#well well narry… that’s a new face
braisedhoney · 2 years
I want to give your narrator a hug and some treats so bad, he seems like he needs them
Always seems so stressed, I hope he gets enough sleep. You're doing great, we're proud of him so much- he needs to know that he doesn't need to overwork himself to please us, because he's already made us so happy!
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(oh c’mon narry, your relaxed act isn’t fooling anyone.)
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all I remember — @andfollowthesun
2.159 words / @1dchristmasfest / Harry x Niall
“Okay,” Niall says. “Don’t get me wrong, ’m grateful for the fans and the music and everything— “—and your fifty guitars, and the very expensive pieces of real estate in London—” “Yeah, yeah,” Niall waves his hand. “But fame is also what’s right now preventing me from throwing me hat in the ring to be Holmes Chapel’s next jelly wrestling champion.”
Heartwarming, that is the perfect word to describe this fic because even though it is very short you are able to fall in love with Niall and Harry with every word. It's fun and portrays Narry perfectly, showing how important is for your partner to be your best friend as well.
Winter Light Spectacular — @reminiscingintherain
2.631 words / @girldirectionfest / Harry x Louis
‘Coming Soon! Winter Light Spectacular! Starting Friday 11th December, 5pm, Golden Botanic Gardens. Entry free.’ Louis blinked as she read the poster in the staff room. “Uhh… what is this?” she asked, looking around with a raised eyebrow. ~~~~ When head gardener Louis has the plans of a light show dropped in her lap, she's instantly protective of her gardens. Can coordinator Harry change her mind?
This fic is simply wonderful. Louis’ sassy character swearing up a storm, but still being kind and good natured rings so very true. Give this one a read if you’re looking for a sweet fic with good banter! You can also listen to this as a podfic here!
Dine with me — cyandiamond
2.689 / Harry x Louis
Harry’s ready to close up the shop and go home after a long shift, until an unexpected turn of events makes him rethink.
Some fics you read in order to be in a new world and this is one of them. This fic has such a wonderful and vivid sense of place. The imagery brings the cute story to life and a smile to any reader’s face.
Worries, Kisses and Surprises — @neondiamond
3.105 words / Harry x Louis
Harry and Louis are hosting Christmas dinner with both of their families for the very first time. Harry is a little stressed out about it, but for a good reason.
The domesticity packed in this fic is just perfect! It’s sickeningly sweet and a cozy read for a cold winter evening.
I don't care about the present — littlejo_ana
3.522 words / Harry x Louis
“You're not really saying that Michael Bublé's version is better than Mariah's." He said, raising his eyebrows, but Louis just smiled. “That's exactly what I'm saying," he answered, crossing his arms over his chest, his blue eyes focused on Harry as if daring him to contradict him. “Well, you're wrong then, Mariah Carey's version is a classic, and it's iconic!” He said back, crossing his arms over his chest as well, because two could play that game. “It's overplayed and everybody's tired of it," Harry gasped dramatically. “Now, Michael's version, it's new, romantic and engaging.” or the one where Harry and Louis compete for the best version of "All I want for christmas" and somehow, they both win.
This fic is a frank and fun discussion of Christmas songs. It’s wrapped in some cute banter and friendly competition that in the end both Harry and Louis win.
santa, won't you bring me the one i really need? — @alwaysxlarrie
5.539 words / @1dchristmasfest / Harry x Louis
This Christmas, Louis is going to ask for new friends, because his are the worst. That's the only possible explanation for how he's been dragged into dressing up as Santa and taking photos with strange small children at the mall for hours on end. I mean, Christmas is a season of being cheerful and all, but this is ridiculous! …although the handsome guy who his friend somehow managed to persuade to play the elf is at least a small perk of the job.
This fic is extremely cute and funny, perfect to start getting into that chilly Christmas mood, almost like a Christmas romcom!
Christmas won’t be the same this year— @dearmrsawyer
7.473 words / Liam x Louis
Liam is a suburban dream. Louis hates him and his Christmas lights.
One part new neighbors, two parts jealousy, one part attraction. Add some Christmas sparkle and stir generously, and you’ll get this crazy, fun fic about rivalry and redemption. Liam will warm your heart. Louis will have you groaning into your hands. But when they come together, it’ll leave you cheering.
Avoiding every mistletoe (until i know it’s true love) — @stylesthebrave
10.315 words / Harry x Louis
Even as the day comes to a close, Louis isn’t afraid to call the man sitting next to him on the sofa, watching snowflakes fall outside as the scent of sugar cookies fill the flat, the love of his life. Through his anger and sadness, never once did he stop loving Harry or regret loving Harry. If anything, he’s afraid of a world where he isn’t loving Harry. So, yeah, his heart is pretty content right now. Or, the Christmas exes to lovers AU.
While a chilling snowstorm builds around them, Harry and Louis attempt to talk about what broke them up and slowly rekindle the warmth that used to burn between them. The feelings are relatable and the hope is contagious in this sweet story of ex-lovers getting a second chance.
As always, support the authors by leaving kudos and comments! Happy reading!
If you can’t get enough of our recs in this post, make sure to check out our tags page and scroll through the categories to see if you find any more fics you like! — FYMHM xx
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employee052 · 1 year
... (teaser)
The Narrator groaned as he dialed up the speed of the standing fan that stood in the living room. Putting a hand in front of it and feeling almost no difference to the speed before.
Sitting back down onto the couch, he sprawled himself over the cushions trying to retain some form of chill from the sweltering heat that swept through the house. His face covered in sweat as he faced the fan.
This heat had been going on all month for them. Thick wildfire smoke in the air, intense heat that ice couldn't satiate, the constant state of sweating from every member in the house. The narrator would have popped back into the parable if it weren't for the fact that simply existing in this heat grew too much to even teleport back into his eternally chilled office.
Oswin walked down the stairs from his room, carrying down three dirty cups of what appeared to be ice cream, the narrator having finished his ages ago while Stanley Lynne and Oswin learned the art of patience and ate theirs slowly like starving men enjoying the little food they had left.
"You good Narry?" Oswin calls out, placing the cups into the sink before taking out two clear glasses and some ice cubes. 
The Narrator groaned in reply, the sound of the fan answering his question for him.
Oswin poured some water into the two cups. Walking over to the narrator and passing him his cold water. He sat up and began to drink it eagerly.
"You know, I've been thinking." Oswin commented, sitting down on the couch adjacent to his.
Oswin rolled his eyes, "Anyways. My family is going back to my home country in a few days to visit some family. We're gonna be staying there for nearly a month." 
The Narrator turns to Oswin with a curious gaze. "Oh... really? What country?"
"The Philippines, I was actually born there!" 
"Thing is," Oswin continues. "Since I've known you for almost half a year now, I've been thinking. What do you say to coming with me on this trip?"
"...I beg your pardon?"
"Look, I know how much you liked going to the rockies. Seeing new sights and getting new ideas and all that. But I've been thinking about bringing you along with me and I-... Well I wanted to ask for your opinion because I don't want to impose and didn't want to force you and all that."
"So... What do you say to going on another trip? To somewhere I was born and grew up in, a place that means a lot to me and show you my culture a bit more than GMA Telenovelas." He asks sheepishly, putting his cup down and fidgeting with his hands nervously.
The Narrator paused and thought to himself, thinking about the situation as a whole.
While he would always be worried about Lynne and Stanley -His family alongside Oswin that he grew to care for over the few months he had existed in the real world that he was scared to leave alone for a month-, yet at the same time it was a trip that held more importance to Oswin, one that felt exciting to see a whole new culture of, and a new side of his best friend of half a year.
"*Well I... I wouldn't be opposed.*"  He commented after some thought. "I would just... I don't know how to feel about leaving Stanley and the Adventure Lynne all alone here."
Oswin nodded. "I get that, leaving family is scary as shit."
"But..." He continues, "it could give Stanley and Lynne a chance to bond! Get up to some classic Father-Line antics back at home."
"Plus..." Oswin continued, walking over to place a hand on his shoulder. "We can always call them daily. We can call to check up on them, and bring back souvenirs and stories and stuff."
He sighs, "I don't want to force you, I understand that this is a hard decision to make and I wouldn't be mad if you declined."
"But I promise you, if you say yes, I'll do my best to make the trip interesting, and fun for both of us."
He takes the Narrator's empty glass from him and walks back to the sink to put the cups away. "I'll let you think about it, alright? Take your time." Oswin says softly, walking upstairs to give him space.
The Narrator sighs and looks at the fan in contemplative silence thinking about all the factors in play before he makes up his mind.
The thrill of adventure lived within him, the idea of seeing new sights and learning a culture he wasn't familiar with was interesting. And while his anxieties over Stanley and Lynne remained in his mind, he knew that Stanley was a smart man. He would be fine. At least he hoped he would be fine.
The Narrator stood from his seat and began to walk up the stairs, a smile on his face.
"Oswin! I made a decision... I'm coming with you!"
NARRY TAKEOVER 2: VACATION DAYS starting this sunday
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shoefullofpudding · 1 year
Since I'm not an artist, I'm going to do a writing version of Paratober.
1 Stanley
He walked a thousand miles through these halls, echoes of footsteps etched into his brain. Every twist and turn was just another well-worn path. Fear had turned to boredom, hope faded to complacency. Still what could he do but keep going? The end was never the end. 
2 Bucket
Stanley plopped the bucket on his head. [I am Bucket Man.]
The Narrator sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Not this again. "Stanley that is a expertly crafted narrative prop, not something to shove on your immature noggin!"
[Bucket Man sees his arch-nemesis Captain Party Pooper! It’s Bucket Time!]
"Hey that's my line!" The Narrator yelled.
He watched in horror as Stanley bent down like a bull and kicked each foot. Oh no. The Narrator held his hands up.
"Stanley! Please. Not ag-"
His words were cut off by Stanley barreling the bucket into his side. The Narrator let out a huff of air and fell back.
3. Coward
Stanley hid under his desk. It was safe here. No one would ever get him… But that wasn't true, was it. The Narrator's words would end and the story would restart. *Please make it end. Please make it end please make it end.*
He imagined it did once the darkness of the reset took him. The floating void was the darkness behind his own eyes and once he opened them, Stanley would be in a nice warm bed, staring at the stucco of a blank white ceiling.
He'd turn his head to a window. A tree stood tall and proud bearing apples, or maybe oranges. A squirrel made corkscrews around it's trunk. Stanley yawned and-
Stared at the blinking screen of his office monitor. The Narrator's voice droned on in the background. He took a deep breath and pushed back the fantasy. It was time to play his part.
1 Stanley 
I'll choose the Stanley from my fic I don't dare dream, because dreams burn my tongue. This is a post fic poem he wrote.
My heart split open
Like a seed 
That could no longer
Contain my worth
I am no longer 
A wounded bird
But an angel 
Taking flight
2. Tumblr sexyman
The Narrator is from my fic Home Has Always Been You.
Narry stared at his reflection. The new haircut and the new clothes almost made him feel like himself. But not quite. His body was still frail and skinny, with a face aged beyond its years.
What did Stanley see in him? He wasn't the sweet chubby boy he'd been when they were kids. Nor was he some suave model with chiseled features and effortless muscles.
Maybe he didn't need to be either. Stanley loved him, not his image in the mirror.
3. Puppyboy Stanley
The Narrator stared at the lab at his feet. "Just how did you turn yourself into a dog, Stanley? The bark command was only supposed to affect your voice!"
Stanley proceeded to run around and tear up random papers. He tried to dig up the carpet, eat 432's pencil sharpener, and the Narrator’s favorite yellow slipper.
"No! Stanley, give it back!"
He yanked at it, which just made Stanley pull harder. Soon, they were in a dire game of tug-of-war, the fate of the Narrator’s footwear hanging in the balance. 
Halfway through, Stanley turned human and spat the item of contention out. He got up and dusted himself off as if nothing happened.
"What? That's it? You aren't going to apologize for destroying my office or ravaging my slipper?"
Stanley shrugged and walked off, leaving the Narrator to sigh and wipe the slipper off with the sleeve of his jacket. 
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spaceistheplaceart · 2 years
The Projection / Light / Imagination Room
i can't decide on a name...
Anyways, as they're going through the rooms in the parable, Narry eventually brings up one of his stories again. The Director responds that, it's a little weird how Narry keeps talking about his stories, and yet the Director has no idea what any of them are about. Narry never told him.
Narry says well! of course not! It's not finished yet! None of my stories are...
Director asks him why?
Narry says that stories are art, and art takes time. It has to be perfect, each new line must be able to flow into the next-- he doesn't want to make a story and then re read it and realize he screwed up somewhere. It's a labor of love... a very, very, very, long labor... of love.
There's silence for a moment before the Director tells him he would like to hear what he has anyway. Even if it isn't done. Narry refuses at first, saying that he hardly has anything written down and... and... it's embarrassing and-- not good enough yet-
Then he sees the blue words in the air write just two words: c'mon. please?
Narry sighs and grumbles about it, but takes a small notepad out of his pocket. This isn't the main place he keeps his stories, but he likes to have it on him to write when things come to his mind. You never know when inspiration strikes! It could strike anywhere, really-- it's struck him in the shower before. But then the pages got all wet... and... Narry trails off, realizing he's rambling like a loser and just clears his throat.
He begins to read, but the Director stops him. Opens a door to a new room.
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Narry inquires about the room. The Director tells him that it's a good room for ideas and lays down, his arms folded behind his head. He looks up expectantly at Narry. Narry takes a moment to realize that he wants Narry to read to him. Narry blushes a little at this, taking out his notebook and bashfully rambling a bit about how his ideas are not done, and not to judge yet, but if the Director has any uh- any constructive criticism, he'd be glad to hear it.
The Director nods.
Narry begins to read. And as he does... something appears on the walls.
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Narry watches, dumbfounded for a moment, as the light dances on the wall... then slowly fades out. The Director looks up at him and asks him why he stopped.
"The- the walls..." Narry responds, pointing to the now blank surface. "M-my story was on there. Did you do that?"
The Director shrugs a shoulder, a small smile in his eyes. He explains that: a little bit of that was him, but a little bit of it was also Narry. This room shows you what you're thinking. The Director uses it a lot when he thinks of rooms for the parable to really flesh them out. He pauses for a moment then chuckles a bit and adds: I wouldn't be able to think up anything like what was just there-- most of my thoughts are architecture. All the artsy things were you.
Narry gives the Director a bashful little hand wave, as if to say 'oh, stop it. don't flatter me' but not so secretly, that comment went to his ego. The Director knows that, and smiles knowingly before shutting his eyes again and asking Narry to keep reading. It was a nice story so far, maybe a bit heavy in prose, but good.
Narry's face falls into a grumpy frown and objects to the 'prose' criticism, but when Director goes to remind him about his request for 'constructive criticism'-- Narry cuts him off and keeps reading.
"Twas burning flesh and the twinkling of dashed hopes round her neck, a gift for the heavens, taken untimely from the feet of its mortal bearers. They were not to know her true blessings, blind to their own skin. If there was ever a moment when the truth was made known, it was not one recognized by eyes, but by a more intangible spirit whose true name conflicted with that of the vessel that carried it."
All the while, the images on the walls danced, showing his words coming to life. Narry found it hard to look away, sometimes faltering in his speech as he got distracted by the visuals.
Eventually, he came to the end of his excerpt... but... kept going anyways-- improvising. just to see more.
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The Director claps softly, sitting up. He tells Narry that it was a nice story. He has some notes, but he's definitely interested to see where it goes.
Narry sighs defeatedly. No, he says, I didn't have much to work with, actually... I ended up just- just improvising at the end there-- ugh. My prose is lackluster, I would need more time...
The Director shakes his head. He points to the wall. He says that to him, it looked like Narry was enjoying what he wrote. He couldn't stop staring at the wonderful imagery that appeared there-- and that imagery would not have been possible if his descriptions were poorly written. Sure, it was a bit wordy, but the tone was... good!
The Director shrugs. He apologizes, he's not much of a writer. He laughs to himself at the irony for a moment before continuing.
He tells Narry that as long as he enjoyed writing, it was good. And if Narry was willing to just make up new lines on the fly like that, then he certainly enjoyed it.
Narry takes a moment to think about what the Director said, then sighs and chuckles a bit. He shrugs and nods. He agrees, yeah, it was nice. To see his story come to life like that... even if it isn't... perfect yet-- maybe he could... he could improve upon it? If- if the Director didn't mind, actually... could he be allowed in here again?
The Director nods. Of course he can.
Narry smiles down at him.
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rubye402 · 2 years
I'll be honest. I thought for sure Narrator was gonna Tumblr's sexyman for 2022 when Ultra Deluxe dropped. Really fandom, I'm truly disappointed in us. So I guess if y'all are too much of cowards to do it ya damn selves, (/j (joking)) I'll make the romantic Narry stuff. I'll be the clown. The court jester. The gremlin that screeches--
Romantic Narrator (He/Him) HC (we're going to assume he's in a sort of Narration room, and that he has a physical body. You're the only one allowed in.) Also GN!Reader.
After you both met (however the hell that happens) Narry's... A little clingy already. Not that he's downright obsessive or hugs you without permission, but he wants you to stick around as he vents about Stanley, he wants you to just be in his presence when Stanley (and he) is happy in the Story ending, and he needs comfort after things like the Zen ending. Things like that.
With enough time, he eventually THEN starts to kinda show signs of just how touch starved he is, by starting to subtly get his fill of physical touch.
"Oh, my papers for this part of the story HAPPENS to be is right next to your side. Let me reach around you and grab it."
"Ugh! Can you BELIEVE Stanley?! Here, let me lay my head in your lap as I lay down and complain and be dramatic about it."
...Well, HE thinks he's being subtle.
Narry doesn't think much about it at first, thinking he's just been alone without physical contact for so long that he just craves it.
...Then you hug him on your own after Stanley has given him nothing but bad endings one day. (Is Stanley being a prick or was causing Narry to have a genuinely shit day an accident? You decide!)
And then he just feels... Warmth in his face as he slowly realizes that he likes you.
Oh this boy when he's in love. He gives Stanley new paths to follow, and those paths have everything to do with trying to figure out what you like and don't like in a romantic setting, and he takes notes on your reaction. (He says it's for Stanley though. Meanwhile our office worker is... So confused why it's basically a fucking DATING SIM)
Then there's the poems. He's a writer, of course writing you a poem is his bread and butter. He is SO flowery in his words though. What a drama king.
Of course, eventually you accept his eccentric way of saying "I like you, a lot." And he is OVER THE MOON he's so happy
I feel bad for poor Stanley who more than likely, heard several times Narrator and you kissing, and Narry scrambles as he realizes Stanley heard ALLLLL of that.
He's very attentive to you. If he even THINKS something is up with you, he'll put everything on pause.
"Yet there was not a single person here either. Feeling a wav-- Hold on Stanley. Are you OK over there, dear? ... Oh, you're alright? You sure? ... Ah. I see. Alright then. Forgive me Stanley, let's proceed. *ahem* Feeling a wave of disbelief-"
And when you do need something, Narry tells Stanley to stay wherever he is and might even lock him in that room for a bit, as he goes to your side, with a muted mic, in a heartbeat.
And while Stanley wouldn't see it, sometimes you two cuddle on the chair Narry sits on to narrate the Stanley Parable, with one sitting in the others lap. It really depends how tall you are compared to Narry on where you sit.
If you're shorter, you're little spoon and he hugs around your waste with one hand, as the other controls everything needed as he narrates, as he puts his chin on top of your head.
If you're taller, he sits in your lap and he'll reach back and pull your arms around him as he works.
If you want to be in the opposite position (short behind him, tall in front of him), he'll try to work around you the best he can as he complies.
So to say the least, his bonding with you is vibing together as he works. Though if you want his attention more often and you express so, Narry makes some more endings for Stanley that will distract the office worker for a long while. Maybe even load up some more games and let him go off in the world and do whatever for a while.
If Stanley has especially misbehaved though, Narry will plop him down in the baby game and tell him he's not allowed to leave until he's played the full 4 hour game.
His petnames for you include:
(My) Dear(est)
(My) Darling
(My) Love (or rather Luv bc british?)
And probably a few others that are either individual to you, or some semblance of an inside joke between you two.
And if you have any petnames you'd like him to call you, just say the word and that's the thing he'll call you most often.
Overall, he's a dramatic drama king with a short fuse that only you can put out to see his more patient side. He's going to be clingy, but he's ready to be at your side for anything you'll ever need.
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The Stanley Parable AU - MerStanley [and maybe Fisherman AU]
TL;DR Narrator being a fisherman (he doesn't like his job) and Stanley is a merman who lives in solitude and likes human-watching.
Stanley likes to watch the humans near the lighthouse docks, especially this one older human who complains often about his job of catching fish. He's funny, but also intriguing as he followed that human as they go to the lighthouse and read his stories aloud, thinking no one could hear them.
Then one day, that human slipped from the docks and fell, normally Stanley wouldn't interfere as other humans would be around to save them. But that wasn't the case, they were alone, they couldn't swim, and they were going to get tangled in the fishing nets. 
Swiftly, Stanley catches and rescues the human and takes them to a rocky slope nearby to climb back up to the dockside, before the human could thank them, Stanley goes back to his hidden home. The human saw the ripples and a silver fin, and wondered if they're going insane from the saltwater.
Stanley remembers that day but remains hidden and up to his usual routine of human watching, yet he could sense his favorite human being more alert of their surroundings. He complained less, but he still reads loudly by the ocean on his chair and their fellow humans ignore him for being annoying.
Here starts Narry's safe-level obsession of merfolk.
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Points of this AU:
- Narrator has like a glass cabinet where he keeps all of Stanley's gifts in display.
- Stanley likes the cats and pets and feeds them. Some like him, some don’t.
- Stanley, like Ariel, collects human stuff in his underwater cave home. Lots of buckets, gemstones, portraits, etc. 
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- Narrator wondering why Stanley is alone, where is his merkind?
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-  Narrrator hates saltwater until he kissed Stanley
- Narrator has Thalassophobia
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-  Stanley can’t talk above water because of his respiratory system. Though he and Narrator communicate by sending each other bottle messages.
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As fun and soft as this AU goes, of course there would be angst...
It’s under “Keep Reading”  Warning: First half is about Narrator’s fear of deep water, and some people finding out about MerStanley but nothing too bad. However, the rest is about Character Deaths and a BitterSweet Ending. (More Bitter than Sweet)
Narrator’s Thalassophobia:
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Narrator’s Friends being d!ck$:
When/If Narrator’s friends finds out about Stanley:
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When/If a friend of Narrator found one of the bottle messages:
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Before I get to the final parts, I MUST WARN THAT THE NEXT PART INVOLVES A LETTER OF DEATH, turn away if you’re uncomfortable with sensitive topics like this.
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Start of Letter//
"To the one who found this letter, it is a sign that I had died.
These are the last words I will share with the world.
I was once a lonely man who saw the world as cold and gray and had seen no delights in the years I had been alive. I didn't have close friends, just the faces of those who never bothered to stay a while and talk for a while. I was certain that my dreams of living a bright happy life would never happen... That was until I met him.
The one who watched over me like a guardian angel.
The one who had to hide yet still appeared just to see me. 
The one who saved my life once, and who I've saved as well to return a favor, and to see his face once more. 
He showed me a new world through his eyes, it was brighter and warmer than the sun. Even when I could never hear his voice...We had a language that felt forbidden to share with anyone else. Just the two of us, together alone...Alone Together. 
Sadly...My days have dwindled and I don't think my new dream of being together in a lighthouse with adopted children to break the silence would ever happen... 
But I am happy. 
Because I can and will spend my last days with the love of my life, I want to see his face, his eyes, his smile, his happiness, his tears, and, his sorrow. 
Just one last time. 
If there is a higher being up there who could see this through you, dear reader, I could only pray that he and I are together on our next life... 
That is all I ever wanted. 
Yours Sincerely, 
The Narrator"
//End of Letter
This letter was found by Curator in the Narrator's lighthouse after his funeral. It gave answers and more questions.
Though he never said it in the letter, Curator decided to honor both Narrator's home and his grave, saving everything that he had and all the gifts that Stanley gave him were in display at her museum along with his letter.
Curator claims to not know what happened to Stanley, but she does when she found Narrator. She kept that a secret and took it to her grave.
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missytearex · 2 years
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Happy 28th! Here’s what I read and loved in April:
🤍 playing by hands by @bottomlinsons --- [fic post]
larry | 164k | mature
Harry and Louis are finally engaged. That, unfortunately, is the easy part.
The course to true love never did run smooth and with Queens and countries on the board, nothing is certain. It is down to them both to find a path onwards, but will be it together or alone?
🤍 Way Down We Go by @xiaq --- [fic post]
drarry | 109k | mature
In which Harry and Draco both run away from their pasts and conveniently choose to hide in the same tiny American town.
It's super.
🤍 What I Have With You (I don't want with anyone else) by @lululawrence --- [fic post]
larry | 73k | not rated
Louis is an asexual alpha, Harry is his aromantic alpha friend and possible roommate, and faking a relationship might be exactly what they need to get their families and friends off their backs.
🤍 Crawling on Your Shores by @juliusschmidt --- [fic post]
lirry | 66k | explicit
Liam is searching for direction, purpose, connection, and, ultimately, himself. Harry is searching for aliens.
🤍 leave my life outside (or let me in) by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed --- [fic post]
ziam | 52k | mature
Zayn is a 111 year old demon who is trying to decide his future. Liam is a 17 year old human struggling with his own life. Two people from completely different worlds, yet they find a little piece of home in one another. But nothing’s ever quite that simple, is it?
🤍 Make It Up As We Go Along by @lululawrence --- [fic post]
ot5 | 52k | not rated
By all accounts, roommates and best friends Harry, Zayn, and Niall are living the dream. Alpha Harry is a successful architect with a beautiful and successful journalist omega in Louis. Alpha Niall is a fairly successful actor who is about to embark on a production of Hamlet in Europe and has no trouble keeping his bed warm at night. Beta Zayn might not be so lucky in love as the other three, but he is one of the most sought after artists in New York City. Life is going pretty well for all of them, but underneath the surface none of them are truly happy.
When a baby is left on their doorstep, their lives become the definition of chaos...but maybe that is exactly what they need to see what has been right in front of them all along.
🤍 tangled up in you by @missandrogyny --- [fic post]
larry | 45k | explicit
Harry blinks once. And blinks again. And says, his voice dangerous: “Niall, did you get me a mail-order bride?”
Because what the actual fuck. It kind of looks like Niall’s just purchased a person. For Harry.
Niall blinks back at him for a few moments, before throwing his head back and howling with laughter. Harry throws a pillow at him. Hard. “No, what the fuck, Harry.”
“A prostitute then?” Harry also doesn't want a prostitute.
“Of course not!”
“A stripper?”
Damn, he’s running out of ideas. He settles for launching another pillow at Niall’s head. Niall bats it away easily, still laughing. “Stop!”
“What did you get me, then?!” Niall must hear the tinge of hysteria in his voice, because he’s pulling himself together, trying to stop himself from laughing.
There’s still a big grin on his face, though, when he says, “I got you a professional cuddler.”
A professional…what. “What?”
🤍 Bit by Bit and All at Once by @ladyaj-13 --- [fic post]
lilo | 23k | mature
the one where Louis is in love with Liam, but Liam doesn't love him back. Or does he?
🤍 Lost Our Focus by @wabadabadaba --- [fic post]
narry | 20k | mature
the one where the marriage between Harry and Niall is falling apart and Harry thinks his hope for change will be the end of them.
🤍 your eyes are blocking my starlight by @leighbot --- [fic post]
zarry | 8k | mature
Harry doesn't know how Muggle-Wizard relationships ever make it past the Big Confession.
🤍 Between Us Still by @jiksax --- [fic post]
zarry | 7k | explicit
Zayn breaks up with Gigi, hides out in a beach house in Miami, and definitely doesn't expect Harry to turn up.
🤍 I pledge my hands to larger service by @uhoh-but-yeah-alright --- [fic post]
harry/tim riggins | 4k | mature
Harry hasn't seen his high school crush since he graduated over ten years ago. The last place he expected to run into him is in a dark hallway while he's sneaking out after a one-night stand. They can't let the coincidence go to waste.
🤍 That's What I Want by @haztobegood --- [fic post]
harry/lil nas x | 4k | explicit
The first day of childbirth class is difficult for Harry. He's 30 weeks pregnant, uncomfortable, hormonal, and alone. That changes when he meets another single carrier on his way to class.
🤍 The Long Fall by @tackytigerfic​ 
drarry | 3k | mature
It's supposed to be a simple house renovation, and maybe it's just the paint fumes, but Harry is feeling dizzy around Draco Malfoy. And what's the real meaning of family, anyway?
🤍 Choo-Choose Me by @ladyaj-13 --- [fic post]
lilo | 3k | general audiences
Liam is a commuter with a crush. Louis is the chirpy ticket inspector who occasionally mans the drinks trolley and sometimes makes announcements, his broad Yorkshire accent fighting the outdated train speakers. The train ships it.
🤍 Hurry Boy, She's Waiting There For You by @wabadabadaba
zarry | 2k | general audiences
the one where Zayn takes Harry out for a date and they get a little tipsy and dance to Africa.
🤍 On Your Way by @lqtraintracks​
drarry | 2k | mature
Draco waits for Harry to return from an Auror mission.
🤍 as long as there's us by @hershelsue --- [fic post]
zarry | 2k | general audiences
Harry and Zayn discuss what to do for Valentine's Day. It doesn't really matter.
🤍 Baby, Don’t Apologize by @neondiamond --- [fic post]
larry | 1k | teen and up
Harry being an asexual Omega means his Alpha Louis has had to spend his ruts alone for the past decade despite being mated. He’s not sure who feels most hurt by it.
🤍 Nothing More but Counting Stars by @nanailliterate
zarry | 1k | teen and up
The temperature is low, spirits are even lower. It's just Zayn and Harry, and billions of stars.
🤍 Hands of a Monster, Touch of a Saint by unsernameinuse
zarry | 1k | teen and up
He didn’t hate Styles. Just everything about him.
Or, the whole world has gone to shit and this asshole won’t leave Zayn alone.
🤍 Your Body Like Gold by @reminiscingintherain​
zarry | 1k | general audiences
Nude life model required for final year project Must be willing to use props Incentives negotiable
🤍 The Sex Tape from Hell by unsernameinuse
zarry | 1k | teen and up
In between them, some cursed Hollywood blog blared the headline: ZAYN + DRAKE SEX TAPE?
Zayn silently prayed for death, and Harry just kept waiting.
🤍 wait for me in the sky by Siguna
zarry | 937 | teen and up
It goes and it's golden, like sands of time
🤍 you're like a commotion all because of me by Siguna 
zarry | 525 | mature
gratuitous fluff because I am sad
🤍 in the year of our lord 2021 by unsernameinuse
zarry | 398 | teen and up
Zarry reunion nonsense part 6,000. Would love to be sane again one day.
Remember to leave kudos/comments if you check these out!
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“And The World Began Anew” (Stanley and the Narrator Have Feelings Pt 4)
WARNING: Cheesy, A Little Hurt/Comfort, Swearing, Mention of death (reset related), SLOW BURN that pains even I, generally wack as hell and longer this time
Floor 4 was the final search that was taken half seriously. They checked the walls like for all the others, but skimmed the desks, checking under plants and doing bits such as “I bet there’s a hole underneath Narry, Adventure Line” and “I think it’s about time we check under Stanley”.
While their tomfoolery and company of each other were more than enough to make up for it, there wasn’t much to enjoy in terms of adventurous endeavors. That is, there wasn’t until Stanley’s hand phased through a window.
“Whoa, did you see that?” Stanley asked his companions. Both the yellow creature and the indigo robot nodded.
“Let me get a closer look.”
The narrator stuck his face near the window, finding a slight discoloration the size of Stanley’s torso. He took a sharpie and drew around it.
“There! We should be to fit one by one. I’ll go first since, you know, being omnipotent and all.”
With that, the narrator stuck his head in to start.
“Ooo, a balcony! Thank goodness I don’t have to worry about finding a new body.”
The narrator essentially dived through the window and Stanley and the Adventure line followed shortly. As they got up and brushed the dust off themselves, the three stared in awe. The horizon was mainly bright blue with not much else to see except mountains, hills, and trees for miles along with a lightly yellow sun. With medium-high ceilings in their building, they were at least 50 feet up and some birds could be seen in the distance. Stanley was overcome with emotion and teared up.
“I haven’t seen the sun in so long,” he choked, “I haven’t seen the sun or the sky or birds. And now we’re here and I get to see them again.”
Narry held him tight. “I’ve never seen it before,” he said softly, “It’s beautiful.“
Adventure line briefly nuzzled against both of them before attempting to stare over the ledge. They stretched their body downward until the tip of their nose touched the ground. The creature shot back up to the balcony and squeaked with urgency. The pair looked over and watched them touch the ground again. Stanley looked on in shock while the Narrator grinned widely.
“Adventure line, you’re brilliant!” he shouted with glee, looking over to his human companion, “Stanley, we can leave! We can all-“
And the world began anew.
Stanley abruptly gained consciousness in his office and grumbled.
“Do you remember?” he asked tiredly.
The narrator nodded with sigh before realizing Stanley couldn’t see him.
“Hmph, forgot I wasn’t in my body. Yes, I do remember you, your dog, and our adventures together. Including the finding of the balcony.” He clicked some buttons before saying, “And my tapes still work just in case.”
“Good. Let’s figure this out, shall we?”
“We shall, my fine fellow.”
After finding his body again, the narrator went with Stanley towards the window. In his eagerness to get the hell out of the drab office building, Stanley slipped through the hole first, only to end up right back into his personal office with a bodiless narrator.
“Goddamnit!” the pair shouted at the exact same time.
This happened twice more before they took the hint that Stanley should not go first. And then, much to the Narrator’s pleasure, they began to research.
When the Narrator finally went first, Stanley could follow before they had about a minute before the next reset. When the adventure line joined, they all had least three minutes UNLESS the creature touched the ground. Once they touched the ground, the game would give up until they came all the way back up.
It seemed simple enough: Stanley and Narrator just had to hitch a ride on Adventure Line as if they were a rope, right?
First, Stanley died because he was underneath the Narrator who slipped. Pardon my French, but gravity’s a little bitch, so when you fall around 30 feet up, it doesn’t end well. Secondly, when the Narrator was below Stanley, Stanley slipped and accidentally kick the narrator, who barely held onto the Adventure Line who was in the zone. Stanley remained clinging, but since the line wasn’t really paying attention, the narrator’s body was crushed, and the game suddenly decided that it was a bad idea to have an unconfined omnipotent being running around. Thirdly, once they successfully got to the ground, the adventure line could not leave the building due to their very long torso. Not wanting to leave them behind, the biped pair decided “Fuck it, we’re basically immortal” and so the narrator swiftly killed Stanley with a blast to reset the game.
After re-awaking for the tenth or so time, Stanley was nervous. The narrator had yet to forget, but the fear still in the back of his mind.
“Do you still remember?” he whispered, almost wishing he didn’t to avoid the possible disappointment.
“I think so? The dog, our past, my body…Yeah, it’s still all in order! My tapes sound a little funny though,” the Narrator replied calmly.
Stanley bit his nails, “We have to get it right this time. Just in case.”
“My dear, my tapes still work fine, and I still remember! We just have to-“
“No! …I’m sorry, but no. I can’t have us lose it all now. We need to plan the non-loop way. Please.”
The narrator looked upon the man softly and agreed solely for Stanley’s peace mind.
“Okay then. You get the paper and pens all set up and I’ll join you in your office once I have hands, alright?”
Stanley stiffly nodded and gathered the things as the narrator drifted away.
Narry came back to an open seat for him at the far right end Stanley’s desk (much to his displeasure; he was starting to…feel things toward Stanley again, but it seemed like a bad time to mention it). Stanley was honed in on his scrawling away, trying to think of all the logistics.
“I’m here, dear boy,” the Narrator said softly.
Wait, softly? That’s not what he intended.
The man of flesh shyly looked up from his work, rapidly tapping his pen on the table. How unlike him.
“May I see what you have so far, Stanley?”
Stanley simply nodded and passed the paper over before grabbing a new one. The narrator looked at the first sheet, impressed at the amount of content: A scissors plan assuming the line didn’t have nerves and stuff, an alternative plan to find the start of the line, various other back up ideas and safety measures like harnesses. Even so, he couldn’t help but be concerned at the jittery nature of the writing that he could see and hear.
“Hey, Stanley?”
Stanley kept writing. The narrator gently put a hand on his shoulder.
“Stanley, please stop writing for a moment.”
Even in facing toward the Narrator he loved so dear, that calmed him in times of stress, Stanley was tapping his pen again. The Narrator, gently, once again, took said pen and set it aside, pulling Stanley to be about a half a foot away, placing his hands on both of Stanley’s shoulders.
“Stanley. It’s going to be okay. We’re going to be alright.”
His resolve did not break right away. It started as a small shake, then then man began to shake violently before slowly, hesitantly, holding onto the narrator for dear life.
“Narry, I’m scared,” he stuttered, “I don’t want to lose you again.”
The omnipotent being was at a loss. With equal hesitation, he returned the embrace, still gently, but tightly.
“You won’t. I’ll be sure of it.”
After a long pause, he laughed quietly, nervously before continuing, “I’ll remember so hard that…my tapes will start to swear.”
Stanley snorted at that. And then he giggled. And then he burst into loud laughter. The sound filled the Narrator with warmth.
“You and your stupid tapes!” the human said fondly, wiping away a few tears.
He nuzzled into Narry’s shoulder, and the Narrator was turning red. Not that he was displeased whatsoever, just an awkward doofus. Stanley quickly pulled away, and laughed sheepish this time.
“Anyways, any suggestions, Narrator?”
“Sorry, I’m just not used to hearing that, you use Narry all the time.”
“I thought you hated that?”
“Uh, no, but, um- You know what, Stanley, we can talk about this, um later- The- The plan, Stanley, I would only suggest that we check in with Adventure Line before we take any scissors out and-“
Stanley was trying so hard to keep a straight face and listen. And with a breath, he did, and the Narrator eventually composed himself.
Meanwhile, Adventure Line was pissed out of their mind since they had seen the whole thing. “These idiots!” they thought, approximately that is, “Got heads of rock, I swear. And they didn’t even talk to me first, so they’re getting what’s coming to them”.
For the Adventure Line had a plan.
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ladyaj-13 · 3 years
January 2022 Appreciation
Welcome to my first fic appreciation post of 2022! (That's weird to type. 2022. And I just mistyped it as 2002 which is even weirder. In the words of the esteemed Anne-Marie 🎵take me backkkkk to 2002🎵).
Anyway, I hope you're all well. This month I read some wonderful Lilo, Tomlinshaw, a Narry, Nouis, quite a lot of Ziam, a Zouiam, a Zouis (evidently, it was the month of Zayn - I really need to check out some Ziall next month too) and, as ever, Larry. If I missed any tumblr people tags just let me know.
Searching for a Language (That the Two of us Can Speak) - la_faerie - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] – 23k, T – canon, side Ziall, fluff and angst. Ahh, fluff and angst, my kryptonite. Loved it.
We Stood Face to Face, Bartering Gaze for Gaze - la_faerie - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] – 38k, M – film rewrite (Leap Year), proposals, strangers to lovers, background Lirry. Loved the nuanced portrayal of these versions of Liam and Louis, and a really interesting build-up of their relationship.
if you said goodbye (would that be a lie?) - mrsenjolras - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @foliealou – 4k, G – Christmas, post-break up, fake relationship. This is so sweet, just lovely.
better together (it brings new things) - radiantbeams - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @radiantbeams – 12k, G – fake relationship, uni AU. The details in this are just wonderful, and the set-up is Nouis and Niam friendships, so there's plenty of Niall which is always a good thing.
A Secret Chord - blackwayfarers - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] – 41k, E – canon, songwriting. This is so poetic, beautifully written, with music and creation weaved the whole way through it. And a wonderful developing Lilo relationship.
Holding Out For A Hero (I Feel Like Chicken Tonight) - sunsetmog - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @magicalrocketships – 11k, E – AU, wooing, secret relationship. The DIALOGUE, I can't handle it. I love the characterisation too.
The Sky At Night - sunsetmog - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @magicalrocketships – 10k, M – insomnia, AU. I'm not sure why I hadn't read this before, but a 'new' (to me) fic from this author and Tomlinshaw to boot? Perfection. There's a level of vulnerability here, like there is in most of their fics, and it just... it just gets me. Every time.
Let's Not Fight in Vegas - YesIsAWorld - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @louandhazaf – 10k, E – Vegas weddings, AU. A bit of a different take on the usual set up for this trope, and I loved it!
does it almost feel like nothing changed at all - estrella30 - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] – 19k, M – canon, kidfic, Niall gets a baby dropped on his doorstep. I LOVE accidental baby acquisition, which seems to be a term which hasn't really made it's way into this fandom, but it needs to. I haven't read much Narry yet but this was so wonderful.
can't imagine there's a way to get closer than this - geewhizmo - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @sleepymouses – 6k, G – platonic life partners, asexuality and aromanticism, married in Vegas. The friendship, guys. The safety. The 'have found where they belong'. The ease of how they slot together. Yes.
something good can work - thebelljarlife - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @alwaysstyles – 14k, G – asexuality, aromanticism, canon, hurt/comfort. I loved this one. It just felt very natural and true.
Wrong Side of Love - scottmcniceass - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] – 37k, E – canon, bodyswap. I love this trope, there's not enough of it, this one is amazingly written, funny, angsty and ZIAM and I will not apologise that this was my fourth reading. In a year.
Forget Me Not - loveandbeloved - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own]– 14k, M – AU, amnesia! Absolutely loved this fic. It's so sweet and lovely.
Tunnel Vision - scottmcniceass - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own]– 90k, E – bodyguard!Liam and solo!Zayn, background Larry. This was also a re-read, it's an AU but still within familiar settings and I love it. There's so much in this fic. Fluff, friendship, hurt/comfort, pining. It's just great.
The Way It Is - scottmcniceass - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] – 35k, E – canon, bed-sharing, idiots to lovers. The start of the month was just me indulging by re-reading all of this author's fantastic Ziam stories, okay? It was 100% worth it, I suggest you follow in my footsteps.
Sanity Not Included - scottmcniceass - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] – 84k, WIP, E – university AU, the Larry is not so much background as equal billing. I don't often read WIPs, and given the time elapsed this is unlikely to ever be finished, but it was so much fun. Great character work.
Copy of a Copy of a Copy - FallingLikeThis - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @fallinglikethis – 3k, T – AU, science experiments gone wrong, clones. This is such a little gem! Weird and wonderful and somehow so heartfelt too.
and you take me the way i am - orphan_account - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] – 54k, E – fake relationship, canon. This is beautifully written. The description is masterful, I got full body pangs reading this (multiple times. The hesitancy! The denial! Gahhh).
Written In My Memory - samandbucky - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] – 7k, T – amnesia, hurt/comfort, canon. This deserves some more love. It's Zouiam amnesia fic (with the angst of a Louis/Liam combo thrown back to early X factor days) – I mean, come on. Who doesn't want that.
Until I Found You - reminiscingintherain - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @reminiscingintherain – 4k, T – fake relationship, canon, near future. I don't often read Zouis as a romantic duo, but this was just everything I didn't know I wanted! So sweet.
Swim In The Smoke - whoknows - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @crazyupsetter – 101k, E – pirate/royal/omegaverse AU. Really engaging, I got swept away by this one. Also I read this in the first few days of the year and that now feels like a lifetime ago. Like, I could reread this fic! Because it was great and I read it ages ago! No AJ, you read it three and a half weeks ago.
Not Another Lonely Christmas - haztobegood - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @haztobegood – 8k, E – Christmas fluff, fake relationship. I loved this. It's so freaking cute! And there's an extra dimension/tension added by Louis being Gemma's best friend which is perfect. I love that dynamic.
Best Butt Ever - Throwthemflowers - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] – 1k, M – birthday party, two halves of a whole idiot unicorn. This is legitimately hilarious.
Fugue - iwillpaintasongforlou - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own]@canonlarry – 16k, E – amnesia, married Larry, famous/non-famous. '17-year-old' Harry wakes up in the bed of his popstar crush. What's not to love?
May You Enjoy Your New Life - aimmyarrowshigh - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] - 264k, E – kidfic, canon divergent, X-factor era onwards. I just. Don't quite know what to say. I basically dived into this for 4? 5? days and didn't look up. It's excellent. So much wonderful domesticity, some excellent pining – just read it. When you have some spare time, that is. The word count is not a typo.
Ground Control to Major Tomlinson - absolutehly - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @thestylinsons – 3k, T – space, astronaut Louis and alien Harry. Full disclosure, space travel freaks me out a bit (it's the being so far from help), but this was so good. Packed with interesting details, and Liam and Zayn as ground control – perfect.
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allwaswell16 · 4 years
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{Recently Read 1D Fics}
January 2021
These are all the One Direction fics I read and enjoyed in January. By the way, I’ve been doing these recs for three years now this month! I can hardly believe I’ve been doing these so long! Anyway, there are 21 recs here in all and are in order by word count and organized by pairing. You can also listen to my podcast to hear me talk about each of these fics as well as an overview of what was posted on ao3 in January! Please let the writers know if you liked the fics by leaving kudos and comments! Happy reading!
Fanfictional Podcast #21 | ko-fi | other fic recs
🌨️ Mine Would Be You, @crinkle-eyed-boo (E, 114k, exes to lovers au, non-linear storytelling, artist Harry, writer Louis, NYC, break up, pining, getting back together, angst with a happy ending, smut, broke my heart with such dramatic angst)
🌨️ No Going Back, @jacaranda-bloom / jacaranda_bloom (E, 56k, strangers to lovers, one night stand, lighthouse, remote location, Australia, bed sharing, romance, smut, dom/sub undertones, bl)
🌨️ Campus Creatures, @kingsofeverything, @louandhazaf / YesIsAWorld (E, 25k, uni au, vampire Harry, werewolf Louis, rivals, fwb, monsters, fae, science, knotting, intrigue, smut, this was so much fun to read!)
🌨️ What Side Of Love Are You On?, @fallinglikethis (T, 25k, Because I Said So au, movie adaptation, bisexual Harry, multiple povs, Harry/Cara, biphobia, homophobia, internal conflict, scheming, family drama, fluff, humor, light angst, she didn’t tag angst but I laid on the floor and cried so yeah lol)
🌨️ By the Light of the Moon, @phd-mama / phdmama (E, 12k, royal au, magic, healer Louis, Prince Harry, curses, countercurse, smut, omg amazing with an InterestingTM curse haha, great worldbuilding)
🌨️ A Real Work of Art, @lululawrence (NR, 11k, high school au, childhood friends, neighbors, popular Louis, nerd Harry, makeover, crushes, friends to lovers, so cute!)
🌨️ Our Chromosomes In Sepia Tones, dirtymattress (NR, 8k, art au, artist Harry, sculptor Harry, homeless Louis, muse Louis, body worship)
🌨️ walking in a winter wonderland, crybaby (NR, 7k, high school au, crush, pining, school dance, dance committee, humor, fluff, loved awkward Harry!)
🌨️ may we all have a vision now and then, @gaycousinlarry​ / momentofclarity (M, 4k, bar au, first meetings, Americans, age difference, older Harry, vulnerability, fluff, feelings, smut)
🌨️ Number 84, @kingsofeverything (E, 4k, friends to lovers, roommates au, miscommunication, humor, fan fic, embarrassment, blow jobs, bad sex, I had to walk away from it for a minute out of embarrassment it was that good haha)
🌨️ Meant To Be (Arse First), @bayousexual (T, 4k, soulmate au, unfortunate soul mark, humor, bums, alcohol, hangovers, meet cute, absolutely hilarious and had me cackling out loud)
🌨️ so c'mon c'mon (and dance with me baby), @rockstarlouis / theweightofmywords (NR, 3k, New Years Eve au, implied cheating (not h/l), meet cute, NYE party, drinking, dancing, tattoo artist Harry, preschool teacher Louis, kissing, so fun!)
🌨️ beg me silently, @nouies​ (E, 2k, bar/pub au, pwp, jealousy, plot twist, infidelity, smut, oh so good with a fun twist)
🌨️ you fold into me like a heart with a beat, @rockstarlouis / theweightofmywords (NR, 2k, roommates, insecure Louis, hurt/comfort, friends to lovers, fluff, such gorgeous writing wow)
🌨️ Point. Drop. Call., @evilovesyou / 4ureyesonly28 (G, 1k, teen romance, mutual crushes, tik tok, coming out, summer, friends to lovers, fluff, first kiss, omg so cute)
🌨️ strike the match, play it loud, carissima (T, 5k, Louis/Liam, canon, hotel rooms, sexual tension, cockblocking, getting together, jealous Louis, oblivious Liam, oh my god the tension was so good!)
🌨️ It’s About A Boy, @missrefridgefreetorator / mynameispiaivy (G, 4k, Louis/Luke Malak, canon Louis, Vegas, birthday boy Luke, first meeting, sexual tension, dancing, omg this was so hot I’m sweating)
🌨️ all the stars align, @moondoggiestyle / countthestars (M, 9k, Zayn/Niall, soulmate au, soulmarks, one night stand, stars, fate, choices, loved how the writer portrayed Zayn’s reluctance)
🌨️ Live a Thousand Lifetimes, @laynefaire (E, 57k, Zayn/Liam, future canon, miscommunication, exes to lovers, anxiety, substance abuse references, farm, vineyard, bed and breakfast, horses, angst with a happy ending, getting back together, smut, so much emotion in this one)
🌨️ The Pink Toothbrush, @folklorezouis / smileformemylovely (M, 2k, Zayn/Louis, past Larry, fwb, friends to lovers, oblivious walnuts, mentions of cheating but not with Zayn/Louis, implied smut, god I LOVE this fic and had a silly grin on my face the whole time)
Multiple Pairings
🌨️ 12 Days of Kissmas, @haztobegood (NR, 8k, pairings include: Larry, Zouis, Niam, Lirry, Narry, Lilo, and Ziam, 12 Christmas ficlets, Christmas fluff, kissing, these were so soft and lovely)
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I’ve been tagged lately to share lines/snippets by @harrystinyshorts @evilovesyou  @justalarryblog @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed and @zannithinks -- thank you! I’m taking a break from my Grace Kelly AU to work on the narry fic I signed up to write for @1daboficfest and I have a snip for you:
It all started with a text. 
A text from Harry’s friend Liam, which comes through just as Harry’s finishing up an email to his team about the project they finished last week. Setting his blue light eyeglasses aside, he pushes his rolling chair back from his desk, grateful for the reprieve. It’s almost seven, he should have shut down his work computer by now, but it’s been hard finding the balance since he moved and started working from home. He doesn’t have any local friends yet to pull him away from his inbox, and if he knows Liam, that’s exactly what his text will be about.
And the thing is, he loves Liam. He knows that Liam just wants to help. But it’s embarrassing to be set up on blind friendship dates. It’s not like he’s some hopeless loser who needs the help; it’s harder to make friends as an adult for everyone. It just is. And besides, Liam is a terrible friendship matchmaker. He likes everyone and assumes that everyone else does too. And maybe Harry’s a dick, but he just… doesn’t. It takes him a while to build connections with people, and Liam’s setups always leave him feeling like a failure for not hitting it off right away with every person he comes into contact with. 
Heaving a dramatic sigh, Harry unlocks his phone to read the text. As he expected, Liam has a new friend for him, someone named Niall who needs a “favor.” He doesn’t have much time to try and suss out why the quote marks are necessary because apparently this Niall person will be FaceTiming him at seven. A second text encourages him to be kind and reminds him about their college friends’ plans for a Zoom happy hour next week. Harry rolls his eyes and sends a thumbs up emoji before getting up to go to the bathroom. 
He splashes some water on his face after he washes his hands. After patting his face dry, he tilts his head at his reflection, taking in his ringer tee and slightly wild curls. When he’s stressed, he rakes his hands through his hair, and apparently he’d been more stressed that day than he realized. It’s not worth changing or fixing his hair for a FaceTime with some random person Liam knows who needs a “favor” so Harry heads out to the backyard so he can soak up some post-daylight saving sunshine while he hears Niall out. 
The call comes through at seven on the dot and Harry props his phone up against a candle on the patio table before he accepts it.
“Hi,” he says, waving his hand at the man on the screen as he drags the syllable out. “’M Harry. You must be Niall.”
Niall nods and Harry leans in, squinting at the screen as he watches the motion. It’s almost like Niall’s head weighs a ton or something; he moves slowly, and his chest rises and falls as though he’s breathing harder from exertion.
“Hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah, fine,” Niall says immediately before wincing. “Well, no, I’m not actually. Look, this is kind of embarrassing–”
“No more embarrassing than any other time Liam has tried to set me up with one of his friends.” 
“Gimme a minute before you make up your mind about that one.” Niall gives him a wry smile before taking a few deep breaths. “Listen, my alpha and I broke up and it turns out that all of our friends were really his friends and I need someone to help me through–”
“No,” Harry practically shouts, the word bursting out of him unbidden. He cringes when he sees the shock on Niall’s face, his pale skin flushing lightly. “I’m sorry, but my answer has to be no. I don’t help omegas through heats. I’m really sorry, Liam knows that, so I don’t know why he would give you the idea–”
“It’s not heat, Harry,” Niall interrupts. “It’s depri.”
“Oh. Fuck.”
Touch deprivation makes a lot of sense now that Harry thinks about it. Niall seems generally unwell; he appears to be weak, his skin is pallid and his lips look chapped, and his breathing is ragged. He’s wearing a cozy-looking sweatshirt, but even over FaceTime, he kind of seems cold, hunched over with his arms wrapped around his body. Harry’s never been around an omega in depri as bad off as Niall looks; most of the time, there’s an alpha friend or family member who can help out with scenting and physical contact.
I’ll tag @runaway-train-works @louandhazaf @haztobegood @lululawrence @allwaswell16 @haztobegood @reminiscingintherain @fallinglikethis @crinkle-eyed-boo and @uhoh-but-yeah-alright
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I am on verse of being a larrie, but what do you think is the main reason the whole Larry "ship" was and is big thing and media focused rather than any ship? (From 1D days)Larries are always targeted to go extinct but no other shippers,which would have same impact just with another person rather than louis or harry in it.
Well hello there sweet anon, this is going to be a rant. Sorry for the bad English, it's late.
I mean, the reason I think this "ship" is so big, is because it isn't a ship. If Larry was any other ordinary ship, it would have been passed off like Zouis. I don't know any other ship that's so popular, except maybe Phan. Like Elton John would say "If a rumour doesn't go away, it isn't a rumour." And I think that is very true. It was never, maybe in the very beginning, just a "ship". The rumour of them actually being together is what made it big. How there two and many more artists who are closeted and in a relationship. If they were just a ship, people would have lost interest and just shipped it like any other ship. Like there aren't many people who actually believe Narry is real, right?
Next point, social media. Through Twitter and every other platform. The fact we have 90 minute Larry stylinson compilations on youtube is telling enough. In the 80's you couldn't have watched every interview thirty times and make an analysis on their body language. People didn't know where a artist was most of the time, but with update accounts you can. Of course they can disappear from the face of the earth, but people can spot you and post it online, cough cough Louis in Mexico. Also through social media the news spreads fast. There isn't one dedicated directioner who doesn't know about Larry, because of the internet.
Before we move on, their PR strategy. The label wants money. Their management has to help their label to make money. How do you market the boys? They wanted to sell to mainly young straight women, so these women needed to want them. A band with at least two, the other three are also a little fruity, gay boys won't do. You would probably market them as a band with straight white young boys. The fact they white-washed Zayn says a lot. If two boys were gay, they would be less desirable, so less money.
Now how would they shut down these rumours? Use all of the above, shipping, social media and pr strategy. If you let the world know: "It's just a ship, these young naive girls have made all of this up and are crazy. They ruined their friendship, which was just an innocent bromance. Harry is a womanizer and Louis is a perfect boyfriend turned aggressive partyboy. Spread the word people, larries are the enemy, larries are crazy, larries are delirious." Now the larries become their own separate part of the fandom. The one who are supposed to be hated. If you cover it in the tabloids and all over social media, larries become a entity.
Lasty anon, the media covers what their pr-team wants to be covered. If the pr-team want Harry to seem like a Womanizer, the press publishes a random bs article about Harry kissing some girl. They manage their image and their story. If their team decides larries are the enemy, larries become the enemy.
The thing is, larries are here, because of all of this. The closesting, the hatred, the wrong image of the boys and the wrong information in the press. I joined the fandom, because I found it very fishy people gave so much attention to it. It was weird and I never seen it before. Their plan didn't work, cause people are curious and like digging. We aren't just some naive teenagers, I am, but that doesn't matter.
I hope this answers your questions. Sorry for the long rant, I hope it's understandable. I didn't expect this tonight. Welcome to the fandom anon♡
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thetirashan · 3 years
Soup of the Day
Written for 2021 Vyn Spring Event.
Two guys sit in a bar and bitch about how Narathzul can't govern a city worth a damn. One is a future Shadow God and the other has seen some shit in his lifetime. Huberto just keeps stirring his soup in the meantime.
Set between Barateon's death and the Shadow God's arrival in Ostian.
Vendil had a love-hate relationship with transitional periods. They were always full of uncertainty, chaos, and destruction. Sure, he ushered in his own transfer of power from one egomaniac to another but that didn’t mean he liked it. Order and structure were his bread and butter.
Yet on the other hand, three o’clock was always the best time to visit the tavern. It wasn’t the most inviting scene to walk into it but there was something to be said about the cool crisp privacy of a near empty bar. There was just him, a few washed out old men, and Huberto. The latter knew that he was the one to help overthrow Barateon, Vendil could see it in his eyes, but the man stuck to his routine. Vendil ordered a glass of beer and a bowl of unsalted peanuts, Huberto nodded before delivering the order, and Vendil paid upfront. Neither one gossiped about the other. It was balanced and even-handed -- an exchange at its simplest.
The sound of boots shouldn’t have broken him out of his stupor. Occasionally travellers would wander in to scarf a hot meal before passing out in a room after all. They barely paid attention to the innkeeper much less him. With that said, his head still snapped up at the jingling.
It was a steady lulling noise. A single heavy boot step then that faint jingle. Almost comforting in a way as he blinked at the figure strolling through the door. The darkness by the threshold gave him the visage of a spectre but the candlelight revealed a man cloaked in soft browns and greens with a wide brimmed hat crowning his mop of red curls.
Huberto glanced up from handing a customer a plate of smoked sprat with an astonished look. It was quickly gone with a blink and a small cough into his elbow.
“Good afternoon, sir. Can I get you anything?” he asked, keeping his eyes directly on the patron before him. Vendil didn’t know the innkeeper well but he could spot a nervous man a mile away.
“I’d like a cup of wine and a bowl of whatever you’ve got over the hearth.” the man, now revealed to be Aeterna, replied. With his hat under his arm, the man’s identity was immediately determined, forcing Vendil to take a long sip of his beer. So much for a relaxing day.
“Potato soup?”
“That’ll do. Just one bowl please.”
As he waited, the man leaned against the counter and scratched at his beard, looking everywhere except where Vendil was lounging. However, the moment the small tray filled with hot soup and wine was given, his head snapped towards his direction with a sunny toothy grin. His teeth were remarkably straight despite the coffee stains.
“Well, well… if it ain’t the lava hopping asshole.”
Huberto’s eyes widened for a brief moment before clearing his throat and focusing on cleaning the dishes in a tub near the hearth. Vendil just sighed, swallowing his bite of peanuts.
“Vendil.” he replied curtly.
“I know. I’m poking fun at you. Still gives me a giggle from time to time.” he drawled out, taking the seat across from the other man. He could only sigh as Arthan let out a rusty old gate chuckle.
“Why are you here?”
“Aw, why you gotta be like that? You know with Anku all a-buzz that there’s no work so I decided to crawl outta my hole. Heard that someone let ol’ Narry boy out of his cell and let him go wild. Now he’s in Erothin with his fingers up his ass while you run the show. Am I caught up?”
He opened his mouth to reply, only to shut with a clack. Arthan’s grin grew obnoxiously as he leaned back and sipped on his cup of wine. Vendil could only groan and rest his forehead against his hand as he slouched over his beer.
“Perhaps it’s… something like that.” he mumbled out, taking a long sip of his beer. Glancing down into its bottom, he briefly wondered if a second was in order. Wasn’t part of his ‘destress’ routine but neither was a mouthy Aeterna that kept grinning at him.
“Mm, I’m guessin’ by all those posters slapped on every corner that he’s taken a bunch of credit too.” he tsked, not bothering with the spoon to enjoy sipping on his soup. Vendil only grunted at that. “I wish I could say ‘I told you so’ but even I didn’t expect him not to… I dunno -- not give a shit about his partner in crime.”
His sigh could barely be heard over the crackling of the hearth and Huberto’s soup pot stirring. Arthan cocked his head to the side ever so slightly as his grin softened to a smile. “It wasn’t always like this.”
“Is that why you’re here?”
“What do you mean…?
“You’re running a city for him. Now I’m making an assumption but I figure that it’s a high stress job. You’re no longer the hero that saved him but an underling that files tax reports. None of those posters even mention you. Not exactly fair and not a good sign.”
The pinch of peanuts that Vendil held quietly dropped back into the bowl as he glared. Arthan, of course, didn’t seem bothered in the slightest. “Good sign of what? The city is doing relatively well considering the coup.” A wave of disgust washed over him at how weak his words felt. Suddenly he yearned for the taste of whiskey, not cheap beer.
“He’s half assing city governance to the extent that his closest friend is hiding at a bar to avoid snapping from the pressure. Imagine what’ll happen once he gets Nehrim under his belt.”
Immediately Vendil held a single finger up, earning a cocked eyebrow. “How do you even know any of this? Or are you just pulling all this out of nothing?”
“Shit, Vendil, just open your ears and walk around the market. I’ve only been in the city for three hours and a five minute smoke break by the bank told me more than I wanted to know. Vendil Auralus approved of some new guards, Vendil did such ‘n such tax reform, talk to Vendil if you got concerns. Blah, blah, blah. Not too hard to put two and two together.”
An awkward silence soon filled the room, leaving only the sound of the crackling logs in the hearth. Huberto, despite his nature, peeked over his shoulder towards them, still hunched over the dish tub. A quick wiggle of the eyebrows from Arthan made the man snap his head forward so quickly that Vendil was sure he had whiplash.
“I, uh…”
“It’s so damn obvious that it might as well slap me on the ass on the way out. I’m only telling you this because you seem to be the only one who doesn’t know. Don’t feel bad about it. No one really knows their own reputation.” Arthan’s chair creaked softly as he leaned back further like a lazy cat in the sun. Vendil simply glanced at his reflection in his glass. His face was colored piss yellow from the beer but even that unflattering shade didn’t hide the circles under his eyes or the droop of his ears. Golden eyes were unashamedly looking at him once he finally tore his gaze away.
“You’re not chickenshit so what’s the problem?”
Another sigh -- probably the millionth of that afternoon. “He murdered his girlfriend and father. Narathzul’s not exactly the most reasonable person.”
“Listen, I’m not exactly the most knowledgeable with history but Narathzul has a mile long track record of failing miserably. Treomar? Just look at the place. His little conquest of Inodan? He ended up getting tossed into a cell and was rotting for a thousand years. His little recent streak of luck has been less about luck and more about you.”
“He murdered his girlfriend and father.”
“I know, I know but you got leverage. You’re justified in saying something. And if he tries to pull something funny? Well, you’ve got a shield and a mean right hook, don’t you? What other options do you got left? At this point, it’s not if he’s gonna fuck you over but when. Do it on your own terms at least.” He loudly sipped on the dregs of his wine. As he did, he spotted from the corner of his eye Vendil’s face contorting into a mess of expressions -- rage, confusion, disgust, and a few unrecognizable ones. Eventually he settled on something akin to a dried out old grape -- scrunched up and quite bitter.
“All he does is pour over the Predestination and sit on his throne. I can barely get his signature much less get him to govern the city. It’s like he sees Erothin as nothing more than a stepping stone instead of a living breathing city. The people here have hopes and dreams and I can’t just ignore them.” he groaned, feeling the tightness in his chest unclench just a little.
“I get what you’re saying but the Predestination?” Arthan asked softly, leaning over the table just slightly.
“It’s a prophecy about the Shadow God or Tel'lmaltath… or whatever. Basically it’s about a god of shadow dethroning the Light-Born and restoring balance. Like all prophecies, it’s vague enough to mask the incompetence of others.” Tension yet again plucked at his chest. This is clearly private information that Narathzul entrusted to him. Focusing on Arthan’s face, he noted the tenderness the man surprisingly invoked. Concern wove itself into the man’s crow’s feet as he reclined back once more. He expected guilt to overwhelm him at the admission but it never came.
Arthan’s lips thinned as he fell silent for a moment. His eyes flickered back and forth between his lap and Vendil’s eyes. “Now that is worrying…”
“What? That he intends on killing the gods?”
“No, no. Those seven aren’t gods. Never were, never will be. Their downfall is inevitable. But what concerns me is the source of this prophecy and amount of shit Narathzul’s going to be in. For a man who spites the gods, he sure does love blindly following higher powers.”
Vendil’s eyebrows furrowed as he watched the other all but pour the rest of his now lukewarm soup down his throat. “In a hurry somewhere?” Vendil asked quietly, his voice surprisingly weak.
“I’ve still got some errands to do while there’s time left. Can’t you feel it? There’s a spring thunderstorm coming soon.” His ears twitched as he rooted around in his bag, grumbling as the various mish-mash of his pack clinked together. “Um… oh! There we go. Got a gift for you.”
“You left the king so frazzled that he forgot to properly gift you a token of the Starling’s affections.” he explained as Vendil examined the scroll. The paper felt like butter in his palms, so smooth and alien, with an even odder looking strap of leather tying it together. “A teleportation spell in case you need to head back to Anku, specially made by the old bird.”
Vendil only nodded, knowing better than to question the reasoning of Starlings. “Well, I appreciate it. I’ll have to thank him later.”
A shrug was his response as Arthan quickly plopped his hat back on his head. “The man might be gone by the time any of us get back to Anku. They’re getting ready for the ‘Grand Voyage’ and all that. Thankfully, the old bird is staying behind.”
“The king?”
“Nah, the old bird.” he clarified, not bothering to explain further as he slung his pack over his shoulder after rising to feet. Huffing, he glanced over at the innkeeper who kept himself busy with the soup. “Well, I might see you around later. Might even visit the palace for work.”
“Interested in joining Narathzul’s army?”
“Fuck no, just need the work. Narry can kiss my hairy ass.” he mumbled, rifling through his pockets to slap some coins down for the meal. “Enjoy yourself, you hear?”
“I hear.” he replied yet he didn’t receive an answer nor did he expect one. Glancing down into his beer, he huffed and began to chug. Midway through, his ears twitched at the quiet jingling that grew fainter with each step away. Almost on cue, rain began to fall upon the windows.
“Huberto… I think I’ll take a glass of whiskey if you don’t mind.”
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missytearex · 4 years
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Here’s what I read this month. Remember to leave kudos/comments if you check them out. 😘
🦗 No Going Back by @jacaranda-bloom​ --- [fic post]
larry | 56k | explicit
Sales reps Harry and Louis are bored with their jobs and their lives. After meeting at a conference in Cardiff they hook up, have a few too many drinks, and jokingly apply to become remote lighthouse keepers. Six months, just the two of them, looking after the southernmost lighthouse off the bottom of Australia. It’s not like their applications will be accepted. Right?
This is the story of how one choice - a left instead of a right, a go instead of a stop, a yes instead of a no - can change the future forever and that sometimes, taking that leap of faith, is worth the risk.
🦗 i must admit i thought i'd like to make you mine by @disgruntledkittenface --- [fic post]
larry | 50k | explicit
Louis fell apart when her ex broke up with her and moved across the country. Just as she’s starting to move on, Zayn comes back to town for their mutual friends’ wedding – with a new girlfriend as her plus one.
Blindsided and scrambling to save face, Louis lets herself get talked into a fake relationship with her new friend Harry. Their arrangement makes Louis feel pathetic and embarrassed, but it’s only going to last a few weeks. She just has to get through the wedding – what could happen?
🦗 Need So Much of You by @lululawrence --- [fic post]
larry | 46k | not rated
the would-have-been canon compliant, fake relationship, friends with benefits, friends to lovers fic where Louis wonders if this thing going on with Harry is going to break him or change everything for the better.
🦗 The Stars Look Very Different Today by @kingsofeverything --- [fic post]
larry | 43k | explicit
For Harry Styles, child genius turned glorified spaceship mechanic, rescuing lost or broken down ships is a fairly common occurrence.
There’s nothing common about his latest mission, the ship, or that ship’s captain.
The last thing he expects to find in a distant galaxy is the one thing he’s been missing on Earth.
🦗 Until by @allwaswell16 --- [fic post]
larry | 38k | explicit
Rural Eagle County, Colorado wasn’t the type of place to find a famous musician or actor. At least not until songwriter Louis Tomlinson showed up with pop star Niall Horan to visit his uncle’s horse ranch, and they just happened to find themselves next door to a reclusive former movie star.
🦗 tempests of dust by @scrunchyharry --- [fic post]
larry | 30k | explicit
Louis lived an ordinary life, albeit in an extraordinary place. His family, alongside many others, were mandated to maintain the fortress of Bourbon-l’Archambault, one of the many castles belonging to the crown of France. It was thankless work, but it was a roof over their heads and a quiet, steady life. For all that he knew, the Crown had forgotten Bourbon-l’Archambault even existed, which suited him quite well.
That was until the Dauphin, Prince Harry, came to stay for a summer and decided that he would experience the life of a peasant, for his own personal growth, without any regards to how it would affect others. After a summer spent together, the thought of parting ways was too much to bear and they struck a deal: Louis would pretend to be a duke at the court of Versailles for a season: if after three months, he was miserable, Harry would let him return to his former life without making a fuss.
Did they really think it would be that simple?
🦗 Strong Enough by @jacaranda-bloom --- [fic post]
larry | 20k | explicit
Five years after Vertigo goes on hiatus, the band comes back together for a benefit concert. Can Louis and Harry work through their complicated past, or are some wounds too deep to be healed?
🦗 Creature Fear by @dearmrsawyer --- [fic post]
narry | 7k | general audiences
Louis is an Opossum, and he's moved into the walls.
🦗 i hate u, i love u by @astorytotellyourfriends --- [fic post]
gen, lirry | 3k | general audiences
Louis likes things just as they are. He doesn’t need anything or anyone else, so why should Harry?
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tofiveohfive · 4 years
Hi Rafa, I hope u r well and happy...I went through ur zouis tag today and ugh my heart is bursting seeing them two in their own world.. it's too pure a friendship love.. I m very new here but just wanted to ask u why ppl think zarry being very close or possible ex love situation.. I saw zarry tag also n literally there was nothing much,just few song names coincinfence, clothing style comparison,few quotes and mainly 2 gifs where zh r little close physically..I did not feel any even very close+
+ friendship as I felt during zouis.. narry ziam feels much better in close friendship comparison... is it just coz they r both technically 'hotter' popular that ppl genuinely believe in it or there was really any solid evidence during 1d active days... thank u so much in advance .. ur blog is really nice n I was genuinely smiling going through ur tags..
hey, friend. first of all, welcome! and thank you for the compliments. you’re very nice, i hope you have a good time catching up with stuff. 
as for zarry, i also don’t understand why people would think zayn and harry were ever in a romantic relationship 🥴 however, from the content we got from 2010-2015, i do believe they were very close friends, yes. there’s a lot of stuff in my zarry tag (like +250 posts) but here are some examples:
this post
zayn basically saving harry’s life hjskjfhdskj
2013 zarry aka the reason i am who i am 2day
zayn stood up for harry more than once
i’m including this one bc zayn’s face is priceless lmao
they really did have next to zero boundaries when it came to physical contact. absolutely shameless lol
they were just really fucking cute
and dumb
and playful
and soft
there’s a rumor that harry and zayn were actually the first ones to tattoo the screws on each other (if you don’t know what the screws are, i’ll let louis explain)
zayn about harry: "He is the baby of the group, but people seem to forget that because of the way that he is and that he is so charming. So it is a little bit upsetting sometimes if you see him with the weight of the world on his shoulders. It does annoy us a bit. He's a young kid and people are just giving him grief for no reason."
this article isn’t up anymore, but this quote is kind of the backbone of zarry:
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and, last but not least, the legendary candy thong:
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in conclusion:
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