#what I shoulda done is not eat it but
lab-gr0wn-lambs · 11 months
I'm just sitting here waiting to get food poisoning. There was something wrong with that cheese, man... But bitch what else am I supposed to do? Just gotta find out, I guess.
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mars-ipan · 2 months
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guys hear me out. what if guy.... was animal
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hood-ex · 8 months
It’s only been 4 days of working 12 hours shifts, but I feel like I haven’t talked to y’all in a billion years. Or had the chance to have any Dick thoughts. Like nooo what do you mean I can’t think about him all the time now 😩? What do you meaaan?!
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angel-blood-art · 4 months
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hands you an apple. bet you didn't see that coming huh
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eyndr-stories · 1 year
Did It Hurt When You Fell? (FNAF SB fanfic)
Suggested by ShiraCheshire over on Ao3, (@shirajellyfish here on Tumblr, hi I hope its ok to tag you lol) a very detailed repair scene! We dive paws first into the noggin of our favorite blorbo :) And there's a few nifty little tidbits about repair rats as well!
This chapter is a standalone in-universe scenario for I Think I Smell A Rat, no previous reading required! All you need to know is you're a lil repair rat who lives in the walls of the plex and you're pals with Sun and Moon.
This chapter contains: - Major blorbo damage (no one dies tho) - Mortal peril with a sense of urgency (i promise no one dies lmao) - Gore question mark?? Robot gore? - General feelings of anxiety and urgency - Some good ol' hurt / comfort - Happy ending
Ao3 link here
Let me know if i should add anything else! I believe that's all, enjoy!
WAIT one more thing actually lmao if you happen to like this sort of deep dive into how Sun & Moon work, go read ShiraCheshire's fic 'I See You Sundrop!' Its really really good and has lots of nifty little tidbits like this about all the bots :D
Ok now I'm done lmao enjoy!
     You were already on your way to the daycare when a new repair task appeared on your list. You got a ping for it, since it was in your area and you were in work mode instead of rest mode, used for when you were on your way back to the nest for a recharge.
     This repair would have you leaving the walls, though you'd be up in the rafters above the daycare. You didn't mind the rafters, they were actually very similar to the walls to your pathfinding, long narrow paths with dim lighting. The empty air around the beams looked the same to you as the sturdy concrete walls did, just empty void your program didn’t need to worry about defining. Its just that the 'walls' here were a little more dangerous to touch.
     The exit port was a little slow to register you coming near. You reached up and cleared the dust from the sensor with a paw before stepping through. Wasting no time, you scurried along the beam towards the mechanism in need of repair, some sort of wire reel that could roll along the underside of the beams. You wanted to make this repair quickly so you could hang out with your pals Sun and Moon like you did every night when the tasks were done and you weren't busy.
     You glanced over the edge of the beam you were scampering along, wondering if you could spot your tall friend and maybe even get his attention, let him know you'd be down to hang out in a jiffy. The lights were off, you noted, which meant Moon would be out.
     Usually Moon would be slinking around, reorganizing toys or leaving little pranks for Sun. You couldn't see any motion.
     You reached the wire reel and stopped to carefully lower your tail over the edge of the beam. You flashed the light at the end of your tail a few times, not speaking with Morse code like usual, but just trying to grab Moon's attention, wherever he was. You peered over the edge, but you still couldn't spot him.
     You were about to give up and focus on your task when a light caught your eye. You set your paws carefully on the edge of the beam and angled your head straight down.
     Directly below the wire, two dull red lights glowed back up at you. You recognized the lights of Moon's eyes, but you almost didn't recognize what they were attached to.
     For a moment you could only stare as you processed the sight of Moon's horribly damaged frame. Both halves of it. Then you were moving, as fast as your four little legs would carry you, back across the beam and towards the wall port.
     Moon had looked… really bad. There were pieces of him scattered all around, and it looked like he'd been torn apart at the chest. He hadn't been moving at all… but his eye lights had turned on after you'd flashed your tail light; he must be awake and aware enough to have tried to get your attention. This provided enough comfort to last you the insufferably long path down through the walls to the floor of the daycare.
     Bursting through the wall port, you at last dashed across the familiar padded floor towards Moon. The sight of the damage up close nearly caused your footing to stutter, your processors working overtime as a thousand things ran through your head. Most of them something along the lines of 'OH NO' and 'HOW DID THIS HAPPEN' and 'AHHHHH'.
     You flashed your tail frantically as you neared. Slowly, Moon's face plate tilted towards you just enough for his optics to focus on you. Two sun rays poked out of his head. His eye lights were off now. You bumped into Moon's nightcap as you got up close to his chest, quickly looking over the damage and pulling up any files you could find in the database for Sun and Moon's blueprints to compare.
     There was a hiss of static, and then an uncomfortably loud crackle. Then you could hear a warbly voice to your left, coming from a box slightly bigger than you, hanging halfway out of Moon's chest.
     "Little rat."
     You lifted your tail high enough for Moon to see. "Condition stable?" The damage was absolutely horrible, but it didn't look like anything was about to explode or anything. Still, you had to be sure.
     "Yes. Not for long though."
     After moving your attention back to Moon's face plate, you saw why. Moon's one remaining hand was situated under his head, almost like he was trying to act chill, like he was just laying around lazily. However, as you spotted a few wires poking out between his fingers, you realized that he was actually holding himself together with his hand.
     "Things got knocked loose on impact. Back plating was previously damaged- toddler ripped off the panel earlier today. We had an appointment with the technician first thing in the morning, but I'll run out of power before then," Moon explained. "When I run out of power I'll automatically adjust to my default pose. To put it plainly, my brains will fall out."
     "I will fix it," you immediately offered, already moving around what was left of Moon's chest towards his head.
     "No." Moon's voice box hissed and popped as he tried to raise the volume.
     You paused and stared at him. "No??"
     Moon lowered his volume. His voice still warbled, but his voice box seemed to be more agreeable now. "Just get my charging cord. I don't need you poking around in my head."
     You stared at Moon for a long moment. "You want me to carry your cord all the way down here."
     Moon huffed. Usually he'd make an animated movement when he pretended to breathe, but now he was entirely still. "Get one of the glamrocks to do it."
     "Do you have enough power left to last until I can find someone and bring them here?"
     "…" Moon paused, running a calculation. He huffed again. "…Can't you summon your rat friends to help you lift it?"
     You flashed your tail light at Moon rapidly, trying to get your desperation across. "It might not fit through every path in the walls. Or even the wall ports. Moon, just let me help! It's just loose things, right? That shouldn't be a problem at all."
     Moon hesitated. He lay there and thought while you grew increasingly more anxious by the second.
     "I don't know…" Moon mumbled quietly. "You could drag a pillow over here to set my head against so nothing spills out."
     "Moon." You stomped a foot. You had half a mind to kick the severed hand sitting just behind you out of frustration. "If that even works, you'd rather loose power and trust a tech to repair you??"
     "The tech would get the machine in parts and service to repair me."
     "They'd still have to get you there! They might not realize they need to be careful with your head!" you argued.
     "Would you want me sticking my grubby little paws in your brain??" Moon questioned. "Everything I am, all of me and Sun, is in here!"
     You fought to be patient. You could understand where Moon was coming from, but you knew he was on a time limit. The stress of the situation was getting to you, and your processors had been working very hard for a few minutes now. "I trust you and Sun with all of me every time I climb into your hands. Also, my paws are not grubby." You held up your paws, then offered them out to Moon. "I know this is difficult… but I promise I'll be careful. I care about you and Sun, and I really want to help."
     Moon took a moment to process what you'd said. "…I didn't even realize…" He looked between you and the severed mechanical hand behind you. Finally, a sigh hissed out of his voice box. "You promise you'll be careful?"
     "Yes, of course," you assured.
     Moon deliberated for another agonizing moment.
     "…Okay. Alright. Get your totally not grubby paws over here."
     As you scurried toward Moon's face plate, he very slowly angled his head to the side centimeter by centimeter, keeping his hand firmly over the back of it. The rim of his face plate scraped quietly against the padded floor. One of the two protruding sun rays caught for half a second on the padding, and Moon paused to adjust before continuing. Once he'd turned his face plate over entirely, leaving the backside of it facing upright, he gently lifted his hand, going even slower than he had turning his head.
     You climbed up onto the back casing. The entirety of Sun and Moon was on display before you. Everything that mattered, anyways.
     You focused, taking yourself off the network for a moment so you wouldn't be interrupted or distracted. You scanned through pages of downloaded technical manuals and blueprints and notes from the most recent fixes and procedures Sun and Moon had undergone. Once you had a decent idea what Moon's head was supposed to look like, you started looking for anything that was wrong. You spied several loose things, as Moon had said. A few wires were a little frayed and would need to be replaced soon, but that wasn't essential.
     Closest to you at the back of the head was a long black box, a complex music box you had a single schematic of, each key able to be struck independently for complex and improvised songs. This had been knocked loose from its frame and was resting precariously on a few thin wires, pulling them taught. These wires you could see went from one of the main circuit boards at the heart of everything out to Moon's eyes. You carefully set your paws on the side of the box and slowly pushed, creating a comforting amount of slack in the wires. You didn't set it back into place just yet- it was in your way, and you needed to safely extract it to get at a few more loose things.
     Sitting above some very vital chips was the spool system that controlled Sun's triangle rays. The rays were each situated between two rollers on a track, the rollers connected via a thin line, and that line connecting with a line that fed into the spools. When a spool drew a line in, it would pinch the rollers together and cause the ray to slide into the head. The rays were layered slightly to allow overlap. The spool system was complex enough to allow any individual ray to be drawn in at a time, or several or all at once. The rays and their roller were all situated in a special panel between the front face plate and the back covering, and this panel was able to rotate a few degrees both directions, giving Sun's rays that swaying bouncing animation.
     Two of the lines had snapped and were tangled haphazardly around the chips below the spools, threatening to pull something loose if anything moved the wrong way and pulled the strings even a little. You reached your paws in and very gently began to untangle the lines. You didn't have any replacement line, and you didn't think your electrical tape you kept stored in your chest compartment would be of much use, so you removed all of the line entirely, figuring it would be best to just let a tech replace the line later. You severed the excess line with your teeth, then called up and stored the line away for later disposal, which happened to look like you were eating it. Any excess electrical bits you replaced always went to a little compartment conveniently where a regular rat's stomach would be, the compartment's opening being your mouth, for convenience. And so the line was gobbled up, and you moved on to the next issue.
     "How's it going back there, little rat?" You heard Moon's voice box call from back outside.
     You considered how to reply for a moment. Your tail wouldn't reach all the way around the back of Moon's head to his face, and his optics were currently busy with the floor anyways. You eyed the triangular sun ray you were currently leaning on. Each ray had a line of tiny sensors along their edges, so they could signal the spools to pull them in if something got too close to a ray. Since this particular ray was already inside the head, tripping a sensor wouldn't do much of anything besides tell Moon that something was near it.
     You pat a paw over the sensor in quick little taps, some longer than others. You tapped out a little Morse code message to Moon this way.
     "Going well. Making good progress. Nothing looks too bad, you were right, just loose things."
     "Good. Okay. Hurry it up, will you?"
     As if you weren't going as fast as you could already while still being careful. You paused as you considered that Moon was likely feeling very anxious right now. He was laying in shambles, trusting you completely to fix him and Sun. All he could do was lay there and hope you would not only finish before he shut down, but also not make anything worse.
     You tapped out another quick message. "Almost done. Everything will be okay."
     You heard no response from Moon as you quickly moved on. Processors lined the space around the outside edge, mostly hidden by orange triangles. These were hot to the touch, but you were being extremely careful. Closer to the center were neat little rows of computer chips and circuit boards. Two of these had come loose, but thankfully no wires had been pulled out. You righted these with little issue.
     Lastly were the loose wires dangling out of the back of Moon's head. You’d been worried that these were some of the wires that connected up in a tight bundle to the apparatus that connected Moon’s neck to his head. The wire reader box was complex, allowing the entire face plate to spin without tangling or pulling at any of the wires in his neck. Hooking wires back up to it would be an ordeal.
     Luckily, you quickly realized that the wires that were loose were not especially vital. These wires connected up to the smell receptor at the very front of Moon’s head. You couldn't reach that without taking out the spool system and adjusting a few circuit boards, but luckily you could see from here that everything was still connected properly on the smell receptor's end.
     You were decent at soldering. Not as good as some other rats, but you usually did a good enough job. Better than most humans, anyways. Once you'd gotten the wires into place, soldering them back into where they'd been tugged loose was easy. Your teeth extended as they heated up. They were your iron, and your solder was stored in short lengths in your arm, where you could pull some out from a finger. You had the wires back in place in no time.
     After pushing the music box in place at last with a satisfying snap and doing one last little check of everything, you were satisfied to see your work here was done. Everything righted, nothing loose, nothing in danger. You would prefer to put a cover over the back of Moon's head, but you knew he'd lost the panel earlier. You climbed out and hopped down, giving Moon's arm a pat so he knew you weren't still on or in his head.
     Carefully, Moon lifted his head, slowly turning his face back upwards.
     "Done? Everything went well?" Moon asked.
     "That's right," you blinked at him. You scurried over to his hat and pulled it over into grabbing range. "I know you don't have a panel to cover the back, so your cap will have to do for now."
     Moon took the cap, gripping it tightly in his fist. He brushed his thumb over it for a moment, studying the cap carefully. He looked back down at you.
     "…Thank you."
     You lifted your chin. "You're welcome."
     Moon pulled his night cap on, taking a moment to get it properly in place with one hand. You glanced around at the mess again, now with a little less urgency.
     "What happened here, anyways??" you questioned.
     Moon sighed. "…Was gonna prank Sun. I hooked myself up to the wire and had it bring me all the way up. Was gonna turn the lights on and give him a harmless spook to wake up to us dangling up high in the air. Wire reel broke right as I got all the way up. Hook came right off the reel, still attached to me so I couldn't retract the ring it was hooked to. Heavy hook turned me back down, and I landed on my back. Like a spike in a log, the hook and the ring shot through my chest, split me right in half."
     "Wow. That's… horrible." Now that you were looking for it, you could see the hook in question buried in the mess of scrap in Moon's chest. "The wire reel just broke??"
     Moon hummed. "Not many human techs around to do maintenance checks. The ones that come in during the day just fix what's broken and that’s it. Been a real long time since anyone’s taken a look at the wire, and Sun and I barely use it these days."
     "I see…" You made a mental note to discuss adding maintenance checkups where possible to general task lists, for any rats out of tasks and looking for things to do.
     "This is what I get for pulling pranks, I guess." Moon sighed. The fingers of his still connected hand tapped idly on the padded flooring. "It'll probably take the machine all day to fix me. They'll have to close the daycare for the day."
     "I'm sorry. If I could get you down there now, I would. I could try fixing up what I can in your torso so maybe the repairs won't take as long?"
     "No, that's alright. With that stuff, the machine might have to undo your work anyways connecting me back up." Moon paused. "You've done enough for me tonight anyways."
     "I wish I was big enough to carry you like you carry me."
     Moon huffed a laugh. "Giant repair rat. That sure would be something."
     You stayed with Moon until he lost power a few minutes later. He quietly thanked you one last time before shutting down, shifting into his default pose. You stuck around the rest of the night, just in case, sitting vigilant over him and the daycare until morning came.
     Your own battery was running pretty low by the time a human technician came to investigate the major damage alerts. You stayed near the security desk, watching the tech carefully maneuver Moon and all his parts onto a long rolling platform. They scowled at the tears in the padded flooring before grabbing hold of the platform's handles and pushing Moon off towards parts and service.
     Once you were sure Moon was in good hands, you trudged off towards your charging nest. You got back on the network just long enough to mention your maintenance checkup idea before powering down to charge.
     When you woke, the other rats had already accepted the proposal and worked out a zone based schedule. You had a few tasks waiting for you, but you ignored them for now. You made your way down through the walls to parts and service.
     It had only been a few hours, but you wanted to check up on Sun and Moon, make sure the repairs were coming along okay. You were relieved when you arrived to see a tech typing dutifully away at the computer here while the enormous cylindrical repair machine hummed away, arms swinging this way and that as it put your friends back together again. It looked like everything was going well.
     It seemed you'd have your friends back in working order in no time. Satisfied and assured, you stepped back into the walls. You would see Sun and Moon again tonight, but for now, you had work to do.
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erwinsvow · 6 months
𝐫𝐜 - 𝟏:𝟒𝟓𝐩𝐦
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“i told ya to stay at home,” rafe says, fingers gripping the steering wheel of his truck tightly, knuckles turning white before your eyes. you don’t look up at him—your moody gaze focusing out of the window instead, staring at the trees and the pavement instead of your boyfriend.
maybe you shouldn’t have complained so much. you know he’s right, because after all, you had begged to tag along with him for the day. normally rafe can hold his own—can refuse and let you down easy with a promise to come back later and spend the rest of the day doing whatever you want, which is more often than not just crashing at tannyhill and watching a movie. you inevitably fall asleep and stay the night, just like what had happened last night. 
and then this morning, clad just in rafe’s button-up and some socks, you pad up to him and look at him sweetly.
“no, no, you’re jus’ gonna start complainin’ the second you get bored-” 
“i won’t! no complaints here, none,” you had insisted, giving him your best pout and puppy eyes. 
“i have real shit to get done today, kid, important business-”
“i won’t say anything! you won’t even know i’m there, rafe-”
rafe had given in eventually—squeezing your cheeks together with his hand before you got in the passenger seat of his car, after opening the door for you.
“when you start complainin’, i’m gonna make you regret it. hm?” you had squeaked out an agreeing noise, quickly following up with a promise to stay quiet before climbing into your seat.
that had been hours ago. in that time, rafe had stopped at several houses, gone inside and spent time talking to other people—some you recognized, others not so much—and ended up here, with you waiting, your feet on his dash while he was inside with barry. the minutes were dragging into hours at this point, your entire body feeling tired and achy from the position. the air in the car felt a little suffocating and paired with the heat of the sun pouring through the windows, nothing you could do would make you feel comfortable.
rafe’s one rule had been not to get out of the car while he was inside. in your attempt to follow his instructions, you felt yourself getting more and more frustrated, a certain crankiness bubbling up inside you, making one of its rare appearances. 
you tried to scroll through your phone and play music—which failed immediately since there was no service out here. you tried to eat the candy you kept in his glovebox, but it was melted beyond the point of remaining edible. you tried, you really did, but just like rafe had predicted, you started complaining the second he got back in the truck.
“you think, what? that i say that shit for me? no, kid, i’m saying it for you, ‘cause i know you get fed up in the car when i’m fuckin’ busy tryna make some money, being fuckin’ proactive for us-”
“but i-”
“no excuses. i told you to stay home. you gonna get an attitude with me? huh?” 
“you’re not even-”
“shoulda tied your ass to the bed. that’s what i’ll do next time.”
it doesn’t take much longer for the tears to come to the surface, your face falling into that sad look that makes him mad at himself for even ever yelling at you. you cry silently like that until he parks at tannyhill, and when he looks at you, regret washes over him. your pretty makeup all messed up, body heaving with sobs, staring down at your feet because you felt too ashamed to look him in the eyes.
“hey, hey,” he starts, a hand resting on your shoulder to get your attention. it moves deftly to your chin, titling your pretty, teary face up at him. “c’mon, don’t cry. it’s nothin’.” 
“you got mad,” you say, voice broken up with a sob, blubbering on. “i’m sorry, i am. i just hate being all alone here without you, it’s the worst-” 
“come on, kid.”
“jus’ wanted to hang out with you,” you sniffle. he runs a hand through his hair. he needs to get better at not getting frustrated with you just because he’s not used to your affection.
“i know, baby. we’re home now so get inside, hm?” you comply with his instructions, walking into tannyhill and heading towards the couch in the living room, like you always do when the two of you curl up to watch a movie.
“where you goin'?” he calls after you. you stop in your track, turning around to face rafe.
“i thought we’re hanging out? the living room?”
“and i said this morning that i would make you regret complainin’. so get your ass upstairs first, now.”
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britcision · 8 months
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HYPOTHESIS: Milsiril was bare minimum visiting, caring for, and feeding Mithrun at points in his timeline between year 480 (trying to recover) and 500 (appointed as a captain - this is also noted to have happened immediately when he was fit for work, since they were running out of people)
In the comic, Milsiril specifically references Utaya (year 499, from Kabru’s timeline - it’s the only demon incident in Utaya), as she uses the incident with the demon in Utaya to get Mithrun to eat and get his act together
Kabru lived with Milsiril in the elven capital from year 499 to 510
Milsiril specifically dislikes and avoids other elves… now with the apparent exception of Mithrun, who she thinks she might have quite liked pre-nuking
Milsiril would not want to go to Mithrun’s family estate and deal with his entire family every time to take care of him… and they may not have been keen on her dolls or cooking
The only thing we know about Mithrun and his family is that he hated his brother, and visits him every five years (brother has extended a permanent invitation for Mithrun to visit any time pretty sure Mithrun overestimates how much his brother cared/noticed he didn’t like him)
His parents deadass aren’t mentioned except to note that he’s the bastard child, and his parents ignored his older brother. There’s an implication here that they preferred Mithrun… until they sent him to a death squad
Milsiril has a repeatedly-mentioned tendency to take in strays, usually kids of short-lived peoples, and strong nurturing instincts that may/may not be pretty dehumanizing
CONCLUSION: there is a non-zero chance that Mithrun and Kabru LIVED TOGETHER FOR A FUCKING YEAR post Utaya at Milsiril’s house and just didn’t even fucking notice
I am losing my mind
This is incredible
Mithrun deadass coulda been The Crazy Uncle In The Attic for a full fucking year
He was busy going feral and blaming himself for Utaya cuz it “could have been different” if he’d been there and recovered for the same fucking year THE LAST SURVIVOR OF UTAYA was in the next room
What kind of unhinged interactions did they have
Kabru was fucking SEVEN the state of Mithrun in that comic woulda fucking RETRAUMATIZED HIM any mention of him being a dungeon lord???? NOPE
We know from the changeling incident that Mithrun barely considered Kabru a distinct person so 0% chance he would ever put it together but KABRU
Kabru is an observant little thot and his favourite thing is making assumptions from his observations
Just a MENTION of Milsiril and Kabru shoulda been all up on that
Mithrun FULLY DID mention her as Milsiril the Gloomy when exposing his backstory and Kabru just… tossed every single name in the garbage
(Which, fair. Elves live a long time, the odds of there being only one Milsiril are 0% and she wasn’t all that gloomy with Kabru, and, frankly, he had bigger concerns named Laios Touden)
Ugh too much too many bits Otta’s comic includes them actually talking about his adoptive mom but without names they were SO CLOSE I am going insane
So much fanfiction
It MUST be post Kabru/Mithrun this ship is all angst and tbh the whole “desiring someone who can’t desire” is only gonna consternate Kabru for so long so once that is done I want a slice of “WAIT A FUCKING SECOND you’re the guy in the attic???????”
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moralesluvr · 1 year
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୧ ‧₊˚ arguing with your boyfriend, miles, was always your least favorite thing. but when he accidentally raises his voice at you, accusing you of something you’re not, he'll do anything to make it up to you. so, he decides to come to your work. pairings & aus. earth42!miles morales x fem!black!reader warnings. angst | established relationship | fluff at the end | arguing | slight toxicity | arguing | reader owns a cafe author's note. changed the aesthetic of my posts!
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The way your glossy eyes roll to the back of your head only further induce your oncoming headache, but you don’t care. Something about your boyfriend elevating his tone at you made you crumble, brown irises boring into his own as he pleaded for you to listen.
You hear him breathe softly, and then he picks at the calloused skin of his thumb as his mouth contorts into an almost-pout. It’s apologetic, you think— by the way his eyebrows are furrowed and his face somberly melts into a softer expression, contrasted to his normal stoic one. But his look isn’t enough. You want something verbal, something pleading, something so desperate for your forgiveness that it’ll be inevitable for your answer to be ‘Yes, Miles, you didn’t do anything wrong and I would love for us to be back to normal.’
But that’s not what you were getting.
Instead, he had yelled at you, and not just a normal yell, one that he would normally let out if you were pestering him or were about to run into an unknown danger. No— this yell was authentic and real, raw, on purpose. And his lips still couldn’t find themselves to say that he were sorry.
The argument wasn’t even your fault, and Miles had told you so, therefore it was verified that you weren’t in the wrong and that it was just some huge misunderstanding. Your phone had been left unlocked on the kitchen counter, and Miles being Miles, he picked the device up and snapped a couple of stupid pictures when he saw a notification pop up.
malachi: Yo u still wit yo man? I was thinking we go get sum to eat. Lmk!
It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that the message wasn’t from another girl, it was from a man. So he angrily swiped the device up and waltzed up to you, waving the florescent screen back in forth in your face, accusing you of cheating.
“YN, what the fuck? Why you tryna go out with this nigga, huh? He hittin’ it or sum’? Shoulda known you had me buyin’ them lil’ dresses for other reasons.”
Your shoulders dropped at him, tears clouding your unfocused vision as Miles’ words circulated in your head, swarming your conscience with emotions that you were unable to decipher yourself.
“Don’t call me that.” You seethed, “It’s not what you called me when you was accusin’ me of lyin’ and cheatin’, right?”
“Ay, Dios Mío.” Miles mumbled, his footsteps filling your ears as he drew closer to you. He wanted to reach out to you, to pull you close and kiss your cheeks, but he just stood idly in front of you as he watched you cry.
It was almost like he was stuck. Guilt, maybe?
But either way, the effort was still vacant. His actions weren’t just mundane, he was shaking your phone at you angrily, spit flying and hands snapping as he tried to grab ahold of the messy situation. And what he realized what he had done, his mouth ran dry, eyes fluttering closed as he cursed underneath his breath.
What he didn’t know was that you were speaking to your friend’s boyfriend, and when he said ‘we’— he meant the four of you, Miles included. He was trying to set up a double date at a restaurant and wanted to confirm if you were with Miles to insure that you guys were on.
A stupid mistake.
A mistake so ignorant that it drove you to raise your hand at him, withdrawing it before slapping him on the cheek, hard. The sting that blossomed throughout your hand spoke of triumph, that he truly got what deserved, and your lips nearly curled into a smile when you heard him wince in pain.
You didn’t want him hurt, you just wanted him to understand what happens when you assume stupid shit. He turned around slowly to look at you, left hand massaging the flesh of his cheek as he gave you apologetic eyes.
It all feels like an emotional whiplash now.
“Get out.”
You finally spoke, lips trembling and hands balling at your sides so tight you were sure your fingers would snap.
“Baby, please, can we just talk about this?”
“Get the fuck out, Miles!” You shouted at him, body forcefully colliding with his as your hands met his shoulders, pushing him into the woodwork of your front door. He opens it without hesitation, fingers curling around the doorknob shakily as he walked through the doorway.
You hold the door and shove him, your boyfriend stumbling down the porch steps as you cock your head to the side,
“And don’t come back.”
With that, you slam the door.
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It’s been three days since you’ve seen your boyfriend.
Which is extremely out of the ordinary.
He’s texted you numerous times, your phone nearly exploding from how often it rang with new texts or phone calls. You didn’t answer, you couldn’t, Miles’ words still prodding at your heart strings as you tried to go on about your morning.
Your bright pink polo slides it’s way over your head, thick curls bouncing against your shoulders as you smoothed out a tiny wrinkle at the collar, eyes picking apart your outfit in the mirror.
A flick of your wrist tells you that you’re nearly late for work, so you swipe up your phone and purse and make your way outside, strutting to your car as you drove to your shop.
You opened your own pink themed, healthy cafe a couple months before you and Miles started dating. It was a real hotspot— business booming more than ever in the hot, humid summer of Brooklyn. People mostly ordered juice or açaí bowls, which you didn’t mind because it was your personal favorite on the menu and you recommended it to anyone who waltzed into your shop.
Pulling up, you stepped out of your vehicle and opened the door, greeting your employees with a flutter of your fingers and a superficial smile painted on your face. You were broken on the inside and it was a fact that even you couldn’t deny, and no amount of concealer and fake grins could conceal that.
“Everything OK, girl?” One of your employees chirped at you over the loud sound of a blender. And you just shrugged at her, faux smile still possessive over your lips, persuasion eventually casting her spell on your favorite girls as you covered your sadness up with ‘I’m just tired.’
Opening was running smoothly, and you were calming working register when you heard the sweet bells above your front door chime.
“Welcome i-“
Your sentence fades, dying off as you see your boyfriend walk through the door, walking up to the counter that you were standing behind.
“Can I get a matcha and that toast with the…what is that…the green shit on it?”
You grit your teeth at him, “Miles, what the hell are you doing here?”
He didn’t say anything, he just grabbed your hands and squeezed them, “Baby, I know you don’t really wanna see me here, but I need to say sum’, and it’s that I’m sorry. Ian mean what I said, I was dumb, jumpin’ to conclusions and shit. That’s not okay. You my girl and there’s no reason why I was treatin’ you like that. I’m…mami, I’m sorry.”
Miles stares at you, waiting for your rebuttal to his formal apology. No matter how much you wanted to be mad at him in this moment and hold out, you couldn’t by the way his eyes flickered at you, licking his lips as he shot you an apologetic smile.
“Miles….” You started, “What you said really hurt me, I can’t lie to you. But…despite all of that, I forgive you. And y’know, I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have put my hands on you or nun’ like that. I was just…angry.”
“Understand.” Miles told you, kissing your hand as he gave you a cheeky grin, “I love you, pretty girl.”
“I love you too, asshole.” You giggled as your boyfriend leaned over the counter to deliver a kiss to your cheek, a couple of your coworkers giggling behind the counters, but you didn’t care. You were just ecstatic that you had made up, a laugh tumbling from your throat.
“Y’know, Miles…” You started, earning a hum from your lover.
“I just want you to know, although you be actin’ hard…you’re actually soft as shit.”
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tags!: @queenesther996 // @wydney // @rinnyisnothere // @brieryann // @starhrtz // @daisydark // @randomhoex // @solanawrld // @whore4hobie // @tanakaslastbraincell // @simp4miguell // @nyrovi3 // @aziulsworld // @enchantingfoxsparkles // @mancerseedu // @cafehyunji // @personofyou // @mcdvsr // @calliarlerte // @pr0wlerpunk // @tzuyuzzs // @clearskiiiess // @vienreina // @pixqlsin // @stvrgrl // @zerosinterweb // @mookiebut // @urmotherswhor3 // @cumbermovels // @asmobeuses // @yanghees // @popeheywardssecretgf // @mxspiderman2099 // @scryarchives // @rksses // @mmst4rz // @ilyless // @milesmolasses // @laylasbunbunny // @all444miles // @thecoloredpages // @bl00dsuccker // @adoremvney // @anikaluv // @qtdenks // @art-598
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nadvs · 3 months
  🐚 ⊹ ❀ ︵ ∘  breaking point ⟢
pairing rafe cameron x kook! female reader
summary withdrawal is worse than rafe ever could have imagined. thankfully, he has you.
content warning substance abuse
this is a blurb in the home before dark universe, inspired by this ask!
It’s been four nights without coke. Rafe keeps hoping it’ll get even just a shred easier, but it’s not.
You told him it’d be best to skip parties for the next while so he’s not tempted while he tries to quit. What he didn’t expect was that you’d be skipping them with him. He should have known, though, considering how much you care about him.
Moments like these, he’s not sure why you chose him.
He’s been curt all day, responding to you with short, sharp sentences. Still, you’ve stayed by his side, making sure he’s resting, pretending not to notice how much he’s shaking.
The moon is in the sky, signalling the end of a long day. It’s obvious your boyfriend doesn’t want to talk, so you step out onto the balcony that leads out of his bedroom as he sits in bed, scrolling on his phone.
You look out at the massive property under the night sky, hoping it’ll get easier for him soon.
According to the research you’ve done, it’s different for every addict. There’s no timeline to follow, no day you can look forward to things turning around for him. Some symptoms last months.
After a few minutes of silence, you hear sluggish footsteps padding behind you.
Rafe rubs his mouth, his ring gleaming in the moonlight, as he stands beside you at the railing.
“I’m an asshole,” he mutters. “Sorry.”
“A real asshole wouldn’t worry about being an asshole,” you reply. You look over at him, his face downturned in shame. “It’s hard. Feeling angry or irritable is expected.”
Rafe nods, gazing down.
“How do you know?” he asks.
“I read up on it,” you say. “You can’t control how your body is reacting. It’s okay.”
“It didn’t even feel good to do it anymore by the end,” he admits. “It just made me feel like… I don’t know, nervous. But I still want...”
Rafe can’t finish his sentence, disappointed in himself.
“You’re doing great,” you say, resting a hand on his trembling back. “It’s not easy.”
“I shoulda never fucking started,” he says with a scoff. You try to steer the conversation away from the past, so not to remind him why he so desperately chases an escape.
“Are you hungrier than usual?” you ask. Increased appetite was a symptom you read about.
“Yeah,” he says.
“Wanna go for a late night food run?” you ask. “Or you can stay here and I go make something or pick something up?”
Rafe stares at you through heavy lidded eyes, lips parted.
“What?” you ask.
“This might sound…” he says, unable to find the word. He takes a deep breath. “I think I’d die without you.”
Your eyes deepen with sorrow, compassion, and gratitude all at once.
“Remember everything you did for me?” you ask softly.
When Rafe’s eyes sweep over your face, he does. He wouldn’t leave your side when you were trying to escape your ex. He beat him within an inch of his life. He stared down the end of a gun, risking everything, ready to kill someone who was tormenting you.
He’d do it all again.
“You saved my life,” you say, tears pricking at your eyes. Even when it was so painful being around you, Rafe wouldn’t leave you. You still carry the trauma from what happened, but being with the man who protected you, even when he’s being abrupt, reminds you of how safe you are.
“This won’t beat you, okay?” you tell him. “I won’t let it.”
You curl into him, wrapping your arms around his torso, inhaling the smell of his cologne and his natural musk.
Rafe kisses the top of your head, hugging you tightly. You stand like this for a few minutes, and when you pull back, he kisses your lips, asking where you want to go to eat.
You gaze up at him with all the love in your heart, a hopeful smile growing on your face.
You don’t think anything you could do for him could even the score and make up for what he’s done for you.
He’s thinking the same thing about you.
After you eat together, you hold his trembling body in bed, kissing his forehead, hearing his breaths fall deeper once he falls asleep.
You tell yourself every bad night is one step closer to the first good night. You’ll weather this with him. All of it.
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He’s Like A Puppy
kai parker x reader
summary: an argument starts up when damon and bonnie return to the boarding house to find you and kai spending time together. it goes south when you start to defend kai against your friends' remarks.
≪ originally publishes on ao3: 2/24/23 ≫
tags: discussion of murder, cupcakes, small biblical references, fluff
word count: 967
“Don’t you see that he’s dangerous? You’re insane to think otherwise,” Bonnie scolds you, pointing at Kai in the corner.
Kai, who, at this very moment, is sitting on a stool with a cupcake, a bit of the frosting on his nose.
“Very dangerous,” you comment, holding back a chuckle. 
She rolls her eyes, “you didn’t see him in the prison world. You don’t know what he’s done.”
“Killed some people? Doesn’t everyone do that around here?”
“So you think it’s okay?”
“I mean, no, it’s not okay, but if we’re gonna declare Kai evil because he killed a couple folks, then everyone else here is, too. I mean, hell. Stefan’s been a ripper, Damon’s… Damon, Elena’s famous for turning off her humanity, Caroline’s temperamental.”
“Y/N, he massacred his family, there’s a difference.”
“Is there? Killing your family, or killing strangers who had lives and families that you know nothing about? And for all we know, maybe it was a Menedez’ brothers situation.”
“Okay, yes, I see your point about the strangers. But are you implying it’s okay to kill your family if they hurt you a teensy bit?”
“May I just say it was more than a teensy bit?” Kai interrupts.
“Shut up-”
“You shut up, Damon, I’m trying to hear all sides of this story.”
“Y/N, you’re talking crazy right now! He’s a liar. A manipulative, sociopathic liar. Besides, his name’s Malachai, for heaven’s sake! He said it himself, ‘it’s like his parents expected him to be evil’.”
You chuckle.
“What’s so funny about that?” Damon’s eyes narrow. 
“You do know that ‘Malachai’ literally means ‘angel’, right? In fact, it’s a Biblical name. Malachai was a prophet of… y’know that actually doesn’t matter. Regardless, you can’t tell that someone’s evil based on their name. Unless that name is literally, like, Lilith. Or Lucifer.”
“Whatever. You can’t trust someone based on their name, either,” she counters.
“Didn’t say I trust him off his name. Just said we should treat him as we do everyone else in this massive fucking house that’s killed a bunch of people. And how do we treat them? Oh yeah - with understanding, and reason.”
“He stabbed me in the gut, Y/N.”
“So has Damon.”
“Yeah, but I have the right to kill her because we’re friends.”
“Do you even hear yourself when you speak, or is it white noise in your head while a little mouse plays scrabble with sentences?”
“Uncalled for.”
“Was it?”
They’re left at a standstill. No one is sure what to say next. 
“Okay,” you carefully start, “whether or not you trust Kai, he’s here. And, for reasons I don’t know but I also don’t care, he’s been staying here, at the boarding house. Now, since I’m your out-of-town friend, I am also staying here, at the boarding house. So what’s wrong with us hanging out since we’re quite often, literally the only two people here?”
They, again, see the point in your statement, but continue to bicker about it anyway.
“He could hurt you.”
“Could, yeah. But we were chilling for two hours before you guys came back. Nothing happened.”
“Except he’s eating the cupcakes that Elena specifically made for the party tonight.”
“Maybe you shoulda labeled them ‘no touching’ or something.”
“Are you defending him over this now?”
“Well now I’m just pointing out the obvious.”
“I just… Elena’s going to be pissed when she finds her cupcakes gone.”
“Only one’s gone, she’ll barely notice.”
“I’ll tell her he stole it.”
“Yeah, what’s she gonna do? Make him throw it back up?”
“One, gross. Two… maybe I’ll just let her finally kill him. That would solve a lot of our problems.”
You can’t help but smirk, “and we’ve come full circle. House of killers.”
Damon’s eyes widen as he realizes, “wait. No, wait. But it’s, ack, you suck. Fine. She won’t kill him. Just get him out of the kitchen.”
You shrug and make your way over to Kai, who’s now licking icing off his fingers. “Wanna go watch a movie?”
“Sure.” The answer is hesitant, but his excitement is given away with a sparkle in his eyes. 
“What? This was the original problem, Damon! They can’t be alone together! What if he snaps again?”
“Bonnie,” you take a deep breath, “he’s not going to hurt me.”
“How do you know that?”
“Look at him - he’s like a puppy. Just needs a friend and he’ll be okay. I’ll be fine. We’re gonna go get out of your hair, get out of your cupcakes, and watch a movie.” You state, taking his hand. 
“Call if you need anything,” Bonnie just rolls her eyes.
“Might need a grocery store run, but I won’t need help.”
Halfway up the stairs, Kai looks behind him to face you, “why’d you call me a puppy?”
“Because you are one. Y’know, I mean what I said. I trust you, and you’re safe with me. You just need some company, Kai. It couldn’t have been easy being isolated for eighteen years.”
“So… you’re gonna be my company?”
“Is that okay?”
He smiles, his dimples showing on the sides of his face, “mhm.”
“Good. But two things… one, if you’re ever feeling angry or uneasy, come to me first, okay? I don’t want them to hurt you, so give me a chance to help you through it.”
“And two, let’s not eat any more of Elena’s cupcakes. I know, pissing her off is fun sometimes, and they’re really good cupcakes. But we can make our own so Damon doesn’t kill us.”
“Fine, I won’t eat hers.”
“Sounds good. Thank you, Kai.”
“Thank you, actually. Um, for defending me earlier, and being a friend.”
“Of course. Now, let’s go watch a movie. I have Oreos in my room.”
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chokepoet · 1 year
Kittens & Perverts (PG-13)
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GIF by @kitherondale
Summary | A month after Logan’s passing, Roman stumbles onto an abandoned kitten and seeks the help of his assistant in caring for it.
Genre | Angst, The Fluffiest Fluff
TW | animal sickness, mentions of death (no actual death), panic attacks, drug mentions, slight allusions to an eating disorder
Word Count | 3.9k
A/N | This is for all my soft hearted bitches that just need that doe eyed lil’ shit to feel held. Even if just by a hand.
I had just walked out my door when I received a call from a very frantic Roman.
“I found a kitten. What the fuck do I do? It’s like, fuckin’ shivering and oh god- I think it? Coughed? Do cats cough?” His voice gets slightly quieter as if pulled away from the receiver. “Did you just cough?”
After having me find, in his words, the Mayo Clinic of emergency vets, he sent a car after me to meet him there. The entire drive was spent trying to calm him through the phone. He kept sending me horrific screenshots of every worse case scenario he found on Google. When I entered the waiting room I found him pacing with wide eyes and fidgety hands. He’d wound himself onto the verge of a panic attack.
“It’s got fucking pneumonia. Hooked up to IV’s and all this shit. They’re like incubating it- I think? With this big ass oxygen tank. Did you know they did that for cats? Like iron lung ‘em?” His hand roughly drags back through his hair. “I dunno if some sick fuck just left it there ‘cause it was ugly as shit with lil green goo comin’ out its eyes- aw, man, you shoulda seen it. The poor little fucker was like- like straight outta Cronenberg’s wet dreams, just- oh man, fuckin’ nasty.” He laughs to himself but it’s more of a stuttering rush of mirthless air. “And I’m supposed to feed it with these like freaky fucking heroin needle things apparently? I don’t-“ Placing both of my palms on either side of his cheeks gently, I tried stilling him.
“Hey- hey look at me. Breathe with me, yeah? In through your nose for a count of 4, hold for 7, out through your mouth for 8. Just like your blowing out birthday candles.” Face bunched up, he shoves me away.
“Fuck off! Birthday candles? The fuck are you on about? I’m fine. You know whose not fine? The fucking cat! It’s so tiny and-“
“Roman! Just fucking breathe with me real quick, okay? Just for a sec-“
“What the actual fuck is wrong with you? I’m breathing fucking fine! Are you deranged?“
“No I’m not fucking deranged but I’m about to shove a vial of ketamine up your ass if you don’t just fucking trust me and breathe with me.”
Exacerbated, he finally follows me through the breathing exercise for three rounds. Albeit while rolling his eyes. The tension in his face had fallen slightly. Though, his shoulders remained tense as ever.
“Fuck you.” He shakes his head and refuses to meet my eyes. “Yes.” His reply reluctant and slightly cartoonish with annoyance. He’d been having bouts of anxiety and panic attacks ever since his father passed. He was always like this whenever I’d guide him through it. Embarrassed and frustrated. Depleted.
He sank into one of the seats lining the wall with a long sigh. Head falling back for a moment before pulling his knees up and anchoring his heel to the edge of the metal chair. Hugging himself. I take a seat next to him and criss-cross my legs beneath me.
“Is he gonna die?” His voice now small and hushed as he intently stared at a floor tile. I felt the ghost of Logan grip my heart and squeeze.
“Honestly?” His big brown eyes flicker up at me. Searching, scared. “I dunno, Roman.” He quickly stares back to the floor tile. “What I do know is you did the very best you could for the lil’ guy.” He scuffs.
“Yeah-well, my best has historically done fuck all so…” he mumbles and I gently nudge him with my elbow but he doesn’t look up.
“That’s not true and you know it.” He shoots me a look that tells me he does not in fact know it. “That kitten wouldn’t have had a chance without you. You gave it a fighting shot at life, Rome. That’s worth something.” Just then a vet walks through the waiting room doors. Roman quickly stumbles out of the chair to stand. I join him and cautiously press the palm of my hand to his back for support. He doesn’t brush me off.
“It’s a good thing you brought him in when you did. If it had been any later, I don’t think he would have made it.” I steal a glance at Roman, who swallows before clenching his jaw. “He seems to be responding well to the oxygen and antibiotics. You all should be able leave with him after he’s been stable for a little while longer. I’ll start filling the scripts for his medications here soon.”
The warmth of the vet’s reassuring smile was in stark contrast to the color draining from Roman’s face. He nods slowly and blinks as he processes the responsibility of this kitten’s health being placed onto him. As the doctor leaves, Roman climbs back into the cold metal chair like an anxious gargoyle. I pull the vet aside before he can walk back through the doors and ask him to go over care instructions with me. He offers me a packet instead. Flipping through it, I search out a supplies list.
I knew Roman was far too out of his depths to retain any of the information. Valid, considering he referred to a nursing syringe as a heroine needle. Upon walking back, I find he’s made the full transformation into human stress ball. Full moon be damned. He looked like one pull of an imaginary rubber band and he’d fall apart all over the floor.
“Hey, I’m going to run to the store and get everything we need. I’ll set it all up at your place so we’ll be ready when you come home.” I tried using we instead of you to let him know he wasn’t going to be tackling this alone. I don’t think he noticed.
“You’re leaving me here?” His eyes were wide and horrified. “I can’t- I don’t- what if-“
“You’ll be okay Roman. You’ve got thi-“
“Like hell I’ll be! I most certainly do not got this. What the fuck!” Sighing, I sit beside him as he continues to gape at me.
“The vet has everything under control. All you need to do is sit here, try to relax, and think about a name for the little guy, okay? You don’t wanna have to deal with shopping for all this shit once you have him.” The lines between his brows were deeply creased.
“Can’t you just send a-“
“Roman. Stop.” He does, though a silent plea remained etched in his features. “Just let me do this for you, alright?” His eyes shut as his head falls back against the wall. This was important and I didn’t really trust that anyone else would get everything needed. Having to deal with a forgotten item later tonight sounded like a hell I wished to avoid. “You’ll see me again at the apartment. My phone is at full volume. You know you can call me the second I leave this building and I’ll answer.” He grumbles, refusing to look at me. “And I promise to have that boba tea you refuse to admit you like waiting for you.” One eye opens and the corner of his mouth twitches.
“Sugar-free?” He didn’t need to know that the boba had been soaking in brown sugar before reaching his cup. Too elated that he felt some sense of joy in something food related and knowing full well he’d never touch it again if he knew. He still rarely allowed himself a cup of it as is, let alone finish it all. I didn’t have the heart to break it to him, so I never did.
“With extra boba.” His lips defy him as a small smile escapes. Groaning loudly and dramatically, he lifts his head.
“Fine.” He jerks his wallet out of his pocket and hands me his black card. “If that thing fucking croaks on me while you’re gone, I’m blaming you.”
As I walk out the doors I catch a quick glance back to find him, eyes closed, doing those breathing exercise.
Sure enough, the second I’m in the car my phone rings.
“The fuck all do you even have to get? Do pet stores sell heroine needles? Ask Kendall, I bet he’d fuckin’ know.” The entire shopping excursion was spent with the phone cradled between my ear and shoulder as I picked up supplies. As soon as one call would end, it wouldn’t be a few minutes later that it’d ring again. “Do I have a humidifier? I’ve got that fuckin’ facial steamer. Is that like the same thing? I feel like- no, you know what? Just pick one up while you’re out. Someone on Reddit said it helps with pneumonia.”
Upon arriving to his apartment, I open the fridge to sit the promised boba tea inside. Lonely amongst the near barren shelves of wilting lettuce and protein shakes. Trying not to think about it too much, I return to the task at hand. I had successfully gathered all needed supplies, plus a plush heated blanket that I hoped might warm both their spirits. He rarely left his room most days so I figured it’s the best place to set up everything. As I spread the blanket across his bed, my phone rang.
“In route with Jerry.”
“The fuck you doin’ with Gerri?”
“Check your texts.” Clicking the notification, I’m met with a photo of Roman and the kitten. It’s small form curled up under the palm of his hand, nuzzled into the crook of his neck.
“That’s the cutest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.” His chuckle reverbs through the speaker.
“He is kinda cute, right?” You’re both kinda cute.
“The cutest. Please tell me you named him after the cartoon and not that Gerri?”
“Of course I named it after the fucking cartoon. Why would you even- yeah. I named a fuckin’ kitten after Waystar’s legal counsel.” His voice dripping with sarcasm even though he totally did do just that.
“You fucking would.” I can’t help but laugh. “And you say I’m deranged?”
“Yeah, yeah. Call my therapist.”
“Why? You’re already on the phone with ‘em.”
“Well you’re doing a shit job.”
“Clearly.” I began setting up Jerry’s bed. A nest of soft blankets over a heating pad in a small box. “Well shit’s hard with a sick fuck like Roman Roy as my client.”
“I can tell ya somethin’ else that’s hard.”
“I’m calling HR.”
“Ooo, three way?”
“Hanging up now.” His laughter reflects off his floor to ceiling windows as I cut the line.
While finishing filling the humidifier, now resting on his side table, I heard the front door open. Roman’s light footsteps click across the pristine hardwood floors.
“Aye! Lil’ man’s hungry, did you get the goods?” I’m soon enough greeted by a softly mewing Jerry in the same spot as he was photographed in nearly an hour prior.
“Yeah, your boba’s in the fridge.” Roman rolls his eyes before scrunching his nose up and sticking his tongue out at me.
“Hardy-har har. You’re hilarious.” Sticking my own tongue out at him, I give him a wink. “Seriously, did you get- the fuck that come from?” He waves a limp wrist towards the bed.
“It’s a heated blanket, I got it while I was out. Just thought you two could use it. And yes, the formulas in the kitchen.” Roman eyes the thick white blanket before waltzing over to run a hand over it. His lips threaten a smile but he fights it off.
“It’s… nice.” He clears his throat.
“You know, I haven’t gotten to officially meet Jerry yet.” Tilting my head, I gaze upon the little creature with a small smile. A tabby that reminded me of my first cat. I carefully reach out my pointer finger to stroke his head. My smile grows even wider. I was grateful Roman had found him and that he was okay. The fist of worry I kept hidden in the pit of my stomach began to unfurl. My cheeks warm as Roman’s gaze studied my face while I pet the kitten held against him.
“You can hold him.” Our eyes meet and there was something in his that made my chest flutter. He looks down quickly. “I mean-if you wanna or whatever.”
“Yeah? You sure? Y’all seem pretty cozy.” Roman rolls his eyes before carefully handing Jerry over to me. I cradle him over my heart while rubbing his side with my thumb. I can’t help but lean down to lay a soft kiss atop his head. “You are just the sweetest lil thing in the whole world, you know that?” I murmur into his fur before pulling back with a smile.
“Oh he fuckin’ knows it. He had all the nurses in a tizzy. Had to fight ‘em off with my humongous dick.”
“Oh Jesus, Roman. Do you ever just shut the fuck up?”
“Nope.” Roman smiles as he reaches to pet Jerry. His finger brushes my hand and our eyes fall to one another. The corner of his mouth twitches along with his finger. The air begins to fill with static as we stood falling into each other’s gaze. There was maybe half a foot of space between us. Out of nervous habit, I bite my bottom lip and Roman’s eyes immediately flicker to my mouth. Jerry mews against my chest.
“Should we go get the formula ready?” My voice comes out quieter than I intended, just above a whisper. He blinks a few times before meeting my eyes again.
“Huh? Y-yeah.” Clearing his throat, he quickly turns on his heels and heads out the bedroom door. I follow with a blush on my cheeks and a smile on my lips.
Atop Roman’s bed, he lay on his side with me mirrored beside him. Jerry was stretched out between us with a full belly pressed to the heated blanket, sleeping peacefully. Roman had one hand propping his head up and the other holding his boba tea. My arms were crossed under one another as I used them as a pillow. Both of us watching the rise and fall of Jerry’s breathing.
Feeding him earlier was an ordeal to say the least. Roman quickly became overwhelmed. Only confident in his abilities as a fuck up. He was twitchy, anxious, and swear-y as he made a mess of the kitchen. Glancing up to his face, I notice the circles under his eyes seemed darker. He looked utterly exhausted as he chewed on the straw of his drink with a furrowed brow.
“Hey, Rome?”
“Mm?” He hums addressing me but doesn’t look up from Jerry.
“Do you wanna try and get some sleep? I can stay up with Jer-Bear and make sure he’s okay.” Eyes finally meeting mine, his brows stay pulled together.
“Fuck no. I’m not tired.” He lied through his teeth; quickly and firmly. I had just seen him yawn not five minutes prior. My brows raise.
“Uh-huh…” I look him over. He was still dressed for the day, though without shoes. His tie, dusted in formula powder, hung loose around his neck. His sleeves were rolled to his elbow. Once gelled hair now flung in nearly every direction.
“Hey! Stop fuckin’-“ He waves the plastic cup around. “Checkin’ me out in front of the child, ya heathen.”
“The child?” I laugh quietly while propping my head up in one hand and stealing his drink from him with the other. He gasps dramatically with a hand to his chest. “Alright, cat daddy.” His brows raise as I take a sip.
“Cat daddy?” He smirks suggestively. “What are you then? Cat mommy?” Chewing on some boba pearls, I shrug with a smile.
“Seems fitting.” He goes to steal his cup back, causing his hand to fall over my own. He doesn’t remove it. Just stares at them clasped together. His touch feels electric. The familiar static returning to the air. Roman’s thumb slowly begins to brush my knuckles. Back and forth, almost shyly. I let out a shaky breath and his eyes suddenly meet mine, startled. He pulls the drink from me and I let my hand fall. The phantom of his thumb sending small shockwaves through to my bones.
Refusing to meet my eyes, he focuses them on Jerry instead. His fingers quickly and rhythmically tapping at the side of his cup. The hand once holding his head was now scratching at his jaw. A bundle of nerves before me. I yearned to soothe them and missed the warmth of his touch. The lonely ache blossoming throughout the skin of my palm made my head feel fuzzy. I then feel my last remaining brain cell sprout something akin to courage. Reaching out, I grasp the top of his drink and take it away to place on the side table behind me.
“What the fuck? I wasn’t finished…” He trails off as I look back to him. All furrow browed and handsome. Cautiously, I reach for his hand and lace my fingers with his. His eyes immediately drop to them interlocking with a sharp inhale. He falls tense. My stomach flips as I fight off the flaming arrows of nerves shooting down my arm. Just as tentatively as he had before, I start to gently rub my thumb against the side of his hand. He doesn’t respond; his hand feeling limp and dead beneath mine. Dread pools down the back of my throat.
“S-sorry.” Pulling back, I try to unthread myself from his hand. Suddenly his fingers come to life and clasp around mine. Gripping tightly as if his body was silently pleading with mine to not let go. Don’t leave. His eyes finally meet mine and his brows twitch. A wash of different emotions flash across his features. Behind those stormy brown eyes, I could see the waves of doubt and fear threaten to drown out the rest.
What we were doing could be considered small. Insignificant even, sure. We were simply holding hands. Yet it felt like something big for some reason. Maybe because neither one of us could recall the last time someone held us. Even if it was just our hands.
It felt intimate.
He didn’t want it to stop but he didn’t know what to do with the feelings it was bringing up either. I pull our hands towards my face and lean forward to meet them. Softly biting down on his middle knuckle then smiling up at him. His mouth twitches before slowly smiling back.
“You’re so fucking dumb.” He laughs softly, slightly bewildered.
“Watch it or I’ll bite it off.” His smile only grows.
“Do it, I fuckin’ dare ya.” I bite down onto his knuckle once again, harder this time. He drops my hand immediately, only to thread his own through my hair and pull me into a bruising kiss. Both of us smile against the other’s mouth. He nips at my bottom lip when I pull away with a laugh. I lightly shove his head playfully before throwing his words from earlier back at him.
“In front of the child?” The near constant and crushing weight of his stress seemed momentarily absent as we giggled in bed like schoolchildren. “Ya heathen.” Jerry had continued sleeping soundly between us. Careful not to wake him, Roman begins brushing a finger down Jerry’s back, ever so gently. “You can be really sweet when you wanna be, you know that?” His eyes meet mine in an attempt to look stern. Though, the smallest hint of a smile still lingered.
“You tell anyone about this and I’m chuckin’ ya into the Hudson with cement shoes.” With a wide grin, I return to my earlier positioning. Arms curled beneath me to lie atop. The day was finally catching up and my head felt heavy. “You realize there’s pillows directly above you, right?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve never seen a pillow a day in my life.” My eyes were struggling to stay open as I watch the rhythmic rise and fall of Jerry’s back with Roman’s finger stroking gently.
“Smartass.” The next thing I know, Roman’s hand has slid beneath my cheek to lift my head. A pillow is nestled into the space between soon after. I hum approvingly and he mumbles. “Thanks… for today.”
“Happy to help.” I rub my face into the pillow as if it could wipe off the sleep threatening to overtake me. In a weak attempt to stay awake, my mouth begins to ramble. “I got pneumonia a lot when I was a kid. I’d have to take these breathing treatments with an oxygen mask.” Letting out a soft chuckle, the memories flood back to me. Absentmindedly, my finger begins drawing circles against the blanket as I sleepily look to Jerry’s face. “But since I was a child, they tried to make it less scary so the mask was in the shape of a fish head. Whenever Jerry was in the hospital, I just pictured this tiny kitten wearing my little fish mask.” My eyes flicker up to Roman. He was wearing a small smile. “I dunno… it just made me feel better for some reason. I guess like he’d be okay because I was okay.” As the words tumbled out in a mumble, Roman’s eyes seemed softer. My cheeks started to warm with a blush so I shyly tuck my chin in and look back to Jerry.
“That’s really cute actually.” My eyes rise back to his. The tips of his own cheeks seem to turn almost pink under my gaze. “Corny as fuck, but… cute.” Clearing his throat, he looks back at the sleeping kitten before him. “I’m calling you fish face from now on.” The corner of my mouth tugs into a smile as my eyes fall heavy with sleep.
“You did good today, Rome.” If I had the energy to look back to him, I would have caught the pinks of his cheeks turning crimson. Saw his mouth twitch in a losing battle between a smile and his lips. The smile won.
The blinding light of morning had me waking with eyes squeezed tight. A steady electric hum met my ears and I tried to mentally deduce where it could be coming from before giving up. Fighting off the violently bright assault to my vision, my eyes finally part and focus. A cloud of steam billows through a sun ray to greet me. My gaze follows the plume towards it’s source. A soft electric hum. The humidifier.
The next sight to greet me fills my heart with something so sweet and so warm, it overflowed. The feeling overwhelmed my every being and threatened to burst through my chest and coat the very walls. Taking its disembodied hands to pull the corners of my lips upwards as a soft snore escapes the sleeping form beside me.
Roman looked even messier than he had the previous night. Lying on his back with one wrinkled sleeve pulled down. It appeared to have milk dampening the expensive fabric. The formula powder, once just on his tie, was now kissing across the scruff of his jaw. Somehow, it looked to be in his hair as well. His shirt lie halfway open, unbuttoned. A tiny ball of fur lay against the bare skin at the heart of his chest. There, Jerry slept underneath Roman’s cradling palm. The two of them warming the other peacefully.
My cheeks were aching but I couldn’t stop smiling. The humidifier’s buzz seemed to morph into a familiar high strung murmur inside my head.
You fucking love me, don’t you?Dumbass.
I haven’t written fan fiction in ages, let alone for Succession. I’m high-key fucking terrified of the response lol But this was so much fun to write and turned out extremely wholesome so I had to share. Please excuse any spelling/grammar/formatting fuck ups. I did all this in my notes app and haven’t shared any writing on here since like… 2018? I think?? Anyways, to whomever might be reading this, I really hope you enjoyed it. ♡˚ ✧ ༘ 。 ˚ ⋆
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 9 months
Request: heyyyyy can we get a short lil page or story of Janelle’s pregnancy cravings pls🤍🤍🤍
4 a.m cravings
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thank you @romansnumberonegirl for requesting this 🫶🏽
for the sake of this story Publix opens at 5 am (unrealistic, i know lol)
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
Taglist: @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @jeyusos-girl @jeyusosgirl @melaninsugababy @baconeggndcheez @bemybabiibish @purplehairgawdess @jstarr86 @nbanenefrmdao @arination99 @alyyaanna @m3llowww @gomussy @jeysbae @empressdede @harmshake @theninthwonder @badbitchcentralinc @romansnumberonegirl @bebesobrielo @venusesworld @babysyhsyh
if you name is bold, tumblr won't let me tag you.
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There should be no way in hell Josh was standing outside a Publix waiting for them to open. He should be at home in his bed asleep, cuddling with his fiance. His pregnant fiance who had damn near forced him out of his warm bed because she wanted chocolate chip cookies. But she didn’t want the ones they already had, nope. The ones they had in the house already weren’t good enough. She wanted - no needed  Nestle Toll House  at 4 in the morning.
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“Josh, “ Janelle whispered, poking his cheek.  “Joshua” She said again, louder. He slapped her hand away from his face and rolled so his back was facing her.  She giggled and started poking him in his back until he turned back around. 
“Janelle” He groaned, his eyes still closed. “Whatchu’ want?” 
“Cookies.” He snorted and pushed her hand away from his face, when she started to poke him again. 
“So go get em’.” 
“We only have pillsbury, they make me nauseous.” He cracked open one eye to look at her. She was sitting up with her back against the headboard. “Don’t you love me?” He sucked his teeth and sat up too. 
“You know I love you Nell.” He sighed and reached for his phone. ‘Girl it’s four a.m take ya ass back to sleep.” 
“So you don’t love me.” She pouted and he groaned loudly before throwing the covers off of him and getting dressed. 
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And that’s how he wound up at Publix waiting for it to open because of his pregnant fiance and her pretty ass face. She knew what her pouting did to him. 
“Lemme guess, pregnant wife and her cravings.” One of the workers asked as they unlocked the doors and Josh nodded. He had just grabbed the cookies when his phone rang in his pocket. 
“Sup Nelle.” 
“Hi baby.” She cooed and he rolled his eyes. “Can you grab some more stuff while you there?” 
Josh sucked his teeth but listened as she rattled off what she needed.  “Grapes and sour patch kids OH! and pickles and peanut butter and can you get some chocolate covered pretzels..” When she was done he quickly hung up before she could add anything else.
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Janelle was already waiting for him when he came into the house. She clapped her hands happily as he set the grocery bags on the counter in front of her. “You’re the best baby daddy ever.” She said smirking because she knew how much he hated being called that. 
“Aye, quit playin’ with me ‘for I take all this shit back.” She rolled her eyes at his attitude. 
“Love you too baby.” 
“Yeah you betta.” He rolled his eyes. “And don’t eat all the damn cookies. I want some now.” 
“Nope,” She said, smacking his hands when he tried to eat the cookie dough. “Shoulda bought two packs.” 
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aah! this was so much fun to write lol. I hope you enjoy 🫶🏽❤️
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sinsandsweetness · 1 year
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(Rick x fem!reader x Rosita)
Happy pride month loveys!! I am working on a million things rn but I started this a while ago and thought, what better time to finish it up then now…
Let me know what you think!
warnings: 18+ content. mdni, not really proof read sorry, alcohol comsumption, smutty smutty smut stuff, oral sex, FFM threesome, girl on girl.
“Alright, turn 'em over,” Rick tapped his cards against the coffee table, giving you a playful grin. You, Rosita, Tara and him all turned them over at the same time.
“Are you kidding me?”
“Jeez Rosita.”
She only laughed and collected the pot from the table, pulling the goodies into a pile in front of her.
“That’s like three weeks in a row. I don’t have anything left to even bet on…” Tara complained. Making you all laugh even harder as you sipped on some cherry wine.
“Im giving up. I'm going to bed.” Tara put her arms up in surrender and got up, making her way to the front porch.
“Night!” you called as she put her shoes on.
“Next week? Same time?” She asked and you all nodded, agreeing and giving a thumbs up before she shut the door.
You grabbed the bottle of wine from Rosita and took a swig.
“Another game or are you guys too tired?” You asked.
“I'm not really tired but I think my brain’s definitely done for the day.” Rick grabbed the bottle from your hands, took a swig and passed it back.
“Same here.” Rosita took the bottle back and a long chug. “Let's just sit and drink. Nobody has watch in the morning, right?”
“I’m off till Saturday.”
“Me too.” Rick answered.
“Looks like we can stay up then.” Rosita kicked her feet up and crossed her legs. Sending the wine for another circle around the table.
Two more bottles had the three of you trying your absolute hardest to keep in your drunken giggles.
“No, Rick you don't even know. She had him like this,” Rosita had moved to mount you on your spot beside him on the couch. Being sure to tuck your hands under her thighs as she straddled you. You were trying not to laugh as she was fake swinging at your face with sound effects and everything. “And he literally couldn't move or anything!”
You looked over and Rick was smiling big and leaning even further into the couch, knees spread wide.
“She’s a tough one.” He said, all amused from the show in front of him.
“Yeah she is. Got him real good. Shoulda known not to mess with our girl.”
He hummed in agreement. You looked over and up at him, cheeks all flush from the wine, pupils dilated and glued to you.
Rosita climbed off but plopped down right next to you, legs almost on top of yours. Suddenly extra aware of her touches on your leg.
“Wasn’t the first time she kicked ass. Won't be the last.” She patted your thigh a couple times, and kept her hand there. The action definitely not going without Rick's notice.
“Ohmygosh and then-” She kept rambling. You were sort of lost by the feeling of Rick staring at you. And Rositas thumb rubbing a pattern onto your thigh wasn't helping either.
“Don't you agree? Rick?” Rosita asked, sparking Rick’s attention.
“That new haul from the Hilltop run? These jeans. Don't they just hug her so nicely?”
He licked his lips and looked right at you, down to your jeans and back up. “Oh. Yeah,” He chuckled. They were looking at each other now, silently agreeing on something. A very interesting cloud of tension filled the air and Rositas hand moved further up your thigh.
“She always looks so good doesn't she?”
Rick sat up, leaning his elbow on his knees.
“So cute, I could just eat her right up.” She leaned in and nuzzled her nose into your neck. You let out a nervous sigh and could actually feel your heart rate start to rise.
“Mhm.” He slowly started running his own hand up your opposite leg.
“No wonder you’re always pulling her away. Taking her on those runs, just the two of you.”
“Can't even blame me can you?”
“I’m right here you guys.” You sounded out of breath, the attention from the two of them making your head feel light. Though it was probably more so the wines fault than anything.
“We know, sweetheart.” Rick tipped your chin towards him and caught your lips with his own, kissing you gently. Rosita took the opportunity to start kissing down your neck, sucking at the sensitive skin on your jaw, and then back down to your shoulder.
Ok. This was happening. Alright.
Rick's hands started at your shirt, lifting and pulling its delicate fabric, up and over your head. While Rosita started on your pants. You didn't even know where to put your hands. It didn't matter much since she just put them where she wanted them anyway. She took you by the hips and pulled you down on top of her, with her back to the cool leather of the living room couch. Pulling on your thighs so you had no choice but to straddle her. She pulled you down to meet her lips. Rick moved to press himself up behind you, hands on your sides, right above rositas.
Grinding you down onto her as you kissed her back. Her tongue exploring your whole mouth, soft, plush lips so warm against your own. She kissed like she knew what she was doing. Which was really no surprise to you. Your own hands, without even realizing, went to unbutton her shirt. Peeling it off as Rick pulled you by the hips, dragging you back towards him. You whined at the loss of contact with Rositas lap, but he just let out an amused huff.
“She can’t have all o’ you.” He teased, pulling your jeans down, so they were around your knees, ass exposed as he palmed it with rough hands.
Rosita smiled up at him and shimmied out of her own pants, positioning herself right in front of you. When you looked up, you saw her cherry stained lips, and when you looked down, you saw her black lace thong.
Wow. Yeah this was definitely happening. The wine must have given you some sort of courage you didn’t even know you had, because you reached forward and pulled her hips towards your face. Looking back for a moment. The heat had already raise to your cheeks and you just needed some sort of reassurance. Rick was smirking and giving you a very approving nod.
“Go on, don’t be gettin all shy on us…” He teased, while his fingers dragged through your wetness. So you turned back and dipped down, to kiss her over the lacy fabric. Her hands went to your hair as you peeled her panties off, kissing her stomach and down further until you heard a real moan. There it is.
You started to lick and lap at her cunt. Trying to replicate the way Rick would always do it to you. The technique was obviously working based on the firm grip she had on your hair and the wetness seeping out onto your chin. Your tongue working her soft folds, sucking on her clit and trying to work out a pattern that would earn the best reaction from her. Whatever got her breathing all heavy and gripping your hair even tighter.
Rick was still behind you, clearly enjoying the show. He’d lined himself up with your own cunt, rubbing his precum around in your slick, before slowly pushing all the way in.
“How is she?” Rick asked from behind you as he started slowly fucking you from behind.
“Uh- so good…” Rosita let her head fall back. Relishing in the feel of your tongue.
“Atta girl.” He praised you, hand reaching around to rub your clit. “Her mouth is just heaven, ain’t it?”
“Uhuh.” Her legs tightened around your head and Rick started to thrust hard enough that you couldn’t help but moan against her. The vibration of your muffled moans made her twitch and already you could feel that familiar knot forming in the pit of your stomach. Rick had the perfect angle to hit your sweet spot with every single thrust, in combination with the circles he was rubbing against your clit. You both knew you wouldn’t last too long.
You felt a little more confident, with the way she was stuttering and cute little sounds were threatening to pour out of her mouth. So you decided to insert your fingers. If you were gonna eat the girl out, you were gonna be damn sure you made her cum.
And you did.
Two digits inside, curling upwards. The sounds of her juices squelching as you sucked on her clit, your own spit starting to run down your chin. Giving every ounce of attention you could possibly give. Even with the man pounding into you. Which by the way, definitely made it ten times more difficult. Because part of you wanted to just close your eyes and let Rick push your face into the carpet and fuck you into a shaky mess. But the other was so drunk off wine and pussy, that you couldn’t, even if you wanted to. Stuck in a determined trance between the two bodies.
You could actually feel Rositas walls tighten around you and you could tell she was close. Your name escaping her lips all rushed and quick, “I’m cumming-I’m cumming I- uh,” and the most adorable, sexy moan left her pretty mouth as she held your face against her cunt. Grinding down onto your tongue as you finger fucked her right through the orgasm. Her shaky breaths matching your own as Rick pulled up on your hair.
You thought your eyes could have rolled back to your brain. The way he twisted you around and kissed you, the taste of Rositas cum still on your lips. Moaning against him, you could feel hands on your breasts. Rosita positioning herself further under you, kissing and sucking at your chest. Gently tugging your nipple with her teeth, while her hand went to replace Ricks, rubbing on your clit. That was it for you. The attention from them both sent you over the edge, moaning into Rick's mouth as your grabbed onto Rositas arm. Rick's own hips stuttered slightly as he released almost at the exact same time.
The three of you caught your breaths in a sweaty, tangled pile on the ground. Drunken, post orgasm smiled were on each of your faces as you slowly pieced your clothes back together. Staying there for a few moments right in between them.
Rick started moving to plant lazy kisses scattering down your neck. Clearly not quite done with the evening, and trying to initiate another round. Rosita noticed and took it as a queue to leave. Not that either of you would have minded her staying. Clearly.
But regardless, she got up to gather her stuff. Dressed and ready to head back to her house.
“I’ll see you next week, sweetie,” she dipped down to kiss your cheek. Blushing hard as she walked away.
“G’night, Rick.” She winked at him and waved at you both from the porch, closing the door behind her.
You didn’t know if you wanted to wait a full week.
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vintageshanny · 2 months
Waiting for Love - Part Twelve
You Fulfill My Soul
Content: All of the Elvisy things - angst, fluff, smut, mention of prescription drug use, removal of sweaty jumpsuits, etc. 18+
I know I said two more chapters, but as I started outlining and writing this part, I knew it would take us to the end. I had a loose vision for this story from the beginning. I don’t want to spoil the end right now, so I have written an author’s note at the bottom about how much this story means to me. Thank you so much for reading, liking, commenting, sharing, etc. I appreciate it more than you know. ❤️❤️❤️
Catch up here: Waiting for Love series
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December 1972
“I don’t know, Rox. I’m excited to go to Hawaii and see him do this big performance, but I’m worried about him. He keeps trying to lose all this weight, he’s barely been eating. He just looks so stressed and tired.” Vivien curled the phone cord around her finger, peeking over toward the bed to make sure Elvis was still asleep. His light snores reassured her.
“I’m sorry hon, hopefully he’ll feel better after it’s all over.”
“I hope you’re right,” Vivien sighed. “Oh, are you and Michael coming to the Christmas party?”
“I wouldn’t miss it!” Roxanne sounded excited and then snickered a little bit. “Well actually it depends. Am I going to walk in on the two of you getting busy on the couch?”
“Roxanne! I apologized for that a million times,” Vivien protested, her face heating up with embarrassment.
“I’m just giving you a hard time. I was actually enjoying the show, I wish I had stayed til the end. Does he start singing when he orgasms?”
“No, he just moans my name and, well…” Vivien trailed off as she thought about how he would look at her with such tenderness when they were done, how occasionally she would see a tear brimming in his eye. Those moments were just for her though.
“C’mon, don’t stop now. You’re no fun,” Rox complained.
“Elvis thinks I’m pretty fun.” Vivien blushed at her own innuendo.
“Now you’re just being a tease!”
“You love it,” Vivien laughed. “I’ll see you next week.”
January 14, 1973 - 3:00AM
“Okay, tell me the truth now baby. How was I? The guys always jus’ tell me what they think I wanna hear.”
Back at their private villa in the wee hours of the morning, Vivien eyed Elvis, still in his sweaty jumpsuit emblazoned with an eagle. He looked beyond exhausted, but also a little relieved that it was over.
“Honestly? I thought you were amazing.” Vivien smiled and grabbed his hand, fiddling with the giant rings he’d worn for the special.
“Really? Ya think the people watchin’ at home will like it? Will they feel the energy?”
“Well, right off the bat they’ll like it because you look soooo handsome.” Vivien winked and Elvis blushed and smiled. “There’s that cute blush,” she teased, watching him grow even redder. “And yes, they will feel your energy. I was just getting upset that they made you keep doing songs after it was over. They’re wearing you out.”
“And that’s your job, right?” Elvis laughed when he saw it was Vivien’s turn to blush. “Don’t worry baby, I still got enough gas in the tank for ya.”
“Oh yeah? Are you gonna shoot me full of rhythm and blues?”
Elvis’ laughter grew as he pulled her in for a kiss. “I shoulda known that’d be your favorite part.”
“I think this next part is actually my favorite,” Vivien whispered as she unzipped his jumpsuit and started slowly peeling it off of his sweaty body.
“I look good, don’t I baby?” Elvis stood before her in just his white briefs, the jumpsuit now a sweaty pile on the floor. “I knew I could lose the weight.”
“You always look good to me.” Vivien leaned in and licked the sweat off his collarbone, sending a shiver through his body.
“Mmm baby, I think I’ve worked up an appetite.” He unzipped her blue sequined dress and let it pool onto the floor at her feet. “Oh God, like a feast for a starvin’ man,” he groaned as he slid her lacy panties down and laid her on the bed, spreading her legs open. “How do ya get more beautiful every time I look at ya?”
“Elvis,” Vivien protested shyly.
“Honey, this is my reward for all my hard work. I jus’ know ya wouldn’t deprive me of that.” He started kissing and licking up the insides of her thighs, approaching the wet delicacy at her center. “Mmm, sweeter every time too.” Vivien moaned as he licked her folds. “That’s right baby, keep lettin’ me know this is your favorite part.” Elvis started grinding against the bed, his dick almost uncomfortably hard as he sent her into orbit, his name echoing off the walls of the room. Ahh, sweet release.
“Okay that was definitely my favorite part,” Vivien panted, trying to regain control of her breathing.
“I think the people staying in the next villa over might know it too, baby.” Elvis laughed as he pulled himself up to lay next to her.
“Let me make you feel good now.” Vivien reached inside his underwear and found he was already a sticky mess.
“Honey, ya already did make me feel good. Ya know I jus’ can’t control myself around ya. And it makes me feel so good when you feel good.”
Vivien blushed, feeling flattered that her moans could excite him so much. “Well, let me take care of you in a different way then. I’m going to draw a nice relaxing bath for you.”
“Okay baby,” Elvis whispered, his eyelids already starting to feel like they didn’t want to stay open anymore.
“Come on, my love. You can sleep after we get you all cleaned up. You can sleep all day if you want.” She slipped on her nightgown and pulled him into the bathroom. “You’ll have to take your underwear off,” she reminded as he stood there next to the tub while she tested the water with her wrist. She smiled at his cute embarrassment when he quickly pulled off his underwear and sat down in the soapy water. As if she hadn’t seen him naked before. Hadn’t kissed and licked every part of him…
“Are ya comin’ in here with me?” Elvis’ voice brought her thoughts back to this beautiful exhausted man lying in the tub.
“No, this is just for you. I want you to lean back and relax while I take care of you.” She took a soft washcloth and started slowly washing his body, starting with his long graceful neck and working her way down. She scrubbed over his hairy chest and stomach and then very gently washed his penis and scrotum. His eyes were closed, but he let out a tiny little moan when she touched his most sensitive areas. She felt her own desire heating back up, but she knew how badly he needed to rest. She moved down his legs and then scrubbed his aching feet, setting aside the cloth when she was done so she could massage them with her hands.
“Baby, you’re so good ta me,” Elvis moaned.
“Okay, time to get you into bed.” Vivien helped him stand and step out of the tub. She grabbed a fluffy towel and carefully wiped him down from head to toe, no body part escaping her attention. Then she helped him into his pajamas and led him over to the bed.
As they curled up together, his arm wrapped around her from behind, Elvis whispered in her ear. “Baby, I was jus’ thinkin’ that my mama would be so proud of me for findin’ such a special woman ta love me and take care of me like you do. I wish you coulda met her.”
Vivien smiled, her eyes watering with emotion. “Elvis, I feel like I have met her in a way. All the love and kindness and passion that shines in you, I know that she gave that to you.”
Elvis didn’t say anything, but Vivien could feel the teardrop that slipped off his face and onto her own.
April 1973
Vivien awoke to see Elvis staring critically at himself in the full-length mirror on the bedroom wall. He was wearing just his silky pajama pants. The top was draped over the velvet tufted chair next to him. Elvis jumped with a start as Vivien crept up behind him and wrapped her arms around him.
“What’re we looking at?” she murmured into the soft skin of his back.
“N-n-nothin’ honey, lemme jus’ grab my shirt.” Elvis reached for the shirt, but Vivien snatched it away and hid it behind her back.
“Mm-mm, no, that will block my view,” she teased with a wink.
“C’mon baby, lemme have it,” Elvis demanded, turning toward her.
“You can have it in a minute. Just turn back around first. Pwease,” she added in a baby voice.
“Okay baby.” Elvis relented and turned back toward the mirror as Vivien tossed the shirt onto the chair.
“Wow…look at you,” Vivien breathed as she peeked out from behind him, looking at his body in the mirror.
“Yeah, look. I’m gettin’ too fuckin’ fat,” Elvis retorted. “All that weight I lost for the special came back. Plus more.”
Vivien wrapped her arms around him again. “You look amazing,” she murmured, her hands running over his broad hairy chest and down to his soft stomach. “I can’t believe this is all mine.” She slipped a hand inside his waistband and let her fingertips trace lightly over the little pooch leading down to his pelvic region.
“N-n-now that’s enough honey,” Elvis breathed out, but he didn’t make a move to stop her hand from drifting down further.
“This,” she whispered, “this is one of my favorite spots. Cuz if I follow it down, it takes me right to Little Elvis.” She cupped the soft warm appendage in her hand, feeling a shudder run through Elvis’ body as she stayed pressed tightly against him.
A low groan seemed to catch in his throat when she removed her hand from his pants and leaned in to kiss an old acne scar on his shoulder blade. She started slowly sliding his pants off, leaving a trail of kisses down his back and over that perfectly round butt. As his pants pooled around his ankles and she gave a tender kiss to the back of each sturdy thigh, Vivien noticed Elvis’ body trembling slightly. The sight of him being nervous after all this time together made her heart swell.
“Wh-wh-what are ya doin’ down there baby?” Elvis stuttered out as Vivien crawled around to kneel in front of him. She gave a kiss to each foot as she lifted them to help him step out of his pajama bottoms. “Ya ain’t gotta be d-d-down there on your knees like that, honey.”
Vivien took in the sight of him while she knelt there - his foreskin had rolled back to reveal that sensitive tip just begging to be tasted. “It looks like you’re enjoying it.” She smiled up at him and leaned in closer, licking her lips.
Elvis looked down and saw that, despite the…issues he’d been having the last couple weeks, Little Elvis was indeed standing at full attention. He sucked in his breath as Vivien pressed her lips to him, kissing his tip before lapping at it with her tongue and then taking him fully into her mouth.
“Oh damn Vivien, ya always know how ta make me feel good,” Elvis moaned out. His hands rested on her head, his fingers weaving through her thick dark hair.
Vivien could feel her own core throbbing with desire as she moaned around him, grabbing his butt and pushing him deeper inside of her. Every one of her senses was consumed by him.
Elvis looked down at Vivien taking care of him so passionately and his heart swelled with a profound desire. To make her his in every way. If only he could find a way to make his body keep cooperating. Too late…He could feel Vivien’s movements slow as he began to soften in her mouth.
“C-c-c’mon honey, that’s enough now,” he whispered with his eyes closed, the embarrassment threatening to push him into anger.
Vivien pulled her mouth off him but could not turn off her desire to shower him with affection. She saw that he had retreated completely into his cocoon and pressed two soft kisses to it, then two more to the fuzziness covering his pubic area, another one to his lower abdomen, then one to his belly button, until she had worked her way up and her face was buried in his chest. Elvis still felt embarrassed but also oddly grateful for her display of affection toward the body that just betrayed him. He’d never experienced this level of tenderness from someone.
“Did I do something wrong?” Vivien mumbled nervously into his chest.
Elvis kissed the top of her head. “Naw honey, it wasn’t that at all. I want ya, I really do, it’s j-j-just that I gotta couple new medications, a-a-and sometimes it does this ta me. My body’s not in sync with my mind and heart I guess.” Elvis pulled his pants and shirt back on and sat on the edge of the bed, avoiding eye contact.
“More new medications?” Vivien asked softly. “What are these for?”
“Baby, we’ve been over this. Ya ain’t gotta worry about me. I jus’ need some things ta help me keep performin’, ta help me sleep, and now my stomach’s been hurtin’ lately, so I got some more painkillers, but none of this is your concern, okay?”
“Not my concern?” Vivien echoed in disbelief. “I love you. How would I not be concerned? And I’ve seen your medications in the bathroom. Why do you have so many from different doctors? And some don’t even have your name on the bottle…” her voice trailed off when she saw Elvis’ jaw tighten. She braced herself for the storm she knew was coming, the storm she had provoked. But she could no longer bite her tongue and pretend that she didn’t see what was going on.
“You’ve been snoopin’ through my things?” Elvis barked, his whole body tensing up.
“I wasn’t snooping! Everything was right there on the counter by the sink.” She tried to lower the defensive in her tone. “Elvis. I’m just worried about you. You’ve been so exhausted lately, and sometimes you don’t seem like yourself. I think that maybe you should go to the hospital so they can see if there’s something seriously wrong.”
“Oh, I see. Ya wanna send me off cuz I can’t fulfill ya no more?” Elvis still sounded angry but now also hurt. “How do ya like that,” he muttered under his breath. “Like a race horse that’s outlived its usefulness. Just send him off ta die.”
“Elvis, you’re talking crazy now.” She tried to reach out and grab his hand, but he pulled back from her touch. “I know we are both passionate and affectionate people, but it’s not about the…sex,” she said, her voice dropping to a hoarse whisper. “It was never just about that with me and you. From the first time we spoke, I saw something so deep in you that I can’t let go of. You fulfill my heart, you fulfill my soul. And I just can’t watch you do this to yourself.” Her voice cracked with emotion.
“So that’s it? You’ll leave me if I don’t go to the hospital?” His voice was quieter now, but still full of hurt.
“I could never leave you. I love you beyond what I ever would have thought possible. I need you.” Vivien wished there were words to describe how completely her heart belonged to him. “But it will break my heart to see you getting sicker. It will break me. Please Elvis, I’m begging you to try. Just go get checked out and take only the medications that they give you. You can take a break from touring. We can run away together. Anything you need, I’ll be there to help you. I can’t exist without you.” Vivien felt the tears flowing freely down her face as she dropped down to her knees and buried her head in his lap.
Elvis swallowed as he looked down at this beautiful woman who cared for him so much. Who would do anything for him. He tried to let go of his anger as he stroked the back of her head. “Baby, please don’t cry. I know you’re worried about me. You don’t have ta be, but I know it’s cuz ya love me. I will go get checked out, okay? I’ll do it soon. For you. To make ya feel better, okay? You’ll see there’s nothin’ wrong, okay?”
Vivien nodded and wiped her tears away, knowing how hard it must be for him to make that concession, to let go of what little control he had in his own life. “Thank you.”
Elvis pulled her up off the ground and onto his lap, giving her a sweet kiss before reaching to button his shirt, feeling too exposed all of a sudden.
“Do you have to button that?” Vivien asked, stilling his hands with her own.
Elvis let out a guffaw, his face turning pink. “What, ya want me ta be walkin’ round in the nude all day?”
“Maybe I do,” Vivien teased, pushing his shirt back open. “Can you blame me when you look this good? So sexy,” she cooed.
Elvis grabbed her glasses off the nightstand and put them upside down on his own face. “I-I-I don’ know honey, I think we gotta get ya a new prescription in these things. I don’t know what you’re seein’. You’re liable to run off with some other sexy man thinkin’ it’s me!”
Vivien giggled and snatched her glasses back. “Hey, you’re the one who’s always losing your glasses!”
“I don’t lose ‘em baby, I give ‘em to fans as gifts. Plus your beauty is so powerful I could be blind as a bat and still see it.” He put a finger under Vivien’s chin and lifted it toward him so he could plant a sweet smooch on her lips. “Thank ya for worryin’ ‘bout me and takin’ care of me, baby.”
“Oh Elvis, you really want to know what I see when I look at you? It’s this.” She pressed her hand firmly against his heart, feeling the soothing rhythm that guided him. “Your heart is so beautiful it makes every part of you glow. Your looks could change a million times - you could gain weight, lose weight, stop dying your hair,” she teased, playfully running her fingers through his black mane with random pieces of silver nestled throughout. “You will always look perfect to me.”
“Thank ya sweetheart,” Elvis murmured, overwhelmed with emotion and…something else. “Oh baby,” he groaned as she pressed her body into his. “I think we’re back in business.”
VIvien squealed as he rolled her onto the bed and lowered himself on top of her, preparing to join their bodies as one.
May 1973
“There she is! Vivien!”
Vivien turned her head at the sound of her name to see half a dozen reporters and a news camera swarming toward her. She nervously took a step backward and bumped into Roxanne, who was carrying the sack of Krystal burgers that Elvis had sent them out to get.
“It’s okay Viv, I’m right here with you.” Roxanne whispered her reassurance into Vivien’s ear.
“So it’s true that Elvis is staying here in this hospital? Can you share what condition he’s in after canceling shows due to exhaustion?”
Vivien steeled her nerves against the intrusion, knowing Elvis would be much more polite and kind than she was about to be. “What condition do you hope for him to be in? Didn’t you report last week that he’s been gaining weight and might be losing his touch?”
“I take it you don’t share that opinion?” A condescending smirk played across his face.
“Not in the slightest.” Vivien tried with all her might to keep her voice even and steady.
“Do you think you’ll be the next long-suffering Mrs. Presley, watching over the home while Elvis goes off gallivanting with the boys?”
Vivien cocked her head slightly to the side, fire shooting out of her eyes. “Let’s get one thing straight - I am not suffering with Elvis. He is the kindest, most beautiful person I’ve ever known. It is an honor to be at his side, loving and supporting him while he gives everything he has to bring happiness to his fans. But if you’re content to be vultures waiting to pick at the bones of a man, of a human being, who only wants to bring joy to this often miserable world, well, I can’t stop you.” Vivien turned on her heel and marched into the hospital lobby, Roxanne tagging along behind her in awe.
“Wow Vivien, that was amazing! I didn’t know you had it in you to tell him off like that.”
“Neither did I,” Vivien exhaled, her hands shaking with nerves as she took the bag of food from Roxanne.
“You’re gonna have to be strong like that to help him through all this. Have you thought about what you’ll do, I mean what if it doesn’t work? What if he starts taking all the painkillers again? What if he doesn’t get well?”
“Then we’ll try again. I’ll try forever with him, by his side.” Vivien spoke with determination. “I know he hasn’t always gotten everything right, but neither have I. I know he always tries his best. And I wouldn’t trade a second of our story. He has shown me this whole-hearted love that has filled my soul. Roxanne, I need him.”
“I know, Viv. Are you gonna be okay without me? I have to get back to work.”
“Yes, I’ll be okay. Thanks for driving me. And walking with me past the vultures.”
“You go be strong for him now, okay?” Roxanne pulled Vivien into a quick hug. “I love you.”
“There’s my baby! My baby with my burgers!”
Vivien was relieved to see that Elvis was still in such good spirits.
“Mr. Presley, you really should try to eat something a little healthier while you’re here.” The older female nurse spoke sternly but then smiled at Elvis’ pouty expression. “But I guess one burger would be okay.”
“I won’t tell if you won’t,” Elvis dramatically stage whispered with a wink, a crooked grin lighting up his face. The nurse giggled like a schoolgirl and left the two of them alone in the room. “C’mere baby.” Elvis patted the narrow spot next to him on the bed, and Vivien squeezed herself in, snuggling up to his soft warm body. “They’re just running some tests now honey. They’re gonna find out why my stomach’s been hurtin’ and see what medicines I actually should be takin’. Ever’thing’s gonna be okay, you’ll see.” He put his arm around her and kissed her forehead tenderly.
“Of course everything’s gonna be okay,” Vivien said confidently. “I was waiting for love for such a long time, and I’m never letting go of you. Got that?”
“Mm-hm,” Elvis nodded as she pressed her lips against his sweet plush ones, her hand resting on his chest. The steady thump of his heart beat vibrated out and coursed through her own body, an ocean of love washing over the two of them.
Author’s note:
A million thanks to everyone who stayed with me on this one! This was such a cathartic thing to write for me, but I’m also sad and overwhelmed with emotion to let go of it. I feel Elvis gets a lot of undue criticism for just essentially being a human being. I loved being able to explore a little bit of what he may have thought and felt about his own life and relationships and why he did the things he did. My goal is always for my writing to convey the love and compassion that I feel for him, so hopefully I was successful. As for the ending, I had in mind from the beginning that it would be a little bit open-ended as to the future. In my fantasy world, with the right love and support, he would have been able to be with us a lot longer. But I also know that addiction and the health problems he faced were very serious, and sometimes all the love in the world can’t take that away. I don’t believe his level of fame is healthy for anyone’s psyche, and part of me thinks that he would have been better off as a human being if he had a short career at local clubs and then settled down to have a family. But on the other hand, I wonder if, knowing how much love and light he’s spread around the entire world for decades after his passing, would he still take the same path despite what fate had in store? All I know for sure is that, like Vivien, I am never letting go of the love I’ve found in him. ❤️
I would love to hear your thoughts, feedback, comments, etc.!
Tag List: @whositmcwhatsit @lookingforrainbows @arrolyn1114 @thatbanditqueen @missmaywemeetagain @ellie-24 @be-my-ally @from-memphis-with-love @pebbles403 @deniseinmn @everythingelvispresley @little-laamb @annapresley8 @leapresley @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @atleastpleasetelephone @gatheraheart @richardslady121 @helen06dreamer @arg-xoxo @i-r-i-n-a-a @returntopresley
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apollosunshineisdead · 3 months
my favorite lyric or two from every will wood song
Everything is a Lot:
6up 5oh: "they shoulda fried me, I'll give ya PTSD!"
skeleton Appreciation Day: "give me all your LSD so i can feel my mind unweave again!"
front Street: "you said let loose, but now you're lost"
aikido!: "i told doctor tillis to prescribe an illness, but he said his schedule's filled with children with need Prozac, prilosec and lo-jack, triple-sec and lexapro"
white Knuckle Jerk: "i wonder how i woke up in the middle of my surgery, and i watched them botch my heart"
cover This Song!: "i'm just a little bit crazy 'bout you, just a little bit out of my mind"
Thermodynamic Lawyer: "so all that i see, absolute entropy as the chemical bounds fall apart"
red Moon: "the crescent rests, tethered to the west"
lysergide Daydream: "ooh, i wanna be on the picture on the postcard, pouring pitchers in the backyard by the garden we tend"
the First Step: "i lost count after 21 in the college crawl"
jimmy Mushrooms': "i think the truth is that everyone's wrong!"
Compound Fracture: "bienvenidos a la villa de arañas españas"
everything is a Lot: "night sky, i wonder why i am alive until i die / i find that at this size, no answer can be right"
destroy to Enjoy: "lao tzu, chaung tzu, yin-yang tattoos, FUCK your mystic wisdom! find your own way home from Bonnaroo!"
self-: "i'll shake the apples from my family tree, so when the autumn comes to take the leaves..."
2012: "testing my hypothesis, never finding a theory!"
cotard's Solution: "rolling my third eye into the back, of my head and squinting through the black"
mr. Capgras: "eulogy or biography, i'm who i ought to be, and that is God to me"
hand Me My Shovel: "looking up, i could say Heaven sent me! / hand me my shovel, i'm going in!"
dr. Sunshine is Dead: "i'm noone if i'm nowhere in between!"
-ish: "well at 27 will i see, that i was born to be the man i'll be?"
The Normal Album:
greetings from Mary Bell Township!: "so give me your half-life crisis / i can tell that you know where paradise is!"
(vampire) Culture: come on, drink that BLOOD! didn't they want your blood?
Love Me, normally: the Lord looked down, said, "hey, you're only mortal"
2econd 2ight 2eer: "my grip on the secrets' slippin' while i'm speakin' in tongues!"
laplace's Angel: "so if you wash your hands of where you've been until you flood the second floor / neatly fold your skeletons, but still can't shut the closet door"
i/Me/myself: "eating your prosthetic, meet your anesthetic"
...well, better than the Alternative: "she's gonna be a lot like me, but i don't wanna be at all like me"
outliars And Hyppocrates: "i am the shadows cast aside by gallows, and you, the red hot sky"
blackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA: "his ribcage was a hornet's nest, his palpitations set the beat!"
marsha, thankk you for the Dialects: "doctor, what's my prognosis if the studies show that / disease is in the eye of the beholder, tell me "so it goes!""
love, Me Normally: "is there nothing to fear, cuz shit's getting weird!"
memento Mori: "no need to fear cuz when it's Here you won't be alive / try not to think about it!"
Camp Here & There: Campfire Songs:
venetian Blind Man: "string on his finger, a tourniquet ring"
yes, to err is Human: "if you don't hate me, then reanimate me!"
your body, My Temple: "furthering the fever of your fervor for believing, I will"
when somebody Needs you: "fishing lure moon on a string for you, didn't you say you need space?"
"In Case I Make It,"
tomcat Disposables: "what's the moon made of? meet me there after i'm gone"
becoming The Lastnames: "weeding out the garden where the milestones gather moss"
Cicada Days: "here at the end of days, my god, what have I done? / christ, now it feels damn inhumane to get all i dreamed of"
euthanasia: "and every, everybody dies / fighting for their lives, just trying to survive"
falling Up: "airplane eclipses over spirals of math – would or could the impact kill me?"
that's Enough, let's get you Home: "but CO2 and fish tanks do enough to get you home"
um, it's Kind of a Lot: "sorry darling, please excuse my constant need to self-aggrandize!"
half-Decade Hangover: "but i can't make amends for things i can't remember"
vampire Reference in a Minor Key: "the seraphim on my shoulder, whispering "please don't turn your head""
you liked this: "Ten Red Flags that a Neurotypical Narcissist is Trauma Dump Gaslighting You into Sex-Negative Self-Abuse Emotional Labor and Internalised Reverse Racism Against Post-Modern Flat Earthers with Facts and Logic (Number Seven Will Destroy Your Family)"
the Main Character: "judge me by what my cover shows, author becomes beyond reproach"
Against the Kitchen Floor: "i'm not a good person, i'm barely a person at all"
Sex, Drugs, Rock 'n' Roll: "and i hate proving that i'm still human after all"
BFB's Blueberry Pie: " "
Willard!: "so gather 'round pandora's skinner's box, look through the one-way mirror / if you can see in shade's of grey, the colors are much clearer"
White Noise: "it begs the question just to tell you the answer!"
ICIMI outtakes:
misanthrapologist: "I hear your hear beating under the floorboards" and if i did, you deserved it: "that i really don't carе what you think or what you say, either that or I do way too much, oh well whatever, either way"
thank you for listening
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l1tw1ck · 1 year
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Jam Session
bottom!ftm Eddie x top!masc reader
took creative liberties and gave him a dad bod 👉🏾👈🏾
☆ Word Count: 1,374 ☆
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↳ [REQUEST] | AFAB Language Used
CW: Cheating, Age Gap, Cunnilingus, Squirting, Creampie
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You can't stop thinking about Eddie Munson. The super hot dad from across the street. He’s married but that doesn't stop you from fantasizing about him. About him on his knees, in your bed, against his kitchen counter, anything that comes to mind. You just want to take him and claim him as yours, steal him away from his useless husband. You could treat Eddie so well.
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Eddie invited you over to play music with him. It’s a regular thing but this time, he's home alone. No kids, no pesky husband, just you and him.
“So…how's the spouse?” You ask, sitting down on the couch and placing your instrument case next to the couch. “Is he treating you well?”
He frowns. “Not really. We don't get along as well as we used to.” He tunes his guitar.
You hold back a grin. “Why?”
“He just doesn't give me what I need…” He trails off, realizing he might've shared too much information.
“I could.”
“I could give you everything you need. I could take care of you, make you feel good.” You hold his cheek in your hand. “Just give me a chance.”
Eddie blushes, desperate for any kind of affection. It's not like he hasn't fantasized about you before. How your hands would feel on his body, how your tongue would feel inside of him, or how big you might be…
“I’m a whole lot older than you,” He starts, placing his guitar in its case. “Why would you want someone like me?”
“Why wouldn't I? You're the hottest man I've ever seen, your age doesn't matter. I want to give you everything you’ll ever want, let me.”
He hesitates before going in to kiss you. You grab his waist and place him onto your lap, groping his ass while deepening the kiss. Eddie rolls his hips, already getting aroused from the way you touch him. He tugs down your pants, your underwear coming down next, and reaches for your cock. He pulls away from the kiss and looks down at your length. “Fuck…you’re bigger than him..” He whispers, boosting your ego. He spits on your cock before wrapping his fist around it and jerking you off. “Shoulda done this earlier..”
“Yeah, you should've.” You smile. “Let’s make up for lost time.” You pick him up and bring him to his bedroom. You place him onto the bed and help him get his clothes off. “God, you're so fucking hot..”
His body is perfect and you can't stop staring. You slot yourself in between his legs and press kisses along his body from his neck to his chest and down to his happy trail. You move your body to be face to face with his pussy and press a kiss to his little t-dick. Your tongue trails down from there to his hole before burying your face in his chubby cunt and eating him out, devouring his delicious wetness. Eddie rolls his head back and lets out the prettiest sounds. He hasn't been touched in what feels like years. And he’s never had his pussy eaten before. He feels like he could come in minutes. Seconds, even.
Eddie subconsciously closes his thighs on you, suffocating you in his pussy. You keep going regardless, eating him out like a mad man. Your tongue reaches his g-spot, a surge of pleasure running through his body. “Th- there!” He cries out, squeezing your head harder. “Oh God—” He bites his lip and shuts his eyes closed, squirting on your tongue. “Fuck…[Name]..” He relaxes his body, allowing you to pull away. He hasn't come this hard in…well, ever.
You look at him, face shining with his juices. “You taste so good, Eddie.”
“Your- your fucking tongue, Jesus- I can't think straight-” He covers his face. “I- Fuck..”
“D’you want more?”
“please–” His voice cracks.
You bury yourself back in between his legs, kissing his little cock before enveloping it in your mouth. Eddie’s eyes widen as you suck on one of the most sensitive parts of his body. Two of your fingers slip into his aching hole with ease. You begin to slide them in and out of him while gently sucking on his dick. Eddie starts to sob, overwhelmed by the pleasure.
“oh- Yes~!” He cries out. “[Name]!”
You angle your fingers at his g-spot, earning a breathy “Fuck!” from Eddie. You pound into the area mercilessly, drawing him into another orgasm.
“Ss~ so good! I’m gon- uh~!” He suddenly throws his head back and squirts. He mumbles your name dreamily, body twitching. You plant soft kisses all over his thighs before pulling away.
You let Eddie recover from his orgasm before doing anything more.
Eddie reaches over to the side drawer, hands shaking as he fishes out an unopened box of condoms. He checks the expiration date and frowns. It expired two years ago. It's not like they would've fit you anyway.
You can tell by his expression that the condoms are no good. “Should I go get some?” You weren't expecting any of this to happen and you didn't have a need for condoms so of course you didn't have any either.
“It's- it's fine, just pull out, okay?” He turns to the side and plays with a strand of his hair. “I don't wanna wait..”
You pull your pants down completely and slot your body in between his legs. You start to ease into him, going slowly and taking in his warmth. Eddie whimpers and watches as he envelops your cock, his cunt stretching to take your girth.
“You don't know how amazing you feel, Eddie..” You speak in a low voice, falling in love with the feeling of his velvety pussy. You gently run your hands along his body as you bottom out, a soft smile on your face. “I've wanted this for so long, baby. I’m gonna give you what you deserve.”
Eddie blushes. “please..” He whispers. “Fuck me, [Name].”
You're so deep inside him, his husband pales in comparison.
You grab hold of his thighs and raise his legs high before gently thrusting into him. You admire the hazy expression on Eddie's face, his cheeks are flushed red. You lean into his neck and press soft kisses along his flesh. It's unfortunate that you can't make any marks on him. You slowly pick up the pace, starting to move faster until your thrusts turn quick and passionate. Eddie clutches the sheets as pretty moans escape his soft lips, your thrusts are making him see stars. He's never felt like this before, you're hitting all the right spots. He didn’t know sex could feel this good.
“Yes! [Name]!” Eddie gasps. “Fuck-”
The bed shakes and creaks as you thrust into him, practically claiming his pussy as yours. Both you and Eddie know he won't be satisfied with anyone else after this. His hair and face are a mess. He’s never gotten like this before. He doesn't want it to stop.
You bring Eddie into a sloppy kiss, kissing him like you’ll never touch him again. He wraps his hands around your neck to keep you close to him. Neither of you have been this intimate with anybody before. It feels like you've been missing out on each other’s touch all your lives.
You reluctantly part from the kiss in favor of breathing. You wish you didn't need to because otherwise, you’d be kissing him all day.
“Shit–” He bites his lip. “I'm close-”
You bring your hand down to jerk him off, causing Eddie to dig his nails into your skin. You're basically on cloud 9 so it doesn't even hurt. “Let’s come together, baby.”
He feels even more turned on hearing that. Neither of you are in your right mind, the promise to pull out has been completely thrown out the window and Eddie wants nothing more than to feel you come inside him.
Just a few moments later, the two of you are having an orgasm at almost the same time with Eddie milking your cock for all it's worth.
The sane part of you is aware of the mistake you just made but the other part doesn't even care. It's a problem for tomorrow.
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