#well my tags got a bit off topic and rambly whoops
skitterjitter · 29 days
Ratio/Aventurine can go two ways:
1. Ratio viewing Aventurine as…not a science experiment, but something interesting pull apart and study, enabling his worst behaviors just to see the consequences, whatever they may be
2. Ratio refusing to let Aventurine burn himself out, treating him with care because no one else will (including himself and excluded Topaz)
In either case, Ratio’s attention is firmly fixed on Aventurine because he’s smart and can actually hold an intelligent conversation with Ratio. He may not be able to explain in minute detail how something works like Ratio can, but he knows how to get the results he wants and practical knowledge is still knowledge. A gambling fool Aventurine might be, but never an idiot or stupid
Also, Ratio realizing he likes Aventurine and being Mad about it is so funny. Aventurine may realize he cares about Ratio, but it would be hard for him to accept and admit his own feelings because he feels guilty for any comfort he finds and doesn’t think he deserves it unless there’s an edge to it
I like to think they had a…relationship of sorts going into Penacony, because it makes things a whole lot more painful. It balances out afterwards though, because we don’t know if he’s entirely free of the IPC, but the less Aventurine is attached to the IPC, the less he has to keep up his facade and the more Ratio gets to see the man underneath, whether he goes by Aventurine, Kakavasha or a different name entirely
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
One of Them Girls
Angel Reyes x Reader
Request by @lakamaa12: I have a request.. if you don't want to do it, no worries (or it's been done by another blog and I missed it).I was wondering if you would consider writing something with Angel based around the song One of Them Girls by Lee Brice?
(Part 2 can be found Here)
Warnings: language, alcohol, Angel being the cutie we know he is
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: To the best of my knowledge, no one else has written an Angel fic for this song yet! If you have and I didn’t see it, my bad! But real talk I’ve been obsessed with this song lately and I wanted to write a fic for it so I’m super glad you sent this my way. Hope you enjoy! xo
Angel Taglist: @mayans-sauce @helli4nthus @angelreyesgirl @starrynite7114 @queenbeered @sincerelyasomebody @sadeyesgf @thesandbeneathmytoes @appropriate-writers-name @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @multiyfandomgirl40 @sillygoose6969 @beardburnsupersoldiers @louisianalady @gemini0410 @paintballkid711 @chibsytelford @yourwonkywriter @sesamepancakes @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @amandinesblogofstuff @garbinge @bucky-iss-bae @enjoy-the-destruction @encounterthepast @lilacyennefer @everyhowlmarksthedead @rosieposie0624 @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo @mijop​ @xladymacbethx​ (If you want to be tagged let me know! xo)
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Your roommate had been trying for months to get you to go to one of the MC parties with her. She knew them from working at Vicki’s and she swore that you would have a good time if you just came to the clubhouse with her.
“Just for a couple hours,” she pleaded as she stood in the doorway to your room, “and if you’re really not having a good time, we can leave and I’ll never bother you about it again. Promise.”
You sighed, leaning your head back against your headboard, “Fine. Just so you won’t bother me about it anymore.”
She beamed, “Yes! Oh this is gonna be so fun,” you could practically see the thoughts racing through her head, “Wear those skinny jeans that make your butt look good.”
You groaned, “You’re gonna dress me, too?”
She laughed, “It’s just a friendly suggestion.”
It was a suggestion that you begrudgingly took her up on. She really wasn’t that pushy about what to wear, but she knew that she was able to nudge you out of your comfort zone a little bit sometimes. You’d ended up with a simple, low-cut black tank top, the jeans she had suggested, and a pair of black boots. You weren’t going to risk snapping your ankle in a pair of heels when you didn’t know what you’d be walking into.
Elena may have been persistent, but she was a woman of her word. She stayed by you when you first arrived, knowing the scene was a little overwhelming when you first walk into it. You weren’t quite sure what you had been expecting, but this wasn’t quite what you had pictured in your mind. It was a little tamer, a little less chaotic than your brain had been telling you it would be.
“C’mon,” she tugged you towards the bar, “I’ll get you a beer.”
“Elena, who are all these people?” you asked quietly as you scanned the room.
She started pointing out the members of the MC one by one, telling you their names and a few fun facts about each. Some of the facts were a little more information than you cared to know, but she got you to laugh. Some of the girls you recognized because they’d come over and hang out at your apartment sometimes, and it was nice to know that you knew more than just one person at the party. They said there was power in numbers, right?
“Hey, querida,” a voice piped up from behind the two of you.
Elena turned, a smile instantly spreading across her face as she walked up to the man who had been speaking to her and letting him scoop her up in a hug, “Angel, hey!”
He set her down and his eyes found their way over to you. You felt small under the weight of his gaze but you tried not to let it show. He glanced back to Elena, “You brought a friend?”
She laughed, nodding, “Angel, this is my roommate, and best friend, Y/N. Y/N, this is Angel, the biggest pain in the ass in the MC.”
He placed a hand over his chest, an exaggeratedly pained expression on his face, “Right to my heart.”
The three of you laughed and you shook your head slightly, the nerves beginning to dissipate a little bit. You weren’t expecting him to plop down on the stool next to yours, but he did. You looked over to Elena, as if to ask if you should be worried about anything. She flashed you a smile as she sat down on the other side of you, giving your arm a light, reassuring squeeze as she reached for her drink.
“So what questionable decisions led you here tonight?” he asked with a laugh as he took a swig of his beer.
You laughed, shaking your head, “Just throwing Elena a bone. She’s been wanting me to come here with her for a while.”
“Didn’t want to be hanging out with a bunch of degenerates?” there was a playful smirk on his face.
You smiled, “More like I didn’t want to be hanging out with a bunch of people in general,” you laughed, “I’m a bit of a homebody.”
“I’m working on that,” Elena piped in with a smile.
The three of you sat at the bar and talked for a little while. You could tell that Angel was trying to get a read on you, the new girl. You couldn’t be mad because you were doing the same thing to him. He was smooth, flirtatious, but not overbearingly so. That was a game you’d be willing to play for the night while you pacified your friend. If you were going to be forced to socialize, there were worse people to look at while doing it.
Elena must’ve gotten the vibe from you, because she politely excused herself from the conversation, letting you know that she wouldn’t be far if you decided that you wanted to bail and go home. You saw the smirk tugging at her lips as she walked away though, knowing that you were having a much better time there than you’d ever admit.
“So I gotta know,” Angel asked as he idly toyed with the beer bottle in his hands, “how does a homebody like you end up rooming with Miss “Life of the Party” Elena?”
You laughed, trying not to stare at the way his ringed fingers traced and curled around the neck of his beer bottle, “We actually had a few classes together our first year in college,” you shook your head, “Nothing bonds two people together like suffering through statistics classes together.”
He chuckled, “Fuck that.”
“That was exactly how we felt.”
The longer the two of you talked, the more he tested his boundaries. He wasn’t pushy, or inappropriate, but he was definitely trying to figure out what made you tick. You weren’t going to give him that kind of satisfaction so quickly, though. You bantered back and forth with him, and you couldn’t remember the last time a guy had you laughing so hard.
Angel was in the middle of an incredibly cheesy pickup line that he swore has worked for him before when the song coming through the speakers changed. You couldn’t help but to perk up a little bit at the familiar beat and Angel noticed the shift immediately. He watched you for a moment as he tried to feel out the situation.
“Wanna dance?”
You shook your head no with zero hesitation, “No thank you.”
He laughed, “C’mon, why not? Live a little.”
You smiled but didn’t move to get up from your stool, “I’m sure there are plenty of women here tonight that would love to dance with you, Angel.”
He didn’t push the topic any further. You were smiling but he could see the flash of emotion in your eyes and he knew that there was something there that you weren’t ready to tap into yet with him. So, instead, he got you another beer and delved back into his cheesy pickup line story. When you realized that he was going to move past what you just said and not make it awkward, the tension immediately melted out of your body. You gladly took the beer bottle from him as you listened him ramble into another story.
“Yo, Angel,” Coco called from the pool table, “get over here. Bring your friend, we need two more.”
“You play pool?” Angel asked you, curious to your answer.
You shrugged as you hopped off the stool, “I mean I know how to.”
He laughed as he followed you across the clubhouse, “That’s not a super reassuring answer, querida.”
“Man, fuck him. You can be on my team,” Coco said with a laugh, “He and Gilly can fend for themselves.”
There was something reassuring and welcoming about the way that Coco spoke to you—like he had known you for years. He handed you your pool stick, smile still plastered onto his face. This wasn’t how you had originally pictured your night going, but you weren’t upset about it.
About halfway through the game, Angel was pissed that he didn’t try to team up with you. You and Coco were on a hot-streak and he really didn’t expect that from you. He shook his head as you sank another shot, and you had to laugh at the way that Coco was able to effectively gloat with just a simple look thrown Angel’s way.
“I mean I know how to,” Angel mocked you with a laugh as he shook his head, watching you line up to take another shot, “Can’t believe you fuckin’ hustled me.”
You laughed, “I don’t think you can call it hustling if there’s no money involved. You’re just mad because we’re about to whoop your ass.”
He chuckled and glanced over at Coco, “Don’t look so smug, Coco. She’s fuckin’ carrying you right now.”
The game wrapped up quickly with you and Coco both doing so well. Gilly had been more than content to sit back and watch it all happen, reveling in the fact that someone, and someone new at that, was kicking Angel’s ass at pool. Angel was shaking his head as he set his stick aside, still trying to figure out how all of that just happened. For someone who claimed that they didn’t like going out and doing things, you seemed to be full of surprises.
“Since I am a gracious winner,” you said with a laugh as you let Coco put your stick away, “I’ll buy you all a drink.”
Angel went to protest, not wanting you to be buying anything for any of them, but Gilly slapped his chest to stop him. The look on Gilly’s face made it very evident that no matter how cute the girl was, none of them were about to be turning down free drinks. Angel laughed, holding his hands up in mock surrender.
As the night wore on, slowly but surely people began to trickle out of the clubhouse. You hadn’t really talked to Elena since you got wrapped up playing pool with the guys, but the two of you kept an eye on one another. Every now and then she’d shoot you a look, one that asked if you needed to get out, and you would just shake your head. She’d smile, sometimes throw you a wink, before getting wrapped back up into whatever she was doing. You knew that she was just glad to get you out of the house and socializing with people.
You and Angel were sitting next to each other on the couch talking, keeping your conversation low in the midst of music and noise still filling the clubhouse. You were shaking your head at him as he told you about some of the scrapes he’d gotten into with his brother, someone that you knew you’d also love to sit and have a conversation with eventually.
Elena walked up and gave you a nudge, smiling when you turned to her, “Not trying to rush you, but I think a couple of the girls and I are gonna head out. You want me to bring you home before I go with them?”
Truthfully, you didn’t want to leave. But she was your ride, so it wasn’t like you were going to have much of a choice. Just as you were about to speak up and say you’d get ready to leave, Angel interrupted, “I can take you home if you want.”
You glanced back at him, arching one eyebrow, “Oh?”
“Yea,” he shrugged, smiling, “I don’t mind.”
Elena bit at her bottom lip, trying to fight back a smile, “You good with that, Y/N?”
You nodded, “Yea, I think so,” you laughed, “Worst case scenario I have pepper spray in my bag.”
“Jesus,” Angel laughed.
Elena shook her head with a grin as she leaned down to kiss your cheek, “Text me when you’re home. Love you.”
“Love you too. Text when you get to wherever the hell you guys are all going,” you chuckled.
“Will do,” she turned and hugged Angel, “Get her home safe, or I’ll beat your ass.”
He nodded, trying hard not to laugh because he knew that she was serious, “Yes ma’am.”
When she was gone and it was just the two of you again, things felt a little different. You suddenly became very aware of the way that his arm was draped over the back of the couch, his fingers almost brushing against your shoulder. Despite the number of people that were still in the clubhouse, it felt like it was just you two left. Everything else felt farther away.
“Can I ask where you’re from?” he leaned in a little closer to you and took a sip of his beer, “Because I feel like you’re not from around here.”
You smiled, shaking your head, “I’m not. I’m from the East Coast—came out this way for college,” you laughed, “Very cliché, I know.”
“Ah, you’re one of them girls, huh?”
“Who are them girls?” you chuckled.
“Had to get the hell outta dodge?”
You smiled and nodded, not really wanting to get into the details of your decisions, “Something like that.”
“You musta broke a lot of hearts when you left,” there was a smirk tugging at his lips.
You laughed, “Wouldn’t know—haven’t been back to find out.”
Somewhere along the line of your conversation, the two of you had gotten very comfortable. You had your legs pulled up underneath you as you leaned into him, his hand resting lightly on the nape of your neck. Every now and then when you laughed your hand would come to rest on his thigh for a moment or two before you pulled it back to your own body. He wasn’t bold enough to say it but he wished that you’d leave it there.
There was a brief lull in the conversation and you looked around the clubhouse, seeing that the two of you were some of the last people there. You checked your phone, seeing that you had gotten the safety update from your roommate almost an hour before and hadn’t noticed from being so enthralled with Angel.
“You got that look on your face like you gotta get going,” Angel said knowingly.
You sighed, “Yea, unfortunately I still have to go and do life stuff tomorrow,” there was a hint of laughter to your voice.
His thumb traced idly along the exposed skin at the base of your neck, “We can take the bike, if you want.”
You pressed your lips together for a moment, “I’ve never ridden on one before.”
He chuckled as he rose to his feet, helping you to do the same, “Something tells me you’ll be fine.”
The two of you walked out of the clubhouse, Angel’s hand settling on the small of your back. The chilly night air hit your skin and sent a chill through you. Without a second thought, Angel peeled off his sweatshirt that he’d put on and handed it over to you. You started to shake your head no but he wordlessly pushed the hoodie into your hands. You gave in with a smile, pulling it down over your head. It was warm, and you were practically swimming in the fabric, but you didn’t mind.
He let you use his helmet, and you settled behind him after climbing onto the bike. Your hands were lightly resting on his waist and he pulled your arms tighter around him, causing you to press flush up against his back.
“Don’t be shy, querida,” he chuckled, “For your own safety as much as anything else.”
You laughed, thankful that he couldn’t see the sheepish smile on your face as you let your body rest against his. The bike came to life underneath you and you nervously wrapped your arms a little tighter around him, and you could feel him laughing despite the fact that you couldn’t hear him over the noise of the bike.
Slowly you eased into the ride, your nerves subsiding a little bit. Angel must’ve felt the tension dissipating because he picked up the speed a little bit, causing you to laugh and tighten your hold on him. You knew that Angel knew the way to yours and Elena’s apartment, so you knew that he was taking the long way there. As much as you wanted to call him out on it, you didn’t want him to think that you minded. It was a peaceful, freeing feeling to be riding with him.
He rolled to a stop in front of your apartment building. You hopped off the bike, handing him back his helmet. The two of you stood there and you knew that he could feel the same type of tension in the air that you felt. For a night that you really hadn’t been looking forward to, it was the best time that you’d had in a while.
You went to take his sweatshirt off to give back to him but he shook his head at you, “Nah, keep it.”
“You sure?”
He nodded with a smirk on his face, “Yea. Just give it back next time I see you.”
You smiled, “Next time? Who said I’m coming back to the clubhouse?”
He laughed and shook his head, “Damn, you and Elena are both out to keep my ego in check, huh?”
“It’s good for you,” you shifted your weight from one foot to the other, trying to ignore the fact that you felt nervous, trying to figure out how to say goodnight.
“But really,” he stepped in a little closer to you, forcing you to tilt your head up slightly to look him in the eye, “I’d really like to be able to see you again.”
You managed to keep a straight face for a few seconds, just long enough to make him nervous. You could see him racing to try and come up with a follow-up statement to get himself out of being rejected, and you let yourself smile as you nodded, “I’d like that.”
He let out an audible sigh of relief, “Had me worried for a second,” he chuckled.
You laughed, shaking your head, “Can’t make it too easy for you.”
He smiled, “Can I have your number? Or do I gotta level up for that?”
You rolled your eyes as you held your hand out, “Give me your phone before I change my mind.”
He chuckled as he dug it out of his pocket and pressed it into the palm of your hand. He watched you intently as you plugged your number in, smiling as you handed it back to him, “This your real number? Or one of those rejection hotlines?”
You smirked, “Guess you’ll have to call me and find out. One time I gave some dude the number that would just play the John Cena theme song over and over again. That was…peak rejection.”
“That’s not exactly reassuring for me, you get that, right?” he laughed.
You smiled and shook your head, “It’s my real number, promise,” you stood up on your tip-toes and kissed him on the cheek, “Thanks for bringing me home.”
He couldn’t hide that he was surprised by the gesture. A huge smile spread across his face as he nodded, “Yea, any time.”
“Get home safe.”
He nodded, “I will,” he pressed a kiss to your forehead, “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” you crossed your arms over your chest, trapping the heat against your body as you watched him get back on his bike and strap his helmet on. He flashed you another smile and you waved him off.
You let out a small sigh of contentment as you turned around and made your way into your building. The walk up to your apartment seemed much shorter as you replayed the night over in your head. You turned the key in the lock and stepped in, glad to be home but simultaneously wishing that the night wasn’t over yet. You showered and threw your pajamas on, falling into your bed with a happy sigh. After shutting the light off and settling in underneath your blanket, your phone buzzed on your nightstand. You reached over to see who it was, and smiled when you saw a message waiting for you from a new number.
“Home safe. Sweet dreams” after a few seconds a second text came in, “It’s Angel by the way”
You chuckled as you typed out your reply, ‘Thanks for the clarification. Got worried for a second”
“Just tryna be sweet and you can’t let me have it, can you?”
“Nope” you were laughing in the quiet darkness of your room.
“Alright. Sweet nightmares then. Goodnight”
You could picture his face and you couldn’t stop smiling, “Goodnight xo”
You set your phone off to the side again, settling back down underneath your covers. Your body wanted to sleep but your brain was too busy replaying the entire night over again and you couldn’t stop smiling.
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misssamericanaaa · 4 years
My “Analysis”/Headcanons on Chaddick’s Family
Note before I begin - I typed this up in my drafts and it was a very long, unorganized, and rambling post and when I pasted it into Google Docs to edit it, it was three full pages! So this is still long but hopefully more organized and not as rambling!
Just a warning this does have some spoilers for Quests for Glory and The Crystal of Time so if you maybe haven’t read them yet but are interested in the series maybe don’t read this! 
Ok, so I’m aware I’ve only been on this blog a solid 7 hours but I was off work today and my classes for the semester don’t start until next week so I had absolutely nothing to do today, and I ended up spending about 4 of those 7 hours going through various SGE tags here (tl;dr - I’ve read a lot of analysis and headcanons today) and I’m still processing most of it but there was one thing in particular in A Crystal of Time that really blew me away and I actually haven’t seen any thoughts on it here (I may just be missing them) so I thought I’d share my own!
Mistress Gremlaine
So can we talk about Mistress Gremlaine? The lady who works at the Foxwood School for Boys and briefly talked to Hort and Nicola before they ran past her to find Dean Brunhilde and is, so obviously to me, Chaddick’s mother? Which also makes Lady Gremlaine Chaddick’s aunt but I’ll get to that in a hot minute.
What first clued me in was the two boys who came out of the school and talked to their mother, the older one saying that his younger brother started crying in his history class because they were discussing Camelot’s knights “and well, you know”. That line was the kicker, in addition to their named being Caleb and Cedric, following the “C” naming scheme. Going back to Quest for Glory, when the obituary Lady Gremlaine showed Tedros said that Chaddick was survived by his parents and his brothers, aged 17 and 12 (which is what Hort and Nicola approximated their ages to be when they saw them). The older brother took his younger brother to the park to comfort him, and Mistress Gremlaine paid the gardener to keep an eye on them in the park, who said he didn’t blame her for doing so. I’ll be honest, it struck a chord with me. She’s already lost one son, and even though their kingdom is supposedly under Rhian’s protection, who could blame her for wanting to keep her remaining children safe?
I will say, however, that I am a little surprised that neither Hort nor Nicola picked up on this very obvious clue, especially seeing as Hort went to school with Chaddick for three years and even though Nicola didn’t know him, she was with the group when they found his body in Avalon and seems to be very sharp and picks up clues easily. Considering the older brother was only one year older than Chaddick (16 at the time of death), I’d assume there would be some familial resemblance, even with the younger brother as well. That paired with the interaction about Camelot’s knights makes me think that one of them would have figured it out. They’re both smart and I feel as though they tend to pick up on clues such as that. Then again, maybe they were preoccupied with not being caught and finding Dean Brunhilde.
Who Told His Family?
I also have some thoughts about his family in general, particularly with how they found out about his death. I seem to remember in QfG that his death was reported to the Camelot Courier by one of the mongooses (mongeese?) that killed the snakes inside the castle in Avalon. That isn’t necessarily important here though, more just me trying to remember a book I reread only last week.
So who told Chaddick’s family? Are they even aware of how he died? That he was killed by the Snake while on his quest as Tedros’ knight? I have three main theories, all of which are somewhat plausible.
Professor Dovey
Could it have been Dovey? I know she was dealing with some side stuff with her crystal ball but could she have taken a trip to Foxwood to inform his family about his death in person? I remember her being very upset about his death (rightfully so), and I do like the idea of Dovey honoring Chaddick by telling his family in person how their son died.
Lady Gremlaine
As much as I love that headcanon, another more likely possibility is that Lady Gremlaine informed them as soon as she got the news herself. Chaddickw as her nephew after all, and I would understand her wanting to tell his family herself, because she’s also family.
The One That Makes Me Really Sad
Ok the last, most heartbreaking, possibility is that they found out on their own, by reading his obituary in his newspaper. I remember that Dovey was upset it had been printed in the paper without her consent, meaning she may have had the intention of informing his family herself and never got the chance. My heart breaks at the idea of his mother or father reading the newspaper in the morning and suddenly coming across an obituary for their own son. Their own son that they presumably hadn’t seen in 3-4 years and is supposed to be off on a magical quest and now he’s dead and they don’t even know how.
Or it was one of his brothers, flipping through the paper looking for news of Camelot and then there’s their brother, except it’s his obituary and he’s dead. Their own brother, who they grew up playing and talking with and loving, who’s supposed to be a knight for the most legendary kingdom, the king of Camelot’s liege, and he’s dead.
Or they don’t even know and someone mentions it in passing, or asks for more information and ends up breaking the news to them.
(I did not know I had this many feelings about this topic, but whoops here we are.)
“Aunt Grisella”
Ok now it’s time to talk about Lady Gremlaine as Chaddick’s aunt, because that really came out of the blue for me. For a hot second, I was pretty horrified that Rhian and Japeth were his cousins but I suppose we dodged that bullet, although Evelyn Sader as their mother just feels random but that’s for another day.
She’s obviously his aunt because a) Chaddick’s mother is Mistress “Gremlaine” and b) Chaddick’s brothers referring to their “Aunt Grisella”. That’s said and done.
It also connected a scene from earlier that seemed a bit random to me, when Agatha, Sophie, and Tedros found the crystal of Chaddick with Lady Gremlaine before leaving for his quest. That just seemed off to me, so that’s somewhat cleared up. Tedros also mentioned that Lady Gremlaine had taken a liking to Chaddick, unlike Tedros and Agatha. Which brights us to our next point…
Was Chaddick aware she was his aunt? I would initially assume he knew, as his brothers knew Lady Gremlaine as their aunt, but it seems odd to me that he wouldn’t say anything to Tedros that his new steward just so happens to be Chaddick’s aunt. Tedros and Chaddick were supposed to be best friends, and Tedros is now his king, so it’s weird to me that he wouldn’t mention anything. There’s something off there and I really can’t put my finger on it, and probably won’t be able to unless there’s more information released in One True King.
Also, just me thinking out loud, if Chaddick knew Lady Gremlaine as his aunt, was he aware of her being King Arthur’s steward before he was born/when he was young? I’ll go out on a limb and assume that Lady Gremlaine was very private about her time at Camelot.
I’m also feeling that there was some mystery between her and Chaddick, because she was the one that told Tedros of his death and nothing came up in that time about being related to him. That may not have been something to mention at the time, but if Chaddick was aware she was his aunt I feel like it’s really odd that Tedros didn’t know. Also, that has to suck big time for Lady Gremlaine to learn of her nephew being murdered and then having to break the news to his king and supposed best friend and comfort Tedros, all while mourning herself.
I really feel like I’m missing a major piece of the puzzle with Lady Gremlaine being related to Chaddick but I feel like I’ve picked apart all of the relevant information we have at the time...I guess that’ll be something to hope for clarification in OTK!
I think that’s about all I have to say on this right now, but I also just want to say that I already been knew what I’m about to say but writing this post made me think of it a bit differently. Chaddick was killed way too soon. His death was a mere plot device and didn’t fit his character (well, what little we knew about him anyway). There was such great potential for character development and so many ‘what-ifs” in terms of being a part of The Camelot Years while being alive...he was done dirty. I wouldn’t say I mourn the character mainly (although I definitely still do), but I mourn what could have been and what a great character he would have made to the story. But that’s a topic that’s been covered very well by many people and also not the main point! I’m really just starting out on here and I just wanted to put my thoughts out there and in one place! :)
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jennifersylvesters · 5 years
faking it ( part two )
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Synopsis: so maybe you shouldn’t have done that. but if anyone asks, you blame zendaya for dragging you out Word Count: 1.9k~ Warning: swearing A/N: remember when i said the other parts were supposed to just be drabbles? apparently i’m what people would call “a liar”. whoops. still, this is short for me. probably gonna be five semi-short parts in total for this. it’s definitely a different style than what i’ve currently put out here ( aka similar to “not so subtle” but messier lmao). my bad. or my good. i’m not sure; y’all tell me. ( also tagging people who asked for about the second part. if you don’t want to be tagged for future parts, please let me know! )
Thirty-five minutes. That's all you needed to muster through, and then you could give an excuse to go home. How hard could it be?
Turns out: it was fucking hard.
You thought it’d be easy enough to fade into the back, just politely nodding and nursing your drink. After all, they came to hang out with Zendaya not you. Instead you found yourself bombarded with questions.
Tom wasn’t kidding when he said Zendaya talked about you.They asked about your adventures with her as well as your most shameful moments, curious to see if there was any truth to the person she spoke so fondly about. It was overwhelming keeping up the accent as well as not thinking about murdering your roommate for telling a group of strangers how you crashed into a glass door before stumbling and falling on your ass.
With only a minute left, you drummed your fingers on the now empty glass. You couldn’t remember the name of the fellow who was speaking to you about a recent football match. Did his name start with an H? Well, at least you’d never see him again.
And just like that, you decided it was time to head home. Perfect timing as Zendaya suggested another round of drinks.
“Z, I'm actually feeling a bit tired” you yawned, stretching out your arms. “D'you mind if I head back to our um, flat first?”
“Sure, Y/N” she answered slowly as she pulled you in for a hug. “I can’t wait to give you shit about this when I get home” she whispered in your ear.
You pulled away, faking a smile as if you weren't dreading that conversation. You bid everyone goodbye, pulling your jacket on and rushing outside. You could finally breathe knowing you’d never have to fake an accent around that group again.
“Y/N! Wait!” You turned around to see Tom jogging up to you. Did you forget something? You checked your pockets, confirming that you did indeed have your keys, phone, and wallet.
“Can't let you walk home by yourself” he spoke as he caught up to you.
“Oh, you don't-”
“I want to!” he insisted. “Also it kinda gives me an excuse to talk with you since, erm, everyone else was kinda preoccupying your time.”
Oh, wait. That meant you had to keep up the charade. Damn.
It was only a ten minute walk to your apartment and even though it wasn’t far, you found yourself walking at the leisurely pace Tom set. Even though you barely knew him, you were drawn into his presence and couldn’t help but follow his pace.
Lucky for you, he didn’t pester you with questions like the others. Instead he just asked simple questions to which you could give brief answers before simply asking “what about you”. And in return he gave long-winded answers, going on tangents to topics you hadn’t even been discussing. One moment he was talking about his siblings and the next he was speaking about his favorite superhero. It was strange but adorable.
“Sorry I ramble when I'm nervous” he blushed, wringing the back of his neck.
“Me too.”
“You don't seem nervous in the slightest” he laughed, nudging you gently with his arm.
“I’m trying this new thing where I just...Listen. So I don’t look like a complete idiot.”
“I doubt you’d ever look like an idiot.” How little he knew.
Still it was kind of him to say. Tom was so extraordinarily sweet that you weren’t quite sure how to handle it. He seemed so easy and light like a soft spring breeze. You wanted to get swept up in his charm without any concerns.
When you arrived at your apartment building, you let him accompany you up to your floor. The two of you shyly stepped into the elevator, only a couple feet away from one another as the lift slowly brought you up. The sound of both of your shoes clacked against the smooth tiles before you finally reached your place.
“Ah, well this is me.” You fiddled with your keys, watching him out of the corner of your eye. He bit down on his bottom lip, eyes flicking from you to the floor and then to your keys. Tom took a step forward before taking it back. His nerves were getting the best of him, and it made your heart melt to think of how jittery he got. You weren’t used to someone being flustered by your presence.
You wanted to invite him in. It wasn’t to hook up, nothing dirty, but just to hang out. Tom seemed like someone who wouldn’t take advantage of this, someone who would be satisfied with just the pleasant company. Everything about this seemed so right. The timing was perfect, and he seemed into you. But you couldn't. Not if it meant you had to fake things with him.
“Night” he echoed, a tinge of slight disappointment in his voice.
As you closed the door, you rest your back against it. Thank God that was over. While you were a bit sad you wouldn’t see Tom again, at least you wouldn’t have to keep up the charade any longer.
A couple hours later Zendaya entered the apartment, tossing her keys and purse off to the side as she flopped onto the couch where you laid under a comfortable blanket. “Who knew that when I signed the lease with you, I actually had a British roommate?” she teased as you scowled, burying your face in the comforter.
Attempting to change subjects, you asked her how the rest of the night went. She went into detail about the shenanigans they got into, how one of the guys named Harrison had them bar hopping till they found the most interesting hole in the wall. She planned on taking you there, insisting that it was truly the most fun dive bar.
“And Tom seemed very interested in you” she grinned.
Your face heated up. “Too bad he's going back to England.”
“Yeah, that is too bad.” She dramatically sighed before a smirk crossed her lips. “Too bad you didn't know he's moving here.” The news caught you by surprise and you sputtered, unable to find the right words.
“Guess I'll just avoid all of your friends for the rest of my life” you decided. “Or maybe I’ll just die.” You knew you were being dramatic, but it didn’t matter to you.
“You can’t die! Then I'd have to find another roommate, and that's a total pain” Zendaya joked and you threw a pillow at her face. She laughed loudly at her own joke before tossing the pillow back at you. “You know I love you! And speaking of love, let’s talk about how much you love me seeing as I covered for you tonight…”
The next morning you struggled to get up, wishing desperately to go back to bed once your alarms rung. But you promised Zendaya that you would run errands with her that morning and that you’d buy her coffee for the next week.
You trudged to the nearest Starbucks in sweats, not particularly caring about your look. Who was up this early on a Sunday? No one that you knew. Most people were either sleeping in or nursing their hangovers.
The line was short and moved briskly, one of the perks of being up when no one else was. You tiredly gave your order to the barista. As you fumbled through your pockets for your wallet, the stranger behind you cleared his throat. “Oh, actually I’ll pay for theirs as well as mine.”
You turned, confused by the act of kindness. They smiled at you before turning to the barista and placing their order. Weird flex, but okay. You weren’t about to say no to an overpriced drink that you desperately needed. So when he begun making conversation with you, it didn’t seem like a big deal. Small price to pay for free drinks.
“Not a big morning person, are ya?” he asked as he tucked his wallet away in his jacket. His face looked familiar, but you couldn’t quite place it.
“No, not at all. If anything, I try to sleep in.” He laughed at this. Wasn’t really a joke but alright then.
“Running errands or something? Can’t understand why you’d be up so early otherwise.”
“Actually, I owe my roommate a favor. I owe her coffee, and I’ve now been dubbed her ‘errand friend’. And she’s always up early. Lord knows why.”
“Ah, is she?”
“Yeah, it drives me insane when she asks me to go jogging with her in the morning. Can’t stand either.”
He shook his head, grinning at you. “You really don't remember me, do you?” Were you supposed to?
“I'm one of Zendaya's friends. We met at the bar.” Oh no.The color in your face drained.  “I'm also Tom's best mate.” Shoot you now.
“I will say, I’m quite surprised to find out that you’re American since-”
“I’m not American” you cut him off, shaking your head nervously. Your accent was subpar at best that moment, but you weren’t about to sink that quickly.
“You’re not?” He raised an eyebrow at this notion with a deadpan tone.
“N-No...Um, I’m...I am...A world traveler?”
“Who's American.”
“I'm a human being of the world, really.”
“That geologically speaking is an American human being.” He knew better and obviously wasn’t going to let this go. You were the fucking Titanic, sinking miserably with no chances of staying afloat.
“Fine, so I’m not English” you finally admitted. The barista called your order and you grabbed the two coffees before proceeding to the sugar and milk bar. Harrison grabbed his drink as well before following you. He sipped his latte as you begun rambling, ripping sugar packets open and stirring them in frantically.
“So yeah, maybe I’m not from England. But it’s like, it’s totally not a big deal. It’s not like I thought you guys were gonna be here for very long. And okay, yeah, I shouldn’t have done an accent. I just panicked, okay? I panicked. Who doesn’t panic? People panic, okay? It’s what they do!”
“So you gonna keep it up the next time you see him then?” he asked, causing you to finally stop stirring. You asked him what he meant before he informed you that him and his friends would be dropping by next Friday to hang out.
You didn’t want to go through this again - the fake accent, pretending to know specifics about England, acting like you knew what Arsenal was. (Seriously, why were the boys so obsessed with Arsenal?) But you also didn’t want them asking questions, wondering why you were insane enough to pretend to be English. You hated the idea of them judging you after finding that out, especially Tom. So you sighed and figured that you would keep up the accent once again.
“Where are you gonna tell him you're from if he asks?” Shit. You hadn’t thought that far ahead.
“Sussex?” That sounded right. Or maybe you were making that up?
“Sussex?” he repeated. “Where in Sussex?”
You paused. “A house?”
Harrison's lips pressed together as he looked at you. “You're gonna tell him that you used to live in a house in Sussex?”
You nodded weakly.
He roared with laughter. “Oh, God. I don't know what's worse - you saying that or the possibility that Tom might actually accept it.”
“So are you gonna tell?”
He hummed. “Not yet. I think I wanna see where this goes.”
You grimaced, watching him exit the coffee shop with a smile still lingering on his face.
And now your fate for the upcoming group hang was left in the hands of Tom’s best friend and your roommate.
tags list: @sleepybesson, @tomhaz | @tomshufflepuff, @almostrosadiazz | @dianx365, @gab-spidey, @black-ballons
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beabee-reads · 3 years
Book Review: Conveniently Convicted by Ivy Asher, Raven Kennedy
Read: 19.07.2021 - 20.07.2021
Warning: Massive spoilers ahead. I'll also be talking/mentioning some questionable behavior/gigantic red flags.
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Let me just start this review by saying: If you're going into this and expecting a serious story, with serious topics taken seriously, you've already failed, and will turn up disappointed even before the ride has ended. If you're only here to find out about what to expect, I'll spare you my ramblings, long story short: Girl get sold off to alpha, evades by landing in jail, MOMMY ISSUES, finds prison guard to fuck, really cringe/boring sex scenes, gets released from jail, the guard was actually the alpha all along, they have sex, she forgives him, WHOOP WHOOP they live happily ever after. So yeah, the book is shallow, immature, childish and CRUDE. The love interest is also a seriously self-centred bastard, who only stands there, and watches when the heroine is being beat up, without stepping in and helping her out.
Now, to my more positive ramblings, because I personally did NOT, go into this with high expectations. I started this book out on a relatively positive note; by listening to Freaking Me Out by Ava Max (which is a *chef's kiss* song by the way). Not to mention, I was avoiding my room, because a wasp had decided to come visit, and I'm the type of graceful host which doesn't want to offend their guest by suggesting where the nearest exit is. So instead, I was the one who vacated the premises. Also, can I just mention how 'Bounce' being the first word I read, had me grinning an excessive amount? Which I'm pretty sure also made my mom and dad start to wonder about my current mental health state.
On Goodreads this book is tagged as a Reverse Harem, which it totally isn't. There's only one love interest, and it stays that way throughout the whole story. It's a shifter romance, and kudos to the author, who decided to write about a mythical creature that I've honestly never heard about before reading this, instead of taking the usual route and writing about werewolves. The heroine, our dear Sinclair, is that type of nutty character with the type of behavior that is absolutely ridiculous. They seem to constantly be on crack, and they NEVER take ANYTHING seriously. I love these types of characters (to an extent), but the consequence is often that it makes my expectations of the story to take a huge nosedive.
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If I'm being completely honest, and this might come off as a little mean, I think it's lazy writing. The character has no personality, other than being weird and quirky. Which is fine, if that's what you like, and again, I DID say this isn't really the best book to take seriously. I would, however, like to see a more severe reaction in the scene where Sinclair finds out that Rook is the Alpha she's been trying to run from the entire time. Like, cmon dude... I'd figure you'd be at least a little bit peeved, considering he LIED to you about WHO he was. If not, then maybe for the fact that he maybe... um, oh I don't know, BOUGHT YOU??
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The kind of stupid behavior/humor and thought process the characters had in this book, made me CACKLE. Again... it's just so stupid, and absolutely wonderful.
I cock my head, looking him up and down. He’s wearing some major stealth clothes, all black, armored, and uber boring. He’s tall and damn scary looking, with a wicked scar down his left cheek. “Cut yourself shaving?”
"Our asses deserve better than these,” I say, holding up one of the plain pairs of underwear that we’re all issued to prove my point. “These are sad, and I’m here to make sure no one has to go through panty shame ever again.”
Gigantic applause right there.
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The first sex scene in the book was... well, it just was. Let's just say I skipped reading through a lot of it, because it started at a level of ridiculousness where it was hilarious, but soon got to a level where it's just depressing, and second-hand embarrassment is going to be your companion for the rest of your stay, while reading this book. Why the chips, man? WHY.
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askmadampresident · 7 years
((This is a mild PSA about some recent drama, If you’re honestly sick of it, trying to avoid it or don’t want to hear it go ahead and skim right by this, otherwise I personally don’t want to just ignore this, but after this post, this ask blog shall move on resume as usual, continuing with the latest M!A with Prez getting slapped for every stupid idea :3))
((for those wanting to read on it’s all under the cut, and all of it is ooc))
I’m going to be honest. I’ve thought about this for awhile and I legitimately do not know how to phrase this no matter how much I think about it so, I’m just going to ramble and share my thoughts and hopefully not offend anyone.
Alright, heeere we go, moment of truth, moment I’ve been dreading for two days
alright for those of you going what the hell lemme give you a breif rundown of the situation: As brief as I can put it, this recent thread sparked quite a bit of controversy in the discord under the accusations (none of which I deny, let me make this clear) of unnecessary angst and lack of proper tagging.
I don’t know why but my brain is going into speech and debate mode so I guess i’m formatting this like an LD round argument now, but essentially I’m going to go over my defense, the counterarguments against my defense, and finally a summary to conclude
welp defense time. In my defense, I’ll address unnecessary angst first and foremost, while I do admit that thread was going overboard the way I RP is I am given a situation, or some sort of stimulus essentially, be that an ask, a thread, an M!A, an IM, etc, and what I do is I react as the character to said stimulus. The argument can also be made that I did not need to reply to said thread, that at the sight of it going overboard I could have stopped, BUT you see, the thing is I honestly can’t not reply. I have 4 prominent mental disorders, one of which being OCD, which I was very recently diagnosed with. Whenever there is a thread or a message or something and it doesn’t feel complete and it’s my turn to respond, I HAVE to respond, otherwise it can sometimes bother me for weeks on end. I don’t mean to use my mental disorder as an excuse, since that is just honestly a dick move and because either way I am still at fault, I still made the choice, even if my mental disorder caused my decision to lean toward one side more so than another. The argument could also be made that I did not have to write out that scenario and that I could have had Prez do something else, but you see, doing that would actually bother me more than not replying. Because it really, really rEALLY bothers me when I don’t play a character as accurately as I can, and it just feels so ooc and I just cannot stand that feeling at all, so I suppose yeah I made my decisions, and yeah, in retrospect they were wrong, but I honestly wouldn’t have done anything different now because it would really bother me, call me selfish, but that is how I feel.
Okay I’m just re reading this and whoops looks like I’m doing the counterarguments on the way oh well, it works
As for lack of tagging… I have no excuse, I completely forgot and that’s all there is to it. I mean I have the classic defense of “You could’ve just not read it” But that’s just dickish and shifting the blame on others which I will NOT do after a lot of people have thrown blame around ann it just… it disgusts me, all are at fault in an argument, it’s not just ever one person and if you disagree with me on that then please do not talk to me. We will never see things eye to eye if that is the case, and I would rather not have all that conflict in my life. Anyway, that defense is really just rude and I do not have any excuse to defend myself with so yeah I just outright forgot and I apologize. In the coming days I’ll be getting to work trying to tag what I can but please if you want me to tag you triggers please tell me what they are so I can tag them, otherwise I honestly won’t know.
On that topic please allow me to at least explain why I space about triggers since I believe everyone at least deserves the chance to see a story from both sides, but if you don’t want to hear it just skip over the next paragraph.
I’ve got two things here to address, my lack of triggers and my accidental habit of spacing about tagging things. As for my unfortunate habit, remember how I said I had 4 prominent mental disorders? One of which is bipolarity. I’m currently having a passive manic episode, and for those who aren’t familiar, having bipolar means having episodes of mania or depression that can last months on end, it’s not just a thing that happens and is gone in a day or two. As for why it’s important that I’m in a manic episode, for me this manifests on inability to focus on one thing at once, I have to be doing 10 things at a time or I can’t focus and get extremely bored extremely quickly and make extremely stupid and impulsive decisions, essentially I cope by doing too much at once, and unfortunately, that translates to me missing small details and sometimes large ones, and in this case that translates to forgetting to tag things, then remembering I forgot later, only to get completely distracted before I can, repeat. Then my lack of triggers… yeah this is ‘fun’, and well my manic episodes also come with minor suppression of empathy, so I at the moment cannot understand people who get triggered easily (in my depressive episodes I understand all too well and it affects me greatly then, but during a manic episode all that empathy boils down into sympathy which is something else and not completely synonymous with empathy, especially when talking in psychological terms) as well as a second factor here which is that a third mental disorder I have is severe anxiety. What does that have to do with it? Well you see I’m extremely strong willed by nature and well over the years I got reprimanded so often that I wound up sealing myself off, I made it so that nothing got to me that way I wouldn’t be anxious anymore, and as such the lack of triggers, or at least that’s the theory my therapist has. Nonetheless there are a few things that still make me breakdown in terrible panic attacks, where I can’t think, I can’t breathe, I can’t anything and I get violent if anyone tries to touch me. Such an attack nearly occurred when this discourse initially started, due to one of those few things being reprimanded by not one but many people I respect. I spent the next two days off of social media and trying to not fall apart, and only just succeeding.
AGAIN the fact that I have mental disorders in NOT to me a valid excuse for my actions! I still chose to do it and I accept full responsibility for any pain I’ve unintentionally inflicted, and I hope to do all I can to prevent it next time. If there is a next time, I do hope not.
All in all, I’ve spent two of my evening writing this, part of me being angry and upset about how this went down and because of the respect that I have now lost for some of the people whom were involved, part of me wishing preventative measures had been taken such as alerting us that we were going wrong beforehand or getting on our case about taggs early on, and part of me, the logical part, is jut ready for this to be over, but also knows that if I don’t publicly address it I’m pretty much digging my own grave, and seeming like I do not care or am a coward for not getting to this, of which I am NOT.
I thank those of you whom have read this far and listened to my little unorthodox part apology part summary part rant, because honestly it means a lot that you’re putting the time in to look at something as long as this since I believe that everyone should be allowed to know the full story before continuing on.
Well that and the fact that this is literally the blog of the biggest politician in gloomverse I’m surprised people actually care so much about it.
So thank you once again, get ready for more content momentarily~!
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