#what is forensic cloning
naquey · 7 months
Death: You can't bring the dead back to life Grelle, who cloned Madame Red: Of course not! It would set off the balance! Sebastian: Didn't you just- Grelle, slamming a hand over his mouth, profusively sweating: What kind of sicko would bring someone back to life? Reggie, said clone: Is this a good time to bring in the tea, my lady? Grelle: Yes, yes! I almost forget I wanted you to try some tea I imported from China! Death: Grelle: Death: He's a clone isn't he?
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vodika-vibes · 1 month
Take A Chance On Happiness
Summary: While on Coruscant, Sev meets someone who views the world the same way he does. And he decides to take a chance on happiness.
Pairing; Pre Clone Commando Sev x F!Reader
Word Count: 882
Warnings: None, really
A/N: This isn't really good, but I'm not going to have much time to write for the next week or so, because of family, so I wanted to get at least one story out this week.
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It starts like this.
Sev and his pod brothers arrive on Coruscant after a long mission. Their ship needs repairs, and that’s the only reason that they were rerouted to Coruscant. Stars know that the GAR would never give them recuperation time.
And while he would never say it out loud, Sev does love his pod brothers. They’re the other parts of his soul after all. But sometimes he needs a break from them.
A break from Scorch’s bad jokes.
From Fixer’s disapproving sighs.
From Boss’ incessant worrying (though, to his older brother’s credit, he hides his worry behind a gruff demeanor and barked orders).
So he offered an excuse and he left the barracks that they borrowed while they were on Coruscant.
There are few places on Coruscant where clones are welcomed. 79s, if he was in the mood for drinking, dancing, or companionship. Dex’s Diner if he was in the mood for filling food. There’s a library, if he wants to find something to read. And a few cafes that give free treats and caf to Clones.
But, in truth, Sev isn’t in the mood for any of that.
Alcohol wouldn’t hurt, but if he wanted to drink he’d have stayed with his pod brothers. And, so soon returned from the battlefield, the last thing he wants is strangers pressed against him, trying to coax him out of the safety of his armor.
So, instead of visiting his normal haunts, Sev allows his feet to lead him to the memorial wall.
The fact that there’s a memorial for fallen clones is still a shock to him, but it is nice to visit from time to time. Even if it tends to make him melancholic.
The nice thing about the wall is that nat borns don’t visit it. Save for the few who actually care about clones.
And so, when he arrives at the wall, he’s surprised to see that he’s not alone. The woman seems to be reading the names on the wall, her fingers tracing a name every now and then. 
There’s music playing, Sev isn’t sure where it’s coming from, at first, but soon realizes that the music is coming from the woman’s comm. It sounds like a ballad. A song of loss and hope in the face of great despair.
She turns to look at him and the music stops. Sev finds himself missing the music already.
“Apologies,” Her voice is light, it almost flows like a river, “I thought I was alone here. I normally am.”
“You come here often then?” Sev asks.
“Every day, after work.” She turns to face him fully, her gaze flickering to the paint on his armor. Intentionally painted in such a way as to look like blood. She tilts her head to one side and steps closer to him, “Your paint is meant to look like blood?”
“That bother you?”
“Only in the sense that paint doesn’t have the same consistency of blood and so it doesn’t spread the same.” She leans in slightly, “You did do a very good job, though.”
“You know blood, cyar’ika?”
“I’m a forensic scientist who specializes in blood.” She explains, “It’s terribly interesting. You can learn so much from a crime scene based on the blood of the victim.”
Sev’s lips curl up into a slightly amused smile, “I wouldn’t know. I’m generally the person spreading the blood everywhere.”
“Oh?” There’s interest in her gaze, “Like what?”
“You ever see what a Geonosian looks like when it gets blown up?” He asks.
Her painted lips curl up into a smile, “There aren’t very many Geonosians on Coruscant.”
Sev absently taps his helmet, “I have recordings if you want to see. Though they’re not civvie friendly.”
“I would like to see.” She replies, “I’ve seen a lot of twisted things, but an exploding anything is new.” She pauses a moment and twists a thick strand of hair around a finger, “You could come to my place. I have a small sarlacc.”
“A small sarlacc?”
“Genetically modified so it never gets larger than a decently sized pot.” She explains, “Plus, and I don’t mean to brag, but I think I’m a pretty spectacular cook. And you look like you could use a good meal or two.”
“That right?”
“And, if you’re interested, I can take you to the body farm tomorrow.”
“Oh? You planning on inviting me to spend the night?”
“Only if you want.”
He pauses, “What’s the body farm?”
“Oh! It’s a wonderful place! People who donate their bodies to science sometimes end up at the body farm so people like me can study the effects of the environment on their bodies as they decay.”
Sev stares at her, his jaw dropped, “That sounds awesome.” He admits, “I would love to visit the body farm with you. I just need to tell my brothers where I’ll be.”
“Perfect! You’ll be thrilled to see it!” Her smile is small, “I don’t get many guests. But I think you’ll like it.”
“I’m sure I will.” Sev’s grin widens, “I’m going to comm my older brother and tell him that I’m going to a body farm with a woman I just met. He’s going to freak.”
She laughs, “I think we’re going to get along just fine.”
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invaderlynx · 11 months
There’s a common headcanon that Bly took his own life after realizing what he’d done during Order 66. My brain decided to make that ten times worse for some reason:
Bly is a very competent officer. He’s a marshal commander—and a damn good one at that. For that reason, I can’t see him killing himself on a campaign, either by enemy fire or otherwise. He wouldn’t want to leave his men in a lurch, make more trouble for them than he had to, or endanger them in any way. So I’d have to imagine that if he had suicidal designs, he’d probably act on them while on leave. And where exactly do most troopers end up on leave? Coruscant.
Fox gets the call early in the morning. The war’s been over for weeks, but he’s still bone-tired. The fighting may be finished, but Coruscant has never conformed to the war’s schedule. He’s just as busy as he was before, if not more so. It weighs on him. Heavily.
The message is simple enough. A clone officer was found dead in his quarters with a blaster bolt through his brain, apparently self-inflicted. Fox doesn’t blame him, the poor bastard. Force knows he’s seen his fair share of suicides. Hell, he’s considered it himself.
Since the clone was a high ranking officer of the GAR, standard protocol dictates that the military police examine the body to rule out any evidence of foul play. Fox is about to dispatch a forensic squad when he finally gets to the CC number associated with the request. His blood runs cold. CC-5052.
Fox doesn’t send the requisite medical team. He goes himself. He’d trust his men with his life, but he doesn’t trust anyone but himself to care for his brother. His vod’ika.
The last time he saw Bly was months before the end of the war. Months before the incident with Rex’s ARC, before everything fell apart.
It was the last time all four of them were together. Wolffe, Cody, Bly, and himself, all crammed into a little back room booth at 79’s. Fox can’t remember what they were celebrating that day. Perhaps it was just the fact that they were all together again. 
Bly was just on the wrong side of tipsy—his tattooed cheeks flushed red and glowing in the neon light—but he was happy. Cody was goading him on about something having to do with General Secura. Like he was any better, the hypocrite. Wolffe had loudly pointed this out and then promptly spilled his drink when Cody gave him a shove. 
Fox felt lighter that night than he had in weeks, the bone-deep stress of Coruscant dissipating in the presence of his brothers. Surrounded by the people he loved most in the galaxy with the warm thrum of liquor in his veins, the war seemed distant. The incessant demands of the chancellor and Senate could wait, at least for a few hours. The most pressing thing for him right now was trying to rescue his drink from Cody and Wolffe’s play-fighting. 
When the night was over, Fox was saddled with the task of getting Bly back to his rooms in one piece. The whole way Bly had gushed into Fox’s shoulder about “Aayla”, his face pressed into the plastoid of Fox’s armor as his brother carried him back. By the end, the sight of his quarters had been a relief. Fox was about ready to strangle him. 
Before he’d gone Bly had hugged him, pulled him in for the most uncoordinated keldabe Fox thinks he’d ever seen, and told him he loved him. Fox can’t remember now if he’d said it back. Maker, he hopes he’d said it back.
Fox hesitates at the door to Bly’s quarters. His heart thuds painfully in his chest and his hands shake worse than they ever did during the war. There’s a tight, white-hot fear that’s coiled in his gut, freezing him in place. He forces himself to take a few breaths, ignoring its desperate, keening warnings.
He punches in the door code and steps inside. 
There’s no mistaking the corpse that lies before him. Any lingering hope that his brother might still be alive, that there’s been a mistake, dies in his chest. 
He makes the executive decision to spare Bly the indignity of an autopsy. Call it commander’s privilege. He knows enough forensics to realize that the wound was self-inflicted. He knows enough about Bly too.
He handles the body like it’s the most precious thing he’s ever carried. He gently arranges his brother’s bent limbs, straightens his uniform, closes his eyes. It won’t matter, his remains will be cremated all the same no matter how he looks, but it matters to Fox.
He escorts the hover stretcher to the crematorium—an honor guard of one. He’s not sure whether Bly would appreciate the gesture. They hadn’t spoken since Fox had killed that ARC, since he had been summarily declared “dar’manda”. He’s certain he wouldn’t be Bly’s first choice of pallbearer, but their other brothers are scattered across the galaxy or else marching on. Fox will have to do.
The guardsman on duty seems nervous. He’s a shiny and has likely never been around an officer for this long before, let alone one of Fox’s rank. He looks like he wants to ask something. Fox hopes he won’t. He doesn’t trust himself to speak at the moment.
Fox waits as the body is incinerated, standing at parade rest as the flames cast shadows through the small transparisteel window of the capsule. There won’t be anything to take back. This crematorium was designed to handle clone casualties that were never meant to be buried. Whatever ash is left over will be sent to a Coruscant waste facility automatically. 
Fox waits anyway.
Even with the best technology the Republic has to offer, the process still takes about an hour. The kid informs him when it’s over, his voice barely above a squeak. Maker, he’s young. Fox thanks him, taking care to make sure his voice doesn’t shake. Were he and his brothers that young when they left Kamino? 
The walk back to his office is torture. It takes every shred of discipline Kamino ever instilled in him to keep from breaking down. He measures his breaths, his strides, all the way down to his very heartbeat to keep up the appearance of the dutiful commander he’s meant to be.
It’s a mercy when he finally arrives at his destination. The moment the office door is locked behind him his facade cracks. His legs give out at last and he braces his back against the wall, bringing his knees up to his chest. He rips off his helmet, letting it clatter unceremoniously at his side. He curls in on himself. His body shakes with wracking sobs. His vod’ika is gone. He’s gone marching on somewhere Fox can’t follow.
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suzukiblu · 11 months
sorry to continually dump ideas into your inbox, but i have yet another. thinking of kryptonians having a mating cycle, and kon going into his first mating period not knowing why he’s suddenly so horny all the time and why he just can’t stop thinking of tim
Very few things bother me LESS than getting presents in my inbox, friend, trust me, haha.
So like, desperately horny needy-feeling and touch-starved Kon who can NOT figure out why he's so gd fixated on Tim to the point that he can't even get it up for anyone else despite being, again, Desperately Horny? And of COURSE Clark didn't give him the Kryptonian version of The Talk, because he's Clark and probably just distractedly told himself Kon was probably too human to need it and he'd just handle it if it ever actually came up, and Kara and Karen ABSOLUTELY assumed Clark HAD already handled it because Kon's HIS clone, and Kon ofc is oblivious to it even mattering or being a thing at all. Kon just thinks he's being a creep and a weirdo about his best friend and kinda hates himself for it.
Kon ALSO does not know how Kryptonians, like . . . actually reproduced, really. Like not in any real detail, at least. Birthing matrix? What's that??
Meanwhile, his Thinker-originated genes are sitting up and paying attention to just how RIDICULOUSLY bad they want to collect genetic material from the insanely smart and clever genius detective who knows a ton of stuff about cloning and forensic science and strategy and how to drive a Super-Cycle. They want that for their mate! They want that for their ONLY mate!! They want to throw their DNA in a test tube together and make a BABY with that mate!!!!
Kon, who is functioning on slightly higher brainpower levels than Kryptonian instinct but is also very uneducated about said instincts and the related methodologies of them, just thinks he's really unnecessarily into the idea of making Tim come in, like . . . whatever part of him, apparently, apparently his stupid horny brain doesn't even care, it just wants Tim to COME and it wants Tim to GIVE him his come, seriously it'd accept a fucking fertility clinic donation cup of it at this point, and HOW IS THAT A NORMAL SEX FANTASY, HUMAN-SOCIALIZED KON DEMANDS. HOW. HOW.
Mating cycle-brained Kon would absolutely, ABSOLUTELY go stick Tim's DNA in a birthing matrix if he could and not even think twice about it, of course.
And absolutely will, if Tim is dumb enough to fuck him when Kon finally snaps and jumps him while Clark's off-planet and not keeping an eye on what's happening in the Fortress. By the time Clark gets back from deep space, morning-after cycle-brained Kon is contentedly watching Kelex mix up a brand-new baby for him and Tim without having, like . . . actually been rational-minded enough to have ASKED Tim . . .
Clark, sweating: . . . I knew I forgot something.
Somewhere in Gotham, Bruce feels an inexplicable urge to get out the kryptonite and stab his best BFF.
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zahri-melitor · 7 months
I am curious here--what would you chose Tim Drake's college major to be? And this assumes he finishes college, and doesn't do a 70s Dick and drop out.
There's two significant questions here: what would Tim be interested in studying, and what would he be bored by?
A general list of things I am aware Tim's interested in:-
Mechanical engineering (hello cars)
Forensics (Tim was the lead on the Wayne Corp forensics lab)
Biology (hello cloning lab)
Social work (Neon Knights, also would be handy adjacent to the Foundation)
Computer Science (He's the next most techy Bat after Barbara)
There's also the possibility that Tim would go for a general Business or Arts degree on the basis they tick the boxes to 'have a degree' and nobody would question why one of the Wayne kids got, in terms of working for the family business, and they'd be far more flexible than the mostly science and engineering list above, which has higher, more structured contact hours. If he's simply getting a degree to say he has a degree to tick that box, he could assemble the most random collection of subjects in say Arts for his own entertainment.
However, one particular science/engineering crossover that pops out at me as both relevant to Tim's superhero interests AND excusable cover in his civilian life: biomedical engineering.
It matches nicely with Drake Industries being in 'medical supplies' in terms of a cover story for why he's interested in it, should anyone ask (tribute to my parents etc etc). Wayne Enterprises/Waynecorp does materials research and biomedical work which is partly Thomas Wayne stuff and partly cover for Batman research stuff. Some of his cloning background could tap in here, equally his computing skills. It would also be a job where the amount of materials engineering involved would spill over into Tim's familiarity with alien and magical materials and metals. And if he gets an undergraduate in it, Tim's got plausible deniability for knowing a whole bunch of extra science stuff on this spectrum, but could equally work as a lab tech, or in administration for a medical business, in that he's got the background to understand the products but nobody really expects him to come back with a PhD.
It just hits a whole bunch of his interest areas pretty well, and it's got a solid civilian cover reason to go into it.
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cirque-dhomosexual · 2 years
My own personal Scooby-Doo re-imagining canon includes:
-out and proud lesbian Dominican/Puerto Rican Velma (yes I'm projecting, leave me alone)
-Velma has audhd
- velmaphne happens eventually
-sapphic/unlabeled daphne
-ace/homoromantic and autistic Fred Jones
-he's dating Shaggy who is a pan Trans man
- they are adhd/autism boyfriends
-fuck it, they're all autistic and you can fight me
-Velma and Fred have a shared special interest in machines and will talk about it with each other. They love to share what they know or what they learned and talk about improvements to designs and the like.
-daph and Fred grew up together. Daph's family works in politics and Fred's dad is running for governor or some other government role. Maybe daph's dad is a congressman.
-Daphne is very romantic and tried to liken their relationship to that of a fairytale with Fred being her prince charming but it didn't work out that way
-the two are fs soul mates just not the ones Daphne wanted originally
-she did play match maker to shaggy and Fred and it was a feat. Although, she couldn't clock velms would practically break her back bending over backwards for her.
- they meet in college where velms is majoring in forensic science , Daph is double majoring in business and hospitality (because of her parents) but she switches to journalism where she is much happier, Fred is in Mechanical engineering (idk it makes sense imo) and shaggy is majoring in veterinary science or culinary arts.
-they met in a creative writing class for their humanities credit where they find out they have a shared love of horror movies and mysteries. They did seriously debate on creating a Vincent Van Ghoul fanclub.
- they don't become an actual mystery solving group until they find out about a missing person's case for a student in their class and decided to take matters into their own hands
-found family™ they understand each other like no one else
-besties shaggy and daphne! Daph is a huge foodie and runs a vlogging channel with him! They love romantic comedies and this one novella in particular and will have frequent sleepovers where they do each other's nails and hair and gossip and fan tf out
- Fred joins in on occasion. He loves it even though he doesn't know what's going on. He does engage when he can though and somehow becomes very versed in the relationship dynamics of the show
-shaggy plays wingman for velms and daph and will listen to both of them pine over the other. He is tired.
-velma is fluent in 5 languages and uses them frequently, even to flirt.
-Daph can speak 3 but mostly just to talk business.
-daphne tries so fucking hard to live up to the expectations that her parents has for her and she does but they are never completely satisfied. Her whole arc is finding her own sense of self outside of her family.
-she's head of the cheer team, debate club, and the fashion column in the school's newspaper and graduated saludatorian at her high school
-Velms is also a journalist and she will try and work with daph when she can
-Supernatural occurances does happen. Eventually at least. In the beginning it's their regular whodunit shtick until they meet cosmic horrors that even Lovecraft couldn't imagine and cults (gasp)
-there will be stakes! It will be mature and dark but bc the plot calls for it
-daph was a part of the hex girls as she roadie and backup to Thorne, she did use this fact to flirt with velms.
-They are their brujas on speed dial.
-The gang doesn't know how Daph did it or for how long and they'll never get a straight answer. One day daph will say she found them practicing in an abandoned space and the next she might say they met at a commune. Her favorite thing to say is "oh. You know." as cryptically as she can and just stare off into the distance, just for kicks. Shaggy is convinced Thorne is Daphs twin sister or clone and they won't try and convince him otherwise.
-the hex girls are a polyam couple
-Scooby is young dog instead of having grown up with shaggy. Great Danes only have like an 8-10 year life span where 6 is average. Shaggy found him a injured and wandering on the edge of the woods that's next to the school.
I do plan on writing out this fic but idk if it has any merit. If I do write it would anyone be interested in reading?
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This day in history
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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#20yrsago Kalashnikov: US gov’t is pirating my AK-47 design https://www.nytimes.com/2004/07/26/world/who-s-a-pirate-russia-points-back-at-the-us.html
#20yrsago Real ships guerrilla DRM for the iPod https://www.nytimes.com/2004/07/26/business/media-realnetworks-plans-to-sell-songs-to-be-played-on-ipod.html
#20yrsago 30,000 anti-Induce Act letters sent to Congress https://web.archive.org/web/20040723084653/https://action.eff.org/action/index.asp?step=2&item=2918
#10yrsago Journalist believes his phone was hacked by spooks at HOPE X, will upload image for forensics https://thecryptosphere.com/2014/07/23/report-from-hope-x-surveillance-snowden-stratfor-and-surprises/
#10yrsago What’s original? Cloning games versus making games https://www.raphkoster.com/2014/07/23/when-is-a-clone/
#10yrsago Great video explainer: Vint Cerf on ICANN and NTIA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vd3dH90tdhk
#5yrsago Trade war: Hasbro is shifting manufacturing to Vietnam and India, drawing down production in China https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-24/world-s-top-toymaker-joins-companies-leaving-china-s-factories
#5yrsago #Rickyrenuncia: Bowing to popular pressure, Puerto Rican governor Ricardo Rossello has resigned https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-24/puerto-rico-lawmakers-push-to-impeach-crisis-beset-governor
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#5yrsago Adblocking: How about nah? https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/07/adblocking-how-about-nah
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#5yrsago Analyzing 800 daily tweets that say “Today was the day that Donald Trump became president” https://twitter.com/waxpancake/status/1154098035183329280
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pevensiechase · 1 year
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Incorrect Quotes As Said By My Friends
Ahsoka [about Barriss]: I was friends with a murderer... ------ Anakin: Okay, we're not gonna eat cucumbers today Obi-Wan: Those are celery Anakin: It's the same thing ------ Obi-Wan [about Anakin]: Is he making a second Orbees pool? I swear, if he's making a second Orbees pool... ------ Anakin: I did jiu jitsu! I'm so smart! - [ten seconds later] Rex [about Anakin]: Anndddd...he's on the ground ------ Echo: Well, we should either video this...or- Fives: No. There's no other option. We're just gonna record it. ------ Obi-Wan: You just went from pop to Beethoven. ------ Ahsoka: Why did you use such a big knife for a strawberry? Anakin: It's the only one we had left! ------ Echo: They're already dead! You can't assassinate someone if they're already dead, Fives! ------ Kix: I can't wait to go to forensic science. And we're gonna look at more femurs and pelvises and humeruses. ------ Tech: The people in my physics class didn't know what a kriffing seagull was! ------ Kix: Wait, go back. That one. That one's the medkit because that's the symbol for bacta. Jesse: Wait, you know what bacta is? Kix, the literal medic for the 501st: *looks into the camera like on The Office* ------ Wrecker: And then they set the place on fire! It was hilarious! ------ Cody: My entire life is a joke. ------ Fives: I knew. I was just making sure that you knew that I knew. ------ Boost: WHY DO I ALWAYS PUT THESE SOCKS ON INSIDE OUT?! ------ Fives: Where's the cleaner? Echo: In the other room. Fives: This thing? The thing that looks like a goose? ----- *toilet flushes* Hardcase: HIYAHHH Jesse, walking out of the bathroom: *shrieks* ------ Fives: You want me to think? Do you know how dangerous that is for me to do? ------ Anakin: Chartreuse? It's a yellow-green. I learned that from Blue's Clues. And the color was chosen by a cat named Periwinkle. ------ Tech: I have no idea how football works. It's like "throw the ball, touchdown! 5 points!" The rest of the Bad Batch: Uhhhh, it's 6 points. Tech: Wait, a touchdown is 6 points? I thought it was five points! ------ Obi-Wan [to Anakin]: Do you see what Yoda says? Yoda is right. ------ Cody, reading paperwork: WHERE DOES IT SAY KRIFFIN' WALT DISNEY? ------ Anakin: Charge your phone, woman. ------ Hardcase: Oh, I knew a horse that did that! Jesse: That horse was autistic.
(Part 2, coming soon!)
Edit: Part 2 is up!
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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its-just-hyper · 6 months
@nepeta-leijon-official ALRIGHT! SO! DRHF stars fuka toyoda as our ultimate lucky student and main character! (…till he’s… ahaha well-)
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We’ve got a full cast (including a monokuma clone named monosune. Her banter with monokuma is that of a ‘wife’… it goes as well as you’d expect)
Rantaro Amami (ignore his hair thing I swear it doesn’t mean anything for Toyoda)
Fuka Toyoda — ultimate lucky student. He’s believed his luck has been nothing but exceptionally awful, always putting him in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe his luck is changing now that he’s been accepted to hopes peak, right?
Kei Keiouma— ultimate forensic scientist. She’s your kyoko, your sidekick ^^
Chinatsu Hara — ultimate pop sensation. She’s supposed to be a subversion of sayaka. She acts as your ‘antagonist’ and attempts murder at least once. (She fails)
Kohaku Bando — Ultimate Rockstar. What Leon should’ve been. Don’t think about the implications of a Makoto, Sayaka, and Leon homage, it doesn’t mean anything I promise (lying)
Toshiba Tone — Ultimate Basketball Player. We tried to fit into danganronpa tropes so here is your Sporty Big Tit Girl Who Miraculously Survived!
Shiori Shishido — Ultimate Veterinarian. Her size is intimidating until you’ve seen her holding a kitten. She’s a sweetheart and would totally wrestle an Aligator for anyone.
Geiichi Takata — Ultimate Playwrite. Short perv except he’s tall. His disrespect and bad behavior definitely won’t bite him in the ass (lying)
Umeko Mita — Ultimate Gardener. Umeko did nothing wrong. I promise. I promise. I promise. A they slash them (literally), umeko hates bullies and loves flowers.
Shinobu Akamine — Ultimate Blacksmith. Tragic lesbian. Strong and quiet and definitely a target of suspicion, with her weaponry and such.
Hikaru Ozawa — Ultimate Dungeon Master. Fast friends with Umeko, Hikaru is convinced that he’s the one controlling the game, getting more and more distressed and needlessly guilty as more people die. Hope no one hears him calling himself the Mastermind, since he quite genuinely isn’t.
Sayuri Kubota — Ultimate Ringleader. The small and cute one ™. Friends with Shiori over their love of animals (although everyone loves Shiori), totally not just himiko wearing blue ⸝⸝==‘⸝⸝
Hanzo Tsutsumi — Ultimate ‘Motorcyclist’ ashamed of his true talent (shsl janitor) he keeps his distance and tries to act cool. Whhhat, the hidden talent character ™ isn’t a protag? Who could’ve guessed. Huh.
Masuyo Hamamoto — Ultimate Chessmaster. Tragic lesbian part 2. She’s literally so cool and smart and selfless. Only good things happen to the smart and selfless ones, remember sakura? :)
Yuto Nakono— Ultimate Stand-up Comedian. His biting jokes usually get a laugh, even if they can be kind of mean. Of course, he doesn’t really know where to stop, even when lines are crossed. He gets along very well with umeko because of this. (Lying). Good thing umeko did nothing wrong (also lying).
Tatsuki Aoyama — Ultimate Lumberjack. Monokuma let him keep his axe to encourage murder, if not by him than of him for being a threat. He’s chill and would probably help you study for midterms, even though he wouldn’t understand any of it.
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Oh yeah here’s some sprites in varying levels of completion, mostly done by @th3ratk1ng . We have all the chapters mostly planned out, also
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(Pictured: Kohaku, Shinobu, Chinatsu (her hair is an edgeworth reference, yes) and Umeko)
Oh yeah and this lol
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raevulsix · 1 year
Clarification for Death and Dark Troopers; TBB & Mandalorian & Rebels ties + Popular Theories
Disclaimer: This is why shows like The Bad Batch and The Mandalorian were created. To give answers to the mess the Sequels also caused in the timelines. So I already assumed most characters in these shows will result in ultimate tragic fates to explain the creation of certain experiments like Death and Dark Troopers and other kind of unanswered questions in the movies and even certain ties with Video Games and Comics.
I have literally been reading just about every wild theory of what will result in the outcome of the Bad Batch and the later events of the creation of Death and Dark Troopers; as well as the events of the Mandalorian and Rebels beginning to tie to one another. So I want to clarify some things because I know most have been getting a few things very wrong on what is what and the terms used for these guys, as the timelines that parallel with certain shows like the Mandalorian and the Bad Batch, and Rebels. So first things first, Death and Dark troopers are both VERY different from one another. 
Dark Troopers
The Dark Troopers however do not show up until later to eliminate rebel bases during the destruction of the first Death Star. And these were also the next generation of Phase Zero prototypes, so completely more ‘battle droids’ than flesh. 
Now, the first test subjects here were for the project of Phase Zero Dark Troopers. These fellas pop up right about the timeline when Anakin becomes Darth Vader, and experiments begin to unravel below the Empire of what was being done to Veteran Clone Troopers. They were CYBORGS. Part flesh and machine. Not droids.  70% of a clone trooper was replaced by mechanical components. Any missing organ or limb were prosthetics.  
The fate of the Phase Zero Dark Trooper resulted in shut down due to failure because these guys began to defect in ways were most became suicidal due to the fact they were more machine than man, so it was eventually seized.
Phase Zero troopers were deployed around the time of the Battle of Yavin.
[Movies that connect to this is Rogue One after Scarif.]
[We see versions of the Dark Trooper in Live action The Mandalorian, Star Wars The Force Unleashed, and certain other Canon Video Games.]
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The one of many Popular Fan Theories regarding The Bad Batch
[Warning to minor Triggers]
Tech. This is why even I along with a few others in the community had joked about a ‘Winter Soldier Tech’ being part of this Phase 0 Dark Trooper theory (mostly also due to denial of his fate & state). To simplify, a fall like the one we sadly seen happen to our beloved Batcher could of resulted in extreme injury even Death.
Falling at such altitudes even with water below will result in Death. I have studied a few forensics to know that falling in a very unprepared state into water is like slapping oneself into flat concrete. You will become pieces and literal mush. 
However, this further theory also comes from the fact that in Season 1, we see fellow Batcher, Hunter, take a fall off the Marauder at a pretty great altitude, that forensically speaking, would have been a deadly freak accident to a normal person. Yet he managed to walk away a bit injured and beaten, so it raised a conclusion if this had to do with any enhancements to his physical state to be able to handle heavy injury upon certain heavy impacts.
Back to Tech—The only way I could see him barely cling to life is noting that the terrain in the background, even if barely visible due to the fog, seemed rigid with mountain peaks and dense forest. The train would had to have gotten caught in these peaks if present below which is not far fetched since the train was pretty large in size. However, this meant Tech, upon impact, because he was held tied to the train by a string, would have swung into those rocks violently a few times hitting any obstacle around. And we know he seems to be the least fragile of the Batch, so this itself could result in broken limbs or heavier injury, and even explain why most of his armor could stay intact or scattered, but scuffed and dented by the impact.
This idea was brought to me by the state of his goggles and I believe because of that, there was retrieval of his body or part of it.  This is where sadly, some including myself theorized, that replacing limbs or organs with prosthetics and mechanical components will signify the beginning of the research and creation of The Phase Zero Dark Trooper. 
(However, this theory also will take years into the making, but not far from the timeline when it does become reality.)
It boggles my mind that Hamlock flew right in like a scavenger to retrieve anything from the crash site. Why? Because Tech is one of the few enhanced clones the Empire had, and this is a prized possession regardless of any state any biological retrieval would be in. DNA can still be extracted from tissue, and better yet if it was in a recent disease state. 
Death Troopers
Now, the
Death Trooper
These were part of a Research Project Emperor Palpatine set to literally retrieve ‘Necrotic Tissue’. In lesser words, kind of bring the dead back to life or certain dead cells to life again.  In other words, nearly a creating zombie-like state troopers.  > However this also came from a NON-CANON Legends novel “Death Troopers”. A gruesome story of a zombie-like lethal disease spread in the “Imperial Prison Barge, Purge”. 
In canon, the Death Trooper is more of an enhanced elite troopers trained to specialize in special heavy combat and weapons like demolition and marksmanship,  and had to meet certain criteria like height, build, intelligence and success rates from their piers . They did also undergo certain “surgical upgrades”, giving them the ability to be nearly super human. Their Lethal rates were high and successful, almost leaving no evidence behind when stationed on their missions. [Note that there were however rumors of these troopers to be the result of a top secret Imperial Military Project to reanimate the Dead.]
[We see these in Rogue One, Rebels, The Mandalorian, Andor, and even certain Video Games and comics.]
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Yet another one of the many Popular Fan Theories regarding the Bad Batch
Crosshair. His new armor resembling the popular Death Trooper Armor, and his height, ability, and willing to take lethal measures to accomplish missions all ringed bells to it. Plus, he is a marksman. The many more reasons that tie him to this theory is that Death Troopers specialized in Marksmanship, too. 
It doesn’t have to be clearly Crosshair to also be the one to go into this, any extraction of DNA to create even more clones alike himself can also happen. He is still a heavy needed key subject to do that, though. 
This post can also be updated or reblogged with your own thoughts. Make it a thread, I like to hear more about Theories. If you want me to submit your theory and get tagged to it? I can do that, too. I just like to hear all of it. Even if its to cope with denial after events like The Bad Batch, I like to know anyones takes or if you need Comfort building. Theories are simply conspiracy and not facts, at the end of it. 
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agentartemus · 1 month
🍒 (cherries) Artemus
🍒 "Does your character have a best friend? How long have they known each other? What do they like most about each other? How did they meet?"
Artemus DOES have a best friend. He is really close to his clone troopers Cross and Skull, but his clone commander Maverick is his bestie-bestie. They've known each other ever since they were assigned to work with one another.
I'd say Maverick enjoys Artemus's humor and ability to get through a tough situation effectively. He also admires his loyalty and open mindedness. Artemus likes Maverick's leadership skills. He appreciates Maverick's care and tough-love personality.
As for how they met, I guess in a formal kind of way. At the beginning of the Clone War, the 360th actually started out as a policing unit on Naboo. They did all kinds of forensics, investigations, and general law enforcement. So while they started out as colleagues, Artemus quickly grew to Maverick and his competence. Their relationship would further develop into best friends with benefits as the war went on.
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vodika-vibes · 8 months
Do It For Me
Summary: You are a Forensic Scientist who has been put in charge of the lab for Coruscant in spite of your youth and your relative inexperience. Due to budget cuts and the fact that there's so much crime on Coruscant, you are severely overworked. Hound takes an issue with that.
Pairing: Pre-ARF Trooper Hound x F!Reader
Word Count: 1837
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: I was writing a Fives fic and it was turning into hot garbage, so I wrote something else instead. And I'm in a Hound mood for some reason. AND I made a new divider for this story specifically.
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You are severely overworked. 
You know this. You’ve known this for years. And yet no one seems all that interested in making it better.
You thought, hoped, prayed, that the creation of the Coruscant Guard was going to lessen your workload.
It didn’t. In fact, it just made you busier.
Now there are a lot more men out there investigating crimes, and sending their evidence to your lab, and the same number of techs trying to analyze the evidence.
The turnover rate at your lab is, frankly, embarrassing. 
You’re the employee who’s been here the longest, and you’ve only been here for two years. The fact that you’re now in charge of the lab, at barely 24 years old, is horrifying.
But none of the people who trained you were willing to stay.
And you can’t even keep new hires around for longer than a couple of months.
In fact, you once had a recent graduate that you interviewed and hired, who took one look at her to-do stack, and resigned. She worked less than an hour. You hadn’t even had time to finish filing her paperwork before she resigned.
It was impressive. 
But as impressive as it was, it didn’t help with the fact that you’re one person doing the job of five.
You haven’t seen your apartment in a week.
You haven’t had a vacation since you were hired.
You haven’t slept more than 6 hours a night in over six months.
And still, still, the work keeps piling up.
At this point, every time you close your eyes, you see blood splatter and blaster round trajectory and dead bodies. Every night for the last week, you’ve had nightmares about the morgue-
You need a break.
But, in the end, it doesn’t matter what you need. Because crimes keep happening, people keep dying, and the evidence keeps piling up, and there aren’t enough employees for anyone to even take a day off, let alone a vacation.
You push your fingers through your hair, pulling it out of the tail only long enough to use your fingers as a brush, and then you pull your hair into a messy knot, and focus your exhausted eyes back on the file in front of you.
30 year old Nautolan Male, found murdered in the lower level. Coroner's report indicates that he was executed, two bolts to the back of the head. Victim was a known member of the Justic-
The words start blurring on the page, and you sigh and press the palms of your hands over your eyes.
You are so kriffing tired.
There’s a sharp knock on your door, and you lift your head as someone clad in gray and white armor walks in. The locations of the colors indicate that he’s a member of the Coruscant Guard, and the colors themselves indicate that he’s an ARF Trooper.
Not for the first time, you curse the fact that the Guard doesn’t allow for more unique body armor paint.
You squint at him for a moment, waiting for your eyes to agree with you so you can focus better on the man standing in front of you. “What’s wrong, Sen’ika, can’t recognize me?”
You recognize the light tone, and familiar nickname, before you recognize the man, and you send up a silent prayer of thanks that the clones only have identical faces, and not identical personalities.
“Hound,” You even sound tired to your own ears, and as he comes closer to you, you see a concerned expression on his face, “Ah, sorry. Sergeant.” You correct hastily.
“You don’t have to use my rank, Sen’ika.” He crouches next to your desk, his sharp eyes taking in the bags under your eyes, the way your hands are trembling, and the blanket and pillow on your couch. “When was the last time you went home and slept?” He asks, his voice gentle.
“Does it look like I have time for that?” You ask as you rub your tired eyes, “I dunno, it’s been a week, I think.”
“Sen’ika,” Hound frowns at you, “This isn’t healthy.”
“It’s not like crime stops because I need to sleep,” You grouch, “And the evidence keeps piling up, and I can’t get anyone to stay longer than a few months and-” You trail off, “And you have another case for me, don’t you?” Your voice becomes dull and almost lifeless.
Hound stares at you for a moment, and then he flashes a small smile. “I don’t, actually. I just wanted to come and see you.”
You squint at him, “Come and see me? Why?”
“Do I need a reason?”
“...I guess not?” You ask, bewildered.
“Exactly!” Hound smoothly slides something onto your desk while you watching him, bewildered, and then he takes your hands and lightly pulls you to your feet, “We’re taking a trip.”
“I can’t! I have-”
“You have a legal requirement to take an hour break every 6 hours.” Hound interrupts, “How many hours have you been working? More than 6 I’m guessing.”
“...Yeah, maybe.” You don’t fight him as he draps an arm over your shoulder and he guides you out of your office, and down the hall, and then outside, to where Grizzer is waiting.
The large massiff immediately bounces around your feet, and you duck slightly to give her a scratch. You’re a familiar person to her, likely because of how often you bump into Hound at various crime scenes.
“You never did tell me where we’re going.” You say to Hound once you straighten back up.
“Trust me.” Hound offers as he takes Grizzer’s leash and then tugs you against his side.
You’re a little confused at the way he’s being so comfortable with touching you, but you’re also not too bothered. Hound is Hound, after all. He’s always been safe.
So, as he leads you down the street, you don’t offer any complaint outside of a very weak argument that you needed your purse and your comm. And, with a laugh, Hound disagrees.
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Hound doesn’t have an office, per se, but he does have his own space where he’s able to do his own paperwork, and where he can take Grizzer when she gets overwhelmed.
And apparently, where he brings overworked and underpaid civil servants who are working themselves to death.
His sen’ika is sitting on the old, worn couch he got from somewhere, her arms draped over Grizzer who is asleep on her lap. She looks exhausted. The kind of exhausted that he’s only seen on Fox before.
In a word, he’s worried.
“Sen’ika,” He coos the familiar nickname, and she lifts her gaze to look at him through hazy and exhausted eyes, and even then she’s the most stunning woman he’s ever met, “You can lay down and take a nap, I won’t judge you.”
She’s already shaking her head, “I have to get back eventually.”
“But if you get up, you’ll disturb Grizzer.” Hound points out.
She looks down at Grizzer, and she must be more tired than he thought because she just looks puzzled, like she can’t quite figure out the best way to get free. His worry increases.
“Just a short nap, sen’ika.” Hound encourages, “You’re not going to be able to finish your work with how fuzzy you are right now.”
For a moment she looks like she’s about to agree, but then she presses her lips into a thin line, “I have to get back, Hound.”
Hound leans back in his seat, his mind racing. He can’t let her go back. Not in this state. And using Grizzer as an excuse isn’t going to work anymore, he already knows.
“Alright,” He says slowly, thoughtfully. 
He gets to his feet and carefully moves Grizzer, and then helps his sen’ika to her feet. Hound isn’t the least bit surprised when she stumbles into him, though he is glad that he thought ahead and removed the majority of his armor.
“...m’sorry.” She says quietly.
Hound closes his eyes for a moment and then, very gently presses his hand against the back of her neck, holding her against him. “You haven’t done anything wrong.” His voice is soft, soothing.
Her hands come up to press against his chest, and for a moment, Hound thinks she’s going to push away, worries that he pushed too hard. But, instead, she curls her fingers into the thin material of his blacks. “I’m so tired,” She whispers, and her voice cracks.
And that’s what Hound was waiting for.
His free arm wraps firmly around her, holding her tight, “You don’t have to go back to work. You need to take a break.”
He feels her tears soaking into his top and Hound turns his head to press a light kiss to the side of her head, “Someone has to do it-” She whispers, her voice thick with tears.
“That someone doesn’t have to be you.” Hound murmurs in reply as he slowly, and carefully, walks her back towards the couch. He readjusts her, and then sits on the couch, while holding her close. “We can reach out to the Jedi, they can help you.”
“The Senate-”
“Kriff the senate,” Hound’s voice holds no heat as he gently offers what comfort he can, “You’re working yourself to death, and I’m not going to tolerate it anymore.”
She pulls away from his shoulder and looks up at him through miserable, watery eyes, “Why do you care?”
“Because you’re my friend. Because I care about you.” Hound brushes his fingers against her cheek, “because I love you more than anything in this galaxy. Take your pick.”
She blinks at him, and then drops her head on his shoulder. She doesn’t say anything positive, but she also doesn’t say anything negative, which is good enough for now.
It’s not fair to spring love on her when she’s so exhausted. The fact that she’s not running away is good enough for now.
“Will you stay here and take a nap?” Hound asks as he strokes her back lovingly, “For me?”
“Every time I try to sleep, I have nightmares,” She admits quietly.
“Then you can sleep on me. I’ll wake you if you look like you’re having a nightmare. I promise.” Hound offers. “What do you think?”
She sighs, soft and quiet, “I suppose I can agree to that.” His sen’ika’s eyes drift shut, and Hound carefully adjusts her so that she’s leaning against him comfortably. 
Fox is going to blow a gasket, but if he words his request properly, maybe then the Guard and the Forensics unit can get Jedi oversight. That can only help with his poor Sen’ika’s problem, and it’ll keep Fox from working himself to death.
Hound glances at the woman in his lap, and his gaze softens, before he presses a light kiss to the top of her head. That’s a problem for later, for now, he has the love of his life asleep in his arms, and he’s going to just enjoy it while he can.
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poisonedfire · 4 months
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get to know the mun.
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what's your phone wallpaper: The textless album cover of My Chemical Romance’s I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love; I darkened it in brightness by slapping a low opacity black layer on it.
last song you listened to: What's Your Big Idea by Can't Swim
currently reading: Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation by Ross M. Gardner. I majored and graduated with a degree in Forensic Investigations. I’m still trying to get into the CSI field, but might as well keep my knowledge fresh.
last movie: Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. My bf chose it on May 4th.
last show: The Witcher. I actually hadn't watched the show until now.
what are you wearing right now?: Sleep shorts and t-shirt. I like being comfy when I'm home.
How tall are you? 5'1.” I’m short and smol lol
piercings / tattoos?: I have 4 tattoos! The most recent are a flock of 4 bats on the back of my left calf.
glasses / contacts: I have both, but I regularly wear contacts. My glasses are for days in which I don't to wear them. My eyesight is absolute shit lol.
last thing you ate? Chicken tenders and fries from Raising Cane's.
favourite colour: I love black. But, my absolute favorite color is Resolution Blue.
current obsession: My Chemical Romance's discography, Star Wars (always), Lord of the Rings (always lol), and comic books!
do you have a crush right now?: Celebrity crushes? Yes, I have a lot of them.
favourite fictional character: Luke Skywalker (Star Wars: Original Trilogy and the Legends, I disregard the recent trilogy's characterization. He's been my favorite since I was a child), Will Graham from NBC’s Hannibal and Thomas Harris' novels, Dick Grayson (comics & Titans), Alex Manes from Roswell New Mexico. I probably have more, but I can't name them off the top of my head right now.
last place you travelled: For vacation, I think it was Norway.
Tagged by: @bloodsalted Tagging: @platiinums @malka-lisitsa and if you see this, you're it!
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katarinas-redemption · 4 months
The Alchemist (No. 101). 👏👏👏 Episode highlights.
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Season 1, Episode 12 "THE ALCHEMIST"
Red notifies the team that a man known as the Alchemist has been hired to protect a mob informant and his wife;
Official synopsis: As Red (James Spader) enlists activist whistleblowers in his search for the mole, Liz (Megan Boone) pursues a deranged scientist who's helped dozens of criminals escape by engineering and killing their genetic doubles.
Eric Trettel aka The Alchemist. - Meera: His name’s Eric Trettel. Flunked out of med school. Falsified a degree from Harvard and used it to land a job in the Human Genome Project. He spun that into a career as an expert witness specializing in DNA evidence. Ressler: He testified in a case on behalf of Carlos Trena, a soldier in the D’Angelo crime family facing three counts of murder one. Meera: Trettel was hired to present exculpatory DNA evidence. Problem is, that evidence was falsified. Trettel was outed as a fraud and disgraced. Two weeks later, he disappeared. It was believed either the D’Angelo family had him killed or he fled to avoid indictment.
Liz: He’s, um – a scientist, an expert in DNA.
Red: – There’s someone I think you should find.
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He’s a man who protects the guilty by preying on the innocent. He’s killed women, children, infants if need be– whatever the particular job calls for.
Red: I bring this to your attention because I’ve learned that he’s been contracted to protect Pytor Madrczyk and his wife.
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Liz: You were wrong about Madrczyk. You said the Alchemist was hired to protect him. Now he’s dead.
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Liz: How does he do it?
Red: I don’t know even half of it. I’ve heard rumors– removing the white blood cells from the victim and replacing them with the red blood cells of his client, leaving clone DNA at crime scenes to mislead the police, even incorporating synthetic DNA into genuine human tissue.
Liz: So this isn’t just evidence tampering. This is genetic manipulation.
Red: Yes. It’s a trade in death. The guilty give their blood and genetic identity.mThe innocent give their life for the guilty to live. If you find the Alchemist, you have a chance to resurrect the dead, to bring to justice some of the most vile creatures who ever lived.
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Red: If you find the Alchemist, you have a chance to resurrect the dead, to bring to justice some of the most vile creatures who ever lived.
Aram: The female victim on the plane was named Sarah Jenkins.
Liz: How did you identify her?
Aram: The Alchemist knew that, based on a forensic procedure, we wouldn’t run tests necessary to distinguish between synthesized and natural DNA. Now that we know what we’re looking for, we pulled the bone–marrow sample, ran it against our database.
Mrs Madrczyk: I got a call. Are you Trettel?
Trettel: We have a situation.
Mrs Madrczyk: Yeah, we have a situation. You crashed our jet, murdered five people. We’re supposed to be gone. You assured us. I was on my way to Budapest when my husband was taken into FBI custody.
Trettel: Who did you tell?
Mrs Madrczyk: We paid you to make us disappear.
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Liz: Sarah Jenkins was using an online–dating site. That’s how we think the Alchemist found her. Gave him everything he needed to know to double her as Catherine Madrczyk.
Liz: He knows we’re onto him.
Ressler: That’s why he took the risk of coming into the field office. Got Madrczyk, his wife– The guy’s killing everybody that might lead us to him.
Liz: Oh, my God. His family.
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Ressler: [ On phone ] Malik, we’re too late. Molly and Annie Trettel are dead.
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Mrs Trettel: You’re not gonna get away with this.
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teadrop-12 · 5 months
Hello! Been following you for a while now, and I was just wondering if you have any hc for uno/djinn?
Oh I absolutely do (also so sorry for this taking so long)
ace guy. I dunno abt romantic attraction but I know he’s ace to me
of course he’s got trust issues with literally every single person he meets. Not blaming him for that
not allowed at children’s birthday parties
was married for 6 minutes before he stole their car or something
genuinely? If he knew Geetha he’d be scared of her. Like she’d send the most vile death threats known to man to him if she knew his location.
this man is a mess
after everything that happened (like when the mentors were younger. and abandonded him.) he kind of involuntarily got a new sociopathic mindset, which i think can be seen with like, how he treats the people he works with.
like his treatment of dos, leaving her to die and openly admitting it in front of her, as well as manipulating rizwan for almost only his own benefit
. this could also just be like. that one motto like "no connections no pain" or something like that.
but also i think he was kind of close with rizwan, which is why i think he got more distraught with the thought of him betraying him (which he eventually did.)
i like to imagine he was kind of interested in becoming a detective? like he did go to a bunch of uni classes for criminalistics and forensics but after he got into MATA i think he solely focused on that.
it is definetly a regret of his.
ok this has a few heavy hitters now
before rizwan came in, Dos was the strongest numeros agent besides Djin, and unknowingly they took her dna in order to clone her (which turned out to be rudy). after they decided to terminate rudy, rudy ran away and thats how she was homeless, and since Djin knew about the whole experiments and everything, thats why he went to follow rudy at that time and bring him to MATA.
small rant. why does every former inviso agent fucking hate rudy. what did she do
like when i was younger i used to think like "oh maybe she was such an annoying kid" and now im thinking NO??? SHE WAS A KID!! KIDS ARE ANNOYING!! THAT DOESNT WARRENT THEM BEING BEAT UP!!
im so sorry this took so long and theyre not too great!!
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tyrannuspitch · 6 months
What are your top 3 TV shows?
Ooh okay. Let's see.
These are not my top three in terms of *quality* - in fact, I have some serious grumbling to do about all of them! - but they are my top three in terms of how successfully they turned my brain inside out.
Prodigal Son.
This is a drama/procedural about the son of a notorious serial killer working as a forensic psychologist. Mandatory disclaimer before we proceed - because it's a cop show and a psychology show, there's a lot in it that's um. Bad. Misinforming and/or (mostly and) actually morally objectionable.
HOWEVER. The family drama absolutely delights me. It is NOT subtle. But it compels me. Malcolm (the serial killer's son) is an incredibly charismatic lead, and everyone member of the family is so interesting. I love manipulation, I love love/hate relationships, I love sibling rivalries, I love when families kill other people together and then try to kill each other, I love terrible secrets which everyone already knows, and I love Becoming Your Father.
2. BBC Merlin
Fantasy series about a young King Arthur, intense gay subtext, blah blah blah, yeah BBC Merlin we've all seen it.
However, the dark side of this show is, IMO, severely undersold. It's literally a dystopian tragedy! And it features intense manipulation, secrecy, love/hate relationships, and Fucked-Up Fate. Perfect recipe for me. Now if only it would comply with my tonal tastes 30% more often and also bother to pay attention to its female characters,
3. Alex Rider
Young adult spy show. Young adult child soldier show. Adaptation of a book series I read as a kid which is potentially up to 50% of why I'm like this (the other half, of course, being Warrior Cats.)
There was, at one point, a very silly movie adapted from the books, but the show goes in completely the other direction. The books have never been shy about the fact that the "teenage spy" premise necessitates a government willing to exploit and endanger teenagers, but the show REALLY leans into it and I'm so here for it. They torture that child! They torture him JUST to manipulate him and he KNOWS but it still works! It's so fucked up in here. (*Translation from Lucian-speak: it's edgy in a cheesy way but I'm choosing to take it so so seriously because I am blessed with an earnest and whimsical soul.)
The first season is my preferred one by far, because the supervillainous plot the teenage spy is being forced to foil takes place in a *military academy* and we get to go Oh my god... School... is like prison... is like child soldierism. We live in a society. And then there are evil clones. And the evil clones are just kids too!!! Perfect television, no notes. (I jest, but genuinely, if you have [one has] room in your heart for sillyserious YA melodrama, it's great fun and kind of a hidden gem.)
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