#well this is the final one I screencaped at the beginning
sepostscreencaps · 8 months
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Pointy panel from Soul Eater post chapter 28
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deusvervewrites · 2 years
I Think I Know Why I Dislike Bakugou's Writing
Yes I know I just did the AFO/Asano Meta, but I feel like I need to do this too
To clarify: this is not me bashing on Bakugou. I want to like Bakugou. If you like Bakugou, you aren't wrong. You just deserve better for him.
Let's begin.
For at least a week now, I have had a picture open in a tab on my browser. This picture is something that I was beginning to think was made up by an Ao3 author because I had only ever seen one mention of it. And now that I've found it for myself, I found myself holding on to it and trying to figure out how to feel about it.
But now that's led to me finally having a way to verbalize the issues I have with how Bakugou has been written throughout the series.
On paper, Bakugou has one of the most interesting character arcs in manga. He goes from being a self-absorbed asshole with a superiority-inferiority complex who only wants to be a Hero because they win fights to the genuinely Hero Midoriya believes he can be.
In practice... well.
Let's play a game really quickly. I'll describe a scene from My Hero Academia, and I want you to guess what chapter it is. It doesn't have to be exact, just a general idea. Here's the scenario:
Midoriya manages to use a Quirk that's destructive to him without seriously hurting himself, and is proud of this accomplishment. In response, Bakugou gets incensed and physically attacks him.
Thought about it? Got an idea? Keep that in mind for later.
So here is my issue with Bakugou: there are two Bakugous. I know that sounds weird but let me explain what I mean. I'll call them Interim Bakugou and Dramatic Bakugou.
Dramatic Bakugou saw his classmates at the Battle Trial and realized that he wasn't the Big Man on Campus. He was furious with Todoroki for not using his fire at the Sports Festival, and infuriated by his internship with Best Jeanist. Dramatic Bakugou was kidnapped by the League because he's an asshole. He blames himself for All Might retiring, and he failed the Provisional License Exam because he's a asshole. Dramatic Bakugou told a kid that he needed to acknowledge his own weakness, took a hit for Midoriya in the War Arc, and apologized to him.
Dramatic Bakugou is improving as a person and a Hero.
Dramatic Bakugou also barely appears in the manga.
We are instead left with Interim Bakugou, the Bakugou who exists in the interim between dramatic moments. Interim Bakugou has not changed from his first appearance on the first page of Chapter 1, when he was five, beating the shit out of Midoriya.
Interim Bakugou tried to attack Midoriya on Day 1, and tried to kill him on Day 2. Interim Bakugou listened in on a private conversation about how Endeavor's obsessions broke him and learned nothing. Interim Bakugou told the League of Villains that he wouldn't join them because he likes how Heroes look when they win. Interim Bakugou told the Help Us Company actors to fuck off. Interim Bakugou dragged Midoriya out to Ground Beta to beat the shit out of him because he was butthurt about his exam and making it all about him. Interim Bakugou won the Joint Training Battle because he wanted to be the Undisputed Best. Interim Bakugou never calls people by their real names.
Interim Bakugou called himself Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight. Interim Bakugou told the class that Deku is fucked in the head and doesn't care about what happens to himself, while ignoring that he called Midoriya 'Useless' so often Midoriya responds to it like his own name. Interim Bakugou uses Deku right up to the moment that Dramatic Bakugou apologized for inventing it in the first place.
Interim Bakugou never changes, no mater how much Dramatic Bakugou tries.
Here, let me prove it. You remember that game I had you play a few paragraphs ago, yes? What chapter did you say? Chapter 7, during the Quirk Apprehension Test?
Well, I have to admit that I lied a little. That picture I've had on my browser for the past week or so? It's actually a screencap of the manga.
This is from Chapter 253, after Midoriya shows his progress with Blackwhip.
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This is five chapters away from the start of the War Arc.
This is 69 chapters before he apologizes, most of which aren't focused on him at all.
This is within the Final Saga, as Horikoshi puts it.
And Interim Bakugou is indistinguishable from Orientation Day eleven months ago
I will freely admit that this is clearly meant to be a joke, and that he did not hurt Midoriya as severely as the class is acting, but the behavior is still there. It hasn't changed a bit. Interim Bakugou hasn't changed a bit.
Dramatic Bakugou, in a flashback, confessed to All Might that he used to bully Midoriya.
Interim Bakugou still does.
This is why I don't like how Horikoshi writes Bakugou. I want to like Dramatic Bakugou and follow his journey, but for every step forward he takes, Interim Bakugou takes two steps back. All of his apologies feel hollow because Interim Bakugou is demonstrably the same.
And that's why his apology rings hollow. Here's a transcript of it from my fan translation of choice:
Do you remember what I told you after Shigaraki stabbed me? (...) "Don't even think about winning this alone!" After yelling that out, my body moved on its own, and I was impaled. Yet I knew that I had to tell you those words.
I always looked down on you, just because you were Quirkless. You were always far away behind me, yet, I felt that you were somehow miles ahead of me. I hated that. I didn't want to feel like that. And I didn't want to recognize that. It's why I grew so distant from you and always tried to beat you down.
I opposed you and tried to show my superiority over you. But I always lost. After entering UA absolutely nothing went as I thought it would. I spent all my days trying to figure out your strengths and weaknesses.
It probably doesn't mean anything telling you all this but that's what I really think. Izuku... I'm sorry for everything I've done up until now.
The path you took as a successor of One For All is exactly what All Might did. Your choices weren't misguided at all. But as of now, you can barely stand on your own. Your ideals alone can only take you so far. If you ever encounter a road bump, you can always count on us for help. To surpass All Might, your ideal Hero, we would all have to protect UA and the civilians in there together. It's the only way.
There are three parts to an apology.
You have to be sorry for the harm you caused. Bakugou says that he is.
You have to understand how you hurt them. Bakugou... acknowledges that he "grew distant" and "beat Midoriya down."
You have to either ask how to make it right, or promise never to cause that harm again. Bakugou... promises that they'll all surpass All Might.
Though I will give him credit for acknowledging the protection of civilians, good job Dramatic Bakugou.
Dramatic Bakugou seemingly can't apologize for Interim Bakugou, because Interim Bakugou isn't sorry. Interim Bakugou is the same as always.
So the truth is that I love Dramatic Bakugou's character arc, and I hate Interim Bakugou for not having one
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basiltonpitch · 1 year
Devi vs. David: aka a comprehensive list of every single time ben gross has referred to devi as one or the other (season four edition)
HERE IT IS!!! the final edition of devi vs. david!!! if you're new here and haven't checked out any of my other devi vs. david deep dives, please feel free to check them out here: season 1, season 2, season 3. you can also find all of my devi vs. david ramblings here. and as i've said again and again and again, this is a list of every single time ben refers to her as either devi or david, this time in season 4, with context + insight + my own lil insane thoughts, because i'm 100% totally normal when it comes to this topic (they said, like a liar).
heads up, not all of the netflix captions are accurate, or the whole quote wasn't all in one frame, so if the font looks different in any of the following screencaps, it's because i captioned them myself.
i already noted in previous analyses, as well as in this post, that ben tends to go for “david” during their rivalry and their friensdhip, as opposed to when they’re estranged/fighting etc and when they're in more...well, romantic situations, he defaults to “devi.” i’ll go a little more into this towards the end, but it’s just something i’d like to bring to your attention before i get started.
anyways, here we go!
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hmm remember when i predicted we would get a “devi” first this season because of the months of distance and miscommunication? and when i thought it would happen immediately after devi sees margot kiss ben? i may not have had all the details right, but i saw this coming from a mile away. and this also fits into the pattern i thought was going to be established: season 1 we get “david” first, season 2 we get “devi,” season 3 “david” and now in season 4 they’re finishing the pattern with another “devi.” they’re in wildly different places in their relationship in each of these instances, which i go more in detail about in this post where i predicted that we would get a “devi” first this season.
anyways. this use of “devi” has me hurting for both of them. they’ve got this - this chasm of months of distance, of zero contact, of miscommunication and misread feelings and misrepresented actions (“he was clearly embarrassed for me.” vs “it was so clear she that thought it sucked. she got up and sprinted out.” i love my two unreliable narrators devi vishwakumar and ben gross!!). i’m having a lot of thoughts about devi’s intentions here that i…probably won’t go into further detail about, lol, because this post is about ben. so. of course he reverts to “devi” here - they aren’t friends, right now. they aren’t really rivals right now, either - i mean, they always will be, of course, but that’s not the focal point of their relationship here. they’re talking for the first time after three months of radio silence, of ben creating this rift between them because of some bullshit advice after misrepresenting what happened (okay like. i’m not here to hate on ben - i just. it’s his fault. it’s literally his fault). he can’t call her “david” because, as i’ve said before, “david” has turned fond. they aren’t friends, they aren’t rivals, they aren’t lovers. so, “devi.”
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(didn't include the first "devi" he says to get her attention in this scene, sorry.)
okay this is. basically bouncing off the last one - he can’t call her “david.” they aren’t close enough for that, not right now - they won’t be for some time this season. but he’s also trying to set the tone of the conversation, a more mature version of the one they had in the beginning of the episode. and i do applaud him for this, for owning up to all of this being his fault, too (which. i don’t think all of it was, honestly - there is blame to be placed on devi and on margot over what happened this episode, but the 3 months of no contact? ben’s fault, 100%). big props to him for apologizing. however still a little salty about him internalizing those words from mr. basketball player all those months ago, because dude did not have all the info when he gave ben that advice. but to be fair - ben is a seventeen year old with low social skills (not faulting him for that because like. same) so i sympathize with him a bit there. overall, based on where they are in their relationship in 4x01, i was really pleased with how this convo turned out especially since the spoilers we were given from the premiere made it look so much worse than it really is.
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hm. remember how that last convo of theirs was pretty mature and low-conflict. yeah then they give us this. ben’s…exasperated. within reason, i think - and to be clear i don’t think devi’s really in the wrong here, it’s just…he chose to be with margot because he thought it was the easier route. he distanced himself from devi because he thought it would be easier. but it’s not. of course it’s not - he and devi both still have all these messy feelings for each other that they’ve been pushing down and suppressing and denying. and it’s tiring. being around devi while he’s “““moving on””” is tiring. being sucked into drama over and over is tiring. he wants - or thinks he wants- something calm, and easy. -and like. it would be fuckign easy if y’all just got your shit together and admitted your feelings but that comes later so we’re moving on for now-
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okay so. as i’ve said in my previous posts, it doesn’t make sense for him to refer to her as “david” to other people when she’s not around, so we’re not going to explain why he said “devi” here - that’s a given. but this whole scene…he kinda let devi get into his head before talking to margot. like, from the characters’ point of view, not ours, it definitely seems like margot had the most motive to deface her car. i mean ben straight up says, “you did have a good reason, so i could understand why you might.” and this isn’t me digging at devi for thinking margot did it, or ben for second-guessing margot, or anything like that - it’s just like. objectively. it does seem like margot could have done it. so i get where ben’s coming from.
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okay so…we know that that is. false. a lie. an untruth. et cetera. bouncing back to the first instance of “devi” in 4x02, this, once again, makes me think that ben is just…trying to make things easier, calmer. he doesn’t want to deal with devi’s drama right now (again, not dissing devi, just explaining his pov). interrupting her with, “listen, devi,'' to get her attention, to shut her up because he just…can’t do this right now. he’s conflicted - he cares about devi so deeply that it’s detrimental to him at times, and after the events of 4x01 and 4x02, he thinks the best thing to help him keep “““moving on””” (bc like. i’ve touched on this before but there is no moving on for him when it comes to devi) is to go back to silence and estrangement. back to how they were over the summer. back to how they were in those few episodes of season 2, even, just with less vitriol. so, “devi” to further that distance - earlier in the episode, he says, “we are friends,” but here, he’s all but saying, we can’t be friends, not anymore. not now. maybe not ever again.
following this up with:
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the thing is…he does look sorry. he doesn’t want to lose her again. it hurts her, yes, but it also hurts him. but like i said - this is easier for him, for right now at least.
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oooh this brings me back to 2x08, “devi, you’re daisy.” ben, currently dating a girl that’s not devi, while still having all these complicated feelings for her, relating her to the material they’re currently studying, after she almost became the reason said girlfriend had to leave sherman oaks (temporarily for margot, of course, but still) - it’s not an exact copy/paste, obv, but i’m loving the parallel. also brings me back to 1x02, “it’s okay, devi. i know how hard it is to memorize seven facts,” the same tone being used then as it is now - although with different intentions, of course. ben is - bitter, i would say. of course he is. this whole situation is just…really reminiscent of that 2x05 to 2x07 arc, although with a bit less anger - they’ve got not just their rivalry and (currently, failed) romance behind them, but also those months of real friendship they had during season 3. there’s even more history between them to contend with now, which makes it harder for him to be angry with her. he still is - just not to the same extent as the s2 aneesa situation. 
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remember when i said ben stopped talking to her to make it easier? yeah. i honestly totally forgot he says exactly that until i got to this scene while writing this out. “it’s just easier this way. she just always complicates things.” just - ouch, ouch, ouch. this is just me reiterating everything i’ve already said, i guess. does he want to push devi away right now? no, i don’t think so. but it makes things less complicated for him. devi is messy, yes, they’ve established that well over all four seasons - but this isn’t really about how messy devi is, is it? he tells margot that it’s because of devi, and it is, partially, but it’s also because of him. because he and devi clash. because he and devi mesh. because, at least right now, it is so hard for him to separate all these things he feels - angry and disappointed, yes, but there’s this - wistful, i want to say, feeling there under all of that, this pull he’s always going to feel with her. and he’s not in a place where he can let that go unless he cuts her off.
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god i do feel for ben here. i wish they had brought back some of the stuff from last season with him…chilling out more when it comes to academics and all that, but like, this is ben gross we’re talking about here - one intestinal blockage and heartfelt convo with his dad isn’t going to erase over a decade of self-set high expectations. dude is stressed, literally sweating through his clothes and now he looks like someone squirted a bottle of french’s on him.
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and amongst all this, comes the last person he wants to talk to right now - he smells like sweat and acrylic paint and he just had his girlfriend judge the spiel he’s probably recited in the mirror a hundred times (which like, in all fairness to margot, it did feel like a bowflex commercial). and now here’s devi, all calm and collected with her power blazer and bouncy high pony - looking like the opposite of what ben’s feeling. he’s already frustrated, and her showing up makes it that much worse - until approximately two seconds later when she saves his women’s medium sized ass.
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episode 5’s you never disappoint do you. i love, love, love this conversation between ben and devi - this vulnerability here, the way they tell each other that they’ll be okay, that yes, this is scary. our lives are about to change forever - but you’ll make it through. you’ll survive. you’ll thrive. 
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and this line…this so much. ben knows who devi is, has been in proximity to her for twelve years at this point, as a rival, as a friend, even as a lover for a short stint - and he knows her, and he knows that she knows herself. maybe - no, definitely - she didn’t know who she was before, drowning in fresh grief, but she’s grown, she’s healed (not completely, but she has healed nonetheless), and ben has had a front row seat to that. he has watched from up close as she became the person she is now. he believes in her, and he knows she can believe in herself, too.
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i promise i’m feeling so totally normal about this…remember when i said i thought the first “david” would be at the end of 4x05 during reconciliation? i do, and, surprise surprise - i was right, because ben gross is nothing if not consistent (most of the time, at least). this “david” is driving me insane. they just had this heartfelt discussion about their fears with going to college, reassuring each other that they’ll be okay, fucking…pep talking each other, because they know each other better than they know anyone else, and ben drops a “david” like it’s nothing. like it’s easy. like he means it!!! i’ve said so many times that “david” has turned into this term of endearment almost exclusively used during their friendship, with ben avoiding using it when they’re not friends, and after last episode, where it had been verbally established (by devi, at least), that they still aren’t friends…now he slips a “david” in. this is the closest, the most vulnerable, they’ve been with each other in months. this is ben taking that step to pull them even closer - ben feeling safe enough to do so. this is ben saying, “i can be your friend,” thirty seconds before he actually utters those words.
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okay full disclosure, “david” isn’t in the official captions on this one, so like, idk if jaren decided to add this day of filming or what - but whatever. that doesn’t matter here. what does matter is this absolute effortless slide back into their friendship. ben going out of his way to approach her, to tell her the good news (well. it’s not really good news for devi but like. he doesn’t know that, so). he’s excited for her!!! he gives her this boost of confidence (and yes i know it doesn’t last long, what with the deferral email coming in that day but. still.)
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ooooh the way i love this scene!!! the fact that we get to see this interaction through paxton’s eyes is just delightful to me. like, okay, i’m not a “he’s mean to you so he likes you!!” kind of person, but banter like this coming about while they’re actively friends and post-bargot (bengot? ragross? ykwim) breakup…it’s thinly veiled flirting, and idk if we would have been given that perspective if this scene had been shot from devi’s pov, or ben’s. while this isn’t the first taste of mutual banter we’ve got all season (looking at you, 4x04 bathroom scene), this is the first friendly mutual banter, and god we were starving for it - at least i know i was. there’s bite behind their words, but it’s playful for both of them!! but like - then there’s the shot of them both immediately fixing their appearance after they’re no longer in each other’s line of sight (ben tucking in his necklace, devi taking off her cardigan) and i just. ooooh my god i love it. i’ve said it before, and i’ll say it again - peak crush behavior. and ben isn’t even posturing for paxton here like he would have before, thanks to the literal shitstorm of 3x06 - ben’s only…well, acting up, i guess i would say, for devi. not anyone else. 
(and like this is totally unrelated but god do i wish we got more bexton interactions this season, but oh well.)
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hi yeah no i’m still not over this scene. it’s. so unapologetically horny and it’s a side of ben i’m honestly so glad we got to see. like, okay, we already know he messed around a little with shira, had (bad) sex with devi, and is canonically a boob guy, but this more in-depth peek at his desires (cough cough degradation kink cough cough) is just…chef’s kiss. yes this is devi’s show first and foremost but god do i love the looks into ben’s brain we get. and this - this desire for devi, this want for her, something he can’t run from in his subconscious no matter how hard he runs from it in his waking hours - yes, it’s a wet dream, but it’s more than that. trent says it: “...you really love her.”  ben loves her. he can’t get her out of his head. he wants her - physically and emotionally.
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let’s, for now, ignore that this is moments before disaster. god, the look on his face, this eager, hopeful smile, the fucking bouquet he brought for her. he’s riding the high (ha, get it) of trent’s earnest pep talk, ready, for the first out of multiple times this season, to tell her he wants her. he’s done denying it, to himself and now to her, too (which. the latter obviously doesn’t really happen for another few months - but that’s beside the point).
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this instance is pretty self-explanatory from ben’s pov (i mean, that’s what y’all are here for). checking in that she’s okay after seeing her throw up, congratulating her, etc. not spending too much time on this one - just noting the, once again, effortless slip back into “david” after the events of last episode. not saying there’s not some inner turmoil going on for him regarding his feelings for her; even though we can’t see it, it’s still there - but birthdaygate (as nalini called it) was…a disaster, to put it lightly, so. back to “david” it is…for now, at least.
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god this followed immediately by the “is she okay?” and then ben rushing off to go check in on her…i’ll touch on this more in the next instance, but like. he’s truly the only one who gets how much this would hurt. not saying that no one else understands how devi feels, but he’s the only one who would really, truly get it if the same happened to him. just - the wondering how she didn’t get in anywhere, because she’s just as smart as (and, technically as 4x10 proves with that valedictorian sash, smarter than) him.  the immediate concern for her, the need to check in...god, he cares for her so much.
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“But you’re not a quitter.” bringing back the “no one knows them better than they know each other” thing - because it’s true. no one knows devi better than ben knows her. he knows what she’s capable of - has been on the opposing side of it for over a decade. he has won against her, lost against her, won with her, lost with her…he’s seen her rise and fall and pick herself back up to rise again. he understands her, and he understands why this is so painful for her - if it were him, it would feel like twelve years of hard work, of early mornings following sleepless nights, of flash cards and meticulous notes and extra credit projects, all being flushed down the drain. he gets it, gets her. this being the first use of “devi” (to her, and not in a dream sequence) since 4x05 - he uses it to set the tone, to get her attention, to get her to listen to him. because he knows she doesn’t really want to give up. and he as much as says that: “but if you don’t try everything that you can, you’re gonna regret it.” she already knows this - there’s no doubt in my mind about that, and there’s no doubt that ben knows that she knows this. she just needed to hear it from the one person who understands - and it worked. she does try - and, as we see in 4x10, she succeeds.
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this…this is the biggest break in his pattern when it comes to “devi” vs “david.” he never refers to her as “david” with a - romantic isn’t the exact word i’m looking for, but it’s the one we’re gonna use - romantic intention. i think he’s using “david” here to sort of…ease the tension, so to say? to lighten the mood a bit. he wants to tell her - has wanted to since trent told him to speak his truth, likely longer than that. but after birthdaygate - he doesn’t want to show too much of his hand. “maybe i was wrong, david.” not “i was wrong, devi.” 
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feeling especially attached to this use of “david” tbh. the excitement he feels for her, immediately rushing to pull her into a hug, how proud he is of her, especially after the events of the last episode. again, he knows how hard she’s worked for this, and he knows what it’s like to feel all of that hard work pay off. she’s not alone in feeling this satisfaction - he’s feeling it with her.
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 i loved, loved all the callbacks to the previous seasons, and this is no exception. the addition of “david” here brings me back to this post by @catty-words that i’m still thinking about almost two years later (and have referenced in 2 out of 3 of these analyses): “it’s a relic from their rivalry.” obviously cori goes into it a bit differently in that post because it’s about their season 2 arc, but to re-work that line here: the equatorial guinea nametag (i would say plaque but like. it’s a piece of paper) is a memento of their first time teaming up, but it is also a relic of their rivalry in a way - the initial anger of devi infiltrating his club, the temporary alliance that was struck down just hours later, the nuclear attack. and so, yes, “david” here is used as that mark of friendship, as i’ve referred to it before, and so is the nametag, but they’re also both a representation of their enmity - albeit in a much more playful way than the "david" from 2x05.
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i’m going to refer you to the genius of rae @ice-sculptures real quick, who had this to say in regards to ben’s patterns when it comes to what he calls her: “it could be that he “hides” behind david when the lines of their relationship are blurred and uses it as a way to convey the affection that he doesn’t think he can openly express. but when they actually get together he doesn’t need to hide anymore bc he knows that she’s aware of how much he loves her…so devi is enough.”
y’all. devi is enough. he doesn’t need to use a term of endearment, a pet name, with her here. he doesn’t need to hide behind “david.” and like. just in case you aren’t aware - “david” means “beloved” in hebrew. i’m sure ben’s aware of that - he’s a giant nerd, and he’s jewish - it never gets established in canon, so it may just be something we’re all collectively reading into, but like. i’m obviously going to continue reading into it - he doesn’t have to hide behind “beloved” anymore, he doesn’t have to use this roundabout way to tell her how he feels - he can just say it. and he says it without even knowing if she feels the same way. he’s following trent’s advice from 4x08: “you must go to her. [...] you must tell her how you feel. there's no time to waste. [...] you must speak your truth. she needs to know." he flies to her on a whim to tell her he likes her. actually, he thinks he loves her, “devi.” he loves her. this is the bravest thing he’s done - he doesn’t know how she feels, doesn’t know if she loves him back - but he tells her anyways. he can’t wait. it doesn’t matter that she’s flying to the east coast the next day, where she’ll be a two hour and six minute train ride away. he has to tell her now. there’s no time to waste. she needs to know.
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god. i just - i love that they already had this - this whole soft, sweet love confession, full of shy, gentle smiles and giggles, followed by The Big Damn Kiss of All Time (and like. the big damn bang of all time) and he still feels the need to tell her that he wants to be with her. that he wants to start this next chapter of life with her. and there’s just…something so important to me about them not being high school sweethearts. about them not really giving this an actual shot until they’re headed to college. he doesn’t want “let’s kiss at our lockers in between periods and sit next to each other in the cafeteria while we eat gloopy square-shaped pizza.” he wants “let’s fall asleep on facetime during exam season. let’s spend one weekend in new york and the next in new jersey. let’s meet in the middle. let’s cram ourselves onto a twin-sized dorm room bed that’s definitely not made for two people. let’s learn how to be adults together. let’s give this a real try. let’s give us a real try.”
and so they do.
and with that...we're done. if you've reached the end, thank you for reading! i'm so sad that this series of posts has come to an end, but i've had an absolute delight doing these, and i'm so pleased with the ending of this show - because it didn't feel like an ending. it felt like a new beginning. i'm going to miss never have i ever (i already do), but i'm so happy to have spent the past few years yelling about it with all of you - and i'll likely continue yelling about it in the near future.
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housewifebuck · 1 year
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hi everyone! I've gotten several requests to make a tutorial on how to make gifs for someone just starting out and I finally got around to slapping a tutorial together.
This tutorial will cover:
software recommendations
choosing what to gif
creating a gif step by step with probably a lot of unnecessary detail
some tips and tricks:)
(This particular tutorial will not cover how to find tv and movies to download and gif, or any specific instructions on coloring. only the basic gif making process.)
so for the purposes of this tutorial, we will be using Adobe Photoshop, which is the most common program for making gifs, and the one I recommend. the version you have doesn't make a major difference in terms of capabilities but the interface may be slightly different looking if you have an older version or a different type of device. you cannot make or edit gifs in any mobile version of the photoshop application. Optionally, we will also be using Adobe Premiere Rush/Pro or another video editing software of your choice. wherever you are downloading Photoshop, whether from Adobe or a third party, you should easily be able to acquire Premiere as well. I am aiming to be as detailed as possible in this tutorial, so it may sound more time consuming than it really is. once you get the hang of things, it goes fast. the most time consuming part by far is the editing and coloring. in my opinion, one thing that majorly saves time while giffing is knowing your keyboard shortcuts and using your mouse/trackpad as little as possible. I will be going over these in this tutorial as well.
before we begin, some general tips:
gifs of single shots that do not cut between angles or subjects generally will look the best, barring exceptions
for a single gif set, choosing scenes and shots with similar lighting will be easiest to get to look uniform when compiled together, since editing wildly different looking scenes to have similar coloring and lighting is hard and takes some practice!
avoid shots that will require you to majorly crop or zoom to properly frame the subject, as this will greatly diminish quality
speaking of quality, gifs will look best using 1080p video, but you can get away with 720p as well. I would not recommend giffing with anything lower resolution than that
Tumblr's upload capacity for image and gif files is 10mb. be sure when exporting your finished gif that it is under that size. if it is a bit over, you can try trimming a few frames off your gif in the video timeline.
if you get frustrated, don't give up! giffing is hard and complicated especially if you are new to photoshop. I tried to make this tutorial as detailed as possible so it's easy to understand (although im sure I still forgot some stuff)
ok onto the tutorial!!!
STEP ONE: choose what range of frames you want to gif, and how.
once you have decided what you want to gif, there are two main way to convert your episode into a range of frames to make into a gif. the first is by screencapping. this involves downloading a program like mplayer or vlc which can be used to convert video files into "stacks" of screencaps, which can then be separated into whatever range of frames you want and imported into photoshop. this is seemingly by far the most common method I have seen amongst gifmakers*, but personally I don't care for it and I think it's more confusing and time consuming overall, so I will be explaining the second method: importing video frames to layers.
now, normally what this would mean is opening the full episode in photoshop and using the pathetic little playheads on either end of the scrub bar to trim the file into a clip. this is where your video editing software comes into play.
open whatever episode or movie you want to gif in your program. if it is a large file like a long movie in 1080p, this may take a few seconds. like I said, I am using Premiere Rush. I will be using a random episode of 9-1-1 for my example gif.
in your media browser, hover over whichever episode you want (you can also just add the whole episode to your project and scrub through, but that can take longer unless you know what time stamp you're after). click the fullscreen button by the bottom righthand corner.
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now you can scrub through and trim the episode before you even import it to premiere. this makes trimming your clip even easier.
use the trim bar (yellow outlines) to trim as close as you can around the scene you want to gif.
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then click this plus, and then "add" below. this will add the clip to your project.
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now, move the blue playhead up to the frame you want your gif to start on. then, use the scissors button off to the left to slice the clip. select the portion before the playhead, and delete it.
now move the playhead to where you want the gif to stop. a good length for most gifs is around 1.5-2 seconds in my opinion. some may be shorter depending on how long the shot is, or longer if you plan on making them smaller (remember, the uploading capacity on Tumblr is 10mb per file.) trim again, now delete the portion after the playhead. you can also use the left and right arrows beside the play button to move frame by frame, and you can adjust the side of the horizontal scroll bar below your clip to “zoom” in on it and make scrubbing easier.
once you have your clip, go up to where it says "share". your clip will be rendered, and then you can click export to save it.
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repeat step one as many times as you want for each gif. I know this may sound complicated, but like I said above once you get in the rhythm this step takes only a few seconds.
STEP TWO: create your gif!
close premiere. open photoshop. head to the control bar at the top. select file > import > import video frames to layers.
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navigate to whatever folder you exported your clip to. select it, and hit enter. a second popup will appear asking you to select your range of frames. since you have already trimmed your clip to your liking, simply hit enter a second time.
now your screen looks like this, and we are going to crop and resize our gif! (troubleshooting: if you do not see the timeline bar at the bottom, select window from the control bar, scroll down, and make sure timeline is selected as part of your workspace. Adjustments and layers should be there automatically but if not add them too).
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Tumblr posts are 540px wide, so in order to make my gifs as small as possible while maintaining quality, I typically crop my gifs to be around 550-600px wide, with varying heights depending on what shape I want the gif to be. experiment with this a little and decide what works for you. just don't make the width lower than 540px. once you have the portion of the frame you want inside the cropping grid, hit enter again. sometimes you have to hit it twice.
here are the measurements I am using for this gif
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now in your timeline, select frame 1. hold down the shift key and scroll to the end to select the very last frame, thereby highlighting them all. from here we will edit our frame delay rate. photoshop will automatically set it to .03s, which will make your finished gif awkwardly fast. I typically use .05s, or .06s if I want a gif to be subtly slower (this comes in handy if the shot you are trying to gif is very short). anything longer than .06s will look weird though. choose "other" from this menu and type in your delay rate. make sure not to miss the zero after the decimal.
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once you've set your frame rate, go to the other end of your timeline and click here to convert your frames into a video timeline.
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then press option + command + A (on Mac) or windows + alt + A (on PC) to select all layers. then right click (control + click with a trackpad) on any one of the highlighted layers in your layers tab off to the right. scroll down in the popup menu and select Convert to Smart Object.
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from here comes the fun part!! you will begin adding action filters like sharpening as well as adjustment layers to color and edit your gif. experiment with different adjustments and styles until you find something you like. too many adjustment layers will up the size of the finished gif though, so I tend to keep mine to 3-4 layers max unless its a really hard to color scene. if anyone is interested in a separate coloring tutorial, please let me know!
once you are finished editing your gif, click file > export > save for web (legacy) OR hit shift + option + command + S. play your gif in the export window to make sure it looks okay, and then hit save!
I hope you guys find this helpful and informative! please hit up my in box if you have any questions or if anything doesn't make sense. happy giffing!!!
*one reason people seem to prefer screencapping to this method, is saving all the individual clips as video files does take up a lot of space on your scratch drive, which in turn can cause your computer to work slowly or crash programs. this can be rectified by making sure to delete the clips from your computer once you are done making the gifs. another space hoarder to look out for is the proxy files of your episodes that will be automatically saved to your hard drive whenever you add an episode to your project in Premiere. Periodically, go through your storage and delete all the .proxy video files. this will not delete the original episode files, only the proxy files created by Premiere.
tagging some mutuals to sb hehe: @shitouttabuck @lover-of-mine @honestlydarkprincess @eddiediaaz @compactdiscmp3 @eddiebabygirldiaz @bigfootsmom @callaplums @athenagranted @firemedicdiaz @sibylsleaves @loserdiaz @buck2eddie @diazass @eddiediaztho @giddyupbuck @monsterrae1 @icecreampotluck @sunflowerdiaiz @swiftfootedachilles @singlethread @aziraaphales @911onabc
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Asylum Challenge: Day 11
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Note: While I had done well at remembering to back up my save files, I was less vigilant about my screencaps (context: I tend to move them into different folders per save so that the screencaps folder doesn't get too cluttered) aaaand those were not up-to-date. So unless I can get my old laptop to work properly again, I've lost them. Buuut as I said before, I'm not too fussed.
This is therefore a time jump. Also the first day I played of this save with Wicked Whims installed, so while no adult content will be shown here, the dynamics within the household have become a little more... interesting.
We begin with Lilac very close to finishing her first aspiration, but it's also five am, so she's still snoozing away.
Level Four - Painter Extraordinaire
❌ Reach Painting Level 10 (9/10) ❌ Complete 5 Masterpieces (4/5)
Which isn't to say that it's quiet exactly. Downstairs, two of our token occults are making a solid start to their day.
Lilac's Two Star fame quirk is that she has acquired a stan. Who today was Wolfgang Wilder. When Vlad came downstairs for an early morning snack, Rory wasted no time in exacting retribution for her woof-woof in arms.
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Results were.... predictable. And now Vlad is both angry from the taste of disgusting wolf blood (while I feel that's his bias coming through, I'm also going to take his word for it 😬) and humiliated because he lost to this fleabag.
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L. is the third to wake up (well, second since Vlad never slept in the first place) with a rather pressing - or 'pissing'? - need. Go piss, L.! No one is stopping you! Peeing is self-care!
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Speaking of L., with Whims installed she so far has been the Sim bringing all the attractiveness alerts to the yard. Both Raj and Vlad think that she's absolutely breathtaking. Well, at least until her MEAN trait kicks in and she starts insulting Raj, that is.
Which would likely make her all the more beguiling in the eyes of Vlad, but away from @cantseemtohide's influence, Raj in this save is not a murderous fiend, but a rather likeable Everyman, and so he quickly departs.
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Another Sim collecting those attractiveness alert pings is our main girl Lilac. In Vlad's head, she's an absolute goddess. In hers, however, he's visually from some place much much much further down than Mount Olympus.
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He attempts to gain some sympathy points by complaining about Rory (a vamp's gotta eat, after all).
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She's unmoved.
(Also I just realised that Rory was nearby making the punching bag fear for its life the whole time, so in hindsight this was actually rather ballsy of Vlad...)
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Once Vlad goes downstairs however (possibly to try his non-existent luck on some other poor unfortunate soul), Lilac achieves her fifth and final masterpiece. Woo Hoo! Which is the only kind of 'woo hoo' happening up here. Sorry, Vlad.
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And then after a dinner break, she finally maxed out painting.
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It was only a 'normal' quality work, but a completed aspiration is still a completed aspiration.
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Oh, go on then. You've earned it.
Reward Trait: Expressionistic
Expressionistic Sims have mastered the medium of emotion, and as such, they can paint emotional paintings no matter their own mood.
I'll likely be combining Day 12 and 13, as Day 12 got a little... active, and not a lot happened that would be safe to post here lolololol.
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hawkland · 1 year
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Art Masterpost: The Beginning Story by emmbrancsxx0 (@valleydean) Art by sidewinder (@hawkland)
When I saw an endverse story up for claims in this year's @deancashorrorfest — particularly one exploring the beginnings of how it all came to be — I knew I had to get my grubby, greedy hands on it. When I found out it was written by none other than @valleydean, I may have made some hqppy screeching noises to rival Castiel's true voice. Getting to do art for one of my favorite writers is always exciting, if sometimes anxiety-inducing, but I ended up having an absolute blast working on these with Mallory and am really happy with how they turned out. Thank you for being such an amazing partner to work with, and I'm so excited for everyone else getting to read the story now!
Thank you as well to @kingdumbass for organizing Horrorfest once again, and creating one of my favorite little Destiel communities on the net. It's always a ton of fun and I love how you keep the server going & engaging year round.
Some rambling comments on the art & my process below the cut.
As usual these were all done in watercolor with a little bit of black & white acrylic pen work for fine details and lines. I used rough/cold press paper for all of these to keep a consistent feeling and because it's always my favorite for doing any portraits and where I want a lot of blending control.
The hardest thing for me was deciding which of the many memorable scenes and moments I wanted to illustrate in the time I had available. I had a pretty clear vision for the title art early on: to show Dean & Cas at the beginning of it all, with a collage of elements of destruction behind them and doing the title text in the "Croatoan graffiti" style. There were a bunch of different reference shots combined for that one: screencaps from 5x04, a later-season shot of Dean & Cas walking together to get their positions how I wanted, etc. My Cas "face" reference was actually from Stonehenge Apocalypse as I wanted him looking a little more human/hopeful than standard s4-5 Cas as he's pretty low on grace but still has a little "angel mojo" left.
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(As Mallory commented when I shared it as a WIP, "That's a man who's about to be destroyed!" :D D:)
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I'm also really glad I was able to get the painting to Mallory at DC-Con! You can see in the pic that it's pretty big (16"x20") to get all that detail in!
For the next piece, there's a small scene of Dean and Cas on the road under smoke-filled skies, past a "God Saves" billboard that just struck me. I'd just driven out to Pittsburgh and back on the PA Turnpike so used some quick reference snaps I took combined with photos of the hazy skies from the Canadian wildfires earlier this year to get the atmosphere I wanted. I tried to keep some of the same washed-out colors and feeling of the title piece for that, save the color of the sky.
For the rest, I wanted to do one piece each of Cas and Dean at critical moments in their journey through the story. Cas facing himself in the shattered glass of a pharmacy cabinet was a moment I knew I had to try to capture. It reminded me of that amazing shot of Misha in Gotham Knights, with Harvey and the smashed mirror, so that was definitely in my mind as a visual reference.
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Cas himself is a combination of some Purgatory screencaps and some out-of-character Misha pics from here and there to get his hair the way I wanted it to look (even if I ended up painting over most of it with interference silver watercolor to create the effect of the shattered glass. Here's an in-progress look:
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The Dean rooftop piece is one I'd had in my head as soon as I read the passage in the story, but it was the last piece I tackled. The city in flames behind Dean was pretty much done in one shot as a spontaneous wet-in-wet wash...though it was a little eerie and unsettling working on it this past week with current events playing out on the tv while I painted.
Finally, I really wanted to do a piece showing Dean and Cas as they are near the end of the story compared to how they started out. This one came together in a really fast burst of inspiration - I think one day drawing and two days painting because it's smaller than the others (12"x6") and I wanted it to be really close up and intimate. Drawing:
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Poor boys have been through a lot. And it's only going to get worse )-:
Anyway, that's more than enough from me. Have you gone to start reading the story yet? If not, go there now! Bookmark! Read! Leave lots of love in the comments! Reblog and check out the rest of this year's Horrorfest collection while you're there!
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babyjapril · 4 months
Just wondering, what‘s your favorite quality about Japril together and as individuals? :)
Hiiiii! First I'm sorry for taking some time to reply, I wanted to sit down to answer, and not through my phone, also since this is an opportunity to talk about my blorbos, even though i'm bad at talking about why i love my faves, it still got a bit long, sorry <3
With April there are two qualities that I think about right away when I think about her so I maybe those are my favorites, even though there are more that I love about her. So the first two I think about when I think about her are how kind/considerate she is and also her competitiveness lol. I feel like she's actually too kind to some people, like Alex, who treated her terribly, but with that I also love seeing her standing up for herself and becoming more confident
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I love how organized she is and it's cute how in the earlier seasons she was always taking pictures with her camera, I just know she'd make the best scrapbooks. And that she's a trauma surgeon, she def became a doctor bc she wanted to help people but she's a bit of an adrenaline junkie with trauma surgenry!! Also I'm always here for weird loser girls <3
(and not a quality of hers but the way in the beginning the show wanted to convice me to hate her bc she's "annoying" and then in general her being hated in the fandom makes me love here even more, idk I feel like Sarah just makes April loveable even when she's supposed to be annoying)
Jackson, I love that he's actually kind of a dork. Like "making medicine cool" and the fact that he has a lucky pencil. I loooove his sense of humor and I love how he treats his patients, his patients are some of my favorites (also love both his and Marks approach to plastics) .He works well under pressure, and he's a quick thinker, he was a hero in season 6 finale, oh but then again I can't forget saving a child from an exploding bus in season 9 finale. And you know he's just a good guy
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And them together, well first I just looooooove friends to lovers trope but especially when it's done a certain way. Like especially when we can see the characters be friends, true friends first, and then they accidentally discover there's a spark. And when that kind of ship has chemistry I'm sold!! Japrils chemistry is just unmatched imo.
I love how they're different from each other, but they complement each other soo well. Jackson is the one person who always calms April down, and Mr Grumpus is always so smiley around her and his silly side comes out. They also have the same values even though they have different beliefs, Jackson said it himself at the end of season 10 so idk why the writers went back to "nooo they would't work together bc faith". Jackson was I feel like the first mercy wester the grey sloan residents liked and he is a likeable guy, he could make friends anywhere, meanwhile even when April is friends with majac there's a lonliness to her of a girl who's kinda in the friend group bt kinda isn't, but they both have each other, like even though Jackson could make friends anywhere April is his closest friend, and Jackson is a great best friend to April, that's another thing I like about them. Plus how protective Jackson was of April since the start of season 7, dragging her away from the residents that were staring at them, punching Alex. And I think there are some parallels, even though they're soo different and they grew up so differently, they both didn't fit in with their families .
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Also I'm obsessed with how touchy they are, even when they're just friends they're always touching, they're just sooo comfortable with each other <3
(screencaps show another one of their qualities, they're sooo pretty both individually and together dhfhfd)
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theharrowing · 9 months
White Lies 🤍 2: Sleep sweet, pretty
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Yoongi is everything you could ask for. He is attractive, confident, and smart. And his partner Taehyung is as possessive as he is beautiful. Too bad a relationship would be a major conflict of interest.
You need to have them, at all costs.
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🤍 Yoongi x Female Reader x Taehyung
🤍 word count: 7.4k + screencaps of conversations
🤍 college au, cop au, partial social media au with a lot of written story, strangers to lovers & established relationship, yandere, hurt/comfort, smut, fluff, angst, slash, poly, minor character injury & death, graphic violence, nsfw, 21+.
🤍 warnings: a lot of deception; very forward flirting; use of date rape drug; effects of being drugged against one's will. there is no assault of any kind, just fear.
🤍 notes: ignore the fact that the chats switch from dark mode to light mode. i use dark mode on my phone, but sometimes it gets switched and i forget to change it back. these screencaps result from me literally texting myself haha it's a labor of love okay. also don't forget mc's fake name is Sandra. she won't be referred to this for too many chapters.
🤍 written parts beta read by @neoneunnajimin
🤍 posted nov. 2023 | read on ao3
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You pace around beside your couch and stare at your phone as it rings, watching as the 212 number takes up the screen. With shaking thumbs, you halt in place and accept the call, anticipating what Vante's voice may sound like. 
"Hello?" you ask as demurely as possible, squeezing your eyes closed. 
The voice that greets you is deep, rough, and with an accented lilt that makes your heart race. "Well, hello, pretty."
It takes a split moment to get your bearings. How could someone's voice sound like honey and barbed wire all at once?
"H-hey, V," you finally say, biting on your bottom lip and opening your eyes. Although your apartment lighting is not terribly bright, you have to blink a few times. 
"Wow," Vante says, "your voice sounds so sweet."
You huff out a quick, quiet sigh, lips upturning as you catch the bottom one between your teeth, and then you begin to pace around some more. "Yours is very…"
"Handsome," you respond meekly. "Very handsome."
Vante chuckles, and it is a sound so rich and deep you physically swoon, knees weakening some as you twist your body in the direction of your bedroom, needing to move around and let out some energy. 
"So…" Vante begins, and you smile further as you mirror him, asking, "So���?"
"So, what are you wearing?" 
After a pause, he clarifies, "To the date, I mean," with a tone that is playful and seductive.
With your free hand, you fidget with the bottom hem of your black sweater and almost regret considering an outfit so plain. You remind yourself that the plan is to string him along, at least for now. 
Playing along with V's demeanor, you giggle, doing your best to sound shy. "Nothing too flashy…I was thinking a black tee tucked into black jeans. It's cooling down, so maybe my favorite oversized forest green flannel. And some black boots."
"And this tee…will it be a crew neck, or maybe a v-neck?"
You mentally pat yourself on the back for being the most clever person alive as you say, "A v-neck, in your honor, of course."
"Of course."
"And you?"
"I was thinking about wearing a tight white tee tucked into some tight black jeans. With boots, and maybe a flashy designer jacket."
You hum and close your eyes, attempting to remember Vante's body type in the many photos you have seen. As far as you remember, he is a bit muscular and seems on the taller side. Broad and masculine but not overly ripped. 
"Emphasis on the tight," you tease. 
Vante chuckles, forcing your eyelids to flutter closed, then he says, "God, there are so many things I want to say in response to that, but I feel I should save them for the second or third date."
"Wow," you respond, feeling a sudden shyness that only increases as he continues to laugh.
"Alright, pretty," he finally says, "just wanted to hear your voice quick, but I should let you get back to winding down. I have to finish up here and then catch my flight home."
"Sounds good. Safe travels."
"See you soon," Vante sing-songs, and you feel yourself swaying when you say, "Looking forward to it."
And then the call ends, snapping you back to reality. Your eyes focus on the top of your wooden dresser and you heavy-blink, reminding yourself that this is a mission and that you are not, under any circumstances, supposed to get close to either of these men. 
But god damn does Vante sound real fucking sexy. This might be a problem.
* * *
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The Marías play loud and dreamy as you twirl and sway through your room, holding your soft green flannel in both hands. It fans out with each movement, and you twist it dramatically to drape it over your shoulders. 
Although you are dressed down in a tee and skinny jeans, you look good. The garments hug your curves nicely, and the shirt shows off just enough cleavage without it feeling like too much for a casual night at the bar. 
You apply a little makeup to your eyes and cheekbones, then look over your jewelry, deciding on a simple pair of gold hoops and the necklace that you always wear – a small gold charm in the shape of a rabbit's foot dangling from a thin gold chain, for luck.
Although there is plenty of time to eat a meal before heading to the bar, you feel so antsy that you only manage to pick at a salad and some fruit. You chug some water and then check the time. 
And with a deep breath, you decide to head out early and text your boss.
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// these two conversations take place at the same time - you can use time stamps to track the back and forth if you want to //
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With the phone you were using to text Vante slid into your small black leather purse, and the phone you were texting Seokjin with sitting facedown on the countertop, you swivel to the left in time to find the man who had been sitting across from you taking a seat one stool away.  
"Hey," he mutters, head tilted down too far for you to see his face clearly. "I hope you don't mind that I join you on this side? Things over there got a bit too wild for my taste."
Two things stand out about the way this man speaks. The first is that there is a hint of an accent, especially on certain consonants, and it seems that he is speaking in a slow and measured way that almost makes his words feel somewhat forced. The second is that, despite feeling forced, his voice is very deep but also quite mellow and soothing. 
Although he does not sound like the man you spoke to on the phone last night, there are enough hints of similarities that remind you of him. At least you are somewhat certain that this man is not Vante based on physical stature, but you decide to stay alert just in case.
"I don't mind," you respond, making your voice sound as sweet and inviting as possible.
The man, who seems to be wiping at his drink-dampened black shirt and jeans with a grey bar rag, looks up and regards you with a familiarity in his eyes that causes you to pause. You watch as his face comes clearly into view beneath the visor of the black baseball cap, and his eyes linger on you. 
Time feels as if it slows down as you watch this stranger's eyes trace over your face. And then he blinks rapidly, gives his head a quick little shake, and chuckles.
"Sorry, you…" he begins, turning his attention back to his shirt, then glancing your way briefly to say, "you remind me of someone."
"Oh?" you ask, swiveling on your stool enough to fully face him. 
The man hums, then sighs and lets his arms drape at his sides. He looks defeated; the wet mark on his shirt is pretty large. 
"Lemme buy you a drink to make up for that person's sloppiness?" you ask with one of your wide, winning smiles. 
He shakes his head and tosses the rag onto the bar, turning his body to face the counter but staying angled slightly toward you, tilting his chin at the two shots that have been neglected beside your purse. 
"Looks like you're expecting someone."
"I was," you clarify, dragging out the 's' as you rotate toward the bar but keep yourself slightly angled at him. You glance back at the shots of Fireball. "I think I got stood up."
From the corner of your eye, you watch the man straighten up, and you smile to yourself as he mutters, "Oh! Oh, that's so unfortunate."
Although you should check to make sure Vante is still not receiving or responding to your messages, you feel bold enough to turn to the man and slide one of the two shots his way. 
"Join me?" you ask. "Not as a date but just as…a person who can help me with these shots."
"Are you sure?" the man asks, reaching for the glass and eyeing it suspiciously. "What is this, anyway?"
Rather than answer, you watch the man lift the shot glass to his nose and frown. Through a giggle, you say, "It's Fireball," and reach for the second one.
"Cinnamon," he mutters in understanding rather than a question, and you nod, swiveling once more to face him. He concedes with a shrug, saying, "Alright," and your smile wider. 
"Cheers," you say, holding your shot toward the man who mutters, "Yes, cheers. To accidentally having poor judgment and winding up beside one another." 
You laugh as you tap your glass against his and lift the shot to your lips. The cinnamon flavor kicks you square in the mouth, cloying your senses with a bittersweet assault of artificial earthiness and heady whiskey. 
The man winces and shakes his head, slamming his glass against the counter ungracefully and sticking out his tongue. You take the opportunity to tease him about his toast, asking, "Poor judgment, eh?"
With a deep, pretty chuckle, he says, "You made a date with a flake and I humored conversation with a slob." 
Briefly, your gaze flicks to the woman who had been talking to him before, and she is shouting something while waving her arms emphatically, thankfully not holding a drink. When he finishes his statement with, "And here we are," you rip your gaze away and regard him.
This man is very attractive up close, with soft lips and a sharp stare. If you squint he would look similar to the photos you have seen of Min, only his nose is more straight and pointed, and his eyes appear to be a light hazel green. 
You offer your right hand and introduce yourself as Sandra, sitting tall on the barstool and watching as he hesitates to lift his own. 
"My English name is Cody."
"Cody," you mutter, feeling your lips fight the urge to smile, and you know that your eyes are widening, but you attempt to stay as straight-faced as possible. Cody is such a bro name, you would not have guessed it was his. Cody grabs onto your hand in a warm, firm shake that does not last long enough, and you ask, "And your non-English name? Or is that impolite to ask?"
"Not impolite," Cody responds, "just reserved for those close to me and when I travel back to Korea."
What are the odds that you meet someone from Korea while being stood up by Vante? At least you feel justified in the swirling thoughts that insist Cody seems similar to Min. 
You even wonder if Min Cody, or Cody Min, could be someone's name. You hope that another drink will quiet those thoughts enough so you can have a pleasant conversation with him before walking back home. Once there, you can do some searches just to put your mind at ease.
"This round is on me," Cody insists as he sits high in his chair and reaches for the wallet in his front pocket. 
Another loud group enters and files around the bar to where the two of you sit, and as you get the bartender's attention, Cody begins looking around behind the two of you. 
"There's a hightop in the corner. Would you be comfortable going there?"
Although the bar is not too dimly lit that retreating to the corner would shroud the two of you in shadow, there is some comfort in being seated at the bar with a tender nearby. But the crowd only seems to get bigger and louder, settling on stools to your right while others stand behind those seated, and so you nod, already fed up with this group.
"Sure, yeah," you say as you slam back the remnants of your drink. "I'll secure us a spot."
"Gin and tonic?" Cody asks, stopping you in your tracks. An icy chill works down your spine, and you wonder how the hell he knows what you are drinking. But then he adds, "Or was it something with vodka?"
Although his addition assuages some of your discomfort, there is a nagging feeling that he somehow knows what the bartender poured for you, making you uncomfortable. Your drink was clear, so gin and tonic is a fair assumption.
"Y-yeah," you respond, testing him by saying, "It was gin and tonic. Tanqueray." 
Had he watched the bartender, he would have known the man poured you Hendrick's. Cody seems unfazed.
"Sounds good," he says, adding, "I think I'll have that too," as you turn away with your purse clutched tightly in your hand and approach a tall round table in the corner with two stools sitting vacant beside it. 
As you take a seat on the little wooden stool, you attempt to settle your pounding heart and unravel this situation mentally. The feeling nagging at you to be weary of Cody is quite present, but you are unsure whether it is him that makes you feel this way or if you are struggling to set aside the case that you are working on. 
Seokjin has been going to great lengths to keep things secretive, which in and of itself causes disquiet. And now Cody carries similar enough traits with one of your targets that the foreboding nature of your job is all that you seem to be able to think about.  
It is unfair to you for these thoughts to cloud your mind so heavily, and you hope that this next drink will help you relax. Sure there are a lot of coincidences, but this is a large city with a diverse population. Coincidences certainly can happen. Unfortunately, as soon as Cody approaches with the glasses, your bladder begins to ache. 
"Thank you," you sing-song as you stand from the stool that you only sat on a moment ago. "I need to run to the bathroom quickly."
Cody responds, "Have fun!" and you giggle as you walk toward a small doorway off to the right that opens into a hallway containing two gender-neutral restrooms. As you enter the closest of the two rooms, you click the lock on the door handle in place, then begin to shimmy your jeans down and take a seat, fishing through your purse for the other phone and finding that Vante has, in fact, never seen your last messages. 
You wonder if there is a chance that he has somehow found out that you are an officer attempting to make contact with him. But it would make more sense for him to simply still be in Europe, possibly just playing a game with you because he takes pleasure in toying with people. It seems dramatic even when you think about it, but what else could it be?
As you put your phone away, reach for toilet paper, and wipe yourself off, you take a deep breath in and out and try to center your thoughts. Tomorrow, you will regroup with Seokjin and form a new plan. If you have to wait a little while to get onto Min's tutoring list, it is not the end of the world. For tonight, you should just enjoy yourself. 
With your pants buttoned and everything in place, you wash your hands, inspect your face and hair to verify that you still look as amazing as ever, and exit the restroom. Some top 40s song from the 90s plays that has a lot of the college kids shouting, and you return to your seat while Cody types something on his phone and then slides it into his front pocket. 
"So do you always come to the bar alone and wear a baseball cap to hide your identity?" you tease, unsure where any of this is coming from but feeling a strange burst of energy. You reason with yourself that you still need verification that he is not Min.
Cody laughs, reaches for the hat, and pulls it off. His hair is clearly bleached blond and colored mint green, which is a little more difficult to see in the less well-lit corner. It falls over his forehead, parted down the center, nearly covering his eyes, and he looks dreadfully pretty. 
"Is this look less threatening?" he asks, running a hand through it only for it to fall neatly in place again. 
Once more, the nagging voice in the back of your head tells you that this haircut seems similar to the one in the surveillance photos of Min. You remind yourself that you have never seen the man in person and that your brain could simply be filling in information in an attempt to create patterns because that is what human brains do best. But the similarity is striking.
"Yes," you say after too long of a pause, angling yourself toward him, slightly to the left from facing the table. 
"This one's for you," Cody says as he slides a full drink in your direction. 
You take the chilled glass and lift it to your lips, then you playfully say, "And you didn't drug it, I assume?"
Cody does not immediately respond to what you say; he stares blankly for a split moment before blinking and chuckling. The pause makes you worry, but then he says, "I assure you I did not, but if you would like to switch—"
"No, no," you insist, feeling awkward for saying anything at all. If it weren't for all the time you spent shadowing the special victims detectives over the summer, you would likely not instantly assume that any drink offered from a stranger could be tainted.
With a sigh, Cody says, "Nah, here, switch with me. We'll just swap out the straws because I had a sip of mine."
Before you can respond, he gently pulls the drink from your fingers and replaces it with his own. You watch as he swaps the straws, feeling your mouth tug into a smile, and when he is finished, you pull the drink to your lips and have a sip.
"When the drug kicks in, you might have to walk me to a cab, though," Cody jokes, insinuating that he has now drugged himself, and you nearly spit out the gin and tonic that has barely had a chance to settle on your tongue.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry," he laughs as you struggle to keep your composure and swallow your first sip. You set that glass down and raise your hand as if threatening to backhand him, making him flinch and dramatically gasp. 
Without thinking, you say, "You're a pain in the ass," making him laugh harder. 
"It's not funny to joke about that, I know," he says, still chuckling. "But in my defense, you started it."
Rather than respond with words, you simply hum and have another sip through the straw. This seems to amuse him, causing the laughter to continue.
Conversation with Cody is nice and easy. He tells you that he is a student at a nearby university, and you tell him that you are also a student – the same lie you tell to everyone. 
He talks about growing up in New York with one American parent but visiting Korea often, hoping that once he graduates he can spend more time with his family. You describe your past and relationship with your family with very general, distant details, excluding a lot. 
The parents that come along with your fake identity are not too exciting; mom is a legal aid and dad is a veterinarian. You attend such a prestigious school to follow in their overachieving footsteps, blah blah blah. 
By the time you discover Cody can speak three languages and has a deep love of anime, your drinks are empty. And although you should stop while you are ahead and call it a night, a large part of you wants to keep drinking. 
"Another?" Cody asks, and you sigh, nibbling your bottom lip. 
"I want to," you say, uncertainty in your tone. 
Cody must pick up on it, saying, "But…"
"But I also don't want to get very drunk."
"We can switch to non-alcoholic," he offers, shifting around on his stool. "Or go somewhere else." You raise an eyebrow, and he lifts his hands as if in surrender, insisting, "No funny business! Just thought we could hang out somewhere quieter. Doesn't have to be one of our places. I don't live too close by anyway."
This surprises you a little. "No?" 
"Nah," he shrugs, "I just like the atmosphere in this area more than where I live so I cab over to waste my time and cash here, instead."
Although you should not blurt, "I live nearby," you do anyway. In an attempt to not sound like you are trying to get into Cody's pants, you add, "But I don't know what we would do. I don't really watch TV."
"Have you eaten?" Cody asks, seemingly unfazed by your word vomit.
As if on cue, your stomach grumbles, and you giggle while shaking your head. You remember the meager amount of food you managed to eat before shuffling out into the evening. 
"I had something light, so…no. Not really."
"Why don't we grab a bite nearby? Maybe that will give us the reprieve we both seek…I'm sure most food establishments aren't this loud and rambunctious."
The reprieve we both seek… It's nothing too big or wild, but it is just austere enough to make you think about Vante. Although you feel frustrated that your mind is so eager to continue circling back to him, you consider that if this were Min sitting before you, there is a good chance they both speak similarly. It could be a slip up.
"Or…not…" Cody says, and you rapidly blink out of your thoughts and shake your head, offering a smile and a giggle.
"I space out," you supply plainly, "a lot. Sorry."
"Ah," he responds, sitting up a little higher. "No problem."
"Do you eat meat? There's a burger shop nearby that I really like."
Cody smiles and shrugs. "I eat everything."
As you stand up to stretch, the room tilts. It catches you off guard, and you halt your movement, then do your best to breathe through it and blink it away. Cody has his head tilted down, putting on his hat, and you are thankful that he does not seem to notice.
With a smile, he lifts his hand and says, "Lead the way," but there is something different about his voice. Deep and inviting in a familiar yet unfamiliar way, and far more accented than it had been all night. 
You shake it off and nod your head. Despite only having two drinks and a shot, you are not a heavy drinker as is, and on an empty stomach, it is enough to weigh you down and make you paranoid. You just need to get out into the cool open air and you will feel much better. 
But your feet are heavy. Each step that you take feels weighed down, and there is a lightness to you that feels as if fog is simmering through your system. Alarm bells begin beaming through your body, and you worry that perhaps you should try to get rid of Cody and call Seokjin.
Cody places a hand on your lower back. "Everything alright, space cadet?" he asks in the same tone he has taken all night, and you nod. 
You are certain he could not have done anything to your drink while you sat there and drank it with him. And if he drugged both drinks, he should be equally affected. 
But if he did do something, you are not eager to draw attention to feeling sluggish. You think it would be best to just get rid of him somehow. It just becomes a matter of how much time you have before the effects hit you harder, if at all.
The two of you make your way through the bar, and you oddly feel much more in control when you are moving steadily rather than little by little. You forget all about getting rid of Cody and walk right to the burger spot around the corner. 
But standing on line at the counter in the brightly lit space feels overwhelming, and it all comes back again. You open your mouth and say, "So," but catch yourself. So you really did drug my drink, huh? 
"So?" Cody asks, leaning close, and you notice a musk that cuts through the deep-fryer stench. It's nice and rich, inviting but not cloying. 
"So I usually get the bacon cheeseburger," you ramble, "and fries. But I imagine everything here is pretty good."
"Good to know," he responds, voice bright. You think his hand may be on your lower back again, but you are not quite sure. 
When it is your turn to order, your mind screeches to a halt. You stare up at the white menu board with red text, and you cannot find words. 
"Was it a bacon cheeseburger?" Cody supplies. "A number two?"
"Y-yeah," you respond, looking at the bored teen behind the register. "No tomato, please. And a soft drink."
"You?" the teen asks, eyes moving to Cody. 
Cody hums, soft and dulcet. Hypnotizing. "I'll have the same, but with tomato please."
Without asking, Cody pulls out his card to pay. Only, when he begins to hold it out, he quickly pulls it back. "Actually," he mutters, "I should use this cash."
Although you are unable to see the name on it, you notice that it is a black card, which feels far too prestigious for a university student to have access to. You realize that neither of you told one another your age – you just assume he is close to yours.
The cashier gives the two of you a number and two empty paper cups, and you make your way over to the soft drink dispenser and stare at the options. Caffeine could make you feel better, but then you risk the chance of staying up late. Sugar might cause you to have a hangover in the morning, but you think you could risk it for some lemonade. 
"Preference?" Cody asks, holding up the beverage cups. 
You have gravitated to the ketchup dispenser to fill two tiny paper cups, still thinking about beverage options. 
"Lemonade, please. With like…half ice? Not too much."
"Got it," he responds, holding one of the cups under an ice dispenser. 
"Ketchup?" you ask. 
"Two please."
You manage to get all four tiny paper cups of ketchup into your left palm, then turn to watch Cody securing plastic lids over both drinks and grabbing two paper-wrapped straws. The two of you sit, and you take your drink and straw with a small, "Thank you."
Perhaps it is the prospect of having food in your system that is causing you to feel more energized, but maneuvering through the booths and finding one along the wall is easy. You begin to wonder if maybe something about the gin and tonic was just off. Maybe you got hit with a wave of intoxication. 
Once you get settled, Cody takes out his phone and smiles at the screen before typing out what you assume to be a response to a message. His smile lifts, showing off his gums and pearly teeth, and you catch yourself staring before blinking your gaze elsewhere. 
Out of curiosity, you pull the phone from your purse and check to see if Vante ever saw any of your messages, and you frown at the discovery that he has not. His behavior is weird, but you suppose you were also planning on playing games with the guy. Still, being stood up is being stood up, and it is hard not to take it personally. 
Cody continues typing away at his phone while you wait for your food, chuckling quietly from time to time and making you feel awkward for sitting here with nothing to say. It is not that you don't have people who you can also text, but it feels rude to do it when you are with someone in a restaurant. 
Not that it is a date, nor do you two owe each other anything, you remind yourself, feeling silly for forgetting that simple fact. The two of you are just strangers who happened to meet and who decided to share a drink and a burger. Nothing more. In fact, if you remember correctly, Cody removed what looks like a wedding band from his ring finger earlier in the night.
Another grumpy teen brings your food in bright red baskets, and Cody finally puts his phone away. He smiles and says, "This looks great," and lifts his gaze to you for only a split second before looking back down. 
Something in his eyes seems different, but you are unable to put your finger on what. They seemed sharper, somehow…almost seductive. 
You reach for your food and dig in, doing your best to not moan when the grease hits your tongue. Conversation continues to be non-existent with the exception of Cody groaning through a mouthful about how good his burger is. 
Once you are down to just lemonade and some wayward fries, you excuse yourself to the bathroom. Unfortunately, your bladder is on a bit of a timer when you consume alcohol, and the added liquid does not help. 
You are grateful when there is no line and make quick work of relieving your bladder and washing your hands. The mirror is covered in stickers, but you lean forward on your toes and do your best to take in your state. 
To your surprise, your pupils are constricted quite small, and you begin to worry all over again that something could have been added to your drink. Somewhat sluggishly, you turn and grip onto the door handle, yanking it open and feeling tired from every small movement. 
Cody is back on his phone when you return, but he regards you with a polite smile and glances at you long enough for you to notice that his eyes seem perfectly normal – a sign that he likely did not drug both drinks, and evidence that he likely did not drug yours.
This fixation only makes you feel paranoid, and you wet your lips, eye up the rest of your food, and decide that you should call it a night. Cody's fries are all gone, and he barely has any soda left, which you find rather disappointing because you would have liked to leave alone. You suppose you still can.
"Well, I'm just down the block," you say, rubbing your hands, which begin to sweat, down your thighs. "It was nice to meet you."
"I would offer to walk you home," Cody says through a sigh, leaning back in a stretch, "but being that I am still a stranger, it may make you uncomfortable to have me knowing where you live."
You hum and nod to acknowledge and agree with what he says. 
"But if you'd like I could sit on a phone call?" he offers, resting his arm over the back of the booth. 
With a shrug, you shake your head to decline, but your mouth betrays you by saying, "Alright, sure."
"Yeah?" Cody asks, smiling brightly and sitting up from his relaxed position. He takes out his phone, and although you only catch a glimpse of his lock screen, there is something familiar about the image. It's the colors. Tan skin, greyish fabric, gold jewelry. You wonder where you may have seen it before.
Cody breaks you from your thoughts, asking, "What's your number?"
Once more, your mind draws a blank, and you search your brain. What is your phone number? "Uh…212...555…55…26—wait."
Cody looks up from where he is typing on his phone, and you realize you had given him your actual number and not the burner number that Vante has.
"That's my work phone, it's 5505."
With a light chuckle, Cody finishes saving your number. And then he must call you because your purse begins to vibrate. 
"That's me," he says with a smile and a wave.
"Alright," you respond, reaching absent-mindedly for your cup of lemonade and taking a large gulp. Although you do not look at Cody, you can feel his eyes on you.
Your phone stops vibrating, but you open your purse and pull the device out, ready to call Cody back once you begin your walk. Not that you think you need to, seeing that your block is relatively safe and you are not shy about walking at night. You carry pepper spray and a knife in your purse, but you are also worried you may not have the coordination to wield either. 
With a limp lift of your hand, you begin to wave, muttering, "Uh, thanks. I would have finished my drink and gone home feeling a little defeated tonight. It was nice to have company."
Why are you saying all of this? Cody is attractive, kind, smart, and has a fun sense of humor, but you were planning on just brushing him off. Plus he might be married.
He smiles and it is bright and disarming. From where he sits, his head is tilted back enough to see under his baseball cap, giving a view of his handsome features and long, pretty throat that bobs when he swallows. 
"I'm glad," he says, voices soft and deep. "You also made my night better. I almost forgot all about how damp my sweater and jeans are."
"Almost," you repeat, smiling. Suddenly, you feel shy – why do you feel shy? "Alright, well…I'll call you."
"Okay," he says, smiling as he sits up. 
You turn to leave, and the room tilts once more. So hard, in fact, that it makes you queasy. From the corner of your eye, you notice Cody sitting at attention, and you wonder if you visibly lurched. 
"Ugh, I'm a lightweight," you complain, hoping to brush it off, but before making another move, it begins to feel as if the floor is sinking away. 
"Sandra?" Cody mutters, "You alright?"
"Y-yeah," you insist, but you are not alright. Something is definitely wrong.
"Maybe I should call you a cab? Or something?"
You shake your head, "I live too close. It's not worth it."
"Alright, then how about I walk you? I'll keep my head down. I won't look at where we go."
Although you mean to laugh, it comes out in a scoff. "Alright, fine."
Cody is quick to get on his feet and slot an arm around your waist, holding you loosely but making you feel secure. The two of you walk through the somewhat tight path between booths, hips pressed against one another and warm, but then he gives you space as soon as there is some to give, only resting his hand against your back as he reaches for the door. 
"How many drinks did you have?" Cody asks in a way that is gentle and not at all accusatory. 
"Just what you saw," you respond sluggishly. "Two plus the one shot."
The two of you walk to the left and down the block. In the fresh night air, at a steady pace, you feel much more comfortable. It's the stopping and starting that seems to fuck with you. 
At least the weather is nice – a chill in the air but not cold. The seasons are certainly changing, but at a pace you can acclimate easily to. 
Cody hums some tune, and you keep wanting to ask him what it is, but you find that you are unable to make yourself speak. This causes your palms to prickle with anxiety.
"How long have you lived here?" Cody asks after about a block.
"A few years," you respond robotically, curious why you are suddenly able to talk without issue.
"I was wondering why a college student isn't living on campus. Then again…you seem too old to be living in the dorms." This line of conversation feels strange, but you can't pinpoint why. "Did you take some time off in between schooling?"
"No," you respond before you can stop yourself.
"Did you study something else before theater arts and music?"
Fear spikes, and you worry that he may ask you what you previously studied. It is so odd that you are so easily answering questions that you would ordinarily lie around – your undercover persona did not study anything before becoming a theater arts major. She traveled and worked at her father's veterinarian office as a receptionist while taking some time to decide what career path she wanted to take. 
Cody stops abruptly, muttering, "Shit, my shoe is untied," pulling you from your spiral.
As he bends to sort that out, you lift your gaze from where it had been glued and unfocused to the sidewalk and look around. Just up ahead is your building. 
"Oh," you say weakly, "we're here."
You continue on without your companion, putting one foot in front of the other and reaching for your purse, which is slung over your shoulder. Although you use this purse often, you struggle to get the zipper opened, and you stumble while focusing on it too much. 
The hand on your back returns, helping you to feel steady, and Cody asks, "Need some help with that?"
Luckily, you find your keys and hold them up, feeling triumphant. Cody walks you to the front landing, up four short steps to the high Victorian door, and waits patiently as you attempt to grab hold of the correct key, only to drop them to cement in a loud clatter. 
You feel frustrated as you say, "Fuck," and Cody is quick to bend and hold them out. 
"Large gold one," you say, and he lifts the correct key and leans to slot it into the keyhole. 
The last thing you want is for this stranger to walk you to your front door, but your dizziness is only increasing, and you are unsure whether you can make it to your second-story flat alone. 
The brownstone you live in is just like any other – tall and old as fuck. As you enter and begin toward the stairs, every footfall can be heard, creaking in a greeting you are all too familiar with. The staircase is tall, and you grip onto the railing and make your way up. Cody seems to hesitate.
"I don't have to continue if you think you got it," he says.
Without stopping or looking back, you grumble, "Need my keys."
Cody meets you on the stairs, and with a hand on your back, gently presses you to walk up. You are grateful for his warmth and for his assistance. 
And, at this point, if he tries anything once you are in your apartment, it will all be caught on camera. Not to mention, there is a Glock in your nightstand. 
"Thank you," you mumble as you reach the top of the stairs and turn right to the tall white door. "Small gold key."
Inside your front pants pocket, your main phone buzzes with a notification that there is someone at your door. You ignore it, seeing as that someone is you. 
Cody is quick to find the correct key and unlock your flat. He holds onto your arm while you kick out of your boots, and he toes out of his shoes and says, "Just want to get you a glass of water, okay?"
From where the two of you stand near the front entrance, there is a camera trained directly on both of your faces hidden in a bookshelf. You accept his offer and hobble off toward your room.
Your flat is somewhat of a rectangle. You enter into the living room, and to the right, straight ahead down a hallway is your large master bedroom. Tucked away on the left as you walk through the hallway is a kitchen and then a bathroom. 
It feels too warm in your flat, pulling you off kilter, and you throw your purse toward your bed, which rests in the center of your room against the right wall, missing and watching it hit the floor in a loud thud. Then you stumble forward and fall to your butt on the edge of the mattress and begin to yank at the sleeves of your green flannel, wiggling about in an attempt to shed it from you. 
Cody appears with a large plastic white cup and halts in the doorway. He shifts, and you catch him averting his eyes. 
"Just trying to get rid of this thing," you grumble impatiently as the garment falls from your left shoulder but won't comply to go any lower. With a sigh, you give up and smile at Cody.
"You can just set it here," you nod toward your small wooden bedside table. "The door will lock when you leave. Thanks for the help."
Cody approaches slowly, and you wonder if it is meant to put you at ease – no sudden movements – but the anticipation begins to weigh on you. You want to lay down and go to sleep, and you want Cody to leave.
He smiles and levels his face with yours, eyes searching for something. Then he places the cup on the table and says, "I hope you feel better."
"Thanks," you mutter, wishing he would leave. 
Cody bends and lifts your purse from the floor, which is open and spilling its contents. He sets it beside the cup of water and hands you your phone. Then he stands straight and fishes his own from his pocket, thumbing around before calling you.
He lifts the phone to his ear, and when you continue to stare, he tilts his chin toward the vibrating device in your hands. With a knit brow, you cock your head to the side but answer his call, lifting the phone to your ear.
"I figure that if I am being trusted to leave on my own, I should give you some assurance that I am, in fact, leaving."
"Okay…" you respond, drawing the word out. You could have all the assurance you need by watching the video footage from your hidden camera, but you suppose this is a kind gesture.
Cody smiles, lifts a hand, and waves. Then he turns and leaves the room. 
"It was nice meeting you, Sandra," he says, drawing your fake name out nice and slow.
"You too," you mutter, heavy with sleep.
"Sorry the night ended this way."
You sigh. "Me too."
"If you ever want drinks and a burger again, let me know. I'm just a short cab ride away."
Briefly, you wonder if the two of you hit it off. It was fun and comfortable talking with Cody, but you are still concerned with how drunk you became – if that is what you can call whatever is happening to you.
"Alright," you respond too late, hoping to be polite. 
In the living room, you hear some soft sounds and then the door opening. Although it is faint, you think you hear it closing, as well. 
"I have left your humble abode," he says as the phone in your pocket buzzes with another notification to alert you that someone is outside your apartment.
You assume that the reason he insisted on calling was so that once he was outside of the apartment, you would only hear his voice through the phone. It is a nice gesture.
"Thanks again," you say, sighing with relief. 
Through the phone, you can hear the steps creaking as he descends the stairwell. "My pleasure."
You begin to fade fast. Although you know that you should drink water, you twist your body, lift your legs onto the bed, and curl up. You feel too warm to care about your comforter, but you lament not having enough energy to get out of your jeans.
The phone ends up under your face. Miraculously, your cheek does not end the call. 
"Tired," you mutter, feeling your eyelids flutter. 
"It was so nice meeting you," Cody says, and in an instant, your blood turns cold. 
That is the exact voice you spoke with on the phone last night. The accent is much more prominent, just as it was last night, and it is much more gravely. It is unmistakable.
He adds, "Sleep sweet, pretty," before hanging up, and you curl in on yourself, panting and shivering, hanging in a horrifying liminal space of being too afraid to want to sleep but too intoxicated to keep your eyes open.
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'Cause I know what you're thinkin' about Babe, I'll let you spin me around I know what you're thinking about Babe, I'll let you spin me around Babe, I'll let you spin me around Babe, I'll let you spin me around
🎵 visit the playlist!
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the feelings of being drugged are all kinda made up but also based on the drug ghb. please do not feel the need to sully your internet searches! i will explain it all in detail in upcoming chapters. and you may have noticed that because mc is a detective and trying to figure out who these men are, there is a lot of talk about facial features and accents. this is in no way meant to fetishize these characteristics, it is simply detective work - i tried to keep it as broad/general as possible. the little ploy that was played at the bar is based on something called "operation fireball" - google it if you're into true crime!
also!!! please never take a drink from a stranger or leave a drink unattended!!!
CAN YOU TRACK WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE THAT MC IS COMMUNICATING WITH??? everything will be made clear soon, but feel free to speculate!!! readers of the taegi pov probably already know what's going on, but mc pov purists will have all the questions answered quickly, as well!!! don't worry. 🤍
tag list: @aidam9911 @bangtan-tee-86 @ffion451 @fluffybuns69 @here4kpopfics @iloverubberduckiez-blog @lovemeforeternity @mgthecat @moonleeai @oceansmerchild @unsureofwhathappens 🤍 visit the master post to read the warnings & request to be tagged!
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White Lies is copyright 2023 theharrowing, all rights reserved. No translations or reposts allowed!
76 notes · View notes
su-itca-se · 1 year
Dear Brother (Oniisama e…) LaserDisc scans and machine translations
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These past few years I have fallen in love with the work of director Osamu Dezaki. Alongside Tomorrow’s Joe (Ashita no Joe), I hold Dear Brother in the highest regard.
It was a 1991 anime based on Riyoko Ikeda’s 1974 manga. You should watch the anime. It’s on Tubi for free. But really, just trust me. Buy the Blu-Ray from Discotek.
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This anime came and went. There isn’t any merchandise besides some phone cards. Decaying fan sites and discourse is out there, but it’s a bit of a hunt.
Some time ago I saw a fan letter written by Hideaki Anno, apparently from the LaserDisc releases. From what I could tell, the LaserDisc packaging featured a treasure trove of notes from the staff that I just had to read. But I couldn’t find them!
If you’re not aware, LaserDiscs are one step above burnable trash in Japan — often on sale for 200 yen or less in heavy boxes shoved into the corner of second-hand anime stores. So I bought all five volumes of the 1993 Dear Brother LaserDisc release, was thrilled to notice unique letters from staff and industry luminaries in the interiors, and I scanned everything! And machine translated them.
I hope this (long, comprehensive) post brings fans of Dear Brother the same pleasure it brought me to compose it!
Note: I cannot read Japanese. I’ve used Google Lens for OCR, and GPT-4 for translation. My scans are good (and you can get them on Archive.org in high res) but these translations are not archive-quality and should not be depended on without verification. I’ve done my best to make corrections and have attempted to wrangle the correct tone and meaning out of the AI, but they’re essentially just for fun. Corrections of the most egregious stuff would be welcomed, email me: [email protected].
Volume One
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Each disc is themed after a character and colour. The back is peppered with screencaps and notable quotes (“Anata wa dare?” says little Nanako) as well as series credits. The two notable parts to translate are the disc synopsis, and the subheading (seen here in pink on the far left.) Maybe it’s a pull quote? Not really. So I called it a subheading.
Volume One Subheading
A forbidden cult anime masterpiece born of satellite broadcasting is finally available on LD.
Volume One Synopsis
Private Seiran Academy. A story of beautiful love and deep hatred unfolds at this prestigious all-girls high school steeped in tradition. The protagonist, Nanako Misonoo, who is thrilled to enroll in the high school division of her dream academy, encounters three stunning individuals: Miya-sama, Sanjust-sama, and Sho no Kimi. She also gets introduced to the glamorous world of Seiran Sorority, a society that only the chosen few are allowed to join. As a freshman granted unexpected membership in the Sorority, Nanako begins to take a deep look at love, friendship, and the essence of being human, all while being surrounded by envy and jealousy. She confides her various experiences at the academy, along with unspeakable worries and hardships, in letters to her elder “brother” and a young man named Takehiko Henmi… A masterpiece anime born of satellite broadcasting. It is a work by Riyoko Ikeda that the Dezaki-Sugino duo took on for the first time in 11 years since “The Rose of Versailles.” It is considered a unique work that brings a fresh, unprecedented shock by transcending the framework of TV anime with its aesthetic world.
The disc looks like this:
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An “obi” (sash that covers the spine) is included. Of course, it says “My tears won’t stop!” in huge text, sells it as the latest Dezaki/Sugino collaboration, and describes it as tanibi na sekai — a poetic concept of a romantic, sublime world of aesthetic beauty.
There are two paper inserts in each volume. The first one looks like this, and is an index of LaserDisc chapter markers based not on plot developments, but notable character quotes.
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There’s also a form you can fill out to get a telephone card. Simply cut out a coupon from each volume to prove you bought the full set. Be quick, entries are due end of March 1994.
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The interior is the best part. Here’s the spread for Volume One.
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I haven’t translated episode synopses, but I’ve attempted to translate both the staff letter and the “letter to dear brother” from someone external to the production. There’s a bio for each author.
Volume One’s “From the staff to all the fans”
Osamu Dezaki Joined Mushi Production in 1963. After directing series like “Astro Boy” and “Goku’s Great Adventure,” he was selected as the general director for “Tomorrow’s Joe” in 1970 at the young age of 26. Born on November 18, 1943, and hailing from Tokyo, he has received high praise as a director. Subsequently, he has brought numerous masterpieces into the world, including “Aim for the Ace!”, “The Adventures of Ganba,” “Nobody’s Boy,” “Treasure Island,” “The Rose of Versailles,” “Space Adventure Cobra,” “BB,” and more. He is also referred to as “Sakimakura” and “Mataba Sakimakura.”
The letter:
This is my second time working on Ikeda-san’s work since “The Rose of Versailles.” Her works have a unique aroma, whether you call it a theme or a world. They seem to pursue the literary aspect of the story. When I read the original work of “Dear Brother,” I was very drawn to these aspects, and at the same time, I felt a sense of anticipation that it would be difficult, but perhaps various images could be created. It’s not just about being cool or intense; it’s about creating images that resonate more and more with people’s hearts. Fundamentally, there is an original story, but when the characters start to move, and each begins to live, the story could go anywhere. I always had that sense of tension. So, rather than sticking to the original work, I placed more emphasis on the directorial focus of the reality of the characters who had started to move. As for the techniques, it was not something I was particularly conscious of, but I used a lot of completely black shots simply because I honestly felt they needed to be black. Whether or not it was successful, I wanted to effectively overlap the visuals with the characters’ psychology by delivering such physiological shocks. The psychological fluctuations of the people are indeed the overall aroma of this work. How the audience perceives that aroma is something I want to leave up to each individual’s free sensitivity. - July 8, 1993, at Tezuka Pro
Volume One’s “Letter to Dear Brother”
Mutsumi Inomata Born on December 23 in Kanagawa Prefecture. After working with Ashi Production and Kaname Production, she is currently freelance. After going through Ashi Production and Kaname Production, she is now a freelance artist. Mutsumi Inomata is her real name. She was born on December 23 in Kanagawa Prefecture. She is active in both the fields of anime character design and illustration. In the realm of animation, she served as the character designer and chief animation director for works such as “Plawres Sanshiro” and “Genmu Senki Leda,” and as the character designer for “Future GPX Cyber Formula.” As an illustrator, she has also provided numerous illustrations for novels, including titles like “Prince of the Universe,” “Dragon Quest,” and “Continent of the Wind.”
The letter:
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Comics are way hard to translate without actually knowing Japanese. Here’s my best effort to uncover some meaning.
For several years, I had stopped watching anime and stuff… Living a hectic life, it’s been like this for a while now. Having a set day and a set time to watch a specific program (not just limited to anime), had become impossible for me. Recording videos is also a hassle, and first and foremost, I just don’t feel that “I must watch the next episode!” kind of emotion anymore. Ah well, I was thinking maybe I’ve just become an adult. Heh heh heh. I’m such an idiot. No, that’s not it.
The blonde guy in the bottom-right is labeled as her friend, and she’s saying something about “Poupee-chan”. I think in the second panel he’s yelling saying “But that doll is supposed to be a girl!”
The final monologue starts with:
By the way, I have a container for “dangerous items” at the corner of my work desk. I keep things like cutter blades in it, so that I don’t accidentally drop them on the floor and cut myself or something. The “dangerous items” container I’m using now has a sticker with Saint-Just-sama’s “Nanako’s Eyes,” heh heh heh ♡
That’s about all there is to note about Volume One, besides the fact it comes with an enormous poster (it’s the same art used on the cover of the Discotek Blu-Ray.)
Volume Two
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Volume Two Subheading
Those eyes of that person, mysteriously and beautifully shining. Why these feelings? Why...? The increasing heartbeat, the endless tears of adolescence. A masterpiece of forbidden cult anime born from satellite broadcasting! The second installment on LaserDisc!
Volume Two Synopsis
Nanako’s life at school, after being chosen as a sorority member, was not all glitz and glamour. There were misunderstandings with her best friend Tomiko, and jealousy and slander from other students, including Misaki Aya. And then there was the obsessive love from her fellow sorority member, Nobuo Mariko. “What is a sorority? Is it really that important?” Nanako began to question the very existence of sororities. Yet, she tries to look straight into herself, even while confused. Always before her were the mysteriously beautiful and shining eyes of Saint-Just. Drawn to those eyes that seemed to peer into a distant past, Nanako attempts to uncover their secret. Then, by chance, she finds out about the special relationship between Fukiko and Saint-Just. Could it be that Miya-sama and Saint-Just-sama are…? The complicated interplay of relationships and the previously enigmatic characters start to become a little clearer in “Volume 2: The Chapter of Freezing Rain.” The subtle breaths of the people surrounding Nanako can be heard.
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Volume Two’s “From the staff, Dear Nanako”
Hideo Takayashiki Born in 1947, native of Iwate Prefecture. After passing through Osamu Tezuka’s Mushi Production, became a scenario writer. Known for scripts of theatrical anime films such as “Hang in There, Tabuchi-kun!”, “Barefoot Gen”, and the “Phoenix” series. Also worked on numerous TV anime scripts like “Gutsy Frog”, “Gamba’s Adventure”, and “Tomorrow’s Joe”. Additionally, wrote scripts for original videos and TV dramas like “The Laughing Target”, “One-Pound Gospel”, and has written many novels, actively contributing as a versatile scriptwriter. Member of the Japan Broadcast Writers Association.
The letter:
Dear Nanako Misonoo, How are you? How is university life? It’s hard to believe that three years have passed since then. I was involved with you and those around you for just one year, but in retrospect, it was a very intense year. In any case, I did something terrible to you. It may have been the extreme form of “bullying” in some sense. My work as a scriptwriter involved probing and expanding the uncharted worlds between the frames of original works, constructing new narratives. In a sense, it was a painful job. And for you, it was excruciating. But now it’s a wonderful memory. I am filled with the feeling that I did some real work after a long time. How is your best friend, Tomoko? What about Mariko? I assume Fuki is becoming more and more beautiful? Do you occasionally receive letters from Kaoru? This summer marked the third anniversary of Saint-Just-sama’s passing. Thinking back, it was an unusually hot day. Your anguished form, waiting alone at the platform while listening to the chirping cicadas and the sound of the sea, is still etched in my memory. I hear that there has not been a single day without flowers at the electric pole where Saint-Just-sama fell. I am grateful for the chance to have met you and the people around you. Autumn, 1993
Volume Two’s “Letter to Dear Brother”
Kazuhiko Shimamoto Born April 26, 1961 From the hinterland of Hokkaido After being selected as an honorable mention in the 9th Shogakukan Newcomer Comics Award Debuted with “Hissatsu no Transfer Student”. His masterpieces include Gyakkyo Nine’ and Moeyo Pen. Examples include Flame Transfer Student’ and Kamen Rider ZO.”
The letter:
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Another piece directed by Osamu Dezaki and supervised by Akio Sugino has become a permanent edition (converted to LaserDisc)! (Hooray!) From the anime “Ashita no Joe” (1), the unique and beautiful way of life portrayed in anime is so intense that it has consistently given us dreams, hopes, despair, loneliness, friendship, love, perseverance, and revival! These works have even surpassed the original works in the emotional impact of their final episodes. I continue to be captivated by the atmosphere conveyed by these works. The reason I enjoy drawing the final episodes of my own works is entirely due to Director Dezaki’s influence! Currently, Osamu Tezuka and Ikki Kajiwara, the two individuals whom I revered as gods in the manga world, are no longer with us. Even now, these works, which possess added charm, continue to provide us (even those who have become professionals) with anticipation for the next episode, life lessons, and motivation for creating works. Seagulls, dance! Liquids, shine!! Wind, blow and then, “Why go to such lengths?” Charafo! Go as far as you can go! Mariko, somehow you’re really scary, Mariko.
Then the words scribbled next to the drawing of Mariko:
You are the protagonist of this work! I’m paying the most attention to you. You’re not alone! That’s right! Make me Mariko’s ‘older brother’… ‘older brother’…
Mariko is saying (OCR mangling here, sadly):
Thank you… I just feel… that’s special… Why not? If I had to say, maybe it’s a ‘woman’s world’…
(Clearly a reference to Rikiishi Toru of Dezaki’s earlier anime Ashita no Joe, who intensely speaks of a “man’s world”. He and Mariko love a good starvation diet!)
The little chibi version of Shimamoto(?) in the bottom left is saying:
But everyone, don’t easily become someone’s ‘older brother.’ It’ll be troublesome later!
GPT-4 noticed a cute reference it couldn’t include in its translation. Its note:
The text seems to be OCR scanned partially, and hence some meanings might be missing or distorted, such as “マンガ界のジョン・シルバーだ!!”, which appears to compare Dezaki and Sugino to a ‘John Silver’ of the manga world.
Volume Three
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Volume Three Subheading
It’s not too late; our beautiful time can still be preserved, forever unspoiled, just like this white snow… A forbidden masterpiece of a cult anime born from satellite broadcasting! The fourth release on LD!
Volume Three Synopsis
Suddenly summoned to the sorority house, Nanako is pressured by Fukiko to end her relationship with Hemimi. Upon hearing this, Saint-Just confesses her complicated relationship with Fukiko. The shocking truth behind why “Miya-sama” wanted Nanako in the sorority unfolds, leaving her deeply shaken. Meanwhile, Saint-Just is tormented by the realization that the stronger her feelings for Fukiko, the more she ends up hurting her. The complex relationship between Saint-Just and Fukiko has a tragic past involving a near-suicidal event. On another front, Mariko causes an incident by attacking Misaki, motivated by slander about her parents’ divorce, which leads to a movement spearheaded by Kaoru to abolish the sorority. Amid the crumbling sorority, Fukiko remains composed. The fourth volume, “Chapter of Snow Dance,” captures her frightening yet noble confidence and deep sorrow. In the snow that never melts, remains the sad yet beautiful promise of Saint-Just.
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Volume Three’s “From the staff to all the fans”
Tomoko Konparu Born on March 13, 1956, in Nara Prefecture. Pisces. Blood type AB. A fan of both manga and anime, she became a screenplay writer and debuted during her university days with “Ikkyu-san.” Anime works include “Urusei Yatsura: Only You,” “Urusei Yatsura: Remember My Love,” “Touch 2: Farewell Gift,” “Phoenix,” “Cat’s Eye,” “Hime-chan’s Ribbon,” and more. Novel works include “Mystery at the Tower of London,” “Mystery at Nara’s Great Buddha” (published by Kobunsha Bunko), among others.
The letter:
When I heard that this work was going to be turned into an anime, I was shocked. I’d known about the series since its serialization, so my reaction was something like, “What!? Are they really going to do it!? And on NHK of all places!?” Expanding on the original work and filling in the parts that hadn’t been depicted was incredibly challenging, but also enjoyable. What surprised me was that, around the midpoint, the characters started to assert themselves, taking actions that were entirely different from what I had planned. The princess would say, “My pride isn’t so easily swayed,” San Just would insist, “I’m not going to commit suicide,” and even the older sisters of the sorority were like, “We can’t back down now.” Every time this happened, I had to rework the composition. This phenomenon of “characters moving on their own accord” was a first for me in an anime series, and it was an incredibly fresh and pleasant experience. That being said, it’s rare to be so emotionally invested in characters while working, to the point of even role-playing their lines. To be honest, this was a work that got my inner anime fan excited. Ah, I want to do work like this again!
Volume Three’s “Letter to Dear Brother”
Keiko Fukuyama Born on September 7. From Tokyo. Currently, she is working as a manga artist, authoring works like “Ruru-chan of Star Island” and “The Tale of Appfelrant.” She also illustrates for children’s stories, including the “Mama Ghost Series.”
The letter:
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It appears to be titled “To the Unforgettable Older Sister”. Much of it is too hard to OCR. It opens with this caption:
“To My Older Brother…” is so melancholic and sentimental that it instantly takes us back to our student days where we felt we were tossed around by fate for no fault of our own…
Here’s some of the text beside the character drawings:
Fukiko/Saint-Just: Reputed as the most beautiful sisters in school Mariko: The most popular Mariko-san who lured our tears. There’s a lot to think about! Tomoko: A straightforward, kind friend Nanako: So there I was, fully embracing my Nanako persona, reaping all the sorority perks you could imagine. (I mean, they even say they’ll hook me up with a dreamy guy!) 💧 And just when I’m soaking up that sorority vibe, guess who’s set to make a surprise appearance right after the teaser for the next issue!
Text coming out of the TV:
It was “Oniisama e”!!!! Poor Mariko-san, right~ Misaki-san also, there was no need to say that much, you know.
Volume Four
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Volume Four Subheading
It’s not too late yet, our beautiful time can still last forever, unspoiled by anyone, just like this white snow… A forbidden cult anime masterpiece born from satellite broadcasting! The fourth installment on LD!
Volume Four Synopsis
Suddenly summoned to the sorority house, Nanako is pressured by Fukiko to end her relationship with Hemmi. Hearing this, Sanjust is compelled to confess his relationship with Fukiko. The shocking truth makes Nanako reel in disbelief. He deeply ponders that the stronger his feelings for Fukiko, the more he ends up hurting her. The unusual relationship between Sanjust and Fukiko reveals a tragic past of a failed double suicide. Meanwhile, in the school, an incident occurs where Mariko, slandered for her parents’ divorce, attacks Misaki, leading to an anti-sorority movement centered around Kaoru. Fukiko still acts nonchalantly in front of the crumbling sorority. The volume unfolds displaying Fukiko’s terrifying yet noble confidence and deep sorrow. A beautiful yet sad promise lingers in the snow that never melts.
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Volume Four’s “From the staff to all the fans”
Kenichiro Haneda Born on January 12, 1949. Graduated from Toho Gakuen College of Music in the Piano Department. An accomplished concert pianist, Kenichiro Haneda has a broad range of experience, including composing and performing music for movies and TV themes, as well as acting as a musical director for musicals and commercials. He has worked on numerous soundtracks such as NHK’s morning drama “Youth Family,” TBS’s “Women Work Hard” and “Life Is Full of Demons.” With his genre-defying approach to music and his bright, humorous personality, he is a sought-after multi-artist in various fields.
The letter:
I’ve worked quite a bit with Music Director Seiji Suzuki in the past. Suzuki gives me the music menu, and I’m the one who creates it. We’ve had some pretty detailed discussions about it. Of course, I’ve read the original work as well. When I read it at home, my daughter gives me a puzzled look, as if to say my interests have changed quite a bit (laughs). I think I wrote around 40 songs in total. The music is meant to have a Baroque sound while also feeling contemporary. The order was for something classical yet with a pop atmosphere. The image that immediately came to my mind was a rhythm section, with a harpsichord playing the melody. String instruments intricately marking the rhythm, much like Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. And on top of that, a flugelhorn playing the melody… Regarding the scenes where the piano is played, I played all of it myself. I often compose and perform my own pieces. It’s less about talent and more like playing two roles; maybe I contribute quite a bit to cost-saving (laughs). In any case, this work has a unique atmosphere. If the music I created successfully captures that, then I must again express my gratitude to Suzuki for coordinating everything. October 28, 1993, aired on NHK
Volume Four’s “Letter to Dear Brother”
Hideaki Anno Born on May 22, 1960. Originally from Ube, Yamaguchi Prefecture. Height is 180 cm; weight is a secret. Debuted as an animator during his time at Osaka University of Arts, working on the TV version of “Macross.” Later worked on “Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind,” the film version of “Macross,” “Royal Space Force,” and others, before directing “Gunbuster” and “Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water.” Currently planning new projects.
The letter:
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Way to go!! Oniisama e… Wow!! The long-awaited, tumultuous Volume 4!! This volume shows us the peak of the series, from Mariko-san’s stabbing incident to the dissolution of the sorority. Amazing, this is really amazing!! Yes. Especially the heartbreaking breakdown of Nobuo’s family, and the portrayal of the sorority’s downfall reminiscent of the French Revolution, are things that are indescribable with words. Yes. The highlights this time are– Brilliant! Highly sophisticated direction and high-quality animation in Episode 27! Tear-jerking! In Episode 28, Mr. Nobuo Hikawa’s soul-stirring outcry!! Upon hearing those lines, my tears really wouldn’t stop. Seriously. Amazing!! Oh, so moving! The heartfelt words of Miya-sama at the end of Episode 32. The sight of Miya-sama waiting alone in the Sorority House and those lines really hit me hard. Moreover, as always– Incredible!! The world that reminds me of ‘Aim for the Ace!’ and ‘The Rose of Versailles’!! Impressive!! The drama unfolds only in limited settings, like homes, trains, buses, crossings, schools, and other familiar places!! Very Sophisticated!! The direction, composed of stillness and motion, light and black, feels so mature. As expected, Dezaki-san! And, Powerful!! Nanako-san is turning into an adult right before our eyes. Moreover, the music is also great!! I wish the BGM CD would come out soon. The use of chimes and telephones remains clever as ever!! Ah, the only thing missing is a bit more on the background elements… by H. ANO ‘93 10/27
The tiger is saying “It’s awesome, isn’t it!”
Written above the drawings of Mariko and Saint-Just: “These two are definitely the ones. Yes.”
Volume Five
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Volume Five Subheading
The summer full of light ends, the eventful summer ends… And then the cherry blossoms bloom again… Brother, I am now… A satellite broadcast-born forbidden cult anime masterpiece! The final chapter on LD!
Volume Five Synopsis
Finally, the petition to abolish the sorority has garnered signatures from over two-thirds of all students. As the campus is in a state of upheaval, Saint-Just is lost in thought alone. One day, he calls Nanako out and promises to take her to the beach where he used to go often with his mother when he was younger. However, on the promised day, Saint-Just never shows up. His sudden death plunges many people, including Nanako, into the depths of sorrow. Among them, Kaoru, who is battling cancer and fearful of its recurrence, takes the news of Saint-Just’s death most seriously. She finds comfort in the warmth of Takahiko Henmi, but continues to stubbornly refuse his love, thinking about his future. Love, friendship, bonds… The fifth volume, titled “Chapter of the Fireflies,” explores the dignity, beauty, and value of human life. Seasons turn, and the cherry blossoms bloom again, bringing back familiar scents to Nanako. All of this is accompanied by the most beautiful “love.”
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Volume Five’s “From the staff to all the fans”
Riyoko Ikeda Born December 18, Showa 22 (1947). Native of Osaka City. Blood type AB. Graduated from Tokyo Metropolitan Hakutsuru High School and went on to the Philosophy department at Tokyo University of Education (now Tsukuba University). Began drawing manga during her time in school and debuted with “The Girl in the Rose Mansion.” In 1972, she achieved great success with “The Rose of Versailles,” acquiring a broad fan base that transcended the realm of girls’ manga. Known for her keen historical perspective and deep insight into human nature. Active as a writer and essayist as well. Her hobbies include Nihon buyo (Japanese traditional dance), oil painting, movie appreciation, vocal music, piano, cooking, and knitting. Her work has been selected for the 76th Nika Exhibition. Major works: “The Rose of Versailles,” “Window of Orpheus,” “Empress Catherine,” “To My Brother,” “At the Ends of the Sky,” “The Blue Pomegranate,” “My Manga” Books: “If Only Life Could Be Lived Once,” “Women of the French Revolution,” “Women Who Wrote Masterpieces” Currently writing “Eroica” and “Prince Shotoku.”
The letter:
As one who has journeyed far from that radiant chapter called youth, a time that shone with an almost awkward brilliance, I find myself in a peculiar blend of bewilderment and nostalgia. Seeing my old ideas of high school life come to life as animation almost 20 years later is surreal, to say the least. Still, it’s exciting: hearing voices given to these characters, seeing them talk, laugh, and get angry. Watching them come alive is truly a thrilling and satisfying experience. Ah, adolescence — everyone’s inescapable stairway to adulthood. Some people take each step slowly and carefully, while others rush ahead, ending up out of breath or even lost. And then, there are those who may lose their direction, standing still, contemplating each step. Wrapped in the love of family, meeting various people, nurturing friendships, experiencing love, and going through the ups and downs of hurt and forgiveness — it would be wonderful to climb those steps in such a way.
Volume Five’s “Letter to Dear Brother”
Rumiko Takahashi Born in Niigata Prefecture. Debuted in 1978 with “Katte na Yatsura,” submitted while still in college, in Shonen Sunday. Famous works include “Urusei Yatsura,” “Maison Ikkoku,” and others. Currently serializing “Ranma 1/2” in Shonen Sunday.
The letter:
A masterpiece infused with the creator’s soul. When I heard from the staff that “Oniisama e…” was getting the anime treatment on satellite TV, I was surprised. I’d delved into the original comic before and it’s quite an eccentric story. “How are they going to pull this off?” I thought. But learning that the script was in the capable hands of my acquaintance Tomoko Konparu, I was very excited. In fact, the anime that aired was genuinely captivating. The characters are so larger-than-life that they electrify the screen the moment they step into frame. It’s been a long time since an anime had that kind of presence. I believe the animation is done by the same people who worked on “Tomorrow’s Joe 2.” The scenes are so visceral that you can almost feel the punches land and see the fighters hit the mat. I kept asking myself, “Why isn”t a mouthpiece flying out?” (laughs) My favorite character in the work is Nobuo Mariko. The scenes where she bites her lip until it turns a flushed red, I find it really cute. But what blew me away was the show’s emotional intelligence. Just when the heroine seems on the brink of breaking, a lifeline is thrown her way. This nuanced touch prevents the darker, more harrowing elements from overwhelming the viewer. It’s as if you can feel the sincerity of the creator throughout the piece.
And that’s it. Again, check out the full scans on Archive.org, and remember to encourage all your friends to experience this beautiful anime!
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duhragonball · 10 days
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I watched CJ the X's video about Rick and Morty, mainly because I kept seeing people screencap the parts about perfectionism near the beginning. Well, I thought I should see it for myself, and then I wound up getting pulled into the "Story Circle" concept used by series co-creator Dan Harmon.
This may be old news to a lot of people-- in fact, I'm sure it is, because Harmon admits that this is heavily based on the monomyth concept popularized by Joseph Campbell. I've never fully appreciated the "Hero's Journey" idea before, but I think Harmon has refined it by simplifying the names of the steps. "Atonement with the Father" just becomes "Take", and that's a lot easier for me to grasp. Campbell probably never meant to suggest that every story features a literal "atonement with the father", but his work involved identifying common elements in story structure, so I'm sure he had trouble coming up with fitting names for everything.
Harmon's circle might be a little too simplified, since there's a lot to unpack in the word "Take", but his model is focused on making a formula to write new stories, as opposed to comparative mythology. What I like a lot about the Story Circle is that Harmon insists that it's not a rule that must be learned and followed. Rather, it's an observation of something all humans do when they tell stories, whether they realize it or not. But sometimes it can be helpful to be made aware of the pattern, like checking a map even when you're familiar with the route.
It can be fun, although probably distracting, to apply the circle to existing works. The Star Wars movies used Campbell's monomyth as a blueprint, so that's probably too easy. But it can also be used on individual scenes too. Luke(1) falls down a trap door and now he has to find a way back out (2) before the rancor eats him (3). He manages to avoid being eaten using a bone and some nooks and crannies in the pit (4) but at last he finds a door out of the dungeon, except it's locked, leaving him cornered (5). But he manages to drop a heavy gate on the rancor as it approaches him, which kills it (6). The bad guys then open the door to bring him back to Jabba (7), who now prepares to feed him to an even worse monster outside (8).
And that probably sets up the next cycle in the movie, where Luke saves everyone from the next monster, and so on. I think at long last I understand why these kinds of story structures are presented as "circles" or cycles". You don't have to do multiple laps, but the structure allows you to do so, and acknowledges that multiple cycles can also form a larger circle, and so on.
With episodic television series, the final step, change, often means reverting to the status quo. There's a M*A*S*H episode where Radar tries to become a serious writer, and he keeps trying to inject his army reports with purple prose, until finally Hawkeye explains to him that he has to use his own words and stop trying to imitate what he thinks the "pros" use. So Radar does learn a lesson, but the lesson basically puts an end to the weird dialogue he was using the whole episode and puts him back to normal. The Korean War doesn't end, and Colonel Potter doesn't die, and Klinger still wears dresses, but the structure is still followed and sets up the next cycle.
I can see how this is very useful in a writers' room for a television show, especially one like Rick and Morty, where the characters seem to be capable of almost anything. It probably helps to take stray ideas like "Rick turns himself into a pickle!" and run that through a formula to make sure you can get a working script out of the gag.
Anyway, I'm currently trying to use it to flesh out some ideas for my fanfic, since I have a lot of story beats I want to accomplish, but I don't have much to connect them together. Using the Story Circle seems to be helping me figure out which pieces I'm missing, so maybe this will compensate for all those years where I could just use DBZ Episode 66 and Xenoverse 1 as loose outlines that I could follow. This fall, I gotta build my own story skeleton before I can fill it in, and the clock is ticking...
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twinsunstars · 6 months
Thoughts on The Bad Batch Episode 9 - The Harbinger - A Discussion Post
This week's episode was full of good stuff, and it had me screaming and unable to breathe at one point (literally). Let's return back to the episode right before the coming chaos next week!
(SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE EPISODE YET! all screencaps from www.cap-that.com! https://www.cap-that.com/starwars/the-bad-batch/309/)
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The episode opens with Crosshair helping the Pabu locals with Wrecker on a foggy day, and I thought it was really wholesome to see him helping out others. A fisherwoman says thanks, and he just grunts, which I laughed at. Wrecker is happy Crosshair made a new friend, and Crosshair seems to feel awkward about it.
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Omega plays catch with Batcher near the water, and Batcher senses something near. Omega follows her as she runs to a dark cavern, where they find a ship that they never saw before.
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Omega looks around, and Ventress did not have to startle Omega like that in the dark. I had a feeling Ventress was going to appear this week, and I'm happy she's finally here now. Batcher gets the boys and come to protect Omega, coming face-to-face with Ventress. She tells them Fennec sent her, and Omega covers herself by telling her a friend is being targeted by the Empire because of M-counts-only to blow her own cover seconds later. The boys get protective of Omega, but she wants to know more about herself, agreeing to whatever Ventress has for her.
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Ventress begins to have Omega go through a series of tests, as the boys keep a close eye on both of them. Crosshair found Ventress' file and they find out she's the same Separatist criminal from the war, and Ventress hears, knowing that they know now.
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When Ventress sends Omega to retrieve a flower, the boys decide to take on Ventress themselves. The fight scenes were so smooth, my breath literally stopped at one second. I could not breathe during it, it was so amazing. The shot above with the boys looks so good, and Batcher keeps being such a good girl by helping everyone out.
The fact that the boys thought they could take down Ventress is so funny. If Echo was here, he would have not let it happen. He's going to freak out and yell at them when he finds out about all this.
I remember some posts analyzing this scene when Hunter says "We're not big on following orders", thinking maybe Tech was standing next to him since we can't see the stick thing that is on one of Crosshair's shoulders as part of his armor, but it ended up being Crosshair anyway.
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Omega runs back as fast as she can and sees the chaos that ensued while she was gone. The chaos calms down and the boys talk to Omega about Ventress. Omega wants to give Ventress a chance, but Crosshair does not want to trust her. Omega says that they gave Crosshair another chance, and girl really silenced him.
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Omega goes to see Ventress and agrees to continue with her tests. Ventress says, "You're an odd little clone", and Omega just replies "Thanks." I love her so much.
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Ventress takes Omega out far at sea, and the boys continue to keep a watch on her from afar. Hunter said they wouldn't intervene, but Crosshair didn't care and was ready to attack if needed. It was so funny when Wrecker watched Ventress and she sensed his gaze, looking right at
Ventress has Omega reach out, but Omega finds it difficult. Ventress reaches out and accidentally wakes a kraken-like creature. The boys immediately fly the Marauder out to rescue them.
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This part was so iconic. Ventress manages to calm the sea beast, and Omega is amazed. Ventress has really come a long way from being a Sith.
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Crosshair comes down the Marauder's steps to help Omega up, and he helps Ventress up as well. He's really coming a long way to learn to trust people. Omega says that was fun, and everyone just looks at her as she passes out of exhaustion.
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Ventress becomes vague about the answers regarding Omega and the M-count, but she warns the boys to leave as quickly as possible. Ventress leaves, and there's a lot more to come in the upcoming episodes.
Considering that Ventress found them without any tracker or coordinates, that makes me worried with the Empire coming soon. Next week is a two-parter, which makes me very worried. We're past the mid-season mark, so now things are likely going to get way worse, and I am not prepared for anything.
Also, since it's March 29th today, happy Tech Remembrance Day. If he's out there somewhere, hopefully he comes home soon.
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monsterblogging · 6 months
How Pacific Rim gives the finger to the Catholic Church
Another interesting thing that many people miss about Pacific Rim is that it has some... things to say about religion, especially the Catholic Church. It can be easy to miss because it's not all spelled out for you, but once you see it, you'll never unsee it.
First, let's take a look at Raleigh's speech from the beginning of the film:
There are things you can't fight, acts of God. You see a hurricane coming, you have to get out of the way. But when you're in a Jaeger, suddenly, you can fight the hurricane. You can win.
This speech here establishes that when you fight kaiju, you aren't just fighting monsters. You're defying God himself.
"You're reading too much into it!" some of you might say. "'Act of God' is just a legal term for massive disasters."
Ah, but I'm not reading too much into it. Because this line was originally found in the draft script, which was way more explicit in linking the Precursors with the divine.
In the draft script, the Precursors aren't just some random alien invaders. They're actually the creators of our universe, and we're just a pesky little accident that happened on the planet they want to live on.
The character of Ivo Czerny, who had drifted with a kaiju brain, was given this dialog:
I looked into the abyss. I’d been infected with the truth -- that this is the end of us. We are the vermin of the gods. There’s no point in putting up a fight…
A different character, Commander Kaz Takada, says:
We call the enemy the Precursors… I may as well tell the world the gods want us dead.
The character of Newt Gotlieb is given this dialog:
I don't care if they are the creators of the universe. I like the universe.
And I'm not a creationist.
So, Raleigh's line wasn't just a careless reference to a legal term. It was introducing the story's thesis.
In the final version of the film, we don't have all of this explicit dialog. And yet, the sentiment is still there. How do we know this? For one thing, the Precursors are modeled on Catholic clergy. Pacific Rim: Man, Machines, & Monsters, quotes Guillermo del Toro as saying:
We gave the Precursors elements of ecclesiastical royalty, dividing them into cardinals and bishops.
Fun fact: If we go to the old Art of Pacific Rim page on The Internet Archive and check the filenames, we can see that this Precursor - the one who stares up at Lady Danger as it goes 'splodey - is a Precursor Bishop.
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(Screencaps from quiteunlikely.net)
Further establishing the link between the Precursors and the Catholic Church are the costumes of the BuenaKai nuns:
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(Screencap from movie-screencaps.com)
A better picture of the costume can be found on PropstoreAuction. If you want to see the whole thing, go there; because I'm going to crop it because the whole thing's pretty big. Anyway, you can see that their costumes include cornettes and stoles.
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(By the way, there are also kaiju monks. This isn't a girls-only club like the Netflix cartoon would have you think.)
Now, forget everything you know about Uprising or The Black, and consider all of this in the context of the anti-authority themes in Guillermo del Toro's other work. This casts the nature of the Precursors and the hivemind in a somewhat different light than many of us are used to. These aren't just scary aliens. This is a civilization built on ideals of rigid hierarchy and total dominion. And they're also essentially theocrats.
What's also really interesting is that when you take all of this together, it means that the kaiju spiritualists aren't actually wrong in regarding the kaiju as divine beings sent by the gods. They're just assholes for aligning themselves with a malefic divine.
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vintagegeekculture · 2 years
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“Ultraman Leo” (1974) is an Ultraman series that is notable in that it was deeply influenced by one of the biggest forces in pop culture at the time: the rise of the Kung Fu movie. It was, after all, only a year before that Bruce Lee’s “Enter the Dragon” came out. In addition to Bruce, there was another name was associated with action and karate fighting in Japan and elsewhere hugely influential on the show: Sonny Chiba, who had already made two of his best movies, the Executioner and Street Fighter by the time of this series. As a result, it is the first Ultraman series to be a martial arts series, very much like i the style of Kung Fu films of the 70s. 
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Ultraman Leo is certainly the first and only Ultraman thus far to bust out nunchaku (a weapon that was mostly unknown prior to Bruce Lee making them famous). 
Here’s the plot of every episode. Ultraman Leo finds a monster, and it uses a strange, complex move or special technique that absolutely defeats and floors Ultraman Leo. Ultraman Leo realizes he has to find some martial move to counter this technique and answer it, so he trains intensively with his Kung Fu teacher, over and over and over, persisting until he sweats blood. And, in a moment familiar to anyone who has ever tried skateboarding, and spent two weeks doing one trick over and over and failing for days and days and days....after a bit, it “clicks,” there is a “eureka” moment, and he can pull the move off. In other words, the series is about the training and the learning experience: the ways someone learns, as all good Martial Arts stories are, as opposed to merely the fighting by itself. It’s significant that our hero is only able to defeat a villain not just by mastering a karate move, but by internalizing some value of the martial arts. The real victory is achieved by this moment of self-mastery, and the finale is almost a formality at this point: Ultraman Leo uses the special technique he spent the episode mastering to defeat the monster. Like Spider-Man, Ultraman Leo only wins on the rebound. 
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You see, Ultraman Leo is the first Ultraman thus far to not actually be a “true” Ultraman assigned to earth from the Planet of Light.  He’s a young guy (the youngest looking Ultraman thus far, significantly) from the Constellation Leo who is still learning how to fight monsters, and his status as an Ultra is a courtesy and not official. His youth is a part of who he is, it means he’s got a lot to learn. So for that reason, the second major person in the cast is Dan Moroboshi, Ultraseven himself. Robbed of his Ultraseven powers by an injury, he devotes himself to showing this non-ultra-kid the ropes, how to pull off the sleek move and cool technique that wins the day. In other words, Ultraseven is the new kid’s Kung Fu master, stern, emotionally distant, and authoritarian, but kindly and fatherly when he lets the mask crack a little. This is the first time a previous Ultraman was a permanent member of the cast of a later show. And it’s no coincidence it’s Ultraseven, who even in the 70s, had a reputation as being the best of the Ultraman shows, and certainly the one with the most credibility. Who else but Ultraseven, then, to serve the role of Kung Fu Master, ? 
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It’s kind of stunning how any major screencap of training from this series looks like it’s from a Chiba-style action series (like his excellent Shadow Warrior), instead of a show about a superhero wrestling rubber dinosaurs. It looks like a martial arts action series because it is one.
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Ultraman had always had some martial arts in its DNA from the beginning. He is, after all, best known for a trademark cross-arm karate stance (one that you probably have done yourself and will probably do right after reading this, now that I’ve put the idea into your head). The first actor to ever portray him in the silver suit, way back in 1967, was a well known Judoka, and for that reason, Ultraman fought differently from every other superhero, with judo over shoulder throws and ground grapples. Nevertheless, Ultraman Leo is unique for being entirely a martial arts series centered on training and self-mastery, and it doesn’t often get credit for this. 
Ultraman Leo, like nearly all the Ultraman shows, is on Tubi for streaming. 
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soapskies · 1 year
Could I request some hcs for BTAS scarecrow falling in love with a co-worker while he still worked at the university?
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— screencaps from @jonathan-cranes-mistress-of-fear’s blog, edited to fit :) they’ve got all the scarecrow stuff.
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You were a researcher in the medical field, a very intelligent one at that, and at first he was simply interested in sitting in on your lectures
He admired your charisma, the way you spoke, and all the strange stories you would tell with such passion about things you discovered
You’ll probably have to be the one to approach him first, since he’s kinda awkward at making friends
It’s hard to fully trust you in the beginning, with all his other co-workers (and students) finding him creepy
But he’ll slowly start to warm up to you, especially when he realizes that you’re being yourself around him, not putting on a friendly act to ridicule him or something.
He’ll invite you out for coffee at his favorite place in the mornings and take you on walks through the park in the evenings
You guys will probably talk a lot about your jobs, grading stuff, and troublesome students
Your favorite place to gossip being the library, where the two of you can be alone in peace and look at books together
He’ll offer to aide you in your research, sharing and building on each other’s ideas as you work in the lab
He could listen to you rant about your work or your current hyper-fixations all day, no matter how grotesque
While fear is something he loves to talk about, he would keep his darker ambitions hidden from you, afraid that it will drive you away
At first he has sentiments floating around his brain every time he sees you smile at him
The way you just light up as he listens intently to your rambling
How handsome you look in that suit and tie, with those rough lips that suddenly seem so kissable…
Jonathan realizes his feelings for what they are, but he tries to shove them down
It’s cliché maybe, but you could never go for a guy like him, right? With his scraggly appearance and fucked up head
You just seem much kinder than he is, well-adjusted and likable, in his eyes
With how some women seem to get all blushy around you, it makes him start to worry, hell, you might not even be into men!
(Damn him for thinking he’ll get his gay love story)
And to think of how that would reflect on you, if everyone knew their favorite teacher was dating scary ol’ Dr. Crane.
You catch on eventually, with how Jonathan seems to be holding himself together less and less around you
Once you finally confess your feelings and confront him about his, he’s speechless
This must be a dream, right?
But he’s quickly assured it’s not, when you wrap your arms around him joyfully and he melts into your warmth
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This Is Only Temporary - Part 1 of 3
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(moodboard made by me, Top Gun Maverick screencaps by hd-screencaps, the rest is unsplash.com)
Pairing: Robert “Bob��� Floyd x afab!reader x Jake “Hangman” Seresin
Rating: M – MDNI 18+
Word count: 5591
Warnings: Bob and Hangman being menaces, and so is reader (oops), smut, protected PiV (reader is on birth control as well), oral (f!receiving), fingering, voyeurism, threesome (MFM – in part 3), beginnings of polyamory, Hangman being a flirty dick who wants what he thinks he can’t have; I’m neither US Navy nor American, so reader isn’t either – meaning there might be a little, uh, criticism here and there (also, we all know aviators are cocky af, right?), alcohol consumption, not beta-read but I did try to proofread a bit
Summary: After months of irregular phone and video calls, and constant e-mailing back and forth, you finally get to visit your boyfriend, Bob, in California. What you didn’t count on, was the fact that the guest room in his new house was temporarily occupied by one of his colleagues. The same cocky aviator, who can’t help but hit on you when you first meet – and even after he knows, you’re taken.
Read on ao3
Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3
Taglist: @formulapierre (If you wanna be added to the taglist, just lemme know)
A/N: This got a little longer than expected – but I’m also VERY rusty with fanfic and smut in particular. Anyway, part one of a little thing I just couldn’t get out of my head. Oh, and do yourself a favor and listen to Please by Saro while reading the smutty half of this. Cause I listened to it while writing and it just fits so fucking well.
The moment you stepped over the threshold of the Hard Deck, you felt his eyes on you. The noise of the other patrons hit you, as soon as you entered the bar, but you didn’t mind the anonymity that came with it – this time, at least. It didn’t take you long to find him in the crowd, sitting at the back of the bar in a corner surrounded by what you assumed were his new squad mates. Bob was staring shamelessly at you, and even from across the room you could see the surprise on his face.
You smiled to yourself. Originally, the plan had been for you to arrive in California on Sunday. But you’d managed to book an earlier flight without telling Bob, wanting to surprise him – and, admittedly, get to spend a little more time with him. The surprise seemed to have worked, if you were to judge the way his eyebrows shot up as he watched you walk over to the bar.
Although you wanted nothing more than to run straight to him and throw your arms around him, you decided to draw out the greeting a bit. You weren’t sure how much Bob had told his coworkers and new friends about you. He’d hardly been able to tell you anything about the last detachment that had taken him back to Top Gun, and probably into more danger than he’d wanted to admit to you. Now, he was set on staying in California for the foreseeable future, had even bought a house.
You finally reached the bar and were greeted by an older woman and a warm smile. “Hi, what can I get ya?”
“Can I get a Whiskey and Ginger Ale?” you asked. The woman nodded and you thanked her, paid for your drink and then turned back to face the rest of the bar while you waited for your drink. Again, your eyes landed on Bob, who still hadn’t let you out of his sight, and you were reminded of the first time you had met.
Dicky, a friend of yours and pilot for the Royal Air Force, had invited you to join him at an air show in Austria – a rare occasion, since Dicky usually didn’t go to these. Just like now, you’d been standing at a bar and Bob had been staring at you from afar. That was until Dicky had introduced you two.
‘It’s not often I meet a US naval aviator at these things. What, is there another war brewing in Europe that you need to save us from?’ you’d joked and had relished in the way Bob’s face had turned an embarrassed shade of crimson, before you’d apologized for the joke.
‘Oh no, no. Please, don’t apologize for that. It’s just... Don’t usually get called out like that,’ he’d replied. And the rest was history. You’d asked him out that same night and you’d developed a long-distance relationship that you had never thought you’d agree to.
Somebody clearing their throat next to you pulled you from your memory. You turned your head and were met by a thousand-watt-smile in a handsome face. Green eyes were looking down at you. “Haven’t seen you here before, sweetheart. You’re not Navy are ya, I would have remembered a pretty face like yours.” The Texan drawl sent a shiver down your spine, while the blond man’s words made you roll your eyes.
“Let me guess,” you said and looked him up and down for a second, taking in the khaki uniform, the golden blond hair and the tan, “you’re an aviator. Pilot by that grin. And you’re lonely, otherwise you wouldn’t be standing here and flirting with me? But you’re right, I’m not Navy and I’m not from here, either.”
The grin faltered for a second, before he turned up the wattage. “I like a woman with sharp eyes. And a brain. I’m Hangman.” He extended a hand towards you, and you took it, despite yourself. While you had to admit, he wasn’t bad looking, you weren’t interested in flirting with another cocky pilot. You got enough overblown male egos to deal with at home.
Still, you decided to play nice. “Y/N,” you replied. Then you took your drink and pushed away from the bar. “Just gotta say, uh, Hangnail: I’ve got a boyfriend. So, while this was … admittedly weird, I’m not interested in flirting with you. And I’m going to go find my boyfriend now, thank you very much.”
The grin turned into a smaller smile, but it didn’t lessen the sparkle in Hangman’s eyes. If anything, you felt like you’d just given him a challenge and he’d jumped at it. Your pulse quickened at the thought. And you remembered a conversation you and Bob had had two years into your relationship. About your feeling like you might identify as polyamorous. Sweet, darling Bob had reacted the way you thought he would: a little shy at the idea of adding other people into the mix, but not fully turned off by it.
“It’s Hangman, sweetheart,” the blond pilot corrected you, but didn’t step closer to you. A point for him. His lips were still curled into a smile, and for a second you feared, you’d given away your earlier thoughts. But before he could say anything else, you cut him off.
“Whatever. I like Hangnail better; you can hang your big ego up on that callsign of yours.” You turned and finally made your way over to Bob, who’d watched the whole exchange quietly.
You weaved your way through the crowd and finally reached the corner with the pool table where Bob was sitting next to other aviators. Your heart skipped a beat when your eyes met his beautifully blue ones, as it did every time you looked at him. You ignored the confused looks from the other aviators, pushed past a darker-skinned man, who was bending over the pool table to take his shot and who you would soon learn was Coyote.
Bob slid off the stool where he’d been sitting and crossed the last few steps towards you. Without hesitation, you flung your arms around his neck while his hands came to rest on your waist, and you pressed a long, yearning kiss to his lips. You felt Bob sigh and practically melt into it. Your own tension and all the anxiety and worry of the last months drained away while your lips moved against his. It had been too long since you’d last seen him. Been able to touch him, kiss him, even just look at him without a screen in the way. Had your heart skipped a beat only seconds before, it now slowed, content and reassured that your Bobby was safe and sound.
“Hi,” you whispered against his lips when you both pulled away for air.
He smiled, before he breathed a “Hello to you too, darlin’” in return. One of his hands came up to caress your face, while you toyed with the strands of blond hair at the nape of his neck. “I missed you. So, so much.”
“Missed you too, Bobby,” you replied and wanted to add how worried you’d been. That for the last month before you’d gotten the call that he was safe and had returned from his mission, you’d felt like you could hardly breathe. That just holding him here like this in the crowded bar had lifted that weight off your chest. But before you could, Hangman interrupted. And with that the rest of the bar that had fallen away as your lips had met now came back into focus.
He pushed past you, deliberately stepping closer than he needed to. “Say, Bobby, why’d you never tell us about your girl here?” The sparkle in his eyes seemed to say, ‘Where have you been hiding her?’, but Hangman just opted to lean against the pool table instead.
Bob blinked at him. “Uh, well, it never came up. Right, I should introduce you to everyone. Darlin’, you’ve already met Jake – or Hangman.” He then pointed out everybody else in their little corner: Coyote leaning next to Hangman, Halo, Fritz and Yale sitting behind the pool table. Next to them were Rooster, Payback and Fanboy. “And Phoenix gotta be around here somewhere, too. Guys, this is Y/N.”
You said your hellos with an awkward wave and slightly wobbly smile. You’d wanted to meet Bob’s new squad mates, sure, but you hadn’t counted on that being tonight. Besides, the newly acquired knowledge that Hangman was part of Bob’s squad had you slightly mortified at what you’d said to him. Although given the way he was eyeing you, it didn’t look like he minded all that much.
“So, Y/N, how’d y’all meet?” Hangman asked, and only now did you notice the toothpick he was toying with in the corner of his mouth. God.
You quickly glanced at Bob, who was tugging you closer into his side, to check if he would mind you telling this story. He just nodded lightly at you, a wordless go-ahead. You turned back to the group, squeezing Bob’s side for a second. “We met at an airshow … six years ago. Well, almost. I was there with a friend, who flies for the RAF. Dicky introduced us and the rest is history, I guess.” You turned your head and smiled at Bob at the memories you two had made in the years prior. He blushed under your gaze, but didn’t break eye contact, mumbling a quiet “Yeah, and you asked me out” under his breath.
“Really? Would have thought, Baby on Board would have made the first move. With all the charm he’s got goin’ on,” Hangman replied. You scoffed at that but felt Bob’s fingers dig deeper into the flesh of your waist at the comment. And then you remembered something he’d told you weeks ago about a particular training day. How one of the pilots was getting under his skin and he was really trying not to let it get to him. But witnessing his reaction now, you knew, there was more to it than just Hangman making off-handed remarks about how you were out of Bob’s league. (Something Bob agreed with but would never admit in front of him.)
“Well, I didn’t really give him a chance to ask me out first. But at least I don’t hit on people that are already taken,” you shot back. Hangman blinked at you in surprise and a low groan went through the rest of the group. You guessed, the people he usually flirted with rarely put up a fight – and you would be right. But that didn’t stop your body from flushing with heat at the way he was staring you down now, a slight smirk tugging on the corners of his mouth, while he moved that damned tooth pick around with his tongue.
“Sorry, I didn’t know, you were with Bobby boy here, since he never talks about you.”
You knew what he was trying to do. Trying to throw another punch in Bob’s direction because he probably knew, he was getting under his skin. And to make himself look better. But it didn’t take. You just shook your head at him.
From that moment on began the onslaught of questions the rest of the Daggers lobbed at you. From what you did for work (photographer for the RAF) to where you were from and what you were most excited about seeing in California, apart from Bob, since it was your first time here (the sea, you admitted, even though you’d been to the coast in the UK and other countries in Europe before).
You’d lost track of time, but as you were sitting in Bob’s lap and telling the story of how you’d come to work for the RAF (a complete accident, actually), you were starting to feel the effects of the jetlag. Bob’s arms around you tightened for a second to get your attention before you felt his hot breath against your ear.
“If you wanna go home, just say the word, darlin’.”
Goosebumps erupted across your skin and a shiver ran down your spine. God, how you wished, he were using that low voice of his in another way right now. You turned slightly to face him. “Actually, yeah. That might be a good idea. Before I fall asleep right here.”
Bob smiled that lopsided smile of his that still made your heart beat faster every time you saw it. “You know, I don’t mind you fallin’ asleep in my lap.” He leaned in closer again to whisper in your ear. “But I was hopin’, we could get out of here to do something else…”
You felt the heat creep up your neck at the thought alone. Being alone with Bob after you hadn’t been able to touch each other for months? Who were you to say no to that? “Let’s go.” You slid off his lap and took his hand.
“Alright, guys, we’re gonna head out for tonight.” Bob threw an arm around your shoulders and began to steer you into the direction of the door.
“We still on for Dogfight Football tomorrow?” you heard Rooster ask. To which Bob replied with a “Sure thing. Need to get my girl some Beach time, after all.”
Your stomach still lurched when you heard Bob call you his. Even after almost six years together, the thought still made your body flush with heat. That you were his and he was yours. This sweet, shy-looking man, who hid a goof and a heart of gold as well as his undeniably masterful skills in bed behind those silver-rimmed glasses of his.
“I’ll see you two at home, Bobby,” Hangman said and gave you a nod and a light wink. You rolled your eyes at him. He really couldn’t help himself, could he?
His words didn’t even register until you were standing in the car park and Bob was asking about which car was yours. You pointed to the rental parked almost right in front of the door and were in the middle of handing him your keys when it hit you.
“What did Hangnail mean when he said, he’d see us at home?”
You watched Bob’s reaction closely, watched his pale face flush with red as he scratched the back of his head. “He’s, uh, staying in my guest room right now.” When he saw your eyebrows shoot up and your eyes widen, he lifted his hands in defense and added: “It’s only temporary. A pipe burst in his apartment and I offered to let him stay until he found another place or got it fixed. Whichever is faster.”
“Why?” It was a simple question, just one word. And honestly, it was the only word you could think of right now.
“Darlin’, he’s really not that bad if you get to know him a little better. Admittedly, I don’t like that he’s flirtin’ with you either. But that’s Jake for ya.” He snaked an arm around your waist and pulled you flush against him. “I swear, it’s only temporary and you won’t even notice he’s there. He usually stays over at the places of whomever he could pick up in a bar that night, so he’s hardly ever there.”
You sighed. It wasn’t your place to judge this arrangement anyway. Besides, it was sweet of Bob to offer his friend a place to stay. Even if you didn’t quite understand why, yet.
“Alright, can we go home now?” You put your arms around his neck and pulled him a little bit closer still.
“Of course,” Bobby breathed before leaving a quick peck against your lips. “I thought, you were tired?”
“I’m not that jetlagged, Lieutenant Floyd. Now, take me home.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He grinned as he pulled you to your rental car.
The moment you stepped through the front door, Bob’s hands were on you. Well, it wasn’t like they’d ever left you the whole car ride over from the Hard Deck. But now he didn’t have to concentrate on driving as his hands roamed your body, and he pressed your back against the door. Your backpack and suitcase forgotten in the entryway next to you.
“I thought, I was going to get a tour of your new home?” you teased. But any thoughts of Bob leading you around his house and showing you all the different rooms left your head as he wedged his thigh between yours, his knee brushing against your clothed core. You couldn’t help the whimper that left your mouth at the feeling. If you weren’t sure you’d already soaked through your panties and jeans, you would have now.
“Tomorrow, darlin’. It’s been too long since I touched you. Tasted you. Just gotta have you right now before I’ll burst. Please, may I?” His lips were brushing against your just ever so slightly while he spoke, and you just nodded before lurching forward to connect your lips with his. You both groaned into the kiss, all tongues and teeth and mingling breaths.
Bob pulled away first, his thumb stroking your cheek while the rest of his hand easily engulfed your neck. “Out loud, baby. You know I need to hear you say it.”
“You have me, Bobby, always.” Your eyes met his and you could swear, you could see his pupils dilate at your words. Then he was kissing you again and pulling away from the door. His hands grabbed the back of your thighs, and he easily pulled you into his arms, your legs wrapping around his waist.
You shed your clothes somewhere along the way to his bedroom, until you were both left only in your underwear. Panting, standing in the middle of the room while Bob dove in to nibble at your neck. You were sure, he would leave marks, but you admittedly didn’t give a fuck. You could cover those up. He was pulling you flush against his skin again, you could feel his hard length pressing against your hip in his boxers, while he was leaving open-mouthed kisses on your skin as his lips travelled lower.
Your head was spinning, your heart felt like it was going to leap out of your chest and run away with you following closely behind while the flames of desire ate their way through your veins, igniting your skin and that pool of arousal in the pit of your stomach. But before Bob could fully go down onto his knees in front of you, you stopped him. “Wait, Bobby. Wait.”
His eyes were on you in an instant, full of concern. Had he done something wrong? Were you too tired after all? “What’s wrong, love?”
“Nothing, just … Slow down, baby. We got all the time in the world. No need to rush this, hm?"
His chest was heaving with every breath. You were sure, he felt the same fire in his veins as you did. He stopped for a moment, just staring at you. “You’re right.” Then Bob swallowed, nodding his head quickly, before his lips quirked up into a smirk only you ever got to see. “I’ll take care of you. Don’t worry.”
You cupped his cheek before you leaned in for another quick kiss. “I never doubt that, babe.” A giggle escaped you as he maneuvered you to his bed, gently pushed you down onto the mattress before moving to hover over you.
“We do have all the time in the world to hear you scream for me, darlin’.” His eyes flitted over your face, searching for any hint of doubt or discomfort. But he didn’t find any, would probably never find any. Not when you were finally getting a chance to hold him again.
He dove down, pressing his lips against yours. You moaned into his mouth when his tongue entangled with yours. One of his hands wandered down your side, over your thigh to your knee before moving back up. You squirmed against his body; his fingers so close to where you needed them. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of your panties and gently pulled them down your legs before flinging them into a corner of the room.
“Robby,” you sighed when he finally used his fingers to swipe through your folds.
“So wet for me already, darlin’. God.” He groaned, a low sound that you thought you could feel vibrate down to your bones. Bobby hung his head low, pressing a couple open-mouthed kisses to your neck and collarbone, sucking on the skin where your neck met your shoulders. “I’ve been thinkin’ about this every day since you told me you were comin’ to visit.”
“Please, Robby. Please, please, please,” you chanted as his thumb circled your clit. You wanted to tell him how much you needed him. How you needed him to meld to your bones, melt his body into yours and to never let you go. How you felt like your desire and love for him were going to burn you alive if he didn’t do something about it right the fuck now. But you couldn’t get the words out. Only a strangled moan managed to escape you as he pushed his middle finger in.
His other hand came up to caress your hairline, he lifted his head, pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Breathe, darlin’. Tell me what you need.” His voice low, raspy, his accent sliding down your spine, making you clench around his finger.
You breathed in through your nose before huffing in frustration. He was giving you what you needed, but it wasn’t enough. You needed him closer still. Needed to feel all of him. “Need you to … fuck my brains out until I stop thinking. Please. I think, I’m going to die if you keep this up.” You looked up into his eyes, putting all of your emotions into your gaze.
You heard his breath hitch in his throat, and he let a low moan slip out as you grabbed his ass and pulled his hips closer to where you needed them. “You’re gonna be the death of me, you know that?” He pushed his body up and away from yours a bit, pulling his finger out of you in the process. The movement made you whine in protest and paw at his biceps, his shoulders, anything you could get a hold of to pull him back down onto you. “I know, you need me to. And I promise, I will. I’ll give you everything you want. Just let me taste you first. ‘Cause I think, I’m gonna burst if I don’t do this first. Been too long, sweetheart.”
You groaned as he slid down your body, settling in between your thighs. One of his large hands came up to grab your right thigh and pulled up your leg until it rested on his shoulder. He pressed a kiss to your skin. Then looked up at you and paused. There was a pleading look in his eyes, one you rarely got to see. “Please, baby. Need to feel you,” you whispered.
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you,” Bob whispered back. And then he dove in. His nose bumped against your clit; the frames of his glasses dug into your skin as his tongue began to lap at you like a starved man. His low groan sent vibrations through your core, you moaned at the feeling. One of your hands shifted to tangle into his curls, pushing his head closer while you pushed you pressed your hips further against him to get the least bit of friction.
“Fuck, Robby. Keep going,” you mumbled. When he moved his face to suck at your clit and instead pushed his middle and ring finger into you, you made a noise between a moan and a sigh. You shifted your hips to get his fingers to go deeper to that spot where you needed them. Bob hummed in response.
You could feel yourself barreling towards the edge, but you didn’t want to let go just yet. While you didn’t think, Bob would make you cum just once this night – usually, if you hadn’t seen each other for a while, you both liked to take your time with each other and, well, sometimes you’d spend the whole night in a tangled mess of limbs.
Hearing Bob’s low “Let go, darlin’. I’ve got you. Just relax and let go” though, told you that you were in for a long night. And it was also the last little nudge that you needed to fully let go. The emotions coursing through your body heightened your senses and your first orgasm of the night hit you like a freight train.
“Fuck ... me,” you gasped before you went to chanting Bob’s name like your prayer as he helped you ride out your high with his fingers. He pulled his mouth away from your clit, instead pressed feathery kisses to your inner thighs.
“I thought that’s what we were doin’, darlin’,” he replied with a chuckle. It took you a second to figure out what he was getting at, but then you joined into his laughter.
You lifted your head, chest heaving and heart pounding in your chest as your core still ached for more. You still needed him inside of you, needed to feel all of him. To come undone on his cock and have him follow suit shortly after. “Depends … how you define sex, baby. Some people don’t count oral as sex.”
“I’d say, those people are idiots,” Bob grumbled and pushed himself up until he was face to face with you again. You couldn’t help the whine that escaped your mouth at the sight of his slicked-up chin. Then he was licking his two fingers clean; and you thought, you might pass out at the sight. How the fuck was your sweet, gentle Robby this fucking hot – and admittedly deservedly smug about his skills in bed? Even if that side only came out in your presence. Bob’s lips pulled up into a grin and he winked at you. “I know, my greedy little princess.”
He bent down to kiss you; you moaned at the taste of yourself on his lips and tongue. “Well, can you blame me? I haven’t been able to fuck, let alone touch, you in months. All I could think about the last few days was you. Your fingers. Your mouth… your cock. The way your body moves against mine … I could barely hold it together at work.”
“Jesus, Y/N. You sure, you never want to try out writing poetry or prose?” He kissed you again, only a quick peck that had you lean up to chase his lips.
Already, you could feel the burning desire for him build again in your stomach. You reach down to palm him through his boxers, and smiled at the hiss that escaped him. The way his eyes screwed shut in pleasure and his hips bucked against your hand. You reveled in the fact that you weren’t the only one being this affected, but that it was the same vice versa.
“Why? You like what I got to say?” Your other hand stroked over his cheek; he was leaning into your touch. But then you moved on, tangled your hand into his curls again – and tugged on them. He moaned, loudly, a sound that reverberated off the walls. And your smile only grew brighter. His hips bucked against your hand again, before he snatched your wrist away, pinning it to the bed above your head.
“You’re not fightin’ fair, darlin’.” He was practically purring now as you continued to play with his hair; sometimes tugging on the strands or scratching your nails over his scalp and down his neck.
You quirked an eyebrow at him. “I’m not fighting fair? Take your pants off, Lieutenant, and fuck me.”
Again, you thought, you could see his eyes darken. The usual bright blue now stormier as the same desire raged in his veins that was ready to wreck yours again. “Yes, ma’am.”
He shimmied out of his boxers, and you couldn’t help but stare as his thick cock sprang free. He was rock hard, and you wondered why he hadn’t let you do something about that. But that was your Bobby. Always making sure you came first, even when he was less gentle and gave in to his darker, more dominant side. He leaned over you again, giving a softer smile as he opened the bedside drawer and pulled out a condom and a bottle of lube.
He made quick work of the wrapper, but before he could roll it down over his length, you put a hand on his arm. His eyes flicked up to yours in a silent question.
“Let me.”
He nodded, swallowed and handed you the condom. You took it and carefully rolled it down his shaft. You bit down on your lower lip when Bob hissed lightly at the contact, but he didn’t stop you. Instead, you could feel his gaze burn itself into your face. You squeezed a bit of lube onto your hand, gave him a couple quick pumps when you were done and grinned at the groan that rumbled through him.
Then his hands were on you again and he lifted you onto his lap, maneuvering one of the pillows around so he could lay you down onto it. He laced the fingers of one of his hands with yours and pressed it the mattress next to your head while he lined himself up with the other.
“Oh, fuck,” you groaned as he entered you, slowly, so he wouldn’t hurt you and you had time to adjust to the sheer size of him.
“Darlin’,” Bob whispered over and over against your lips before you lifted up your head and crashed your lips against his. Your legs wrapped around his hips and you sighed as you pulled him closer, deeper into you. Your free hand ran down his back, digging your nails into the skin of his lower back.
He began to move, slow and deliberate strokes. But it didn’t take long for the tension to build in your stomach again. Not with the continued praise and sweet nothings that fell from Bob’s lips, joined by you telling him what a good boy he was for you, how proud you were of him, how good he made you feel. When he let go of your hand and his thumb found its way to your clit again, you couldn’t hold back the second orgasm that washed over you. You were sure you screamed his name as you came – unable to give a fuck about what the neighbors might think. And yet, you could tell Bob was holding back. Which was strange, because he wasn’t usually one to have one go and be done for the night, Bob had more stamina than you’d ever thought possible with a man.
So, when your head had cleared and your breathing had calmed down again, you took your chance and – with your legs still wrapped around his hips – pushed to have him roll over on his back. You straddled his hips, slowly pushing yourself back down onto his cock until he was fully seated inside of you. You could feel him twitch at the anticipation of you riding him.
You pulled him up by his shoulders as you began to slowly grind your hips against his. “Why are you holding back, baby? You’ve been so good for me. Want to feel you cum for me. Please, Robby.”
“Fuck,” he huffed out and leaned his forehead against yours. While your arms wrapped around his neck to pull him as close as you possibly could, his fingers dug into your hips and thighs, trying to get you to move faster. “Want you to cum with me, darlin’. Please. Need to feel you squeeze my cock again.”
“Almost there, baby,” you replied and hid your face in the crook of his neck to suck at his pulse point. And it was true, while you kept grinding your hips against him and whimpered at the friction against your clit, you could feel your third orgasm build up.
“Fuck, that’s it, darlin’. Keep going. Don’t stop. Take what you need from me.” He moaned and his fingers dug even deeper into your hips. You were sure, he would leave bruises for you to see in the morning.
You screwed your eyes shut as another orgasm crashed down over you, still hiding your face against his neck to muffle your moans. Bob wasn’t far behind; you could feel him twitch inside of you as he drove his hips up into you. He bit down lightly on your shoulder as he came with a groan.
But what you didn’t know, was that you two had gotten an audience. Some time between your second orgasm and this one, Hangman had come home. And he had no qualms standing in the darkened hallway, watching you ride Bob as he wrung out every last drop of pleasure from you. You didn’t know that Hangman stood there, growing harder as he watched you. But Bob did. He locked eyes with the other man before squeezing them shut as he came. Bob might not have said anything in the moment. But you also didn’t know what this small act of voyeurism would lead to. Would have never expected it to lead to where it did.
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fluffytheocelot · 7 months
Okay, I saw your screencap redraw, and as someone else who's *obsessed* with Carmen's parents, I had to take you up on that offer. So, consider this ask license to infodump your thoughts on them! :)
AGH ok so-
Carmen's parents have a LOT of potential narrative-wise, and I really hope one day we'll see more of them in canon. (Maybe comics like the showrunner talked about before?)
Like how in the world did they meet??? Cause idk i feel like Carlotta disappeared way too easily to have just been a civilian. I think she was a thief too, not VILE, she only steals when she needs to, for one reason or another.
this is getting long oops- under the cut!
I think they happened to be going after the same thing, at the same time, and hoo boy do they not get along lol. Turns out Carlotta (telling Dexter her name is Vera Cruz. He does not believe her) had agreed to steal the whatever-it-is in exchange for an under-the-radar trip somewhere else.
They make a deal: Dexter gets her there, and he gets to keep the prize. Yay, roadtrip!
Cue rivals-to-friends-to-lovers speedrun lmao
Some time passes after that (during which they continue to see each other) and many months later they discover oops they made a Carmen
Dexter begins making his much longer trips away from VILE (wanting to support his partner with their unborn kid as much as he can) and starts the process of leaving. When Carmen is born, his trips away get longer and VILE finally catches wind of what's happening, and you know the rest.
AHH ok headcanons about each:
definitely shares a lot of personality traits with Carmen. Even just from what we saw during Shadowsan's flashback, they are so so similar :( The two combined chaos energies probably would've driven Carlotta up a wall lmao
woulda been a fantastic girl dad. this man would have sat thru tea parties and played barbies with little Carmen and LOVED IT
dad jokes. that is all.
probably also a very high energy/troublemaking kid, like Carmen
Seriously I picture him and Carmen being super close if he'd survived.
idk i think it'd be funny that this master thief that is 1/5th of the leadership of a massive and ancient crime organization is an absolute dorky dad lmao
was gonna ask Carlotta to marry him after he escaped. but. well.. yk.
Was gonna pick Shadowsan to take his place on the faculty anyway
knows guitar, and probably would've taught carmen how to as well.
is it a universal dad thing to enjoy Jimmy Buffet music or is that just my dad??? Idk either way he vibes. Carlotta has a video of him softly strumming a guitar with baby Carmen in his lap and singing "Little Miss Magic" to her ;-;
also enjoys AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Guns n Roses, all that kinda stuff. Probably projecting my own dad a bit but oh well
As much as he'd hate he couldn't be there for Carmen when she was growing up, I think he'd be glad she at least had Shadowsan looking out for her :)
He would be so proud of everything Carmen has done and accomplished ;-;
its probably been said before, but Carlotta definitely started up the orphanage in Buenos Aires hoping Carmen would end up in it at some point.
Carmen inherited thief skills from both parents idc. Carlotta definitely gave Dexter a run for his money lol
looks a lot like carmen, but with green eyes instead of gray, and more brown hair than Carmen's red/auburn.
also the parent carmen got her freckles from (BC Carmen had em when she was little, and she spent a lot of time out in the sun!! I will die on the Carmen having faint freckles hill dangit!)
also bi. idk these two give bi4bi vibes.
more likely to get into a fistfight out of the two of them ("Carlotta, no!" "Carlotta YES" *cut to Dexter desperately trying to hold her back* "CARLOTTA PLEASE WE'RE TRYING NOT TO GET CAUGHT")
Upon reuniting with and getting to know Carmen, she's very much reminded of Dexter. She'd be all too happy to tell her stories of Dexter.
definitely also has a bit of a mischief streak too.
absolutely did NOT put up with Dexter's nonsense at first lol
was initially terrified of what Dexter would think when she told him they were gonna be parents, but was quickly reassured when the next time Dexter came back from VILE he had armloads of baby stuff from around the world.
Probably has a big extended family but after Dexter's death and Carmen disappears, she gets distant with them. After reuniting with Carmen though, accidentally runs into a family member with her and they're like "wait is that her?? She's alive??" and just like that Carmen has managed to acquire ANOTHER family lol.
Absolutely thrilled to learn Carmen wasn't alone all those years and immediately just adopts Zack, Ivy, and Player lol
Probably a little hesitant about Shadowsan at first, given that he was supposed to assassinate Dexter and did actually take her daughter to VILE, but eventually they're chill and he tells her stories of Black Sheep's antics. Meanwhile Carmen is in the background begging him not to lol.
I think once she got over her distrust of Shadowsan and got to know him, and sees how close he and Carmen are, she'd be glad that he was there for Carmen when Dexter couldn't be.
ARGHSH I have plans for them in many AUs lol. I'll get around to actually enacting em someday XD
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