#went to the doctor TWICE MORE and tried different ones
Having a gap year was really great for me because it was the first time in my adult life that I was able to just sit with myself. Figure myself out. Work on myself. Even though I had been an adult for several years, I feel like I really matured in my year of nothing. I now feel much more firm in who I am, even with opposition; I have always been a big pushover, letting other people do whatever they wanted and letting my desires go to the side, but now I am much more likely to assert what I want and tell people no. I’ll just do and be without analyzing what others want or expect of me, and it’s so refreshing to let that go. People really do grow in the cracks
#my thoughts#I’ve worked on myself mentally#I feel like a fortress but not one with huge spikes and a dangerous moat to keep people out (like before when I was so afraid of people)#(because they could hurt me)#but instead I am like a fortress in that I am well built and stable and not easily knocked over#I built a little bridge over my moat that’s open on Tuesdays and Thursdays (and alternating Saturdays :D)#but also I’ve just really taken time to build habits like eating things (when I actually need to) that are sustaining#and got glasses for my eyesight to reduce headaches#finally went to the doctor and got migraine medication#went to the doctor TWICE MORE and tried different ones#made sure I got consistent sleep#learned how to balance productivity and fun so that I’m not wearing myself out to the point of dropping from exhaustion or a headache#I learned to listen to my body#I explored my sense of fashion!!!! which I didn’t think I cared too much about before!!!#(this was due to seeing fashion in the lens of my body not fitting into the things I liked therefore not thinking fashion was something for#me. but I pushed my boundaries and started wearing things that seemed fun ANYWAY and stopped caring about if it was *right* and#started thinking of it as a way to HAVE FUN and EXPRESS MYSELF)#(I *knew* that fashion was a form of self expression but I didn’t really get it until this past year.)#anyway. it’s been a good year in hindsight even though throughout it I had flashes of panic thinking I wasn’t going anywhere#but I grew in a different way sitting still than in the years I was *moving forward*#I’m ready to move now and I have new life skills to bring with me :)
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ashwhowrites · 4 months
Hi! Can I send kinda silly request for Eddie and reader? (I read this fun fact in some scientific magazine 😅)
Reader and Eddie are trying to have a baby so she's getting off pill but Eddie read in some girly magazine that after getting on pill women's taste in men changes.
So after getting off, it changes again to original set up. (Scientists conducted some research in which women even started to hate smell of their man, pheromones or some shit.)
The boy is scared that this scientific thing is gonna work in their case also. So he starts to take a shower few times a day and wear enormous amount of cologne non stop.
Reader can't stand it so she have to prove him she still desires him. (Also she can't stop laughing for a while when he tells her)
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
His smell
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Y/N and Eddie had been married for almost two years, and they were itching to have a baby.
Y/N went off the pill and they had been trying and trying for a baby all the time. Eddie swore he was in the prime time of his life.
Eddie waited in the waiting room as Y/N sat in her appointment. He was bored out of his mind and picked up one of the magazines. He flipped through it, even more, bored as the scientific facts put him to sleep.
But then something made him jump awake
"Getting off the pill? Think twice because you may not desire your man anymore"
Eddie quickly skimmed the page, his eyes reading the words faster than he had ever read in his life. Eddie felt like he held his breath as he read all the small articles. From what his brain understood, Scientists conducted some research in which women even started to hate the smell of their man.
Eddie closed the magazine and threw it back on the table.
"Ready?" Y/N asked, looking down at Eddie with a huge smile
Eddie nodded and stood up. He kept looking back at that magazine until they were out the door.
Then he sprayed cologne on like he had the money for ten bottles. Which he did not.
Eddie hated how paranoid he was. He woke up and showered, he refused to wear anything twice, and then he'd shower before bed. Sometimes he even took up to three or four showers. He was constantly scrubbing his body. He even stole her body wash and towels.
But he refused to smell around his wife.
"Eddie? This water bill is through the roof. What have you been doing?" Y/N laughed as she looked at their bills.
"Nothing, why is it me?" He asked as he sipped on his cold beer. He took the seat across from her.
"Because I haven't been doing anything different. So that leaves you. Why is the water bill so high?" She asked again
"Just taking some showers" Eddie shrugged
"But why? I mean you sometimes shower even if you did nothing."
"You can still be dirty after doing nothing!" Eddie defended
"Eddie, I've seen you not shower after many things that needed a shower. What's going on?" She asked, she reached over and rubbed his hand. "Are you sneaking in there to do something?"
"NO!" Eddie said, "It's just...I don't want to smell around you."
Y/N blinked in confusion as she stared at her husband
"Since when have you ever cared about that? Two weeks ago you shoved my face in your armpit and asked if you need more deodorant." Y/N said
"Fine, remember when we went to the doctor?"
Y/N nodded as Eddie continued
"I read something that said...after you get off the pill things change. And sometimes women begin to...hate the smell of their man." Eddie kept his eyes on his beer
It was silent
And then
Y/N was laughing her ass off
"Wow, what an amazing wife you are!" Eddie pouted as he yanked his hand away from hers.
"Oh Eddie stop it!" She laughed, "I just...you are adorable."
"You are laughing at me!" Eddie whined as he threw his head back
"Baby, look at me," she said, she tried her best to hold back her laugh
He sighed but looked at her
"I still desire you and your smell." She said, but giggled.
"I so believe you," Eddie said as he rolled his eyes. "My own wife making fun of me." He continued to pout as he stood up and walked over to the couch.
Y/N followed him, holding back her laughs.
Eddie planted himself on the couch with a huff
"I'm just surprised you read science," she said as she stood above him
"I was bored!" Eddie defended
"I think it's sexy you wanted me to desire you."
"Really?" He asked, his puppy eyes looked back up at her
"Makes me desire you even more," she said, her voice low as she placed herself on his lap.
His hands moved to wrap around her waist without a thought
She leaned down and smelled his neck, her nose traveled up his neck and tickled his skin.
"You smell good enough to sink my teeth into," she purred into his neck
He squeezed her hips as he felt his body react to her words
"Want me to prove how much I still desire you?" She asked, a twinkle in her eye as she smiled down on him
"I think that's the nice thing to do," he said with a smirk
She squealed as he threw her over his shoulder and ran them into their bedroom.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt @ineedmentalhelp123
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senawashere · 5 months
We're on this together. (Chapter I)
Bradley Bradshaw × Fem!Wife!Reader
Summary: Nobody warned you for how hard it is to become a mother,same for Bradley.
TW: infertility,mentions of miscarrige,mentions of hospital,mentions of getting pregnant,mentiones of ivf. Mostly angst.
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Tears were streaming down your face,your hands were trembling. Searching for Bradley's number in your contact list has never been this difficult.
Your fingers slid across parts of the screen you didn't want to touch, making your frustration even worse.
The phone line rang at a deafening volume. Once, twice, three times until it goes to voicemail.
His stupid voicemail.
"Hi,its me Bradley. Please drop your message!"
Taking this as a sign, you chose not to try again.
After all, talking to Bradley about it right now would only make him worry for nothing, considering he was busy on deployment and miles away from you. He was about to return this week.
It wasn't something he could solve. Maybe it was but not right now.
Within a few minutes your phone rang. As his name popped up on the screen, a heart emoji next to it and his photo of him grinning stupidly, you felt terrible for doing this to him.
Not only did you let down your own dreams, you were about to let down his too.
You replied, remaining silent. You expected your voice to sound like a lump in your throat.
"Baby, are you there? I couldn't get to the phone in time at first."
You were motionless, your lack of words showed him that. "I'm fine", giving yourself some time, you suddenly started to feel everything you didn't feel until you got home.
"I was at the doctor's today."
"Why are you talking like it's the end of the world? Are you okay?"
Throughout his breathing, it was easy to imagine him even stopping whatever he was doing to pay better attention to you; Not because it wasn't there before. You should have called Penny or someone, they would know how to take care of you.
"Wait, is it about babies? Tell me you're joking," he finished with a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. You could imagine and hear it perfectly.
In the past, when you received good news, you would pretend that something bad was coming, now it's just another thing you regret doing.
You were selfish for talking to him, he was so far away; You could talk to him about it when he got home.
Talking and doing this and that now would cause him more anxiety than he ever had in his hectic daily tour life. Still, he was the only one you needed.
"No, quite the opposite."
The call suffered a long pause, filled with his deep sighs and persistent tears streaming down his cheeks.
You didn't let a single tear fall until you got home, but did you verbalize it? Putting it into words made things different; it felt more real.
"Fuck," he mumbled, clearly a little out of place.
“I can't have kids, Bradley,” your words were interrupted by the growl you were trying to hold back.
He could tell when you were talking to him that everything hit you at once. Over the years, he was able to recognize even small details.
''I'm the reason we tried and it never worked. I cursed it."
"No, baby," he took a deep breath. "Please don't blame yourself. You know it's not your fault." You ran your fingers desperately through your hair; This is what it must be like to feel useless on the phone. Just what you imagined before you made the call. It was bad to announce this to him. "Are you alone? I can ask someone to check on you. They’ll do that, okay?
“Please,” You didn't want to spend the rest of the day by yourself. Also, even though you didn't want to talk to anyone but Bradley, you knew Penny would understand you better, she knew how to make you feel less bad, it would be nice to be around her. And once she mentioned she went through something like that so maybe she would understand you.
Being alone with your harsh thoughts will not be a good option anyway. "I thought about calling her, but I finally gave up, I didn't know what to do, I still don't. Calling you still doesn't seem like a good idea, but I didn't know what to do."
Your weak voice was killing Bradley. If it made him sad to hear that, he couldn't imagine what it was like for you.
"You did great, baby, this is a tough situation but we're on this journey together. You can ask for anything baby, remember?" He smiled, a muffled smile came over the line; It made you feel a little better.
"We can still have children, you know that."
You wanted to tell him that what works for others may not work for you, that your condition may not be that malleable because your condition is genetic. Still, you didn't know if they were true or not, all your thoughts might just be the result of your momentary frustration, but they might also be true.
You need to talk to Bradley about this, everything that's going on in his mind. You didn't want to do this over the phone anymore.
“We can try,” you sniffled, still avoiding the tears you didn't even know were falling. "We can try." You repeated, trying to convince yourself.
"Talk to me, baby. Try to distract yourself a bit, huh? Please. Do you want me to turn the call off? Maybe you can take a long bath with your favorite bubbles or eat something different. That might help."
Even though it sounded wrong, his desperation to help you was adorable. Talking to him made everything perfect, his voice was soothing, you could hear him talking for hours. Now it was no different.
“I just want to hear your voice,” you said, lying on the cold floor of the main room. It would be nice to sleep. It seemed reasonable to forget the previous hours for a few minutes. "You are busy?"
"Not exactly."
"Then tell me how the mission went."
His voice sounded flatter and softer, you could imagine how uneasy he was even from the phone, it was possible to imagine him striding around the room with the phone in his hand. He talked about the mission details the night before. The contrast of how you described your previous day with what happened at the right moment was painful, happy and suddenly you were breaking it.
Everyone knew that Bradley dreamed of having kids, that kids were running around the house and so were you, you wanted to have kids with him even more but with you he would never have one.
"Can I say something?" You asked, taking a deep breath,cutting through his words. "I love you,I love you so much."
Everything was unfair, you both tried so hard. He, too, had become weak from trying, just like you.
"I love you too, baby. This," you could see him in your mind, pausing and gesturing with his hands, "this won't change anything,okay? I still love you so much as the day i fell in love with you."
"We are on this journey together."
"We are on this journey together.”
Your body trembled.
A cold hand was wandering around your waist as you slowly opened your eyes, feeling a ridiculous headache fill your vision. Your eyes found Bradley crouched on the ground in front of you, and he looked good compared to you. His eye bags were not purple from the 4 hour sleep he was getting,or his hair wasn't messy after the cold,rainy and windy weather out there.
"What are you doing here?" You frowned. Bradley chuckled as you laid your head down once the headache made you feel like you were going to throw up. He could answer your question but you were flattered, he wouldn't think you noticed he was there because he knew you needed him.
So he ignored it, helping you get up.
"Come on, get up. It's cold on the floor, I'll put you to bed." He tried to get you to stand up for him - he failed; but you shifted your weight onto his body, wrapping your arms around his neck, which he found worriedly cute.
“I need you,” you whispered, drunk and sleepy, burying your face in his coat. Let its scent warm you. He smelled amazing.
It was a relief to hear him say that. He didn't want to get into an argument about how it would affect his job in the near future, as you had fought before for the same reason. "I know my baby." He kissed your hair, hugged your waist, and carried you to your room. “She wants to lay down with me.”
He laid you down on the bed, doing the same as he lay on your side, face up and facing the white ceiling.
They both knew it was necessary to speak, but neither knew who should speak first or what they should speak about.
You ran your fingers over his stomach, placing your palm under his shirt, warming his cold hand with your body. You moved closer to his body, nestling into his side as he wrapped his arm around you.
"Tell me, what's on your mind?" He said without looking directly at you.
"There's a lot", your mere words made his throat dry. “It's weird knowing your body can't do what it's supposed to do, especially when you want it to,” you gasped through sobs, his grip pulling you closer to his chest for comfort. "I'm afraid you'll stay with me and a few years from now you'll realize you made the wrong choice." These words hurt him. It hurt him so much to see you blaming yourself.
He hugged you even tighter and asked you to look at him. "I'm not going to leave you, okay? I'm in love with you. That won't change, and it's not your fault. We can try IVF as if it will work, and it's worked for a few people, and we'll have a happy and healthy baby. We have the money for it. If the money I make as a pilot isn't enough, i can even find a part-time job. I can enter just for you, I'm married to you and I love you so much, why should I leave you?"
There were tears in your eyes and you hoped he was right. "What if it doesn't work? If my body miscarries? If we try and never succeed? I don't know if I'm ready to try again-"
Before you finished your sentence, he grabbed your cheek and gave you a messy kiss. He was far from okay, he was desperate, you didn't know how to decipher whether he was trying to silence you or show his emotions. The salty taste of your tears accompanied by the burning in his throat didn't help at all.
You put your hand on his chest and stop him. He was in distress, he probably wanted to stop you with a waterfall of negative thoughts but he didn't know how.
“I don't want to try, I just don't know what to do yet, and it's killing me right now.” You were complaining.
He kissed your forehead and let you lie down.
"We will find a way. It's still new, we can think better or find other ways. Adoption is also a good option, but of course if everything happens at the right time."
You stayed silent for a while, imagining a parallel where Bradley was right and things worked out. Although you were still not convinced by this, you agreed with him. After all, there would be no other way, and you still wanted to have children.
“Adoption sounds good,” you mumbled against his chest. You hadn't thought about it yet, it hadn't even crossed your mind. “There is no risk and there is no way we can go wrong.”
You felt relieved that he was there for you, guiding you to feel better about this.
"You see?" he asked with what looked like a weak smile. "We'll find a way because I don't plan on having kids with anyone but you, so it has to be with you. Whether you like it or not." He joked, drawing a smile from you as he touched your nose with a wet kiss.
It was incredible how he managed to make even the most difficult moments seem lighter.
"Good, because I still want to have your stupid kids.”
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I'm tagging people who might be interested:@ohtobeleah @sebsxphia @callsigns-haze @sorchathered @greenorangevioletgrass @teacupsandtopgun @roosterforme @floydsglasses @lyn-js @bradshawssugarbaby @torchflies @its-dee-lovely @its-the-pilot @friedchips94 @bradshawsbaby @hardballoonlove @perfectprettypisces @topguncortez @hangmanapologist @bradshawsbaddie @shanimallina87 @djs8891 @themusingofagothicsoul @promisingyounglady @the-romanian-is-bae @mamachasesmayhem @jessicab1991 @iefitzgerald-blog @charcole-grey @waterriseslew @desert-fern @promisingyounglady @lewmagoo and if you are not comfortable please tell me!!
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biahouse · 5 months
Waiting for your love, Robert Chase x Reader
When House's first team disbanded entirely, you were hired to help the doctor with the paperwork. After a few years you finally meet the famous Robert Chase, unfortunately not on the best terms.
When you started working with the infamous Doctor House, you didn't know that your life would change overnight.
He was a peculiar man, not to say crazy, but he was an excellent doctor and over time you got used to the man's crazy mind. You knew the names of the doctors who were part of House's infamous first team.
Eric Forman. The man who had returned to the team a few months after leaving and who you had the pleasure of calling your friend.
Alison Cameron. Certainly one of the kindest and bravest women in the world, according to Erick's far from impartial opinions and some subtle comments from House.
And Robert Chase. You had never met the man at any point. It seemed like the universe never put you in the same room together, every time House needed him for a case, somehow you weren't working at the time. But it wasn't uncommon to hear House talking about Chase.
Out of all three of the original doctors, you were pretty sure Chase was the mayor of Gregory.
When House went to a psychiatric clinic because of his Vicodin addiction, you were forced to look for a new job with great reluctance.
You had gotten used to that crazy life in the hospital. Managing documents that House refused to do, the nights out with Thirteen, the jokes in the office, the jokes with Taub.
So the moment Cuddy said House would be returning to the hospital, you didn't think twice about returning to your old position.
Things had changed. It was clear. House no longer wanted to be part of the diagnostics team and now Foreman was the head of the unit.
You tried to convince House to return to the department, and you ate a lot during that time, as the man was committed to his short culinary career. At the end of it all, House came back.
He hated work, but he hated being without it even more. But everything was different once again.
Taub resigned. Foreman fired Thirteen. And now Cameron and Chase were back on the team.
You clearly remembered the moment you were sitting next to House helping him with the patient's medical file and the two doctors entered the room.
You jumped up, observing the two blondes in the room. It was a weird performance and you hated yourself forever.
Meeting Alisson was an honor for you. I knew what an incredible doctor she was. But she felt horrible as soon as she looked at her husband and saw the most perfect man on earth.
Chase was beautiful.
You blushed when you shook his hand and even more so when he greeted you with his Australian accent.
During the entire affair, which took more out of you than anyone else because of all the legal protocols, you somehow ended up becoming very good friends with the MARRIED man (you had to remember) who you had developed a crush on since the first time House described it.
When Dibala passed away, Chase secretly admitted to you that it was his fault. Even though he didn't know you, Chase trusted you more than his own wife.
And that was wrong, but it gave you hope that you knew you shouldn't have. Soon it became the secret between you and Foreman later on.
When it became too much to lie to Cameron, Chase would come to you. So you chatted like old friends at a bar and regularly played bowling to relieve the stress of the secret.
When he finally told Alisson, their friendship didn't change. You were still a confidant to him.
When things in their marriage got complicated, you supported him.
But that was it for him. A friend. A support. And for you it was everything. If you had seen the signs back then things might have been different.
The night Cameron went to the hospital to get Chase to sign the divorce agreement was when everything changed.
Chase desperately wanted to talk to his ex-wife about what went wrong between them, but Cameron was adamant and just made him sign the papers.
He was a wreck and immediately ran to you.
When the entire hospital went into lockdown due to a missing baby, you and Chase got together in House's office and got drunk.
He complained about everything and told you about everything. And you listened carefully. You blamed the alcohol, but somehow you knew you were sober enough not to get into that situation.
That was the first night you slept with Chase.
_ It became a habit.
Almost every night was spent in your apartment.
Chase's hands running all over your body.
His mouth on yours.
His teasing voice in your ear.
The bed hitting the wall.
A vicious habit that you loved more than anything.
It was even funny when you watched him sleep next to you and remember that his relationship with Cameron had started like that, a relationship of benefit.
You wondered if you could be dumber than that. Pretending to sleep every time he left your apartment in the middle of the night. And crying softly hoping that at least once he would stay.
But it was just that, sex.
You wouldn't pressure him, not after all. You couldn't. But I couldn't leave that either.
You preferred just the pleasure you could feel than begging for love you knew you couldn't receive from him.
It was destructive.
But you just couldn't help but love Robert Chase and hope that at some point he would love you back.
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mossy-bonez · 2 months
In an effort to get more minds on the number silly straw I am going to make this it’s own post.
So here we go.
I solved the other three yesterday at around 1:46
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Caesar Cipher, +3
Hbh grfwru ri d ghliihuhqw nlqg/ zkr zdqwv wr pdnh klv sdwlhqw eolqg
Eye doctor of a different kind
Who wants to make his patients blind
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Caesar Cipher, +3
Lxvvb hdwhu/ edeb eloob/ zrxogq’w gulqn/ zqohvv lwv vloob
Fussy Eater
Baby Billy
Wouldn’t Drink
Unless Its Silly
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Caesar Cipher, -3
Qeb alzqlo pxvp/ qeobb pfmp x axv/ tfii jxhb qeb sfpflkp/ dl xtxv
The Doctor Says
Three Sips A Day
Will Make The Visions
Go Away
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So we know what those ones say, I however don’t have a fucking clue what the fuck is going on with red. Now I will admit that I have less knowledge on number based codes, so maybe I’m just stupid, but. I have been trying to crake this on and off all day yesterday.
So here are the numbers.
215 858 117 450 110 628 19 211 120 2265 216 951 25 256 27 532 212 506 18 1317 110 1137 221. 658 23 1330 210 231 118 929 112 2043
Now my first thought was A1Z26… but that can’t work because there is a 50 in here twice actually. So A1Z26 didn’t work.
Now I am bad at number codes so I went to my friend and they suggested Hex, and I tried that and nope mostly undefined, then I asked the same friend again and they said maybe Polybus Square, but I pointed out that these sets of numbers are set up in groups more than 2, so that was a bust. So I showed it to my fiancé, who just taught a summer class based on escape room, and thus taught kids about a shit ton of different ciphers and codes, some I told them about but others they new about already and some they had found researching for the class, so I thought that they may have an idea as to what it might be. And they took a cursory glance at it looked up some of the numbers, not all of them mind you, and said that they were area codes, and those of larger cities, both in and out of the US. And I was happy to have an answer, didn’t know how I would be able to use this to answer the code but I had something, so I went through and… not all of them were area codes, it actually broke down quite quickly, see they had checked the first 3 and then moved to look at some of the later ones that were different lengths and the “221. 658” group thinking it was a decimal and then told me that it seemed like all of them were area codes. Now we were back at square one. So I have no fucking clue where to go now.
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hiraya-rawr · 1 year
so i betrayed you, my love– (2/5)
Xiao Version || Childe Version || Thoma Version || Gorou Version || Ayato Version
synopsis !! Part 2 of “You Were The Enemy All Along” featuring the aftermath of betrayal and confrontation, with more depth to their stories! (Part 1 of each character was also included to make reading convenient.)
contains !! some character lore spoilers / a little violence / dialogue heavy in some scenes / reconciliation but also complicated relationships mending together / cameos of other characters! / might be easier to understand if you knew the lore of the characters 
notes !! This was commissioned by the wonderful @mh8 who allowed this to be posted in public for everyone to enjoy! and honestly childe scares me to write bc I've barely written anything for him but I tried to bring out his charm? idk 😭
wc !! 2.4k
The noisiest of them all. He doesn't understand at first, tries to deny it by making jokes. The prank is up, what are you still doing? It's only when your betrayal becomes painfully obvious does he allow himself to laugh. It's ironic to be surprised coming from his line of work. He should really be used to these things.
"If you're this desperate for a fight, you could have just said so," He laughs, "Though, I warn you comrade, I won't hold back this time." It's so easy to drown in the adrenaline of battle and if he doesn't think hard enough, it feels no different than any of your usual spars together. There's a battle crazed look in his eyes at the thought of not holding back with you, but it's odd how numb he feels as Foul Legacy takes over. 
Whether or not he wins the fight, the result remains the same; with him lying in the middle of the battlefield, mask still on, staring blankly upwards. He thinks of the abyss he fell into as a child, and briefly wonders when did it all go wrong.
— Before Him
You sighed in relief, a long day of training was finally coming to an end. Dottore was not an easy harbinger to be a rookie under; aside from the harsh training requirements of a Fatui Agent, you also had to deal with a lunatic scientist for a mentor. You were lucky enough to have the doctor more distracted on conducting his experiments rather than training fresh meat like you. 
You leaned against a wall. You were in an isolated, snowy village, a mile away from the nearest Fatui training ground. It existed quietly, the villagers were as cold as Snezhnaya in that barren wasteland. You knocked twice on the concrete behind you, then an additional four times, then once more.
“Agent (Name), report.” A voice muffles from behind the wall, a figure you can't see.
“Pulcinella adopted a strange boy. . . He's coded as Childe. They say he fell into the abyss. He's quite strong, we've only sparred once but I know there's something off with him.” 
“Hmm. A peculiar new recruit. I've heard from the other agents.” Muttered the figure of the shadows. He doesn't talk much. You know it's to keep identities hidden and to avoid letting you know too much lest you get caught and the information forced out of you (and believe me, the information will be forced out of you).
“You think he could rise in the ranks? Perhaps become a general or diplomat?” You question quietly.
“I think he could be the next Harbinger.”
A sharp intake of breath, surprised. A Harbinger. The next and possibly youngest one after so long.
“Continue your work. Do what you believe is best for our organization. Leave any files you found useful under the gap.” Were his last orders before hearing the footsteps walk away. Work was never easy; you dealt with loneliness most of the time. The only comfort was when an ill-reputed plan of the Fatui failed, knowing it was only possible through your contributions and warnings. For every plan you thwarted was a step closer to revealing your identity and getting killed for it.
Yes, you're prepared. You've been preparing for it ever since you joined the Fatui.
With a sigh, you went back to the training grounds. 
— With Him
There’s a reason why Diluc Ragnvindr survived the hunt by the Harbingers when he sought out revenge in Snezhnaya. That should have been the first red flag for Childe. You were transferred early under his platoon, just when he was solidifying his position as a Harbinger. You were the subordinate he sent out to represent the 11th and, having the approval of Dottore (The old geezer, what a wack. Should he really be trusting a mad scientist? Childe questions this everyday) he trusted you enough to do your job.
Yet, the winery-heir-slash-fatui-serial-murderer escaped Snezhnaya with the help of those damned underground pests they've been trying to get rid of. Honestly, Childe could care less about the guy— if anything, he was immensely excited to try and pick a fight with him! But it still hurt his pride that one of his early missions as a Harbinger didn't turn out well. He needed to prove himself to the Tsaritsa after all! If not to at least make Pulcinella proud.
Going back to you.
It was always him and you; you and him ever since you transferred; sparring blade against blade. It was easy to get along when you were one of the only trainees close to his age, even easier when you managed to keep up with him in everything, bloodlust and all. 
You were his match and he was yours, or so he believed.
“Say, why did Dottore transfer you anyway? Did you get kicked out, pissed him off somehow?” Childe once asked, boots scraping the ground as he dodges an attack from you flawlessly. Despite Dottore’s rather crazed way of managing his platoon, agents were given a handful of benefits for being under a high ranking Harbinger with a budget larger than the others (Experiments don't pay themselves, you know!).
You huff, a little tired from the onslaught of keeping him entertained in battle, “No, didn't he tell you? I requested for transfer.”
“Oh really? What, did the good looks of a new Harbinger catch your eye?” He teases, going on the offensive once more as he sprints to slash his blade. You block it with yours, trying to push him back with force. When he does pull back, getting pushed a few meters away as hir boots skid on snow, you scoff.
“Good looks? If that were the case, I would have transferred to–”
He immediately sprints ahead again, blade nearly catching you off guard as you block the attack.
“Aww come-” Slash. Block. “-on! Don't tell me you're not-” Kick. Jump. “-even a little bit enraptured by-” Hit. Block. “-me?” He huffs heavily, finally catching your eye as your blade stays on his, pushing each other back with all your strength.
“Hmp. Must you be so arrogant?” You strain out, matching his force before– “Maybe. . . maybe just a little bit.” You avert your gaze at the very moment he catches sunlight in your eyes. Childe pauses, his grip on the blade loosens momentarily at your admittance. You take the chance— kicking his stomach back with force as he skids across the training ground, the sword clattering on the ground.
“Does this mean I won?” You giggle, your weapon still in your hand as he looks at you from where he crouches, a smile on your face.
Maybe it's the butterflies that erupted in his stomach, but he laughs out loud. Childe wonders to himself; Is this the thrill of battle? Or something else? You tilt your head in confusion.
“As if! I haven't even gone all out yet!” He yells enthusiastically, “Agent (Ņ̸̛͕͔̏̓ͅa̶͍͊m̸̲̫̄͝ȩ̴̹̙̄̀ͅ.)”
Your smile tenses. Your heart beats. Pensively, you also wonder to yourself; Is this the success of a mission? Or . . . something else?
— After Him .
You should've known.
You should've known, you should've known, you should've known that the Fatui would never have let a betrayal such as yours go so easily. The past few months after him was spent laying low, hiding from daylight and any chance that you could be recognized. A large bounty was on your head and the Fatui weren't cheap by any means. The organization shielded you as much as they could but even you had missions you had to continue fulfilling. You’d gladly risk your life for the better good; after all, if you didn't, you wouldn't have went undercover in the Fatui anyway. 
But now, he was chasing you.
It's back to the snowy forests of Snezhnaya, sprinting and dodging all the tall pines in your way. You hear him gaining speed from behind you, hydro blades swishing as they cut through branches, unbothered to waste energy on dodging. Distantly, the sound of a Fatui gunner prepares his shot. You immediately switch directions, a pyro blast landing inches from where you once were. It’s followed by more blasts, each hitting a little closer to you until—
It grazes your shoulder, blood escaping the wound and soaking your clothes. You don't stop running, adrenaline keeping you alive and conscious. Childe barks something out in Snezhnayan. You’re too distracted with running to understand what he said, but the Pyro Gunner stops shooting and soon enough you focus on escaping.
A clearing appears in your line of sight. A field of snow and endless white and—
Crash! You're knocked off your feet, landing on the snow. You feel him on your back as you quickly force him away, rolling to the side and kicking. It's a blur from there on— a flurry of kicks, punches, scratches, the snow around you forming the most unrecognizable snow angel.
Until his hydro blade was on your neck as he keeps you pinned underneath him. No amount of sparring could've prepared you for a battle to the death with a harbinger. Your breaths fog together with every exhale, the proximity feels bad for your heart but finally, you get a clear view of the face you haven't seen for months.
“I win,” He says, an ever-so-childish grin on his lips, “Any last words?”
It astounds you how casual he is, as if you weren't running for your life just moments ago. Sparring had always been his favorite game but this wasn't like the other times. You do as you were trained (by both the Fatui and your organization)— you keep your mouth shut. Last words are worthless in the face of the enemy, you’d rather bite your tongue off.
“Hmm. . . the (Ņ̸̛͕͔̏̓ͅa̶͍͊m̸̲̫̄͝ȩ̴̹̙̄̀ͅ) I know would have barked back some words. You would've scoffed.” Childe says, the blade pressing deeper onto your neck, drawing beads of blood to the surface. “Or was that some personality you made up? Was it fun for you?” 
The smile falls off his face. Something darkens in his eyes. “Alright. You won't talk, that's okay. Anyone who would dedicate their lives living undercover naturally wouldn't respond. I can respect that.” He starts, the blade doesn't move an inch on your skin, the snow numbing more of your back, “But at least answer me this. Not for your organization, not for you. . . answer it for me; was I ever anything to you?”
Silence. Keep quiet.
Something unrecognizable crosses his face. There’s a smile on his lips, but his eyes are pained.
“You know,”  He whispers, leaning down closer to you. “Whenever we sparred, did you feel anything? Anything at all?” His face contorts to a mix of frustration, “Because I sure as hell knew I loved you. I can differentiate things, (Ņ̸̛͕͔̏̓ͅa̶͍͊m̸̲̫̄͝ȩ̴̹̙̄̀ͅ.)! I knew what was bloodlust, it wasn't just me being battle hungry. I’m not dumb! I knew— know I love you!”
As if wanting to hide from your gaze, he hides his face on the crook of your neck. Forehead to the snow, blade stilling on your skin. Despite how cold everything is, the warmth of him seems enough to coax you in.
“. . . At least tell me how much of it was real. Please.” He mumbles slowly. Did you mean to cause this much anguish? Did you have to go fall for someone like him? 
The words fall from your tongue before you could even catch them. The lack of hesitation, the urge to come clean; “Everything. . . everything was fake. Even my name. (Ņ̸̛͕͔̏̓ͅa̶͍͊m̸̲̫̄͝ȩ̴̹̙̄̀ͅ.). It's fake.”
He freezes over you, listening intently. Snow falls quietly into the ground, you wonder if you'll be buried in— caved to become timeless underneath the ice. Briefly, you think it would be fine if it happens if it's with Childe.
“I know it's hard to trust me, but please— loving you,” Pause. You feel tears well up in your eyes, blinding your vision of the descending snowflakes. “Loving you was real. Is real. It was the realest thing I had in that life under the Fatui. I’m so sorry, Childe, I’m really sorry. And I’m sorry we have to end like this.”
“You mean it?” He asks, hushed.
“Yes, yes, archons I mean it.”
“Then what's your real name?”
Your breath hitches, “(Name).”
“(Name).” He repeats.
The awareness of the metal on your throat becomes all too obvious. Breathing too hard would cause it to press more against your skin. You try to calm down, trying to accept the falling of the snow (the fall of you) as the end of your life nears and suddenly—
the blade is retrieved. You hear the shuffle of leather as it's placed back into its holder. Blinking, bewildered, you glanced up at him only to see his boyish grin.
“You honestly didn't think I'd kill you, right?”
Your mouth falls open. You want to hit him.
“You're going to let me go?”
“I mean, I did kind of let the traveler go back in Liyue.”
“The senior Harbingers reprimanded you for that!” You sit uo, hands flailing as you grab a handful of snow to throw at him. He lets it hit his stomach, laughing.
“It's fine, it's fine! The higher ups don't really care about me as much as they do the others anyway,” He shrugs nonchalantly, “It gives me a whole lot of leeway. If I say I don't want to kill you, they'll just nod along.”
You stare at him longer than you mean to, holding his cheery gaze as the snow continues to settle around you. How quiet and peaceful to exist with him in that space. 
“Is this really okay?” You ask and he falls silent with you.
He looks away to the white horizon, speaking in a softer voice, “Well, of course not. You still betrayed me, I still got hurt,” He inhales, “But you love me. I think that's all that really matters, no?”
Tears well up in your eyes. You can't bear to think how close you were to losing your life (losing him) and how easily he pushes your lifelong conflicts aside. So who cares if you played for the opposing organization? Who cares if you struggled with love and truth?
You've faked yourself for so long but Childe would still embrace you, lies and all.
“Come on, the snow must be cold.” He extends his hand, gesturing for you to take it, “Sooner or later the other scouts would be arriving. You should keep running east.”
“Ajax–” You start but he hushes you gently.
“We won't be seeing each other for a while. I don't know when we’d meet again but. . . you know, I’m sure it'll work out if it's us. So don't cry anymore, (Name).”
Stiffly, you nod. It was this moment that you tried to memorize everything about him— his eyes, his ginger hair, the way your name -your real name- falls off his tongue. You replay every sound he made to say such a name, just for the sake of remembering.
“Now go—” He pushes you to the direction, “Don't worry! I won't let them catch the love of my life!” He grins widely, hydro blades appearing in his hands once more as you nod towards him, tear stained smile in response. Your feet take you away, further and further away as you hear the familiar sounds of his blades against his own agents. Icy wind whipping against your face. You can't help the laugh that escapes you, surely the agents would think their blood-crazed superior is in another one of his impulsive moods. 
You pity them and envy them all the same.
notes !! thoma is up next, featuring some of our fav inazuma characters <3 ill edit it into a post once my finals settle down (currently cramming in a cafe) I hope you guys liked this one
childe // i really tried to fulfill that he's the more talkative of the bunch! and honestly with childe’s history of forgive and forget, i dont think it's a surprise that he’d easily forgive MC and brush everything under the rug. if anything, he kind of likes the complexity as far as i could tell! by the way, did you like the inclusion of “before him, with him, and after him”? i think it was a poem or a dedication in some book. I really like the thought of it since it's a good way to divide timelines. BY THE WAY do you like the parallels? In part 1, he was left on the snow looking up at the sky. Now in part 2, ur the one on the snow looking up at him :D
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If you ever forget that you love me (Caspian x reader)
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To read my other works, check my MASTERLIST !
Paring: Prince Caspian x fem!reader
Universe: The Chronicles of Narnia
Word Count: 861
Requested: Yes, by @i-amtitania
Warnings: I think none? If I forgot about anything feel free to write to me. Your well-being is important to me!
Summary: Where Caspian reads letters from her.
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Caspian woke up feeling warm sun rays on his skin and hearing the birds singing. It took him a few moments to realise that he was no longer on the sea, he was home, and his betrothed was just a few rooms down the hall. A smile came onto his face, and a warm feeling blossomed in his chest at the thought that he would see you today without the need to dream about it anymore. He sat up, stretching his muscles, when his eyes fell on the pile of paper on his nightstand. He reached for it, noticing a ribbon wrapped around it and his name written by you on top of it. He touched it carefully and leaned against the headboard. He took the first one and unfolded it, holding it like the most sacred thing in the whole world. His smile grew wider when he noticed the date on the bottom of the sheet - the day his journey started. He read attentively every word you wrote, and everyone went directly to his heart. He loved how you described your days and even wrote about small gossip around the court. He was grateful for the possibility of catching up with everything that way. He was sure that you made some situations more light and fun than they would be. What shocked him the most was how easily he could notice your emotions through those letters. Even if you didn’t name it, he could say that in better days, you wrote more jokingly, with more anecdotes and jumping between different topics. On bad days they were more thoughtful and shorter. On these days, you clearly express your worries and how you miss him. It made him want to run to you and hug you tightly, but the knowledge that Trumpkin, Doctor Cornelius and Glenstorm were there for you and took care of you. 
In one of the latest letters, written just after the wedding of one of your friends, he found a part that made him blush, and he needed to read it twice to believe that it was there.
My love, I can’t stop thinking about you and our wedding. I want it to be perfect for us - for this celebration to be cherished by us similarly. But what kept me awake tonight was the thought about everything after it. About how it will be to wake up next to you, to be able to keep you close at night. How our life will look in the cosiness of our bedroom because I must say I really hope that we will choose to have a shared bedchamber. I dreamed about your lips on mine, your hands on my body, being able to learn your body and being the reason you will achieve pleasure…
Caspian made himself read the last letter before he rushed to get dressed. He still felt heat on his cheeks. His mind wholly was consummated by you. He couldn’t stop thinking about everything waiting for both of you after you’d exchanged your vows. He looked through the window and smiled, seeing you walking through the yard. He quickly walked out of his room and started searching for you. Luck was on his side when he spotted you in the corridor he just ran in. He screamed your name at what you smiled, and he started running to you. In mere seconds Caspian took you in his arms and immediately kissed you. You gasped in surprise but quickly relaxed in his arms. Your hand slowly reached his nape, and you melted against him. After a moment, they departed breathless, and Caspian rested his forehead against yours. He watched your flashed face and smiled, seeing your closed eyes. 
“Caspian..” She whispered. “Not that I am complaining, but what was that for?” You looked up at him, resting your palm on his chest. 
“I just love you.” He peaked her lips and smiled. “I think that lilies will be perfect for our wedding. The book you were reading indeed is so boring - I tried to read it last year, but it didn’t work out. I will take you to the Lone Islands and wherever you will want to go, and I will gladly show you the most beautiful places there, even if none of it can compare to your beauty. And I also want us to have one bedchamber because I think that when I finally will have a taste of you - I won’t be able to stay away even for a few hours.” 
“You read my letters.” You moved your hand to gently cup his cheek. Caspian kissed your wrist, squeezing your waist gently. 
“Each of them.” She smiled and brought him into another kiss. Caspian pulled you closer to him, making her laugh into his lips. This one kiss wasn’t a heated make-out - it was a clumsy kiss intermittently by giggles and declarations of love. And then, when the Duchess came into the corridor and cleared her throat, both blushed, trying to stop their giggles. She only shook her head with a smile, mumbling about young love, happy for people that she treated like her own children. 
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Author’s note: Thank you so much for reading! If it’s not too much trouble, I would love to hear your thoughts about it. Any feedback is greatly appreciated and motivates me to work.
I am sorry about every grammar mistake and misspelling. English is not my first language.
Klaudia  💜
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Taglists are always open! If you want to be added fill this up or send me an ask!
Caspian taglist: @elennox03 @live-love-loki @effielumiere @blackst0nes7077 @mystic-writings  @radcloudenthusiast @siriuslyslyslytherin @90steaology @mandos-crest @kaqua @aleksanderwh0r3 @anne-kollay @my-love-i-am-a-mess @crowssixof @x-heartrender-x @siriusbarnesslut @sassybadqueen  @mrs-brekker15  @florqlness @multifandomrandomgirl @ctrl-z33 @aleksanderblack @wecallhimbrowneyess @nyx2021 @poisxnedmind @rominaszh @sophiavrodrigues @frutilooplupin @uwiuwi @yannajhhh
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ghostboneswrites2 · 7 months
Doe Eyes || Ch.1 - Woodbury
Overview: You (y/n) are taken captive by the Governor and recruited as one of his fiercest soldiers. As you slowly uncover the atrocities committed behind the walls of Woodbury and at the hands of the Governor himself, your already questionable loyalty begins to dwindle. When Woodbury falls, your only friend (a sassy, formerly rich farmer's daughter type named Brandy) decides to take the offer from the rival group to join them at their secure home in a prison. Despite your apprehensiveness -- and your preference to be out on your own -- you decide to tag along with your friend and seek refuge with Rick's group. You become a valuable, able-bodied asset to them, and that's when a certain crossbow slinging southerner becomes a part of your life.
Story begins in S3 and ends when Aaron finds the group to take them to Alexandria. It is mostly canon compliant. Lots of canonical dialogue. This story is finished. There is one OC: Brandy
18+ MDNI || Warnings: Story contains TWD typical violence, profanity, deaths of major and minor characters, gore, etc etc.
Chapter list
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        "Well, so far, so good, except the dehydration. I'm going to give you these electrolyte powders. Drink them twice a day in a glass of water, and make sure to drink plenty more in between." The doctor lady told you, handing you six slender packets. "Someone will be in to show you around."
        With that, she walked out of the room and you just sat there, stunned. A doctor? In today's world? Where the hell were you? Maybe you were dead and this was some kind of strange DMT trip before your lights went out for good.
        The door opened and in walked a tall man with a fake smile. He was the type to work at a law firm or something. 
        "Good afternoon." He greeted cordially. "Name's Philip. Most people just call me Governor."
        "Governor?" You snorted. "Like 'ello gov-nah'?" You joked, mimicking a sad excuse for a British accent.
        "Funny." He chuckled, but something told you it wasn't actually that amusing. "Come on. I'll show you around, then I'll take you to where you'll be staying."
        "Staying? I don't know about that. I was doing alright on my own." 
        "Alright?" He considered your words for a moment, slowly pacing his way toward you. "Wouldn't you rather be doing well? Great, even? Just let me show you around, give you a place to stay for a day or two, and then if you still want to go, fine. We'll send you off, maybe give you some supplies to get you started."
        "What about my weapons?" You inquired. When they took you, you had a .38 and a crowbar. You'd become pretty efficient in the arts of melee since the world fell to shit.
        "Of course. You can have 'em, and we'll even give you a box of ammunition for that pretty piece of yours. It's nice, by the way. Where'd you get it?"
        "Oh, I got it when I got my first place on my own." You shrugged. "You know, wasn't in the best area and all."
        "Understandable." He nodded, showing off that eerily friendly grin of his. "Good thing you had it."
        "So, what do you think?" He asked. He'd just given you a quick tour of the town. Woodbury, he called it.
        "It's real cute. Never seen anything like it." You admitted.
        "No different than any other little town in the south." He chuckled.         
        "The walls, I mean." You clarified. "The armed guards. So many people. How'd you do it?"
        "Well, Rome wasn't built in a day." He shrugged, feigning humility.
        "It also wasn't built in a world infested with flesh-starved freaks." You retorted. His eyes narrowed. He was growing tired of your observations and the way you questioned everything. It threatened him, really. But he'd seen the way you fought out there. They'd been watching you for a few days, Philip and Merle and whatever goons they'd bring along for the day. They watched you fight two grown men off as they tried to raid your supplies and probably yourself. You took down the biters with ease, one swift blow to the side of the head, and another down on top. You were quick and sneaky. You made it look effortless. You had survival down to a science, which was either a threat or an asset. He hadn't decided. 
        He forced a smile that more closely resembled a sneer. 
        "I'm sure you've got loads of questions. You're a smart gal. However, I have some things that need attending, and you still haven't been shown to your place." 
        "What, like my own house?" You furrowed you eyebrows. He looked around.
        "You see any houses around here? C'mon, it's in here." He said as he led you inside the building you two had stopped in front of. It was a small apartment building it seemed, maybe twelve apartments total, if that. Yours was on the second floor. It was small, but it had everything anyone could need. "There's some food in the kitchen, and running water. Come find me if you need anything. Feel free to wander and make friends." 
        When you'd been at Woodbury for a few days, the Governor had cornered you, asking you to make a decision, because anyone who stayed had a job to do, and if you were going to leave, it needed to be soon so not to use up any more valuable supplies. You told him you'd stay, but he seemed skeptical all of a sudden, asking what value you had to offer. Of course, you told him about the only skill you had in this new world. You were a fighter. He seemed to like that response. He assigned you to the wall at first, then he started bringing you on runs.
        That was weeks ago. Just recently you guys brought in two women, Michonne and Andrea. They made it clear they weren't sticking around, so the Governor gave them the same offer he gave you; chill out for a few days then be on their way.
        Andrea eventually decided to stay but Michonne wanted no part of it. Thing was, Philip never intended on letting them leave alive. You and Merle were tasked with killing her. She got away from Merle, and you let her. The two of you had decided to just tell him she was dead and be done with it. Not like she had much of a chance up against their paramilitary militia anyways. That was when you truly lost any trust for Woodbury. The benevolent ruler façade was already less than believable, and the hit on Michonne did nothing but prove your suspicions. 
        Really, the only  upside to any of this was that for the first time since everyone you knew was eaten alive -- or doing the eating -- you made a friend. Brandy was a tan, dirty blonde, supermodel of a woman. She grew up on a very profitable farm. A plantation, really. She was your typical southern belle, or as she would call it, a 'Georgia Peach.' She was sassy and classy and everything in between. She was probably the only person in the world that still wore mascara and lip gloss and carried a purse. You were drinking with her at her place that night.
        "So, what did you do, anyways? Before all this?" She asked, pouring another glass of wine. 
        "Honestly?" You giggled. "I was a clerk at a pawnshop."
        "Wow, a real classy place, I bet." She joked. You rolled your eyes. 
        "Oh, yeah. The tweakers trying to pawn their decade old VHS players for a sack was real classy."
        "I didn't have a job." She admitted as she poured you a glass. "Daddy pretty much gave me whatever. Paid for my college classes." She lamented. "I had a real good life."
        "That's good." You smiled. "Mine wasn't so bad, but I definitely lacked in the rich dad department."
        "Yeah, well, I'm sure you got a lot more life experience than I could ever dream of. I used to wish I could just live like a normal girl sometimes. Life with a silver spoon ain't all it's cracked up to be, you know?"
        "Oh, yeah. I'm sure that was real tough." You snorted.
        "Only when I wanted a boyfriend who wasn't studying to be a doctor or a lawyer." She giggled. "Or that one time they caught me smokin' pot with my friends in high school."
        "Pot?" You raised your eyebrows. "My, my. A rebel, I see."
        "Something like that, yeah." She nodded.
        "Got any pot now?" You wondered. She laughed.
        "No but if you find any, let me know." 
        "So, what's up around here?" You asked, breaking away from the casual banter. She gave you a confused look. "I mean, like, how come nobody gets to leave this place?"
        "Why would anyone want to?" She scoffed. When she realized you were serious, her smiled dropped. "What do you mean? We're free to go whenever we want. Nobody ever wants to, though."
        "I don't know about that." You mumbled.
        "What are you on about?" She asked warily.
        "Look, you cant tell anyone." You said, growing more serious as you leaned forward on the table where she sat across from you. "That girl Michonne, she left. Governor sent me and Merle after her."
        "What, to bring her back? I thought you said nobody gets to leave?" Brandy tilted her head.
        "That's what I'm saying. He sent us to kill her." You whispered.
        "You killed her?" She gasped.
        "No no no no!" You shook your head and waved your hands. "She got away and I let her."
        "Well why the hell would he send y'all after her? What did she do?"
        "Nothing, man." You shook your head. "Not a damn thing. She just didn't want to stay. I don't get it."
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desire-mona · 2 months
heard we were making house ocs and ive had a dingus floating around in my head since january so i FINALLY got around to actually making a proper ref sheet. i present my silliest
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Dr. Nanette "Ninny" Amesbury :3
more under cut !
big warning lore n backstory n stuff is very bare bones and not all the way there cuz im #lazy
birthday is vague but lets go with ~35 circa s2
if i had a nickel for every oc i had who had absent parents and was raised catholic by their grandparents, id have two nickels. unintentional that it happened twice i sorta forgor the other one's lore for a bit and now its stuck so ummmmm sorry laney. wont be going into childhood bc i havent come up w that yet and honestly i dont care to!!! yada yada yada catholic guilt but not in the chase way bc she hasnt left the church n likely never will
ummmm relationship chart + template
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lets just quick go over some relationship highlights cuz some are def more important than others
wilson: mr president a 4th ex wife has hit the james wilson. when were they married? ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 😁
but they were married for like. 3 years? YES it ended bc he cheated but nin also wasn't the best either her ass was literally never ever there she was ALWAYS at work (like more than normal doctor amounts of at work - only came home to sleep and even that was only 4x a week(also worked at a different hospital))
tw suicide for next part bee tee dub
a big part of the beginning of their relationship was (big surprise) wilson's attraction to what he THOUGHT was neediness but was literally just nin wanting (and trying) to kill herself lol. once the magic of all that went away (perceived independence thats rly just #bottling shit up) he was just kinda like oh :/ its not cool to have a mentally ill wife anymore :/ i was expecting ramona flowers :/ or whatever. so infidelity impact font, hijinks and moving away for [amount] years ensue before nin being hired at ppth as the head of pediatrics. brief fwb situation w wilson Again b4 she finds out shes a lesbian at the end of like. s2.
oh yeah she also tries to kill herself again once she figures it out (see catholic guilt mention) but its cool she lives
cuddy: GAAAAAYYYYY GAAAAYYYYYYY GAY!!!!! DR AMESBURY WANTS TO FUCK THIS WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its one sided tho boooooo cuddys briefly like Wait ? just b4 nin moves away at the end of s6 roughly but shes already. thats done its not happening.
kutner: dont even fucking talk to me. i dont wanna talk about it. im gonna talk about it.
so kutner (like the slut that he is lowkey but society isnt ready for that) asks nin out just after he gets hired and shes like ermmmmmmmmmm! but sensing his loser aura she (still deeply closeted) is like hey haha i dont swing that way sorry !!!!!!! but its ok they become super mega best friends and get nerdy together
i like to think they listen to weird al together OH YEAH NINS THE BIGGEST WEIRD AL YANKOVIC FAN IN NEW JERSEY
and then nothing bad happens!
if youve seen this post about the little writing things kutner got after he croaked then hooray here's nanettes
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they make me so fucking upset.
anyway as i stated above nin moves away after s6 for a bunch of reasons. 1) thanks obama 2) a big part of what contributed to her suicidal ideations n such was the fact that deep down she didnt ACTUALLY know what she wanted to do w her life. u may be like she doesnt. want to be a doctor ? NO she doesnt thats just what she did to get money to eventually do what she wants. whatever that is. something something feeling lost in life and unable to reach a goal when u dont even know what the goal is something something. also persistent depressive disorder but like spoon in kitchen.
idk what shes gonna end up doing after she moves but id imagine she shows up for house's funeral so i cant just be like lol nobody gets to know! im thinking painter but idk IDK guys her lore is ROUGH
thats it if u have questions ill answer thanks
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loupy-mongoose · 8 months
Was all of this gallbladder stuff sudden, or is it just sudden for us because you never mentioned anything about a gallbladder removal until recently
I mentioned a few times throughout the first week of Jan. that I was having some tummy issues, but I never really brought it to the spotlight. The most I did was inform you all that I had gotten "sick", and then only a few days ago mentioned my gall bladder.
There is very little way I can call this sudden in general, however.
I'm... actually gonna put this under a read more, because it runs a lot deeper than just these last few weeks... (Kinda turned into a life-story lol)
So, throughout that first week of Jan, I was having off-and-on mild pain. Nothing too intense, and I'd been through it many, many, MANY times before. (Yeah.... MANY.)
I tried to wait it out every time, only going to Doctors twice for it, and it would eventually go away. I would be careful with my eating afterword (based on past experiences, not any research or knowledge) and eventually I'd be back to normal for the time being.
The time between spells varied. Sometimes it was only months, sometimes it was almost a year. I don't think I ever went beyond a year with no spell, but I can't remember.
This started about
If each episode has been a pancreatitis attack, then I consider it no small miracle that I'm as good off as I am.
I went to the Doctor once for it as a youth, and they gave me some kind of IBS or other pill for bloating. They did nothing to help, and I didn't pursue any more doctor visits about it until '22.
That time the pain didn't go away for many days, and it got incredibly incapacitating. So I went to the Doctor (completely different one from the first--we'd moved states.) I got some imaging done and they found Pancreatitis and Colitis. They gave me antibiotics and sent me home to recover.
But they didn't finds gallstones.
So I recovered and felt armed to better handle these pain episodes--Just limit my consumption to liquids.
Well, I was doing alright until now.
We had... a V E R Y fatty Christmas dinner, and I was grazing off of the worst of it the following week.
Then, come New Year's Eve, I start to feel that little ache. I... I ignored it, and ate some of the goodies we'd prepared for the night, a little more reserved about it than I normally would've been. Eating has always been one of my absolute favorite parts of that time of year, and I didn't want to let my potential stomach issue completely ruin it for me.
I'm actually surprised by how mild the pain was at first, given all the nasty stuff I'd been eating.
Anyway, that mild pain subsided, and I foolishly let myself eat some more leftover goodies, thinking I was being careful. And of course, it came back.
This went on through the week, with me gradually being more and more careful about what I ate, trying to eat more stomach-bug friendly foods like crackers and toast.
A night finally came where it was so irritating that I threw up. That night it instantly made me feel better. I still increased my carefulness in consumption the following day, taking in nothing but a couple cups each of Pedialyte and chicken broth.
But still it came back. And that was the night it got bad.
I threw up a couple more times that night, and instead of helping this time... the second time left me in a lot of pain. So much that it was uncomfortable to breathe. Uncomfortable to do anything.
Thankfully my dad didn't have work that night (he works overnights), so we ultimately decided at about 6 am to take me to the emergency room.
There they found the gallstones and got blocking ones out of the way, and I spent the following week recovering in the hospital.
It seems most likely that gallstones have been the offender all these years, but the symptoms never quite matched that. I remember once looking into Pancreatitis and seeing that the symptoms matched that pretty well, but never let gallstones settle as an option.
Anyway, I guess I can at least say I have some closure after all this time. It'll be good to finally be free from this plague!
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smashing-teacups · 10 months
Thankless: Of Ruined Holidays and Changing Hearts
Canon-compliant, showverse, missing scene(s). Oneshot.
Thanksgiving 1960 and 1772 - Frank's POV, then Jamie's.
Two very different husbands, two very different family dynamics, the same unexpected wrench in the holiday plans.
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1960 - Boston, Massachusetts
The phone rang just as Brianna was setting the table.
I shot Claire a warning look that went completely unheeded as she shouldered past me in a swish of silk and clacking heels. The instinct to call after her still rose to my lips after all these years; the knowledge that the breath would be wasted kept it there.
“Hello, this is Doctor Randall…”
Our daughter froze instantly, the last salad fork hovering inches over the placemat. 
“How many? Nancy, slow down. How many wounded?”
Just like that, I watched the light drain from my twelve year old’s face. She masked it well, brave girl; unlike her mother, she had a talented poker face. Quietly and without fanfare, Brianna took the cutlery, plate and wine glass from the third place setting and returned them to the china cabinet.
I crossed the room slowly and laid a hand on her shoulder, heavy with unspoken understanding. It wasn’t the first holiday her mother had ruined with her selfishness, her pigheaded insistence upon putting career over family. Bree flashed me a wan smile and reached up to squeeze my fingers appreciatively.
“More mashed potatoes for us, huh?” She tried for levity, and would have pulled it off had she been trying to fool anyone but me.
“We won’t leave a single bite,” I promised sotto vocce.
Drawing in a breath through her nose and releasing it in a sharp sigh, Bree clasped her hands together as she turned back to the table. “Shall we? Or do we wait for her to come back in and—”
“Darling, I’m so sorry…” Right on cue, Claire appeared in the doorway to the kitchen, already slinging her purse over one shoulder, the car keys jangling in her opposite hand. “There’s been a terrible accident on the Longfellow Bridge—”
“Yeah, I’m sure there was. It’s always something, right?” Even I was surprised by the venom in Bree’s voice; day by day, the little girl eager to defend her mother’s choices was yielding to the dark cynicism of an adolescent. Normally, I would have chided her for taking a tone — it was unbecoming of a young lady — but I couldn’t deny that a part of me had been anticipating the day when Brianna finally learned to stand up for herself. It had been far too long that she’d dutifully shouldered the burden of her mother’s negligence. 
Wounded, wide, golden eyes blinked twice before Claire took a half-step forward. “I understand,” she said with a physician’s practiced calm, “that it’s disappointing when I’m called away on the holidays. Trust me, this isn’t how I wanted to spend my Thanksgiving either.”
“So why are you?!” our daughter demanded, throwing her hands up and letting them flop back at her sides. “Why does it always have to be you? Why can’t the other surgeons take the call this time?”
Keep reading...
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yoitsjay · 5 months
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Pairings: Eleventh Doctor x Male Reader
Summary: The Doctor witnesses the Indomitable Human Spirit for the first time in his life. Boy did that give him a scare
Warnings: gore, reader barely hanging on, mentions of shown broken bone, blood. Indomitable Human Spirit
Word count: 1760
The Doctor promised you that he would take you anywhere in the world, and that no matter where you went you would always be safe with him. Well despite his promises adventuring with The Doctor always seemed to be quite dangerous, but exhilarating all the same. This time you assumed would be no different.
You and the doctor were on an alien planet, a place you had never been to before and boy was it ever beautiful, the scenery was just spectacular, with crystal clear waterfalls and glowing lakes that hundreds of lifeforms could swim in, There were shopping malls galore. The Doctor took you shopping, and you had the time of your life, better this than having to go back home to join the army like your parents tried to send you off too.
“Doctor” You called out, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards you so he would either slow down or stop entirely to hear what you had to say. “Listen this is great and all but what are we actually doing here? you said you had something to do? or someone to see?” You asked him, however before he could even get a word in to answer you a mass of people started to swarm the shopping district and one of them bumped into you and the doctor quite roughly which ended up parting the both of you. The Doctor called out for you within the crowd, however you also had no moment to respond to him as someone, or multiple someones had come up right behind you, placing some form of cloth over your mouth, and that is when everything went dark.
It had been hours, The Doctor was now extremely worried at the fact that there were aliens on this planet that did not belong, and sure they could be visiting aliens but these aliens were not regular happy go lucky traveling aliens no, these were Daleks and they had given a very clear message to the Doctor.
“Exterminate!” The transmission repeated before cutting out, only for The Doctor to play it again and again, trying to pick up any other voices, any clues other than the Dalek’s signature phrase. Damnit! where are you Y/n” he cursed under his breath, looking around the now closed shopping mall, yes that is how long it's been, you have been gone since the afternoon and now it was midnight on whatever planet you were both stuck on… Oh but you weren't on that planet anymore, No the Daleks and their new human puppets had taken you on board one of their ships…
You finally open your eyes, squinting upon the painful realization that there are very bright lights flashing into your eyes. A grunt escapes your lips as you blink once or twice, turning your head side to side to gather in your surroundings. You were in a white room and from what you could feel and tell you were strapped to a table that was elevated at an angle.
Your wrists. biceps, ankles and calves and chest were all strapped uncomfortably to the table, above you was a strange looking device that had different things attached to each side, there were four sides to this device, one was a black hollowed half sphere that looked like the end of a toilet plunger, similar to the small attachments that the Daleks had on their armor plates. The second device looked like a giant needle with a blueish green sludge inside of the needle canister, you clenched your jaw, imagining just what cruel things that strange liquid could do to you.
there were two more devices on this thing above you, but you had no time to examine them as the door to your room which was behind you had opened, you closed your eyes for a moment, clenching your hands into fists before opening your eyes again, looking directly at a Dalek, but not just one, there were multiple in front of you. “You are the doctor's companion.” The one closest to you spoke, its.. eye? staring directly at your face. You grit down your teeth, there was no way youd answer to the likes of them even if it cost your life.
However the less you talked, the angrier they grew, and the device above your head activated, turning around to reveal a drill bit, that turned on and slowly lowered down to your left eye. You had no time to plea before it shot right through your eye and tire it to shreds as it drilled through before pulling back. regardless your screams echoed through the halls of this ship and reverberated off the walls of the room.
“i ask again, you are the Doctors companion?” The Dalek asked once more, and with a choked sob you nodded. “Yes!- yes i am his companion.” You cried, your remaining eye blurry with tears. You felt blood trailing down the other half of your face, soaking your clothes.
“You will answer all our questions… failure to do so will not result in your extermination, rather your very slow and painful death.” The Dalek explained, the other Daleks in the room dispercing across the room, just as the door opened again, and you felt a very cold hand wipe the blood from the left side of your face.
A woman then stood in front of you with a wicked smile on her face as she licked the blood from her fingers, placing her hand on a console in front of her, most likely the one that controlled the device above you.
“Where is The Doctor?” the Dalek asked, it took you a moment, but for the alien that moment was too long, and this time the arm rest that your arm was on bent the opposite of your elbow, and the bone shot right through the skin, fractured and bent in the way it was never meant to be. Again you screamed, but you couldn't give up your beloved Doctor, there were so many things you had to tell him, and yet… couldn't.
“Where is the Doctor!” The Dalek shouted, however you only shook your head.
This torture went on for hours, you only gave the Daleks bits and pieces when it got to much, but nothing that they could work with. You were on your last legs, you were battered, bruised and broken. so many holes were drilled into your body, bones crushed. Your breathing was shallow, and your heart rate was going a million miles per minute. The machine connected to your stats was going haywire… until you flatlined, and your head lolled to the side.
“He is dead. cut him loose and leave him to rot. If the Doctor finds him, then the bait will have worked.” The Dalek said, and left the room along with everyone else… minutes passed, ten minutes…
your eyes shot open, your heart having rebooted itself it seemed. Your spirit was not done yet, YOU were not done yet. Adrenaline fueled your body and with slow and with pained grunts you got up to your feet, tumbling into the wall, falling to the floor again. But you didn't stop, not for a minute. You crawled on the floor, dragging your body with your good arm since your broken one was just dead weight to you now.
You needed to leave.
In the meantime, The Doctor had finally managed to find your location, in the middle of an entire fleet of Dalek spaceships. But of course that didn’t stop the Doctor, not with the drive that fueled him, the same drive that allowed him to avoid his fixed death. He would not give up looking for you, and if that meant blowing up ship after ship to get to you he would do it every time, in every universe he would kill thousands of Daleks just to see your face, that is how dedicated he was to you. Everything he did was for you…
With the fireworks and explosions of Dakel ships viewed from the windows, he finally got to the last one, screwdriver in hand as he screwed over every Dalek that got in his way. he had already programmed the ship to self destruct… he just needed to find you.
Though maybe he didnt have too… he stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around, eyes widening as he saw you, silluetted by the explosions of light behind you. however when the lights flashed on front of you, it revealed to the doctor every broken bone, bruise and drilled hole, the blood caked on your face and the torn up eye. You were a walking zombie. yet despite it you stumbled towards him, and eventually into his arms.
“I cant die.” You muttered with choked words, blood spitting from your mouth. You stared into his eyes, fury and anger fueling your spirit… Your indomitable human spirit. “I was born to claim the stars! they are mine! These daleks will not kill me to get to you… no. I hope that your rules and wisdom choke you Doctor, because i am one in everlasting peace… The Daleks will choke on my fury, they will choke on my stars.” You sneered, more blood pouring from your lips.
The Doctor held you close, tears streaming down your face… However, out of the corner of his eye he noticed a shimmer, a few stars in the distance, ones not blinded by the explosion of spaceships just seemed to get closer, and closer but not as suns themselves… as a hot white mist, shining and glittering… The Doctor stepped away from you, and you extended your arms outwards.
“I am the stars. the universe, i am your soul, your hatred and your love. I am the one they couldn't kill” You hissed as you absorbed the power of the two stars, and all those injuries you gained seemed to repair themself like nothing had harmed you in the first place… and when you opened your eyes, they weren't your normal eye color, no they were a shimmering and beautiful gold, like the color of suns so far away.
The Doctor stared at you in utter awe. Jaw dropped to the floor before he finally stood up. “You humans… are the most unpredictable species I have ever seen.” He muttered, quickly rushing towards you as you fell to the ground, unconscious but very much alive.
That was the day that The Doctor learned that no matter what, you can never break a human's spirit.
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alicedash2 · 1 year
( not reviewed )
Izou x Child!reader
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Everything seemed so normal that day, it was just a cold and rainy day, but everything seemed to go well, well, just for the crew.
The thing was that the island was in a process of war because there were people that the navy was after, and in that somehow later on I will go into detail, it resulted in a war, a war of a country against navy
And guess who was running to avoid going to the battlefield against the navy? Yes, a child group
Just like the navy, the government on that island was horrible, they used the elderly and children to fight, that was the situation on that island
In that, when Whitebeard's ship arrived at a new island, a large island, however, simple, it was so common that it had nothing special until then, except, a small child
The crew went looking for supplies, Whitebeard stayed on the ship while the others explored the island, Marco would go looking for medical books, he was just a young boy who learned about medicine to maintain his role as a doctor, Thatch would go looking for food, and Izou, would go for clothes, he had the day off
That was until a small child caught the attention of him and other people around, the girl's situation was precarious, she should have been between 14 years old, thin and shivering with cold, but the cold did not bring down the fast and light child, who stole food quickly, was a child who wasted no time
- brat! Come back here! YOU COWARD!- the seller screamed, while the little girl ran away with a good amount of food in her lap
- I'm sorry! -the girl apologized, she didn't want to steal and much less be judged for her decisions, she was just a child that the government threw her into battle, but a child doesn't have the strength to hold a gun
"Coward?" Izou thought, he looked at the girl again, his curiosity slowly piqued.
- I finally ran away from the battlefield, I can't let them find me!- the child said to himself, the clothing was a little different from the locals, it looked more like a uniform, the white shirt with brown pants, the child she was bruised and malnourished as it was winter and the country depended on other countries at the time
For some reason, Izou's curiosity piqued, he tried to ignore it, but what caught his attention the most was an emblem on the child's shirt, what did that emblem mean? Was it military? And why did the girl steal when she was in uniform? Why would someone in military uniform steal?
Why did a child wear a military uniform?
Izou didn't think twice and went after the child, who crossed a forest, as the child ran, he noticed the footsteps of a man behind, which made him speed up his steps.
- Hang on! - Izou shouted, making the girl get scared more and run more to her hiding place, which is a hut made of wood, it was crooked but it was well made for a 12 year old child
The girl arrives at her hiding place, which was another cabin in the forest, seeing if the man who was no longer in her field of vision had lost her sight.
-Here...I got a lot, enjoy- the girl was delivering the food to other children who also fled from the battle
- How did you get so much, YN?- a blond-haired child, called Zart, said with a big smile
- at certain times, I manage to be very quick to catch a lot -
- YN, you're the best! - Koki said while picking up the food and tasting it, a girl with long black hair
- I'm responsible for you, we were the only ones who managed to escape from there, but they're still after us - YN, who spoke with a sad look, remembering the times they managed to escape from the military
- I'm afraid of them - Zart said shakily, thinking of the times they tortured them to form the perfect soldiers, they could be worse than the navy
- everything will be fine, we'll get out of here soon - YN said while hugging them
- Hey you. - the male voice came quickly in their ears, making them take a fright
- Wh-who are you?! - YN quickly prepared to attack, picking up his only weapon, which was a knife, and pointing it at the man
- a-ah! I know him! - Koki said
- he's a pirate - Koki completed
- pirate? - YN said, lowering her knife
- I'm not going to do anything to you -
Izou said, he tried to approach but the children retreated more
-...they must be scared-
Izou smiles sweetly, he holds out his hand, hoping to gain the confidence of the older child, who looks at him while pointing the knife at him, knowing that she doesn't stand a chance against him.
- come on, I won't do anything-
Izou gestures, the older child holds Izou's soft and warm hand, which pulls her out, Izou gently throws a cloak over the child, making her startle at the sudden gesture
- did you like it? -
- ....it's...it's warm... - The cloak was light pink, with white edges made of cotton, made like the snow that had begun to fall before them slowly
- ah..- the children looked on with curiosity, seeing the affectionate interaction that YN received from the oldest, wanting to receive the same attention, they ran to the man and looked at them in a loving way, like a dog asking for some food
- You can have mine - Izou took back his winter clothes and distributed them to the children, who dressed happily, the children looked at each other and Rien of the situation, seeing that they were not treated in an abominable, tragic, unhappy and unfortunate way
- and now? - Izou came closer
- Can you tell me where you're from? -
The children look at each other again, giving the oldest confidence to say that they are refugees from a war
- we... - YN started to speak
- Yes? - Izou listened attentively
- we are war refugees! - YN said, her cheeks blushing with the comfortable feel of the cloak
- war?-
- Yes! -
- what do you mean? -
- ahmm... We were summoned to war, but we ran away from there -
- which war? -
- the war against the navy, the government has soldiers, but it is using civilians to fight too, and we fled!-
- it's a government where they use children for experiments to turn them into perfect soldiers, and we are one of those experiments -
- and since then we've been waiting for a pirate ship to get away! -
- I can't understand, how can a government do this? -
- good... -
- navy does almost the same thing, so the government thought it could do the same -
- by any chance, do you still have refugee children?-
- yes, some are around here, we decided to separate if they found us, we would have a way to escape -
- And how long have you been in this war?-
- in some years, we were called when I was 6 years old -
-And how is the current situation?-
- it seems that the navy invaded the southern coast and they are taking things, they are going to destroy the island- the girl said with a scared look
- ... Please! We get out of here! We don't want to die!
- ... Stay here, I'll notify my captain and take you with me, if only to adapt to a new island - Izou said getting up
- serious?! Would you do this for us?
- I'll do it, but I want you to do something, you, what's your name? -
- YN LN -
-it's a good name, come with me, and you, gather as many refugee children as possible and hide here, I'll be back soon-
Both kids nodded, doing as Izou said
Izou ran with YN on his lap, hurrying faster and faster
- everything will be fine? -
- come on, you can trust me -
- You didn't know anything, did you? They try to cover it up -
- not much related, but this is also included -
- We need to get out of here! -
Izou arrived at the ship panting, still with YN in his arms, Izou called the attention of the crew and the Captain
- Izou, what happened? Who is the child? - Whitebeard asked
- Ah... The country is at war! We need to get out of here! -
Izou screamed
- Why do we need to leave here?
- the country is in crisis! Using children to battle! That child...is a refugee!-
Izou took off the robe under the girl revealing the heavy uniform the girl was wearing.
- do you know the situation, brat?- Whitebeard asked the girl, intimidating her
- The navy already took a good part, the government was against the navy and now we have to deal with them, in addition to the government's experiments - the girl said quickly, taking the mantle back and putting it around herself
- please help us! My friends are waiting- -
The girl's voice was cut by a flash of light and then a gale, knocking Izou and almost the ship
- What happened?!- Izou asked
- an explosion... An explosion! Oh no! My friends are still there!- the child left Izou's lap and ran to her hiding place that she had built herself
- it can not be! - the girl was fighting people running towards her to run away, while she saw people being fallen and others lying on the ground injured
"Please..." the girl pleaded.
- please... They are the only ones I can call friends! -
Images came to YN's head when remembering that she brought them and as time went by, they improved the hiding place
When she finally arrives after crossing the woods, it's all over, the explosion hit the head made of wood, with trees and rocks over the cabin, YN couldn't see anything in the small exposed hand.
- do not look! - Izou covered her eyes girl, but it was too late when he felt the tears falling and heard the sharp sound of the child who already understood the concept of death
- go fast! -Izou held her tight as she ran to the ship
- they're still there, boy!- YN said to the tears, seeing the hut disappear little by little
Izou didn't say anything, he just took her to the ship, where she was last seen on the island already destroyed by the navy.
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doctornolonger · 9 months
People are sometimes surprised when I mention that the unproduced story I regret the most isn't any of the many cancelled FP projects but Steven Hall's Fifty-Fifty, which would have wrapped up some of Big Finish's best character arcs with a conflict between the Seventh and Eighth Doctors at "the moment where 7 went bad".
It would have been the retroactive pinnacle of Wilderness Years, taking its two Doctors with such different characterizations and pitting them against each other. It also … doesn't make a ton of sense. Even taking into account the timey-wimey memory effects of a multi-Doctor event, how could such a dramatic character arc for the Seventh Doctor possibly come and go without the Eighth Doctor – his future self – having any idea?
This question keeps coming up in Doctor Who, and every time the answer feels contrived. Steven Hall would have solved it for Fifty-Fifty by introducing a "Temporal Wish" that allows parts of history to be rewritten without timeline damage. Elsewhere, Big Finish has resorted to hand-waving: every story where characters meet out-of-order has to involve an ad hoc disguise, a memory wipe, or a promise from one of the characters that next time they'll pretend not to have met (🥴). And don't even get me started on "season 6b"!
In what Ingiga cleverly calls Doctor Who: The Return, RTD faced the same question. What if we had more Tenth Doctor stories, not squeezed into any of the well-trodden gaps in his timeline but set after The End of Time – genuinely new stories, taking the character places that it never would've made sense for him to go (such as therapy)?
RTD answered this question twice. Once the regular way, the ad hoc way: David Tennant's contrived return at the end of The Power of the Doctor. And then, emboldened by the Power of the Showrunner, he solved it again – and he solved it for every story, now and forever.
I think down the timeline, they all separated. They all went like that. All the Doctors came back to life with their individual TARDISes. The gift of the Toymaker. And they're all out there traveling around in what I'm calling the Doctorverse. It's the Doctorverse. And I want to create a future in which Sylvester McCoy, he can survive and have an adventure. Because one of the things about The Star Beast is, to get you back and Catherine, we had to jump through so many hoops. Which is great story, but it's like, why can't you just arrive and step out the TARDIS? […] Because this is exactly what Big Finish does. It's exactly what everyone does in their imagination. […] It's time to just kind of open it up and say, they're all out there now.
Or as he put it a different time,
Doctors galore, with infinite possibilities. All Doctors exist. All stories are true.
Gig's latest piece rightly dismisses the "Flowchart" theory of bigeneration, but frankly, I think the fiddly stuff about "fix" vs "fixed" etc. is a red herring. The simple fact is that if Fourteen's post-Giggle memories flow backwards into Fifteen – if Seven's post-TV Movie memories flow backwards into Eight – bigeneration wouldn't solve the Fifty-Fifty problem.
Yes, RTD tries to have his cake and eat it too. In the dream logic of The Giggle, "emotional healing" is a mysterious essence that can be transferred through time independently of memories, just as incinerated roads can magically heal themselves in The Star Beast. But in terms of what RTD's trying to accomplish, in terms of what bigeneration is, I think it's okay to take him at his word.
Speaking of words, the leak called it "bi-regeneration", and even after the episode aired, much of the internet followed suit. But that's not what it's called. It's just bigeneration: not a type of regeneration, an alternative. And indeed, now we have this option – now we have Fourteen, not just Ten – why would we ever go back to playing the timeline-squeezing game? If Big Finish officially untethered itself from the past Doctors' timelines and, say, freed Eight from his interminable death march – would anyone miss it?
Lawrence Miles certainly didn't think so when he advocated a similar untethering 24 years ago.
When you watched Doctor Who as a kid, it kind of lost some of its edge from the start, because you knew for a fact how things were going to turn out. […] I've always felt that the Missing Adventures… or PDAs, or whatever you want to call them… have got a similar problem. The Doctor can't die [or go to therapy – n8.] We know the future, it's not even an issue. That was why I did what I did in Interference. Even if they don't like it, I hope people realize there's a purpose behind it all. It's suppose to justify the existence of the PDAs. From that point on, you can never be sure what the outcome's going to be.
Nobody picked up his suggestion back then, but then again, Miles lacked the Power of the Showrunner. If Tales of the TARDIS' therapeutic dreamscapes are any indication, it won't be long before other writers adopt RTD's in-vision musings as gospel.
So what will happen when Fourteen dies? Will he regenerate? Will he dissolve into sparkles, his ✨emotional healing✨ shooting back in time to become Fifteen? Or like the prior iteration of the "Tenth Doctor happy ending offshoot" idea, is he simply mortal now? The frank answer is that we'll probably never find out: that's simply not the kind of story that bigeneration is meant to tell.
Or maybe RTD's already told us. The quote earlier about "Doctors galore" came from the note accompanying his "Doctor Who and the Time War". That story shows us an Eighth Doctor who survived to the very last days of the Time War, with no War Doctor to be found; it's easy to imagine a bigeneration on Karn not unlike RTD's speculation that "Peter Davison once was left behind on the surface of Androzani and woke up and there was a TARDIS and he carried on having those adventures."
And in the story – released almost seven years after The Night of the Doctor showed us the birth of the War Doctor – Eight struggles, and he succumbs, and he regenerates … into Christopher Eccleston's Nine. Now there's a flowchart that I could get behind.
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xsapphirescrollsx · 2 years
Bitch! Please write Demon Dr. Barber x plus size BLACK reader & Make it Nasty!!
Demon Dr Barbar x Plus Size Black Reader
@titty-teetee Deffo rusty, lol but I tried! I hope you like it <3
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Andrew Barber, Andy for short and Doctor Barber to his patients, tossed the razor sharp edged blade to the wood floor of your bedroom. He watched your hip writhe under his grip as the rest of your underwear fell away. On his knees, his fingers delicately unfolding you, spreading you open as a bible to a theologian. Andy’s eyes burned with hate but his heart, if you could call that black void a caring center, filled with obsession. 
He licked long, tasting what was now his, the bushy hair of his chin tickled your skin in the wake his tongue and you shuddered. His long fingers glided over the curvy lines of your hips, he pushed his face in harder to your core and pulled you closer as he sunk his tongue all the way in. An unexpected shriek from your throat hardened his dick. The tortured squirming, the hurting and yearning panted whimpering he caused you to express exploded pride in his chest.
Andy felt his eyes cloud, he wasn’t afraid but he knew you might be as he rose from between your thick legs. It was time, he decided. He was was glad of the dim light shade, but as the darkness swirled inside him it pulled away the golden hue illuminating the room. He watched you now, laying there your skin glowing under what might be described as moonlight. You opened your eyes looked toward him as Andy slowly descended over your body.
His legs between yours, spreading you further open, he felt the jump in your heartbeat as your eyes met his now completely blackened orbs. He smiled down at you while grabbing your wrists in anticipation that you might try and fight back. 
“It’s time to pay your due,” his deep voice whispered. 
He watched you blink once, twice, and struggle to understand what you were seeing. And like he knew you would you did try move from him. Andy held you there, his hips pushed forward. This was his favorite moment, your eyes widen as he invaded your will, your body.
Wicked. If demons could love this was it. Pouncing on the woman, you, that he wanted to possess body and soul Andy began to ensure that you took every inch of him. And when your mouth fell open in a silent scream he put his mouth over yours. His devilish forked tongue, surprisingly warm and wet slid in. He jerked your hands over your head, picked up his thrusting pace and kept taking your breath away with every rub of his tongue over yours. Consuming you and feeling you give over your will to only him Andy promised himself this one would be different.
This human woman would live. Even as ghostly wisps of black shadow descended over and with every breath you strived for started to feel as if your lifeforce was draining. Andy held back and waited.
Your pained moans turned to yearning whispers after every kiss. You cinched around him the shorter his strokes became. Faster, more driven thrusts had your body shaking until you reached the pleasurable end. But Andy kept going. Once again devoting himself to holding back his instinct to send you into a delicious anguishing experience for his pleasure. He allowed another desire to take root, one that usurped the will of his human mother. The one his angel father used to conquer a mortal womb.
Andy let go, pouring sinfulness into you and the room went black.  
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finnglas · 4 months
wanted to update peeps on Luna, cw pet health, under a cut. (Spoiler: She's better, but dear god what a journey we are still on.)
She's doing better. We're still getting a handle on what happened over the weekend, but the best guess we have right now is that she might have gotten into a toxin that crashed her kidneys. The vet says she looks like she is in Stage 2 kidney disease, which is common in cats of her age (she'll be 14 in July). And despite being called "Stage 2" it's the earliest kidney disease can be reliably detected in cats, actually.
Anyway, it's manageable and she should be fine for several more years. What happened was:
Friday, she had diarrhea. I knew she'd had a bit of kitten chow and she has a sensitive stomach, so I assumed that's what we had on our hands. By Friday night, I knew that wasn't the case. She was frantic and it just kept going, long after she didn't have anything left to poop out. She also was absolutely not interested in food. My vet had long ago recommended I keep an OTC 'kitty pepto' on hand - you can buy it easily, called Pro-Pectilin, or any similar product that has both kaolin and pectin in it - and I thought I had some, but what I had was a product with different active ingredients that was almost expired. I gave her that anyway, and promptly ordered a new Pro-Pectilin.
Saturday, it was getting worse. I took her to the emergency vet, who did bloodwork and told me she was running a fever and her kidney levels were ever-so-slightly elevated. They gave her an antibiotic shot, a vitamin shot, fluids+electrolytes, and an anti-nausea medication.
The diarrhea did not stop. I borrowed my mother's Pro-Pectilin while I waited for mine to arrive. It had been 48 hours since she had anything to eat, and yet every few hours she was in the litterbox. Saturday night there was blood. I called the emergency vet; they said to give her overnight to see if the meds kicked in.
Sunday, there was no more blood, and the diarrhea at least had color instead of being water-and-mucus, but it wasn't any more solid. It also started to slow down, to every 5-6 hours instead of 1-2. But she still wasn't eating. We went back to the emergency vet that night. More antibiotics, more fluids+electrolytes, more vitamins. They gave me an oral appetite stimulant. She had lost almost 3 pounds.
Monday, she only pooped twice - 11am and 2pm. She hated the oral appetite stimulant - it made her drool - but it seemed to work a tiny bit. She lapped at some broth, which was the first thing she'd willingly consumed since Thursday. I put some broth in a syringe and fed her about 5 teaspoons' worth. She didn't enjoy it but was too weak to really fight me. She seemed kind of vague and nonresponsive. I was sure I was losing her.
Tuesday I got her in to see our regular vet that afternoon. He was horrified. New bloodwork, scheduled for X-rays the next day, and a new appetite stimulant - Mirataz, a little ointment you rub into the inside of their ears once a day.
Let me tell you something: Mirataz is a miracle drug. If a vet tries to give you Entyce for your pet who isn't eating, you hand that shit back and you tell them to give you Mirataz. Not only did it not make her drool, not only was the application extremely stress free, an hour after rubbing it into her little ear, she was eating. During our DnD Discord call, she got up from her bed of her own free will and ate a small amount at a time, five or six times. A far cry from me dribbling broth down her throat with a syringe. Her fur was already starting to look better. Her eyes were brighter. She had energy. She wasn't as vague. If she'd been at 0%, she was now at a solid 55-60%.
Wednesday's adventures with the vet weren't fun. We had to see a different doctor for the X-ray appointment as the other one was out, and she and I did NOT get along. Jumbled information, terrible bedside manner, two seconds into the conversation, drops the phrase, "We have to consider her quality of life." Quality of life? Ma'am! Why do you think I have dropped $1800 over the course of the weekend? This was acute onset, not chronic, and we still don't know what it was! We are not talking about euthanizing this cat unless you can give me a reason why! She also was like "She hasn't pooped since Monday afternoon? That's a concern. I'm sending you home with a laxative." MA'AM. she only started eating again at 8pm last night! After not eating + pooping her guts out for four days! I am not giving her a fucking laxative!
Anyway. Thursday, good vet called me back to talk about the X-rays, and that's when he told me about the Stage 2 kidney disease. There are still some things he doesn't understand from her raw numbers and X-rays, so he wants to do an ultrasound, but those aren't cheap so we're talking about it. In the meantime, Luna is much improved. It's clear she went through an Ordeal and still isn't fully Well, but she's eating (and as of today, pooping normally!), and has at least been drinking normally this whole time, so we have some time to figure out the next steps with her, and I can finally sleep at night.
Honestly. Worst holiday weekend ever in a long time, and that's including the year I had RSV from Christmas to New Year's and was leaking mucus out my eyes. Thank everyone for their thoughts and vibes and prayers.
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