#wh y are they so cute help me i need life alert
goatcheesecak3 · 6 months
Bus stop pt 2
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight x F!reader
Click here for M!reader version!
Click here for part 1!
Includes: fluff, slight angst, brief mentions of violence
Summary: after meeting at the bus stop yesterday, you and Adam go on a day out together, but when he sees a disturbing article in a newspaper, Adam decides to come clean to you about his past.
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Adam threw on the cleanest clothes he owned and sat at the edge of his bed. He pulled out his phone and reread his text exchange with the nice girl from the bus stop for the thousandth time.
Y/n: this is y/n from the bus stop :) was so lovely to meet you! You doing anything tomorrow? x
Adam: not much, I was gonna hit the record store and maybe go feed the birds in the park. Wanna join me?
Y/n: sounds great! It's sweet that you like feeding the birds, I used to do that with my parents when I was a kid
Adam: haha yeah, I love animals. More than people tbh. I always feed the stray cats in my area, they're so cute
Y/n: wow, that's so kind :) I wish there were more people like you in the world haha! What time should we meet?
Adam: haha thanks :) is 2 good with you? At the stop we got off at yesterday
Y/n: two sounds perfect, see you then!
It was 1:40, he had 20 minutes to get to the bus stop to meet with y/n. He was excited, for once in his life, mooning over her kind words and positive attitude. Adam was most definitely attracted to this girl, but he tried not to think about that, he didn't want to get too ahead of himself, he needed to actually make a friend before he started thinking about a relationship. Despite this, however, he couldn't help but feel almost giddy at the thought of her smile.
He waited patiently at the bus stop where the pair had gone their separate ways the night before, with his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels. The weather was gloomy and a chill was in the air, but it did little to bring down his mood.
After only a few minutes of waiting, y/n appeared from down the road, and she merrily made her way over to Adam. Adam watched in genuine awe at how sweet she looked, bundled up in a sweater and a tatty scarf, looking elegantly dishevelled and so incredibly cute. He felt a blush creep it's way onto his milky white face, and he prayed she couldn't read his mind and see what he'd been thinking of her- that's if his pink face didn't betray him first.
"Good afternoon! I like your jacket" y/n smiled, her face practically shining.
Adam looked down at his own attire, he wore a plain black tshirt, a pair of ill fitting worn out blue jeans and an army green jacket. His clothes were by no means weather appropriate, but hypothermia was something he was willing to risk if it meant he would look presentable.
"Heh, thanks. I've had it since I was a teenager"
Just at that moment, the bus pulled up and the pair entered and took their seats.
The windows on the bus were all fogged up, and the seats were cold to the touch. Adam let out a small shiver as he sat down, beginning to regret his decision to opt for fashion over functionality. It would appear that y/n noticed this, and without hesitation, she pulled her scarf up and wrapped it over his shoulder, so that they were both wearing it.
Adam was slightly taken aback by this small act of kindness,
"Wh- what are y-" he spluttered
"Please," y/n chuckled, "you were making me cold just looking at you."
Adam turned to look at her, a shy (and very smitten) smile on his face,
The seats were small and cramped, so their knees touched, and Adam swore he could taste his own pulse when their hands brushed against eachother. Did she do that on purpose? Was that how girls flirted nowadays? No, surely he wouldn't be so lucky. When they approached their stop, Adam pressed the button to alert the driver, and began to lift the scarf off of himself so that he could stand, when y/n stopped him. She took the scarf off her own neck and adjusted it around his.
"Keep it on, I don't want you to freeze to death" she joked with a warm, nurturing glow.
Adam felt a calming, protected feeling. Y/n seemed to want to take care of him,  and he felt as though he didn't have to be stoic and brave with her. He relaxed into the warmth of the scarf, savouring her scent as the pair of them stepped off the bus.
"Just down this street," Adam directed, leading them to his favourite record shop. Y/n followed eagerly,  gripping onto Adam's sleeve to keep up with him.
"I can't wait, I used to love record shops in my home town" y/n remarked gleefully.
Adam couldn't help but let himself take a moment to fantasise about a future with y/n. He barely knew her, yes, but good god imagine if he got to know her better? He thought about long evenings spent listening to music with her, watching old movies together, holding eachother close under a blanket. He knew it was unrealistic, but can't a man dream?
They entered the record shop and began to browse.
"Wow, look at this!" Y/n gasped, "there's all the prodigy albums on vinyl!"
Adam approached to look at the rack she was observing, and to his very pleasant surprise, y/n had been browsing the alternative and punk section of the store.
"I've got most of these records at home," he said,  "if you want, you can come over and listen to them at my place"
Y/n nodded enthusiastically
"Oh I will most definitely  be taking you up on that. Don't songs just sound so much better on a record player?" She beamed.
Adam couldn't quite belive what he was hearing. A beautiful girl, with the same interests as him wanted to come to his apartment to listen to music? Surely he was dreaming, this sort of thing only happened in cheesy movies, not in real life.
Much like waking up from a dream, Adam was bitterly snapped back to reality later on in the day when the pair arrived at the park. Just at the entrance stood a little news stand, advertising the latest issue of the local paper. On the front page, in big bold letters read: "JIGSAW KILLER RETURNS, POLICE HOSTAGE"
"What the hell is the jigsaw killer?" Y/n asked, sounding rightfully horrified.
She turned to look at Adam, who's face had turned stark white. His mouth hung open and his eyes were practically bulging out of his head.
Adam had already turned away and began hastily walking through the park. Y/n followed worriedly, jogging a little to catch up to him.
"Adam, what's wrong?"
Adam wanted nothing more than to tell y/n exactly what was wrong. He was sure that if anyone knew how to comfort him, it would be her, she was so lovely, of course she'd be able to. But he couldn't bring himself to tell her the truth, she was such a radiant and beautiful person, he didn't want to risk freaking her out and ruining this friendship. His racing mind was halted when y/n spoke once again.
"Come sit down, Adam. You look like you could use it" she said, sitting down on a bench and patting the spot next to her.
"You don't have to tell me what's bothering you, but you do have to tell me how I can help you" she said.
Adam couldn't believe his ears, it seemed as though y/n just knew exactly what he needed to hear in that moment. She was so kind, so attentive, so perfect. So unlike anyone else Adam had ever encountered. Her kindness struck a chord within him that he didn't know he had, and seemingly unprompted, tears began to well in his eyes.
"Oh, honey!" Y/n gasped, "Don't cry, sweetheart, come here, it's okay" she cooed, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and rubbing his arm.
"I'm sorry, I'm being stupid" Adam choked  as he cleared his throat, trying his best not to cry.
"You're not being stupid, don't say that! Just take a few deep breaths, alright?" Y/n said, still smiling, ever smiling. How did she do that?
Adam breathed slowly, attempting to steady his shaking hands. He knew he'd have to tell her about what he'd been through at some point, but he wished he could have gone just a little longer without having to. Just a little longer to be Adam, the animal loving, record playing, charmingly moody guy from the bus stop. He didn't want to have to go back to being Adam, the paid stalker, the jigsaw victim, the self defence murderer. But as they say, all good things must come to an end.
Letting out a deep breath, Adam began to speak.
"I need to tell you something, and I understand if you don't wanna be friends anymore once I've told you"
Y/n's brow furrowed, but she didn't seem afraid.
"I was um.. a victim of that jigsaw guy, the one from the newspaper"
"What?" Y/n said in disbelief.
"He kidnapped me and chained me up in this room with this doctor, said that if we wanted to escape we had to saw our own feet off. A whole bunch of other shit went down, this guy came in the room with a gun and tried to kill me and the other guy, so I had to.." he trailed off and pursed his lips, "anyways, the doctor, he sawed off his foot and got out. I was too fucking scared and I'd already been shot by that point, so I just waited for him to get help. But the asshole never came back. I was in there for a couple days until the cops found me. Doctors say that if I'd been left just a few hours longer I'd be dead now."
Adam's face was expressionless as he started straight ahead at something that wasn't there. His fingers tangled themselves around the ends of the scarf he wore in an absent minded attempt to soothe himself. He could have swore that his heart stopped, the birds ceased their calls, the wind stilled and the world stopped turning for the painstakingly long few seconds he waited for y/n's reaction. He braced himself for the goodbye.
"Wow." She said softly, "you know, I think most people would let something like that turn them into a not so good person. It speaks volumes about your character that you're still so..."
Adam turned to look at her. She was smiling.
"... great" she said.
The look on her face was one that Adam had never seen before. It wasn't one of pity, not even a hint of disgust, just pure, unadulterated kindness. Adam thought she might very have been an angel in that moment.
"So... you still want to be friends?" He asked, feeling slightly more confident.
Y/n pulled him towards her by the scarf and looked him dead in the eyes.
"Adam, I want nothing more than to be your friend"
Adam felt himself smile, only slightly in relief, mostly just in pure ecstasy. Things were finally starting to go right for him.
A/n Hello! Thank you to those who said they wanted a part 2 to this! Comment if you wanna be tagged when part 3 is up :^)
Replies and reblogs are very much appreciated! I thrive on your validation lmao
Requests are open! Check my pinned post for details and masterlist! <3
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malleux · 4 years
idk if my request went through cuz my internet went weird just now-- but anyways, could I perhaps get a soft corpse x reader in which they're all playing among us and Rae or Sean invites (y/n), who none of them have every heard of, and she's just very shy but has an adorable childlike voice, and is an incredible imposter? Like she's just super convincing just like corpse, and can tug at the heartstrings with her voice? thank you!
spell. | corpse husband
part two ; part three
-> Pairing: Corpse Husband x Fem!Reader
-> Fandom: uhh youtubers? idk
-> Genre: Fluff, Crack
-> Warnings: Cursing
-> A/N: hi it’s a long overdue corpse fic :) it’s not the absolute best and for that i’m super sorry i’ve just got to get in the groove of writing for him!
corpse husband taglist is closed!
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You were never one to enjoy the spotlight. Instead, you were often found in the background of things, just observing the extroverts who managed to get themselves in the middle of everything.
You had a nerve to admire them- their ability to just get out there and show their true selves, despite so many people watching their every move. Just the thought of it made you shudder. Yet you couldn’t help but also be rather envious of them.
Them, in question, being Sean McLoughlin.
You weren’t quite sure how you became associated with Jacksepticeye himself, choosing to focus on the present and future with your friend rather than dwelling on your past. He was just Sean, your internet friend. And also Jacksepticeye- a famous youtuber with millions of followers.
Sean was who you aspired to be in life. Outgoing, happy, out there, everything positive in life that Sean had, you wanted.
He’d confided in you often about how nervous he’d get before streams or videos, fearing that he’d say the wrong thing or upset his fans, but he still put on a brave face and went out into the chaos. That’s what you admired. His ability to conquer those anxieties.
You wished you could do that. You were simply too nervous.
Which is why when Sean facetimed you one night- morning, actually, seeing as it was 3am in California, where you were- asking you to join a game of Among Us for one of his videos, you adamantly refused.
“Why? Please, Y/N, we need one more person.” Sean begged, “It’ll be me, you, Felix, Ethan, Corpse, Julien, PJ, and Dave. Not everyone’s playing today, it’s a smaller crowd.”
“But it’s still a lot.” You groaned, “I don’t even know them. I just know you.”
“They’re nice! You literally watch their videos.” He argued back.
“That’s the point, Sean! They’re famous, I’d just be some random chick in the game that everyone asks where the fuck she came from.”
“No, you’ll be the girl that everyone adores. Now get on, we’re playing in ten.”
You sighed as the phone hung up and turned on your computer. A Discord invite was waiting for you- Sean must have invited you for you to talk to everyone as you played. You accepted with shaky fingers and put your headphones on, pulling up Among Us and typing in the game code.
“Hello everyone- wait, who’s pink?”
“She’s a good friend of mine,” Sean explained to Felix, “Say hi Y/N. We’re streaming live right now.”
“Hello,” You couldn’t help the meek tone in your voice, smiling shyly as if you were actually on camera. “Wait, you’re streaming? Sean, I thought you said it was a recording for a video.”
“I, well. It’s a video all right.”
The group laughed, but you stayed silent, fixating your attention on a lower voice that chimed in at the end.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Y/N. I’m Corpse.”
“The King of Imposters.” PJ joked, making Corpse laugh.
You giggled a bit, “Hi…”
Felix gasped. “Corpse, her voice is like, the total opposite from yours. Her’s is so cute.”
Corpse laughed as well. “Agreed. I like it.”
As the game loaded, your heart practically dropped.
As if your nerves weren’t bad enough as they were. But, on the bright side, you were with Sean as the other imposter. At least it was someone you knew.
You both split up, you heading towards Electrical. Corpse and Felix were close behind you, Felix following you into the room while Corpse left. You pretended to do your task for a minute before moving to your left a minute and killing Felix.
You rushed out of the room and then headed to Navigations, making sure to avoid anybody who could have seen you leave Electrical. A few moments later, a body was reported.
“Where was it?” Sean asked Julien, the reporter.
“I saw Y/N go in there with him at the beginning of the game.” Corpse joined in, “I saw them as I was going to the Reactor.”
“I was in Electrical with him,” You admitted, still acting a bit shy. What could you say, deep voices and new people made you nervous. “But after that I left and went to do my task in Navigation. Felix was still alive and there when I left.”
“Did you pass anyone sus on the way there?” Sean asked.
“No, if they came in after I did it must’ve either been from the other way or after I was already in Electrical.” You started picking at your nail polish- a habit of yours when things got a little overwhelming.
“So you’re saying that it could’ve been from the direction Corpse was in?” You could hear the smirk in Sean’s voice.
“Whoa, whoa, hold up. Why are you so quick to throw me under the bus? I’m just a crewmate.” Corpse questioned, “You’re pretty sus if you ask me.”
Sean scoffed, “I’m just inferring that the culprit came from your direction. Never in my words did I say it was you. Sounds like you’re getting a little too defensive for someone who’s ‘just a crew mate’.”
“Uh, guys,” You quietly spoke up. You didn’t expect anyone to hear you, but Corpse and Sean immediately quieted down at your voice. “I hate to interrupt, but we’ve got to vote. I don’t want us to argue…”
Sean laughed. “Oh little Y/N, you’re too sweet. I’m skipping this round.”
As you voted to skip as well, your stomach clenched when you heard Corpse quietly repeat “Little Y/N”.
“It’s Y/N, I’m fucking telling you! Y/N!” Julien was practically screaming at this point. You tried to stay calm, focusing on keeping your voice steady.
The group had been calling you cute and adorable practically all night, so you were seriously about to put that to use.
“I was in Medbay with Corpse, isn’t that right, Corpse?” Your tone was sweet and slightly flirty- hopefully he’d get the hint.
Corpse hesitated for a millisecond- long enough for your breath to catch, but short enough for nobody else to notice. “Yeah, she was with me.”
“She was with you after she vented there!” Julien cried, “I can’t believe this- she killed Ethan and vented away right as I went into the room! You all are fucking nuts if you don’t believe me.”
“I don’t even know how to vent…” You murmured innocently, but in reality you were smirking. Julien was definitely telling the truth, and you were internally beating yourself up for letting yourself be so reckless after a kill, but nobody was seemingly buying his story.
There was only you, Corpse, Julien, Dave, and PJ left. Sean was voted off after fucking up his alibi, leaving you alone with the rest of the group.
Corpse sighed. “You all heard the girl. She doesn’t even know how to vent.”
“Wh- she just fucking vented!” Julien exclaimed, “Corpse, man, she’s got you under some fucking magic spell if you can’t see all the evidence. Guys, back me up here.”
“She’s sus.” Dave admitted, “And Corpse defending her makes it even more sus.”
“The spell she tried on him obviously got the best of him. I say we vote Y/N.” PJ agreed.
“There’s no spell, guys, oh my God.” Corpse laughed, “I just don’t think it’s her. I’m skipping.”
“I can’t believe you guys don’t believe me!” You whined, deciding to go further with your emotional tactics, “I’m literally about to cry. It’s not me!”
And yet, despite your protests, Dave, PJ, and Julien all voted you out. Crewmates had won the game and you were giggling nearly like a maniac as everyone gushed about how you did as an Imposter.
A bit later, you had to say goodbye to your new friends and face the reality that their fans would definitely find who you were by tomorrow. Or like, in a few hours, because it was already 4am. Corpse was in California as well, wasn’t he? He should be getting some sleep too, you thought. But maybe sleep schedules were different for Youtubers. You didn’t know.
You pondered the thought for a moment before the notification sound for Discord alerted you of a new message on your phone.
Just letting you know, your voice definitely had me under a spell. I’d like to hear it more often
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yes i loved shinsou x reader where shes shy!! my heart just kept on fluttering!! can i request the same thing but this time with hawks? thank you
I really, really like Hawks and I need to write more for him TwT I made this super fluffy! Or I tried to, at least!
Length: 1.7k
Pronouns used: She/her
Tags: @neon-tries-writing
Full Name: (y/f/n) Age: 22 Quirk: (y/q)
Picnic Confessions
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Keigo Takami didn’t seem like it, but he was always on alert. His laid-back and often carefree attitude made him seem rather careless. He could notice any little change in someone whether it be in their words or body language. People didn’t often understand or know that, which he fully used to his advantage.
(f/n) was one of them, unfortunately. She thought she was being discreet with her crush on Hawks, she thought she hid it well. She always tried to keep her distance, she tried to keep her embarrassment to a low, and she tried really hard not to fall for him. But it was hard and in the end, he picked up on it anyway.
Aside from being ridiculously attractive and flirty, he was pretty sweet. There were many moments where the two just had heartfelt conversations. They would sit on the roof and watch the stars in the sky while talking about their problems in the world.
That was something both of them cherished dearly. They would often tell each other their problems and would never talk about them again. Almost like a vent session. At first, it was mostly all on (f/n)’s end but as the two got acquainted, he found himself opening up as well. It started out with little issues like a civilian who wouldn’t listen to him during a villain attack to bigger things like his trust issues and lack of emotional support in his life.
(f/n) was always there to listen to him vent, even if he was repeating himself. She didn’t care, she always listened to every single word. After all of that, it was inevitable that the two would fall for each other. 
Keigo was able to pick up on it pretty quickly, he was a trained hero after all. He was able to see the blush, he was able to see her defensive postures when he would come around, he would see her fists curl if he was too close, he picked up on every single little detail.
He also realized just how much he liked her too. He hated it when others harassed her, he hated it when she seemed to flirt with other men, and he hated it when she was watching him. He often found himself trying to impress her whether it be with little or bigger things. He found himself trying to do things that made her laugh or giggle or would make her smile in general. Did she forget to eat? He’s already getting her lunch, she needs a little coffee? He’s on it. She’s feeling a bit down? He’s got his dumb jokes and stupid puns ready.
Keigo knew he was in trouble. With his field of work, it was just too dangerous. (f/n) wasn’t a hero, she was actually a civilian he’d ended up getting trapped with.
A couple of years back, he was called in for a villain attack. During the attack, the villain had toppled a few buildings over in an attempt to kill Keigo. It was almost successful. Keigo managed to get trapped in between two buildings with no way out.
That’s when he found (f/n). She was even luckier than him. She had been trapped in the initial attack and had fallen with the buildings. Miraculously, she only had a few injuries. She had a broken pelvis and a gash in her side, none were fatal. Keigo had obviously prioritized her safety over his own and the defeat of the villain. He quickly took her to safety, trying not to hurt her pelvis any more than it already was.
After that, he’d visited her often at the hospital to see how she was doing. They formed a rather quick bond and he found himself coming back once again. He just couldn’t help it, so after that, the two had established a friendship. However, Keigo was looking to change that today.
“Hey, cutie! Come here often?” (f/n) rolled her eyes as the blush spread across her cheeks. She looked towards her window where Keigo floated and smiled at him regardless. He wasn’t wearing his hero suit so it was just a friendly visit.
“I don’t know, I think I do. It is my house after all.” She moved closer, leaning against the window sill as he gave her a cheeky smile. “How are you today, Hawks?” Even after two years of being friends, even after he’d trusted her with his name, she still preferred to call him Hawks. 
“I’m good, I’m good! Say! Wanna go out today?”
“G-go out? Where?” There was that adorable stutter he loved so much. It was her telltale sign.
“Out! Come on!” He held his arms out, a way to tell her to jump into them. She looked at him curiously before she nodded. Grabbing essentials like her purse and phone, she walked back to the window and carefully stepped out, using Keigo to steady herself before he picked her up.
 She wrapped her arms around him as he flew her to their destination. It was a rather quiet flight, which wasn’t normal for Keigo. When they arrived, (f/n) was surprised to see what he had prepared.
On a hilltop, he’d prepared a little picnic. A blanket, paired up with a cute little basket with a small vase that had one lone rose in it. He gently placed her down and she walked towards it, giggling to herself.
“You kidnap me only to bring me to a picnic?” She teased, making him scoff.
“It’s not kidnapping if you willingly walked into my arms.” He retorted as the two got comfortable. They were able to watch the sunset as they happily munched on the sandwiches Keigo had made, which were actually quite delicious.
After that, they did what they normally would. They laid down on the blanket and watched the stars. (f/n) assumed this was another night Keigo needed to vent, they had started doing something similar to this. The first time, (f/n) had brought Keigo cookies, as an apology for ranting his ears off. He loved it regardless. Ever since the two would always do something nice for each other before or after their rant sessions. (f/n) thought this was no different.
“So?” She asked, looking at him. He turned his head, meeting her eyes. They were so beautiful and even now, in the dark, the (e/c) seemed to sparkle.
“So, what?” He inquired, making her chuckle and look back up at the stars.
“What’s wrong? It’s the usual setting.” He nodded, turning to look at the stars as well.
“I think I like this girl.” Almost immediately, the happy mood in (f/n) faded and disappeared extremely quickly. She did her best to keep it at a low, but Keigo immediately picked up on it.
“Oh? Well then, tell her?”
“It’s not that easy. We… don’t see each other that often.” That was a lie, Keigo just didn’t want to reveal it yet.
“Well, then you might not be a good fit. You’d have to see her more often right? Maybe hang out around her more? Might not be a good fit in my opinion.” She answered, truthfully. Both of them knew she was just being honest and speaking her mind… but Keigo had other ideas. He turned to her again, a teasing smile on his face.
“Jealous?” Her character broke immediately and her face flushed a deep red.
“Wh-what?! No way!” She answered, looking away with a huff. His laughter filled the atmosphere as she desperately tried to defend herself.
“You seem pretty jealous!”
“Why would I be jealous?”
“Maybe because you like me!”
“I do not!” She defended, crossing her arms and looking away. Keigo sat up, looking down at her. The blush on her cheeks, the little pout on her lips, the frustration in her eyes, he loved it all. She was just so perfect for him.
Without her realizing it, he’d leaned in close. She only figured it out when she felt his warm breath against her neck. Her head snapped towards him, her (e/c) eyes widening at the close proximity.
“Are you jealous, (f/n)?” She wasn’t able to speak, so instead, she swallowed and shook her head. “Are you lying?” (f/n) shut her eyes tightly and rolled away from him, moving off the blanket and sitting up. He laughed again, leaning back and watching her glare at him.
“Stop messing with me, Hawks!”
“I’m not!” He defended, making her scoff.
“Yes, you are! Y-you’re teasing me!”
“Why? Is it working?”
“Yea-” She immediately quieted down as her blush darkened. “No! It’s not!”
“Then why are you so far away from me?” She looked away, too flustered to even look at him. (f/n) shut her eyes, trying to take deep breaths and when she opened them again, he was inches away from her. He was on his hands and knees and TOO close.
“Wh-what a-are you d-doing?!” Before she could move away, his large wings encased her body, making her eyes widen. She felt her entire being stiffen when he moved closer. His teasing attitude was gone, now replaced by a serious one. He was a jokester, but he wanted her to understand this without having an inkling of a doubt in her heart.
“You did it,” he whispered, staring into her eyes. “You really stole whatever was left of my heart. Got me right on my knees, too. I can’t help it, (f/n)… not anymore.” With that, he leaned in and pressed his lips right against hers.
It took a moment before (f/n) melted into it, her lips slowly moving with his. Unlike his flirtatious and carefree personality, his kiss was hesitant and shy; the opposite. Her hand gently slid up to his shoulder as he moved closer. Their lips fit so perfectly together and it felt so good like it was always meant to be. Both of them felt the butterflies in their stomach, and they felt the weight of not knowing how the other felt lift off their chests.
The two pulled apart and he sighed in relief. Leaning in, he pressed his lips against her forehead.
“You’re her,” he explained, “you’re the girl I fell for.”
“You… aren’t lying, right?”
“I would never. Be mine?”
“Sure, Keigo.” She giggled, making him lower his head with a little chuckle. When he raised his head to meet her eyes, she almost panicked when she saw his tears pooling in them.
“That’s… the first time you said my name.”
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okay-j-hannah · 5 years
Case of the Giggles
Smosh : Fic
Shayne x Reader
Word Count: 2047
Warnings: Just... holy heck - I think this boy is just too pure for his own good ❤ I think any girl would be lucky to have him
Request: This is just from my own head 😊
A/N: Shayne has this ridiculous habit to incessantly laugh and joke around you, everyone knowing it’s obviously because he likes you entirely too much
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“How is a cinnamon roll sweet and spicy?” (Y/N) muttered, scrolling on her phone. “It’s a dessert.”
“Why don’t you order it and find out,” Keith grumbled, slouching into the couch and leaning into her. “Or better yet, just get a hot chocolate.”
(Y/N) continued to look through the Starbucks menu on her phone, “Noah, which sounds better: A pumpkin spice latte or a cinnamon roll Frappuccino blend?”
“I think ice sounds better,” he responded from the adjacent seat, “It’s so hot in here.”
“That’s not the LA autumn spirit I was asking for!” she retorted, throwing a pillow in his direction.
Keith hummed under his breath, “Laugh alert in 5, 4, 3, 2…”
“Hey guys!” Shayne appeared with the biggest grin on his face, “What are we doing?”
(Y/N) gave Keith a sideways glance before responding, “We’re thinking about getting Starbucks before the production meeting.”
A small laugh escaped Shayne, him awkwardly putting his hands on his hips, “That’s – that’s so funny. I was thinking about doing that too!”
You could almost feel Noah staring at Keith to ensure he didn’t roll his eyes, “We can get your order if you like.”
“We’ve been discussing festive drinks,” (Y/N) continued, watching Shayne continue with his ear-to-ear grin. “But Noah thinks it’s too hot for any of…”
“Because LA is still so hot in the fall…” Shayne finished quickly, jutting out his hand to make a point, a giggle in his chest. “I don’t blame him. You’re already sweating from the sun and then you go to get a sip of a refreshing drink and then burn your tongue and like WOAH – AH that’s hot! You know?”
(Y/N) subtly pursed her lips to refrain from giving him a weird look, “Yeah, I get it. I just love autumn from back home. Sweaters and leaves and books and pumpkins – I love pumpkin.”
“Then just get the pumpkin spice l…” Keith began only to be cut short by the man bouncing on his heels.
“Oh, I highly recommend the pumpkin spice latte! 10/10 would recommend,” he waved his arms around to emphasize his words, ending in another boisterous laugh. “But – uh, whatever you guys are getting just get me a small one. Please. A-And I’ll be in the Games room… thanks.”
(Y/N) watched him leave with a little snicker, “I don’t think I’ll ever understand him.”
The way he grinned almost looked like it was uncomfortable, like it was forced. But he’d been smiling like that just about as long as (Y/N) had known him – she supposed that was just how it always looked.
“Yeah, I don’t think you ever will,” Noah sighed, messing with his curly hair. “But sometimes…”
“I wish he would stop!” Keith retaliated, pulling at his jacket, “The guy can’t make a move to save his life.”
Noah leaned forward, giving Keith a piercing stare, “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Shayne’s behavior.”
(Y/N) looked between the two friends, eyebrows slowly raising at the reaction Keith was having.
“Oh, no – nu uh… I can’t defend him like that anymore. Five months ago? Sure – but this has gone on long eno…”
“That’s not for you to decide,” Noah stated, subtly tilting his head towards (Y/N). “He’ll talk about it when he’s ready.”
(Y/N) shook her head, holding up her hands, “Okay, why am I so far out of this loop?”
“Shayne just needs to buck up before you move on,” Keith stated, earning a kick to the foot by Noah.
“Are you… are you saying that Shayne only acts like that around me?”
Noah sighed again, biting the inside of his cheek, “Um… maybe – but it’s nothing to worry about. It’s not that he doesn’t like you.”
“It’s because he really likes you,” Keith mumbled, pulling his knees up to protect them from getting smacked.
“Are you kidding?” (Y/N) stated, finding a new serious edge to her voice. “Please tell me you’re not kidding.”
Both boys sat straighter and looked at her with speculating eyes, each taking their time in assessing her reaction before speaking.
“Do you like him too?”
“Seriously?” she laughed, “I thought I was being obvious. The only reason I didn’t do anything was because Shayne always acted like that. I assumed he wasn’t looking for anything.”
“Girl, you need to go talk to him right now,” Keith immediately stated, pushing her off the furniture, “Go before I have to listen to his rambling again.”
“Shayne, can I talk to you?”
He instantly jumped, bumping into Courtney who he was talking to, “(Y/N)! Wh-whatcha doin’?” His face lifted into that painful looking smile, his hands beginning to mess with his pockets, no doubt to keep them from shaking.
She could see Courtney giving him a sympathetic look from behind.
“I just wanted to ask you something – I’ve been hearing things and wanted to know if…” she reached out to maybe pull him aside for more privacy, but right upon contact with her hand he practically ran away, jumping into action.
“HEYO! Look at that, my phone’s ringing,” he pulled out his cellphone to show an unknown caller ID on the screen. He began backing away, making strained expressions and shrugging his shoulders, “I should probably take this, don’t want to leave people hanging. Get it? They’re hanging cause I’d have hung up on th… AWOO!”
He skid to the next hallway with his face growing ever more pink. (Y/N) stood there, one hand still in midair from where Shayne had backed away.
Courtney crossed her arms, “Please tell me you know what’s going on.”
“Does Shayne honestly have that big of a crush on me?”
“Thank God!” Courtney sighed, letting her whole body relax before sucking in a deep breath to begin a fresh pot of spilt tea, “We were literally just talking about you before you showed up. He was saying how stupid his hot drinks bit was earlier.”
“So he really only acts that crazy around me?” she questioned, “I thought Keith was making things up.”
Courtney started a round of guttural laughs, slight stress in her eyes, “You don’t even know the half of it, babe. It’s almost like his greatest fear is you finding out and rejecting him so he just masks all his flirting in loud jokes and obnoxious laughter. His new favorite topic is how stupid he acts around you and how much he wishes he could stop. And he’s basically got the whole office on contract to not say anything because heaven forbid that you…”
“I really need to talk to him,” she began, backing away and looking towards where he ran.
“He really is a sweet guy, (Y/N),” Courtney stated, falling into a more sincere tone. “He’s just afraid of messing up – that you won’t like what you’ll see. Just give him a chance, please.”
(Y/N) gave her a quick glance, and although she knew Courtney was being genuine, she could see the slight strain that was on the brink of becoming begging for her to get Shayne to stop his incessant behavior.
“Who said I was considering not giving him a chance?” she responded, seeing her friend break into a grin, shooting both hands into the air.
“WOO, budDY! I gotta call Damien so he’s prepared.”
(Y/N) giggled, setting off at a quick pace down the adjacent hallway, looking into rooms and meetings for this boy that couldn’t master the art of hiding. There was a new urgency in her step as she peered into more doors, desperate to put an end to Shayne’s anxiety. It must be so exhausting acting like that every time he saw her.  
He was just too nice for his own good.
And finally, she spotted him sitting in the break room, leaning into a table with his head in his hands. She was cautious when she advanced him, whispering.
It was like he was trained to the sound of her voice. He immediately tried to stand, knocking his chair, and himself, over in the process.
“(Y/N), hey,” he started laughing, something that now resounded as fake in her ears. He was scrambling to fix his chair, running fingers through his hair, “I didn’t think you… I thought that I – woah, wowie, yessirie.”
He was cracking, trying to keep his funny composure. But she could see how red his face was, how tense his shoulders were at her presence. He was now avoiding looking at her but continued to plaster that smile on his face.
“Shayne, I need to ask you something before you decide to run off again,” she stated calmly, not daring to advance him for fear of scaring him. “Do you like me?”
He whipped his sparkling blue eyes to hers, arms snapping into a crossed position, “Wh-what? Why would you think that? I mean… don’t take that the wrong way, I just – ah…” he started his nervous giggling, subtly swaying side to side. “I think any guy would be lucky to have a girl – WOMAN like you.”
He held a hand up to catch himself, continuing as his voice grew faster and louder, “A woman like you. You’re smart, funny, pretty and cute and beautiful. Uh…” he put fingers to his temples, “Those all mean the same thing – the point is I don’t actu…”
“That’s too bad,” (Y/N) stated, keeping her eyes warmly on his nervous face, “Cause I really like you.”
Shayne immediately shut his mouth, silencing the rambling, “Hm?” It was the first time (Y/N) had ever seen him with a serious expression.
“This is where you give me a sincere smile and ask me on a date,” she couldn’t help the warm feeling seeping into her insides at the look on his face. It was the most still it had ever been, still enough that she could see the real emotion in his gaze.
“You’re not kidding?” his voice was heavy, so different from what she was used to.
“I thought the hot drinks bit was cute,” she stated, letting her lips curve into a smile, “I think the way you try so hard is cute.”
If possible, his face got even more red as he took a deep breath, “This is really embarrassing.”
“The only thing that’s embarrassing is this ketchup stain on my shirt – right when the guy I like is about to ask me on a date.”
It was the first time she had ever seen him fall into a real, genuine smile.
“You don’t care that I’ve been acting like an idiot this whole time?” he sighed, fidgeting with his fingers. “Pretty attractive, right?”
“Oh, you’ve never been more handsome then when you fell out of that chair.” They both shared a laugh before she continued, “Let’s honestly do a date, nothing forced and nothing fake.” She gave him a pointed look that made him grimace.
“Gave you a little taste of my ‘date-Shayne-persona,’ it’s not my favorite either.”
“Then give me you, Shayne. The real you,” she grinned, “And if you start rambling or close off again just be warned I’m probably going to hold your hand and steal your food until you stop.”
There was a split second of silence between them, smiles on both their faces, but you could see the love and appreciation swelling in Shayne.
“I’ll have you know I am very fond of my fries,” he stated, walking to her side as she gestured to leave the room. “And the hand will come off if they are stolen.”
They traveled down the hallway, light conversation appearing, “Yeah, but I’ll be too quick and snatch a few and then accidentally burn my tongue and like WOAH – AH that’s hot! You know?”
He nudged his elbow into her, laughing sincerely, clapping his hands together, “Sounds even funnier coming from you.”
“That’s because I am, in fact, funnier than you,” she nudged him back, rounding a corner towards the production meeting.
Shayne hummed quizzically, “That was funny too! What a good joke.”
They shared more laughs, unbeknownst to them a hoard of Smosh members were spying on them as they passed. Keith clapping hands with Noah while Courtney pushed Damien out of the way to get a better look.
“It’s a miracle.”
They all snickered, Keith beginning a very snazzy victory dance behind them.
Buy Me a Coffee?
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starryseo · 5 years
phone number. | yang jeongin
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pairing ↠ jeongin x gender neutral!reader
genre ↠ just a fluffy barista au!!
wc ↠ 3229
summary ↠ jeongin likes you a latte.
warnings ↠ just jeongin being cute and in loooove. its cringey.
a/n ↠ barista!jeongin bc who doesn’t love cafe aus?
cafe glow is well-known around these parts of town bc it has such!! great!! food and drinks!
it has a real homely feel so a lot of student from the nearby schools/ unis come here
and it’s a pretty big cafe so there’s a lot of space for ppl to come in and chill, whether that be large study groups or just individuals trying to cram for upcoming tests
that homely feel?? it’s bc of all the youngsters that basically run the cafe
it’s officially owned by mr and mrs bang, but their son, chan, manages this cafe a lot since they’ve got a few other places in town to run
chan loves recruiting teens to work bc, despite their hyperactivity (esp the lot that are currently there), they’re a lot less work to deal with than grumpy adults complaining abt wages
just a few months ago, jeongin started looking around for places to work at
let’s get that bread bro
he spoke to a lot of the nearby businesses like the florist, library and pizzeria but as soon as he entered glow and saw a blond guy downing shots of black coffee as he made different drinks, he Knew he wanted to work here
he headed straight to the counter (ok ofc he waited in line first but who cares abt that)
“welcome to glow, what can i get ya?”
“hi, i was wondering if you were hiring?”
“so,” the guy - nametag reading Felix - began, leaning forwards on the counter, “you wanna join the glow gang, huh? have you got what it takes??”
maybe he should’ve thought more clearly abt this-
“felix are u creeping out kids again?? i swear this is the last time i leave you on counter duty” the black-coffee-drinking blond huffed, wiping his hands on his apron as he left the coffee machines. he nudged felix out of the way, pushing him to the machines before he turned to jeongin. “i’m sorry abt him, i don’t know why i still keep him around”
“i heard that!”
 “anyway,” the blond - nametag with Chan printed on it - grinned, “what can i get for you?”
“a job here would be great”
“you really wanna work here,,,, with that?” he pointed over to felix who looked back with a frown
“yeah, it seems pretty fun!”
“you got a cv on you?”
jeongin is a Prepared Boi. before his job hunting run he printed off multiple copies of his cv so he handed it over to chan who briefly looked over it
“when can you start working?”
“when do you need me to?”
chan let out a chuckle at that, pocketing jeongin’s cv, “swing by tomorrow at 4 and we’ll work that out, yeah?”
jeongin went home a Happy Boy and the next day at exactly 4:37 he had landed himself a sweet job at cafe glow
ever since that day a few months ago, jeongin had been learning the ins and outs of the cafe
he’s learnt all about where felix hides his ‘secret’ stash of sweets, where to kick if the machines ever go down and jisung’s ability to not stop talking
jisung’s the guy in charge of training jeongin bc chan doesn’t trust felix with another human’s life and minho, an older uni student that works here part time, is way too busy flirting with customers to get more tips those uni fees won’t pay themselves u go bby
and chan himself already has a lot to deal with since he mainly works in the kitchens
so jisung has taken jeongin under his wing and taught him how to make all drinks (despite there being a manual for this) and how to deal with the customers
and even tho jisung is only 5 months older than jeongin, he n e v e r misses an opportunity to baby the hecc out of him
“what are the different cup sizes we have?”
“uh,, small,, medium and large??”
“goSH jeonGIN you’re so smART!!!! ily!!! what cAN’T you do???”
jisung’s overdramatic as hell but he means well
and it’s always funny when jeongin teams up with felix (still a pretty rare occassion) to prank jisung
one day jeongin had a test after school so he couldn’t come by
and ofc he let chan know this in advance but he and felix decided not to tell jisung
jisung was waiting around for jeongin to come and he literally almost started crying when felix told him an hour later that jeongin wasn’t gonna come
“,,m,y bab y ? jeonginnie??? wh at do u me an,, he won’t com,e??? felix you a s s don’t l i e to m,e,, :((((”
they even got minho to record the whole thing not for free ofc, and minho’s services are n o t cheap, but it was totally worth it
felix screenshot jisung’s crying face and it’s now the display picture of their glow gang group chat
which btw never shuts up bc: during the day (and work hours) felix, jisung and jeongin will be spamming it, during the evening minho will complain abt all the uni work he’s got to do, after dinner time the youngsters are back on it sending memes until like 2am, and then by 4am chan finally gets on and complains abt the boys killing his storage with their dumb memes & he gives any updates abt the next day’s schedule if need be
it’s a great system, hella wild and random, but jeongin loves it nonetheless
now for the part where u, dear reader, come in!!
it’s just an ordinary day, a bit quieter than usual but jeongin’s not complaining bc it gives him time to finish off some of his hw while he’s at the till
he looks up when the door chime rings and
(°ロ°) ! 
he’s vvv obviously staring at u as u walk in, his pen drops on the counter and his mouth is :0
damn yn you’ve broken jeongin
but does he care???
is he stopping?????
also yes but you’ve already seen his dumbstruck face and he realises he was caught just staring at u when u walk up to him with a shy smile on your face
he doesn’t know what’s come over him
and he doesn’t mean to be some typical teenage boi straight out of a high school drama
but u just look so pretty he couldn’t help but?? go heart eyes??
he’s trying not to lose his cool when u finally reach the counter
“hi!” he grins, “welcome to cafe glow, what can i get for you?”
you order your drink and watch as jeongin types away at the computer
he’s rlly hoping the screen blocks his blush bc he’s still (´♡‿♡`)’ing and he’s pretty sure he can feel his blush at this point
“is there anything else i can get you?”
your number
he finds your thinking face so cute!! the way u bite ur lip a little as your eyes glaze over the sweet treats they have on display
he d i e s when u look back up at him and ask, “anything you’d recommend?”
he keeps his cool as he says some of his fave desserts, and you choose the cheesecake
“alright! will you be eating in or is that to-glow go”
his heart swells when u laugh at his pun but he’s highkey dYinG inside bc he wants u to stay for just a little longer
he almost cries when u say you’re eating in bc !!! yes!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!! maybe he could try talking to you!!!!!
“sweet! take a seat anywhere, your food will be made shortly!”
when u go to pay for ur food he’s internally hating felix bc he swears all these mushy feelings he’s experiencing are bc felix made him watch back-to-back romance films
he’s taken money from a lot of customers but he’s never, n e v e r, wanted to just hold their hand and he’s honestly so close to just never letting go of yours rn but he mentally slaps himself
pull it together jeongin u dumbass
when u tell him to keep the change he’s just
s i g h can u get any more perfect
he yeets felix out of the way from the coffee machines and towards the till
“role change, i’m bored!”
“but chan banned me from the tills, he’s gonna kill me!”
“i’ll get jisung on you”
he’s halfway thru making ur drink when minho sliiiides next to him and slings an arm around his shoulders
“so, innie, who’s the cutie you’re serving?” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
from his short time working here he knows that minho is in love with any kind of gossip and there’s no point in lying to him
esp not with this massive blush on jeongin’s face that’S STILL thERe bc jeongin peeked over and saw you taking out textbooks which means you’re gonna stay here for lo n g er than he thought
and he’s got this huge grin on his face :D
and no one’s ever that happy making coffee
esp not when felix is right next to them singing along to the twice song playing in the cafe
god knows who put felix in charge of the cafe playlist
an y w ay
“does our baby innie have a,,, crushhh on a certain someone???”
“noooooookay maybe? idk i just met them!!”
“:0!!!! our baby’s iN LOVE!!!”
minho said that so loudly!!! jeongin peered over minho’s shoulder and saw that y o u had looked up at the exclamation and he let out a sheepish laugh to try and make the scene look normal
u just grinned at him and he almost swooned
minho’s shouting alerted jisung who deadass ran from the other side of the cafe
jisung, out of breath: wh-what do u mean,, in love,,,??? you’re too young for that ://
even chan popped out from the kitchen. “jeongin loves someone?? how cute, who is it- felix, what the hell are u doing there, didn’t i ban u from the tills??”
“blame loverboy!”
“gUYsss :((( let me wORk!!”
“u do u, innie, go get ‘em tiger!” minho said, smirking as he took a step back
the other boys stayed quiet as well, chan filling up the front display with the baked goods he freshly made
jeongin quietly got to finishing off ur drink and grabbed a cheesecake slice to carry over to you
“h-hey,” he started, placing the plate and drink beside your textbook, “sorry it took so long,,,”
“that’s alright,” you smiled and all his worries literally washed away, “was everything okay back there?”
“yeah,” he rubbed the back of his neck, smiling shyly, “minho’s just easily excited and nosy, a terrible combination really”
u laughed at that and he grinned, his nerves easing away
“u guys seem really close,” when he saw u quickly look over to the counters he turned as well, just in time to see all four of them rush to try and act natural (altho jisung just dropped to the ground so he’s really a lost cause)
“they’re really crazy, but they do mean well,” he grinned, “except felix, avoid him at all costs”
“i’ll keep that in mind,” you chuckled when jeongin pointed out who felix was and felix just glared back at him, as tho he knew jeongin was talking shit abt him
“well,” he started, realising he should go bc a big group of customers had just entered, “i’ll leave u to it, i hope u enjoy ur food. let me know if u need anything else!”
he headed back to the counter, a HUGE grin on his face, he’s so glad his back is to u bc he’d be so embarassed if u saw
it’s bad enough minho saw and is non-stop teasing him abt it now
throughout his shift minho was just taunting him, cooing “innie’s in love~”
as he was dealing with other customers and running around the cafe, he’d make quick eye contact with u and each time he did, u let out the softest smiles, he’s pretty sure he’s never smiled this much
abt an hour later when the rush had died down, jeongin looked over to see that!!! u were still there!!!!!
he fixed up a quick mango smoothie, smth he always found super refreshing, and headed over to your table
“h-hey?” he tapped your shoulder when he noticed u had your headphones in
“oh, hey! i, uh, i didn’t order this?”
“yeah, it’s,, it’s on the house, thought you might need a pick-me-up, you’ve been working rly hard”
“ahh thank you!!!” u grinned at him so cutely, “would u like to sit down?”
he nodded too enthusiastically but he hopes u didn’t pick up on that ((u did)) as he sat down opposite you
for the next 30 mins? hour?? neither of u know
u guys just talked
he’s thanking god that there was no rush in customers bc he enjoyed spending time just talking to u
the conversation seemed to flow so?? naturally???
he found out ur name and that u go to a nearby school sadly not the same one as him
and u were taking the scenic route home instead of ur normal walking path or using the bus which is why he’d never seen u before
he’s so glad that fate brought u here today tho!!!! eternally grateful that u made that wise choice!!!
when ur phone buzzed with a message from ur family he finally realised that it was getting late
he watched almost in tears as u packed ur stuff up, thanking him for the drinks and snacks that he definitely didn’t steal from felix’s hidden stash
he went back to the counter, stars in his eyes as he leaned against the counter, opposite minho who was chilling by the till
“so, how’d it go? did u get their number??”
jeongin: (❤ω❤) 
jeongin, 0.02 secs later: ヽ(°〇°)ノ
felix, jumping in: “pls don’t tell me u spent all that time,,,,, and u didn’t get their number-”
minho: “loverboi was too busy making moves, eh?”
jeongin’s mood instantly dropped and he was so close to just headbutting the counter then and there
what if u never come back????
what if u came back when he wasn’t there?????
what if you’re on ur way here but then u see another cafe and u go there instead and fall in love with a barista there???????
jeongin’s 2 seconds away from pouting for all eternity when chan comes over and pats him on the back, “i’m sure they’ll come back!”
jeongin’s praying the old man’s right
and he is!!!!!!! cliche ik
u didn’t come back the next day which broke jeongin’s heart and he was honestly so close to losing all hope bc he’s incredibly dramatic like that
but u come back the day after!!!
jeongin’s wiping down a table when u enter and u spot him instantly and wave
he waves back but the cloth he’s holding slips from his hand onto the ground
and he rushes to pick it up but hits his head on the table when he tries standing up again
and he’s in so much pain but he just nervously laughs it away esp when he sees ur half worried, half trying-not-to-laugh-aloud face
when he sees u walking to him -- not the counter -- he’s counting to 100 in 3 seconds to try and calm himself down to not look like even more of a fool
“is the table okay?”
“yeah, i’m alri- hey, rude!” he pouts, faking a sniffle and rubbing his head
“i’m kidding, jeongin” (he had to bite his lip to not squEAL when u said his name) “are you okay? that looked painful :((”
“i’ll live,” he fake sobbed, rubbing away imaginary tears with the cloth in his hand before he realised what he’d just done and dropped it on the table in disgust (he highkey dieddd when u laughed at him again) “ew, i’m sorry you had to see all this”
“it’s fine,” you grinned, scrunching ur nose when u saw the wet smears on his face, “but u got a lil smth there” u pointed to ur own cheek
jeongin wanted to CRY
he knows he’s a cute boi (he uses this to his advantage whenever he can)
but rn??
he knows he looks like the epitome of a grade A DumbassTM
he just let out the longest s i g h
“i’ll be right back!”
he rushed off to the back and sorted himself out (and quickly iced his head)
he came back out to see u sitting down at the same table as last time
as soon as he came thru the doors u looked up and held out thumb, an eyebrow raised
and he reciprocated the gesture, telling u he’s all okay now!
he found it so cute that u cared!!! his heart: on fire!!
felix walked right to him, pulling him along to the coffee machines as he told him ur order
“u owe me one now loverboi!”
jeongin prepped ur food and took it to u like last time
but this time u initiated the conversation
“felix isn’t all that bad, y’know?” you said, holding onto your hot drink as it warmed ur hands up
“for now,” jeongin started, “trust me, if u ever have the misfortune of seeing him act cute, you’ll regret ever saying that.”
your nose scrunched as you imagined that -- jeongin gasped when he saw and then prayed you didn’t see that -- before you let out the cutest laugh he’s ever heard, “yeah, i can’t imagine that looking nice”
you two talked for a bit more until jeongin had to get back to the counter and take orders
he popped up at your table when he could, offering felix’s sweets and a refill
“do you treat all your customers like this? free drinks isn’t good for business, y’know?”
he went bright red at your teasing bc “nope, you’re special!” -- his eyes went w i d e when he said that and, if it was possible, his cheeks went redder -- but god, was it worth it bc your eyes sparkled and your blooming blush was so pretty he was starstruck
he cleared his throat, let out the most nervous chuckle ever, put the lemonade on your table before diving behind the counter
he could practically hear minho’s smirk from all the way over here
it took a little while longer for him to psych himself up to go over to you again after that disaster
but seeing you pack up your bag made him forget everything and run up to you
“hey, you’re done already?” he asked, pouting as you put your last book away
“yeah, i’ve gotta help make dinner soon,” you replied, fixing your bag over your shoulder, “thanks for the drink, it was great!”
“y-yeah, no problem!” you loved his drink!! score!!!! “come again soon, yeah?”
“definitely,” you winked -- you winked, god his heart was weak -- before waving and taking your leave
felix slid up next to him, throwing his arm around jeongin’s shoulders
“pls tell me you got their number this time”
the top gif is jeongin’s face right now
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love - Captain Emmett Dutton x Reader (Australia) Modern!AU
@mandy23b - I really wanted to surprise you with this one 💜💙
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Author’s Note: SO. Basically, this is a combination of two things. THIS POST and the Modern!Dutton vibes it gives off, and Amanda’s tags on “Starlight” (Which also inspired the song, dontcha know?) *Note: Outfit based loosely on above pictures. Trust you, Amanda😉  .  Disclaimer: Lyrics / Characters not mine, as usual. Idea was a discussion with @3134045126​ so I’ma give her credit here too! ... And the song, as previous, is all Ms.Mandy23b 
Premise: Harbouring a crush on a superior officer is the last thing you’re worried about when he’s as sweet as Emmett Dutton is. If you can get him out this evening, who knows what else you can do...  Words: 2483 Warnings: Drinking / AU
__________ So we back in the club With our bodies rockin' from side to side Thank God the week is done... No control of my body Ain't I seen you before? I think I remember those eyes, Keep downing drinks like there's No tomorrow there's just right Now, now, now, now, now, now Hands up, when the music drops Put your hands on my body Swear I seen you before I think I remember those eyes 'Cause baby tonight, D-J got us fallin' in love again Yeah, baby tonight, D-J got us fallin' in love again So dance, dance, Like it's the last, Last night of your life, life Gonna get you right Cause baby tonight, D-J got us fallin' in love again ---  All it was meant to be was a night out with your girls at the karaoke bar. Sure that bar also gave everyone a break from horrendous (increasingly drunk) singing, because it also had a dance floor, but you weren’t here for that. Whether you would end up on it or not... was another matter... Being with your girls was only one of two reasons you were out here. Because you were hoping to catch the eye of someone else. You could tell just by looking at him that he wasn’t usually the type to come to something like this. But it’d been a couple of months since the far beyond cute Captain Dutton had caught your eye across the mess hall, and whilst passing him today you’d inquired as to if he was coming out tonight; “Oh I-” “I just know a lot of the barracks are going, so I thought you might...” “No it’s, just that I- it’s not really my scene...” “Oh... not even for one night?” Your look did your pleading for you, and he gave a soft sigh and a smile “Okay, one night... now go on, before your drill sergeant catches you.” “Yes, Sir!” You responded with a grin, back straight - before you jogged off to your next drill exercise. You were a tough girl by all accounts and had got into the army through no small feat. Your aim to always add a little feminine charm, and beat all the boys while you were at it. You’d already outpaced a few of them on both running, and obstacle drills - and stood at the end, arms folded behind your back with a little smirk; “What, too hard for you guys?” Sometimes that landed you a little in trouble, but, you mostly stuck to the rules. You did know what was good for you, sort of. And the Captain... He could definitely be good for you.  Emmett Dutton was the quiet type. And if he wasn’t where he was, and at the rank he was at, you would almost say he was the shy type. Maybe he was, maybe he was just good at this. He seemed to make friends with all his peers and you figured, once you started crushing on him, that it wouldn’t be too hard to make friends with him yourself.  Of course, your own friends figured out pretty easily (because you kept staring at him whenever he was in the same room... even when you were supposed to be listening to someone else brief you) that you had a crush. And the teasing became relentless. Luckily it hadn’t spread around the entire barracks yet but, every time you saw Emmett pass by and you gave each other a smile they would sigh dreamily, pretend to swoon and say “Oh captain! My Captain!”. Which only led to them getting punched in the arm - but it wouldn’t be long until people caught on. Especially since you’d started keeping Emmett up to date with your schedule, and he would come around if he had free time to watch you. You had figured out by now that it happened often enough for it to be more than just ‘passing by’ as you often heard him announce to the officer in charge that day. Which only made the girls wiggle their eyebrows and nudge you. “Shut up!” you hissed, “He’s clearly here for—!”  Except, when you’d finished up, he might also decide to catch you and say something akin to ‘great work’. And you had to listen to your friends try to hold their laughter and screeching in whilst still being respectful of his title. Of course, once he was out of ear shot you couldn’t help but laugh with them laughing at you. Emmett was going to get you in all kinds of trouble, and to be honest, you didn’t mind the prospect all that much.  ***  So half your night tonight had been incredibly fun - singing along to every song in the three of you’s repertoire. With the singing becoming screaming and both it, and the song choices, becoming increasingly cheesy & bad as the night progressed and you consumed a little more alcohol. In the end, half of the words were lost to giggling. To the point where, inevitably, they shut down the entire thing for the night and the DJ began pumping out hit after hit. Leaving you all to huddle onto a bench table and chat away. But it must have been at least an hour and he still hadn’t turned up yet... and you weren’t about to sit here and wallow in self-pity (even though you were).  But then in he walked. Looking about as shy and hesitant as you expected. And also better perhaps than you had even seen him in uniform. His shades were tucked into the front of his shirt, even though it was late evening. You wondered if he had managed to take some of the day off since you’d invited him out, then. As today even you had found time to lay on the grass and bask in the sun’s warm rays. It had been a good one by all accounts. It was about to get even better. You hoped. Emmett was wearing a black shirt over white, sleeves rolled up to give further effect to that contrast, dark jeans that looked almost stone washed, and black lace ups - you thought that was likely about as casual as he got. And yet you were almost surprised, with his hair still near perfect, that he looked that casual. Your mood instantly picked up, suddenly alert, you leant forward with a smile. He’d come, you’d asked him to come and he had! He looked around for a moment and to your annoyance, spotted his friends first. “...Ahhh—!!” Both your friends suddenly leant on you as they also noticed him. “If it isn’t your Captain!!” “Shut up!!” You pushed them to no avail but kept your eyes on him, still smiling. He smiled too, and then he laughed.  And your heart fluttered softly; damn this crush... damn him for making you feel this way, and want to fall so deeply into this. Emmett ordered his drink with his friends, still laughing with them - before he turned to admire the rest of the bar. And as his eyes scanned around you realised that he was looking for someone. And then he saw you, and the smile he gave was unlike one you had ever seen from him. He offered a wave “Hi!” “Hey-!” You mouthed back; knowing you were smiling in a similar fashion. “You’re blushing.” You turned back to your girls, both of them staring at you bluntly “What-!?” “Blushing—!” The problem was you knew you were, and now they had mentioned it you could feel your face heating up, but you swivelled back to the bar intent on ignoring their jibes at you... By this time he was sipping beer smoothly, and edging away from his friends. They were pushing his arm and laughing as much at him as your friends were at you. You noticed that he laughed back, and held his hands up like it was hardly his fault. Emmett took a few steps away, then laughed and turned back as they all began cat-calling to him. “Shut up!” You saw him say before he turned back to them and got a little animated as they all started laughing again. From over here you couldn’t hear them but you could imagine the banter. If Emmett was even half as proper in his down time as he was dressed in uniform, then this was likely to cause quite the stir with people who weren’t his friends. So he walked, all the way across the bar, to you. “Hey...” His voice was just as soft as his demeanour “Emmett...” it almost felt strange to call him by his first name, but, he wasn’t the captain when he wasn’t in uniform. “You came.” “Well...” he gave a gentle shrug, “You asked me to, didn’t you? Would you... like a drink?” “I...” you indicated to your own “Think I’ve maybe had... a few too many...” “Oh...” he looked a little disappointed, and took another sip of his own, “...Well then...” he held his hand out “... Dance with me.” “Wh-!?” You probably couldn’t have sounded more surprised as your friends stared at each other in disbelief. “Well, the music is up, if you don’t want another drink and you invited me here, I believe that I should at least offer you a dance...” You took a deep breath, hardly daring to believe this was real, and took his hand; “...And I will accept your dance, Captain...”  As he pulled you from your seat, both yours and his friends whistled - ear piercing enough to cut through the music and have you both laughing; “You must forgive my friends...!” Emmett took your other hand in his as he smiled, “But, um, things like this are a rare occurrence for me...” You giggled, “Maybe I should change that.” A slight blush crossed his cheeks as he bit his lip through his smile; “I - haha - wouldn’t be adverse to that...” You gave a sweet smile, and accompanying wink; “Me either.” “Be careful, you haven’t seen me dance yet!” You both laughed at that; “Oh, Y/N, you must forgive me my lateness... There were a few things I needed to attend to back at barracks, and I was waylaid a little longer than I ought to have been...” You shook your head, “I... I’m just glad you’re here... and I understand...!” It was his job after all, and you knew Emmett would have put anything he had to do for his men first. You gave a grin, “Don’t worry! You didn’t miss much!! Just karaoke!” He laughed, “Oh goodness! How could I?!” You returned a cheeky wink; “Exactly! It was the best bit!” “Well, hopefully you dance as well as you sing.” “Oh no!” You laughed harder “Then you’d be in trouble Emmett!” “Why!?” His smile was still sweet, “Because you would show me up?” “The complete opposite Captain I assure you!” He raised an eyebrow, “Nonsense!” The beat to the next song started and he grinned, “Time to put your money where your dance moves are!!” You had to raise an eyebrow yourself at that, because this man did not appear to you to be a dancer. But, here you were – in civvies – on a dancefloor in a tiny bar having the time of your life.  He took your hands and led you, through jam after jam, after jam. Sometimes he was your dance partner, and sometimes it was nothing short of a dance off. But then the DJ decided to turn it up a notch, and you noticed even his friends and yours, who had been watching you all night, clamour to get out on the floor with you. Emmett and yourself paused, looking around, you recognised the hit another club classic from 2010; “Is this DJ got us falling in love?!” “…That’s subtly ironic…” He mused, with a gentle chuckle. And his eyes fell back to you – your face read curious, even though you picked up on his meaning right away. But the smile on your face transformed into a grin; “…Only… subtly…” And so both of you sang along to every word – and became the literal embodiment of the phrase dance like no one is watching, even though you were both aware,that everyone in this little bar – even those also dancing – were watching you. He moved with you like you’d been doing this for more than just a few hours – but maybe you’d both somehow been able to commit each other’s movements to memory. You weren’t sure you’d enjoyed yourself this much in ages. Hands up, no cares or worries. Only him. Only each other. And this music. *** Top that! You would have said, as everyone stayed on the floor for the next few songs. But you knew it wouldn’t happen. You were having fun out here and although you realised the night was going to end, and likely soon, it was the last thing you wanted to happen. You were both seeing things in each other you’d never seen before. And tomorrow it would be back to formalities and calling him Captain – standing that little bit straighter when he walked by, and keeping everything as respectful as was commanded. No – apparently the evening could be topped. Because the DJ decided to end the night not on another incredible classic that would keep everyone out here. But a ridiculous slow dance. To which the majority of people groaned and evacuated the dancefloor – there were couples here though, that stayed – and friends that decided they hardly cared the type of song, they were determined to be the last ones out on the floor. You thought Emmett would be as likely to pull away too; but he didn’t. Instead he kept a firm grasp on your hand, and as you turned to leave, drew you to him. “No, no… Y/N? You’d leave me at the last song?” “This song?” “…Yes, this song!” “But… Captain I…” “…Emmett.” He held you closer as he corrected you, hand in yours to begin an faultless sway, you guessed this did seem like more of his kind of music, “…You need not be so formal with me.” “In a few minutes that’s exactly what I will have to be.” “Why?” “Because that’s who you are…” “But to you I don’t have to be. Not outside…” Your lips parted as your eyes flicked between his, “Subtly ironic…” “Mmm Hmm…” Emmett was serious. He was talking about dating. He was talking about real relationships. You & him. Not just a crush… “MM hmmm…” You looked away from his gently blue eyes, biting your lip, and could feel the blush raising on your cheeks instead. The song finished and he stepped away from you with a gentle bow. “Thank you.” “For dancing with you?” Your returned his bow with a beautiful beaming smile “…No, Emmett, thank you for coming...!” “It was nothing…” “To me, it was everything…” you let your hand slip from his, but the smile remained. “We should do this again.” “Yes…” He ran a hand through his hair; “And more than once.” “You asking me on a date?” He laughed, bashfully, “I think so…” “Multiple dates!?” you clarified. That laugh turned to a grin, aimed more at the floor than you; “…Yes. I guess…” You nodded in acceptance; “I suppose I should say I can’t wait to see you on the dance floor again?” You got to hear that gorgeous laugh from him again; “...My sentiments exactly!”
@dennismitchell @happyskywhale @wltz-bby #MendoTagSquad. 
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marvxlousqueen · 5 years
Warren Worthington- Share My Bed (pt 2)
read part one here! 
word count: 2.5k
warnings: mentions of sex, cussing, peter is still nuts about ping pong i’m sorry 
A/N: I’m glad you guys liked it and wanted a part two :)) also thank you to everyone who sent asks giving ideas and what not :) also i’m sorry if this is trash but i’m really tired 
also tagging @itsametaphorbriansblog should i start a tag list?? 
using the same gif bc it’s pt 2
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Peter jolted awake after the smell of bacon and eggs floated into his room the next morning. He looked to his side, trying to find (Y/n), but seeing nothing. He hopped out of bed, planning to make a run to the cafeteria kitchen to grab the fresh food before anyone else could. He turned around while slipping on his goggles and saw another figure in Warren’s bed. 
“Oh-oh my god, (Y/n) what the-” Why is she in Warren’s bed? Does she know she’s in Warren’s bed? 
Peter snuck over to Warren’s side of the room, gently pushing one of his fluffy wings over, revealing more of (Y/n). Warren had an arm draped over her waist, his chest pressed against her back. Peter started poking at (Y/n), hoping she would wake up without alerting Warren. “(Y/n).. (y/n) wake up.. come on,” he whispered, poking her cheek repeatedly.
“Wh-what? What’s happening?” (Y/n) voice was groggy and raspy, eyes barely being able to see anything, still adjusting to the morning light. “Peter? What-”
“Why are you in Warren’s bed?” He was whispering screaming at her, still trying to not disturb Warren. She looked over and saw him peacefully snuggled into her. Wow, he actually looks like an angel, she thought. She looked back at Peter, eyes rolling before she began whisper screaming back, “I didn’t want to be! You kicked me out of bed, you dick!”
“I did not!” 
“Uh-yes you did, you were like a dog running in it’s sleep.” 
“Well that doesn’t mean you have to go jump into bed with some random guy. Come on, I’m getting you out of here.” Peter grabbed (Y/n) arms and started to pull her from Warren’s grasp. “No, Peter, stop. It’s 7 am on a Saturday, I’m going back to sleep.” Peter just shook his head, I will not have my friend taken from me by some newbie, he thought. He continued to tug on her arms, almost pulling her completely off the bed until Warren tighten his grip, pulling her back into his chest. He nuzzled his face into her neck, wings wrapping around her once more. His eyes fluttered open, all the movement had woken him. 
“Morning.” His voice was gravelly, still heavy with sleep. Once his eyes finally adjusted to the brightness of the room, Warren saw a very angry Peter looking down at him. “What?” 
“Can I talk to you, bro? In the hallway. Now.” Peter stormed out of the room and into the hallway, waiting for Warren to follow. 
“Why’s he mad?” (Y/n) shrugged, feeling cold once Warren unwrapped his wings from her body. He stood up, not bothering to put on shoes before stepping out into the hallways. Warren cracked the door, figuring Peter wouldn’t want (Y/n) listening in. 
“What the hell? Best friends are off limits!” Peter was turning increasingly red, which was easy for him to do considering how pale he was. “Wait-since when are you guys best friends? I thought you only just started hanging out?” 
“It doesn’t matter! She’s my friend, you will not get involved with her because then who am I supposed to hang out with?” 
Warren was getting frustrated with Peter. Peter had been at this school longer and seemed to have no problems making friends, whereas Warren had only met one person who was interested in talking to him (besides Peter), which was (Y/n). 
“Peter, you have tons of friends. I need a friend and I want it to be her.” 
“So you just want to be friends with her?” Peter raised his eyebrows, knowing that people who just want to be friends don’t cuddle like (Y/n) and Warren were. 
“Yeah. Yes, just friends.” Warren nodded his head, keeping his eyes on Peter. He knew lying was bad, but when he saw Peter relax his shoulders, he knew it was the right thing to do, just for a little while until he spoke to (Y/n) about how she feels towards him.
“Good, good. Come on, I’ll teach you how to play ping pong after we grab some breakfast.” Warren was surprised that Peter wanted to spend time with him. I have friends, he thought. I have two whole friends. Warren wanted to slap himself for being so excited over something so small, but he was happy. It was only his third day at the school and he had already met some great people who liked him and who he liked back, one as more than a friend. 
Warren followed Peter into their room to slip on his shoes before heading to the cafeteria when he saw (Y/n) grab her pillow to leave. “Hey, (Y/n)... where you going?” (Y/n) just stared straight past Warren, ignoring his question, instead looking to Peter. “Thanks for letting me stay, it won’t happen again.” She left with a slam of the door.
“What-um, what was that about?” Peter shrugged as a response. “Sometimes girls are just like that. She’s probably just missing her own bed.” Warren wasn’t convinced. She seemed actually upset, but he figured he would wait to ask about it when he saw her later, considering he didn’t know where her room was and was too shy to ask Peter, not wanting him to get the wrong idea. Even though it wouldn’t be the wrong idea, he thought. You shouldn’t have lied, Warren, now how is he going to trust you when he finds out?
Warren pushed the thoughts down, instead focusing on Peter’s words as he described the art which is the game of ping pong. 
(Y/n) rushed back to her room, face burning, knocking loudly to wake up Jean and Scott. “Let me in!” Scott answered the door, only wearing boxers. “What do you need?” 
(Y/n) rolled her eyes. “I need you out of my room. And I need to talk to Jean.” 
Jean was awake at this point. “No, you can’t just kick Scott out.” 
“Uh-yes I can. I get kicked out of here all the time and it’s actually my fucking room, so get out Summers before I make you.” (Y/n) pushed Scott into the hallway and locked the door behind her. He started pounding on the door. “I don’t have my clothes!”
“Get over it! I need to talk to Jean!”
Jean stood up, grabbing his clothes before opening the door to hand them to him. (Y/n) slammed the door again, “No! Scott can’t be in here, it’s personal and I’m pissed and need to vent, so please just sit down and listen.” Jean took a seat on her bed, head feeling cloudy from waking up and having to move so much so suddenly. 
“So! What does it mean if a boy invites you into their bed? Apparently, it means they just want to be friends! Did you know that? I certainly didn’t know that. I would’ve thought that if a boy invites you into their bed and wraps their arms around you, it meant he was interested in you, right? But! I guess not!” (Y/n) took an aggressive step towards her bed, before throwing herself down, screaming into her pillow. She felt the mattress dip next to her. 
“Tell me more, I’m listening.” Jean started to brush her hair out of her face, but (Y/n) just buried herself further into her pillow, too embarrassed to speak. “Did Peter come onto you?” 
(Y/n) sat up, shaking her head. “No.” 
“Then who..?”
“Who’s that?” 
“His new super cute roommate. I swear he looks like an angel, and not just because of the wings.”
“Wings? Oh god, is it the guy who tried to kill us last year? (Y/n), no! He’s dangerous with those metal, knife wings, and-”
“He doesn’t have those anymore. He had these huge, feather wings and he held me with them last night.” Jean’s eyebrows shot up. “Wait, you actually cuddled with a guy you just met? Who tried to kill us last year?” (Y/n) nodded sheepishly, “Peter kicked me out of his bed, like literally kicked me. And it was freezing because someone wouldn’t let me in to grab a blanket, and he offered so..” 
“I’m sorry about that. I know I’ve been a lot lately with Scott and everything, but I just like being close to him. I mean, what if something like last year happened and we died? Life is so short and-”
“I forgive you, you can stop talking.” She nodded, realising her friend was actually upset. “Why do you think he’s not interested in you? It sounds like he is.” (Y/n) shook her head, eyes meeting Jean’s. “I heard him tell Peter. Said he wanted to be just friends. Don’t know why I’m surprised, no one is ever interested in me.”
“That’s not true, come on. I have a feeling he was just saying that. He’s probably shy.” (Y/n) shrugged, not answering. “Let’s go grab some breakfast, yeah? Then we can have a girls day at the mall. That’ll cheer you up!” 
“Fine. I’ll go find Jubilee and tell her. I’ll meet you in the cafeteria.” (Y/n) stood up, making her way to the door before Jean grabbed her arm. “You should also invite Jubilee’s roommate. That new girl who helped us out against Apocalypse. I think her name’s Ororo. She seems nice.” (Y/n) nodded, speeding across the dormitories into Jubilee’s room.
Peter was sat in his room that afternoon waiting for (Y/n) to drop by. His foot was tapping rapidly in an attempt to calm himself. Warren was sat on the other side of their room, attempting to catch up on the classwork he had missed while being on bed rest. Finally at 8 o’clock, Peter sped off to Jean and (Y/n)’s room, worried something might have happened. (Y/n) answered when he knocked, wearing a face mask. Peter looked over her shoulder and saw Jean, Jubilee, and Ororo wearing the same. “Hey Pete, it’s girls night. Sorry, no boys allowed.” Ororo let out a yell of agreement from behind her, making Jubilee laugh and almost choke on her soda. 
“How come you didn’t come by? I was waiting for our ping pong game.” His eyes showed that he was worried. Maybe she was actually upset this morning, he thought. “It’s girls night, so Scott didn’t come over and I didn’t get kicked out.” 
Jean spoke up from behind her to add on. “And I realized I was being a bit of a dick kicking her out everyday so Scott won’t be coming over as much.”
“O-oh. That’s, that’s good then. Yay for you.”  Peter stepped back into the hallway, about to run off before (Y/n) followed, peeling her face mask off as she spoke. “What’s up? You seem.. sad?”
“...I liked hanging out with you. Warren was enjoying it too, I could tell. He said he wanted to be friends!” 
“Yeah that’s kind of the problem,” she muttered, but of course Peter was able to catch every word. “The problem? You don’t like Warren?”
“No-I, uh. I do like him, Peter. Like I like like him. But I heard him say he doesn’t like me so I’m not sure if I want to spend a lot of time with him yet.” 
“Oh.. you like him? That’s... fun.”
“Why did you say it like that?” Peter opened his mouth, then closed it to think before speaking. “It’s just- I don’t like the idea of you dating him because then you would only come to our room to see him, not me. And- and I know it sounds sad, but you’re one of my closest friends, even though we just became friends. Just- not a lot of people can handle my.. personality and energy. They get annoyed, but you don’t and I don’t want to lose that.” 
“Peter, you aren’t going to lose anything, okay? First of all, just because I date someone doesn’t mean I would abandon you, right? And second, he doesn’t even like me so it’s not relevant.” 
Peter shrugged, “He might’ve lied to me because he sure did seem to like you while you two were cuddling. You know what, I’ll go ask right now.”
“Peter, no! Don’t-” (Y/n) was cut off as a blur of silver sped down the hallway, towards Warren. (Y/n) took off after him despite knowing there was no way she could catch up. “Peter stop!”
Warren sat up fast from his bed when he saw Peter crash through the door. “What the fuck are you doing?” Peter ignored his question. “So earlier when you said you didn’t like (Y/n) that was a lie, right? Because she totally likes you and was sad because she heard you say you just wanted to be friends and I don’t like seeing my friend sad so I hope you were lying to me.” Peter’s words tumbled out of his mouth so fast that Warren tried to piece together what he said. 
“She-she likes me?” Once the words left Warren’s mouth, (Y/n) burst through the door, pushing Peter over. “Peter don’t you dare!” She looked at Warren, her face red from her sprint down the hallway and from embarrassment. “Did he-um, did he say... anything? Because if he did, it’s a lie.”
“I already told him.” (Y/n) (if possible) felt her face get even hotter. Her eyes met Warren’s before she turned and took off, heading for the safety of her own room again. 
“What should I do?” Warren looked at Peter, who decided to stay on the ground finding it quite comfortable. “If you like her I would tell her, but if not don’t hurt her or I will hurt you.” 
“What happened to ‘best friends are off limits’?” 
“That was before I saw her so upset. Plus she told me she wouldn’t abandon me so I’m okay with it.” Warren nodded before pushing off his bed, making his way to where he assumed (Y/n)’s room was. He soon realized he didn’t know the exact room so he knocked on a few, hoping to find her. 
Finally one of the doors opened to reveal Jean. “Can I talk to (Y/n)? Please.” Warren could’ve sworn his mouth had never been this dry. Jean stepped aside, allowing him to come in. He saw Ororo and Jubilee stretched out on the floor, then he saw (Y/n) curled up in her bed, head under her blanket. Warren slowly approached her before pulling off her blanket. “C-can I talk to you?” 
She opened her eyes, meeting his, nodding. (Y/n) didn’t move, wanting Warren to talk to her where she was. “O-okay. So-um, yes, Peter told me and- I.. I like you too. I’m sorry you heard what you did, but Peter was on my case about liking you and I don’t know...” Her eyes widened, “You like me back? Oh my god.”
Jean laughed from across the room at the tone (Y/n) used, one of pure shock. Warren nodded, his eyes flicking from her lips to her eyes. (Y/n) sat all the way up and started to lean forward. Warren met her halfway, pressing his lips to hers. They broke apart seconds later, remembering they were in a room with others. 
“It’s girls night, no boys allowed!” Ororo successfully broke the silence, making Jubilee and Jean erupt into laughter. (Y/n) looked to them and then back at Warren. 
“Maybe you guys could take girls night somewhere else, hm? Give me and Warren some time to talk..” Jean’s eyes widened, “You’re kicking me out for the night?”
“Oh come on, Jean. I would do it for you and you know that.”  
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askyancy · 5 years
A choice...
OOC: Below the cut is extracted from the discord. A certain duo paid Yancy a visit in his time of need.  With this, our trio story is finally all wrapped up in a big bow and tomorrow brings a new story! We’ve been planning it for a while now and can’t wait for you all to take part and see what’s in store! Yancy - @askyancy​ Actor Mark - @actor-mark​ Darkiplier - @markimoojackaboi​
YancyYesterday at 7:05 PM
Yancy hadn't come back to his cell yet, having left Sparkles with Jimmy and Hank, a bit of high alcohol content hooch to drown out the worries. Yancy wasn't much for drinking, instead he'd wandered off... through the nooks and crannies, the holes in the walls and floors. Off to a small secluded and rather secretive location that only he knew of. It was HIS place..... His private hole in the wall. Several floors below the prison and so far away from it all that he could sing to his hearts content and not be heard at all. He'd been down here before.. many times... Yancys-studio was as isolated and alone as he could ever possibly hope for.....
He was pacing.... Back forth back forth. 7 steps left 7 steps back again. chewing on the end of his thumb. His brain wrought with worry, with conflict. All my fault... This is all my Fault He couldn't stand hearing that Bambam wasn't going to make it. They'd been updated after class. Bambams heart was slowing down... Doctors said it was just a matter of time. Time was all Yancy could hope for now.... More time.. just give them more time and maybe they'll pull through.... It felt surreal and tormenting knowing that there was nothing he could do. Not a damned thing. So he'd pace.... Pace and wear a hole in the concrete floor. The studio was a basement crawlspace of dusty concrete and piping, a support beam stands in the center and the whole little crook sits 2 floors deep beneath the kitchen. The far wall has been fitted with many small mirrors to make up one large dance studio-esque mirror. Not much to look at but it served the purpose. But Yancy wouldn't dare to look at his reflection as it stalked him back and forth across the room. over and over....
The cold basement hide away had almost completely still air, never really changing from part of the room to another. Cold that settled on top of the skin but never penetrating deeper than that. It was dusty. Even if Yancy cleaned it every day it would remain slightly dirty due to it's concrete walls, celling, and floor....
Yancy gave a shiver, the cold of the room prickling but it was more his unstoppable anxiety making his back tense up so much. He paused in his pacing, trying to shift his attention away. Maybe to tumblr? But doing so only reminded him he hadn't even touched it all day... One small post, an update on Bambam.... After he was done he slowly sank against a wall, knees to his chest and just hunched forward a little into them, burying his face to cry alone. He couldn't bare to be up there with the others anymore. Couldnt bare that sight of his own cell or knowing that Bambam's would be empty now. There was no way Sparkles would stay in there alone. Maybe they'd go stay with that Dusty person? He didnt even want to think about losing the rest of his family now Bambam was gone... but what if the gang started falling apart? Tiny was never really interested in any of them, Jimmy and Hank tended to stick together and Sparkles was very different from Yancy, and likely seeing Yancy would only bring up memories of Bambam..... Would he lose them all!?
He slowly pulled himself together and ran a hand over his face, standing back up and eyed his phone again... Maybe he could say hi to the discord folks? They should know too right? Then again he'd alerted the blog. they'd know... He found himself pacing again, the same track...  "You look a little lost, friend."
Yancy whirled around, straight for the exit and paused. .... No one? He spun in a circle, eyes all over the room. Not a soul.  "Wh-......." Had he just imagined it?  "Ohp Don't make yourself dizzy now!"  "Who's dere!?" Yancy growled low, territorial mode sinking in, ready to defend his little hidey hole.  "A friend~"  "YOUSE SHOW YOUSES SELF!"
There was n eerie echo in the room as Yancy's voice boomed out, it seemed to carry more than it should have....
"..... Wow. Angry little Tiger aren't we? " "Sh-shut up... Who are youse?" 
“What's with the weird accent?” "I SAID SHUT UP!.... Tell me who youse is!" "
“Oh I'm sorry I thought you wanted me to shut up”
Yancy grit his teeth. "..... Youse just.. leave me alone... I aint in de mood"
Yancy backed up a bit away from the door. 
“Oh c'mon now friend. I came to offer you the help you so desperately need. Don't worry..er.. Yancy was it?”
 "It's Yancy..." 
“That's what I-.... nevermind...”
 "Where de heck is you--" He'd started turning around again but leapt half a mile back when he discovered a man standing directly behind him. 
“Ahaha Oh I'm sorry! Didn't meant to startle you friend!”
 "Wh-How..How did youse-... " His left hand was burning like he'd punched lava. 
“Best not to question the minor details. Just enjoy the ride!”
The man stepped closer and had the most sickening grin on his face. 
“Do you have any idea how long I've been trying to find you?” Yancy started to step backwards, his left fist curling tightly. This guy had the kind of face you just... couldn't trust. Bit of a douche...  "....wait.... y-"
"Oh?” the man grinned, eager to see if Yancy caught on that he'd met him before.  "Youse-.... Youse been looking for me?" Mark's face dropped. Wow what a dumbo. 
“Yes of course. Why wouldn't I wanna find the little "Golden Boy" that everyone's suddenly more in love with?”
".... more?" 
“Ahaha.. not to worry not to worry! We're all friends here at Happy Trails Penitentiary.”
"Yancy shifted slowly into a boxing stance, but kept his fists to his sides for the moment, ready to raise at a moments notice. "Who de heck are youse?" 
“Still talking like that? Youse? Its you. Eesh... Aren't you from Ohio?”
"Sh..shut up" 
“Hold on wait”
Mark pulled a script from his suit jacket and started flipping through it 
“What ending was yours? ... Life Sentence? .... No no....  I want to be free? That was it! Hm... Oh and Dance to the death too. You got a whole three videos how cute. Or was it four?....”
 flick flick.... "Wh-....what are youse even on ab-..." His left hand felt like fire, the skin turning red and he had to shake it off to the side, eyeing the lettering..... "....M... Mark?" 
“Aha! There you are! Took you a while but you got there! You almost remind me of someone ahaha!”
"Wh-....... " 
“Oh don't act so shocked. You already knew I was coming. They went and spoiled everything for you”
"Wh-Who? What? I didn't knows yous...." 
“your discord friends! They spoiled everything! ...Was really supposed to be a surprise but eh... Not like they can see you now.”
"_Yancy went wide eyed "H-.. Youse is on the discord?" 
“Of course I am! Why wouldn't I wanna chat to the wonderful, handsome, famous Yancy! The notorious killer! The brutal violent slaughter tiger! Such a cutie so precious so soft so sweet and so brutal oooof~”
Mark fanned himself and laughed, pacing around the room now. As he walked the floor seemed to change... Concrete turning to wood. Yancy stepped back and away from it, wary to touch it but eventually he ended up pressed against the mirror and unable to avoid it.
"You seem so afraid? Why? Where's all that gusto? All the bravado? the punch and the sweep!”
"Oh calm down Yancy! ... Always the big softie. Youre supposed to be a brutal killer!”
"I aint any o dose t'ings youse callin me!"
"Oh? What about Ma and Pa? What about Frankie? What about-”
"Oops touched a nerve!”
Mark paced slowly around him like a predator stalking prey. His reflection seemed to shake and show something different entirely.
"Wouldnt want to wake up that killer tiger now would we”
Yancy grit his teeth, stooping down to grab a left over stone from the floor transforming, making sure Mark was too in his own monologue to notice. "
“You're a violent and brutal villain, Yancy. Unlike that Illinois fellow. Or the captain! Both precious angels, heroes! Never did no wrong not to anyone! But you? You've killed FOUR people! FOUR!”
"St-STOP IT!" 
“And yet they fawn over you like a baby... Just like your mothe-”
The rock went sailing right at Mark's face with a fast baseball styled swing, he had just enough time to duck. The rock hit the glass of the mirror, leaving a crack. 
“Oooooooh!!! There it is! Tsk tsk Yancy! You gotta be more careful! Wouldn't want to make it five now would we!”
The mirror cracked and splintered, shards of glass falling to the ground and echoing through the dance space like crystalline wind chimes. It felt like the air was sucked out of the room for a few seconds, almost like an airlock seal breaking. Propped up against the wall was a humble broom that had seen better years. It had stayed in the same place so long that a spider had made its home in the space between the wood and the wall. Without warning, it fell forward, bouncing off the ground like it had been pushed roughly and it clattered with a sound that would be louder and more startling than a mirror cracking.. Yancy jumped and yelped at the crash of the broom. Backing up as far as he could go, his heart racing and his left hand burning like crazy.  "Y-.. L-Leave me alone!" 
“Oh but my dear, sweet, boy! ...... I came to help you~”
"Wh- h..help me?" Yancy's eyes darted to the fallen broom again, his defensive stance faltering, his footwork off, his fists barely tight. Fear gripping him by the shoulders. "I-..I dont want youses help!" 
“...buhuhaha.. You sure? What about poor Micheal?”he paused 
“Sorry.. Bambam. Cute name. Shame Evan and Sarah didn't get to be as involved but that's scheduling for you.”
"Wh-What de hell are youse on ab-.... G.. Go away! I MEAN IT!" 
“Nooooo you doooonnnttt~”Mark sing songed at him 
“Oooh! Nice acoustics in here! aaaaAAAAAaaaaaoooooohh~”
"............... J-...just leave me alone
"Oh alright alright ffffffine. Let Bambam die for all I care. Clearly you dont”
the squeaking sound of glass scraping glass as the mirror cracked just a bit more with every word out of Actor Marks mouth. The reflections seemed to blur and wobble just a bit like a layer of dew began to set in. As the mirror became harder to see through, the edges began to fog up, slowly moving to cover each mirror. The room was cold, unchanging in temperature. But it began to smell... wet. There wasn’t the sound of finger tracing a window, and yet Yancy could see in the mirror next to the mirror that shattered began to have the outlines of a word as if they had always been there.* L I A R
Yancy stared in horror as he watched the actor parade around his little studio. Mark leaned against the beam in the middle, placing a hand on it then watched as it proceeded to get a new lick of paint, slowly flowing over it top to bottom spreading out from where he'd touched. "W-wait..y..youse can..help?" He was watching Mark who..clearly wasn't leaving despite his words. Watching how he was changing his studio to be...better.... 
“We-hehe-ll of course I can!! Why else would I bother looking for you? Can't have previous baby Yancy all distressed now can we!”
Yancy's eyes traced the letters on the mirror that Mark hadn't noticed yet. Was Mark doing that too?  "Y-.........Youse can save Bambam?" 
“Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeelll...... Not exactly save BUT! I can bring them back. From what I can tell they're noit doing so hot right now. Heart beat's getting slower. Doesn't have long. I'd say maybe.. midnight?”
"Wh- NO!" Yancy rushed forward, paused and Mark grinned. 
“Course if they die, I can bring them back. No strings attached, no deals, no price, no currency, no favors, no nothing. how about it?” Mark held out his hand.(edited)
There was an eerie chill to the air as it seemed into his bones. The fog on the glass seemed to crystallize and freeze a little more. The mirror on the other side had the word.
But whoever was leaving messages didn’t stop at one.
More and more as they began to clutter the available space. Something odd began to happen. The areas around Mark’s silhouette  became more crowded than the rest while the shadow remained unwritten, outlining him in words. Every single one of them being true. A crack from the mirror seemed to also, somehow, be on the wall behind it creeping below the frame... down almost all the way to the floor. Did he really throw that rock that hard?. Yancy couldnt move now as he watched in horror... Nightmare.. Just a nightmare. He got so many of them! That's all this was. He backed up to the wall singking down it and buried his face in his hands.  "N-None o dis is real.. Bambams fine.. I..I can wake up now.... dis is just..my head... ...m..maybe I am crazy" 
“Hey probably. I get told that all the time and yet it never really is true.... you on the other hand. All those murders? The fights? Eesh... How many times have you had a fight with Y/N now? Shall we check hang on”
Mark stepped forward, digging out a red phone.
"Lets see lets see.. how do we find you again...”
 Yancy was so confused, so stressed, he was shaking.
"Err... kay... guns blazing... chopper... rally... no deal.... aha.. 1,670,655 times! Wow! You're a real monster bucko- Wait what about the kills oooh the dance to the death how many kills now? 623,279 YIKES!”
"Wh-N-No I never.. I never killed dat many! I-I just.. deys was accidents! D-de ones I dids de-deys was-" 
“Oh buddy no no no no nooooo these are all documented on video. aha.. er... not that you'd remember them. You black out right? When the tiger hits. Happens.. time lines.. blahbalh wibbly wobbly. It's fine. Oooh that means we're approaching an ending! How about that! Means you get a choice bucko! Lucky you! So I'll make it simple for you" He held his hand out again 
“Deal or no deal? Green or Red. Left or Right. Take your pick!”
DarkiplierYesterday at 11:11 PM
*The Cracked Mirror launches itself off the wall like someone had fired it out of a cannon and against the back of Mark’s Head. It clattered around, shards splintering out and around his face like a helmet that would slice his cheeks or eyes if he moved too fast. The wall behind him had a large black crack, exactly the same pattern as what was on the glass.
You can say no to him.
Something only Yancy could hear even if he covered his ears. It was more than advice, it was permission. No glass touched Yancy, any that fell almost created a ring around his feet. The other mirrors followed suit, toppling off the wall creating a reflective floor of sorts. Broken glass everywhere, but none seeming to leave the frames. A hand shoots out from one just behind marks back, reaches up and pulls him down to the ground. Hard. The room goes black as soon as he hits the floor. The ringing from all the noise never seeming to fade or faulter. A low echo underneath it... stillness. Quiet. “I think that’s enough.” the man with no shadow said. Standing right under the crack in the wall that seemed.. to give off an unearthly glow.
YancyYesterday at 11:16 PM
Yancy cried out in surprise and fear as the world around him changed and altered again. His poor studio! He was curled up tight when the ringing started but when he saw who it was he quickly scrambled to his feet. Fists curling, not alone any more he could defend himself a bit better... Mark let out a growl as he hit the floor but it was quickly followed by a fondness 
“Daaaamieeeeen! Long time no SEE!”
The world around them pulsed, that red and blue stretching outward.... He'd gotten stronger... He was suddenly behind Dark.
"How long has it been? Two? three? ...... Four videos? ahaha~ Don't mind us, just a little chat between pals”
"M-Mr Ipliere?.... I-" 
“yes? .. huh.. oh youre talking t-.. OH! AhahahahahahAHAHHAHA! Really? Mr Ipliere~ cute”
Mark grinned at Dark viciously, dusting off his suit. 
“Ignore him Yancy sweetie. Your little Bambam doesn't have much time left. it's 11:15″
"Wh not it was just-" Yancy checked his phone still tightly held in hand. 11:15.. where had the time gone?
"You have 45 minutes to make a decision. Are you going to let him die and stay dead or do you want my help?”
DarkiplierYesterday at 11:23 PM
Dark’s image wobbled a bit. But he had gotten stronger too. He walked a little away from him and towards Yancy. “He does bad things to good people.” he said firmly. He looked at Mark. “Filling the mans head with more of your lies all to make his friend one of your little... pet projects. You’re lower than dirt.” he rolled his neck and continued walking towards Yancy. “There doesn’t have to be a war over this… His promise is an empty truth that will ensure Bambam’s demise...But... There is still time…Not much. But mayhaps enough.” He wasn’t in the mood for Mark shinanagins right now. He was a bastard and he nothing short of hated him. But there wasn’t time for petty squabbles
YancyYesterday at 11:28 PM
Mark gave an overly dramatic mock offended look 
O! Hey! I do NOT! Here I am offering this poor distressed man a deal of a life time. I'm here to help his friend from the inevitable fate they're spiraling towards. Look! Barely a beat now! They're hanging onto shredded threads!
 He gestured vaguely to the air as if Bambam was right there, but Dark would see that heart beat too...
"Shake my hand Yancy my boy. It's all you need and Bambam will come back fit as a fiddle
 "I-..." He back up. "I don't believe youse.... b-.... But I- I wanted t' speak wid youse again" Yancy put his attention on Dark "c-..Can youse help with Bambam? B-..before deys ..... before anyt'in bad happens?" he had the most puppy dog pleading look. "Y-..youse helped me before I-... Youse made a deal wid me that.. I collect at any time..w-..what if I do dat fer youse in retoirn?" "
Wait you two have met before?- Ohhhh of course you have, your stupid lil codes ugh..whatever... Doesn't matter. .... How do you put up with the dumb accent? The heck is that from.. New Jersey? Boston?
DarkiplierYesterday at 11:36 PM
Darks neck cracked. As he did, the floor beneath Mark cracked too with a loud boom. “Youre offering a vulnerable, terrified man a deal he does not understand.” he felt the heartbeat of the dying friend and frowned. “Yancy,” he said it correctly, “You are a man behind bars. The information I needed from you has already been used... what more could you have to offer-” he looked at Mark then back at him. “Time is creeping on us. Mark will let Bambam die and raise them. I... can stop them from passing. Long enough...” his nostrils flared. He wasn’t a charity worker. “Its his accent. That’s the long and short of it.” 
YancyYesterday at 11:43 PM
Mark rolled his eyes, childishly doing the mocking face and mouthing a copy of Darks words. 
Yes exactly. I can't stop them from dying but I CAN bring them back. Easy peasy lemon squeeze bish bash bosh hunky dory boom done. No fuss. No mess. No deals. No strings. No bargains. No reason of mistrust what so ever. Why is that such a hard offer to take!? I'm trying to help out a fellow Iplier here! Or is my name tattoos on your hand not a good enough reason to trust me!?
Yancy blinked, then his eyes shot down to his left hand. Still burning ridiculously hot. The areas around the letters felt like theyd blistered but they hadnt. Punching Mark square in the face might help.... "I-...." He frowned. Something about this guy. It felt off.. Bit of a douche.. no.. lot of a douche... The closer Mark got the more his tattooed fingers burnt. Kinda like that harry potter kid. "...Mr Ipliere...y-...youse can help Bambam? I dont..want dem to die at all... not evur... p-please..if..if deres anyt'in youse can do I-... I might be behind bars but I can gets out easy enough!"
"That's ilegal. You could go to prison for that
" "...... I-.. we-...." Poor Yancy. He shook his head "Please.. I-.... I'd do anyt'ing..."
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH no no no no nNOOO you do NOT wanna offer that right off the bat eesh. Make him work for it at least! Besides, you can't trust this guy! He's the villain here! Look at him! all...spooky" Mark wiggled his fingers
" That and have you any idea how much fuss this guy has given me? They burnt down my entire home!
Yancy frowned "Sometimes shit happens.. youse gotta forgive the past" 
Marks anger was explosive, the entire room rumbling and the crack in the wall daring to shatter again, it felt familiar... at least for Dark.
DarkiplierYesterday at 11:57 PM
Darkiplier listened, weighing his next move carefully. Markiplier was a terrifying man, but an easy to provoke one. One of those faces you can’t trust. Dark looked like he had done some bad things in his life too but wouldn’t lie if he was asked. “Im -your- villain Mark. You spun that fate for me long ago....” It was his turn to roll his eyes, but somehow it looked more dignified on Dark. “I hardly call an en mass extermination of thousands of undead you had created to serve your bidding is truly a crime. Last I looked, your house still stands.” Marks explosion was enough. “What I did to you.... that’s quite possibly the funniest thing you have ever said. And woefully not my problem.” He looked at Yancy. They held a moment together eye to eye. He had already agreed. And suggesting that he would do anything in return, there’s no better deal than that. The room became pitch black. “Im terribly sorry about your hiding place, Yancy... let’s see what else we can repair this night.” Out of the goodness of a changed heart? For the Iplier name?... spite? His motives were unclear. But Yancy would suddenly feel like he was being pulled backwards gently... slowly away from him. 
Yancy staggered backward with a gasp, spinning on the spot, confused, dazed, looking around for any sig of the two men he was just with... He wasn't in the studio anymore??? What had just..happen-..... Had he been sleep walking? He turned and spotted Sparkles fast asleep on the upper bunk, an arm hanging down. Their pillow wet and clearly passed out from eventual exhaustion. Poor thing.... His heart was racing but slowly he began to relax. Just.... Just a dream? a nightmare? Sparkles was in his cell though so the ...news on Bambam still rang true?..... His own bed was still made and untouched from the morning. So.. no.. He hadn't been asleep.... Then wh-
"Oh... hey! What're you doing awake at this hour?" "Wh- Ah- I was- I-..er.... Bad dream?" Yancy sounded tired enough to make that believable, that and this was often a case so...  "Oh... you ok? you look exhausted buddy" Officer Free wandered closer "Try and get some rest yeah- oh and er- We were gonna save it for the morning but uh- since youre up. .... They took Bambam off the respirators about an hour or so ago? They say they're really improving. Got a good chance and.. might even wake up in the morning. They're hopeful"  "WH- AH!!" Yancy went wide eyed and rushed to the bars, startling poor Gavin who put his hands up to fight -dumb considering there were bars in the way- but Yancys hands going up in surrender had Gavin put his down again 
"so-sorry officer I j- youse..said deys..gonna be ok!?"  "Yeah! should be right as rain mate!" Officer Free grinned, happy to have been the one to deliver the news.  "er but er... maybe tell ole glitter guts the news in the mornin yeah? Poor geezer could use a good nights rest"  "y-..yeah youse is right.. m'gonna..... try n sleep myself" "Lucky" Gavin smirked and they fist bumped though the bars "No sneakin off. I catch you out I'll whap ya- wapow" officer free swung his baton around but it was in jest and Yancy knew this. Gavin was a good officer...  They parted ways and Yancy sat down slowly and quietly on his bunk .... 
They were gonna be ok............ 
 But now that meant he had a debt of anything to pay to the Man With No Shadow....
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venomous--fics · 6 years
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Pearlie: TYSM for the request! I used Carnage because I am already dying for the next Venom movie so I have been reading up on Carnage.
Relationship: Eddie Brock/Venom x Mutant!Reader
Eddie and Venom had been busy all week. It seemed like crime was only increasing, despite the fact Venom ate nearly all the scum they encountered. Luckily for them, the afternoon was fairly decent so they decided to walk around the city, occassionally stopping for drinks or a bite to eat.
"What sounds good for lunch, V?"
"Hmm." Venom thought, "We could stop at that pizza joint you're always talking about."
"We sure could if you'd like. I'm starving."
"You are not alone on that."
"Pizza it is." Eddie smiled, almost putting a skip in his step.
Despite nothing happening, the two were still on high alert, only relaxing a little once the auroma of pizza was wafting through the air. Eddie opened the door to the pizza parlor and quickly found a decent seat next to a window.
Before they knew it, they had ordered seven pizzas, some with bizarre topping combos. The waiter paid no mind and walked off. Eddie tapped his knuckles on the table, squinting as the sun obscured his view.
Just as the duo was about to lower their guard, a police car was flying through the street and people were running in fear. Eddie stood from the table and ran outside to assess the situation.
"Carnage." Venom growled, "What a dick."
"Didn't you make that d- Nevermind." Eddie clapped his hands together, "Let's go fuck shit up my man."
Venom enveloped Eddie and the two were off in an attempt to stop the beast.
You had your earbuds in as you walked down the street, towards the pizza place. You called in an order for your ritualistic Friday night in. You hummed to the beat and scrolled through your phone for a better song to listen to.
You had no idea of your surroundings until someone ran past you, and nearly bumped into you. You took and earbud out, "Hey, pal! Watch where you're--"
You slowly turned back from him and saw the city being torn apart. More and more people were running away in absolute panic.
"The hell.."
You stood still, unsure of what do to. What could you do? If you used your powers, there was a fear of being detained.. If you didn't help, then people being hurt would be on you.
Before you could even turn away and act like nothing was wrong, you heard a vicious roar followed by a car alarm.
You turned your head up a little and saw a large black mass flying towards you. Without any time to move, you cowar a bit as the mass flew through you.
You opened your eyes and turned around, seeing a creature getting up off the pavement and shaking it's head, growling as bits of rubble were shook off.
You panicked a little and ran past it and immediately phasing through the nearest wall. The creature had seen it all.
After what felt like 2 days, Venom and Eddie were able to subdue the vile Carnage just enough to get him to retreat.
The two were still curious as to what happened earlier with the strange girl and the going through walls.
"We could've been hallucinating from lack of food." Eddie rubbed his face, tired.
"No she was real." Venom snapped, "We do not hallucinate."
"Right. Okay.. But how the hell are we gonna find her in this big city..."
"Perhaps there is still a scent."
"Man, that's weird.. Like kinda creepy weird." Eddie groaned, wanting nothing more than to just get his food and go home.
"We must find the mystery girl, Eddie. Maybe she can help us in combat." Venom grinned rather gleefully.
"We don't really need help, but I do wanna make sure she isn't a threat. Y'know?"
Venom seemed to have agreed and they began their detective work.. As usual.
You finally stopped running when you noticed you were in on the the of town. You turned to look at the skyline.
You slipped up and now you'd probably have to move. Again. Maybe change your name? You looked around to make sure you weren't followed.
Nobody knew you had these powers, and that's fine with you. You wanted to be normal. And you knew deep down that if anyone knew they would only use you.
You shrugged off the cool air and started to make the totally normal trek back home. The gears in your head started turning and you got angry. That black slimey thing... What if IT was the bad guy. Maybe you should track it down and fight it. Then again ... It was probably stronger than you.
You slipped your earbuds back in and tried to chill out. It was going to be fine. You were going to make it home, you were going to eat low quality take out food. And life would be as normal as you remembered.
You made it back into the city and despite cooling down a bit, you were still filled with dread that some form of alien creature knows you exist and that you have powers.
You scoffed as you hit the walk signal button, "Haha as if....What? And it's tracked me down? Y/N, don't be ridiculo--"
You felt a puff of hot air on the back of your neck and you stiffened up like a fence post. You slowly turned around, "Well, speak of the devil..."
It was the being from earlier. You took a step back, "H-hey. Get out of my crawl.. M-man??"
"Where are my manners." It said in a low tone, wicked teeth curling into a smile, "We are Venom."
"Edgy." you blurted out. You tough guy persona started to come out as a defense mechanism, "Can you go."
The black ooze began to move, revealing a rather-from what you could see- cute guy. You weren't prepared for that and you jumped back, "What the fu- What the hell?"
"No please!" the man pleaded, "Not gonna hurt you. I'm Eddie Brock. That was my pal Venom. We uh.. I guess we're the good guys."
You eyed him up and down, "I'm Y/N....I guess." And the dots started to click, "Eddie Brock...That reporter guy?"
"Used to be."
"Used to be a fan- Uhm.. So why are you stalking me.."
"Earlier. Venom and I.. We kinda went through you."
"Oh. That was you." You sighed, "Please. I can't talk about it.. I'm terrified of someone finding out. I'm not gonna cause problems.. Just trying to make a living."
"Understandable." Eddie said, "We can talk over pizza. Totally spaced that I ordered like seven of 'em two hours ago."
You weren't sure what to expect. He just shifted the mood and conversation so far.. And you knew he wasn't a bad guy.
He held out his hand, "We swear we aren't gonna try any funny business.. Ot's nice to see another freak on the street."
"It's a term of endearment to us. You hear it so much that it almost sounds like a compliment."
You looked at his hand, "Alright, Eddie. But you try anything and I'll hurt you."
You reached your hand out and purposefully phased it through his. He was taken aback and you moved past him, "Gotcha."
"Where you goin'?" he asked, turning around.
"Thought you said we'd talk over pizza." you smiled at him, "You coming or what?"
Eddie looked at his hand as he started to follow you. He could hear Venom chuckling, "Eddie. We like her."
Eddie was still looking at his hand, "God that was freaky."
Turning around, you phased your hands through his chest, causing him to jump a little. You moved back, "I'll keep doing it."
"Please don't." Eddie's voice cracked, causing Venom to laugh. Eddie's voice cracked again, "Shut up."
--- (slight timeskip brought to you by my fear of this being too long lmao) --
An alarm went off, causing you to groan and went to slam your fist on it, but in your tired state, your fist went through the table. You groaned even louder and sat up, "Shut up already. We get it...It's morning."
The bedside next to you shifted and Eddie turned over, facing you, "Five more minutes."
You laid back down and shut your eyes, "You said that the first time it went off."
"And I'll say it again." he yawned.
You adjusted your position so you could look at him, "That WAS five minutes ago."
His brows furrowed and he whined, "But I'm tired."
You rolled your eyes and smiled. It's been about nine months since that day they phased through you and then got you pizza as consolation. Everything fell into place after that.
Eddie convinced you that you could use your powers for good, so sometimes you help them during fights. And about 4 months ago, Eddie asked you to move in after your millionth date. He made it seem more like a wedding proposal, however. He just wanted to be with you.
Eddie's hand began snaking over to you, and you decided to make him get up. His hand wound up going through you, and he patted the bed, "Y/N. Babe? You there?"
His hand went through your arm and you laughed, "I'm here. But you gotta get up."
He pulled his hand back and opened his eyes, "You're a jerk."
You sat up and pushed yourself off the mattress, "And you need a shower."
Eddie sighed and rolled out of bed, "Fine."
You went through the bedroom door, but immediately stuck your head back through, "I'll cook some breakfast!"
Eddie slammed himself into the wall and grabbed his chest, "Wouls you stop doing that?! It's still freaky."
"It's been like nine months."
"It looks like I'm talking to a decapitated head.."
You looked at the door and phased your hand through, shaking them like you were doing jazz hands, "Is this better?"
"Wha-Wh-What would you do if one of our friends came in and just part of your body going through a door?" Eddie squeaked.
You were totally unphased by the question and you kept a flat face, "We don't have any friends, Eddie."
"Shower." Eddie half smiled, "I need a shower."
He walked to the bathroom and shut the door behind him.
"I think it is funny." Venom said.
"You also think eating people is funny."
"Their screams amuse me."
"Thank you, V."
Eddie let out a yelp as you were now in the bathroom. You let out a laugh, "I'm sorry. I had to. I'll go make some food."
Eddie nodded as his nerves finally calmed down, "That would be wonderful."
You smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. You stood on your tiptoes and gave him a soft kiss on the lips, "Love you, fraidy cat."
"Love you too, weird..ghost cat."
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goatcheesecak3 · 6 months
Bus stop pt 2
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight xM!reader
Click here for f!reader version!
Click here for part one!
Includes: fluff, slight angst, brief mentions of violence
Summary: after meeting at the bus stop yesterday, you and Adam go on a day out together, but when he sees a disturbing article in a newspaper, Adam decides to come clean to you about his past.
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Adam threw on the cleanest clothes he owned and sat at the edge of his bed. He pulled out his phone and reread his text exchange with the nice guy from the bus stop for the thousandth time.
Y/n: this is y/n from the bus stop :) was so lovely to meet you! You doing anything tomorrow? x
Adam: not much, I was gonna hit the record store and maybe go feed the birds in the park. Wanna join me?
Y/n: sounds great! It's sweet that you like feeding the birds, I used to do that with my parents when I was a kid
Adam: haha yeah, I love animals. More than people tbh. I always feed the stray cats in my area, they're so cute
Y/n: wow, that's so kind :) I wish there were more people like you in the world haha! What time should we meet?
Adam: haha thanks :) is 2 good with you? At the stop we got off at yesterday
Y/n: two sounds perfect, see you then!
It was 1:40, he had 20 minutes to get to the bus stop to meet with y/n. He was excited, for once in his life, mooning over his kind words and positive attitude. Adam was most definitely attracted to this guy, but he tried not to think about that, he didn't want to get too ahead of himself, he needed to actually make a friend before he started thinking about a relationship. Despite this, however, he couldn't help but feel almost giddy at the thought of y/n's smile.
He waited patiently at the bus stop where the pair had gone their separate ways the night before, with his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels. The weather was gloomy and a chill was in the air, but it did little to bring down his mood.
After only a few minutes of waiting, y/n appeared from down the road, and he merrily made his way over to Adam. Adam watched in genuine awe at how sweet he looked, bundled up in a sweater and a tatty scarf, looking elegantly dishevelled and so incredibly cute. Adam felt a blush creep it's way onto his milky white face, and he prayed y/n couldn't read his mind and see what he'd been thinking of him- that's if his pink face didn't betray him first.
"Good afternoon! I like your jacket" y/n smiled, his face practically shining.
Adam looked down at his own attire, he wore a plain black tshirt, a pair of ill fitting worn out blue jeans and an army green jacket. His clothes were by no means weather appropriate, but hypothermia was something he was willing to risk if it meant he would look presentable.
"Heh, thanks. I've had it since I was a teenager"
Just at that moment, the bus pulled up and the pair entered and took their seats.
The windows on the bus were all fogged up, and the seats were cold to the touch. Adam let out a small shiver as he sat down, beginning to regret his decision to opt for fashion over functionality. It would appear that y/n noticed this, and without hesitation, he pulled his scarf up and wrapped it over Adam's shoulder, so that they were both wearing it.
Adam was slightly taken aback by this small act of kindness,
"Wh- what are y-" he spluttered
"Please," y/n chuckled, "you were making me cold just looking at you."
Adam turned to look at him, a shy (and very smitten) smile on his face,
The seats were small and cramped, so their knees touched, and Adam swore he could taste his own pulse when their hands brushed against eachother. Did he do that on purpose? Was that how people flirted nowadays? No, surely he wouldn't be so lucky. When they approached their stop, Adam pressed the button to alert the driver, and began to lift the scarf off of himself so that he could stand, when y/n stopped him. He took the scarf off his own neck and adjusted it around Adam's.
"Keep it on, I don't want you to freeze to death" he joked with a warm, nurturing glow.
Adam felt a calming, protected feeling. Y/n seemed to want to take care of him,  and he felt as though he didn't have to be stoic and brave with him. He relaxed into the warmth of the scarf, savouring y/n's scent as the pair of them stepped off the bus.
"Just down this street," Adam directed, leading them to his favourite record shop. Y/n followed eagerly,  gripping onto Adam's sleeve to keep up with him.
"I can't wait, I used to love record shops in my home town" y/n remarked gleefully.
Adam couldn't help but let himself take a moment to fantasise about a future with y/n. He barely knew him, yes, but good god imagine if he got to know him better? He thought about long evenings spent listening to music with him, watching old movies together, holding eachother close under a blanket. He knew it was unrealistic, but can't a man dream?
They entered the record shop and began to browse.
"Wow, look at this!" Y/n gasped, "there's all the prodigy albums on vinyl!"
Adam approached to look at the rack he was observing, and to his very pleasant surprise, y/n had been browsing the alternative and punk section of the store.
"I've got most of these records at home," he said,  "if you want, you can come over and listen to them at my place"
Y/n nodded enthusiastically
"Oh I will most definitely  be taking you up on that. Don't songs just sound so much better on a record player?" He beamed.
Adam couldn't quite belive what he was hearing. A gorgeous man, with the same interests as him wanted to come to his apartment to listen to music? Surely he was dreaming, this sort of thing only happened in cheesy movies, not in real life.
Much like waking up from a dream, Adam was bitterly snapped back to reality later on in the day when the pair arrived at the park. Just at the entrance stood a little news stand, advertising the latest issue of the local paper. On the front page, in big bold letters read: "JIGSAW KILLER RETURNS, POLICE HOSTAGE"
"What the hell is the jigsaw killer?" Y/n asked, sounding rightfully horrified.
He turned to look at Adam, who's face had turned stark white. His mouth hung open and his eyes were practically bulging out of his head.
Adam had already turned away and began hastily walking through the park. Y/n followed worriedly, jogging a little to catch up to him.
"Adam, what's wrong?"
Adam wanted nothing more than to tell y/n exactly what was wrong. He was sure that if anyone knew how to comfort him, it would be him, he was so lovely, of course he'd be able to. But he couldn't bring himself to tell y/n the truth, he was such a radiant and beautiful person, he didn't want to risk freaking him out and ruining this friendship. His racing mind was halted when y/n spoke once again.
"Come sit down, Adam. You look like you could use it" he said, sitting down on a bench and patting the spot next to him.
"You don't have to tell me what's bothering you, but you do have to tell me how I can help you" he said.
Adam couldn't believe his ears, it seemed as though y/n just knew exactly what he needed to hear in that moment. He was so kind, so attentive, so perfect. So unlike anyone else Adam had ever encountered. His kindness struck a chord within Adam that he didn't know he had, and seemingly unprompted, tears began to well in his eyes.
"Oh, honey!" Y/n gasped, "Don't cry, sweetheart, come here, it's okay" he cooed, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and rubbing his arm.
"I'm sorry, I'm being stupid" Adam choked  as he cleared his throat, trying his best not to cry.
"You're not being stupid, don't say that! Just take a few deep breaths, alright?" Y/n said, still smiling, ever smiling. How did he do that?
Adam breathed slowly, attempting to steady his shaking hands. He knew he'd have to tell y/n about what he'd been through at some point, but he wished he could have gone just a little longer without having to. Just a little longer to be Adam, the animal loving, record playing, charmingly moody guy from the bus stop. He didn't want to have to go back to being Adam, the paid stalker, the jigsaw victim, the self defence murderer. But as they say, all good things must come to an end.
Letting out a deep breath, Adam began to speak.
"I need to tell you something, and I understand if you don't wanna be friends anymore once I've told you"
Y/n's brow furrowed, but he didn't seem afraid.
"I was um.. a victim of that jigsaw guy, the one from the newspaper"
"What?" Y/n said in disbelief.
"He kidnapped me and chained me up in this room with this doctor, said that if we wanted to escape we had to saw our own feet off. A whole bunch of other shit went down, this guy came in the room with a gun and tried to kill me and the other guy, so I had to.." he trailed off and pursed his lips, "anyways, the doctor, he sawed off his foot and got out. I was too fucking scared and I'd already been shot by that point, so I just waited for him to get help. But the asshole never came back. I was in there for a couple days until the cops found me. Doctors say that if I'd been left just a few hours longer I'd be dead now."
Adam's face was expressionless as he started straight ahead at something that wasn't there. His fingers tangled themselves around the ends of the scarf he wore in an absent minded attempt to soothe himself. He could have swore that his heart stopped, the birds ceased their calls, the wind stilled and the world stopped turning for the painstakingly long few seconds he waited for y/n's reaction. He braced himself for the goodbye.
"Wow." he said softly, "you know, I think most people would let something like that turn them into a not so good person. It speaks volumes about your character that you're still so..."
Adam turned to look at him. He was smiling.
"... great" he said.
The look on his face was one that Adam had never seen before. It wasn't one of pity, not even a hint of disgust, just pure, unadulterated kindness. Adam thought he might very have been an angel in that moment.
"So... you still want to be friends?" He asked, feeling slightly more confident.
Y/n pulled Adam towards him by the scarf and looked him dead in the eyes.
"Adam, I want nothing more than to be your friend"
Adam felt himself smile, only slightly in relief, mostly just in pure ecstasy. Things were finally starting to go right for him.
A/n comment if you wanna be tagged when pt 3 is up :^)
Replies and reblogs are very much appreciated! I thrive on your validation lmao
Requests are open! Check my pinned post for details and masterlist! <3
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oumiyuki · 5 years
Teachers don’t date teachers (but You-sensei and Riko-sensei definitely are) Ch7
Summary: The whole student body and teachers teases the gym teacher, Watanabe You, with the new art teacher, Sakurauchi Riko, that they make a cute couple. How long can You deny this when Riko isn’t helping to reduce the rumours?
Pairing: YouRiko
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Slice of Teacher Life ;D
Words: 1744
Author Notes
There’s so much going on…But wow! Here’s an update! ^w^
And I said soon right?~ hehe! (・ωー)~☆
May you enjoy~ XD
Tease07 – You-sensei is bringing Riko-sensei home! (You-sensei is such a sweet girlfriend~)
With Riko in her arms, You walks as quickly as she could to the school’s sickbay, wanting to get the nurse to check on the feverish art teacher as soon as possible.
At the doors, You doesn’t attempt to knock since her hands are occupied and she wasn’t at her calmest at the moment. The gym teacher uses her legs to slide the doors open and breathed out, “Heala-sensei! Are you in? Riko-sensei, she-”
You cuts herself off when she makes eye contact with the school nurse who points to the bed, telling You to calm down and to put the teacher she’s carrying down first; sure to be worried that the panicking gym teacher might drop the already sick teacher, causing more reasons for treatment.
You brings Riko to the nearest vacant bed, carefully lowering Riko down and laying the art teacher to rest. Her gaze lingers on the breathing heavily teacher for some time before turning to the nurse. You opens her mouth to say something but the nurse knows what she needs to do and steps up to check on Riko.
“Oh dear…”
You steps closer as her concern tenfolds.
Oh dear?? Is it that serious?
“Watanabe-sensei.” The nurse’s tone was grief; at least it was to the gym teacher.
“Y-Yes?” You stands straighter, alert and ready for whatever the nurse is going to instruct her. 
Tell me anything and I’ll do it!
“Sakurauchi-sensei’s fever is too high. And she’s not fit to continue teaching today.” The nurse scribbles on a board the still-panicky gym teacher did not notice the nurse had in hand before.
“Mmph…” You nods slowly in agreement but wondering what then?
“Bring her home.” The nurse says as her hand continued to write the last of whatever she was writing.
“Eh?” You blinks, surprised.
“Bring her home, Watanabe-sensei. That way she can rest better.” The nurse looks up from the board of papers, staring right into the gym teacher’s blue hues.
“You want her to recover faster right?” The nurse smiles slightly.
“Yes, but-”
“Then bring her home.” The nurse smiles, close-eyed.
“You’re weirdly pushy today, Heala-sensei…” You felt a bit out of breath; her conversation with the school nurse had always been more relaxed prior to today.
“I’m just thinking of you and Sakurauchi-sensei’s best interest…” Heala lowers her gaze to the art teacher resting on the bed with a frown. “But if you really can’t do it, I’ll ask another teacher to-”
You’s eyes widened at the suggestion, not knowing why she was so against that idea she exclaims, “I can do it.”
Heala claps both hands together with a big smile. “Good! I’ll handle the necessary paperwork for Sakurauchi-sensei. You,” The nurse points at You who blinks self-consciously. “Just have to make sure Sakurauchi-sensei is well taken care of~ okay~?”
Heala-sensei really is acting differently today…
You sweatdrops. She was going to do her best in taking care of the art teacher regardless. You salutes with a lopsided smile. “I will.”
The nurse nods, mood clearly happier.
You lifts a hand to her neck as she suddenly felt a bit awkward where she stands. Her eyes shift to Riko who was still red-faced and breathing heavily. You’s teeth aligned as her thoughts fall into place too. “I’ll go pack our stuff and bring her home.”
Heala waves the gym teacher a “see you soon” and when You was out of sight, she does a mini fist pump, her wide smile no longer concealed. “Ah~ They are so cute together~ I can’t believe I got to see Watanabe-sensei carry Sakurauchi-sensei in real time!”
The nurse does a twirl before looking back at the slumbering art teacher. The nurse chuckles to herself. “There’s a chance you can still hear me… And I wish you all the best in recovery and spending more alone time with Watanabe-sensei, Sakurauchi-sensei~”
The school’s nurse, Heala Wakoko, is an avid shipper of YouRiko-sensei too. 
  The gym teacher barely steps into the classroom and the students were swarming her; concern their only expression. 
"Is Riko-sensei okay?" 
"How's Riko-sensei?" 
"Riko-sensei is..??" 
You smiles at the children's genuine concern for their art teacher. The ash-brunette felt proud and happy for the relatively new teacher fitting in well in school to the extent that these "notorious" kids would worry for her this much. 
"Don't worry. I'll make sure Riko-sensei is okay." The gym teacher gives them a firm thumbs up and a reassuring smile before heading to the desk to pick up Riko's items. 
The students shuffled back into the classroom, following their favourite teacher and watching her pack the art teacher's belongings into the dark brown tote bag with a cartoon unicorn seemingly painting a rainbow with its horns. "Riko-sensei is going back?" 
You nods. "Her fever is too high. So she needs to be home and resting." 
She definitely needs a wet towel...and sleeping on her own bed would be more relaxing too...
A buzz begun as the class started voicing their thoughts. "How will she go back?" 
"Taxi?" Another piped in. 
"On her own??" 
"I'll bring her home safely." You informs as she gives the table one more brief glance through to make sure she didn’t miss out anything. Just as You’s right hand move to pat the packed bag-
"Your home!?" A bulk of the class exclaims pretty much at the same and the ash-brunette turns to see the students staring at her starry-eyed and for some reason expectantly.
"What? N-No. To Riko-sensei's house. She'll rest better there..." You could feel her cheeks heating up at the idea of bringing Riko to her house instead.
My house may be closer but…No, no, no. Of course it has to be Riko-sensei’s house! Else how is she supposed to rest easy!  
"Good luck, You-sensei!" A student says with a wide smile and double thumbs up.
Why good luck..? Ahh, anyways, gotta get back to Riko-sensei. 
You shakes her head slightly to get her focus back. "Mmph. Be good and paint okay? So Riko-sensei can rest with a peace of mind that her students are all doing work." 
"Kay~" The class chimes.
"Can we draw anything we want?" One of the bespectacled and already holding a paintbrush in her hands student ask.
"Sure, sure." You nods as she strides towards the exit.
"Yay!" One group cheers before chattering to the rest about what they were going to draw and paint.
You exits the art room with hastened steps, wanting to be by Riko's side as soon as possible. It just stresses the ash-brunette out, to leave a heavily ill Riko in the nurse office alone.
"Let's draw some You-sensei and Riko-sensei at home scenes!" The Class President announces with a fist pumped to the air, some paint flying off the paintbrush.
"Oh~!" The class cheered and was extra excited to put brush to paint and paintbrush to canvas. They were hundred percent sure that they were going to enjoy this class and they were at least eighty percent sure that Riko-sensei would appreciate their creations when she returns from You-sensei’s care.  
  You returns to the nurse office by giving in to her desire to run over. Seeing Riko still sleeping soundly, she breathes out a sigh of relief. Approaching the art teacher, she notices a note on the side table from Heala-sensei to bring Riko home when she’s back.
The ash-brunette borrows a pen from Heala to scribble a “thank you” and “leave it to me” before she goes over to help Riko out of bed.
“R-Riko-sensei…I’ll be helping you to your car now…”
“Mm…” The art teacher mumbles as she leaned against You’s body.
You holds her breath, not wanting to wake Riko fully. “I can carry you…”
Riko gives her consent by reaching her hand around You and holding the gym teacher. You takes a moment to tell herself to calm down before scooping the art teacher up and to the car park.
The trip to the car park was fairly easy and thankfully uninterrupted by any other teacher or students. You places Riko back to the floor, her hand on Riko’s slim and soft waist to support the teacher as she fetched the car keys she put in her pocket earlier. The silence of the car park, however, made You alert of Riko’s breathing near her neck and the heat radiating from the art teacher’s body to her hands.  
Feels like my hands will be on Riko-sensei's waist quite a lot today...
You's cheeks turns a deep red at that thought.
Wh-Wh-What am I even thinking of?? Watanabe You! You're just bringing her home - Her home. So that she can rest... T-That's all. Nothing more, nothing less. And Riko-sensei can't walk straight thus I'm providing her support! 
You breathes out her nose with finality. 
Yup. Yup. That's exactly what this is.
You gulps as her fingers sink a little deeper against the art teacher's waist, seemingly pass the jacket and the shirt. You shakes her head desperate for her mind to stop rearing towards strange ideas. 
Bring her home. Take care of her. Bring her home. Take care of her.
You repeats in her mind countless times to get her one-track mind back on track. 
"Al...right..?" Riko sounds and You jolts, turning to look but Riko was still very much out of it.
"Allllll right. Let's bring you home. Riko-sensei..." You chuckles awkwardly to cover up...whatever she thought she might need to cover up as she guides Riko towards the car and helped her in. Carefully buckle up the diving in and out of consciousness teacher before heading for the driver's seat. 
Bring her home. Take care of her. Bring her home. Take care of her...
You's head naturally turned towards the auburn-haired teacher, her gaze softens as she felt a sense of serenity and...something else a little more hotter she didn't quite get. 
Riko-sensei is so beautiful even with a fever...
You slaps herself by reflex and groans softly, nudging her head on the wheel. "What am I even doing..?" 
You takes a few moments before pulling out of the car park and started the half hour ride to the pretty but under the weather teacher's house. You prays for her heart and mind to let her accomplish her duties without a hitch and to stop making her think and feel things she couldn't wrap her mind around. 
 Author Notes
I really want to get to the part where You is in Riko’s house and taking care of Riko already. But in-betweens and how we get there are just as important! XD wahahah!
Well~ Hope y’all enjoyed this as much as I did fantasizing and fantasizing and writing it~ >w< hehe~
Leave me a comment if you like~ :P (We’ve got time while You-sensei drives Riko-sensei home ;D)
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Flower Boy!Jeonghan
Requested by anon: Flower boy Jeonghan!!  
HEY HEY HEY GUESS WHO FINALLY PICKED UP THE SLACK AND WROTE THIS AFTER AN ENTIRE WEEK OF PROMISING TO :))) I’m so sorry yall this was supposed to be part of Jeonghan’s bday present but rip!!! THANKS TO @kakaotaeks FOR HELPING ME OUT WITH THIS!! who knows where this would be if i didn’t use the flower boy cafe au yIKES!! happy belated bday my angel + devil!! happy reading my children!!!
warnings: i still have 1 last super angsty piece for jeonghan, so i tried to make this p fluffy :))) and who knows when i’ll even finish that piece so :))) hang on tight to this fluff while you can! and also jeonghan is a cheesy goofball who’s bad at literature
This was originally gonna be Florist!Jeonghan but thank the heavens y’all don’t have to read the lame idea I had before elena came up w this
Shoutout to my b!!!
You’re in your usual literature class lecture hall and you’re sitting a few rows behind,,,,
The one and only, Yoon Jeonghan
Campus heartthrob
With looks like that though??? Can scREW ME UP
You’re staring at the back of his fluffy blonde locks as he studiously scribbles down his notes in his beaten torn notebook
Every time you try to refocus on the professor, your eyes just drift back to his short hair that looks a little too tempting to run your fingers through
By the time you prep yourself to focus on taking notes for the twentieth time that hour, everyone is packing their things and you’re like n OO OO NOT AGAIN
“Let me guess: Jeonghan?” Your friend nonchalantly brings up as they’re stuffing their folder in their bag
You sigh and get up to pack your things along
“I don’t even know why he’s so distracting… just something about him”
They’re shaking their head and smile knowingly bc it’s just so damn oBV I O US WHY
“You know that hot cafe that just opened everyone’s been raving about?”
“The Diamond? What about it?”
They smile even wider and are like, “do you know who got a job as a cute waiter?”
“,,,,,,,,,,,,What are you trying to say”
“Maybe you can finally get that number you’re always babbling about?”
And you’re like oh my god pl S STop but you’re right tho :/
You finally have some time off from your schedule to swing by the cafe down a few blocks from your dorm
You’re out on a lovely Saturday morning stroll and the strong scent of coffee beans wafts out into the streets
The cafe has only been open for an hour but there’s already a huge line
And if it weren’t for your curiosity, you would have just been like Gotta Go Fast
But you figured you would do yourself a favor and begrudgingly hold it out in the line that extends to almost the end of the street
Think of this as a cafe version of Ouran!!
Except add 7 more (excluding haruhi bc you take the protagonist’s place)
The cafe is so full that it makes you wait for the servers to take you to a table like in restaurants so it’s THAT big
No matter what time of day it is, it’s always co m ple te l y paCKED
8am when it just opens? Looks like a concert venue
Half an hour until closing time? All the tables are entirely occupied
It’s predominantly females but evEN GUYS SWOON i mean who wouldn’t tho???? When you have 13 pieces of f I N E????
Anyways when you finally reach the front of the line after 38 years, you’re like finALLY MY LEGS :((
And the bubbly little host is dressed in actual 5-star restaurant attire and he’s looking back at you like :DDDDD!!!!!!!!!! And you’re like :ooooo!!!!! :DDDDD!!!! What a cutie pie!!!!!!!
“Hello, and welcome to The Diamond! I’m Chan, your host, and I’ll be your go-to if your main server is unavailable! We’re currently waiting for a table to open up, so please be patient!” he perfectly recites and you’re just like clutching your heart bc of hoW CUTE HE IS!!!
Around 10 minutes pass and he’s notified that a table has been opened and you’re like okay,,,, this is it. This is where My Life Changes
He leads you to a cute little corner that gives you a nice little window view of the bustling streets
He gives you a menu once you’re seated and he’s like, “Okay, this is where I take off!!! Your main server will be with you shortly! If you need anything, just tap on this little bell!”
As he scurries away you’re just like :(((( why can’t you be my waiter flfjdldfskj wait I’m here for Jeonghan!!
You’re browsing through the menu and you’re appreciating all the aesthetics from the tableware to the graphics on the menu
You hear how the other waiters interact with their supporters customers as you’re waiting for yours and you could have sworn you heard Jeonghan’s name floating around
“What’s the special for today?”
“It’s the double chocolate cheesecake, honey~~”
*SCREAMS* me 2
His favorite pet name to call his supporters customers is “honey” uM IM WEAK B YE
And people seem to be ordering devil’s food cake a lot what a coincidence lmAO
A few minutes pass and you feel a presence nearing you and you casually brush it off as just a waiter passing by but oh boy!!!
“Hi honey~ What can I get you for today -- wait, Y/N?”
You’re about to chOKE ON YOUR SPIT
You look up from the desserts page and see the face that you’ve been mustering up the courage to talk to for months
“J-Jeonghan! I didn’t know you worked here!” the classic sentence starter
He lets out a small laugh in disbelief and you’re like aaaAAAA SO CUTE ST O P I T THIS IS NOT GOOD FOR MY HEART
“I haven’t seen you around here before. Is this your first time today?”
And you’re lowkey highkey blushing bc he,,,, noticed you?????
“Yeah,,,, it is,,,,,,, what do you recommend?”
He hums in thought and turns back to you, “We have the Devil’s food cake that seems to be really popular whenever I serve customers for some reason,” he chuckles and he grins that angelic yet mischievous smile
And you’re like huh :))) I :))) wonder :))) why :)))
You tell him you’ll try it out with a latte and give him the menu as he elegantly exits and leaves your heart painfully wanting to leap out of your chest
Some time passes and you’re taking in the decor and the view of the streets when he returns promptly with your food and drink
“Here you go, Y/N :)” he smiles and gently places the plates down in front of you
But honestly all you’re focusing on is how clOSE his face is when he did that
Do you imagine him to smell really nice?? Bc he probably smells like clean laundry and just fRESH AND SOFT AND--
Little did you know his little fleeting glances at you to check your reaction of the mouthwatering sights in front of you!!!
Am i talking about the food or am I talking about Jeonghan always looking like a meal???? Guess we’ll never know
He nervously giggles and runs his fingers through his hair and you can’t help but to eye his movements bc,,,, those luscious locks,,,,
He’s like well!!! Try it!!! And you’re like ughsldgkdglh in front of you??? Right now????
He doesn’t seem to be budging anytime soon so you’re like rip ok guess so
You take your first bite and your eyes are about to bulge out of your sockets bc how in the name of the heavens can chocolate cake bE SO!!!!!!! GOOD!!!!!!! (spoiler alert: it is)
You’re looking back at him with widened eyes and a chocolate caked mouth as you’re mumbling,” ish sho gud!!”
And he’s like lmAO YOU’RE SO CUTE-- I mean,, yes,,, yes it is
And he gestures at your mouth and says “you have a little something uh,,,, everywhere LOL” and you’re like lsdjdfljd oh god i wanna dig up a hole and bury myself forever!!! And you hastily grab the napkin and wipe the chocolate crumbs off
And you two are so off in your own little world that both of you fail to notice the attention the other customers are directing towards you
Because Jeonghan nEVER, and I mean NE V ER, acts that naturally to a customer
It’s all a bunch of his favorite pet name, “honey,” and some winking tossed in his light flirting
But laughing? Having a really good time? Acting like friends? Joking? Not once!!!
And everyone is like Who Are You And Tell Me Your Secrets
He strikes up a conversation with you so easily and you’re so taken aback bc why would he be talking to an invisible soul like yours??? What’s happening with the world???
“Did you ever get the project turned in?”
And you’re really confused like,,,,, yes??? What???
And he sheepishly smiles, his ears a little red iM YODELING
“I just,,, overheard you worry about how much your partner was slacking off when you were talking to your friend that day,,,, that really sucks :(“
And you’re just like o H!!! Omg
“It’s all taken care of, don’t worry!!! At least i hope so,” you mutter
And you can feel his hesitance and you’re like ???? what is it??
“Maybe you need a new partner for a change? Our professor mentioned our next project can have us choose our own partners,,,, and you seem to be really good at this class,,,,,”
And you wanna laUGH bc you’re literally just there to stare at the back of his head
But he’s like you always know the answers whenever she calls on you????
“It doesn’t take a genius to know what the types of irony are, Jeonghan”
And you’re like,,,, do you need a tutor???
He lights up and his cheeks are stained a light pink aND IM CRYING IN THE CLUB
“yES! I mean, yes. Yes. Please. Here, I’ll give you my number”
What you say: Oh, sure!
You both do a number exchange and literally everyone in that cafe is just on the floor like hOW DID YOU????? WH A T????
And Chan calls him and he not-so-subtly hints about how he’s been talking to you for way too long and everyone in line is complaining LOL
He regretfully looks at you and you nod sadly in understanding
“I’ll catch you later this week,” you say and he’s about to turn around when he stops and turns back
“Are we meeting for a study da-- sESSION?”
And you’re like what did you say--
“I said study session”
“.....I’m free Saturday”
“I’ll meet you at the library,” he gives you one last grin before winking and walking away and you’re like eXCUSE ME WHAT DOES THAT MEAN SIR
You shake your head but you can’t suppress the gigantic smile that your lips involuntarily make
You take the mug in your hands and you notice the latte art is a picture of a heart
And now you finally have a reason to pay attention in your literature class if you gotta tutor a potential college bf in your study da--session!!!!
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
an incident in a certain city, a guard is losing her sanity, a confrontation with the mafia, and leroux’s backstory
[[cont from part 82]]
Patty: *hug* >w< "You're back!" liz: hey sis. ^^ Wes: ^^ Patty: "What you bring home?" -elsewhere- Convenience Store Robber: "Give me all the money in the register." Hyde: -_-; ochako:....*poke* Robber: "?!" *aims their gun* "What the hell do you think you're--" *notices they're floating* o_____o ochako: *calling 911* Robber: "WHAT THE HECK YOU DO TO ME?!" Hyde: "You messed with a super, punk." ochako: and now, you are going to jail, buddy. Robber: Q___Q "My probation officer is going to kill me..." -elsewhere- Poe: "..." *sips tea, reading the news* lana: ?? whats up? Poe: "It's like something I would write--quite violent..." lana:....*hug* Poe: "I-I'm fine..." *hug* -elsewhere- Mori: "..." *looks around* -silence- Mori: "..." *stomach growls* "..." *exits the bedroom* *looks at a door* "And a new pillow..." *opens the closet door* -shizuka's head is there...- Mori: "...Wh-Where..." -silence- Mori: "..." *picks up the head* -she looks as peaceful as ever...- Mori: "...Talk." -...- Mori: "Speak. Why aren't you doing as I ask?" -i missed you....mr mori...- shizuka?: *she smiles at him with a loving expression* Mori: *smiles* "I, you..." shizuka?: hehe~ Mori: *tearing up, smiling* "I missed you...Thank you for returning..." -...- Mori: *he cradles the head* -...- Mori: "You won't leave again...I'll make sure of that." -...- Mori: "I won't let them take you away from me again..." -elsewhere- Katai: *hands the files* "H-H-H-H-H-Her-Here-Here--" Kunikida: *takes them* "Thanks." kirako: you know, you're welcome to come back any time, katai. Katai: >~< "You...all seem to be doing fine...without me." kirako: our offer still stands. Katai: Q___Q "I-I'll think..." -elsewhere- marie: alright, so what's up? Yumi: "We anticipate the Kishin disappeared. Residual madness may persist. Your wavelength should help negate that while I look..." *glancing at the surroundings* marie: *she nods* Yumi: *looks at some rubble* "..." *pushes a few rocks aside--* marie:.....!! GET DOWN! Yumi: "!!!" -it's too late--the claws reach her hand* Yumi: "AH!" marie: *attacks the claw* Kishin Crow: "CAW!" *tries to flap away--its three eyes staring at Marie* marie: oh no you dont! ~lightning rope~ Kishin Crow: "CAW CAW!" *the eye...moves on its stalk!* marie: !!! yumi! Yumi: *clutching her slices hand* "!!!" *lets go of the injured hand, transforms the other hand into a crossbow--* Kishin Crow: *sends the eye stalk at Yumi* *SLICE* *Arrow to the eye stalk* Kishin Crow: *shrieks* marie: you alright? *The crow is bleeding out* Yumi: "I think so..." *rips a cloth to tie off the cuts* "...Marie...Look at its blood..." marie: ..... you didnt get any of it on you, did you? Yumi: "No..." *The blood keeps coming out...and then--* Yumi: "!!!" *The blood forms a spire, aimed at Marie* marie: !!!! *grabs yumi and runs* OH SHIIIIIT! Yumi: *running with her, turning back and firing more shots at the Black Blood* *Something rumbles under the ground* marie: ._.; oh this is gonna suck. *Bugs start crawling out of the ground...with Kishin Eye symbols along their backs* marie: *electric attacks at them* *The bugs screech--before more blood pours out of them* marie: *over talkie* everyone, fall back!* DWMA agent: *over talkie* "Do you need back up?" Yumi: "Fall back! Evacuate the entire facility now!" DWMA agent: "Roger." marie: *still running* *The blood is pooling...and swirling on the ground...* marie: shit, we need to get to higher ground... *The helicopters are already leaving* marie: yumi, do you have a grappling hook function? Yumi: "Of course..." *aims* -nice shot!- marie: *holding on for dear life* Yumi: *feels her arm being tugged* "UGH!" Death the Kid: *The blood is whirling higher...forming...a dome?!* -nice landing!- agent: miss mjolnir, yumi, are you two alright? marie: Q~Q that was scary.... *The dome is closing in on them, leaving a hole just small enough for the helicopter to pass...* Yumi: "Focus! Get us out!" -escape successful! - Yumi: *collapses back, clutching her arm* "Thank goodness..." doctor: you werent infected, were you? marie: no. Yumi: *shakes her head* "I don't think so...but we'll need to test." -elsewhere- Medusa: "..." *small laugh* neian: gubu? Medusa: "Just...thinking about something." *feels warm* "I think...it's back." neian: ? Medusa: *pulls up news* -an entire town trapped in a black blood dome- Medusa: *her smile widens* -elsewhere- Asura: *shuddering* mikan: *holds his hand* Asura: "It's too much...It keeps bubbling up..." mikan: *strokes his head and holds him close to her chest, humming* Asura: *leans into her, murmuring...breathes a bit more calmly* mikan: *smiles* Asura: "...Thank you." -elsewhere- Anya: *hands Tsugumi medicine* "Is the migraine any better?" tsugumi: *groooan* =~=;; why is my head hurting meeeeee? Anya: *closes the blinds, takes a cloth from the bowl of water* "Just rest..." *rests the cloth on her forehead* tsugumi: ok.....zzzzzz Anya: *sad smile, as she tucks Tsugumi in* -...- tsugumi: hn? am i dreaming?.....helloooo? ???: "Hello." tsugumi: *turns* ?? *It's misty in this space* ???: "You're not feeling well, are you?" tsugumi: no? ???: "It must be the madness." tsugumi: wait a minute....*squints* *The person walks through the mist* tsugumi: !!!! Maka: *smiles* tsugumi: m-miss maka! why are you here? oh my god, did i die in my sleep?! Maka: "Heh...No, you're not dead. Although I appreciate the Death Children humor." tsugumi: he...he..... HAHAHAHAHAHA....ha....*ahem* sorry. Maka: .w.; "...Sorry. I guess that was a bit much. Let's start from the beginning. No, you are not dead--you're just tapping into your Grigori." tsugumi: like, in my sleep? that's cool. Maka: "I know, right? But there was something else that stimulated this reaction...madness." tsugumi:.....am i going crazy? Maka: "You aren't. But others are. There was recently an explosion of Black Blood...and its effects are spreading. You're feeling them." tsugumi: *gulp* Maka: "Be on the alert. The DWMA will need your sensory skills to determine where next the madness will emerge." tsugumi:..r-right.... Maka: "If you can't pinpoint the madness, you'll need a conduit to channel your Grigori." tsugumi: how do i do that? Maka: "By working with your weapon partner." tsugumi: maka...i _am_ a weapon. *sweatdrop* Maka: .___.; "...Sorry. I meant meister. I'm not used to thinking of Grigoris as weapons." ^^; tsugumi: right, hehe. ^^; its fine. Maka: "Have you and your meister attempted to locate souls through Grigori before?" tsugumi:....no .w.; Maka: "Well, practice makes perfect. I took some notes on it...but I don't know where those notes would be now since I'm..." tsugumi:....r-right... Maka: "...Did they ever put my papers in the library?" tsugumi: i could start there. Maka: "Good. And bring your meister." tsugumi: right... ^^;;;; -...- mio: um...tsugumi? tsugumi:...nugh?....why is everything upside down? Anya: "You fell off your bed." -_-; tsugumi: oh. ehehe.. ^^; ao: *helping her up* Anya: "You must have had some dream, given all that muttering you were doing." ao: and for a moment, your ankle sprouted wings. tsugumi: wait what?! Anya: "It was weird...Maybe your migraine is messing with your soul." mio: at least you were wearing pants. tsugumi:...i think...im better now....ah! right! library! Anya: "???" -elsewhere- Kuro: *curled up, reading a book* mahiru: *talking on the phone* i know. im kind of nervous though. Ryuusei: "You'll be fine! Just don't piss off the wrong people--DWMA kids are hardcore." koyuki: we'll be supporting you. ^^ mahiru: thanks guys. Ryuusei: "And don't forget us! We should hang out the weekend after. And bring your new friends!" mahiru: right. i think sakuya's at the DWMA too, so it'll be good to see him again. Ryuusei: "Right. Keep an eye on him." mahiru: will do. *Noise heard off the phone* Ryuusei: "Yeah, okay! Jeez, get off my back..." koyuki: ^^; your sister again? Ryuusei: "Yeah. Her highness didn't like how I dried the plates." mahiru: ^^; -elsewhere- Sakuya: "How about this one?" *holds up a notebook in the department store--with flowers on it* naho: super cute. ^^ lilac: y-yeah... Sakuya: "Lilac, need a new bookbag?" lilac: *nod* -elsewhere- fukuzawa: mori?...*looking around* *Whimpering is heard* fukuzawa: ??....*enters a room*...!!! Mori: "Talk to me...Why won't you talk?" fukuzawa: ..... Mori: *talking to shizuka’s head* "Of course I love you! How could you ask me? You're the one who left me..." fukuzawa: mori... Mori: *ignoring him* "I missed you, too..." *cradles the head* fukuzawa:.....*reaches his hand out* Mori: "GET BACK!" fukuzawa: ..... Mori: "Can't you leave us alone?" fukuzawa:.....*glances at the head* -the head doesnt reply- fukuzawa:...my apologies....take your time....*exits* ..... Mori: *nods* "Thank you..." *looks at the head* "..." -i love you so much, mr mori- Mori: "I love you, too..." -i will love you, even if you killed me- Mori: "...But...I did..." -i will forgive you- Mori: "Really?" -i will forgive you, even if _she_ doesnt- --...b a s t a r d....-- rain?: *staring down at him with wide, hate filled eyes* Mori: "!!!" *backs away* rain?: y o u  d i d  t h i s  t o  m e.....y o u  r u i n e d  m e... Mori: "It-It wasn't me..." rain?: t h e n  w h o  w a s  i t  w h o  r a p e d  m e  r e p e a t e d l y  t h e n?! Mori: *glares* "I did what was given to me..." rain?:....then you truly are a monster. just like your mother said you would become.... Mori: "She was wrong!" rain?: oh? Mori: "She was just unlucky! Unlucky like you, you cursed brat!" rain?:............*stares at him with that same, damned stare....* Mori: "!!! You're not her! Or her! You're just a dumb bitch!" rain?: ..............*she grabs him by the neck* how dare you talk down to me after all you're put me through. Mori: "!!! L-Let go!" fukuzawa: mori? Mori: "UNHAND ME! I'LL KNOCK YOU DOWN AND REMIND YOU WHO IS IN CONTROL!" -SMACK- fukuzawa: ..... Mori: "..." *tears up...strokes the head* fukuzawa: .....you need help, mori. Mori: *crying* fukuzawa:.....*pat pat* (what am i to do with him?) Mori: *curls up* -elsewhere- Wes: "...Soul..." soul: yeah? Wes: "...I went to use your bathroom. And it was locked. And when I knocked, there was a small child inside who said 'Occupied’. Also, you have another small child in the kitchen eating cereal on the floor." Damon: *grabs another handful of cereal from the box* soul: its...a bit of a long story. ^^; Wes: "...I got time." *sits* "At least until I can use the bathroom." -one explanation later- Wes: "...That's a big thing. Need any help?" soul: all i can get. Wes: "Happy to." *smiles* "Just think of me as their Uncle Wes." Damon: *stares at Wes* soul: hey damon, say hi. becky:..... mr wes, is mr soul a creepy guy? soul: *pierced with an arrow that says 'creepy guy'* QvQ Wes: "N-No? What makes you think that?" becky: he's a stranger who invited us to live with him after we lost our parents. stranger danger! soul: QwQ Wes: "I assure you, my brother has no bad interests involved. He just wants to take care of you--" Damon: *stares at Wes* Wes: "Right, Damon?" Damon: "...Your teeth look dumb, Wes. Soul's are cooler." Wes: QwQ soul: damon, please. ^^; s-sorry about that bro. ^^;; Damon: -_- Wes: *pat pat* "R-Right, bro..." -elsewhere- Motojiro: *brings out a tray* <Your meal~> leo: *smiles* thank you. *nom* ^u^ Motojiro: *sits next to her* "You're welcome." *inches closer* leo: *lean* u///u Motojiro: *smiles, puts an arm around her* <You know what...> leo: ?? Motojiro: "I just realized I forgot something..." *hands her a tea cup* "Let me pour you some..." leo: ok. *The tea pours into the cup--then there is a metal clink heard* leo: ?? Motojiro: *knowing smile* "I wonder what that is..." *hands her a spoon* leo: *stirs and pulls something out* ah- *It's a ring* Motojiro: "..." leo: ah-...*blush* Motojiro: "A new synthetically constructed palladium platinum blend with a new jewel component that I have named Leo--" *blinks* "...Sorry. I'm rambling. I named the substance after you. And I want to marry you. And I am all flustered and don't know how to ask--" -HUG- leo: *crying tears of happiness* <yes..yes...> Motojiro: OwO "..." *hug* "Then let's get married!" pushkin: *sniff* how sweet. katya: if you hurt her, we'll shoot you in the kneecaps, buddy! leo: *sniffs and smiles* Motojiro: QwQ "...Th-Thanks for at least threatening me with the name 'buddy'..." katya: *gives him the 'im watching you' hand sign* -elsewhere- Yumi: *recovering in bed* marie: well, seems you're doing alright... Yumi: *sighs* "That's a relief...How about you?" marie: all good. that was really scary.... Yumi: "...That blood should not have done that. We'll need someone to run checks." marie:...*nods* Yumi: "...I haven't even called home. Have you?" marie: i called the babysitter. Yumi: *sighs* "Christa?" marie: she's doing ok. Yumi: "..." *winces as she grabs her phone, dials--* "...Death?" lord death: yumi, thank goodness you're ok! *sigh* i was so worried that-... Yumi: "I know. I'm sorry. And..." *weak smile* "If I was dead, you'd be the first to know." lord death:....but you're alive and well...and when you get home, im going to give you so much love. Yumi: *crying* "I-I know. The kids?" lord death: waiting for you... Yumi: "Can I see Shiori?" shiori: mama! lord death: that's right! mama! Yumi: *wipes her eyes* "Hello, sweetie. I missed you." -elsewhere- Akitaru: *hands a reading light* "Here's for your 'clubhouse,' Tamaki." tamaki: thanks. Akitaru: "Don't mention it. Just remember you got hand-to-hand combat training this week. I convinced someone to help you with that..." tamaki: right. -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "Congratulations." *picks up the files* "Were these hard to come by?" shaula: *asleep at the bar* beatrice: -.-; Kurogiri: "..." *turns to Beatrice* "Thank you, then. As for her, get her sleep, coffee, and away from Shigaraki." beatrice: right away. -elsewhere- Kid: *sigh of relief* *falls back in his chair* stocking: well? Kid: "Yumi is recovering and sounds unharmed. Same for Marie." stocking: *phew* that's good to know... Kid: "Black Blood...Madness..." *takes a pillow, hugs it* stocking:....*kiss on his shoulder* Kid: T\\\\\T *sniff* "Th-Thank you...I'm sorry." -elsewhere- erina: ...... Allison: "Hey, you're home!" erina: yeah.....*slumps onto the couch* {erina: *in the medical room* ....} {Fyodor: *wearing a breathing mask* "..."} {erina:....*holding his hand*} {Fyodor: "..." *small squeeze*} {erina:....} erina: ......... Allison: "..." *sets down some drinks* erina:...i feel like im just air.... Allison: "...What's that like?" erina: like im not even real.... -she looks drained...- Allison: "...Drink and get some sleep. Or talk?" erina: .........i miss him...... Allison: "...You know it would not work." erina:...i-i know....but it still hurts..... Allison: "I mean, there are plenty of fish in the sea. You could always meet someone else." erina:...i guess......he made me feel so special, though.... Allison: "A lot of...those people do. I read enough psychology books. You should focus on what a person _does_." erina:...... Allison: "...Let's try something else. Girls' night? Or get you a date? Or...just find you a one-night stand." erina:....i dont know..... Allison: "Hey. Being alone with your thoughts isn't going to be enoug here. You need to talk to people." erina:...i guess...... Allison: "Mixer?" erina:.....*nod* Allison: *smiles* "Then we'll head out. Get your best outfit on." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Brushed your teeth?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "Washed your face?" sonia: yes, papa. mito: *mew* Chuuya: "You sure?" *looks at Mito* "Did she wash...here?" *small playful tap on Sonia's nose* sonia: hehehe. ^u^ Chuuya: *hug* sonia: love you, papa. Chuuya: "Love you, too, Sonia." -morning- Damon: "Zzz..." becky: zzzzz soul: *making pancakes* Damon: "Zzz..." *kicks* becky: nngh? huh? Damon: *wakes up* "Wha? ..." *sniff* "...Is something burning?" becky: *peeeks* mr soul's making pancakes. soul: hey kiddos, i figured you'd be hungry. Damon: ._. *stomach growl* becky:....yeah.... soul: *puts some pancakes on two plates* becky:...*takes her seat* Damon: "..." *pokes one with a fork* -they look pretty good- becky:..... Damon: *nom* "..." -w- -elsewhere- fukuzawa: and that's what happened... Santoka: "..." *sighs* "Usually, I defer to your judgment. But this seems crazy." fukuzawa: ...*sigh* what do you make of this, sir? souseki: if mori's mental state really has collapsed like this, it would be wise to contact the acting head of the mafia, whoever that may be... fukuzawa: but that's the thing, the mafia seems to have vanished off the face of the earth. we've investigated all their usual sources....unless........!!!! Santoka: "??? What?" fukuzawa: *making a call to dazai* i think i know where they are.... -and so- fukuzawa: *underground, with atsushi and dazai* atsushi: is this a good idea, sir? Dazai: "..." fukuzawa: what other option do we have? atsushi:.... Dazai: "Better check for any defenses..." atsushi:.... fukuzawa:....*hand on sword handle* Dazai: *approaches a wall--* *WHIIIIIIR* atsushi: get down! fukuzawa: *dodge* Dazai: *ducks* *A camera pops out* atsushi: ....? fukuzawa:.....*continues forwards* atsushi: *follows* Dazai: "Heh. And you all were worried it was a gun or someth--" *Something loud pierces Atsushi's ears* atsushi: AH! *wince* fukuzawa: *sword out* Dazai: *looking around* "..." *FWIP* Dazai: "Urk!" *a dart is now in his arm* "Oh, like that's supposed to--" *FWIP FWIP FWIP* -slash slash slash- fukuzawa: *slicing at them* Dazai: *now has four darts in his body* "...Welp--" *collapses* atsushi: D8> DAZAI! Dazai: =w= *snore* ???: "You really think we would take over this facility and not improve your paltry security measures?" atsushi: !!! *glances* fukuzawa: .... Chuuya: *standing there, holding a remote--which he presses, turning off the cat-whistle tone that has been deafening Atsushi* atsushi: ah...jeeez TT~Q fukuzawa: ..... -a gun can be felt pressed against his back- katya: dont try anything funny, old man, unless you want to paint the floors red.... fukuzawa: *unfazed* Chuuya: "State your business." fukuzawa: we wish to speak with the boss of the mafia in regards to the tripartite tactic. *hands up* we have no intentions of fighting you. atsushi:.... *glances at katya* katya: ?? you got a staring problem, kid? atsushi: *sweatdrop* (she doesnt seem any older than 14....) [note: she is actually, at this point in the timeline, 28!] Chuuya: "..." *glances at Dazai* "Pick up that trash and follow. Katya, march them forward into the conference room." Dazai: =w= "Zzz..." katya: you got it. -and so- Dazai: *waking up* *yawn* Chuuya: *sits with Kouyou* "Why are you here?" atsushi: we're here to keep mr fukuzawa safe. fukuzawa:... Chuuya: "And why are you here?" fukuzawa: it is as i said before. i wish to speak with your boss. Chuuya: *holds out his arms* "We're the bosses here." kouyou: *nods* hirotsu: ... fukuzawa:....does the term 'tripartite tactic' sound familiar to you? hirotsu: yes....why do you ask? Dazai: *yawns, wakes up* "We..." *stretches* "...have to maintain some order..." fukuzawa:....*sigh* after the incident with 'cannibalism', we found mori and have him in agency custody. hirotsu: !!!! kouyou: !!!!!! Chuuya: "?! You've hid him from us all this time?!" fukuzawa: his mental state was...not the best. atsushi: and by the looks of things, its only getting worse. kouyou: *covers her mouth* Chuuya: "..." *sits down* "What would you have us do?" fukuzawa: take his place in the tactic. as for what will happen to him personally....im not certain.... Chuuya: "...Take his place. What the hell do you think we've been doing?" fukuzawa: .... -as the meeting continued- fukuzawa: thank you for your time Dazai: *smiles at Chuuya* "I'm glad to see you are alive." Chuuya: "..." atsushi:....*feels something around his leg, before he is dragged off* !!!! Akutagawa: "..." atsushi: D8< are you serious right now?! *Rashomon wraps Atsushi--and brings him into a hug with Akutagawa* atsushi: O-O;;;;;; *INTERNALLY SCREAMING* (LUCY SAVE ME) Akutagawa: "I was worried..." atsushi: right now i _am_ worried! >->;;;;;; Akutagawa: *nods* "I can imagine. But I assure you, I have not killed." atsushi: that's....good to know.... >->;;; Akutagawa: "Even though I almost died." atsushi: ?! do you know why the mafia has gone underground? Akutagawa: "...We were found by the Rats." atsushi: !!!!!!! Akutagawa: "It seems more evidence about the Mafia's...deeds has come to light." atsushi: *stomach drops* Akutagawa: "We are still determining how this evidence is coming out..." atsushi: .... (so that's why.....) Akutagawa: "...Have you been safe?" atsushi: as far as i can tell, yes.....you can let me go now, akutagawa. -_-; Akutagawa: "...But I don't want to." atsushi: *sweatdrop* please? Akutagawa: "...Fine." *sets him down* atsushi: thank you. Akutagawa: "...Are you still seeing...her?" atsushi: *smiles* yeah. Akutagawa: "Hmph." atsushi: ....well, see you 'round, then? Akutagawa: "That's it?" atsushi: um....*pat on the back* Akutagawa: =\\\\= *purr* atsushi: *sweatdrop* Dazai: "AKUTAGAWA~" Akutagawa: "!!!" *spins around* "YOU!" Dazai: "Me!" atsushi: oh thank god. Akutagawa: "WHY DIDN'T YOU SEEK US OUT SOONER?" Dazai: "I'm going to be a father." Akutagawa: "...On purpose?" atsushi:... >->; (define 'on purpose') Dazai: "Regardless, it is my responsibility." Akutagawa: "Like _I_ was your responsibility?" atsushi:... odasaku: ..... Dazai: "Oh, are we really doing this? I thought we had a moment when I acknowledged you after you and Atsushi worked together to stop the Guild--" Akutagawa: "A few words mean a lot. They do not undo the entire past of your awful treatment." Dazai: *smiles* "I'm glad you have the confidence to speak in this manner to me." Akutagawa: "..." atsushi: *looks at akutagawa* ..... Akutagawa: "...I did fine without you. I don't owe you for how I have gotten to this point, so don't you dare try to pat yourself on the back." ???: did you say all you needed to tell him, akuta? Akutagawa: "...As much as I can before..." *clears his throat* "B-Before I have another coughing fit..." naoya: then take it easy....*glares at dazai* get lost. your business is done here. Dazai: "Hello, Naoya. You well?" naoya: i was until you started talking, you waste of bandages. *grabs him by the collar* i take it you're still the same piece of shit you were five years ago? Dazai: *smiles* "I think my vocabulary has expanded~" naoya: still manipulating people to your own whims? pathetic.....one day, karma's gonna kick you right in the ass and knock you down a few pegs. i cant wait for that moment to happen.... Dazai: "...You and me both." naoya:....*drops him* tch-, you're not even worth wasting my breath. come on akuta, lets go. atsushi: .... Akutagawa: "..." *nods to Atsushi* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Hello. I am here to offer additional training." tamaki: ._____.;;;; SIR. Benimaru: *nods* "Kotatsu. Have you been keeping up on your exercises?" tamaki: *nod nod nod* Benimaru: *takes off his jacket, assumes a fighting pose* "Then let's see whether it has paid off." tamaki: *circling* Benimaru: *following* tamaki: *charges* Benimaru: *doesn't move* tamaki: *stops in her tracks, her eyes still on him* Benimaru: *still motionless* tamaki: *anticipating his next move* Benimaru: "..." *steps forward* tamaki: !! *LEAPS* Benimaru: *watches* ("Hmm...Higher than before...") tamaki: ~cat-a-pult cartwheel!~ *spins towards him* Benimaru: *leans back, the attacks just barely reaching him at the last moment* "Hmm." tamaki: *growls of annoyance* Benimaru: "...Improved." tamaki: *spin kick* Benimaru: *blocks, absorbing the kick* tamaki: !! *upwards kick* Benimaru: "?!" *the kick lands on his chin* tamaki: (success!) Benimaru: *stares* tamaki: ^w^ *peace sign* Benimaru: *rubs his chin* "Good work." -elsewhere- Gogol: *humming* elizaveta: ~? Gogol: <It's nice to feel satisfaction in one's work~> elizaveta: yeah. *doing homework* Gogol: <??? What you writing?> elizaveta: history homework. Gogol: <Like ancient Rome?> elizaveta: yeah. *yaaawn* tiring.... Gogol: <Hmm...We could make it more entertaining.> -elsewhere- Relan: "..." *pat pat* shinra: =w= zzzz Relan: *brushes his hair, lightly kisses his forehead* iris: ^^ shinra: *smiles and leg twitches* Relan: "???" shinra: *he seems happy* Relan: *smiles, strokes him lightly* -elsewhere- Yumi: *reading in bed* "..." nurse: how are you? Yumi: "I think I have bed sores..." nurse: did you want to talk a walk? Yumi: "Yes..." *shifts carefully, minding the bandages on her arm, as she gets out of bed* -in the medical ward- Yumi: *walking, looking around at patients* marie: hey yumi. ^^ Yumi: *smiles* "How you holding up?" marie: doing good. look. they have mini-BLTs! they're so cute and tiny! Yumi: ^^; "Glad the hospital food is decent. How's recuperation?" marie: it's been well. cant wait to get home though. Yumi: "You didn't want to bring Christa here?" marie: and risk her getting close to _that_? no way! Yumi: "I mean, we're far enough away from the site...I hope." marie: hm.... Yumi: *walks to look out the window* "...At least the sun is out again." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." *slams his fist on the table* kouyou: chuuya... Chuuya: "Madness...Just dreadfully, awful madness." kouyou:...*pats his back* Chuuya: "...Just so damn angry." kouyou: ... Chuuya: "After what Mori did to Rain...to Sonia...This is intolerable." kouyou: ...what do we do now? Chuuya: "...We can take him back." kouyou: ... Chuuya: "But we're containing him. He's not trustworthy in this state." kouyou:....right...... Chuuya: "And keep Sonia away from him." kouyou: of course. Chuuya: "..." *rubs his arm* kouyou:..... Chuuya: "...Why couldn't he have gone away..." kouyou: *pat pat* Chuuya: *sniff* kouyou: *hug* Chuuya: *whimpers, holds on* -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." atsushi: and that's what i learned.... Dazai: "Which would line up with what the voicemail indicates..." yosano: ..... Dazai: "...Is Mori in any condition to transfer?" fukuzawa:....it'd be risky....he'd have to take the doll and the head... Dazai: "Jeez...We're really letting him keep that head?' naomi: well what do _you_ suggest? Dazai: "Proper burial." fukuzawa: we've tried, but he refuses to let her head go.... Dazai: "..." *sighs* "Fine." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Miss Alcott, send a fruit basket." louisa: right away, sir. Fitzgerald: "Let Mrs. Death know I wish her a speedy recovery." *slight smirk* louisa: ^^; Fitzgerald: "Oh, and I suppose send some chocolates to Miss Mjolnir." louisa: right away. mary: i like her, she seems really nice. ^^ -elsewhere- Benimaru: *rotates his arm* "She's improving. What has she been doing?" shinra: hard work and determination. and lots of pent up rage. Benimaru: "Ah. So, wrath is motivating her." *sips his tea* "And your motivation persists despite setbacks?" shinra:...yeah. Benimaru: *nods* "I have not seen any Hoods..." shinra: doesnt mean we can ler out guard down... Benimaru: "No. Never. Keep your eye on the goal, though." shinra: right......so, i heard you're engaged to kirei. congrats. Benimaru: =\\\\\\= "Hmm." -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzz..." *napping on the couch* stocking: *strokes his head* Kid: *breathes more easily* "Mmm..." stocking: ^^ Kid: *kitten yawn...opens his eyes* stocking: well hello handsome~ Kid: *kittie smile* "Hello, beautiful~" stocking: *snuggle* Kid: =\\\w\\\= "Comfy~ I missed you." stocking: mmm Kid: *rests a hand along her stomach* stocking: *smiles* Kid: "Mmm..." *kisses her cheek* stocking: hehe~ Kid: *strokes along her stomach...towards her hips* stocking: ah~ =///T Kid: *his hand is already passed up along her leg* stocking: ah~ mmmm~ Kid: *rubs the bare skin...as his lips reach her neck* -elsewhere- Damon: *whine* "I don't wanna..." soul: *carrying him* come on, kiddo, you two need new clothes for school. Damon: >~< "I hate clothes shopping. I'm tired. I don't wanna go." soul: *sweatdrop* liz: afterwords, we can go to meowkies. Damon: *sniff* "Wh-What?" liz: it's a cool place with games and pizza. Damon: *brief shiny eyes* -\\\\\- "...A-And punch?" liz: yeah. Damon: >\\\\\> "O-Okay..." -elsewhere- lana: *holding flyswatter* ._. alright you little bastard, where did you run off to? Karl: *digging under some papers, patting them for the bug* Poe: ^^;;;;;;; "J-Just remove it..." lana: .~.;;; *nudges the papers* *FLAP FLAP FLAP* lana: *yells and swats* Karl: *chittering, leaping trying to catch it in his mouth* Poe: "EEEP!" *swinging his hands* -after that fiasco- Poe: *pant pant pant* lana: *lays down* *sigh* that was intense... Poe: "Y-Yeah..." *hug* lana: =///= Poe: "Thank you, my savior..." lana: aww.. ^^; Poe: *sniff* =\\\\\= *hug* -elsewhere- Magaki: *writing, humming* guard: oi. lord death wishes to speak with you. Magaki: *stares* "...Now?" guard: *nods* no funny business... Magaki: *even voice* "Have I ever given any indication I am humorous?" guard:....lets just go... -and so- lord death: so then, magaki, was it? Magaki: *nods* "Lord Death, is it?" lord death: indeed-i-o! how're you doing? Magaki: "..." *shrugs* "Probably better than I deserve." lord death: how so? Magaki: "...I have fed on humans." lord death: .... Magaki: "You sent Tsubaki and Black Star after me, did you not?" lord death: yes, but miss nakatsukasa seems to be set on rehabilitating you. Magaki: "...Does she do that frequently? Do people do that often?" lord death: let me ask, what is your motivation? what is it you want in life? Magaki: "...I want to survive...long enough to know how I got like this." lord death: do you regret what you did to the people you have harmed? Magaki: "..." *nods* lord death: ....then that is all i need to know for now. Magaki: "??? That's all?" lord death: i have made a decision to place you in miss nakatsukasa's care. Magaki: "...Has she agreed?" lord death: yes. i will make the call to her now. Magaki: "..." *bows* <Thank you.> -elsewhere- emily: well, this is the place. twain: dusty. Steinbeck: "..." *walks up to the door* Hemingway: "Wonder if someone's even here--" -SHOT TO THE AIR- twain: OwO;;; emily: EEK! *ducks* >~< Steinbeck: "!!! Get back!" Hemingway: *not even moving* "???" ???: who the hell're you?! *an old lady is holding a shotgun at them* you sellin’ somethin'? Steinbeck: "S-Sorry! It's okay...We're looking for Wilder." old lady: wilder? my son hasnt done anything illegal to my knowledge- Steinbeck: "N-No...Laura Wilder?" old lady: well you happen to be lookin' right at her. twain: makes sense. ???: gran, are you trying to scare off visitors again? Steinbeck: "???" *looks* old lady: that depends, sweetie. go wait inside for now. -a younger girl with pigtails and a cowboy hat looks at him- Steinbeck: "...Ma'am. We're from the Guild." old lady: the guild?.....hoho! now that's a name i havent heard in years. Hemingway: *stares* "Quite a few years, huh?" wilder: well i'll be, ernie, you've gotten so big now, i can hardly recognize ya! Steinbeck: "?!" Hemingway: ^\\\^ "Thanks. I've had a real work out." wilder: well dont just stand there, dearies, come on in. -and so- twain: owo Steinbeck: *seated, looking around* -one of wilder's granddaughters giggles at him- emily:... >->;;; Steinbeck: "???" Hemingway: "--and then the boulder crashed!" grace: woooah. laura jr: cool! Hemingway: "Yep! Should've heard this guy [grabs Twain's shoulders] screaming!" twain: ^u^;; caroline: sounds like you've all been on quite the adventures. laura jr: it's just like the stories gran tells us, right gran? Wilder: "Oh, I can tell you much wilder stories, kiddo." laura jr: ^u^ carrie: are you really from the city? whats it like? are there lots of cars? emily: ^^;;; (help me please....) Steinbeck: "That's one reason we're here...What can you tell us about the Old Guild?" Hemingway: "??? Hey, kiddo --there are a lot of cars. Even some that fly!" Wilder: "??? Why not ask Ernie?" *looks at Twain* "Why ask me?" carrie: woooooah. so cool! *shiny eyes* twain: cause you're like super old- emily: *punch* twain: OW! >-O Wilder: -_-# *sighs* "I can tell you a lot of...*ahem* aged tales. Maybe about previous members?" twain: yes please! Wilder: "I could tell you about Irv." twain: ooooh. OwO *listening* Wilder: "He was from New York. Like, the rural parts, not that loud city noise." emily: ah. Wilder: "He was one lazy son of a gun, though. 'The more I sleep, the longer I'll live!' he kept insisting." twain: *listening* Wilder: "Long story short, he's dead. I think." twain: bummer. ._. Steinbeck: " 'I think'?" Wilder: *shrug* "Never found the body." emily: hmmm.... Hemingway: "His beard was epic, though. Longer than his height." emily: anyone else who comes to mind? Wilder: "Hang on, hang on, I'm thinking...Oh! Harper!" emily: i think i remember seeing her file... Wilder: *nods* "Really idealistic--but always good for a laugh!" emily: *she nods* Wilder: "Everywhere we'd travel, she'd lug around that big typewriter, taking notes on whatever adventures we had." emily: (sounds busy....) Wilder: "Better than JD--what a curmudgeon he could be. And he was only 17!" -elsewhere- Black Star: "??? How about this room for them?" tsubaki: perfect. ^^ Black Star: "Well, we can clear the boxes. Gonna need to get a bed in here..." -elsewhere- Allison: *sets out her dress* "Almost ready?" erina: y-yeah... Allison: *small nudge* "It'll be fun. Need any jewelry?" erina:...i-im good.... Allison: "Well, get changed, and if you need help with hair or makeup, just ask." *smiles* erina: a-alright.... -elsewhere- Ivan: <Been quiet.> yana: <no kidding.....> Ivan: <...Not even crying in the cells. Is that a problem?> yana:.....<am i even the right person for this position? as acting leader?> Ivan: <??? You were chosen by Master--of course you are the right person.> yana:.....(you're just saying that....) Ivan: <Have some faith in yourself--because Master does.> yana:....<yeah...> Ivan: <And if you're that concerned, there are people to advise. Like Gogol--> Gogol: "I GOT A BRAIN FREEZE!" Ivan: "..." <Like me~> yana: JUST PRESS YOUR TONGUE AGAINST THE ROOF OF YOUR MOUTH, GOGOL! Gogol: *does so* "..." "Ah welly bwowk! Thanks, bowss!" [translation: "It really worked! Thanks, boss!"] Ivan: *proud smile* yana: *sigh* Ivan: <Give it time. Every leader takes time to motivate their troops to achieve greatness.> yana:...<i guess so...> Ivan: <What do _you_ want to do with this team?> yana:....<you're seriously going to ask me that? lets be real here, you and i both know it doesnt matter, im just a temporary leader until fedya returns.> Ivan: <B-But they need guidance so that they are in peak condition when Master returns!> yana:....<right....well what do _you_ suggest, grand chamberlain?> Ivan: *shiny eyes* <Combat training?> yana:... <sounds good.> Ivan: *nods* *small inhale* <OKAY YOU MAGGOTS, LINE UP!> lydia: *sweatdrop* elizaveta: 0-0; yana: *sweatdrop* (i didnt ask you to become a drill seargent...) Ivan: <We have to be in top condition for Master's return! Let's see some energy as we engage in combat practice!> Gogol: <Um, I have a note from my doctor--> Ivan: <I AM NOT LISTENING TO YOUR DOCTOR, NOW AM I?!> Gogol: ._. ("He really hates her...") -elsewhere- Gopher: "Your mother called?" kirika: yeah. she's doing good from what i heard... Gopher: "...When is she returning? Did you find out?" kirika: soon....alright, we're here. -the sign reads 'Vale Apartments'- Gopher: "...Oh. Right." *follows* kirika: *checking the paper* lets see....this building. -they stop at a door and knock- kirika: ooooi, shitty priest, you in there? *The door opens--* Justin: "Shhh..." kirika: she sleeping? Justin: *nods* "She'll be up shortly. Let me get you some water." kirika: thanks....*glances at gopher* you gonna come on in or what? Gopher: OwO *inches inside* Justin: *sets down drinks* "Any word from Azusa?" -kirika explains what all she heard- Justin: "Oh dear. I'm glad she and Marie are recovering." kirika: yeah... oriko: *yaaawn* oh. hello. ^^ kirika: how're you feeling? oriko: ok... kirika: do you remember anything. oriko: vague things.... kirika:...at least it's something... Gopher: *small wave* oriko: *smile and small waves back* Gopher: ^w^ "Do you like the apartment?" oriko: it's nice. ^^ kirika:... (he can at least decorate more..) *sweatdrop* Gopher: "We could bring flowers. Spring is coming soon..." oriko: *smiles* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "--so we're increasing our numbers and attracting new recruits." shaula: neato Kurogiri: "We can always track your 'leftovers' to see whether there are experiments still salvageable for our purposes." -elsewhere- Yohei: *sits Toru into the baby chair at Deathbucks* "All set, big guy?" toru: ah! Yohei: "Okay!" *gestures* "Two chocolate milks, please?" tsugumi: coming right up, sir! Yohei: *nods* "She seems like a nice person, right, Toru?" toru: mama! Yohei: "Yes, the young lady has twintails too, Toru, just like Mama." [side note; chie changes her hairstyle often] toru: ma! -elsewhere- Teacher: "Okay--time for recess, class!" aya: awesome! elizaveta: aya! do you want to come over to my house this weekend? im having a party! aya: i'll have to ask kunikida first. Teacher: "It's still chilly out, so don't forget coats." aya: ok! elizaveta: ok! Teacher: ^^ Student: *stares at Aya and Elizaveta* aya: so what kind of a party is it? elizaveta: it's a super secret party. aya: oh? Student: *leans closer to listen* elizaveta: *snake eyed glare* aya: ?? Student: "!!!" *hides* aya: what was that? elizaveta: some stalker. aya: oh. i had this one weird kid stalk me a bit last year, havent heard from them, thankfully. elizaveta: yikes. ( >u>;;;; ) Student: "I WASN'T A STALKER!" *tosses leaves at Elizaveta* elizaveta:... *blink* Student: O___O "..." *runs* aya:...huh. -elsewhere- becky: mr soul? who's that? soul: hm? Hyde: "...Soul. You've spawned?" Damon: "..." *whispers* "He looks like a hedgehog." soul: well, its a long story. ^^; Hyde: "Huh..." *waves* "Hi, little lady!" becky: hello? *blink blink* Hyde: "I am the master thespian, Hyde!" becky: you're a therapist? soul: *sweatdrop* he means 'actor', kiddo. becky: oh. Hyde: *puts a hand on Soul's shoulder* "And I'm Soul's best friend! Just think of me as your cool uncle!" licht: since when, shit rat? Hyde: -_-# "Since he got inside my brain!" becky: ooooh, that guy said a naughty! Damon: "??? What is 'shit'?" soul:...licht look at what you've done. Hyde: -^- "So undignified, Licht." licht: this man behind me is an evil scary demon. but i will protect you, *pose* for i am an angel. Damon: "...Shit angel." soul: *almost chokes* damon no. dont say the s-word. Hyde: "..." *holding back laughs* licht:.... *kicks hyde into the wall* Damon: Q_Q "I won't say that word. Please don't kick me into a wall." Hyde: X____X becky: is he dead? soul: he'll be fine.....mostly. Hyde: *sits up* "I am a master lesbian..." *collapses* soul:....well he's half right? ish? becky: i'll get the shovel. -elsewhere- Vulcan: "..." Benimaru: "..." Vulcan: "...Cool kimono." Benimaru: "Thank you. Nice...what is that?" yu: *awkward sipping of his slushie* Vulcan: "Robotic penguin fire attachments." Benimaru: "..." *looks at Yu* "How are you adjusting to the Eighth?" yu: doing good, sir. ^^ Benimaru: "Hmm. At this rate, your building won't be big enough for all these people." *narrows his eyes* "You're not thinking of forming your own city or something, are you?" shinra: who knows at this rate. tamaki: *side glance* at least its not a harem. shinra: I HEARD THAT! D8< Benimaru: "….Aaaanyway." *sips his tea* "You met with Arg?" shinra:.....yeah...it was....hectic. Benimaru: "..." *sets down his tea* "When I encountered him upon forming the Seventh, he was...annoying, but professional. The rumors I had heard do not describe the same man." shinra:....*shaking* Benimaru: "??? ..." *crosses his arms* "What is your availability for my wedding?" shinra: *sweatdrop* i dont know when it is, sir? Benimaru: "Spring." shinra: i think so. -elsewhere- Kepuri: *clutching her stomach in bed* >~< akaderu: you sure you're ok? Kepuri: "F-Fine...Just cramps or nerves..." nea: *knocks* yoo-hoo~ mind if i come in, dearies~? Kepuri: "S-Sure..." nea: *wraps a scarf around her neck* there you go~ Kepuri: =\\\\\= "Thanks..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Turn it!" Sakuya: "I AM TURNING IT." -tsubaki enters with magaki- tsubaki: we're home! naho: NEW FRIEND! hiya! i'm naho! lilac: *peeek* Magaki: "..." *inches back behind Tsubaki* tsubaki: it's ok. they're nice. Magaki: "..." *looks from behind* "Hello. I am Magaki." -after introductions- naho: and here's your room! Magaki: "...Oh. ...Is this too much?" tsubaki: feel free to decorate how you want. ^^ Magaki: "...I only have my umbrella." tsubaki: i see. we made sure to put covers on the windows so the sunlight wouldnt burn you. Magaki: "I appreciate it." *sits* "...Are there more books in this house?" tsubaki: yes. i got some new text books the other day. Magaki: *small shine to their eyes* tsubaki: ^^ -elsewhere- {-the theater house is ablaze-} {bystander: <dear heavens!>} {bystander 2: <i think madame daae went inside! she said her brother was trapped!>} {???: <Out of my way!>} {bystander: !!! <sir! are you mad?>} {???: <Yes! Madly in love!> *runs inside*} {-the blazes are intense-} {???: *coughs* "Christine!"} {-its so hot, the flames are roaring so loudly....-} {???: *pushing forward* <CHRISTINE! CHR-->} {*Something above him makes a loud crack and a pop*} {???: <?!>} {*CRASH*} {-....beep...beep...beep-} {nurse: <he's come to....monsiour leroux?>} {Leroux: *muffled* <Wh-Where...>} {nurse: <you're in the hospital sir... it's a miracle you survived the blaze...>} {Leroux: <Christine...>} {nurse:.....<madame and monsiour daae sadly did not survive. i'm truly sorry.>} {Leroux: "..." *his face under one side of the bandages contorts*} {nurse:....<when they found you, your right eye was badly scarred...>} {Leroux: …………….<Where is Christine?>} {nurse: <i just told you....madame daae has died.>} {Leroux: …………*giggles* <Where are you, my sweet~? Come on out...>} {nurse: <i told you, she's dead.> *backing up*} {Leroux: *shifts out of bed...grabbing a pillow* <Ch-Christine?>} {nurse: <sir! lay down!>} {doctor: <dont just stand there, put him under!>} {Leroux: *hugging the pillow* <Oh, Christine~>} {-medical staff had to hold him down and give him anesthetic-} {Leroux: <Ch-Chri...Chris...Zzzz...>} {-...-} {Leroux: "..."} {???: you poor man...having lost both your eye and the love of your life...} {Leroux: "...Who asked you?"} {???: i have my ways of knowing things like this....} {Leroux: "...Why?"} {???: i have come to make you an offer. a deal of sorts. what if i were to tell you, i have a way to reunite you with your beloved?} {Leroux: "?!"} {???: i can give you that chance, and i can give you power beyond your wildest dreams.} {Leroux: "...I just want her."} {???: i see. but this comes at a price. in exchange for this power, you must serve me the remainder of your life.} {Leroux: "...Like I have much reason to go on."} {???: do you want the power to bring her back or not?} {Leroux: "...Yes."} {???: good. *offers hand* do we have a deal?} etta: Q~Q rorooooo.... hans: TT~TT i had no idea.... Leroux: "??? Oh. That?" etta: you need the biggest hug, like, ever. Leroux: *smiles* "But I got what I wanted! Isn't that right, beloved?" christine: *says nothing, as, once again, she is a doll* Leroux: "Oh, you~ ^w^" hans: *sweatdrop* (after hearing that story, this gag just became really really depressing...) Walter: *opens the door* "I brought lemonade, cookies, and...and... ...I should get you all some tissues too, huh?" -elsewhere- Motojiro: "Good work!" sonia: ^^ Motojiro: "And that means...your essay gets a scratch and sniff sticker!" *holds up a lemon sticker* sonia: thank you mr kajii. Motojiro: ^w^ "You're welcome, Sonia. Don't forget to study for tomorrow's math quiz." sonia: i will. ^^ -elsewhere- Daisy: "I'm heading out." mrs fay: have a nice day at work, dear. Daisy: "...Yeah, not much 'nice' to expect today." mrs fay: something wrong, dear? Daisy: "Just my usual pessimism, Mom--that's all, no big." mrs fay: well, take care of yourself, ok? Daisy: "..." *sigh* *hug* "Thanks." -elsewhere- emily: *yaaawn.* morning.... twain: it's noon. emily: WHA?! Wilder: *slaps the back of Twain's head* "If she said 'mornin' ,' it's mornin'!" *smiles* "Mornin'!" twain: >-O emily: wh-what all did i miss?? Steinbeck: "Milked cows, fed the chickens, and got some leftovers for you to heat up." emily: oh...t-thanks. carrie: are you his girlfriend? emily: O////. w-wha?! Steinbeck: *not noticing, heating up food* twain: weeeeell- Wilder: *slaps Twain again* "No." twain: >3< -elsewhere- Dazai: "I'm back..." *sets down groceries* kirako: *smiles* atsushi: *helping unpack groceries* Dazai: "How was your appointment?" kirako: the baby's coming along well. Dazai: "Phew..." *hug* kirako: hehe~ ^u^ atsushi:......*hugs them both* Dazai: "..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *nudges Mary* mary: heya toby. ^u^ *picks him up* Mr. Tsubaki: ^w^ *nuzzle* mary: hehehe~ bram: .. Mr. Tsubaki: *small yip at Bram* bram: *tiny awkward pet* Mr. Tsubaki: *happy fox murmur* *wags tail* bram:...*tiny smile* Mr. Tsubaki: =w= *lowers his head to Bram* -elsewhere- Yumi: "All packed?" marie: yep! ready to get home. Yumi: *smiles* "Ride will be here in 10 minutes." -elsewhere- Justin: *watering plants* oriko: .... Justin: "Oh. You're up." oriko:....just thinking....miss kirika...really wants me to regain my memories again.... Justin: *nods* "It's a concern for her, not only for your own safety...but because she loves you." oriko:...she feels so familiar to me...were we friends? i think we were.... Justin: *nods* "Yes, you were. Close friends." oriko: part of me wants to say we were like sisters... Justin: "..." *nods* "That is one way to describe it." oriko:...should i start school? if i pursue that path, maybe i can remember.... Justin: "I think that is a great idea. There are a few school options." oriko: i know where i want to go... -elsewhere- Bon: *carrying boxes down the hall* "You sure you got those?" izumo: im not helpless. =n= Bon: "And don't drop them, either--we can't afford to clean up another mess--" izumo: *glare* Rin: -____-# "You two done bickering like an old married couple?" izumo: YOU SHUSH. Bon: "Shut the hell up!" konekomaru:... (they didnt deny it...) Rin: *eyeroll* "Whateves. I just know--" *trips...over his own tail* o____O "Oh poop--" *and drops boxes--down the stairs* Triple A: *walking along the stairs* *bounce rumble clunk* Triple A: "???" *looks up--* -he got covered in paint- shiemi: ._.; Triple A: "..." *looks up with a furious glare* stocking:...rin, you get a grade up in your next assignment. Rin: "..." *victory pose* "WOOT! ...I DON'T KNOW WHY, BUT I'LL TAKE IT!" Triple A: "YOU ARROGANT WELP! I DEMAND RECOMPENSE FOR THIS INSULT--" stocking: *GLARE* Rin: "If I drop confetti on him, can I get my tardies removed?" Triple A: "DAMN DEMONS!" stocking:...*serious look at rin* do it. Triple A: "DON'T YOU--" *Mouth full of confetti* Triple A: "BLARG!!!" -elsewhere- Magaki: *reading* -knock- tsubaki: hungry? Magaki: "...What is there to have?" tsubaki: a friend brought over some baked manjuu. Magaki: "..." *sniff* "...It's been a long time since I didn't have blood." tsubaki:... *offers upper arm* Magaki: "...You're sure?" tsubaki: *she nods* Magaki: "..." *nods* <Thank you.> *their teeth approach--and bite* tsubaki: ah.... Magaki: *takes in blood...pulls quite a bit...then quickly pulls back* <Th-That's enough...Sorry.> tsubaki: i-it's fine...i'm used to it. Magaki: "...They feed on you?" tsubaki: sometimes. but they're kind of my kids now, so im willing. Magaki: "...You're too kind..." ("...Mother...") -elsewhere- Yumi: *walks up to the door--* -confetti- lord death: welcome home! kirika: welcome back, mom! shiori: mama! Kid: "Mom!" Yumi: "..." *hug* lord death: *smooches all over her face* Yumi: *giggling, crying happy tears* "Death, please--" *Yumi covered in hugs* lord death: you're home now, and you're alive... Yumi: *nods* "Glad to be...Umph! Also...looking forward to sitting?" lord death: right, right! ^^; Yumi: ^^; *sits, holds Shiori* "Kirika, Kid, are you okay?" kirika: as you can see, we havent murdered each other. Kid: -_-; Yumi: "...I detect no lie." *kisses Kirika's forehead* kirika: -///-; Yumi: ^^ "You kept an eye on your siblings, Shiori?" shiori: ye mama! Yumi: *smiles* "Good girl." *smiles at Kid* Kid: *sits down, smiles* "Now you can recover a bit more here..." -elsewhere- Mori: *shudders* fukuzawa:.....mori? Mori: "What are you going to do to me?" fukuzawa:....we've made contact with the mafia...you will be returned to their care... Mori: "They'll kill me." fukuzawa: ..... Mori: "What they now know...what assurances does your contract hold?" fukuzawa: hmm...... Mori: "...Oh. So you'll let that be on your conscience." fukuzawa: try not to worry about it, this wasnt out of the blue. Mori: "??? You planned this?" fukuzawa: we've discussed the circumstances with your executives. Mori: "...Enlighten me." -fukuzawa explains the situation- Mori: "So I'm still a prisoner." fukuzawa: i wouldnt phrase it that way. consider yourself more of a patient in their care... Mori: "..." *nods* "Like a doctor." fukuzawa: this way, you'll be safe. Mori: "...Okay." -elsewhere- Magaki: *points* "So...Naho, Sakuya, and...Lilac?" naho: yep, that's right. ^^ lilac: y-yeah... Sakuya: *nods* Magaki: "..." *points at Belkia* "And his name is Glam Rock?" Shamrock: x_o Belkia: ^^; "I am glamorous..." naho:....in belkia's case, that statement wouldnt be wrong. Shamrock: " 'Shamrock.'" Magaki: "...Sorry." lavender: you're getting there. ^^ Magaki: "...Thank you, Lavender." -elsewhere- sonia: im back from class, papa. mito: ^u^ Chuuya: "How was it?" sonia: i had fun. ^^ Chuuya: "That's good...Kajii told me about your homework. It's looking really good..." -elsewhere- Anya: -_-# "Aren't these enough books, Tsugumi?" *carrying a stack* tsugumi: ^^; jackie and mr poe were very helpful in recommendations. Anya: "Why can't you learn to just say 'no'--" Poe: "MORE BOOKS!" *drops more onto Anya's stack* *A cracking sound is heard* ao: oh my. Anya: Q_____Q tsugumi: D8> -elsewhere- Hemingway: *playing with the Wilder kids* "There we go!" carrie: *laughs* laura jr: ^u^ emily: *looking at her notes, determining where to go next* Steinbeck: *looks over* "How's navigating?" emily: still trying to locate other members... Steinbeck: *looks over* "How's navigating?" emily: still trying to locate other members... Steinbeck: "Wait...On the East Coast?" emily: seems so... Steinbeck: "Long trip." -elsewhere- Mephisto: "Here you are~" felisia: *nom* ^u^ Mephisto: "Pleased?" felisia: indeed~<3 Mephisto: *hug* -elsewhere- Allison: "All set?" erina: y-yeah.... Allison: *walks on in* "Just keep it cool..." erina: ..... *There are different people seated and standing, having drinks* Bartender: "What can I get you?" erina:.... Allison: "Two glasses of mineral water to start." Bartender: "Coming right up." *smiles at Erina* erina: ....... *Seem to already be some pairings talking with each other...It's a bit crowded* erina: ...... Attendee: "Hello, there." erina:...hey... ???: "I'm Jordan." erina:....nice to meet you.... Jordan: "Likewise. Care to sit?" *pulls up a chair* erina:...*sits down*... Jordan: "So, you off work?" erina:....transferring to a new place... Jordan: "Oh? Promotion?" erina: .....safety concerns.... Jordan: "...Oh. I hear you. I had to be transferred once due to peanut allergies." erina: ....i.....see.... Jordan: "What is your name?" erina:........erina.... Jordan: "...Hi, Erina." erina: ....*sigh*.... Jordan: "??? The transfer has you exhausted huh?" erina:....amongst other things.... Jordan: "...Anything you're doing to relax?" erina:.....sleeping mostly.... Jordan: "Not even a movie?" erina:....just been depressed.... Jordan: "Oh. Sorry. Well, at least getting out can help. And nachos!" erina:....i guess..... Jordan: ^w^ "Hello! One order of nachos!" erina: .....*stares at her reflection in the water* Jordan: "..." *just looks at her* erina: *she looks worn down by something* Jordan: "...Hey. What's wrong?" erina:... ...just heartache is all.... Jordan: "...Oh. Um...that's rough." -a few girls are whispering- girl: isnt she the guard that was sleeping with that dostoevsky guy? Jordan: "???" *looks* girl 2: omg you're right. she has to be crazy, lol girl 3: they should lock her up too then they can be crazy together, lol erina:..........*shaking* *shoulder tap tap* girl 1: like, what do _you_ want? Allison: *puts her arms around the shoulders of each girl* ^w^ "Ladies! Let's have a nice little chat..." *tighter squeeze* "Alone." girl 2: um, like....okay? girl 3: ._.;;; Allison: "Goodie." *tighter squeeze, as she practically drags them away* erina: ...... Allison: *getting them into the corner, smiling sweetly* "Talk like that again about my friend, and you'll be drinking your meals through a straw for the next month." Jordan: "??? Your friend?" erina:...and roommate.... Jordan: "Cool. She seems to be making friends!" erina:........ Jordan: "...Like the earrings." erina:....she has a lot of them. Jordan: "You borrowed them?" erina: *shakes head* Jordan: "Well, the ones you got look good, too." -elsewhere- zoey:....i feel as if.....a weight is being lifted.... Q: ?? Ivan: =w= lydia: <they're both at peace......something's wrong here.> elizaveta: <kolya im scared.> Q_Q Gogol: "...Nurse? Ivan said awful things about you." zoey: when _doesnt_ he? yana: oh zing, how is he gonna come back from _that_ one? Ivan: <Your mother should have traded you for a dog--the bitch would be quieter.> yana: ZING. zoey: i dont know what you just said to me, but at least i'm carrying master’s baby! lydia: <and with that, the natural order is restored.> Ivan: <If I could carry his child, I would!> yana: <and we would totally support that.> Ivan: ^w^ -elsewhere- Damon: "..." *stares at the menu* becky: *shiny eyes* soul: anything you guys want? Damon: "...Chicken fingers?" soul: good taste, kiddo. becky: pepperoni and cheese pizza! Damon: "..." *small smile* soul: sounds good. you kids want fries or anything? Damon: *nods* soul: alright then. Damon: "And water?" soul: of course. -elsewhere- Gin: "How is watch going?" higuchi: tense.... Gin: "Hmm. Anything wrong?" higuchi:.....just this whole mori thing.... Gin: *nods* "I have been reviewing security measures." higuchi:..... Gin: "We'll make sure he does no harm...especially for Sonia's sake." higuchi:...r-right.... Gin: "..." *holds her hand* higuchi:...*sniff* Gin: *hug* higuchi: s-she didnt deserve this....*crying* Gin: "I know..." *holds her* "She didn't." higuchi: *cries, holding onto her* Gin: *strokes her head* "I'm sorry..." higuchi:.....*calming down* Gin: "..." *smiles* -elsewhere- aya: so she invited me over to her house. Kunikida: "..." aya: my gut instincts are telling me something's up....i mean, random new student inviting you over? kind of suspicious. Kunikida: "Good. What else have you noticed about her?" aya: she seems to wear this weird collar all the time. i mean, its not too odd for other students to wear collars or stuff like that, but it seems kind of....mechanical? Kunikida: "Hmm..." *tapping something onto his tablet* aya: ?? Kunikida: *pulls up some images* "Any of these look like her collar?" aya: *examines the photos* *There are a variety of medical devices, some that only sort of look like her collar* aya: hmmm....*points to one* Kunikida: *clicks* "It's an appartus used for vocal assistance." aya: ah. Kunikida: "Why would someone need a device like that? An injury? What do you think?" aya: not sure yet... Kunikida: …"You're going in armed." *puts onto the table a taser and a switchblade* aya: *takes the switchblade* easier to hide. Kunikida: "Smart." -elsewhere- Lucy: *rings the doorbell* mary: cooomiiin'! *opens up* oh hiya lulu! Lucy: ^w^ "Hello, Mary! How are you?" mary: good. come on in, i'll get tea ready! Lucy: "Goody!" *looks around* "How is everyone?" mary: busy with work stuff. bram: *reading* Lucy: "Hello, Bram." bram: *nods* hello. how's work? Lucy: "Keeping me busy...Some customers are better than others..." {Dazai: "I have a coupon!"} {Lucy: "...This is just crayon writing that says 'Free meal.'"} {Dazai: ^w^} Lucy: -_-# bram: yikes. mary: say, what were the other guild members like? mr fitz mentioned them offhandedly, but im curious. Lucy: "Well, you know Mr. Fitzgerald and Miss Alcott. I could tell you about John." mary: oooooh. *shiny eyes* Lucy: "John is...hard to place. He's rather serious but with a bit of a dark sense of humor." mary: *listening* Lucy: "When work finished, he either stayed in his room writing to his family, listened to Mr. Hawthorne's sermons, or was chatting with Howard." bram: ah. Lucy: "Mr. Hawthorne's sermons were..." *slight shrug* "They weren't quite what I think when I think of God or anything. Too far removed from nature, I guess." mary: hmmm... Lucy: "And Howard is so much fun." *smiles* "He just had to stay wet." bram: ................................ >->;;;; Lucy: ^w^ "Want to know about Moby Dick?" mary: yes please! Lucy: "I didn't get to see it as Herman first described it...It was kind of robotic." bram: i see. Lucy: "...Seemed kind of sad. I mean, as sad as a robotic aquatic...mammal can?" mary: awww. Lucy: "...You like pets, Mary?" mary: you bet i do! i love all kinds of animals! Lucy: "Did you have many pets?" *looks at Toby's bed* mary: oh! tooobyyy, come on ooout~ Mr Tsubaki: *yawns...* *steps out, looks around* Lucy: *shiny eyes* Mr Tsubaki: ._.; *hides behind Mary* mary: *picks him up* ta-dah! Mr Tsubaki: OwO Lucy: >w< *hugs ‘Toby’* Mr Tsubaki: *choking* .____. -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "Well, thanks for letting us stay over the last few days." mary: *wave* carrie: bye bye! laura jr: be sure to write! *waves* grace: byyye... emily: ^^ Wilder: "Feel free to come back anytime." *smiles at Emily and Twain* twain: sure thing, granny! emily: ^^; Wilder: *head-locks Twain* "MIND YOUR MANNERS, BOY!" twain: >-< Steinbeck: "Hemingway, come on!" Hemingway: *picking up a cow* emily: hemingway, dont kidnap the livestock. Hemingway: "Her name is Bessie, and we have formed a close bond!" Steinbeck: ._. -elsewhere- Black Star: "How're they adjusting?" soul: they seem to be getting better. Black Star: "Can't be easy..." *beams with pride* " 'Course, not everyone can be as awesome a father figure as me!" naho: black*star! belkia's head is stuck in the coffee pot. again. Belkia: *muffled* "I needed the last drop!" Black Star: -_-;;;; Magaki: "..." *returns to sipping tea in the dark corner of the room* soul: ^^; Black Star: "Sakuya, get the butter." Sakuya: -_-; "We never get to keep enough butter here..." Magaki: *looks at Soul* "..." soul:...*wave* Magaki: "..." *slight nod* -elsewhere- Asura: "..." *touching a wall* *He feels a pressure against his head, like voices screaming* Asura: "AAH!" *clutching his head* heibito: dad? Asura: *panting* "..." *forces a smile* "N-No need to worry..." heibito:.... *clings to his leg* Asura: "..." *pet pet* -elsewhere- Jun: *chopping up food, dumping it into a bowl* mafura: OuO Jun: "Almost done with the salad..." *offers a piece of lettuce* mafura: *nom* OvO Jun: "Good, right? Wait 'til you try the dressing." -elsewhere- Neuhaus: *sits at a table* "You wanted to speak?" shura: so, how's she doing? Neuhaus: "...Few to no memories returning." shura:...darn...have you tried taking her to places she's familiar with? Neuhaus: "She has been reticent. I'm trying to be patient and give her time...I'm worried about pushing her." shura: want me to go with you guys? Neuhaus: "...After everything, you'd do that?" shura: well, if no one else is going to, then i may as well. Neuhaus: "Fair enough. Okay. Let me tell her today." shura: *nods* Neuhaus: "...Thank you." *hands her a folder* shura: ok. -elsewhere- Walter: *puts away files, takes out a map* hans: so what's on today's schedule? Walter: "Travel, surprisingly." hans: really? etta: oooooh. *shiny eyes* Walter: "The city of lights." ^w^ etta: *SQUEEEEEEEE* OvO Leroux: "..." etta: ....roro? are you alright? Leroux: "...Why do we have to go?" Walter: "???" hans: because goethe gave us a vacation? Leroux: "Some vacation..." *steps away* etta: ....*concerned* Walter: "...I, um...think I'll check with Kafka on logistics and who else is going...Etta, maybe speak with him?" etta: sure thing. hans: hmm.... -elsewhere- Kuro: "...We're out of ramen." mahiru: time to make another trip to the convenience store then. Kuro: "...I'm too tired." *pops into cat form* mahiru: *puts him in the cat window backpack* come on. -_-; Kuro: =w= *shifts in the bag* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *sips coffee, eyes on the road* "..." twain: *asleep in the back* emily:...^^; he really is like a kid... Steinbeck: "I don't know about that...Kids are more mature." emily:.....*chuckle* Steinbeck: *smiles* "Glad you're in good spirits. Had fun at Wilder's?" emily: it was nice.... {carrie: are you his girlfriend or something?} emily:.... .///////.;; Steinbeck: *glances* "??? Need me to turn down the heat?" Hemingway: *reading in the back* emily: >////< i-im fine, dont mind me. Hemingway: "??? Em, you want to switch seats?" emily: i'm fine, really! ^^;;; Steinbeck: "...Maybe we can pull over. I think there's a donut shop--" twain: behold! we have reached taco island!.....zzzz..... Steinbeck: "...Or tacos work." -elsewhere- fukuzawa:....alright, we're here... Mori: "..." *hugs a bag* fukuzawa:...*pat on the shoulder* Mori: "..." *steps forward* higuchi:........... kouyou: mori. it's been a while..... Mori: "..." *stands upright* "It has. I am sorry for my absence." kouyou:....we'll be showing you to your quarters then..... Mori: *nods* "Thank you." *follows* higuchi:....*glares at him* Mori: "..." *small smile* higuchi:...what's in the bag? Mori: "Reminders of the past." higuchi:........... Mori: "You've held up well, Higuchi." higuchi: ............................... Mori: "..." *looks at Kouyou* "I will follow." kouyou:...... ???: "...Mori." Mori: "???" *looks around... * "Oh. Hello..." Chuuya: "...Your room is far from her." Mori: "???" sonia:.....*hiding behind chuuya, trembling* Mori: "..." *stares at Chuuya's feet* sonia: *ducks her head behind chuuya* Chuuya: "You stay away from her. That is part of this agreement." Mori: "..." *looks over Chuuya's head* rain?: *glaring at him with empty eyes* ...... Mori: "..." *shakes, starts sweating* kouyou: come along now, mori....before you make more people angry... Mori: "Of course..." *follows* sonia:...papa....im scared...... Chuuya: "I know...It's going to be okay, though. Because you have people who will help you." sonia:...o-ok..... Chuuya: *protective hug* katya: huh....so that's their boss, eh? pushkin: seems like it. Motojiro: "..." leo: he seems so sad. Motojiro: "...I guess so." katya: lev, sweet, sweet lev. you're too good-natured sometimes. TT.TT leo: ?? Motojiro: "..." *shoulder pat* leo: ....*smile* Akutagawa: "..." Gin: "..." higuchi:.......i dont like this. kuniko: sis, why is the vampire man here? Akutagawa: "...He's not a vampire." higuchi: he may as well be.... Akutagawa: "Hmm...Well, if you're really so concerned about him, you know the security measures we need." higuchi:...*nods* Gin: "...I'll get to work." -elsewhere- Toby: *bows tied all over him* -________- Lucy: ^w^ "So cuuuuute~!" mary: *snaps a pic* hehehe~<3 bram:... *sweatdrop* Toby: *shakes like a dog--and somehow gets more fluffy* ._______. mary: *giggles* Toby: T_T *nuzzles to Mary* mary: *snuggle* aww. ^u^ Lucy: "You must be taking really good care of him." mary: mmhmm. Lucy: "I wish I had a pet..." *pets Toby* Toby: *small growl* -elsewhere- Mephisto: "..." *opens a door* {stocking: *looking out the window of the limo* .....} {Mephisto: "...I hope you'll like it."} {stocking: is this...really where im going to live?} {Mephisto: "If you'll have it, yes, of course."} {stocking:....*smiles* it's like a castle, right honekoneko?} {Mephisto: ^w^} {Honekoneko: "..."} {stocking: hehehe~} Mephisto: "..." *enters the room...sits down on his daughter's old bed* -phone call- Mephisto: "???" *flips open his phone* stocking: hey dad. Mephisto: *teary-eye* "Hello, sweetie. How are you?" stocking: doing good. how's everything with you? Mephisto: "Very well. Your mother returned with a grand bill of health." stocking: that's great! Mephisto: "Hm-mm! She's napping right now--did you want to speak with her, too?" stocking: nah, let her rest. Mephisto: "You finished teaching for the day?" stocking: yeah. been pretty busy. still no updates from _him_ either. Mephisto: *sighs* "Keep it up--I'm sure you'll find something." stocking: ok....did you come up with a name yet? Mephisto: *sighs* "No. We haven't been able to agree yet." stocking: keep it up, im sure you'll find something. *smiles* Mephisto: *nods* "...Could I ask you something?" stocking: ya? Mephisto: "...I don't suppose you have some free time for some tea with your parents? You can bring Kid?" stocking: of course. ^^ Mephisto: "Yay! I look forward to it~" -morning- Magaki: *at the kitchen table* ._________.;;;;; naho: morning! Magaki: "G-Good m-m-m-morning..." tsubaki: *smiles* what would you like? Magaki: "...Tea is fine." *there are bags under their eyes* tsubaki: of course..... lavender: rough first night, kiddo? Higan: *walks downstairs without a shirt* naho: IM BLIND! Magaki: .___________________. "...I am fine." {Magaki: *last night* O_______O "..." ("What are these loud noises, and why aren't they stopping?")} Magaki: ._________. "...When do I start classes?" tsubaki: oh? Magaki: "If they will have me. I think I need to get out of the house." *awkward stare at Higan and Lavender* tsubaki: ^^; i'll see what i can do. naho:...*pat pat* i feel your pain, magaki TT~TT Magaki: Q____Q "...There's water coming out of my eyes. What is happening?" Higan: "..." *grabs a shirt from the laundry hamper* -elsewhere- Jordan: ^w^ louisa: you seem to be in a good mood today. Jordan: "Because the mixer was lit!" eckleburg: i see. ^^; Jordan: "...But I didn't get her number." TwT -elsewhere- -knocks- etta: roro? are you in there? Leroux: *on the couch, under a blanket* "...Yes." etta: you feeling alright? Leroux: "...I don't want to go." etta: ...did you want to talk about it? Leroux: "W-We don't need to go. We're fine here." etta: .....is it something from the past bothering you? Leroux: "Th-The past is the past. That's all..." TwT etta: ....well, if you want to talk about it, let us know ok? we're your friends. dont forget that. *smiles* christine: .....*stares from where she is seated* Leroux: "We know...Right, Christine?" christine: ..... Leroux: "..." *sniff* {nurse:....<monsieur? how are you feeling now? you gave us quite a scare just then...>} {Leroux: "..."} {nurse:.....<we apologize for your loss...> *exits*} {Leroux: "...No..." *hugs the pillow, sobbing*} {-silence...-} {Leroux: *loud sobbing*} Leroux: *crying* etta:......*walking away* Leroux: *hugs Christine* christine: ......*she is unable to reply...she is just a doll* Leroux: *sobs, falling to his side on the couch* etta: *walking down the hall, her bow drooping* ???: "No luck?" etta: *shakes her head* i really want to help him, but i dont know how... Kafka: "Talking is at least a first step. Don't stop doing so." etta:....right. thanks, franzy. Kafka: >\\\\> "...Whatever." etta: ^u^ Kafka: "...Well, we'll have to make up his work now for the time being--so get to it." etta: will do~ *walks off* Kafka: "..." =\\\\\= *awkward walk away* -elsewhere- Takehisa: *covered in extinguisher fluid* "..." *looks at his shotgun* "..." komori: ._. Vulcan: "...I guess I need to decrease the pressure on that extinguisher round." *hands Takehisa a towel* karin: ^^; Takehisa: *wipes his face* "Indeed. Doctor [Karin], how is your project?" karin: been working on some specialized clothes to be compatible with flames. Takehisa: "Oh, good. We've been needing those." -elsewhere- Dazai: *tapping his fingers* kenji: you seem antsy. Dazai: "Just...It's 'moving day.'" kenji: ? yosano: is this about 'you-know-who'? Dazai: *nods* yosano: ...... Dazai: "Just hope when they kill him, they do it quickly." -elsewhere- Neuhaus: "Right this way..." michelle: .... shura *following* Neuhaus: "...The leaves will grow back soon on the trees." michelle: ..... Neuhaus: "...Warm enough?" michelle:....i think so.... Neuhaus: "...I remember visiting many parks..." michelle:....mmm... Neuhaus: "...When you would look at flowers--" michelle:....*tears falling* Neuhaus: "!!!" *looks at Shura* shura: *making hand motions that say 'talk to her!'* michelle: i...i remember that....a little bit... Neuhaus: "O-Oh? The colors of the flowers?" michelle: pink ones....orange ones.... Neuhaus: "We'd determine how they were bred..." michelle:...*small smile* Neuhaus: "..." *reaches for her hand* michelle:....*small lean* at least...its something...right? Neuhaus: "And that's enough." shura:....*smiles* Neuhaus: "..." *small squeeze* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "They seemed well. Weirdos, still." kirei: hehe. ^^; that's good to hear. Benimaru: "And I invited them. I mean, verbally. Not any card." kirei: i see. *kiss on the cheek* Benimaru: =\\\\= "Mm. Thank you." -elsewhere- Paku: "Here you go!" *sets down some fries* shiemi: *nom* =u= izumo: *nom* Paku: "How're classes?" izumo: same old, i guess.... Paku: "??? I guess that's a bit calming. Anyone been asking you for tutoring?" izumo: hmmm. shiemi: .///w///.; Paku: "??? Shiemi? Problem with tutoring?" shiemi: no, not at all. Paku: "Oh, good! Izumo is great at tutoring, though." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *flipping through a magazine* "How 'bout this one?" chie: *looks* ooh, i could try that one. nea: oooh. *shiny eyes* Kepuri: *nods* "Maybe grow out a bit more first..." -elsewhere- Yumi: *looks at her bandaged arm* "..." lord death:....*bridal lift* Yumi: .\\\\. "D-Death..." lord death: *smooches all over her face* ^///3///^ Yumi: =\\\\\\\= "Mmm..." *holds onto him* -elsewhere- ???: *standing over a dead body, soul in hand* <....just a few more...> *A cop siren is heard* ???: *disappears into the dark* <soon, we will be together again....my darling julia...> *The police car parks...Two officers step out* Officer: <My God...> officer 2: <the 3rd one this month...> -elsewhere- Leroux: "..." *inhales* christine?: gaston? *pats his hand* are you ok now? Leroux: *nods* "Better. Thank you." *smiles* christine?:...your friend seems worried about you. Leroux: "...Just something minor." christine?: is it about the trip? Leroux: "...Why should I go back? I have what I need here." christine?: your friends seem to look forwards to going. and you dont have to stay there, it's only a small trip. *strokes his head* and im sure they would be glad to have a guide~ ^^ Leroux: =\\\\= "...Do you want me to?" christine?: it would make me happy if you did. for their sakes and for mine. Leroux: "...Okay." christine?: ^^ hans: *knocks* leroux? Leroux: "??? Yes?" hans: is everything alright? Leroux: *smiles* "Perfectly." hans: oh? Leroux: "When do we depart?" hans: ...*smiles* tomorrow first thing. Leroux: *smiles* "Excellent." -elsewhere- Meme: "How's reading going, Tsugumi?" tsugumi: *yaaaawn* exhausting. i have no clue on what im looking for is gonna look like. TT3TT Meme: "???" *picks up some notes* "..." *holds up a page* "Maka wasn’t a very good drawer, was she?" *It's a crude drawing of Maka and Soul holding hands with 'Resonance' above it* tsugumi: *shiny eyes* score! Meme: "???" tsugumi: resonance, i think i heard this in class. *reviewing notes* Notes: "--to augment the power of one's soul. And the soul is capable of so much, not just in combat but in search and surveillance." tsugumi: hmmmm... but how to test this out.... Meme: "Well, if Maka is holding hands with Soul here, I guess you hold hands with your meister?" tsugumi: i guess.... ANYA! AO! WHO WANTS TO HOLD HANDS WITH ME?! mio: ._. ao: *already holding the left hand* Anya: D:< *grabs Tsugumi's right hand* "I'm doing this!" tsugumi: ^^; Meme: *looking at the notes* "So focus on your meister's...er, meisters' souls to resonate with her...Um, both her's." tsugumi: ok.....*sweats* how did we do that again? Anya: "Just close your eyes...and listen to the beat of the soul." tsugumi: ok.....*breathes* ao:......*closing eyes* Anya: *closes eyes* -...- tsugumi:........(its like im....underwater.....) Anya: ("It's a struggle to move...") ao: (where......is this?) tsugumi: *looks around* Anya: *shifts...looks at her hand* tsugumi: *reaching* ao:....*reaching as well* (dont leave me here....dont leave me dont leave me dont leave me...) Anya: "???" *reaches for Tsugumi* tsugumi: *takes her hand* *smiles* ao: (PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME ALONE!!!) Anya: "!!!" ("Get a hold of yourself!") tsugumi: *snaps back to reality* ah! ao: *stumbles back, panting* ha...haa.....haaa.... Anya: *trying to stay upright...deep inhale* mio: h-hey, you guys alright? tsugumi: i-i think so....aochi? ao:...*holding onto tsugumi, whimpering* dont leave me alone...... tsugumi:...*awkward hug* Anya: "..." *looks away* mio:...*looks at meme, concerned. Meme: "...Sometimes resonance exposes a lot to each other and...can take time." tsugumi: y-yeah.... ao: have you and mio ever done it? mio: *BLUSHING* Meme: .\\\\. "...Resonance?" mio: oh! that...i...think so? i think the terra spike thing counts...right? Meme: *nods* "Yes! So maybe practicing attacks also would help." ^\\\^; tsugumi: ok!.....now to determine which attack uses which blade edge. mio: *sweatdrops* (the struggles of a tri-edged weapon...) Anya: "Well, spear attacks would allow to joust or stab." ao: and scythe attacks involve a lot of slashing, and axe attacks require chopping. Anya: "I'd say target practice is a start." -elsewhere- Goethe: "They agreed?" hans: yes. *smiles* Goethe: "Excellent. Leroux as well?" hans: *she nods* Goethe: "Hmm. You convinced him well, then." hans: ^///^ its a shame you wont be going with us too. Goethe: "A pity. But travel elsewhere dictates moving forward with Phase 2." hans: right. make sure the twins stay out of too much trouble, ok? Goethe: -____- "That's too much work." hans: *sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "..." *nudge* naho: ? Sakuya: "Lost in your own thoughts?" naho: why do you ask? Sakuya: "You just seemed...like your mind was elsewhere. And I wanted to talk?" naho: just thinkin about stuff. Sakuya: "...Important stuff?" naho: i dunno. Sakuya: "...Something from the past?" naho: why, did you want to know something? Sakuya: "...What was school like for you, back then before...you were made into..." naho: oh school? i did attend a school that had a dorm, but it wasnt the dwma. it was nice, and i had nice roommates. ^^ Sakuya: "Good teachers?" naho: yeah. ^^ Sakuya: "And were you a good student?" naho: i think so at least. ^^; Sakuya: "..." *holds her hand* "Did you pack your lunch, or buy it?" naho: i remember there was a small cafe on the campus and we'd eat there. they had such good muffins. =w=oh! i do have a photo from one summer when we went to an indoor water park! see? -she holds up a photo- Sakuya: "...You all look happy." naho: yeah....*sigh* i do talk to them online sometimes. Sakuya: "But you miss them." naho: yeah..... Sakuya: "Want to visit?" naho: i dunno. Sakuya: "...Maybe an online chat would help." naho: maybe. -elsewhere- Anya: "..." ao: .....*making tea* Anya: "...Are you better?" ao: i think so... Anya: "...What happened back there to you?" ao: it was dark.....i saw tsugumi going over to you and...i was scared.... Anya: "..." -_- "That's what scares you?" ao: i didnt....want to be abandoned in that place.... Anya: "...Why would you think Tsugumi would abandon you?" ao:....sorry...i was just jealous of you, i guess....that she went to you first.... Anya: "Of me? Is that what this is about? Tsugumi chose both of us as her meisters, and you're spending time being jealous?" ao:....she's known you longer, right? Anya: "Yes." ao: then she's closer to you, right? Anya: "..." >\\\\> "I wouldn't say that. I mean, she hangs out with you, too." ao: i guess... Anya: "She's your friend, and you like her, yes?" ao: of course.... i love her. Anya: "...Maybe just tell her. If you want this resonance to work, you should be honest." *crosses her arms, looks out the window* ao:....i guess i should be more open, even if she doesnt feel the same for me... Anya: "...Better to say it now than have regrets you didn't get to." ao:....right... -elsewhere- Damon: *looks at bookshelves* becky: ?? Damon: "...You think he read them all?" becky: maybe. Damon: *grabs one, opens it* -elsewhere- Poe: "Hello!" aya: ranpo, your friend is here! ranpo: hey. Poe: "...Are you okay?" ranpo: just feeling out of it i guess... Poe: "...I brought a new board game." ranpo:...cool. Poe: owo "It's like 'Clue.' Only a bit more colorful." -elsewhere- Gopher: "..." eibon: *watering flowers* Gopher: "May I help?" eibon: of course. ^^ Gopher: "With watering, or making planting?" -elsewhere- Kafka: *folding boxers* -silence- Kafka: *puts them into a vacuum-pack bag, then attaches the vacuum and turns it in on* "..." -knock- Kafka: -___- "Interruptions..." *turns off the vacuum, goes to the door* hans: everything ok in there? the others are already packed. Kafka: "I'm moving as fast as I can!" >_< hans: ok, ok. ^^; Walter: *rolling his luggage* "He's not done?" *his luggage has a cute anime cat design* hans: no, not yet. etta: oh, you're bringing harriet with you? harriet: *on walter's head* o)_(o Walter: "Yepper! Even got the paperwork for international travel for her." hans: how nice. etta: and leroux said he was taking christine too. Walter: "And he can show us all the fun places!" hans: i just hope he'll be ok. Kafka: *opens the door* -____- etta: oh, hiya franzy. ^^ Kafka: -\\\\- "...Hello. I did the best I could to pack." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *standing outside Mori's door* naoya: .....you gonna be ok? Akutagawa: *nods* "I'll be fine." naoya:.... Akutagawa: "...I'll keep an eye on him." naoya:...*pats his shoulder* Akutagawa: "..." *nods* mori: *brushing the doll's hair* Akutagawa: "..." *walks inside, shuts the door* mori: *looks up at him* ..... *hugging his doll, scarred.....* -before akutagawa was a truly twisted and broken man....but at the same time, a frightened lost child...- Akutagawa: "..." *locks the door, sits down on a chair* "..." *just stares* mori:....are you going to kill me? {atsushi: -dont kill anyone in those 6 months...} Akutagawa: "...No. I made a promise." mori: ?? Akutagawa: "...I will not kill for a certain period of time. So, you don't have to die today." mori:....... Akutagawa: "...It's not a personal thing. Just a blanket thing. If I could kill, there are a few people I would kill. But I would not kill you when you are the head of the Mafia. So...you have that going for you." mori: .......right... Akutagawa: "...Why do you have a doll?" mori:.....i still cant summon elise.....i miss her so much.....this doll is from when i was a child.....dazai brought it back for me.....*hugs the doll* Akutagawa: "...Why would he do that?" mori:....i dont know....i've raised him so long, and i still dont understand him.... Akutagawa: "The way you raised him explains a lot." mori: ....... Akutagawa: "...Who knows. Maybe he gave it to you as some absurd Father's Day gift." mori: ...........elise, what do you think?......................right....of course.....you dont want to talk to _me_, you want to talk to rintarou.... Akutagawa: "...Who are you talking to?" mori:..... -seems he doesnt have anything else to say...- Akutagawa: "..." *crosses his arms, leans back in the chair* Chuuya: *outside the locked door* "..." naoya: ..... Chuuya: "...Who is in there?" naoya:...akuta _was_ talking to mori. Chuuya: "Why 'was'? Are they no longer speaking in there?" naoya: not that i can hear. oooi, akuta? Akutagawa: "..." *through the door* "Yes?" naoya: everything ok in there? Akutagawa: "Yes. I have not killed him." naoya: chuuya's here. Akutagawa: "...Oh." Chuuya: "I'll take over." naoya:.....*worried look* Akutagawa: "..." *looks back at Mori* mori: ........ Akutagawa: "..." *unlocks the door* naoya: keep it together, chuuya... Chuuya: "...You don't need to tell me that, you know?" naoya: right... Chuuya: "..." *faces the door* Akutagawa: *opens the door...* mori: *stares* Chuuya: *stares...walks by Akutagawa, practically shoving him as he enters* Akutagawa: "..." mori: *backing up* Chuuya: *...does not look back as he slams the door shut behind him and locks it* mori: !!!!! Chuuya: "Sit down. And don't you dare get up." mori: i-im already sitting down....*clings to the doll, scared* Chuuya: "Stay that way until I finish." mori: .......are you going to kill me? Chuuya: "...No." mori:....... Chuuya: "I only respect you because you're head of the Mafia...." mori: ............ Chuuya: "But as a person, you disgust me." mori:.......is this because of her? Chuuya: "Name. Her. I dare you to say her name right now." mori: .....mito kosaka. right? my former secretary....mother of my child- *From the hall, something falling to the floor is heard* naoya: ??? *glances* Chuuya: *has kicked over the table* "..." mori: *shaking* Chuuya: "She is not your child." mori: .......i've seen her....she has the same eyes as mine, the same hair....now tell me, how is she alive, when she would have surely died when rain- *SNAP* mori: !!!! Chuuya: *has a shattered piece of wood from the table to Mori's throat* "..." mori: !!!!!!!!!! Chuuya: "..." *looking down, quiet* "Rain is dead because of you. That child...is not yours. Stay away from her." mori: .... Chuuya: "..." *drops Mori to the floor* mori: oof! Chuuya: "I don't have to kill you to keep you away from Sonia. Remember that." mori:...... Chuuya: "..." *turns, opens the door* -elsewhere- Meme: "..." *hand squeeze* mio:....*snuggle* Meme: =\\\\= *hugs* "I'm glad to resonate with you..." mio: =///////= m-meme... Meme: *hugs* "Let's do more practice to get better, okay?" mio:...r-right... Meme: *smiles* "I can set up the targets...or we could just meditate together." -elsewhere- Allison: >w> erina:...what? Allison: "You seemed to be having fun." erina: was i? Allison: "Tell me--was your mind on anything else that night?" erina: ......yeah... Allison: "...Hm. Well, you seemed a little distracted." erina:....he's haunting me.... Allison: "...Still?" erina: *whimper* Allison: "..." *hug* erina: am i always going to be like this? Allison: *pat pat* "Not if you get help..." erina: im scared. he's inside me, he wont let me go.... Allison: "He will...You can't let him get a hold of you. You're too strong for that shit." erina: r-right....*shaking* Allison: "...When do you have work?" erina:....this week, probably.... Allison: "Where at?" erina: death city mall. Allison: *smiles* "Any shop discounts?" erina:....*small chuckle* Allison: *smiles* "There we go. So while you still have some time off, what you want to do?" -elsewhere- Toby: *hides under the table* -no one is home- Toby: "..." *pokes out his snout--sniffs* "..." *crawls out from under...walks to the hall* *sighs* *POOF* *Mr. Tsubaki lets out another sigh...then inhales deeply* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *streeeeetch* "Jeez, that was cramped." -...- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *slowly stands...stretches* "Mmm..." -elsewhere- tsubaki: ...... Black Star: *hug* tsubaki:...t-thanks. Black Star: "Any time...Need to talk?" -elsewhere- Motojiro: "...Sonia? I had asked...a question." sonia: ?? Motojiro: "Number 4? Did you have an answer?" sonia: *looks at her paper again* Motojiro: "...Something on your mind?" sonia: im looking at number 4 again. Motojiro: "..." ("She hasn't seemed to let Mori's arrival affect her...too much.") sonia: ...... Motojiro: "Take your time." *smiles* -elsewhere- ango: hmmm... Santoka: "Still planning?" ango: hmm... *moves a pawn forwards* Santoka: "Ah...Is something on your mind?" ango: just the usual work-related thoughts. Santoka: "Progress?" *moves a pawn* ango: miss hawkins has been transferred to mall security. Santoka: "You've declined to have her keep an eye on Dostoyevsky?" ango: i fear if she stays near him longer, it will affect her mental wellbeing. Santoka: "And how do we keep an eye on him now?" ango: it will be challenging. he seems to have gotten dirt on all the prison staff working there, and is using it to his advantage.... Santoka: "And how would he get that infomation?" ango: probably he found it during the prison riot earlier this month.... Santoka: "Rather convenient, even for him. No guards on his take?" ango: we cant be certain yet.....but rumor have begun spreading... Santoka: "Rumors can lead us to more information--or be a wild goose chase." ango: perhaps.....the rumor in particular is that dostoevsky has some connection to the dragon's head rush seven years ago. Santoka: "...How familiar are you with the Rush?" ango: painfully. i had to document the belongings of the deceased during the incident.....(and that's the same year i met _them_....) Santoka: "No time you saw Dostoyevsky at that time?" ango:...not that i can recall. Santoka: *shifts a piece* "Unfortunate. No contacts you have from that time to point us to the remaining Rats?" ango: ......i'll have to do my research. Santoka: "Persist." ango: right..... Santoka: "Your move." -elsewhere- Gogol: *hangs up potpourri* lydia: doing some redecorating? Gogol: "And clean up the smell." lydia: well this hotel is musty... yana:......hm? huh. Gogol: "Distracted, Tiny Boss?" yana: found something interesting on the boss's computer. 'person's of interest'. Gogol: "Oh~?" -there are several files with several names- yana: any of them you want to check out? Gogol: "..." *smiles* "Maybe~" *runs a finger along some names* yana: let's see here.... Gogol: "Start with Mori..." [name; Ougai Mori. age: ??? gender: Male ability: 'Vita Sexualis' - allows him to conjure a guardian entity in the form of a young girl, named 'Elise' affiliation: Port Mafia other notes; his personal tastes in romantic partners is HIGHLY questionable.] Gogol: "...Sounds like a few people I've met." yana: yeeeah the less i know about _that_ the better. *clicks another file* [name: Masuji Ibuse age: ??? gender: male ability: 'Black Rain' - unknown details affiliation: Salamander Publishing company.] Gogol: "I think I have some stories worth publishing~" [name: Yukichi Fukuzawa age: 45 gender: male ability: 'all are created equal' - seems to suppress the abilities of his subordinates? affiiliation: Armed Detective Agency other notes: former bodyguard. knicknamed 'silver wolf'. cat lover.] yana: *unamused face* Gogol: "...He likes p--" yana: dont. [name: Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald age: in his 30s gender: male ability: 'the great fitzgerald' - bestowment of strength through wealth affiliation; The Guild.] yana: _was_ affiliated with the guild. Gogol: "So what's he calling his group now?" yana: apparently, he's in charge of a group called 'Manhasset Security.' [name: Agatha Christie age: ???? gender: female ability: 'And then there were none' - details unknown affiliation; Order of the Clock Tower other notes: it would be wise not to anger her. TRUST ME ON THIS.] yana: so this lady actually exists? *monotone* dear god i thought she was just a myth. *chuckles*....ha... Gogol: "Don't anger her? ...I want to try that." yana:.....why are you like this? Gogol: "Because I can survive a lot!" [name; Johann Wolfgang von Goethe age: in his 20s? gender: male ability; 'Faust' - bestows abilities to others via a contract affiliation; Sturm und Drang other notes: wishes to spread abilities to others. what an idiot.] Gogol: "Okay. But imagine someone else with my abilities. THEN I COULD TAKE THEM AND BEND THEM TO MY WILL." yana:......riiiiight.....lets see what else is here, mafia members, agency members, guild members, etc etc......hmm? -there is one other file; Tatsuhiko Shibusawa- Gogol: "???" yana: *clicks on it* [name: Tatsuhiko Shibusawa age: ?????? gender: ????? ability: ????? affiliation: ... ] yana: damn, all that’s here is a picture and a name. BOSS YOU SUCK AT KEEPING THINGS UP TO DATE!....gogol? Gogol: .\\\\\. yana:....gogol? {fantasy!shibusawa: *giggles and smiles*} yana: oooooi, gogol, are you there? *waves her hand in front of his face* {fantasy!shibusawa: *kiss on the cheek*} {Gogol: O\\\\\\\O *heart eyes*} Gogol: .\\\\\\\\. "..." *collapses* elizaveta: D8> KOLYA!!!! *shaking him* DONT DIIIIIE QAQ yana: gogol what the shit?! Gogol: O\\\\\\O lydia: ?? Gogol: *covers his face* >\\\\< yana: what's up with him? zoey:....i'll get him to medical now.... *drags him off* Gogol: "Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma--" yana:...*smack* OUT WITH IT, MAN! Gogol: "MY WORD, THEY'RE HOT!" yana:...*blink* Gogol: *covers his face, rocks back and forth* elizaveta: ??? Gogol: "My heart is going crazyyyyy..." lydia: oh jeez... *sweatdrop* he's fallen for someone he's never even met. this can only go swimmingly. Gogol: =\\\\\= yana:....ivan? help? Ivan: "??? How can I be of any help?" yana: .....for now get a funnel and ice water. Ivan: *nods* *opens the freezer, takes out ice* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *heats up chicken nuggets in the microwave* "..." {tsubaki: *smiles*} Mr. Tsubaki: =\\\\= ("I wonder what meals she's cooking...") {tsubaki: *pet pet* hehe~} {Mr. Tsubaki: *cuddle*} {tsubaki: *leans in for a kiss*} {Mr. Tsubaki: *closes his eyes* "Mmm..."} -beeeep beeeeep beeeep- Mr. Tsubaki: O\\\\O *looks at the microwave* "..." *sighs* *opens the door* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." yosano: nervous? Kunikida: "Hard not to be." yosano: have you been training her? Kunikida: "Yes. But not enough." yosano: im sure she'll be fine. she'll be going in armed. Kunikida: "..." *nods* *taps his earpiece* "Can you hear?" aya: yeah, im at the meeting place now. Kunikida: "...Okay. Let us know who you see when they arrive." aya: ok. -elsewhere- Gin: "Better?" higuchi:...*nod* Gin: *strokes her arm* "Just take it easy..." higuchi: *leaning into her chest* Gin: *strokes her head, hums lightly* higuchi: *calming down* Gin: "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. Just rest." -elsewhere- Jun: "D'aw, what a cute tiny toy!" *pokes the tiny robot arm* takuto: *laughs* yumikage: figured the kiddo would like it. Jun: "Indeed!" -elsewhere- Kafka: T~T hans: *pap pap* Kafka: "A pat-down...I'm so mortified. I hate being touched by those strangers..." etta: that's embarrassing, hehe. Kafka: >\\\\\< Walter: "I'm sure it was just random. I know it's your first time flying and all. I mean, I know with your ability you could--" Kafka: *DEATH GLARE AT WALTER AND HARRIET* harriet: o)_(o Walter: OWO "...With your ability, you could just be as snug as a bug in a rug--" Kafka: *DEATH GLARE INTENSIFIES* Walter: o~O "...I'll shut up now." etta: ^^; hans: ^^; leroux, how're you holding up? Leroux: "F-Fine...We have our tickets!" *holds up two* hans: glad to see that. christine: ... Leroux: "I'll even give you the window seat, dear~" hans: ^^; etta: hansy, did you want to go to paris with goethe too? hans: .///////. well, h-he's busy at the moment. as busy as he can be anyway. Walter: "..." >w> etta: maybe one day you'll get the chance to. *sigh* i would love to get to go to paris with a handsome guy~ it would be so romantic~ hehe~ Kafka: T\\\\\\T Walter: "... ... ..." >W> harriet: *saying nothing, since she is a chameleon.* Intercom: "We will start the line-up for Flight 142 to Paris in a few minutes." etta: that's us! Walter: "Ready, Harriet?" harriet: *chameleon noise* Walter: ^w^ Kafka: *groans* "They took my neck pillow..." hans: there will be one on the plane. Kafka: TwT "But it was the right one--it had molded to my neck..." -elsewhere- aya: *waiting* *An engine is heard* aya: *looks* elizaveta: *waves from out of the window* Ivan: *driving, wearing a scarf and hat* aya: hi. im aya. lydia: *wearing sunglasses* i see, erika's told us all a lot about you. elizaveta: *opens the door* i even brought my doll leila with me! *waves the doll's hand* Ivan: *grunts* aya: *steps in and takes a seat* elizaveta: *shakes the doll's hand* leila wants to say hi! aya: um....hi there *takes the doll's hand......she feels a sharp pain* AH! elizaveta: hey aya?......soooorry~ -a needle is sticking out of leila's hand- aya: !!! *tries to open the car door* Ivan: *takes off* aya: !!! *trying to get out, but she's losing conscious* aya: *on intercom* kunikida! it was...a trap....in a silver van- Kunikida: *over radio earpiece* "Aya?" aya: send hel- Kunikida: "Silver van?! Who is there? License number?" elizaveta: *removes earpiece and hands it to ivan* Ivan: *smiles* <Hello~> Kunikida: "!!!" yosano: !!!! where the hell are you, bastards?! Ivan: "You know rats--they get in everywhere~" yosano: *growls angrily* you wont get away with this, you fuckers. Ivan: "We are getting away with your child--and I think that's a start." aya: *she's passed out* lydia: she will be unharmed....for the time being. if you wish for her to be returned, we will send a set of instructions to you. Kunikida: "..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Oh, kiddo--it's okay." *rocks him* toru: *cries* chie: *worried* Yohei: *strokes his back* "I don't know...Did he eat?" chie: yes. i know that he did. Yohei: "Gas?" -morning- aya:....nggh......*opening eyes* ugh..... Q: *asleep and clinging to her arm* mmm...~ u///////u aya:.....*SCREAMS AND KICKS HIM IN THE FACE* Q: OWIE! aya: *the curse mark appears on her neck*...crap. Q: >^< i didnt do anything pervy! mama wouldnt be happy with that. aya: what the hell you little creep?! Q: i just wanted to cuddle, honest! i wont even curse you! i promise! aya: .....*unamused glare* Q: QAQ *KNOCK KNOCK* aya: *opens the door, getting her pocket knife out* Ivan: ^w^ "I made hot chocolate~" -KNIFE TO THE THIGH- Q: OxO;;; Ivan: *SCREAMS--spilling the really hot chocolate onto himself* *SHRIEKS* aya: *heel of her hand to his face* HYAH! *kick to the stomach* Ivan: "AAAH! UMPH!" *collapses back to the floor, the tray flying up out of his hand* aya: *grabs her bag and runs out of the room* Q: w-wait come back! aya: *running* *She runs into someone--* aya: !!! Adam: "??? Oh. I'm sorry, tiny person." aya: where's the exit to this place, buddy? Adam: "Oh, gee, I'm not good with directions...I think down the hall, to the right, third door on the left?" aya: thanks. *runs in that direction* Ivan: "Wh-What are you doing?! Go get her!" Adam: "??? But she was trying to find the exit. I already helped her do that." -elsewhere- aya: *pant, pant*....*looking around* *It's dusty...Quiet* ???: *groans* aya: ??!!! *opens one door* !!! you! *Shackled to the wall is Shousaku* Shousaku: "..." *looks up* "...Oh, God, I'm hallucinating." aya: *kick to the balls* that's for trying to kill me and kunikida and all those other people, you sack of butts! Shousaku: .________O "..." *squeaky voice* "You're not a hallucination?" aya: no. Shousaku: "Ow...Why are you here?" aya: i got kidnapped. i had to stab a guy in the leg to get out. Shousaku: "You...aren't here to rescue me?" aya: give me one reason why i should after all the shit you did! Shousaku: "...Keek..." aya: ....? Shousaku: "Where is...she? Did she escape?" aya:...she's back home with her family. Shousaku: "..." *smiles* "Thank...goodness..." *closes his eyes...he stops moving...* aya: h-hey...hey dont die, idiot! she'd be really sad if you died! Shousaku: "..." -PUNCH- -slap attack- Shousaku: "OW OW OW! I'M NOT DEAD!" aya: then dont pretend to die, jerkface! D8< Shousaku: "I'm exhausted!" *whimpering* "I'm starved, hit...I need water...I need out of here..." aya:...fine, where's the key? Shousaku: "...I don't know. They never let me loose. One of them would have it to get in and out of this room--" *looks at the door--which Aya kicked down* "...Nevermind." aya:....i meant for the shackles. -_-# Shousaku: "That's what I'm saying--if they had the key to open the door, they'd have the key to my shackles--THE ONES THEY NEVER UNLOCK. Go find, I don't know, the eyepatch man." aya: right. *sneaks out* *The hall is empty...A metal jangling can be heard* aya:....*peeks around the corner* *Gogol is asleep in a chair leaning against the wall...The chair shifts back and forth with each snore, rattling the keys looped to his pocket* aya: (bingo....) *sneaks over, quietly* Gogol: "Mmm..." *sleep muttering* aya: *examines keys* *There are at least a dozen keys* aya: (darn...im just gonna have to take them all, huh? now how do i go about this?) *The keys are connected to a belt loop...It looks a little worn* aya: *takes knife and cuts* Gogol: "No..." aya: !!!! Gogol: *sleep mutter* "No, no there...Not in front of the circus folk..." aya:.....*takes keys and backs up* Gogol: =w= "Yes, honey, I'll pay the rent...' aya:....*sneaks away* (weirdo) -SCALPEL THROW AT THE WALL- aya: .________________.;;; ???: now, now, my baby wouldnt....want you to leave.... aya: O-O;;;; zoey: master wants me....to keep him happy....for master's sake....i will do anything~ Gogol: *yawns, stretches* "...Oh, heya, Nurse." aya: *RUNS* zoey: oh no you dont brat! *chases after her* Gogol: "??? Hey...Where are the keys?" zoey: that girl has them.... Gogol: "!!! I'M GOING TO TAKE HER PINKY TOES!" -elsewhere in the building- aya:....shit...it's just one thing after the other..... Ivan: *holding ice to his groin* "You..." aya: *knife out* Ivan: <I will cut out your eyeballs and mail them back to that four-eyed father of yours!> aya: i have no idea what you're saying. Ivan: "..." *LOUD SCREAM AS HE DASHES AT HER* Adam: "Oh, I got her!" *runs from the other end* aya: !!! *ducks* Adam: "!!!" *Adam's head collides--with Ivan's groin* Ivan: Q________Q "..." *falls to the floor* aya: *wince and runs* Adam: @____@ "Where's the cat, Haumea...?" *A door pops open* aya: !!! *Hawthorne steps out* Hawthorne: "..." aya: !!!!!!!! -two smaller hooded figures with masks are besides him- Hawthorne: *looks around* "...Weirdos." *goes back inside and closes the door* -the two figures rush at aya- aya: *dodges and runs* (shit shit shit shit shit!) Masked Boy: *pursues, arms at sides* masked girl: .....*pursuing* Hood #1: *leaps to the wall--and runs along it* aya: HOW ARE YOU EVEN?! Hood #1: *reaches the ceiling, and leaps from it at Aya* aya: *rolls forwards* Hood #1: *lands, rolls along the floor, follows* aya: (crap, they arent letting up. IF THE POWERS THAT BE COULD GIVE ME A CONVENIENT ESCAPE OR SOMETHING, THAT'D JUST BE SWELL! PLEASE?) *A portal pops up behind Aya* aya: OwO;;;; *A hand reaches out* Gogol: "GIVE ME BACK MY KEYS!" aya: *light bulb and jumps in* Hood #1: "?!" Gogol: OwO "...Oh no--" aya: *JUMPS OUT* Gogol: "NOT THE FACE NOT THE FA--" aya: *slides on her feet and turns back running and jumps up to punch his face* Gogol: *slow motion* "Nooooooooo--" *hits the floor* aya: *runs* *She's back near Shousaku's cell* aya: *runs in, trying the keys* Shousaku: "You...came back?" aya: yeah. *trying keys* Shousaku: "...Thank you." aya: *she got it* success! ???: i...found you....aya~ aya: !!!! Q: *standing in the doorway* .......are you....going to leave? aya: um, yes, obvously. Q: im not.....gonna let you abandon me.....i'll just have mommy cut your legs off.....then you cant run...hehehe.... Shousaku: "..." *intense glare at Q* aya: you're sick, kid. Q: but im doing it cause i really like you a lot, aya. ^^ mr mori said this was what you do if you like someone a lot. aya: MR MORI'S REALLY SICK, YOU LITTLE WEIRDO! Q: why must you be so mean to me, aya? Shousaku: "..." *tries to step forward* Q: ..... Shousaku: "Kid...Love is not control." Q: but im not controlling her right now. aya: you're creeping me out, is what your doing. thats not love either! Shousaku: "And your 'friends' kidnapped her..." Q: but i really like her? i liked her since i saw her! aya: and you just think the feeling will be mutual just like that? Q: .... aya: you dont know a thing about me, and i dont know a think about you. Shousaku: "..." *looks down* Q: but.....but.....*ghibli tears* aya: trying to guilt me isnt going to work either. Q: ...uu...uuuuuu..... Shousaku: "..." *spots a pair of tongs* *picks up Q by the collar* Q: *sniffle* ev-everyone's always mean to me. i dont-*hic* i dont wanna be lonely...i just...i want someone to love me and not leave me....*cries* m-mommyyyy!! Shousaku: "..." *sighs* "Poor kid." aya: ??? Shousaku: "...Let's take him." aya: seriously?! Q: ?? Shousaku: "He needs help--not getting brainwashed here." Q: n-n-noooooo! i do-i dont wanna go back the mafia! t-they-they're gonna l-lock me u-huuuup... Shousaku: "..." *sighs* "Then maybe someone else needs to keep an eye on you, too..." aya:....i guess im taking him with me to the agency then, huh? Shousaku: *nods* Q: ?? y-yo-you'd...*sniff* you'd do that? b-but they- aya: i'll make sure they dont lock you up, kid. Q: r-r-really? b-but what about m-mommy? Shousaku: "You think she really cares about you?" Q: ??? m-mommy said s-she loved me...r-right? Shousaku: "...I've seen Fyodor. If he asked her to kill you, she would." Q: .............. Shousaku: "Come on, kid...Let's get you out." aya: if you come with us....i'll consider being your friend. Q: y-you mean it, aya? aya: does it look like im lying? Q:...*sniff* o-ok...... aya: *takes his hand and exits* Q: ....*holds his doll close* Shousaku: *follows* aya: so where's the exit? Q: i-its....*sniff* t-this way...i-i think.... Shousaku: *walks with them* ???: LET GO OF HIM!!!! Q: !!! aya: !!!!! zoey: GET AWAY FROM MY BABY!!!! Shousaku: "..." *looks at Q and Aya* aya: *grabs Q's hand tighter and pulls him* come on! Q: *frozen* Shousaku: "RUN!" *dashes at Zoey* aya: Q come on! Q: ah- aya: *drags him along* zoey: NO! m-MY BABY! Shousaku: *tackles Zoey* zoey: AH! g-get off me! Shousaku: *pins her down* "No..." zoey: *kicks at him* HOW DARE YOU! ONLY MASTER CAN PIN ME DOWN THIS WAY! Shousaku: "...If you were not pregnant, I'd knock your teeth in. Now shut up...Just..." {Shousaku: "It's going to be okay..."} {keek: *cries*} {Shousaku: "..." *holds her*} Shousaku: "..." *tears up* -outside- aya: *running through the sewer with Q* Q: *crying* aya:...*sigh* come on, you're gonna be ok, kid. Q: "Mommy..." aya:....when we get to the agency, i'll ask miss kirako to give you a hug. if it helps at all. Q: "..." *sniff* "Th-The woman from the train?" aya: she's the one with glasses and brown hair, yes. Q: *sniff* "O-Okay...Will you hug me?" aya:... Q: Q___Q aya:....maybe later. Q: QwQ *follows* -elsewhere- Dazai: "You let a kid do this? On her own?" Kunikida: *driving* atsushi:...... Dazai: "You must be desperate...especially that mess you left behind. That guy wasn't even an informant to the Rats." Kunikida: "..." atsushi: dazai, not now. Dazai: *hard stare at Atsushi* "...You ever have kids?" atsushi:........ Dazai: "Yeah, what I thought." *looks back at Kunikida* "And this problem is not just have a solution come running into the streets--" -text on kuni's cell- Dazai: "YOINK." *takes the phone, reads* aya: [at pine acre's station. brought someone back w/ me] Dazai: OwO *shiny eyes* "...Kunikida...I have some bad news--" Kunikida: *slams the brakes* atsushi: DAZAI! Kunikida: "..." *shaking* atsushi: give him the phone dazai, and dont joke around, cant you see he's tense enough as it is?! Dazai: "...This is me teaching him a lesson in--" Kunikida: *seizes Dazai's wrist--crushing it* atsushi: !!! Dazai: QwQ Kunikida: *looks at the phone* "..." *loud sigh* atsushi: ...... Kunikida: "..." *lets go of his wrist, keeps driving to the station* Dazai: Q____Q -and so- aya: *waiting* ..... Q: "..." aya: ....*swinging her feet* Q: "...I'm scared." aya:....*awkward back pat* Q: *shudders* QwQ; atsushi: we're he-................ ._________________.;;; aya: hey guys. *waves* Q: *stares at Atsushi* "..." Kunikida: *marches up to Aya* aya: *hug* atsushi: *sweats* Kunikida: "..." *pat pat* "I was...worried." Q: "..." *inches closer to Atsushi* aya: well, im here now, right? atsushi: .-.;;;;;; Kunikida: "Yes...Where did you find him?" aya: he was held by the rats. Kunikida: "Where are the Rats?" aya: i think some abandoned hotel about 30 minutes away from here. Kunikida: *dials a number* "Time to get someone there..." atsushi:..... Q: "..." *moves his hand to Atsushi's hand* atsushi: um.....hi? Q: "May I hold your hand?" atsushi: um.....*blink* Q: *reaches--* Dazai: "No, Q." *grabs his wrist* Q: >n< atsushi:... -elsewhere-
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solartranslations · 7 years
Unmei no Hajimari Episode 4: The Annihilation Force’s Fight
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Yuu: Today, I’ve officially been assigned to the Moon Demon Company of the Vampire Annihilation Force.
Yuu: Finally…. I can finally go kill vampires, Mika.
??? (Shinoa): Hey there Yuu-san, you’re early.
Yuu: Hm…oh, Shinoa.
Shinoa: The uniform suits you quite nicely.
Yuu: Really? You also ––.
Shinoa: Hehe, hehe….
Yuu: Never mind.
Shinoa: Shinoa-chan looks so cute in uniform, I could die~. Right? I know, I know. Yes, yes.
Yuu: Whatever you say, idiot.
??? (Mitsuba): Lieutenant Colonel Guren! I won’t accept this!!
??? (Mitsuba): Why am I being assigned to a squad full of rookies!? I’ve been in the Annihilation Force since I was 13!
Yuu: Hm? What’s going on….someone’s being noisy down there.
Shinoa: A new member? Let’s go.
Yuu: Uh, hey.
Yoichi: Oh, Yuu-kun!
Kimizuki: You’re late, stupid Yuu.
Yuu: Who are you calling stupid. Anyway, who’s that?
Yoichi: Ummm….
??? (Mitsuba): I would understand if I were to be squad leader and train these rookies!
??? (Mitsuba): But, you said that the squad leader would be that Hiiragi Shinoa who’s always laughing stupidly!
Guren: Hm? Oh, you’re all here.
??? (Mitsuba): Ah! There you are, Hiiragi Shinoa!
Shinoa: Yuup. I’m here, Micchan.
??? (Mitsuba): Ugggh.
Guren: Don’t fight, Shinoa. Mitsuba will be joining your squad from now on.
Shinoa: Of course I’m fine, Lieutenant Colonel. I’m an adult, so the whining of an incompetent loser is ––.
??? (Mitsuba): Gah…you little! You’re going down!!
Shinoa: Ahaha~.
Yoichi: A, a Demon Curse Gear!? …Shouldn’t we stop them?
Kimizuki: Just leave them.
Yoichi: Whaaa!? Um….
Guren: *sigh*…
Guren: That’s enough Shinoa! Mitsuba! If you cause any more trouble for me, I’ll throw you into an isolation cell.
Shinoa: Oh my.
??? (Mitsuba): Uh…sorry….
Guren: I’ll head to Shinjuku by a different route. I’ll explain it again before we part.
Guren: Anyways…. This is your new team member, Sangu Mitsuba.
Guren: The Moon Demon Company moves in the standard 5 person teams. If you run into an armed vampire with less than 5 people, it is likely that you will be killed.
Guren: The moment you leave the defensive walls, you will not fight amongst each other or take independent action no matter the situation. Understood.
Shinoa: And that’s how it is. Got it, Mr. Reckless.
Yuu: Ha, I can’t make any promises. If a vampire appears in front of me, even if I’m alone ––.
It looks like Mitsuba is preparing a kick….
>Do nothing
>Catch the blow
Mitsuba: Ha!
Yuu: …What are you doing?
Yoichi: Th, that was close. Mitsuba-san’s foot just barely missed Yuu-kun’s face….
Yuu: Not really. There’s no need to dodge a kick that wasn’t meant to hit.
Yoichi: Huh!? Really?
Mitsuba: …….
Mitsuba: Yah!
Yoichi: Y,Yuu-kun!?
Kimizuki: Don’t worry, he caught her kick
Yoichi: Oh, he did….that’s a relief.
Yuu: Hey, you’re Mitsuba, right. …Why did you do that all of a sudden?
Mitsuba: Hmm, good reflexes.
Mitsuba: Understood, Lieutenant Colonel Guren. Basically, I’m supposed to teach them.
Guren: So the problem child is going to teach….
Mitsuba: How am I the problem child!?
Kimizuki: Geez, so everyone’s going to be a pain.
Yoichi: Ahaha…if Kimizuki-kun thinks so, then it must be true.
Kimizuki: Huh? What’d you just say?
Yoichi: Ahaha…. It was nothing.
Guren: Anyways. Everyone here will be your teammates. Teammates are something greater than family. Protect them with your life.
Guren: Now I’ll assign you your first mission. First, go to Harajuku.
Guren: There is a settlement where vampires hunt humans and turn them into livestock. After destroying it and freeing the humans, head to Shinjuku.
Scene 2: Resume the Mission!
Yoichi: It’s amazing….
Yoichi: This is the first time I’ve been outside since being taken in by the Imperial Demon Army. But, this is….
Yoichi: Before coming to the regular classes, Yuu-kun and Kimizuki-kun went outside as guards, right?
Yuu: Uh, yeah.
Mitsuba: Ha, it’s stupid to be full of yourselves just because you killed Horsemen that were weakened from being near the enchanted walls.
Yuu: Huh?
Mitsuba: Actually, the monsters called The Four Horsemen of John get much stronger when they are more than 1 kilometer away from the walls!
Mitsuba: They’re completely different from what you fought! Losing focus for even a moment out here leads to death!
Mitsuba: Don’t break formation with pointless talk! Get serious if you don’t want to die! Amateurs!
Yuu: …Hey Shinoa. What’s up with her?
Shinoa: Ahaha~. Isn’t she so adorable? Now that she’s suddenly been entrusted with the lives of new recruits, she feels the responsibility.
Yuu: Hmm….
Yoichi: Oh, it’s Harajuku station.
Kimizuki: …The area of the mission.
Yuu: So, the vampire settlement is ––.
??? (Kirimi Yuka): Aaaaaaah!
Yuka: Help!!
Yoichi: Look behind her! That girl is being chased by a Horseman!
Yuka: *pant*…*pant*…help….help….
Yuu: She’s getting cornered! This is bad!!
Mitsuba: Don’t move idiot!
Yuu: Huh!?
Mitsuba: Don’t break formation!
Yuu: What are you saying! Are you joking!!
Mitsuba: Shut up!
Yuu: How can we call ourselves the Vampire Annihilation Force if we can’t save one kid!
Mitsuba: Quiet! This is a vampire trap! If we try to save her now, we could all be killed!
Shinoa: Micchan’s right, that girl is bait to lure us out.
Kimizuki: Bait? You’re kidding. Horsemen aren’t supposed to have any will, why would they obey vampires?
Shinoa: It isn’t obeying them. Those monsters only attack humans. It’s as if they are punishing humans for multiplying too much.
Yuu: That doesn’t matter! So what if it’s a trap!!
Mitsuba: We’re standing by! We’ll respond after confirming the enemy’s actions!!
In response to Mitsuba’s orders….
>Ignore them
>Stand by
Yuu: And we can save her that way!?
Mitsuba: …….
Yuu: Damn it…. Even if I have to be a decoy, I’ll save her!
Mitsuba: I said that we are standing by! That’s an order!
Yuu: Then you can standby by yourself!
Yuu: So that will save her?
Mitsuba: …….
Yuu: We stand by and watch…. If that will save her I’ll stand by as much as you want.
Shinoa: Whoa, Yuu-san.
Yuu: Shinoa, be quiet. I’m asking Mitsuba.
Mitsuba: I…can’t guarantee that.
Yuu: Ha, don’t joke with me. How can I listen to that order then? You can stand by yourself!
Yuu: I’m going.
Mitsuba: Don’t make me tell you again! We’re standing ––.
Yuu: I absolutely won’t survive by abandoning someone ever again!
Mitsuba: ––!?
Yoichi: Yuu-kun, wait!
Victory Conditions: Defeat all of the Four Horsemen of John
Defeat Conditions: All allies are defeated, the victory conditions are not met within 25 turns
Scene 3: I Won’t Abandon Anyone
Yuu: Are you okay!?
Yuka: Uh….
Yuu: I’m going to save you. …Definitely.
Yuka: ……..
Yuu: Don’t worry. I’m going to kill that monster right now, so you run away.
Kimizuki: Hey stupid Yuu, don’t run ahead by yourself.
Yuu: Kimizuki!?
Yoichi: We’re all here.
Shinoa: Of course it turns out like this~.
Mitsuba: …….
Yuu: Yoichi, Shinoa, Mitsuba. You’re all….
Kimizuki: Let’s do this, Yuu!
Yuu: Yeah!!
~*PLAYER TURN: Turn 1*~
Scene 4: The Vampires’ Trap
Yuu: Okay, we’ve finished them off.
Mitsuba: Idiot, don’t lose focus!
Yuu: What?
Shinoa: The vampires are coming, stay alert.
Kimizuki: Didn’t they just say it was a trap? Tsk…they showed up fast.
Mitsuba: Three of them….
Yoichi: Wh-what do we do?
Vampire: You’re using Demon Weapons. So you’re with the Vampire Annihilation Force.
Yuu: What about it.
Vampire: –– Hey, call for back up.
Vampire: We’ll capture them.
Kimizuki: Capture….
Yuu: Just try it!
Vampire: ––!? He cut open the ground with one swing.
Yuu: Ha, how’s that.
Mitsuba: That’s enough, Yuu. We’ll retreat.
Vampire: Ha, you livestock. There’s no way you can escape.
Yuu: Hah? What did you say just now?
Vampire: ––!?
Mitsuba: Yuu! We’re retreating!!
Shinoa: Yuu-san! This is enemy territory, we’ll withdraw before they call for reinforcements!
In response to Mitsuba and Shinoa’s advice to retreat….
>I’ll kill all the vampires here
Yuu: …Fine.
Shinoa: *Sigh*….
Mitsuba: …….
Yuu: Your lives are spared.
Vampire: ––!?
Yuu: I’ll let you go.
Vampire: …….
Yuu: Next time…I’ll definitely kill you.
Vampire: Don’t flatter yourself, human. Hey, we’re leaving.
Yuu: …….
Kimizuki: Hey Yuu, let’s go.
Yuu: Yeah….
Yuu: …No.
Shinoa: Yuu-san!?
Yuu: I’ll kill all the vampires. I’ll kill all the vampires that appear before me.
Mitsuba: Didn’t you hear what Lieutenant Colonel Guren was saying!
Mitsuba: From the moment you leave the walls no matter the situation, fighting amongst ourselves and independent action are not allowed!!
Yuu: Shut up. There won’t be a problem if I defeat them.
Mitsuba: Thinking like that puts the entire squad in danger!
Vampire: Hahaha…exactly.
Yuu: What’d you say?
Vampire: Foolish humans. You’ve lost your chance to escape. You’re already completely surrounded.
Mitsuba: Wha…!
Kimizuki: Damn it, we have no choice but to fight now.
Yoichi: But, there’s so many. 10…20…and more.
Shinoa: Even if we fought all out, there’s no way we would all survive. This is the result of your choice, Yuu-san.
Yuu: ….
Vampire: Will you let us capture you, or will you die here…. I’ll let you choose.
Yuu: Damn it…because of me, because of me this….
Game over
Scene 5: As Long as it's Over…
Yuu: …….
Yoichi: Mitsuba-san, there’s no need to hit Yuu-kun ––.
Mitsuba: Quiet Yoichi, don’t interfere.
Yoichi: …….
Mitsuba: What were you thinking, Hyakuya Yuichiro! Your actions put the entire squad in danger!
Mitsuba: We’re lucky they were vampires with second class armaments, but….
Yuu: …I know. You’re right. But I’m not sorry. We needed to save that girl.
Mitsuba: …….
Yuu: But, I know I’m to blame. If it makes you feel better, you can hit me as much as you want.
Mitsuba: …I hate people like you the most. People like you…get their entire squad killed.
??? (Yuka): Um…
Yuu: Hmm?
Yuka: Thank you for saving me.
Yuu: Don’t worry about it. We just did the right thing.
Mitsuba: You’re Kirimi Yuka-chan, right.
Yuka: Um, yes.
Mitsuba: It’s alright now. From now on the Japanese Imperial Demon Army will protect you.
Yuka: Okay!
Yuu: Wow, so you are nice sometimes.
Mitsuba: …….
Yuu: Wh, what.
Mitsuba: I hate you!
Yuu: Huh? Huuuh!?
Mitsuba: Hmph.
Shinoa: Well, Micchan has a lot in her past too, so please be nice to her.
Yuu: What do you mean by “a lot”?
Shinoa: …It’s about the squad that Micchan used to belong to.
Shinoa: When one of her team members was caught by a Horseman, Micchan ignored her superior officer’s orders and broke formation to rescue him.
Kimizuki: Kind of like a certain someone.
Yuu: Huh? Don’t butt in. …And?
Shinoa: Micchan’s attack saved her team member. But, she let her guard down afterwards.
Shinoa: Micchan didn’t notice the enemy’s counterattack and was in trouble. Her superior officer saved her but….
Shinoa: He took the attack instead of Micchan and couldn’t retreat because of his wounds.
Yoichi: …….
Shinoa: Her superior officer risked his life so everyone else could escape, but in the end…the entire squad except Micchan….
Yuu: It wasn’t her fault.
Shinoa: I agree. In that situation, there wasn’t anything Micchan could have done.
Shinoa: I don’t believe that the squad was annihilated because she broke formation either….
Yoichi: But…I guess that’s why Mitsuba-san is so particular about team actions.
Kimizuki: So basically she values her team mates. Hey, Yuu. Aren’t you two kind of similar?
Yuu: …Shut up.
Shinoa: I shouldn’t have talked so much, so this conversation will be a secret. It will absolutely remain secret, okay? Especially for you, Yuu-san.
Yuu: Why just me…. Uh, yeah…I got it.
Shinoa: Do you really? It’s really, really a secret, okay?
Yuu: I said I got it, geez.
Shinoa: Really? You really get it?
Yuu: So annoying…. If you talk too much, Mitsuba will find out we heard it from you.
Shinoa: Huh, no way, you’re so mean.
Kimizuki: *Sigh*…I don’t want to listen to this anymore. Hey Yoichi, let’s go take a bath.
Yoichi: Oh, okay.
Yuu: Hey, wait. Me too!
Shinoa: Everyone, we’ll have a meeting afterwards, so please gather outside the bath, okay.
Scene 6: Washing Up in the Bath
Shinoa: *giggle*. Don’t be shy~.
Mitsuba: Wha? Whoa, wait a minute!
Yuu: They’re so slow…are they done yet?
Yoichi: I don’t think they’re that slow. It’s only been about ten minutes.
Kimizuki: Yuu, you’re bath was too quick. Even if you’re trying not to waste water, being done in five minutes is….
Kimizuki: Did you even wash yourself properly?
Yuu: Course I did. That’s about ––.
Mitsuba: Ahhhhhhhh!
Yuu: Wha…what?
Kimizuki: I thought they were noisy, but they’ve suddenly gone quiet….
Mitsuba’s scream was worrisome….
>Go check on them
>Call out to them from outside
Yuu: We should go check on them. It’s way too quiet….
Yoichi: Huh? Yuu-kun, you’re going in!?
Yuu: Yeah, I’ll go check in on them.
Yuu: Hey Mitsuba, we just heard you scream, are you okay?
Shinoa: Oh, Yuu-san, can you help me for a moment?
Mitsuba: *muffled*!!
Yuu: Did something happen? I’m coming, are you okay?
Shinoa: Yes. Micchan is a little.
Mitsuba: *muffled yell*!
Yuu: …What are you doing?
Shinoa: Ahh. Yuu-san is unexpectedly bold.
Mitsuba: ––––!
Yuu: So…? What are you doing?
Shinoa: Oh? That’s an unusually flat response.
Yuu: I somehow expected this. But, I thought I would check just in case.
Mitsuba: Get out get out get out!
Yuu: Oh shut up. I would leave without you telling me. Just get out already.
Yuu: For now, call out to them from out here.
Kimizuki: That’s a safe choice from you.
Yuu: There’s no need to go in and check on them.
Yoichi: I guess it might be a trap.
Yuu: Huh?
Yoichi: Nope, nothing.
Yuu: ……? Well, whatever.
Yuu: Hey, Shinoa. We just heard Mitsuba scream, is everything okay?
Shinoa: It’s not okay~. We’re in big trouble~.
Mitsuba: Hey Shinoa! You…*muffled*!!
Yuu: Yeah…sounds like you’re okay.
Shinoa: Huuuh. We really aren’t okay~.
Yuu: Just get out here already.
Shinoa: Aww. Yuu-san, you’re so cold~.
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(CG only appears in option 1)
Shinoa: Ah~, I’m so refreshed.
Mitsuba: Seriously, Shinoa….
Yuu: You two are so slow.
Shinoa: It takes time for girls to bathe.
Yuu: Shinoa. Next time, we have meetings before baths.
Shinoa: Aww.
Yuu: Then finish in five minutes.
Yoichi: Yuu-kun, isn’t that impossible….
Kimizuki: Oh, shut up. That girl’s here too. Let’s start already.
Yuka: …….
Shinoa: Right. Then….
Kimizuki: We have a few things we want to ask, is that okay?
Yuka: …Okay.
Kimizuki: It’s about where the vampires that captured you are hiding….
Yuu: Oh…but, if you don’t want to answer, you don’t have to. If you don’t want to….
Yuka: It’s okay…. To thank you for your help….
Yuu: Don’t worry about thanking us. If you smile every day, and live well from now on, that’s enough….
Yuka: …Omotesando.
Yuu: Wha…!?
Yuka: Omotesando Station….
Shinoa: According to her, the vampires are keeping humans in the Omotesando subway ruins.
Shinoa: There are seven vampires. There don’t seem to be any nobles.
Kimizuki: Can I say something?
Shinoa: Yes, go ahead.
Kimizuki: What do we do about the captured civilians?
Mitsuba: We’ll ignore them for now.
Kimizuki: What!?
Mitsuba: We can’t afford to worry about anyone.
Yuu: …….
Mitsuba: What’s that expression for? If you don’t agree, you can go back to Shibuya.
Yuu: Who said I disagreed? If I can kill vampires ––.
Shinoa: Also, if the vampires are awake and armed, we will retreat.
Yuu: Huh!? Retreating again?
Shinoa: To be honest, since you can use the Black Demon Series, there’s a possibility that you will be fine.
Shinoa: At best, I want to kill all the enemies unscathed. But, if you act arbitrarily ––.
Yuu: I won’t. Killing them unscathed…. Huh, that sounds nice.
Shinoa: I guess there are no objections. …Then, please get some rest for tomorrow.
To be continued.
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