#I was hungry
marionette-j2x · 30 days
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"B-But Willow! I look hideous! 😭"
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chrissy-kaos · 1 year
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Went out to dinner with the love ❤️. This is my favorite place to eat! It's all organic, and they are literally the best burritos ever. 🌮 🌯
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stupid (affectionate)
short chuuya x reader. reader is gn (gender neutral)
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boyfriend chuuya has many nicknames for you.
sweetheart, darling, baby, babe, doll, you name it. his personal favourite isn’t any of these, it’s “stupid.”
it’s different though. he calls you stupid endearingly, full of affection type of way.
chuuya had told you to add one gyoza at a time into the pan carefully. stupidly, you hovered over the pan with a plate of defrosted gyozas and slid all of it at once into the hot oil. hot oil started splattering everywhere upon contact with the cold water, forcing you to retreat away from the pan. the poor gyozas were left to burn. you called for him immediately and he sighed from the living room.
chuuya knew you’d mess up somehow. but that’s what he liked about you, stubborn and a little clumsy.
“i told you so, stupid,” he grumbled under his breath while fixing the mess you made in the kitchen. you flashed him an apologetic smile, “i’m sorry– ow!” he flicked your forehead lightly with an annoyed sigh. you pouted with your hands over your temple.
you were too hungry to remember his instructions anyway.
really though, only chuuya gets to call you stupid lovingly and no one else. they’ll be crushed by gravity otherwise.
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main menu ☆
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kazachi69 · 1 year
I was hungry
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can you blame me?
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imnotmufi · 7 months
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Me and a friend were playing slay the princess last night and i kept taking screen shot of the princess doing funny faces then made this i do not know what came over me
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wwwggu · 2 months
Tma spoilers but
Rituals are stupid
They work silly
So I propose my detailed flesh ritual
I will devour 15 huge shawarmas
Eye: statement written on the shawarma
Lonely: I'll be eating alone מי שאוכל לבד מת לבד
Buried: compressed shawarma
Vast: just a huge fricking shawarma, like, the kind that makes you think oh shit what size was the animal in this
Stranger: wax shawarma
Spiral: never ending shawarma
Dark: has an empty suspiciously dark middle shawarma
Desolation: spicy enough to kill five bears shawarma
Extinction: has cement in it shawarma
Hunt: it's alive and you hunt it shawarma
Corruption: rotten shawarma
Slaughter: either slaughtered those animals shawarma, or gun shawarma
Web: an intricate system of wires forces you to eat this shawarma
End: either poisoned shawarma or the fact that it's the last shawarma :(
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polina-quail · 6 months
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Catch 🥪! :)
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pawwzuu · 3 months
Hi tumblr my tummy hurts but I am being very brave about it
I say I deserve ren hana cuddles (PLEASEPLEASEPLESDEPLEADEPLEASE)
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autoboros · 10 months
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Why am I being fed stock photos I feel like an animal in an enclosure being given water, crackers and one singular crisp
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issie-https2 · 1 year
A convo me and my bsf had but it’s Slipknot:
Corey: There’s a bunch of cows over there.
Sid: They look like you.
Corey: -
Sid: -
Joey: Do you think these ones go to McDonalds?
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cleverusernameh · 30 days
I made a new dragon guys!!! This is Jotaro as an Icewing, and I don't think I did too bad considering this took so long; this thing was 4 hours I have the non-sped up footage to prove it.
In this video I feature a new brush for the lineart (and logo), and a very depressed sounding voiceover, since I have been feeling burnt out on the dragons. Still though, if I can get people--- such as you fine tumblr patrons ---to pay me for these, then it will be worth it. Since I need some time to cool the dragon jets, I've started making a fake book cover for book series i'd really like to publish one day. It's not really called that, but it is very much my "vitae opus", or "life's work" for the folks who didn't want to copy paste that into a translator. it may not turn out to be my best work, but it's something i've been working on for so many years, I just simply refuse to let it die. Anyway, here's what that looks like right now:
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Pretty sick if I do say so myself. I think it needs more background noise in order to make the falling objects not look weird (or maybe they just need different colors; color theory has never been my strong suit since most of the time i doodle traditionally with a mechanical pencil) But yeah, the cover is having the vibe I'm going for, so currently tracks.
Okay, that's it for me right now, I'll be scampering into the void until I come back with either a new video release or a fixed commissions rate. And now I have put in an audio URL and I don't know how to get rid of it, so here's this thing I found on Soundcloud because I'm too cheap for Spotify.
Alright, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
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dewarism · 4 months
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another day another .5 willa selfie at work
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crows-bottle-cap · 16 days
i dont know what to post today so here are some cookies for you:
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newtness532 · 2 months
eating is good, yay for eating
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robotvegan · 4 months
Did you eat all the batteries.
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 7 months
I'm just sitting here waiting to get food poisoning. There was something wrong with that cheese, man... But bitch what else am I supposed to do? Just gotta find out, I guess.
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