#what else should i put here
leavingsunsets · 25 days
Hi hi! If you're still taking requests, then I'd like to request a drabble, fic, or thoughts and whatnot for a Senku x male S/O scenario in which the Science Crew asks if Senku is dating anybody, and while they expect him to say no and that it's "a waste of time", he shares that he actually is in a relationship with someone who's still out there and petrified! Though, while they're all like "who's the unlucky lady?", he explains that S/O is actually a boy! Alternatively, he could not say anything until they all meet S/O and see that they're a boy! Please and thank you!
ur such a politey omg. lovely idea, and this takes place in the ship! RYUSUI'S SHIP OUT AT SEA RAAAAAAAHHHH. ghhhh i RLLY WANT YALL 2 SEE MY ENVISIONMENT OF THIS. THE VEHEMENT CHAOS TO ENSUE
"OᑌT Oᖴ EᐯEᖇYOᑎE?"
[ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴡ'ꜱ ʀᴇᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ]
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I feel like it would be during some sort of lax convo maybe in the evening. Like, just letting loose, having fun and talking. People getting to know each other, yada yada yada.
Then, somehow, it turns to the topic of dating.
Everyone's sat around one way or another, Gen by the side, Chrome standing front, Kohaku leaning against the chair Ukyo sits on. Ryusui, of course, in the center of it. Senku's just off to the side picking his ears.
Ryusui kicks it off when Gen recalls about him going on about how he loves all women, bla bla bla.
Gen goes "You must've dated a lot of women to say that then, Ryusui. Though, I'm not surprised..." Like, this guy's an heir to a billion dollar (or yen. or whatvr currency) conglomerate, skilled, and the muscles.
"Even though I hadn't, I'd still say so! Women are beautiful creatures, every one of them. Men, too!" and ugh go bi king go. "Right Ukyo?"
"What's this have to do with me?" Ukyo smiles nervously.
"Awe, cmon, I'm sure you've had at least some experience being as charming as yourself!" ryusui would egg him on, grinning brightly. "You strike me as a popular ladies' guy!"
and i headcanon that ukyo probably did have a lot of admirers back then. oh my gosh like look at him??
Senku yawns. Gen seems to notice him.
Kohaku also like mulls this over. "I also did have a partner once, though it was brief." Chrome gapes. "What?! So even the gorilla was able to date before me?!"
that earns him two hits to the head.
then gen would start teasing chrome like "But hey, atleast youre not the only one in the single for life zone with senku here!"
and senku goes like "huh."
"You're right!" chrome would pose, probably. "Must be because we're scientists! you know how we are, we're too busy being smart to actually-"
"I'm not single."
almost everyone has like 'HUH' DOUBLE TAKE DOUBLE TAKE REWIND. (kohaku and ukyo probably just goin 'wow. thats actually interesting.')
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First to react is ryusui going "AH HA! SO EVEN SENKU CANNOT RESIST THE BEAUTY OF WOMEN!" throwing his arm round his shoulder patting his back like fellow congrats bro
and people start demanding like who is this chick?? WHO SAW HIM AND WENT 'oh yah this is the one. yah.'
and senku raises a brow and goes "its a dude."
Ryusui just goes "okay, well who's the lucky gentleman?!"
LIKE EVERYONE HAS A VARIED REACTION FROM UNBOTHERED (kohaku. she probably started picking her ears or something. ukyo takes this time to enjoy the fruitcake and help himself to the food) TO CHROME GOING "🏳️‍🌈😧🏳️‍🌈🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵?????" gen would just go "HOW LONG?? SINCE WHEN???"
Senku just groans and covers his ears are something something goin 'wth whyr u so loud ugh'
"I SAID WHEN????" Gen starts shaking him back and forth. leek hair man goes "uugggggg since middle school? idk i met him after taiju"
"WHAT THE HELL???" cue more shaking that senku feels like his brains vibrating. "YOU BASTARD WHY DIDNT U EVER TELL US THIS?? AND AFTER ALL THAT DRAMA???"
"you didn't ask??? also let go of me!"
head in hands absolutely floored like huh???
even senku goes like 'you couldve actually found that out by just asking taiju himself, or yuzuriha. its not even a secret dude.'
then thus comes the most important question, who is senku's infamous lover??? how is he?? WHERE IS HE?
"im not answering that first question. most likely still petrified. he were out on travel somewhere in the country when it happened."
and they have to go 'oh ok' and simmer in the fact and continue on with their lives as if nothing happened. like a nuke didnt just drop on them.
and senku was damn right because when each of them try to ask taiju on deck the next day he just outright goes "oh yeah senku's got a boyfriend. i'm great buds with him too! how did you know that? :D" cue another round of "HUH" from the other crewmembers on ship
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doctorspookss · 25 days
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I am cringe but I am free :D
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upsyturvyy · 2 years
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you’re telling me i NEVER posted any of my CF fan art on here??? fucked up if true
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itsme-inbooks · 8 months
I actually don't know how to make mutuals. I just exist and sometimes I post something or reblog other things but... how do you guys make mutuals? (Idk who I ask bc I don't have mutuals)
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Here's some pictures from my experience at Cabaret at the August Wilson a few days ago!
(I got to meet Eddie Redmayne!)
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This photo got posted on the Cabaret official social media along with others from my family!
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The final picture... for most. They put a sticker over your camera, which I think was a fantastic idea!
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But I was allowed to take one of this cool light.
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Eddie at the stage door! (My mom took these two photos because my phone had died ( :( ) and I couldn't get a selfie with him.)
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Him waving to the people he couldn't reach to take selfies with :)
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I love what they did with the theater, the presentation was just gorgeous.
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Eddie was so humble and funny! It almost felt like there was an aura of kindness radiating off of him. He was fantastic in the role of Emcee and Gayle was perfect as Sally.
That night was such a fantastic experience, and I will remember it forever. Thank you for the unforgettable experience, Cabaret cast and crew!
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iamanartichoke · 11 months
I don't know who needs to hear this, but as a creator -
I am fine with "the audience" -
downloading my fics
printing my fics
copy/pasting or screenshotting my fics
sharing your saved copy of my fics with anyone else who might want them in the unlikely but never impossible case that my fics are no longer available on ao3
making a book of my fic(s) and running your fingers across the pages while lovingly whispering my precioussss
doing these things with anything I create for fandom, such as meta, headcanons, au nonsense like 'texts from the brodinsons,' etc
I am not fine with "the audience"
doing any of the above with the purpose/intent of plagiarizing my work or passing it off as their own in any capacity
feeding my work into ai for any reason whatsoever
Save the fandom things. Preserve the fandom things. Respect the fandom things.
Enjoy the fandom things.
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kaori-ymg · 9 months
First post...
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mishy-mashy · 2 months
Something I made in a post that I think'll be lost in the texts + expanded a bit more
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These panels are chronological events following AFO's pursuit of Yoichi's Factor.
AFO could tell if people were related through a Quirk. AFO and OFA also are connected to each other. In Kamino, AFO could confidently tell All Might that OFA had been passed on, so all that All Might had left were leftover embers.
When AFO killed Kudo, he asked where Yoichi was. He knew Kudo wasn't the holder of Yoichi's Factor at that time. He also realized when looking at Yoichi's hand that Yoichi's natural Factor was so weak he hadn't registered its existence. This implies AFO could sense Factors since he was young, and Yoichi's natural Factor never stood out to him.
Below are three panels of Bruce (right to left). Bruce fought, AFO killed him, and looked away in disinterest.
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When he beat down Bruce, he already had a sense that Bruce didn't hold the Factor anymore. That's why, rather than yell in his face to figure out where it is and interrogate for a long time, he pulled up his corpse to inspect him better.
Bruce's corpse isn't resisting anything. Look at his feet; AFO literally dragged him. Bruce is already dead. Yet he's looking for something from him.
Bruce doesn't have anything for him. Nothing AFO wants.
When he looks away, he's dismissing Bruce, because Bruce doesn't hold Yoichi. AFO is wondering where Yoichi is, because he knows now that he's out there somewhere. Thus the pensive look to the wind.
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After Bruce is killed, AFO and Garaki meet for the first time. Shinomori has Yoichi at this time, and AFO never comes close to him, so AFO is lost. He doesn't have any leads, and Yoichi has vanished.
Now that he knows Yoichi can transfer, it's possible for Yoichi to be kept out of his reach for the rest of his life. So meeting Garaki and having access to Life Force gives AFO more time to search.
Yoichi is still missing for 18 years though, because Shinomori is in hiding. AFO couldn't find him during the Fourth's turn.
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This is why, when he encounters Banjo, the Fifth and active wielder of OFA [Yoichi], AFO is smiling.
It's been a long time, but Yoichi's in reach again. He knows where he is now. And this is the first time he's encountered the current holder.
Thus his shock.
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[Yet... you never behave as I wish.]
It was the first time a Quirk wouldn't let itself be stolen. This was AFO's first encounter with this wall: it doesn't transfer without the holder's consent, and requires willpower stronger than all the holders combined to override that.
The holder is never going to give him that consent. To override the collective willpower, he's going to need something greater.
Meanwhile, look at Banjo's arms. Shinomori is the catalyst to tip OFA over the edge, that an unprepared vessel will be destroyed by how strong the Quirk is.
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Banjo's arms are both messed up below the shoulder, just like Midoriya used to be. And like Midoriya uses Blackwhip to reinforce himself and stay standing, Banjo uses Blackwhip to hold his fist / arm together. His hand is being wrapped to stay in a fist.
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(What I think is) The reason the limbs turn red, and then purple, from breakage, is a matter of blood vessels. Small, itty bitty, fragile things.
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Using OFA breaks the whole area, from bones to blood vessels, causing internal bleeding. Thus the redness. But breaking those vessels again in a second go turns the area purple, because it causes instantaneous internal bruising.
But En wasn't ripped apart by using OFA. There's a cut on his thumb that lines up with the path of destruction; AFO sliced him in half. Otherwise, he wouldn't have that cut if it were just OFA.
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It's hidden by the text in [... you never behave as I wish], but depending on where you see this chapter, you can see he got cut on the thumb. It's clearer where we see Nana take his hair from him, in [I only want... to make you mine!]
I have a post in drafts about En being cut in half rather than it being because of OFA, but I also hit an image limit, so I'm gonna end here. Ta.
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siriusblackisdead · 1 year
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ghastlyaffairs · 2 months
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for something as trivial and simple those feelings sure are hard to get rid of
also made a gif a version for fun + alt version with no tears under the cut
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the gif is in very low resolution...this is a feature (i could make it bigger but that would require saving each frame individually and than glueing it all together. also i feel like low resolution suits it better. aesthetically and fits the mood)
#hs#homestuck#dirk strider#eye strain#probably? if you think i should tag something else let me know!!#anyway hooray its time for rambling in the tags#so uhhh heres the teæ i've been sick for like a week and you know how it is when suddenly your throat becomes the main gunk warehouse#and you can't breathe lol. wish i could just pull it out. anywaaayy this is basically a vent piece for me being sick lol#also i could draw remotively the same thing with kris deltarune. oh how easy it is to project having a cold#though i have been also experiencing troubles with feelings recently as well....how fitting for dirk#speaking of the man himself (enough of me) his relationship with his own Heart...is peculiar to say the least#the thing i love about alphakids is that despite being so feral they were. so relatable. i cannot stress this enough how unwell they are an#and how they represented being a teen so well. yeah being 15 years old makes that to you#imagine being an emotional mess and trying to fit the 'norm' and act normal about your friends so youre not offputting#and then you fall in love with you friend and your ai clone falls in love with him too looool noone makes out of this one alive#uhh literally. godtiering stuff and dying remember#and speaking of it. tw for suicidal talk for the rest of tags#do you ever think dirk was suicidal. of course the part of when he teleports his head to jake was totally planned and he knew he would ->#wake up as dreamself but. don't you think the moment he cut his head off was sort of. cathartic. how much did he hate his own guts#beheading himself not only for the plan...but also because he thought he 'deserved' it#also wow he is a Prince and was literally beheaded don't you think its funny hahaa#sigh poor thing#this has ended on a not the very pleasant note hm#also fckkkkkk i didn't draw anything with rose/mary for the lesbian visabilty week#(putting the slash because tumblr search system has a dumb gag with showing you posts that contain the tag inside the other tag.#and i don't want this post to show up for the ros/mary fans because it's not!!!! its rose's father emotional crisis post!!!!)#update YOOOO WHAT THE HELL THE GIF HAS EVEN LESS PIXELS THEN I PLANNED fantastic#this your breakfast now tumblr. enjoy your crunchy flakes of dirks meltdown. mwah
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Congratulations to Gatito/Gatita for winning Season 1 of the Ultimate Word Tournament!
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lonely-dog-draws · 6 months
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go holy man go ???
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👆 redraw of this hallway
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daily-hanamura · 6 months
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#p4#persona 4#p4g#persona 4 golden#hanamura yosuke#yosuke hanamura#“i should be the one thanking you though” god yosuke GOD he still sees so much of this as him seeking justice for saki huh#nearly one year in and he still feels like this was a responsibility of his. that it was his burden that he had put on to yu.#that initial moment when he asked yu for help in entering the tv world like he still saw it as yu following through with his word primarily#i feel like there's an implication here that he thought yu might/could abandon this task for something else.#rank 10 when yosuke says “somewhere deep down I didn't trust you... no it's more like... i was jealous of you” idk i think on some level#yosuke didn't trust yu. i think yosuke who is used to being let down and used to only being paid lip service and superficial relationships#he didn't believe that someone as competent and as beloved and as enviable as yu would pull through for someone like yosuke#which again i want to shake yosuke like a snowglobe BECAUSE BBYBOY PLS HAVE MORE FAITH IN YOURSELF#DO YOU STILL NOT SEE HOW MUCH YOU'VE CHANGED YU AS MUCH AS HE'S CHANGED YOU#DO YOU KNOW UNDERSTAND THAT WHEN YU WAS THANKING YOU IT WAS FOR THE SAME REASONS??#THAT YOU STAYED UNFLINCHINGLY BY HIS SIDE THROUGH GOOD TIMES AND BAD??#THAT YU ALSO HAD HIS BURDEN OF BEING A WILDCARD DESPITE BEING SOMEONE THAT STAYED CAREFULLY DETACHED SOCIALLY#BUT YOU. YOSUKE. YOU WERE THE ONE THAT CHANGED HIS MIND AND HELPED HIM AND MADE HIM BETTER AND I#YU DIDN'T KNOW WHAT LOYALTY AND DEEP MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS LOOKED LIKE EITHER UNTIL YOU AAAA WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT#srry idk why that was in all caps i got very passionate for a moment#anyway. them.#he's good with his queue
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angelogistics · 6 months
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do you make original art? have you ever submitted to zines/galleries and been rejected? feel like there's no place for your cool weird stuff on the internet? well, fret no more.
under the floorboards seeks to highlight artists that go unnoticed on the internet and uplift non-fanart pieces that don't get as much traction. UTF will be free to read & submit to forever and published online for the forseeable future.
officially opening submissions for under the floorboards vol 1! there's zero timeline and also i dunno how long a volume will be. each artist spotlight/ article will be posted somewhere, probably on a neocities site i'll host (or maybe mine until i get off my ass and make a second acct).
pls be open to communication either thru email or discord, as i'd love to have a casual interview component as well! shoot me a tumblr dm or email (in tags) if you're interested in being featured.
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mewtwo24 · 28 days
You know idk if it's just me being oblivious af but mxtx sure does enjoy putting her protags through the trolley problem when it comes to her works huh /j
#mdzs#mxtx#i say this not to be critical but because she really does prove how time and again#people want a scapegoat and an easy target to blame#and so much of her work is abt proving how faulty these philosophical absolutes are--nothing is that simple.#literally the arguments made to put everything on wwx (at least for now) appear to be faulty at best#i mean sure sometimes he puts his foot in his mouth but like ;;;;;;;; the kid is just doing his best wtf#everyone out here like WWX IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU except for lwj and i'm just like#1. hes literally like 16 yrs old or smth#2. whether or not he stepped in during the cave scene was kind of a non-question??????#the wens were so clearly going to engage in egregeious violence regardless of the rationalizations that came after#pointing fingers is legitimately pointless and fallacious logic#if mianmian wasnt targeted theres really no guarantee smth similar wouldnt have happened#furthermore working tg and refusing to play by wens' rules was p much the only feasible option#lwj was young and afraid and had lost so much but he still had enough clarity to insist on working tg#i also really love what he said abt suffering bc its just true.#the way he claps back to his uncle by saying that nobody would be spared violence and atrocity#the only choice they had was to try to band tg and mitigate the dmg--basically 'war is hell'#i find it such a stark and lovely contrast to the common perception of others abt him#that lwj stands alone and thinks of no one else; quite the contrary#he's v self-contained and v disciplined but he's not indifferent to suffering or apathetic#i think so much of the natural love that blooms between wwx and lwj is rooted in their mutual desire to do good#wwx wants to help--he loves to see people smile. he would do anything to protect the ppl he loves#lwj is honestly the same--he's just more abt structure and stability#wwx is more spontaneous and more attuned to the people around him#im a little shocked that people werent able to tell lwj was just as obsessed with him#just bc wwx is loud and mischievous about his interest doesnt really???? to me mask the ways lwj is so responsive. also i ????????#still don't understand the mental gymnastics of madame jiang insisting it was all wwx's fault when she literally targeted wen's mistress ->#in retaliation???????????????? all this 'pick your battles what the fuck is wrong with you wwx' and she goes and instigates their wrath??#i mean idk fellas i was just sitting there like 'you could have handled this so many ways and you picked the TNT option. wat.'
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schnuffel-danny · 23 days
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One half of my old man yaoi OC couple <3 sorry for posting man boobie on main u.u
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