#well my mom picked me up from work today and randomly decided to tell me that the auntys dad had someone in mind for me rishta wise
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dotted-clouds · 2 years
I'm here today because of funny events unfolded to get me to this online space right here, right now.
Back in 2011, I was given a used copy of Super Smash Bros. Brawl from my Mom's friend, who was giving away her kid's games that they didn't want anymore. I didn't play it all that much until my friends were talking about Smash Brawl, in which I remembered that I had it. That same day, I played Brawl for the first time, I didn't know majority of the roster, since I was just a kid who didn't know anything outside of Pokemon and Mario.
But, a friend nudged me onto picking Marth because he was playing as Ike. I told him who the fuck is Marth, and he tells me he's from a game called Fire Emblem. I still didn't know shit but I just went with it. After a few rounds, I checked on google what Fire Emblem was, and was somewhat interested. And after the jokes we made during our time playing, I searched up fanart of Marth and Ike, even the damn ship to see if anyone else liked it lmao.
We played Smash Brawl for days on end, just constantly having a grand old time, meanwhile on the downtimes, I would be searching more about Fire Emblem and about Marth. I then decided to draw Marth, with my now super outdated art. I don't remember what was the first drawing I did of him, but I know it was influenced on Fanon Smash Marth was interpreted.
I didn't expect to blow up back then for drawing dumbass smash bros stuff with Marth and Ike but I did somehow. When I entered High School, I met people like me who liked video games a whole lot and also played smash! They showed me more games beyond what I know, but I was still confused on a lot of stuff. Smash 4 was announced a year or so later, I just got into Animal Crossing New Leaf thanks to a great old friend of mine. I was confused on the roster picks since I didn't know who anyone was. But as the game came out, I remember talking to my old buddies about silly scenarios with the characters, which again, sparked some old drawings/comics I did, it was because of them! Fast Forward, I was still drawing Marth and Ike a lot, I was super into them like so so much back then it was my whole ass personality if you knew me personally. I drew them all the time and wouldn't shut up, I just loved them a lot. And well, when Fire Emblem Fates was announced, I was so excited, it was going to be my very first Fire Emblem game. I didn't get it until the next year, on my birthday though. That was my first legit taste of Fire Emblem! Then a little bit later, I got Shadows of Valentia, and then Awakening, a bit off but still.
As for the online experience, I didn't expect this to happen because I was given a video game randomly one day. I met so many great people, and legit cried tears of happiness when people knew who I was back then. Like oh my god? You've heard of me??! It's a surreal feeling. I met people from online spaces in real life through anime conventions, it was an experience I don't want to ever forget.
I know I declined heavy for a long period of time now, and a lot of hardships trying to stay a float while everyone else is expanding and going off into greater things. I'm just happy to those who stayed by my side, and grew with me! I hope to come back stronger than before. I just gotta work hard and be more active, ya know?
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noyasboxdye · 3 years
Pretty boy - Sugawara Koushi
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Notes: It's his birthday today so take these hcs. I'll make an actual fic for him later on when I'm finished writing my other fics and shit.
pairing: Sugawara Koushi x gn! Reader
WARNINGS: age gape (he's 18 turning 19 and you're 19 turning 20),
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How y'all met:
Your mom asked you to pick up your brother Daichi and his friend (Suga) from their game since it was late.
So the game ends and you're waiting for Daichi and Suga to finish changing and getting the rest of their things so y'all can leave.
Daichi takes forever to change so Suga ended up being finished first.
Daichi just told him to go outside where you were by the door so he did.
At first, you were confused as to why he was standing so fucking close to you.
Then he saw how you were side-eyeing him and how you would scoot away every time he got the slightest bit closer so he introduced himself.
He'd heard (and seen) a lot of you. You were basically Daichi aimed to be for the majority of his life.
So he told you he was Daichi's best friend- the one you were supposed to be picking up along with Daichi.
Everything was pretty much fine after that.
It became a regular thing for him to start up conversations when he bumped into you.
And after a while of those you both had created your own bond.
Catching feelings:
He hated that he liked you, it was humiliating to him. Especially since he was about 95% sure you didn't like him.
He felt even worse since you were his best friends brother. He didn't know how Daichi would take it but something was telling him it wouldn't be well.
Especially since the last time, Daichi talked about you was the first time Suga had actually seen Daichi mad.
All he said was "jeez you're brothers fucking hot," and he was fuming about it.
So imagine how he would act if he just said "Hey yeah I like your brother," that would not go smoothly at all
So he kept it to himself. He decided that keeping it to himself and waiting for the crush to go away was the best option.
The crush "went away" after a few weeks and he was safe to start hanging out with you and Daichi again.
The feelings came back after y'all hanging out for a few hours though.
Which resulted in him telling Daichi, he didn't really care as much as Suga thought he would.
He didn't plan on confessing. It was extremely accidental
He had come over and you were supposed to be at university and he saw that your parents weren't home so he had just started yelling to "Daichi" about how much he liked you.
"Daichiii he called me fucking gorgeous!! Can you believe it! I'm gonna kiss him one day I swear, he's so fucking cute oh my fucking gods he's so perfect ugh!!"
"Daichi? Where the hell are you?!" he says storming around the house "DAICHI!" he roams the entire house before storming up the stairs.
Bursting into his friend's room and seeing you on your little brothers' bed.
He just stood there. At first, he thought he was dreaming but then he remembered that he slipped on ice before entering the house.
So he just stood there using the if I don't move and I can't see him then he won't see me tactic.
He started crying after you said his name though. Like full on sobbing because not only was he embarrassed as fuck but he also had just unintentionally confessed his undying love for you at the same time.
So he was sobbing and you comforted him. He stopped after a few minutes and you both talked everything out.
You both decided that you didn't want to start dating right away.
First date:
After a month or two you both ended up going on your first date.
He was really nervous.
He didn't know how to act on the date so he was mad awkward in the beginning.
But he ended up treating it like it was just a regular hang out in the end but with holding hands and stuff like that.
He had a lot of fun. Y'all went to the movies and to the arcade.
Y'all went to your house after. He had gotten hungry again so you made him dinner.
Then you both watched a few more movies while cuddling.
By the time you were both finished, it was close to 3am and you were both exhausted so he just stayed the night.
He slept in Daichi's room so he could tell him about the date and stuff.
Then they stayed up 'till 5 talking about the date and other random shit.
Daichi threatened you both that if you hurt one another he would fight y'all.
Pre-time skip:
When you would be home on your vacation he would tell you about high school drama.
He used to make you watch bob ross with him.
Your house was basically his second home so he would come over whenever he wanted.
Late-night baking was damn near an everyday thing for the both of you. Especially on weekends, y'all would be baking like y'all gon die if y'all don't bake.
Late-night drives were a huge thing in both your platonic and romantic relationship. Especially when he got his drivers license he would just randomly pick you up since university was only a little under an hour away.
He plays with your fingers a lot. He does it even more if you wear rings.
He lays directly on top of you like a starfish but on top of you.
He'll do random trust falls at the worst times. Like you'll be in the middle of cleaning or something and he'll just fall back and almost hit his head on your dresser.
I think he has cousins that he's really close to like siblings type close. And I think that they would love you so much.
Post-time skip:
The kids love you at his job. He'll bring you in for career day and the kids will just be all over you.
If/when y'all get kids he's like the best dad ever. He's so sweet and kind and lovely.
He's the type of parent that gave their kid all the good snacks and everyone wanted to trade with them at lunch.
When he brings the kid to his school the teachers are in love they're just completely showering them in compliments.
He visits you a lot at work.
He also likes giving you massages.
Valentines and Christmas are his favourite holidays to spend with you.
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petersnya · 3 years
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Warnings: SMUT, Fluff, Angst?? Idk lol
Word count:2145
[A/N]Heyyy! Soooo this is part of this series (I’ll link part one). Hope you guys enjoy it! PLEASE COMMENT AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK AND IF YOU WANT YOU CAN SEND ME MESSAGES AND ASK QUESTIONS I'LL ANSWER LOL. Anyway, I had fun writing this chapter so I hope you like it! -J.T.S xxx
During physics class, Peter was working on an upcoming project with Ned, but he spent most of his time sleeping. He was basically sleep deprived from patrolling the town and stopping crimes.
“Late night huh Pete?” Ned asked, nudging Peter's arm that was supporting his head in the palms of his hands as his eyes got heavy, starting to close. 
“Yeah, had to stop some petty theft last night,” he began, a yawn interrupting him, “took longer than I thought.” 
The bell rang, dismissing the students to their after-school activities, if you had none you would just go home. Peter and Ned gathered their things and headed to the school’s front doors- MJ catching up with them how she usually did. 
“Man, you look terrible,” MJ said with a slight chuckle. 
“Wow, thanks. You're such a great friend.” Peter retorted sarcastically. Ned wasn’t riding the bus home today, he had to go with his mom for something he refused to share with anyone but Peter; so Peter just decided to ask MJ to walk home with her. 
“Sorry Parker, Y/N is picking me up today. You’re welcome to ride with us if you want though.” 
Peter didn’t respond for a while, debating if it was worth the anxiety attack of being around her. Y/N was the only thing that was on his mind now. His attraction grew even more when she wore those glasses. He zoned out for a while till MJ snapped her fingers in front of his face. Blinking rapidly, his vision focused on MJ who was now reaching out to grab the handle of a car door. Y/N’s car. His breath hitched in his throat once he saw Y/N wearing those same glasses from last Friday, her hair in the messiest high-ponytail he had ever seen- but it was cute to him.
“Ya coming lover-boy?” Y/N said, looking Peter right in his wide brown eyes. He blushed at the nickname before answering. 
“Yeah… I’m coming.”
The three teens got into the car and started on their way. “Hey losers, wanna go shopping?” 
“Y/N you only wanna go to the mall to eat,” MJ said to Y/N who was now laughing loudly, throwing her head back in agreement with her. Suddenly, in the middle of her laugh, she let out a loud snort. The car went silent as Y/N covered her mouth with her hand. MJ and Y/N burst into laughter, Peter soon joining. They all joked and sang to the songs that played on the radio all the way to the mall. 
“Jeez Y/N, you scared me! What is it?” MJ said to her, clutching her chest from being startled. They all had gone to the food court and were now just walking around the mall and into random stores. 
“There's a Build-A-Bear Workshop here!” she exclaimed excitedly, pointing at it like a child. Peter couldn't help but smile at how adorable she looked freaking out over a child’s store. 
“Let's go in,” Peter said to the two of them. Y/N looked at him wide-eyed with a goofy smile on her face. Her eyes looked like they twinkled with excitement. She shoved her drink into MJ’s hand, fixed her glasses, then grabbed Peter’s hand while running into the store. 
“Oooohh, I should get an H.P-themed bear!” Before Peter could even answer, Y/N dragged him to one of the workers, asking if she could get a custom bear. They went over to the station and started to build. 
As Y/N was finishing up the bear, she turned to Peter, “Ok, I have a very serious question. What accessories should I get?” they were standing in the Harry Potter section, looking over all of the things they had to decorate the bear. Peter shrugged, but then, he had a great idea, “I-I think you should get the uh, the glasses. The ones like your dads…” he said in an unsure tone. Y/N looked at him with a soft smile on her face. She couldn’t help herself, she had no idea what came over her as she pulled Peter into a tight embrace. Peter hesitated before putting his arms around her waist- her arms draped over his neck. 
At that moment, Y/N inhaled Peters sent heavily. She felt so… safe in his arms. Like nothing bad could touch her. She never wanted to break away- MJ’s voice brought them back to reality.
“You guys done, I need to get new converse,” she said with a smirk plastered across her face. Y/N quickly pulled away from Peter, a million thoughts running through her mind, but only one seemed to overpower the rest. 
I would be in his arms forever if I could.
“Ma’am, would you like to add a voice to your bear?” the lady said to Y/N, causing her thoughts to disappear. 
“Actually,” Y/N paused looking at Peter and MJ, “yes, I would.” She grabbed the recorder from the worker’s hand and sent her a small smile. She looked at the curly-headed girl and the brown-eyed boy was on either side of her. She explained her plan, “Ok, I want all three of us to say ‘Mischief Managed’, ok?” 
“What does that mean?” Peter questioned, looking at the two girls. They both sent him a deadly stare. “Nevermind,” he mumbled. 
“Ok, on three, one… two… three…” 
“Mischief Managed!” the trio yelled, causing some customers in the store to turn their heads and stare at them. They all mumbled small sorry’s as they laughed. 
“Ok, Peter what's one thing you hate?” MJ asked, turning to face him. They were all sitting in the car at a drive-in movie. Peter was now in the front seat while MJ was in the back. They all decided to just talk because the movie was pretty boring to them. 
“Uhh, I can't stand sleeping with socks on.”
“I don't think anyone can Parker,” Y/N said, laughing slightly. 
“Well what about you then?” he asked her, turning his full attention as he anticipated her answer. 
“Easy, liars. Ugh, I hate liars! What’s the point? It’s not like I’m gonna judge you,” Y/N answered confidently. “See, that’s what I like about you, Parker. You are very honest,” she said with a genuine smile. Peter just loved her smile, the way it lit up her whole face.
“Welp imma go get some pizza from the stand back there,” MJ said as she got out of the car. Y/N and Peter sat there in silence for a moment- comfortable silence. 
Y/N was the first to break the silence, as usual, “Hey, Pete. I just wanna thank you for the whole glasses thing last Friday. It really helped me realize that I should’ve worn the glasses the moment he gave them to me. It’s like I have a part of him with me now... And I love Harry Potter, obviously. Ya know, I took a quiz and found out what house I’m in! Can you believe that I’m in-“
“You’re welcome, Y/N” Peter interrupted her rambling, sending her a small smile. They stared into each other's eyes for a while, admiring one another. Peter got this warm feeling inside and had that same surge of energy he had when he first met her. Before even processing what he was about to do, he grabbed her hand without breaking eye contact. He fiddled with the ring she had on her thumb. 
Y/N breath became shallow as her heart pounded at her chest. 
“I’m in Slytherin,” she said randomly, looking down at how Peter’s hands played with hers. He let out a breathy chuckle. Their eyes met once again. 
Y/N gathered all of her courage and quickly reached out her hand to grab Peter’s cheek, pulling him into her. Their lips were centimeters apart. She ran her thumb along Peter’s bottom lip, slightly parting it as she leaned in closer, catching his lips with hers. Their lips interlocked and it felt like heaven to the both of them. 
They pulled apart from the soft kiss and slowly opened their eyes, starting again into each other's eyes searching for the words that weren’t said. Peter couldn’t contain himself anymore. His large hand grabbed the back of Y/N’s neck, pushing his lips into hers in a lust-filled kiss. Just like the one he had imagined. 
This was the moment he had dreamt of and it was finally happening. 
He ran his tongue over her bottom lip, begging for an entrance. She gave it to him without hesitation. His tongue slowly slipped into her mouth while her tongue ran into his. 
Peter snaked his hands to her waist, lifting her from her seated position in the driver's seat. She complied and started to adjust to where she was sitting in his lap. His hands ran from her waist to her butt and gave it a tight squeeze.
Y/N let out a soft moan into Peter’s mouth. She slowly started to trail kisses down his neck as he massaged her thighs and ass. 
Y/N hands got tangled in Peter’s brown curls. She began to suck on Peter’s neck, wanting to leave a mark. Peter let out a low groan at the sensation of her soft lips and wet tongue on his skin. 
He lifted her head and connected their lips together once again. His veiny hand slipped between their body making its way down to her core. 
Peter never did stuff like this, and neither did Y/N. all of this was new to them but their connection was so strong that they were willing to push the limits.
As Peter’s hand reached Y/N core, he placed two fingers right on top of where her clothed clit was. He began to draw circles against it. Y/N started to rock her hips over his fingers, yearning for more friction. She started to let out moans uncontrollably, whimpering at the euphoric feeling of his fingers pressed against her dripping core. 
“Peter,” Y/N breathed out trying to catch her breath. Peter hummed in response while moving his lips down to kiss her neck. 
Suddenly, Peter snapped out of the trance that he seemed to be in. This moment was the best moment of his life, but his damned mind couldn’t help re-play Y/N’s words on a lope: I hate liars. Why? Before they went to the movies and were still at the mall, Y/N had asked Peter about his Stark’s internship. And, of course, he couldn’t tell her the truth. So he just lied. Y/N looked so intrigued in the conversation but Peter couldn’t bear lying to her over and over again. He felt so guilty...
“Y/N,” Peter let out. “Y/N, we can’t do this.”
Y/N head snapped up, her glasses left crooked on her face. She looked stunned by his words. Her shoulders slumped as she started asking questions.
“What? Why? Am I not a good kisser? I’ve only kissed one person before but I don’t even really wanna count that. Does my breath smell bad? Ugh, I knew this was a bad idea- wait no! I didn’t mean it like that, I just knew you didn’t like me how I liked you… I’m so stupid.”
After Y/N was finished rambling, she put her face in her hands, trying to avoid eye contact with the chocolate-eyed boy. 
Peter was speechless. He didn’t know what to say, because what he wanted to say was: no Y/N that’s not it at all. You are the most amazing girl I’ve ever met, I- I lied to you… 
No. he couldn’t say that it would absolutely crush her and he couldn’t bear to hurt her. Peter put his hands on her waist, making Y/N jerk her body in shock. She let a small smile spread across her face, thinking Peter was going to hug her or make a cute gesture or even continue what they had started. He lifted Y/N and slid her back to the driver’s side.
Her smile dropped from her face and she pushed herself the rest of the way to the driver’s side. Peter sat there awkwardly, praying she wouldn’t say anything. It killed him to see the gloomy look on her face as she fixed her glasses. 
“I’m back with pizza!” MJ announced as she made her way into the backseat. “Woah, hey, cuz what’s wrong?”
“We’re going home,” Y/N replied with a cold tone of voice. This shocked Peter and MJ. Y/N was usually so smiley, even after her dad passed. She always tried to find the light in every situation. But something was different with this. One thing Peter knew for sure,
I fucked up…
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“Dad, can I ask you something?”
He’s been resisting asking long enough -it’s been three weeks since his fathers impromptu visit to Doc’s house, and subsequently since George had dropped the Biff Bomb, and the questions are eating him up on the inside.
He doesn’t know everything about their dynamic, he gets that, but he can’t separate Biff the Bully long enough to imagine Biff his Dad’s Boyfriend.
The thought makes him cringe.
How? Was his dad in an abusive relationship? Had they been in love? Had Doc been right- was the bullying a result of a breakup and lingering bitterness?
And so when George had shown up offering a burger and fries for lunch if Marty felt like a walk, he’d decided then and there that today was the day to get answers.
George glances up at him from where he’s dipping his fries in some ketchup and he arches a single brow.
“What’s on your mind?”
“You and Biff, how did I- I mean I just-“ Marty cuts himself off, and George fails to hide an amused smirk. “I just don’t get it. Didn’t he used to bully you- didn’t he terrorize mom?”
George visibly hesitates, the smirk falling from his face. Marty leaves him to his thoughts, quietly picking at his fries as he waits. Eventually, George sighs.
“Yes, he did.” He agrees. “What Biff and I had… well, it was before all that. We found each other when we were fifteen. Nobody knew- nobody but us. Biff and I, we’d sneak down to the quarry and hike in the woods, even a bike ride or two. It was a well kept secret, and we were okay with that- it’s not like being gay was okay back then, when we were kids a boy holding another boys hand was unthinkable- especially in Hill Valley. He was everything to me. He was kind, he was sweet, he held my hand.”
George falls silent then, gaze falling to his fries, and Marty frowns.
“As we got older he got nervous about us, worried that his folks would catch on, or that somebody would see us and tell his pop. The summer before junior year -when I met your mother- someone did catch us.”
“What happened?” Marty asks, though he has a feeling he knows and that Doc was exactly right with his guess.
George shrugs his shoulders.
“Well son, you’ve met Biff. I’m sure you can imagine how he reacted when we did get caught- and we did. One of his buddies caught us at the quarry and he told Biff he was gonna tell his pop. Biff panicked and told his friend that it didn’t mean anything, and his friend told him to prove it.”
Marty’s expression hardens, eyes narrowing slightly. Even though George is telling this story with a small smile on his face he’s angry on his fathers behalf, absolutely furious that Biff could throw away what they had- that he could do whatever it is he’d done.
Though in retrospect if he hadn’t, Marty wouldn’t be here. 
“What did he do, dad?”
“He hit me. Beat the daylights out of me, and then left with his friend laughing all the while. I stayed there, I waited to see if he’d come back- and he did. He apologized, told me he was scared. I broke up with him. Scared or not, Marty, you never lay a hand on someone you love.”
Marty nods once.
“Biff didn’t take it well, and he turned to tormenting me- likely to keep his friend from saying anything about what he’d seen. Then I met your mother, and here we are.”
Marty nods, processing that information. Doc had been right- which he honestly should’ve expected. Unexpectedly he feels bad for his dad, for how things ended with Biff. He knows it’s for the best -Biff isn’t a good man- but he can’t imagine how it must’ve felt for sixteen year old George McFly to have Biff turn on him.
“I’m sorry, dad.” Marty frowns, and surprise flashes in George’s eyes. “That must’ve been awful.”
“I didn’t tell you that so you’d feel bad for me, Marty.” George laughs softly. “I wanted to be honest with you.”
“So you can be honest and agree that that sucked.”
Ducking his head with a soft chuckle George nods.
“Yes. It sucked.” He agrees. “But I’m happy with your mother, she’s the love of my life. Besides, if it hadn’t happened I wouldn’t have my kids.”
Marty manages a soft smile.
“Thanks dad.” Marty murmurs. The table falls silent then, George happy to finish off his fries while Marty finishes his burger. Only once they’re finished eating does Marty speak again. “Do you think Emmett and I are doing the right thing by waiting for mom to come to us?”
“Maybe.” George shrugs as he neatly gathers his garbage. “That isn’t my choice to make, son. That’s up to you and Doc. Though you might find out if you came home.”
“I know.” Marty groans, following as his dad gets to his feet and heads for the trash can a few feet away.
“Dave and Linda are asking questions, Marty, and your mom and I don’t know what to say. It isn’t our place to tell them anything, and your mother knows that, but it’s getting hard to dodge their questions. Coming home for a few hours might be a good idea, at least to put to rest Dave and Linda’s concerns- they’ve decided we kicked you out.”
Marty snorts, lips twitching upward as they toss away their trash.
“Why was I kicked out?”
George chuckles, bumping his shoulder into his sons as they head toward the sidewalk, setting off toward Doc’s house.
“They’ve had a ton of reasons come and go, sometimes it’s drugs, sometimes it’s that Jennifer is pregnant- but she stopped that quick. Now they don’t know what to think.”
Marty sighs softly.
“I’ll try, dad. This is just- I never expected to have to deal with this. Especially not before I turned eighteen- and even then most of my plans for my eighteenth birthday were to leave. Maybe we still should.”
“I’m not asking you to leave, son- and I don’t want you to. I’m just asking you to try. I know your mother hasn’t reached out either, but she’s having a hard time with this. Even if you don’t want to see her yet, Dave and Linda don’t know what’s going on and deserve to know at least part of what’s happening- and they deserve to hear it from you. Even if you only tell them that you had a fight with your mother and are staying with Doc until it blows over.”
Marty considers his dads words as they walk, taking up the rest of their walk as he thinks it over. Eventually though, he decides that his dad is right. He’s not convinced on the Lorraine front and will likely see what Doc thinks about that, but George is definitely right about Dave and Linda. If one of them had randomly stopped coming home, he knows he would’ve been full of questions.
George stops at the end of the walkway, hands in his pockets as he calmly watches his son, and he smiles when the teenager nods.
“You’re right. I’ll talk to them, tell them- I don’t know yet. Something.”
“Thank you.” George opens his arms, and Marty steps into the tight hug. “It’ll all work out, you’ll see.”
“I hope so.” Marty murmurs. “Thanks dad.”
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fredweesleyismyslut · 4 years
Forever be yours - Draco Malfoy x Curvy!muggle!reader
A/N: Hey guys!!!!!  I was looking through my list of things that I should write.  It’s literally just a stupid list of ideas that I randomly get before bed because someone(me) apparently can’t sleep at night and sits around lying in bed for an hour before finally passing out.  Anyways, I wrote this whenever I wasn’t busy so I hope you guys like it!!!  Bye, and enjoy!!
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You were sitting at lunch with your friends eating lunch, talking about random things.  Your best friend who was sitting closest to you says, “Hey, you’ve been awfully quiet today.”  Looking up you responded, “I’m just tired, I think I stayed up too late.  It’s just...Pansy said-”  Your friend immediately cuts you off, “Do I have to stab a bitch?  Or...I mean I’m ready for anything I just need you to tell me before so I can prepare-”  “No no...oh my god...well, now I know who to go to if I want to hide a body.”  She smiles, nudging you slightly, “For you?  Anything...especially if it comes to Pansy I can’t stand her ugh it’s like she created her whole personality off of Mr.Scrooge.”  Snorting softly, you nudge her back before breaking out into soft laughter, “So, what’s the problem with her that’s got you so worried.”  “Well, she told me that….that Draco asked her to go to his family Christmas dinner.”  Rolling her eyes she grabs your hand, “I can already see her smug smile.  Well, did you ask Draco?”  Shaking your head you looked down at your hands, “I-I didn’t get the chance to.  I mean his parents don’t even know we’re dating and I’m y’know-”  Cutting you off yet again, “You’re what?  Amazing?  Gorgeous?  Wonderful? A Goddess?  Basically everything better than Pansy?”  Corners of your lips curving softly you look her in the eyes, “Thank you...but I’m just worried we all know how his parents are and me not being the…” whispering the last part, “y’know a muggle and not meeting the...beauty standard.”  “Okay, you know what?  You are valid in feeling that way but I want you to know y/n that you are absolutely gorgeous I would kill for your body and if they don’t like you then it’s Draco who has to either step up for you or you kick him to the curb because I won’t let you accept any less.  Got it?”  She stared intensely into your eyes till you finally nodded, “Yes, mother, I got it.  Thanks for the pep talk.”  Putting her arm around your shoulders she smiled, “Anytime because I am not letting my best friend talk shit about herself.”  Then, she shook your shoulder softly, “There he is.  Go talk to him now.”  
You looked up, seeing the crown of golden hair that you’ve grown to love so much.  Draco practically glowed in the soft glow of the lights, laughing at something his friends said.  Nudging you up slightly, your friend asks, “Want me to come with?”  Shaking your head softly, you declined, “I need to talk to him and I’m pretty sure if I bring you you’ll just glare at him intensely like a lion waiting to pounce.”  Chuckling softly she replied, “Well if you need help just yknow shout and I’m ready.”  She mimed punching someone then as if feeling your nerves, she softly gripped your hand, “It’ll be fine.  Seriously, I can tell how much he’s changed since he’s been with you.  When he looks at you he looks like he is staring into the face of God, like he’s head over heels for you.”  Nodding you gripped her hand back for comfort before letting go to talk to Draco.  His head lifted up as soon as he saw you, a smile forming on his lips immediately at the sight of you, eyes widening like a puppy seeing his owner come home all he needed was a tail.  A girl at the table said something, immediately causing Draco to give an intense glare that if looks could kill you know her head would’ve toppled off and flown twenty feet into next Tuesday.  He stood up walking up to you and grasping your hand in his, “Hey, darling.  I didn’t get to see you yesterday.”  His blue eyes seemed to glow and change colors under the lights as you were drawn towards the comfort of his arms.  “I’m sorry I was kind of tired.”  He nodded as you continued, “Ummmm...are you busy?  We need to talk.”  His face seemed to contort between being worried and trying to keep a smile on.  Looking over his shoulder, he said, “Hey, be right back!”  before turning again to give a final soft glare.  
He took your hand in his leading you out into the hallway before finding a staircase.  “Is something wrong?”  he asked before worry creased his eyebrows even more, “Did I do something, love?”  Breathing to keep your voice from cracking you burst out quickly, “Are you embarrassed of me?” His face turned into utter confusion as he looks to your face, “Embarrassed?  What do you mean, darling?  Why would I be embarrassed?”  Hands trembling you hold his gaze, biting back tears, “I-I just” taking another deep breath you continued, “Pansy told me that you invited her to your family Christmas dinner.  But not me?  Did you not want your parents to see me?”  Draco’s mouth turns into a tight line, confirming your suspicions slightly before he places a hand on your cheek and sighed audibly, “That Pansy...I’m going to-” sighing and ruffling his perfectly gelled hair he continued, “I would never be embarrassed of you, you’re amazing...there’s no better words to describe you besides that you are the love of my life. I didn’t invite her I was asking her how I should invite you because...because we’ve been dating and of course I want you to meet my parents.”  His eyes meet yours briefly before skirting away to look at your hands, “I was afraid it would make you nervous to meet them since they’re not...they’re not the-”  His shoulders slump as he hears a soft sniffle from you, “I suggested she come with one of your friends to ease the dinner process and...and then you could stay the night…”  His hands were picking at each other as if he was having a very intense thumb war with himself, “I understand if you don’t want to come over or even spend the night it might be rushing-”  Cutting him off with a chaste kiss to the lips you smile grabbing his hands in yours, “You’re going to have bloody fingers doing that...Draco, my love, I would love to come over for dinner and...and spend the night.”  A smile spreads across his cheeks quickly as you continue, “We’ve been together for two years I definitely don’t think we’re rushing things and you’ve already met my parents it’s about time I meet yours...even if they don’t like me.”  He places a kiss on your forehead, pushing hair from your face as you opened your mouth to continue, “I do have one condition though.”  He raised his eyebrows in response, prompting you to continue, “Hermione gets to be my plus one.”  Draco’s mouth stutter softly, “Granger?  Why not any of your other friends?”  You smile softly, “Number one because if I brought any of my other friends we might have a full-on war at your house and you know that, especially knowing your father, my friend might bite his head off. Also, I love Hermione and I want her to come if she wants to.”  Draco nodded his head, knowing that your first point was very true, once when one his friends made a side comment about your appearance because you had decided to wear more fitting clothes and before Draco could respond your best friend immediately sent a fist flying his way and he learned from a broken nose not to mess with you.  From then on it was as if they had a silent agreement that they both loved you and would let no one harm you.  You kissed his cheek, rubbing your nose against his slightly before pulling away, “Alright, it’s decided then.  I’m spending Christmas with you and then we’re going back to my house the next day to bake cookies?  My mother misses you she thinks you’re an angel.”  Rolling your eyes softly as Draco chuckled you followed with, “I swear on Godric’s balls that she loves you more than me.  I’m pretty sure she wants us to get married just so you can be her son.”  Draco’s eyebrows perked up slightly as you realized what you’d said as he smiled softly with a glint in his eyes, “So, you talk about marrying me at home?”  Punching his shoulder you snorted, “Noooo…..”  As he laughed, “Speaking of marriage I think I’d like to have a daughter-”  Punching his arm slightly you kissed his lips, “Don’t get ahead of yourself pretty boy we’ve got a long ways to go before we think of kids, but if we did I think two is a good number.”  Draco’s eyes lit as he smiled softly at you, light reflecting off his hair making him look ethereal.  His forehead touched yours as he whispered, “I love you, y/n and I promise I’ll forever be yours.”  Eyes tearing up softly you smiled, “I love you too, Draco...ugh you’re making me cry.”
  Safe to say dinner went as well as could during Christmas with Hermione being as polite as possible and as soon as Draco’s father made a comment you and Hermione immediately went to town on putting him in his place.  This must’ve impressed him as he bit back any comments he said for the rest of dinner and made peace with you.  
The next day, your mother immediately went to Draco as she gave him a big hug, “Mom, just in case you forgot I’m your daughter.”  Draco laughed as your mother waved you off affectionately and he kissed your mom’s hand, “Honey, just wait I got dinner prepared for you.  I’m sure you’re hungry from traveling.”  Your dad came around to get your bags as he gave you a side hug, “He’s a good one, that boy.  In case the day comes, I want you to know I’m okay with you marrying him.  Don’t let him know though I want him to work for it.”  Laughing you linked arms with your dad, “He is a good one.  I love him, dad, like I really do.”  He patted your  shoulder watching as Draco was walking into your house arm linked with your mom as he turned and smiled at you, “I know sweetheart, and if I know anything about love I can tell that he’d do anything for you.”  Your mom peeked her head out the door, “Hurry up, y/n!  You’re letting the food get cold!”  “Okay, okay mom!”  Baking cookies with Draco was amazing as he helped...well if you call rubbing flour over your face helping.  Nonetheless, the cookies tasted amazingly perfect as your mother pulled you to the side before everyone was heading to bed.  “You know, honey...can I tell you something?”  Nodding you let her continue, “That boy...that boy is in love with you.  He stares at you like you’re his sunshine, I mean he could not take his eyes off you all night”  She sighed contentedly as she hummed softly walking off to bed, “Goodnight honey, and tell my future son-in-law good night too.”  Draco came around the corner as he said, “Good night, mom.”  If your mother cried any harder it would’ve been the most embarrassing night of your life second to when you threw up on your best friend after having one too many desserts at the Yule Ball.
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magicalmarauder · 4 years
The Trouble with Love Notes
Pairing: Shawn Mendes x Reader
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 3.9k+
Summary: You love showing your boyfriend that you love him by leaving him sweet, little notes for him to find in various places. However, when you overhear him talking to his friends about how clingy and obnoxious they are, how will he respond when those notes suddenly stop? Fluff/angst!
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Grabbing the lunch bag on the seat beside you, you clambered out of your car, closing and locking the door behind you before turning to make your way into the studio where your boyfriend was currently working on his latest album. You and Shawn had been dating for about three years now and the two of you couldn’t be happier with where your relationship was at currently. The two of you had overcome a lot in the past few years and although you hadn’t necessarily enjoyed the trials that your love had to undergo, you were grateful that those things had strengthened and molded your relationship into something so beautiful and solid. Your mom had constantly reminded you growing up that when the person is right, those trials and hardships that you encounter suddenly don’t seem so earth-shattering. And that was advice that you had found to be absolutely true. Despite all the distance, rumors, outside opinions from fans, and so many other things, Shawn was the one for you. He loved you, challenged you, protected you, and encouraged you so well. Being his and being loved by him made up for all the bad days. He was your perfect counterpart and you were his.
However, as much as you loved that incredible man, one thing you decidedly did not love was his forgetful nature. You swore that boy would forget his own head if it wasn’t physically attached to his body. Hence, the reason why you were rolling up in front of the studio on your lunch break to deliver the lunch he had forgotten at home earlier that morning.
Shaking your head softly as you considered your boyfriends forgetful habits, you couldn’t help but be grateful for this particular instance. Because although you had to drive down here to deliver Shawn’s food so he wouldn’t go starving when trying to create another incredible album, you relished any extra opportunity to see him. With his crazy schedule that often took him to the opposite ends of the planet, you were thankful for the times he was close and you could pop in and see him, even if it was just for a short visit.
Opening the door, you smiled as you heard the sound of soft piano music playing and laughter as Shawn sat with his friends and co-creators of this album, attempting to envision lyrics to match this awesome melody they had created the other day.
Standing in the doorway, not wishing to interrupt, you merely watched your boyfriend, loving how passionate he was about his music. It was incredible to see him perform his songs and interact with his fans, but you secretly preferred this aspect of Shawn’s job even more. For one, it meant he was usually close to you, the studio he wrote in being only a few short blocks from your shared apartment. But mostly, you loved seeing him create. He possessed so much talent, for sure, but you just loved seeing him pour his heart into his songs and to see the smile on his face when he would nail a melody or put together lyrics that perfectly portrayed what was in his heart. You couldn’t really describe the feeling you got when watching him in his element, you just knew that your heart never failed to swell with love and pride at seeing him like this.
Your admiration was cut short however when Brian, who had been lying on the couch and throwing a tennis ball up and down in the air while listening to Shawn softly sing various different lyrics in search of the perfect one, noticed you standing there and greeted you. “Y/N! Welcome to Studio a la Shawn! What brings you here today?”
“Someone forgot their lunch,” you explained, holding up the bag with you as evidence.
“Aww,” Brian hummed in understanding. “Wouldn’t want our favorite rock star going hungry, now would we?” He grinned.
You returned the sentiment, chuckling softly. “No, of course not,” you teased, looking over to Shawn who had stopped playing and turned around to face you at the first mention of your presence.
“Ok, ok, enough you two,” he rolled his eyes, standing up and crossing the room to greet you.
You grinned up at him as he reached you, placing his hands on your hips and pulling you closer to himself. “Thank you for bringing me my food again, baby. What would I do without you?” He questioned, soft brown eyes boring into your own eyes.
“Starve, probably,” you teased, smiling innocently up at him.
He rolled his eyes as Brian barked out a laugh behind you two before pressing a quick peck to your lips and grabbing the bag out of your hands. “Are you going to stay and eat with us?” He questioned, going to place the bag down on a nearby table before returning to your side.
“No, I can’t,” you responded, heart melting at the pout he gave you in response. “I have to get back to work. I’m swamped today and have to get back soon if I want to get out at a decent hour tonight.”
Shawn sighed, disappointed, but understanding that your job was just as important as his and that it needed to come first sometimes.
“Ok,” he nodded. “Next time.”
“Definitely,” you agreed, lifting up onto your tip toes to press another kiss to his lips, smiling as he deepened the kiss, ignoring the groans and protests from the boys behind you.
“I’ll see you tonight, ok?”
“Ok,” you grinned, reaching up to press one last kiss to his cheek before stepping out of his grip.
Before walking out, you called out a goodbye to the team in the studio, receiving a mixture of responses in return. Smiling to yourself, you made your way back toward the front of the building where your car was parked, now re-energized to finish your work and get home to the love of your life. However, right as you were about to climb into your car, you remembered that you had forgotten to ask Shawn what he wanted you to pick up for dinner on your way home tonight. Contemplating whether you should go back in or simply shoot him a text, you re-locked your car, opting to go in and ask, hoping to maybe sneak in one more quick kiss before heading out.
As you made your way back into the studio, you were stopped dead in your tracks when you heard one of the recording artists you didn’t know quite as well mention your name, followed by several snorts of laughter. Unable to help yourself, you stopped in the hallway, trying to hear what was said of you that had garnished such a reaction.
“Does wittle Shawn need love notes from his mommy?” You heard one of the boys mock, making kissy noises.
Peeking your head around the corner, remaining careful to keep out of sight, you saw Shawn sitting at the table with his lunch opened in front of him and the boys gathered around him as one waved a piece of paper around, a scrap of paper that you had placed in Shawn’s lunch for him to find that morning.
One of your top love languages had always been words of affirmation and giving gifts, so you had combined those traits into one, loving to give encouraging notes to friends and family. It was something you had always done for as long as you could remember. Meeting and dating Shawn had only given you your favorite recipient in which to bequeath these little notes to. It was something you had done randomly when you had first started dating. Shawn had gotten home that day and kissed you silly, claiming that your note had given him the perfect pick-me-up in the midst of his very busy, stressful day and you had been leaving notes for him to find ever since.
“Shut up, man,” Shawn grumbled, ripping the paper from the guys hands and placing it in the front pocket of his skinny jeans, safety out of reach of any of the other men in the room.
Shawn’s flushed cheeks only seemed to encourage the group; however, as their teasing only picked up.
“Enough!” Shawn finally shouted. “It’s not like it’s my fault. I didn’t ask for her to leave these annoying little notes! She’s just clingy and can’t get it through her head that I don’t need her to constantly be up in my business all the time!” He scowled. “I didn’t ask for her to do this, man. But how am I supposed to tell her that she’s being obnoxious? That’s just not something you say to your girl!”
You were frozen in shock, unable to believe the words you were hearing from your boyfriend’s mouth. Shawn had never given you any reason to believe that he found your notes annoying. In fact, you had thought he quite liked them. Given his reaction after receiving the first one, you thought he found it cute? When did that change? Insecurity began to fill your heart and mind as you thought back to every note you had left Shawn and how he had responded. When he thanked you and insisted on how adorable you were for reminding him of your love through surprise, written notes, had he been lying? Did he really think you were clingy and obnoxious?
Unwilling to stick around any longer to find out more of his thoughts on this subject, you turned on your heel and strode out of the room. If he didn’t like your notes, you wouldn’t write them anymore. It was as simple as that.
. . .
The following day, Shawn was once again in the studio, him and his team still trying to nail down the lyrics to one of the final songs on the album. They had made such incredible progress, but had seemed to hit a road block this week. After an intense morning of writing and re-writing different lyrics in an attempt to find the perfect verses, the team had decided that taking a much-needed lunch break and reconvening in an hour would be best.
Opening the lunch that his beautiful girlfriend had packed him that morning, a small smile formed on his lips, knowing that you usually left him a cute little note to find. It had been a tough morning of constant frustration and disappointment as the spark was lacking from the song. A note from you was just what he needed. However, guilt tugged at his heart as he remembered the conversation from yesterday. Matt had seen the paper fall out of his lunch bag yesterday and had been quick to snatch it up, reading it aloud and proceeding to mock him along with the other guys. In embarrassment, Shawn had lashed out and said words that were completely false. He made it sound like he hated your sweet notes, when in fact they filled his heart with so much joy, knowing that his girl loved him enough to take the time and write about how much she loved him and how proud she was of him and to remind him that she believed in him, always.
Digging through the bag, Shawn frowned when he came up empty. No note. That was odd, he thought.
Although, the more he thought about it, the more he remembered how rushed you were this morning. Rationalizing in his mind that you were probably just busy this morning and didn’t have time, he pushed away the thoughts of worry and dug into his food, joining in with the conversation around him.
. . .
About a week later, Shawn was sitting in your living room, leg anxiously bouncing up and down as he waited for you to get home from work. It had been a week now of no notes in his lunch. No notes left for him to find on the fridge in the mornings. No sweet “I Love You” messages scrawled on the bathroom mirror in red lipstick. And it wasn’t only that. You had been quieter. You weren’t as easily affectionate as you had once been with him. You were more reserved. Distant. And it scared the living hell out of him. You were the love of his life. He didn’t think he could live without you. Had your feelings for him changed? Had his crazy lifestyle finally caught up with you? He didn’t think he could handle that if it had.
At first, he had simply written these subtle changed in your behavior off, but he couldn’t do that anymore. He knew something was wrong and he was determined to find out what so he could fix it.
His head snapped in the direction of the door as he heard your key turn in the lock.
He stood up as you stepped through the door, hanging your coat up on the hook and placing your purse and keys on the table by the entryway. He bit his lip as he watched you, silently running through the words that he wanted to say to you.
“Hey, baby,” he murmured.
You looked up, slightly surprised to see him home already and standing poised in the living room waiting for you.
“Hi,” you responded cautiously. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine,” he reassured. “I just wanted to talk,” he murmured, wringing his hands together nervously. “Can you come here and sit with me?”
Your own anxiety spiked up at that statement. Uh-oh. That didn’t sound too good.
Slowly, you made your way over to him, taking a seat and angling your body so that you were facing him.
Shawn reached out and took one of your hands in both of his and taking a deep breath. “Baby, before I say anything else, I just want you to know how much I love you, okay? You know that, right? That I love you.”
You nodded. “Of course, Shawn. I know that. I love you too.”
Shawn let out a breath, nerves easing slightly at the reassurance of your love for him.
“And you would tell me if anything was wrong, right?” He questioned earnestly, eyes seeking yours for something you weren’t aware of.
You nodded hesitantly, still unsure as to where this conversation was going.
“Then honey,” Shawn began. “What happened to my notes?”
You blinked, completely caught off guard. “Your what?”
“My notes!” Shawn exclaimed, voice raising slightly in panic as he let his confusion, frustration, and hurt slip into his tone. “The ones you leave me everywhere! In my lunch, on the fridge, in the bathroom, everywhere! They’ve stopped! And that’s not all,” Shawn continued, now on a roll. “You’ve been distant! You’ve been quiet at night. You don’t cuddle me in bed like you used to. Sweetheart, what did I do?” He begged. “Tell me, honey. Tell me and I’ll fix it right now. I love you! I’d do anything for you, you know that! Just . . . just, come back to me!” He begged, voice breaking and breaths coming hard as all his fears came tumbling out of his mouth like an uncontrolled waterfall.
You stared at your boyfriend, mouth slightly agape. Whatever you had been expecting, that certainly wasn’t it.
“You - you miss my notes?” You questioned, trying to gather your thoughts.
“Yes!” Shawn breathed. “Of course, I miss your notes, honey! Why would you ever doubt that?” He pleaded, squeezing your hand and inching closer to you so that your legs were brushing against one another.
You looked down, mind racing as you tried to discern what was true. Did Shawn mean what he was saying? Or was he simply worried you were pulling away and just using the lack of love notes as an example?
“I heard you,” you whispered, glancing up quickly before looking back down, not really wanting to let Shawn know you had been eavesdropping on his conversation last week, but seeing no way around it.
“Heard me when, sweetheart?” Shawn questioned, lifting a hand under your chin and gently tilting your face up, searching your eyes for answers.
You blew out a long, slow breath. “Last week,” you finally admitted. “When you forgot your lunch and I came to drop it off at the studio. After I left, I remembered that I needed to ask what you wanted for dinner that night. So, I came back in, but before I could, I overheard apart of your conversation.”
Shawn paled as realization sunk in and he recalled exactly what conversation it was that you had overheard and what words had been said. “Honey . . .” he trailed off, words failing him as he didn’t even know what to say. God, he was such a jerk. How could he say such blasphemous lies about you? His sweet, perfect angel. And now to know that you had overheard him saying such false things about you. It broke his heart, but he had no one to blame but himself.
Mistaking his silence for something else, you began to ramble. “It’s ok if you do think that,” you began. “You’re entitled to your own opinion and if you think that something I do is clingy and obnoxious, just tell me. Don’t make fun of me behind my back with your friends. I can take it, I promise.”
Shawn shook his head, becoming increasingly more angry with himself as he realized that his senseless words had caused you to doubt not only yourself, but his love and appreciation for you. “Sweetheart, stop,” he interrupted. “I love your notes. I love knowing how much you care. Those notes make my entire day.”
You looked down, unsure as to whether he was telling the truth or simply guilty at the fact that he had been caught.
Shawn, seeming to sense your hesitation, again lifted your chin so that he could look you in the eye. “Baby, I’m telling you the truth, I promise. The guys started ragging on me and I got embarrassed. And in my embarrassment, I lashed out and said some really stupid, untrue things,” he explained, shifting even closer to you on the small couch and moving his hands so that they were now cupping your cheeks, forcing you to keep your attention on him. “But I never should have let their teasing get to me,” he continued. “I am so unbelievably proud to have you as a girlfriend and so lucky to be so freely and openly loved by you. You have to believe me, baby. Say you believe me, please.”
Searching his eyes, you saw nothing but sincerely. But still, you hesitated. The hurt from that conversation still lingering in your mind and in your heart. You wanted to believe him so badly, but the sadness of this last week wouldn’t just wash away so easily.
Tears welled up in Shawn’s eyes as he took notice of the internal battle going on in your mind, heartbroken that he had caused you to doubt him and his affection for you. Wracking his brain for some way to get you to believe him, his eyes lit up as he remembered something he had secretly been collecting since the beginning of your relationship and something that followed him on tour always to help him in those tough moments of missing you.
“Wait right here, I’ll be right back!” He exclaimed, as he jumped up from the couch and raced up the stairs, sprinting into your bedroom and pulling out the small scrapbook that he had stored in his suitcase underneath the bed.
Running back down the stairs, he returned to the living room and sat back down next to you on the couch, placing the small book in your lap.
“What’s this?” You questioned, looking up at him in confusion.
“If you have any doubts that I love receiving your cute, little notes, this should reassure you,” he smiled softly. “I take it with me whenever I leave for tour, anytime I’m going to be away from you for any period of time. To reassure myself that you’re here and you love me and that you’re always in my heart, even when I may be physically distant from you.”
Giving him a look, you hesitantly opened the book and gasped when you saw the first note you had ever written to Shawn staring back up at you. You raised your head, gazing at your boyfriend in disbelief. He smiled and nodded at the book, silently encouraging you to keep exploring its contents.
Flipping through the pages, you found more of your notes. They ranged from simple I love you’s to long paragraphs explaining why you loved him as well as quick encouragements cheering him on before important shows or award ceremonies. Reaching the end of the book, you found the note that you had given him just last week, the last one you had written, and the one that had spurred on the fateful conversation that had ended those very notes.
“I’ve saved every single note you’ve given me,” Shawn murmured, grabbing the book and placing it on the table so that he could grab onto your hands. “I love stumbling upon your words of love and encouragement to me throughout the day, whether that be in my lunch, my jacket pocket, or any of the other creative locations you’ve managed to stash them,” he chuckled.
You cracked a smile at that, cheeks warming under his gaze.
“So, believe me, honey, when I tell you that I am so sorry that I ever made you doubt that. I’m an idiot. A complete and utter idiot and I am so, so sorry. Can you forgive me, sweetheart?” He begged, eyes earnestly boring into your own.
Smiling at your sweet boyfriend, you nodded, overcome by emotion as you leaned forward and passionately pressed your lips to his own, hands coming up to embed themselves in his curly hair and tugging, eliciting a groan from him as his own hands wrapped themselves around your waist, tugging you into his lap, causing you to break away in giggles. Shawn laughed as well, relieved that you were back in his arms. Relieved that the light and love was back in your eyes. He pressed a series of kisses to your face, your eyelids, forehead, temple, nose, anywhere his lips could reach.
“Shawn!” You squealed.  “Stop!” You laughed.
“Not a chance,” Shawn growled through kisses. “I’ve missed out on a whole week of affection from you, we have a lot of making up to do!” He explained, standing up and throwing you over his shoulder as he ran to the bedroom, hellbent on showing you exactly how much he loved you.
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euphoricsunflowers · 4 years
the lovers’ christmas presents
a/n: these will be some of little drabbles for some moots of mine. i’m not super religious, but my mom is catholic so i do celebrate christmas to some extent. if you don’t, then just feel free to enjoy a random little gift for you, and if you do, merry christmas!! i’m so sorry if i wasn’t able to write one for you! i could only do so many 😔😔, but i promise i still love each and every one of my moots, anons, and followers!!
even if the year has been awful, kpop and writing have been really good escapes for my poor mental health. you have all been such a major factor in my mental well-being, so i wish you all happy holidays and a happy new year!
@sub-hoshi-enthusiast — kwon soon-young/hoshi
content: sub!hoshi, dom!fem!reader, title: mommy, he wears a skirt, pegging
“m-mommy,” he stutters, your fingers dig into his shoulders as you thrust into him, “aah!! mommy, please!”
“what is it, baby? you want mommy to go faster?” you say and he nods desperately, so just to tease him, you slow down, making each thrust as deep and intense as possible, “you know, you look really, really pretty right now.”
“mommy~!” he cries out in a whine, but it only makes you smirk.
“what? i just think the pretty skirt is suitable for my favorite pretty boy,” you hands move lower, gripping his waist as you pick up speed again, “now, as much as i love seeing your pretty face, how about i flip you over and spank you till your ass is red?”
he groans, but nods, letting you move him around however you wish, “there we are, now, i hope you don’t have much planned for the next week or so, i doubt you’ll be able to sit right for at least that long.”
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@vanillaknj — kim namjoon/rm
content: sub!namjoon, dom!gn!reader, toys, boys in maid outfits :)), mentions of a safeword
“you know, maybe if you were good today we wouldn’t be here,” you muse as he trembles from his second orgasm, crying already, “what happened to my good boy, joonie?”
“i-i’m sorry, please don’t make me cum again,” he begs, but you shake your head.
“either use your safeword or i’m making you cum again and again and again until i’m satisfied,” you spit harshly, “now you’re going to get back to cleaning the house like the good maid you are, and if the vibrator turns on randomly while you’re cleaning, you better hope you can still do your chores. make sure to clean up any cum you get on the floor.”
and of course a few minutes later, just as he goes to start doing the dishes, you turn it on, and he’s visibly shaken, the close feeling already coming back quickly, and his legs give out as he falls to his knees, cumming with a loud groans, followed by some whimpers. it’s so fun to watch him be so miserable.
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@nct99 — im changkyun/i.m
content: sub!changkyun, dom!gn!reader, kissing, biting, dirty talk
“come here, baby boy,” you mumble, and he plops down beside you, watching you desperately and hungrily, “is there something you want, kyun?”
“kiss me?” his hands hold onto your shoulders for stability as you lean in to kiss him, pushing him down against the bed and kissing feverishly. your hands hold him securely, and he feels safe and small under you, like nothing could hurt him. you kiss down his jaw, around his neck, on his collarbone, all over his chest until he finally seems to get restless, “please, i need more.”
“shhh, darling, let me take my time with you,” you whisper, biting down against his neck. he hisses in pain but still tilts his head so you have better access to his neck, looking up towards the ceiling as you move lower and lower, “look at me, dear,” he looks down at you, “do you want this?”
“yes, yes, please, make me yours, i want to be all yours,”
you smile, pressing a kiss to the inside of his thigh and his body shivers in your hold, “you already are, baby, you’ve always been mine.”
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@bigkpopstan — kevin moon
content: sub!kevin, dom!reader, neck kisses, biting, basically the build up to car sex
“hey, sweetie, let me take care of you,” you whisper in his ear, pressing kisses to his neck and playing with his hair, trying to relax him slightly, “relax, baby, i got you.”
“o-okay,” despite the limited space of the backseat of the car and the many, many times your head has bonked against the roof of the car, you had managed to both get enough out of your clothes to take care of his problem. that doesn’t mean that you’ll satisfy him right away, though, obviously not.
your hands grip his waist tightly as you make your first bite against his skin. you try to not be too harsh, yet he still whines at the pain, “shh, it’s okay, darling, i’m not gonna hurt you too much. just wanna make sure everyone knows you’re mine.”
“i-i am yours,” he mutters breathlessly.
you chuckle, “i know, but i gotta make sure they do too.”
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@mellowriting — kim hongjoong
content: sub!hongjoong, dom!gn!reader, handjob, mentions of exhibitionism
“look at you, already so ruined, we’ve only just begun, joong,” you smile, but there’s a cruelness to your words, and he almost wants to glare at you for being so mean, but he decides against that.
“a-ah! oh my—” he moans, getting closer and closer. he looks so ethereal when he’s all quiet and pleasure-filled, his mouth hanging open slightly.
“what if someone walked in here, joong? say… seonghwa? or yunho? would you let one of your friends watch their strong leader so pathetically fall to pieces with a few touches?” he whimpers at your words, shaking his head ‘no’, “are you sure? i thought you like proving yourself to them, showing off just how good you are for me, but alright, i suppose i’ll keep you all for myself.”
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@lovingonrepeat — nakamoto yuta
content: sub!yuta, dom!gn!reader, hair pulling, begging, title: miss (i wanna say it’s fem because of this but think of this what you will)
your fingers card through yuta’s hair, keeping him alert for any sudden motion or tug from you. he sits on edge (not in the way you think) for minutes that feel like hours. you watch your show as you play with his hair, accidentally pulling slightly sometimes but apologizing immediately.
he knows you’re teasing him, putting him through this just to mess with him, and you’ve got him: he’s desperate.
“please pull harder,” he mumbles, and even though you hear him perfectly, you still make him repeat himself, “pull harder, please, miss.”
“you know that’s not good enough, try harder,” you smirk at him.
“please! please, i want you to hurt me, show me how much i’m yours, make me scream out your name—” he’s cut off when he cries out in pain, your hand tugging hard against his scalp.
“yeah, that’s more like it.”
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@foenixs — lee minhyuk
content: sub!minhyuk, dom!gn!reader, mirrors, degradation, calling him puppy but it’s not really pet play, title: master
“p-please,” he murmurs, reaching out to hold onto you for some kind of stability. his eyes intently watch the mirror, especially watching the way your hand works him and brings him to heaven.
“please what, stupid puppy? finish your sentences,” you kiss his temple, then moving to kiss his neck and shoulder as his grip on your arm tightens, “i can’t give you what you want unless you tell me what that is.”
“i-i need it,” he gulps, “i need to cum,” shutting his eyes tightly as the pressure builds, but you grip his jaw, holding tightly as your words scare and excite him.
“you’re going to watch yourself cum, got it? i want you to keep your eyes on your pretty expressions as you fall apart just for me, give up all control to your master, got it?” he nods when you finish speaking, but he’s so close he can barely register what you actually said, “then cum.”
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@feelslikelove — johnny suh
content: fluff, i’m sorry i just wanted to write something sweet to finish this off and this is really cute i’m so 🥺🥺
“baby,” he mumbles tiredly, his cheek pressed against your shoulder, “don’t get up, baby, stay with me.”
you laugh at his antics, and you can faintly see his smile as he feels you mold yourself more against him. it’s like your bodies were made for each other, “i need to go, darling.”
“but here’s the thing,” he reaches his hand up to your face just to touch your nose, making you giggle even more, “you really don’t.”
“stay with me,” he sings softly, to some melody you're ninety percent sure he made up on the spot, “let’s just stay here, in bed, forever.”
“we can’t do that, johnny,” you sigh, but you can feel yourself giving in, “i have to go to work.”
he shakes his head, “says who?”
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toomanyfandoms02 · 4 years
Birthday // Spencer Reid x Reader
So I got this idea from @darnittumbleweed 's recent post about how grateful Spence must be when he gets gifts and people remember birthdays bc of his mom sadly forgetting them when he was a kid.
Summary - Reader accidentally finds out it's Spencer's birthday and she decides to surprise him with some gifts.
Word count - 2.3k
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I adjusted my light purple blazer, tucking it farther into my pencil skirt as I walked through the doors of the bullpen. I was a bit earlier than usual, but I was not surprised to see Spencer already parked at his desk with a book in hand. His feet were propped up on his desk, making his legs look even longer.
The I saw a wallet laying open on the ground, a few feet from his desk.
I kneeled, grabbing the older looking leather wallet from the carpet. I immediately saw Spencer's ID picture sitting in the front clear pocket.
*Sex: M --- Eyes: BRO --- Hgt.: 6' -01'' --- Wgt.: 175 --- DOB: 10/28/1981*
I furrowed my eyebrows at this, that was today's date. Spencer turns 29 today.
I had heard from JJ how private Spencer was about events like this. They just became like any other day to him as he grew up. His mom had not remembered holidays and birthdays from a pretty young age, so he treated them like another regular day too. JJ, and I'm sure Hotch, were the only ones who knew of his birthday. He must have told them to not make a big deal of it, he wasn't much of a partier. Fine then, I wouldn't throw him a party.
"I think you dropped this." I set his wallet on his desk, folded closed. He peeked over his book, eyes widening a bit.
"Oh thanks! Where did you find it?" He say up straighter, laying his book on his desk. I pointed to the ground a few feet away. "Well, thanks again y/l/n." I nodded, heading to my desk.
I shamelessly spent the whole day looking for things to buy for Reid. I was aiming for things from Doctor Who, so I looked up the stock from geek stores in our mall. I had decided on two gifts, and I was going to buy them after work.
My heels clicked loudly on the tile floor of the mall. I was getting frequent stares from passersby as I walked through the crowded halls. I *did* look a little overdressed to be in the mall, but to be completely honest, I was on a mission. And I wasn't going to waste time changing because that would just postpone the time that I would get to see Spencer's smiling face.
I walked into 'ThinkGeek', peering to the back where I saw a Doctor Who section.
"Hiya! Is there something I can help you with." Though the worker didn't show it *clearly* on her face, but I could see the slight confusion in her eyes. Again, I did look a *little* out of place.
"I'm looking for a few specific things that I checked your guys' stock for with the help of a friend."
"Only workers can check our in store stock here. Are you Sarah's friend?" She gestured to a lady at the counter with bright pink hair.
"Uh, no." I slowly pulled out my FBI credentials and discreetly showed them to her. "I had our tech analyst check for me because I need these gifts for a friend." She nodded in understanding, looking just a bit frightened. I explained to her what I needed and she took me to the items. It wasn't long until I was being rung up.
"That'll be $31.82." I slid her the money. "This is a gift right? Do you want it wrapped? We wrap for an extra 2 bucks."
"That would be awesome!" I put two more dollars on the counter.
"So," she tied the bow on the first present, "is this for a boyfriend?" I blushed and narrowed my eyes a bit. She put her hands up in surrender, "Or girlfriend?" I sighed a bit with a laugh.
"No no, he's a coworker."
"Some coworker he must be if you're spending," she peered at my receipt, "nearly 34 dollars on him. A birthday I'm guessing?"
"Are you trying to profile me?" I asked, quirking my eyebrow.
"Are you trying to profile *me*?"
"Fair enough." I laughed. She slid me the boxes and handed me my receipt. "Thank you for wrapping these."
"Get that man boo!" She shouted as I left the store. I gave her a firm thumbs up and started heading to my car so I could give these to the man in question.
That was until I forgot about a card.
I turned back into the mall and went into Barnes and Noble. I quickly had a worker direct me towards the cards and I found a perfect one with a Tardis that said 'All the time-travel in the world won't make you any younger.'
I giggled and brought it up to the register.
"Is it this special someone's birthday *today*?" I nodded. "Well I have a coupon for a free cupcake from our cafe." She slid me the thin piece of paper.
"Thank you so much!" I grabbed the card and headed to the cafe and getting him a vanilla cupcake. After all of that, I was finally, *actually*, heading to Spencer's.
I pulled into his apartments parking lot, unbuckling and gathering the gifts. I took the stairs up to apartment 23 and knocked on the door. I heard slow footsteps approach the door and stop for a moment. I assumed he was looking through the peep hole so I hid the presents behind me, skillfully stacked onto one hand and waved. He opened the door immediately.
"Hey y/n! What are you doing here? And what's behind your back?" He tried to look over my shoulders, which wasn't hard to do with his towering frame. I backed up into the stairs railing so he couldn't see.
"You promise you won't be mad if I tell you?" I could see worry cross his features.
"That depends. But it's hard to stay mad at you." His face softened.
"Ok well," I pulled the small boxes and card from behind me, "happy birthday."
His eyes widened, and then, unexpectedly, a giant grin spread across his lips.
"How did you know?"
"When I picked your wallet up, I saw your ID. So, I decided to get you a couple things." He ushered me in the house as I handed him the card. He smiled even bigger, reading the card.
"You remembered that I like Doctor Who?"
"Okay, first of all, who doesn't know you like Doctor Who? And two, I remember a lot of things about you, nerd." I elbowed his side lightly. He gestured for me to sit on his couch with him as I handed him the boxes wrapped in white wrapping and blue bows, along with the clear box with the cupcake in it.
"Thank you for the cupcake." He chuckled.
"Yeah! The chick at the counter gave me a coupon for it." I smiled.
He opened the thinner, longer box first. I revealed a Tardis tie.
"I didn't think you had a tie like that so as soon as I saw it I knew I had to get it. I'm sorry if you already have one."
"Y/n, this is so cool! Where did you get it?" He pulled it from the box and looked at it closer. He was already loosening his current tie to try it on.
"It's a store in the mall, ThinkGeek. They've got a lot of nerdy stuff there. It's where I get my Harry Potter stuff." I blushed a bit, having just revealed a nerdy part of me that I didn't tell many people about.
"I love it!" He was now standing in front of a mirror, tightening it around his neck and smiling like a little kid who just got a puppy. He came back to the couch, leaving it on and tearing the wrapping on the second one. It was a Tardis mug.
"And you were talking about how we didn't have enough mugs at the office, so I thought you could have your own. Plus, everyone will know it's yours."
He stared into the mug with a look that I couldn't exactly read.
*Did I trigger a bad memory?*
Right as I thought that, he looked up at me with the same expression. All I could tell was, whatever he was trying to express, it was behind those honey brown eyes. ~~the ones I was always getting lost in~~ He set the mug on the coffee table and leaned towards me.
He hugged me.
He hugged me tighter than I have ever been hugged.
I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing him back. I could have sat like that forever, but we sat for probably half a minute.
"I thought you didn't like hugs."
"I don't usually, but, I don't know." He looked down at his hands, quite literally twiddling his thumbs. "This just, means a lot to me. I didn't think someone paid enough attention to me to not only get me things from my favorite show, but things that I have mentioned randomly in a conversation." He looked up in realization, and now my heart was pumping *way* too fast. "You *like* me, don't you?" My eyes widened to, I'm sure, the size of the mug I had gotten him.
"What? Uh, no. I just thought, you just never, no."
"Yes! Yes you do!" He stood up smiling at me, like he just had a *massive* breakthrough. "Look, you're blushing, that's involuntary sign of attraction. And you haven't broken eye contact with me this whole time! Even though you want to. And you're talking in a lower pitch than usual. A person will change the tone and pitch of their voice when speaking to someone they’re attracted to. Specifically, women tend to lower their vocal tone when around an attractive person. You have been fidgeting this whole time."
I could feel my face get hotter and hotter with everything he pointed out. I felt extremely vulnerable. My face was not only involuntarily blushing, it was involuntarily making quite the frightened face. I realized this when he put his hands up in surrender and his face softened from the smug grin that was previously plastered to it.
"Oh! Are you okay?" He leaned over his coffee table at me and I leaned farther into his couch. He smiled again, "Do you not understand what I'm getting at?" He looked at me slightly dumbfounded.
"That I like you? Yeah I got it!" I snapped a bit. He closed his eyes and shook his head slightly.
"I do the exact some things." I squinted my eyes at him. "Do you not notice how *neither* of us ever break eye contact? I was just sitting next to you, fidgeting with my hands. You probably think my cheeks are naturally flushed, but that's just when I'm around you. I constantly catch myself lowering my voice when I'm having conversations with you. Some profilers we are, huh?" I smiled and leaned towards him, grabbing his face.
"Yeah, well, we aren't suppose to profile eachother anyway, cheater." I giggled, pulling him into a kiss. He grabbed the back of my neck deepening it.
"Giggling a lot from a woman is also a sign of attraction." He mumbled between kisses. I pulled apart from him with another giggle. He raised his eyebrows as I confirmed his theory.
"Whatever nerd." I pushed his chest.
"Seriously, thank you so much." He hugged me again. At this point we were both just standing in front of his coffee table. "I'm glad you found out it was my birthday today, because I'm not sure when I would have the courage for any of that again." He pushed a piece of hair behind my ear.
"Well you don't have to worry about that anymore. You have me now." His eyes lit up at that, kissing me again. We both smiled into the kiss, pulling eachother impossibly close. "I've gotta get home and feed my cat." I backed out from the kiss, watching him slightly follow, in hopes of another kiss.
"Are you free after work tomorrow?" He asked hopefully.
"What do you have in mind?"
"Dinner? Or we can watch a movie here?"
"How about both?" I winked.
"Perfect!" He pecked my lips one more time as I walked out the door. Just as it shut behind me I heard a not so quiet.
"Yes! Finally dumbass!" From him.
I giggled again as I walked down the stairs.
*What a convenient day for him to drop his wallett*
The next day I walked in to see Spencer drinking from his new mug and wearing his tie, paired with a regular white button up. I walked by his desk, tapping on the mugs rim.
"Nice mug." I winked and kept walking to my desk. He looked down at the coffee with a giddy smile.
"**I knew it! I knew it! Give me the money JJ you *loser**!" I heard Derek screech from the other side of the room. JJ rolled her eyes and handed him a ten. "My man's has got game!" He slapped a hand on Spencer's back.
"You guys couldn't have waited one more month?" JJ asked with a very annoyed expression.
"It's your guys fault for betting on us." I held my hands in surrender. Penelope then emerged from her office.
"Yay! Finally! Did you get him the tie and mug?! I adore it!" She hugged me from behind and placed a kiss on my cheek.
*This is my family*
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dc41896 · 4 years
Safe Haven
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Hey guys! So a little backstory for this imagine, I randomly had a dream about this scenario with EZ and as soon as I woke up I was like “I gotta write that!” so here we are! Also just want to add how I really miss Mayans MC and my bois and I can’t wait for season 3 to come out🥰! Okay that’s pretty much it other than I hope you guys like it and sorry if it’s long or doesn’t flow well (I feel like it kinda seems rushed and towards the end doesn’t sound the best, but then again that might just be me being overly critical of myself 🤷🏽‍♀️ lol).
Pairing: EZ ReyesxBlack Reader
⚠️: Bit of angst, mentions of blood (very tiny), fluff mixed in throughout though
Sunlight beaming down from the small window above your bed, EZ slowly opens his eyes to see your still figure lying next to him. Hand placed just below his newest tattoo marking the birth of your son and leg draped over his, he gently brings you closer taking in the coconut scent of your lotion still radiating off your skin from last night.
Living a life like his, rarely could he experience peaceful mornings just lying down hearing the birds chirp outside, so he made sure to appreciate every second of it that he could.
Barely muffled shouting from your neighbors coming through the walls, EZ rolls his eyes with a soft groan while you begin to wake up.
“They’re arguing again?,” you groggily ask rubbing your eyes as a yawn slips from your mouth.
“Yea they just started.”
“Well, it could be worse. They could’ve started at one in the morning like last time,” you softly laugh grazing your thumb along his cheekbone. Taking your hand in his, he kisses your knuckles before leaning down to give the same attention to your pouted lips. Slightly calloused yet soft hand gripping your thigh, you push against his chest separating his lips from yours.
“Don’t start.”
“Start what?”
“You know exactly what,” you smirk. “Today we’re supposed to go get more diapers for Omari and more food for my fridge since someone and his brother keep eating everything.”
“That’s all on Angel, I know how to limit myself. And your leg was draped over me so really I should be the one telling you don’t start,” he chuckles kissing your jaw as you stick your tongue out at him. Sitting up, you carefully step over him to make your way to the bathroom.
“Whatever, I can’t help how I sleep Ezekiel.” Closing the door behind you, a wide smile spreads across his face as he shakes his head. While the use of his full name was only reserved for his father and brother, the way it rolled off your tongue made him want to hear you say it all day.
Swinging his legs over the side, he stretches before hearing the soft cries of his eight month old son in the other room. Quickly putting on his white tank and boots, his long legs guide him to the wooden crib in the next room. Tiny arms reaching between the bars, he carefully lifts him up to bounce him in his arms.
“Hey man, annoying neighbors woke you up too huh?” Reaching in his crib, he removes an older looking stuffed bunny with different sized buttons for eyes and a random patterned patch sewn on its belly. “Look what I got.”
Calming down, his hands roam around it’s face fixated on the black point that was its nose. “That patch was because your uncle Angel decided to keep throwing him at the ceiling fan seeing if he would stay on the blade. Don’t ever let him play with your toys ok?,” he smiles kissing the top of his head.
Like every event in his life, he could vividly remember everything that happened that day. Him begging Angel to stop. His hard headed older brother not listening until cotton fell from above. His mother calming him down insisting how it could be fixed as she smoothed his dark hair before kissing his forehead.
It may sound weird, but every time he saw that bunny he felt his mom’s presence as if he was back to that day sitting in her lap watching as she sewed his friend back together. That’s one reason why he wanted his son to have it, so his abuela would be with him.
Hearing your footsteps, he looks up to see you suspiciously looking towards the door instantly making him worry. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing I just thought I heard someone stop in front of the door,” you answer taking one last glance towards the front of your apartment. “It’s nothing though, they probably just paused for a second.”
Handing Omari to you, he approaches the door looking out the peephole before opening it to peak outside making sure no one was hanging around.
“Something like that happens again and I’m not here, call me.”
“I doubt-,”
“I’m serious Y/N.” Locking the door behind him he walks up to you and your babbling son peering down with dark brown eyes that were stern enough to know he meant business, yet still displayed their usual softness showing it was out of love for you and Omari that he was being so protective.
“Okay,” you answer; soon after feeling his beard brush against your skin as he pecks your lips.
“Ready to go to the park love?”
Bringing the diaper bag higher on your opposite shoulder, you balance your baby boy on your hip as you lock your door. Just as you turn around, you’re faced with three men patiently waiting while two of them intensely looked at you and your son. The tall, slender one in the middle, clad in a grey suit, displayed a small smile trying to appear friendly, but mostly seemed awkward as if he wasn’t used to that emotion.
“Hello, my name is Lincoln Potter and these are a couple of my associates. We’re looking for a man by the name Ezekiel Reyes, or EZ, as some call him. We have a couple witness accounts on seeing him in the area so we’re asking around for more possible information.” Holding up a candid picture of him on his bike outside his dad’s carneteria, you lightly bounce Omari hoping to distort his view so he wouldn’t possibly recognize his father.
“Sorry, haven’t seen him.”
“Well it doesn’t have to be around here. Have you seen him anywhere else? In town perhaps?”
“No, nowhere else,” you answer showing no emotion. While this was your first physical interaction with Potter, you were definitely familiar with the attorney. A few times while you were at EZ’s trailer he’d have to step away to answer his call or meet him in some secluded location. It was then you saw how much of a pain he could be to any target he had his sights on.
Looking at you for a few seconds his mouth parts as if he had more to say, but instead the awkward smile returns as he hands you his card.
“If you do happen to see him, please call. He’s needed for...very important matters.” Taking the card from his hand, he gazes down to Omari innocently nibbling on his fingers. Black coils on the top of his head shifting from the light breeze, his dark eyes finally meet Potter’s crystal blue ones causing a low chuckle to escape the man’s lips.
“Might I add you have a beautiful son. His father is very lucky to have such a beautiful family.”
Through his compliment you could feel a sense of iciness laced within. Like he knew what information you were keeping from him and was 10 steps ahead of your two.
Politely nodding your head as a soft “thank you” leaves your mouth, you walk by the three men feeling eyes on your back. After buckling your son in his car seat, you move to the drivers side quickly closing the door behind you before resting your head on the steering wheel to take a deep breath.
“Mama,” Omari whines lightly kicking his feet wanting the car to move.
“I know we’re going baby boy just give mommy a second.” Dialing EZ’s number, you pull out of the parking lot onto the busy street anxiously waiting for him to answer.
“Hey, you okay?,” he asks, deep voice full of concern and worry.
“Um well yes and no....it’s Potter.”
Sat on the floor watching your little boy laugh as he plays with his interactive animal book, you occasionally look out the window anxiously waiting to see EZ and Angel arrive any minute. After telling him what happened, he instructed you to meet him at the clubhouse where he’d take you to his dad’s just in case you were being followed.
Dropping you both off, he didn’t say much as he walked you into the small house. Kissing Omari’s cheek and then your lips, he quickly left again with his brother instantly making you worried. Knowing what was going on, Felipe tried to get your mind off things by offering you food and getting you to talk about yourself or Omari, which worked but not for long.
Now over three hours later, it was dark outside and neither you nor Felipe had heard anything from the brothers.
Motorcycles humming outside, you peer out the window to see Angel and EZ slowly making their way to the front of the house causing you to sigh in relief. However, your worries quickly returned seeing both tiredly trudge through the front door and the front of EZ’s grey shirt crimson with blood.
“What happened?!,” you ask rushing to examine him for any other injuries.
“Calm down, it’s not mine,” he answers bringing your hands to his lips with a small smile. “Just had to save this one as always.”
“Save me? Pretty sure that’s not how it went at all but ok. And I’m good too, thanks for asking.” Shaking his head Angel picks up your son before sitting down on the couch and flipping through the channels on the outdated tv. “You care about your tio don’t you man?”
Little hands pulling his hair as he giggles, Angel lets out a small yelp trying to loosen his strong grip.
“Omari be nice,” you laugh before returning your attention back to your boyfriend. “Here, let me help you clean up.” Leading him to the bathroom, you close the door behind you as he removes his leather vest and shirt before sitting on the toilet.
“Try not to cry this time alright?”
“Psh, whatever,” he lightly chuckles resting his large hands on the back of your legs. A comfortable silence falls over you while you stand between his legs carefully cleaning the blood from his scars. Although you had grown used to these moments being with him for a while now, that still didn’t take away the ache you always felt seeing him hurt.
“You and Omari might want to stay with your mom for a while,” he speaks just above a whisper.
“What do you mean why? You saw what happened today Y/N, I don’t want you guys hanging around for it to happen again.”
“If it happens again,” you correct making him roll his eyes as he stands up.
“Now’s not the time to be naive, I’m driving you tomorrow. Your stuff is already packed waiting at the trailer.” Reaching for the door, you stand in his way planting yourself against the worn looking wood with arms crossed over your chest.
“Last time I checked, you’re Omari’s father not mine.”
“Y/N move.”
“No. I’m not afraid of Potter or the men under him, he’s all talk.”
“And how do you know?”
“Because if he really wanted to do something he would’ve done it then and there. I mean think about it they had me at my most vulnerable state with no where to go and no way to defend myself,” you explain receiving an exasperated sigh from EZ as his hand rubs down his face.
“It was a warning. Yea they didn’t do anything when they could’ve, but they wanted to scare you into telling them what they wanted to know and intimidate both of us with what they could do.”
“Well it didn’t work,” you reply guiding his chin to look at you. “Ezekiel I knew what I was getting into when we started talking and I’m still here. If it ever gets to the point where I don’t feel safe or fear for our son’s safety then we’ll leave, but until then I’m not letting Potter get to me. Plus do you think it would be easy for us to just leave after all this time?”
Placing both hands on either side of your head, he slightly bends down leaving his face inches from yours. “I’m not saying it would be easy, but if it needs to be done then that’s it bellita.”
“And when it needs to be done it will be.” Connecting your lips with his, your hands roam from his bare chest to the nape of his neck while his wrap around your body bringing you closer.
“We’re gonna need to put you in a new apartment too,” he says separating his lips from yours as his fingers graze up and down your spine.
“Hopefully your dad is okay with me staying here for a while longer then.”
“Here? What about the trailer?”
“I think the constant revving of motorcycles and occasional parties might not be ideal for a baby to be around.”
“True, you’re probably right,” you both laugh before being interrupted by loud knocking.
“Aye I hate to interrupt your probably intimate moment in there, but your kid is hungry and I’m not sure if it’s for what I can give him or what only mom can,” Angel explains as Omari fusses in his arms. “Relax man I’m trying to get her out here.”
“I’m gonna shower, you better go ahead before he starts pulling his hair again,” he smiles kissing your temple.
Opening the door, you carefully take Omari from his hands tickling under his chin to make him laugh. “Okay my baby lets get you fed.”
“The amount of strength he has that’s not a baby, that’s a tiny grown man,” Angel adds making you laugh.
Tags: @crushed-pink-petals-writes @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicanawrites @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @literaturefeen @damnitaa @curlyhairclub @renfrewscorner @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @secretmysteriousperson @plokyu23
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, only want to be tagged for certain people I write for, or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know🤓!
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makaias-trash-heap · 3 years
Soooooo lately ya girl here has been running into a lot of writing issues so I gave something a try...BACK TO BASICS FOR WHAT I ORIGINALLY MADE THIS BLOG FOR!!! First time I’ve written anything for my favorite Tsundere in a while. Enjoy!! Just more of my own self indulgent writing while I have no requests.
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“Sooooo, guess who I just heard from.” 
Shin glanced up from his book with his usual blank expression, “Why not just tell me?”
Mira smiled and rolled her eyes slightly, “My parents. They called and asked me to come over for dinner for my sister's birthday this weekend.” She stated, plopping on the couch next to him.
Mirdorima raised an eyebrow giving her an intrigued look, “This is the first time they've wanted you over since we've been together nanodayo.” 
Mira hummed in agreement leaning into his side, naturally causing him to blush like always. 
“Are you going?” 
Mira shook her head, “Probably not.”
“Why not?”
“Shin, my family and I haven't gotten along in years. I've tried going over a few times and it always ends in a fight.”
She ignored the look he gave her in favor of playing with his fingers, a habit she picked up on when he still tapped them.
“Mira, they're still your family nanodayo. We've been together for nearly 3 years and I don't recall you seeing them at all.”
“Not true, I've seen my brother.”
“Look, I don't want to go because I don't want to fight and that's exactly what will happen. Especially going now.”
He gave Mira a slight confused look, “What does that mean?”
She sighs turning to face him, “We've been together for about 3 years and aren’t engaged, I'm perfectly with how things have been going but my parents are incredibly judgmental and will nag and question why. There's also the fact that I’m 2 years older than you. And even though it’s incredibly stupid, my parents will not agree with the fact that I'm with someone younger than me. And to top all of that off I'm pregnant out of wedlock, big no no to my parents. We also fight about my brother everytime I'm there. I guess they invited him too so this is going to be twice the chaos.” 
Midorima adjusted his glasses looking down at her, “I understand these situations can be uncomfortable, but they're still your family and you haven't seen them in years. For all you know they may have changed from the last time you saw them.” 
Mira halfheartedly glared at him and sighed realizing this wasn't going anywhere, “You aren't letting this go until I agree to go are you?”
“I don't intend to.”
“Fine. But if I have to deal with them you're coming with me.”
He turned his full attention to her, “What! Why am I involved in this?”
“You got involved when you bugged me into going. And besides, as you've said, we've been together for 3 years, and you've yet to meet my family.”
If looks could kill Mira would be dead right now, multiple times over. 
“You'll see why I don't get along with them and I promise you'll never end up going with them again and you won't bug me into it.”
Midorima lets out a sigh leaning back into his seat, “I suppose. When are we supposed to be there?”
“Saturday at 5.” 
(Skip to weekend)
“Remind me again why we're here?” Mira groaned as they pulled up in front of her parents house. She ignored the slightly surprised look that snuck his way to his face. She’d given him warning that her family was pretty well off. 
He recovered quickly enough, “Because they're your family nanodayo.”
Mira rolled her eyes trying to mentally prepare herself for the interaction tonight. They climbed out of the car and started making their way up to the house. Mira spotted her brother coming up the sidewalk and waved.
“So you decided to come too huh.” Kenjuro said, returning the gesture.
“Not really, Shin forced me into it. I'm kinda surprised you came though.” 
He shrugged, “Boyfriend forced me to. He offered to come for moral support but you and I both know that that would have been a really bad idea.”
“How’s Reo-chan doing?” Mira asked as they started walking up the sidewalk to the house.
“Good. I watched him play basketball with his old team from high school. So that was kinda exciting .”
They finally reached the door and stood awkwardly glancing at each other until Midorima gently nudged her forward.
“Ok ok sheesh.”
Mira knocked on the door secretly hoping that her parents would ignore them and not answer….sadly that did not happen. Much to her dismay her sister Aika answered the door. 
“Hey Kenjuro, Mira.” Aika greeted them with a fake sweet smile.
“Hey Aika, happy birthday.”
Mira slipped past her with Kenjuro and toed her my shoes off pulling Midorima in behind her. 
“Hello Mira, Kenjuro. We're glad you could make it.” Her parents appeared at the door to greet them
“Hey mom, hey dad.” Mira forced a smile. 
“Who is your guest Mira?”
“Oh, right, Um, mom dad, this is Midorima Shintarou, my boyfriend. Shin, these are my parents.” 
“It's nice to meet you Hashigawa-San.” Midorima politely greeted her parents. 
“The pleasure is ours. Please right this way. Dinner is almost ready.”
Everyone started filing into the dining room, Mira and Midorima following behind last. 
“I don't understand your concern. Your parents seem rather pleasant.” He mumbled quietly so only Mira could hear it. 
“Oh, just wait for dinner. That's usually when the show starts.”
They all took a seat at the table, Kenjuro sitting as far as possible from their parents. Which left Mira and her sister to sit by them. Midorima sat next to Mira starting to notice the awkward atmosphere.
“So Mira. It's been a while since we've last spoken. What have you been up to?” Her father asked after a few moments of silence.
Mira hesitated a second before preparing to answer, this most likely this wasn’t going to go well.
“Working mostly, I just finished up art school not that long ago so I've been working freelance for a while. Making films for tourist companies, helping design Billboards, things like that.” 
Her parents stayed quiet before turning their attention to Midorima.
“Midorima-San, may I ask what you do for a living?”
“I am going into the medical field. I'm currently working on my internship at the hospital.” Midorima straightened up answering.
Mira’s father nodded, “Then a man as logical as you, you can't support this crazy dream of hers.”
Midorima froze and glanced at Mira before answering, “It's her decision to make and if it's something that she feels strongly about then naturally she has my support.” 
Her father was about to say something when he was cut off, “Now now dear, we're trying to have a nice civilized dinner tonight. Ok, this is a discussion we can have another time.”
Mira quickly turned her attention back to her food to avoid more questions. It worked for a while. Although this point Midorima was very uncomfortable. Kenjuro followed Mira’s lead but he's usually safe from questions. Their parents hate the fact that he's gay so they usually don't even acknowledge that part of his life. 
Mira looked up from her plate to see her mom holding the wine bottle out to her.
“Oh no thank you mom. I'm good.”
Aika snorted across the table, “wow, you of all people are turning down alcohol?”
Mira rolled her eyes, “do you really want to go there Aika?”
She shrugged, “I'm just saying for a while here sobriety was not your strong suit,” Mira shot a glare at her across the table, “oops sorry, did your boyfriend not know about that?”
“Do mom and dad know you've been sneaking into the liquor cabinet since you were like 14?” Mira shot right back at her.
Of course he knows, he helped her get her act cleaned up. Still a rather sensitive topic right now.
“Ok that's enough you two.” 
Mira rolled her eyes at her dads warning, ready to leave. On top of the unpleasant conversation, the constant nausea from the morning sickness was rough on her today.
“Mira, you ok?” Kenjuro asked, starting to notice her discomfort.
She just nodded waiting for the nausea to subside, “Yeah, stomach is just a little upset.”
Naturally Aika didn't seem to miss a thing.
“Oh my god you're pregnant aren't you?”
Mira immediately tensed up, hoping to completely avoid this topic, “What are you talking about?”
“You aren’t drinking which is pretty out of the ordinary for you, you’re randomly sick and I’ve noticed the weight gain.” Aika quickly insinuated.
Mira didn't answer, deciding instead just to get up and get ready to leave. Midorima grabbed her hand to stop her, it seems like he has other plans.
“They were going to eventually find out Mira.” He said, looking up at her.
“Is that a confirmation?” Her father looked back and forth between them waiting for an answer.
Mira sighs, “Yeah dad, it is. I'm pregnant.” 
Neither of the parents said anything right away. The tension gathering in the air was enough to show that this news was about to be either very well accepted or very poorly.
“We had the perfect life laid out for you. All you had to do was do as you were told and follow it.” Her father started to lecture, “First you turn down one of the best universities in Japan, and then rather than going to any university at all for a real career, you start to follow this ridiculous idea at some art school, and now you're 23 and pregnant. You couldn't have at least been decent enough to get married before spreading your legs for the first guy to take interest in you?!” 
For the first time in an argument with them, Mira was speechless. Her father certainly had a tendency to be cruel, but that was low even for him. He continued yelling, Kenjuro and Aika eventually getting involved in the argument. Mira started to tune out the yelling. This whole night has done nothing but stress her out, and stress is not good for her right now. She felt a sharp pain rip through her abdomen and lower back which snapped her back to reality and the current argument at hand.
“I don't understand where I went wrong with the two of you. My son is a faggot and my daughter is a who-”
“That's enough,” Mirodrima said sternly, “I understand you don't agree with Mira’s life choices. But you cannot control her. She is an adult and it's still her decision to make. As for her being pregnant. No it's not ideal timing right now. My parents were rather disappointed as well. 
We’re not married, and I’m only 21 years old and in medical school while starting this family, but we’re doing it. And my parents have never once referred to myself or Mira in such a derogatory manner.”
“Shintarou.” Mira grabbed his hand and squeezed to get his attention. 
He crouched by her side, “What's wrong?”
“Can we go? I'm starting to cramp badly and I'm just ready to go home.” She whined starting to stand up.
“Yeah let's go, but I'm going to call your doctor to make sure that things are ok before we go home.” 
He helped her stand up and started walking with her to the front door. He occasionally glared back behind them to make sure their family got the hint to leave them alone. Kenjro followed behind them to the car. Midorima helped her into the passenger seat taking her keys to drive.
“Feel better sis, call me later so I know things are ok.” 
Kenjuro closed the door and then went around to talk to Midorima who was on the phone. Once he hung up he turned his attention to Kenjuro to talk to him before climbing into the car.
“How are you feeling? Are you still in pain?” 
She shook her head, “No, it stopped for now. I just feel really sick now.”
He nodded and started the car. The ride home was fairly silent as he focused on the road and Mira focused on not throwing up. He pulled up to their apartment and he quickly came around to her side in case she needed help getting inside. 
“Your doctor said that as long as you aren't bleeding and you don't continue to be in pain that you should be ok. Sometimes some cramping isn’t uncommon, especially in stressful situations. But if they start again she wants us to come immediately,” He explained while they were settling in the bedroom, “so if you're in pain like that again I don't care what time it is wake me up and we’ll go ok.” 
Mira nodded changing into one of his shirts to sleep.
“Why do you insist on stealing my clothes all the time, you have your own dresser full of them.” He grumbled and changed as well.
“Oh stop whining,” She teased looking back at him, “I only steal your shirts and it's only for bed. Besides you never wear these.” 
He grumbled under his breath again while he settled in bed. Mira crawled in next to him and curled up into his side. He's finally used to cuddling with her...it only took him forever to do so. He turned on the lamp on his side of the bed signaling that he planned on reading for a bit before bed.
“Don't fall asleep with your glasses on again.” Mira said rolling over to turn off the light.
He scoffed, “that was once.”
She chuckled, situating herself into a comfortable position to drift off. Mira was nearly asleep when Midorima poked her in her back to get her attention.
“Hmm? What's up?” She rolled over and looked at him. 
“What your parents said earlier, it's bothering me.”
She sighed and sat up, “Just ignore it. Don't ever let anything they say bother you. Like you saw they're a bunch of judgmental assholes.”
He shook his head, “Nothing like that. They aren't bothering me. It just has me thinking. Are you really ok with how things are going?”
She cocked an eyebrow at his question, “I told you earlier I was. I mean, so long as you aren't planning on taking off on me anytime soon I'm perfectly fine with how we're doing ok.” 
He nodded, setting his book aside, “we should go to sleep.”
Mira leaned over and kissed Midorima before laying back down, “Goodnight Shin.”
Midorima returned the kiss and put his book away before laying down and wrapping his arm around her, “Goodnight Mira.”
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justgillespie · 4 years
Missing (2/?)
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Summary: Your next door neighbor, Luke Patterson (a.k.a. your longtime crush) has gone missing, and you think you could help finding him.
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: none!
Author’s Note: Hey, it’s me again! So I’m back. I noticed that I didn’t mention before that the reader is a dancer! So I hope that didn’t bother anyone. And I’m sorry there’s not much in this part, but I’ll try to upload the third part as soon as possible xo
Part 3
You came up with a few rules, if you were willing to do this. Rule #1: You would not think of Luke as the boy you have a crush on until you know for sure that he doesn’t have a girlfriend. Rule #2: You were taking Max with you wherever you needed to and whatever you needed to do. Rule #3: You would do as much as you could to find Luke. Rule #4: Find Luke.
The information Tamra gave you was enough for you to wait impatiently for school to be over the next day. The bookclub’s meetings were on Thursdays at 6:00 p.m.
Today was Thursday.
You talked to Hannah at lunch, asking her about the bookclub. She told you about the book they were reading and the social environment, but she didn’t mention the band. You didn’t make any specific questions either, since you didn’t really want to tell her what you were actually doing. Hannah also offered you to take you the library. But you politely declined. You were just taking the bus with Max. For which he complained, later on when school was over and you both were heading to the library on the bus.
“She OFFERED to take us there, in a CAR, and you said no?!”
You rolled your eyes.
You were all dressed in your dance uniform, wearing a comfortable sundress on top of it and some shoes that you randomly picked. And you had your dance bag, seated at your feet. Your dance class was at 6:30, but you weren’t worried about the time. You calculated that if the band had to set up their equipment, then they would definitely be there earlier then the rest of the bookclub members.
“First of all, she offered ME a ride. Not us. She didn’t know I had company.” You said, checking up the watch on your wrist. 5:25 p.m. You looked back at him. “And second of all, if you weren’t too afraid of driving, then maybe, we could’ve given that car of yours some use.”
Max told you that the car parked in his garage was his, and was given to him on his seventeenth birthday, months before you moved to the neighborhood. Since Max was afraid of driving, his mom was the one using the nice car.
“Uh, yeah? Why don’t you try driving then?” He said, cheeks flushed.
“I did. Several times.”
You just weren’t perfect at it yet. Not that you were desperate to drive. Your sister would always drive you wherever you needed to, so what was the rush? You didn’t need a car yet. You just couldn’t ask her to take you to the library today because she had to recover a piano lesson she missed a few days ago.
“Then why-?”
“Oh my gosh, Max, let it go. Tamra’s picking us up once we’re finished. Geez.” You said, frustrated. This guy could complain and argue for hours if he wanted to.
“Sorry.” He said rolling his eyes. “So what are we doing?”
You snapped your head at him. “Didn’t I tell you anything yet?”
“I know it has to do something with Luke, because of what you asked me last night. And that we’re going to the library... Now that I say it out loud, we’re going to that bookclub they play at, right?”
You definitely forgot to explain. Your so focused on getting started with your plan that the only words that came out of your mouth that afternoon when you called him were: “Come with me to the library.” He didn’t asked much in that moment either, so it was on both of you.
“That’s right. How could you just jump in with me without even knowing what I was dragging you to?”
“Because I was waiting for your call. You said you were gonna tell me what you were up to, so I just linked everything to that. You still didn’t explain yourself, by the way.”
So you explained to him. That you were on sort of an adventure/investigation about Luke’s location and that he was your Watson.
“I am Watson?! I gave you most of the information you know now.”
“It was just an expression, Max.”
Soon after, you were both standing in front of the big public library. Once again, you checked the time.
“Come on. They’re probably there already...”
“Wait a second.” Max grabbed your arm, stopping you in the middle of the steps. “Luke ran away from home, right?”
“Yes, that’s what Mrs. Patterson said...”
“Well, don’t you think that a performance in a bookclub full of people would be too... I don’t know, noisy? I mean, if he ran away, it means he doesn’t want to be discovered. I don’t think hey will perform today if that’s the case.”
You stared at him for a second before you hit him in the arm.
“Hey! What was th-?!”
“You couldn’t have said that before coming all the way here for nothing?!”
“I just thought of that! And you could’ve thought about it too! Don’t blame it all on me!”
You frowned and walked down the stairs.
“Where are you going?!” Max asked.
“Home. Dance. I don’t know.”
“Don’t be dramatic. We’re already here. We can still do some research. They probably have their information here. I don’t think they would even let them perform if not. And besides, we don’t even know if I’m right about before.”
You turned back to him, this time, embarrassed. You were being a little dramatic.
And maybe a little too optimistic.
No, you stopped yourself before any negative thought clouded your mind, no one’s ever too optimistic.
And you couldn’t back up from the investigation in the first day. That was basically breaking rule #5.
You walked back to Max and without saying anything, you walked into the library together.
As much as you wanted Max to be wrong, he actually was right: the guys didn’t show up. And maybe it was also because of what Max said, but it was not the reason the people at the library told you. You asked about them and most of the workers frowned immediately at what you said, either confused or mad.
“Those guys aren’t allowed to play here. They just showed up a couple of times, but trust me, they won’t come back.” The librarian told you.
Therefore, Max’s backup idea didn’t work either.
Ten minutes later, you and Max sat on the steps outside the library, not knowing what to do next.
Your watch ticked 5:50. Tamra said she would be there at six.
You said hi to Hannah when she got there. She asked if you were going in.
“Not really.” You sighed, and decided to tell her the truth. “I came to do some research on that band... It’s named Sunset Curve. Tamra told me they played here the day she came with you.”
“Oh, yeah! I almost forgot that happened.” She chuckled. “I didn’t come to the meeting prior to that, so I wasn’t aware that a band would be playing in our bookclub. That’s why I forgot to tell you about them, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay. Did you get to talk to them?”
“A little bit. They stayed for the whole meeting and then ate almost all the snacks on the table. We just talked about music for a bit. Well, Tamra did. I was just standing next to her having no idea of what were they talking about... But if I see them today I can try to get more information, if you want.” Hannah offered when she noticed the disappointment in your face.
“They’re not coming today. Or ever, again. I already asked. But thanks, Hannah, I really appreciate it.”
She smiled at you sweetly and squeezed your shoulder. “I’m sure you’ll get something soon. See you guys around.”
You checked your watch for the hundredth time now. 6:04.
“When you said that Luke’s band plays at a bookclub.” You said to Max some minutes after Hannah left. “I thought you meant they play here OFTEN. You didn’t mention they played here TWICE before and weren’t even allowed to do so!”
“I didn’t know that either! I just supposed...”
“You supposed?!”
“Well, yes! I heard the other day at school... some of the Math Club members attend this bookclub and they said that Luke’s band performed there so I just guessed they might just play here often!”
“I can’t believe you sometimes.” You felt mad. But tried to calm down. You would get nothing by reproaching him.
You decided to stay quite. Otherwise, you might yell at him.
“So what are we doing now?” Max spoke after a while.
“I don’t know.” You said honestly.
Another silence.
And then, you had the most simple idea, which, you thought, you should’ve come up with way earlier.
“Can’t you ask a friend if they know more about Luke’s bandmates?”
Max blushed, and you thought that was suspicious. “Don’t think so. My friends are... busy.”
You frowned. “All the time?”
You said, more than asked.
“Every single one of them?”
“Yes, Y/N.” He rolled his eyes, but his nervousness was still visible.
He looked at you sideways and then sighed. “Fine, I... don’t have many friends at school. I don’t make much of an effort to make more, either.”
“I don’t know. I’m just not the social type.”
“But you have friends?”
He rolled his eyes. “Yes, I have friends. Well... one friend. His name is Ian. We’ve been classmates since first grade. And we moved together to the same high school.”
“What about the guys from the neighborhood?”
“Well yeah, them too, I guess. We’re just not too close.”
“Like Luke.”
Max scoffed. “Yeah, with the only difference that Luke could be close with everyone if he wanted to. I am not close with anyone because, again, I’m not exactly sociable.”
“But you could be.” You insisted.
“I guess. It’s not that easy, you know...?” He then gave you a look and shook his head. “You don’t know. You are sociable. Like Luke.”
You weren’t sure of what to say, so you just stayed quiet.
“Speaking of which, why are you so invested on finding him, anyway?”
It was your turn to blush, but you were saved by Tamra, who stopped the car in front of you.
“Let’s go.” You said, and he followed you.
So today’s mission didn’t go exactly as planned, but you had lots of clues. It was impossible not to find anything. This day had to end on a good note.
Tamra left you at your dance studio before going back home with Max. You told him you would call him later.
During your dance class, you managed to distract yourself for a bit. But you came back to trying to come up with something as soon as you got out of class.
“I’ll use your landline! Call me when dinner’s ready!” You said once Tamra parked in the driveway.
You said hi to your parents and ran to your room to pick your notebook and then go to your sisters’ room.
So you did come up with something.
You decided to call every kid from the block that knew Luke, and try to get more information. Your last alternative was to go to the Patterson’s house and talk to Emily herself, although you were kind of nervous at that idea and you weren’t too hopeful about it since Max mentioned she didn’t know much about Luke’s band.
“All she knows is he has a band and that she doesn’t like the idea.” He’d said that afternoon.
You took the phone and dialed the first number: Amy Campbell.
You decided to go straight to the point with everyone, just to not lose any time and call Max as fast as possible to update him.
“Hello?” You heard Amy on the other line.
“Hey Ames! It’s Y/N-.”
“Y/N! You’re coming to my pool party, right?”
You blinked. A pool party?
Something clicked in your head. Amy’s pool party, of course. It was this weekend. You forgot to ask permission to your parents.
“Of course I’m going.” You said, even though you weren’t actually sure. Amy cheered.
“Awesome! Almost everyone already confirmed they’re coming, except for... Luke.” She said, and you rapidly took the opportunity to ask her about what you originally called for.
“Actually, I wanted to ask you about him, um, don’t you happen to know anything about his band?”
“Oh my gosh, are you helping to find him? That sounds so much fun!”
You faked a chuckle. “Yeah, yeah.”
“Well, I don’t know much, but... I saw them perform in front of this club once, when I was going out for dinner with my family. We stopped to watch them along with some other people. Before they were kicked out. Oh, I also know his parents don’t love the idea of him on a band.”
“Do you remember the name of the club?”
“Oh, not really... but I can tell you it was close to that restaurant... Delish Japan? Yeah, I think that’s how it’s called.”
You wrote that down.
You thanked her and hung up. So your first call went well.
Although the rest of the calls were pretty similar. Most of the kids said they saw the band playing either in front or in the back of different clubs. One of them mentioned they saw them play at another bookclub.
“Any news?” Max said once he answered your call.
“Kind of.” You checked the names of the clubs written in your notebook. “Almost every kid said they saw the band playing in some club or bookclub. It seems that they do that, without asking.”
“You mean playing in places people might see them?”
“Yes. They know it’s not easy to book a gig at any place. Especially since they don’t have a manager and they’re just teenagers...” You sighed. “This information is pretty much useless, isn’t it?”
“I didn’t want to say it but... yes.” You groaned while Max kept talking. “I mean I guess we could go check those clubs but one, we’re minors and two, they just set their stuff, play and then they get kicked out. I don’t think any of those places have their personal information.”
“My other idea was to go and talk to Mrs. Patterson but... I don’t know if it’ll be useful. I don’t know what else could I do anyway.”
“Me neither.”
You already thought of something else, actually.
You sighed again, this time more dramatically.
“If someone around here at least went to the same school Luke does... That way we could ask some people about him and his band...”
“Come on.” You could practically hear Max rolling his eyes. “I don’t wanna do that.”
“Max, this could go faster if only you took the courage to talk to people. I’m not asking you to go out with them. Just ask them about Sunset Curve...”
“Y/N. I told you before. It’s not that easy for me-.”
“Y/N! I’ve been calling you for half an hour now! Come down for dinner!”
You heard your mom yelling from downstairs and you froze. You said you were going the first time you heard her but you didn’t realize it’s been half an hour since then.
“I’m coming!” You yelled back, and then said goodbye to Max.
You frowned while jogging down the stairs. You told Tamra to tell you when dinner was ready. Now your mom would be mad at you.
After your mom reproaching that she called you “a million times”, you defending yourself that you asked your sister to call you and her saying she never actually agreed to doing so, your dad stopped you. Silence flooded the room for a few minutes.
“Tamra told us you went to the library to do some research on Luke.” Your dad talked. “Did you find anything?”
“Not really.” You said, finally letting the disappointment get into you. “Any of our plans worked.”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m sure you’ll get something soon.” Your dad squeezed your hand and you smiled at him.
“Let us know if you need any help.” Your mom added.
You slowly nodded.
When you finished your food, you decided to stay and just listen to your parents’ conversation.
“Are you done?” Tamra asked then, and you frowned.
“Just- Yes or no?”
“Yes, I’m done.”
“Good. Come with me.”
You and Tamra thanked for the food and she guided you to her room. You sat on her bed while she started looking through the mess.
“What are you doing?” You asked, and she didn’t respond.
“Here” You heard her say before stretching down to take a purse from the floor.
She then went through it and took a piece of paper out of it, which she gave to you and you looked at it closely. A phone number was written on it.
“It’s one of the band members’ phone number. Not sure who, but he was flirting with me the day I went to the bookclub with Hannah.”
Your face beamed.
“You’re not gonna need it?”
“Pff, no. I have a boyfriend, remember? And he was not my type anyway”.
Actually, you forgot she had a boyfriend. They started dating just a few months ago but Tamra hasn’t taken him to the house yet.
“Why didn’t you tell me before?!” You said.
“I forgot I had it.” She shrugged.
You were too excited to get mad at her. You hugged her and asked to use her landline again. She agreed and left you there.
As fast as you could, you took the phone and dialed the number.
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fumiko-matsubara · 3 years
November 2014 ー 07:34
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Ryuunosuke woke up with a grunt when he felt something, or rather someone, shaking him fairly strongly for the past few seconds.
He then shielded his eyes with his right arm when lights suddenly flashed before him. Whoever woke him up probably opened the curtain too. Ugh.
"Nii-chan, everyone already had breakfast," he barely heard one of his sisters telling him. Based on how he was addressed, it was likely Kohaku. "And you woke up very late."
With that last remark, Ryuunosuke quickly sat up and bent down, rubbing his eyes with both of his hands in an attempt to wake himself up even more. He brushed his hair away from his face and then looked ahead, only to meet Kohaku's brown eyes staring down at him, clearly waiting for him.
After some blinking and a final squint, Ryuunosuke soon noticed his younger sister's hair being loose, very unlike how she usually wears it. "You want me to do your hair?" He gently asked.
Kohaku raised an eyebrow at him, clearly not expecting that to be the first thing he would say. "Get dressed up first, nii-chan. You're gonna be late," she sighed before walking towards his door.
It was after Kohaku closed the door shut that Ryuunosuke belatedly realized that it was a school day today. So he went to reach out for his phone that was on the shelf above his bed, which had been awfully silent throughout his whole slumber.
And felt like slapping himself when he found out it was because he forgot to unmute his phone last night, again.
At this point, he really should just stop muting his phone altogether.
Ryuunosuke's eyes widened when he finally looked at the time. He quickly went towards his desk, plugged the charger in his phone, and then hurried towards the bathroom to get ready.
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Less than 30 minutes later when Ryuunosuke arrived at the kitchen, only Kohaku was present at the dining table. He heard the running water after, assuming that it was their mom washing the dishes.
"Papa had to leave early for work and nee-chan and Yuko-chan already left for school. Mama only has to work this afternoon and our class' first period is cancelled today," Kohaku briefly explained to him when he sat down in front of her. She was half-way done with her meal and considering it had been over 30 minutes since she went down the stairs, Ryuunosuke assumed that she slowed down her eating to wait for him.
The thought made him a little happy if he had to be honest.
"That's good to hear," he replied softly, taking in the meal before him. Their mom knew him too well that she had just prepared him a light breakfast today as he had barely have enough time to eat. When he picked up the chopsticks, Ryuunosuke glanced at his sister once more with a small smirk. "You seemed to be waiting for me huh, Kohaku?"
Kohaku shrugged in response, matching his grin almost uncannily. "You know the drill, nii-chan."
"Of course, of course," and with that, they both proceeded to eat their breakfast or in Kohaku's case, finish hers.
After a few minutes of silence between them as they ate, Kohaku decided to speak up again.
"Kinda weird seeing you in your uniform with your hair like that, nii-chan," she casually pointed out. "Are you planning to fix it later or..?"
Ryuunosuke chewed his food in silence, contemplating her question. His hair was still lightly damped from the quick shower he had earlier, but unlike the usual fashion where he flattens down his fringes over his eyes, today he was currently wearing it loose and even had it slightly parted in the middle.
"Takes too much time," he firstly answered after a swallow then quickly drank from his glass of water. "I think I'm just gonna keep it like this."
Kohaku's eyes widened in surprise, clearly wasn't expecting his answer. "That's... new," she commented.
Ryuunosuke shrugged in response, picking up a slice of scrambled egg. "I just thought that I should start... getting used to wearing it like this," he paused midway from eating just to add that. "Well, outside..."
Kohaku hummed at his words, her eyes not leaving him since his first answer. There was only one bite left in her meal anyways, so she can waste some few minutes. "I think that's a great idea, nii-chan," she suddenly grinned cheekily. "I can finally brag to my friends that I have a handsome brother with proof~"
Ryuunosuke nearly choked in laughter at the remark, hurriedly saving himself by drinking water. "Hey now..."
Kohaku's grin widened even more.
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Ryuunosuke was occupied with tightly braiding Kohaku's hair into twin dutch braids when his mom approached them, seemingly done with washing the dishes.
"Ohh that looks very clean," he heard her praise which brought a small smile to his face. Although his eyes are fixated towards his work before him, Ryuunosuke felt their mom sitting on the couch next to him.
Feeling that their mom will just quietly watch until he's done, Ryuunosuke proceeded to diligently work on the second, lightly combing out the knotted strands with his fingers and carefully making the twists. Braiding Kohaku's hair into tight dutch braids had always been a daily routine for Ryuunosuke, as his sister usually requests for them, that doing so became such a light work that it only took him around two minutes to finish a neat dutch braid.
Another two minutes it is then.
Ryuunosuke was already half way through the braid when he felt his mom shift in her seat. If she was trying to find the moment to talk to him, he felt that he knew what it was about.
"You woke up late today," she started, more of a statement rather than a question. "That's rare."
Ryuunosuke bit down the urge to nervously laugh in response and just hummed lowly. "I forgot to unmute my phone."
As his eyes were still on the braid he's working on, Ryuunosuke couldn't see his mother's expression but since she hasn't given any signs of response yet, he suddenly felt the pressure to explain himself further. "Our class' group chat was really active last night and I couldn't focus on doing my homework... so I muted my phone."
"I think you should stop doing that," Ryuunosuke bit down another nervous laugh when his mom told him that so straightforwardly. "I mean, it's good that you wanted to focus on your studies and such. But it's concerning to have Miki-chan dial our house number plenty of times only because she couldn't reach your phone," she added, followed by a mildly tired sigh. "And every call makes me nervous because I thought it would be from your or your sisters' schools."
"Ahh I'm sorry about that..."
"Don't be," his mom reassured softly, watching him finish braiding the rest of Kohaku's hair with ease. "I'm driving Kohaku to her school, by the way. So you don't have to walk with her."
Ryuunosuke nodded in response, proceeding to carefully tie the remaining braid. "Your classes start at 10 today, Kohaku?"
"More like 10:30," his sister replied, standing when he finally gave the signal that he was done. Kohaku then ran her palms on her head to feel the tight braid and smiled in satisfaction, already happy with the result despite not actually seeing it yet. "Feels nice."
"Really?" Ryuunosuke stood up from the couch, lightly patting away the slight wrinkles on his blazer. "Not too tight?"
Kohaku carefully pressed some of her fingers onto her hairline to check, then shook her head. "Nope, not at all. Doesn't even hurt a bit, thanks nii-chan."
"Good," Ryuunosuke softly returned the smile before walking towards the end of the couch to fetch his school bag. He then went to the kitchen to fetch his lunch, which was already nicely packed by his mom. 
After carefully stashing it inside his bag, Ryuunosuke then proceeded towards the shoe rack near the doorway, where his school loafers are. He barely had less than an hour left, so he better start hurrying up if he doesn't want to be late. Especially since his house is fairly a distance away from school.
"You're going to school with your hair like that, Ryuunosuke?"
He turned back to the living room to see his mother curiously looking at him with her fairly sharp russet eyes wide in surprise.
"My hair..?" Ryuunosuke quirked an eyebrow before turning to the framed picture by the wall next to him, trying to get a proper view of his own reflection through the glass. "Oh." He saw how the slight parting was a little messy and so combed his fingers through his hair in an attempt to fix it.
Satisfied, he then went to pick up his loafers from the show rack and quickly wore them. He then saw his mom slowly walking towards him. "So you're really going to wear it like that today?"
Ryuunosuke nodded in response, giving her a soft and reassuring smile. "I can comfortably run to the station like this then, especially since most of my schoolmates should be in school by now, so I wouldn't be seen anyways."
"But what about your classmates?"
Ryuunosuke then shifted his weight onto his other leg, scratching the back of his head rather awkwardly as sharp maroon eyes darted away from the ones before him. "They know, actually..." He confessed.
Fairly sharp russet eyes widened in surprise once more at the revelation. "Since when?"
"Since summer, at the same time they also found out about the band," He truthfully answered, although he still couldn't bring himself to make eye contact with his mother. "And I forgot to tell you about it... I'm sorry."
His mother just let out a mildly tired sigh in response. "I shouldn't be surprised considering you once randomly told me one day that you actually had a girlfriend..."
Ryuunosuke let out a sheepish laugh at that, feeling his cheek heat up in embarrassment at the blatant call out.
"Speaking of, tell her I said hi when you see her at school, okay?" Ryuunosuke then felt the sudden urge to roll his eyes at the cheeky smile that was gracing his mother's face as she said that. "Well, I can't keep you here for too long. Just take care."
Ryuunosuke gave her a final nod before walking outside through the entrance door.
"I'm off."
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It was difficult.
In the end, Ryuunosuke wasn't able to bring himself to tell his mother what he opened up to Kohaku.
Which really left him on a more bitter note as this was something that his mother was affected by the most after himself. 
Ryuunosuke sighed once again as he walked away from the station. It's not like his mother would be mad or anything if he had told her the truth. In fact, it would actually be the opposite. She would actually be delighted and relieved at knowing about the mild changes Ryuunosuke had slowly but surely been making over the months. 
But there was an improvement, right? He did manage to finally tell her that he had shown his face to his classmates... even if it did take him nearly 4 months to do so.
All he really needed to do was to tell her that he wanted to do this, that it was purely his own choice. Even if he still had yet to get used to it. He just had to stop beating around the bush and only telling half-truths whenever he tried to be honest with her.
Because the last thing he'd want to happen was to take him until he's in high school before he could finally spill.
Ryuunosuke slowed down his steps when he was nearing the waiting bus across the street.
Well, that's just one problem he had yet to overcome. Another one was something he still had yet to find a way out of, as irritating as that actually sounded to him.
He took a peek inside the vehicle and sighed in relief when he didn't see a single Kunugigaoka student present.
It's either during the school festival or after their final exams that he could make his decision for that other problem he's having.
He entered the nearly deserted bus and took a seat at the very back by one of the windows. He then took his earbuds out from his pocket, thinking that it would take a bit before the bus started moving so he might as well listen to some music as he waited. Feeling a little less exposed now with just the very few people inside the vehicle, Ryuunosuke felt comfortable enough to completely brush his hair away from his face.
He had to be honest, with the way he had been wearing his hair up more often these days than he used to, his bangs are starting to annoy him at this point.
Shouldn't it be a good thing then? Well, partially it is very much a good thing. A great thing even, actually. Ryuunosuke himself is happy at the fact that he was hardly scared to show himself anymore after being countlessly reassured that there wouldn't be a repeat of what happened to him when he was seven.
He was actually happy at the fact that he can finally ditch this hairstyle whenever he's ready... especially since one of his classmates gave him such a mortifying codename from it.
Oh god he fucking hated that codename.
Whoever wrote that chosen suggestion better brace themselves the moment he finds out who they are.
Anyways, as much as Ryuunosuke could have wanted to permanently change his hairstyle much earlier... he couldn't really.
Especially since he does use his bangs as a makeshift crosshair when aiming to shoot accurately when not using a scope. And with the little time they have left before March, he couldn't just get rid of his bangs anytime soon and waste time relearning to aim and match his admittedly current high level of skill.
So he just had to suck it up until the next 4 months.
Feeling a glare breaking out, which he rather not show because he doesn't want to accidentally scare anyone first thing in the morning, Ryuunosuke closed his eyes and sighed deeply. 
High school debut it is then, huh.
All of a sudden, Ryuunosuke felt someone taking the seat next to him and tensed. Last time he had his eyes opened, which was just a few seconds ago, there were hardly any people inside the bus.
So who in the world would willingly sit next to him-?
Ryuunosuke cracked an eye open to peek at the person next to him and found himself about to smile at the sight of familiar voluminous black hair.
His smile widened even more when he noticed a familiar dainty hand slowly hovering over his opened palm placed on his lap.
Letting out a chuckle, Ryuunosuke decided to reach the hovered hand and locked fingers with them. He then leaned his head onto their shoulders and mildly nuzzled into them. "Good morning~" He greeted softly.
"Good morning Ryuu," Kaho greeted back as she tried to relax at his touch. 
Ryuunosuke then pulled away, not wanting to be excessive with the public display of affection, although he still had his fingers locked with hers. "Also woke up late today?"
"Yeah... My phone ran out of battery overnight," as she said that, Ryuunosuke took notice of the portable charger on her lap that was connected to her phone with a cord.
So that explains why she hasn't once replied to him when he messaged her earlier his morning.
"You're probably tired from the train ride," he said, relaxing onto his seat once more. "I don't think the bus will move anytime soon, so might as well take a short nap then..."
"You too," Kaho giggled softly. "I saw you running through the station earlier and nearly ran onto one of the pillars."
"No you didn't," Ryuunosuke immediately denied, his face slowly heating up.
Kaho leaned onto his shoulder with a teasing smirk. "Sure I didn't..."
"Just go to sleep."
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solar-pxwered · 4 years
A List Of Norman Reedus Movies/Shows I Have Seen And My Opinions On Them
1. The Boondock Saints
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The Best. A classic. Bloody and inappropriate and if I remember my count correctly, contains 194 “fucks” or variations of it (this movie certainly illustrates the diversity of the word). Terrible Irish accents. A KICKASS soundtrack. Willem DeFoe crossdressing. Dropping toilets on people’s heads. Over the top action sequences. Cheesy dialogue. Campy as fuck. I freakin’ love it.
2. The Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day
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Some people didn’t like this one as much as the first one, and I admit that I wasn’t as fond of the new detective in this one as I was of Smecker...but, overall, I really enjoyed it and I drove 2 hours to see it in theaters. I love Romeo more than Rocco. The humor was on point. It was nice to see the original actors for Doc, Dolly, Duffy and Greenley. There was more terrible Irish accents, another KICKASS soundtrack, cheesy dialogue, over the top action sequences, still campy as fuck. I freaking love it.
3. The Walking Dead
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Cannot even describe how much I love this show. I have ALWAYS loved zombie related shows and movies so this show was right up my alley from the very beginning all the way back in 2010. I watched it religiously every Sunday. I adore this roller coaster ride of a show and I especially adore Daryl, Carol and Jerry. This show has it all: Comedy, drama (hella lots of that), tragedy and triumph...and it never fails to pulls me in and hold my interest.
4. Mimic
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Honestly, I saw this a LONG time ago and I hated it because...well, because I have a cockroach phobia, ok?! Don’t judge. Norman’s part was pretty small, not one of his lasting impressions on me.
5. Six Ways To Sunday
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This is a weird one. It’s about an overly innocent 18 year (played by Norman) who gets involved in the Mob and develops an alter ego that’s violent and his complete opposite. There’s murder, prostitutes and good ol’ fashioned mother-son incest and it wasn’t a movie I suggest for the lighthearted or anyone with those sort of triggers. 
That being said, I watched the whole thing and didn’t hate it. It was just uncomfortable...as seems to be a theme with Norman Reedus movies.
6. Dark Harbor
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This fucking movie...
Ok, so, I’ll be straight with you: I really enjoyed this dumbass movie. It had me guessing right up to the very end and it took me on a very strange ride along the way. 
If watching someone sexually feed a woman a poisonous mushroom, lots of dark eyed staring scenes or Norman Reedus making out with Alan Rickman is your thing, then go for it. 
7. Let the Devil Wear Black
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It’s modern Hamlet. What else is there to say? If you like Hamlet, you’ll like this movie. If you like pre-car accident, baby face Reedus with the black hair, you’ll like this movie. I liked it.
8. 8MM
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You know what the best thing about this movie is? Nicholas Cage. He steals the damn show no matter what movie he’s in and no one can even deny that fact. Norman’s part in this one is pretty small too but I liked this movie anyway because...well, Nick Cage. Enough said.
9. Bad Seed
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I honestly can’t remember how this movie ends, all I remember was that it wasn’t at all how I expected it. I liked this movie because it’s a psychological thriller and that’s my most favorite genre of all time. The movie’s premise is a guy suspects his wife of having an affair and comes home one night and finds her murdered so he goes after her lover (Reedus) to try and kill him because he believes he was the one who killed her. It’s a cat and mouse chase sort of thing...now I need to rewatch it because I can’t, for the life of me, remember how it ends.
10. Gossip
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Ok, no JOKE, this is the best movie I ever randomly discovered and I can’t believe how many people have never heard of it! It’s got some big names in it (Lena Headey, Norman Reedus, James Marsden and Kate Hudson to name a few).
It’s a psychological thriller/mystery drama in which three friends start a rumor at their school as a social experiment for their class. The rumor grows, however, and suddenly it’s out of their hands and spiraling out of control. People start getting hurt, reputations get dragged through the mud and then it escalates to the point of someone losing their life. The three main characters {Reedus, Headey and Marsden) try to figure out the truth behind the out of control rumors and discover more than they ever imagined, or ever wanted.
I HIGHLY recommend this movie. I really, REALLY do. The ending is one of the best twists I’ve seen in a LONG time.
11. The Beatnicks
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This movie is so weird. It’s like...it’s just really weird. It revolves around two beat poets who find a magic box that somehow magically helps them get good at being poets but it’s like...an evil box and so they decide to only use it once and then get rid of it. Yeah, it’s a weird movie. Not my highest suggestion.
12. Blade II
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Ok, if you’ve never seen the Blade Trilogy then I just don’t even know what to tell you. 
My favorite of the three movies, Blade 2 gives us the glorious Reedus character of Scud, the pot smoking, horrible-shirt-wearing, mechanical genius and Blade’s sidekick. Not only is he precious and adorable, the movie in all is enjoyable and has a fun rave-esque soundtrack. 
The one thing I hate? *SPOILER ALERT* Scud’s scummy betrayal.
13. Tough Luck
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This is another one of those movies that I liked but it’s just so freaking weird. 
It’s a psychological drama where a down on his luck con artist, Archie (Reedus), tries to rip off a carnival worker and gets caught. As punishment, he’s hired to work at the carnival  to pay off the debt. He gets involved in a scheme to murder the owner’s wife, but falls in love with her in the process.
Things go to shit. He gets the short end of the stick. More plots and lies develop. It’s all twisted until the end and the answers fall into place.
I really like this movie, it’s one that I kept and still have my copy of. 
A word of warning though, never leave this movie on your movie shelf for your father to find and watch while you’re away at college, resulting in your mother calling you and asking you why you have such a nasty movie. Because the sex scene at the end is OUTRAGEOUS. I mean, it is the FUNNIEST fucking sex scene I have ever seen in my life and I can’t ever watch it without cringing and laughing. My mother, however, didn’t think it was funny at all and my father was too shocked to even form a sentence.
I highly suggest this trippy as hell movie.
14. Octane
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Ok, to be fair, this movie is actually alright, although Norman’s character gets the shittiest death possible. I mean, imagine dying because some psycho vampire kisses you and bites your tongue out. That’s one shitty death.
But, overall, this is a good thriller. Johnathan Rhys Meyers plays the villain and he’s always pretty quality. The story is basically a teenager has a disagreement with her mom and gets picked up by this drugged up, blood sucking, vampire wannabe cult and indoctrinated joining them. Her mother joins up with a tow truck driver (Reedus) whose daughter was also kidnapped years ago and who has been hunting the cult down ever since. 
It was a cringe filled, yet interesting, movie and I didn’t hate it.
15. John Carpenter’s Cigarette Burns
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This is John Carpenter....OF COURSE I liked this one. 
I won’t say what it’s about because that would ruin the story, but it’s part of an anthology and John Carpenter loved Norman’s role so much he STILL talks about it today and suggests Norman to people in the industry.
It’s a good one if you’re into horror shorts or anthologies or the genius of the legend that is John Carpenter.
16. A Crime
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I had completely forgotten about this movie until I started making this post, but now that I remember...I REALLY liked this one!!
This is a pretty sad one, but it was very good and Norman’s acting in it is absolutely wonderful. His character’s wife was murdered and the suspect was never found so his neighbor, who really likes him, creates a fake culprit so that he can finally get some closure. 
This is a good one. I suggest this one if you’re in the mood for a strange sort of romance movie that has underlying thriller tones.
17. Moscow Chill
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I remember watching this one, and I remember enjoying it, but I honestly can’t remember anything about it except that it’s a Russian film in which Norman plays a computer hacker who gets hired to hack into a Russian bank and gets caught and put in prison. But I honestly can’t remember what happens in detail.
If you like foreign movies with hacking and subterfuge plots, then give it a try because I do remember enjoying it while I watched.
18. Red Canyon
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This one is kinda fucked up. Imagine Daryl Dixon mixed with Breaking Bad mixed with Deliverance and you’ve pretty much got the story...
A brother and sister return to their mother’s hometown to settle things and put their horrible past behind them...but upon returning they end up reliving the nightmare all over again.
It’s a good thriller/horror watch, but there are scenes of sexual violence so if that’s not something you can handle, then don’t watch this one.
19. Hero Wanted
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This. Is. A. GOOD. Movie.
Cuba Gooding Jr. is the lead and he does an AMAZING job. Gooding’s character is a garbage man who falls in love with a girl who never takes any notice of him. To get her attention, he stages a heist in which he is supposed to jump in, save the day, and win the girl...only the heist turns out to be real and he is shot and the girl is also shot in the process. He sets out for revenge and gets in way over his head.
Norman’s part in this isn’t very big...but HOLY SHIT, was it impactful. His character didn’t have a lot of screen time, in comparison to a lot of other people, but he had a solid backstory and reason for being involved and MY GOD did I cry about it. This was actually the first movie of his I watched AFTER discovering Boondock Saints and it solidified my love for his acting abilities.
A very good watch. Highly suggest.
20. Messengers 2: The Scarecrow
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This one is pretty ok, actually, as far as lame horror movies go. 
The plot is simple: Blonde, beardy, corn farmer Norman gets slowly driven insane by the haunted scarecrow in his field that he thinks putting up is a good idea for some damn reason. He starts to get more and more violent and rapey as time goes on until his family is forced to take up arms against him.
It’s not bad. Second part in what I THINK is a trilogy? I’ve only ever seen the first two. If you like horror movies then this one is a good watch. As I mentioned though, there is an attempted rape scene in this one so just be aware.
21: Pandorum
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It’s an alien movie. Astronauts run into a species that is stronger and hungry for tasty humans. Shepard (Norman’s character) doesn’t make it out alive. If you’re not in the mood to see Norman get LITERALLY gutted or other characters get nommed by aliens, then don’t watch.
If you ARE, then go ahead and watch, because it was pretty alright.
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 4 years
Trouble (pt.2) || M.YJ
Pairing : Min Yoonji X Reader
Genre : fluff
Summary : Now that Yoonji had gotten introduced to you, she wanted to know you. Are you really as bad as people had told her?
Wordcount : 1.5k lol
Pt.1 || Masterlist
[ A/N : The fanart ain't mine, randomly stole it from Pinterest lol.]
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" I heard you cause trouble." Yoonji says as she sits down in front of the girl who's caught her eye.
You look up from your phone with a questionable look in your eyes.
" And who are you exactly?" You ask her, no undertone of politeness.
Yoonji blushes in embarrassment, having forgotten to introduce herself due to wanting to know you.
" Sorry, my names Yoonji." She tells you.
You smirk cheekily at her.
" Nice to know the pretty girl has a name. I'm Y/N by the way. And to response to your assumption earlier, do you believe them?" You ask her, holding strong eye contact as you ask her.
Yoonji shrugs her shoulder, a small smile making it's way to her own face.
" I don't know, haven't decided yet." She answers you honestly.
There's a small glint in your eyes which could mean you're surprised by her answer, but if you are, you don't really show it.
" Yah, Yoonji, break almost ended, let's go back to our lessons." 
Yoonji groans in displeasure of the appearance of her twin brother. Of course he's always there to interrupt her moment with hot girls, ( who are most probably not gay, but it's worth a try anyway.)
She sighs dramatically, making her twin roll his eyes before greeting you.
" See you around I geuss?" She smiles at you one last time before attempting to leave.
She gnaws on her lip for a moment as she glances at you when she's stood in front of the table the two of you are seated at, lowkey wanting to ask for your number but not having the guts for it.
" Yoonji." You softly call out to her as you too leave your seat.
She turns to look at you.
" You free tonight?" You ask her.
She nods enthusiastically, hoping you're asking to hang out at last.
" Good, dress casual. I'll pick you up at 7." You smile at her with a lopsided smile as you push a piece of paper into her hand before turning around and leaving.
Yoonji stares at you with admiration shining in her eyes as you leave the room, still not believing what just happened. She smiles like a giddy school girl before looking at the small piece of paper in her hand.
( Your Phone Number Xx) - Don't forget to text me sweetheart ;)
And so Yoonji is stood in front of her mirror later that afternoon, her room a mess as she's trying to pick out the perfect clothes for her first ever date.
Being lesbian had made it difficult for her to find a girlfriend who she could go on dates with. Until today she was actually starting to believe that she was the only lesbian around. She's tried out online dating too, but she just couldn't find the physical affection she needed. She really hoped that this date would work out.
" Yah, fatass, did you steal my charger agai- You going somewhere?" Yoongi cuts himself off as he sees his sister dressed up for once.
The twins look at each other awkwardly for a few moments before Yoonji finally breaks it.
" Close the door behind you and I'll tell you." She tells him in a hushed tone.
He knew she was a lesbian, but their parents didn't.
And so Yoongi does as asked, crossing his arms afterwards and waiting for an explanation.
" I have a date." Yoonji smiles excitedly as she smiles at him.
Yoongi nods, actually happy for his sister, tough he doesn't show her in his facial expression. It doesn't matter tough, she knows her brother well enough to know that he's happy for her.
Instead of saying anything, he checks out her outfit.
" What do you think?" She ask him.
He cocks his head to the side before answering.
" Too short." He tells her before rummaging trough the mess of clothes on her floor.
" What? No it isn't. I tough it's cute." Yoonji looks puzzled as she looks at herself trough the mirror again.
The black with pink printed crop top looks fine, even if she raises her arms all the way nothing is revealed, her skirt is admittedly on the short side, but not too bad unless she bends over all the way, plus she's wearing a pair of shorts underneath anyway.
" Here this is better." Yoongi grins as he holds up a huge sweater against her. 
She huffs and swats it away.
" Oh c'mon. My baby sister is growing up, I can't allow that." Yoongi fakes a pout.
" I'm older." She huffs.
" Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just don't let her break your heart." He tells her softly before pulling her into a hug.
" I'll be fine." She giggles.
They talk a little more before the doorbell rings, and Yoonji almost yeets to the door, not having expected that you'd actually ring the bell, thinking that you'd call her that you would call once you were in front of her door.
She runs downstairs, hoping to beat her parents to the door, however, she failed, and she only hopes that you're not mentioning the word 'date' to her parents.
" Yoonji, I think you forgot to mention to that you'd go out with a friend tonight. I assume the two of you will just grab something out to eat?" Yoonji's father asks her.
She opens her mouth to answer, but you beat her to it.
" We will sir, tough we might end up talking for a while too, but don't worry I'll have her home before midnight." You smile.
Yoonji's parents smiles at you, and Yoonji herself is only too happy by the sight.
" Don't you think she'd make a good girlfriend for Yoongi-" 
" Alright mom, dad, we'll be going now." Yoonji cuts off her parents hurriedly as she leaves the house quickly, taking you with her by wrist.
She hears her parents yell out greetings before closing the door.
" I'm sorry about that." She mumbles as she lets go of your wrist, avoiding your eyes.
" You didn't come out yet?" You ask her softly.
She shakes her head wordlessly, and you nod in response.
" Okay, well, let's go." You cheer as you motion for her to follow.
She's relieved you don't pry, but concerned when you walk in the opposite direction of town.
" Where are you going? Town is that way." She tells you.
You look confused for a moment behead smiling and shaking your head.
You don't say anything as you take her hand and instead lead her to an old black and yellow lined Hyundai Azera first model. You suprise her by taking out your keys and unlocking it by inserting the key.
" My lady'." You smile as you open the passenger door for her.
She wordlessly steps in, you shutting the door behind her and walking over to the driver's side.
"Sorry that my car's this old and cranky by the way." You smile embaressedly as you close the door behind you.
Yoonji smiles at you and shakes her head.
" Don't worry about it, your car looks fine. I don't know a lot of people our age who own a car anyway." She tells you.
" I work at a car garage, this one came in all beat up, the owner left it to be brought to a dump, I was allowed to fix it up as long as I bought the stuff with my own money." You tell her proudly, starting up the engine.
" That's really cool. Can I ask you a question?" She wonders out loud.
" How did you come out to your parents?" She asks curiously.
You swallow and your eyes harden, making her worry that you asked the wrong question.
" My parents are not with me, let's just say." You tell her, your eyes focusing on the road.
" Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry." She says guiltily.
You shake your head, not saying anything as you start to speed off.
The next moments are in tense silence, until you break it.
" So, I know the first date is supposed to be fancy and stuff, but I hope you don't mind Mackey D's for our first date." You smile at her shortly.
She laughs, not at all minding.
" It's okay, I don't mind. Anywhere is fine as long it's with you." She says with a smile before turning red, did she really just say that out loud?
You've turned a soft pink too, and a laugh leaves your throat at her answer.
" Damn, you're adorable. And don't worry, I'll take you out on a proper date after this one." You smile widely.
She turns pink in response.
[ A/N : Someone tell me they like it, and I might make a pt.3 lol]
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quicksilversquared · 4 years
The Wavering Peahen: Chapter 2
When Nathalie started feeling oddly ill again, both she and Gabriel were worried that the Peacock Miraculous might somehow (impossibly) be to blame again.
So naturally, they pick someone else to be the Peacock for a bit. You know, as a test subject. Except the new Peacock… doesn’t exactly know that.
links in the reblog
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Knocks at her window well after dark and after her mom had gone to bed were rarely a good thing, particularly in a city with that had akumas popping up every other day whenever someone got upset.
Lila knew that she was sitting perched on top of a mountain of lies. If someone somehow found out and got mad, that could more than explain a knock at her window at night. Except...
Well, an akuma wouldn't knock, would they? Smashing through walls was much more their style.
A second knock sounded, clearly much more impatient. Ever-so-cautiously, Lila finally pushed herself off of her bed and approached her window, squinting into the dark outside. A large shape came into focus, and then Lila caught sight of a purple suit and a full-head silver mask.
Grinning, Lila scrambled to open her window and let Hawkmoth in. Maybe most people in Paris would be screaming and running in the opposite direction, but they were weak. Hawkmoth offered power and opportunities, kinds that she would never get otherwise. Whatever he had come for- whatever new opportunity he was offering- she was going to grab onto it with both hands and not let go.
"Ms. Rossi," Hawkmoth greeted her coolly, slipping through the opening. He straightened, and- okay, he was tall. Lila straightened reflexively, hoping not to feel so small next to him, but it didn't do much to close the height gap. "I hope this evening finds you well?"
Lila nodded, trying to keep herself from looking too eager. "I'm doing all right. And you?"
"Well enough." Hawkmoth glanced around, his steely eyes catching on the door. Lila followed his gaze, then immediately picked up on his concern.
"My mom is asleep already," she assured him hastily, not wanting him to decide to leave and not tell her about whatever opportunity he had clearly decided to offer. "And she's the only other one who lives in this apartment. And she's a heavy sleeper, so she shouldn't wake up randomly."
Hawkmoth nodded sharply. "Good."
"So, uh, how can I help you?" Lila asked, wondering if it would be proper etiquette to offer a supervillain a chair. It would make him not tower so much, but she also suspected that he wasn't planning on lingering. It would be better to get straight to the point. It would show respect for his time, and that would help make a good impression. "Do you need an akuma with specific powers or something? I can do that!"
"Not at the moment, but I will keep that in mind for the future. No, what I have in mind is a little more responsibility than that." Hawkmoth reached into a pocket, pulling out a small drawstring bag. "Mayura is unable to come out and join me on the battlefield for a undetermined period of time. Normally, I would simply go back to just sending out akumas. But I don't want to give Ladybug and Chat Noir time to re-build their superhero team more than they already have."
Lila's eyes went wide and she started nodding at once, already putting together what Hawkmoth had come to her for. "Right. And you don't want to give their backup team more time to practice and get better."
"Precisely. So I need a temporary holder until Mayura can return." Hawkmoth stared at her, steely-eyed and intimidating. Lila gulped and straightened up again, trying her best to look reliable. This was an incredible opportunity, and she was not going to let it simply slip by. "So what I want to know is... can I trust you?"
Lila had to stop herself from nodding like a frantic bobblehead doll. She didn't want to come off as an overly-excitable teenager. It was just- well, this was the opportunity to help get back at Ladybug that she hadn't ever expected. She had thought that her only chances were going to be to occasional (or not-so-occasional) akumatizations, where she would maybe be allowed to have some influence in what powers she got. But now, to get a Miraculous- even if it was only for a short while, until whenever Mayura returned- that was amazing.
She would get to go after Ladybug during every fight. And she could dream up the perfect sentimonster to go against the annoying superhero, one that could maybe be the one to take Ladybug down once and for all. If she got to coordinate with Hawkmoth, then they could maybe do a sentimonster-akuma pairing that would be incredibly strong-
-she was getting ahead of herself. Lila had to be calm, and work on gaining Hawkmoth's trust before she started making suggestions. She would have to be more cautious than she was with her classmates, since Hawkmoth was an adult, and probably a proud and paranoid one at that. That meant that he wouldn't be so quick to completely trust her. Trying to maneuver to be a more important part of his team right away would probably just result in her opportunity being ripped away from her.
Besides, he could sense emotions, right? So that meant that she had to be way more careful than usual.
"Of course you can trust me," Lila assured him, refraining from pressing a sincere hand to her heart. It worked at school, but with the supervillain it would probably appear dramatic and over-the-top. And maybe he was probably a bit dramatic and over-the-top (definitely so, if the fact that he had akumas providing a soundtrack for him on Heroes Day was any indication), but something told her that he wouldn't appreciate that in a potential ally.
Besides, he knew that she liked lying and manipulating, and so steering away from those mannerisms during her interactions with him would probably go over better.
"Good." Hawkmoth nodded once, sharply, then passed the drawstring over to her. Lila's fingers trembled as she practically tore the strings open to pull out the pin inside. A blue bubble burst into being as soon as her fingers touched the pin, and then it popped and revealed a blue floating...thing. "This is Duusu. Take good care of him. Now... let's discuss specifics."
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  The next morning, Lila added a simple scarf to her outfit to cover the Peacock pin and give Duusu somewhere to hide. It felt a little odd to have a constant companion, but that was the price she had to pay for power.
She could not possibly look forward to the next akuma attack more. She just wanted to get out on the battlefield and kick Ladybug's butt. Lila had even found a generic keychain that she could put the amok in and tucked it in her pocket, so it would stay with her and Ladybug and Chat Noir would have to work harder to defeat the sentimonster.
"Ah, that's a nice scarf, Lila," Mrs. Rossi commented, setting Lila's breakfast down in front of her. "I don't recognize it- is it from one of your friends at school?"
"Oh, it's from Adrien," Lila claimed at once, running one hand down the scarf. It wasn't, of course- it was just something that she had stolen from one of her photoshoots- but since it was Gabriel brand, it was believable enough. "He said it went well with my hair."
"It really does. That's very sweet of him." Mrs. Rossi grabbed her own half-eaten plate from the counter, sitting down across the table to finish her breakfast. "Will you be out with your friends again today after school?"
"Yes, I've been invited to come along to a couple clubs this week and check them out," Lila lied. Or- well, it was a partial lie, at least. Several of her classmates had extended invitations for her to come check out the clubs at the school, but that had happened ages ago and besides, Lila just wasn't interested. It would be more adults that she had to interact with and make excuses to when she was 'on a trip', and while she had been on a roll with the number of adults who were just believing her without any questions it just wasn't worth the risk. "So I'll be busy."
Not that it made any difference to her mom, really. She would be at work regardless. It was just- well, it was good to keep up the illusion that she was always with her friends and 'boyfriend'. And if an akuma attacked and her mom tried to get in contact with her, then she would have an excuse for not picking up, since her mom would expect that she would be busy.
"Fantastic!" Mrs. Rossi smiled, then scraped up the last couple bites of bites on her plate and shoved them in her mouth, rising from the table and carrying her plate to the sink. "I have to get going to the embassy, since the ambassador has a whole pile of paperwork that he needs pulled together for his meeting this morning, but I made lunch for you. It's in the fridge. And if you have any menu requests, just text me during the day. I'm going to make a grocery run after work."
"Okay." Lila smiled at her mom, waiting for her to leave before rolling her eyes. She knew exactly what was in her packed lunch, and she would much rather go out to eat or have whatever was in the cafeteria. But she and her mom had argued about Lila getting lunch money instead of bringing a lunch only a few days ago and she hadn't won the argument- apparently it was cheaper to just bring a sandwich every day, as if that was important. If her mom was actually an ambassador and not just a secretary for the ambassador, then Lila would be able to afford to buy lunch every day.
She would use her earnings from the photoshoots, but she needed that money to buy new outfits. If she didn't stay in fashion and wear nice clothes, then her credibility would start slipping.
Daughters of the ambassadors and friends of celebrities simply didn't wear off-brand clothing after all. And while that maybe forced Lila into the same handful of outfits over and over, she had managed to explain that away by claiming it was for environmental awareness reasons.
Maybe she could claim that about her lunches, too. Except- well, it probably wasn't a good idea to use the same excuses too often. Maybe she could claim that she had decided to divert her lunch money to a charity for child hunger, since there were starving children across the world who could use it more than her. Yes, that sounded like a good excuse.
...it still wouldn't make her sandwich taste any better. Maybe she could at least persuade her mom to pack something better for her lunch if Lila stopped arguing about eating out every day.
With a couple more quick bites, Lila finished up her breakfast and stuck her plate in the sink. It didn't take her long to collect her school things- including her lunch, which was definitely a boring old sandwich- and then head down to the bus stop to ride over to school.
As she waited for the bus, Lila's mind went back to the night before. She was still super excited about the opportunity, even though- well, it came with some risks, Hawkmoth had made that clear. Risks, and also an ally that had made it very clear that he Did Not fully trust her, at least not yet.
There had definitely been some not-so-veiled threats against her mom for if Lila decided to 'take liberties' while she had the Peacock Miraculous. And while Lila was really more or less indifferent about her mom, if anything happened to her and Lila had to be placed with a foster family or something...
Well, that wouldn't be a good thing. But that was fine, because she wasn't planning on pulling anything stupid while she had the Miraculous, like trying to keep it after Mayura became available again or trying to manipulate him to do what she wanted, even if it conflicted with his goals. After all, their goals already lined up- she just wanted to take down Ladybug and get her revenge, even if Ladybug (unfortunately) now wouldn't know who was behind her defeat.
Lila supposed that it didn't really matter if Ladybug knew or not in the end. All that was important was taking her down.
Hopefully the superheroes' defeat would happen while Lila was still involved, before Mayura came back. Maybe the supervillain team's shake-up would be just what they needed to finally make the jump from always narrowly losing to actually winning. Lila could bring in new ideas, new plots, and a new pair of eyes. She didn't even necessarily have to convince Hawkmoth of all of them- some, she could just carry out on her own.
And no, he hadn't forbidden that. If he wanted her to follow his lead, she would. But she also had to be independent, able to fight on her own and act independently when Hawkmoth's focus had to be elsewhere in the battle. She could carry out her ideas then, and maybe they would turn out to be just what Hawkmoth needed. He would get the Miraculous for whatever he needed them for, and- well, he would reward her for her help, right? Maybe she would get another Miraculous to use, one she would get to keep permanently.
Which one would she want? Lila tilted her head, considering. Maybe the Ladybug Miraculous, to really rub it into Ladybug's face. It would be a trophy. And she would go out often, just to rub it in her nemesis' face. But maybe Hawkmoth would need to keep that one and she would have to choose another. Presumably he would be able to retrieve the box of Miraculous from Ladybug after she was defeated, so Lila would be able to take her pick. There would be a lot of choices, a lot of tempting offers.
Her first choice- after the Ladybug Miraculous, for gloating reasons- would be the Fox. Those powers were what she had used most often when she was akumatized, and they were familiar and useful. She could make illusions of herself with all sorts of famous people and take pictures and show them off to further discredit annoying little dissenters. She could make illusions of the aforementioned dissenters doing bad things, just to get them in trouble. It would be super useful, even if the actual Fox Miraculous was apparently a tad more limited in the amount of power it had compared to her akuma self.
Another choice would be the Horse, maybe. She could hop over to other countries and actually call in to her classes from there for added realism when she was off 'traveling'! She might even be able to meet some of the people she was always claiming connections to and actually start forming those connections- though that might be a bit of a stretch. She was smart enough to know that a few chance encounters would not automatically lead to songs written about her and promises to always drop everything to do things on her request. So maybe the Horse wouldn't be quite as useful.
Maybe there was a kwami of manipulation among the ones Ladybug held on to. That would be really useful, something she could use to force the famous people connections and make all of her dreams reality. It would make manipulating her peers easier, too- or at least more foolproof- and that would be really, really helpful. That would be the ideal Miraculous for her, if it even existed.
All she had to do was be the best sidekick Hawkmoth had ever had and defeat Ladybug. And once that was done, and she had her own source of power- an unconditional source, no threats to her (or, she supposed, to her mom's) general well-being- then, well, then would come rewards to her civilian self. And after that?
Well, the world would be open to her, and the possibilities were endless.
The bus pulled up and for once, Lila had a real smile on her face as she got on. Maybe for everyone else on the bus, it was just a normal day. But for her?
It was the start of a new era.
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