#well shes got some 'male stuff going on with her. you sort of expect that of a man. and that's her sociopathic stuff'
dennisboobs · 1 year
jesus christ are the commentaries with dr drew ever fucking painful
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sansaorgana · 6 months
So I loved the way you wrote Buck with his scars! My heart was breaking! Could you maybe write one where he hates them and the reader comforts them and kisses his scars?
hi, sugar! 🥰 I am trying to write these requests chronologically but I couldn't wait to write this one, especially after seeing today's episode because domestic Buck is something I just NEED 😍 I added a whole plot around it, so you can also expect some of jealous Gale 👀 basically, his wife befriended some man when he was away and now he's jealous and insecure that he's not so handsome anymore lol like it's even possible
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven 🤗
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Buck stepped on the stool to take off the last of the Welcome Home signs as his wife stood below with her hand gently put on his thigh, making sure he wouldn’t fall. She didn’t want to miss any opportunity to touch him ever since he had come back.
Buck smiled to himself. It still felt odd to be back home and to be around his wife’s comforting presence, surrounded by her love and affection.
He furrowed his brows at the ceiling’s colour, though. It was oddly snow white and he remembered that it had been needing a renovation when they had moved in a few weeks before his departure to Europe.
“The ceiling’s been painted,” he pointed out as he handed his wife the paper sign and she took it from him to put it away.
“Yes. Ritchie’s done it,” she answered casually.
Buck froze for a second before stepping down from the stool and taking a better look at his wife. She didn’t look as if she was hiding some secret, though.
“Who is Ritchie?” He tried to remain cool. He had no right to be jealous. He didn’t want to be one of those husbands who didn’t want their wives to have any male friends.
Still, he was jealous.
“Oh, Ritchie, he’s just a… Just a friend, I mean…” (Y/N) chuckled and he could see her eyes sparkling. Buck’s jaw clenched at that reaction. “He’s a doctor, a local doctor, you know.”
“Do I know him?” Buck asked, trying to remember if he had known any Ritchies.
“No, no, honey, he was sent here when you had been… away,” she sighed. “I met him at the party…” (Y/N) got nervous explaining and Buck furrowed his brows at her. “I didn’t want to go, my friends forced me, I swear, Buck. It gave me no pleasure to dance and have fun knowing that you were… at some camp, I…” She shook her head and her eyes filled with tears.
“Shh,” Buck put his arms around her and brought her closer to place a kiss on the top of her head. “I hoped you would go out sometimes and have fun. I never wanted you to sit at home alone and cry all day and night. I hoped you’d know that, baby.”
“I know… Well, Ritchie was there. He wasn’t sent to Europe because we need doctors here, too,” (Y/N) sniffed her tears back and looked up at her husband. “He offered me help around the house. He painted the ceiling and took care of that spare room that might be a nursery one day… He fixed the drain and helped to mow the grass. You know, that sort of stuff,” (Y/N) explained. “I don’t know what I’d do without him, Buck. And he did that all for free!”
“For free, you say?” Buck raised an eyebrow. She looked so sweet and innocent, he didn’t want to accuse her of anything but he didn’t trust other men as much as he trusted his girl.
“Completely!” She assured him and nodded her head. “I wanted to pay him, I really did. But he told me that my husband was serving the country and it was his duty to help. He’s a sweetheart, really, Buck,” she tried to convince her husband. “In fact,” (Y/N) took a step back and smiled, “I think you should meet him. I think you’ll adore him! And you should thank him, too.”
“Thank him?” Buck asked, surprised. Perhaps she was right. He should. After all, that man had helped his wife enormously. But the ugly jealousy was too overwhelming.
“Of course!” (Y/N) gave him a scolding look. “Don’t you think he deserves to be thanked? Let me call him! I’ll invite him for dinner. He’s usually free on Sundays,” she ran to the telephone.
Buck only watched as she excitedly dialled the number she had memorised by heart. After a short while, someone on the other side of the line picked up and she smiled widely.
“Hey-ho, Ritchie, darling!” She started and Buck chewed on the inside of his cheek. He leaned on the wall, trying to look cool about it but he was exploding inside. “I was thinking that perhaps you’d join us for dinner tonight? I’d make that lasagna you like so much!” (Y/N) told her friend.
Buck tried not to look surprised that the mysterious Ritchie had his favourite dish already.
The truth was, Buck didn’t have any favourite dish (Y/N) made. And he hadn’t done much around this house before his departure either. They had gotten married two months before. He had been away for more than a year. That Ritchie guy had spent more time with his wife than he had. And it was killing him inside to realise that.
His wife had been everything that made his will to survive so strong. To see her again, to smell her, to touch her, to hear her laugh. She had saved him hundreds of times without even realising. And of course, as he had said to her, he hadn’t wanted her to spend all her days crying after him. But it still stinged his heart that she had some gentleman friend around. Cooking for him, renovating the house together, God-only-knows what else…
“Oh, no, you won’t be a bother!” (Y/N) shook her head to the receiver. “Buck wants to meet you and thank you for everything,” she turned around to smile at her husband. “Well, in two hours perhaps? Great!”
She put the receiver down and approached Buck to hug him and kiss his cheek.
“I can’t believe you’re here with me again… It feels so surreal,” she admitted.
He only hugged her closer, trying not to say anything. All he could feel was jealousy and he didn’t want to open his mouth and accidentally hurt her with his words.
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Doctor Ritchie Nelson was older than Buck had expected – around 40. And much more handsome, too. Buck had naively hoped it would be some senior man living down the street or something like that. But no, he looked like a fucking actor. He had shiny black hair and bright blue eyes. He was a few inches taller and his clothes were very elegant.
Buck shook his hand to greet him when he opened the door.
“Major,” Ritchie saluted and then he gave Buck the most wonderful smile. Buck swallowed thickly.
Fuck me, he thought.
“Just call me Buck, doc,” he only said.
“And you call me Ritchie, son,” Ritchie walked inside as if the house had been his.
Buck closed the door behind him. He didn’t like being called son by that man even if he was older. But he didn’t want to start an argument and make his wife sad. She seemed to be very excited about the two of them finally meeting.
“(Y/N)’s in the kitchen now. She will serve the food in a moment. Follow me,” Buck headed to the dining room, painfully realising how stupid his words must have sounded. Of course Ritchie knew where to go.
But Ritchie didn’t say anything to that and took his place by the table.
“Hello, (Y/N)!” He raised his voice in the kitchen’s direction.
“Hello, sweetheart!” (Y/N) greeted him back and Buck took a seat across the table so he could face the man.
Before he could open his mouth to ask about something, his wife went inside with the plates. She put the food on the table and joined them, sitting right in between. 
“So, your wife told me that you went down over Bremen,” Ritchie started so naturally. He had to be born with this charm and charisma. “That was hell of a mission, I’ve heard on the radio.”
“Oh, Ritchie, let’s not talk about the war, can we?” (Y/N) batted her eyelashes at him. “Please,” she laid her eyes on her husband and Buck nodded at her.
He also didn’t want to talk about the war. Especially with a man who had not been there.
“Of course,” Ritchie cleared his throat.
“I’d rather listen to your stories,” Buck told him. “What did I miss ‘round town?”
He quickly regretted asking that question. (Y/N) and Ritchie were telling him all sorts of stories and gossip about local women, drunkards, policemen, priests, divorces and marriages, new children getting born... He wouldn’t mind that itself but the way they interacted with each other made his heart sink deep in his chest.
(Y/N) was mostly looking at Ritchie and her eyes were sparkling whenever he said something funny. She would often touch his wrist when she was laughing and they had a ton of inside jokes that Buck didn’t even want to ask about.
“Oh, you tell that story. You tell it the best!” She would say often and then she would interrupt Ritchie all the time to add her own details. But Ritchie didn’t seem to mind.
Buck couldn’t handle it anymore. He stood up suddenly and they looked up at him, questioningly.
“Are you alright, darling?” (Y/N) asked him, worryingly.
“Yes, I just… I want water…” Buck said and she nodded her head.
He went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass before leaning on the counter and watching his wife still talking to Ritchie. They looked so natural together, so comfortable around each other.
In fact, she looked more relaxed around Ritchie than around Buck. The truth was that things had been awkward between them. When they were alone, they would sit in silence most of the time. And she didn’t look as relaxed as she did now.
Buck clenched his jaw and joined them by the table again, even though he felt as if he was a third wheel.
“Oh, Buck, baby, I forgot to tell you,” (Y/N) grabbed his arm and then she pointed at Ritchie. “Ritchie used to be a model.”
Fucking wonderful, Buck thought. But he pretended to be surprised as he laid his eyes at the other man.
“Oh, please,” Ritchie rolled his eyes and chuckled.
The worst part of Ritchie was that he was not mean. He wasn’t teasing Buck or trying to show off. He really was a nice man... who just happened to have a good relationship with Buck’s wife.
“I mean it! Back in the 30s. He was on the cover of the magazine!” (Y/N) finished the story. “I mean, look at him,” she laid her eyes on Ritchie. “40 this year and face so smooth,” her voice sounded almost dreamy.
Buck moved uncomfortably in his seat. His face was far from smooth now with a few scars scattered on his cheeks. They were not deep but he could see them every time he looked in the mirror. A painful reminder of what he had been through. He would never have a face like Ritchie fucking Nelson. He had already been uncomfortable with the scars but now he hated them.
He took a better look at his wife. God, she was so pretty. So full of life. She deserved someone like her. Not a man broken by the war like him.
“I actually could sign a contract and go to Hollywood,” Ritchie confessed, a little shyly.
“But he chose to refuse and become a doctor,” (Y/N) shook her head and looked at Buck. “Can you believe that? I’d choose Hollywood,” she joked and Ritchie laughed.
Buck forced a chuckle. He couldn’t focus on her words anymore anyway.
“It’s getting late,” Ritchie took a glance at his watch. “I’m opening my cabinet tomorrow in the early morning. I should be going now.”
“Of course,” (Y/N) nodded and stood up to walk him to the front door. Buck remained in the dining room and waited for her to be back.
It took her quite a long time to say goodbye to her friend. He almost stood up himself to check on them but that was when she finally joined him and sat back by that table.
An awkward silence occurred between them.
“Isn’t he lovely?” (Y/N) started as she played with the food on her plate.
“Yes,” Buck nodded. “Damn, I forgot to thank him.”
“It’s alright. He doesn’t really expect that. You can do that next time, too,” she took his hand in hers and caressed it gently.
He hated to see her more stiff and awkward around him than she had been around Ritchie.
“I’ll wash the dishes,” she sighed and stood up, taking the plates from the table.
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Buck stood in front of the mirror in the morning and looked at his freshly shaven face. Last night he had a nightmare again and he didn’t get a lot of sleep. His eyes missed the spark he had had before his departure to Europe. They were tired now and sadder, no matter how much he tried to be the same man as before. There were a few new wrinkles on his forehead, too. And those awful scars on his cheeks. His face was definitely not smooth.
“Knock, knock, baby,” (Y/N) opened the door gently. “What is taking you so long? I thought you were shaving,” she smiled softly at him. “I started to worry.”
“I got distracted, sorry,” he reached out for the towel to wipe the remaining shaving cream off of his face but (Y/N) approached him to do it herself.
“Aw, look at you, my handsome husband,” she gave him a warm and loving smile.
He hated that little voice in his head telling him that she had said that out of pity.
“Not anymore,” Buck chuckled nervously and put an aftershave on.
“What are you talking about?” (Y/N) furrowed her brows as she stared at his reflection in the mirror.
He only shook his head, scared that he would start crying if he said something now.
“Gale?” She asked softly as she delicately put her hand on his shoulder. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, look at my face now,” he turned around to face her as his voice trembled.
“I am looking, baby,” she bit on her lower lip and placed her hands on his cheeks to caress them gently with her thumbs. “Do you mean those scars, love?” She asked, nervously.
Buck only nodded as his eyes filled with tears.
“Can I be honest with you, my darling?” She asked and he nodded again. “Well, I didn’t want to mention them when you came back home. I didn’t know if I could, I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable or sad… But I wanted to tell you…” she hesitated for a moment and his heart skipped a beat.
He expected her to tell him now that they were indeed ugly or making him less attractive. Of course, she would later tell him she loves him despite them and all that jazz. What else would she say?
“I know that they’re on your face because you’ve been hurt and in pain, so I don’t feel good saying this but… Well, I think they make you look even more handsome,” she admitted and Buck’s eyes widened a little. “Am I a bad wife for thinking that?” She asked, nervously. “I’m sorry if I am. But you look so brave, my darling. And so handsome. They make me feel so proud to be your wife when I see them,” she leaned in to place small kisses up and down one of his cheeks and then the other.
“I thought you liked Ritchie’s soft face…” Buck muttered out.
“Wh-what?” (Y/N) took a step back to look deep into his eyes, her hands still caressing his cheeks. “Oh, you’re jealous?”
“Well, how can I not be?” Buck held her wrists gently and moved them out of his face to place soft kisses upon her knuckles. One at the time. “He spent more time with you than me. You’re so comfortable around him. I’m glad you had a friend when I was gone. But I can’t help not to be jealous,” he confessed. “He’s not as broken as me.”
“Gale,” (Y/N) shook her head. “You’re the only man for me. I’ve been waiting for you here, each day and night. And those silly scars you’re so bothered about? Goddamit, I was praying to all the gods in the world to bring you back to me, even without arms or legs, so what do they even matter? They’re nothing. I just wanted my husband back with me!” She began to tear up.
“I know,” Buck brought her closer to hug her. “I’m not accusing you of anything, I know.”
“Oh, you’d be an idiot if you accused me,” she chuckled through the tears.
“Why?” He asked and rubbed her back.
“Because Ritchie… He…” She tried to find the right words. “Well, he doesn’t like women, if you know what I mean.”
What a burden had just left Buck’s heart. He chuckled out of relief.
“Yeah, I should have… I should have known. There was something about him,” he admitted.
“He’ll be flattered that you thought of him as competition. It means you find him attractive,” (Y/N) giggled and Buck rolled his eyes before hugging her even tighter. “I love you, Major Cleven,” she squeezed him tighter too. “All of you, all the scars and all the breaks you claim to have.”
Buck was left speechless for a moment. He just kept holding her and kissed her temple before finally speaking up.
“I love you, too, Mrs. Cleven.”
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sungvrhs · 7 months
ATTENTION - Park Sunghoon
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Genre: Smut | CEO Sunghoon!male x reader!female
Word Count; 3.0K
Having numerous attempts at getting his attention? No way, either of those came across your mind and each and every one of them were so bland that you almost decided to drop out of this idea of yours. 
Not to mention how difficult this job was even after he was your husband, you weren't willing to give up- not just yet. “Y/n, maybe you should simply go and confess it out to him that you don't like it when doesn't attend to you or stuff. That is a hundred times better than the numerous failed attempts you are making to grasp his attention.” Your co-worker, Sarah spoke, causing you to groan as you ducked your head down on the table. “It's such a bummer to a pretty face with a pathetic personality.” You mumbled, lifting your head up to glance at his picture that was secretly displayed on your lockscreen. You didn't know if he ever wanted you to show him off, which you never did, or even be possessive towards him when other girls would twirl their hair or give one the most seductive looks to him. What surprised you was how ignorant he was to them. As a man, he had more than what you could label as ‘control’ over greedy desires which you were pretty thankful for, but you despised it a little when it came to you. How can he not change himself just when he is around you? Just a little bit? It was all that you ever wanted. 
You were thankful to have married a loyal man who wouldn't raise his head to meet the gaze of another woman that wasn't his, or would never cherish their existence in any way to make way for any sort of expectations. But if that was being applied to you too, then you didn't know what to feel about it; unlucky or thankful? 
“Come on Y/n, don't think much about it. I hope your man realizes that soon.” Sarah spoke, patting your back as she felt guilty for not being much of help to you. Just as she was about to leave, your eyes widened as you sat up straight, causing the latter to get her attention back to you. “What what? What happened?” Sarah questioned you worriedly, looking back at you with a smug expression resting on your face. “I can do this one last thing I haven't done yet.” You spoke, giving a pause to your sentence as Sarah sighed. “And that is?” “I can make him jealous.” You spoke, grinning as Sarah rolled her eyes. “You think that after what you have told me about Sunghoon, he would fall for this?” You thought for a while, as you spoke “He might if it is his best friend.” You spoke, raising your eyebrows as Sarah finally understood. “No way you're pulling Jake into this.” You whined a little at her response, “Please Sarah! This is the only chance I got. I promise I won't emphasize on anything like that ever again!” You gave her the most doey eyes that you could as to which she sighed. “Fine fine, I'll talk to Jake.” She spoke as you lunged forward to give her a big hug, muttering a small thank you as to which she smiled. If that is what can fix her friend’s life, then she was down for it. Both of you knew that Jake and Sunghoon were like two peas in a pod and having him as your bait was a perfect plan. And with him being Sarah’s boyfriend just added cherry to the top of your well designed plan. ‘This shall be it.’ You thought to yourself as you vowed never to turn back to this request after this attempt. 
“This is it. Does this look fine?” You asked her as the three of you sat in your office, to which Sarah gave you a thumbs up. “Well you look pretty, regardless of how you dress up in your usual days.” Jake spoke, suppressing his laughter as to which you threw the ribbon on his face. “Respectfully fuck off Jake.” You spoke as to which the latter shrugged his shoulders. “I can, but you both have bound me not to.” “Well it's all this once Jake, I hope that knocks some sense in your best friend to not keep hurting Y/n.” Sarah spoke, her hand resting on his shoulder as to which he sighed. “I’m gonna be dommed once he finds out that I’m the one flirting with you.” He spoke, facing you as to which you smiled. “At least he would notice. Unlike the rest of the days.” The last phrase almost came out as a whisper, causing you to bite your lips to suppress the disappointment that was evident in your voice. “Hey, it’s going to be fine. Trust me.” Sarah spoke, causing you to give a soft smile to her. “Well, if this doesn’t work, I’ll surely go talk to him.” Jake spoke, your smile evident at his expressions. Well, at least something happened to be good today. You were thankful to have two good friends here. Otherwise, the workspace would have been more like a prison to you. 
The meeting was unexpected and you were thankful for wearing your makeup in the morning otherwise you wouldn’t have looked presentable. And to add fuel to the fire, you were running late to the meeting room as you sprinted through the hallway, the clock striking exactly 3.03pm which meant that you had messed up. Reaching up to the meeting door, you pushed it slightly, the former voices dropping down to dead silence as you peaked your head, noticing how the pair of eyes were looking at you. Nervousness took over you as you made your way inside, muttering a small sorry to the people for interrupting as you made way towards the table. It might have escaped your lips as a whisper but it was audible enough for your friends to notice as Sarah motioned you to sit beside Jake. You took your seat, skipping your usual empty one that was next to Sunghoon as you made way to sit next to Jake, exchanging a small smile with him as you failed to notice a raging pair of eyes at you both. 
“Is he looking?” You asked Jake, not making it evident by looking at the screen as to which he responded, “He is, though he seems a bit unbothered.” You heard him speak as you scratched your nape, turning your head to look at where Sunghoon was seated, his cold gaze from his specs meeting yours as a chill ran down your spine. ‘How could he be effortlessly breathtaking?’ You thought to yourself as you were quick enough to break eye contact. “You can take off your coat, that might help.” Jake spoke, motioning his eyes to Sunghoon as you slightly nodded, taking off the coat as Jake helped you out. You could see how Sunghoon was clenching his jaw, definitely pissed off at your actions as you smirked to yourself. You could see that Jake saw it too as he was trying his best to suppress his laughter. 
Adjusting his specs after the employee finished with his short presentation, Sunghoon was quick enough to agree with the ideas as the meeting was called off. “That's it for today, everyone is dismissed.” You turned around, looking at Jake as he was confused at how straight forward he was. “It's alright, we will figure something out.” You nodded, as you hugged him. “Thanks a lot though.” You spoke, breaking the hug as he nodded sideways. “Chill Y/n, I just helped you with your coat, nothing else.” His orbs moved across to meet Sunghoon’s bizarre ones as he grinned. He knew he was going against the plan but he was 100% sure it was going to be worth it. Leaning close to your ear as his hands rested on your shoulders. “ This may sound stupid, but I think this will work.” You pulled back a bit confused at his words as he made way to good your hand, kissing the back of it as he passed you a wink as took a few steps back, leaving you stunned, your face heating up at his actions. You were definitely not prepared for this but you cleared your throat, grabbing your files as you made way to exit the door before you heard a voice reaching out to you. “Except for you, Park.Y/n. I would like to exchange a few words with you.”
Your ears perked up at his icy voice, movements halting at his words as if your body had failed to respond after he called you out. You could easily pick up hints of another vibe reflecting in them as your eyebrows furrowed at the sudden swift in tones. You turned to face him, watching his every move; how he would set his specs on the bridge of his nose, his slender fingers sliding across the page of the file as he kept his one leg on the other, adjusting the tie loose around his collar. Not going to lie, it was all more than to make you feel a blazing sensation across your chest. And whilst you were busy admiring the small details, you heard the door being locked, pulling you back to reality as you turned to find him messing with the buttons of the CCTV camera and the sound adjustment. 
"Done staring shamelessly at your boss?" His raspy voice snapped you out of your trance as you mentally scoffed. ‘The attitude.’ You rolled your eyes at him as you spoke, “I wasn’t staring. Why would I stare at someone whom I loath the most?” You spoke, causing him to turn around on his heels, raising an eyebrow as he let out a chuckle, nodding sideways at your words. It was unbelievable to his ears that you would ever loath his presence. “You? Loathing my presence?” He spoke, taking slow steps towards you as you took a step back. “Of course you would when you got my best friend to flirt around with.” You couldn’t believe his words, but the fact that he caught you right on point was itching a smirk on your lips, but you tried to avoid it, maintaining a poker face.
“Excuse me? I wasn’t flirting with him. We are just friends-""Y/n, the attitude you had a few minutes ago clearly doesn't justify your words." He cuts you off, his slow steps towards you progressing up with every passing second. The echoes of his steps were syncing with your heartbeats; rapidly taking pace with every passing second. “What is wrong with you Sunghoon? Your dual personality is a growing headache for me. It's either you despising me and not sparing a glance at your very own wife or you’re completely pissed off at me talking to my friend-””I don’t care if you talk to someone or not.” He spoke, now completely in front of you as you mentally cursed the table for existing right behind your back right now. “What I despise is how happy and smiley you seemed with him.” His hands made way to take away the files from your hands as he kept them beside on the table. “How you both talked as you both shared a loving eye contact.” His other hand made way to tuck a hair strand behind your ear as he leaned closer, his cinnamon breath hitting your cheeks as he continued to speak. “How you were seeking his help to take off your coat.” His hands traced down your outlines, slowly and sensually as it didn’t fail to give you tingles. “S-Sunghoon.” You whimpered, your breath becoming shaky at his actions as he chuckled deeply. “What? You can’t handle it? I didn’t even start anything.” He spoke, raising an eyebrow as he undid the buttons of his coat, slowly and painfully as you found it hard to maintain eye contact with him whilst his actions did the opposite. He knew the right buttons to press and this is exactly what he wanted to do. You found yourself at the loss of words as your mouth was hung at his actions. Letting the coat dangle free around his body, he swiftly took it off, flexing his chiseled body under the white clean shirt as he turned to throw it on the table, watching it land down as he turned attention to you again, his tongue poking his inner cheek.
“You did this on purpose didn't you?” He questioned you, his hands resting on either side of the table as he had you trapped in between. You looked away, finding it hard to meet his gaze. ‘That was not how this was supposed to go.’ “What? Cat got your tongue?” He scoffed, knowing very well the impact he was setting on you was like setting up a jenga tower, step by step. You gulped at his actions, trying not to get away with his little play. The thin white shirt was clearly not helping as it traced out the outlines of his whole body; from the top of his broad shoulders down to his sculpted abs, your gaze went to his muscular biceps that followed his veiny hands, settled right beside yours as his figure trapped yours. “Eyes up here love.” His slender fingers came in contact with your chin as he raised your head to level your eyes with his. A moment of silence follows, with only the rhythmic breathing of the two of you syncing whilst his calm attire contrasts your freaked out one. It was nowhere close to being intended but seeing him all pissed off by the way his darkened orbs pierced through yours, it wasn’t helping the heat that was arousing between your legs.
“I hate you.” You spoke, tongue poking your inner cheek as you pushed him back, creating space between the two of you as you heard him scoffing. “If you lie,m try to be a bit more evident, my love. The way you were technically undressing me with your gaze speaks the opposite of what you just ‘meant.’” Emphasizing on the word ’meant’ as he clicked his tongue, his hands resting on your waist as your cheeks turned into hues of red. He spoke nothing other than leaning down next to your ear, his hand squeezing your waist as you held back your gasp. “Try a bit harder to hate me, your body language ain’t helping you either.” He chuckled in your ear, his husky voice ringing like a melody as you turned to face the opposite side, hating how weak you were becoming in front of him. He pulled back a little, his cinnamon breath fanning across your lips whilst his chocolatey orbs captivated your hazel ones once again. 
“Tell me that you hate me in front of my face.” He spoke, his gaze flickering between your lips and orbs as he inched closer to you ever so painfully whilst you gulped down the lump forming in your throat. “I hat-” Before you had the chance to declare what your heart never desired to you felt his lips meeting yours, pulling you in a feverish kiss as his hands gripped yours wrists, pushing them behind your back as he held them in place just by one of his hands, earning a groan from your end as to which he only smirked. He knew you very well and seizing the right opportunity was his art. The bridge of his specs kept knocking against your nose as to which you simply wanted to adjust it in between his locks, but the very next second he pulled back aggressively from the kiss, leaving you perplexed as he shook off his head to the right, letting his specs fly across the room as your eyes widened. He wasted no time in letting you mumble as his hands seized your tiny waist, pushing you up on the table whilst he had his guard in between your legs, pulling you close by the nape in another kiss once again, this one being more passionate than the earlier one. 
Pulling apart after your hands tapped his shoulder at the shortage of breath, a string of saliva had your lips connected, leaving you both panting for air. “Oh you do hate me. Hate me enough just to kiss me.” He smirked, knowing very well how much of the impact he had on you. You were beyond flustered at his words. This side of him was definitely unexpected and you were enjoying it. His fingers played with your pants, eye contact never breaking as he continued with his verbal declaration. “You hate me just enough to let me slide past the barrier.” He pulled down your pants, leaving you in your lacy underwear as he pulled them down, his other hand crept under your shirt, rubbing circles on your back as the contact of his cold hand with your warm skin made you hiss. “Just enough to undress you.” His hands made way to pull off your shirt, as you helped him up, too drunk in his words as you simply obliged to his unheard commands. “Just enough to finger you.” He muttered his fingers skillfully diving into your cunt, running waves of pleasure through your body as you clutched onto his biceps. “S-Sunghoon please.” You mumbled, suppressing your voice to the lowest as you whimpered, your face scrunching as his fingers continued to waver like magic around your walls. You didn’t even pay enough attention to how and when he unzipped his own, holding his shaft as he almost rode you to your high, a familiar knot forming in your stomach as he pulled out just before you could feel the relief, earning a groan from you. Your eyes shot open at his actions, brimming orbs meeting his mischievous ones as he leaned closer to your ear, whispering the last words before he devoured you. “You hate me just enough to let me fuck.you.raw.” He let those words sink in your ears, pushing his shaft right in you as your back arched. “Let me give this pretty little cunt of yours all the attention it needs. Since my woman can’t pleasure herself enough, can’t she?” 
note: Hi!! MY HANDS WERE ITCHING TO POST SOMETHING ABOUT HOON IN SPECS AND I A CHUNK OF IT EVEN BEFORE THE PICS WERE DROPPED. I tried to mingle the plot that I wrote earlier with a few good ideas. If there are any grammartical errors, feel free to ignore cause english ain't my first language! Reblogs and likes would be appreciated!
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lazycats-stuff · 9 months
Jeason todd x Wednesday Addams male reader please
Sure thing anon. Any sort of inaccuracies are on me, it's been a while since I watched any movie or anything related to the Addams family. The gif is also just (Y/N) and Jason. Who is who, it's up to you to decide.
Summary: Jason is dating an Addams.
Warnings: Addams family stuff and everything else.
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Jason is happy. Very happy too, he couldn't say he wasn't. He has met (Y/N) Addams and the two have been dating for about 6 months and have been happy. In their own ways of course.
They met randomly in a coffee shop and exchanged numbers. Jason thought that (Y/N) was cute and adorable, but had something else underneath that exterior. The first time they met, they have talked about murder.
Jason thought that (Y/N) was just a true crime enthusiast. Oh he had no idea how wrong he was, but that would come later. Jason's family didn't know just yet and (Y/N) gave his family some vague answers. The two met at a dark park, per (Y/N)'s request.
Jason was slightly scared, but (Y/N) simply said that he loves the dark. Jason also noted that (Y/N) loved wearing all black clothes. (Y/N) has made a comment during the date that he was allergic to color, expect for black and white.
Jason was fine with it, but found it weird. But has never said anything about it out loud. Maybe he just doesn't like color. That is okay. Damian similar like that so that doesn't strike him as odd. But saying that he is allergic? That was a little bit odd.
Either way, the date very well. Extremely well. Jason was happy that he is going to see (Y/N) again. (Y/N) also felt like the date went well and told his family about Jason. Everyone was excited to meet him and Jason was thinking about telling his family.
On one hand, they would be happy for him, however, they would probably scare him off... Jason was stuck in between a rock and a hard place. He will figure it out soon too. He doesn't worry about it. At all. For now at least.
The Addams family wanted to meet him as soon as possible, but didn't want to push it. Wednesday and Pugsley wanted to meet Jason. I mean, any siblings want to make sure that their sibling dating a good person. Not to mention, they have to look for red flags that the sibling couldn't see due to being in love.
After 3 months of dating, Jason told his family. Everyone was happy for him, each of them in their own way. Bruce wanted to meet (Y/N), but Jason said to give him some time to explore this a little bit more. Okay, fair enough.
Bruce warned other to not even think about looking for (Y/N). Or even investigate. They were all disappointed they couldn't, but they didn't dare to go against Bruce and Alfred. It wouldn't end well for the trio of brothers. But they had to meet (Y/N) soon.
Jason met (Y/N)'s family about six months later. He was invited to dinner. He bought roses for Morticia and a bottle of wine for Gomez. He knew that (Y/N) has a brother name Pugsley and a sister named Wednesday. They also had a butler names Lurch and a grandmother. (Y/N) also mentioned something about uncle Fester, but Jason got lost.
The first thing that made him see that (Y/N)'s family is not normal was the fact that Wednesday threw an axe in his general direction. He caught, courtesy of Bruce and his training and threw it right back at Wednesday, without even thinking.
Jason was horrified when he saw where he threw it, but Wednesday was rather impressed. His reflexes are quick and sharp, clearly looking out for danger when with his brother. Jason had no right to complain or even say anything because Damian would do this.
100%. Jason had no doubt about it.
He handed his flowers to Morticia who was happy to get the flowers and hugged Jason extremely tightly, happy to see her son dating. Jason just stood there, allowing Morticia to hug the living daylights out of him.
After she let him go with a smile and a look to (Y/N) that Jason couldn't even try to decipher, Gomez decided to challenge him to a fencing match. Jason couldn't say no, but he had a wine bottle in his hands.
Lurch took it and Jason was ready, but Morticia said that could happen later. Jason said hello to Pugsley and Wednesday and uncle Fester also came, saying that he couldn't miss meeting his nephew's boyfriend. First one too.
Jason wasn't sure what the hell was going on anymore, but wasn't complaining by any means. The house looked hunted, but the manor would look the same without Alfred. The thing that made Jason question everything was the Thing. A hand that seemingly walked on it's own.
Jason nearly passed out before composing himself. He asked everyone and (Y/N) was now worried about Jason. Oddly enough to the family, he says it's fine and just seemingly moves on. (Y/N) didn't want to question it, but has decided to ask Jason about this later.
The dinner was nice and the Addams' family tree and discussed how their family members went out. Jason was slightly concerned with the ways how they went out, but by God were they interesting ways to go.
Holy shit.
Jason enjoyed his evening there and he was sure that (Y/N)'s parents adopted him. He was 100% sure. Nobody can tell him otherwise. And he found Morticia's and Gomez's relationship completely adorable and cute. He hoped to have such relationship with (Y/N).
Now, the time came for (Y/N) to meet his family. Jason was slightly nervous and asked Alfred to keep everyone in line. Alfred did just that and Jason just loved that man.
(Y/N) made friends with Damian in first 5 minutes. Tim was interested in the stories of the way his family members went out. Damian was going to fence with Gomez and have a knife throwing match with Wednesday.
Tim wanted to hear more stories about the family members and the way they all went out, curious beyond belief. Dick was confused, but didn't say anything. Bruce listened intently and watched the way that the two interacted. Jason was making sure that he was okay and not overwhelmed, holding his hand.
(Y/N) didn't seem to mind and would even lay his head on Jason's shoulder as he talked. Bruce that they cared about one another and that's all that matters, no?
Of course, (Y/N) has brought a gift for Alfred and Bruce. A bottle of wine that has been aged for a long time and Alfred said that he is adopted as of now. (Y/N) smiled at that and Bruce could think about it.
Alfred gave (Y/N) a hug, saying that if anybody touches this wine, there will be hell to pay. Everyone swore to never touch and Alfred will store it later. When (Y/N) and Jason get married somewhere down the line, Alfred will open it then.
It will be in his toast to them.
Jason dropped (Y/N) home and gave him their first kiss in their relationship. (Y/N) and Jason were happy that night and their relationship will grow. And who knows, maybe one day the two will tie the knot and live their life together.
The two families had hoped that the two tie the knot. They looked like soulmates and had hoped that they don't break up.
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sarah-yyy · 10 months
Jie jie are you going to do a rec post for SOKP?
aight!! i got this ask two?? three?? weeks ago, but never got round to doing this because work has been fdjkhdsghskjf, but here y'all go
what: period cdrama // completed // 38 eps, roughly 40 mins each (+ one bonus epilogue ep, about <10 mins) where: iqiyi (standard disclaimer that i don't watch with subs so i don't speak to the quality of eng subs)why: villain (of sorts) reincarnation fix-it, what's there not to like?? incredibly attractive cast.
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this is jiang xuening. she is, as you can probably guess, the empress. there's been a coup. it's headed by her ex-best friend (who was in love with her until his family got massacred and she chose to leave him to pursue her dream to be empress) who resents her + a bloodthirsty advisor to the emperor. the only man she's ever loved (not the emperor ofc) hates her and is in prison because of her. her life is hell. she knows she has no way out. she trades her life for her imprisoned lover-
-and wakes up 18 again.
because jxn is not stupid, now that she's got a chance to do things again, she immediately decides this time she's going to do better!!
firstly!! she's going to be good to her bff yan lin!!
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yan lin's family was massacred before?? not this fucking time!! not on jxn's watch!! she's got a few months to get her shit together and fix this for him!!
"this sounds too easy, sarah, it's a reincarnation fix-it, she's got cheat codes," you say? you're wrong. did you expect jxn to pay attention to anything in her first life beyond clawing her way up to the position of empress?? hell no. she knows the what, the when and the how - she's missing so much of the whys, which is probably important if she wants to stop it from happening.
in the meantime!! my girl's got other problems to deal with!!
in her first life, she died a really goddamn tragic life in the palace. when she was rebooted into life #2, she made the decision to stay tf away from the palace and everyone associated with it. no jxn in palace = no jxn dying in the palace. easy peasy!! foolproof. no way she can mess this up.
she ends up in the palace as the princess's study buddy 🥰 ofc she does, because jxn just can't get a goddamn break. thank you yan lin and co for meddling. 😊
while she's there, she accidentally seduces befriends the princess.
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princess was in love with a crossdressing jxn in life #1 and got Really Pissed Off about it when she found out jxn was in fact not the man of her dreams (or a man at all). she made jxn's life in the palace hell in life #1.
jxn: this time around i just won't dress as a man!! no male!jxn = no princess falling in love!! princess: fool. this time i'll love the female you 🥰
ykw? works for jxn. as long as she's not dying, everything is fine. girlfriend +1 it is then!!
while we're on the topic of sorting out her relationships while she's in the palace, let's talk a little bit about zhang zhe, aka the only man she ever loved in life #1
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this is zhang zhe, low ranking officer in the ministry of justice. as straight-laced as they come. excellent cheekbones. in life #1, had a Soft Spot for jxn and did some stuff against his conscience for her. in this life, she's determined not to ruin him!! he's like her 白月光
ANYWAY these two meet again in the palace when he saves her life when she's being framed for treason. immediately, jxn is all 😍🤩 over him again. why would she not!! he was her biggest regret in life #1!! she literally died to save him!! (for those of y'all who expect to have SL syndrome over him, prepare to be WELL-FED, these two have a long arc)
alright y'all know how i said jxn was in the palace to be the princess's study buddy? well!! let's meet their teacher:
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xie wei. advisor to the emperor. resting bitchface 10/10. petty af. occasionally feral and murderous 🥵. they were sort of briefly acquainted way back when they travelled to the capital together and jxn saved his life when he was having an Episode (long story short, bb boy is Unwell). the last face jxn saw in life #1 when she took her own life. you guessed it, he's aka the bloodthirsty advisor who staged the coup in life #1.
jxn is (rightfully) quite afraid of him. she tries her best to stay out of his way, but he's trying to sound her out (because she knows his ~secret) to see if she's friend or foe, so they end up in each other's paths more often than not, including important times such as these:
when jxn is trying to thwart a plot to frame yan lin's dad for treason
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when xie wei is committing murder
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when jxn is heart broken over zhang zhe
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they kind of form an alliance!! in jxn's mind, xie wei and yan lin staged the coup together in life #1, so their interests must sort of be aligned!! plus!! xie wei is hella smart!! he'll know what to do to stop yan lin's family from getting masacred!!
ANYWAY that's the gist of the story - i've avoided most of the spoilery parts i think.
there's also the typical cdrama villains you'd expect in a show like this: evil empress dowager, power-hungry prime minister, spoiled brat daughter of the prime minister who is also scheming to be queen, evil uncle of the king trying to usurp the throne etc etc. all the things you need to prop the Palace Evil Schemes up.
i've seen some people say this is a 低配 version of love like the galaxy, which, ykw? fair. 😂 lltg is written better. sokp was a fun watch, though!! y'all know i am into reincarnation plots, and am basically predisposed to liking most of bai lu's dramas. and!! this show ends on such a good note!! i've been tricked into so many ~vague endings this year that this was so so so good to get <3
some of the parts dragged a bit for me (i am p meh about zhang zhe, i mean i get the appeal, but he's not doing it for me), but it wasn't bad! i liked xie wei's character enough to sit through a lot of things. could've done with like 300% more yan lin and the princess, but we can't always have what we want!!
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
It's the middle ( Joel miller x reader)
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Summary: the town had their own theories to why y/n shell suddenly was opening more , only some took it as invitations and after she sets an asshole straight in the bar for his words on her and Ellie she is attacked . Some things are reveal and a darkness is coming back from the past
Warning: attempted sa , sort of heavy part not gonna lie
This is part two of its a start
They wondered how he did it , how the usually non social butterfly Joel miller got the surprisingly worse no social y/n well to talk . it wasn’t like she was new towns personality or anything but she was saying hello and actually answering people. They heard her voice albeit at first was almost a whisper but it was far from the short nods of acknowledgements which to be fair were also far and few inbetween . ellie also stop swearing keeping her word for a whole ten minutes before her mouth caught that missed out time up. But in the end they all wondered how he done it.
Something that didn’t end with the world was the gossip , each having their on theories of the matter from something bad happening she it was like a life is too short sort of thing to not so pg remarks that joel fucked her so hard she went into a factory reset those ones made him roll his eyes and scoff. She on other hand didn’t take notice of the rumours , ignored whispers about her as she walked learning to be open again was taking up more head space then grown adults acting like teenage girls. Which the little social interaction now open she notice men her age and older started talking to her some took her saying no as it was , some added weak jokes but again took her word and other well they didn’t take it so well like the very existence of her rejection was a threat to their male centred egos . she didn’t give them time of day which only made them more pissed like she was” little miss high and mighty” in their words. One in particular didn’t like it as much as the others , thought his shit didn’t stink and she was lucky to even have his attention .
Nigel Baker , he was attractive she’d give him that but it was everything else that was so ugly about him . the man was selfish , expected the best when he gave the bare minimum and serial womaniser . He bragged about how he took down a hoard of infected with just his hunting knife yet seemly everytime it was time for him to go on patrol he would have some form of injury that would make him useless for the task but for some reason or other he thought he desired everything he wanted and that included y/n .
“ he’s staring at you again , creepy fuck” ellie rolled her eyes as two sat at the bar of tipsy bison.
“ let him i ain’t bothered man like that is a child at best” she chuckled taking sip of her whiskey as ellie drank her water although she did try persuade them give her a glass of the “ hard stuff” .
“ i mean joel and tommy should be here soon , he usually stops when their around , going back to his fake ass tales” she snorted.
“ fake ass tales who would that be?” the sniffling voice asked behind them .
“ oh you know some kids and their tales , it’s cute but you can tell real one mile away” y/n barely looked at the man who was too well self absorbed to pick up the slight dig in her words.
“ ain’t it truth , they ain’t like us baby huh? Real survivors ” he took seat beside her.
“ why you talking like that aren’t you from chicago or something” ellie snorted at fake southern drawl he kept putting on .
“ ain’t you too young to be here , seems as though the miller bitches need to be taught their place, is that what you need baby , i mean fix her might make that one like men again huh? ” he shot back .
“Hey hey , so you fought off a hoard right that must of been scary when you do that” she asked batting her lashes fake smile like she wasn’t biting her tongue .
“ oh like six month ago easily” the smirk on his face one she seen in so many before him a mask of a monster, was the best way to describe it.
“ do you have it” she asked sweetly as ellie head watched in amusement , she may of not heard y/n speaking long but it was long enough to know she was playing with the man before her.
“ course ya can , see this is the one that did it” he held it up, anyone with weapons experience could tell it was a phoney ,thing wasn’t cutting anything but possibly the air. She took it from his hands and let out a loud laugh , louder than anyone possibly ever heard before including ellie.
“ this ain’t fighting anything but a hoard of butterflies never mind infected , i mean it’s good but it’s faker than your accent which could use a little work just saying” she snorted.
“ clearly don’t know anything about knives baby because look at it clearly been through it ” he scoffed although the blush on his face told a different story.
“ i know it a faux metal made probably what six months ago rust and pattern on knives ain't like that this ones got green flecks not the rust of the older ones would get , see it don’t even mark the wood so nigel my fake ass cowboy infected annihilator why the bullshit because my daddy used to make um before all this told me how to spot cheap ones from the real ones , i can see now why you don’t go on patrol wouldn’t want to break the show piece… oh and cowboy wanna be ain’t nothing needs to fixed with ellie just pissed she get more women than you do ” she laughed watching his smirk fall , that look in his eyes .
“ you’d wanna shut your mouth girl , just cause your joel millers plaything doesn’t mean i won’t put you in your place” he growled.
“ go ahead and you’ll see what a real knife is” she smiled holding it in her hand and his fake in her other . “ now leave before we have real problems” she handed it over .
“ watch yerself sweetheart old man can protect you all time” he hissed.
“ i can protect myself little man” she waved watching him storm out .
“ that was bad ass, the rust really go green ?” ellie chuckled .
“ the metal has a chemical reaction over time only thing that knife could do is spread butter on my toast i mean could take down one but even at that it would break easily” she shrugged.
“ hey there’s dina i’ll tell her to wait here til joel gets here incase he’s outside ” ellie smiled excitedly.
“ nah go ahead joel will show up he knows we’re here and bastard knows his place go on lover girl ” she smiled taking another swig .
“ ok tell him i’ll be home for curfew” she had a bashful smile while heading to the girl ones she’s expressed her interest in the last while seen as it wasn’t one side and two were close. Of course y/n wanted that , she wanted it with a man she could never have well in her mind could never have .
It was hours she sat waiting only too give up thinking maybe the meeting was in over time or joel already went home either way she was getting tired and her bed was definitely calling , a few good men offered to walk her home but she waved them off knowing it was a five minute walk back plus air was getting cooler hoping to catch the first of snowfall one tradition she always kept from her old life , the life of her family . ones who wanted her to be must of a child as she could be in a world falling apart. She stood out it was perfect sort of weather , her eyes on the sky watching waiting as she walked through the darkening streets of jackson . like on cue the first flake floated down from the sky as she smiled softly catching it on her finger tips , then another and then another. So concentrated on the connection to memories she didn’t register the figure sneaking up behind her til his hand was around her mouth and other dragging her off into the makeshift ally of the stores. Kicking and pushing trying to break the grip to no avail , being tired and drinks in her system didn’t have her as precise as before . she felt herself being slammed into the walls hitting her head against the brick but she could tell even in her daze vision she knew exactly who it was.
“ fucking bitch , what you gonna be a nasty little slut for , what is it i’m too young fer ya , like em old” nigel spat pinning her front to the cold wall . “ i’ll get you liking em you age again put manners on ya , stop you running your mouth” he laughed as she felt his hand going to her jean only for her to pull the knife out she could feel the blood heading into her eye . she felt his hand going for the button only for her knife to hit the skin cutting him making him get off of her with a hiss when she pushed him away . she ran yelling , screaming loudly as could hoping someone would hear her. She felt the arms wrapping around her making her slap and hit the person away.
“ darling stop it’s me , calm down” his voice , the man she wanted the panic setting as his scent hit her know . his voice calming that fight only for her to break in his arms it reminded him of the night she first let those walls come down . “ what happened” he asked softly.
“ nigel he tried to … tried”she said before crying again what she didn’t know was the men heard the commotion , was heading way as tommy and couple others headed to the alley .
“ take er home we’re going to pack his bags” tommy called as the men held nigel in their grips probably for his own safety from the look on joel’s face .
“ come on darling we get you home and cleaned up” joel lifted her up a her hang clung to him terrified like some how her mind made up the fact he was there and if she let go he would disappear. “ i cut him” she sniffled head buried in his neck. “ i hurt him to get away”.
“ only protecting yourself darling s’okay “ .
“ i pissed him off , provoked him joel i made everyone laugh at him i just wanted him leave me alone” she began crying again he could see it her torn clothes blood on her face the bruise on her cheek , the way she shook in his arms . it killed him , killed him to see her like this hell if she didn’t need him so much the bastard be dead before tommy and other even got the chance but she needed him and he promised her he always got him on her side.
He brought her to cleaned her up , gave her some clothes and gave her his bed for the night .
Ellie was late but moment she stepped in door she knew something was wrong, she could see he was tense more so than usual , she could see the bloody cloth and yet not scratch on him .
“ Y/N was attacked tommy and couple other taking him out of town , she’s sleep upstairs so be quiet” he said too tired mental and physically hating if wasn’t so close what the outcome would of been.
“ let me guess nigel” she asked .
“ yeah she told me about the bar man waited til she wasn’t looking , took her off guard cause prick knew she would of done worse if he confronted her straight on” he spatted hands gripping the chair knuckles bone white . “ lucky i ain’t out there now , she thought she done wrong , said she provoked him , she hurt him you believe that her heads busted open and bruised cheek and she thinks she done wrong i don’t care if she punched him in that bar a man don’t do that” he growled ready to grab his coat.
“ hey pretty girl you ok” ellie called looking to the stair snapping joel from rushing out the door.
“ i’m ok really urm i think i should get home” she smiled weakly.
“ yeah not happening in fact i’m putting you on house arrest til breakfast tomorrow” she joked hugging her tightly . “ i should of stayed” she could feel the shake in girls voice.
“ nah i already told him i’d show him real knife i got it don’t worry” she kissed her head softly probably only other person to have the affection from y/n . “ it’s no ones fault ellie he deserved what he got in the bar after what he said nothings more fragile than a monsters ego” she pulled back .
“ what he say in the bar?” joel asked.
“ bragging , said ellie needed fix , i was your plaything i mean lists goes on” she rolled her eyes yet winced at the sting in her cheek. “ i was biting my tongue and then he started with that so i well probably pushed too far but i’d do it again” she sat on sofa .
“ go get bed kid let you off this time coming home late” joel nodded his head at stair .
“ you better be here is morning , night you two” she called heading up the stairs .
“ i’ll take sofa” she looked up at him a smile on her face but he could tell it was put on , he could see it didn’t reach her eyes or did it convince anyone before he could say anything a knock was heard at door making her jump .
“ it probably tommy relax i’ll tell him come back in morning” he patted her shoulder hating how she tensed under he touch but he didn’t take it personal . he was right minute door open it was his brother only he didn’t wait for joel to speak letting himself in straight over to where y/n .
“ hey firecracker you ok” he asked going to reach out touch her face only she moved back . “ sorry sweetheart , you cracked him in the nose and his hand is fucked so good job” he smiled weakly .
“ i didn’t know i just swung and ran” she laughed dryly wishing she done worse .
“ he gone?” joel asked .
“ we had bring him to doc but guys are bringing him out now” he nodded . “ you ok though? He didn’t…hurt you?” tommy asked feeling guilty for not getting rid of the prick sooner.
“ he only got to touch my jeans before i sliced his hand” her voice cracked looking down at the sweats .
“ ok ok good he won’t bother you again i promise you that , couple of guys will double check in morning too but tonight it best you stay here ok ” .
“She is now let er rest , come back tomorrow” joel huffed holding door open .
“ yeah right sorry it’s late just needed to..” he said only to hugged her tightly. “ i’m glad your ok” he smiled pulling back heading out the door.
“ Course I am I not alone anymore I got you guys” she Called out .
“ ok ok hallmark you need rest I'll see you tomorrow And so will maria bring proper shit to cover the wound “ he chuckled calling Back .
she sat looking at her hand , she hated she let herself Get distracted it could of been so much worse and yet joel proved her right He was there when she needed him , she wasn't facing things alone .
“ come on go take my bed no one needs to take watch"he huffed sitting beside her keeping his distance but still being close.
“ I can sleep every time my eyes close I feel the wall , I can feel his breathe on my skin “ she sighed head falling back hating She felt so vulnerable It wasn't a emotion she'd felt in years and one she thought she never Feel again .
“ I can sit with you talk So you won't hear him , you hear me , hold yer hand so you can feel me whatever you need I got you I promised you that and I don't break those not to You” he said softly watching the way she relaxed to his words , how when he touched her hand she didn't tense or freak out. She held on tighter like she was afraid it was all part of her dream , joel would be gone And Nigel Would come back .
“ could You stay with me all night?” It was so low almost a whisper But even he heard her like not matter What he'd always Hear Her. He didn't say much just a nod of his head and keeping hold of her Hand bringing her up the stairs making sure to keep his promise.
The towns Men all glared as he was dragged towards the gate . Each one Of them wanted to hit the bastards Since some had women In their life some had daughters some had sister , some had experience of men Like him . Nigel knew he fucked up moment She ran and they showed up . He seen it on all their Faces like they Took it personal but the bitch needed manners , needed to be taught A lesson . He pleaded Said he'd make it up some how but was only told me like that don't changed . Bag on his back And out the gate he went .
“ I'll bring um out” mark called dragging him roughly along other probably sensing a beating coming But for a man like him , shit happened with wave of their hands stood waiting.
“ come on you” he growled as The other man gulped. Wondering if he could make some Sort of break for it.
“ just play along asshole” mark hissed. “ I'm helping you out here” those words Melt his fear away following man out dragging his steps to make it look good .
Once they were out of the hearing range mark let him go pulling a knife and gun out Handing them over. “ there's a camp couple Miles east leader is jonah , tell Him mark sent you from jackson And whatever you have on y/n and jackson , he'll set you up , don't tell um you touched er though he'll kill you on spot” mark spoke Quietly.
“ why y/n why should I believe All this?” Nigel eyes widened .
“ because jonah. Wants his wife back sent me here To do it but i needed get on their good side” he explain hastily . “ just tell him soon” he handed over gun and knife . Headed back into town as other waited . “ he’s gone , wont see that scum again” he smirked to the men and headed off to his house. Yeah he needed to get y/n back soon and now with nigel might be sooner than he thought lets hope the dipshit made it.
Part three
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lyxurious · 1 year
So you like Luo Yunxi: A drama recommendation list
So you watched "Till the End of the Moon", and all you got is heartbreak, brainworms, and a shiny new lowkey or highkey obsession with Luo Yunxi (perhaps other people from the amazing cast too, but we're focusing on him here)? You want to see more of him, but you don't know where to start? Fear not, for this list is here to hopefully help you out with that.
Here be some (non-spoilery, but might mention if it generally ends well or not) spark notes on all his past dramas with him in the first male lead role, that are currently available with English subs (+ 2 very important supporting roles + 1 bonus). In chronological order, from most to least recent!
Light Chaser Rescue
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Type: Modern, rescue missions, human drama, romance
Episodes: 40
Available at: WeTv, YouTube, viki
What's the deal? Jaded and cynical lawyer meets cute and icy doctor lady who is not here for his bs, and discovers the joys of love and most importantly, volunteer rescue work.
On the one hand: Detailed and extremely realistic scenes of all sorts of natural disasters happening. The production team collaborated with a real life team where anyone can volunteer and get training as a rescuer. They built a wholeass glacier for the final episodes and you could never tell it's fake looking at it even on HD. The side characters are mostly likeable (which is something you can't say for every drama), although flawed and human. FL is a cool-headed independent grownup woman who bottles up her feelings like a fine vintage.
On the other: The pacing is rather choppy and makes it feel like they planned out the disaster scenes/rescue missions first and everything else was added later to link said missions together and give the characters stuff to do in between. Since this is a drama and they have a limited cast, the team's abilities are a bit exaggerated at times (they turn up for everything that happens anywhere, doctor FL is a swiss army knife of specialties). Ending feels a bit abrupt.
Watch it if: You enjoy seeing Luo Yunxi suffer physically, you like stories with ordinary people being heroes while also remaining very much ordinary people.
Lie to Love
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Type: Modern, romance, office, suspense
Episodes: 32
Available at: WeTV, YouTube
What's the deal? Local woman is convinced her one night stand during a mountain hike killed her father, so she returns after 2 years to go undercover in male nerdy Paris Hilton protagonist's glitzy hotel business and cancel his entire existence. Spoiler alert (but not really because this is actually not even the first 6 eps): he is a good guy and didn't do it and they fall in love and together they set out to uncover the truth and take down his shady uncle.
On the one hand: Objectively speaking, the plot for this is on the better side for a drama of its type. It's got suspense, it's got plot twists, it's got fluff, it's got drama, it's got more communication between the main CP than one would expect on a regular day, misunderstandings don't last long, the nice side characters are likeable, and 2nd ML is doing an incredible job at being a 2-faced creep. LYX is serving many a great business wear look in the 2nd half especially.
On the other: The FL is Cheng Xiao. A severely miscast Cheng Xiao in a role that is core in the plot and on paper, challenging. For fans, winner winner chicken dinner. For the rest of us, it's up to each viewer to decide if overall as a drama, the points in the above section are strong enough to balance this casting out.
Watch it if: You have a thing for men in suits and glasses (that makes two of us), you prefer ignoring the FL in dramas so you can make elaborate headcanons shipping the ML with the psycho stalker 2nd ML or the goofy rockstar 3rd ML instead.
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Type: Modern, office, medical research, suspense, romance
Episodes: 42
Available at: YouTube, viki
What's the deal? Spy is ordered to infiltrate a lab and lowkey honey trap his way into stealing female scientist's multi-million research, is uno reverse carded when she fixes his broken heart and trust in humanity.
On the one hand: The rare case where he is a morally grey character in a modern setting. The other rare case where he gets to do action sequences in a modern setting. There's a shower sex scene (sit down, implied and partially dressed of course, this is still a cdrama), and one where he gets whipped on a table. There is a very badass sidekick girl who is just as broken as him if not worse, and very shippable with the FL's perky and spoiled little sister.
On the other: The premise is cool but sadly, there's way more filler office drama (in the lab) and 2nd CP being a frustrating snoozefest than spy activities. It's a drama that was held up for a long while in censorship limbo, and a considerable chunk of the ML's backstory and scenes were left in the editing room, which unfortunately throws the show off balance by a lot.
Watch it if: You are a diehard Luo Yunxi, Victoria Song or Xu Kaicheng completionist (in which case you have permission to come cry on my shoulder), you find yourself trapped in a cave, the rescue team is 48 hours away, and the only thing in there with you is a device that has no other data on it but all 42 episodes of Broker.
Love is Sweet
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Type: Modern, romance, office
Episodes: 36
Available at: iQiyi, YouTube, amazon prime
What's the deal? Local woman applies for a job in huge investment banking company where she runs into her childhood friend -slash- nemesis after 10 years, they both gradually discover time makes people grow and occasionally fall deeply, ridiculously in love.
On the one hand: Sugar and fun and shoujo manga tropes aplenty! God tier CP chemistry! Some of the most epic makeouts to ever slip under the nose of the review committees. Characters that have actual profound growth under the "every romcom ever" cheeky banter. 2nd ML also offers shirtlessness and angsty backstory if you cannot live without those. There's even an adorable and very plot-relevant corgi!
On the other: The tremendous main CP chemistry has made this drama the exception for many who otherwise avoid both modern dramas and romcoms, but if that doesn't carry the show for you, I'm afraid there's not much else to see here. The 2nd CP is fuel for the "2nd CPs are annoying and waste screentime" complaint fire. (although, protip: even on the first watch you can probably skip their scenes without missing anything of value). The tear allergy is a bit of a ridiculous premise, but it's a real thing (who knew!), and it's not addressed much after a point.
Watch it if: You need something sweet and cute to fill the gaping hole Till The End of the Moon left in your chest, you love the tsundere overbearing CEO archetype but you also prefer it when he is more than a dry irredeemable asshole, you love romcoms because you enjoy both the "will they won't they" and the cute "we're an item now" domesticity.
And The Winner is Love
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Type: Costume, wuxia, romance
Episodes: 48
Available at: iQiyi, YouTube
What's the deal? Dashing, elegant, fan-wielding dreamboat young master falls in love with girlie burdened with the heavy responsibility of leading a sect with bad rep and protecting a very powerful and thus dangerous cultivation manual. Supposedly.
On the one hand: Luo Yunxi looks like this:
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for the whole drama. Every novel writer who ever wrote about a flirty and sophisticated young master whose beauty made flowers bloom along his path and women as well as men fell in love with him at first sight and all that purple prose-y stuff, has actually written about Luo Yunxi as Shangguan Tou whether they were aware of it or not. He is The Archetype and his popularity among bilibili fmv editors is proof. There's some great wire work in the first half. The soundtrack is pretty solid.
On the other: If you're looking for plot, run away and don't look back. I've watched the whole thing and I could not tell you how the story goes. I went in with a "idc about plot, i just want to look at Luo Yunxi in costume for 40 hours" mentality and I still struggled, make of that what you will. Chen Yuqi is the FL, saddled with a poorly written role and a choice of VA who arguably wasn't the best fit for her or the role. Chemistry is passable depending on your standards, but for most of the 2nd half of the drama it takes a nosedive together with the plot. Luo Yunxi got injured while filming this so they had to cut action scenes by a lot, so in the last 3rd or so it's wuxia without the wuxia. It's the only recent case where he also had to be dubbed (covid didn't allow him to get in the studio and do it himself, as he usually does).
Watch it if: You are a yumejoshi and need material to self-insert into a costume drama FL's position, you are more determined to watch lyx look pretty in costume, all else be damned, than Samwise Gamgee was determined to make sure Frodo throws the One Ring in the flames of Mount Doom.
Princess Silver
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Type: Costume, court drama, romance, some wuxia elements
Episodes: 58
Available at: YouTube, viki
What's the deal? Princess RongLe wakes up one day with amnesia (no, hear me out) to the news that she is to be sent to another kingdom and marry a prince she's never met for political alliance reasons (no, hear me out!). There, she is faced with unexpected revelations and finds herself looking for the truth while she gets embroiled with the aforementioned haughty prince, a shady general, and her (sometimes a bit too?) caring and overprotective brother.
On the one hand: (mild spoiler alert?) His character ends up stealing the show. FL can act and has good relationships with other female characters (arguably better than with any man in this, even in the chemistry department). Story and plot are quite decent. It's one of those rare cdramas that builds up as it goes instead of deflating in the last stretch.
On the other: LYX is 3rd ML in this, so if he's your main motivation to watch, be prepared for limited screentime, especially in the 2nd half of the drama (until the final 8-10 episodes where it's all about). If you're not into the FL with either 1st or 2nd ML, the first half can be a drag, like, personally I started appreciating this drama for real after episode 25-30.
Watch it if: You are patient, you like getting emotionally sucker-punched, you love a good, earthshaking final plot twist.
Ashes of Love
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Type: Costume, xianxia
Episodes: 63 (or 60, depending on the version, content is the same either way though)
Available at: Netflix, YouTube, viki, WeTV, amazon prime
What's the deal? Bottom of the food chain grape fairy who was deprived of the ability to feel romantic love and her life was honestly better and carefree like that, trips and falls into a love triangle with overconfident golden boy Heavenly Prince Phoenix, and his older brother, abused wallflower Heavenly Prince Dragon. Things go very great and not complicated at all from there. :))
On the one hand: Xianxia 101, it hits all the items on the checklist. The lavish costumes, the sprawling sets and world building, the entanglement over multiple lives, mortal arc, immortal arc, demon realm arc. CG that still holds up well for the genre 5 years later. The epic and emotional OST (someone has yet to surpass Sa Ding Ding's 左手指月 for the title of "best cdrama ED song", i don't make the rules). Arguably, The most iconic 2nd ML in a cdrama, responsible for a significant chunk of its long-lasting chokehold on the audience. Even if you've never seen the drama, if you're in the asian media adjacent internet, you've most likely seen this:
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On the other: Xianxia 101, a double-sided coin. All the clichés are here, and if you're not here for them you get aboard the struggle bus. The show's views on romantic feelings can be a bit, let's say, old fashioned, even for the genre's standards. If you're not into the main CP, you're in for an uphill battle of frustration. If you're Team Runyu prepare to hate almost everyone for there is no justice in this land. (In AoL one is either Team Runyu or Team Xu Feng, no middle ground, and if you're reading this, especially because you liked lyx as Tantai Jin, I don't see how you could end up Team Xu Feng, so I'm gonna run with this assumption). (in theory you can also be Team No One, but in practice if you're that, sitting through this entire drama must have been as fun as having a tooth pulled out with no anesthesia)
Watch it if: if you're any degree of a lyx fan, period. Runyu is a mandatory class.
Children's Hospital Pediatrician
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Type: Modern, medical, romance
Episodes: 42
Available at: YouTube
What's the deal? Aspiring surgeon -slash- frustrating disaster girl makes a huge blunder on her first day of her hospital residency, and can only stay as a pediatrician. She hates it and makes her literal saint of a secret husband's life miserable. We watch as she gets to grow as a person to the detriment of everyone else's mental health. Secondary cast has subplots of various dating entanglements.
On the one hand: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, hmmm..... well... there's a scene where lyx takes off his shirt for a physical exam, if that's a bonus (ep40, 27:13-28:05, you're welcome)? Queen Zheng Li is in it? I am scraping the bottom of the barrel here.
On the other: It's way too long for absolutely no reason, the FL is the most frustrating and irrational baby I've ever seen (which is by no means a low bar), 90% of characters who are not the FL get their development butchered to make her look better, 2/3rds of the cast are incompetent at acting and the other 1/3rd is being wasted in this mess. I am trying to be as objective I can in these, but I've got nothing for this one.
Watch it if: You have chronically low blood pressure that no medication can fix, you have watched literally everything else on the list and having a manic episode where you will chew on the walls if you don't look at Luo Yunxi's face in something you have never seen before, you want to watch some other mid drama, so you want to watch something worse first in order to appreciate the other drama more.
Fox in the Screen
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Type: Costume, xianxia
Episodes: 22
Available at: YouTube, viki, amazon prime (as The Screen Foxes)
What's the deal? Orphan girl wins by drunken mistake a magical screen that houses 3 fox demon guys, they help her with her screen shop and also with crossdressing to pass the exam for the position of palace screen painter. She earns a grumpy boyfriend with a tragic past in the meanwhile.
On the one hand: It's short and goes fast, and in all honesty, considering it was made on a budget of 3 paperclips and a piece of gum, the story is much more concise and watchable than I, at least, personally expected. You get to witness the caterpillar stage of lyx on this path to guzhuang drama godhood. If you're one for tragic love stories there is one hiding under the DIY production. White Fox and the prince are a solid ship.
On the other: It is very much made on the aforementioned budget of 3 paperclips and a piece of gum, and it very much shows. Everything is rough, the costumes, the makeup, the editing, the acting for the most part. Having even half an expectation is the wrong way to approach this drama.
Watch it if: you have the heart of a mother watching her kids at the school play and admiring what a great job they are doing or if you are like Marie Kondo and love mess in an affectionate way.
Bonus: PhantaCity
PhantaCity was a tv show back in 2018, whose concept was making short plays and having actors perform them live in a single, do or die take for a studio audience. Luo Yunxi and Wu Jinyan, both with a background in ballet, are paired up in a short musical, acting as the hands of a newly repaired clock. If you ever wanted to see him dance, sing and act all in one thing, don't sleep on this. It's short and beautiful, and the official upload embedded above is subbed in English!
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rageprufrock · 1 year
hello, I hope you're doing well. I was wondering if you could answer a career-related question of mine. I'm a young woman (21) in an extremely male-dominated field. I want to go into project management, but I am not prepared to deal with the insane male egos/fragile masculinity I had to experience during my internships. it doesn't help that I've been a passive person my whole life. how do I overcome my passiveness? how do I even begin to learn leadership and project/people management? 1/
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I'm going to be honest, you're catching me at a disadvantage because I'm allergic to project management. Like if I'm sharing an area code with that shit I'm itchy. I'm joking, a little, sort of, because the unfortunate truth is about 50% of my job on any given day at this point is project managements but I still hate it. The point is, I'm not your best point of contact for it, because while I can do it for my specific area of expertise, the practice by itself is not my ministry, if you get my drift. Project managers are lunatics who you will find snorting crushed up Excel spreadsheets in truck stop bathrooms, and for that I fear and respect them.
For the passivity, maybe have some thoughts that might be helpful.
So like, you're probably not going to like hearing this: but oh my God, you're--so young. Like I refer to someone on my team who is 30 this year as the resident fetus. You have nine years before you hit fetus status. So much of you're feeling is only going to be remedied with time and experience, and your fearfulness of speaking or standing out right now in a professional environment isn't a mark of failure in yourself, it's a natural part of your growth and progression.
It is absolutely normal and completely fine that when you were in an intern (or honestly, even early career!) situation, presumably surrounded by people who were more experienced than you and have significant seniority to you, you felt were feeling at sea with the egos and politics.
Here's a dirty little secret, especially re: internships:
Many interns get brought in on projects that are far, far, far beyond their actual scope of capability.
That is because we have no actual expectation that you will deliver any work or usable outputs on it, but we want interns to get excited about what we do, to feel like their work could be important, for them to get a taste of the what it will be like when you actually get your feet wet and have more professional seasoning.
For example, people who summer at law firms get a red carpet experience rolled out to them, and they get to sit in on really exciting high profile client meetings! These are not things that will happen for them again for a long, long, long fucking time once they become associates! Once they've got you in their claws, they no longer care about giving you enjoyable stimulus, now you gotta start billing.
In organizations I've worked at in the past, I was fully happy to welcome interns with like 4 minutes of "experience" into very sensitive high level meetings--with the understanding that (a) everybody there knew they were the intern (b) the objective was to show them what the work could be like and (c) that nobody would actually ask them to throw themselves into the demented fray of the actual work.
The goal isn't to scare you off. We know that the stuff you're seeing a lot of times as an intern is really terrifying, for a lot of reasons. If you're in a room of people with 10 or 20 years of experience on you, then...yeah, it's going to feel awkward. You're not even a full time employee! Of course it's going to be weird and nervewracking! If you didn't feel weird and nervewracked about it, I would ask you to bottle whatever it is you're taking and sell it to become a billionaire.
Beyond that, the rest of it will come with time--truly.
When I think back to the person I was at 21, at 22, I feel such a strange tenderness toward her. I feel so protective. She had no idea what she was doing, and she was doing her best to do her best every day. She failed a lot. She was a mess. The people around her knew it. She knew it. She wasn't the greatest at what she did, or a very good friend, but she was trying so desperately to keep her head above water and only sometimes succeeding.
So much of the vulnerability you're feeling will be remedied in tiny, unnoticed ways. With every day and week and hour, you'll gain some new insight or capability, and some afternoon or month far from today--but closer than you think--you're going to look back and realize you've built yourself an entire suit of professional armor, and have no idea where it came from. You feel passive and ill equipped right now--but that's only because you are ill equipped right now, you just tumbled out onto this strange new world.
It's going to take a while to get your sea legs--just try to be kind to yourself as you do it.
You're going to crush it. I just know it.
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atticssmellgood · 1 year
could u please write spencer reid with male reader who hasn’t had a great childhood so he never experienced bubbles, coloring books or parks since his parents just never cared :( so he’s more childish than a normal adult but spencer js loves him and gives him all the color books and blows all the bubbles possible for him 😭
The Childish Kind of Love
Spencer Reid x Male!reader(he/him pronouns)
Summary: reader opens up about his childhood and Spencer does his best to fix what was broken
CW: mentions of childhood neglect, self conscious reader, a little angst, minor cursing
A/N: This is me coming out of my very random and long hiatus. I just kind of lost my motivation there for a little bit BUT IM BACK!! This is such a cute idea and I had so much fun writing this❤️
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“God Y/N you’re such a child.”
The laughter at the table stops abruptly, three out of the four of you taken aback from the sudden quip. You look to your other friend sitting across from you at the table, a genuinely confused expression on your face.
“Excuse me?”
Her eyes drill into your own and her voice is dripping with venom as she repeats herself.
“I said, you’re such a child Y/N.”
You don’t really know what to say to that, considering how abrupt the comment was and the fact that it came from none other than one of your closest friends. She had been a little quiet during the whole meet-up but you had just chalked it up to a late night out or a sour day. You certainly hadn’t been expecting this. She took your silence as an invitation to continue.
“I mean, I personally don’t even want to be around you anymore. All you ever want to do is talk about things like comic books and cartoons when the rest of us grew out of that shit by age seven.” She scoffed
You can feel your heart start to sink. You push yourself further into the booth seat, looking anywhere but at your friends.
“I…. I’m sorry I didn’t know I was annoying you guys with that stuff.” You press your lips into a thin line and swallow the growing lump in your throat.
She continued, ignoring the quiet apology.
“I mean seriously, you make dumb, unfunny jokes that we only laugh at because we don’t want you to feel bad about your childish sense of humor. When we hang out, it feels more like a babysitting job without the pay.”
You gain the courage to look at the other two of the group for some sort of sign that any of this was a lie. You were hoping it was all some sick joke and you guys could just go back to laughing and drinking coffee together like you usually would.
One of them just avoids eye contact, guilt written all over his face as he plays with his hands. The other looks like she’s trying not to laugh.
You can feel your heart breaking into little pieces at that moment. You clench your jaw in an effort to keep the tears in your eyes as you stood up. You internally thank yourself for deciding to sit on the outside of the booth, because at least now you can make a quick getaway.
“Well then,” you pull out your wallet and take out a couple of bills to pay for the coffee, slapping them on the cool metal table.
“Consider this your paycheck.”
Before they could say anything more, you promptly turn on your heal and make your way towards the exit.
By the time Spencer got home, it was already dark outside and you had been crying for god knows how long.
The door opened with a slight squeak as light from the hallway illuminated the small apartment.
You could hear the floorboards creak when he stepped into the space, following the sound of the front door shutting with a click.
You stood up from your half-sitting-half-laying down position on the couch and immediately ran over to wrap your arms around his waist. After what happened this morning, all you wanted to do was hear his voice and feel his body heat.
He wrapped his arms around you in return, putting one hand under your shirt to rub soothing motions up and down your back. You could feel the tears coming back as you replayed what your friend said in your mind over and over.
“You’re such a child”
“The rest of us grew out of that shit by age seven”
“Spencer?” Your voice is slightly muffled by his shoulder when you speak, but he hears you.
“Hm?” He hums quietly.
“Do you think I’m too childish?”
He pulls back slightly to look at your face, his expression puzzled.
“No, why on earth would you ever think that?”
You avoid his eyes when you speak again. “It’s just-“ you stop and take a deep breath, realizing that this is something you want to tell him. It might do you some good to get it off your chest after all these years.
You pull away from Spencer and take his hand, leading him away from the front door and towards the couch. The two of you sit down on the small sofa, and you take another deep breath in preparation for this conversation.
“Earlier today I went out with my closer friends, and found out that hanging out with me is comparable to ‘babysitting without the pay’” you add air quotes to the last bit and let out a dry laugh.
Spencer stayed quiet, waiting for you to continue.
You sighed and looked down at your hands, trying to figure out the right words to say.
“When I was a kid, my parents weren’t exactly…attentive to my needs.” You started, swallowing the oncoming tears “I was the result of an unplanned pregnancy so they never cared that much about me.”
“When they weren’t out getting drunk or high, they were acting like I didn’t even exist. They couldn’t even bother to pick me up from school or feed me, so you could imagine their reactions when I would ask them to go somewhere fun or to buy me a simple coloring book.”
Tears were now flowing freely down your face, dripping onto your hands as you tried to steady your breathing. It seemed stupid that you were crying over such a simple thing.
Spencer pulled you closer to him on the couch, making you lift your head up to look at him. His expression was a soft one. It wasn’t a look of pity, it was a look of understanding.
He gently wiped your face with the sleeve of his cardigan before speaking.
“Give me a list.”
“Give me a list of things you didn’t get to do as a kid, and we’ll do them.”
He smiled when your eyes went wide with surprise.
“Um, I don’t have a specific list but….I’ve never blown bubbles before.”
“Alright, get your shoes on, we’re going on an adventure.” He gets up from the couch, bringing you with him to the door.
The two of you were now standing in a park, in the middle of the nights, with cheap blowing bubbles in hand.
Opening up the bottle, you were immediately hit with a soapy smell that made your nose burn.
“Are you sure these are safe to use?” You ask, pulling out the tiny wand inside the bottle and staring at it like it was another life form instead of just a piece of plastic
Spencer laughed at your hesitance and opened his bottle as well. “Yes, I’m sure.”
“Sooo, how do you do this, exactly?”
“You just dip the wand into the soap mixture, and blow through it.”
You dip the wand back down into the bottle and bring it to your lips, gently blowing into it.
A stream of bubbles flow from the wand before you can’t blow any more without dipping it back into the container.
You stare in childish wonder as they float down to the ground, popping on the blades of grass
“Magical, right?” Spencer laughs before blowing some of his own bubbles.
You continue to stare at them floating downwards, laughing as you blow some more and attempt to catch one in your hands. You frown when it pops and leaves a sticky residue behind.
“Not very durable, huh?” You say as you wipe your hands on your shirt.
“No, not at all. In fact, the bubbles are made up of three layers; an inner and outer layer made up of soap and a layer of water in between, like a water sandwich. Water evaporating from the bubble film is what makes it pop.” Spencer smiles at you, clearly proud of the built-in encyclopedia of information he has in his brain.
You move towards him and wrap your arms around his waist before pecking his cheeks, then his lips. He squeezes you closer when you try to pull away, drawing out the kiss longer than you intended.
When you finally pull away, he smiles a sweet thing.
“Well, was the bubble-blowing Everything you wanted and more?” He asks as he gently grabs your hands and runs over the ridges of your knuckles with his thumbs
“Yes, I’d say it was.” You beamed.
You both stand in silence for what felt like forever before he brings his hands up to your face, cupping it lightly.
His lips were pressed into a thin line, his brows furrowed as if he was trying to think of something. Then he spoke.
“I love you so much Y/N, childish or not, and screw anyone who willingly misses out on your amazing personality just because they think they’re too grown up for it.”
Tears started to well in your eyes for the third time that night. Except this time, it wasn’t because of pain or sadness or your shitty friends.
“Thank you, Spencer.”
And before he could speak, you pulled him in for a kiss that tasted only of blowing bubbles and happiness.
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clonerightsagenda · 7 months
New ask for PPLN: Lyra Silvertongue
Hell yeah the ask meme adventure continues
(Ask meme here)
Full disclosure, I have not reread these books in quite some time. I do intend to, so that I'm prepped to be properly judgmental of the TV adaptation, but since my surgery keeps getting postponed I've been putting it off.
First impression
Man I wish I got to be a feral child running wild around a university.
Impression now
Given that HDM deconstructs the idea of the ~ innocence ~ of youth I like that Lyra (especially early on) is depicted as a selfish, impulsive kid who doesn't always make good decisions or empathize with other people. Like yeah, 12 year olds are still figuring stuff out! Most of them would cheer as their favorite bear tears another bear apart and eats his heart! Kids are weird and gross and complicated and authors who write very Pure Innocent Sweet Children just don't remember being that age.
Favorite moment
When she's not sure if she can trust Will so she asks the alethiometer about him and it tells her "he is a murderer" and she goes oh thank god. Bonkers behavior. (Also very judgmental of the alethiometer, I would call what he did manslaughter at best)
Also love that despite being the Eve in this scenario she pulled a Jesus and co-led the harrowing of hell. Love me a good afterlife breakout. Partycrash the underworld just to say hey to your friend and go 'btw while we're here do you want to like. leave'
Idea for a story
Lyra's described as a witch in many of the ways that count after being separated, and she pretends to be a witch a few times during the sequel series. I think she should hang out with them sometime. She suffers from the common female protag written by a male author problem of having no female friends and they might help her more than reading a bunch of depressing philosophy. "Oh your preteen crush is stranded in another universe? Well I've outlived 3 husbands. Let's talk about it."
Unpopular opinion
Is being a #hater of the sequel series so far unpopular? I was not a fan. While I did not expect some sort of secret surprise Will/Lyra endgame and hold the general perspective that most people are not going to have lasting relationships with their 13 year old crushes (a separate nested unpopular opinion?), setting up a romance with a guy who knew her as a baby and was her teacher when she was a kid weirds me out.
Favorite relationship
Does not every 12 year old girl want a giant fuckoff armored bear to be her bestie. At least after Lyra got every other person in her life surgically removed over the course of the narrative she can still visit Iorek the bear king. I hope? I don't remember him mentioned in the sequel series but I don't remember much of it.
Favorite headcanon
While as stated earlier I don't support holding out for your 13 year old crush I think it would be nice for her to get to say hi to all her friends from other worlds in the land of the dead before they all vaporize. (Speaking of which, wasn't the deal that they could only keep that window open if they taught everyone in each of their worlds to stop being assholes. How's that going guys)
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phantomoftheorpheum · 3 months
hi!! 😊 i liked that christian was a major red herring. it was nice to be validated even though i was expecting it. i like christian but i think he is a little too similar to tabby to be interesting as a love interest. they are the male and female versions of each other 🤣
johnny deserved better. although i think he was a little too understanding with imogen at times, he knew she was going through it and i respect him for that. the way she demanded to see his texts and look at his search history was such a red flag. of course i get it in this context but irl that would not be okay. maybe imogen need to be single for a while.
i don’t like jen. i will never like jen. she’s manipulative and a liar. i will never excuse how she deflected and made noa the bad guy in the conversation where noa attempted to confront her about robbing shawn’s house. how their shippers ignore that problematic behavior is beyond me. i’m sad that she will be in season 3. at least i’m not alone in this as i’ve seen a lot of people complaining about this ship in the pll original sin instagram comments. i hope the writers hear our complaints. it has made noa my least favorite liar when i used to love her.
Hi! I agree!
You are so right about Christian! I should have trusted my 2x01/2x02 gut that he was a red herring, but then I got so suspicious of the fact that no one was suspicious of him when they obviously should be. jksdhfksdf. I'm still baffled by how Tabby didn't think to put either Wes or Christian on their original suspect list, considering their love of horror and the masks stuff, but I'm just gonna have to learn to accept that. I'm glad Christian was good too, though. I never wanted him to be bad, just was very suspicious he might be. They definitely gave him some dialogue that pointed his way. But he was a good red herring! He worked until the finale when they started getting suspicious and then I knew it wasn't him.
I have said it once and I will say it again, Johnny is quite literally the chillest dude on the planet (😂 this will never stop being funny to me, I am sorry). I'm also glad that he's not bad because I think he's an enjoyable addition to the cast and I hope he is in next season (again, assuming they get a next season) because we still know almost nothing about him, so they could do a lot of fun things with his character. But I do think Imogen needs to take some time, regardless of the Johnny stuff (I mean, he really should NOT want to date her ever again because she nearly killed him??) because this was a mess. I also think all the girls (but particularly Imogen and Tabby) do still need mental healthcare, but obviously not with Dr. Sullivan.
Aaaaahhh, the Jen stuff. I just kept thinking there was going to be some sort of reveal/resolution that made the Jen stuff feel like it worked in the season and had a reason to be there. I had so many possible scenarios I was willing to accept. and yet, they managed to find one which was none of them??? I can't believe I sat through so much love triangle crap for literally no payout. I hate love triangles and the only redeeming quality is that they usually have a big blowout scene when it all comes out, but they didn't even give us that???? It will be interesting (assuming they get a season 3) to see if they respond to the criticism like they did with the Ezra thing, because a lot of people feel Noa's carelessness about the situation (and she was super, super manipulative towards Shawn throughout this, as well) ruined her character for them. Now, I think it's fine to tear a character down and need to build them back up, and I think it's good to see the Liars engage in flawed behavior, the problem I have here is... they (the show) have given no indication that they think they actually DID tear Noa's character down? Like, I am sorry, but her behavior was flat out cruel and she felt a tiny bit bad about it for like 2 seconds and faced absolutely 0 consequences, and that, not that she made some terrible decisions, is the real problem here. It's not "tearing a character down to build them back up" or even "giving a character flaws" if those things are never acknowledged as flaws and terrible behavior in the first place? Ugh. There was just so much potential with this storyline (literally so much!) and they just threw it all straight in the trash.
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jeskoholic · 1 year
A Little Piece of You Chapter 19: One-Eyed Owl
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This is a chapter from an on-going series. If you missed out on the previous entries, you can check my masterlist.
Previous chapter: Black Swan
Word count: 5,453
Tags: Male OC X Mina, Nurse Room, College Sweethearts TW: Mentions of Blood
“Noona, I’m home. Are you here?” Yoon Jae-in’s voice announced, echoing across the seemingly empty apartment. He had just finished swapping his shoes for the indoor slip-ons, wrapping his hand further on the paper bag that he had with him. “There’s something that I’d like for you to see. Are you busy?”
Jae-in checked the small walk-in shelf of his noona’s shoe closet and found that her slip-ons were not present there. It was an immediate sign that she was not out for work and is lost somewhere in the apartment with him on that night. It was still early in the evening as well; a couple of minutes before seven PM was the perfect time for Jae-in to rush towards the local cake shop to get something for his beloved older sister.
Soon enough, soft and muffled food steps rustled over the carpeted floor followed by the figure of Bae Joohyun emerging from the bathroom. Unlike the usual presence of her being seen with all her breath-taking visuals to boot, Yoon Jae-in’s step sister wore a sleeveless green top and black shorts with her hair wrapped in plastic. She was also wearing a rejuvenating face mask over her beautiful visual, apparently attempting to keep it in place by walking in a rather awkward, back-inclined manner. The sight was hilarious for sure, but Jae-in always expected something to this degree anyway so it was pretty normal for him.
“This is such a wrong timing, Jae-in,” she said as she eyed her younger brother through the holes of the mask, speaking in an oddly muffled manner. In a matter hilarity, Jae-in found it strange how her neck was held so stiff as if she had a neck brace, all just to prevent her hair dressing and the mask from falling off. “I’m in the middle of my skincare as well as my hair spa. Can’t this wait a bit later?”
“I brought you a cake. I figured you needed a break of some form, so I got the sweet part of that break in this paper bag, noona.”
Just like that, Joohyun craned her neck and straightened up her body, apparently disregarding the attempt to hold her mask up high. Fortunately, it really did not fall off of any sorts and it stuck on her face.
“But it seems that you’re busy so I figured maybe—“
“I’m not busy,” she snapped. “Don’t you dare open that without me; this would not take that long to remove. Plus, I can do this later anyway. How come you didn’t mention getting some sweet stuff? I could have cooked dinner earlier so we can eat that sooner.”
Of course; she’s always like that. Noona does not always get these kinds of food because of her strict diet so I have to make every event special whenever we get these.
“Ah about that, don’t worry about it. I am actually in the mood to cook tonight and my school works have turned themselves down for the week, so my schedule is free. I’ll just make do of what we have at the fridge. You can relax your face for a bit, noona. I’ll take care of dinner for both of us.”
Even through the mask, Jae-in could clearly see Joohyun’s expression as her eyes widened in surprise.
“Oh wow, now that’s new! I certainly did not expect that from you. Well then, if you put it that way, it’s hard to decline. Go ahead and break a leg.”
“Of course noona, anything for my beautiful sister,” he said as he placed his bag over the couch. “I’ll make it light just so the cake won’t take too much space for you. I’ll consider how it would affect you, noona, especially with the cake here having to think about.”
Joohyun paused on the spot and gently tilted her head to the side.
“What is with you today, Yoon Jae-in? You seem to be in a really good mood. Did something amazing happen back at university, hmmm? I’m not complaining; it’s just… unusual. I like it though. Keep it up.”
“Ah, it’s really nothing noona. Maybe it’s just that I got all my dues done and also yeah, I’m in a good mood. So if I were you…”
Yoon Jae-in carefully walked towards the dining table, placed the bagful of cake over the surface and went behind his older sister. Gently, he softly ran his fingers over the wrap on his sister’s head before and moved to give a soft massage towards her neck and exposed shoulders. He gave a soft jolt towards her, startling Joohyun from where she stood before he poked the side of her waist.
“Yah…! I’m ticklish, stop it!”
“I’m just saying noona; relax for now because I got you covered. Don’t worry about me. Tonight, I’ll be serving you.”
“Aish, you stupid little bean; I love it when you’re being all thoughtful like this. You should go home every night on a good mood, but then again the sweets could get a dent on my waist here. Don’t burn the meat, okay?”
Joohyun, too, passed Jae-in as she finally headed back towards the bathroom once again. However, before she could make go past him completely, she made sure to poke Jae-in in the same manner that he did to her; a sharp-nailed index finger poking squarely on the side of his waist. That earned a good smile from Jae-in as he watched his step sister disappear towards the doors of their own bathroom.
Surely, his uplifted mood was caused by something that happened earlier that day. It was not even supposed to make sense on that regard and to the degree that he was actually experiencing, but he cannot control what he was supposed to feel. It was just that he was really, really happy. Having to cook for Irene was perhaps one of the good by-products of that uplifted mood.
Right after Joohyun went back to the bathroom, Jae-in was about to head back towards his room to change clothes when he felt his phone vibrate on his pocket for the first time on that night. He hastily moved to fish it out, with his head hard-wired to check on it quickly only to disregard the moment that the notification was nothing of significant interest to him. That was already on the subconscious when he began to read the small bar right above the UI of his phone.
Instagram: Yoon Jae-in, your friend Ning Yizhuo posted for the first time after a while.
I thought she’s inactive on these kinds of stuff. I recall her not being too fond of it.
I wonder what’s she’s up to as she barely has any social media presence of any kind.
Reflexively, he opened the application through the notification tab and sure enough Ningning��s first post after what he thought was months showed, glaring on his phone’s screen for him to see.
It was a simple post of Ningning’s selca with three different photos taken on what he assumed was her bedroom. She had different expressions throughout the three posts, but with each of the photos it caught the background of her bed and pillows; all quoted with the caption: ‘hello there, the angel from my nightmare’.
However, Jae-in’s eyes was quick to notice something that stood out on the all-peach mattress as well as the rest of the neatly arranged pillows. It was one glaring brown horse plushie that rested next to them, leaning on the bed’s headrest and showed itself on the camera ever so slightly. Clearly, even if it was so far he was sure to recognize the horse plushie that was there, for it was the very same horse plushie that he won and gave to Ningning when they went off to the arcade during Valentine’s Day.
“Wow, she actually kept that. That’s amazing,” he muttered to himself.
Yoon Jae-in then went on off to double tap the post, liking Ningning’s recent IG post before anyone else, and then left his phone at the dining table; intending to head back to his room and change his clothes for the night of cooking waiting for him.
As usual, I kept my normal pace consistent throughout that week to the point that it was almost close to the weekend again. I have no complaints whatsoever. This whole school-house routine with the occasional walk around courtesy of Shinwon and Dawn were starting to get really comfortable. The added factor that Joohyun-noona surprised me with a model kit for me to build, as a show of gratitude from all the small sweet treats and help I’ve been giving her for the past days, not only have I kept my attention glued onto heading home, I was actually looking forward to it. It was a very progressive hobby too; with how meticulous it looks, there’s no way that I’ll be able to do that in one month to say the least.
One Friday, I had to shelve that model since I had to work on a project due on the following week, paired with a classmate. I was heading off towards the large gymnasium/auditorium complex of NLIU to meet her and fetch a thumb drive from her as we agreed previously. Apparently, this classmate was a representative of the school’s basketball varsity team and surely this was the only reasonable time that we could meet each other without trouble on her schedule. Since the gymnasium was located up on the second floor of the building next to the library, I had to walk up a couple of stairs to go there. However, as I was nearing the peak of the flight, close towards the gate heading to the gym inside, my phone gave off another vibration because of an incoming notification.
1 New Message from: Kyungsoo
I immediately halted my pace at the moment that I reached the top, along with that was opening the rather unexpected chat from Doh Kyungsoo. However, I had a hint on what it was supposed to contain; it was pretty much the same chat that he’s been messaging me about for weeks now up until this point.
Kyungsoo: This might work out this time, Jae-in. We’re planning to head back to Skylight and get some drinks. I wonder if you want to go this time around. Hongseok’s taking care of everything again.
I knew it. Honestly, I still have no real intention to join them considering, well, I have a lot of stuff to do back home. However, despite me being silent on United Kwangya, Kyungsoo was the one who kept on messaging me for the invites; persistently asking if there was a possibility of me joining them regardless if I repeatedly decline or not. A part of me already wanted to go, this time for old time’s sake.
I’d lie if I’d say that I didn’t miss any of them one bit.
Kyungsoo: I don’t want you to say that I baited you in, but I’m sure you wanted to know. Soyeon’s actually joining us.
The timing is really strange.
If this particular hang out went on like how the rest of them have been doing it for the past weeks or so, I might have gone with them.
I don’t know… I’m sure that Soyeon showing up probably means that she’s ready to go back to the group as well, but a part of me was not yet ready to see her face to face. I think the same goes for her as well, especially knowing that I was the one who ‘broke-up’ with her, so to speak. Then again, this might be the chance for us to talk again and settle with being friends…
Still, the timing is so off. I really don’t feel like going now, knowing she’s there.
It’s not yet the time.
I’ll go ahead and see her soon, just not now. At this point if I would go, it would be just like forcing me to see her. I don’t want that to happen.
Jae-in: Sorry man, I got plans. Thank you for the invite, and I appreciate it as always.
Kyungsoo: No worries. Message me in case you change your mind.
Jae-in: I’ll do that in case there are changes. See you around man.
I knew that maybe Kyungsoo replied another message after what I had just sent him, but then I figured I already told him everything that I had to say so I just pocketed my phone again with no other thoughts ahead of me. With that, I beckoned myself inside the huge, high-ceilinged gymnasium of NLIU to meet this rather athletic group mate of mine, with the noise of the bouncing balls as well as the periodical shouts and grunts from the athletes greeting my eardrums as I moved to enter.
The NLIU Gymnasium was the large, dome-like establishment that stood a couple of metres away from the university library, with a spacious façade as soon as I exited the small entrance hallway. Bleachers lined its perimeter, surrounding the well-polished basketball court along with a curtained stage at the far left. The court seemed to be split in half at the moment, with two sport divisions practicing on each of the half-courts at the same time. To the right were the jersey-wearing young guys who were busy practising their dribbling techniques around various traffic cones. On my left were people dressed in minimal body gear as they practised fencing on wooden swords. The combination of the athletes as well as the noise coming from the common student standing by the gymnasium definitely made the environment lively.
I just don’t know how on earth I am supposed to find her in all of this. I can only see guys around here. Should I call her?
“Yoon Jae-in; I’m here,” I heard a voice call my name as if I just thought about that loud. I turned my head as I walked on the small pathway separating the main court line and the wall by a couple of metres, and immediately saw a short-haired girl dressed in matching red jerseys. She jogged towards me with a basketball on one hand and a thumb drive clearly on the other; her tied hair bounced carefully as she treaded the path heading to where I stopped and eventually stood upon.
“Hey, I’m sorry that I had to ask you to come here,” she breathed as soon as she was in front of me. Only now did I realize that she had a coach’s whistle draped around her neck and her forehead had beads of sweat. “I’m worried that I might not notice you. Good thing it was you whom I saw first as soon as I looked at the entrance by chance.”
“That’s fine. You seem to be really busy. Are you training with these guys?” I asked her as I took the drive from her.
“Ah, no; actually I’m the one training them. I’m actually in charge of training new varsity members so I really can’t just get out for a bit.”
“You train them? Wow, that’s amazing. I better get going then.”
“No it’s fine… if you want; you can stay for a bit. Anyway, I already did the necessary components for the reports and I compiled them there. You’re way better on writing than me, so I think you could provide a better and more coherent output than I would.”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s a pair’s work after all. I got this. Thank you for working hard, Ryujin. I think I need to go so that you can go back there and continue.”
“Alright; just message me if there’s anything else that you need.”
I nodded in response before watching the ever-so athletic Shin Ryujin jog her way back towards the dribbling guys, but not before dribbling the ball she held on her hand as well. I can’t help but be amused with how amazing she actually was despite being really timid on class. I never thought that she’d be the one teaching these younger dudes.
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I immediately pocketed the drive as I walked, heading towards the same hallway I entered from to exit the gym for good. However, I was way too occupied on pocketing the drive that it fell out of my grasp and slid across the gym’s slippery and polished floor. Panicking, I rushed to fish it up, of which I eventually did, but as soon as I raised my head…
I saw a wooden pole hit the lower eyelid of my right eye, missing my main eye by mere millimetres before I stumbled, fell to the ground, and pain filled the right side of my face as everything went into a mess.
It was an instant that Yoon Jae-in was singly teleported out of the gymnasium, as he even could not recall what really happened after his eye got hit. There was a brunt force that pushed him back followed by a sensation that felt like a punch on the face. He held on his cheek for as long as he could remember with the eventual commotion that surrounded him. Whatever happened was sure to be of a huge impact to him, considering he felt almost four to five people that help him up and carefully assisted him to the university’s emergency clinic.
Now, as he sat down on a reclined chair, things only began to register to his mind as the school nurse carefully bandaged his right eye. Spots of his own blood were clearly seen botched on the white fabric of his shirt, all the way down towards his arm. The small makeshift room he was brought in was sight; it was more akin to a dentist’s room more than anything else.
“Mr Yoon Jae-in, are you feeling alright now?” the school nurse asked him, Nurse Joy, while she carefully applied a piece of cotton over his wound. “Please keep your eye closed. This might sting a bit, so please hold it in.”
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“Was the hit bad, ma’am?” Jae-in nervously asked, quite nervous at his first time being inside the school clinic on a major accident. “I… sort of black out after I got hit but I don’t remember passing out… everything felt vague.”
“You got hit by a fencing stick, Jae-in. It was so close that it hit your eyelid instead, missing your eye by a close margin. The blood stains you’re seeing on your clothes as well as your hands are the result of a small tear; it did graze a bit off of your skin but it’s nothing to worry about. I’m trying to disinfect the wound now and I’ll apply a bandage later so that the bruise that formed under your eye won’t be too obvious.”
“W-would I still be able to see…?”
To his surprise, Nurse Joy chuckled.
“Of course, Jae-in; don’t worry about that. Like I said, the stick barely missed your eye and hit your upper cheek instead, but grazing a bit of your skin in the process. It’s fortunate that, despite the damage, it’s just a minor thing that would heal given time. Now, for the meantime…”
She picked up a small ice-pack from the table nearby, placed it on Jae-in’s cheek and moved his hand to press on it. There was an immediate cooling sensation that spread towards his impacted region.
“Please hold that for a while. I’ll be back in about five minutes, okay? I’ll just need to run a quick errand. Just continue to press it carefully on the bruise until I get back,” she said, removing her gloves and disposing it on the bin below.
Jae-in barely even have any time to nod when Nurse Joy exited through the door in front of him. Even with the split-second frame of the door being open, he could have sworn he saw a couple of people standing in front of the door. One of them had a huge chance to be the person who accidentally shanked him.
He bore no grudges against whoever they were, for that matter. It was just that he was there when the even unfolded on an unfortunately timed matter. Luckily, throughout that ruckus of a commotion, even with his mind temporarily in shambles after that incident, he managed to keep hold of the drive Ryujin gave him previously, and now it was settling comfortably on the deepest corner of his pants’ pockets.
The underlying concern now was how bad his face actually looked like. It was a powerful and painful impact, judging by the feedback he was receiving even with just moving the pack with the smallest distance. There were no mirrors whatsoever inside the clinic, at least from the room where he was staying at, that he can actually check how bad his face looks like. It does feel painful, but what concerns him the most was how his sister would react to that once she’d see it. The way she would react to it might even be worse than how Jae-in faced the incident himself. She might assume a lot of things, which primarily would include him getting into a fight. With how protective she is towards his younger brother, there’s a huge chance that she might get really mad seeing him with a bruise under his right eye before he could even explain what really happened.
Yoon Jae-in awkwardly sat there tapping the ice pack against his face gently, allowing some of the condensed ice to trail down his cheek while he waited for the return of Nurse Joy. It was almost around five minutes that passed, with him carefully pressing the pack against his face in constant progression when the clinic’s door finally opened up.
“Nurse Joy, I think there’s a—“
And then, the world seemingly turned itself over.
The voice was already familiar the first time he heard it enter the room. There’s no denying that the soft, almost elegant an innocent-like aura belonged to a person he met on a couple of interesting situations, and that day seemed to be the most interesting of them all.
Myoui Mina continued to enter the secluded clinic room in a slower manner the moment she recognized who was seated on the chair. Gone were the specs that Jae-in previously saw her wear, of which he can now see the pure and captivating beauty of her presence. She was dressed in a simple jacket-shirt-jeans combination, along with a small bag slung over her shoulder, but her pure aura lifted her outfit in a completely different level.
“M-Mina…? That’s you, right…?” Jae-in asked in disbelief. “What are you doing here?”
“Yoon Jae-in… I-I’m… I came here to run an errand for Nurse Joy. I did not expect to see you here.”
Mina fully entered the room and moved to close the door, but not before carefully checking the outer premises first.
“What happened to you?” she asked wit concern, eyeing the bruise that formed in Jae-in’s face as well as the ice pack that he was pressing against it. “Did you get in a fight?”
“Oh this…? It’s just an accident at the gym. I got shanked by a wooden sword and it luckily missed my eye and hit my cheek instead.”
“Is that true? Oh no, that must be really painful… d-did you get that treated already…?”
“Y-yeah, N-nurse Joy actually…”
To his surprise, Mina actually placed her bag beside the open table and quickly rummaged through the shelves searching for something. Moments later, she withdrew her hands holding a new pair of disposable gloves.
“Are you allowed to do that…?”
“I… I can take a look at it if you like,” she said in that similar soft voice of hers. “I used to be a voluntary intern here so… so I know a bit in treating those kinds of things.”
“Really…? Well, sure thing… I mean, it’s better if you’re going to check it instead of just me alone.”
“I promise I won’t make it worse,” she assured as she rolled up her sleeves and wore both the gloves over her slender hands. She then took a step closer to where Jae-in was seated and reached for the ice pack. “Can I have that…?”
Nervously, he let Mina take the ice pack from him and sat still. Despite only having one eye to see, It was more than enough for him to appreciate the details of Mina’s face as she moved closer, carefully eyeing the bruise on Yoon Jae-in’s cheek. She then moved the pack out of the way in order for her to gently caress the impacted area with her gloved hand.
“I think you’ve been pressing too hard on it,” she remarked. “It might give your skin more trouble than it already has. Here, let me demonstrate how you should do it.”
Mina unexpectedly fished Jae-in’s free arm from below and placed on the ice pack before holding it herself, all while she took the nearby stool and eventually sat on it. Myoui Mina and Yoon Jae-in sat opposite each other, with the young woman pressing the ice carefully against his skin while she held on to his hand.
Perhaps it was the silence that could be blamed for the rather awkward and wordless moments that followed after that. Jae-in’s heartbeat, his cheeks, his ears, everything was flaring up with just the simple act of Mina helping him compress and treat the injury as it is. It was certainly quite an unexpected turn for her to be the one to show up there, let alone be the one helping him on his injury in probably the sweetest manner ever. Not to mention, Mina’s face was so close to his that he could easily make up the details better than when he first saw her back at the library nor the cafeteria.
The silence was deafening, with only the source of noise coming from the periodical hallway noises from the outside of the clinic itself. Mina did not even notice that her pressing became softer and softer as the minutes went by. She could only blame it all on Jae-in, for as soon as their eyes met in that quiet room, she suddenly felt conscious of what she looked like. There was no real bit of thought she involved on that instance; just seeing Jae-in there made her concerned all of a sudden. Now, their face was so close that even she was starting to feel how awkward it was…
What is happening?
I don’t even know if my face is wet with water droplets or because of sweat.
“Am I interrupting something?” the voice of Nurse Joy said from the door. Apparently neither Jae-in nor Mina noticed that it even opened in the first place. That alone brought them back at the clinic after their minds mutually flew for a couple of minutes, maybe there was a little startle in there as well.
“N-nurse Joy… s-sorry,” Mina scrambled to get herself back on her feet, ultimately leaving Jae-in to hold on the cold press against his face. “I thought you were here and… it just so happened that I knew him to so I just—“
“It is fine, Mina-chan; there’s nothing to worry about. I just did not expect to see you here. You’ve never volunteered for an entire semester now, but it’s nice to see you take care of people again… interesting even, that you actually knew each other too…” she said with a teasing smile.
“I… I just happened to know him t-too…”
“In that case, do you mind if I leave him on your care then? I went back here in a rush because I’m dealing with another emergency case. Is that okay with you?”
“Y-yes… I’ll t-take care of him… I’ll manage…”
“Thank you so much, Mina! On that note, I’ll leave you two be. Just inform me if he’s going off so that I can make an incident report as well as an excuse slip. I’ll just be out so just approach me when you two are… done, you know?”
Mina deliberately ignored the odd tone and bowed in courtesy before Nurse Joy finally left the door, effectively having both herself and Yoon Jae-in in the company of each other again like before. The young man still had the cold press on his face, blushing for things he didn’t even know the reason for as he sat there with Mina. The entire atmosphere was starting to be awkwardly different and the only way he could think about was to bring the conversation down to the ground to lay out the comfort again.
“It’s crazy how we seem to meet on unfortunate circumstances,” Jae-in teased as soon as Mina moved to wipe the accumulated water from his face. “Last time that I saw you, I thought I would be standing still for lunch. Before that, I bumped into all your books.”
“Ah, I thought I was the only one who noticed. It’s interesting how I bump into you a lot these days as well. Also, I think the small graze on your eyelid is doing well now; it’s stopped from bleeding but it still has a bit of a swell. T-the problem is just the bruise on your eye. We’ve done enough compressing that it would be good for the meantime, but if you go out walking like that it would look as if you just got into a fight,” Mina said, examining the soft bruise of Jae-in on his face, unintentionally bringing her face closer to his once more. “But I think I have a solution for that.”
She immediately withdrew and went back towards the same shelve that she fished the gloves from, and then she emerged later holding a pack of what looked like medical eye-patches. Mina quickly fished a piece and stretched it out before proceeding to the waiting figure of Yoon Jae-in. He knew what was about to come but he was busy being frozen on the spot, still processing what was really going on with everything around him.
“Wear this for now. It might not conceal everything but at least you’ll not walk around looking like someone just punched you,” she began, and then carefully wrapped the strap around Jae-in’s head and eventually settling the patch on his bad eye. “You just need to routinely take care of that so that it would heal the quickest time.”
“T-thank you, Mina… this would be a huge help for me…” he replied.
However, the moment that Jae-in opened his eyes, Mina was busy writing something on a piece of paper before eventually handing it to him casually.
“Umm… what’s this for?”
“Please message or call me on this number… Nurse Joy put me in charge of you so I’d… I’d like to check on how you’re doing as well… that way I can instruct you how to treat your bruise better… I also included my social profile there in case you’re more into that…”
Oh wow…
That’s… that’s very thoughtful of her. Oh my god
“This is amazing Mina… you sure that Engineering was the right path that you took? You’d definitely be a good doctor, you know.”
Mina chuckled.
“Heh… it’s a tough choice but this is just a volunteer work for me… I guess it just so happened that I saw you here and I felt compelled to treat your injury and all… let’s just go with that. Umm… since we’re pretty much done here, I’ll just clean up so we can go on ahead and Nurse Joy could deal with the formalities now, shall we? I really… I really don’t want to deal with any of her thoughts in case that she’s having the wrong idea on what’s taking us so long in here….”
“Okay, okay… thank you. I promise I’ll message you about this and update you accordingly. I already feel better knowing I have a personal doctor. It’s not often that you bump into someone and they end up doing a huge favour for you twice, you know.”
With that, Mina responded on his statement with a very gummy smile. Jae-in already prepared to stand when Mina began to speak once again.
“Well, if you want to get even just by a bit… allow me to escort you back to your class. That way, I can be assured that you’ve arrived well knowing how you can only see half of what you’re used to.”
“Sounds like a plan. Let’s do that then.”
Next Chapter: Angel with a Shotgun
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strom-in-the-sky · 1 year
Oh my bodyguard~
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"Do you even know what you do to me...."
Modern-day au. Idol reader x bodyguard chuya. Slowly falling in love with your boss. This doesn't take place in the bsd timeline.
Tw.? Past trauma, Kinda occ chuya?
Idol {y/n} is the rising idol in Yokohama! Rising up to the top. It was nice very nice. Finally getting the dream you always wanted. To be a famous idol. The cheer, fans. Oh, the adoring fans, loving staff....and trusting bodyguard. Well, This was before Chuya came along. She trusted her bodyguard. She wanted some sort of friendship with the people who work with her so she picked her bodyguard.
Now chuya was never one to himself in pop culture. But when he was hired by the industry that you worked under. He took up the chance. Might get a couple good workouts trying to stop people from hurting others. He was very fit after all. But he didn't expect to work with the exact new risinging idol. He did do some looking into who he was going to look after. Only to find out something heartbreaking to him. Now he was never one to pity people. Always shutting them down. But your case made his heart go out for you.... your just trying to have fun and well everything turned back onto you.
Your fans were sad after the long period break you had to take. But they understand some wounds didn't heal overnight. You locked yourself up for a while in your room. The managers were worried as they always send staff to check up on you. Once you got better you were introduced to Chuya. A handsome man but short. His ginger hair, the black callor shirt he wore. Along with his black pants. Well, the required outfit for the company. He swears he felt his heart flutter at the soft look in your eye and smile. It just wanted him to protect that look more.
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Turns out the fans adore him as much as you did as your trusted bodyguard. It was a slow burn of trust but he understood. He understood it all. The fans usually tossed gifts for both of you on stage. One time you were about to slip on one gift but he was quick to come help. Catching you by the waist in a much-perfect dip. If on time the ending of the performance went off. It felt like a hundred- no a thousand fireworks went off in his heart. The shared look you both looked at each other with. You breathe slightly ragged from all the dancing and singing. His breath hitched as the lights went out. The fans went crazy. Thinking it was accidentally meant to happen. They were the secret shippers of the fandom after all. One fan one time gave you a plushie that looked like him. It was a corset to look like a cute small smaller version of him. It made you blush like crazy. Fans gave him rare cards from your collection or shirts. Becoming the slow fanboy. He would lower his hat and take the gift. The fans wouldn't even be mad if you two dated if anything they wanted the two of you to date. Like, come on that is such a cool ship!!! A bodyguard falls in love with an idol and the idol not knowing. Slowly falling in love themself.
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One day he was trying to convince you not to go out. But the puppy dog eyes you gave him made him shut up. He walked by your side throughout the city. Both stopped at the ice cream place you wanted to try. He found it funny how even how rich or popular you were you still did stuff in the city than you home. It wasn't until you two were walking back to the car. You yelped when someone grab you dropping your ice cream. He turned back to see a fan grasping your wrist. He immediately pulled you away and close to his chest. He sent glares as he scowled at the male for doing that. He pulled you into the car. One thing you did was cling to his body. He sighed and pat your head gently to try and soothe you. But once he heard hiccups and the wet feeling in his shirt he immediately hug you. Rubbing your back. It was a bit small in the back of the car. But he knew. He knew one thing for sure he staying your bodyguard.
That moment he saw the tears running down your face the smile gone from your face. He made up his mind.
He wanted to be your bodyguard.
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Proofread - I think Grammarly going to fuck me over
I'm having alot of fun writing these for my bots ejejjejdkd.
C. Ai bot is not available at the moment. {{ kinda is but he would act weird}}
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archivehub · 11 months
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Title: Pillow Talk
Summary: Steven and Connie discuss whether or not their future will involve children.
A new short story/one-shot! I've been meaning to write this one for years now lmao. It's the second-longest short in my Jam Buds and So On collection.
If you hate external links, the short can also be found below the cut:
On the second floor of a bed and breakfast, in a near pitch-black room, two young adults laid motionless, disheveled on a too-small, full-size bed. Not a sound could be heard but the faint snoring of their large, pink-furred friend, who had, much to the pair’s apprehension, insisted upon sleeping in the same room as them.
“Would you ever want kids?” a hoarse, male voice abruptly cut through the silence.
His girlfriend, wide-eyed, glanced his way; she could barely make out his features amidst the darkness. “Where’s this coming from?” she spoke softly, nonjudgmentally, hands clasped over her own, bare chest.
He shrugged nonchalantly. “I guess it just seemed kinda, uh…”—he pursed his lips—“relevant…”
“Huh? What do you …?” she trailed off, eyebrows knitting. “Oh… ohhhh…” She slapped a sweaty palm to her forehead. ”Duh.”
He snickered, playfully brushing a foot against hers beneath the covers. “So… have you ever thought about it, Connie?”
“M-maybe… I, uh …” She searched every crevice of her mind for a clear answer; time and time again, she came up completely empty. Truthfully, she had not been expecting the conversation for another few years at least. She should’ve been more prepared, she should’ve expected this. It’s Steven, after all. “Have, uh, you ever thought about it?” Of course he has!
“Y-yes… a lot, actually,” he murmured with a slight titter. Setting his eyes upon the ceiling, he elaborated, “I have almost every day for the last few years…”
“Hm…” Connie hummed. She felt her cheeks, her everything, redden; how could she not have seen this coming? “Why’s that, biscuit?”
He paused briefly, concentrating on the vague shape of the steadily spinning ceiling fan. “Well, it’s just… being on the road, I guess,” he shrugged. “It’s given me a lot of time to think about this stuff, about my future…”—he rolled over and desperately, intimately met her eyes—“about our future.”
“Y-yeah?” Connie acknowledged shakily, anxiously… excitedly? She bit her lip with anticipation.
“And, well…” he continued, “it feels like everywhere I go, I see nothing but families. Happy families. Normal families…” he stressed, “two parents ‘n’ all. It makes me think about all the stuff I missed out on as a kid… Like, what kinda person would I be today if I’d just had a normal, human family? If my mom hadn’t secretly been alien royalty?” he tearfully chuckled. “Sure, I wouldn’t be myself, but… well, that doesn’t stop me from thinking about it, y’know?”
“Oh, Steven…” she cooed as she placed a warm, tender hand upon his bare shoulder.
He placed a mellow hand atop hers. “But, uh, anyway, I guess all that is just my long way of saying… some day, Connie, I… I want to start a family with you. I-I’ve never been so sure about something in my entire life." He began running his free hand through her greasy, tangled hair. “Me and you— er, you and I,” he corrected himself, “we could be such amazing parents. Y-you could teach our kids all sorts of interesting stuff, a-and I could heal their wounds if they ever got hurt!” He felt his cheeks flush as a broad grin made its way to his lips. “A-and—best part—they wouldn’t have any magical destinies!” he chuckled. Beads of sweat dripped down his forehead. “They could live completely normal lives. They’d go to school, have friends their age, a-and at least one of us would always be there to cook meals for them!”
Connie felt her mouth fall ever-so-slightly agape as her pupils dilated. She had no idea how she was meant to feel; this was all so new to her. The way her boyfriend described it, the prospect of parenthood sounded so exciting. But… it also sounded like endless responsibility, something which became harder and ever-so-harder to think about as her upcoming exams slipped into her thoughts.
She supposed she had always been open to the idea of having children; she never would’ve even considered dating Steven had she not been. The very idea, though, of bringing new life into the world, of being wholly responsible for said life, had always seemed like a major commitment to her, one which she could never consider lightly.
“And, if you wanted, we could even adopt!” Steven energetically added. “I know a whole lot of people hate the idea of pregnancy; I would never put you through it if you didn’t want me to—well, if I’d even be able to put you through it, biologically ‘n’ all.” His forehead puckered, despite his best efforts to hide his restlessness. “I-I could get that tested, though: I’ve researched it! I’d just have to mail a few samples to a lab and …” he trailed off before shaking away his train of thought. “I, uh, think you get it,” he chuckled breathily, sweatily. He then pulled away from his girlfriend, maintaining eye contact as best as he possibly could. “So, uhm… w-what do you say, Connie? B-be honest with me, please.”
‘Wait for that special someone before you have kids,’ her mom would always tell her, coincidentally starting around the same time she met Steven. She had come around to him over the years, though, even going so far as to make him an ‘honorary member' of the Maheswaran family.
What her mom, what anybody else, thought, though, simply didn’t matter right now. She had to make this decision for herself, and she already knew what her heart of hearts wanted her to say…
As his girlfriend’s silence crept upon two minutes long, Steven felt the last remnants of his smile fall. “Y-you know what,” he muttered, eyebrows lowered, “j-just forget about it. We can talk about it some other time.” It took every ounce of his will to prevent his skin from glowing. “I-I’m really sorr—”
“After I get my bachelor’s at Jayhawk,” Connie abruptly interrupted, “a stable job, a house… and maybe with some help from your dad and my parents…” she diligently laid out, “then… well…” she giggled through a dimpled smile, “there should be some room in the agenda.”
Steven felt his entire body suddenly light up with emotion. His breathing hastened tenfold as he felt himself start bouncing up and down on the mattress. Grabbing his girlfriend’s shoulders, tears pricking at his eyes, he near-shouted “C-Connie, is that a 'yes'!?”
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trashboatprince · 10 months
The Star Beast!
Let's talk about it!
(Major spoilers under the cut)
-First off, I fucking love Fourteen, absolutely a delight, I wanna hug them (Okay, technically I HAVE hugged them when I got to hug David at the con this year, but still!). Also, 'male-presenting Time Lord', bah! Still gonna use they/them when I refer to them because please just let me have this, I don't care, the Doctor canonically doesn't give two shits about gender and even refers to going by the article Doctor over a pronoun in this special anyway.
-Second, DONNA! OH DONNA! I love her, I love her so much, just- oh, she hasn't changed a damn bit! Including missing the fucking alien spacecraft because that was exactly what I expected from her. <3
-Also, most supportive mom, love that.
-Rose~! Oh, oh Rose, how I love you! No notes, she's amazing! It did hurt to hear her dead name being used, but considering that it was done by a bunch of dickheaded kids, it makes sense. But we will never use that name for her here, nope, she's just Rose. <3
-Shaun is a delight, Donna got herself the most excellent of malewives ever
-Sylvia, ah, exactly as I expected, though she is trying to be better for her daughter and granddaughter, so points to her.
-Meep! So much to say on the meep but I'll keep it brief: transphobic little shit.
-UNIT is always fun to see, but how well known are they nowadays because the BBC report actually referred to them. I dunno, I've still working my way through the Third Doctor's era where UNIT was a major plot point and I haven't... finished watching Thirteen's era yet (only because I want to watch it with my gf the next time we see each other).
-Fourteen interacting with the Noble family was great, especially with them trying to see the Meep and Sylvia panicking and wow, this face cannot escape being slapped I wonder if Donna will get to do one herself.
-The action stuff is so much fun, exactly what I expect from this series.
-Being on the Meep's ship, the fact that Donna went to help the Doctor and just... oh, oh, them freaking out and crying because they were scared she'd die when she remembered. I started sobbing.
-Hell, I was crying when they held her in their arms and said he didn't care if the grunts shot them... uuuuhhhhhggggg... Fourteen cares about her so much! That's his best friend!
-Rose! Rose and Donna, Time Ladies! Lord, Lady, and neither! Don't care what anyone says, I loved this. I didn't voice it, but I had a very strong feeling that Rose would inherit the DoctorDonna.
-Was a little confused about them 'letting go' but... yeah, alright, okay. Still, I wonder if there is still a bit of Time Lord left in them.
-Is there any chance that they can sell Rose's plushies. I really want the Ood one.
-Oooooh, she's beautiful and big and very classic and yet so very nuwho at the same time, a perfect blend, and just so gorgeous! And Fourteen freaking out in excitement, running around like a child, being so happy about a coffee maker in the TARDIS! <3<3<3
-And Donna's reaction! She was so happy too!
-But then the 'killed me' scene... oh, oh honey, you've been holding onto that for centuries, those memories and the guilt. It's honestly heartbreaking to know that the Doctor, through all their new faces, still held onto those feelings about what happened to Donna.
-I'm excited, don't know what the fuck is gonna happen in the next episode since we didn't get a preview and I think it's the least known of the episodes so far.
-I saved this for last, but I wanna talk about the sonic screwdriver cause I know some people are gonna be all 'oh, it's too OP!'
First off, the sonic has always been, it always will be, it's a fucking sci-fi tool, sci-fi series always have some sort of tool that does everything.
Second, whatever the hell it did to make the shields was awesome, that's such a cool trick and I love it. I bet it's done using sound and light waves, which makes for a very interesting concept and something I'd love to explore in one of my sci-fi aus. Not sure how it made that cool schematics things, but whatever.
Also, leave me alone! I love the new sonic! I need to get my hands on one, but they're always sold out or too expensive!
(Okay, not really last, just a bonus, but damn, no offense to Ten, but Fourteen is a bit more attractive to me. I dunno, I mean, I was crushing hard on the DT at 15, but at 31, it's like, oh. Oh no. He's aged so well, he's so pretty. This is probably Crowley's fault.)
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independent-stories · 3 months
Looking for RP Partners
Looking for RP partners!
Hello! My name is Solara and I'm new to the Tumblr RP setup, but not to RPing in general. I'm 33, and will not interact with anyone under 18+ and would prefer 25+. I prefer working with queer people of some variety but I'm open to anyone, just expect queer stuff to come up in both worldbuilding and character concepts. I'm looking for long term rps, mumus and general interest in interacting and building a larger world. I love sandbox things and I have fun bouncing off partner energy.
I'm mostly descriptive but not super picky about reply length, one or two paragraphs is fine or me. If you just need to do a line, could you make it count? My time zone is EST and I'm disabled so I'm home a good deal. Don't feel pressured to respond just because I go pretty quickly. I prefer they/them pronouns but am okay with she/her too.
I've got a few male characters I'm in the process of putting up on this blog. My only real interest in cannon characters are D&D and Steven Universe. I've also got female and non-binary characters as well.
I'm looking to do all sorts of plots, romantic, platonic anywhere in between. I've done a lot of mxf mostly because I haven't had a writing partner who wants to do anything else. So I wouldn't mind some mxm or fxf but I'm not married to any idea. Some things I do want to explore possibly. -Ancient Asia, court intrigue fantasy -Pirate Crew of all female/nb/trans people -Medieval fantasy -Space Opera
I'm open to NSFW but we have to know each other a bit first and not just smut right out the gate. I'm demi and I like a demi element in relationships. We can discuss hard lines and triggers when we talk. However, you must be LEGAL. This is a non-starter, please don't contact me if you are below 18.
I'm open to discussion about plots and characters, it is one of my favorite things to do and I love seeing people bring other media in, gifs, Pinterest boards, songs. I'm all for that.
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