#were. they already were kinda like friends but Rudy was not honest at all
beeholyshit · 9 months
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Warm up while I didn't have wifi heheheheh
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year
Why do you not like Alex from BB, like in your opinion, what do you think is wrong with him and how would you fix him.
this is such a complicated question bcuz there isnt anything wrong with him as a CHARACTER he's not unfunny or annoying or anything its just like. okay its very clear that around season eight the writers realized that gene didnt have any friends his own age at school and didnt have ANY male friends he hung out with (not counting peter here bcuz we dont see him in very many episodes although im sure they're casual friends) he really only spends time with his sisters and their friends. they decided that they needed to give him a friend in his grade which would be FINE except they just like introduced him out of nowhere as a way to give gene a Masculine Male Friend and it wasnt like a character we've seen gene previously interact with or a background character he becomes closer with. like yeah technically they did the same thing with courtney but that was in SEASON THREE so it made more sense to introduce new classmates bcuz we hadn't spent a lot of time at their school yet and didnt know everybody. its completely out of nowhere and theyre just immediately like yes we're best friends now. and the next episode everybody acts like alex has been there the whole time. and yeah things can happens off screen but that excuse doesnt really work when THE WRITERS KNOW THAT THIS IS AN ANIMATED TV SERIES AND OFF SCREEN DOESNT ACTUALLY EXIST it just feels like such a forced relationship that they did purely bcuz they felt like they needed to and not because it was natural for gene's character development or personality and that annoys me
personally i think there were many better ways to introduce a best friend if they wanted to do that (maybe courtney or peter both kids we already know gene is friends with in his grade) or a new kid at school who gene shows around and spends time with over a few episodes (like tina and tammy except not awful) either way u NEED to give their relationship more time to develop. louise and rudy are a great example of this bcuz they werent best friends right away. they casually hung out with each other over a period of time in different episodes and then EVENTUALLY them being closer makes sense bcuz u can tell they really bonded over their adventures vs with gene and alex its like okay here are these two characters they're best friends now. there isnt even chemistry between them if im being honest
yeah i would either introduce him way earlier in the show and give him more episodes where he's casually around gene or use another previously existing background character and give them a few episodes together. honestly i stand by my opinion that peter would've worked really great in alex's place bcuz they already interacted in multiple episodes and were in a band together
as for NOW there isnt really anything they could do to fix alex or make me like him i just think he was a poor writing decision and i would rather they just forget about him tbh
on a personal note in school i was best friends with a kid who reminds me of gene (except a lot quieter and more introverted. very sweet kid) and he didnt have any male friends he exclusively hung around girls (and mee :3) and he grew up to be a gay effeminate fat man so it feels almost like they're trying to erase certain aspects of gene's personality and make him less i dont know uhh gnc in that specific way and make him more of a stereotypical nerd which he has NEVER been. i dont think that was their intention but that kinda rubs me the wrong way too
there isnt anything wrong with liking alex or his character Personally i do not enjoy episodes with him in them and i feel like he was mostly a bad writing decision but luckily they dont bring him into episodes too often (although they didnt seem too interested in using secondary characters at all in season thirteen so who knows)
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kraekat29 · 2 years
Labyrinth- Chapter Four
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The next few days were filled with getting Paige set up- she needed a manager, a whole new bank account, hell they even suggested for her to take on a new name.
All of this was overwhelming and they didn't seem too pleased that Paige kept her name, she didn't want to change who she was.
Walking into her hotel room she smiled as her phone pinged, lately her TikTok has been blowing up with likes from Rudy, and to be honest? She actually kinda liked having his attention.
She closed and locked the door before setting her keys down, she had to admit being here it was pretty lonely.
Her aunt has been doing okay, she's off of the oxygen which gave Paige some relief, her aunt kept reassuring her to not worry and focus on her acting career.
So that's what she tried to do, but each time she did she felt nothing but guilt, god she wanted to go home.
The very first table read was today- Paige didn't even know what that meant, this was sure to be a treat.
She made her way inside, looking around and quickly becoming lost and overwhelmed, she began to panic, every turn she made just created one big circle.
Eventually she gave up, sitting on the floor and hugging her knees- only looking up when Rudy sat next to her, " lost?" He asked, " you have no idea.." she said and wiped the tears off of her cheeks.
He stood and held out his hand, watching as she gently placed her hand in his, the touch was electric, making her pause and look up at him, earning another breathtaking smile.
Paige smiled back, genuinely smiling, something she hadn't done in a long time, god why did she feel so comfortable around him?
He led her into the room, even once they got settled in he never let go of her hand, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles each time she got anxious.
Every so often she would look over at him, and each time he was already looking at her, it made her nervous, she desperately wanted to know what he saw in her.
After it was over she stood and looked over as Prim came over, " how was your first day?" She asked and Paige shrugged, " I could've done better.." She admitted, " I'll help you. We're gonna be best friends, I can tell" Prim said and slung her arm over her shoulders as they walked out.
Looks like day one wasn't a total fail at all, at least she had Rudy and now Prim.
With that in mind she smiled, ready to begin her career.
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katyahina · 3 years
Just a bit of theory about Kris
To be honest, I think that ultimate purpose of Deltarune as a game would be helping Kris to obtain their own SOUL... Once more. Basically, we might be up to make Kris trust us, the player.
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You see, Kris throws away red SOUL in the cage at the end of the game, and we control that red heart thing, suggesting that we (the Player) were possessing them. But I think this weird spot just near the cage suggests that SOUL has been thrown in the cage before...
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And just look at their side of the shelves in the room. Completely empthy. Of hobbies, of rewards. I think this might have been a parallel how we, the Player, have ability to destroy what they love (as indicated with throwing away a ball of junk), so they are afraid to have anything anymore. But... Them having a drawing tips book possessed over a few years yet clearly not making use of it? Asgore mentioning they hate uninvited hugs and Rudy recalling them as 'weird kid'? Them no longer playing piano as well as they used to? Paired with empthy shelves? And narration suggesting that Kris used to value some things - such as pranking Noelle, or loving taste of hot chocolate? And Noelle mentioning them needing help with homework 'again' as regular thing?
I think Kris might display mental illness blossoming upon puberty, after all.
See, I suppose SOUL is not as much 'magical' entity in UTDR universe, but moreso a clear identity to grasp upon. Therefore a SOUL-less human in the lore is less "hahaha souless = evil time for crimes!!!" thing and more loss of 'self'. I might be projecting personal experience here, but 'loss of a SOUL' might very well reflect that feeling when you just... one day realize that you are no longer 'yourself', and could never be again. That you lost that taste of life, that regular hobbies are no longer as joyful...
So like, being so lost makes them perfect target for otherwordly experiments, and it'd be cool if we could lead them to recollecting their own SOUL eventually? Or maybe getting new one (kinda metaphor for getting new semblance of self + life after mental illness took away your 'initial' self, I'd say). But if we keep making them do terrible things along the full game - they will snap from our control entirely, jumping into their own bad ending. So we need to work for their good so they can trust a Red Heart thing until they find something of their own in their adventure.
SOUL feels more like identity solidfied, I don't believe SOUL-less humans are evil - but they are ones completely lost themselves, for one tragic reason and another. Chara already canonically had to relay on player to recollect who they could be - even if it has little to nothing to do with their personality when they were alive.
The only drawback is that yes - in this case, Deltarune would slightly repeat Undertale, except instead of saving monsterkind, we now need to save just one person! Notice how Spade King gets overthrown and Susie has her character arc no matter how player acted. Our choices don't matter... for everyone BUT Kris! Events will take intended course, but we choose how Kris will feel.
Maybe Rudy will die either way, but we choose if he dies alone or upon pleasant conversation. Maybe Noelle will take her course to confess to Susie and suffer unrequited love - but we choose if Kris is there for her to support or not. Maybe Papyrus Deltarune will be a loser either way - but we decide if they're a lone loser or a loser with a friend!
And I think it might lead to recovery of 'SOUL-less' Kris. Establishment of trust between player and Kris. And it'd be beautiful. After all, our choices don't matter for overall events... But they matter for Kris.
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Our Little Secret
description: you and rudy have been sneaking around for a while now, what happens when you get caught in front of thousands of fans?😳😳
warnings: making out?? ooo and swearing oops (as a british person i can’t just NOT swear)
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            Rudy’s lips smashed against yours, moving hungrily as his arms snaked around your waist. You gasped, arms moving to hook around his neck as he slipped his tongue in your mouth. You had to be on set in five, and you were just passing the time with your good friend Rudy in his trailer.
Between the two of you, neither of you were quite sure what you were. So far, all you guys had done was purely physical. Of course, there had been lingering touches, longing stares, stolen smiles. But you hadn’t talked about it. 
It had started with flirty jokes, and then, boom! It just kinda happened, if you were being honest.
Not breaking the kiss, the two of you stumbled backwards until you bumped into the table. You jumped up and he took his pace between your legs, detaching his lips from yours and turning his attention to the skin on your neck. You moaned, heading rolling back to give him more access.
“Hey, Rudy? You in there?” Your eyes widen at the voice outside the trailer door, freezing both yours and Rudy’s movements.
“Uh, yeah?” Rudy says, clearing his throat.
“Why’s the door locked, toot?” You could practically see the suggestive smirk on Chase’s face.
“Cause I’m about to take a shit and I didn’t want anyone to come in here and smell that,” Rudy replies, looking at you with a grin on his face. You rest your head in the crook of his neck, pressing your face up to it to suppress your laughter.
Chase laughs. “Alright, then, but have you seen Y/N? I’ve been looking for her everywhere.”
“Nah, sorry bro,” Rudy calls out when you shake your head at him. “I’ve gotta take this shit or I’ll explode. See you in a sec.”
“It’s good, bro,” Chase replies. “She’s gotta be on set now, though. I’ll find her, don’t worry about it. Probably went off to craft services or something.”
You glare at the door where Chase is stood on the other end, but your eyes widen wen you realise you’re gonna be late to set.
“Cya, man,” Rudy says, helping you down from the counter as you pat down your hair. Chase mumbles a “bye”.
You two wait until it’s clear, giving Rudy a quick peck as you subtlety sneak out the trailer door once you’re sure Chase is gone.
As you walk - more like jog - away, you look back. Through the window you salute to Rudy, and he salutes back with a maniacal grin on his perfect face.
You’ve just finished shooting for the day, and straight away, you headed over to see Rudy. He’d slid you a note earlier in the day to meet him at his trailer once you were done.
Arriving, you were immediately pulled into a kiss by by the blond headed bimbo who’d stolen your heart. You smiled against his lips, happily thinking about the fact that you could finally call him yours.
Around two weeks ago now you two had finally sorted through your shit and admitted your feelings for each other. However, you’d both decided it would be better if you kept your newfound relationship to yourselves. You didn’t want to make things awkward if it didn’t work out, and, besides, sneaking around was fun. “Think of it as our little secret,” you had said.
You pulled away from the kiss and he pouted. Laughing, you pecked him on the cheek and watched as a smile took over on his lips. Rudy’s arms situated themselves around your waist as he laid the two of you down on the makeshift sofa in his trailer.
Rudy was lying on your lap as you played with his hair, occasionally kissing him as some stupid ass movie played on the TV. It was a nice breather from all the crazy scenes you’d been filming and you couldn’t feel more relaxed.
Well, that was until there was a knock at the door. You wasted no time in rushing into the bathroom, hiding as Rudy went to answer the door.
“Yo, dude,” you hear JD greet and you mentally cuss him out.
“Uh, hey, JD, Maddie,” Rudy says. “What’s up?”
“Why’re you being so weird?” Maddie questions, confused as to why Rudy seemed hesitant about letting them in.
“Me?” Rudy asks, shaking his head. “Nah, I’m not being weird.”
“Whatever,” Madison huffs. You hear her and JD walk in and mutter profanities under your breath. Thank god you had picked up your phone from the sofa or you would be toast. “We wanted to watch a movie and you have the comfiest couch.”
“What’re we watchin?” Rudy asks, bouncing on his heels. Madison shares a look with JD, confused as to what the hell was up with him.
“I dunno,” JD shrugs. “I gotta take a tinker in your bathroom, though. I’ll be right back.” He says, and your eyes widen.
“No!” Rudy calls out, and you search frantically for an escape route. There’s a window, but it’s kinda small, you’re not sure if you’d fit. Fuck it, you think as you hear JD and Mads confront Rudy about being weird.
“I just mean ... it’s kinda rank in there,” Rudy says, scratching the back of his neck.
“Disgusting,” Madison mutters.
“I’ll just block out the smell,” JD shrugs. “I’m desperate, bro.”
Rudy silently prays to himself as you fumble about the bathroom, climbing on top of the seat. You put one leg through the window as the footsteps land right outside the door, and  try to slyly maneuver yourself out with your phone in one hand. Your plan fails miserable and you tumble to the ground, landing in a bush.
“Fuck,” you mutter, sitting up and pulling leaves out your hair.
The door to the bathroom swings open and you run as fast as you can back to your own trailer. You ignore the confused looks of the crew members, and Drew calling your name as he sees you run past with twigs in your hair.
As soon as you get back to your trailer, you shoot Rudy a quick text.
I jumped out the window ;)
Jesus, Y/N. You good?
Yeah, just thank god for my super rad spy skills.
Sure, baby. Sure.
You giggle as Rudy pushes you down on your bed, peppering your skin with kisses, making you laugh more.
Filming had ended and you were currently quarantined with the cast, stuck in yours and Madelyn’s apartment. After the release of the show, you had gained quite a big fan base and your time had been occupied with online interviews and live streams. You’ve barely had the chance to sneak around with Rudy, not wanting to raise any suspicions since fans had already started shipping the two of you, pointing out the way he looks and interacts with you, and vice versa.
You didn’t want to let your friends catch on. Not yet.
Swiftly, you flip you and Rudy over, straddling him as you pull him in for a passionate kiss. You must not have heard the footsteps creeping up to your room, or the door swing open as you kissed your boyfriend.
A quick shriek alerted you of someone’s presence. You scrambled away from Rudy, cheeks red and eyes wide. It was Madelyn, stood frozen in the doorway, eyes wide. Clumsily, she dropped her phone, the object clattering to the floor
“Fuck,” Rudy mutters, pulling on his shirt as you put your hands over your face in attempt to hide you embarrassment.
Madelyn stands dead still, frozen to the spot. “Oh my god, guys, I am so so so sorry! I didn’t know you two were-”
By now, you had alerted the attention of Chase and Drew, who came running over at the sound of a scream. It didn’t take them long to connect the dots, between your rosy cheeks and swollen lips and Rudy’s messy hair and flustered appearance.
“Oh, shit,” Drew swore, eyes wide.
“Uh, guys ...” Madelyn spoke up, chuckling nervously. “I was on live and they saw ...” she motions between the two of you with her hands, “that.”
Honestly, you think you could’ve died, right then and there. You scramble to grab Maddie’s phone from the floor, seeing the comments screaming about what they had just accidentally witnessed and quickly end the live.
“I’m so sorry!” Maddie squeals, cheeks tinging red. “I was planning on scaring Y/N and I didn’t think Rudy would be in here, let alone that you two would be-”
You quickly cut her off, scratching the back of your neck and biting your lip. “It’s fine, Maddie. Seriously, don’t worry about it.”
“Yeah,” Rudy clears his throat. “You couldn't have known.”
“Uh, well,” Drew chuckles. “This is awkward.”
“Honestly, I’m gonna need a good few shots to erase the embarrassment of this moment from my memory,” you state, walking through the door and towards the kitchen where a bottle of vodka awaits you.
“I second that,” Rudy says, following you and lazily placing an arm around your waist.
Chase grins, watching the two off you. “So ... “ he trails off, gesturing between the two of you with his hand. “Are you two, yanno, together?” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.
You nod and Rudy smiles. “Yeah, we have been for a while now.”
“God, it’s about time!” Chase exclaims.
“You guys were pretty bad at hiding it,” Drew states, a grin of his own on his lips.
You mock fake offence, gasping as you poor the vodka into your shot glass. “We’ve been dating for four months, so, obviously not.” 
Madelyn’s mouth hangs open. “Four months?!” she yells. “And you didn’t tell us?”
Rudy shrugs, kissing your cheek fondly. “Eh, it was pretty fun sneaking around.”
“Agreed,” you say, smiling up at him. He meets your gaze, pecking you on the lips.
“Ew, you guys,” Chase groans. “Just because you’re together now doesn’t mean you can be all openly affectionate.”
Madelyn whacks his arm, rolling her eyes. “Shut up, they’re cute.”
“Nah, they’re gross,” Drew jokes, laughing. “Anyway, I made Mama Starkey’s casserole. Who wants some?”
“Me!” you exclaim, grinning excitedly. If there was one thing you loved it was Mama Starkey’s chicken casserole. Also, eating and drinking would be a good way to get your mind off the fact that practically the entire world saw you on top of a shirtless Rudy, making out with him.
A/N: AHAHAH THE WAY I DIDNT KNOW HOW TO END THIS SHDJSHJDH also pls excuse the crappy writing this was made at 4am last night😳
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ckyunmoon · 4 years
Just Friends III / Drew Starkey
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not my gif, credits to owner!
A/N: So here’s part three! I kinda like the way the story is coming out, especially since I’m basically improvising everything I’m doing. Hope you like it! 
Here you can read part one and part two.
Summary: You and Drew have been friends forever, and when you start to acknowledge your feelings for him, he is casted on Netflix’s show ‘Outer Banks’.
Pairing: Drew Starkey x reader.
Warnings: None, i think.
Word count: 1,110.
You were hanging on set with most of the cast, chilling and joking with each other, some of the jokes being recorded as a part of the tomfoolery as they called it. You almost lost your breath when Drew came where you and the others were, he was wearing a light blue suit, with a black bow tie and his hair back, looking like a whole snack if you ask me, you thought.
'Hey, how did it go?' You asked. Things between you were almost like always, sometimes there was some tension between you, especially when the girl he was seeing, Aurora, was joining the group. She was working on the show as the director’s assistant, so she was constantly around when they were on set. 
'Good, yeah. Now I know that Rudy is very good at spitting at people's faces, so yeah…' He said smiling.
'Is that so?' You said, turning to face Rudy, who had just arrived too.
'I mean, yeah… But in my defense I'll say: his character is VERY annoying.' Rudy said, moving his hands to the air. 
'You got me there, man. I am annoying.' Drew said, fixing his suit. 
'I mean… you're pretty annoying...' You said laughing. He looked at you like he was genuinely offended. 'Hey, your words, not mine.' You kissed his cheek. 'Anyways, we were thinking of going out tonight, you in?'
'Yeah, I was going to ask you too, Aurora told me.' Your smile faded, it would be a lie saying you were not a bit jealous of her, but there was nothing you could do, so you just nodded, letting him know you were going too. 'I have to go back, I still have a couple of scenes left, I'll annoy you later.' 
'Have fun, Drewie.' You went to take a seat next to Madelyn, who was talking to Maddie and Jonathan. 'Hey, what's up?'
'Hi love, we were just betting on how long it will take before Drew notices you have feelings for him too and makes a move.' Madelyn said with a smile.
'Oh God, drop that already… he's with Aurora, it seems to be going good, let's leave it there. Besides, I have to leave soon and he'll stay here, it's better that way.' 
'Hey y/n, I'm not saying this because you're my friend or anything, but… he likes you, how could he not? Like, the way he looks at you and how he treats you… I'm pretty sure he does.' Madison said, totally convinced of it.
'Besides, he kinda told me a few days ago…' Jonathan said casually, like he was not holding tactical information.
'He what?!' Madelyn yelled, immediately covering her mouth with her hands when she realized how loud she had talked.
'I knew, I just knew it, I have a sixth sense for this kind of stuff.' Madison said, feeling like she just won the biggest prize.
You just looked at Jonathan, eyes wide open, not even able to say a word. 'What did you just say?' 
'Well, he didn't mention your name or said it directly, but the other night when we went out to have a drink, me and the other boys were talking and the question kind of came up.' He said emphasizing the 'the' and raising his brows.
'What question, what are you talking about, Jonathan?' You said trying not to sound as impatient as you felt.
'Well he was the only one who came here with someone, so most of us thought you two were a thing, so we asked. He said you were just friends, but he kept looking at you the whole night every time he had a chance.'
'That doesn't prove anything I guess, he just said the truth.'
'Y/n, he said and did the exact same thing as you, and yet here we are, trying to guess if he has feelings for you too.' Madelyn said. 
You sighed, trying not to get your hopes up. 'Then why would he be with someone else? It makes no sense whatsoever.'
'Maybe he's trying to leave behind the feelings he has for you because he thinks you don't feel the same?' Madison said, trying to comfort you.
'I don't know, he's seeing someone, I'm not going to get in between them, that’s not who I am.' You sighed and hoped the subject was over. 
‘There’s something more…’ Jonathan said hesitantly. Of course there is, I have to keep suffering with this, you thought. 
‘What is it?’ 
‘That same night, Rudy said something about thinking you were cute, and Drew just… backed off and didn’t say a word again until we stopped talking about it.’ He said carefully.
‘He has no idea how you feel and he was trying to not get in the way in case you liked Rudy too.’ Madelyn said.
‘We don’t know that for sure and I guess we won’t unless he and Aurora break up or something, because I’m not asking.’ You said shrugging. 
After you were done getting ready you went to the living room, where Drew was sitting on the couch, waiting for you to leave together.
‘Are you ready?’ You asked looking at him. He looks so good without even trying… You thought. 
‘Yes, I was waiting for you, let’s go.’ He said picking up the car keys and closing the door after you.
The car ride was shockingly quiet, in an uncomfortable way, so you decided to poke a bit more in the open wound, because why not? ‘So… How are things with Aurora?’ 
Drew frowned ‘What?’ 
‘You know, the dating and all that stuff, are you guys doing alright?’ 
‘Y/n… we’re not dating. She’s been helping me get some scenes right, just like the director wanted them. If I was dating someone you would’ve been the first to know. Where is this coming from?’ He said in a surprised tone, looking at you for a moment before focusing on the road again.
You could feel how your cheeks were starting to burn. Thank God the inside of this car is so dark at night, you thought. ‘Oh... I just thought… You two were spending so much time together I thought… Nevermind.’ You were relieved to be honest, this changed a lot of things.
‘What about you?’
You looked at him in shock. ‘What? What about me?’
‘Yeah, you know, you like someone from the cast?’ He asked carefully.
‘Oh… yeah I do. But he has no idea apparently.’
‘Then you should tell them.’ He said, not moving his eyes from the road.
‘Yeah… Maybe I will.’ You said, smiling to yourself. 
Taglist:  @beatement-l​ @cherryobx @delightfullynlove @difficultlttldevil @drewsephsmiles @drewstarkeyisababe @drewstarkeyobx  @drewswannabegirl @fttayla @hxnnxhhhhh11 @ilovejjmaybank @ityagirljay @jewel25 @jjtheangel @kindahavefeelingskindaheartlesss @miss-good-looking @multifandomlovess @nas-marie-loves-u @netflix-imagines @obx-paradise-on-earth @outerbankslut  @pm-my-hubbies​ @pogie-style @prejudic3 @rochyu  @skatespitfire @slutforjjmaybank​ @simpforstarkey @starkeystyles @sunwardsss​ @tiredfeels @tomhardybby  @unknownuserlea  @wesnewa  @windexplanet @wtfiskpop
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mentalpolaroids · 3 years
GH | 22. Live
GH 21  GH 23
It has been a week since Outer Banks was released on Netflix. We all watched the entire show in one long, restless night and I almost cried of how proud I was of my friends. I was sure the show would be a big success and I was so happy to have experienced it with them, they all deserved it a lot. During that week eveyone had their interviews via facetime or zoom and they were also asked to do some lives on Instagram. Since there wasn't much I could do for them I spent my "alone" time editing some photos of the photoshoots we did before the lockdown started. Also, Madison, JD and Austin decided to go back home and spend the rest of the lockdown with their families so the house was somewhat more quiet. I missed them but at the same time it felt good to have more space and not have to wait so much time to use the bathroom. Especially with Madison, she took the longest and somehow I was never able to use the bathroom before her. With Madi gone it also meant that Rudy fulfilled his wish of sharing the bed with me and cuddle. I, of course, wasn't mad about it. Rudy was iniciating an Instagram live on his phone. They would have Madison and JD joining them too. I wanted to go back to my room to keep editing so I wouldn't disturb them but they all insisted in me staying, especially Rudy. They claimed that some fans had actually asked about me and why I wasn't joining the lives since I was quarantining with them. It felt weird to recieve this kind of attention, even though I was kind of used to it from the comments on Instagram. I wasn't part of the cast so I assumed it was supost for people to not give two shits about my existence, but they did, and I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. "Mic check, mic check.", Rudy spoke to the camera, sitting between me and Chase. Even though he had the phone facing him and Chase, I still tried to stay as small as possible. I don't know why but I felt nervous. Madison eventually joined the live and the three talked to each other and answered some questions from the fans. "Oh by the way where's Kelly? Tell her I kept her ring by accident!" "Oh she's right here!", I looked up at him from my laptop and he gave me a smile, as if asking me if it was ok for him so "show me". I smiled back and he leaned back, laying his head on my shoulder and there I was, live for thousands of people. "Hi Bailey babe!" "Kelly baby! I have your ring!" "It's ok, just take care of it.", I answered, trying to mask my shyness. The wave of comments towards the fact that Rudys head on my shoulder was making it difficult. "I will obviously!"
"I think you're covering the mic.", I whispered, noticing his hand clumsily holding the phone. "Oops." Rudy's head was still on my shoulder so I was pretty much co-starring on this live. Chase eventually laid his head on Rudy's shoulder so he could appear too.
What is Kelly doing?
"She's looking at pictures of me.", Rudy answered a comment, winking. "I don't have a choice and my eyes hurt already." Chase laughed stupidly which made Madison and I laugh too and Rudy pouted. I pinched his cheek, earning a childish moan from him. "For those who don't know, Kelly's our photographer on the show, you can thank her for the existence of all the dope pictures of the cast.", Chase answered. I blushed and akwardly made a thumps up to the camera making Rudy laugh. "That me." "She's amazing! Please go check her insta out!" "Aw, thanks Bails!"
I want someone to look at me the way rudy looks at kelly
We need a ship name for Rudy and Kelly cause my heart cant take it anymore
I gave an annoying look to the camera, more precisely to Madison, and she just stuck he tongue out, a childish smirk on her lips. "Yeah I'm kinda jealous to be honest.", said Chase. "Oh don't be, you know you have my heart.", Rudy pointed to his heart, his eyes on Chase. "Yeah, I mean, I'm totally thirdwheeling here.", I tried to hide a laugh. "Aw, thanks guys." "Yeah I ship Rudy and Chase more than Rudy and Kelly. No offense Kells." "None taken, same here. "
"Shyrup.", Rudy held a small plastic container in front of the phone camera that was now being held by Chase. "That's soy sauce, dumbass.", I mumbled. Rudy looked at me holding his laugh and pinched my side. I obviously squealed, which made Chase look at us and laugh, he then looked back to the phone and wiggled his eyebrows.
The three of them kept on answering questions and joking around, once in a while including me, not only because I played a part in those jokes but also because the fans asked about me too. I eventually grew more comfortable with the live and everything about it and even answered some questions myself. The comments about Rudy and I were crazy, I laughed at some of them and joked about it along with Rudy. It was a good thing we were comfortable with each other and were actually used to that kind of teasing, thanks to our friends, so it was more fun than awkward.
I love their friendship so much
Kudy would be a cute ship name
I want wat they have
living for Rudy and kellys chemistry
I had tears in my eyes from laughing at a story Rudy was telling about something that happened on set. Maddie and Drew had joined us earlier and were laughing too, along with JD that had replaced Madison on the live. "And then in the back you can see Kelly hiding her laugh behind her camera while Jonas shook his head like a disapointed dad at us. It was crazy!", JD spoke. "Yeah you could actually feel Jonas regreting his life choices, like, that happened daily on set but that moment was just priceless.", I added, still laughing and having the others join me, and pretending not to notice Rudy staring at me through the phone camera.
The live ended, all of us still laughing at our jokes and the memories we digged through. It was now time to start making dinner, which was Drew and mine's duty because, as the others claimed, we were the best cooks in the house. From the living room I could hear Maddie and Chase teasing Rudy reminding him of the comments on the live. Drew decided it was a good idea to join them from the kitchen, pretending I wasn't there. "Kudy actually sounds good.", Maddie commented. "I like Chaselyn.", I said, not bothering to look at them but I knew Chase was blushing and Maddie probably wanted to kill me. Drew laughed beside me, highfiving me. Not that he derseved though. "Relly!", Chase yelled. "No! That's weird." "Rully!", Drew said. "Ew, no." "Maddie we need a ship name!", Drew complained, annoyed by her disagreement. "I think Kudy is the best option!" I looked at Rudy, who was shaking his head with a smile on his face and when he met my gaze he widen his eyes and mouthed a 'help' and I just shook my head too, not even bothering to tame my friends.
kellyinwinterland Los Angeles, California
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Liked by hichasestokes, rudeth and 12,312 others kellyinwinterland Stay home and stay safe 💕 We're keepin it smiley here
user whos here after the live? hichasestokes Shmiley -kellyinwinterland @hichasestokes shmiley shmiley user1 here after falling in love with her and rudy user2 So prettyyy rudeth Get off your phone and give me cuddles -kellyinwinterland @rudeth you're on your phone too 🤡 -user1 @rudeth @kellyinwinterland OH SHIT ASLJKDHBJ I JUST SPAT MY WATER user3 Rudy is not even trying to be subtle anymore JUST CONFIRM IT ALREADY -hichasestokes @user3 He was never subtle -user3 @hichasestokes IM SCREAMIIIING madelyncline Pweettyy -kellyinwinterland @madelyncline 😝❤ user4 I THINK KUDY IS REAL IT HAS TO BE
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lyricalimerence · 4 years
You Never Asked - JJ Maybank
summary: in which jj was the only person who knew but then you two drift because of kie invading the group, effectively leaving you out of the loop, until your grandfather dies. you pick yourself up, and jj makes a stupid comment without knowing.
word count: 1341
warnings: cancer mentions, death mentions, a joke about cancer, coarse language, angst i suppose. this is very badly written, i'm sorry lol
a/n: so the topic of this is very real to me, something i've been mulling over for like a week. i was replaying the end of this toxic friendship i had. i realized the first person i told about my grandfather's diagnosis didn't know he was gone and it kind of stung a little bit. this is a little exaggerated for "entertainment" purposes but i just,,, this is more of my own mental punching bag in a way. somewhere to kind of decompress my emotions towards my delayed emotions. i know it's a mess. it's kinda incoherent and very unedited and rushed i'm just gonna be honest 😌
flashbacks look like this
it almost ached, the pangs in your heart and the fatigue plaguing your mind. your body feels weighed down, you could barely move without needing to take a break. the sky seems dimmer even without your sunglasses, the ocean seems rougher without a clear cause for the current you created in your mind. you twiddle your thumbs, watching as the pad of your right thumb traced over the jagged, bitten-down edge of your left thumbnail.
you were waiting. it seemed like that was all you were doing those days. waiting for jj to realize you were still there, waiting for the pogues to realize kiara couldn't replace you, waiting for your grandpa to get better, waiting for the day you found out he was getting worse, even though you knew he was already gone. he had been for months now. all you could was wait, and it was driving you crazy. your mind running circles are itself, barely recognizing what you used to, only focusing on the new, obstructive thoughts.
you remembered it so clearly. that day on the hammocks.
you had pulled jj out to your backyard where a hammock was held up by two trees overlooking the ocean. your house was always the spot until you were kicked to the curb. jj’s rough, calloused hand was placed in yours as you two sat in the hammock, your ankles pressed together, fighting for who's got to cross over the other’s instead of under.
it had been a miracle you had gotten him away. kiara has recently joined the group of pogues. you felt replaced, like you weren't good enough anymore. not to mention, you had been carrying a burden on your chest for weeks. was kiara carrera so captivating and perfect that no one noticed your eating patterns stuttered, your talkativeness dwindled, and your under eyes became more gaunt and purple stained each day?
you still had sarah and the kooks—in a way. they were your friend group, not your best friend. not the ones you needed. “what’s up, y/n? y’know, kie’s dad is getting us beer in a sec, so can this be quick?”
of course kie had some better alternative that you. you were technically a kook, but kie’s family was better off, you were pretty, but she was prettier, you played the ukelele and would sing tunes for the guys on your dock at night, but kie was better at it. you were never enough anymore. “right, um,” you breath quickened, not bothering to make eye contact with jj, because you knew he’d be waving or winking at kie who was watching from inside your house. your house that wasn’t as big or kempt as hers. “my grandpa is sick.”
jj’s head turned, you could see in your periphery as you kept your eyes trained ahead of you, tracing the edge of the horizon. “everyone gets sick, y/n, why're you making such a big deal—”
“cancer. he’s sick with cancer.” you all but spat, your grandfather was always so good to jj. whenever he would visit, jj would run over, eager to spend time with the benevolent man. why was he acting like such a dick? he must've known he was acting like an asshole because his face drained of color. or maybe you had captured his attention with someone he cared about, since, clearly, that person wasn't you. “esophageal cancer, in his throat, so he can't eat. they can't do surgery to remove the tumor because it's in line with his heart.”
the blond boy next to you took a few seconds, focusing on inhaling and exhaling, watching his chest rise and fall to just make sure it still was. you knew the feeling, it has been all too real for you the past week. how could you notice the slightest change in his demeanor, but he hadn't recognized your ongoing agony?
“your grandpa will tough it out, he always does. he's a strong guy.” you glanced at him, moving your eyes but not your head. you weren't sure if you'd be able to take in his complete expression without breaking down. you muttered something under your breath, only for him to respond. “stage what?”
“four. stage four. he’ll be gone by next summer.”
and he was. your grandfather, light of your life with your absentee parents died in april. april first to be exact. at 12:01 in the morning. you were in the room with him, sarah and rafe sat outside the room waiting for you to exit. they heard your scream rip through the thin hospital walls. it had to have been an april fools joke, right?
but it wasn't, and the one person you needed to hug at that moment, hadn't spoken to you since september. your jj has completely replaced you with kiara. you tried to hate her, place the blame on someone besides yourself, but she was just perfect. who could deny her of whatever she wanted?
maybe you were just selfish. you brought up your grandfather as a way to try to bring jj back to you, evoke some remnants of emotion he had in regards to your wellbeing. you didn't care if those feelings matched the intensity or emotion yours were, as long as something was there, but that didn't happen. and that was almost as painful.
it was july, almost an exact year since your cancerous confession. you had almost forgotten about jj. sometimes you’d see him around and he’d act like things between you two were normal—it pissed you off more than anything. but it hadn't occurred to you that jj had gone on living his life, thinking that his favorite adult in the world was alive. an uncomfortable fallacy you held with you for months.
sarah, rafe, topper, and kelce had managed to get you to go to the boneyard for a kegger, convincing you it would be good. it would finally get you back into routine. so you did. you messed with your makeup in the mirror until your lips were darkened with red, your eyelids shimmered with pink, and your skin was smoothed through the magic of concealer. sarah took a curling iron to your hair, looping strands around the wand until your soft locks of hair bounced around your shoulders in beachy waves. you were wearing a sundress—you couldn tell your heart still felt like it was being punched with each sharp intake of breath and every step you take.
until you got there, and sarah had her elbow interlocked with yours as you walked up to the keg, the guys in front of you. having no intention to actually drink, you moved to step around jj who was manning the keg at the time. “c’mon, y/n, not beer for you?”
you had to will yourself to look him in the eyes, but once you did you realized his emotions were pure. he was happy. he didn't need you, he was happy without you. blissful ignorance is a bitch. “no thanks.”
something clicked at your harsh tone, “has the whole family lost their shotgunning touch? sore throat?”
“what the fuck, man?” kelce was the first to move, ready to punch the pogue, topper and rafe close behind.
jj turned, ready to snap at you to call off your dogs, but your eyes had glossed over, and you lip was starting to bleed from how hard you had bitten down, trying to halt it from quivering. “y/n, what’s going on?”
“he died, asshole.” sarah muttered, pulling you passed the advent of the fight about to break out. before you two could completely get away, jj grabbed your other elbow.
your body went rigid, it had been even longer since he had touched you. at all. “april.”
“why didn't you tell me?” his eyes softened, the edges drooping as his smile lines faded away. your heart twisted, he thought he deserved to know.
you knew it was a different reason, but he didn't deserve to know. “you never asked.”
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@insanitysparkles @anonymous0writer @prejudic3 @ilovejjmaybank @apoguecalledjj @outerbanksbro @xxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooo @calumbroutledge @rudys-pankow @queenofthebees003 @bxllasanosa @write-from-the-heart @popcsheyward @kaitieskidmore1 @abigailpankow @thelocalpogue @fandomsinapile @starkeymarkey @lovingxjj @beatement-l @jayjaymaebank @drew-starkey @mahleeyuh
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deniigi · 5 years
Hey idk how many asks ur getting but I hope ur not being bombarded or anything. If u could, would u write a scene where jack loses little!matt cuz oops Matt just ran off during errands. He runs into various NYC heroes/vigilantes and in the end Matt has them all trailing him as they try to find jack together. Meanwhile jack panics and anxiety.
This got long and definitely wasn’t quite what you were thinking of, but I think it’s still pretty okay.
I’m putting the 2nd half under the cut since it’s so long (sorry mobile folks)
There was a huge fanfare in the streets; some guy with money was apparently strolling through the Kitchen and folks had come out to stare back at him when he started eyeing up their buildings, as was their way. Santiago’s was helping this by leaving a couple of folding tables outside the restaurant doors with ‘Make Peace Not Weapons’ fliers on it next to a couple of flats of eggs.
What was to be done with said eggs was not stated. People around here just knew.
None of that had ever been Jack’s bag, honestly. He was busy. Politics had always been background noise to his daily scrounging and scraping and really, this crowd was going to be the death of him.
He caught Rudy and the others crowded around the doorway of the gym and scream-asked over the noise of the crowd gathering around the edges of the streets if they’d seen Matt.
No, they hadn’t. He wasn’t out playing with Rudy’s kids; they were at their grandmother’s.
Rudy told him to try the church’s playground. A lot of the local kids had climbed up on the fence over there to watch the protest.
Matty knew better than to go that far without asking, but Jack went anyways.
Normally, he’d be panicking, but these were the streets that Matt grew up in; that he himself had grown up in. Th folks lining the pavement here knew him and his kid. They’d keep an eye out and make sure Matt didn’t get kidnapped or anything like that.
He got to the church and saw that Grace was standing outside, shaking her head at all the kids lining the top of the fence. He made wide gestures to catch her attention. She met him at the front of the church with a frown.
“No, he’s not here,” she said. “I saw him go past, though, with the McKenzies’ girl. They’re alright. They went and found a football, the two of them.”
That was 100% Mrs. Green’s doing. She’d had a yard sale for her kids’ shit the other day. Jack had seen a couple of basketballs and footballs in among the stuff. She must not have gotten rid of all of it.
Grace waved him in the direction of the green lot the next street up. It was where most of the neighborhood children spent their time—in the daytime, playing and in the nighttime, for the older ones, experimenting.
Jack struggled through the crowd that way but got caught up in a mass of jeering and jostling when Mr. Moneybags, Whoever finally got out of his car.
Are you serious, y’all?
He called over folks to move, that he was after his fuckin’ kid, and they tried as best as they could to let him back.
Finally, blessedly, he stumbled back out on to the pavement and blew out a breath. Then headed off towards the park.
Sure enough, Matt was there, holding a football that was way too big for him with Perry, the MacKenzies’ girl. They’d evidently been playing the first-grade equivalent of tackle football, if Jack was reading the color in their faces and the dried grass all over them right.
He started that way and was so preoccupied with planning out the conversation he and Matt were about to have that he didn’t hear the folks shouting behind him. Matt saw him and perked up. He handed off the football and met Jack at the water fountain in the middle of their paths. He knew he was in trouble.
Jack put his hands on his hips to emphasize it and was validated at the guilty dropped eyes he got in return.
“Uh-huh,” he said. “That’s what I thought. Come on, then. You know what comes next.”
Matt scowled and dropped his face, mumbling out excuses.
“Sorry, I can’t hear you,” Jack said.
Matt pouted.
“Hey, you’re in the way,” a new voice said. Jack stood up straight and glared over his shoulder.
“You got the whole pavement, asshole. Go around,” he snapped.
And the next thing he knew, there was a man in a suit manhandling him off the concrete onto the grass.
“You need to move,” the guy growled.
Oh hell no. Not in this neighborhood, pal.
Jack shoved him back; the guy wasn’t prepared for that, it would seem. He fell back right on his ass and stared up, stunned.
“Who do you think you are?” the man babbled, struggling up. He had some kind of thing in his ear, like a secret service man.
Jack huffed at him and went back to collect Matt. They evidently couldn’t have this discussion here.
“HEY. I’m talking to you.”
The second the hand hit his shoulder, time fast-forwarded and Jack came back to himself with the dude with a bloody hand slapped over his face and a fucking roaring crowd of neighbors all around him.
Oh, shit.
“Shit,” he said, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean—”
“WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?” the asshole snarled, ripping his hand away from his mouth to reveal a split lip. “You come out here to assault one of Tony Stark’s bodyguards, huh? You one of these fuckin’ low lives who think they own this city? Hit me again, pal. We’ll see who’s the real winner in the court of law, huh?”
Hey, now. Jack had just been trying to apologize.
“FUCK ‘IM UP, JACKIE,” Someone shrieked from the middle of the crowd in the street.
“Jackie? Your name’s Jackie? Jackie what? Full name and address, asshole, give it to me,” the suit demanded.
Was not excellent.
“Listen man,” Jack said as calmly as the roiling, bubbling heat in his chest would allow. “I’m just trying to pick up my kid, alright? So why don’t you fuck off and we both pretend like none of this ever happened?”
The suit scoffed.
“Sure,” he jeered, “Yeah, you pick up your little bitch and clear out. Why don’t we do just that?”
Jack could not break this man in half in front of his son.
He could not make this man beg for mercy in front of his son.
No. That wasn’t true. He could. But he wouldn’t. He had an example to set.
“Yo, what’s going on here? Will, is everything alright?”
The suit suddenly broke eye contact with Jack and turned to a short dude dressed in an obnoxious hoodie and flip flops.
“Everything is just fine, Mr. Stark,” he said, all prim and proper. “This guy’s just impeding the walkway.”
Mr. Stark—fuck, that explained a lot—had to be around Jack’s age. He had dark eyelashes and was probably pretty in other parts of the city. But here? Nah, a pretty man was a working man and this guy, for all his unshaven jaw and tousled hair, was not it.
“Alright, so move, man,” Stark said towards Jack. “It’s public property. You don’t own it.”
“You don’t either,” Jack pointed out to another uproar in the crowd.
Stark chewed on his tongue and chuckled.
He held his hands up.
“That’s fair,” he said. “Leave it, Will. He’s not bothering anyone.”
Will the Suit blustered all over.
“He’s assaulted me, sir,” he said, pointing at his lip. “Not to mention, he’s obviously out here to rile up the crowd.”
“I’m just out here to pick up my son,” Jack snapped.
“So pick him up and get out of the fuckin’ way already,” Will growled.
Ho, ho, motherfucker.
Jack did not move. He held the guy’s eye.
“Daddy.” Matt’s little hands found their way to his wrist.
He was scared. And the thought sent another ripple of heat through Jack’s body.
This was their neighborhood. This was Matt’s home. Jack’s home. And he wouldn’t be treated like shit in it. He wouldn’t teach Matt to bow his head to people with more money.
“You heard your kid,” Will the suit said, “Good to know the next generation here’s got some kinda brains in their heads. Lay off.”
“You ain’t better than us,” Jack spat. He stood up tall and breathed slow. “None of you. This is our city, not yours. So get the fuck out. We don’t need your fuckin’ money, Stark.” He twisted his head to make direct eye contact with this man and his tousled hair and eyelashes.
This wasn’t about some shithead in a suit anymore.
Stark tipped his own face slowly to the side.
“You got guts,” he said. “But honestly, man, you all actually could use my money. You got holes in your shirt, friend. You think—”
“We’d rather have a park than a store we can’t afford to buy from,” Jack said.
“So shop somewhere else,” Stark replied with wide hands. “But this isn’t about a store, you know. This is about an office; a whole five floors of new jobs—”
“Yeah, as janitors,” A gal with a sign on her shoulder said, squirming out of the crowd. “As service people to the rich lapdogs you drag in here to do your business for you.”
“You’d have new patrons for your fine establishments,” Stark said calmly to her.
“Oh sure, I bet they’d flock here, yeah,” the gal drawled. “Them and their pretty white families, with all their pretty, GAP clothes. And you know what they’d do, Stark? They’d start complaining about the quality of our ‘fine establishments.’ They’d start demanding shit we can’t afford, to the point where we’d have to find ways to afford ‘em, just so that we could make an honest living—and by then, our own moms and neighbors wouldn’t be able afford to pay for our so-called fine services.”
“So they would go somewhere else, and you would still be making a profit,” Stark reasoned.
“I should be able to do laundry at the laundromat closest to my house,” the gal pointed out to a chorus of support. “It’s not about money. It’s about community.”
Stark huffed.
“And what a community it is,” he said sarcastically. “You got this guy out here, punching people on the streets ‘cause he can’t keep his kid under control, you got used needles on every corner, trash piling up in the gutters—you call that ‘community?’”
“I call it poverty,” the woman said.
“Business and investment will help alleviate—”
“Mr. Stark,” the woman interrupted, “For all them brains in your head, you sure aren’t good at thinking. Or listening. So why don’t you just take a moment for the next minute and practice. Just listen. Look at me—really look, sir.”
Stark did, but he made it real clear that he was doing it out of the kindness of his heart.
“If you really cared about poverty,” the gal said slowly, “You and all your war money and all your millionaire and billionaire friends would fund community programs. Hell’s Kitchen doesn’t need new businesses, Mr. Stark. We have plenty of our own. What we need are services. Better services. More services. We need people who want to help us as people. Not clients. Not customers. As a community of human beings. And until you really, truly understand what that means, you and your friends aren’t welcome here in Hell’s Kitchen. So, sir, what do you say?”
The crowd fell silent. Jack lifted his chin and stared down at Stark around it just in case he or his security detail got any ideas.
Stark glanced up at him, then back at the woman and then, for the briefest second, at Matt barely peeking out from behind Jack’s hip.
He cleared his throat.
“Well, I see that we’re not welcome here,” he said. “Perhaps we can table this discussion for now due to community concerns, which I’m sure we can overcome in the future. What do you say, Miss?”
“Mrs,” the woman corrected. “I say you’re welcome to try as many times as you want.”
Stark looked her over and scoffed.
“Oh, I will,” he said, “I got this little thing called ‘spite’ in me.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” the woman said peacefully.
Stark didn’t know what to say to that, so he didn’t say anything. He puffed himself up and told his guards that he was ready to go. This visit was not worth extending.
The crowd parted to let him and his suits through and was more or less quiet as they all watched him get in his fancy car and drive away.
Jack felt the tension in his shoulders settled down. He stroked a hand over Matt’s hair.
“Thanks for the rescue, Bess,” he said.
Bess beamed up at him.
“Anytime, Jackie,” she said. “Anytime.”
Bess Mahoney was Hell’s Kitchen’s main superhero before DD. Thank you and good night.
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montydollcrew · 7 years
I-Doll Fukuoka 8
This is kinda late but a few people said they did want to see a report, so here is a small one! I-Doll was on October 9th on a Monday - it was a public holiday, but unfortunately because not everyone got that day off and Doll Show in Tokyo being on the same day, there were less vendors than usual. However, Dearmine attended as a vendor for the first time which I think more than made up for that. I hurried right over there as soon as I got in because I knew they’d get swamped with people quickly and it would be hard to get photos, and there was already a line. They had the samples of their newest dolls on display and available for preorder - these ones aren’t out yet. 
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Those blond ash-skinned DearPets - Oz and Storm - sure are cute in person, I do kinda wanna get a DearPet one day.
They also had a whole load of other dolls - mostly from their DearBeans range - including previously released limited colours and some that were limited to this event. I had been lining up just to get close enough to take photos, but when I saw all the Beans there.... well, I was worried that when I got closer I didn’t want to be the person who left the line without buying anything, but then when I got even closer and actually saw all the Beans up close I realized that I probably wouldn’t be able to leave without buying one even if I wanted to ._. Looking at them on the website is one thing, but seeing them right in front of you...
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I actually took a really long time to decide, though, and I ended up letting 3 of the people behind me go first. I was waffling between one of the grey ones, the event-limited yellowy one or a black one, but as you may already know, I got this dude. He was displayed in a pink nightgown (you can see him in the photo) but was slightly cheaper without it so I got him naked, as I wanted to buy him clothes at the event itself anyway.
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Rachel and Angelica were stunning in person, too...
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Dearmine had real cute bags, too! Anyway One of my twitter/insta mutuals choco.tan was also there selling a bunch of cute 1/12 miniatures she’d made, so I got some pancakes.
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She’d also brought along her adorable Rudy, who I am a huge fan of and always make sure to take a pic of when I see her! Rudy is a honey delf Corni, another doll I really want. (I want both Kid and Honey delf Cornis, but I have different plans for each)
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(I got a pic of Apollo with Rudy back at Doll Friend earlier this year!)
The teeny little dealer shop Fukuoka has called Doll Shop Eden also had a booth there with some of the newest dolls they’d gotten in. I really like that special grey-skinned Dollzone Miss Kitty.
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A bunch more sellers - many had Halloween-themed items.
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^^^I really like the spooky faces on those ones!
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The custom Houzuki is pretty cool too.
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A whole load of cute little custom heads!
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That little coffin case for 1/12 dolls is cute.
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Some cute furniture here.
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I really liked these cute little cats this person was selling! I didnt look too closely though cos I spent all that money at Dearmine already 8′)
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I’ve seen this person at a few different events, they sell feather-wigs.
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That’s the booth of another mutual, I always get a cute hair accessory when I see her. I got a bunny-shaped one this time.
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Not all the ‘big’ dealers went to Doll Show! I got that sailor dress from them at May Dolpa.. I really like their clothes but thanks to Dearmine I was just looking now.
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It’s always fun seeing how dealers decorate their booths. This one has a YoSD Kanon sitting up there next to the pink star...I was really tempted to enter the lottery for her back in May along with Renee to be honest, she’s pretty cute with different eyes (I’m not really a fan of the dull-looking eyes Volks gave her).
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The heads/eyes of those two girls were for sale...tempting.
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So many tiny clothes! I got Jasper’s (my new Dearmine) from here. You can actually see the set in this photo if you look closely...  There was another set I wanted but I didnt have enough for it, although its probably for the best that I got the one I did because the pants are stretchy - they’re made for obitsu11 but dearbeans have bigger thighs and non-stretchy pants might not have even gone on.
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Nekomasshigura was also there selling some eyes,
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and some custom heads,
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and also showing off ‘Vivimol’, a Nekomasshigura original head-sculpt.
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These chairs are cute!
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I was also surprised that Sen came here, considering they’re an actual store in Tokyo so it seemed weird they’d come all the way down here when Doll Show was much closer. They had some nice stuff and it looks like they brought a sizeable load of their inventory but as before, I didnt want to look too closely as I’d already spent enough money today.
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There was some obitsuroid shenanigans next to Dearmine’s booth - I’m not 100% sure if Dearmine were running this too or not.
On to the collection area! It’s very, very small compared to other doll events - especially Dolpa, where the collection area is almost as big as the dealer area, but there was still a lot of dolls set up - most of them MDDs.
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Many like these are familiar faces at most doll events in Fukuoka.
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Some fancy gents chiling out over here...
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aaaah a Prisma Illya...she’s got such a cute head, I want her head so bad.
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But not as much as I want Arle’s head...and this repainted one was so adorable ;_;
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A Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro Miku! Very very cool.
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A Cirno and a Kudo too? What is this, MDDs Torino wants and can probably never have day? 
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There’s this one guy who goes to every doll event with a giant suitcase full of Azone50s, I’m pretty sure these are all his.
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A nice little Dearmine collection!
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The little blue kitty is one of my fave Dearmine dolls...
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Two very cute DearPets!
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I-Doll is organized by the same people that organize a ‘hand-made’ fair called Hand Art Marche, and its typically on the same day close by. During I-Doll in Tokyo, Hand Art Marche is usually also at Big Sight but in a different hall with a separate entry fee. Since Fukuoka’s one is smaller, they put both I-Doll and Hand Art Marche in the same hall, and a ticket for one gets you free entry to the other. I didn’t take any other photos except for this one but they always have a lot of interesting crafts and stuff there - and there’s usually a bit of overlap between the doll and craft people. Anyway, that was I-Doll Fukuoka 8! It was a little smaller than previously, which worked out well because I spent so much at Dearmine. I’d like to see I-Doll Fukuoka get more companies to visit in future!
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