#what if there’s something ELSE that’s wrong w me that i just haven’t noticed and i don’t notice until it’s too late!!
ghosttotheparty · 2 years
realising i have health anxiety and it’s the fucking worst i feel like i’m doing to die
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lcriedlastnight · 3 months
Enemies to lovers with Lando. Someone says something bad / criticises Lando in front of reader and she immediately defends him without knowing he’s behind her and can hear everything. And maybe as she’s defending him she’s also unknowingly/ without realizing / accidentally admitting her feelings for him
i love this idea! thank you so much anon, love!
tw: fem!reader, swears, logan hate (do not support!), little lando hate, not spellchecked or proof read, lmk if you want me to add anything else.
w/c: 2k
you and lando had never gotten along. you’d never gotten along and you’d never tried to. it was just one of those things, you supposed. you didn’t make a big deal out of it as the two of you shared a friend group and didn’t want to cause any issues between the group. lando however, well it seemed like he had a serious issue with you.
at first you did try to get along with him, his ego was massive and that really did put you off wanting to be friends with him but you could be fake a friendship with him. a friendship out of convenience was perfectly fine with you. lando was just having none of it. he’d ignore any conversation you would try to have with him - even in a group setting. you had tried just not talking to him but even that left you on the receiving end of dirty looks and mean comments. you’d had enough with it so you stopped caring about him entirely.
well that’s what you told your friends. in reality; you cared what he thought, you looked for his reaction to any story that was told in the room and you looked to see if he laughed at your jokes. every single time you were left with blank stares and bored expressions.
your friends noticed this and tried their best to ease the tension between the two of you but because of lando’s stubbornness, there was nothing they could really do. he really did make things difficult sometimes.
you had all gathered around the drivers house to celebrate a mutual close friend’s birthday. you and you close girl friends had gotten ready for the get together at your house and headed to the party together.
“so is the vibe for tonight party or chilled?” your friend asks as you jump out of the taxi outside lando’s apartment complex. your other friend snorts in amusement before she replies.
“girl, we’re at lando’s what do you think the vibe is?”. you frown. the party vibe wasn’t really what the birthday boy enjoyed so you hoped for his sake it was more a chilled, hanging with friends vibe. you also didn’t really dress for a party, your favourite pair of jeans on as well as one of those cute baby tee’s you found on tiktok.
“i hope not. fin doesn’t really like parties.” you remind them as you press the buzzer for lando’s. it rings for a second then you hear his crackly voice through the speaker. “hello?”. he sounded sober. good start.
“can you let us in please?” you ask into the intercom. there is a pause before lando replies.
“no. we’re full.”
your friend rolls her eyes at his words, knowing all this is was because he was talking to you. if he would just stop acting like a dickhead for more than two seconds people could maybe get things done. meanwhile, you huff at lando’s words opening your mouth to complain to him but your friend cuts in. “just let us in, norris.”.
she sounds fed up enough already that lando immediately tells them to “head on up, then.” she storms ahead of you and your other friend. you look at each other with annoyed looks.
“to be fair it’s a good thing she did that because you haven’t fell into his traps in months.” she reminds you as you reach his door which was open waiting on you and your friend. you nod. it was true, ignoring lando was really going well for you… from your friends point of view anyways. your mind was still plagued with thoughts of him.
your friend walks in before you so make sure to close the door behind you.
“so i guess we were wrong. looks like it is a chill night.” you friend says as she sees your friends dotted around the place, conversing. it looked very adult. weird for something lando was in charge of planning. you didn’t know he was capable of being anything except snide and rude. maybe he could be thoughtful and caring to the people he loved. the thought makes you frown but before you can linger on it for too long your friend grabs you both a drink and you take seats on his couch.
you notice you’re the last ones to arrive and try to find your friend that stormed off earlier. your eyes rake around the room until they land on her sitting with fin, the birthday boy. they looked cosy. ‘good for them’ you think as you take a sip of your drink. you notice lando sitting with his friend, max, on the couch next to you. you glance in his direction then redirect your eyes.
after maybe half an hour of socialising and drinking, fin announces (with your other friend hanging off his arm) that he wants to play a game of truth or dare. you thought it was a bit childish but everyone agreed so you did too. you all sit in a circle and decide to place a bottle in the middle.
“this is so high school.” you say to your friend, who just laughs in agreement. you had ended up sitting next to max on one side and your friend on the other. you quite liked max, he was nothing like lando, which helped you like him a lot more.
“since it’s my birthday, i’ll go first!” fin says as he spins the bottle. it lands on max. fin grins before asking the question you know you’re going to be tired of hearing after tonight.
after a couple of rounds a few of you disperse to get drinks and use the toilet. you were pretty sure some went for a smoke break. you didn’t even know anyone where smoked. lando was one of the people that had left, he went to the kitchen to get a drink for him and max. the good thing about not being able to let anyone know you were staring at lando was that you got good at lip reading and hearing things from a distance. you also got good at seeing things out of the corner of your eye. it was during your turn when lando asked max if he wanted another drink. you felt like you were keeping tabs on the boy, you were starting to feel a bit creepy as you answered your question.
the game continues as people (lando) leave. it was your friend turn but she was a bit more than drunk and would only accept a question from fin, the man she was clinging to all night.
you can all see the wheels turning in fin’s mind as he thinks up a question. “how good of a driver do you think lando actually is?” he finally asks.
everyone perks up at the question, wanting to see if your friend had any unpopular opinions on lando’s driving skills.
“he’s shit. like- that’s him just won his first race? after racing for like five years? that doesn’t really scream future world champion does it?” she criticised, words slurred. your face is screwed up in disagreement. you bite your tongue though, knowing she was drunk and probably just wanted to start something. you’re sure you heard someone gasp.
“you don’t really mean that?” another one of your friends asks in shock. your drunk friend only nods.
“i do. he’s bad. like he’s not logan sargent bad but he’s mid at best and i don’t understand the hype. i never have and i don’t think i ever will.” she smiles a little and that’s what gets you.
“i’m sorry are you being serious right now? firstly the audacity you have to sit there, shitfaced, bashing on the person who’s house you’re inside and who bought you the drinks in the first place is absurd,” you start, bring her down a peg. you hear footsteps behind you but you’re too pent up to acknowledge them right now.
“secondly, have you even watched a race? ever? or even recently? because if you had then you would know just how good he actually is. you’re sitting there talking about him like you know exactly how hard he worked to get to where he is and to achieve that win. millions of people - who actually watch the races, by the way - have said how difficult it is to end verstappen’s win streak and lando was the first person to do so this season.” you rant, enraged that she spoke about lando like that.
her mouth opens and closes a few times before she says, almost cockily. “carlos sainz won before lando did, in australia. you act like i don’t know shit about f1.”
“lando’s win means way more than carlos’ because max was still in the race in miami. he had the chance to actually win it, whereas in australia he dnf’d. so do you actually know what you’re talking about? i, along with like a million other people like lando and think he’s going to go very far the rest of the season.” you educate her. she should really know all of this seeing as you always told her every detail about the races on the mondays following.
“bitch.” she has nothing to retaliate with so she chooses to resort to name calling. you don’t even give her a reply and stand up to go outside to get some air. you stand up so quickly you don’t see the feet standing directly behind you or the hard chest you smash into. you could tell it was lando from the scent. was it weird? maybe but you didn’t care much. you’re embarrassed that he probably heard your rant defending him and that you just smashed right into his chest so you step backwards and head to lando’s balcony to sit outside with the smokers.
you rush outside and sit down in the far corner next to the railing. you watch the streets below for a few minutes, trying to forget what you had just done and who you had done it in front of. you feel lando looming over you a few minutes later.
“y’alright?” he asks as he takes a seat next to you. you feel uncomfortable a little, you’ve never been this close to him, even though that’s the only thing you’ve ever wanted for the past three years. and he’s being nice to you. lando have never been nice to you. ever. you’d seen him be nice to others, hundreds of times before so you knew what it was like, but you could only have dreamed of being on the receiving end of it.
“yeah.” you reply. you move your head from watching the cars pass on the road to rest your forehead on your tucked up knees.
“thank you for what you did… well said i guess. it was really nice of you.” lando starts, his hand sits awfully close to the edge of your shoe. it’s not touching but if you shuffled your foot a few times towards him, it would be.
“i know i don’t really deserve it. not from you anyways. you’ve always been so sweet to me and i’ve kinda been- well a dick.” you let out a breathy giggle at his choice of words.
“yeah. you have been a dick.” lando grins as you agree with him.
“what if i said i didn’t wanna be a dick to you anymore?” he said, you’re sure you heard a hint of shyness in his voice.
you move you’re head from it’s resting place to look at him in confusion. “you don’t? how do you want to treat me then?” you ask.
lando smiles. “like i should’ve been for the past god knows how long.” you give him your own smile back.
“for the record i like you too.” lando teases, his hand coming to clutch at your thigh. you groan.
“i hate you.” he laughs that laugh.
“no you don’t.” you rest your head on your shoulder and listen to the traffic. lando’s thumb rubs across your skin. his touch is soothing. this is the first nice memory you have with lando.
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dazed--xx · 3 months
SKZ!Reactions: It Was All a Bet II (Maknae Line)
Part 1 Hyung Line Masterlist
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You growl as Jisung stood in front of you, a guilty pout on his lips. “But Babe…. —nope. Fix that, like now.” You cut him off. His head drops as he stares at the ground. “Y/N, I understand you’re upset b-but I genuinely care about you. I really want to talk about this. I’m truly so sorry.” He whimpers as he grips your hand lifting it slightly to his chest. You stare at him in disbelief. It hadn’t even been an hour since he confessed the truth. Has he no shame? You wonder to yourself. You pull your hand away “I’m sorry but are you like, dumb? Did you forget what you told me?” You snap. Jisung looks up at you with shock and guilt on his features. “N-No…” He stammers panicked. “B-But, please l-lets talk about this.” He pleads. Your eyebrows raise in amusement. “Excuse me?” You snort. “If you haven’t realized, our conversations ended when I told you to go to hell. Cause I mean it. Go to hell Han Jisung. Honestly, any of you that made the bet can go to hell. Was it the guys?” He nods regret evident in his eyes, shame written all over his face. “I’m so sorry….” He whispers, his voice breaking as his eyes well up with tears.
 “What does that do for me?”
He looks at you quizzically, “W-what do you mean?”
“You being sorry doesn’t go back in time and make you not tell me that. It doesn’t change you making the bet in the first place, honestly you saying that right now does nothing but clear your own conscious but of course why am I not surprised? You seem to keep doing things that only benefit you anyway.” He shakes his head rapidly. “No…. Y/N, no…. you’re wrong.—I am? Cause from where I’m standing you confessed to being a disgusting pig and that your friends are disgusting pigs who view women as just simple toys to mess around with as you please, and then after such confession you track me down to my job; ask my manager for me to talk to you for a second then have the nerve to apologize and cry like you deserve anything from me?” You cut him off with a monotonous tone. A look of horror paints his features, his entire demeanor looks crushed as his head hangs low. “At least I said something, I could have never said anything, you could have found out from someone else….” He murmurs, his frustration growing evident. You scoff “Oh?! I’m sorry, of course, you confessed to being crap so I should humor you right?” Jisung looks at you, you notice his jaw clenching in frustration. “Dammit why are you being like this? I’m sorry! I’ve never regretted anything more in my life please just—just talk to me about this…” He snaps before he sighs, letting all his anger leave his body with the sigh. “…I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have made such a disgusting bet, no matter who it was, but I don’t regret being with you. I don’t regret meeting you; I don’t regret going out with you, I don’t regret loving you. I don’t want to lose you.” He breathed.
 You stare at him blankly. “Again, that does nothing for me. I understand you regret your actions and cool or whatever, but that doesn’t change the fact that you used me. You slept with me……for money…. like a prostitute…which is so utterly degrading. Also, I will point out that again I am at work, so I don’t have time to entertain my ex that I literally broke up with earlier today.” You counter. Jisung sighs in defeat “There’s nothing I could do to change your mind? Please Y/N, I love you…. I-I don’t want to break up. I’m really sorry…I couldn’t be sorrier. Please don’t do this…” He pleads apologetically. You shake your head lifting your hand “You can’t change someone’s mind about your betrayal. You still betrayed them; you haven’t even given me time to process what you did. Look I need time, but I hope it was worth it.” You state as you turn away from him and walk back into your job. Jisung stares at the door you just went through.
“How could it have been worth it when it cost me everything?”
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“You have to talk to me at some point, we’re literally on tour together for the next 6 months….” Felix mumbles as you shove past him. You scoff at him not saying anything as you hand Changbin a water bottle as he requested and make your way back toward your members. Noticing you have a tail, you turn and glare at Felix, who freezes in his place with a look of surprise on his face. “I know you’re trying to intimidate me, but you look way too cute for me to be able to be fearful right now…” He flirts sweetly as he brushes a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “…Please just talk to me, I miss hearing your beautiful voice.” He whispers apologetically as he leans in close “Did you make a bet to date me for a year and then dump me after said year?” You question coldly your arms crossed over your chest as you pull your face away from his hand. He closes his eyes as a look of guilt and regret crosses his features. “Y-Yes, but—no buts…that kinda says it all then, doesn’t it?” You cut him off as you turn away from him and try to continue walking but you feel a pair of arms wrapping around your waist.
“I love you…. I love you so much. I’m so sorry, if you’re still mad at me then I can accept that. If you still want to punish me then fine. But please, it’s been three months since I’ve last been able to talk to you, let alone see you; please let me just have the chance on this tour to fix things.” He urges hopefully. You sigh “Felix…. —Do you still love me?” He cuts you off, his breathing growing heavy as you feel your cheeks heat up. “That doesn’t matter…” You answer, as you attempt to pull yourself from his grip. “Yes, it does…” He whispers, his lips brushing over the shell of your ear.
“No. It really doesn’t. My love for you doesn’t change what you did….”
“It tells me if I have a chance to change your mind though.”
“Why are you so adamant about this? Why can’t you just move on?” You argue. “Because I love you and I don’t want to love anyone else…” Felix states matter of factly. Your heart races at his words. “W-well…I-I’ve moved on…” You lie. You feel Felix’s grip tighten slightly as he buries his face in your neck, you feel a soft rumble on your chest as you hear a chuckle escape Felix’s throat “No, you haven’t…you still love me” He denies. You scoff in offense, turning your head to face him.
“You don’t know that. Not for a fact.”
“I do. Want me to prove I do?”
Your eyes narrow at him “You can’t prove how someone else fee”—your words are cut off by a pair of soft plush lips connecting with yours. Your heart races at the contact as one of Felix’s hands caress your cheek, his lips moving against yours softly. Your cheeks burn a bright scarlet as you instinctively respond to the kiss, a small groan released from your throat when Felix nibbles on your bottom lip. It felt almost like an eternity before either of you pulled away, him being the first to do so. Your lips chasing his for a moment before you hear a chuckle “See…proved it” He whispered in your ear seductively “this is going to be a fun 6 months with you babe” He placed a kiss on your cheek before handing you the water bottle you had given Changbin back and walking away. You stare at the water bottle in confusion “Where did you have this hiding?!” Felix shrugs as he places his hands in his basketball shorts pockets. “I’m an enigma, I’m your boyfriend you should know this…”
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“I’ll tell you now, besides Seungmin. You should be the last person to come and see me.”
You growl at Jeongin who stood with a guilty expression on his face as he stood on your porch. He hangs his head low as he sighs “I’m sorry Y/N, the bet was my idea…I shouldn’t have pushed Seungmin to accept it so much.” He apologized regretfully. “Do you want a medal or something?” You snap as you wipe the tears from your face. “You know what sucks about finding out that Seungmin had this bet going?” Jeongin shakes his head in response, “That he’s a jerk?” Jeongin guesses. “No. that my best friend is just as disgusting as my ex was.” You growl before you slam the door in Jeongin’s face. You sigh as you press your back against the door, your body gliding down the surface until you’re sat on the floor. Tears stream down your cheeks, as sobs wrack your body. The betrayal of Seungmin’s words truly setting in for the first time in days. Pulling your phone out, you press on Seungmin’s contact name and call him.
He answers on the first ring “Babe?” He gasps out quickly. “D-don’t.” Your voice cracks.
“A-are you crying?”
“Yup. Thanks for that by the way….”
“I—I know it doesn’t mean anything to you, but I am really fucking sorry.”
You sigh into the phone as you sniffle “You’re right. That means absolutely nothing to me. I called because I’m really upset and its your fault and I’m really fucking mad at you right now. How could you do this to me? I thought you liked me…. I thought I meant something to you…” you sob. “You do! Please don’t think you don’t…. please…” He pleads desperately. “You mean everything to me. I just made a massively stupid mistake. I-I never meant to hurt you. I never wanted you to find out this way….” You scoff “This way or at all?” Seungmin pauses for a moment “Honestly, I wish I could say I would have told you but if you didn’t overhear me, I wouldn’t have ever told you about it.” He confesses, his voice cracking toward the end. “Why not? You won right?” You retort sarcastically.
“Don’t.” He groans “Don’t do that, please? I didn’t want you to know because I knew this would happen. I know I deserve this, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt me too. You don’t think I hurt myself too? You don’t think I hated myself every time I saw you and you looked at me in that perfectly beautiful way you do, and I knew that it all started from some disgustingly misogynistic bet? But that doesn’t change that I loved you the whole time. It doesn’t change that I knew you were meant for me since the moment I laid eyes on you.” Your heart races at his words. You notice the soft sniffles coming from the other side of the phone. “A-Are you crying?” You ask. “I shouldn’t be. I caused this. I stupidly listened to Jeongin, and I knew it wasn’t a good idea…I knew you had no interest in Jeongin at all, but—sigh—I let my stupid jealousy make a decision for me. I regret it. I’ve regretted it ever since I made it.” He confesses. Your heart feels conflicted. His words sway your resolve more and more. “Can I have some time?” You ask softly. “I need to feel not completely and utterly foolish to continue this conversation…”
“Take your time…I’ll wait as long as you need me to…. but I do love you….”
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“Please, I’m sorry, I’m more than sorry…”
Jeongin pleaded as he trailed behind you on your walk home from work. “God, I hope dispatch doesn’t find out where I live….” You groan as you stand in front of your apartment building. Glaring at Jeongin who stood there, face exposed, exclaiming his love for you. “Does that really matter right now?” Jeongin questioned frustratedly. “I mean considering we broke up over two weeks ago? Yeah. It would be a major problem.” You argue. Jeongin shakes his head in denial, “No. we’re not broken up. I never agreed to breaking up.” He whined, tears forming in his eyes as he continued to argue “I’m giving you space and time to be upset, I deserve you to be mad at me. I know you deserve better than someone as gross as I am who would make a bet like that, but I promise you, when I said it was the easiest 500 dollars, I ever made I meant it in a good way. I meant it was easy to be with you because you’re so amazing. B-because I love you, that’s why it became so easy. Honestly, before the guys said something that day, I forgot I even made the bet.”
 “Can you like…not be so fucking rational all the time?” You groan in frustration, “But I don’t care if you wanted to break up or not. Like you said, you made a gross ass bet with your gross ass friends. I’m not some random desperate insecure girl hoping and praying you’ll stay interested in me. If you mess up this bad it’s not up to me to help you fix it. This shit is gonna take time if I even want to see you again when I’m no longer angry.”
“If? Y-You don’t want to see me anymore?” His voice cracks as he stares at you apologetically, tears now streaming down his cheeks as your words hit him. “Y-You won’t even give me a chance?” You rest your forehead on the palm of your hand for a moment. “You made a bet to sleep with me and then break up with me after I said I love you.” You remind him. Jeongin looks nauseous at the mention of his misdeed. “b-but I didn’t. I-I didn’t do it…I didn’t break up with you. T-the guys—I don’t care” You cut him off “who cares if you and the guys changed their minds after the fact—'b-but we really felt’—I don’t care. You guys should feel guilty. I’m a fun, and nice person, I have awesome memes and I value honesty over everything. The fact that you could lie to me for almost two fucking years is insane.” You snap, your blood boiling as he continues to try to make excuse after excuse. “If you didn’t fall in love with me or whatever, you would have ripped my heart out.” You state matter of factly. Jeongin shakes his head in denial. “T-that’s not true, I’m not like that. I would have told you the truth, I swear I would have said something if I never felt anything for you. I felt like telling you the whole first two weeks of us dating.” He counters. You snort at the irony “So you had no feelings for me the whole first two weeks of us dating? What changed? Why’d you suddenly get feelings? You sure you didn’t just trick yourself into thinking you loved me out of guilt.”
“I’m a good guy, but not that good of a guy. I’d love to say this is not like me but that wouldn’t be true. I’ve done these types of bets with the guys before. I’ve liked some of the girls and some I didn’t either way I always told them the truth at the end of the timeframe. But for you, it was at that party we went to in Seongnam; Felix was really drunk and rambling on and on about the bet when you went to the bathroom and the whole time, he was talking all I could think about was how I didn’t want you to break up with me on the same night I had realized I liked you. I mean how could I not? Y-You’re perfect. You’re so kind and understanding and forgiving….” His voice breaks as he tries to contain his tears “…. You’re the most beautiful person I know, and I-I can’t lose you. Not like this. Please. Not like this” He begs as the tears continue to stream down his face.
You stand there for a moment, silence taking over both of you. For a moment it feels like time has stopped completely and you two are the only ones in this place. “I-I…I can’t.” You whisper, a look of bewilderment is written all over Jeongin’s expression. “N-No…y-you love me…w-we love each other. You can’t—you can’t do this. Please don’t—don’t do this.” He stammers in denial. “I-I’m not saying we have to completely break up…b-but I need time, I can’t trust you anymore. It feels like I don’t know you anymore….” You reject softly. Jeongin sobs “Y-Yes you do! You know me better than anyone, I made a mistake, I know that. But I’ll never hurt you like that again, ill never betray your trust again please….”
“I love you; I do. But I need time….”
“Please…. don’t walk away from us, I care about you so much. It was a mistake, promise you that” He pleads as he walks toward you, his hands encasing your arms. His eyes connecting with yours, you turn your head looking away. His hand caresses your cheek. “I love you please give me a chance to make up for this, please don’t leave me like this. I’m sorry—I’m so sorry I just want to fix this I don’t want to break up.” He urges as he rests his forehead on yours. “I need time I can’t just get over this please give me some time.” You sigh sadly. “B-But—no…. I can’t accept that you did this to me….it hurts too much for me to just jump into something with someone I can’t trust.” You cut him off.
“But you can trust me. Please give me a chance to prove that….”
“I don’t know, I need space…. I need time…. This hurts so much, and I can’t just move on from it. I need to process everything so please give me time and we can talk later—another time.”
His eyes fill with horror as he shakes his head rapidly “I-No….no…. This can’t be happening. P-please….im sorry” you sigh taking a step back. “It is happening, but I need to handle this alone, I can’t be with you please leave….”
He stood there, tears streaming down his cheeks as he watched you disappear into your building. “Please, I’m nothing without you….” He whispered nothing.
Taglist: @corrodedthorn @lovesunshinefelix @lailac13 @moonchildlv @neyangi @hello-stranger24 @tamlinsfiddle @allyrarara @yangbbokari @whoa-jo @le3lyntv @jabmastersupriseee @ezlynkisses @havenwithleeknow @heartsbyandra @applekiwi3202 @cloudyseokjinx @lixpixstix @jaiunemesolitaiire @manuosorioh @kibs-and-bits @minsungsthirdwheel @pnutbutter-n-jelyy @oddracha @velvetmoonlght @aalexyuuuhm @rockstarkkami @sheerfreesia007 @notastraykid @averyasmr4
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maitadori · 1 year
WEAK WILLED KNIGHT part 3. nsfw. blade x fem!reader
word count : 4.7k
part one. part two. part three
summary : in which you miss blade since you haven’t seen him for two weeks and he decides to greet you with a breathtaking kiss and fucks you dumb.
content / cw : creampie, degrading, praising, fingering, breeding kink uhh idk that’s all i remember
a/n : this took days to post because i nitpick my writing literally all the time. i used a few of my fave smuts as reference for this so if u notice a similarity or two that’s why. anyways hope u all enjoy!!
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"is there something wrong?" jing yuan, once again, called you into his office. you found it odd that he was always absent yet conveniently there when you needed scolding.
during the weekly cloud knight training you got too drowned in your thoughts, causing your partner to easily take control of the duel— which was unusual, for everyone knew that you were one of the most adept among the knights, and to see you so out of form… it hasn't been just today this has happened either, ever since the run-in with kafka, you haven't been able to think straight.
it's come to the point where you were taken to jing yuan, that's when it hit you that this has gone too far. but what could you tell him? would you be able to admit to him that this man was the reason for your sudden downgrade in skill?
the mere thought of that idea had you recoiling. you were too prideful to admit that some man was making your mind so jumbled.
your silence seemed to be the exact answer jing yuan needed, you both hated and loved how well he could read you.
"maybe you should go home for the day."
"huh?" you question, perking up. "there's no need for that."
"it's obvious your mind is elsewhere, and it has been for over two weeks. i can't have you holding us back, [name]. this issue needs to be fixed. and if it means giving you a day to solve whatever this is, then so be it."
his words stung. holding us back...
you had to remember, before he was your friend, he was your general. you got too lost in the privilege of being special to him that you forgot what being under him as a subordinate was really like.
"i see..." you bowed your head, burning your gaze into the ground, trying and failing horribly to hide your emotions. "i understand, general. thank you for your consideration."
"he'll visit you." he suddenly spoke.
you jerked up, looking at your general with widened eyes. "w-what..?"
"you think that man can survive longer than two weeks without seeing your face?" jing yuan chuckled, crossing his arms.
you blinked, surprised, before you spoke in a shaky tone. "i'd like if you dropped the subject, general. i'll be taking my leave now."
he could only hum as he watched you leave.
you were quick to dress into something more comfortable as you tried erasing jing yuan’s words from your mind. you fumbled with your armor slightly, groaning in irritation. over the years, it wasn't too difficult to get used to the heaviness of your uniform, but it could still be a nuisance to you. yours was like sushang’s, lighter in weight than the average male, but you could still admit the clothing’s annoyance to you.
you approached your window, cracking it open and watched as it swayed your curtains. you could only sigh, lean against the window sill, and battle the crisis in your mind as you watched your people.
the kiss hasn't left your mind since it happened. as embarrassing as it seemed, you couldn't get blade out of your head. whether it be his haughty smirk, his voice, or his lips. you groaned and dropped your head in your hands. you didn't even notice how much it was affecting your behavior until someone as clumsy as sushang dominated the fight.
"that bastard... he has me wrapped around his stupid fucking fingers." you whispered to yourself in a low, angry voice.
for someone like blade— who before, you saw as below you— to make you feel such a way...
in front of everyone else, your pride was powerful, yet the sight of blade's face stomped it down in a mere second.
i miss him... you admitted to yourself. it was something you'd never say aloud. what the hell do i even miss...? even before the kiss, the only moments with blade were him trying his hardest to get under your skin and get reactions out of you. you'd never forget the time he grabbed your fingers through his cell bars to interlock his hand with yours.
all you could remember after that was blowing up at him, words jumbled as you tried to find an excuse for your embarrassment.
you shook your head back and forth in hope of ridding yourself of these thoughts. but even as you closed your window and laid in bed to sleep, the kiss made home behind your closed eyelids. you turned on your other side, hoping it was just you needing to get comfortable. but you felt no drowsiness.
"dammit.." you groaned to yourself, pillow tight in your grip.
you squeezed your eyes shut, trying the hardest you could to put yourself to sleep, even if forcefully. all you could think of was blade and what he was doing. and it wasn't until a full seven minutes later that your body finally decided to give you the pleasure of slumber.
noises that were lost on your sleeping form resonated through your bedroom. the squeak of your window was loud, it had you shuffling in your sheets. blade at first, tried to quietly sneak through the window after finding your front door locked before deciding not to care. you didn't keep your door unlocked like he instructed, so if you woke up, that was only your karma.
but then the thought of a possible intruder getting into your house and faltered. his steps became lighter. he neared your sleeping figure and looked at you. he wanted nothing more than to disturb your sleep and kiss you breathless. but when he took another look you looked as if your sleep was exhausting you more than replenishing you. you tossed and turned, eyebrows furrowed. maybe you were having a nightmare.
well, kissing could come after. your wellbeing came first. his hand caressed your face with the intent of soothing you, yet you only jolted awake. it was dark outside, the sun finally set. you could only see your room from what the moon decided to illuminate.
but your eyes adjusted to the dark and you instantly recognized the familiar silhouette standing above you. "b-blade..?" you asked, voice still heavy with sleep.
he only hummed in response as he climbed to hover over you, not hesitating to get his face near yours. your breath started going off track instantaneously. you lazily put your fingers over his lips, trying to feebly stop him from coming any closer. he was already making your heart going crazy enough by simply being here and letting you wake up to the sight of him, you didn't need the pounding of your heartbeat resonating in your ears next.
"i-i'm not dreaming, right?"
in response blade pinched the skin of your waist that your ridden up shirt exposed. you squeaked in pain. "what the hell!?" you whisper shouted.
"you're not dreaming." he said, tone soft. you hated admitting that the sound of his voice soothed you.
blade grabbed your wrist easily, removing your hand from his face to push it against your bed, and gently laid you against your pillows with his own body, leaning over you. his hair draped over you like a curtain, leaving you with nowhere to look but him.
any earlier resistance disappeared and you gave in the second his lips brushed against yours, going lax on your bed. the hand that held yours squeezed tighter, his other hand traveling up to hold your cheek. you leaned further into him once his lips finally met yours, giving you that sweet relief of having him against you once more.
even if you tried denying your feelings, they were apparent to blade, who could easily see through you. him and jing yuan were definitely rivaling in that aspect, and you weren't sure whether or not you hated it.
he moved the hand the held your face to your back, arching you up into him. you could tell from the way he was biting your lips and caressing his tongue with yours that this might escalate. and as he kissed you even harder you admitted to yourself that you wouldn't mind if it did.
his harsh kisses were definitely waking you up from your slumbered daze, it was then that the events that transpired earlier today seeped into your mind, causing you to lose your confidence in the kiss. blade must've noticed, for he pulled away to speak, "what's wrong?"
"why... do you even like me?" you asked in a trembling voice, deciding to be straightforward. if you thought about asking him for a second longer, you would've lost the will. plus, the question has plagued your mind for awhile and you needed answers. it’s not as if you were opposed to blade taking after you, but you couldn’t understand exactly why.
he hovered over you, moving his hand and letting your back ease into the mattress to tap the back of his index finger against your lips. "there's a lot of reasons why. but one... i like seeing the different expressions you make. whether it be when i make you angry, your brows furrow and you pout your lips, and you don't even notice." he whispers, and even in the dark you can tell he's smirking.
"or... when i kiss you and you get that desperate look on your face."
desperate!? excuse me!? you screamed in your head, flushing.
"why do you ask?"
you look away, too humiliated to say a word, but you speak up anyways, "no reason. just curious..."
blade observed you, he was good at reading people. it must've came with the job. your expression was very telling, and the fact that you were having a nightmare before he arrived was a huge factor as well.
"i like you."
it was random, and it had you sputtering, but it immediately helped assure your worries. you knew blade most likely figured out what was up, or he wouldn't have said something like that out of nowhere. though, before you could savor his words, he spoke up once more.
"can i touch you?"
would he cut it out!? if he kept saying and asking things like that so boldly you'd probably explode.
"you're already touching me..." you say snottily.
"you're right, which means i basically have permission." he whispers, loosening his hold on your hand to travel down to your thighs, spreading them open sharply.
you gasped, immediately using your free hands as leverage to cover your expression.
"look at me." he demands.
"..." you peek at him through your fingers, body going weak once you catch sight of his expression. his face is so full of want, and his face adorns a small cocky smirk. you hated how it made the heat between your legs increase. you know you shouldn't be into the way he stared at you, but you really couldn't help it.
"i'm gonna touch you, okay? will you let me?"
"do whatever you want..." you reluctantly relent.
blade ignored your attempt at veiling your actual needs and traveled his fingers higher up your thigh, tugging on your bottoms. "take these off.." he mutters.
you listen and does as he says, so he lifts himself sightly to give you space to slide your shorts down your legs. he grabs them for you and throws them aside, in a rush to get his hands on you. he rubbed your bare thighs, caressing higher up, thumb catching onto the hem of your panties.
"you said i can do whatever i want, right? i'm gonna hold you to that, we might not even leave this bedroom," he says casually, not noticing your flushed expression as he continues to ramble, "you don't know how long i've wanted this. haven't seen you for days." he hisses. "ever since i kissed you, i've been thinking about your lips since."
you wrap you arms around his neck quickly, tipping your head to the side the second his lips touched your collarbone.
his admittance had your mind hazing with a heavy blanket of need and want. words started spilling out of your mouth before you could even stop yourself. you whispered desperately, "me too..! i can't stop thinking about you.. so much to the point where it's hindering my work.. why'd you take so long to come and see me?"
blade's control is wearing thin at your whiny voice, he groans out, "my job doesn't really give me leeway. but god, i wanted to see you so bad, you don't even know." he leaves light butterfly kisses from your neck to your jaw, his thumb rubbing circles into the skin of your thigh.
then he tugs at the hem of your shirt. "i want this off, too." next thing you know, the only thing covering you are your undergarments, but you could tell from the way he kept caressing you near your panties that those would soon join the pile.
once he threw your top aside, you bring his face to yours, instantly interlocking your lips. it was the first time you took initiation and blade couldn't help but smile into the kiss. his hand ventures higher, hands intentionally swiping over the place you needed him most before pulling back to caress your hips.
you grunt into the kiss in irritation, trying to pull his body closer to you to get that friction you crave.
blade notices, and wants to tease you more than anything, but he couldn't deny how much he missed you. once you finally let him kiss you, he swore he couldn't get enough. had you not avoided him for a good two weeks he could've had moments like this with you before his work swept him away. and going two more weeks without you made it even worse. blade could only think of how it was true that distance certainly did make the heart grow fonder.
blade uses his kiss with you as a distraction and slips his finger past your undergarments to finally touch you where you craved. you instantly pull away from the kiss with a gasp, your back arching up slightly as you whined aloud.
"so pretty." blade muttered, placing kisses on your shoulder before pulling away to watch your expressions. he could feel how his erection tightened his pants uncomfortably at the mere sight of you drowning in pleasure. "another expression to add to my list." he whispers, eyeing your face with a carnal, predatory hunger.
blade slides one finger into you and stares at the way you twitch and thrash. "w—waaait..!!" you moaned, trying your hardest to catch your breath. he ignores your pleas and speeds up the pace, slowly adding in a second finger.
with your reactions, he could tell how sensitive you were. he could only grin and think about how fun teasing you in future will be.
blade curled his fingers in a way that had you keening and flailing, trying to kick him away. he put a hand on your abdomen to still you. "nnn...noo..! if you.. hngg.. keep doing that... i'm- i'm definitely soaking the sheets..." you whimpered in a whispery voice. in response to you, he starts rubbing your clit in circular motions, your cries becoming louder.
"promise?" he kissed your cheek.
you whined more and blade buried his face in your neck, conveniently placing his ear right by your mouth. a perfect place to hear your noises at full volume. that was before you decided to go and try to cover your mouth.
the muffled noise of your cries let him know what you were trying to do immediately. he sits up to glare down at you, slowing down the pace of his fingers.
“w—what..?” you cry out, confused.
“let me hear you. if you do that again, i stop,” his voice is commanding and it has your legs trembling. you obey him easily. helplessly under his mercy, and remove your hands from your face.
he leans down to kiss your face and continues his previous pace. you cry out in relief, feeling your peak climbing its way up.
"you'd look so pretty wrapped around me, you know?" he speaks into your skin. you whimper at that.
the rhythm of his fingers made you a moaning mess, you couldn't help but thrash and kick, the pleasure all too overwhelming— but it still wasn't enough. you desperately needed what he had hiding behind his zipper.
"cum for me..." he coos softly into your ear, voice condescending yet fond at the same time.
"i— i want..."
"i know..." he cuts you off, "i'll stuff you with my cock like you want, just cum on my fingers first." he rasps, letting you know he was enjoying this just as much as you.
he curls the pads of his finger against a certain spot that makes you jerk in his hold. a loud moan leaves your lips and you try your hardest to push him away. blade doesn't give you the chance, keeping you stilled against the bed, thrusting into you even faster. your vision goes white and the brunt of your orgasm hits you full force, you whine loudly and try your best to push blade away, weakly hitting his forearm with your fist. he helps you ride out your orgasm by rubbing your bud, watching you with a hot, burning desire. his control is on the verge of snapping. if you keep making these noises and faces he can't guarantee he'll continue being gentle with you.
"haa...hahh.." you pant loudly, chest rising up and down. “dammit, i definitely ruined that pair.”
you're too distracted to notice blade undressing himself, only opening your eyes to look at him once you hear the unbuckling of his belt.
"blade..." you cry.
he hushes you with his lips, adjusting your position once his bottoms are off— joining the pile of your clothes. you squeak at the sudden breeze of cold air once blade starts sliding your garment down your legs.
“you’re so soaked. fuck.” he mutters breathily, eyes dark. your cunt pulses at the realization that his expression isn’t only because of lust but also him trying his hardest to hold himself back.
you’re both surprised and slightly disgusted with yourself because you’re aware that if he were to snap and be extremely rough with you, you wouldn’t mind— you’d even enjoy it.
“i said you could do whatever you wanted with me, right?” you lean up and unclasp your bra, tossing it aside— you’d usually be humiliated by such boldness, but you were too busy reveling in blade’s awed expression— for once it felt like you one-upped him.
“i suggest you watch your tongue.” he grumbles, and you couldn’t help but smile to yourself. you’re obviously riling him up, and enjoying it to the fullest.
“but i need it, blade. you promised you’d give me your cock, didn’t you?” you whined, fully aware of your effect on him.
he huffs, shoving you down on the bed to loom over you again, before hissing, “remember who has the authority here.”
you only smirked cockily, a face blade could admit that he really liked. “well maybe you need to remind me,” you say cheekily.
blade, in response, pulls his cock out of his boxers, and it shuts you up immediately; the mere sight of it. he caught sight of your eyes glued to his length and could only smirk.
“maybe i didn’t need to remind you.” the words of ‘you reminded yourself’ went unsaid, but you both knew.
he leans down to interlock your lips and starts grinding himself against you.
there’s no way that’ll fit!! you screamed internally, it’s not like you were inexperienced, but you can say with confidence you’ve never laid with someone so well endowed.
your mind hazes as his tongue delves into your mouth, and you can’t bring yourself to worry.
the tip of his cock catches your clit and you both groan.
“stop teasing.” you complain, brows knitting together.
blade pulls away to pump himself a couple times before finally lining himself up to your slit. he sets a heavy finger right above your belly button, pressing it into your skin.
you eye the indent he creates in confusion. you try to catch his eyes but he can’t seem to pull his gaze away from where his finger is placed.
“i’ll be right here.” he taps the spot again as if solidify his words into reality. you flush once you realize his implications, and as much as you wanted to knock him down a peg, you knew he was probably right. with how big he was you’d probably be able to feel him in your throat. your breaths become labored at the idea of it all, anxiously waiting for him to fill you like he promised.
“give me a safe word.” he says, voice guttural.
“red!” not only did it mean stop in a lot of circumstances, but it also reminded you of his eyes.
with that being said, he pushes himself into you, burying himself in to the hilt. your eyes roll back and you grip his biceps to ground yourself.
“you can take all of me, right?” he asks huskily, grabbing your hips for leverage and setting his forehead against yours.
“i can i can, i can!!” you chant out dizzily, on cloud nine from this alone.
“good.. so good for me.” he whispers through gritted teeth. he pulls out till the tip, groaning at the harsh resistance. it’s either you were too tight or he was too big. he assumes it’s because you’re squeezing the life out of him but you’re guessing otherwise.
he abruptly thrusts all the way back in, slamming you against his pelvis. you jerk in his hold, tears lining your bottom lashes as you sob loudly.
blade repeats the process, but this time with more ferocity. your mouth waters at the intensity of it all, eyes rolled back to your brain. he catches your expression and decides he won’t have mercy on you as he previously insisted.
the only thing leaving your lips is a mantra of his name as he starts a rhythm. he doesn’t spare you a single breath, his own lungs drying up and in desperate need for air— because he’s just so deep.
he slams into you harshly, your clit rubbing onto his pelvis with each grind into you, your sobs resonate through the room and your legs twitch violently.
“fuuuckkk! blade blade, blade!! cant! i cant.. i— nnnn!!” your nails dig into the muscles of his arms, making crescent shaped dents.
“you can. you promised, right? you’ll cum for me just like this, right sweetheart?” he coos condescendingly.
the mean tone of his voice is lost on you, for all you can think about is the term of endearment— you squeeze him harder.
“shitttt.” blade groans at the sensation. he grabs your face desperately, locking lips with you to hide his noises. it’s a sloppy kiss, your own drool slipping down your chin. you can’t even focus on the raunchiness of it all, the way he slams down into you— tip of his cock kissing your cervix— you can’t bother to think of anything else. you moan breathily into the kiss, hands gravitating to blade’s back to let your nails make their mark there.
“you like that, huh? when i call you sweet names? tell me you like it, baby,” he says, lidded eyes trained on you.
“i love it!”
his hand travels between your bodies to make circular motions on your clit, other hand massaging your breast, and you swear you see white. squeaky little ‘blade blade, blade!’s come out of your puffy, swollen lips.
“want me to cum inside you? give you my kids.. let them keep you company while i’m gone. you’d like that, yeah?” he pulls away from you slightly to babble senselessly— his mind mush, and mouth running on auto pilot. his words set a fire off inside you, and the knot in your tummy tightens further, on the brink of snapping.
“yes yes, yes!” you sob, your nails raking up and down his back.
“course you’d like that. look at you, my little cocksleeve. you were made to take my cock, admit it.” he grabs your face with one hand, squishing your face together. your moans take on a different tone at his degrading.
“i was.. ohhhh— i—” you couldn’t even finish, the tip of his cock kissing and stroking your sweet spot. blade doesn’t like your lack of answer, so his hips slow their pace, dropping to mere strokes.
“n—no, what..?” you blink out of your daze, your pleasure riddled mind slowly coming to.
“answer me, i asked you a question.”
desperate to get the pleasure you were quickly becoming addicted to, you obey his needs without another word.
“i’m your cocksleeve! i was made just to take your cock. so please! use me!” you cry out in little to no hesitation.
“fuck.” he mumbles. before you can exhale you’re immediately inhaling from the shock of his abrupt, sharp speed. he’s drilling into you harshly, lifting your legs and arching your back to hit your sweet spot with each thrust. his thumb finds your clit and your mind instantly blanks.
the quickness of it all quickly overwhelms you and your orgasm climbs the ladder with quick succession. you’re sobbing now, nails making red lines on his back as he pounds into you.
you can feel him in your stomach. and you knew if you were able to keep your eyes open, you’d be able to see it too.
“please let me cum, i wanna cum!” you cry out brainlessly.
“fuck. fuuckkk. cum, pretty thing. cum on my cock so i can cum deep inside you.” he buries his face in your neck, kissing dark purple blemishes into your skin.
his voice does you in, the roughness of it all, and the fact that he sounds just as wrecked as you. you’re only able to give a whiny warning of, “cumming— i’m cumming!! ohh god!!” before you finally burst. your body convulses brutally and you squeeze blade in a vice grip, punching out a guttural groan from him.
the feeling has blade reaching his peak before he can even compose himself. his hips stutter and he’s slamming into you, gripping your hips harshly — which will definitely leave bruises— and his finger rubs your clit to help you ride out your high.
“fuck fuck, fuck. fuuuckk. i’m gonna fill you up just like you want. make you round with my kids. gonna give it all to you. you’ll take it, right? you’ll take it all, i just know it,” he chants, mind blank.
“please, blade— ohhh goddd, please fill me up!!” you sob, tears running down your cheeks.
one last slam of his hips has him filling you up to the brim. more more, more— until his burning hot cum squelches out of you and drips onto the sheets. it prolongs your orgasm and you’re whining at the feeling. small praises leave blade’s lips as he leaves small kisses all over you.
he sits up and slowly pulls out of you, watching, entranced, as all of his cum slowly seeps out. with an empty mind that’s only filled with the image of you, he puts his fingers in your cunt to plug you up and prevent anything else from draining out.
a spike of pain and pleasure shoot through you. your mind starts clearing and you squeal, “hey!!”
he meets your gaze, eyes your messy form, and says simply, “sorry.” he pulls away.
blade hated that you looked so good that way. your body riddled with sweat, brows furrowed, lips pouted (that expression he loved so much), and hair mussed all over your pillows.
you can’t tear your eyes away from how he stares at you. this time, you notice the fondness that swim in his irises and your tummy flutters. your lips curl into a sweet smile and you speak to sweep away your embarrassment, “you’re really obsessed with me.”
blade’s eyes widen, and you assume it’s because of your words; but you couldn’t be any more wrong.
this is the first time you’ve smiled like that in his presence. he couldn’t deny that he loved your other faces, whether it be anger, prideful, lust, you name it. but this one… it was definitely his new favorite.
you predicted he’d say something along the lines of, “i am.” and make you further embarrassed. but if anything, he said the opposite.
“spread your legs.” he orders simply.
you blink at him, noticing his eyes that filled with desire once more.
“y—you can’t be serious!!!”
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taglist : @chalksdreams @bloo-wisteria @maddymints09 @just-simping-over-genshin @xiaowatching @sunsethw4 @caesadele @forsh4dow @i-x4o @shrimp-anon some of u i couldn’t tag sorryyyyy ☹️
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lilg05 · 4 months
Im sorry
Pov: paige and you get into a fight
Warnings: angst swearing
Today has been quite literally one of the most exhausting days you’ve had in a while you were stressed out the max and your anxiety was at an all time high. All you wanted to do was go home and see your beautiful girlfriend.
My love
Hi baby
Hi paigey
I have some bad news
Coach scheduled a last
minute practice
Oh okay i’ll see you
when your done love
This was your breaking point you walked to your car and sat there trying not to cry for a good 10 minutes before you drove home. By the time you got home paige’s practice was just now starting so you knew you had 2 hours to decompress. You took a shower put on some clothes and started watching a movie but still you were still really emotional. You heard the door open and shut harshly then a huff of aggression the sound of shoes and a pair of keys being thrown around.
“Paige is that you?”
“Who else would it be?” she asked sourly.
“I don’t know i was just making sure” you mumbled “how was practice?”
“it was fine”
“what’s wrong”
“Damn why do you ask so many questions.” paige asked.
That shit you right up tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
“I’m s-“
“I swear to go if you say i’m sorry y/n you need to learn how to stick up for yourself”
Paige was just nitpicking at you since she got home. Your emotional state wasn’t making it any better. Tears were rolling down your face now, paige taking a notice of it.
“Why are you crying?” she’s asked rudely.
“Oh i don’t know maybe because my girlfriend has been nothing but a dick since she’s gotten home”
“oh really i’ve been a dick says the one who’s mad at me over something i can’t control!”
“What the hell are you talking about not once did i say i was mad at you?”
“You’re texts say otherwise “oh okay i’ll see you when you’re done love you” sounds super friendly and not like your mad at me at all!”
“Paige i have had a shit ass day okay and you yelling at me isn’t gonna make it better” you sigh “i’m sorry that you had a rough practice but don’t take it out on me.”
“Oh so you think i haven’t had a rough day”
“oh my god i never said that either” you huff “stop putting word in my mouth”
“wow looks like someone grew a backbone” she mumbles “finally i won’t have to stick up for your ass”
“Paige madison bueckers”
“What, what did i do this time you know i should have went to aubrey’s if i knew my girlfriend was gonna be a bitch.”
That was it paige calling you a bitch plus everything else added was your last straw you just broke down crying.
“god paige i can handle you being rude about me not being able to stick up for myself but that shit hurt” you sob
Paige didn’t notice the word that were coming out of here mouth until she said them.
“maybe we should take a break then”
“i’m gonna go stay at aubrey’s” she mumbles
“no paigey please don’t please don’t leave me” you hug yourself and sob as she packs a bag.
“i’m sorry” paige said as she left leaving you on the floor sobbing
Sorry if this is bad lmk if i should do a part 2
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bouquetface · 2 months
PAC: Message from Your Guides
Not every reading you come across is for you. If it doesn’t resonate, leave it.
unfunny succession memes in my camera roll.
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: Leo or Scorpio in the big 3.
You might not realize it but there is drama surrounding you. People you barely know or don’t even know are taking about you. It could be people you went to school but you don’t even know them enough to remember their names. They know yours though.
Did you recently have a falling out with a friend or lover? It feels like your lover or friend was more popular/social than you. They’ve been talking about you and they’ve made you into a villain. People you barely know think badly of you.
Very specifically, you may have gone to the movies recently. A worker or someone in the theatre noticed you. They may have said something negative that you didn’t hear. Sent some evil eye your way 🧿
On the cards the woman is not looking in the direction of two people who are starring at her. You may have not noticed them. If you did, it didn’t feel like a notable event. You barely know them. It’s laughable how dumb these people are. They’ve taken the word of one person as fact. Follower mentality.
Certain people are searching for any reason to hate on you. Checking your socials for sure. However, you probably haven’t posted in a while. You probably have 0 or very few posts up. This makes your ex person crazy. They have no connection to you anymore.
This reminds me of a pervious reading I’ve done. If you remember that one, seems like these people still aren’t done talking about you.
: Taurus, Cancer, Sag in the big 3.
You may have recently reconnected with someone. Specifically, taurus risings. It seems like one ending lead you back to an old friend or lover. This was very much needed. Your guides applaud you for this growth in maturity.
If you’re a Sag rising w a prominent Cancer placement, for you it’s a friend from the past. In 2023-to present, you could have lost a lot of friends. You cleared the energy, maybe even in a literal way (removing followers, blocking contacts, etc). Some of these people you’ve rightfully removed from your life.
However, there might be one specific person. You likely don’t want to hear this but if this reading is for you, this message will always find you. I don’t know if you’re ready to accept this message but there is one person you need to apologize to. You will know if this is for you if the following resonates. If it doesn’t, this reading isn’t for you.
This ex person could have helped you in big ways. Introduced you to other friends, paid for your meals, given you gifts, drive you around etc. They gave you loyalty. It’s unclear what exactly you did but it’s something objectively wrong. You may hide from what you did or try to justify. But if you were to be honest with yourself, it’s just plain wrong.
For someone specific, It seems like a third party situation. You could have “taken” their person. Or their crush after they told you they liked this person.
For others, you were talking a lot of shit with someone else. Maybe a mutual friend. You could have really bad karma. It may manifest as feeling haunted by this person.
Basically, your guides are saying:
Reach out to this person. Apologize for your wrongdoing. Have a conversation for closure. Your life will be better for it.
Your future relationships will be karma free. Your mental health will improve with closure. You’ll no longer be pestered with thoughts of this person.
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addicted-to-dc · 11 months
AK!Jason Todd x Catwoman's protégé! Reader - Just for tonight, Kitty
Gotta love it when inspiration strikes. Not promising anything after this, but I'll use this *possible* series to work out my writer's block.
Warnings: Drugging, kidnapping, mentions of torture, guns, and manipulation/mind control... you've been warned.
You knew something was wrong the second you took a gulp from your drink, the bartender darkly watching you unknowingly seal your fate. Whatever it was, it was fast-acting, dulling your senses just in time for a hand to wrap around your waist.
“You don’t look so good, Kitty.”
The familiar nickname makes your blood run cold, memories flooding back into your mind despite the many drinks you’ve used to drown your sorrows. It can’t be him, not like this.
You’re urged to your feet and led out of the crowded bar. The hand around your waist tightens every time you try to rip yourself away, never faltering until you’re shoved into a vehicle directly outside of the door. You land harshly on a seat, mustering the courage to look at the man doing this to you.
No, it can’t be him. Jason Todd is dead, the Joker made sure of it with a bullet and a warning to the rest of Batman’s little helpers.
“J-jay? Wha’s going on?”
You reach for your bracelet, but he snatches your wrist before you could send out a signal. He removes it from your wrist and tosses it out of the window. The car begins to move.
“Can’t let you ruin the surprise,” Jason replies, pulling you closer.
You’re overwhelmed on all fronts, your mind hazy and confused by everything going on. His hand slips into your pockets, emptying out their contents as he whispers in your ear.
“How has my girl been doing? You miss me?”
Of course, you missed him. It’s been five goddamn years of trying to recover from his death. Your brows furrow together at the question. Your eyes look outside the window, finally noticing that you’re entering a tunnel. His fingers gently guide your attention back to him, a much darker version of the boy you knew.
“Missed you,” you say sluggishly, staring at the new scars marring his face.
Tears begin to form at the sight of the ‘J’ burned into his skin, only a small piece of the suffering that the mad clown put him into. You’re glad the bastard is dead, the world free from the monstrous acts he’d continuously commit.
A smirk crawls onto his face at the reply, but not the carefree one that would appear after he convinced you to sneak out. No, it’s something else. Borderline malicious, but not directed at you. You used to read him like an open book, but now Jason is a mystery to you.
A large bump sends you into him, his arms wrapping around you instantly. He guides you to lay down on the seat, your head resting on his thigh as the car continues to drive on a much smoother path than before.
“I know you did, sweetheart,” he smiles, dragging his fingers over your lips. “I missed you, too.”
“W-why… Wh-where are-”
Jason shushes you with his finger, “You’re going to hurt yourself if you keep asking questions. We’re almost there.”
You’re so tired, barely able to move a finger as you fade in and out of consciousness. The combined efforts of Jason’s warmth and the rumble of the car is enough to finally lull you to sleep. It’s the best sleep you’ve had in years. No nightmares, terrors, or the clown taunting you from beyond the grave.
You awaken slowly, an overwhelming warmth keeping you from moving. It feels like home, something you haven’t had in a while. After what feels like forever, you finally open your eyes. A nearly barren room faces you, too militaristic with a suit of armor laying across a table. The currently deactivated mask captivates you, a nearly faceless… bat?
Your curiosity gets the better of you, slowly getting up, leaving the warmth behind, to see it. Cautiously, you walk over to the table. You pay no mind to the warning bells wringing in your head as you reach for the helmet.
“Still as curious as a cat, huh, (Y/N)?”
You wrench your hand away and turn around. A gasp leaves your throat before you could prevent it. Jason Todd is alive. There is no doubt in your mind, not when he’s standing right in front of you. He’s not the boy you fought with and against, nearly crossing so many lines to be with each other. A bat and a cat, something only Bruce and Selena could understand. They couldn’t stop it, just like they couldn’t stop themselves from falling in love.
You nod, “I am, but you’re just… a mystery to me. What happened? How are you alive? Does Bruce even know?”
The final question has him closing the distance between the two of you before guiding you away from the armor. You sit back down on the bed, but he remains standing.
“Did Bruce tell you what happened?”
Your throat dries up at the thought of the video that Joker sent. He looked and sounded broken, both inside and out. Bruce tried to pause it, to keep you from the pain of the truth, but you blocked him. You’d never forget Jay’s last moments on the video, the gunshot, how he just laid on the floor lifelessly…
Jason swipes the unwelcome tears from your face. Your head slowly tilts up, his hand guiding you to look into his eyes. “I saw the video, but you’re here?”
You look into his eyes, a million questions going through your mind. The memories last night were fuzzy, but you remember him saying something about a surprise. You took a sip from your drink… there was something in it.
Standing up, you wrench out of his grip and put some distance between the two of you. “What the hell is this? Did you drug me? Where the hell are we, Jason?”
Your voice wavers at the last question, but your hand already weakly pointed towards the mask and the militaristic armor alongside it. His eyes meet the helmet, and they darken.
“I need your help, (Y/N),” he says, finally moving to turn on the mask.
As soon as you see the eyes light up your stomach drops, everything clicking into place. You’ve been keeping tabs on Deathstroke for the past few years, watching as he’d train new recruits for a militia. You now realize why the armor struck a nerve. The Arkham Knight.
“I don’t like this, Jay,” you whisper, backing away from him, “but you know that.”
You’ve heard only whispers of what the Knight is capable of, his ruthlessness drilled into you through the horror stories from the militiamen. How could he be the Arkham Knight? He can’t be. He couldn’t. Not your Jay.
He sighs and places the helmet down. Your eyes shift to the helmet that was hidden in the corner, blocked by his own. Jason picks it up, holding it in front of you.
“I need you to get something for me, something I know only you can do,” he begins, taking hesitant steps forward.
With each step closer you can see the Knight, how he stalks towards you like prey. You gulp at the sight, clenching your hands to try and stop yourself from shaking.
“What is it?” you ask, flinching when he places a hand on your cheek.
He’s warm, too warm for a cold-blooded killer. You close your eyes, too weak against his touch. His hand drifts down, finding a home on your lower back.
“We need you to acquire some files at Stagg Enterprises. Off the record ones.”
The best kind, you think automatically. There’s something that makes you hesitate, a gut feeling telling you that there’s more to this. Something bigger than just you and Jason.
“Who am I doing this for? You? Or the Arkham Knight?” you ask, fearing what the answer will be.
He remains quiet for a few moments, until his answer breaks the silence. “Depends on if you’re going to do it willingly.”
You tense at his words. The Arkham Knight has spoken, using your connection with Jason against you. Everything is telling you to run, to fight back and try to leave, but there’s a reason why he brought you here. You can only assume it’s a fortress, something that is meant to keep people out and prisoners within.
Just as you try to take a step back, he pulls you closer to him. Jason’s grip is too strong for you to break. You finally look up at him, eyes widening as he shoves the helm onto you. You’re only able to struggle for a moment until you made the mistake of opening your eyes. Your body goes slack as you recognize the tech.
You had a past run-in with the Mad Hatter. That experience was enough for you to know behind his silly delusions of Wonderland, his mind control tech was terrifying. Your lack of movement is enough to tell him that the tech is working. Jason adjusts the helmet on you, tightening the straps so it won’t go anywhere.
“Just for tonight, Kitty. Go get dressed, your suit’s waiting for you.”
Thankssss for reading! Interact, leave a comment, reblog if you enjoyed the fic!!
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juliasturnz · 2 months
“My teenage dream”
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🜸 - this fanfic is requested again, @monroesturnns !! Make sure to follow her!♥️
★ - summary:
you and Chris haven’t been more then just friends.. you always had a crush on him, later that night you and Chris have a really deep conversation and some things don’t go as planned.
༆ - warnings!:
kissing, cussing, slightly sexual touch and use of alcohol (lmk if there is something else that triggers u!)
✫彡 - writers note :)
hi guys i just wanted to thank you all for the nice comments and follows, it means alooott thank you again 💖
★ - other role again!:
good friend chloe.. Good friend? Idrk she is js the type to leave you behind at a party..
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。
You are going to this huuuge party, it’s so exiting but you haven’t been to a party in a long time so you have no idea what to expect.
You are wearing something that will make a guy completely crazy.. a mini dress and your ass-cheeks are slightly visible. You’d always love to dress that way and you still do, but this old friend of yours is organizing it, he has always been nice to me but something is just feeling different.
Chloe has been texting you nonstop, ‘stop fucking texting me, oh my god!’ You say when she send you at least more then 10 messages. She has been telling you about the party for a hour long, ‘I’m getting ready rn I’ll be there in a half hour.’ You send her a voice message, I don’t feel like typing rn bc the black wand from my mascara is basically glued in my hands. Even when you send a voice message she just ignores you and talks further about boys and again the party.
When you finally type ‘I’m done’ to your yapping friend she finally stops talking, ‘okay I’ll be there in 20 minutes!’ She yells through a voice message. Your phone finally has been stop going off, until a familiar number pops up it’s Chris. You are texting with him while your doing your last things like putting on a perfume, checking your bag if you have everything and a few things more. Only a little time was left and he asks you if you want to face time.
‘Hey Chris, how r you!’ You act like you haven’t been talking the last 10 minutes, you kinda forget how well you guys went along and he basically starts acting with you ‘oh I haven’t spoken you in a long time y/n how are you?’ He looks at you through the phone with a little grin right before you two start busting out laughing. ‘Do you wanna take a little shot before the party?’ he asks you with a smile on his face. You take a good look at his face, hm he hasn’t changed a lot only his hair. You catch yourself looking at his blue eyes through the screen. ‘Oh wow.’ You cover your mouth when you realize you said that out loud. ‘Huh? Is there something wrong?’ He looks at you with a confused face and give you a little smile. Oh fuck do you think he noticed. Before you freak out and just stand there in silence you hear a ring from the doorbell. ‘I-I am sorry Chloe is here I’ll see you at the party bye!’ ‘Oh uh bye!’ I really hope I didn’t make thing weird.
Before you could even open the door someone has been screaming on the streets ‘hurry up we gotta go!’ You hear her high pitched voice so you hurry up before she starts yelling. ‘On my way!’ I think she heard me at least I hope so.
when you arrive at the front door she’s already speaking about the party and the fact that we have to hurry even though we had about 10 minutes left. ‘Can you hurry? We need to go there quick!’ ‘Chloe we have literally 10 mi’- she interrupts you immediately ‘no? We need to hurry like right now!’ ‘Girl calm down’ you whisper to yourself, you definitely don’t want her to hear what you were saying, bc that would 100% cause drama.
you put on one last time your favorite cologne and again deodorant and leave the house with Chloe talking about boys once again. ‘Girl you need a man in your life, you’re kinda boring.’ She casually says and turns around to your face completely in shock. What did she just say? ‘You heard me, we are going to find you a man tn.’ ‘What I don’t n’- once again she cuts you off
The rest of the car ride y’all stay silent which is surprising, normally Chloe would be either talking shit, brag about her “amazing” boyfriend or either talk about parties.
You arrive at Chris’ big house, ‘dang this mf has a big house!’ You stand right in front of a big mansion with already drunk teenagers in the front yard and the sound of music that hits your ears. ‘This is gonna be amazing!!!!’ Chloe is literally screaming. You just follow her in silence to the front door.
Before you could even ask her a thing she is already standing with her “amazing” boyfriend and her other friends, you look around to find someone to talk to bc no way your going to be standing with them. You look around and catch a glance from someone across the room and the someone is Chris. He looks so good, even tho he only wears a pair of baggy pants, a see through blouse with a light blue tie. Just perfect. He catches you looking at him and walks over to you. He is only a few inches away from you when you start apologizing right away, he makes you nervous. ‘Look I’m so sorry about what happened when we’- ‘shhh it’s okay, don’t think about it too much. I know you stared at my eyes,’ ‘well yes your eyes are pretty gorgeous.’ You look at him with a little shy but a naughty smile on your face. ‘Should we take that shot then?’ You follow him into the kitchen.
It isn’t really busy in here, but you’ve never seen this much red plastic cups around you. Chris catches your looking around mostly at the amount of red cups that are just laying around. ‘Please don’t mind this fucking mess.’ He kinda looks disappointed, ‘the way you said that sounds promising.’ You grin at his face still scanning almost every cup. ‘Anyways should we do 3 vodka shots?’ ‘Sounds good to me.’ You give him a warm smile as he fills the fancy shot glasses.
He hands you the pretty full shot glasses and looks at you and says ‘to the pretty woman in front of me.’ You blink twice, did he really said that oh my god. ‘You heard me.’ You giggle at his reaction and let the strong drink fall back into your throat. ‘This shit is disgusting.’ ‘Do you want a martini? I can make one for you.’ ‘Oh okay mr bartender.’ He giggles at your reaction.
You drink your martini while he has just a casual Pepsi, ‘so what brings you here tonight?’ He looks up at you with a very flirtatious look, ‘tbh like actually, even though my “friend” dragged me into here.. you.’ You keep looking at his now lightened up eyes. You can’t help but stare at them for a while. He interrupts your intense look, ‘wait what do you mean “friend”?’ He always seems to aks you things in a deeper level, something always felt connected between the two of you. Well she’s just idk not really my friend idk what she is.’ He gives you a worried look, ‘it’s okay I’m here.’ He lays his hand on your shoulder, what makes you tingle by his touch. ‘Thank you.’ ‘Ofcourse anytime.’ your curiosity bottles up ‘why did you even invite Chloe in the first place, not to be rude but she isn’t nice at all.’ ‘Oh my god is your “friend” Chloe?’ ‘Yeah I guess, why?’ ‘She cheated on me.’ He blurred out. ‘I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to bring i’- you’re being interrupted by her storming into the kitchen. ‘Ugh I need more drinks,’ she looks everything but sober. ‘Oh no here come Chloe you need to rest.’ Chris helps you with her, you bring her upstairs to a free bedroom. ‘What a surprise.’ He stands in the doorway after he helped you let her lay down in a strangers bed, kind of waiting for you and watching you while you tuck Chloe into a strangers bed. ‘I’m so sorry about what she did.’ You turn your face to his face. ‘You don’t have to be sorry about this, but why are you even her friend, she’s such a dumbass.’ ‘She helped me through a rough time, but she became popular and she forgot about me.’ ‘Damn I’m sorry.’ He walks up to you and give you a hug out of nowhere. ‘It felt like you needed one.’ You sink into his shoulder and start sobbing out of thin air. ‘Hey hey, your okay your here with me come.’ He takes you to the bathroom to help you fix your perfectly done makeup.
‘You are really pretty you know that.’ You couldn’t focus on anything rn but his pink lips. ‘Oh your needy.’ He gives you a whole different tone. He leans into a kiss. You kiss him back right away. His hands fall on your waist and moves down to your thighs and while he squeezes them just the slightest bit. This was the best kiss you probably ever had. There is going so much through your head rn, “his lips are so soft” “he smells so good” “his lips taste just like vanilla” when you stop the most perfect kiss ever, you kind of wake up again. ‘You are a really good kisser mr bartender.’ You would never said this in any universe, it might be the drinks you had or the strong confidence you got while you were around him. ‘Am I? Should we get another drink then?’ You follow him to the kitchen again.
you surprisingly hold his hand while you walk through the dancing, drunk or smoking people. But trust me you definitely got eyes on you. When you and Chris reach the kitchen you fall back into the cheating topic, your friend. ‘And then she just cheated on me.’ You catch a little tear that flows down his cheek. ‘I’m so sorry Chris, you honestly don’t deserve that.’ You get of the barstool and hug him tight and go with your fingers through his soft hair. ‘Do you wanna take a walk or smth?’ He removes his head from your shoulder. You nod right away, ‘don’t you got to focus on what’s happening inside of here?’ Your kind of worried someone might literally burn the house down. ‘They’ll be alright the most of them are drunk anyway or Nick and Matt will take care of it, I hope so.’ he shrugs his shoulders and takes a Pepsi. ‘Oh okay then, should we go?’ ‘Yes.’ He sticks his hand out and you and you hold his hand while you walk out of the front door, holding each others hand.
He takes you to a small beach just at the end of the block, ‘it’s beautiful here!’ You can’t help but keep looking around even though it’s already night. ‘I know right, this place brings me so much peace.’ You and Chris are still holding hands, he looks down at the hands holding each other and slightly squeezes your hand. He gives you that one smile you missed a lot. ‘I love your smile so much.’ His cheeks turn slightly pink in the bright moonlight. ‘Should we just sit down and talk, I just wanted to get away from those people. I don’t know why I invited the half of those people. I didn’t wanna be rude yk?’ ‘Trust me I know. He lets his hand go while you nod at his first question. You keep on knowing exactly what he means in different scenarios, ‘I know exactly what you mean.’ You can’t help but keep on saying.
You are having such a great time with Chris, you missed this a lot. You reach the topic from the friendship between you two. ‘I really missed this,’ he looks at you with a sudden serious look. He is speaking exactly what you thought not even 20 min ago. ‘I really did too.’ He looks at your lips and kisses you once again. ‘Y/n I really love you, but I can’t keep you on a friend level. You make me so happy, you know me on a different level and I feel so co’- you interrupt him what kinda makes you feel bad bc those words were so beautiful. ‘I wanna be your girlfriend Chris. Your little speech was so beautiful btw.’ That makes him giggle a bit. And he kisses you in the bright moonlight at the beach once again.
🜸 -
Hey beautiful human🤭 make sure to like this post and comment if you wanna be tagged in my upcoming fanfics! I love you so much, you are loved <3 take care!💋
@chrisslut333 @chrissslut @chris-slut @chrissv4mp @chrisshotdog @hollandsangel @ineedchriscock @chaossturns @sturnslcver @stuniolvs @sturnioloshacker @sturniolonmc @sturniolo-fann @sturnioz @sturniololvrrr @sturnzsblog @sturnzsun @sturnsdoll @sturnsbaby @sturnsblunt @sturnsstars @sturnzwrld @sturnzyolo @sturnzluv @pepsiboyy @pvssychicken @p4lxouterbanks @strawberrysturniolo @bernardsbendystraws @whore4cherrycoke @strombolicious @urfavstromboli @mattsfavbitchhh @mattstattos @mattsturnswife @mattsgf @mattsdirtylittlehoe @hoeformatt @hoesformatt @monroesturnns
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sundewhasaudhd · 4 months
Fuck it, I know I said I wouldn’t post things about my AU’s out of order, but it’s my blog, and do want I fucking want
Sad TNT duo scene (tw: knives, suicide)
(PS, this thing’s pretty long, so you might wanna go grab some potatocorn or something):
W: *Looking down sadly at his reflection in his knife*
Q: *Practically slams open this man’s fucking door like he isn’t breaking and entering* Jesus fucking Christ Wilbur, where the fuck have you been?! I…people were really starting to worry about you.
W: (to himself) You, you cared?
Q: What?
W: Nothing. Why are you here?
Q: Did you not hear me dipshit, looking for you. I hadn’t seen you in a few days, I was starting to get concerned.
W: That feels a bit dramatic, don’t you think?
Q: Not when you’re at my border bugging me everyday, no
W: …
Q: You ok?
W: Yeah, yeah, I’m fine
Q: You sure? There were a lot of pauses in that four word sentence. Y’know if you have something you want to say to me you can say it
W: Yeah, since when has that been true?
Q: Excuse me 
W: Never mind, that’s not important right now
Q: Feels pretty damn important, but ok, sure
W: *takes a deep breathe* Quackity, kill me
Q: W-w-w
W: It’s perfect, I won’t be able to hurt you or anyone else, and you won’t have to put up with me anymore 
Q: Wilbur if this is your idea of “a joke” it’s not very funny
W: What about me asking you to kill me sounds like a joke to you? It’s not that hard if that’s what you’re concerned about. There are a bunch of knives in here, just take your pick. There are some over there, I think I have one near my bed, plus I’m sure you plenty weapons in your room. *Wilbur’s voice starts fading out* And you don’t have to make it painless if you don’t want to… *his voice is completely drowned out by either ringing or static, I haven’t fully decided yet*
Q: N-no you said you wouldn’t leave me! Th-that you’d be here for me! You promised you wouldn’t leave me again! You promised!
W: That’s what I do Quackity. I lie. I lie and I hurt and that’s all I’ll ever be good for. I can’t change that, no one can, which is why it’d be better for everyone if you just killed me
Q: I- no I’m not gonna kill you Wilbur!
W: Quackity, I want you to look me in the eye and tell me a single reason why I still deserve to live, why I should still be here tomorrow
Q: I-
W: You can’t. I know you can’t. And that’s okay. That’s great even! That’s you realizing how badly I’ve hurt you, and that you shouldn’t want me around *placing his knife in Quackity’s hand, which his dumbass doesn’t notice, because Wilbur’s touching his face and he’s gay* I don’t deserve to live Quackity. *starts moving Quackity’s hands (the knife) towards his chest* You should know that more then anyone. The only thing I’ve ever given you is pain, especially when you’re already hurting. You’re just doing yourself a disservice by letting me live.
W: Y’know, I really will miss you. You’re my favorite person, and I love spending every second I can with you. But that’s really selfish of me. At least you won’t miss have to miss me. Hell, anyone with half a brain cell won’t miss me
Q: What the fuck are you on about, of course I’d miss you if you died!
W: No, you won’t. I mean, come on, why would you. You hate me, remember
Q: I don’t h- *sees the knife in his hands, and then immediately drops it* Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with you?!
W: EVERYTHING!!! Every single decision I’ve ever made was at the expense of someone else! I’m trying to do the only good thing I can with my pathetic existence by ending it, which YOU don’t seem to understand! 
Q: Because that’s stupid! Yeah, you’ve hurt people, so what? We’ve all hurt someone else at some point!
Q: …
W: I’m- this is exactly what I’m talking about. This is all I do. So, just pick up the knife, and put an end to my pathetic existence
Q: No! I won’t kill you Wilbur
W: Why are you being so stubborn about this?
Q: Because I love you, ok! I love you a lot. You’re the only constant in my life, and I really don’t wanna think about what would happen if you weren’t here. You’re my everything. And I *shaky sigh* I just can’t lose you again
W: …
Q: Fuck, just forget I said anything. I’ll just leave and pray that your not dead tomorrow mornin-
W: *hugs in gay* I love you too 
Q: *starts crying while hugging Wilbur tighter*
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shiftingparadise · 5 months
I want you to (part 2)
Here's a part 2, hopefully you'll enjoy it just as much. I'm going to work on your requests again. Enjoy reading 🤍✨
PS: I really want to continue Soft Spot, anyone any ideas? 🥰
WARNINGS: smut - angst
Word count: 1979
“I got something for you”, a soft smile on his face. “An envelope?”, I frowned. “Open it”, a spark in his eyes. “No, you didn’t. How did you get tickets to the opening of his art show? W-we weren’t invited”. “Well, now you are”, he chuckled. “How did you-“. “Doesn’t matter”, he gestured for me to come over, “Everything for my princess”. “Thank you”, I hastily sat down on his lap before plastering kisses all over his face. “I can’t believe I get to be one of the first persons to see his work”. 
I sighed as I relived the memory. How could he fake something like that? He seemed so content, so proud of himself for making me happy… Now, he wanted nothing more than to see me cry. It all felt so cruel to me; so unfair.
“I don’t want to today”, my eyes glued to the floor as I sat down on the bed. “I don’t care”, his hand softly wrapped around my throat, “I’m going to make you mine”. “I’m already yours”, I whispered as my hands were tied behind my back. “Because I force you to”, he took a step back. 
I rubbed my wrists together, to loosen the rope around them. I didn’t understand why he tied my wrists together, there was nowhere for me to go; nowhere I could go. 
“Blue suits you well”, his eyes studied the lingerie he chose for me, “Goes well with those bruises I gave you yesterday”. 
A sudden hate started to rise to my throat. I didn’t want him to find me pretty. At least not like this.
“Those aren't bruises”, I narrowed my eyes, “You bit me”. “Only because you were acting like a brat”, he roughly grabbed my jaw. “Let go”, I tried to pull away. “Again? Haven’t you learned your lesson?”, a disgusted look on his face. 
Feitan never hurt me. At least not like he hurt others. Sure, he bit me, he sometimes even scratched my back a little too hard, but he never cut me. He never even tried to break my fingers or my leg. He never did any real damage. 
“What are you going to do? Bite me? Like a dog?”, a defiant look in my eyes. “Watch it”, his eyes grew dark. “Or what? I’m not scared of you”, I sat up straight. 
 H-huh?, my eyes widened as I felt the back of his hand against my cheek. This was the second time he hit me. It was a sudden reminder of his strength. 
“On your hands and knees”, his voice colder than usual as he freed my hands. “N-no”, I loudly swallowed. “I won’t hold back this time”. 
He didn’t need to raise his hand. The way he looked at me was more than enough to make me obey. 
“Good”, he got behind me as his fingers gently traced over my spine. I flinched once I felt his cold fingertips. “Oh? What’s wrong?”, he mocked as his hand wrapped around my hair. Without saying anything else, he pulled my head back as his lips hovered next to my ear. 
“Yes”, I tried to hold back tears. 
It was best to just go along, to give him what he wanted.
“I thought you weren’t scared of me”, he pushed my head into a pillow as his other hand gently pulled my panties down. “N-no”, my knees pulled together like magnets. “Don’t”, he softly pulled them back open with his knee. A chuckle as he looked down, his digits already where my body needed them the most. 
I closed my eyes in shame. I didn’t want him to notice how much my body needed him.  
“I’m going to breed you until you can’t walk anymore”, his tip already pressed against my entrance. “Even when I hit you, when I hurt you, you’re body still wants me to fuck you. Isn’t that funny?”. 
“Please Feitan”, I closed my eyes, not sure what I was pleading for. I didn’t want him to stop, but I didn’t want him to continue either. It was a constant battle. 
“I can’t wait to see your belly”, he grunted as he pushed in, “You’re going to look fucking perfect with my baby inside you”. 
��F-fei-“, I lifted myself as he pushed even deeper. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight”, he chuckled as he picked up the pace, “I want to see you cry, you know that? I want to see that cute nose turn pink, your eyes all swollen… But you’re already used to this, aren’t you? You’re used to being my pretty doll that I get to fuck whenever I want”. 
Used? I didn’t need to get used to it. I enjoyed it every time. Even if I cried, even if I begged him to stop... I never really wanted him to.  
“W-wait”, I tried to protest as he flipped me onto my back. “What if I carve my name in your skin, would you cry then?”, a sudden edge in his tone.
I closed my eyes in response. I didn’t want to see the look in his eye; the joy he felt.
“Tsk”, he clicked his tongue as he got more rough. It seemed that he got agitated for an unknown reason. 
He didn’t want you to know how soft he was for you. He really wanted you to be scared for him, but he didn’t enjoy seeing you like this. He couldn't keep this up. His heart ached at your hurt.
“Don’t worry”, he softly guided my chin so I could look at him, “Won’t do stuff like that. Not to you”. 
An unwilling flutter in my stomach. 
“J-just keep going”, I arched my back. “Don’t worry”, he let his head rest against mine. A sign he wanted to feel my touch. “You’re such a good boy”, my hands gently wrapped around him, “You’re always making me feel so good”. 
He didn’t know what happened inside him; why there was this sudden warmth running through his veins. 
“More”, a whisper I could barely hear. “You’re going to make me come”, I gently grabbed his hand, guiding it to where I needed him the most. “Fuck Feitan”, I smiled as my breaths got heavier, “You’re making me feel so good”. 
He pulled away. His eyes were now glued to my face. There was this unsure look on his face; as if he didn’t understand what was happening. 
“I want you to come with me”, my eyes rolled to the back of my head, “Want you to fill me up. W-want to have your baby”. “Y/N-“, his eyes widened as I pulled him closer each time he pushed into me. He didn’t answer. For the first time, he stayed quiet. ‘F-fei”, I softly sighed as I came undone. He followed shortly, but there was no warning when he came. No sigh, no moan, nothing. 
“Feitan?”, I sat up straight as he got dressed. “I’m going to tape your mouth shut next time”, he sat down next to me again, “You’re getting too confident”. 
My eyes went round in disbelief as I noticed a smile on his face. 
“I want to have twins”, his smile disappeared again, “A boy and a girl and I’m going to give them everything I didn’t have. A loving mother, a warm house, toys, books, … I want to go on holidays together, I want to celebrate Christmas, I-“, he suddenly paused. “I know you don’t want to be mine, but I know you’re going to give our children everything they need”, he looked to the ceiling, “Just as I know you’d protect them with your life if necessary”. 
He was beautiful when he showed his soft side. I could look at him forever when he was like this. 
“I need to go out at night, for work. I’ll see you in the morning”, he placed an awkward kiss on my temple, a gesture he probably never meant before. "And don’t try to leave. I’ll have someone here to watch you”. 
“Get up”, his cold voice rang from behind the door, “Breakfast is ready”. I wanted to rebel, to tell him I wasn’t hungry, but it would be futile. “Y/N?”, he raised his voice from a lack of response. “Just a minute”, I forced myself to answer before putting on the clothes he laid out for me. 
Every day, around 6 AM, he’d come into my room and neatly lay out clothes for me. Yesterday it was a short skirt with a Ralph Lauren sweater, the day before there was a beautiful, pink dress… 
“I want to wear sweatpants”, I sighed while I adjusted my skirt. For some reason, he gave me an extra short, black dress today, paired with some Lousboutins. Needless to say, I didn’t feel very comfortable. “Hm?”, he raised an eyebrow as he took a bite from his toast. “N-nothing”, I hastily forced a smile on my face. “Eat”, his eyes low. 
God, I hated this silence. There was nothing left for me to do other than wait. 
“I need you to do something for me”. “What?”, I softly replied. “Went out last night”, his brows pulled together, “I need you to take care of me”. “Take care of you?”. “I’m hurt”, he slowly stood up, “I need stitches”. “I-I can’t… I’ve never-“. “Bathroom”, he interrupted my nervous pleas. “B-but-“. “Won’t ask you twice”, his cold eyes stared into mine. 
I nervously shuffled behind him, scared to admit that I couldn’t stand the sight of blood. 
“I’d normally ask Machi”, he grunted as he leaned against the sink, “But she’s on a mission”. “Okay”, I wrapped my arms around my waist as he took off his shirt. “See?”, he looked down at the wound. 
My stomach started to turn. Feitan had wrapped a bandage around his waist in an attempt to stop the bleeding, but the once-white fabric had already turned red. 
“Here”, he grabbed a couple of things out of the cabinet. “D-don’t you need something for the pain?”, I slowly walked closer. “It’s fine”, he grunted as he got rid of the bandage. 
Right. I should’ve known better than to look at the wound. 
“What?”, his cold eyes grew more tired by the second. “N-nothing”, I tried to get some feeling in my fingers by shaking my hands. “Hurry, it hurts”, he let his head fall back. I nodded before I cleaned his wound. 
So far, so good.
“Shit”, Feitan grunted at the stinging sensation of the disinfectant. “Sorry”, I softly responded before looking at the needle. “It’s fine, just hurry”, he looked to the side. “S-so”, I cleared my throat as I held out the needle. 
I couldn’t do this. I knew I couldn’t. Why did I even try? 
“Think 8 stitches are enough”, he pulled his brows together as he examined the wound. 
I just nodded as my head started to spin. The wound looked even more awful as blood kept dripping down onto the cold tiles. 
“Y/N?”, Feitan’s voice sounded strange. As if he was yelling from far away. “Y/N?”, he repeated as dark spots took over my sight. “Fuck”, he gritted his teeth before catching me. 
“Hm?”, I grunted as I tried to figure out where I was. “Finally”, Feitan sighed, “You were out for a couple of hours”. “A couple of hours?!”. “You were probably tired. It’s not like you sleep much at night”. “H-how do you know?”. “Doesn’t matter”, he placed a bag on my lap. “What’s this?”, my brows pulled together. “Sweatpants and a sweater”, a discontent look on his face, “You wanted some, right?”. “Y-yeah”, I softly replied. “I got some more clothes. They’re already in your closet. Wear whatever you like”. "Y-your wound-", I didn't care about the clothes. "Already took care of it", he lifted his shirt, "Now get some rest. You're tired".
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oceisastar · 1 year
hi maybe human/non-spider chubby!reader headcanons with mig? more for when they’re getting to know him at the society? Thanks so much!
hey love!! I’ll write some fluff in this case :^) (gn!reader; super super fluffy)
first time he sees you, he honestly doesn’t notice you much because you’re some random human they brought in for a tech collaboration to improve spider-tech.
he’s not one for socializing—always on a mission and trying to get shit done since everyone else is busy fucking off.
it’s not until you approach him while he’s sitting alone one day and ask to sit w/ him at lunch that he really noticed you. you’re... kinda cute. oh, you just smiled at him. ok, you’re very cute.
and you’re kind. he sees you a lot, taking care of mayday when Peter has to run off and take care of impromptu spider-missions, just chatting to other spider-people and making them smile. you’re so sweet. Miguel hasn’t felt any semblance of romantic attraction in years.
he definitely struggles w/ these feelings at first. never shows that he is, but is more intentional about keeping his distance. you, of course, are hurt because you have no idea what you did to upset him. Peter assures you Miguel is just Like That but you don’t buy it.
so one day you approach him and ask him if you did something wrong. he’s taken aback, but then shakes his head and tries to walk off. you follow closely behind before you gently grab his hand and make him face you. this ache in his chest... it’s so familiar.
he quickly pulls his hand away and walks off. he ignores you for the next few weeks until lyla talks some sense into him. “you’re mad because... theyre nice? I will never understand human romance.”
“no, lyla, I’m not mad because theyre nice. theyre a distraction—one I don’t have time for.”
“pretty sure you do. your schedule is clear for the rest of the day. go talk to them!”
Miguel actually does not, but Peter dumps mayday in Miguel’s arms, talking about how he has to go “take care of something”, only for him to realize that Peter had also told you to look after mayday, so both you and Miguel end up in the same place.
Miguel cant run away, either, because mayday is nestled in his hair. you laugh and gently pluck her into your arms, cradling her as she giggles. she takes Miguel’s pointer finger and squeezes it tight, shaking it back and forth.
Miguel imagines you with gabi, and it fucking kills him inside. but he also imagines that gabi would want him to be happy. so he lets himself stay a little longer and chat w/ u.
he starts paying attention to all the things he didn’t let himself look at before—how soft you look. every part of you—your cheeks, your arms, your stomach, your thighs. you’re precious. he feels the urge to... hug you. to protect you.
you notice he seems to be troubled so you gently place a hand on his—“how about we play a game w/ mayday, Miguel?” and he finds himself nodding.
Miguel strikes me as the type of person who would forget to eat a lot. he’s a busy man and I don’t think he’d really keep track of meals and such.
you, however, are not ok w/ that. you always make him sit down and eat together whenever possible. if Miguel’s on a mission, you’ll cook him a meal and sit and wait for him to come back for hours, sometimes even falling asleep at the table.
when Miguel comes back and sees you asleep, he just lets out a soft sigh and picks you up, trying to bring you back to your shared bed, but you just nuzzle into him and mumble, “did you like it?” and he’s like “I haven’t eaten yet, baby.” and you gently push his chest and whisper, “go eat. I’ll sit w/ u.”
Miguel almost laughs because you’re literally half asleep but he compromises since you’re so insistent and lets you lay down on the couch while he sits beside you and eats. you fall asleep w/ your head on his thigh and him stroking your hair.
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driftingvoid-155 · 28 days
Not sure if this would be helpful to anyone else, but I went through and gathered all of Jeff's lines from Into the Pit!
Adding a divider as there's quite a few. Also, I apologize if I missed some. I went through a few different play throughs and this was what I found.
(entrance) night 1, before ball pit
You want another slice of cheese and a refill on the orange soda?
Oswald: Not right now, just checking around.
Well, have fun. Not much to look at other than dust bunnies and cobwebs. I don’t think they bite.
Oswald: The dust bunnies?
No, the wolf spiders.
Oswald: Jeff, those definitely bite.
Oh. Good luck, then.
(in ballpit room) night 1
There he is!
(entrance) night 1
Have a good night, guys.
Oswald: Wait – Jeff! I think something’s wrong with my dad.
He looks fine to me. The dust probably just got to your head, kid. Go home and relax.
Oswald: W-wait-!
(entrance) night 1
You’re here late, kid. Your parents know you’re here?
Oswald: Uh… yeah. Dad burnt dinner so… emergency pizza.
What was he making?
Oswald: … Ramen noodles
As in the microwave kind?
Oswald: Yeah.
Ah, yeah. Been there.
You forget to add water once and the smell haunts you forever.
(entrance) night 1
Shouldn’t you be at home doing some homework or something, kid?
(entrance) night 1
Oswald: Jeff, do you have a key to the basement?
First the ball pit, now the basement. Are you that bored, kid?
Oswald: Um… Yes? I just feel like exploring.
Well, let’s make a deal. Just between you and me, I don’t pay for trash and forgot to dump a bag at the mill earlier.
Go take that trash over there and I’ll give you the key when you get back.
Oh, but take this flashlight. Gets pretty dark out there.
Oswald: Thanks but… the battery’s pretty low.
Dig around the trash if you run out. Probably all sorts of interesting things in there.
Oswald: Ew…
(entrance) night 1
Oswald: All done
Thanks, kid. Saved my back.
Here’s the key, as promised.
(entrance) night 2
Don’t cause me trouble.
(dining area, jeff mopping) night 2
Oswald: Hey Jeff! Um, do you have any extra slices of pizza that you could give me?
Sorry kid, you know things have been tough lately. You want something, you gotta buy it.
Oswald: Oh, OK…
(dining area, jeff mopping) night 2
You’re here late, kid. We don’t sell slices after lunch, so if you want pizza you gotta buy a whole pie.
Oswald: Oh. Um… I’m good for now.
(dining area) night 2
Oswald: This should be enough to distract Jeff.  
Enraged customer: AHHHHHH A RAT! IT’S A DIRTY RAT!
New rat in town, huh? You picked the wrong place, pal.  
(about Jeff, Oswald in the kitchen) night 2
Oswald: Sorry, Jeff. I’ll try to find a way to pay you back.
Oswald: Jeff makes the pizzas here all by himself. Guess he can’t afford to hire more staff.
(entrance) night 3
You here to pick up a pizza?
Oswald: No, just hanging out.
Oh. Someone with the name Ima Lousirr called to place an order, but they still haven’t picked up their pizza.
Ima Lousirr. Must be new in town.
Oswald: Jeff, I don’t think that’s a real name.
Ima… Lousirr… *sigh*
Stay in school, kid.
Pizza Fan, about Jeff’s, night 3
The pizza used to be a lot better back in the old days.
Though I have to admit, ever since Jeff took over it got a lot cheaper. Quantity over quality I guess!
(arcade) night 4
Hey, kid. Been noticing you tinkering around with these old machines. I don’t mind but-
Wait… did you fix all of them?!
Where’d you learn to do all that?
Oswald: My Dad. He’s pretty good with machines. He repaired all of the equipment at the old mill when he worked there. Sometimes he’d sneak me in during the summers so I could watch.
Wow. I don’t really know what to say.
I’ve been letting this place go for quite a while now. Maybe it’s time I fix things up around here, too.
Thanks for your hard work, Oswald. Here, take this.
Don’t worry about the expiration date.
Oswald: Oh, wow! Thanks, Jeff! It’s… 75 cents off…
Least I could do for ya.
Oswald: What a deal.
(dining area) night 4
Hey, kid. Shouldn’t you be in school?
Oswald: Uh… not today.
You know where to find me.
(security office - Jeff playing solitaire) night 5
Oswald: Watcha doin’ there, Jeff?
What’s it look like, kid? Working.
If you barged in here to ask about the room with the ball pit: No, I’m not opening the door.
Oswald: Huh? What are you talking about?
Had to start locking the door because some hooligans keep sneaking in, and leaving those balls all over the place…
You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would ya?
Oswald: No! I mean, no, I have no idea. I mean, I do need to get into the ball- I mean, I left my jacket in the room with the ball pit the other day. Could you let me in there?
Ha, nice try, kid. You’re wearing the exact same jacket you wore when you went in.
Oswald: No I’m not! This is my… backup jacket. The other one has my, um, wallet. I kinda need it to buy pizza.
Oh, yeah that’s pretty important.
Here, take the key, but don’t go playing around that ball pit again.
Oswald: I promise I’ll stay out of there as soon as I’m done. Never wanna see that thing again, anyway.
That gross, huh?
Oswald: You have no idea.
(in dining area) 2 star ending
That kid better not have gotten hurt in there.
*walks to ball pit room and pit bonnie, hanging from the ropes, lunges*
(3 star ending)
Creature dies in the ball pit ropes. Pizza place is full of customers and Oswald and his family eat pizza at one of the tables as Jeff serves them pizza.
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prettypei · 1 year
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plot: things they do that make you fall for them even more; fluff!
reader: gn! Reader
pairings: zhongli, childe, kaeya, itto, kaveh
warnings: none
(a/n): inspired by the lyrics of Head Over Heels by Tears for Fears!!!!!
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✰You and ZHONGLI were at a small cafe in Liyue, both listening to a storyteller telling tales about “the two brothers who buried their pet dog” and “the girl who didn’t cry”. The audience mostly consisted of small children, but you and your boyfriend didn’t mind. He’s sipping on a cup of oolong tea as he listens intently to the story, smiling in a peaceful manner, and you’re amazed at how calm he can be when he’s drinking his tea. He raises an eyebrow at you, noticing you staring at him. “Is something wrong, love?” “No, nothing at all.”
✰CHILDE’s smiling at his mother while he scrubs the plates for her. “No, really ma, it’s fine I’ll do the dishes for you.” You had just finished a meal with childe’s family in Snezhnaya, and Childe was offering to clean the plates. His mother smiles and pats his head. “What did I ever do to deserve a son like you?” She jokes, chuckling while going up the stairs and into her bedroom. Soon, there’s only the two of you in the kitchen. “I can feel you staring.” Childe says, his back facing you. “What? Is your hot boyfriend too much to handle?” “Nah. I think it’s cute you’re a mama's boy.” You grin. His ears turn red at your words.
✰You were out admiring the view of Mondstadt from starsnatch cliff when you feel someone cover your eyes. You shriek and tumble in the grass, while your mysterious attacker laughed as you brought them down too. “KAEYA????” You exclaimed. “Who else?” KAEYA chuckles, uncovering your eyes. “B-but I thought you were on a mission?!” “Ah, fuck that. You’re more important to me.” “You snuck out to see me?! Jean is gonna be so mad.” “Worth it though. I’ve been too busy lately, haven’t even see your face today, cutie.” “Well… thanks, cheesy.” You sit up from the grass and smile at him. “That’s so Kaeya of you, babe.” “I know, I know.”
✰it was another day in Inazuma with ITTO battling younger kids for beetles, but this time, surprisingly, he won. "HAH! Take THAT you little-oh god you're crying." Itto immediately rushes over to comfort the kid who'd he'd won against, assuring that he would bring him lots and lots of candy and lots and lots of toys while you watched in the distance with amusement on your face. "Hey-hey look, don't cry! I-it's just a beetle fight, not worth crying over." The kid keeps on crying. "U-ugh fine! I'll give you my beetle...." The child's eyes lighten up by the mention of this. "R-really?!" "I guess..." You see an elderly lady watch on in the distance, smiling. Itto then jogs to you who's sitting under a tree. "Ready to go baby? I've already lost another beetle to the kids due to pity..." He groans. You chuckle and get up, wrapping your arm around his waist. "That was nice of you to do that though." "What do you mean?! I'm ALWAYS nice!"
✰You were walking in Sumeru, searching for your boyfriend, KAVEH, only to find him arguing with a client. You wanted to surprise him with some books about architecture that you got for his birthday, but he seemed a little...busy at the moment. "I'm TELLING you that the door is designed to be like this! It creates a perfect symmetry with the roof!" "But, well, don't you think it's a little too...flashy?" "FLASHY???!" Kaveh exclaims with an incredulous look on his face. "Y-Y-You hire ME and-" "W-wait, isn't that your lover, (name)?" The client then points at you who was about to go. And Kaveh...boy, Kaveh eyes light up, and his demeanor does a one-eighty. "(name)!" He shouts, rushing over to you and engulfing you in a hug. "Hup! Oh-uh-Kaveh!" "Did you want to see me? That's so sweet of you!" "Actually, I wanted to surprise you with these gifts I got for you-" "Y-you did?" He's over the moon now, scanning through the books you got him. "T-these were the ones I told you about! I-You-I-" Kaveh is blabbering now, smiling and grinning at you. "I like your smile." You say. "what?" "Your special smile! The one you save for me." He then goes on to smile that smile again. "Hello? Guys? Still building my house?" The client says in the distance.
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honeyhoneypp · 4 days
Hii I Iove ur op hcs!! Could you maybe do a hc on the monster trio reacting to their partner being pregnant out of notice?
A Good Mother
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One Piece men with a pregnant girlfriend
What is wrong with your body? You wonder why you have been feeling sick lately, or why you haven't had your period even though it's been 3 months, or why your body has been feeling heavier and your stomach look rounder. You have also been craving food, but at the same time, food makes you feel sick. Could it be possible that..?
Female pronouns! Fluff + some angst on Zoro’s part
At first he didn’t really noticed your mood swings or food cravings, he just thought you wanted to be stronger like him! So he didn’t get worried, but he did notice how you started to get sick, which really worried him.
But what got him worried sick was when you suddenly fainted in the middle of a battle, he thought the enemy had hurt you, but Chopper quickly grabbed you and brought you back to the ship.
Luffy was fighting the captain of a random pirate crew that got in his way, you were fighting one of the pirates but suddenly you started to feel dizzy, your vision became blurry and your legs started to get weak, and suddenly everything went completely black.
Luffy watched as you fell to the ground, thinking that the pirate had hurt you, he quickly stretched out his arm to hit the pirate in the face and easily knocked him out.
Luffy— “____!” — The captain tries to stab Luffy but he was quick to dodge __
Chopper— He quickly picks you up — “I got her, Luffy! Don’t worry”
When you finally wake up you were on bed, Chopper was sitting next to you.
Chopper— “Oh! You’re awake!”
— “Chopper..? W-What happened?”
Chopper— “You fainted in the middle of a battle, ____”
— “I did?”
Chopper— Nod — “Do you have any idea why this can be? Have you been drinking water, sleeping, have you been anxious?”
— “I’ve been hydrating myself and sleeping well, and I’m not anxious…”
Chopper— “I should probably run some blood tests to see if you have low sugar levels..”
— “I… I don’t think that’ll be necessary.”
Chopper— “Hm? Why is that, ____?”
— “I’ve been feeling weird lately”
Chopper— “Tell me more”
—“I’ve been having some weird food cravings, sometimes I just want to eat everything, but other times I can’t even look at food or I feel like I’m going to throw up. And I haven’t had my period for about 3 months now, I think… and also… I’ve been feeling my body a little bit heavier, and I’ve noticed that my stomach has gotten rounder too.”
You stand up and pull your shirt up to show Chopper that indeed your stomach looks rounder than before.
Chopper— “____… when was the last time you had sexual relations?”
— You sit back on the bed — “I think it was exactly 3 months ago… Chopper, you don’t think I’m pregnant right..?”
Chopper— “Well, those are signs of a pregnancy, but if you used protection then it’s probably something else. You used protection right?”
— “No.”
Chopper— He sighs — “You had sexual relations with Luffy, right?”
— “Yeah…”
Chopper— “____, I think you’re pregnant, but I’ll have you do a pregnancy test to be sure”
Chopper quickly went to look for something in his cabinets, then he came back with 3 pregnancy tests and 2 cups, one with water and the other one empty.
Chopper— “Here, drink this” — He hands you the cup of water and you drink it, then he hands you the empty cup and the 3 pregnancy tests — “I need you to urinate in this cup and then put the tip of the pregnancy tests inside the cup and leave it for around 10 seconds. Then bring the tests to me, got it?”
— “Okay…”
You quickly run to the restroom with all the things, you urinate in the cup and put the pregnancy tests inside of it, one at a time and then you wait for the results to appear.
After some minutes you start seeing how 2 lines start to appear on the pregnancy result.
— “Does this mean… that I’m pregnant?”
You throw the cup away and quickly go into Chopper’s office, you hand him the 3 pregnancy tests and he readers each one of them.
Chopper— “____, you are indeed pregnant. And since you had sexual relations 3 months ago, I’ll guess you’re already 3 months pregnant.”
— “I-“
Luffy open the door aggressively, he just came from defeating the whole pirate crew and quickly came to see how you were.
Luffy— “____! Are you okay?!” — He grabs your shoulders —
— “Y-Yes, Luffy. I’m okay”
Chopper— He taps your leg — “Do you want to tell him or should I tell him?”
— “Please tell him…” — You sit back on the bed —
Luffy— “Huh? Tell me what?”
Chopper— “Luffy, these are really important news, don’t freak out”
Luffy— “What do you mean? Just spit it out already”
Chopper— “____ is pregnant.”
Luffy— “Pregnant? You mean she has a baby in her tummy?”
Chopper— “Yes”
Silence filled the room, Luffy just stared at chopper and then at you. You were anxious, you didn’t know how he would take these news.
Luffy— He scratches his neck — “Okay.”
Chopper— “What do you mean ‘okay?!’ Luffy, this is something serious! Having a baby is a big responsibility!”
Luffy— “She’s just carrying a baby in her tummy, what’s the big deal?”
Chopper— “Luffy, are you not listening to yourself?! She’s carrying a baby! That means she won't be able to fight anymore, she'll be vulnerable to any kind of attack for at least 6 months! And after those 6 months you'll have to take care of a human baby that doesn't know how to defend itself!”
Luffy— “Shishishi, it’s okay, I’ll protect both of them! But if I can’t I trust you guys in protecting them! I think it’s a fun idea of having a little guy or girl running around the ship!”
Chopper— He sighs — “Luffy-”
— You put your hand on Chopper’s head — ���Chopper, it’s alright. Trust him when he says he or his crew will protect us” — You smile at him —
Chopper— “Well I guess you’re right… Then I’ll protect you, ____!”
— You giggle — “I’m sure you will!”
Later that night
You were laying down in bed, Luffy had his head on your abdomen.
Luffy— “I can’t believe you have a baby here, that’s so funny. How did that even happened? Did you swallowed the little guy or girl?”
— “What? No! Luffy, do you seriously don’t know how I got pregnant?”
Luffy— he shakes his head —
— Sigh — “Remember that night? That night where I made you feel good and you also made me feel so good?”
Luffy— He thinks for a moment — “Oh yeah! That! Shishishi, that was a fun game, we should do it again”
— You laugh — “You’re right. But that’s the reason I got pregnant”
Luffy— “Oh, okay.”
— “You don’t understand, right?”
Luffy— He laughs — “Nope!”
— You smile at him — “You’ll understand someday, let’s go to sleep.”
Luffy falls asleep with his head on your abdomen, he didn't understand what was happening to your body or how big of a responsibility was taking care of a baby, butt he knew he had to be more protective of you. After all, you're carrying his and your baby! And he's excited to see the baby.
He didn't really notice how your eating habits had changed, but he did notice your mood swings, he didn't want to think too much about it. I mean, they're normal, right? Maybe you're on that thing girls call "period."
But then he started to get worried when it had been over a week and you were still having the same mood swings, you're the person he tolerates the most, after Luffy of course. But he started to get annoyed by how you started crying over the smallest things, making you have a small argument.
He was sitting on the edge of the bed, he was frustrated, he made you cry by raising his voice at you for questioning him about spending time together... why did he raise his voice at you? He was mentally insulting himself.
Then suddenly Sanji opened the door aggressively.
Sanji— “Hey, marimo” — He said with an aggressive tone —
Zoro— “Hm? What do you want?”
Sanji— “____, she fainted, she’s at Chopper’s office right now”
Zoro— “…What? She fainted?! Why?!”
Sanji— “I have no idea, I found her on the kitchen”
Zoro— He quickly stands up to go to the door — “Damn it!”
Sanji— He grabs his shoulder making him stop — “I heard how you raised your voice at her this morning, don’t you ever dare to hurt her feelings again or I’ll kick your ass”
Zoro doesn't say anything, he just slaps Sanji’s hand off his shoulder, but Sanji was right, he shouldn't have raised his voice at you. He quickly went to Chopper's office to check on you.
Zoro— “Chopper!”
Chopper— He flinches — “Zoro! You scared me!”
— “Zoro..?”
Zoro— “____! Oh, good you’re alright.” — He hugs you —
Chopper— “Yes, she just fainted because of being stressed, it’s nothing serious don’t worry”
Zoro— “…____, I’m really sorry for raising my voice at you this morning, I shouldn’t have done that… It was so stupid of me”
— “It’s okay, Zoro. I just been sensitive these past few days because I- I’m pregnant…”
Zoro— He freezes on place, did he heard you right? — “What did you said?”
— “I’m pregnant.”
Zoro— “You’re pregnant… Chopper, is that true? Is a baby actually growing inside of her?”
Chopper— “Yes, it’s true, those are the consequences of having unprotected sex”
Zoro— “So… how long do we have to wait for the baby to come out?”
Chopper— “Well since the last time you both had sexual relations was 3 months ago… I’ll say you have 6 months left.”
Zoro— “Well, what am I supposed to do now? Is she going to be okay?”
Chopper— “She’ll be okay, she just won’t be able to do a lot of psychical activity, like fighting.”
Zoro— “She won’t?!”
Chopper— “Yes, she’s carrying a baby so she won’t be able to do a lot of stuffs”
Zoro— “But what if I’m not able to protect her…”
— “Zoro…”
Chopper— “Don’t worry, Zoro. That’s why you have your crewmates! We’ll also protect ____!”
Zoro— “You’re right, thank you Chopper…”
Chopper— he nods — “If you guys ever need parenting advices please let me know! I’ll be studying more about human babies to help you guys.”
— “Thank you, Chopper, you’re the best doctor”
Chopper— He gets bashful — “Oh, you big dummy! Complimenting me like that doesn’t make me a bit happy, why would that make me happy?” — He says while doing a cute little dance —
— You giggle — “Whatever you say, Chopper.”
It was already afternoon, you were with Zoro in the crow's nest, he was resting with his head on your lap after a hard day of training.
— “Zoro, you should get some rest, you can’t be training hard everyday without rest.”
Zoro— “I can’t… I need to get stronger, and since you’re pregnant I’ll have to train way more”
— “It’s okay, Zoro. You heard what Chopper said, they’ll also protect me! Don’t you trust them?”
Zoro— “I do trust them, ____. But I want to be the one that protects you, what if everyone gets defeated? What will happen to you and our baby?
— “Zoro…”
Zoro— “And don't get me wrong, I'm very happy that we're going to have a baby... but I'm just worried, you know that my dream is to become the greatest swordsman and I train hard every day to achieve it, but that doesn't give me much time to spend with you.”
— You listen to him carefully —
Zoro— “I want to be there for you, I want to be a good father and boyfriend, but I also have my own dreams and you know that and I don’t want us to argue for that, like we did in the morning, it’s not good for you or the baby.”
— “I understand, Zoro. I’m sorry I acted that way this morning… being pregnant is hard, it can make you more sensitive or have mood swings, or that’s what Chopper told me… So I’ll need you to be patient with me too”
Zoro— He smiles at you and sits next to you — “I understand, ____. I’ll try my best to be a good boyfriend for you and our baby”
— “I know you’ll be a good father, Zoro”
Zoro puts his hand on your abdomen and feels the small bump.
Zoro— “I can’t wait to see if it’s a boy or a girl… Either way, I’ll teach them to be the next greatest swordsman.”
He's a little stressed about the idea of ​​having a baby, as he doesn't want to make you feel alone due to his constant training, but he'll make sure to figure something out, and now you understand that too.
He was quick to notice your mood swings and cravings, noticing how sometimes you just wanted to eat the weirdest combinations or the entire refrigerator or how sometimes you couldn't stand the smell or sight of food.
Of course, he was very worried. Did you want to try new foods that he didn't know about? Did you get bored of his food? He couldn't go on with this, so he decided to ask you because he needed answers immediately.
Sanji was in the kitchen preparing your favorite meal. He noticed that you didn't eat the meal he made this morning. He thought that you probably just didn't like what he made, but he was also thinking about other things.
Did you start to get bored with his cooking? Did you hate the food he was preparing? Or why haven't you been eating the food he's been preparing for you these past few days?
After finishing preparing the meal, he quickly walked out of the kitchen and went to the girl’s room. When he arrived, he knocked on the door, and you lazily said, "Come in."
Sanji— He opens the door and comes inside the room — “My love! I prepared your favorite dish!”
— “Oh, Sanji! Aw, you didn't have to, sweetie”
Sanji— “My love, I noticed that you didn't eat this morning, so you're probably hungry right now”
— “I'm not! I swear I'm okay!”
Sanji— "Are you getting bored of my food? Don't you like it anymore? You haven't been eating any of the food I've been preparing these past few days."
— “Oh, sweetie, it's none of that I swear! F-” — You quickly cover your mouth, you feel like you are going to throw up again —
Sanji— “My love?”
You quickly ran out of the room, you weren't going to be able to go all the way to the restroom to throw up so you had to lean onto the ship rail and throw up everything you had on your stomach.
Sanji follows you and he starts patting your back, letting you know that he's here if you need anything.
Sanji— "____?! Are you okay? Do you need anything? Some water? Should I call Chopper?!"
— “Sanji, I can't stand the smell of food, I have barely been eating because of that... I think I'm sick, please take me to Chopper”
He nods, then he picks you up and takes you to Chopper’s office when he arrives he opens the door with his foot.
Chopper— He turns his head to the door — “Sanji?! ____!? What happened to her?”
Sanji— “She’s been feeling sick lately, she can't stand the smell of food or she feels like she throws up, please, Chopper, do something!”
Chopper— “Okay, please put her on bed.”
Sanji doesn't say anything else and he generally out you on the bed. He's really worried, what if it's something serious? What if it's some kind of sickness that not even Chopper can cure?
Chopper— “Okay, ____, please tell me your symptoms”
— “These past few days I've been feeling like I want to throw up just smelling the food, I have also been noticing that my stomach has been getting rounder, and I've also been feeling more sensitive.”
Chopper— He thinks for a moment — “When was the last time you got your period?”
— “I haven't gotten my period for 3 months now”
Chopper— He gasps — “Could it be that… ____, when was the last time you had sexual relations?!”
— “3 months ago… wait…”
Chopper— “But you used protection right?!”
Sanji— “Um…”
— “…No”
Chopper— “____… I think you're pregnant”
Sanji— “SHE’S WHAT?!”
— “What?! A-Are you sure!?”
Chopper— “I'm sure, but to be more sure I'll need you to take some pregnancy tests”
Chopper quickly ran to the cabinet and gave you a pregnancy test and a cup.
Chopper— “You’ll need to urinate in this cup, and then put the tip of the pregnancy test inside the cup, if it has 2 lines then that means you're pregnant… but if it has one line then it means you aren't pregnant. Any questions?”
You nod at everything Chopper says, how is Sanji taking this? Does he even want to be a father?
Sanji— He coughs — “So, Chopper, I have a question.”
Chopper— “Go ahead”
Sanji— “If she's pregnant…” — His eyes turn into hearts — “Does this mean her breasts will get bigger?!”
Chopper— “Yes indeed, they'll also get more sensitive and could probably leak breast milk, it's something normal but it could be embarrassing for ____.”
Sanji— “Bigger… sensitive… and they leak milk?!” — His nose starts bleeding —
— “Sanji!” — Your face turns red —
Chopper— “Sanji!?”
Later that night, after Chopper performed a blood transfusion on Sanji, and you took the pregnancy test that indeed came out positive, Sanji is still resting in bed. However, you are feeling impatient and decide to show him the pregnancy test now.
You open Chopper’s office and see Sanji resting on the bed, but he isn't asleep, he is just staring at the ceiling.
— “Sanji?”
Sanji— “____-love! Was the pregnancy test positive?!”
— You hand him the pregnancy test — “It is…”
Sanji— His eyes shine — “My love! We're having a baby! I can't believe this I real!”
He stands up picks you up and gently puts you on the bed.
— “Sanji, are you actually happy? I mean, do you really want to have a baby?”
Sanji— “Of course I am happy! I always wanted to start a family with you! Oh, this is the best day of my life!” — He starts filling your face with his kisses —
— You giggle — “Stop that! It tickles!”
Sanji— He laughs — “I'm sorry I'm just really happy!”
— “I'm happy too, but I won't be able to fight while I'm pregnant…”
Sanji— “You don't have to worry about that, ____. You know I'll always protect you!”
— You smile at him — “I'm sure you will”
Sanji— “I love you so much, sweetheart”
— “I love you too”
This man is happy about the idea of having a baby. He knows you will be a wonderful mother, and he is excited to see the changes your breasts will have. However, that's not all he cares about, he cares about your well-being and commodity, and will always be there for you if you ever need something. Trust me, he‘ll be the good father he never had. (biologically)
The three of them have their own opinions about having a baby, but even with different opinions, the three of them will be great fathers! And they trust their crewmates to take care of you anytime they can't! <3
Please let me know if I made spelling mistakes, some things don’t make sense or got their personality wrong!
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mythica0 · 27 days
No sadness allowed!
🎂: Fop: A new wish
🍫: Peri
Summary: Peri makes good on his promise; no sad Dev’s allowed! (This is a sequel to doctor tickle monster but can be read without reading the other)
Tw /cw there’s angst but it ends in fluff :3
A/N: Incase you couldn’t tell, Lee dev Ler Peri is my fav duo to write for atm. Hope ya’ll enjoy!
No sadness allowed!
It was a day like any other. Dev and Hazel were hanging out after school, their respective godparents trailing with them.
The two had planned to go on adventures, but wanted to stop at Dev’s house first to get some snacks. After they entered the large, empty home, they went to the kitchen.
However, on the way there they ran into Dale.
“Devin. I need to talk to you.”
Dev looked scared at the prospect, looked back to Hazel worriedly and then followed his father into the other room, shuffling his feet.
‘I hate it when my father says something like that.. it usually means I’m in trouble..’
“Devin. Do you know why I have summoned you?”
“N-No, dad.”
“I have noticed that you haven’t been wearing your shades as often as you used to, which is dropping your ratings among the focus group. They said that your shades make you look above others, as you are as a Dimmadome. If you cannot wear your shades, you aren’t worth my time. Leave, I don’t want to see you right now.”
“Y-yes father.” The young boy replied, leaving the office with his head down.
Hazel and the fairies were waiting for him.
“Are you alright Dev”
He looked down slightly and made a dismissive gesture. “Yeah, I’m fine, Hazel.”
Everyone knew he was lying, but decided not to press. Peri, however, already knew what he was going to do. He just had to wait.
After a short walk to the park, Dev eyed his shades that he had set on the bench, and then turned away. The two friends began to form ideas of what they would wish for, the game they were going to play.
But all of a sudden, Peri spoke up.
“Hey, Dev~”
Dev stiffened for a moment, looking up at his godfather. He couldn’t place it, but the tone Peri was using sent a shiver up his spine.
“Yes, Peri?”
“Do you remember our conversation from the other day~”
Dev thought for a moment, stumped, before Peri spoke again. “No sadness allowed~”
Dev startled straight up and immediately got nervous, putting on a fake smile. “I-I feel a lot better all of a sudden! Ha.. ha..” he laughed nervously.
“What’s going on here?” Hazel inquired, tilting her head in confusion.
Her question went unanswered and Wanda and cosmo Shrugged as she looked to them.
“I don’t quite believe you, Dev. In fact, I think I’m going to have to help you smile for real.”
“Th-that’s really not necessary!”
Peri inched closer to Dev, who was backing up slowly and completely ineffectively.
“Well unless you can give me a real smile, I think I’m going to have to tickle it out of you~”
As he finished his sentence, he pounced, tackling the kid and squeezing his sides rapidly.
The others in the area’s eyes widened in realization, smiles growing on their faces.
Despite trying to hold out, Dev broke almost instantly. “Crahahahap, Peheheheri nohoho!!”
“DEV, YOU’RE TICKLISH? THATS SO CUTE! How did I not know about this before?!” Hazel basically squealed in delight at the scene before her.
“That’s what i said,” Peri started, as if there wasn’t a giggling, squirming child underneath him. “But the kid didn’t think he was cute!”
“Ahahahah Peehehherihi!!” The Gingers bubbly giggles filled the park, if anyone else was there they certainly would’ve been drawn to the sweet noise.
“What’s wrong, Dev? Does it tickle?”
“eehehee yehehehehess!!!”
“Well in that case I should keep doing it.”
“Nohohoho, dohohohont!!”
“Don’t what?”
“Tihihihickle mehehehe!”
“Tickle you? Why of course, kid!” Peri then moved to scribbling underneath the kids arms, causing him to crash them to his sides trapping the hands in place.
Hazel, Cosmo and Wanda looked on, grinning. This was adorable!
“EEHEEE! Thahahts nohohot whahahaht I mehehehant!”
“Well, is it working?”
“NOhohoho!” The kid lied, knowing full well that it was, in fact, working.
“Well then, I guess I should up the dose!”
“Wahahahait nohohoho!!”
“Yes~ and a tktktktktktktktktktktk..” Peri then started poking and spidering on the kids tummy, which he had rightfully assumed was his worst spot by far.
Dev blushed from the teasing and bubbly, joyful laughter pouring from him non-stop. He kicked his feet, trying to get some of the ticklish energy out of his body, but he wasn’t really trying to stop the fairy from tickling him.
“Aww, guys look how happy he is!” Wanda cooed, only increasing the redness on the kids face.
Peri decided that he needed a big ol’ finally, and announced to Dev, “are you ready, kid? Cause this is really gonna tickle.”
Before the kid even had a chance to respond, Peri started blowing raspberry after raspberry all over the kids tummy and sides, never relenting his wiggling fingers.
Dev was in stitches, giggling loudly and hysterically, small, joyful tears forming in his eyes.
Eventually, Peri relented, getting off the kid.
He continued to giggle, unable to stop the flow of laughter exiting him.
“Thahaht… wahahas… aha lohot.” Dev had a huge smile on his face, unable to shake it.
“But you enjoyed it, right?”
Dev’s face, which had just started to cool down, immediately turned bright red again.
“Wha- What? No!” He lied, flusteredly trying to deny it.
“Don’t lie Dev~ we all know you did!” Peri smiled down at him.
“Yeah no you definitely enjoyed that.” Hazel replied.
“Looked like it worked to cheer you up to me!” Wanda cheerfully said.
“Yeah! And your still smiling all big and happy like!” Cosmo finished, solidifying that everyone knew.
Dev blushed a bit more, but at realizing that it wasn’t really a secret, he blurted out a flustered, “yeah, okay, I enjoyed it, shut up!” And then covered his red hot face with his hands.
They all laughed and then continued with their adventures, the smile never leaving Dev’s face.
Little did he know that Hazel knowing he was ticklish wouldn’t be glazed over…
———THE END————————————————
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hikari-drkspc · 1 year
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❅ “In The Name Of Love” ❅
character: yandere! shishio tsukasa [dr. stone]
warning: yandere, implication of m0rder, c0nfin3m3nt, poss3ssiv3 tendencies ; MINOR/AGELESS BLOGS DNI, PUT YOUR AGE IN BIO/PINNED POST TO INTERACT
words: 1.2k
a/n: this is a repost from my main blog (@/hikari-writes) so yes this writing is old + bad, i just moved them here w/o editing bc im lazy and wants to keep reminding myself how bad my writing used to be <3 also this was a request from my main blog!!
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“Tsukasa, remember what I told you before?”
You ask in a monotone voice, looking up at your boyfriend who was hugging you from behind.
“I remember every word you say, love, but you have to specify for me to know which one you’re referring to.”
He holds you closer to him and you could feel his warmth seeping in through you. If this were you from 3000 years ago, you would’ve enjoyed his warmth and think of how lucky you were to have someone like him as your lover.
But now, it all just seems so…suffocating.
Ever since he’s been revived back by Senku and joining the Kingdom of Science, he has become more protective and possessive of you.
No, that’s not it.
He’s already shown that kind of behaviour long ago. Maybe you didn’t realize it 3000 years ago because you two just started going out but even before when Tsukasa still was in charge of his own empire, you could’ve at least noticed the red flags he was giving.
He constantly asked you to stay with him and won’t let go of you almost until the end of the day. Even when you were about to try to do something else, he would grab you and force you to sit on his laps.
His grip on you was gentle, but it was enough to make you stay and not move around too much.
You haven’t told this to anyone yet, not even Mirai, but you were actually…dreading the time when Senku will petrify him and revive him back.
All those times when Tsukasa was still in his cryogenic state, everyone kept encouraging you to stay strong and reassuring you that Senku will revive him back soon.
And you would always just reply to them with a wry smile and a “I’m fine,” so as to not worry them.
You originally had thought you were going to feel depressed about this whole ordeal too. But you never did.
In fact, you felt so…free. Almost as if a big burden had just been lifted from your shoulders. You were happy with that.
You actually even wished Senku never found the Petrification Weapon. You truly enjoyed the freedom that you felt. You wished it would stay.
But in the end, nothing ever stays.  
Tsukasa was revived and you are back in his grip once again.
You hated every moment of it.
“About being too protective of me! I was just going to help Gen with some of his work. I know you’re protective of me because you’re worried, but can you please just let me do something to help others?”
You finally break free from his hug and turn to him. Your eyebrows are crossed, showing how displeased you are with the whole situation.
“But if I let go of you, you’ll definitely run away from me.”
Your eyes widened at what he said. You didn’t expect him to feel that way. All this time, you had thought that the reason Tsukasa was so overprotective of you might’ve been because he was worried…or maybe even because he wanted to have control of you.
You went quiet for a moment. In a sense, he’s not wrong. But to actually know he felt that way…it’s actually making you feel guilty.
“Tsukasa….I won’t run away from you, so don’t worry, alright?”
You wrap your arms around his large frame, successfully convincing him that you won’t do something like that. He returns the hug and pulls you closer.
“…Y/N, if you truly mean what you said, will you forgive me for what I’m about to do?”
You pull away and look up at him, confused.
Not even a second after that, you felt your consciousness slowly slipping away from you. You could hear the loud throbbing from your neck after Tsukasa just striked it.
You mustered up what little strength you have left to let out a “What?” but even that has proven to be difficult. All you managed to hear was Tsukasa’s last words before you completely lost your consciousness.
“Do forgive me for doing this, love. You’re too pure to be tainted by this dirty world.”
You slowly open your eyes to see the darkness greeting you. You tried to get up but your whole body felt so weak and your limbs refused to work for you. You cursed under your breath and tried to adjust your eyes to the darkness. The place sure seemed familiar.
Then it hit you.
It’s the prison.
You tried to scream out loud but your voice only echoed throughout the prison without anyone responding. You could feel your heart beating rapidly like never before as soon as you heard a series of footsteps nearing you.
It’s not as if you recognized the footsteps or anything, but the way the pace is so calm and unrushed even after your scream of help convinced you that the owner of the footsteps knew you’re trapped in there. And they’re not willing to let you out anytime soon.
And who else would want to do such things other than your former beloved,
You hissed out his name while glaring at his broad figure towering over you over the cell wooden bars.
“I’m sorry you had to go in here, my love. Trust me, I don’t want you to be placed here either, but I have no choice.”
He tried to cup your cheeks in his hands but you quickly moved your face away from him.
“Tsukasa, whatever this madness is, STOP it. Do you think the others won’t know what you’re doing? Soon enough, you will—”
“They won’t. After all, you are considered dead in their hearts.”
He cut you off with those words and your eyes widened in horror at him. Your lips tremble and you try to hide your unease by glaring at him.
Before you could ask him what he meant, he spoke up as if he had just read your mind.
“I told them that you died. An animal attack, precisely. It’s completed with evidence and all. I did also get some helping hand from some people though. Couldn’t have done it without them.”
He stops for a moment to look at you who were frozen in your place and finally cups both your cheeks to bring it closer to him.
“This cell was built especially for you, back when I still ruled over my own empire. It’s located very deep into this cave, and no one would dare to come here.”
“You mean to say you’ve been planning to put me in confinement for a long time now?! What— I-”
Tsukasa looks at you, his eyes turning soft and he looks so melancholic. You almost snapped at him when you saw that expression. If anyone here is supposed to cry, it’s YOU, not him.
“I didn’t think it was necessary…until recently. When other people started looking at you as if you’re some kind of walking meat that they’re about to devour.  It disgusts me so much, and I couldn’t handle it anymore…so I made the decision to keep you safe here….and wipe those people out.”
Your blood runs cold at that statement.
Wipe those people out?
He couldn’t have meant that literally….right?
You didn’t even realize your tears were running down your cheeks until you felt Tsukasa gently wiped them away. He gives you his soft smile that you used to know so very well, yet it felt so foreign now.
“Because I love you, Y/N. I always have and will continue to forever be in love with you.”
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