#what a game for bayer
esorydoolb · 8 months
it started with stanisic, a bayern loan, scoring against his former team. and then they finished it with a dramatic last-minute goal. well played, leverkusen, well played.
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rubyroses222 · 5 months
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Bayer 04 Leverkusen — Deutscher Meister 23/24
“Leverkusen – wir sind die Macht am Rhein. Leverkusen – und das wird immer so sein. Denn mit dem Kreuz auf der Brust, mit Herz und Gefühl stehen wir zu Dir – Bayer 04!”
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txttletale · 3 months
Saw a tweet that said something around:
"cannot emphasize enough how horrid chatgpt is, y'all. it's depleting our global power & water supply, stopping us from thinking or writing critically, plagiarizing human artists. today's students are worried they won't have jobs because of AI tools. this isn't a world we deserve"
I've seen some of your AI posts and they seem nuanced, but how would you respond do this? Cause it seems fairly-on point and like the crux of most worries. Sorry if this is a troublesome ask, just trying to learn so any input would be appreciated.
i would simply respond that almost none of that is true.
'depleting the global power and water supply'
something i've seen making the roudns on tumblr is that chatgpt queries use 3 watt-hours per query. wow, that sounds like a lot, especially with all the articles emphasizing that this is ten times as much as google search. let's check some other very common power uses:
running a microwave for ten minutes is 133 watt-hours
gaming on your ps5 for an hour is 200 watt-hours
watching an hour of netflix is 800 watt-hours
and those are just domestic consumer electricty uses!
a single streetlight's typical operation 1.2 kilowatt-hours a day (or 1200 watt-hours)
a digital billboard being on for an hour is 4.7 kilowatt-hours (or 4700 watt-hours)
i think i've proved my point, so let's move on to the bigger picture: there are estimates that AI is going to cause datacenters to double or even triple in power consumption in the next year or two! damn that sounds scary. hey, how significant as a percentage of global power consumption are datecenters?
ah. well. nevertheless!
what about that water? yeah, datacenters use a lot of water for cooling. 1.7 billion gallons (microsoft's usage figure for 2021) is a lot of water! of course, when you look at those huge and scary numbers, there's some important context missing. it's not like that water is shipped to venus: some of it is evaporated and the rest is generally recycled in cooling towers. also, not all of the water used is potable--some datacenters cool themselves with filtered wastewater.
most importantly, this number is for all data centers. there's no good way to separate the 'AI' out for that, except to make educated guesses based on power consumption and percentage changes. that water figure isn't all attributable to AI, plenty of it is necessary to simply run regular web servers.
but sure, just taking that number in isolation, i think we can all broadly agree that it's bad that, for example, people are being asked to reduce their household water usage while google waltzes in and takes billions of gallons from those same public reservoirs.
but again, let's put this in perspective: in 2017, coca cola used 289 billion liters of water--that's 7 billion gallons! bayer (formerly monsanto) in 2018 used 124 million cubic meters--that's 32 billion gallons!
so, like. yeah, AI uses electricity, and water, to do a bunch of stuff that is basically silly and frivolous, and that is broadly speaking, as someone who likes living on a planet that is less than 30% on fire, bad. but if you look at the overall numbers involved it is a miniscule drop in the ocean! it is a functional irrelevance! it is not in any way 'depleting' anything!
'stopping us from thinking or writing critically'
this is the same old reactionary canard we hear over and over again in different forms. when was this mythic golden age when everyone was thinking and writing critically? surely we have all heard these same complaints about tiktok, about phones, about the internet itself? if we had been around a few hundred years earlier, we could have heard that "The free access which many young people have to romances, novels, and plays has poisoned the mind and corrupted the morals of many a promising youth."
it is a reactionary narrative of societal degeneration with no basis in anything. yes, it is very funny that laywers have lost the bar for trusting chatgpt to cite cases for them. but if you think that chatgpt somehow prevented them from thinking critically about its output, you're accusing the tail of wagging the dog.
nobody who says shit like "oh wow chatgpt can write every novel and movie now. yiou can just ask chatgpt to give you opinions and ideas and then use them its so great" was, like, sitting in the symposium debating the nature of the sublime before chatgpt released. there is no 'decay', there is no 'decline'. you should be suspicious of those narratives wherever you see them, especially if you are inclined to agree!
plagiarizing human artists
nah. i've been over this ad infinitum--nothing 'AI art' does could be considered plagiarism without a definition so preposterously expansive that it would curtail huge swathes of human creative expression.
AI art models do not contain or reproduce any images. the result of them being trained on images is a very very complex statistical model that contains a lot of large-scale statistical data about all those images put together (and no data about any of those individual images).
to draw a very tortured comparison, imagine you had a great idea for how to make the next Great American Painting. you loaded up a big file of every norman rockwell painting, and you made a gigantic excel spreadsheet. in this spreadsheet you noticed how regularly elements recurred: in each cell you would have something like "naturalistic lighting" or "sexually unawakened farmers" and the % of times it appears in his paintings. from this, you then drew links between these cells--what % of paintings containing sexually unawakened farmers also contained naturalistic lighting? what % also contained a white guy?
then, if you told someone else with moderately competent skill at painting to use your excel spreadsheet to generate a Great American Painting, you would likely end up with something that is recognizably similar to a Norman Rockwell painting: but any charge of 'plagiarism' would be absolutely fucking absurd!
this is a gross oversimplification, of course, but it is much closer to how AI art works than the 'collage machine' description most people who are all het up about plagiarism talk about--and if it were a collage machine, it would still not be plagiarising because collages aren't plagiarism.
(for a better and smarter explanation of the process from soneone who actually understands it check out this great twitter thread by @reachartwork)
today's students are worried they won't have jobs because of AI tools
i mean, this is true! AI tools are definitely going to destroy livelihoods. they will increase productivty for skilled writers and artists who learn to use them, which will immiserate those jobs--they will outright replace a lot of artists and writers for whom quality is not actually important to the work they do (this has already essentially happened to the SEO slop website industry and is in the process of happening to stock images).
jobs in, for example, product support are being cut for chatgpt. and that sucks for everyone involved. but this isn't some unique evil of chatgpt or machine learning, this is just the effect that technological innovation has on industries under capitalism!
there are plenty of innovations that wiped out other job sectors overnight. the camera was disastrous for portrait artists. the spinning jenny was famously disastrous for the hand-textile workers from which the luddites drew their ranks. retail work was hit hard by self-checkout machines. this is the shape of every single innovation that can increase productivity, as marx explains in wage labour and capital:
“The greater division of labour enables one labourer to accomplish the work of five, 10, or 20 labourers; it therefore increases competition among the labourers fivefold, tenfold, or twentyfold. The labourers compete not only by selling themselves one cheaper than the other, but also by one doing the work of five, 10, or 20; and they are forced to compete in this manner by the division of labour, which is introduced and steadily improved by capital. Furthermore, to the same degree in which the division of labour increases, is the labour simplified. The special skill of the labourer becomes worthless. He becomes transformed into a simple monotonous force of production, with neither physical nor mental elasticity. His work becomes accessible to all; therefore competitors press upon him from all sides. Moreover, it must be remembered that the more simple, the more easily learned the work is, so much the less is its cost to production, the expense of its acquisition, and so much the lower must the wages sink – for, like the price of any other commodity, they are determined by the cost of production. Therefore, in the same manner in which labour becomes more unsatisfactory, more repulsive, do competition increase and wages decrease”
this is the process by which every technological advancement is used to increase the domination of the owning class over the working class. not due to some inherent flaw or malice of the technology itself, but due to the material realtions of production.
so again the overarching point is that none of this is uniquely symptomatic of AI art or whatever ever most recent technological innovation. it is symptomatic of capitalism. we remember the luddites primarily for failing and not accomplishing anything of meaning.
if you think it's bad that this new technology is being used with no consideration for the planet, for social good, for the flourishing of human beings, then i agree with you! but then your problem shouldn't be with the technology--it should be with the economic system under which its use is controlled and dictated by the bourgeoisie.
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alexbkrieger13 · 5 months
Damn straight that 👑 P should be acknowledged by the Danes.
Pernille Harder builds up an impressive streak with German championships
With Saturday's title, the Danish Bayern Munich star has won nine championships in a row.
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In almost a decade, Pernille Harder has never played a season without winning a championship.
That impressive fact was underlined on Saturday when the soccer star and Bayern Munich won the German title with a 2-1 victory over Bayer Leverkusen.
Thus, Pernille Harder, who was not in Saturday's game due to illness, is up to nine national championships in a row for four different clubs.
The 31-year-old striker has been at his best in Sweden with Linköping, in Germany with Wolfsburg, in England with Chelsea and again in Germany with Bayern Munich.
DR Sport's football commentator Arnela Muminovic does not hesitate to call Pernille Harder's feat unique.
- Pernille Harder has been a profile for each and every team, and in many ways it is unique that a Danish player has managed this. It is violent and huge, she says
It is difficult enough to win a championship, but to win nine in a row for four different clubs is almost unheard of, points out Arnela Muminovic.
- She has had to get used to a new club, league and teammates. After all, they are different systems and cultures, but she has still managed to become a profile, she says.
Why stop here, Harder?
When Pernille Harder moved from Skovbakken to Linköping in 2012, it was far from written that the Swedes would win the championship with the young striker. But they did, and the Dane was among the league's best.
Four years later, she moved to Germany and the big club Wolfsburg.
Pernille Harder re-established herself as a profile and won the championship, prompting England's Chelsea to buy her for what was then a record fee.
The national team captain played at Chelsea from 2020 to 2023 and won three championships before flying back to Germany last year and signing a contract with Bayern Munich.
- Although Pernille Harder has been injured quite a bit this season, she has still been decisive. From day one, she has made the offensive midfield her position and is a big part of the team, says Arnela Muminovic.
The Danish attack profile is never satisfied and is always looking for a new triumph, she continues.
- She does not stop at nine championships. She will take one more next year. And maybe again the following year. It is not the end, because Bayern Munich has taken the throne in Germany, says DR Sporten's football commentator.
- Pernille Harder has consolidated herself as one of the biggest in Danish football.
Pernille Harder can add another title to her collection on May 9 when Bayern Munich face Wolfsburg in the cup final.
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rickybaby · 3 months
Peter Bayer is so annoying, every time he opens his mouth it doesn't make Daniel's situation any better. He brings chaos to everything around Daniel with his cowardice and inability to stand up for his team. How can he say that it's good that Daniel deleted his IG when we have to ask for updates on his life through IG posts that he posts no more than 20 times a year. I hate peter so much 🤬🤬🤬
In the past few days, I've made up my mind to not pay any attention to what's said in the media about Daniel - whether that's from Helmut, Bayer, Laurent or Christian.
Red Bull is currently a political bloodbath and Daniel, being the only driver without a contract, has become a pawn in that game. Whether this means Daniel is more likely or less likely to get renewed for next year - I don't know. These past 4-5 races have shown Daniel in on an upward trajectory, and if people are wilfully ignoring that, it just shows there are factors other than performance at play.
It sucks, but I also think what will be, will be and we should just enjoy Daniel racing. Like these three races obviously mean a lot to him - his 250th start, his birthday, his parents staying back in europe for all this and him having Jack around to document it all!
I think the one thing I'm holding dear is Daniel's comment that they overachieved in Austria. It's been so long that he's said something like that - it just shows he is finally performing at that level where he is satisfied with himself, that he's putting everything into it and it feels like a personal reward to himself
Also just saying that yeah, Daniel is caught up in the red bull power struggle, but that man is also cut from the old red bull cloth - he can play that political game in his sleep. So he's not an unfortunate collateral as much as we'd like to think.
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florianwirtz · 5 months
Emotional junk incoming <3
I am trying to figure out how to put it into words how much Bayer Leverkusen winning the title means to me, so apologies if there is no coherence, correct grammar or whatsoever in this wall of text, but I really have to get this out of my mind <3
This blog started its football journey during the 2018 World Cup. I used to have the biggest crush on Julian Brandt who was also the reason why I started supporting Leverkusen the years prior. Before tumblr, I didn't know a single Leverkusen fan as I was a United fan first and supporting two clubs is a bit frowned up in football culture, especially when you do not have any territorial connections to them. However, I quickly found out that the tumblr community does not care who tf you support and welcomed me with open arms. There are so many lovely people with whom i had the pleasure to interact with and some who I even call my friends now.
I ain't gonna lie, the number of leverkusen blogs I was able to interact with is small and usually, it used to be the same 4 blogs posting content except when non-fans used to post content about popular players such as Julian or Kai, but just knowing that there were like-minded people around here made me appreciate them even more. Finally, I had people, who weren't the typical dudebro football fans, to talk (and complain) about the club I like.
I am not active on tumblr anymore, but winning this title reminds of the times when I used to live blog games with my few mutuals - times when we celebrated important wins, when we lost in some stupid way and we were just happy if we reached champions league at the end of the season or made it far in any competition. Times when we lost an important player and thought this is the end but then we got other players who made this team complete. Hence why I had to log in here again and speak out how much this title means to me.
Never ever in my time as a Leverkusen did I think that the team was capable of whatever this season is. I don't think any of us can believe what is currently happening. I wasn't a fan back then when Leverkusen bottled three chances to win a trophy and the name Vizekusen/Neverkusen was born, but I remember the times we were so close to win one and yet something always came in between and we were wondering if we would ever get rid of this name because we weren't sure if we would ever get a chance like that again.
And today, it finally happened and I am tearing up just thinking about it. Thinking about all the former players who have suffered with us, who gave everything for this club and are part of the reason why this current team is flourishing rn.
So I am dedicating this to my mutuals @musialawirtzrichten @loserkusen @nickcassldy and countless other leverkusen blogs who have either deactivated or most likely have moved on from tumblr or I forgot to mention bc i have the brain of a fish lmao 😭. Thank you so much for making leverkusen tumblr the way it is, i always had so much fun interacting and suffering with you guys ❤️❤️ we mfing deserve this trophy after countless years of suffering.
hopefully this is just the beginning 🖤
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myplaylists-angeli · 4 months
That Playlist, Explained
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The main focus of this playlist is to function as some sort of soundtrack for the cricket tournament on Weston’s arc. I’m not entirely sure how much the songs are historically accurate (aka “was this composition bopping in the local victorian theaters of that time (1889)?”) but let’s work with what we have: my passion for classical music.
Now my initial expectation was writing down the compositions names and writing what was my plan by choosing them… and somewhere after Pomp and Circumstance I had completely lost the plot and just begun narrating/summarizing the chapters. But the actual meanings are at the end if you want to skip it!
★ [Spoilers for the end of the arc!!] ★
1. Giselle: Act I - Entrée du Prince (Prince’s Entrance), by Adolphe Charles Adam [1841]
We open with the “Prince’s Entrance” at the ceremony of June 3rd in Weston, where the house representatives are yet to be presented. This is our little intro before the great show!
2. Pomp and Circumstance: March No.1, by Edward Elgar [1901]
Now enter the houses and their teams! 
“Their overwhelming physical prowess and teamwork are second to none… absolute champions! Top of the World: the Green Lions, the Knights!” 
 “Captivating spectators with their elegant plays…  a garden of fine plays! Brilliant Eden: the Scarlet Foxes, the Dramaturges!” 
“The House team, they say, throw their opponents into confusion by unpredictably tricky plays… a swarming of specters! Ghost Legion: the Violet Wolves, the Monk Sages!”
“They aim for an opportunity to win the championship with their strategic game plans… attack of the cornered rats! God-Only-Knows: the Sapphire Owls, the Academics!”
So come and enjoy for the ceremony of the Inter-house Cricket Tournament of 1889 is at the heights of its fire.
3. The Planets, Op. 32: 4. Jupiter - the Bringer of Jollity, by Gustav Holst [1914]
The first game is Sapphire Owls vs Scarlet Foxes. It’s epic, it’s joyful and we’re off to an impressive start with Soma’s cricket abilities, Edgar’s ~Crimson Rose Tornado!~ and Harcourt being himself. 
The game is impressive and it seems like everything is going in favor for the Scarlet Fox house…
4. The Four Seasons: Winter, by Antonio Vivaldi [1723]
… until it wasn’t. With a chilling sensation that creeps even the most sensible regions of one’s stomach, Bard’s horrendous meat-pie and Ciel’s plan dominate the game and guarantee the first victory for the Sapphire Owls!
5. Swan Lake: Act III - Spanish Dance, by Pyotr Illych Tchaikovsky [1877]
Going to the other side of the campus, a match between the Green Lions and the Purple Wolves. Cheslock makes a great move with his Rushing Violet Vapour — Purple Burnout!! and it’s highly effective until Herman hits it back. Victory to the Green house! And the cherry on top is… whatever the hell Gregory is doing on the field. Art goth kids, I swear to God…
6. Sun and Earth: Scene IV - “Winter” Polka, by Josef Bayer [1888]
Ciel gives his team a motivational speech: “Let’s win this! For us and for the Red House too!” (oh my, what a gentle boy!).
Now it’s official: the finale, Lions against Owls! But that will take a little while, so rest yourself and enjoy the show!
7. Radetzky March, by Johann Strauss I [1848]
Sebas… I mean, Master Michaelis puts his cheering orchestra in place to cheer for the Owls. And things seem to be going pretty well for the Owls, as they manage to hit the ball and mark the first points. There’s a flashback of Ciel explaining their strategy: every strong chord from the march, it’s a cue for the ball that’s coming!
8. L’Arlésienne Suite - No.2: 4. Farandole, by Georges Bizet [1872]
Here comes Edward for the bowl! He applied Cheslock’s move (Rushing Violet Vapour — Purple Burnout!!) and made a hit. And also cuts to Edward’s life flashback~ He doesn’t hold back, he doesn’t lose hope! Edward puts effort in everything he can do to come a little close to the geniuses he admires — even if Herman recognizes that this is no mid Midford on the field…!!
9. Concerto For 2 Violins in A Minor, L’estro Armonico: I. Allegro, by Antonio Vivaldi [1711] 
And on the other side of the field, enter the Headmaster and exits Sebastian from the orchestra. But unfortunately this left the Blue House in a bad spot without its musical cues and “cheering”... that’s it until Ciel makes up a new strategy! Now there’s something wrong with the Green House players — hm, and we’re informed that Sebastian thought it would be a good idea to invite Lau?
10. The Nutcracker: VI. Chinese Dance, by Pyotr Illych Tchaikovsky [1892]
Oh. So that’s why. A Surprise Brazen Harem of Woman!! — Ciel, or rather, Lau’s move for the Blue House. And the poor owl boys and their even poorer eyesight don’t even have a clue on what’s going on. That’s it… until Maurice raised a cry about their strategy. Time for a new plan, Ciel!
11. La Campanella, by Niccolò Paganini [1838] 
And Sebastian is still desperately trying to find the running Headmaster! 
While at that, a flashback reveals Ciel had news instructions for the Owls team. In a complex physics dynamic that’s too complicated to be summarized here (without copying a whole paragraph from the manga, that is), Lawrence makes a hit. You can see all Blue House players from here, in a new move: The Sword in the Stone~!!
12. Dance of the Goblins, by Antonio Bazzini [1852]
Now it’s Ciel’s time to bowl again — and Sebastian is on the search. And Ciel’s ball trajectory is… well, physically questionable against all laws of nature… but it’s within the rules, so shut up.
13. Pictures at an Exhibition: The Great Gate at Kiev, by Modest Mussorgsky [1874] 
The field complains about the foul nature of this move but Herman comes to the Blue House’s defense: “for the owl has come with might and main to hunt the lion”! (in his words)
14. 1812 Overture, by Pyotr Illych Tchaikovsky [1880]
But Ciel’s trick is still troublesome for a lot of Green House players, in a matter of mind manipulation and Over-the-Edge Tactics!! Devilish, indeed. Terrific, also. Now is Edward on the bat and he managed to make a six — now it’s on Lawrence’s hands. 
And later is in the… air? BUT NO! The ball has fallen directly into the wicket?! So Lawrence was literally up to something! — the field crowd melts at the sight. It’s the ~Hunter in the Dark~~!, sneaky and deadly as an owl. Now enters Herman in all his glory and preparation. Brain vs Brawn, afterall! The discussion of generations of human genes!
Lawrence throws but Herman takes the hit epicly, to the point of throwing it back so hard it could have BLOODY DESTROYED someone’s head in the crowd. That’s: Sword Excalibur!! 
At last, Ciel gives a pep talk to Lawrence to regain his confidence in himself and the game for the Blue House. Winning or losing… may he bowl without any regrets.
(pls put on 9:40 from here) 
In another epic set of panels — that’s it, scenes — Lawrence bowls one more time… but oh no, Herman accidentally hits Ciel while preparing to bat. As other Green House player comes to the field, Ciel seizes his eye on the ball and ends up throwing it right into the wicket! Umpire and it’s out!
The match is over: VICTORY to the Blue House! (put music on 12:30)
As if imaginary canons blow their shots into the distance, every single student on the field comes together to jump Ciel onto their shoulders. Finally, after so much effort and time, the Sapphire Miracle happens yet again! And by the hands of a second generation of Phantomhive? Incredible! One hell of a winning match!
And here comes Master Michaelis to rescue a wounded Ciel from his team’s hands to receive treatment. But the boy is the most happy about his house winning and finally being recognized as capable as anyone else. So sweet, this little boy! An absolute angel in disguise had come for the Blue House’s cause…!!
15. Devil’s Trill: III. Allegro assai, by Giuseppe Tartini [1713~1740]
… well, that was the expectation. 
Sebastian treats Ciel’s wound while a little bit of explanation unfolds. They really said “fake it until you make it”, all in good faith for the wellness of their investigation. Remarkable? Remarkable. Still in this moment of calmness before the party — and then, a storm — they discuss some important things.
16. Die Entführung aus dem Serail: Act 3. “Bassa Selim lebe lange”, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [1782]
I guess you can see them now, the “Little-Lord Cox” and the boat with his teammates, sailing through the Thames river in front of Windsor Castle, while good ol’ Vicky watches the English youth bestowing another glory to the country’s name… and maybe falling straight into the water can be a good sign? It is the most elegant display of nerdy behavior if I say myself — I would probably get the same ending. 
So may the festivities begin!
17. In the Dark of the Night (Epic Version), by Alala
Oh. What is this? Perhaps… do I hear a twist coming up? About the Headmaster? About the P4? Or maybe, there’s someone else behind in the darkness? Well, this is talk for another day. Don’t take yourself too seriously. You’re so under bloody pressure, mate!
Now, here, what the compositions are meant to be:
1. Giselle: Act I - Entrée du Prince (Prince’s Entrance), by Adolphe Charles Adam [1841]
Due to the regal and pompous status of Weston College, I thought using Giselle’s Prince Entrance would go very well as an intro.
2. Pomp and Circumstance: March No.1, by Edward Elgar [1901]
Pomp and Circumstance is a solemn and popular British march known throughout the whole world, especially for their movements. I thought it was only fitting that the houses would enter at such timing. 
But it’s not historically accurate!
3. The Planets, Op. 32: 4. Jupiter - the Bringer of Jollity, by Gustav Holst [1914]
Holst’s Jupiter had this Scarlet Fox feel to it that I couldn’t simply ignore, so here we are! But it’s not historically accurate either!
The Four Seasons: Winter, by Antonio Vivaldi [1723]
Technically this was meant to symbolize the Purple House but as I was reading and it became that whole debacle about Bard’s pie, I thought Winter’s ominous sound would go better with it lol
Swan Lake: Act III - Spanish Dance, by Pyotr Illych Tchaikovsky [1877]
And this one is now symbolizing Purple House’s game. I wish we saw more of them…
Sun and Earth: Scene IV - “Winter” Polka, by Josef Bayer [1888]
Not a big meaning for this one. I think it was in my spotify favorites list and it sounded nice. Also it’s funny to think it comes before the main story lol
Radetzky March, by Johann Strauss I [1848]
This one actually appears in the manga/anime!
L’Arlésienne Suite - No.2: 4. Farandole, by Georges Bizet [1872]
I don’t understand much of Bizet but this also sounded nice and proper for this scene.
Concerto For 2 Violins in A Minor, L’estro Armonico: I. Allegro, by Antonio Vivaldi [1711] 
Also no big plan for this one but it’s a nice intermission for the next big thing that’s about to happen. 
The Nutcracker: VI. Chinese Dance, by Pyotr Illych Tchaikovsky [1892]
C’mon. Like… c’mon. Someone had to. With this context?? Obvious disclaimer that this isn’t actual Chinese instrumentalization or music. Funny enough, it’s a couple of years “futuristic” for the story, so also not accurate.
La Campanella, by Niccolò Paganini [1838] 
I like La Campanella and it goes amazing with this scene. 
But also, there were rumors at Paganini’s time that he had made a pact with the devil for his violin skills. Although it is theorized that probably his “mephistopheles-like” appearance and long fingers may be results of Marfan syndrome or Ehlers–Danlos syndrome — also a complicated lifestyle as a musician.
Dance of the Goblins, by Antonio Bazzini [1852]
I never heard of this one before but as I was listening (and obviously looking at the title), I thought it would fit perfectly with this situation. After all, if Sebastian is a hell of a butler, Ciel is one boy of a goblin.
Pictures at an Exhibition: The Great Gate at Kiev, by Modest Mussorgsky [1874] 
Mussorgsky is very grandiose in his compositions, especially in the Pictures at an Exhibition, so I thought it fit Herman’s speech. 
1812 Overture, by Pyotr Illych Tchaikovsky [1880]
This is a known battle overture with literal cannons with it and it screamed “that last part at Owls vs Lions game” with all its chaos, violence, epicness and victory at the end. 
Devil’s Trill: III. Allegro assai, by Giuseppe Tartini [1713~1740]
It’s… almost self-explanatory by the title. But for those who don’t know, Tartini had a nightmare/dream once that the actual devil showed up to his, in his bed, to simply play the violin and made the most complicated, devilish-structured but perfect music on the instrument. Tartini spent the rest of his days trying to replicate the sound of his dream, “without success” in his words.
Die Entführung aus dem Serail: Act 3. “Bassa Selim lebe lange”, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [1782]
It came like a nice addition since the next major arc, the Emerald Witch, is in Germany. Plus, it’s one of my favorite Mozart’s songs from the Amadeus movie — alongside Symphony 45 Allegro, Dies Irae and Confutatis. 
17. In the Dark of the Night (Epic Version), by Alala
No, think of another slender, sinister and bony-like guy we have seen before… 
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thommi-tomate · 9 months
Interview with Sepp Maier
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Mr. Maier, how do you look back on the football year 2023?
With a lot of emotion. It started with Manuel Neuer's serious injury, which he sustained on his skiing vacation. That was a shock, of course. But one thing is clear: Manu never took too many risks. I never doubted Manu's comeback afterwards. He's such a great goalkeeper, he just had to come back. Of course, it was sad when FC Bayern parted ways with Julian Nagelsmann. It came as a surprise, but perhaps it was unavoidable. Overall, it wasn't FC Bayern's year.
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The Munich team also said goodbye to leading personalities prematurely. Looking back, how do you view the departure of Hasan Salihamidžić and Oliver Kahn?
Of course, that was a big personnel shake-up. Brazzo tore himself apart for FC Bayern, I'm sure of that. And maybe Olli didn't fit into the manager's chair. He certainly gave his all for the club, because he has a deep red Bayern heart. The way Uli settled accounts with Olli afterwards was certainly not good. That was Uli at his best again.
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What was your personal highlight?
Manu's return in the home game against Darmstadt 98 is clear. I never understood the whole drama, nor why other goalkeepers were traded in the first place. And my opinion of Yann Sommer is well known: I would never have signed him. I'm happy for him that he's now performing so well again at Inter Milan. But Sommer wasn't one for FC Bayern. A small highlight was certainly the double contract extension of Manuel Neuer and Sven Ulreich recently. FC Bayern showed its old strength. That was a great move.
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For the first time in many years, FC Bayern is not first at the end of the year, but sees Bayer Leverkusen at the top of the table. How much does that make your Bayern heart ache?
That hurts a bit - and it's also really unusual. But it has to be acknowledged without envy that Leverkusen deserve it. They have set a new record with 25 unbeaten competitive matches across all competitions, which is quite a remarkable run. Xabi Alonso would be a great coach for FC Bayern, he's doing an excellent job at Leverkusen. The way football is played there makes every fan click their tongue. It's unparalleled even in Europe. And honestly? I wouldn't have put it past Alonso.
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Will Leverkusen even become German champions in the end?
I still believe that Bayern will be champions again in the end, but it hasn't been as difficult as this season for a long time. Thomas Tuchel must get the players back on track immediately in the new year. Bayern must not weaken for a single minute. Otherwise that's it for the title. But there are also quite a few people who would begrudge Bayer Leverkusen the title. If only because of Alonso. That would also put an end to this stupid "Vizekusen" (second-kusen or also his english equivalent neverkusen)
Thomas Müller has extended his contract with FC Bayern until 2025 ahead of the last game of the year. It wasn't a complete surprise, how did you take it?
With great joy. But I also firmly assumed that Thomas would stay, he's simply a Bayern legend. Müller is such a good guy and a really good player. The way he performs on and off the pitch is wonderful and I pay him a lot of respect for that. Müller hasn't always had it easy with Tuchel, but he's taken it professionally. I'm sure Tuchel also liked his attitude. Thomas Müller lives and breathes FC Bayern. The interview after the 3-0 win against VfB Stuttgart was 100 percent Müller. He was funny and totally clear with what he said. You can't imagine him at any other club anyway. Like with me back then.
Is Müller the Gerd Müller of today?
Absolutely. Thomas Müller is the Gerd Müller of modern times. There's nothing more to say. Gerd would be proud that Thomas has extended his contract again.
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What makes Müller so unique?
His professionalism and his authentic and funny manner. I can only repeat myself: he's just a really good guy and a great footballer.
But Müller will probably replace you as the record player - does that annoy you?
Not at all. I'd rather have Thomas than someone from BVB (laughs). It will happen and he is a worthy successor. I wish him all the best. He will have earned it.
Harry Kane has scored 21 goals in 15 league games. An incredible rate, isn't it?
Absolutely. In the summer, you could assume that things would work out with him and Bayern, but his performance is already exceptionally good. There are almost no words. The special thing about Kane is that he also works for others and shows how much he has already internalized FC Bayern. He's good for the Bundesliga. Kane is clearly more valuable than Lewandowski.
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Finally, let's take a look ahead to next year's European Championship at home. What are your thoughts on the tournament?
I have mixed feelings about the home European Championships. Of course it's something very special. And it will be a very important tournament, especially for Julian Nagelsmann. He can win everything, but he can also lose everything. One thing is clear: the team must improve. We won't get through the preliminary round with performances like the recent ones against Turkey and Austria. Then we'll fail badly, but I'm thinking positively. The closer we get to the European Championship, the more euphoria there will be in Germany. It will be similar to 2006.
Julian Nagelsmann recently hinted in the ZDF sports studio that he could imagine bringing Toni Kroos back to the national team. What is your opinion?
I wouldn't bring Kroos back. I don't think it's good for him to play for the national team again. He's had his time. We have many other talented players in his position who can help the team. It's a popular topic for the media, but I wouldn't call Kroos up again. That doesn't mean he's not a great player and hasn't done anything for German football.
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Meanwhile, Marc-André ter Stegen is fighting for the number one spot in the German national team, but is currently injured. Who will be in goal for Germany at the European Championships?
Manuel Neuer. Ter Stegen is a very good goalkeeper, but Manu is on the way to his old form, so there is no doubt who will be number 1 at the European Championship in Germany.
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Final question: After 17 months of proceedings, the European Court of Justice has given the green light for the establishment of the Super League. Are you pleased about this?
Of course not. Nobody needs the Super League, there is already the Champions League for the big clubs, many national leagues and then the Nations League. The Super League will turn football into a two-tier society. I see that with great concern.
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findingnemosworld · 4 months
Could you do fic for Xabi Alonso with wife reader? It was the game between Bayer Leverkusen V FC Augsburg, she and their kid(s) was watching with anticipation. Hoping her husband's team would continue their unbeaten streak and it did happen!! She was so happy for him and the boys for their effort. He was searching for her and their kid(s) when it was time for the family to enter the field.The teams also go to celebrate with when Alonso's. Because without them, they'll not be where they are today. Maybe she had a surprise for him. You decide what it was. Fluff and sweet. Tag me later!! Thanks!! :))
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 months
My media this week (14-20 Jul 2024)
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these eps are not getting any more hinged i will tell you that for free
😍 Baby Steps (BlueSimplicity) - 115K, stucky - really excellent fic with Steve having to step up and take care of a de-aged Bucky, which he fails hard at initially but then sorts himself out and learns to rely on his team. Just so, so good!
😊 Triple Sec (TJ Alexander, author; Jeremy Carlisle Parker, narrator) - I liked all the characters but found myself not really connecting with any of them so I kept putting this down to prioritize other things and took me forever to finish; @81% made decision to get ebook to complete and then when the hold finally came in I finished it in like an hour. AND I really liked that last 20% a lot -- Mel felt a lot less annoying to me. So for this one, audio was not the format for me, though I don't have any complaints about the narrator. I ultimately did enjoy the plot overall even as Mel kind of got on my nerves.
😊 An Assassination on the Agenda: A Lady Hardcastle Mystery, Book 11 (T.E. Kinsey, author; Elizabeth Knowelden, narrator) - Flo & Emily, always a romp. This is a series the reverse of the above, where I don't think I'd enjoy them nearly as much if reading text.
Descendants of Cyrano (letmetellyouaboutmyfeels) - 55K Buddie canon divergent where they work out their feelings via D&D - super entertaining. Never has the tag 'the rituals are intricate' been more appropriate
💖💖 +67K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Collection: Corroded Coffin Fest (thisapplepielife) - Stranger Things: Corroded Coffin, sometimes Steddie, 24K (ongoing) - a collection of loosely interconnected 1000 word stories mainly about CC & its members - I really enjoyed this author's vision of the band. Also hitting that 1000 word precisely every time is an achievement.
Taskmaster - s4, e4-8; s12, e1-5
Smartypants - s1, e7
Um, Actually - s9, e11
Monét's Slumber Party - s1, e1
D20: Never Stop Blowing Up - "Under the Night Sun" (s22, e4)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Gender Cascade" (s17, e4)
⭐ Hit Parade - Song(s) of the Summer Edition
Consider This - A would-be assassin targets Trump. What it could mean for America.
Short Wave - The Dubious Consent Question At The Heart Of The Human Genome Project
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Mother Jones and the Battle of Blair Mountain
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Longlegs is a (satanic) panic
The Sporkful - 2 Chefs And A Lie: Deconstructed Coney Dog Edition
WikiHole - Bruce Springsteen (with Ted Danson, Rashida Jones and Mike Schur)
WikiHole - Mondegreen (with Vanessa Bayer, Anthony Atamanuik and Gil Ozeri)
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - My Life in Three Places: Dylan Thuras
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Exploding Kittens is a simple card game turned wild cartoon
Vibe Check - Do It While It’s Still Legal
Outward - Can you love the bigotry away? Queer Advice with Mathew Rodriguez
If Books Could Kill - Breaking News Re-Release: "Hillbilly Elegy"
⭐ Decoder Ring - The Secret Life of Lawn Ornaments
⭐ This is Love - Switched-On
Pop Culture Happy Hour - We unpack the 2024 Emmy nominations
Re: Dracula - July 18: Trouble Ahead
⭐ 99% Invisible - A River Runs Through Los Angeles
Wild Card - LeVar Burton is learning to embrace the chaos
Re-Creative - John Scalzi
Re: Dracula - July 19: Present Craving
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Twisters and what's making us happy
Dear Prudence - I Am Swamped With Plans and I Hate It. Help!
Dear Prudence - Prudie Plus: I Am Having A Hard Time Separating the Actions of My Neighbors From Their Race. Help!
It's Been a Minute - The rise of the AR-15; plus, why do comedians play so many cops?
Switched on Pop - The music industry's AI fight
Consider This - USA Gymnastics made a miraculous comeback — but is it actually safer for Olympians?
Re: Dracula - July 20: Most Difficult and Vital Aspect
Songs of Summer 2024
All-Time Summer Jams
'80s Pop Party
Rock Radio • 1970s
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leonsliga · 8 months
Loved the RM to Bayern story! It's tough to support two teams but I for one am glad to hear you'd root for a Bayer victory if they faced each other.
I used to be an RM supporter too until I moved to Barcelona. Quelled and squashed, my love for RM I had to keep under wraps and it eventually faded away. And though I never supported BCN Idk why I somehow just quit football as a whole and when I got back it was only because Bayern or I should really say Leon with his heart against the homophobes v Hungary in the Euros, sparked my love for the humanness and beauty of this sport.
I'll forever be grateful for that moment as I remember thinking... hmm who this, brave man, whom does he play for and the rest is history.
Aww thank you bestie!! It definitely can be hard to juggle multiple teams, but I’m pretty sure I’d be lying if I said Bayern wasn’t my favorite of the bunch 😂
I didn’t know you used to be a madridista; the more ya know :) sometimes that happens…for one reason or another, you fall out of love with a club. But love works in mysterious ways; sometimes their rival captures your heart. Football is funny that way, isn’t it? I can understand the appeal of Barça for sure, especially when Messi was still there and they were at the peak of their powers. Even as a Madridista, I have to admit there was a true beauty in their football then. There’s also nothing wrong with quitting on football, even if it’s just for a little while; there’s some days where I wonder if it’s good for my mental health to love a sport so much lol.
That’s the thing about Bayern, right? They simply won’t be ignored. You gravitate to them whether you want to or not. That’s how it was with me, and it sounds like it was the same way for you too :) at their best, they’re all that we’ve ever loved about football.
And what an iconic moment that was, not just during that particular euros but for Leon as well.
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I love the way he responded after the match too:
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There’s just something about his outspokenness, his willingness to stand his ground and fight homophobia like he did, that makes him special. He showed us in that moment what football is at its best. It’s about love—it’s this beautiful game that brings us together week in and week out to experience the whole spectrum of human emotion. And everyone should be allowed to experience that. Not only that, but he’s shown throughout his career that he meant that heart gesture with his entire being. He’s constantly speaking out against any form of discrimination and positioning himself clearly. He’s a class act; how could you not love him? He really is a brave man 🥹
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reasonandempathy · 1 year
What to do with 10 trillion dollars
I spent way too much time actually answering a reddit question of "How would you spend 10 trillion dollars if you needed to in 20 years. You will die after 20 years." So, I figured I'd share it here.
With only $10 trillion dollars you can't stabilize greenhouse gases or get rid of fossil fuels, which are 13t and 44t respectively. I'm using a variety of sources, so don't expect citations.
I did slightly overpay for things, strategically, partially because I can only imagine doing the things I would do would make it more expensive than it would otherwise be. You'll see.
I'm presuming I don't get assassinated.
What you can do (I did the math) figures are in Billions:
Personal (2.44/10000):
1.44 on remaking 8 games as mid-line AAA games (I chose Legend of Dragoon, FF8, Witcher 1, and the Legacy of Kain series).
.214 on 50 years of housing and buying yourself a $130,000,000 home in NYC. Includes taxes, maintenance, and furniture.
.15 on household staff for 50 years, with at double the normal pay
.000327 to put 3 kids through the best pre-k and best college in the country
.664 setting up each of those 3 kids with their own equivalent home and staff setup
Public Service (4303/10000):
Big one out of the way. 2500bn in lobbying/buying up American politicians to enact structural reforms I want to see. You would think this would be way too much, since the presidential election in 2020 only had 14.4 in it. This amounts to averaging 250 in spending every election cycle, even off-year. I counter with the global commercial banking market having a market cap of 2800 in 2023. The defense industry is almost 480. Health insurance in the US is 1600. This is an expensive, long-drawn fight. This is likely the single most important thing on the list. Anti-corruption measures, labor rights, pro-democracy reforms, including ultimately making it illegal for other people to buy more elections.
a cumulative total of 1803 spent on:
curing the most common cause of blindness worldwide
eradicating polio, rabies, elephantitis, malaria, world hunger, COVID19 issues, Water + Sanitation access, extreme poverty, homelessness in USA, Canada, and UK (I looked for China, Indonesia, Nigeria, Egypt, and Pakistan but couldn't find real numbers),
protecting the Amazon rainforest
Corporate Fixing (5692/10000):
Buying up and changing (converting to Co-Ops, converting to non-profits, dissolving, or something in line with those:
JP Morgan Chase
Lockheed Martin
The Weinstein Company
United Airlines
Bayer (side-note: they own/are Monsanto now)
De Beers
Vonovia Real Estate Developers
and Viz Media
It leaves me with 1.4bn left over. I'm comfortable with saying an additional billion would likely be used up administratively as things get a bit more expensive than I thought they would.
Honestly, I could likely blow it on close friends and family who need it. If you have an issue with the house spending being for 50 years instead of 30, that can just be shuffled around a bit to include more people in my personal life to meet the same number.
Leaving me with 470 million to spend elsewhere in the next 20 years. Expensive vacations, nice cars, donating to "smaller" issues as I see worthwhile, giving family and friends money for their ventures/dreams, etc. make me think it wouldn't actually be hard to lose track of that much money in those many years.
Hell, if I want to I can probably spend a million bucks on food a year just for my family. Probably more, if I actively try to do so.
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umichenginabroad · 5 months
Mapping Melbourne (Week 14)
When I initially started planning the trip, I struggled to find a good itinerary online. Beyond Queen Victoria Markets and the National Gallery of Victoria, the majority of recommendations were to visit streets and cafes, or activities that you couldn’t quite get the essence of online. Sure, a street is pretty and well-known, but how much time should I allot to visiting it?? I can only buy so many renowned Melbourne coffees. Answers to my questions were few and far between. Needless to say, figuring out the number of days to spend in Melbourne and coinciding adventures was more difficult than I’d like to admit. But, if it’s two things I learned from the trip, it’s that you’ll find adventure if you look for it and always schedule in free time to look for it!
To make matters worse, just before we called an Uber to the airport, we got an email saying our flight was canceled. Jetstar, the cheapest airline to get around Australia, had worked out pretty well for us until that moment, but from what we heard from other travelers, we knew it was just a matter of time before a flight of ours got canceled. We were able to move the flight to the next morning for free, but lost half a day of our trip. Even more inspired to pack our time there, we found out there was a rugby match in melbourne that evening. Melbourne is known for its sports scene as the annual host of the Australian Open, Australian Grand Prix (F1 races), as well as countless cricket, rugby, and Australian football matches in its famous Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) stadium. I had wanted to watch a rugby match for the longest time, so I was more than excited. The crowd was electric. It was the Melbourne Storm vs the Brisbane Broncos, two of the biggest Australian cities, so tensions were high. I won't get into the details of how rugby is played, but in simple terms, it’s not too different from American football except for the fact that players can only throw the ball backwards (like laterals in football) and they wear virtually no padding or helmets! The two 40-minute halves are also played with no timeouts or ad breaks, so the game doesn’t have the constant (and annoying) pauses which make American football feel never-ending. Needless to say, we were thoroughly entertained. 
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The next day we got breakfast at one of Melbourne’s most famous cafes and breakfast spots, Seven Seeds, where I enjoyed a pourover coffee with notes of peaches and pineapple as well as an egg dish that still pops up in my dreams. 
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Breakfast was followed by a walk through the Queen Victoria Markets, a walk along the river, and then a visit to the National Gallery of Victoria. I personally loved the gallery which had a variety of different exhibits ranging from robot dogs walking around a room to walls full of peoples’ confessions. I returned the next day to continue my exploration of the gallery. 
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Here is a picture of one of the concession walls:
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And here is a robot dog looking at some of its observers:
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On a walking tour around the city, we learned that Melbourne used to be called Batmania after John Batman who claimed to have founded the city in 1835. We also enjoyed the Carlton Gardens, visited and learned about a prison that was converted into a university, and ended with a great view of the city. 
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As much as I loved Melbourne and it’s unique ability to combine the city feel of Chicago with the cafe and food scene of Paris, the visit reaffirmed my bond with Sydney. 
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^ me at DeGraves street - a fun little street and popular destination for coffee-lovers.
David Bayer
Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia
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ikram1909 · 5 months
You know what I’d like to see? Europa League final between Aston Villa and Bayer Leverkusen. I think that’d be a very interesting game to watch. Although, the team I’m rooting for is Roma just because I’m a fan of Paulo Dybala. On the topic of Roma though, Daniele De Rossi is doing a lot better as coach than I initially anticipated.
That'd be really interesting to watch actually I'd definitely tune in. And I really like Dybala I've always enjoyed watching him play
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inawearyworld · 9 months
here’s wren’s playlist (for now)!! it’ll certainly be added upon over time, but it’s meant to be in chronological order of the story
• special girl-dodie; baby, i’m a funny thing; i’m walking if it doesn’t sting
• green finch and linnet bird-stephen sondheim; is it for wages, singing to be sold? have you decided it’s safer in cages, singing when you’re told?
• how do you see-blake rouse; all the saints and the sinners think alike while it is right. while there’s for-profit in my veins, changing my name
• eat your young-hozier; there is ground to break, whatever’s still to come
• money, money, money-abba; must be funny in the rich man’s world
• wicked game-chris isaak; what a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you
• fragile-laufey; now i sit around and rust in rain, turn into dust as i just wait
• sugarblind-king mala; i’ll ask for forgiveness in the morning, sink my teeth into this tender moment
• glitter and be gay-leonard bernstein; observe how bravely i conceal the dreadful, dreadful shame i feel
• starmaker-bruce roberts and carol bayer sager; here stands everything i thought i made. it’s the only life i’ve known, and i can’t even call it my own. i got no home, i belong to you, my starmaker
• the man-taylor swift; when everyone believes ya, what’s that like?
• you’re so vain-carly simon; you had one eye in the mirror as you watched yourself gavotte
• crazy-gnarls barkley; who do you think you are? bless your soul, you really think you’re in control
• candy-robbie williams; either a little too loud or a little too close, got a hurricane in the back of her throat
• rainbow-dodie; oh, how can i be proud of what a million people shout at me?
• green flash sunset-noah floresch; there’s a moment in the sunset when the sky fills up with green. i don’t think i’ve ever seen it, but i still believe
• candyman-christina aguilera; there’s nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm
• this side of paradise-coyote theory; underneath the pale moonlight, dreaming of a circus life, carousels and ferris heights, i’ll be yours if you’ll be mine
• never enough-pasek and paul; you set off a dream in me, getting louder now. can you hear it echoing?
• what love will do to you-laufey; the world feels smaller, yet the trees look taller. there’s enchantment in the air
• you make me feel so young-frank sinatra; you make me feel there are songs to be sung, bells to be rung, a wonderful fling to be flung
• lovelight-abba; and the traffic seemed to get a little lighter. when you came into my life, it all got so much brighter
• life is good-the hunts; i never thought i could shake this heartache until i saw your light
• new romantics-taylor swift; we are too busy dancing to get knocked off our feet. baby, we’re the new romantics; the best people in life are free
• meadowlark-stephen schwartz; before my past once again can blind me, fly away
• i knew you were trouble-taylor swift; flew me to places i’d never been till you put me down
• not strong enough-boygenius; always an angel, never a god. i don’t know why i am the way i am; there’s something in the static, i think i’ve been having revelations
• get back to love-bianca gisselle; but i’ll still pray for you, ‘cause i won’t stoop as low as you
• goddess-laufey; you took me for a fool. you stole my youth. you wanted this so much. you watched me rise, then killed my light, and now you know i’m not your fucking goddess
• lose you to love me-selena gomez; you promised the world, and i fell for it. i put you first and you adored it: set fire to my forest and you let it burn, sang off-key in my chorus ‘cause it wasn’t yours
• who we are-hozier; darling, we sacrificed, we gave our time to something undefined
• i love it-icona pop; you’re on a different road, i’m in the milky way
• clean-taylor swift; when i was drowning, that’s when i could finally breathe. and, by morning, gone was any trace of you
• vienna-billy joel; cause you know that, when the truth gets told, that you can get what you want or you can just get old
• audition (the fools who dream)-pasek and paul; so bring on the rebels, the ripples from pebbles, the painters and poets and plays
• i hear a symphony-cody fry; perfection is so quick to bore. you are more beautiful by far
• songbird-fleetwood mac; and the songbirds keep singing like they know the score
• don’t be shy-cat stevens; love is where all of us belong
• waltz for sweatpants-cody fry; just a little peculiar, maybe more than a little, but life’s far too fleeting for us not to be who we are
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arcadiabaytornado · 2 years
As I'm someone who is a former Bayer — what made you decided you're a Bae lover and not a Bayer anymore?
I've always preferred sacrificing Arcadia Bay! I see Life Is Strange as a ill fated love story where the couple says "screw that" and is able to defy fate. That's my favorite interpretation of the game, so I'll always view Chloe surviving as the "canon" ending to my playthroughs.
I think you're referring to why I hated the sacrifice Chloe ending but grew to like it with time though! Honestly I just went through life events that made me appreciative of stories saying "These characters time together was short, but that doesn't make it meaningless."
So I find the sacrifice Chloe ending beautiful in it's own way, but Chloe will always be alive to me. My Max and Chloe are very happy and traveling the world right now.
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