#what i really like seeing is post- or pre-canon Sophia
il3x · 10 months
thinking about how the worm timeline would make it so easy for shadow stalker to have a run-in with the Nine (escapes + goes on the run after regent's interlude, emotions in the aftermath of said interlude make cherish's top ten or whatever) but sadly i don't think there's much story potential there. mainly 'cause she's too cringe and pathetic even for the nine. very sad, since "putting my most horrid blorbos through S9 trials" is my no. 1 hobby. any ideas for characters who SHOULD be run through the s9 trials torment blender are greatly appreciated
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mirixmoya · 3 months
(you can find PART ONE here, for anyone interested!)
i. the black dog: 8/10. excellent directly-post-war hayffie song. captures a moment when they haven't quite re-connected yet, but they're both dying without eachother. "my longings stay unspoken, and i may never open up the way i did for you" "six weeks of breathing clean air, i still miss the smoke" is all very them. a really effective illustration of how the world feels like a different place in heartbreak, it's desolate and aching, which is all very very hayffie.
ii. imgonnagetyouback: 9/10. this song is bananas crazy, but so is effie. so it fits. it reeks of the turbulent, on-again-off-again, boundaryless, situationship parts of hayffie. once again, i think this could be a VERY good directly-post-war vibe. "i can tell when somebody still wants me" "you'll find that you were never not mine" "even if it's handcuffed, i'm leaving here with you" are all crazy thought processes which i can 100% imagine effie having.
iii. the albatross: 7/10. i know everyone is really stuck on this being a lucy gray / katniss / snow parallel song, but i see the hayffie vision! i think it would be a good song to juxtapose all of effie's relationships with capitol men against her relationship with haymitch. how is she made to behave by love? how does her fame + position loom over her relationships? effie is mythologized by the men in her life, almost made unreal by their perceptions of her, and it's haymitch who makes her real again. if any of that makes sense.
iv. chloe or sam or sophia or marcus: 8/10. EVERYONE HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE, but i have this vision of really angsty post-canon hayffie where they try to make a proper relationship work, they really do, but they just... can't. but there is an ache to this failure. a regret. they thought that they would always be able to come back to this, to eachother, but they discover that life is actually a series of closed doors. things change over time. they're forced to grieve this past version of their relationship that they simply don't have access to anymore. "you turned me into an idea of sorts, you needed me but you needed drugs (ALCOHOL) more" "could it be enough to just float in your orbit?" "if you want to break my cold, cold heart, say you loved me" ... yeah, the angst potential is endless.
v: how did it end?: 7/10. ONCE AGAIN, excellent bones for an angsty post-canon 'well, it didn't work out' hayffie vibe. good general thg imagery with "lost the game of chance, what are the chances?" + "the empathetic hunger descends" etc etc. "we were blind to unforeseen circumstances" very very them.
vi: so high school: 5/10. i feel like i could twist it to be hayffie if i tried really hard. like maybe a post-canon movie-verse traumaless fluff vibe where everything just falls into place. "no one's ever had me, not like you" is a very good line for hayffie tho.
vii: i hate it here: 8/10. excellent potential for a pre-canon / during-canon hayffie where effie uses their relationship as her refuge from the rest of the world, it's the only place she can truly be herself. the precocious child stuff, the debutant stuff, "i'm lonely but i'm good, i'm bitter but i swear i'm fine", all feels veryyy effie. this song would also be a good framework for effie being incapable of articulating her relationship with haymitch to other people, the magic of it is lost on them, it comes out clunky and awkward. but SHE knows it's real.
viii: thanK you aIMee: 2/10. not a hayffie song. but i feel like i could make it about effie & The Other Escorts if i really tried.
ix: i look in people's windows: 6/10. listen, this album is just an post-canon hayffie gold mine. "i had died the tiniest death" (the war) "i'm afflicted by the not knowing" (her relationship with haymitch) "what if your eyes looked up and met mine, one more time" (they can try again, can't they?). the anxious, almost neurotic ruminating is very effie to me.
x. the prophecy: 10/10. THE HAYFFIE SONG! if you saw the twitter edit before it got taken down, you KNOW. "don't want money, just someone who wants my company" "i'm so afraid i've sealed by fate" ... devastating. i think the illusions to prophecy & fate & this lack of control all play into her role in The Games really well. the idea that she's being punished for her sins by this lack of love. so much of effie is controlled and precise, i think the fact that this one thing (her relationship with haymitch) is sooo out of her control would drive her insane. perhaps insane enough to beg on her knees...
xi. cassandra: 4/10. not really hayffie focused, but good potential for one of my more politically focused fics. maybe the year of the 75th, leading right up to the rebellion. cinna & portia strike me as very cassandra-coded.
xii. peter: 1/10. not hayffie. maybe seneca & effie relationship study, but def not hayffie.
xiii. the bolter: 10/10. PERFECT EFFIE SONG! NO NOTES! SHE IS THE BOLTER! a precocious child with a "quite bewitching face" who is "splendidly selfish, charmingly helpless"??? welcome back effie trinket! the chorus is very hayffie to me. i'm thinking pre-canon early affair vibes. we get all the fun contrast between her relationship with haymitch and her relationship with the capitol "trophy hunters". the bridge could not be more effie if it tried, "hearts are hers for the breaking, there's an escape in escaping". she falls through the ice (the war) but don't worry folks, she comes out alive!
xiv. robin: 0/10. i genuinely have no idea what i could do with this song. sorry.
xv. the manuscript: 3/10. potential for post-canon living-happily-ever-after hayffie but with effie reflecting on her past relationships with capitol men. there's lots of illusions to grooming and the imprint that age-gap relationships leave behind that i think could really work.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 11 months
Loki S2 Pre-E6 Thoughts
So I know that this is totally random content to give to y'all this morning, but I wanted to post up my thoughts about the series before its final episode airs tomorrow. I have, in the past, talked about my thoughts on S1 and how I really did like it until the last 5 minutes of Episode 6 and how out-of-nowhere-forced the Sylvie/Loki kiss felt (I was physically cringing about it).
Given how S1 ended, I was a bit wary about S2, but decided to watch it anyway, and holy hell I think Season Two is KNOCKING it out of the park. I'm loving it as much as I loved Moon Knight, and it's right up there now in my top 5. The episodes are SO cinematically beautiful, well written and flow nicely, the characters are all so charming, and the Mobius/Loki relationship is being built up so much that it COULD lead to more or canonization in the final episode. During the past 5 weeks, I've been lurking on the meta spaces for Loki on Twitter and Tumblr, and wow the nostalgia I feel for it, it SO reminds me of the hey-day of my Johnlock meta-ing before S4.
I think my only gripe right now with this season is that they wasted Sophia DiMartino... her character Sylvie feels like such a... filler character (like they just put her in there because she was in the first season and they didn't know what to do with her this season)? But I think ALSO she's meant to be a counter-mirror to Loki, to show that he ISN'T like her anymore, that he grew and changed for the better with the positive influences in his life, and unlike her he doesn't WANT to be alone and such. And they're REALLY making her so unlikeable this season for me... I'm glad that it's looking like they're pretty much not going the Sylvie/Loki route (and I honestly don't see how people who ship it think it will canonically turn around at this point), but the showrunners are having her have every interaction between her and Loki rather hostile, demoralizing, or toxic. And rather that, they're countering it by showing a more positive alternative for Loki with Mobius as his potential romantic partner. Which is fantastic because I've shipped Lokius since Mobius came on the screen in S1, LOL. I just think they could have done that in S2 without making Sylvie an unlikeable character (like have her be a cheerleader for them instead?) I dunno. It's a shame because I did like her in S1. Don't like her at all in S2. She's so MEAN to EVERYONE. To Mobius especially, like CHILL girl, let a man stress-eat, JEEZ.
And here's the rant I actually wanted to write this post about because I didn't want to clutter up other people's threads with it: So, every week, I usually watch breakdowns and review videos so I can understand the characters and their comic counter parts a bit better, and usually the breakdowns are really good because they show the nods to comic-canon things and such. But OMG these past two weeks, I had to stop watching the reviews because LITERALLY all of them ship Sylvie/Loki and are trying SO hard to prove that it's canon when the past few weeks it's only been more and more likely that it's not happening.
NONE of Big Name Reviewers (NRS and SC specifically, if ya know you know) acknowledged AT ALL the RIDICULOUS amount of romantic tropes and dopey staring that Episodes 4 and 5 had (Loki watches Mobius through a window the first time he finds him, and the second time before going to talk to Mobius again Loki LITERALLY groomed himself and then stutters like a lovesick teenager. It was very rom-com; and they're skirting around the fact that all the empty places in the TVA that Loki kept slipping to were ALL places that Loki tshared time with Mobius in... I CAN GO ON FOREVER HERE, AND AND AND that Loki is constantly panicking if he can't find Mobius). LIKE. NONE OF THE REVIEWERS, who literally break down all the episodes and point out shit like All That for het-ships, just won't acknowledge any of it!! They glossed over both Loki's and Sylvie's bisexuality confirmations in S1, and only briefly mentioned their genderfluidity in the comics and in actual mythology. I usually watch the breakdowns because I'm not familiar with comic lore so I find it interesting to learn about those backstories, as well as little details they find, but they've been dropping the ball ALL season, and EVERY one of them mention EVERY single breakdown that Loki just wants to get back to "his one true love Sylvie!!", like what are you smoking?!?!? I was getting SO FRUSTRATED because they skipped over LARGE chunks of E5, especially, just pointing out the surface level stuff instead. I literally turned it off after all that.
THAT ALL SAID, since episode one it's been clear that Sylvie wants NOTHING to do with Loki – she just wants to live a quiet simple life. Then when shit goes bad, she blames Loki for all the problems SHE caused, shits on Mobius every chance she gets, and then in that bar scene when Loki's bearing his soul to her, telling her that he wants his friends back and DOESN'T want to be alone, she basically is like "tough titties" and leaves him ALONE, showing she's not a friend at all.
But the reviewers literally just gloss over all of this. ANYWAY.
Ugh, sorry about that, that's been eating at me for like 3 weeks and last week's reviews finally just pissed me off so much because even casually watching the show I could see all this shit. I only REALLY started believing Lokius could happen after Episode 4 aired, and then Episode 5 had me reeling.
I am DYING to write meta about every episode as it comes out... I just feel that other people are writing better stuff than I could, and much faster than I have time for, and really it's nice to be on the reader side of things for a change. I just... don't want to add in my own two cents to their posts because I'd feel I'm intruding, is all.
I have lots of hope about where Episode 6 will go... like I'm feeling pretty good about them canonizing Lokius... However... I'm not gonna be disappointed if it doesn't get canonized simply because this is Disney and I am REALLY not thinking they're going to explore Loki's comic-canon genderfluidity and sexuality on a surface level.
Good thing I eat subtext for breakfast LOL. I lived through BBC Sherlock, hahah. BUT... can I get a third ship canonized in one year??? Is it wishful thinking? Oh, for sure. I hope so. I would be so happy if Disney even ACKNOWLEDGED that they love each other But I'm not expecting it. I'll be happy with another hug at least, or a forehead touch or hand holding. I'm a simple gal.
Honestly though, I do inevitably want the last episode to have Loki as the ruler with his friends, because they built up to this for 12 episodes, I DON'T want an unhappy ending for the sake of a twist or whatever. Truly let him be the Loki Who Remains (a callback to Episode One) as the Keeper of Time with Bea, O.B., Casey, and Mobius at his side <3
I LOVE the character development of Loki in this series, too. I legit didn't really care for Loki all that much in the MCU, but this series did the same to him for me that FatWS did to Bucky for me: Make me want to see MORE of them and their adventures with their new friends.
Anyway, thanks for reading and indulging me, I mostly just needed to get that rant out about reviewers and wtf people still think Sy!ki is happening. Feel free to discuss in the notes, I plan on posting a reblog with final thoughts after it airs on Thursday <3
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sylvies-kablooie · 2 months
For testing your anon-ask back on...
What are your thoughts on the upcoming comic book of the TVA, featuring Sylvie, B15, etc?
we established that my asks are working, but i still wanna share my thoughts! so thank you for sending this in :D
so, my first thought was skepticism. it LOOKS like, based off of the cover, that sylvie is sitting in a TVA office chair. i can never imagine sylvie working for the TVA in any capacity. she's made it clear that she beleives in burning it down rather than reforming, and she has every right to hold that grudge for as long as she lives. my one takeaway from s2 that i am thankful for is that the narrative proved her right. it was corrupt.
(and i haven't watched the new deadpool but i did wikipedia the plot and it seems that proves the point further)
so seeing sylvie on the cover, i was like woah, what are you doing to my girl!
now, maybe that isn't actually what is going on in the plot, and it was instead just a clever way to fit all the characters into one image... which could be possible! judging books by covers is often warned against, and here i am, doing it. but i mean, you probably drew the same conclusion as i did, right?
however sensitive i am to their treatment of sylvie, at the same time, i was really excited for b-15/verity content. she has deserved a spotlight for SO long, and i'm glad it can be shed upon her. there was so much s1 build up to her connection with sylvie and her role in the TVA as a whole that was completely ignored in s2. and i am still mad about that.
the next thing i realized: i do not think this is canon to the MCU at all.
it's hard enough keeping track of the mainline films and TV shows, but based on the other characters on the cover, many of whom we have not seen in the MCU ever, it made me think, oh. it doesn't have any effects on the ACTUAL story. it's like an AU, or something.
now, you can correct me if i'm wrong on that front, but i welcomed this news. because that means if they DO make sylvie work for the omnipotent time cops, i can just ignore it, and keep the stuff from the story i did like in my head :D
then, after that, i saw sophia's post, where she tagged the writer of the comic, who she had before said was the person she always turned to when she needed help playing sylvie in s2. so, that gave me a bit more faith in the project, if it is someone who knows the character well.
(you can argue that some of her actions were out of character in s2, but the bigger problem was that she had like, no screen time at all, so we barely got to SEE any of those actions. i have seen criticism on her mcdonald's arc and i think it's valid even if i don't 100% agree. i see the points, though, and my opinion is subject to change)
anyway. the writer that sophia, the actress PLAYING sylvie, would turn to for help, penned this. this is a promising endorsement.
so, that was a really long answer, but i guess in the end: i'm not getting my hopes up, but it could be great. i think i'll wait for people to post their thoughts on it before i pick up a copy for myself.
OR i could pre-order it and give YOU a review, if you consider me a sylvie expert enough to be the judge on if i consider it a valid addition to the sylvie canon.
regardless, though, i am excited to see her again, lovingly drawn on the page. that is my baby! and even if the story is wack, but we get cute little pictures of her, is this not a win?
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#do we not recall scanlan shitting in a holy temple and in a jar in the kitchen and as a gift to his daughter to keep an eye on things??
My Top Posts in 2022:
The more I think about it, the more I wonder if the secret that Milo was keeping from Ashton, the 'whisper' that Taliesin got, was more about not wanting to tell Ashton how their team/friends/family abandoned him and left him for dead and less the fact that Milo had something shady to do about the whole thing
Also?? Is Ashton from Bassuras? Are we going to see the Greymore State Home that they and the rest of the Nobodies grew up in? Are we possibly going to see some of the Nobodies while we're there??
78 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
I found it interesting that when Ashton was recounting his accident to the rest of the Bell's Hells he said that they were 'just supposed to be the lookout' but during the memory sequence in this episode, we saw from a first-person perspective that Ashton was actually very hands-on?? They were the first into the room, they opened the crate with their hammer, he stuck his hand into the crate and pulled out the vials of distilled dunamancy, and still had a hold of it when they fell from the window. I just think it's really interesting how he described their job versus how it actually went down
79 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
Also? Ashton makes art? His 'stuff' is a cup, some clothes to sleep in and art they've put together themselves?? Does nobody else think that this is endearingly sweet and nobody is speaking about it?
82 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
Rewatching The Unsleeping City and can we please appreciate Zac's face when Sophia confronts her brother about Dale's death and Mario straight up says "He wasn't right for you! He wasn't from the neighbourhood!" and then talks shit about the 'crazy magic monk shit' that Sophia herself is now a part of
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133 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The pre-canon fanfic potential for this group is so amazing??? Like, mean, come on:
Zerxus and Nydas? Who is so close that they call each other 'brother' in social settings and Nydas's brother and sister-in-law included thoughts and well-wishes for Zerxus in their kite letter, and are apparently looking after Zerxus's son while they're separated?
Laerryn and Patia? Both very powerful women, friends who respect each other, and Patia understands and doesn't make fun of Laerryn's awkwardness in social settings, both of them understanding how important the other's work is, bonding though needing to know anything and everything about what going on?
Loquatius and Laerryn? Ex-partners who obviously still have some love between them but don't know how to go about it? She wears the perfume that smells like the flowers they had on their wedding day, he inspires her even after all this time, he visited her private quarters during the day even though he doubted she'd be there because he recalled their wedding day seven years ago and missed her?
Cerrit and Patia? They go to each other for information while also understanding that they both have unique roles and bond over being the more senior members of the group?
Zerxus and Cerrit? Cerrit congratulates and welcomes Zerxus to the new position and asks about his son, promises to help him through any issues he may come across and assures him that he's already doing a great job. Knows him well enough to understand that he hates social settings and he wouldn't have come to the party to say 'hey guys, I had a weird dream last night, what do you think' and that there were probably plenty of dreams before this one that he kept secret? Zerxus having great respect for Cerrit and following his lead when it comes to the object?
Laerryn and Zerxus? They both know that these social settings are not for them and they stick with each other thought-out the whole thing.
Zerxus and Cerrit and Nydas? Just bros being bros. (I thought their little dynamic was really sweet)
Nydas and Patia? He caused a loud distraction so she could cast a quiet message to the champion. He whisked her onto the dancefloor and waltzed with her so they could chat. They have a mutual agreement and he often does favours for her. Upon realizing that Nydas has been taken advantage of and might be in danger, she is furious and storms off to figure shit out.
These are just a few of them off the top of my head, but I just think all these characters are so close and have such a great dynamic? I know that it's inevitable that this will be tragic as all hell, and they'll all either die or suffer a fate worse than death, but I would love to read/write some fanfic of their lives BEFORE everything went to hell.
My two thoughts so far? 1) This is phenomenal and everyone is doing an amazing job. 2) They could not have picked out harder names to spell for their characters.
345 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
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juuls · 4 years
Hi Reylo community!
Latest edit: First of all! —I am more than happy to help people who want to give podficcing a try, just send me a message and we can work out details, figure out answers to your questions, etc. I would just love to see more people recording podfics!
It’s easy to be a podficcer; nothing special is needed and I’m happy to provide tips for simple podficcing! In fact I sorta ramble about my process here in this Answered Ask and include 3 basic tutorials.
To the Reylo community at large (writers, artists, readers, lurkers, everyone!): If you could pick one of your, preferably, complete (or at least a fair number of chapters in and being updated) fanfics that you would like to have a podfic made out of... which would it be?
I’d love to create a list of works where authors have given permission to podfic their fics, whether short or long, and to contribute to the new Reylo Podfic Collection!
But I’d love to use this tumblr thread as a.... thought exercises, I suppose, and permission, too, for people to podfic your work.
While I do do podficcing for Marvel... it just makes me want to do so much more Reylo stuff! There’s so few pieces out there compared to the bevy of Marvel stuff, but honestly, every time there’s a new (Reylo) podfic—it breathes new life back into the fic, the author, the ship, the fandom..... plus you personally feel awesome for the performance high and for bringing a smile to the writer’s face. That’s the best thing ever and I adore doing it, no matter how ‘simple’ the podfic may be.
So, AUTHORS, which of your fics would you like to see podficced? Blanket permission for any?
And READERS!!!—which of your favourite fics, short or long, G or T or M or E... would you love to listen to, or think deserves the verbal treatment? :D
Old, new. Canon-Compliant, Modern AU. Canon-Adjacent or Post-Canon. Post-movie Fix-It or forget-the-movie Fix-It. Gen, Teen, Unrated, Mature, or Explicit. A/B/O or Soulmates. Bendemption or Renperor. Senator Ben or Jedi Ben. Fuck-Jakku Rey or Must-Return Rey. Hopeful Rey or Antagonistic Rey. Blocked Force Bond or Open. Good or evil. Take his hand or don’t. Pre-Canon, post-TFA, post-TLJ, or TroS—I don’t know her.
Come one, come any, come all! What would you pick to podfic?
Pod together with us!
I’ll keep the list of approved fics updated if we get enough replies! I do so hope we do! I love Reylo, you love Reylo, who doesn’t want their fic put to voice? And also, let’s breathe some new forms of life into this fandom! Celebrate it with me!
(Sometimes there are already podfics done for a particular fic but you can always 1, welcome another for your own fic, and 2, request of an author to see if you can perform an additional reading of their fic—each podfic is different and special in their own way.)
Do you feel how awesome this could be?
They do.
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Blanket permission for any of these user’s fics: *
TheOriginalSuki [[“Maybe skip the Welsh epitaphs, ha!”]]
Politicalmamaduck [[Tall Tales of the Western Wilds has previously been podficced by @luminoustico and @quickficradio 🧡!]]
Perry_Downing [[Devotion has already been podficced, and Powerless, Thwarted, He Knows, and Unbidden claimed.]]
EllieCarina [[In My Bloodstream has been claimed.]]
DragonWhiskers [[any completed works]]
PalenDrome (nerdherderette) [[any and all fics, ships, fandoms]]
Podfics welcome for specific fics (permission given): *
Delicious Ambiguity by Juulna (~24.8k)
Shadowed by Juulna (~5.6k)
Little Earthquakes by LochTayBoatSong (~5.3k)
the breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you by LochTayBoatSong (~36.1k)
Asking Price by SouthsideStory and ReyloTrashCompactor (~33.2k, 13/15 chapters)
Things Not Seen by SouthSideStory (~13.8k)
Chains by Veggieheist @veggieheist (~295.5k, 67/? chapters) [[contact author as they wish to re-edit the beginning of the fic]]
Dream House by sleepyowlet @sleepyowlet (~11k) [[“I read it out loud to myself and because I wrote it with the Dreamlands cycle as background noise, it has the same kind of feel to it. You just need to find a podficcer who can read consentacles without cracking up.”]]
Camera Shy by Sophia Ravencrest @sophiaravencrest (~23.8k)
Blades Crossed by the-reylo-void @the-reylo-void (~27.1k)
enemies-to-lovers by the-reylo-void (~59.6k) **
Within Monsters by AnonymousMink (~132.6k)
Hiraeth by TheOriginalSuki @theoriginalsuki (~47.9k)
Blood is Thicker Than Whatever This Is... by DragonWhiskers @belovedunderwing (~1.5k)
Siren’s Song by DragonWhiskers (~22.5k)
Specific fics we’d love to see in podfic form and currently awaiting permission from their authors: [[fics granted permission moved to ‘Podfics Welcome’ list]]
Ashes of the Empire by Skyelo_Ren @dancingpenguin57 (~128.4k)
The Moon, the Sun, and the Star Inbetween. by Silvershine @silvershiner (~120.1k)
can’t turn off what turns me on by audreyii_fic @audreyii-fic (~26.1k)
Tactical Surrender by destinies @destiniesfic (~155.8k)
Claimed with permission:
landscape with a blur of conquerors by diasterisms @kylorenvevo (~362.9k) and To Kingdom Come (~145.7k) [[claimed by @isitcoolthatisaidallthat18]]
In My Bloodstream by EllieCarina @jackpotgirl (~103k) [[Claimed by @juuls — awaiting pre-production edits, recording will begin, soon followed by posting, in a handful of months]]
connected in the deep and Split Soul by Juulna (~2.5k and ~1.3k each) [[short ficlets currently claimed for practice by @lochtayboatsong]]
Powerless by Perry_Downing @perrydowning (~213k) [[claimed by @juuls and will begin work on it in early- to mid-January]]
Sky Marked Souls by AnonymousMink @anonymousmink (~22.3k) [[claimed by @isitcoolthatisaidallthat18]]
Thwarted (~358k), He Knows He Needs To Stop (~140.5k) and Unbidden by Perry_Downing (~183.8k) @perrydowning [[claimed by @isitcoolthatisaidallthat18]]
* “Please claim” even if just replying to this post or sending me an Ask or DM so I can edit the post. Mutiple podfics are flattering to the author but some podficcers really don’t like to be ‘one of many’. Absolutely valid. You can even create a placeholder AO3 ‘podfic’ and link it as inspired by said fic, so people can see that it’s being worked on... as long as permission has been granted first, or course, sillies! :)
** Although an unconventional fic format, this fic can certainly be podficced by using (1) different tones of voice for thoughts, fic summaries, different sorts of text, and/or (2) different tones of pings/chimes/whatever for the text messages from different characters, and/or (3) adding in an extra line of, for example: *ping* “text message from thekyloren reads as follows…” OR (4), if you want to get fancy, you could have some friends assist you by recording any of the messages from ‘their’ character. That would be a lot of fun, in fact! Another option is (5) where you would split your recordings and give an audible indication to read the message, followed again by a new audio file, etc. Only problem with this approach is if there are too many breaks in the audio and you end up going from one to the other too many times in a row.
And please, reblog and spread the word for this project! No project can operate by its lonesome; it needs help from the community it belongs to. ❤️ Here’s another link to the Reylo Podfics Collection!
Thank you so much!
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scuttling · 3 years
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Latina OFC Sophie Cortes Word Count: 3,786 Tags: SFW, Pre-relationship, Self-confidence issues, Canon-typical violence Summary: On Sophie’s first day at the BAU, she gets nervous. On Sophie’s second day at the BAU, they get a case. Collection: Sophie Cortes timeline, 0-6 Months at the BAU (See Masterlist for reading order) Link to A03 or read below! On Sophie’s first day at the BAU, she’s a little bit nervous—change your outfit three times, run your Keurig with no cup underneath, hair up? hair down? hair up? nervous—so she takes a deep, steadying breath before pushing open the glass double doors that lead to the bullpen.
She took cues about attire from other people she saw the day of her interview, so today she is wearing a simple black and white dress with pumps and gold jewelry, and she feels she fits in, but she gets more than a few curious looks when she enters.
Her instructions are to report to Agent Hotchner’s office first thing, but she is stopped on her way there by a tall, handsome, impeccably dressed man with a frankly gorgeous smile. He’s Black, with a shaved head and a great voice, and suddenly she doesn’t mind the interference.
“Hi, I’m Derek Morgan. You’re Sophia Cortes, right? Hotch mentioned you were starting today.” She smiles warmly.
“Yes, pleasure to meet you. You can call me Sophie,” she says, reaching out a hand for a shake. “Agent Hotchner told me you’re from Chicago, and so am I. Please say you aren’t a White Sox fan.” His smile becomes even brighter, if possible. She might be halfway in love with him already.
“God, no. If you want to watch good baseball, it’s the Cubs all the way.” She laughs lightly, happy to have a little rapport with a new colleague so soon.
“I’m glad to hear it.”
“I’m glad there’s a little more color in the office now,” he jokes, and she understands where he’s coming from completely. It’s bad enough to be the only woman in the room, sometimes, but when she’s also the only person of color, she feels… inadequate, somehow. Like she has to work twice as hard to be seen, even though she literally stands out among her peers.
A blonde woman with a fair complexion and pretty, almost doll-like facial features steps up behind him, and he looks over, introduces her.
“Sophie Cortes, this is Jennifer Jareau, our Communications Director.”
“Everyone calls me JJ,” she says with a smile and a handshake.
“Nice to meet you. If you’re the Communications Director, you’ve got the toughest job in the unit, then.” JJ looks surprised, then nods her head.
“Absolutely, but don’t tell them that. They’d never believe you,” she says with a playful shove of Derek’s shoulder. “Don’t let being a profiler go to your head like this guy.”
“Who, me? I’m as down to earth as the next devastatingly handsome guy.”
“Yeah, right,” a voice says from her right, and Sophie turns to see a woman approaching them with pale skin and dark hair, bangs, a kind smile. “We love you and all, but you’re a little cocky.”
“Is it being cocky when I’m that good, though?” he asks with a wink, and Sophie already feels more at ease just hearing them talk with each other. She can get acclimated to anything when the environment is right. “This is my partner, Emily Prentiss. Prentiss, this is Sophie Cortes. The new newbie.” She sets down her bag, heads over to shake hands.
“Nice to meet you, Sophie. Love the dress.” Sophie thanks her for the compliment. “I appreciate you taking the newbie title from me; fair warning, you’ll probably be here for five years before they stop calling you that.”
“Ah, I’ve been called worse, I’ll take it.” She glances around their workspace, looks up to Derek. “Is my partner here? Dr. Reid, right?”
“Oh, he texted, said his train is running late,” JJ explains. “He’s really excited to meet you, though, so don’t mind if he’s a little… overwhelming, when he does get here.”
“You’ll fall in love with the kid, everyone does,” Derek explains, and it makes her heart feel warm. This is definitely a team she wants to be a part of. “But he can be intense.”
“I appreciate the heads up.” Before she can say any more, Agent Hotchner descends the stairs, heads toward them.
“Good morning. I can see the team has taken the liberty of introducing themselves.”
“Hello again, Agent Hotchner.” Sophie shakes his hand, and he smiles softly.
“Hotch, please. You can put your things in that desk and I’ll give you a tour, if you’d like.”
“Sure, sounds great.” The team shares a brief look, but she doesn’t know them well enough to comment, just stows her belongings and follows the unit chief. “The team was very welcoming. They seem really tight knit,” she comments as they leave the bullpen, and he looks at her, nods.
“When you spend as much time together as we do, traveling as we do, it’s inevitable. Was it not that way in Intelligence?”
“You couldn’t get those people to sit down to dinner together, let alone tease one another. They’d probably bite each other’s heads off.” They worked well together, but in private the environment could be pretty toxic. She knows Unit Chief Roberts wouldn’t have put up with it if the team didn’t get such good results.
“I can see how this environment might seem a little strange, then,” he says, opening the door for her. They take the elevator.
“Strange, but good. It reminds me of when I was a cop, and I’ve missed that kind of camaraderie.”
“Well I’m glad you felt welcomed. We really are happy to have you.” They approach a closed door which he raps on lightly; the woman who answers has a bright smile and an even brighter outfit, lime green and navy blue, with matching accessories, including green glasses. She makes Sophie feel very… plain.
“Oh, hi!” the woman says, and her grin gets bigger. “Wow, you’re beautiful.” Sophie laughs, a little taken aback, and Hotch sighs lightly like he’s used to the odd behavior. It’s all very endearing.
“This is Penelope Garcia, our technical analyst. Garcia, this is Sophia Cortes, our new profiler.” She reaches out a hand.
“It’s nice to meet you. You can call me Sophie, or Cortes, whichever you prefer. And you’re beautiful, too. I love your style.”
“Thank you; I can tell we’re going to be fast friends. You’ll have me on speed dial,” she says, walking to her desk and jotting something down on a pink Post-It. “If you need something researched, narrowed down, blown up, compared, etc, I’m your girl.” She hands her the note—her direct line—and smiles. “I’m sure you have much more to see, but don’t be a stranger!”
Something tells Sophie she won’t be.
He shows her all around the office—copiers, the breakroom, supply closets, restrooms—and they end up in the briefing room, the last two to walk in.
“You remember Gideon,” Hotch says, and the man nods a greeting. Still as personable as ever, she thinks. “And this is your partner, Dr. Spencer Reid.” She’s not surprised by his age—she read some articles about him once she had his name, knows they call him ‘boy genius’ quite literally—but she is a little thrown by his nervous smile, his dark eyes, his untidy flop of brown hair. Derek wasn’t kidding when he called him kid; he looks like he belongs at an after school chess club meeting, or something.
He’s adorable. Like a puppy. She immediately wants to keep him. She smiles wide.
“Sophia Cortes, but you can call me Sophie, if you like.” He stands, and they shake hands. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’ve heard all about you.”
“It’s nice to meet you, too. I hear you’re from Chicago. Did you know Chicago is home to 2,716,450 residents living in over 100 neighborhoods?” She smiles wider.
“Yeah, with 600 parks, 500 playgrounds, 29 beaches, and 26 miles of open lakefront. It’s beautiful. Have you been?”
“We worked a case there, once. I didn’t get to see any parks or beaches.” He makes a frowning kind of face and she laughs softly, takes the seat Hotch offers her.
“Well you’re young, there’s time.”
“Now that we’re all caught up on introductions, we can get started,” Hotch states, and Sophie’s first morning meeting begins.
It’s a little boring, as far as first days go, but she doesn’t mind. She has access to her computer, gets it set up the way she wants, finds out from the team where all the best places are nearby for coffee or drinks or lunch. She meets with the section chief for introductions, goes over some policies with Hotch—who, she was right, is definitely funnier and more thoughtful than he must let on. He probably feels like he has to act a certain way, because he’s the boss, but she likes pulling the human out of him, makes it a personal mission going forward to make him smile.
He’s too handsome not to smile. On Sophie’s second day at the BAU, they get a case.
“I usually like to let new profilers get acclimated to the team before going into the field,” Hotch tells her as they board the plane, “but it didn’t make sense to keep you in Quantico. Are you sure you’re up for it?”
“Of course. That’s why I’m here, I want to help.” She stows her bag overhead. “I’ll observe, give my input when I have it, follow everyone’s lead.”
“Sounds good. You know you can come to any of us if you have questions.”
“I know. Thank you.”
They do a deeper debrief on the plane—three women have been murdered, all in their mid 30’s, athletic and blonde, last seen dropping their children off at school—and Sophie is tasked with going to the most recent crime scene with Hotch and Prentiss.
“What can you tell about him so far?” Hotch asks her while the detective on the case speaks with Prentiss about some details of the scene. She glances around the room, takes it all in.
“Well, there’s blood everywhere. Serious overkill each time. He either knew the victims, or has a deep-seated hatred for a woman they remind him of; my money is on is the latter.” She looks through the kitchen, at the bloody footprints that lead to the back door. “Tracked blood all through the house, left the back door open. He’s disorganized. He may have seen them at the school and planned to follow them home, but he didn’t do any pre-surveillance on them. Something about these women triggers him and he acts within the hour.”
“Would you call it a crime of passion, then?” She looks over, curious, then realizes he’s testing her.
“No. A crime of passion indicates some level of culpability by the victim. Provocation. These women are just in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong face.” He nods, satisfied with her answer.
“So how do we think he’s finding the victims?”
“He could have a child under his care who goes to that school, or he could live near the school, work there. He could work the night shift somewhere else and pass the school on his way home. I think it’s too early to narrow that down.”
“Any idea what weapon he used?”
“We would have to really examine the cast off to be certain, but my guess would be… a hammer, or some other small, blunt tool. This wasn’t done by a baseball bat or a shovel or something larger. We can also get an estimated height and weight of the unsub if we chart the area void of blood here,” she adds, pointing to a bare spot on the wall with blood droplets above and around it. “I’m guessing we’ll send the photos to Garcia for analysis.”
“That’s right. I agree with your assessment,” he begins, but she senses hesitation.
“But?” He looks over at her, thoughtful.
“We’re missing something.”
“We are, or I am?” she asks for clarification, and he smiles just slightly.
“We are.” She takes that as a good sign, walks another loop around the room for something they would have overlooked, and she brightens when she thinks she’s discovered it.
“Her purse is still here, cash, credit cards. Her jewelry was still on her body when she was found. But does it look to you like something’s missing from the entryway table?” She points to it, and it’s very ordinary: a calendar, a bowl for change, hooks for keys, a couple of photographs—with a notable blank space in the middle. “Maybe a photo?”
“We should ask the husband if he knows what was there. Good work,” he tells her, and he heads off in the direction of the husband; she follows close behind.
Back at the precinct, the team fills each other in on what they’ve learned.
“So our unsub killed each of these women with a ball-peen hammer, striking 8-10 times. Blood spatter analysis puts him at about 5’11”, 6’0” tall, around 275 pounds. The photo taken from the third victim’s house was of the victim and her 7-year-old son Josh; similar photos were taken from the other two homes—photos of mother and son.” Prentiss tacks copies of the three missing photos to the board.
“Sounds like maybe the woman they remind him of is his mother,” Reid states.
“That’s what we’re going with. We’re still not sure how he finds his victims, though,” Prentiss mentions, and Sophie takes a breath, hesitates.
“Do you have something?” Morgan asks and she shrugs, unsure.
“Maybe? One of the theories we threw out there was that he works overnight and drives past the school on his way home from work, when the kids are being dropped off. If he killed them with a ball-peen hammer, maybe we should look for machine shops in the area with overnight shifts? Those are typically used in metalworking, not construction.” She feels like all eyes are on her, and it makes her nervous. “That could be completely irrelevant, it’s just a thought.”
“It’s a good thought; I’ll have Garcia pull us a list, we can split up and pass around the description, see if our guy is a metal worker. Good call, newbie.” Morgan leaves to take the call, and JJ leans over with a smile.
“Don’t second guess yourself. You’re doing great so far. Theories are important, even if they’re wrong.” Sophie returns the expression, nods.
“Thanks. I’ve just gotta get used to the collaborative environment; haven’t been in one of those in a while.”
“You’d never know it. You’re fitting right in.” She takes it as a compliment, is happy to be of some use to the investigation and not just getting in the way.
The rest of the day is pretty quiet; they test out a few other possible theories, deliver the profile to the late shift, plan to hit the school early in the morning to look for potential suspects and to pass around the description to see if anyone meets it who works there, or lives nearby.
She goes to the school with Reid and JJ, speaks to teachers, janitorial staff, but none of them know a man like the one they’re looking for. She meets up with the others, who were speaking to parents, after about an hour of questioning, but they also come up blank.
“We’ve still got your machine shop theory,” Reid says as they drive back to the precinct. “The others should be done with those soon, so there’s still a chance we can find this guy today.” JJ’s phone rings, and she answers on the car bluetooth.
“JJ, there’s been another attack,” Prentiss says. “1419 5th Street—you guys are closer. Can you head over?”
“We’re on the way,” JJ answers, turning right, and Reid looks thoughtful.
“An attack? She’s not dead?”
“No. Not yet, at least. She’s being rushed to the hospital; her husband was home, caught the attacker in the middle of it all.”
“Did he get a good look at the unsub?” JJ asks.
“He’s with a sketch artist now. Hotch wants you to circulate the sketch ASAP; we think we may have a hit at one of the metal shops, if you can send it to me, too.”
“You got it.” She ends the call, looks at Sophie through the rearview mirror. “Drinks are on you tonight, newbie,” she says playfully, and Sophie can’t help but laugh. She had been so intimidated by the thought of joining the BAU, and she’s glad to see she’s useful, can actually help make a difference. It’s a feeling she won’t forget for a while.
Later that night, when they plan to try to catch the unsub before he leaves for work, she deflates, a little.
Hotch, Morgan, Prentiss, and Reid are going to breach the unsub’s house while JJ covers the front door and Sophie covers the back. She had assumed she would get to be part of the team going in, with her tactical background, and immediately thinks the worst, that they’re happy to have her brain, but that her body is a hindrance. Too short, too weak… it’s how she’s been treated her whole life, and she hates to think that she’s being dismissed here so soon for the same reasons. She tries not to let it show, but she dwells on it, a little, lets it get her down even though she knows she shouldn’t.
She snaps out of it when there’s movement on the back porch, a hulking, shadowy figure in the darkness.
“I’ve got him coming out of the back,” she whispers into her comms, and she draws her gun and points it at the unsub. “Stop, FBI!” The guy turns to face her—he fits the sketch to a tee, a real mountain of a man as the blood spatter analysis suggested—takes one good look, and goes running in the other direction.
Alright, so, he’s clearly not impressed. She can work with that.
“He’s running, I’m in pursuit.” She holsters her weapon and her boots pound the grass as she books it his way. The good thing about being so much smaller than him is that she’s much faster, catches up to him fairly easily, and again, she shouts for him to stop, which, of course, he doesn’t.
Her first thought is that she’s got to get this guy on the ground no matter what—this isn’t a shoplifter or something, he’s wanted for murdering three women and attempting to murder a fourth, so a little force is okay if necessary, and judging by his build, it’s going to be necessary.
Her second thought is, if I can’t catch him, I don’t deserve to be here. And that’s the one that makes the decision for her.
She leaps onto his back, grabs fistfuls of his shirt, and shakes him forward, backward, forward again, trying to throw off his balance. When he starts to wobble, she slides down his back, hooking a leg around one of his and driving her knee into the bend of his; he goes down, face first, and she reaches behind her for her cuffs, slaps them on his wrists before he has a chance to turn or stand. “Jason Farber, you’re under arrest for three counts of murder and one count of attempted murder.”
“Attempted murder?” he asks, turning his face so he can speak more easily. He seems pretty calm for a runner, maybe just resigned to his fate, and she leans over so she can see him better. He’s breathing fine, uninjured, and just looks pissed. “You mean that overbearing bitch isn’t dead?”
“Yep, sorry to be the one to tell you, Jason, but she’s alive and kicking.” She continues to read him his rights, and is just pulling him to his feet when Morgan and Hotch skid to a stop behind her; if they look surprised… who is she kidding? They look surprised as fuck.
“Damn, Cortes. This guy’s like three of you,” Morgan marvels as she walks him back toward the cars so he can be tossed into the back of a black and white. “Did you make him an offer he couldn’t refuse?” She scoffs at that, and even the unsub snorts in amusement.
“She tackled me. Wasn’t counting on that.”
“I don’t think anybody was,” she admits, getting him into a cop car and shutting the door. She joins the rest of the team, gets a high-five from JJ.
“Hey, score one for the ladies. We never get to do any tackling.”
“She did better than I would have,” Reid admits without shame, and she laughs.
“It’s all in the legs. I lift chains at the gym.” He gives her a look like he’s got no idea what she’s talking about, which almost makes her laugh again. “You do pull-ups, but with chains around your legs.” She demonstrates, squatting and gesturing to her legs like she’s wrapping something around them.
“Okay, you’re the real deal, newbie,” Morgan says when she stands up fully. “Remind me not to run from you unless I want a face full of dirt.” The group breaks apart after that, but Hotch lingers, gives her a meaningful look when she makes eye contact.
“I bet that felt good.” She leans against the side of the SUV, feels a deep conversation coming on.
“It did. I’m stronger than I look, and sometimes it’s fun to be underestimated, but other times it gets really annoying.”
“I can imagine,” he says, nodding, and he mimics her posture. “I just want to make sure you know you don’t have anything to prove. I hired you for a reason.”
“I know. But I don’t like being a one-trick pony, and I’m definitely not waiting around for one of you guys when an unsub is on the move.”
“And I wouldn't expect you to. As for the ‘one-trick pony’ thing, that’s not how I see you at all. You’re extremely well-rounded, and that’s why I wanted you.” His eyes are kind, but penetrating, and she dips her head, nods.
“And that’s why I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“After what you’ve shown me the last two days, I don’t think that’s possible, but I want you to know you can come to me when something’s bothering you. That’s why I’m here.”
“I know. I won’t forget it,” she assures, and he stands fully, cocks an eyebrow in her direction.
“I heard drinks are on you tonight,” he says with a straight face, and she laughs lightly.
“I guess we better get going before they run up the tab, then.”
They walk in companionable silence back to the SUV.
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rahleeyah · 3 years
i have a question for you. if elliot and olivia canonically had a child what do you think they’d name them? girl? boy? and why? i’m curious for your opinion i’m really into names and it’s one ship i just haven’t been able to like completely nail. like my other ships obvs there’s like canon hints with stuff and just obvious things you’d see a ship naming a child etc but i don’t know about EO and i’m curious to hear your thoughts on this! :)
i’m currently very big into the headcanon that they have one giant blended family with elliot layer legally adopting noah and then they have the boys eli and noah living at home maybe they take in another foster kid or two down the line eventually etc whatever but i’m still curious abt a canon kid name LOL
Ok ok ok I love this question. I'm gonna go at it backwards tho and say first up I fully support Liv and El becoming the Brady Bunch with their six kids and El being the dad Noah never had but these mother fuckers are 60 I don't know that I'd put even more kids on them, like maybe just let them enjoy their retirement. Play with the grandbabies lmao
As for names. I've been thinking a lot about names bc I'm writing pregnant Liv and I will eventually write coachverse so I've got a lot of babies to name. We have same frame of reference for what Elliot would choose - he went for classic, traditional names for his kids. Maureen, Kathleen, Elizabeth, Richard, Elliot Jr. Maybe that was Kathy's doing but I think Elliot wouldn't be inclined to pick anything too trendy. For Liv, I'm really just guessing. But.
I think for a girl they'd pick something soft and pretty. Sophia, Emma, Hannah, something like that. For a boy, I'm less sure. I always have a hard time with boy names. I love Noah. Maybe Lucas? if it's pre Lewis maybe William but definitely not if it's post. That's another thing, too, is there are so many names they can't use, bc they've encountered them in a negative context.
What do y'all think??
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lilydalexf · 4 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with Sophia Jirafe
Seven of Sophia Jirafe’s fics are at Gossamer, but more of her X-Files stories are at AO3 (as sophiahelix). I’ve recced some of my favorites of her stories here before, including Stones and Bones. She was active in the fandom during the show’s run and has never strayed far from fandom in general. She co-founded Glass Onion, a great multi-fandom mailing list that now has nearly 1,000 fics from 100 fandoms at AO3. Big thanks to Sophia Jirafe for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
It did initially, but so many old shows are on streaming now and getting discovered by new people, it makes sense.
I did get a comment from someone who said my first story under this name, posted in early 2000 when I was a college freshman, was older than her by a couple of months, and THAT took me aback.
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
It was my first fandom, discovered when I was 17 and searching for info about the show on the school library computer, and it really shaped my whole life! I met a lot of people I still know today (mostly in non-fannish venues like FB, though I do still have some connections in fandom), and learned a lot about writing and just life generally, since I was younger than most of fandom at the time.
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
I started off on a tiny forum at a website called Squirrel’s Nest, but I kept seeing people thanking Scullyfic in fic headers and eventually I was able to join the mailing list (which was capped to 500 members). Scullyfic was everything to me — I made friends, betas, discussed the show, learned about all kinds of things on Off-Topic Fridays, etc. A lot of those friends, I would email with or more often chat on AIM (individual or these sprawling group chats that would go on all day), and then at the end of 2001 we started migrating to Livejournal. I was getting into Buffy more by then, but it was still mostly the same crowd of people I knew from Scullyfic.
What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general?
I feel like it started me on a whole life path really — finding that my deep obsession with fiction could be channeled like that and shared with other people, as well as deepening my writing. Online fandom has been a major part of my social life for over 20 years now, and I love the mix of getting excited about things with friends and also the creative outlet.
My corner of X-Files fandom in particular was just very calm and enjoyable for the most part, full of older professional women who were happy to be friends and give me advice about all kinds of things, and it really set the bar for me with my online interactions. Now I’m almost 40 and trying to be that person for my younger friends, as well as having no patience for toxicity and in-fighting in my fandom spaces.
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
A combination of the creepy conspiracy angle and just adoring Scully. I remember how mysterious and fascinating the show seemed when I discovered it right before S5, and there was no way to find out more except to keep watching and hoping they explained. Scully was so smart and tough and beautiful and interesting, and as a teen I was just captivated by her (and the UST, though I didn’t care about Mulder as much).
What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
I ran across it a couple times early on but felt embarrassed by the concept, but then I read the first in Karen Rasch’s Words series and suddenly it clicked for me. After a while I started daydreaming my own conversations between them, very similar to what happens to me now when I’m getting into a new pairing, so after reading tons of recommended fic by big authors, I started writing my own (the 3-4 stories I posted in high school are all wiped from the internet now, though).
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
Good memories, though because it was my senior year of high school and college, I know a lot of it is just tied to that time in my life, and also being in my very first fandom. I will rewatch episodes from time to time, but I basically never revisit former fandoms because they’re kind of like exes, even if I finished on a good note. I also think my taste in fic has changed (and there isn’t the same novelty of “characters I like getting together omg!”)
Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
So many! None of them had quite the same combination of excellent central architecture (especially pre-AO3) and a really high level of discussion and friendliness without being enormous, but I’ve loved them all in their own ways. I’ve done fandom on LJ/DW, Tumblr, Discord, and now on Twitter, and I think I miss the mailing list days the most. You didn’t have to repeat yourself so much in multiple conversations, you weren’t character limited, and the discussion was all in one place, with personal stuff more confined to your side conversations. Discord is a little like that, but it moves too fast and there’s too much noise for my taste.
Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Why?
Heh, after X-Files I went through a whole phase of faves in the Scully vein — Buffy, Aeryn Sun, Kara Thrace, etc. Like many people I’ve shifted primarily into m/m in the last decade (Sherlock, YOI, and recently The Untamed have been my major fictional fandoms, along with a lot of sports RPF), but for non-fannish shows I’m always looking for awesome new female characters, like Elizabeth on the Americans, Peggy on Mad Men, Nadja on What We Do in the Shadows, etc. And I do LOVE Killing Eve and have written a little f/f over there.
Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully?
I’ll rewatch favorite episodes occasionally, and I keep thinking about a full rewatch but it takes so much time! I never saw the second movie, and I didn’t finish the first of the new seasons because I was hating it, so it’s a little hard for me to think fannishly about them when I disliked basically everything after “Je Souhaite” so much (as far as I’m concerned the show ends there).
Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom?
X-Files no, but yeah I’m still very active in fandoms.
Do you have any favorite X-Files fanfic stories or authors?
I lost all my saved fic several computers ago, but I recall loving “Blue Christmas” by Plausible Deniability and “Diamonds and Rust” by MustangSally (obviously everything she wrote was great).
What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
Looking at my X-Files fic, I can’t believe how short it is and how comparatively little of it there is (I have lost track of a few ficlets). It felt like such a big deal to finish anything back then! I think my favorite remains Alphabetum, which involved a tricky structure and 5 elements given by people as part of the Scullyfic Improv challenge, where you had a week to write a story around those elements.
My favorite of my recent fic in fictional fandoms is probably the GoT/YOI crossover novel I wrote a couple years ago, for a completely opposite experience to this (and proof you can grow as a writer with a lot of effort!)
Do you think you'll ever write another X-Files story? Or dust off and post an oldie that for whatever reason never made it online?
It’s honestly hard to imagine going back (like I said, I usually don’t), but I guess I could get inspired by something.
Do you still write fic now? Or other creative work?
I certainly still write, and I do have to give credit to XF fandom and Scullyfic in particular for giving me the start I got, where I really wanted to be writing good fiction. The few things I wrote in high school were just me jamming out romantic cliches, but the people I was lucky to know in XF fandom showed me that “just” fanfic can still aspire to be high quality. I am a much, much better and more disciplined writer than I was back then, but I might never have started on this path without fandom friends encouraging me.
Where do you get ideas for stories?
Usually just daydreaming about emotional dynamics between characters/people, but sometimes something specific in canon or real life (I write a lot of RPF) gets me going, or maybe something I read.
What's the story behind your pen name?
When I wrote for X-Files, I picked “Sophia Jirafe” combining my favorite first name with a fancy spelling for my favorite animal (I was 18! Don’t judge!) Over on Livejournal, my friend Jintian and I initially shared an account with the same name as our website, double_helix, and when she got her own account I changed to sophia_helix, which is now sophiahelix just about everywhere. A little clunky, but I like the continuity (and I do run across old friends who remember the name).
Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions?
The friends I’ve known for a very long time know about it, but we have never talked about it in depth. My husband, who I met not long after getting into fandom, also knows about it, and he’s encouraging and also a writer so we talk all the time. I told my mom in college and she was pretty dismissive, so we haven’t talked about it since (but my younger sister knows and is cool about it).
When I was younger, it was something I shared readily (I bonded with a new friend in law school I saw looking at LJ), but now I don’t really bring it up with new acquaintances.
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
I just made a Carrd the other day with all my various fannish addresses (Twitter, locked fannish Twitter, AO3, Tumblr)
Is there anything else you'd like to share with fans of X-Files fic?
Just that it really was a high quality fandom — so much excellent long casefic, so many cool down to earth people, just generally a great launching place for a young fan. The friendships I made with older people were really important to me, and it makes me sad to see a lot of younger people now getting upset about the idea of anyone over a certain age being in their fandom spaces. I hope someday fandom can get back to appreciating that people of all ages can be the fandom type, and that everyone brings something different to the community.
(Posted by Lilydale on December 1, 2020)
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Who is Magni? The answer is here. Be warned though, this is some angst
Pairing: Muriel x OC! Cleo Rosehyn
Warnings: Birth, angst, pain
Pre-Death, Pre-Canon (During event. Post-Death, During Canon (After)
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He Can Never Know
Cries of pain filled the underground lab where the three inside hoped they would stay. If anyone discovered what they were doing... they tried to stay hopeful that everyone would stay away from the library above though.
Light filled the chamber as much as it could but even with every candle lit it wasn’t much. They’d had magic light at first but the task at hand commanded both of their undivided attention. Maybe if the two in the middle of the room had more light they would have noticed the tall lanky shadow hiding nearby, frozen in shock and fear.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!” Cleo screamed out. She laid out on one of Doctor V’s clinical tables as the Doctor himself rushed around her.
“Good Cleo! Good push! Now I think with the next push we can see their head! Try the stick, please. It will help,” Doctor V held the short wooden dowel wrapped in a towel out to her. Cleo shook her head vigorously.
“No! Don’t you put that in my mouth,” she insisted before another pain began to rip through her. Cleo clenched her teeth this time though and tried to focus all the pressure on her push.
The shadow behind the wall faced an inner turmoil as he listened to the woman’s pain. He was a Doctor and he should be out there helping. But Doctor V had specifically forbidden anyone from entering his lab that night and that included the young Doctor. Not that he’d listened of course. Now he started to regret it.
“I can see the head! You’re doing wonderfully!” Doctor V continued his encouragement as he quickly moved around trying to set up the space by himself. Cleo had helped when she was able but for the actual birth it was all to him. If he’d had any extra energy to spend he’d have been honored that his old friend trusted him so much. Instead, ever since the pair realized Cleo was pregnant they’d lived in fear.
Doctor V did all he could by telling everyone Cleo was still recovering from her “accident” the last time she’d visited Count Lucio. The Count had hounded him frequently whenever Cleo had been sick before but this time he gave the Doctor and the lab a wide breadth. At first, Doctor V really did just want to keep her away from him. When Cleo had returned she had a faraway look in her eye, multiple bruises, and wouldn’t speak to anyone. Doctor V didn’t ask any questions. Unfortunately though, they’d both forgotten to be diligent on her contraceptive. By the time they started to suspect, she was too far gone for it to be a quick fix. So they hid her away. Granted they knew it could all come undone in a moment if anyone noticed and mentioned it to the Count but they tried. Cleo wore baggier clothing, used her magic to glamour herself, helped out in the lab, and started to open up again.
Being so throughly and violently tossed aside by someone she’d loved for 10 years was made all the worse by the fact his seed was quickening in her womb. Doctor V had worried at first and kept a close eye on her. Once he was sure she was stable though he broached the subject of what they would do. They agreed that the Count could never know. The child would be taken elsewhere, far away from Lucio. And Cleo.
“Ahhhh!!! Mmmmm!” Cleo tried to stay quiet.
“The head! Cleo! We have the head! Push!”
With a final monstrous effort, it was done. They waited for the first soft cries... that didn’t come.
“Why aren’t they crying...?” Cleo tried to sit up but a rush of nausea and light headedness took her back down. Doctor V stared from Cleo to the baby in his arms in a panic.
“C-Cleo stay still! You’re hemorrhaging! I’ll.. I’ll.. do something!” The panic rose in his voice.
“Doctor what are you waiting for!? Get that baby breathing!” The hidden figure stepped out. He couldn’t sit by while this mother and child died.
Doctor V only stared in shock for a moment before getting to work.
A hazy vision of dark red curls and a wide reassuring smile filled Cleo’s view.
“Cleo, dear. My name is Doctor Devorak, I’m going to help you. I need you to stay with me and soon you’ll be able to see your son.” Julian patted her hand and moved to examine her but Cleo grabbed his sleeve and pulled him close.
“He... can never... know... he can’t see... he’d never let a son go... promise!”
“I promise.”
True to his word, Julian stopped the bleeding and stayed to watch Mother meet son for the first time. The union was short though. Doctor V turned to Julian.
“You’ve done well. Now that you know, I have one more favor to ask. Take the boy to our friend Sophia in the temple district. She’s waiting behind the Celtica alter and she’ll take him from there.” Julian nodded.
“Cleo?” Doctor V called gently. Cleo continued to stare at the baby in her arms.
“... tell Sophia his name is Magni. Monty told me a story about a god from his land named Magni. He was strong. Valdemar, please?” Cleo turned to Doctor V with a determined look set in her eyes.
“Of course. Magni.”
As Julian slipped away from the palace and into the dark he held his bundle close. Magni, the poor kid would need all the strength he could get.
Cleo shot up straight in bed, her hands outstretched and grabbing at the air in front of her. A low pained noise seemed to stick in her throat.
Muriel was awake in an instant, on guard. He frantically searched the room for any threat as his heart raced. When he finally realized there wasn’t anything in there he turned to Cleo and gently laid his hands on her waist.
“Cleo, wake up... it’s just a bad dream...” Muriel spoke softly and rubbed his thumbs gently against her lower back.
Cleo opened her eyes and lowered her eyes, the dream was already fading away faster than she could hold onto.
“I... I think it had something to do with Magni... I’m not sure what... but I feel like it was important.”
Cleo looked to the right side of the tent where she knew Magni’s tent was set up right next to her own. Most of Vesuvia surrounded them hiding from Lucio at Muriel’s hut so Cleo made sure to put Magni where she could see him.
Muriel watched her with a shadow of a pain over his heart. He could vividly remember the night Cleo told him about Magni but of course, she couldn’t remember any of it.
The confession felt like a fire inside him, always threatening to burst out and burn down the life Cleo had made. Muriel wanted her to know but he remembered the cold lifeless eyes when Cleo had heard about her past before and shut down completely. In the middle of this war didn’t seem like the right time to risk it. Especially when she didn’t even know the details of her relationship with Lucio. So Muriel pushed the fire back down and gently led Cleo to rest her head on his chest. He pulled her close and used his other hand to pet her hair softly.
“Magni’s okay... he’s safe...”
Soon Cleo’s breathing evened out, petting her hair always worked. Muriel stared up at the top of the tent for some time though before whispering to himself.
“I promise... he’ll always be safe...”
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zipegs · 5 years
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i’ve been toying around with the idea of posting a fic rec list for a while, and finally decided that if i do, it might be nice to focus on newer and/or underrated fics in the fandom! some of my absolute favorites are on this list, and i highly suggest checking them out (and leaving the lovely authors some comments and kudos!)
this got pretty long, but it’s organized alphabetically by ship name (including gen) and then by length inside each ship!
Trysails by saltstreets  /  2k, t
“I know I can’t do much,” Blanky said, “but you can always talk to me. If you’re so inclined.”
A (very late!) offering for Tender Tuesday, "a friend in need".
okay!!!!!! okay!!!!! hear me out on this one!! this fic is wonderful. i’m a sucker for fics dealing with edward’s suffering during the worst of crozier’s captaincy, and this one is so good. blanky is so wonderful in this; i feel like his tender, kind side frequently gets overlooked in favor of his bigger, bolder attributes, and this fic truly delivers on everything i’ve been missing! it’s really gentle and sweet and i urge you to give it a read!!!!
in the low lamplight by stelleri  /  338, g
It’s endless freezing rain outside, but the house is comfortably warm.
short and sweet! a really lovely little slice-of-life modern au
state of grace by aes3plex  /  860, m
He doesn’t mean to see it. He never does.
bridglar may be the most featured pairing, but this is told from irving’s pov and also contains irving/little and references to hickey/gibson. really sad, conflicted little peek into irving’s mind (and some nice, soft bridglar as well!)
passer iagoensis by greenery  /  3k, g
Night falls on the Beagle and Henry Peglar has just finished reading his very first novel.
Set in 1832.
this piece is so good!! it has some really beautiful (sad) foreshadowing of the franklin expedition, and is just... so soft, with some wonderful romantic tension!! and it’s funny! darwin and fitzroy are wonderful in this, and i’m always here for fic that deals with peglar learning to read (which this does!!!).
the beggar’s opera by pyotr  /  990, e
for all of his usual anger and surliness it was almost fun to fluster francis, to rile him where he could not retaliate. sophia had spent all her life under the thumb of some man or another; she loved francis in part because she always had the upper hand.
sophia is my queen and that’s all i’ll say about that. seriously though, this piece is just... *chef’s kiss*
A Cheetah Never Changes His Spots by onstraysod  /  1.2k, m
Being the particular friend of James Fitzjames has its drawbacks, as Henry Le Vesconte learns during the expedition's first carnivale. But it also has its advantages, as Henry learns once the carnivale is over.
Written for Day 1 (A Special Disguise) of the 12 Days of Carnivale.
on beechey island, fitzjames reveals clio’s cheetah to the men. or... something like it! this piece is really a blast; fitzjames is in rare form, francis is glaring form the sidelines, and le vesconte is an absolute champ. and the ending is wonderfully witty and racy!
wake me up, wake me up my darling by norvegiae  /  1.4k, g  /  mcd
James Fitzjames feels like a new man.
The old James Fitzjames lies on the cot in front of him, cradled by the man he wishes he could have had more time with.
set during 1.09, this fic is a really poignant, heartwrenching piece in which james comes to terms with the reality of his death, and of his life, as he watches francis grieve. very sad, and wonderfully written!
what the stars give us by WetSammyWinchester  /  1.7k, t  /  implied death
"They may know space, James, but you know what it means to truly fly."
70s scifi (space program!!!) au. really great translation of the terror; the mood in this is so good!!! and the little flashbacks are fantastic. it’s pretty sad, but it hurts in a good way.
Take Your Turn, Take A Ride by courfairyac  /  7.5k, e
Francis agrees to accompany his friend to a masquerade, and stumbles onto something quite unexpected.
In short: Festivities! Voyeurism! James in a dress!
listen... fitzrossier is my new weakness, and this is a really fun, hot, canon-universe (pre-expedition) au.
salvation by scribomania  /  250, t
The Concordia brings them survival, but not salvation.
featuring hodgson and little, and jopson. for a survival au, this little piece hurts!!! it’s so short, but it packs a punch. really, really good.
but no one remembers yet by disastermovie  / 885, t
“From the mutilated state of many of the corpses and the contents of the kettles, it is evident that our wretched countrymen had been driven to the last resource—cannibalism—as a means of prolonging existence.”
—excerpt from Dr. John Rae’s report on the fate of the Franklin Expedition to the Secretary of the Admiralty (written from Repulse Bay on July 29, 1854)
sad little epilogue concerning sophia and lady jane dealing with their grief
the weary world rejoices by disastermovie  /  1.3k, t
Fitzjames goes to his first Christmas party after the survivors are rescued. It doesn't go well.
this!!!! fic!!! i can’t even do it justice, it’s just so good. the slow build of james’s panic, the caroling and gaiety as a backdrop... it’s just so painful in the best way. i’m incoherent; pls just read it,
la belle dame sans merci by drowninglovers  /  1.7k, g
Nobody is quite sure who the first one to start making her clothing is, but one day she scampers over the shoulders of the ABs as they line up for lunch wearing a tiny shirt to match her pants. It’s nothing special, no fancy detail, navy blue like most everything else they wear. Whoever made it must have cared a great deal, to make sure it fit her perfectly.
this is incredibly fun!!! just some good, wholesome fic about boys dressing up their favorite lady. 10000/10 would recommend.
Come Here, Fellow Servant by whipstitch  /  1.9k, t
The sea is dangerous, but so too is the open sky. And in that case, Cornelius determines, a friend is an unexpected boon.
okay, i made a rule that i wasn’t going to include wips on this rec list,  but i had to put this guy on here. it could be read as a stand-alone, actually, which is what i used to convince myself to include it. peglar realizes that hickey has no fucking idea what he’s doing, and tries to help him, kind, caring sweetheart that he is. this is a really, really nice little piece—i love everything about it.
lie alone by greenery  /  2k, g
He turns the page. And maybe this is it. Maybe writing a letter to young Tom Hartnell is reason enough to leave the berth.
really nice oneshot featuring two good boys (hodgson & hartnell) and their wholesome status as pen pals
the crooked kind by darrenjolras  /  2.3k, m  /  non-consensual voyeurism
“You and I, Jopson,” Hickey says, and Jopson startles at those words alone, turns an affronted gaze his way. Hickey bathes in the glacial blue of it. Like being thrown overboard. “You and I aren’t so different, you know.”
Based on that Hickey/Jopson scene. You know the one.
the terror bingo fill: court martial
not totally gen, but also not really hickey/jopson? twisted, but very much in character; hickey is his delightful self in this, and his verbal sparring with jopson is very well done and quite fun to read!
Touch Her Not Scornfully by skazka  /  2k, e
Stolen moments down below.
this fic is just... really fucking good!!! it’s a fantastic look at the very early days of gibson & hickey’s relationship, and an intriguing little venture into billy’s head.
And That is How it Starts by Intrepid_Inkweaver  /  1.2k, g
It starts with a handshake and a warm smile at their introduction at Greenhithe.
a really sweet, lovely canon-divergent piece. written in 2nd person pov. these two are just such a good, wholesome pairing and this fic really does them justice!!
let loss reveal it by disastermovie  /  1.6k, t  /  mcd
Tom could never quite see himself taking a wife.
this shit fucking hurts!!!!!!! it’s a beautiful glimpse at irving & hartnell’s relationship, told through hartnell’s introspection, and is written really, really well. also did i mention that it fucking hurts???
Lookout Blues by ClockworkCourier  /  2.1k, g
John and Tom Hartnell talk about the future while they wait on a new shipment.
hello??? 1920s au??????? the world-building is so tangible in this, even in such a relatively short piece. it’s a really lovely little conversation between the brothers, and i absolutely loved their little discussion of irving.
we’ll tak’ a cup o’ kindness yet by drowninglovers  /  6.3k, g
If this is to be the last time they interact (and it likely will), Tom wants it to be memorable.
survival au survival au!! tartnell runs into irving at john’s grave, and convinces him to stay with his family until new year’s. it’s kind of bittersweet, with some really great flashbacks (and discussions of said scenes!), and oh man is it soft!! just! really beautiful and tender, and the ending is just so cute!!!!!
the chaos moves by itself by bluebacchus  /  1.3k, e  /  violence, mcd
Hodgson's mind cracks and the heavens flow in.
(Written for Day 7 of Halloween TerrorFest: A disquieting metamorphosis and posted separately because I don't want to taint my main post with borderline vore)
fair warning... this fic is fucked up, but in the best possible way! the religious imagery!!!! the philosophy!!!! just!! god.
Allegro, B Flat Major by whalersandsailors  /  5.3k, g
George is freshly moved from his childhood home, ready to tackle the school year and his newfound independence all at once.
Too bad he's lonely, miserable, and homesick.
He turns to music when adulthood becomes unbearable, and when someone knocks at his door and leaves an anonymous note, George discovers another music lover not too far away.
have i mentioned i love george hodgson? because i love george hodgson. this fic is a beautiful modern au featuring our own georgie playing his way through his feelings (literally). the buildup to the reveal of george’s secret admirer is wonderful, and had me rooting for them from the start! really sweet, stunning fic for a pairing i’d never considered before!
get out of the wind by Cicadaemon  /  1.6k, e
Edward Little is smitten with a certain bartender.
modern au. really lovely, wholesome, and happy; just what these boys deserve!
The Thylacine by Gigi_Sinclair  / 1.7k, t 
"Thylacines. That's what Sophia called them, all those years ago in Van Diemen's Land. Dogs with tiger stripes, cats with pouches. They stretch their jaws at him, as Francis struggles to sit. The movement makes his head spin. He pushes the discomfort aside. He has no time to entertain it; he must escape."
also features cracroft/crozier. this is a really clever, funny piece set during francis’s withdrawal; poor francis is a bit muddled in the throes of his fever, and gets caught up in a memory from van diemen’s land. i absolutely loved little and jopson’s reactions in this, and especially jopson and crozier’s conversation the next morning.
Prelude in D Major by scribomania  /  2.7k, t
Hodgson is very fond of the musical apparatus in Terror's great cabin; Edward is not.
For the Terror Bingo square "denial".
i’m a big big lover of terror lieutenant nonsense, and this fic absolutely delivers! just absolutely delightful.
When the Lights Go On Again by Gigi_Sinclair  /  4.1k, t
"Edward Little's ancestors were Naval officers, almost to a man. Nevertheless, from a young age, Edward's eyes turned to the sky rather than the sea.
He longed to fly, as high and as frequently as possible. In the Royal Air Force, he got his wish. He was happy there, thriving, rising in the ranks apace and doing what he always wanted to do. Then came the first of September, 1939."
wwii au. edward is a squadron leader in the royal air force, and jopson is a corporal working for group captain crozier. i’m weak for wwi and wwii aus to begin with, and this one is done beautifully. while it doesn’t hand-wave the trauma and heartbreak of war, it doesn’t hit you over the head with it either, and the result is a really soft, bittersweet, hopeful piece.
a lily for my love by whalersandsailors  /  3.7k, m
Solomon never thought that soul-signs were real, and the stories he heard about them made soulmates sound more like a prison sentence than any fairy tale romance. It is not until he finds a soul-sign on the skin of a very dear friend that he realizes their importance, as well as their undoing.
this piece is!!! beautiful!!! very poignant, and really had me feeling for solomon. i love what’s been done with the soulmark conceit—it’s not just a simple “we have soulmarks, we’re soulmates!!!’ au (which i’ll admit to enjoying too), but a really thoughtful take on the trope. the slow way tozer puzzles everything out is wonderful, and i love the glimpses we get into several of his friendships & relationships. 
to help you remember by whalersandsailors  /  1.2k, g
An anniversary, during which Weekes presents Morfin with a gift, and Morfin struggles to remember why.
do you ever just get clotheslined by a pairing you’d never even considered before? because that’s what this fic did to me
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avani008 · 4 years
Dear Yuletide Author 2020!
Here are some things I think are rad: snark. friendships. sneaky twisty endings. stories with bite. characters with personalities. stories that make their writers happy. mythology. humor. stories that dig into and expand on the canon, whether that’s backstory or minor characters or worldbuilding. brown paper packages tied up with string.
Stuff I’m not so keen on: rape, incest, mentions of RL pandemics/quarantines? more into het and femslash than slash.
(Fandoms: Devil’s Cub, Jodhaa-Akbar, Mystic Pop-Up Bar)
Fandom 1: Devil’s Cub
Characters Requested: Mary Challoner, Dominic Alastair
Where to Find Source Material: your local library or bookstore!
Problematic as this book is, I read it at an impressionable age, and so can’t help but have a reluctant soft spot Mary/Dominic—but mostly Mary Challoner and the wit and sparkle of Heyer’s prose. Not to mention Mary’s snark and competence, and Dominic’s grouchiness paired with his utter adoration of Mary, or everything about the utter farce that leads up to the climax in Dijon, or—like pretty much every reader of this book ever— that one scene where Mary shoots him. I have been lucky enough to get an amazing fic for this fandom for several years, but greedily I want more--and my amazing writer was kind enough to encourage me to prompt again, especially for that last racebending prompt. Consider:
* Dominic and Mary meeting the first few times, Sophia included with Mary (I’m sure) crankily falling for him while Dominic remains oblivious (or does he?)!
*A tropey AU (or multiple in one fic), whether social media/fandom-based, daemon AU, or any other fusions you enjoy!
* Finally, this is completely optional, but I’ve had this prompt rattling around my brain since I created this graphic—I would love a racebent version of Mary and Vidal, whether that means they’re Indian immigrants who’ve settled in Victorian Britain, or transplanted into the intrigues of the Mughal court, or whether involvement in the Quit India movement, or lack thereof, is an additional tension in their relationship!
Fandom 2: Jodhaa-Akbar
Characters Requested: Hamida Banu Begum, Maham Anga
Where to find source: Netflix
First off, I adore the movie’s themes of adaptation and acceptance, as well as the way it strategically incorporates Mughal history! I also love the slow burn between Jodhaa and Jalal, and their cautious, ever-changing interactions with one another. That said, my prompts, oddly enough, aren’t about either of them! Instead, they’re about Jalal’s two moms, pre-canon.
*To start with, I love Hamida and if you want to focus in on her early life and leave Maham Anga out, you are welcome to! All you need to know if the juicy details can be found link text“>on Wikipedia and for all the following prompts, you are welcome to only extrapolate from movie canon about Hamida’s past! I hasten to add, if research isn’t your thing, you certainly shouldn’t feel obliged to do it! But assuming we at least assume that given her silence regarding her husband, it’s clear Hamida wasn’t too keen on Humayan for a variety of reasons, but what might have Hindal been like in this universe? Her biting wit as recorded towards her suitor never fails to amuse me, and other examples of it towards others would be grand. Jalal and/or Jodhaa interacting with or discovering Hamida’s past could be interesting too!
*Incorporating some of the other prominent women of this time might also be interesting if you choose; there’s Gulbadan, female historian for her brother; Bega Begum, Humayan’s formidable chief wife; Sham and Mihr-angez, female life partners who seem very likely to be an early Mughal example of a Boston marriage (more details and suggestions can be found at this link here)
*That said, I also love the period after Humayan’s death—Hamida and Maham Anga are, between the two of them, trying their best to keep this child Emperor alive and against all odds, prevail. Their relationship has broken down by canon, but what was it like in the past? Did they trust each other more? Less? I imagine they had to cooperate and compromise; how did Maham Anga managing the household while Hamida saw to external affairs affect matters between them?
Shipping-wise, I’m fine with Hamida paired with Hindal or Maham Anga or any other pairing you want to explore—I’m also okay with a canon-divergence or alternate history version of events, in case you want Maham Anga or Hindal to live longer than established, or for Hamida’s life to take different turns than those we know!
Fandom 3: Mystic Pop-Up Bar
Characters: Weol-joo, Gwibanjang | Yi Hon
Where to Find Source: Netflix
This was a delightful canon to find during a stressful time, and the honest sweetness of the main leads always brought a smile to my face. SPOILER warning from now on, just to explain what I enjoyed the most about canon--
--but I really adored Weol-jo and the Crown Prince’s romance above all else. 500 years of pining, secret identities/identity porn, and bonus bickering friends turned lovers the second time around made for everything I wanted, especially with a fantasy twist. The story was always Weol-joo’s, in all her prickly glory, and Gwi was--in his own words--only there to help her. I also really, really loved that despite their shared sense of humor, Weol-joo and Gwi are both extraordinarily competent and good at their jobs, and canon goes out of its way to emphasize that. Yes, they might bicker about nonsense --and my reading of the situation is that most of this is being intentionally facetious, both to be underestimated and because it appeals to their shared sense of humor. So some prompts, to be combined as you wish:
* More about how Yi Hon and Weol-joo met and fell in love! If I understood the prologue correctly, they both entered Yi Hon’s dreamworld to put down multiple angry ghosts, with a vendetta against the royal family, and I’d love to see how this played into the start of their romance. For one, their feelings--shallow as they initially seem--were strong enough to last half a millenium, and so must have been born in adventure and magic; for another, as demure as young Weol-joo was, I refuse to believe her usual snark didn’t show its head as she got to know the Crown Prince. 
* Chief Gwi’s first eleven months as Weol-joo’s manager, complete with silent pining and unknowing painful jabs on the part of an oblivious Weol-joo, and how exactly Gwi manages to break through Weol-joo’s shell so effectively by the time we meet them. (Potentially the answer to that might be an impetuous, desperate hookup Weol-joo at least is going to pretend never happened.)There is such potential for adventures and plotfic we missed, and I’d love to see that too!
* Finally, if you want to write post-canon casefic, what about another grudge that the family settles (along with getting accustomed to be an actual family)--potentially something where the reincarnation of Won-hyung’s sister (she was jilted by her childhood friend and orphaned by the same man on her wedding day; and we saw everyone else who was affected by the tragedy leading into Weol-joo’s death, except her) appears, either for revenge or to have closure; or--and this could play into the previous prompt too!--any ghost/grudge-holder who forces the trio to explore either his parents’ past lives or a canon-divergence AU where Weol-joo and the Crown Prince never died, and Kang-bae was born to them, either as a royal prince, or as their child in hiding? (Of note, if you go with this one, I love Weo-rin to bits, and I’d love to see her get to discover her boyfriend’s big secret at last!)
I hope at least some of these help, Mystery Author! Thank you in advance and have a wonderful Yuletide yourself:D
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Rules: Repost, do not reblog, tag 5 blogs!
Tagged by: @thesilentblade-raine
(Pre-Timeskip, but if anyone would be interested in Post-Timeskip, let me know!
Tags: Anyone who wants to!
FULL NAME:   Alistair Luis Everleigh
NICKNAME:  Ali, Leigh (Rarely)
AGE:  18
BIRTHDAY:   17th of Red Wolf Moon
NATIONALITY:   Leicester Alliance
LANGUAGE/S:   Whatever the canon language is in Fódlan
HOME TOWN / AREA:  I honestly haven't chosen one for him, yet- 😅
CURRENT HOME:  Garreg Mach
PROFESSION:   Student, Noble
HAIR:   Pale Gray-Blond (Though still listed as white on his profile, lol), Shoulder-length
EYES:   Lavender
FACE:   Slightly feminine, Usually somewhat stoic when not around Raine
LIPS:   Thin
SCARS:   Not many, though he has a few on his palms.
HEIGHT:   5'7"
WEIGHT:   140 lbs
BUILD:  Small, thin, a bit muscley but not extremely so.
FEATURES:  None of note.
ALLERGIES:   Wasps and Bees
USUAL HAIR STYLE:   Down, occasionally in a ponytail (sometimes pigtails if his sisters have any say in it)
USUAL FACE LOOK : Somewhat stoic
USUAL CLOTHING:   When not in uniform, he wears fairly fancy clothes, though not too over the top.
FEAR/S:   Spiders, Snakes, Ghosts
ASPIRATION/S:   To get away from the obligations of nobility, to live a happy life, to perhaps become a professor
POSITIVE TRAITS:  Calm, kind, determined, hardworking
NEGATIVE TRAITS:   A flirt, stubborn
VICE HABIT/S:   Calling everyone love, chewing on his lips
FAITH:   He somewhat believes in the Church of Seiros
GHOSTS?:   He pretends not to believe in them, but on rare occasions believes he sees a ghost he can't identify. This is very rare, though.
AFTERLIFE?:   He believes in it, yes.
REINCARNATION?:   Not really.
EDUCATION LEVEL:   He had many private tutors and classes before joining the Officers Academy. He is quite skilled in many subjects.
FATHER :   Augustine Delaney Everleigh
MOTHER :   Charlotte Antoinette Lawrence
SIBLINGS :   Three older sisters (Audrielle Cordelia Everleigh, Annaliese Lynette Everleigh, and Arabella Sophia Everleigh) and a younger paternal half-sister (Aurora "Rory" Crystalina Everleigh)
EXTENDED FAMILY:  Do a fiancé from an arranged marriage and the mother of his half-sister count? Their names are Esmeralda Genevieve Auclair (fiancé) and Marie Sebastian (Rory's mother)
BOOK:  Loog and the Maiden of Wind
HOLIDAY:  Saint Cichol Day
MONTH:   Wyvern Moon
SEASON:   Spring
PLACE:  Garreg Mach
WEATHER:   Light rain
SOUND / S:   Rain
SCENT / S:   Roses, Lavender, Lilacs
TASTE / S:   Bitter or Savory
FEEL / S:   Soft or Silky Materials
ANIMAL / S:   Most Animals
NUMBER:   17
COLORS:   Dark Blue
TALENTS:  Archery, Reason
BAD AT:   Axes, Brawling
HOBBIES:   Reading, Spending time with Raine
TROPES:   Uhh... Idk-
QUOTES :   He doesn't really have any favorite quotes.
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1 :  Lol it would honestly probably be a romantic movie? Maybe about him falling in love with someone other than his fiancé? Idk.
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 :  Probably something calming and pretty?
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character?          
A3 :  I decided to make a 3H OC for every house. This is my Golden Deer baby.
Q4 :   What first attracted you to this character?          
A4 :   Uhh... He's cute, I guess? 😅
Q5 :  Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 :  He can be ridiculously stubborn, and at times, he can be a bit... Much?
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 :  Okay, so, I feel like Ali is one of the least like me OCs I have. But he likes reading and likes animals.
Q7 :   How does your muse feel about you?    
A7 :   We would probably be decent friends? I don't know, in all honesty. He's someone I would want to be friends with, but not so sure he would like me all that much, lol.
Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?        
A8 :  Well, he's had crushes on Claude, Linhardt, and Ferdinand, so maybe them? He doesn't really interact with any of them much on Tumblr, though.
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse?        
A9 :   I don't know. He's just one of my favorites that I've made, honestly.
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete?          
A10 :  Almost two hours-
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wandercr-arc · 5 years
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hiya! so, i don’t know how common these bias lists are anymore, but it’s been quite awhile since i’ve done one. (probably since 2016?? damn.) but i have a lot of amazing people that i follow, and i feel like you all deserve a little recognition. now, one thing that i enjoy doing with these bias lists is to not only point out the blogs i love, but to tell you all why i do. i feel like it makes these bad boys a little more personal, and can hopefully bring a little brightness to someone’s day. so, without further ado, here’s the list: (in no particular order; i’m just going through my following list)   //   under a cut for length. apologies in advance for typos. 
@fromlandtosea   /   @longthoughtlost   ---   RIN. there’s so much i could write here. you’ve been my friend for so long, and have put up with all of my nonsense for so long. i adore laura and every other muse that you write. you bring such a different life and voice to each of your characters, and i admire your ability to come up with unique and intertwined backstories for them. i will always love all of the threads, verses, and headcanons we’ve come up with together. you have absolutely made my time in the fallout community worthwhile, and i feel so very fortunate to call you my friend. (and also that you only show slight disappointment in all the stupid stuff that i do and tell you about lol)   ♥
@betterhealing   /   @sanguinariis   /   @psychotheory   ---    i love every character that you write. you’ve been willing to write with me on all of my blogs pretty much since the day i joined the fallout rpc, and your consistent support has meant the world to me. you clearly put a lot of time, thought, and effort into your characters, and it shows in their multitude of well-developed verses, relationships, and headcanons.
@iinxsearchofxisolde   ---   we haven’t had the chance to interact much, but you and tristan are always a joy to have on my dash. i think that your choice to write a brotherhood outcast is extremely unique and interesting. they’re a faction that was kind of lost in the fray, and i love seeing your headcanons about them and how tristan fits in. he’s also a very intriguing, multi-facted character with a distinct voice, and it’s been great to watch you develop him over the past few years.
@disciplc   ---   lainey !!! we haven’t been friends for very long, but i am so glad we are. i adore all of our discussions about nisha and el, and i appreciate how supportive and kind you always are towards me. i’ve followed your nisha for a long time . . . technically . . . and i’ve always loved how you write her! hell, i always appreciate people stealing side characters from bethesda and making them their own, and you’ve truly done that with her. she’s a perfect mix of danger and softness (emphasis on the danger ;-0). 
@pinkmanipulated   /   @hydrophobiic   ---   victoria, oh my god, we have written together for what feels like ages, and your writing, art, and dedication to your muses never ceases to amaze me. i’ve already mentioned this, but seeing how you write jesse has made me actually want to watch breaking bad, which is something i thought i’d never say. (and i promise i’ll get to giving it a go eventually ;w;) i can tell how much you care about his character and how much effort you’ve put into your characterization, and i love every bit of it. it’s the same amount of pride and dedication you’ve put into all of your muses, canon or oc, and you know for a fact  that i’ll follow and interact with you on whatever blog you choose to write on.
@fictitioussouls   ---   not gonna lie, i enjoy every character you write, original or canon. i’m so glad to see you back and active on the dash again, and that you still have the same love for all of your muses + a bunch of new ones. :’)) you create such unique and detailed backstories for your original characters (emily, diana, and sophia still have my whole heart tbh), and you keep them very consistent. i also enjoy reading the threads you have with rin, and hearing about the headcanons and worlds you guys have built together! overall, i’m very happy to see you on my dash again.
@america-redefined   ---   eliana might hate having enclave blogs on the dash, but i sure don’t! :’) we haven’t interacted (yet), but i’d definitely love to. i think you do an excellent job writing nathan, and capturing the attitude and aura of the enclave with the way you’ve created him. it’s clear that he has a lot going on beneath the surface, and that you’ve put thought into what kind of character you want him to be. i really like the way you’ve brought him into the fallout 4 timeline, too, and how his life changes once he’s no longer with the enclave. (i was scrolling through your blog the other day, and saw the post about all of his goals in the enclave, and then how those all disappear within the institute and might have chuckled a bit at the “mighty have fallen” trope vibes that gave me)
@adxmortem   ---   the amount of development you’ve done for harlan is just wild to me, i’ve got to be honest. you’ve taken him in his very own, unique direction, and i really admire that! (and it also reminds me that we really need a new orleans based fallout, stat.) he has a very strong voice, and you have an incredible grasp on his character. i’ve enjoyed the threads we’ve done together, and i hope we get to write more in the future! i also very much appreciate you for the immense kindness you’ve shown me in the past when it comes to my personal life. that will always mean the world to me.  ♥
@gwinnetts   ---   oh gosh, you are such a fun and prominent addition to my dash! the funny content and interactions you bring to the dash aside, i’m in awe of the amazingly detailed write-ups you post about your muses as well as the fallout lore. like a lot of the people on this list, you are someone who puts in a lot of thought to your muses, and really brings them to life in a distinct manner. i’ve also greatly enjoyed the ooc chats we’ve had!!
@shellheadtm   ---   we haven’t had many chances to interact, but i think your portrayal of tony is top notch. you capture his voice perfectly, and like gwinnetts above, always bring funny conversations / interactions to the dash, and i think that just makes it a brighter place for everyone! you’re an insanely talented writer, and your expansion of tony’s characterization and verses is fantastic.
@primeacumen   ---   viv is one of those really amazing, multi-faceted ocs that i would highly recommend anybody follows. we haven’t interacted a ton (mostly because i’m slower than molasses), but, from what i’ve seen of her, she’s wonderful. fandomless ocs often don’t get the love they deserve, so i want you to know that i see you and viv, and i am here supporting you 100%. people take for granted the amount of work that goes into building an oc for multiple verses, and it’s obvious you’ve done that work for her.
@not-completely-human   ---   i honestly knew nothing about alita when i first followed your blog; i just knew that you were a friendly and lovely person who i was willing to write with, and so here i am! i enjoy all of our threads together (and i will def enjoy the ones that my slow self needs to write starters for lol). i enjoy how you write alita, and the enthusiasm that you have for her. your writing has a nice flow, is easy to read, and i love all the little details and background you fit into it. and, you, of course, are such a nice person to talk to, and i’m very glad we follow each other!
@remnantrecruit   ---   another enclave oc for eliana to despise and me to love! we haven’t written together in awhile (which we should totally try and change soon :’0), but i enjoy seeing abner on my dashboard as much as i did when we first followed each other! enclave ocs are so rare as it is, but abner really stands out as a character even without that. his background is so sad but good. i also just appreciate your interaction with my posts, irl and character related. (your comment on my post when i was anxious about doing something dumb when i was driving still means a lot to me. it’s always nice to be reminded that we’re all human and capable of doing stupid things with two ton moving contraptions.)
@persistentflower   ---   what is there to say except i love violet ,,,, neutral karma lone wanderers are pretty rare in my experience, and i think you do a good job of capturing what it means for violet to be that. she and eliana contrast well, and i love their relationship, and how they support each other, no matter what verse we write in. (and the fact that we’ve essentially created a mini self-contained verse for our muses). i enjoy our chats ooc, too, and i look forward to us writing and interacting more !!
@miss-moreno   ---   we haven’t gotten to flesh out kay and eliana’s friendship, yet, but i see so much potential for them in what we’ve got going so far. kay has the sort of spirit that eliana loves, and i’m so excited to see where our threads take the two of them! in general, i like how you write kay, and how her life pre-war seems to haunt her quite a bit, and also how she knows she’s playing double agent for the railroad pretty early on. 
@ninesis   ---   i’ve seen quite a few portrayals of rk900, but yours is definitely one of my favorites! i like that your nines is very job-oriented, but still soft and sociable and overall just a Good Boy. he comes across as very likeable, and you write him as a consistent and well thought out portrayal!
@intelligentmiinds   ---   i love all of your blogs, but since this is your main atm, this is where you’re getting love. :’)) bailey, i enjoy each of your characterizations. you bring a unique and accurate voice to each one. based on what i’ve seen from your ooc posts lately, i know you’ve been going through some rough times, and i hope you know that you are so important ! and loved ! and even if people are shitty and don’t understand you, you always have people who care about you, too. (and i hope you can get your ferret soon! small animals are the best. i have two bunnies and can vouch for them. :’)) )
@contrariian   ---   i have been lucky enough to interact with two of your muses so far, but you should know that i adore what i’ve seen of all your muses. you write such a wide array of characters, and each of them has a personality that comes across in how you write them. your writing style is so gorgeous and nice to read, too. 10/10 would interact whenever
@vocaliist   ---   i followed you on your previous blog for magnolia and the one you had for des, and what continues to knock me off my feet about all of your blogs is your style. i always admire people who can write in a way that is somewhat poetic and very pretty without making it impossible to understand, and you do just that. plus, who doesn’t love magnolia?? i look forward to writing with you some more!
@synthesan   ---   i’ve already jumped into your ims to yell about how cute ode is, but here i am again, anyway. we haven’t followed each other for long, but gosh i love what i’ve read from you and ode so far. i’m a sucker for synth ocs, and she’s such a fun one with an amazing backstory. you are also so great to talk to ooc, and i hope we can yell about our muses and videogames more in the future :’))
@synthmama   ---   okay, i can’t lie, your blog is one of those that i admired from afar for a long time because i was a bit intimidated by it. not in a bad way, but in a ‘holy cow this person is an amazing writer and creator’ kinda way. you and quinn have been around for a long time, and you’ve grown her character a lot in that span. it’s so cool to see how you fit her into other universes, and how she interacts with the fallout world. institute sole survivors are also very seldom seen around here, and so i appreciate that quinn took that route, and that you had her do it in a way that doesn’t entirely conflict with her morals. 
@neomacaught   ---   you are absolutely one of the sweetest muns i’ve ever interacted with, tbh. your enthusiasm for threads and the wellbeing of your fellow roleplayers is such a lovely thing to see on my dash!! and neoma is such a cute character. i think she and el’s interactions have just been incredible. i like that she’s a bit awkward, yet very straight-forward, and that she upholds high morals. she fits in with el pretty damn well, and i think they’ll be very good friends!! plus, i can tell that you’ve put a lot of work into neoma purely by taking a peek at your blog; you have so many verses and ideas for her. she definitely deserves a lot of love
@voiceofmany   ---   we haven’t followed each other for very long (or interacted, which is my bad for being slow to talk to people about threads lol), but i wanted to mention you on here, regardless. i honestly am not familiar with a whole lot of your muses, but the way you right them, and your writing style, tends to draw my eye so much that i often find myself reading through your threads as i scroll the dash. the way you change dialogue to fit your characters is pretty damn great, and it’s always obvious you’re writing for/in a different voice for each of them
@theirsalvation   ---   we also haven’t followed each other for very long, but i enjoy the content that i see from your blog!! you have a wide range of muses that all come across as very different and distinct in the way that they’re written. when i read your reply from josh this morning, i was awed by how well you captured his voice and mannerisms, tbh. so, yeah, i hope we can interact a bit more sometime soon!! B)
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