#what a journey this was
thegreatyin · 7 months
now that lonetrail has come and gone and i've finally finished it, i must concede. lingering echoes is my all time favorite event but lonetrail is the actual best event in arknights.
goodnight, kristen.
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jokramer · 22 days
I finished reading Shogun (fucking finally, I started it back in 2019!!), or, more precisely, a 1987 Hungarian translation of it.
And lo and behold, at the very end, it had a 10-something page epilogue of all the things Clavell got wrong or changed for the sake of fiction. (I suppose to the extent that available data allowed the writer to know).
The magnificent translator and historical author is László Gy. Horváth, who had written a collection of translations for Churchill's many speeches, as well as a historical book on Japan.
As an admirer of history and a beginner writer, it just warmed my heart to see that epilogue.
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percervall · 1 year
👉🏼👈🏼 currently having so many professor-kink thoughts at the moment… so I immediately ran here to ask if you would please make a list of men who trigger your professor kink? 💕
I spent my entire Saturday coming up with this list. There's no rhyme or reason, no thoughts just vibes
a read more because this will contain pictures
Mats Hummels, but specifically him in turtlenecks
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I can just imagine him speaking so passionately about the impact of [insert German author of the 19th/20th century] on the way we view [insert topic here]
(throwing in a bonus one because it fucked me up in the best way)
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Antoine Griezmann, that one photoshoot ruined me
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but also this Anto
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He'd teach French poetry and you'd know absolutely nothing except for how blue those eyes are and a handful of fantasies involving his finger tattoos
Thiago Alcantara, I am sorry but have you seen this man??? They literally call him the professor like what did you expect to happen??
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he'd for sure teach Spanish history with a focus on the influence of colonisation on Spanish architecture
Jordan Henderson. I will not be taking questions at this moment.
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Definitely something sport medicine related
Xabi Alonso kinda fits this bill?
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he'd teach about Basque poets and you'd hang on his every word
Marco Rose definitely fits this bill
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what is it about men in turtlenecks??? For sure a philosophy or Greek classics professor
I can’t believe I’m exposing myself like this but Jamie Carragher. Again, I will not be taking questions at this moment.
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(it's the cardigan under the blazer) he'd teach marketing strategies or something along those lines
Moving on to f1
Carlos Sainz jr, that photo of him looking so focused at whatever he’s doing to his car has me thinking thoughts™️
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He'd be into the Renaissance literary movement and take the whole class on excursions and wane on poetically about those marble sculptures that look so lifelike
Toto Wolff, like in all honesty I could listen to that man talk all day. It’s so effortless?? And he is so smart?? But doesn’t come across as arrogant while he knows he’s one of the smartest men in the room??
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I can imagine him teaching like idk economics or something, for sure business orientated. But I can also see him teaching a Literature class of some sorts
Sebastian Vettel, although this is purely as an admiration for his knowledge. He does nothing for me sexually
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he would 100% teach environmental studies and show you his bees
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st-hedge · 8 months
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To the temple in the woods
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beesinmymoth · 2 months
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Forgive me, lord, for I have sinned
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astearisms · 9 months
but it ain’t called love without a little tragedy 🍁
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ruvigapo · 8 days
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Run boy run!! The sex monsters eat salmon!!
In which i arrive Fashionably Late to the fishssek party
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beaulesbian · 1 year
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- [Nimona]:You should be questioning everything right now. The will of Gloreth, the Institute, the wall. What's it all really for? - [Ballister]: For protecting the realm. - [Nimona]: Oh, you mean from villains like you? Or monsters like me?
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wannabe-f-f-friends · 2 months
My issue today is how Hua Cheng went from painting huge gorgeous murals of Taizi Dianxia with a tiny little gremlin Hong in the corner, to sculpting one Hua Cheng to match each Xie Lian, like an acknowledgement that his presence is something Xie Lian has always needed. And not even just Crimson Rain at his best, but all Hua Chengs. Even little Hong'er offering a flower. He was needed at every stage of their lives. He always had value.
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solarpunkani · 6 months
sometimes spite is a powerful motivator and today its motivating me to crochet
long story short I saw a cool bag on pinterest while I was looking for crochet patterns but there was no fucking pattern but one of my friends found a pattern for a similar but not quite bag so I watched an hour long video, transcribed it into text, and am now gonna make a wholeass backpack just because Sunflower Vibe
Wish me luck I guess
Also this is the bag
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doortotomorrow · 1 month
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cooper howard » adopting cx404
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cokalee · 6 months
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Dearest Friend,
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veillsar · 7 months
「The Pale Bat」- Part 2
❗️Minor BG3 Spoilers Ahead❗️
Lots of dialogue, recommend clicking into the pictures to read clearly!
Summary: The bat is in good care, and Halsin tells Astarion some...interesting things about bats, while Karlach goes into protect mode.
Original post that inspired this is linked in part 1!
Part 1
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{Edited the sizes of images, they were so blurry!!!}
Finally, here is the continuation of The Pale Bat! There will be more updates, but I think once I’m done with this current emotion-heavy beginning(sorry not sorry) it will soon become more of a slice of life type of comic, just little stories of the party and the bat. Got a little carried away at the end there, but I just thought I had to give Astarion’s story some justice, so I did.
Also please forgive me if the bat informations are incorrect, I just pulled them out of thin air, and feel free to throw correct bat-facts at me in the ask-box or just ask about the comic! Hope you enjoy this update, and stay tuned for more ;)
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mae-i-scribble · 5 months
I'm sure this has been talked about plenty but I'm still awestruck at how well Frieren handles Himmel and Frieren's relationship. I have never seen the 'character haunts the narrative' story beat done to such effectiveness.
Frieren's regret is that she didn't know Himmel before he was gone- but he exists in everything Frieren does without her fully realizing it. Frieren is a fundamentally different person and we *know* it is mostly thanks to Himmel's influence. The constant flashbacks, the way in which Frieren's logic and everyday routines have been altered by his memory. She collect spells because he and the others complimented the mundane, random spells she had found. The way that instead of her master, Himmel is the person who the monsters choose to immitate.
The flashbacks too, are so so potent in characterizing who Himmel was- not only in regards to Frieren, but in regards to Himmel as the hero. The person who lead his group to kill the demon king. The person who did everything in his power to help those around him. The person who was so clearly in love with Frieren but understood intimately that Frieren would not love him in the same regard and even worse, would be walking a very long and lonely path.
Hell, it's at the start of every chapter, in which time is only kept by the years before and after Himmel's death.
It all comes back to him, in the end
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sailor-arashi · 6 months
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"Wasn't it a mirrored lotus design ring? In the language of flowers it means 'Eternal Love'."
"Does it? I didn't know. It doesn't matter. I doubt Himmel knew what it meant either."
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baskeigh-ball · 8 days
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Ask blog era is officially over, it was left on a bit of a cliffhanger but still seemed like a good stopping point. Plus I just REALLY wanted to get back to regular posting, but in the meantime have some manhunt doodles :]
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