#but no offence to that scene
aaandbackstabbed · 2 months
I have just watched lady bird for the first time.
And what the fuck I mean what. the. fuck. why did no one warn me
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softavasilva · 2 years
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WARRIOR NUN (2020-) 2.06 | Isaiah 40:31
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lunarharp · 7 months
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i wanted to put these four together chatting, cooking, dancing, and trust
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andrwgarfields · 3 months
yes kinda saddening olivia would not be in hs season 3 but some of the comments on twitter are genuinely horribly dramatic and further proves the point that the majority cares more abt nicks storyline
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rapha-reads · 11 months
Ignorance is Bliss, a Mercutio/Tybalt story
"They remember his loud laughs, his blinding smiles, his sharp wits, his cunning swordplay, his abandon in drunken brawls. They think he was never sad or lonely, ever cheerful, foolish, the prince of an adoring court."
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"Romeo could have told them that sometimes he was afraid, on the edge of a panic attack, losing himself in dark thoughts."
"Benvolio could have told them all about the nights he slipped into his friend's bedroom because he did not want to - could not - sleep alone, tormented by the monsters lurking in the deepest recesses of his mind."
"Sweet, pious Rosaline could have told them all about their long conversations on faith and sin, redemption and love."
"Valentine knows all about the darkness in his brother's heart."
"To the people of Verona, Tybalt was a spectral shadow. He was a sword drawn out in the streets, a sneer so condescending and cold his opponents would shiver and tremble, and words drenched in acid that cut to the bone."
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"They never saw that every time he fought, nobody was hurt. Every time he drove the Montagues away, he also led the enraged Capulets back to safe streets. They did not understand that he was a keeper of peace and balance, that his violence kept everyone else under control."
"They did not understand that he loved peace and tranquillity. No one knew of his love for poetry, or his extensive knowledge of literature and history."
"Sometimes, Juliet could see below the surface, she could reach out to the real Tybalt. She knew how to make him laugh, and she knew which books to ask and leave for him."
"Sometimes Rosaline took her place, and Tybalt and she discussed History and literature at length, though always behind closed doors and shut windows. Those were their secrets, and nobody could ever learn of them. All the city could ever know was the fighter, the dark shadow stalking its streets."
"Because the thought of Tybalt loving Mercutio with all his heart, and Mercutio loving Tybalt above anything else, is so alien, so unlike anything the good people of Verona has ever known, that it could never be fully comprehended - even more so in light of the events that shook the city and painted its streets red."
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"There is someone else who could have told them that behind the smiles and the laughter, the puns and the innuendos, laid a deeply ingrained melancholy, a fear and a self-hatred the kind of which they could not even begin to fathom."
"Where Mercutio was day, Tybalt was night. Where Mercutio was light and heat, Tybalt was darkness and cold."
"No one knew Mercutio better than Tybalt knew him, no one understood Tybalt better than Mercutio understood him. In the eye of the people, the association of the red-haired buffoon who would spend all his time in taverns always surrounded by the Montagues, with the infamous Prince of Cats, shunned heir of the proud Capulet family, the fighter blinded by anger and hatred, was completely unfathomable. If the people of Verona knew just how much they relied on each other, how they would run to the other after a bad day, how they could fight and insult each other during the day and murmur promises and endearments into each other's skin at night, then they would grieve a little less for Juliet and her Romeo and a little more for Tybalt and Mercutio."
Read the rest of the story on AO3 here.
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agentsmiths · 4 months
Kataras fight with Pakku was so lame in the live action.
I hope the actress gets more martial arts training if they make a second season. And a better script lol
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nexus-nebulae · 14 days
every person i see talk about teen wolf always says scott is bland as hell and stiles steals the show, which unfortunately i must agree with bc every time i watch a teen wolf video i can never fucking remember which guy is scott but i sure as shit know who stiles is
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lenievi · 11 months
rewatching The Cloud Minders kind of strengthened my opinion about Kirk in SNW that a part of how he acted with La'an was obviously just himself and a part was the connection he felt, and he kind of lost himself in the moments and in her presence, and only after La'an told him that he was looking at her in a way that a man who loved her did, that he really saw her - something she yearned for - when he realized how serious it was for La'an, he put an end to it. For both of their sakes.
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everysai · 11 months
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blackat-t7t · 3 months
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sammyloomis · 1 year
been thinkin abt ud a lot (nothing specific, just rotating) and its making me wanna replay again, but i know ill get to the midway point and lose interest cause of all the damn mike sections fghj
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the-desolated-quill · 2 years
Man, Good Omens Season 2 looks cringe.
Why is this being made again?
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concernedlily · 2 years
cousins WIP 9
pt 1
pt 2
pt 3
pt 4
pt 5
pt 6
(note: now posted in slightly revised form up to the end of the tumblr pt 6 on AO3)
pt 7
pt 8
Porsche has been putting off going to see Pete. They’ve exchanged some awkward text messages, but Pete barely leaves the hospital room where Vegas is drifting in and out of consciousness. Arm had mentioned another surgery a couple of days ago, trying to drain another infection, and Porsche hasn’t been up to dealing with how Pete might be feeling about that. He wants to support his friend but he still hasn’t totally got around to reconciling himself with Pete leaving the main family to be with Vegas; and another, worse, part of himself is even resentful that even if Vegas is still dangerously injured Pete and Vegas get to be together. <I>Vegas</I> gets to be with the person he wants, and Porsche and Kinn are alone doing the soul-killing work Vegas doesn’t have to worry about anymore. 
The main sign that Vegas is still on a long road to recovery is that the room next to his on the private medical wing has been cleared out of hospital equipment and made into a little studio for Pete. It’s even smaller than the two rooms he’d shared with Porsche, but it’s his alone. The fixtures and fittings are a confused mix of brought up from staff quarters and brand-new main-family luxury, a signal that his circumstances have changed to something more than staff and yet with Vegas not properly in working order something still less than a confirmed and acknowledged life partner. 
Pete welcomes Porsche into it with the carelessness of someone who hasn’t noticed anything either way, clearly with most of his attention stuck next door. “Khun Porsche,” Pete says, and he sounds like himself but there’s an archness to it; Porsche can’t tell whether it’s new, or whether it was always there and he’d just never recognised it for what it is, Pete carefully hiding whatever part of himself it is that’s capable of loving Vegas behind an affable expression and a go-along attitude. 
“Come on,” Porsche says anyway, and drops into a chair from the bodyguard canteen. Pete is looking haggard and Porsche pulls his cigarettes out, takes one for himself and tosses the pack at Pete across the table. Both of them light up with subtly trembling hands. Neither of them mention it. 
“How is he?” Porsche says, jerking his head next door although it’s obvious who he must be talking about, not to mention he’s not sure that Pete could answer the same question about anybody else up to and including his own self. 
“The latest infection is stable,” Pete says, and then rattles off a load of barely comprehensible information about antibiotics and sutures and test results in the matter-of-fact way Porsche remembers from nursing Chay through a million childhood illnesses, when their medical status is the only thing that matters and it’s hard to talk to anyone who doesn’t have the same assumed level of interest and knowledge about the crucial details of their health. 
“Is he awake much?” Porsche says when Pete finally takes a breath. 
“Some,” Pete says hesitantly. “He’s - quiet.”
“Lucky him,” Porsche says. He takes a long drag of his cigarette and blows the smoke upwards. Neither of them should be smoking, technically, but even in the domain of the hospital wing Theerapanyakul employees won’t tell off the head of the minor family and the lover of a cousin, even a demoted and disgraced one. 
“He almost died,” Pete says defensively, but there’s a fascinating flash of anger in the way he looks at Porsche, quickly smothered. “He’s almost died… fuck. I don’t know how many times now.”
Porsche can’t tell whether Pete is mad Porsche wasn’t there for him through any of that, or glad of it. Vegas had basically had a miracle to survive the initial shooting, Porsche knows that much. It’s hard to shake the feeling he’d shared with Kinn, that it would’ve been easier on Porsche if he hadn’t. 
“Well, he hasn’t,” Porsche snaps. Pete’s open concern, quitting his job, acting in love with someone who’d done the things to him Porsche saw on Pete’s body in that bathroom - Porsche doesn’t get it.
“He almost killed himself,” Pete shoots back, almost yelling, and Porsche draws back instinctively, readying himself to spring out of his chair and fight, before he catches the reaction and forces himself to relax. Pete is so often calm and affable, it’s always a surprise when he unleashes the part of him that had got him to being a senior bodyguard, the part Porsche had had to look away from as he calmly, affably kicked the shit out of Mes.
“Are you trying to make me feel sorry for him?” he says quietly. “They came after Chay, Pete. I told Vegas where I’d put my brother so he’d be <i>safe</i>, and he sent men to kidnap him.”
Pete softens abruptly, then grimaces, but his eyes are still clear when he looks at Porsche. Like he’d have expected nothing else from Vegas. Like, maybe, as Kinn thought, Porsche is the idiot for not having expected what Vegas would do with that information. Like Pete would have expected it, even though he loves him.
“I assumed you were -” Pete waves at him, his cigarette sketching out a smoke figure in the air, “Like this about Kuhn Kinn. Although I heard you broke up.”
Porsche lights another cigarette and wishes he had a fucking drink. “Who did you think she was, the woman upstairs?”
Pete looks surprised, visibly searching his memory like he’d barely even noticed her. He guesses, “Kuhn Korn’s mistress?”
“Fuck no,” Porsche splutters, and then he’s hit by the unwelcome thought that this could have been <i>even fucking worse</i>. He wouldn’t even have put it past Korn to have hidden that he and Kinn were brothers. “She’s my mother. She’s Korn’s sister. I’m Kinn’s cousin. Vegas’ too. His papa had a picture of her in his office.”
He hasn’t thought of Vegas as his cousin before, or Macau. It’s an odd glimpse into how Kinn must be feeling about Porsche, to have been so content to carry on; no feeling of family connection, no visceral response to being aware of the blood that gives them one kind of relationship and precludes another. 
Pete really looks at him for the first time, his full attention on Porsche and not half stuck in the adjoining room. “Your mum? Aren’t your parents dead?”
“I thought so,” Porsche says heavily. “My dad, yeah. But Korn took my mum and kept her here for years.”
“So that’s why they gave you the minor family,” Pete says. “Fuck.”
“Yeah,” Porsche says. He feels jittery, tries to find the stillness in himself that comes harder every day. “Does Vegas know?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t told him.”
“Have any of the main family been to see him?” Porsche asks.
“Kuhn Korn,” Pete says. He’d pledged his ongoing love and loyalty to the main family, but there’s a tinge of disgust in his voice, and when Porsche looks at him he can see the studied artificiality of Pete’s familiar neutral expression for the first time. Vegas does probably know, then, if one conversation between he and Korn is making Pete look like this.
Porsche sighs. “You’re going to have to take him away, you know. I won’t have him. Unless you want Korn to get whatever it is he wants from him.”
“We’ve got nowhere else to go,” Pete says, quiet but desperate, and Porsche closes his eyes and looks away from him. “Nobody really gets out. If you don’t know how many enemies the minor family makes compared to the main family, you will soon. Vegas and Macau won’t last a week out there without protection.”
Porsche knows it’s true. He grits his teeth and says, “How close is he to discharge?”
“Ages,” Pete says fervently. He still has to sleep after walking to the bathroom. When he is allowed to walk to the bathroom.”
“Then he’s got time to come up with a third option,” Porsche says. 
Or Porsche has time to be pushed into taking him, by Korn or Kinn on Korn’s orders, no matter how much he hates it, or Pete. Porsche knows himself well enough to know that if they make it about Macau, he’ll probably fold. He won’t be able to leave Vegas’ little brother in danger as easily as Vegas put his.  
“He can help you,” Pete insists and Porsche looks at him flatly and Pete looks away from him, lights another cigarette with economical motions. “I can stop him trying to hurt you.”
That surprises a laugh out of Porsche, hollow and humourless. “Can you?” Pete might want to think so, and Vegas might even believe it with how desperate he’d been to find a way to get to Pete, but the bruises and whipmarks on Pete’s body didn’t look like Pete could stop him. Vegas can’t even stop himself: he’d told Porsche he wasn’t going to let anybody do anything to Pete, but Porsche knows Pete had been on Kinn before Porsche showed up, right where Vegas and his men had attacked hardest. 
Pete looks flinty when he looks back at Porsche, taking a couple of quick, angry drags. “You think you didn’t change Kuhn Kinn?”
“Okay, fine,” Porsche says. “Who’s going to stop <i>you<i>? Kinn paid off Prawat’s parents.”
Pete flinches. “I didn’t mean to. He shot Vegas, it happened so fast… I just reacted.”
“Vegas attacked the main family and killed dozens of our men,” Porsche says. “I’m trying to establish myself. How does it look to my people if I can forgive their deaths so easily?”
It’s uncomfortably close to the kind of thing people said to him when Kinn was unkind to him, punished him; to what he knows Korn would say to Kinn. Never being able to just think of one person, always having to put the work of making and maintaining trust first. Porsche has never tried to make people loyal to him; he knows he isn’t good at it.
“They know the risk when they take the job,” Pete says, but he looks miserable. 
“I didn’t. I was desperate.”
Pete raises his chin. “And look at you now.”
Porsche shakes his head. “No heroes, no villains?”
“You forgave him Tawan and Big when you wanted his help again,” Pete snaps. “And - you paid him me, to get it, didn’t you? You took me to the bar that night so he could see me.”
Porsche breathes out, slow and measured. He’s wrinkling his tailored trousers over his thighs and he makes himself let go the death grip he’s taken on the linen. He says, “Yes.”
Pete ashes his cigarette and slumps back in his chair. “No heroes. No villains.”
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yououghtaknow · 1 year
another bpd banger from our pal bill.
#hey girl did you know that uh you WERE the perfect child. past tense.#making the mentally healthy (lie) decision to reread the skambr clip with this song i will post my thoughts here#CLIP OPENS WITH FUCKING NO CHILDREN REGENCY BALL SEQUENCE GOD I LOVE THIS SHOW#no offence but what if we were 18 years old and in a failmarriage via the musical theatre hierarchy of our small city#POST-NO CHILDREN TAX EVASION REVEAL!!!!#the girl and al..... OUGH#AL AND MONICA SCENE. FUCK. AFTER TORCH SONG TUESDAY?#AWKWARD MISGENDERING APOLOGY SMASH CUT TO MAMA MCR YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS#no offence but the acoustic arrangement of mama and the orchestral arrangement of no children..... i DESERVE money for this show#al singing mama about both monica and louise genuinely i am quite a genius when it comes to jukebox musicals#AL AND THE GIRL'S DANCE BEING DESCRIBED AS HALF-MURDER HALF-HUG I AM SO SUCCESSION CORE#monica's house becoming a set for the i love you song......#louise and monica BOTH singing the mother's parts of the i love you song i am so obsessed with alistair psychologically#he hates louise he wants her to be his mother he wants to be her he wants to kill her the only way she can be his mother is if he marries e#MIRROR IMAGERY!!!!!!!!#monica saying depression runs in their family when al got his bipolar genetically from her OH the o'connell cycles#AND THEN ELLIE TAKING ON THE FATHER'S PART. INSANE INSANE INSANE INSANE.#the thing about al/ellie is they both want a partnerparent. they are bpd4bpd and it is AWFUL and WONDERFUL#the girl looking at al as he picks up the letter he wrote when he was 11......... ough#THE GIRL JOINING IN AS THEY SWITCH TO THE PRESENT TENSE. WHEN AM I RETURNING. INSANE#HE LOOKS TO THE MIRROR TO SEE HIS MOTHER BUT SHE ISN'T LOOKING BACK#I THINK I AM ANGRY MA AND I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO VS I THINK DAD IS ANGRY MA. THERE IS AN ANGRY MAN IN YOUR HOUSE AND SOMETIMES YOU ARE HI#the Theme of letting go lyrically in s6........ need to do a full analysis on it#THE FOCUS ON ELLIE/AL ELLIE/LOUISE AL/THEGIRL THEGIRL/ELLIE MONICA/THEGIRL AND AL/MONICA FOR I THINK SHE TAKES OUT ON ME#WHAT SHE WANTS TO TAKE OUT ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#CYCLES CYCLES CYCLES CYCLES CYCLES CYCLES I AM INSANE AND FREE#AND THE CHANGE TO 'HOW I WISH I WAS HOME' COMPARED WITH HOW HOME BEETLEJUICE IS USED IN E12#THE REVEAL OF THE LIVING ROOM BEING A SET AS THE BRIDGE ENDS GOD I AM A WRITER#al and ellie are the biggest proof that mommy issues make you fucking insane#also imagine the fucking four part harmony on this. the arrangements would go INSANE
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saviourkingslut · 2 years
finally finished s2 of the alienist... uhmm why was this season abt everyone BUT the alienist. hello. daniel brühl turn on your location i just want to talk
#WHERE was laszlo#literally they only gave him a bunch of scenes with lara pulver so they could?? send him off to europe at the end???? huh#he barely did anything at all the entire series. even for the case he was barely there to offer assistance#i get wanting to do a little more for sara's character but now it was HER show more than his#and no offence. but im watching the alienist. for the alienist.#my sister and i were SO disappointed by the last ep too#john marrying a woman he doesn't truly love just so he can? have a child?#laszlo fucking off to europe and leaving his whole ass institute behind?? WITH THE PATIENTS HE CARES ABT???#sara ending up in that classic 'strong independent women don't need a man they can be successful without them' hashtags feminism#as if wanting to be in a relationship with someone. makes you anti feminist or something.#society has progressed past the need for the independent strong women trope#where are the women in loving relationships with men who agree with them and their views and who wholly support them#women don't need to be alone/unhappy in their love life to be feminist characters. please.#i can't believe i dropped s2 ages ago and then finished it bc of daniel brühl and he's actually barely in it at all. incredible#if he's not in a possible follow up season i am not watching it. again it's called the alienist and that's what i am here for#curry rambles#ALSO WHY DID THEY KILL MARCUS?? that was totally unnecessary esp in a last ep like that.#cheap effort to get the audience emotionally involved#AND SPLITTING UP THE MAIN THREE CHARACTERS?? if you want your series to succeed. NEVER split up the#found fam at the end#is2g nothing kills my goodwill for a piece of media faster#the alienist
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snixx · 1 year
my sister will NOT let me read my puckurt in peace
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