#what is gluttony
by Ken Montgomery | “Curiouser and curiouser” (from Alice in Wonderland) seems an apropos response to our culture’s relationship to food. At one polar end, there are eating competitions to assess who can down the most hot dogs or slices of pizza. At the other, there is a growing movement of the practice of intermittent and prolonged fasting, apart from the...
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On 7 deadly sins and virtues 
On 7 deadly sins and virtues 
what are the seven deadly sins?  A vice is a bad habit that leads us to sin. The seven deadly sins or capital vices are the head and sources of all other vices and sins and there are seven: Pride, Covetousness, Lust, Anger, Gluttony, Envy and Sloth. ‘’Each of these “capital sins,” as they are called, is like a leader or a captain in an army, with so many others under him and following him. Now,…
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nyxofdemons · 1 year
okay so the main criticism i've been seeing against episode 8 is that beelzebub (among other things) is "too nice" to be the sin of gluttony, because she's an attentive hostess, because she expresses worry over blitz's excess drinking, etc., and i wanna talk about it.
the thing is, i feel like this complaint is rooted in the most basic, somewhat cliche idea of the sin of gluttony, and a somewhat boring approach to bee's character in general. the idea is that, as the sin of gluttony, bee should be encouraging over-indulgence, excess, and the self-destructive aspects of party culture and drinking.
but she's the queen bee. she clearly explains that she can feel the "energy" of everyone at her party, and i think that's very important to analyzing exactly what gluttony means to her. instead of indulging in food and alcohol and drugs and being selfish (as gluttony is generally expected to be about), bee feeds on the ENERGY of the demons around her. and in order to get the best energy she can, she needs to be making sure everyone is actually having FUN and having a good time. gluttony, in this sense, is about EXTRAVAGANCE, having the best quality of everything, rather than just everything in general.
i also think this is why she was so put-off by blitz's actions. when he chugs the entire barrel of alcohol and then is absolutely wasted beyond all reason for the rest of the party, he's NOT actually engaging in her sin. he's not being gluttonous; he's not drinking to have a good time or to indulge or to have fun - he's drowning himself in alcohol because he's trying to forget and ignore all his problems, which is a sin much more akin to pride. his energy feels bad to bee because he's not having fun, he's deeply hurt and trying to distract himself by being self-destructive, which is NOT what her sin is about.
(also, remember, this is supposed to be part TWO of the finale. meaning, this episode (and the introduction of bee's character) directly goes hand-in-hand with the introduction of asmodeus, who's entire club IS about indulgence and depravity and everything you'd expect from the sin of lust. bee and the gluttony party are meant to be a direct foil to the energy of ozzie's.)
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cotgar2 · 8 months
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Guess what day it is 🎉🎉🎉 🎂
If he’s putting candles on a cake, does he just put one so it’s easier or does he try to fit 200… (we all know the answer but realistically lmao)
And as a little extra:
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They then sat there for an hour as Ling tried to count to 200 before Greed couldn’t take it anymore
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humming-fly · 8 months
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given how gluttony is shown being "born" in the anime I can only imagine the horror show that must've gone down with envy
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localceilingdevil · 6 months
update: both have been named!
Ancient - Distant Reflectons Upon A Speckled Mirror
Slugcat - Dancing Melodies Over Stilled Waters
some jackass i haven't named yet
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and his scuggy he loves and cares for deeply.
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neither of these two have names yet but I'll figure out something eventually!
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mr-carnival · 2 months
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Winning is Sinning ;)
Gonna do the whole lineup, but wanted to share these two first. Had fun doing a personal take on the Sins <3 Behold the beautiful boys
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ruelpsen · 4 months
something about belching with a mouth full of food is disgustingly hot
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housecow · 15 days
lust imitates love pride imitates joy sin imitates freedom drugs imitate happiness, but most importantly, devil imitates God. Stay with me now.
hmmm??? some orchids imitate wasps :)) and some snakes mimic other kinds of snakes
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palahnyook · 4 months
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Hunger, (...) —to sate a hunger or to stoke it, to feel hunger as a furnace, to trace its edges like teeth—is this a thing you, singly, know? Have you ever had a hunger that whetted itself on what you fed it, sharpened so keen and bright that it might split you open, break a new thing out?
— This Is How You Lose The Time War
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tropylium · 4 months
There's several incredibly easy criticisms, but I feel the concept of "corporate greed" becomes particularly incoherent when used to explain the prices of something having only just now gone up
you think corporations only invented greed last week and simply had not thought to raise prices anytime earlier?
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wickedcriminal · 1 year
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I have been rotating aria of pride and deceit by @asthmaticbee in my head like rotisserie for several days and I'm still crying over this little angel in a red coat and his ungodly demon (affectionate) of an older brother
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firestorm09890 · 8 months
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Heathcliff's chapter is right after Ishmael's, here's why I think Peccatulum Invidiae (the envy one) is finally going to be introduced in his chapter
*EDIT: turns out Superbiae and Luxuriae were introduced in Canto III, not II, so that slide's been changed to reflect that
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kradogsrats · 2 months
I've thought on and off about the Sunfire elf bow, with the hands crossed in front of the face and fingers splayed, and I JUST realized it's another fucking representation of Sol Regem's horns
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funnysideblog · 3 months
Minos' disgust with the minotaur coming partially from it being hideous also kind of reveals a bit about his character and how he would view hell and other people. He does not want to see things which are foul, upsetting and disgusting. What does this say about parts of hell? How he would feel about other husks? How the emotion can cloud his judgement and make him act cruelly. Like yes i agree its a bit yucky and ugly. But. The knee jerk reaction of it is ugly -> it needs to go away -> I cannot stand having ugly things in my world -> i am not thinking about how it would feel about being cast aside into suffering for this. Says a lot about him (or how he used to be!) imo. I know there is other reasons. That may have been on his mind more, but still it was a factor and a reason behind its damnation to violence.
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mahi-does-some-art · 3 months
Any headcanons for how different Servamp characters prefer their smores
These may be the most important headcanons I'll ever write ever, anon.
Mahiru: Simple is best! Usually won't get too fancy with it-- Likes his marshmallow with that perfect golden-brown crust. Before he would be confused why some people would burn the marshmallow so much it caught on fire but Sakuya convinced him to try it once and was surprised that it wasn't horrible.
Kuro: Would either toast his marshmallow golden-brown or where there's be some black char spots but not where the whole thing is burnt. He had the idea to put ice cream on top of his smore once and started doing that without fail.
Sakuya: He burns the fucking thing like no tomorrow and swears its one of the best ways to do it. Other than that, also normally makes a standard smore with the gram crackers and candy bar chocolate. He'll also always have sticky hands no matter how careful he is. This boy cannot make a smore that doesnt ooze onto his fingers.
Tetsu: Is very skilled at getting the marshmallow perfectly cooked. Likes his marshmallow golden brown.
Hugh: He condems under roasted marshmallows like he won't eat a whole family pack of uncooked marshmallows straight out the bag. Something about the integrity of a s'more. He has a habit of roasting the thing, sliding the crust off and eating it and repeat till there's nothing left.
Mikuni: This pretentious asshole likes to use the expensive bar chocolate on his s'mores and will swear its better. He'd probably try to make his own marshmallows to roast and after that he's even more snobbish about it. He'll still eat the normal s'more he's offered. Likes his marshmallow with a couple small charred bits.
Jeje: Will fully burn the marsh. Mikuni thinks he's a psychopath for it and God Forbid he burns one of his Eve's homemade ones.
Licht: Will eat the marshmallow no matter as long is its not fully burnt. He has tried it burnt and he rambled on angrily about how it was a slight to such a deliciously holy treat. Using the normal candy bar chocolate and store-bought gram crackers are very special to him and he prefers it that way.
Hyde: Unintentionally scorched his marshy ONCE and got kicked out of his chair for it. Perfers his the perfect golden-brown. He'll get a little bowl of hot fudge to dip his in and it's perfection.
Freya: Doesn't like anything burnt when it comes to it. Will shake up a can of whipped cream and put some on the top of her s'more. It always gets on the tip of her nose and she can't eat a smore cleanly at all wwwww
Iduna: Golden-brown to somewhat charred. Her mess is even worse than Freya's and she always gets goopy hands. She says it's part of the experience.
Niccolo: Likes his with a few char spots and a side of ice cream. Doesn't mix them but likes to eat them both as a pair.
Ildio: It literally doesn't matter, he'll eat it. Even after he starts slowing down and is able to actually taste it, he likes all forms of marshymallow so he's not picky on this front.
Misono: Ate a burnt s'more once and swore never again. Likes his marshy golden brown or a little undercooked. The high quality ingredients the Alicein get makes for an extra yummy s'more. Guess that's where Mikuni gets it from.
Lily: Actually likes his marshy golden to burnt. He likes the flavor of it. Actually perfers it being in the form of a s'more's flavored macaron with toasty marshmallow fluff filling. He likes the texture of the macaron cookies paired with a bit of the crunch of the gram crackers.
I'm not gonna do the rest of Team M bc its 2am and I'm drawing lol. Plz add onto this if you have any opinions!
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