#wet-dry world
dreamingpartone · 3 months
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at that place we sat together today again, I'll go to where you're going
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revivisection · 1 year
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cringeloser failharuspex fanart
back in january i remembered this guy and uhhh things happened. so he just kind of has been living there in the back of my mind this is what i think he looks like
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sucktacular · 1 month
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Bag Enjoyer
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shastafirecracker · 9 months
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dizzizzydumm · 2 months
i like how they came up with a "negative emotional aura" to explain why wet dry world feels like that
like yeah dude its just depressing as shit. water level, skybox, music. its just a funky atmosphere, no dark emotional energy required
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abandoned-quiche · 2 years
I'm still 100% certain that "But what if it could get...darker than dark?" is not referring to the creation of a Neo fountain in any way, but just the idea of the dark fountains in general. What we know as "darkness" in our world is just the absence of light. 0. Equilibrium. Just as it is not light, it is not dark. It is just neutral. You see nothing. But what if you could go further than just what we perceive as "dark"? Below 0. That is to say, "PHOTON READINGS NEGATIVE".
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[Image ID: The scene in Deltarune Chapter 1 when Kris and Susie first enter the closet. The darkness inside the closet is seeping out, making the previously bright school halls dark. End ID]
In our world, light will always pierce through the "dark". "Dark" is not a force or an energy of its own, it has no power. But real Darkness can overwhelm the light, like temperature diffusing into an equilibrium. The true dark seeps out of the closet and makes its surroundings dark, just as a light makes its surroundings light. It is a true counterpart to everything that light is.
In a "dark" room, the mind often sees things that are not there. Shadows flit about in your peripherals, stacks of objects form the shape of a man in your closet. Light illuminates. Allows you to see, to see the truth of your surroundings. But dark obscures your view, blurs the line...
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[Image ID: A tweet from Toby Fox dating back to July 8th of the year 2011, that reads "The edge of the shadow, where reality snd dream meet." End ID]
It transforms your surroundings, conceals their truth, warps your perception.
I can think of one other thing that is like this.
A type of energy, that elicits a different sensation when it is absent compared to when it is present, with separate concepts and names attributed to those.
A great deal of importance has been placed on ice and the cold so far.
But what if it could get...colder than cold?
What we know as "cold" in our world is just the absence of heat. 0. Equilibrium.
We might yet learn just how "cold" it can truly get if things keep going the way they are.
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Me before getting in the shower: The wet world is dark and full of terrors
Me in the shower: The wet world is my home now, do not come looking for me. I am at peace
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alright having mostly played thru rain world (havent finished gourmand bc i'm not emotionally ready to be a slugpup parent, havent finished hunter and saint yet bc i suck at this game) im going to weigh in on the slugcat fur argument. i think they all have fur, however, i think its constantly way too humid on account of the daily torrential downpours for it to ever be fur-like in appearance, and is instead has more of a gel-like feel to it. like if the structure of the fur and whatever skin oils are produced reacted with water/humidity to form an insulating coat. saint, however, doesn't get the daily downpours and humidity is much lower, so it's fur is fluffed, which helps insulate against the cold. basically all of them are wet cats all the time, except saint bc climate change.
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hm. hey. there's been multiple instances where ailette and tesilid have been out and away from civilisation for the whole day, if not days, and yet there's never been any mention of tesilid having stubble.
now obviously this is because this is a rofan and our male leads aren't allowed to be anything other than conventionally attractive 🙄 but for a moment let's do the more ridiculous thing and assume that it's because tesilid genuinely doesn't have any stubble for ailette to comment on.
before we start delving into the possible implications of this, let's systematically go through all the instances tesilid should have stubble, but doesn't. (or at least the instances i recall, anyway)
(contains spoilers for season 3 of the manhwa onwards)
1. Start of the 17th
Tesilid is unconscious for a couple of days. This can easily be explained away as Ailette having helped him shave while he's unconscious. Kind of a weird thing to do for a guy you've only met twice, while he's unconscious, but these two have always been kind of weirdly familiar with each other so whatever.
2. Bandit Village arc (?)
They apparently hadn't been able to bath for a while before this. Or maybe it was before they went to the town where they reunited with Hestio and Ephael. i can't remember. But it's a little weird if they're not able to wipe themselves down, but somehow have water to shave Tesilid's face. you do need water to shave right? or maybe you don't and Tesilid gets nicks and small cuts all over his face and Ailette heals him immediately?? lmao
2. Post-Saintess reveal
This can be easily explained away as Ailette having stashed away a razor in the bathroom of the cottage. She'd planned to use that house as a getaway post-Divine Advent, after all - she had a teleportation stone linked to it for a reason. Might as well provide whatever Tesilid needs to be comfy while she's unconscious.
3. Post-Magic Republic Dungeon
Tesilid hides Ailette away in a dungeon where time passes faster than in the human world. But when they emerge, everyone thinks they've been gone for only half a day. Now that's a little weird 🤨 Ailette only wakes up in the Vatican, so it's not like she could have helped him clean up, either.
4. Post-Mirror Dungeon
Ailette is unconscious for a couple of days again, and she even feels bad for Tesilid because it means he hadn't been able to eat the whole time; he doesn't have access to her inventory. Again, no mention of him looking terribly haggard because of stubble on his face. You would think that this is the first thing you notice on a person which makes them look scruffy and tired.
So here's the explanations i came up with:
Tesilid's face doesn't have pores 🤨
The Strict Order doesn't let Tesilid have access to most shit, but there's a handy razor that he carries around all the time because god forbid god's favourite creation grow stubble. Growing stubble goes against the religion's teachings or something, i don't know
Through his regressions, Tesilid has somehow acquired a passive ability that sort of freezes his body in time. Or maybe an ultra specific skill that stops the growth of stubble
His stubble isn't as visible because his hair is white or something.
My estimate of how often men need to shave their face is terribly off. maybe some men's beards just grows at a really slow rate. i wouldn't know
thanks for listening to my tedtalk
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caracello · 1 year
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i think i'll never get tired of his beautiful face.
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giygas-bandicoot · 2 years
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MAR10 Wet Dry World
Happy Mario day everyone! Got this right before the end! I've been obsessed with Wet Dry World especially thanks to SM64 Classified by Greenio. So have my first crack on the world's favorite plumber in the negative aura zone itself.
Posted using PostyBirb
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fantabulisticity · 8 months
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Beer is just wet bread.
- Chad (2023)
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taxi-davis · 1 year
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fall-dog · 1 year
if anyone is wondering why i've been inactive as fuck on tumblr lately. it's. well. it's because i started watching succession like a week ago. anyway just finished s3 yesterday <3
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