Ford and Mabel, studying the Cipher statue. They’re definitely worth the read, I teared up looking at them.
ANSWER: “Question”
QUESTION: “Answer”
SEASON ONE: “Season -1: Antigravity Falls”
SEASON TWO: “Season 1” …maybe scratch what I said about Season 3. Or don’t. Things are starting to damage my brain.
CURSED (got from @slimslamflimflam decoding the candle! Thanks!): Shows two pages talking about the dangers of drawing triangles, with the bottom of the second page showing several drawings of Bill and the words “HE IS COMING, RUN”
THE UNIVERSE: “Hologram”
RIZZ: “Life privileges revoked. Now releasing poison gas.” This response is repeated if you type in SKIBIDI or FORTNITE.
BABY: Shows an ultrasound of a fetus Bill Cipher, captioned “Look at what’s growing inside you! See you in nine months, papa!”
JOURNAL 3: “The Journal for Me”
PACIFICA: Leads to a note from Pacifica calling Bill Cipher “ick” and telling us to follow her on social media under “Platinum Paz”
PLATINUM PAZ: Pulls up an image of Northwest Manor with the llama symbol overlaid and a “NW” logo beneath. There's also a short story beneath!
LOVE: Leads to an audiobook of “The Love Triangle”. Need to read later.
BLENDIN: “The time agent lost and presumed incompetent”. Uh…?
SCARY: Leads to another audiobook of a cheesy Goosebumps-esque horror novel written by Bill himself, apparently.
DIVORCE: Shows you the logo of the bar Bill went to after his fight with Ford… Billford bitter exes confirmed
ROBBIE: Leads to the cringiest messages ever. He’s such a failure I love him
CONSPIRACY: Leads to a video of a man losing his mind over the countdown counting up. I feel so seen. (I have been informed that his name is Charlie Day, he's an actor from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and that one meme, he had a quote on the back of the Book of Bill, thanks to everyone who explained that to me, I'm sorry, I'm uncultured)
RAT: “Thurburt’s number?”
BLANCHIN: Leads to a YouTube video on how to blanch vegetables.
TJ ECKLEBURG: “Never mention that name again.”
NOTHING: “Something”
SOMETHING: “Nothing”
BURNSIDE: “Burned inside.” Well… at least we know what happened…
WADDLES: Leads to the pig placement network!
THERAPRISM: Pulls up a sign from the theraprism regarding an emergency situation. The code reads "THE OLD ONE".
SHAPE: Pulls up an article on Plato, triangles, and Ancient Greece. This article is presumably written by Bill.
LLIB and BILL: THIS leads to the Sesame Street video every time.
WEIRD: Shows a video of a frightened Weird Al panicking about being trapped in a computer. Sorry, man...
CLONE: Pulls up an image of Paper Jam Dipper, a warning about not getting him too close to liquids, and an option to print.
TRIANGLE: ")" or "Tri harder."
THEYLLSEE: "Is seeing believing?"
DEER TEETH: "For you, kid!"
LIFE: "Life: 72% complete. Now loading: death."
DEATH: "Life's goth cousin."
PINES: "A good family tree."
OWL TROWEL: A slab of hieroglyphs, translating to an ancient ad for an owl trowel.
SCALENE: "Life form not found." EUCLID has the same outcome.
WELL WELL WELL BEING: Some assorted notes from Bill's Theraprism file. These include his greatest love and fear, his art therapy notes, and notes on his phobias. Three clicks is required to read them all.
BOO BERRY: Offers a poem on the meaning of life! Wow! I feel so enlightened!
LOVE YA BRO: Shows us a doodle from Stan of one of his and Ford's Sea Grunks adventures, and another code on the back. It translates to "Kings of New Jersey." I've been told it lets you download the code as a font.
SORRY: Reveals the repaired Backupsmore photo, with a note from Fiddleford about his and Ford's growing friendship. Fiddauthor fans, we are eating well tonight!
HORROR: Pulls up an image and report on The Always Garden, which is essentially a cheap Italian restaurant hidden in the backrooms.
HOLOGRAM: "Universe."
NAITSUAF: Pulls up a page that looks like it would be from the Book of Bill, in which Bill tries to convince us to sell us his soul. Clicking "ARE YOU READY?" pulls up a contract where we can sell our soul to Bill (with an alarming amount of coded fine print. Will need to translate later). You can print this document out, back out, or sign it right there on the web. Hitting "SIGN" causes the words "PLEASURE DOING BUSINESS WITH YOU!" to appear, and the document to close. In other words, I no longer have a soul.
IMSTILLONYOURMIND: Plays a recording of the ocean, with Stan faintly talking in the background. Poor Ford ain't quite over the divorce yet...
HOTXOLOTL: Pulls up a "MOST WANTED" doc on the henchmaniacs.
SEVENEYES: Pulls up a faded polaroid of The Oracle with text on the back that reads "LEAVE HIM. Escape to dimension *blurred out*. It's against the rules but it's the only reality where you'll be safe from him." The code at the bottom (once again decoded by the powerhouse that is @slimslamflimflam) reads "Set a course for Dimension: R34LITY." Is another Cipher Hunt in the makes? Only time will tell, hehehe.
JUST FIT IN: Plays an old commercial with a few moments of speech in the glitches at the end.
EVEN HIS LIES ARE LIES: Shows a transcript from a therapy session at the Theraprism. Bill discusses his relationship with Ford and cuts off the session when someone brings up his parents.
NOT A PHASE: Shows a Google search for "black hair dye stained an entire bathroom."
PAPER IS BOOK SKIN: Instantly downloads a page of fleshy pink paper with the word "ENJOY" written on it!
SHAVE YOUR GRANDMA: Pulls up a few more pages about the human life cycle.
LIES: Pulls up an image of "The Game of Lies" board game, with a long stretch of text from (I assume) Bill, ending with "LIE UNTIL YOU ARE NOT LYING ANYMORE." Someone has some issues...
SAY BAAAA: Pulls up a neat little rhyme about being Bill Cipher's obedient flock of sheep. The code at the end translates to "Black Sheep."
ONE EYED KING: Plays a video of a hypnotist's spiral, with Bill proclaiming "YOU WANT TO PLEDGE YOUR SOUL TO BILL CIPHER" in the background. There is also morse code that translates to "NAITSUAF", leading to a previous discovery- the soul contract.
TANTRUM: Pulls up a transcript of a spat between Bill and Time Baby.
TITANS BLOOD: "HOOT HOOT! Password please!"
CURSE WITTEBANE: Pulls up an image of a Bill Cipher ouija board.
FORDTRAMARINE: Pulls up several rejected files from Ford trying to convince us Fordtramarine exists.
SUCK IT MERLIN: Pulls up a tapestry of Bill riding a unicorn. The code at the top reads "DAY MARE VS NIGHTMARE."
HEY NERD: Plays a commercial advertising things such as a Bill Cipher calendar, the Scrubba-Bill, a severed hand, and the entire Cygnus-XIII galaxy. Half of the image can be found in the Book of Bill.
DESTRUCTION IS THE FORM OF CREATION: Pulls up a frantic page of notes from post-portal-shit Fiddleford. A sticky note at the bottom has a code that reads "Unreality."
RUBBERHOSE: Plays "The World is Small Ever After for All."
IRREGULAR: Shows us Bill's mugshot in color. The code below reads "No prison or attention span can hold him."
UNREALITY: Offers a guide by Bill on how to become immortal.
GUN: "Oh yes oh yes oh yes they both."
ABUELITA: Leads to a video on vacuuming the walls.
YES: "What's McGucket's favorite soda?"
NO: "Your loss..."
REPEATEDLY CLICKING STAN: This stuff deserves a section of its own, away from the OG Stan stuff. It takes you through several Ebay listings on various Stan-ish items until you get to a page written by Bill about Stan's secret shames. "Ex-wives" further confirms our theory on Stan and Eda's relationship, as well as revealing many other bits of lore. "Fears" is somewhat goofy to be honest. "Secret Shames" reveals that Stan is a fanfiction writer and that his mother is the only member of his family who truly loves him outside of Ford and the kids. "Unreported Crimes" is somewhat goofy as well. "Failed Products" basically confirms that Stan is that world's Alex. "Lowest Moments" is genuinely depressing, and "Darkest Thought". Well. I'm not spoiling it lol. And the bit on "How He Beat Me" causes Bill to get more and more frantic/angry the more you click it! Comedy GOLD!
DIPPY FRESH: Leads to a Reddit post of the Burger King Kids Club.
MEOW: Leads to a TikTok of a man playing the Gravity Falls theme on that cap keyboard.
HELP ME: Pulls up another video of Alex's axolotl and the tiny statue. Rip Bill ig :/
R34LITY: Pulls up several photos of the henchmaniacs in live-action, captioned "They found a new home."
JOURNAL 1: "The journal of fun."
JOURNAL 2: "The journal for you."
FBI: "Your webcam is on. We are watching."
BURNED INSIDE: Shows an image of a charred Oregon Parks badge and nametag on the ground.
HECTORING: Plays a silly little country song!
OROBOROUS: Pulls up two journal pages about Fiddleford buying Ford an axolotl to keep him company, and Bill subsequently telling Ford to get rid of him. There's also some code on the first page that reads "CHONKY BOY." Ford, you wonderful dork.
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arolesbianism · 1 year
Untreated dst dynamic of the century is Wendy and Wurt they are so delightful to me. Yes this is 65% because of Wurt's walking stick dialogue but also I'm correct
#rat rambles#also wurt gets the gift of being one of like 3 ppl that gets a unique greeting from wendy#ok technically maxwell and walter do too but only sort of#and for maxwel its probably not a good thing lol#for walter its just a hello along with the typical how do you do so I count it as more friendly by wendy standards#wurt just gets a flat hello which may not seem that friendly on its own but considering how wendy greets most of the others its noteworthy#the other two that are the main exceptions of the trademark how do you do are webber and wortox btw#oh and also wolfgang but idk if I can completely confidently say it implies much?#like idk wendy does mention wanting to play with him but thats not completely unique to him#I do think wolfgang is someone wendy is generally more friendly with tho#its just hard to say how much more or less wolfgang ranks on the ppl wendy likes scale compared to everyone else#Im not enough of a wurt expert to speak as much on her but she generally seems to like most of the survivors well enough#she seem to be concerned abt wendy to some extent tho which is smth that cant be said abt some other characters lol#she also seems to like webber a lot which is smth the two have in common at least fkfndjd#I like to imagine wendy and wurt have a sibling like dynamic#I would elaborate on my hcs for them but its 2 am so. another time <3#oh also in regards to wendy and maxwell wendy seems to be distrustful but not activelt distainful towards him#like willing to allow him to hang around but more than willing to punish him in petty ways#kiddo simply has bigger fish to fry (having tea parties with webber)
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this film is WILD, i love watching a group of ppl arguing and fighting over who dated whom and who slept with whom before meeting whom and who's been pregnant and who's cheating on her husband with her female yoga instructor or sth idk o_o
they should all just have one big orgy together!! then they wouldn't have to worry about being jealous of each other!!! there, problem solved :D
well, it ends badly, but i think we've ALL learnt something here today: mental illness is shameful, taking medication makes u ~less urself~, and self-harm is the SAME THING as a suicide attempt which is the SAME THING as planning an elaborate prank that facilitates the murder of one friend which is the SAME THING as shooting two of the others.
also apparently each of them is meant to embody one of the ~seven deadly sins~ and they are very bad ppl for being *checks notes* proud of their accomplishments, depressed due to life's circumstances, and unashamed of their sexuality, etc. NOTHING DODGY HERE!!! ALL VERY REPUTABLE POSITIONS TO TAKE. EXTREMELY NORMAL.
.....UNLESS..........wAS IT ALL JUST A DREAM???????? (feck i hope so bc that were a sad sad series of events, just look at the state of them, and all that blood's going to stain those lovely hardwood floors ;A;)
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