#what if i wake up with water on my ankles tomorrow? the videos we saw showed the water coming in so fast it's fucking scary
never lay down in bed right after eating. don't think about staying on your phone for nearly two hours in that position. don't sleep either. acid reflux is real and i hate that guy
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imekitty · 3 years
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
The idea for this part came from @dp-marvel94. Thanks!
Jack watched the newest clone sleep. The boy’s chest rose and fell, rhythmically, deeply, gently.
Besides the number 14 tattooed on his upper arm, he looked exactly like Danny in his human form.
Jack rested his arms on the examination table, watching the clone’s face for any change or stirring consciousness. He had been instructed to stay by the clone’s side and mark the exact time he woke while Maddie was upstairs waiting to see when Danny would leave for his patrol.
Jack hoped the clone wouldn’t wake at all this time.
He glanced over the notes Maddie had made for their research and experimentation with this clone, who had been here several days now. Not the longest they had kept a clone. There was the tenth clone they starved who didn’t die for a few weeks.
Jack wasn’t sure which he hated more: the experiments that killed the clones quickly or the ones that required keeping the clones alive for an extended amount of time.
Either way, the clones screamed and screamed but were unheard outside the soundproofed lab.
And Maddie ignored them all.
The clone’s body twitched against the belts strapping him to the table. Jack watched the clone’s eyes slit open before looking at the clock and jotting down a time on his notepad.
“Oh, God,” the clone moaned. “Oh, God, no.”
Jack noted the clone’s watery eyes and thick articulation. “How are you feeling? Headache? Nausea? Do you know where you are right now?”
“Where is she?” The clone’s face paled. “Mom?”
“She doesn’t like you calling her that,” said Jack. “And she’s not here yet. Please just tell me how you’re feeling. You know what happens when you make things hard for us.”
The clone swallowed. “My neck and throat hurt. I’m really thirsty.”
Jack recorded the clone’s words. “I’ll see if Maddie will let you have some water before we start tonight.”
The clone sniffled. “I keep hoping I’ll wake up in my bed.”
Jack lowered his eyes.
“What are you going to do to me this time?” whispered the clone.
“More drug trials,” said Jack.
The clone shut his eyes, tears trickling from the corners. “No. Please. I don’t want to do any more. Not again.”
“I know,” said Jack. “Hopefully one of them will knock you out again so you can sleep through most of the day until tomorrow night.”
“No. No, I don’t want that, I just want to leave, I just—”
The clone’s chest convulsed, his body writhing against the restraints. Jack clenched his teeth and clasped his hands on the table.
“It hurts so much,” wept the clone. “Dad, please, I can’t do this anymore.”
“I’m not your dad,” said Jack. This was how Maddie was able to do this guilt free, convince herself that the clone was not her son.
So why wasn’t this working for him too?
“You’re not Danny,” he said more quietly.
The clone choked on a sob. “You keep telling me that. You keep telling me that I’m not real, that I’m a clone.”
The clone looked at the far wall, his eyes glassing over.
“But this feels real.” His words were barely audible, hardly voiced. “I feel real. And I don’t know why you and Mom are keeping me here like this.”
Jack pressed his hands to his forehead. “Maddie is so much better at this,” he muttered.
“Why are you keeping me here?” asked the clone.
“It’s just for research,” said Jack, lowering his hands with a tired sigh. “You’re not the first clone we’ve had here in this lab. You’re not going to be the first we kill here.” He paused. “And you won’t be the last.”
The clone’s breathing became erratic, shallow. “I don’t want to die,” he gasped. “I don’t—not here—not like this—”
Jack looked away from the clone’s face. Too pitiful, too sad, too much like Danny.
“You can’t,” the clone blubbered. “Don’t. Please. Don’t do this, Dad.”
Jack looked toward the lab door. Maddie still wasn’t here.
He looked at the clone again. The clone blinked wet eyes.
He imagined the clone’s unmoving body. He imagined zipping it up in another bag and carrying it to Vlad’s lab because Maddie always made him carry the body.
He knew exactly what the clone would look like when he died. Jack had seen it thirteen times now.
He did not want to see it a fourteenth.
Jack moved quickly, undoing the belts around the clone’s ankles, wrists, and abdomen.
“Go,” he said once the last belt was undone. “Leave.”
The clone sat up on the table and stared at Jack with his mouth hanging open.
“Go. Before Maddie gets here,” said Jack quietly but firmly. “Get far away from here and don’t come back.”
The clone clutched the fabric of his hospital gown against his chest.
“Go,” said Jack more forcefully, “or you will die.”
The clone pulled his knees up under him. Jack gave him a final warning glare. The clone transformed into his ghost form and shot up through the ceiling, vanishing beyond it.
Jack hunched over the now vacant examination table.
The lab door opened. Jack listened to the sound of Maddie’s boots clicking on the stairs.
“Sorry I took so long,” said Maddie. “I kept waiting to see when Danny was going to leave for his nightly patrol. But he decided to do his homework instead and then went to bed, no patrol. It’s interesting how he sometimes chooses being a good student over a hero.”
Jack straightened but did not say anything. Maddie stopped a short distance away from the table.
“Where’s the clone?” she asked.
Jack didn’t look at her.
“Where’s the clone?” she asked again, her tone sharpening.
“He’s gone,” said Jack.
“Gone? What do you mean, gone?”
“I let him go.”
Maddie froze.
“Why?” she asked with a dark thickness.
“I couldn’t do it again, Maddie.”
Her nostrils flared. Her upper lip curled in a snarl.
“I told him to get away from here,” said Jack. “Far away so you can’t hurt him anymore. So you can’t kill him.”
Maddie stared at him. Jack waited for her to snap, to scream.
But instead, she turned on her heel and stomped up the stairs out of the lab. Jack released a sigh as the lab door slammed shut.
He set to cleaning and organizing the lab. He wasn’t about to go up to bed right now, not when Maddie was this angry with him.
Hours later, Jack rubbed his eyes and checked the clock. Nearly four in the morning. Should he go upstairs to bed, or should he sleep on the couch? Or even down here in the lab?
The lab door opened. Jack furrowed his brow and turned toward the stairs. Maddie’s boots clicked on each step as usual, but something else thumped along beside her, something that sounded heavy.
Maddie appeared at the base of the stairs, her orange goggles set over her eyes and aimed right at Jack, her lips curved in a stern frown.
Beside her, she held the fourteenth clone by the wrist, now in his human form and wearing the hospital gown Vlad had originally dressed him in. He was slumped on the floor, covered in gashes and scrapes, his left eye bloodied.
“Maddie.” Jack gaped. “Maddie, what did you—”
Maddie gripped the clone’s wrist tighter and lifted him off the floor. “He has the same ecto-signature Danny does. All the clones do. It was easy to track him down.”
The clone hung his head.
“You really tracked him down just to bring him back here?” asked Jack.
“Of course I did,” snapped Maddie. “You know we can’t just let these clones free. We can’t risk Danny running into them. Or God forbid, the Guys in White capturing them.”
Jack watched a trickle of blood fall from past the clone’s hairline down his forehead.
“So what do you want to do now?” asked Jack quietly, calmly. “Proceed with your plans for this clone?”
“No. He’s useless now,” said Maddie. “He’s not in proper condition for further experimentation. Everything we’ve done with him is pointless data now.”
Maddie threw the clone forward onto the floor. The clone crumpled and did not get up. His sleeve hiked just above the number 14 tattooed on his arm.
“Waste of our money,” she muttered.
Jack sighed and rubbed the back of his head. “Then what do you want to do with him?”
“Just quick lethal injection,” said Maddie. “Let’s just do it now and go to bed.”
“Quick lethal injection. Glad you’re being humane about this,” said Jack.
Maddie jabbed a finger in his direction. “Don’t start with me. We’ll talk about this in the morning. Right now, I am exhausted.”
“Right. Beating up a teenage boy takes a lot out of you,” said Jack.
Maddie glared at him before moving to the counters to prepare the injection. Jack bent and scooped the clone into his arms. Up close, Jack could now see the red splotches in his eyes, the break in his nose, the split in his bottom lip.
He didn’t beg for anything this time.
The next morning, Danny met Sam and Tucker outside on the school steps.
“Hey, I thought you said you weren’t going on patrol last night,” said Tucker.
“Yeah, you said you actually wanted to get some sleep for once,” said Sam with a wry smile.
“You should’ve told us you changed your mind!” said Tucker. “We would’ve joined you. Or did your ghost sense go off?”
Danny frowned. “I didn’t go out last night. What are you talking about?”
“I saw you flying last night,” said Tucker. “I was looking out my window and saw you.”
“What? You saw me?”
“Did you decide to go for just a night flight?” asked Sam.
“No, I didn’t go out at all. You couldn’t have seen me.”
“It looked just like you,” said Tucker. “Are you sure you weren’t out last night?”
The first bell rang. Students began shuffling past them into the building.
“I wasn’t out last night,” said Danny. “I actually finished my homework for once and then went to bed.”
“Huh.” Tucker shrugged. “I guess it was a different ghost with white hair in a black suit.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time you were seeing things,” teased Sam. “Your eyes were probably bugging out from staying up too late playing video games.”
“They were not!”
“Were you even wearing your glasses?”
“Yes, of course I was!”
Sam and Tucker led the way inside the school. Danny followed, but not before glancing up at the sky.
Part 12
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lia-jones · 3 years
Growing Together - Chapter Fifteen - Learning to Pray
Author’s Note: Thank you for your comments, your reblogs, your likes, and for the times you reach out to me and make me feel less alone. Thank you for sharing your time with me. Thank you for giving my voice a friendly ear. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. And here’s to the next year!
5 AM
“Call me when you get there.” He helped her put her coat on.
“The moment I land.” She assured him.
“And whenever I text you, you text back immediately.”
“Victor…” She stared at him, annoyed.
“Andrea.” He stared back.
“I promise.” She nodded, defeated. “If I can’t call or text right away, I’ll ring you once.”
Victor pulled his wife into his arms, reluctant to let her leave his grasp. He was never a man to trust his feelings, always preferring facts, but there was a pit in his stomach he couldn’t explain. He felt uneasy, knowing Lucien was living in Creekwood. However, he also knew the scientist was under heavy surveillance, and the chances of running into Andrea or even knowing she was there were fairly slim. Besides, Andrea would spend most of her time in hotel rooms and offices, and she wouldn’t be alone. Lucien wouldn’t be able to get to her without being noticed. Victor tried to put his uneasy feeling aside.
“It’s just for two days. I’ll be safe, I promise.” She looked up to him with loving eyes.
“Make sure you are.” He almost scolded. “Have a safe flight.” He kissed her, wishing somehow the kiss would magically make her stay. “I love you, my light.”
“I love you too, handsome.” She lovingly ran her hand over his chest. “Have fun with Owen. Send him my love.”
Right, Owen, he thought as he saw the door close behind her. Two days with Owen, just the two of them. The pit in his stomach only grew. Ignoring it, he walked into the bathroom to take his morning shower.
7 AM
After he got ready, it was time to wake his son up. He knocked softly on Owen’s door, opening it to find the boy still asleep, holding his Ant-Man action figure. Victor found the movie positively deplorable, but the superhero that could command insects and be as small as one fascinated the boy.
“Owen.” He brushed his red curls, that reminded him so much of his wife. “Time to wake up.”
The boy swiftly sat on the bed, rubbing the sleep off his eyes.
“Where’s Andy?” It was the first thing Owen asked.
“She left early this morning. Told me to send you her love.” Victor picked up the clothes Andrea had prepared the night before from the dresser. “Brush your teeth and wash your face, so I can get you dressed.”
“I can do it on my own.” The boy offered.
“Andrea always gets you dressed.” Victor crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“But I can do it on my own.” The boy looked down, afraid to face his adoptive father. “You don’t have to do it.”
Victor wanted to argue, tell him he should do all the things Andrea did, that he was his father just as much as Andrea was his mother. But the boy was already uncomfortable, he didn’t want to add to his uneasiness. So, feeling uneasy himself, he handed the child his clothes, turning to the door.
“I’ll prepare breakfast, then. Meet me in the kitchen.”
Victor was just finishing flipping the pancakes when Owen appeared at the kitchen, his curls orderly and shiny, impeccably dressed with the clothes he was given… until Victor looked at his shoes. The boy had tied his shoelaces around his ankles, securing them with what seemed to be two single knots.
“Owen, what happened to your shoelaces?” He came closer, inspecting the knots.
“I don’t know how to tie them…” Owen’s lips quivered. “Andy ties them for me.”
“Well, we need to fix that. You look like a homeless person with your shoes like that.” Victor joked.
And he dearly wished he wouldn’t have. Owen took his words way too seriously and broke down crying.
“I’m sorry!” He sobbed. “I’m sorry I did this wrong, but I’m going to fix it, I’ll wear something else! Please don’t be mad!”
“It’s alright, I’m not angry.” Victor kneeled next to his son. “You don’t need to cry, Owen, nothing is wrong.”
The child looked at him expectantly, a few remaining tears falling from his big brown eyes.
“Would you like me to teach you?” Victor was desperate to get his son’s trust. Maybe this could help.
“Yes, please.” Owen moved closer, and Victor’s heart filled with hope.
“Alright, so…” Victor untied the boy’s shoelaces. “You tie them with a single knot, like this. And then you take one shoelace and make a loop, like this.”
“Andy calls it a bunny ear.” Owen offered.
“Alright, a bunny ear then.” Victor corrected.
“I like your way better.” Owen spoke again. “Don’t tell her, but calling it a bunny ear is silly. I’m not a baby.”
“Right.” Victor smiled at him. “You are a young man now, we should call it a loop. So, you make two loops with the shoelaces and you tie them like this.” Victor lifted his hands, showing him the result. “Would you like to try the other one?”
After a while and under Victor’s advice and supervision, Owen tied his other shoe by himself, making Victor’s heart swell with pride. Owen was bright and hardworking. Should he keep these qualities, he would be successful when he grew up.
“I did it!” Owen beamed at him.
“Well done.” Victor praised him, ruffling his curls. “And you got dressed all by yourself too. Good job, Owen.”
“Thank you for teaching me.” Owen pulled Victor’s hand as he got up.
“No need to thank me.” He felt himself blush. “Let’s go get breakfast before we get late.”
12:45 PM
At lunchtime, he wondered if his wife had remembered to eat. She would probably be too busy to notice the time, even if she was hungry. Just in case, he called her.
“Hey, I was just about to call you.” She answered with a perky voice. “I’m just leaving for lunch.”
“How is it going?”
“I’m done with it already. It turns out the assistant was inserting the data incorrectly.” Victor heard her frustrated sigh. “Idiots.”
Was he rubbing off on his wife? The thought made him chuckle.
“So you’re done? You could go straight to Cooper’s in the afternoon and return tonight.”
“I might as well give them some training since I’m here.” By the tone of her voice, Victor could almost picture the annoyed look on her face. “Besides, it’s raining heavily here, I don’t feel like driving anywhere in this weather.”
“Stay put if you don’t feel it’s safe, then. Cancel with Cooper if you need to.” At least she was being precautious. That eased his mind a little.
“It’s ok, the forecast says the weather will improve tomorrow.” She downplayed it. “How did it go with Owen?”
“Very well.” Victor smiled. “I taught him how to tie his shoelaces. He did it on his own.”
“Really?” Andrea paused. “Damn, I wish I were there to see it. It’s ok, I’ll congratulate him tonight when we video chat.”
“9:30 pm?”
“It’s a date.” He heard her smile. “Ok, I’m going for lunch. There’s this restaurant across the river I want to try.”
“Text me when you’re back at the company.” He paused, missing her already. “I love you.”
“I will. And I love you too.”
Victor had lunch in his office, moping about the fact that he was eating on his own, instead of with his wife. It was uncanny how he had been so used to being alone for so long, and now it was pure torture. In two years, Andrea had changed his habits completely.
3:20 PM
The afternoon started well, and Victor felt on a productive roll, concluding meeting after meeting smoothly. Andrea’s team did impeccable work managing the investments, and very little was required from him, except his approval on some documents. He was starting another meeting when his phone rang, the principal from Owen’s school calling, asking him to come pick his son immediately.
Victor bolted to the car, his mind focusing on Owen alone. He knew he wasn’t hurt, they had told him as much, but he got a call from the principal himself, so it surely was serious. As he drove, he dialed Andrea’s number.
You have reached Andrea Lee, I am not available right now. Please leave a message after the signal, and I will call you back as soon as possible.
“Did you forget to charge your phone again?” Victor scolded, annoyed. “I’m on my way to Owen’s school. He got himself into trouble. The principal wants to talk to me personally.” He sighed. “I don’t know what happened, I’ll let you know as soon as I can. Call me back when you hear this.”
He headed straight to the principal’s office, finding Owen, sitting outside, his head low.
“What happened? Is everything alright?” Victor kneeled in front of the boy, studying his expression.
Owen looked at him, a somber expression on his face, but didn’t say a word. Suddenly, the door to the principal’s office opened. A man in his fifties, with grey hair and a thick mustache, came to Victor, his arm extended for him to shake.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Lee, my name is Louis Sawyer, I’m the Crestview School Principal. Please come in.” The principal turned to the boy with an indifferent tone. “Owen, you sit here. We won’t take long.”
“I’ll be right back.” Victor touched Owen’s shoulder, as to reassure him.
“First, Mr. Lee, I would like to apologize for removing you from your daily affairs so abruptly.” The principal started as they both sat down. “I’m certain you are a very busy man and have more pressing matters to attend to, so I won’t keep you for long.”
“What seems to be the matter?”
“Hmm.” The principal cleared his throat. “There is no simple way to say this, so I’ll cut to the chase. Owen’s stole the classroom’s geode.”
“Geode?” Victor kept his composure, despite his shock. “Do you know for a fact Owen did this?”
“After a backpack search, we found the item with Owen’s belongings.”
Victor didn’t retort, his mind going over the facts. This wasn’t anything like what Owen would do, he was the kind of child that would ask if he could get a bottle of water. Something wasn’t right. Victor couldn’t believe his boy, always so sweet and considerate, would do such a thing.
Observing Victor’s silence, the principal gained a renewed confidence, his tone showing a concealed disdain.
“Thievery is something gravely frowned upon in Crestview. We will turn a blind eye this time, out of respect for you and your wife, and the generous support you provide this institution. Nonetheless, I feel obliged to inform you that, should this behavior reoccur, we will need to take heavier punitive measures, such as suspension, or in worst cases, definitive removal of the student. Taking in consideration your child’s background, we advise perhaps the involvement of a specialist. Maybe a more clinical eye would help in this particular situation.”
Victor felt his blood boil, but kept listening. Mistaking Victor’s silence with weakness, the principal couldn’t contain a slightly sly smile, and resumed his righteous speech.
“It is our understanding that you and your wife are successful and educated people, so it’s a certainty for us that you provide this child with stellar parenting. However, it is also our understanding that Owen comes from a foster home, and is probably the spawn of a dysfunctional family. It is possible that in both these experiences Owen may have taken up… less refined habits.”
Victor took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He was determined to show this despicable nobody his place.
“Mr. Sawyer, it is my understanding that all the classrooms have cameras installed for the students’ protection, is that correct?”
“Absolutely, we care deeply for our students' safety.” The man shifted in his chair.
“So I assume that, since you summoned me here, out of a very important meeting like you previously stated, to accuse my son of thievery, you have done so after checking today’s recording of the camera in his classroom, and you are about to present me with hard evidence.” Victor kept his voice serene, although he wanted nothing more than to punch the bastard.
“Accusing someone of something as vile as stealing without the proper evidence to corroborate it would show extreme incompetence on your part. Finding something in someone’s backpack can also mean someone else planted it there, and although it is true that Owen is adopted and in fact came from a foster home, this hardly proves anything, don’t you agree?”
The blood suddenly drained from the principal’s face, and Victor spoke again, his tone more incisive this time.
“Having the audacity to humiliate my son and make me interrupt my work to come here and listen to empty assumptions would be a terrible mistake. Such an error could lead to heavier consequences, like a lawsuit, or even cost you your job at  this facility, or any other institution, for that matter.”
Victor could see the terror in the man’s eyes. With little thought, Victor got up from his chair, taking his coat in his arm.
“I trust you will personally check those recordings and find the culprit. I’m certain you wouldn’t allow an innocent child to be blamed without concrete evidence.”
“Well, yes, but we are talking about hours of-” The principal babbled.
“The details of your incompetence do not concern me.” Victor interrupted. “In the meantime, contact me only when you have done your job correctly and you can present me with facts, not fables. Good day.”
Victor left the principal’s office fuming. He found Owen still in the same chair, the same disheartened expression.
“Come on.” He took the boy’s hand. “Let’s go.”
3:51 PM
The drive to the office was a quiet one, the hum of the motor the only background noise. Victor knew he had to talk to his son, but he was delaying it as much as he could. Owen already didn’t like him much, he would like him even less should Victor have to reprimand him. Although Victor didn’t believe his son was capable of such a thing. Or was he? And if he was, was it because of something he and his wife had failed at?
“Are you going to send me back to Miss Dillon?” Owen’s question startled him.
“What?” Victor looked at the boy from his rearview mirror. “No.”
“What’s going to happen then?” The boy asked again, his voice filled with worry.
Victor sighed. His wife was away and unreachable, he was on his own. He would give it his best.
“We will talk.” Victor parked the car in the next available spot, getting out.
Taking a seat next to the boy in the back, Victor studied his expression for a moment. He could see worry and sadness, but not guilt. That somewhat reassured him. All he needed to do was to figure out what was happening.
“Do you know what makes a man honorable?” He asked Owen, in all seriousness.
“He does honorable things.” Owen’s voice was sad and low. “He never makes mistakes.”
“No, that’s not true. An honorable man does make mistakes, because no one is perfect.” Victor explained in a soft voice. “What makes him honorable is that he admits his errors and learns from them. So, in the future, when faced with a similar situation, he will do better.”
Owen looked outside through his window, lost in thought.
“Owen, there are cameras in your classroom. The principal will know who stole that geode. Now, you have the chance of being honorable. Is there anything you want to tell me?” Victor pressed.
The boy suddenly seemed relieved, meeting his eyes with confidence.
“I didn’t steal it, Tom Wilkins did.”
Victor felt a wave of relief going through him. He wasn’t wrong about his son’s innocence. He was a noble boy.
“Why didn’t you say anything? Why did you take the blame?”
“I tried, but no one would believe me.” Owen’s eyes filled with tears. “And Tom said that no one would believe the foster kid. That’s why he did it, to get me expelled, but I saw him do it. He says I don’t belong there because I’m filthy, and I’m not really your son.”
Victor had a few names he wanted to call Tom Wilkins, but he could almost hear his wife’s voice in the back of his mind. Let the boy talk. So he did.
“He said you are very powerful and ruthless, and people are afraid of you. He said that you’re mean, you don't love anyone, and you’ll send me away sooner or later.”
Victor’s heart broke when he heard his son’s words. He knew he had a reputation, and although he never cared much about what other people thought of him, it was now affecting how his child perceived him.
“What do you think, Owen? Do you think I’m mean?”
Big brown eyes looked into his, studying him.
“You look scary sometimes. But Andy told me you’re like the ogre in the story.”
Victor had to chuckle, remembering that day at the hotel with Molly. Little did he know back then that that story would follow him until that very moment.
“Alright, listen carefully.” He looked at his son with earnest eyes, hoping he would believe him. “There is nothing you can do that will make me send you back, do you understand? Absolutely nothing. You are not a foster kid, you are my son. It is not official yet, but as far as Andrea and I are concerned, you are a Lee. Tell that snotty idiot Tom Wilkins that.”
Owen giggled, amused. Victor continued, his heart already feeling lighter for hearing his son’s laughter.
“I know I can sound abrasive sometimes. Andrea is already used to it and most times is amused by it, but I understand I can look scary. But you don’t need to fear me, Owen. I promise you, I have nothing but your best interest at heart. Truth is, I was never a father, I don’t know how to be one.” Victor confessed, part of him wishing his father would be as caring with him. ���But I will do my absolute best to be the best father you can have, if you let me try. Will you give me a chance?”
Owen’s eyes widened. After a moment, he shook his head.
“And if I ever look scary to you, you can tell me, alright? I need you to tell me. What do you say?” Victor extended his hand for the little boy to shake. “We have a deal?”
His son shook his hand with enthusiasm.
“Now, I need to get back to LFG. Do you want to know where I work? Maybe I could use a little assistant.” Victor poked his son playfully.
“I’m going to LFG with you?” Owen’s eyes widened.
“Will you be on your best behavior?” Victor playfully furrowed his eyebrow.
“Yes, Sir!” Owen exclaimed excitedly.
“Not Sir.” Victor ruffled his son’s hair. “Just Victor.”
4:10 PM
Goldman was the first person he saw when the elevator doors opened.
“The LCG management team is already waiting for you at the conference room. Wait…” Goldman noticed the little red-haired boy by his side. “Is this Owen?”
“Yes, it is.” He looked at the child with a warm smile. “Owen, this is Goldman. I need to go to a meeting now. Do you want to come with me or do you want to stay with Goldman and do something fun?”
“Can I draw while I wait in your meeting?”
“Of course. Goldman, find some crayons and take them to the conference room. Also, Andrea’s phone is off, she probably let it run out of battery. See if you can reach her somehow, tell her to return my calls.”
He knew that Andrea’s team would love to meet their son. She kept a friendly relationship with practically all of them, and she always boasted about their kid. But Victor had forgotten that Diane was in that conference room and failed to prepare himself for all the shrieking.
“Oh my God, Owen, I was so looking forward to meeting you!” Diane gave his child a tight hug. “Your mother wasn’t overreacting when she said you were cute! Look at you, looking so sharp, you are just like a little Victor!”
“Thank you.” Owen looked down, blushing.
Everybody was so amused and engaged with the little boy that they almost forgot what they were doing there. Owen spent at least ten minutes receiving unsolicited hugs and praise, thanking them all with uncanny courtesy for his age.
“Alright, let’s all sit down and focus on what we came here to do. Owen, take your crayons and sit next to me.”
It was hard for Victor to concentrate on what was happening at that meeting, his eyes occasionally turning to that special part of his life, quietly drawing, organizing his crayons on the table, as a picture came to life. He couldn’t help glance at the piece of paper under his son’s hand, wondering what would come out of those colours, from his son's mind. However, when he looked at the table again, the drawing was gone, and Owen was folding a piece of paper and putting it in his pocket. Victor immediately decided he would peek into Owen's pockets later, when his clothes were thrown in the hamper.
As he left to get himself some coffee, and Owen something to eat, Goldman came to him.
“Good, you’re here. I need you to ask someone to go downstairs and get some snacks for Owen. Maybe some crackers and fruit. What do you think, Owen?” Victor asking, busy with the coffee pot.
“Sure.” The boy shrugged.
“I will ask Margot to send someone. Also, Sir…”
“Oh, right, did you get in touch with Andrea?” Victor’s eyes left the coffee to face Goldman, who was pale as a ghost. “Is something wrong?”
“At what time did you and Andrea talk last?”
The question made Victor’s stomach tighten.
“Around noon, why?”
“Andy’s phone was off, like you said. So, I tried Parker Company, but I got a message that the call could not be completed. So I tried to Google the number, thinking I had an old one, and that’s when I learned what happened.”
“And what happened exactly? Just tell me, Goldman!” Victor ordered.
“It’s all over the news…” Goldman hesitated.
Coffee forgotten, Victor bolted to his office, turning on the TV. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
… the heavy rain taking everything in its way, including the ground itself. Creekwood is being affected by large scale landslides, the largest happening in the beginning of this afternoon, reaching the river bank and Creekwood bridge.
Victor remembered his conversation with his wife. She was going across the bridge for lunch. He changed channels, trying to find more information.
I’m not on location, as the roads are currently closed, but from what I heard from the local authorities, the damages are pretty severe. The local communication towers were brought down by the weight of the water and debris, so all communications were cut, which doesn’t help the rescuing process, as people cannot ask for help. What we know from the local authorities is that several buildings were buried or torn apart by the landslide, including factories.
So, Trish, confirm with me again, you are in the closest city, correct?
Yes, I am currently in Ferriston, and I have to say, despite not being as affected by the storm as Creekwood, all you can hear are sirens from fire trucks and police cars leaving for the neighboring city. Creekwood seems to be experiencing an unprecedented catastrophe that will leave an indelible mark for years to come.
Thank you, Trish. Our thoughts and prayers go to the victims and their families. Stay tuned for more information during this program.
Victor’s heart stopped. No, this couldn’t be true. This wasn’t happening. Andrea… She was alright, she had to be alright. There was no way his wife was caught in the middle of a landslide and… No, he couldn’t consider it. He couldn’t even imagine it. He needed to find his wife as quickly as possible.
6:00 PM
“What do you mean I can’t fly there?” Victor’s voice roared inside his office, pacing frantically. “There has to be a place where the jet can land!”
“All the landing points were taken for rescuing purposes. They won’t allow anyone who isn’t from security or health to come in.” Goldman explained.
“There has to be a way, I need to go there, I need to get Andrea!” Victor took his phone. “I’ll make it happen. I’ll call the President if I need to, but I’m going!”
“I already talked to all the entities, Victor, I told them you would compensate them immensely, their hands are tied! This is a major catastrophe. They don't even have the means to find her before the others. It’s a mess out there.”
A wave of dizziness struck Victor, making him slump on the sofa, his head between his hands.
“I need to think of something, I need to be fast. In these situations, every second counts. Every minute makes it more certain that she’s…” He trailed off, desperate. He couldn’t say it, although the picture became more vivid in his mind by the second. “Her last location on her GPS was the Parker factory, right?”
Victor squeezed his eyes shut, trying to keep the horrid picture off his mind. Focus, Victor. You need to focus.
“Do we know if the factory was damaged, and if so, how damaged?”
“We don’t know for sure how damaged.” Goldman almost whispered. “But we know it isn’t good.”
“Get the blueprints of the building. Try to figure out in which room she was located, anything that can help us know…” He trailed off.
“Know what?” Goldman looked at him, worried.
That she’s still alive. Something that can give me hope.
“Just do it.” Victor answered tiredly.
6:45 PM
“Mr. Lee.” Margot called from the door. “I have Mr. Cooper on the phone.”
“Tell him I’m busy.” Victor was focused on the factory’s blueprint. It was hopeless. There was no panic room, no shelter, nothing.
“He says it’s about your wife.”
Victor jumped at her words. Could it be that Andrea reconsidered and headed to Ferriston after her meal? He pressed the key on his phone, accepting the call.
“Mr. Cooper.”
“Time is of the essence, so I’ll cut to the chase.” He heard the old man. “Is your wife in Creekwood?”
Victor’s heart sank. She wasn’t in Ferriston. She wasn’t safe. Victor’s eyes prickled, fear getting the best of him, his throat tightening so much he couldn’t make a sound.
“I’ll take your silence as a yes. Do you know where your wife was during the landslides?”
“Parker Company.” Victor croaked. “That was the last GPS location on her phone.”
“My daughter-in-law runs the Emergency Department in Ferriston. They are sending several units to Creekwood to aid in the rescue operations. I’ll have her inquire about your wife. If anyone can find her, it’s my Tracy. I’ll call you as I have news.”
Victor felt himself relax slightly. It wasn’t the answer he was hoping for, but at least it was something that could help Andrea.
“I can’t thank you enough, Mr. Cooper.”
“Don’t thank me, Victor, this is just the Cooper way. If we are in business together, we are like family. And we take care of our own. Go home and get some rest. I’m sure I’ll have news soon enough. We’ll find her.”
8:20 PM
“Aren’t you going to eat?” Owen asked, noticing Victor push the food around in his plate.
“Don’t worry, I’m fine. Eat your vegetables.”
He wasn’t. He was expecting to hear from Cooper sooner. And now the old man wasn’t answering his phone either. Worry had turned Victor’s stomach into a knot only Andrea could undo.
“Is this because you can’t find Andy?”
Victor paused, looking at his son. What would he tell him? That he had lost his biological mother before, and now he was at risk of losing his adoptive mother too?
“I overheard some adults saying you were afraid she got caught in the landslide and got hurt.” Owen anticipated his lie.
His eyes prickled with tears he did not want to show his son. Again, his throat was like a vice, and he was at a loss for words. All he wanted to do was to hold that little boy and spare him from any suffering this event could cause.
“Sometimes, at the orphanage, I was so scared I couldn’t sleep. Miss Dillon taught me how to pray. She told me I can talk to God and tell him what’s bothering me, and he will comfort me, sometimes even give me a solution. It helps. Do you want to try?”
“Pray?” Victor remembered his wife was raised a Catholic, and despite not following the religion, she was a very spiritual person. He remembered the monkey sanctuary, and how she attributed her strength to a higher force watching over her. Should the roles be reversed, she would pray for his safety. It seemed fitting that he did the same for her.
“I’ll show you how.” The boy got up from his chair, pulling Victor. “You go on your knees like this and you put your hands together.” The boy kneeled on the floor.
“Like this?” Victor indulged his son, mimicking him.
“Yes. And now you pray. Like this, listen.” The four-year-old closed his eyes. “Dear God, thank you for my new family. They are very kind to me, and Victor isn’t as scary as I thought he was. Please make sure Andy comes home soon. She is good, and she is funny, and I miss her. Amen.” He opened his eyes again looking at Victor. “Now you go.”
“Do I have to say it out loud?” Victor frowned.
“Miss Dillon says you don’t, but I think in this case you really want Him to listen.”
Victor didn’t know if he should laugh or cry hearing his son’s answer. Regardless, he closed his eyes and spoke what was in his heart.
“Dear God.” Victor cleared his throat. “Thank you for my family, my beautiful wife, and my special little boy. He is so very smart and kind. My family is more than I could imagine for myself. They are everything to me. Please keep Andrea safe and make sure she comes back unharmed. And if you can, please send news soon. I’m worried.”
Victor opened his eyes to find his son’s, staring at him with anticipation.
“Do you feel better?”
“A little, thank you.” Victor gave his son a weak smile.
He wasn’t lying. He didn’t believe in such things, but the two most important people in his life did, so it had to have some meaning. Even though he still didn’t have a solution for his problems, his heart felt a little lighter, like he had just called an old friend and found some solace in comforting words.
“I drew something for you, when we were at that meeting.” Owen took a folded paper out of his pocket.
Victor unfolded it like it was a precious treasure. And it was. It was a drawing of a tall stick man dressed in black and wearing a tie, a shorter stick woman with golden curls, both holding the hands of an even smaller stick man with red hair. On top, the title MY FAMILY, and every stick figure had a caption saying My Dad, My Mom and Me. Victor held the drawing with shaky hands, his heart heavy with emotion.
“You told me nothing would make you send me away, so you are my forever family, right?” Owen’s eyes were bright and expectant.
“That’s right.” Victor did his best to hide the tears in his throat.
“So you are my father?” Owen confirmed again, and Victor nodded. “Can I call you dad?”
“Only if you want to.”
“Do you think I can call Andy mom?”
A sob escaped from Victor’s lips, disguised with laughter.
“She will love that.” He pulled his son into his arms, not knowing what to do with so much weighing in his heart. She had to be safe, she simply had to. She had a family to return to.
God, please let her be safe.
His phone rang. Victor bolted to the table to check the caller. It was Cooper.
“My daughter-in-law just contacted me by radio. They found your wife. She’s ok.”
All the tension left Victor’s body, making him deflate like a balloon. He slowly sat on the floor, still holding the phone to his ear, the tears he was holding finally finding an exit.
“I’ll let you take a breather.” Cooper chuckled.
“Thank you.” Victor spoke after a moment. “Thank you so much. When can I see her? Where can I pick her up? I’ll get my jet ready.”
“Hold on those horses, not just yet.” Cooper chuckled again. “It will take her a while to leave Creekwood, the medical staff needs to see her. I’ll call my daughter-in-law to ask if it’s possible to transport her tonight, she will stay with us for the time being. Come pick her up in the morning.”
“Wait, is she hurt? Why does she need to go through the medical staff?”
“It’s standard procedure. As far as my Tracy tells me, she is very well, responsive and moving on her own. Still, she needs to be checked for injuries or dehydration, to see if she’s fit to fly, which she probably will be. Don’t worry, your wife is in safe hands now. I’ll have her call you as soon as she arrives. I doubt you will sleep, anyway.”
“Please, do.” Victor took a deep breath. “Mr Cooper, I will not forget this. Thank you so much.”
“It’s the very least I could do. Just take care of my legacy.”
“You have my word.”
Owen sat anxiously in front of him as he ended the call.
“She’s alright!” Victor pulled the boy to his lap, almost suffocating him with a tight hug. “She’s safe. Your mother is safe.”
Victor held on tight to his son, his fingers stroking his curls. He felt so much joy at that moment he felt like he could burst. And he thanked God for his kindness, promising he would repay in kind, starting with the victims of that landslide.
4:42 AM
Victor had no idea why he went to bed, knowing in advance he wouldn’t be able to sleep. It was a matter of habit, he concluded. It was also the place where he could still feel her scent, lingering on her pillow, and that brought him comfort. He leaned against it once more, taking a deep breath, his heart relieved that she was safe, and was being taken care of. He looked at the alarm clock on her nightstand. 4:44 AM. It was taking too long. He needed to hear her voice.
The sound of his phone vibrating was like a shot of adrenaline in his heart, jumping with joy when he looked at the caller ID and saw his wife’s face.
“Andrea?” His voice was needy, expectant.
“I’m alright. I'm at the Cooper’s. I’m not hurt.”
Again, Victor found himself unable to talk, her voice alone enough to make his emotions spill over.
“The part of the factory where I was wasn’t affected, but I couldn’t call you. All the lines were down, and we were trapped. But I didn’t get hurt, I didn’t even get dirty. We just sat patiently and waited for someone to come for us.” She paused, taking a deep breath. “Mr. Cooper told me you were worried sick, sent half the country looking for me.”
“You’re never leaving my side again, do you hear me?” Victor’s voice was still strained with emotion.
“Never again, I promise. I will never leave your side.” Her tone shifted to a lighter one. “I love you, handsome.  You’re stuck with me.”
“I will chain you to myself if I need to.” He scolded her. “You almost gave me a heart attack.”
“I’m sorry, Vic, I really am, I can only imagine what you went through.” She spoke sweetly to him. “How is Owen? Was he too scared?”
“He was a little scared, but he’s fine, he’s sleeping.” Victor smiled, recalling his day. “We really bonded today. We had some issues at school, we’ll talk about it tomorrow, but it showed him he can trust us. He asked me if he could call us Mom and Dad.”
“He called you Dad? Oh my God, Victor, that’s huge!” It was Andrea’s turn to cry.
“Not yet, he will find the right time. But he called us his forever family. And told me I’m not as scary as he thought, just like that ogre.” He made a jokingly flat voice.
“Oh, he told you about that? Oops.” She teased. “I’m glad everything worked out, though. I can’t wait to see you guys again.”
He felt the same. He missed her so much it physically hurt.
“It won’t take long, I promise.” He assured her. “Go get some rest, you had a long day. I’ll come pick you in the morning.”
“As long as you promise me to do the same.”
“I promise. I will see you in my dreams, my light.”
“I’ll meet you there, handsome.”
Victor felt peaceful and happy. Now he could get some rest, knowing she was safe. He leaned against her pillow one last time, taking a little more of her scent. Before he knew it, he was already in the dream realm, holding her in his arms.
10:45 AM
“Are we there yet?” Owen asked excitedly.
“See for yourself.” Victor turned from the wide road to an exit to his right, and soon they could read the sign saying Welcome to Ferriston.
A few miles further and they turned to the Cooper property, a large farm with a beautiful orchard preceding the large mansion.
Victor parked by a lemon tree, and along with his son, walked to the great green door.
“Your friends are all rich…” Owen noted, his eyes wide. “Do you think he also has horses?”
“Not all my friends have money.” Victor cleared his throat, uncomfortable with Owen’s remark. “And yes, I think I saw a stable on the back.”
He pressed on the antique doorbell. Soon enough, an old lady with sweet eyes was there to greet them.
“Hi, you must be Mr. Lee.” She smiled at him, shaking his hand. “My name is Marion Cooper, I’m Jason’s wife. And who might you be, young man?” She looked at Owen.
“My name is Owen.” The boy extended his hand for the lady to shake. “Pleased to meet you.”
“Oh, and so polite.” She squatted to the boy’s height. “Are you here to get your mother?”
“Yes.” Victor fidgeted slightly, eager to meet her. “Where is she?”
“In my husband’s study, waiting for him to sign the contract.” She motioned them to follow her. “They both woke up early to visit the company and the property. It seems not even a landslide can stop your wife. A true force of nature.”
“Stubborn is more accurate.” Victor frowned, although he was beyond proud. Andrea's determination was one of the things he loved the most about her.
Mrs. Cooper opened the doors of the study, revealing Mr. Cooper, sitting on his desk, while his wife was standing in front of him, some papers in her hand. It took Victor all the strength he could muster not to run to her and take her in his arms. Owen apparently didn’t have the same restraint.
“Mom!” He threw himself to his wife, his little arms wrapping tightly around her waist. “We were so worried about you!”
“Hey!” She looked at Victor with tears in her eyes. “I know you were, little bug, I’m so sorry.” She caressed their child's curls lovingly. “I am ok, see?” She pulled back, smiling widely at him. “All in one piece.”
“You must be Owen.” Mr. Cooper greeted the boy. “Hey, would you like to see my horses, maybe give your parents a moment alone? We have a foal that was born just a month ago.”
Owen looked expectantly and Victor, who nodded approvingly.
“I would love to! What’s his name?” Owen jumped with excitement.
“It’s a female, her name is Sunflower. She’s golden as wheat.” Mr. Cooper turned to Victor. “We will be outside, come meet us after.”
“Thank you so much.” Victor’s throat was so burdened with emotion his voice was barely audible.
“I’m just glad everything ended well.” The old man smiled before closing the door.
The click of the lock brought Victor from his trance, and he pulled his wife to him in a tight hug. He didn’t need to say any words; he didn’t need to explain his feelings, neither did she. The warmth in their bodies and the urgency in their hands were speaking for them, whispering I was worried, I would die should anything happen to you, I’m never letting you out of my sight . Their lips met to start a new dialogue, saying I love you, you are the light of my life, I’m so grateful for you .
It was only after a long moment that he heard his favorite voice again.
“Victor... Aren’t you going to let me go?” She looked up at him.
Victor’s embrace tightened as his lips rested on her temple.
“No.” He whispered. “Never again.”
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iamjhosel · 3 years
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BAGONG YUGTO. New Chapter. This is Hope SG Filipino's 24th Anniversary theme. And while I just marked my 7th year with Hope this January, and now I am on my journey to 8 years, which is also the number for "new beginnings", I have been asking myself, what does this mean to me personally? What is my Bagong Yugto? "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." ~Isaiah 43:19 BAGONG YUGTO: A NEW FIRE Early this year, my core team member lost her job and had to go back to the Philippines. And so all the more I had to stretch myself, empower the life group and lean more on His leading - not mine but by His Spirit. This is still a work in progress but I claim new wineskin, new core team members, who would be on fire for God, and then eventually as we enlarge ourselves, fruitfulness will follow.
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I pray that God continue to work in us, individually and as a life group, so that all the more we can experience how good, how loving and how faithful our God is! In the same way, the Lord has been stretching us in the ministry for the past year amidst this pandemic. He has done great things in the ministry and in how He is using social media as His platform. Day by day, we are learning and exploring new things on how we can make Him known all over the globe with this ministry He has blessed us with. I am just blessed and humbled to serve Him with all my heart, mind and soul, both in the ministry and in the life group. He is my fire! And all these is by Him and for Him! BAGONG YUGTO: A NEW PERSPECTIVE The past few weeks before the conference, I've been thinking a lot. I've been asking God what's His plan for my life. What's next for me? Should I move to the States too, when one by one my ward friends are leaving for US and a family friend's actually offering to help me should I decide to move. Besides, US was the original plan. Singapore was supposed to be just a detour. Almost 10 years after, I am still here. Plus that infamous question: Will I ever have my own family too? So, I was really praying that in the conference, I will receive a word from God or a clear direction where He wants me to go. The answer came fast. On the first day during worship, I heard it loud and clear:
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And all throughout the conference, I was just reminded over and over again. God is faithful, so be faithful. Keep sowing. Keep planting. Keep reaching out. Keep loving. And He will take care of the rest. Besides, He never told me to move. It was just me. You see, comparison triggers jealousy and so never compare your life to others because God has His own story for you and me. Look unto Jesus. Fix your gaze and thoughts upon Him. “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." ~Matthew 6:25-34 BAGONG YUGTO: A NEW HEART The first half of the year has been very painful for our family. I praise God that He has blessed me with a very loving and closely knitted family, and so the sudden loss of two of my Uncles in Papa's side, both I am close with, has left us bewildered, broken and very hurt. Early in April, Tito Erick, Papa's youngest brother, was hospitalized for COVID. In just a few days, he was transferred to the ICU because his oxygen level wasn't picking up and his biomarkers were all deranged. His wife, Tita Mitch, was then quarantined on another facility. Everyday we would all do video calls to check on Tita Mitch and get updates on Tito Erick. We would always encourage everyone in the family to keep on pressing on in prayer and keep believing that these too shall pass. That we've been through so much in the family before and we would be able to withstand all of these. I knew that God is a good God and He will never forsake us. I was anticipating that this will be our family's testimony of healing. But then one night, as if in a movie, there was a plot twist. Uncle Ahwee, Tita Shei's husband had a heart attack. He was pronounced dead on arrival. We were dumbfounded. I couldn't understand why all of these is happening, all together, at the same time. It felt like a dejavu. It felt like we were in 2014 all over again when Papa had an accident and he needed to go for a surgery and the next day Lolo Ama, Papa's father, passed away because of cancer. I questioned God why do our family had to experience all these pain again. Did I not pray enough for Him to hear my prayers? There were so many thoughts running on my head but we had to press on for Tito Erick. To still believe and keep praying that he will be healed. We kept Uncle Awhee's passing from Tito Erick. We even blocked him on Facebook so he won't see any post on Uncle Awhee's sudden death. During Uncle Awhee's wake, we were just amazed on how God poured out His love and provision through the help of the many people who loved Uncle Ahwee. Tito Erick's condition then was getting better. He regained some strength, enough to reply to us in our family's group chat. Every morning he would send some selfies to us to let us know that he is getting better. He found out about Uncle Awhee's passing when he saw a post from his high school batch mate but thank God during that time he was already able to take all the news in.
He then had a reswab and we were hoping that if it turned out to be negative, he will be transferred to a regular room. But the next day before dawn, on Lolo Ama's birthday, Tito Erick's oxygen levels dropped which then required him to be intubated. After two hours of being in critical condition, his heart stopped beating. The doctors tried to revive him but to no avail. It was so painful seeing his body lifeless through a video call. The whole day we were on iyak-tulala-iyak-tulala mode. We were so devastated. It felt like the enemy knew exactly where to attack me, that it found my Achilles heel, and it is succeeding. I already had thoughts of giving up and turning away from serving Him. He must have been punishing me for not being bold enough to do more for Him. But then I never heard my family questioned God. Yes, they couldn't understand why all these are happening, but they never once turned away from God. I thought I have the strongest faith, but theirs were stronger. God is still good, because despite of all what happened, He has made everyone in the family stronger in faith. He has reminded us how He has blessed us with a family that is so full of love, and that we are loved not just by Him but by the people that He has surrounded us with. I praise God for my spiritual family, ministry and friends who have helped me to stand when I couldn't, reminded me that I am not alone, and that God sees our pain and He is the only one who can turn it to joy. This wasn't the testimony I was hoping to share but God's thoughts are higher than mine. He has a different healing testimony He wanted me to share, not just for me, but for the whole family. Healing does not come in an instant. And until now, we are all still healing, slowly, taking it day by day. There are days that I still find myself dazed as if everything was just a dream. And same goes for them in the Philippines, in and out of loneliness and what ifs. But praise God we have each other to constantly remind ourselves that God is a good God and in Him, our broken hearts can be made whole again. As God promised in Revelations 21:5, "Behold, I make all things new," He is giving us a new heart. He is renewing our spirits day by day. He is making us lean more on Him, trust Him that all these are for our good, and draw closer and closer unto Him. He is our refuge and strength. At the end of day, He is a sovereign God. I may not have control on everything but He has. And He has me and my family on the palm of His hands. Here's a spontaneous song when I was pouring and crying myself out to God. It is only in His presence that we can find healing.
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THERE IS MORE. Every year, I would always have a bible verse declaration for myself and just before 2021 entered, instead of a verse, He gave me a whole chapter, Ezekiel 47. And it dawned on me, how it is unfolding before my eyes, that all these things that has happened on the first half of the year is teaching me and molding me to lean more and more on Him so I could go deeper and deeper into my relationship with Him. I look forward that after everything, I will receive my inheritance! That all these is for my good and a preparation for what is ahead. This is a beginning of a new chapter of my life and my walk with Him! What a great and loving God He is and I will forever praise Him with my life! Oh praise and glory be upon Him, the King of kings, Lord of lords, Lover of my Soul, my Lord and Saviour, Jesus! "As the man went eastward with a measuring line in his hand, he measured off a thousand cubits and then led me through water that was ankle-deep. He measured off another thousand cubits and led me through water that was knee-deep. He measured off another thousand and led me through water that was up to the waist. He measured off another thousand, but now it was a river that I could not cross, because the water had risen and was deep enough to swim in—a river that no one could cross. He asked me, “Son of man, do you see this?” "Then He led me back to the bank of the river. When I arrived there, I saw a great number of trees on each side of the river. He said to me, “This water flows toward the eastern region and goes down into the Arabah, where it enters the Dead Sea. When it empties into the sea, the salty water there becomes fresh. Swarms of living creatures will live wherever the river flows. There will be large numbers of fish, because this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live. Fishermen will stand along the shore; from En Gedi to En Eglaim there will be places for spreading nets. The fish will be of many kinds—like the fish of the Mediterranean Sea. But the swamps and marshes will not become fresh; they will be left for salt. Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.” ~Ezekiel 47:3-12
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You can’t wake up this is not a dream
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Summary: The Winchester siblings have always relied on each others for years. But has the years passed they made a small family. Years and years of fighting monster have brought them to the town of Derry. With fight a creature that is not of this world have to the Winchester finally met their match?
A/n: A part of this chapter was inspired by a scene from a nightmare on elm street
The ride to Richie’s house took about ten minutes. Once we all arrived at his house I got off Bill’s bike as he parked his bike. “Richie did you tell your parents I was coming?” I asked. “Yeah of course hot legs.” Richie said. “Don’t call me that Richie unless you have a death wish.” I said. “Please you don’t look like you will harm a fly.” Richie said. I glared at him. “Come on guys let’s get inside.” Stan said. I followed them inside Richie’s house. I was the last one to go inside but Stan stayed by the door holding it open for me. “Thanks Stan.” I said smiling as I walked inside. “You’re welcome y/n.” Stan said smiling back at me following me inside. “Oh come on please don’t make out in my house. Mom we’re home!” Richie said. “In the kitchen dear.” Richie’s mom said. We all followed him to the kitchen. “Hello boys. Oh and who are you dear?” Richie’s mom said. “Y/n Winchester ma’ma. I guess Richie didn’t mention I was coming. My brothers are working late tonight and they didn’t want me to be home alone.” I said. “Oh that’s quite alright dear. Please call me Maggie. I hope pizza’s ok for dinner.” Maggie said. “Pizza fine mom we’ll be in my room. Come on guys.” Richie said walking out of the kitchen. “Keep your door open Richie.” Maggie said as we followed Richie upstairs to his room. “So what was that again Richie about letting your parents know I was coming?” I asked. “Oh fuck off y/n.” Richie said. “Do you kiss your mom with that mouth?” I asked. “I hate you.” Richie said. “Awe you love me.” I said. “So y/n where exactly did your brothers go?” Stan asked. “Just out of town. They really didn’t tell me anything else really.” I said. “Do they do this often?” Eddie asked. “What? Get called in for their input on cases and having to go quickly without telling a lot?” I asked. Eddie nodded. “Yeah all of the time.” I said. “Doesn’t that bother you?” Richie asked. “No not really. I just gotten used to it.” I said. “I’m sorry that you have to go through that y/n it must be very lonely.” Stan said. “It can be but I’ve learn to live with.” I said. We spent an hour talking until Richie’s mom yelled that Richie’s dad was home with the pizza. Richie, Bill, and Richie raced each other down the stairs while Stan and I walked down the stairs. “I’m guessing they like pizza.” I said laughing a little. “Yeah they do.” Stan said. Stan and I walked into the kitchen and the boys were already eating. “There you two are. Wentworth this is Richie’s new friend y/n.” Maggie said. “Good evening sir thank you for letting me stay after figuring out Richie said nothing about me coming over.” I said. “Well Maggie and I didn’t want you to be by yourself with all of the children that have gone missing.” Wentworth said. “Do you have a safe way to get home sweetie?” Maggie asked. “Yes Mrs. Tozier my mom said that she will take Y/n home.” Stan said. “Oh that’s good. We didn’t want you to have to walk back home alone in the dark.” Maggie said. Stan and I grabbed some pizza and we joined the boys at the table and ate together. After we ate we handed back to Richie’s room and played some video games. Well mostly Bill, Richie, and Eddie did Stan and I watched. It was close to nine when everyone else’s parents started to picked them up. “Y/n come on my mom is here.” Stan said. I nodded getting up and grabbed my bag. “See ya Richie.” I said.  “Bye hot legs.” Richie said. “Are you ever going to call me something other than that?” I asked. “Why do you hate it?” Richie asked. “Yes I do.” I said. “Then no I’m going to keep calling you that.” Richie said. I just rolled my eyes and left Richie’s room with Stan. 
When we walked down stairs we saw that his mom was talking to Richie’s parents. “Oh there you kids are come on let’s get home.” Stan mom’s said. We followed his mom out of Richie’s house and into the car. “Thank you so much for driving me home Mrs. Uris.” I said as I bucked up. “Oh don’t mention it sweetie. Now where do you live sweetie?” Stan mom’s asked. I gave her the address of where we were staying and she started to make the drive there and about ten minutes later she pulled into the driveway. I noticed that Sam and Dean weren’t back yet. “It does look that anyone is home yet. Are you sure that you will be ok sweetie.” Stan mom’s said. “Yes Mrs. Uris I’ll be fine. My brothers are probably on their way home and they forgot to let me know.” I said. “Ok sweetie. Stan why don’t you walk with her to the door.” Mrs. Uris said. “Yes mom.” Stan said. We both unbuckled. I grabbed my bag form the floor and I pulled out a mini flashlight. “Of course you would have a flashlight in your bag.” Stan said. “Hey always got to be prepared.” I said. We both got out of the car and I turned on my flashlight. We walked to the front door together and I handed Stan the flashlight so I could get the keys from out of my bag. I unlocked the door and Stan handed me back my flashlight. “Thanks for walking me to the door Stan.” I said. “You’re welcome y/n.” Stan said. “Are you sure that your brothers are on their way?” Stan asked. “Well they haven’t texted or call me yet saying that they were on their way home yet but please don’t tell your mom that. She would probably take me to your house and make me spend the night.” I said. “Yeah she would. Don’t worry I won’t tell her. Well I should get back in the car before she suspects anything.” Stan said. “Yeah that would be a good thing.” I said. “I’ll see you tomorrow y/n.” Stan said. “See you tomorrow Stan.” I said and walked into the house. I turned on a few lights so I wouldn’t be in the dark. I pulled out my phone to call Sam and asked them if they were on the way back yet. But he didn’t pick up. That when I decided to call Cas and ask him if heard anything from them. “Y/n what’s wrong are you hurt?” Cas asked as he answered. “I’m ok Cas. Have you heard from Sam or Dean today?” I asked. “No I haven’t. Is something wrong?” Cas asked. “Well they went to Ludlow to look into a wendigo case and they told me that they should be home around nine and they are not home yet. I’m just kinda worried.” I said. “Would you like me to go check on them?” Cas asked. “Would you Cas please?” I asked. “Of course y/n.” Cas said. “Thank you Cas.” I said. “You’re welcome y/n. Once I check on them I’ll make sure that one of us calls you back.” Cas said. “Ok I’ll be waiting by the phone.” I said. “Good bye y/n I love you.” Cas said. “I love you two Cas.” I said and hung up. I went to my room and sat on my bed waiting on someone to call me back. I waited about thirty minutes and I saw my phone light up with Dean’s name. I quickly picked it up answering it. “Dean.” I said as I answered it. “Hey kiddo Sam and I are on our way.” Dean said. “Are you guys ok?” I asked. “Yeah we’re ok. The case went a little south but we’re ok.” Dean said. “And the Creed family?” I asked. “We still need to handle them. They all seem to be under the wendigo spell.” Dean said. “Even the little boy?” I asked. “We don’t know for sure yet. We might call in some more back up.” Dean said. “Ok. Have you guys ate anything yet?” I asked. “We’re going to pick something up on the way back. What about you kiddo have you ate yet?” Dean asked. “Yeah I have. I went over to Richie’s after school and his parents got us pizza and then Stan’s mom brought me home.” I said. “Alright we’ll be home in about forty five minutes.” Dean said. “Alight I’ll see you guys soon.” I said. “See you soon kiddo.” Dean said then hung up.
After waiting thirty minutes I decided to go take a bath. I grabbed a change of clothes then headed to my bathroom. I put my clothes on the counter and I decided to out my towel on the toilet. After getting the water in the bathtub I got I and started to relax in the hot water. I was in the bathtub for ten minutes then I heard Dean yelling that he and Sam were back. As I yelled back at him saying I was in the bathtub I felt something brush against my leg. I found it odd since there was nothing in the water. Then I felt something tug my leg. I let out a shocked gasp as I grabbed on to the side of the bathtub. Then I was pulled completely under the water. But it seems like now that the bathtub was never ending. I struggled to get back to the surface as I felt myself get pulled farther down. I managed to grabbed ahold of the side of the bathtub pulling me up enough to scream. “SAM!! DEAN!! HELP!!” I screamed before I was again pulled under the water. I finally came face to face with whatever pulled me under the water and it was the clown that I saw outside my window last night. I screamed and struggled to get out of its grip. I kicked it and it let me go and I quickly made my way back to the surface. I could hear that either Sam or Dean was trying to break down the door. I quickly grabbed my towel wrapped it around me as they finally got the door open. “What happened kiddo?” Dean asked as he came over to me. “Something pulled me under the water. The tub it changed. It was like in was never ending.” I said as I started to cry. “It’s ok kiddo.” Dean said pulling me into his chest. “Y/n what happened to your ankle?” Sam asked. I looked down and saw my ankle was bleeding. “That must have happened during the struggle.” I said. “Ok. Get dress real quick and I’ll patch you up.” Dean said. I nodded and he and Sam left so I could get. I quickly got dress making sure not to get any blood on my underwear or shorts. I heard a knock on the door. “You dressed kiddo?” Dean asked. “Yeah dean I’m dress come in.” I said as I hopped on the bathroom counter that was closes the toilet. Dean opened the door coming in the bathroom carrying a first aid kit. “What exactly happened kiddo?” Dean asked as he sat down on the toilet. “Well when I was taking my bath I felt something brush against my leg. I found it weird because there was nothing was in the water. Then I felt something pull my leg then I was pulled under the water.  That when I noticed that the bathtub was never ending. I struggled against to get back to the surface. I managed to break free long enough to call for you and Sam before I was pulled back under. That when I noticed that the clown that I saw last night outside was the one that pulled me under the water.” I said as Dean started to clean the wound on my ankle. “What do you mean it was the clown?” Dean asked. “I know what I saw dean. It was the clown. I don’t know how to explain how it all happened.” I said. That when Dean and I both saw what looked like claw marks on my ankle. I let of a gasp. “Looks like the clown got you good kiddo.” Dean said. “Do you think it needs stitches?” I asked. “Afraid so kiddo. Sam come help!” Dean said. Sam rushed in. “She needs stitches Sammy and I just need you to help her keep clam.” Dean said. “It’s that bad?” Sam asked. Dean nodded. “Why don’t you just call cas to heal her. “ Sam said. “Just stitch me up please. I love you all but three grown men all in the bathroom is too much.” I said. Dean nodded and got put a needle. Sam grabbed my hand and I got ready for Dean to stitch me up. “You know the drill kiddo.” Dean said. “Yeah I know.” I said. Dean started to stitch up my wound and I squeezed Sam hand when it really hurt. Seventeen stitches later the wound on my ankle was stitched up completely. Then Dean wrapped up my ankle with gauze. “There you go kiddo. You’re fixed up.” Dean said as he started to put the rest of the stuff back in the first aid kit. “Thanks Dean.” I said. Dean smiled and kissed my head as he got up. Sam picked me up from the bathroom counter and carried me back to my room laying me on my bed. “I could have walked Sammy.” I said. “I know. I just didn’t really want you to just yet.” Sam said. I nodded. “Get some rest it’s the last day of school tomorrow.” Sam said kissing my head and left my room. I got up from my bed and went to turn off my lights. I went back to my bed getting under the covers and fell fast asleep. 
I woke up by myself in the morning. Usually Sam or Dean had to come and wake me up. I got up from my bed and went to get clothes to wear for the day. I wore a tank top and shorts. I decided to wear Vans instead of my boots so it wouldn’t tub against my stitches. I left my room and headed to my bathroom to brush my teeth and brush my hair. Once I was done I went back to my room to grab my bag and my phone. I headed to the kitchen where I was meet with a shocked Sam and Dean. “What?” I asked. “Well you woke on your own. Usually Sam or I have to come to wake you up.” Dean said as I sat down at the table. “Well looks like you didn’t have to today.” I said. “Well it’s the last day of school how do you feel about that y/n?” Sam asked. “Well it’s not like I went to school here for the entire school year. I was only in school for three days.” I said. “Well let’s eat breakfast then get to the school.” Dean said. We ate breakfast then Sam and Dean finished getting ready. We they were done we left the house getting in the Impala and headed to the school. “So are you going to hang out with your friends after school?” Dean asked as we pulled into the school parking lot. “I don’t know. I might want to go back to the house after school.” I said. “Just let us know what you decide to do.” Sam said. I nodded. That’s when I saw a few Derry police cars pull up. I watched as the officers got out of the cars and I saw officers Bowers get out of one of the cars. “Why don’t you go ahead and get inside kiddo.” Dean said never taking his eyes off of officers Bowers. “Ok.” I said grabbing my bag and left the impala and headed inside of the school. 
Supernatural taglist: @darkqueennox
Overall taglist: @the-broken-halo-writer​​
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lightsburnbrite · 5 years
The Devil is in the Details: Part 12/Final
“I’m just surprised you didn’t get to keep the match ball. It was your first Champions League goal, after all.”
Leon took a swallow of his wine before giving a little smile. “It’s fine, Papa. Lewy scored four.”
“Well,” Leon’s father shrugged. “I guess that’s significant.”
He laughed fully this time. “Just a little bit.”
Karina sat silently next to Leon, pushing the food around her plate to make it seem as though she had actually eaten some of her meal. As soon as the topic of conversation turned to his recent on-pitch successes, she instantly smiled.
“Karina,” His mother started. “You are positively glowing. Is there something you haven’t told us?”
Upon hearing her name, Karina perked up a bit before she realized what was implied by the question. “Oh, um, no. Not at all, no. I’m just proud of Leon, that’s all.”
“Oh.” His mother did not bother to hide her disappointment. “Well, I suppose you do still have plenty of time for that. I must confess, I am a little spoiled with our current grandchildren.”
Leon cleared his throat. “Mama, we’ve decided that we don’t want to have kids.”
Karina offered a sheepish smile once the air seemed to be sucked out of the room and punctuated her response with a less than small sip of her wine.
“I guess I’m having a hard time understanding how you can make such a significant decision when you have your whole lives ahead of you.” It was easy to tell that his mother was keeping her response restrained.
Tilting his head to the side, Leon shrugged. “I can’t really explain it, but when we started talking about it, it was very clear that neither of us wants to be a parent.”
“Even if Karina is not particularly maternal-”
“Mama, please.” In an almost imperceivable shift, Leon’s tone became sterner. “This has nothing to do with Karina being maternal, which she is. It’s our decision and we’d like for you to respect that.”
The room fell silent after that but Karina put her hand on Leon’s knee and gave it a little squeeze.
“So,” His father decided to change the subject. “How long are you two going to be in town?”
“Unfortunately just for today.” Karina was happy to be able to speak about anything else. “We visited my parents first and then we’ll stop by and see Marius once we leave here. Leon has training tomorrow.”
Leon’s mother offered an insincere smile. “Well, how nice of you to fit us into your busy schedule.”
“Mama, please. Don’t be like this.” He rubbed his right temple with his first two fingers.
She exaggerated a frown. “How do you expect me to react when I’ve just been told that I won’t be having any grandchildren?”
“You already have grandchildren.” Leon laughed now. “Can we let it go now?”
With a sigh, she only shook her head.
“We are going to have a wedding this summer,” Karina started in now. “Nothing big, just the families. At the Ramsau Kirche.”
Her eyes brightened now. “Really? I thought you were against the idea.”
“When Leon asked me to marry him, there was no question that I wanted to be his wife. What I didn’t like was the idea of drawing that much attention to myself at that particular time.” Karina made sure to add a smile even though she knew perfectly well this had been explained to his mother before.
“That sounds lovely, Karina.” His mother smiled genuinely now. “I look forward to it.”
On their way home, Karina rested her head against Leon’s shoulder and sighed.
“So we’re having a wedding then?” Leon laced his fingers in between hers.
She let out a little laugh as she pulled his hand up to her lips and kissed the back of it. “It was your idea, right? I’m just saying yes.”
“You sure you’re ok with it?” Leon twisted in his seat so that he could meet Karina’s eyes with his own.
“As long as it’s just our families like you said.” She raised her eyebrows slightly. “It’s this thought of some giant affair getting out of hand that puts me off of weddings but if something small would make our families happy then I can put up with that.”
It was late by the time they made it home, but Karina could tell that she wasn’t going to be able to turn her mind off that easily.
Leon had started to turn down the bed while Karina stood in the doorway.
“Hey, babe?” Karina walked over to Leon and rested her hand on his chest as she kissed his cheek. “I think I’m going to get in the tub first.”
With a nod, Leon attempted to slip his arm around Karina’s waist but she moved away too quickly. As soon as she realized what he had wanted to do, she tucked herself back up against his side. “I see. Would you like some company?”
“I was hoping you would say that.” She kissed him again. “Just give me a few minutes to get it ready.”
After he finished turning down the bed, Leon walked into the bathroom to find Karina sitting on the edge of the tub and crumbling what looked like a bar of soap under the faucet. To his surprise, the bar produced a frothy cascade of bubbles that now filled the tub almost to its entirety. He tossed his shirt and pants into the hamper but waited to undress completely until Karina had done so. He stopped Karina before she stepped in, grazing his thumb over her nipple. “You put them back in.”
“Yeah.” Karina nodded as she stepped into the almost too warm water and sunk down. “I wasn’t sure how you felt about them a while ago so I thought I should try to be done with them. Turns out, I like wearing my nipple rings too much to let them go.”
“Good.” Leon placed his hands on her shoulders before sliding them down her arms. “I’m glad you kept them for you but I think you should also know that I find them to be incredibly sexy.”
Karina smiled as she leaned back against him. “Remind me to show you my necklace that is also a vibrator.”
Leon laughed at that but he knew something else was on Karina’s mind. “Ok, so what’s actually up?”
“What do you mean?” She rested her hands on his knees now, drawing lazy circles with her fingertips.
“This might as well be your thinking spot.” Nuzzling her neck, Leon kissed the name before he spoke again. “Any time you need to mull something over, you take a bath.”
Karina closed her eyes and sighed as she rested her head against his shoulder. “I go back to work tomorrow. This is the end of my time off from when I decided to be a runaway but I haven’t said anything to Nena about quitting yet. I don’t even know if I want to-”
“But you don’t want to stay if Daniel is still there.” Leon had closed his eyes as well. He had to admit that Karina was on to something with the idea of soaking in the tub when she was stressed.
She nodded slightly. “Ah, so you remember my predicament. Nena has an idea I’m not happy and she sent me a text about having a few different options.”
“Ok, well, that’s a start, right?” He felt himself sink farther down in the tub, any longer in the water’s warm embrace and he might have been lulled to sleep.
“I guess,” Karina shifted her body so that she was twisted across his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head on his chest now. “Things could always be worse, I suppose.”
Leon kissed the top of her head as he gave her a slight nudge. “I’m going to fall asleep soon. You ready for bed?”  
“Mmmm…” She let out a little sigh as she nestled against him. “It’s warm here. If I get out, it’ll be cold.”
Leon laughed. “The bed is warm too, you know. Here, I’ll get out first and get you your towel.”
Karina pouted as he shifted her away from him.
Once Leon had invited Karina to stand with him, he wrapped the towel around her shoulders. He took the excess and gently dried her off before guiding her to the bedroom. Karina quickly put on one of her silk slips before practically burrowing under the duvet. Leon joined her a few moments later and she instantly nestled in against him.
Taking his finger, Leon traced a line from Karina’s temple down to her lips. He gently took hold of her chin and kissed her before laying his head back down on the pillow. “I love you, Maus.”
“I know,” Karina’s eyes fluttered closed in complete contentment. “But I never get tired of hearing it. Sometimes that’s just what I need.”
Leon moved closer to Karina so that he could hold her against his chest. “That’s why I always make sure to tell you.”
Karina didn’t wake up until the sun hit her face, she hadn’t been setting her alarm recently and was relying on Elsa to wake her up. Sitting up and stretching her arms, over her head, Karina expected Elsa to be tap-dancing by her side of the bed, anxious for their morning walk and her breakfast. Instead, Elsa was sprawled out next to her in Leon’s spot, sound asleep.
Rubbing her eyes, Karina glanced at her phone and saw that not only was it way later than she anticipated, but she also had a message from Leon. Opening up, she could tell he took the video from his car, probably before he left the garage.
Good morning, Beautiful (Leon winked right into the camera and Karina felt her stomach do flip flops) I needed to leave early and didn’t want to wake you up. See you later tonight. I love you, Maus
Sitting back down on the bed, Karina smiled before she realized what time it was. If she didn’t start getting ready now, she was going to be late.
She rummaged through her closet and frowned. All she wanted to do was wear jeans and a hoodie but that wouldn’t be acceptable even working in the archives. Eventually, she settled on a pair of skin-tight sateen black pants that hit right at her ankle, a grey silk blouse, and a black blazer with black pointed flats. Nothing in the dress code said she needed to wear color.
Walking into the employee offices, Karina sat her bag in her desk chair and then went to her mailbox where a stack of papers was waiting for her. As she was about to dive in, she heard Nena call to her.
“Part of me was thinking you wouldn’t actually show up today.” Nena smiled but it was strained.
Karina shook her head. “I’d never leave you in a lurch like that.”
“Well?” Nena tilted her head in the direction of her office. “Why don’t we have a chat then?”
With a nod, Karina followed and closed the door behind them.
“Alright,” Nena started. “What is it then? Is it work-related? Problems at home?”
“I can’t work with Daniel.” Karina surprised herself with how quickly she blurted it out.
That seemed to catch Nena off guard as well. “Oh. You certainly hide it well. Do you mind me asking why?”
“Basically it comes down to he won’t leave me alone. He’s said he wants to be friends and hang out and I’ve said no so then it becomes ‘well why not’. It pisses me off that he asked to be paired with me so that he could spend time with me and not actually learn about archiving but I think the final piece was he called the police and told them Leon was abusing me.” As soon as Karina said this aloud, it felt like she could breathe again.
Nena’s mouth formed a small ‘o’ before she frowned. “I had no idea. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s, no, it’s really ok. I’ve never said anything until now.” Karina offered a small smile. “Leon at least got a kick out of it when Daniel introduced himself at the gallery opening and intimated that we were more than just coworkers and then he had to turn around and introduce himself as my husband.”  
Nena took on a pensive look. “I had been thinking about moving him to strictly tours. He’s friendly and can read and memorize a script but it’s obvious that curation was not going to be one of his strong points.”
“So if he’s just personnel-” Karina began but when Nena confirmed her thought.
“You would work in separate parts of the building.” Nena cleared her throat as she pulled up a file on her computer. “I may even be able to get you your own office.”
Closing her eyes, Karina let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Nena. I didn’t want to make it a him or me situation but I knew I wouldn’t be able to work with him.”
“No, I appreciate you coming to me. I don’t always communicate to you that I think you are invaluable to what I’m attempting to accomplish here. Why don’t you go ahead and get started for today and I’ll see what I can put in motion, ok?” Nena smiled warmly, continuing to put Karina at ease.
Instead of moving to the archives like she had wanted, Karina found that she had too much paperwork to correct, scan, and then file. She was about halfway through, thinking that this was why she didn’t like to take off when one of the collections assistants poked her head into the offices. “Karina? There’s someone here to see you. At the main desk.”
Karina smiled a nonverbal thank you but her mind immediately began to race. Double checking that she saved her work, she glanced at her reflection in the monitor and made her way towards the museum’s main entrance.
Leon had called ahead to make sure his timing was right and left just enough time to swing by one of the flower stalls. Bouquet of sunflowers in hand, he approached the museum’s main desk and asked the girl behind it if she could get Karina for him.
“What are you doing here?”
Leon turned to see Daniel passing through with a group of what appeared to be tourists.
“I stopped by to take my wife out to lunch.” Leon smiled, albeit somewhat smugly.
Both turned to see Karina now approaching.
Karina quickened her pace before practically crashing into Leon, wrapping her arms around his neck. “What are you doing here?”
Kissing her forehead, Leon smiled. “I asked Nena when your lunch break was. Thought you might like to go out for something.”
By now Karina was beaming. “Yeah, of course. Sunflowers?”
“I brought you sunflowers-”
“When we first had dinner you brought me sunflowers.” Karina stepped forward to kiss Leon’s cheek as she took his hand and led him back towards the offices. “Only, I threw them out because I was so mad at you.”
Leon frowned as Karina searched through a cabinet for something to use as a vase. “You did? Why were you mad at me?”
“Because you had basically just asked me to go down on you and then told me you had a girlfriend.” Karina filled a large pitcher halfway full before taking the flowers from Leon and arranging them behind her computer. “I was already head over heels for you and you managed to take my heart and then break it in the span of an hour.”
With an apologetic smile, Leon placed his hand on the back of Karina’s neck and rested his forehead against hers before leaning in and giving Karina a feather-light kiss. “I am so glad that you gave me a second chance, Mausi.”
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Don’t Forget Us (Peter Parker X Stark!reader) part 3
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Summary: What would happen if you were Tony Starks daughter and could lift Mjölnir.
Word count: 1,713
A/n: I’ve had this idea for a while now and I can’t wait to share it with you guys! Please leave feedback, it’s always appreciated. If you want to be tagged please shoot me an ask or reblog this. It makes it easier for me.
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
You felt something cold and hard on your skin before fully waking up.
“What if she doesn’t corroperate?” A gruff male voice said.
“Then we’ll make her. Don’t you remember how he was before he complied?” A small female voice said.
“Yeah.” The male voice laughed. “He was all like,’You won’t get away with this’ and ‘Steve’s gunna find me.’ It was a laugh, I still watch the videos of his tortures back for a good laugh.”
“So do I honestly. Now go wake the girl up, she’s had a long enough nap.”
“My plessure.” The gruff voice said with his footsteps getting louder and louder as he got closer to you. You felt a sharp sting on your right cheek before fully waking up. You open your eyes only to be met with a bald man with broad shoulders and a scar over his left eye. You tried to move your arm to touch your cheek but felt the tug of the coarse rope on your wrists.
“Good you’re finally awake, Prisoner #56898 really did a number on you.” A female voice from the shadow chuckled.
“Who are you? Where am I!?” You asked pulling on the restraints.
“Awe what? Is daddy’s little girl scared?” The female asked in a mocked voice as she came into the light. Giving you a chance to spit in her face as she bent down to get a better look at you.
“My dad WILL find me, he always does!” You stated through your clenched teeth. The female that was wearing a black leather pantsuit with a black lace bralette as a shirt laughed as through it was the funniest thing she’s heard all day.
“Oh young Stark, I’m afraid your precious daddy and the other Avengers can’t help you now.” Her laugher echoed through the barren room before turning away from you and walking to the bald man that woke you up. “Otto, bring in Prisoner #56898 and have him take Y/N to the lab to begin.” Otto sent one of his men to grab whoever it is they’re talking about and walked towards you.
“What are you going to do me!?” You cried after her. “Let me go!”
“And shut her up will you? I’m tired of hearing her annoying high pitched voice.” The woman in black said as she melted into the shadows.
You heard a door open and shut only to be met with the same man you saw in your dad’s lab only without the mask and his black suit. You immediately recognized him; not as your kidnapper, but as Steve Rodgers best friend. “Bucky?” You asked out of disbelief. Uncle Steve said he died during World War II after falling off a HYDRA train while trying to capture Dr. Zola.
“Who the hell is Bucky?” He asked before everything when black.
Tony ran into the living room with a gray work out shirt on backward, hair a mess, and black sweats with the left pant leg pushed up to the bottom of the knee and right pant leg down on his ankle.
“Parker what’s wrong? Where’s my daughter?!” Tony says frantically looking around the living room for you.
“She said she was going to reboot F.R.I.D.A.Y and told me to get you.” He said to the older man.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y run diagnostics.” Tony said as he continued to look for Y/N. When F.R.I.D.A.Y didn’t respond he looked at Peter. “Peter I thought you said Y/N rebooted F.R.I.D.A.Y.” He said looking at the terrified young boy.
“She said she was going to!” Peter said holding his hands up in defense, Tony’s eyes widen and worry now clouded his eyes. “She ran to your lab at the same time I ran to get you.” Tony now had his back to Peter as he made his way over to his lab mumbling.
“You better hope she’s alright.” Tony said to Peter running toward a long hallway. “Y/N! Sweetie.” Peter heard Tony call as they made their way down the hall to find you. “You okay?” Tony stopped dead in his tracks when he found an empty lab. He made his way over to one of the many computers to check the status of the A.I’s reboot only to find it was never activated. Tony turned around to see Peter standing awkwardly in the doorway. “She’s not here. And she never even activated the reboot.” Peter’s head shot up when those words left Tony’s mouth. “Parker. Where. Is. She!?”
He hung his head in shame knowing he didn’t even try to protect the girl he had a crush on, his chestnut curls covering his eyes to shield his vision from Tony’s peircing stare. “I don’t know Mr. Stark. I’m sorry, I know. I failed you and I failed Y/N. I’m so sor-!” Peter said tears filling his eyes.
“SORRY’S NOT GOING TO CUT IT DAMNIT! SORRY ISN’T GOING TO BRING MY DAUGHTER BACK NOW IS IT?” Tony sighed before letting his head hang low. “I’ll deal with you later Parker. Right now we need to find my daughter.” He said after a while turning away from Peter. “Go get everyone else. We need all hands on deck for this.” He walked to the other side of the lab, shaking his head and running his hands through his hair muttering to himself.
“Yes sir.” Peter said in a small and week voice before leaving to wake up the other Avengers.
Peter left Tony alone walking around his lab while waiting for F.R.I.D.A.Y. to reboot. He paced back and forth only for his foot to hit a small metal object that rolled across the floor after kicking it. He picked it up to find something that looked like a spray can. He shook his head and chuckled slightly, Y/N must have hidden this to tag his suits with the symbols of the different sailor scouts from Sailor Moon again. He flipped the van over to see what Pretty Guardian it’ll be this time, what he saw shocked him causing him to drop the can and run to the room Steve occupied. “Rodgers! Rodgers wake up now!” Tony said throwing one of Steve’s boots at him to wake him up.
“What Stark?” Steve said rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“It’s Y/N.” Tony said causing Steve to sit up straight. “I think she’s been taken by HYDRA.”
“The case regarding the dissaperance of Y/N Stark, has been deemed closed, and the young Stark dead due to lack of evidence. She was taken at 2:30AM from the Stark Tower three years ago today, if you have any news regarding the 16 year old please con-“ Steve shut off the TV and stood up off the couch leaving Peter to curl up into a tighter ball and fall over in his side.
“She’s gone. She’s really gone.” Peter said clutching his knees. “And it’s all my fault. I should’ve gone with her to the lab, or she should’ve gotten her dad and I reboot F.R.I.D.A.Y., I’m as much of a genius as she is!” He said balancing himself up again and looking at his feet “was.” He corrected.
“There’s no way she’s really gone. And it’s no one’s fault but HYDRA’s. Trust me I know I’ve been fighting those suckers since the 1940s.” Steve said putting a hand on Peter’s shoulder.
“I miss her though. I really liked her Steve, but I couldn’t protect her. Shouldn’t I’ve at least tried a little harder to protect the people I really care about? That’s why I have a secret identity to protect them from harms way. Isn’t that why you crashed that ship back in 1945? To protect New York? To protect Peggy?” Peter finally looked up only to be met with Steve’s broken eyes. Peter then realized what he said and quickly got off the couch. “I-I’m sorry! I was just-I didn’t mean-I’m just gonna.” He stammered before leaving to go to his room in the tower.
“We all miss her.” Steve said to himself.
“Now who is this?” A German doctor asked you as he held up a man in a red white and blue suit holding a circular shield.
“Uncle Steve.” You said sweating knowing it was the wrong answer but not wanting to give in to HYDRA even though that you both knew you were close.
The German doctor smirked and sighed as he shook his head. “Wrong answer.” And with that you felt a sudden jolt of a sharp and quick tremor move all throughout your body as the man electrocuted you. “Now let’s try this again, who is this man?” He said once more as he held up the same picture. “And before you answer, that was just the second setting, but let’s go all the way up to ten yeah?”
“The Captain Steve Rodgers, enemy of HYDRA.” You said through your teeth, you couldn’t take the pain anymore. Yesterday was it water boarding and today it’s electrocution, what would tomorrow be? The thought terrified you. They’ve been at this for the last three years of your life, and it was apparent that your dad and the Avengers weren’t going to save you from this, it will just be easier to comply and quit crying.
“Good. Now who’s this?” He asked holding up a picture of a man in an iron suit with an impressive goatee. He looked familiar but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. You felt your heart break and your eyes swell up with tears as you remember who that man was.
“That’s the man who disappointed me. Who left me here. Who never found me. THE MAN I WILL KILL IN THE NAME OF HYDRA!” You hissed each word dripped with venom as your cheeks wetted from your tears. “My father Tony Stark.”
The doctor smiled as he pressed a button on his control panel, “take her away Otto. I must talk with Ursula.” He said as Otto took you away. “Ursula, she’s ready.”
“Good. Send Prisoner #56898 out to wreak some havoc. I think it’s time for Y/N to see her family again after all these years. Don’t you?” She chuckled.
Part 4
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yeetusthymeatus · 3 years
Well... im getting kidnapped
It isn't the worst start to a day that I've had but being stuffed in a red sack, tied up like a Sunday roast isn't exactly far off, and after some kicking and a few unsuccessful bites i was in the sack being dragged along the cold tile floor, getting hit by the lift door on the way in and after a brief few moments of jamming out to Kevin Booths set me free, i was tossed in the back of a vehicle as we set off
I couldn't tell you how much time had passed, but enough for the cold and damp to seep through the wet sack, the wind and snow whipping the now bordeux sack, cursing the day people decided open top cars in winter are cool, and why i didn't sleep with more cloths on, but finally we stopped, the sound of the wind changed to... bells? Those tiny bells you find on stockings that your cat always finds a way to take off and play with them in the early hours of the morning as if to remind dawn its time to show its colours
As the jingle came near i was grabbed out the car and dropped on the sidewalk, and after a buzz of a doorbell the bells turned to the sound of hoofs striking the road and a door opening, the sound of snow crunching under someones shoe slowly approaching
They opened the sack, letting me see for the first time where i was, tossed on the pavement in front of a house i didn't recognise, shaking from the cold as the wind hit my bare chest, snowflakes stinging my already numb skin, that's when i saw her, her brown eyes hidden by her mist covered glasses as she quickly dragged me into the house and unceremoniously dumped me in the living room, before in a hurry darting off to the kitchen
The house itself wasn't anything big, just big enough for one, a few Christmas lights draped over the curtain poles, a couch backed up into the corner barely large for two, a small dining room table covered in papers and books with a laptop open playing a video about napoleon backed up to the bar separating the living room and the kitchen where she was frantically searching through drawers, the sound of the kettle being made in the background, a single door going out to a small balcony in the far side of the kitchen
As i try to sit up i see the knots around my my ankles has chewed through the skin, tainting the white rope a light shade of red, as i began to try to untie my hands from behind my back, flopping around like a fish on a boat trying to work some slack into the rope only to have my leg cramp as she walked outside the kitchen with two mugs of hot water and a box of tea bags on a tray
Cursing she set the tray down and yanked the tape off my mouth, smirking lightly from the not so quiet ow that escaped my mouth, slowly loosening the knot around my hand enough for me to grab it
"Go make what you were making in the kitchen, i got it from here" i said as i slowly untied my hands, my countless hours tieing knots in scouts and sailing making it relatively straightforward, as she quietly left through a door i hadn't previously seen, only for her to emerge back into the room with a couple blanket and a small first aid kit i got her as a joke
"Here you go Mr tough guy, do you want me to make you something to eat or am i still too clumsy to handle hot things?", you could almost hear the smirk in her voice as she went back into the kitchen, grabbing some pot noodles to make along the way
"If you have something warm you can make it would be appreciated, but try not to burn yourself this time" i said as i heard a thud and swearing come from the kitchen "How did you hurt yourself this time?"
"Oh shut up.... I knocked the cat water bowl with my foot, that's all", i grabbed the first aid kit and after some disinfecting cream i wrapped my ankles and arms in some gauze and tried to get up to go to the kitchen only to stumble a bit and fall on the couch
I got back up, making sure to support myself off the couch, and i carefully made my way to the kitchen, where i was greeted with the sight of her grabbing a fork and putting it the noodles before turning around to head out again, only to stop in her tracks as i slowly approach and give her a hug, a few errand tears streaming down my face relishing in the warmth of her embrace
She slowly looked up at me, letting me look in those beautiful brown eyes, concern still lingering in them, her hand rubbing my back to ease me, quite ironic after the countless times I've comforted her, but after a while, and a few rumbling sounds from my stomach we went to the couch, where i inhaled my noodles, getting a few drops of the broth trail down my face to her amusement, where we sat in silence, waiting for the other to speak, no one brave enough to make the first move
"So, while i appreciate your company, do you have any idea why you were dropped on my doorstep, during a lockdown no less?"
"I... I don't know, i mean, i can't think of anyone who has the man power to do something like this, or let alone why, i couldn't see there faces but... But they were in an open top ride, and i probably hit my head somewhere but and i heard bells and hooves when they left"
"Hooves, as in horses? I heard them too but i thought it was probably from the documentary, but who would kidnap you and just dump you here?
I mean, it's quite a random place to drop you off, they could have gone a few hundred metres either side and no one would find you till weeks after, so why here, and why ring the bell? "
We sat there in silence, thinking of why it would happen, each question bringing with it five more, she opened her mouth as to say something on a few occasions but never spoke in the end, this went on for what felt like hours, till i went to take a sip from my tea and sneezed at the same time, spraying it all over me as she sat there giggling
"You never learn do you?" she walked into the kitchen and emerged after a few moments with some paper towel handing it over for me to clean up, as she brought the cups and bowls back into the kitchen, and grabbed a few biscuits, only for her to thwack me across the head when she walked back out
"Why did you do that?" i said while rubbing the back of my head
"You small brain monkey, you are still half naked wearing wet clothes, you'll catch a cold at this rate" she threw me the blankets she took out before, and tossed them into my face only to disappear through the doorway snd emerged with an old sweater of mine and a clean tracksuit
"I was wondering where i had left that sweater"
"Well wonder no longer, out these on and give me the wet stuff to wash"
"Right here? Shouldn't i go to a bathroom or something?"
"Through the door to your left, and try not to slip on the floor, it's like ice sometimes"
"Thank you" i went to the bathroom and true enough, you could almost skate on the floor it was that slippery, it would be embracing to fall and get injured, so i tried my best to stay upright by holding on to the sink, but i fell and whacked a glass covering the floor in glass and falling into it
Hearing the noise she ran into the bathroom to check on me, only to sigh and give me a hand up,she brought me into the kitchen under the bright light and with a pair of tweezers started plucking small bits of glass out of my arm and shoulder
"Why do you find new and creative ways of hurting yourself?"
"I don't always get injured"
"The lollipop incident?"
"How was i supposed to know that bard sugar can make stabby things"
"You poked me"
"Ok yeah, that's on me"
"Mashed potatos, plastic knife, a pen"
"ok ok you have a point"
"Now don't get injured while i grab whatever bandages are left"
I sighed in defeat, as i slowly inspected myself, looking for any other possible injuries, the clean sweatpants are a bit small, but that's to be expected, i was a head taller than her and women's clothes are a pain in the ass in terms of sizes, ill need to thank her properly tomorrow for all this, as she came back into the kitchen and finished bandaging me up while mumbling how stupid i was for getting injured all the time we sat down on the couch, blankets draped over us watching an old Christmas movie
Next morning we woke up on the couch cuddled up, her arms locked around me as if i would disappear if she let go, her drool on my chest as she slept peacefully for once after her recent spell of nightmares, i lied there, feeling relaxed for once, until she moved and jabbed me in the ribs with her elbow, my small groan of pain waking her up, giving me the opening to give her a quick kiss on the head, startling the daylights out of her as she looked in my direction with a surprised expression on her face
"You're actually here, i thought i dreamt the whole thing"
"Yeah im here, why do you ask?"
"I think i know who kidnapped you then"
"what do you mean you know who kidnapped me"
"You remember the old tale of the Christmas lovers?"
"Yeah, you used to groan that it's random nonsense and why do they have to be lovers and you can't just wish for anyone you care about to have them brought to you"
"Well, since March when lockdown started i kept on wishing that for Christmas my gift would be a hug from you..."
"So you think this was..."
"that does explain the hooves and the bells... And sleighs are open to the elements... The sack, why i was left here of all places"
*how does the story end? "
"They check the stokings amd there is a key to the others house for him to grab his stuff and move in"
"Did you put up any stocking this year?"
"Not really no"
As i slowly move around and hear my joins crack i notice that there is some Christmas stocking on the table, as i slowly pick it up and put my hand inside i find my wallet and my keys, with a note that said :
Sorry for the ruff treatment, we were very close to falling beginning schedule, we locked you apartment up so you don't have to worry about your stuff getting stolen
Merry Christmas
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cosmosogler · 7 years
oh yeah, my bug bites aren’t healing either. i forgot about those until i went outside with the dogs this afternoon and got five more. my feet and ankles are covered in them. i’ve got a few up on my calves and knee now too. it’s miserable. at least the dogs don’t lick near the itching cream when i put it on. i’m going to have to start putting on bug spray before i go outside.
today i woke up a long time before my alarm went off. i just laid there, not really warm or cold, not really too comfortable but unwilling to move. i always wonder if i forgot to set my alarm when that happens. i’ve been waking up before my alarm a few times this last week... i guess i don’t need 8 hours of sleep any more? i always turn on the snooze once before i get up anyway. especially since my leg seems to have a pulled muscle and my foot is sore and my stomach has been cramped for a week. 
i’m usually not awake for too long before eve comes in to check up on me anyway. and if i don’t get up she barks at me and then wiley starts jumping on my bed because eve might want to play with him if she’s making noise.
eve goes to bed before i do and gets up before me. well, she sleeps most of the day or stares off into space while laying down. she seems alert and almost energetic when i get her to get up and go outside though so i’m not too worried.
i spent too long on tumblr this morning and was a little late getting to gramma’s. that was ok though. she set out some stuff and i baked a fruitcake mostly by accident and with lots of nervous spills. then we dyed some eggs. i took pictures and put them on snapchat. then i put together some candy arrangements and egg baskets. i put pictures of those on snapchat too. i texted with will a little bit; he is interested in getting his fire emblem game back. i meant to come back to it, but i couldn’t figure out a way to beat one of the levels without any deaths. it was kind of a dice roll whether or not i’d get to the new character (on the other side of the field) before she died and i didn’t like how frustrating the rng was. and i didn’t like the level up system. so it was hard to continue playing.
anyway while gramma and i were spreading frosting on some mild-flavored sugar cookies i got snapchat texts from some of the cousins with stuff like “i wish i was there” and “you should set up an egg hunt” (from my brother). 
for lunch i had some of the potato salad that gramma made and a tiny cup of instant mac and cheese. and like two bites of the fruitcake, which i quite liked. the recipe called for 1/4 cup of brown sugar to be sprinkled on the top before you put it in the oven. gramma gave me a tupperware with a little bit in there and said “here’s the brown sugar” so i started sprinkling. after a few minutes she said “did you measure what you needed?” and i realized that i had put way more than a quarter-cup of brown sugar on the cake. 
so we just didn’t make frosting for the cake. i was worried it would be too dry without the homemade frosting, but it actually turned out really well. grampa liked that it was less sweet.
lunch didn’t make me sick, really, but i got very full very quickly and could not finish my two big spoonfuls of potato salad or the tiny cup of mac and cheese. i really liked the potato salad. i will try to have more tomorrow. gramma kept trying to get me to eat the candy and eggs and cake and cookies and i told her i was going to throw up if i ate even one more bite. she stopped offering after that. i didn’t mind the offers, but it was a relief to stop having to turn her down every few minutes.
dogie just came in to say hi to me. she usually likes to poke her head in the doorway, and i’ll say hi, and then she’ll turn and walk away. but she let me pet her this time before she left.
after we finished the cookies i took out the trash and we cleaned up the kitchen and then we watched an episode of mash, which is one of those doctor shows except from 1979. oh and we saw some commercials with a bunch of old celebrities. i think it was an infomercial because it went on for like five minutes. while gramma knitted and the show was on i played the paper airplane game for a while. 
after the episode was done i got ready to go home. gramma asked if i’d lost weight. i said yeah and she said it looks good. i told her it was because i can’t hardly eat and she said yeah that wasn’t the best way to lose weight. she said she’d lost weight too and i said she always looks great, and then i fussed over the bruises on her arms. she said having bad kidneys causes all sorts of problems and shrugged. i told her to take a rest and she said she wouldn’t do anything for the rest of the day, so i hugged grampa goodbye and went home.
i always talk to gramma more when we’re at the house, but if we’re anywhere else i tend to have longer conversations with grampa. 
when i got home dad had painted about a third of the hallway. i offered to help after he took a break but he didn’t pick it back up for the rest of the day. tomorrow or monday i’m probably going to end up painting the doors though. we’ll need to take off the handles first.
dad got a new sprinkler for wiley to play with. i took eve and him out to get wet and eve was pretty interested in the water until wiley jumped on top of the thing and almost knocked it over. so i found the multipurpose hose head and sprayed them with that instead. eve likes the mist and the gentle spray and will play and snap at the water and zoom around, but wiley goes all out. he almost knocked me into the pool. once they were good and wet i turned off the hose and gave eve a good comb. i always wonder if the horse comb’s teeth hurt, but eve seems to like it. she stands still until i am covered in her shed hair at least. i dried her off and let her go inside. she likes being dried by the towel more than she used to.
then i went to collect wiley and he pawed at the hose and cried so i turned it back on for a few minutes. he also stood still while i combed him afterward. he doesn’t shed, but i always end up with hair on the comb so it’s gotta be pulling his fur out. but he always stands real still so i can brush him. he also likes the towel.
then i fed them and after that i played ball outside with wiley for a little bit and hung out by doge while dad got out the blower and cleaned the patio. when i came inside i found like five more bug bites on my legs. my brother was going to go for a walk with his girlfriend, and he laughed at me when i suggested he bring wiley along.
for dinner mom made enchilada burritos. she said they were supposed to be enchiladas but she ended up not feeling like going the whole way. so they were burritos with enchilada sauce. i could only manage one and a few spoonfuls of rice. they were pretty good though.
later in the evening i had two steamed custard rolls that my sister had bought at the asian market some time ago. i didn’t want to get the steamer dirty for just two rolls though so i microwaved them as per the directions. that was a mistake. i also got super sick.
with dinner i had a glass of ovaltine milk. the milk always gets me pretty full, even just a cup. i know it makes me sick, but i drink it anyway because it tastes good and it’s got all those vitamins that i won’t get from, like, pasta.
i feel like i did something else with my evening, but i mostly watched bits of videos on animal intelligence and looked at old friends senior dog sanctuary stuff. they are making a documentary! it is on kickstarter. 
oh yeah! i took wiley for a walk. i brought my ipod along and tried not to die when wiley wanted to chase the rabbits. my core muscles hurt so bad when he pulls... he almost got off his leash when he pivoted around a tree. i don’t think he was struggling with the intent of getting off the leash though, i think he was just surprised at getting yanked by the tree. he is generally well behaved on walks.
i didn’t draw at all today, but i kept pretty busy and i feel good and worn out from all the stuff i did instead. it is still, of course, 12:40, and so i will not be going to sleep early. i will try to be in bed before 1 tonight though. last night i ended up not settling in to sleep until close to 2 between talking to dad and having to get up to use the restroom a second time as usual.
does anyone want to battle pokemon? my hail team is crying to be used. i’ve only been practicing with my trick room team recently to prepare for the competition.
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