#wernicke's encephalopathy
brunchbitch · 1 year
learning about different types of dementia/cognitive impairment in my serious illness, death, and dying class and one of them is wernicke-korsakoff syndrome lmao. it is still WILD to me that i could have caused permanent brain damage from my ed. thank fucking god they caught it when it was still wernicke's encephalopathy.
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Vi out here speedrunning how fast she can get Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome like she's already has the hallucinations, unsteady gate, and mental disturbances associated with Wernicke encephalopathy. If she starts having memory formation problems it's 😬
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tombfriend · 5 months
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“hey didn’t there used to be an art account here or something” hi hello what’s up sorry I haven’t posted art in like 5ish months but uhhhh ive been sick again. with a newish thing. info under read more and sorryyyyyy tw for illness and eating disorders
basically when I had my accident almost a year ago as of posting this and they found the cavernomas in my brain bleeding out I never really got full fine motor control back in my hands and fingers despite a lot of OT and PT so I kind of gave up on art because ~if it’s not as good as it used to be why bother at all~. that’s also why I stopped doing commissions, because, my hands stopped working properly.
anyway over the last couple of months I’ve been in and out of hospital/ICU, this is probably the sickest I’ve been. ive got wernickes encephalopathy (my brain is effectively dying from malnutrition), pneumomediastinum from 8~ish years of purging, and anorexia.
tbh i don’t have much passion for anything at all anymore but I’m going to try and start drawing and painting again. we’ll see i guess
anyway yeah just an update-y post in case anyone was curious why I’ve been gone
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cruiseshipmoment · 3 months
If I had a lot more writing talent I would write a fic exploring how the twins are at risk for Wernicke encephalopathy/Korsakoff syndrome. (The whole Gang is, really, but if it were going to happen to any of them I would bet on Dennis or Dee.)
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persephoneflouwers · 1 year
Do I want to know what a banana bag is?!
Mmh, I mean for general knowledge why not? I talked about it earlier this year and last year, bc banana bags came up a few times in this fandom.
Remember the cursed picture of Harry with his work buddies Hid Karp00n and the other one I can’t bother remember… you know which one: big beard and dark hair? Anyway, after Harry’s house was released they shared some bts footage and in one photodump here it was, our spectacular trio just chilling on the couch and having a intravenously banana bag… EACH!
What’s a banana bag you would ask. It’s this bag with fluids and vitamins, usually used in intensive care for alcoholic intoxication (Wernicke-Korsakoff encephalopathy). But they’re rich privileged suckers so they can have it to sober up after an hangover, I guess.
Not medically appropriate, but what can we do! Just two days ago I learned there’s this trend among rich people who pay like 5K-7K for a “colon wash” to feel clean on the inside lmao I told my tutor doctor “I didn’t study 6 years for this” haha so really, I’m not surprised they do shit like this. If you pay, no doctor is going to say it’s dumb and useless 🩵
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mcatmemoranda · 11 months
Wernicke encephalopathy — Wernicke encephalopathy is due to diencephalic and mesencephalic dysfunction of central gray structures surrounding the third and fourth ventricles secondary to thiamine deficiency. Occurring both in alcoholics and nonalcoholic subjects, it probably is an underrecognized cause of encephalopathy in the intensive care unit (ICU). Patients who are fasting, receiving parenteral nutrition, recovering from gastrointestinal surgery, being fed after a period of starvation, undergoing hemodialysis, or suffering from advanced cancer are particularly susceptible to this disorder [39]. (See "Wernicke encephalopathy".)
Wernicke encephalopathy is characterized by a triad of confusion, ataxia, and ophthalmoplegia. The full triad is rarely present, and variations from the classical description occur commonly. Ocular signs are the hallmark of the disease, including horizontal nystagmus, bilateral abducens palsy, complete ophthalmoplegia, and pupillary abnormalities [39]. Apathy, impaired awareness, disorientation, mental sluggishness, and restlessness characterize the encephalopathy. In extreme cases, coma may be the presenting feature [39]. An agitated form that overlaps with alcohol withdrawal syndrome has been described [7]. Ataxia results from vestibular and cerebellar dysfunction, and hypothermia and hypotension may occur due to hypothalamic dysregulation [39].
Prompt treatment with intravenous thiamine can reverse Wernicke encephalopathy. The ocular abnormalities are the first manifestation to respond to therapy. The ataxia and the encephalopathy may take days to weeks to resolve, and there may be permanent memory and cognitive impairment [39]. All debilitated patients at risk for Wernicke encephalopathy should receive adequate thiamine supplementation. (See "Wernicke encephalopathy", section on 'Treatment' and "Wernicke encephalopathy", section on 'Prevention'.)
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drvamar · 9 months
Rethink Your Drink. Avoid Alcohol
Risks of Alcohol Intake
- Accidents
- Assaults
- Obesity
- Fatty Liver
- Liver Cirrhosis
- Pancreatitis
- Gastritis
- Peptic Ulcer
- Heart Disease
- High Blood Pressure
- Stroke
- Thiamine Deficiency
- Wernicke Encephalopathy
- Esophageal Cancer
- Liver Cancer
- Cancer of the breast, mouth, throat, voice box, colon, and rectum.
- Weak Immunity
- Dementia
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Alcohol Dependence
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Jubille Hills
🌏 www.drvamar.com
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Music credit
Song: Abrar’s Entry - Jamal Kudu
Traditional Iranian Bandari Music Reinterpreted By: Harshavardhan Rameshwar Lyrics & Composition: Traditional
Children Choir: Sounik, Harshita, Keerthana, Vagdevi
Female Choir: Meghanaa Naidu, Sabiha, Aishwarya Dasari, Abhikhya
Mix & Master: Abhishek.D @ Hyderabad
Music Label: T-Series
Gulshan Kumar
St Film Ltd
Bhadrakali Pictures Production
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sobercentre · 10 months
How long does end stage alcoholism last
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End stage alcoholism
It is reputed that ‘alcoholism is the disease that tries to convince you that you don’t have it.’ As much as the ‘high’ is exhilarating, it is short-lived and has more cons than pros. Research from the World Health Organization (WHO) proves that 5.3% of all deaths, globally, are caused by the harmful consumption of alcohol. This equates to about 3 million deaths annually. In addition, premature deaths and disabilities, primarily to members of the age group 20-39 years of age, are attributed to alcoholism. So where do we draw the line? At what stage does alcohol indulgence become harmful? Technically, alcohol use disorder (AUD) can be divided into 4 main categories. These are:
Stages of alcoholism
Pre-alcoholic stage This is also known as the normal drinking stage because it is often indifferent to social drinking to the casual eye. It is characterized by experimental desires to try new forms of alcohol or drinking due to emotional or mental motivations, that is, to suppress physical pain, depression, anxiety, or stress. As the stage progresses, the drinker develops a tolerance for alcohol. This means that they may not necessarily drink quite often but in large amounts at a time. Early-stage alcoholism The transition between premature alcoholism and early-stage alcoholism is marked when the drinker shows increased episodes of binge drinking and experiences alcohol-induced blackouts. You know you’re in the early stage when you feel the irresistible desire for alcohol. Early-stage alcoholics often lie about their drinking patterns and may tend to spike drinks with alcohol. More often than not, their productivity is affected and may breed poor performance at their workplace or in academics. As people begin to notice the drinking problem, the drinker is in denial. Middle-stage alcoholism The middle stage is triggered by strong cravings and painful symptoms of withdrawal since the body has adapted to an alcohol-rich environment. The withdrawal symptoms may include shaking, excessive sweating, nausea, insomnia, and headaches. A middle-stage alcoholic would plan their day around drinking. Drinking starts early, gets them through the day, and most certainly, ends the day. There is little to no control over their drinking and neglect of responsibilities.
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End-stage alcoholism This is the last stage of alcoholism. It is the most severe and dangerous form of AUD. In this case, alcohol addiction is full-blown, therefore, drinking is perpetual and any attempts for its withdrawal may lead to shaking, seizures, dilated pupils, and delirium tremens, commonly known as alcohol withdrawal syndrome, which when left untreated can be fatal. What does end-stage alcoholism look like As the final stage of alcoholism before death, the drinker experiences long-term mental and health complications. It is not uncommon for alcoholics at this stage to lose their jobs, families and eventually become homeless. End-stage alcoholism brain damage Some of the mental signs of end-stage alcoholism include: - Depression - Paranoia - Loneliness - Dementia - Violence They leave the individual in a dark place and may even attempt suicide. Moreover, extreme situations can lead to wet brain condition, also known as Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (WKS). Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome is a common brain disorder caused by long-term heavy drinking. It refers to the acute (Wernicke’s encephalopathy) and chronic (Korsakoff amnesic) stages of thiamine (Vitamin B1) deficiency. Wet brain may cause damage to the brain’s thalamus and hypothalamus resulting in irreversible confusion, hallucinations, and poor muscle coordination. Physical symptoms of end-stage alcoholism - Liver cirrhosis – food metabolism slows down in the early stages of liver disease. As a result, alcohol is absorbed back into the bloodstream. This causes the liver to harden and form scarring tissues, that is, cirrhosis. - With cirrhosis comes fatigue, bleeding, itchy skin, jaundice, and fluid retention in the abdomen. - High blood pressure can also result from liver cirrhosis. - Esophageal varices – these are enlarged veins in the esophagus, attributable to blood flow obstruction, which may be fatal when they leak blood and eventually rupture. - Cardiovascular problems related to high blood pressure. - Cancers linked with the mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, and colon. - Weight loss.   How long does end-stage alcoholism last At this point, many body organs are failing, and thus predisposing the alcoholic to a slow, painful death. But can end-stage alcoholics recover? Yes, depending on the amount of damage that has already occurred. Although death is inevitable, the drinker might have a chance of a better life once they decide to quit drinking and seek medical attention. Call it learning to dance in the rain.
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A medically supervised detox can help alleviate the drinker’s condition when done early and control withdrawal symptoms. A rehabilitation program is also necessary where one is introduced to drug therapy, counseling, and proper nutrition. For middle to end stages of alcoholism, inpatient rehabs are highly recommended. Otherwise, it is okay to opt for outpatient rehabilitation. Nonetheless, an addition of behavior therapies and support groups could go a long way to help the recovering alcoholic maintain sobriety.   What happens in case of a relapse? In one way or another, a relapse may happen. Don’t panic. Relapses are a normal part of recovery. Although you may feel resentful, regret and hopeless when it happens, it is possible to embark on the journey to a drug-free life. In conclusion, the path to recovery is never easy. But the addict must first want to recover. This makes it a teensy bit easier. By all means, an end-stage alcoholic may likely recover, or at the very least, experience a better, quality life. References Healthline.com Read the full article
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kade my bff kade please tell me about alcohol :))
So when people talk about alcohol, they're usually talking about ethanol. Ethanol is a really simple molecule so it passes the blood brain barrier easily and has very high bioavailability.
The first thing alcohol does is inhibit glutamate at NMDA receptors, which reduces cell excitability. Your brain will cope for this by increasing the amount of NMDA receptors. This can be dangerous because if the alcohol leaves your system, there's a sudden crazy increase in glutamate activity and calcium ion influx that can cause brain damage.
Alcohol also activates GABA(A) and GABA(B) receptors. This keeps channels open and the cells become hypopolarazied. Polarized cells -> firing, so stopping them from becoming polarized reduces cell firing and leads to the sedative effects of alcohol.
But cellular inhibition is not alcohol's only effect, it is also very rewarding. It increases dopamine in the mesolimbic pathway. When alcohol leaves the system there's then a big reduction in dopamine firing which makes it hard to do things. It also acts on is the endogenous opioid system, boosting endorphins.
When alcohol reaches the liver it is converted into acetaldehyde before the acetaldehyde is converted into acetic acid. Acetaldehyde is toxic and will cause liver damage, but your body can only break it down so fast, so the more drinks are consumed in a shorter time frame, the more damage is caused. This is also part of the reason why some people experience flushing when they drink alcohol, some people have more or less of the enzyme that turns acetaldehyde into acetic acid.
Alcohol is famous for its after effects. Some believe that hangovers are withdrawal, others believe it's acute toxicity. Either way, alcohol messes with a lot of systems. It disrupts REM sleep and your gut microbiome. It's a vasodialator, so after it leaves your system to blood vessels constrict in response and the vasoconstriction results in headaches. And it's a diuretic, meaning you lose a lot of fluids and can become dehydrated. And that's all just a minor hangover!
Prolonged use of alcohol can cause physical dependency, neurodegenerative disease, and B1 deficiency (which can lead to Korsakoff Syndrome and Wernicke’s Encephalopathy). And alcohol withdrawal can be really dangerous (can cause seizures) so the best thing to do if someone around you is experiencing severe alcohol withdrawal is actually to give them more alcohol! (Or benzodiazpines due to their actions on GABA)
Anyways, thank you for sending this in. Here's a happy lamb for you if you're still reading
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[I.D. A photograph of a lamb with its mouth open so that it looks like it's smiling at the camera. End I.D]
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banyanboca · 1 year
"The Effects of Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (Wet Brain): Symptoms and Treatment"
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Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (WKS), often referred to as “wet brain,” is a serious and potentially fatal disorder that can significantly affect an individual’s physical and cognitive health. It is a direct result of thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency. This usually occurs because of long-term alcohol abuse, but it can also arise from poor nutrition or bariatric surgery. As a highly dangerous and complex disorder, it requires professional diagnosis and long-term treatment. The most common symptoms of WKS are memory loss, poor comprehension, and slurred speech. To better understand the scope of what this disorder entails, here are a few bulleted facts: * WKS is a type of brain damage known as “encephalopathy.” * Patients experiencing WKS may experience confusion, irritability, and extreme fatigue. * Vision may also be affected, and patients may experience eye movement issues. These issues can make it difficult for the individual to interact with others, perform daily tasks, and sometimes even cause them to experience intense emotional distress. Since there is no cure for WKS, the primary goal of treatment is to stabilize, manage, and minimize the symptoms and effects. Drug rehabilitation and counseling are usually a part of WKS treatment, and medications like cholinesterase inhibitors may be prescribed as well. As with most disorders, early intervention is an important factor in successful treatment. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol addiction or symptoms of WKS, seeking help from an addiction treatment center is highly recommended. When left untreated, WKS can have a serious and potentially deadly impact on an individual’s health. That’s why getting professional help as soon as possible is so important. Seeking help from a drug rehabilitation program can provide the managed care and resources needed for a successful recovery process.
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grandpaswagger · 1 year
Smash Mouth's Lead Singer Died on Monday
Top Picture Credits: Katherine Hanlon@tinymountain
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Smash Mouth’s Lead Singer Died on Monday
Steve Harwell, lead singer of Smash Mouth, died on Monday. He died from the final stage of liver failure. TMZ reported Sunday that Harwell was in the final stage of liver failure and had entered hospice care. The band’s manager said Harwell died at his home in Boise, Idaho. He was 56 years old.
Steve Harwell officially retired from Smash Mouth in 2021, citing his health. "I've tried so hard to power through my physical and mental health issues, and to play in front of you one last time, but just wasn't able to," Harwell admitted at the time.
His retirement followed a concert in upstate New York. While performing, Harwell slurred his words, threatened people in the audience, and gave a Nazi salute to the crowd. The band's spokesperson said that Harwell '‘has suffered profusely over the years with several different addictions,” leading to his health condition. His condition included cardiomyopathy, which affects the heart's ability to pump blood, and Wernick's encephalopathy, which "greatly impacted his motor skills which included his speech and impaired his memory." 
Steve Harwell was the lead singer for Smash Mouth since the band's inception in 1994. Smash Mouth specialized in hooky pop tunes delivered with a slight wink, as heard on their first hit, 1997's "Walkin on the Sun," and crystallized on "All-Star," 1999 single which became their signature song.
The Top 10 hit upon its release, "All-Star," exceedingly became present in the pop-culture bloodstream, this omnipresence appearing in films, TV, sporting events, commercials, and radio over two decades. 
In 2001, "All-Star" appeared on the soundtrack to the smash animated film "Shrek," alongside the band's perky version of the Monkees’ "I'm a Believer." Both songs were fixtures in the CD rotations of a generation of parents and children alike. 
Steve Harwell and Smash Mouth embraced "All-Star" ubiquity and the opportunities that came with it. But Harwell stepped outside the group to appear on the sixth season of MTV's "The Surreal Life" in 2006. For most of the time, the band's venue was on the road for decades, and Steve Harwell continued to sing for Smash Mouth and their nostalgic fans. "Why would I get bored of playing them?" he said of the songs "All-Star" and "Walkin on the Sun." "These are probably some of the best-written songs ever."
Steve Harwell was born in Santa Clara, Calif., on January 9, 1967, and was the son of a middle-class family in which his father was a UPS driver. 
In July 2001, Harwell’s son, Presley, died at the age of 6 months from acute lymphocytic leukemia. The singer later created a medical research fund in his son’s name.
Survived by fiancé Ester Campbell
By William Darnell Sr
September 05, 2023, 11:10 p.m. EST
(The moral rights of the author asserted.)
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
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I took the liberty of researching Steve Warrell’s neurological disorder, Wernicke encephalopathy. Violent threats to kill people’s families and Nazi salutes are not on the list of symptoms.
I don’t know who needs to hear this but: 📢📢📢📢📢📢📢
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achou277-blog · 1 year
SMASH MOUTH LEAD VOCALIST:Steven Scott Harwell is dying #smashmouth  #pauldelisle #poprock #alternativerock #skapunk # cardiomyopathy  # Wernicke encephalopathy #leukemiaawareness #leukemiasurvivor  #leukemia
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allcnaprograms · 1 year
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K is for Korsakoff Syndrome. This is an illness brought on by a shortage of the B vitamin thiamine. Korsakoff syndrome starts with irregular eye motions, tremblings, gait disruption, and modified psychological status. This preliminary phase is called Wernicke’s encephalopathy. If captured at this phase, the signs are reversible with thiamine administration. If not dealt…
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意識混亂恐是缺「維生素B1」 醫:這些族群應當心!
【健康醫療網/記者張慈恩報導】一名65歲女性被帶至急診,因為被家人發現近一週都關在房間不出門,也鮮少說話,該患者平時有規則飲酒的習慣,且多年前曾因嚴重的胃潰瘍做過部分胃切除手術。神經學檢查發現患者意識混亂,兩側眼球無法順利外展,後續腦部核磁共振則在雙側視丘及下視丘有異常訊號,確診為魏尼凱氏腦病(Wernicke’s encephalopathy),治療上給予高單位維生素B1後其症狀有逐步改善。 嚴重缺乏維生素B1  「魏尼凱氏腦病」以腦變表現 臺北市立聯合醫院中興院區神經內科醫師許家綸說,維生素B1作為一種輔酶,在身體的能量代謝中扮演重要角色,嚴重缺乏會導致能量利用障礙,而大腦正是身體中需能最高的器官,因此常以腦變表現,即所謂魏尼凱氏腦病(Wernicke’s encepha lopathy)。 酒癮族群最常見 出現意識改變、步伐不穩現象 許家綸表示,魏尼凱氏腦病(Wernicke’s…
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drpathikparikh · 1 year
How to treat alcohol associated liver disease
How to treat alcohol associated liver disease
Treatment of alcohol related liver disease encompasses multiple steps. Just asking to stop alcohol is not enough. Here are the things which we need to look at while dealing with alcohol related liver disease
Abstinence Counselling
Alcohol withdrawal
Alcohol Craving
Alcohol associated fatty liver and hepatitis
Fibrosis and Cirrhosis – Complication of cirrhosis
Liver Transplant
General Measures
Alcohol abstinence is the cornerstone of therapy
Early management of Alcohol dependence is recommended in all patients
Considering the potential risk of Wernicke’s encephalopathy supplementation with B-complex vitamins is recommended
Behavioural Treatment
Cognitive behavioural Therapy
Motivational enhancement
Contingency management
Nutritional Therapy
High protein diet – Do not restrict proteins
High calorie diet – Can eat routine home-made foods including roti, sabzi, dal and rice
Can have milk and milk products – add protein powder to it
Low salt diet – Avoid papad, pickles
All fruits and vegetables including coconut water
Multivitamin supplementation
Alcohol Withdrawal
Chlordiazepoxide is preferred if patient do not have advanced liver disease
Lorazepam is preferred in advanced cirrhosis
Diazepam is avoided
Alcohol Craving
Baclofen and acamprosate may be preferred
Disulfiram to be used only under supervision
Gabapentin, Ondansetron, Topiramate has off label use
Alcoholic Hepatitis
Nutrition is the treatment of choice. All patients should get adequate nutrition. Do not restrict any foo
Steroids to be used in patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis
Pentoxyfylline, UDCA, Glutathione, Silymarin, Metadoxine, SAMe – all have non proven benefit
Hepatologist consultation is must as those patients who do not respond may need transplant
Alcohol cirrhosis
These patients are treated as same way as any other cirrhosis
Need screening for varices and hepatocellular carcinoma
Liver Transplant
Liver transplant should be considered in such patients when alcoholic hepatitis fails to respond to medical management
Liver transplant to be considered for cirrhosis of liver and its complications
Psychiatric fitness stating willingness to abstain is of paramount importance
The above is the management in brief about alcohol related liver disease. If you have any patient suffering from alcohol and associated liver problems, do consult your hepatologist. To know more, feel free to call 8652119730
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