#what is overhead water tank
yanderecrazysie · 2 months
Twisted Zoo: Chapter Twelve
First Chapter: here
Previous Chapter: here
This is based on the stories of a keeper reader with the octotrio by @ashensgrotto and @merakiui .
I am no longer doing tags. Tumblr hates me and I’d rather not waste my time when there are so many! You can keep up to date on Twisted Zoo on Tumblr, Quotev, Wattpad, or AO3.
Summary: You’re a brand new zookeeper at The Halfling Zoo- a place where half-animals live in captivity. Your job is simple- feed them and study them. Your main worry is that one of the more dangerous halflings might kill you. 
Unfortunately, that may become the least of your worries.
WARNINGS: yandere themes
Note: All characters are aged up, since there will be mature themes in future parts.
Note 2: This is the final chapter before the endings. Sorry!
The eerily flickering lights of the aquarium almost gave you pause. Strange. You stepped through the employee only entrance and pressed on the light switch. Still, the lights flickered.
“Shriiiimp!” Floyd’s telltale voice cried out from the edge of the tank, his arms crossed on the concrete and chin resting on top of them.
“Shrimp?” you laughed, “Is that what you’re calling me now?”
Floyd giggled and stared at you with lidded eyes, “Shrimp!”
“What’s up with the lights?” you asked him, gesturing to the overhead electrical issues. Floyd shrugged and slipped into the water with a breathless giggle. 
You frowned, feeling a little unsettled by the way his shadow danced along the wall as the lights’ flickering became longer. You took a seat at the edge of the tank.
“Where’s Jade?” you asked.
“Right here,” his voice startled you. You swerved your head so quickly that it cricked, spotting his mismatched gaze from a few feet away. Jade’s chin was just above the surface, so that he wouldn’t get water in his mouth when he talked, “We missed you.”
“I missed you guys, too,” you said with a smile, “What’s up with the lights?”
As always, there was a cold edge to Jade’s smile, “Nothing to worry about. Electrical problem. It happens sometimes.”
You nodded, though his answer didn’t make you feel any less uneasy. “I see. Let’s hope it gets fixed soon.”
To your surprise, white hair broke the surface and piercing eyes met yours before they softened behind their spectacles. This was the first time Azul had surfaced on his own without Floyd dragging him to the surface. 
“How nice of you to come,” he said, giving you a closed-eyed smile. His gaze suddenly turned serious and he seemed to size you up. “We rarely see you.”
“It’s nice to see you, Azul,” you offered with another smile. A tentacle slid out of the water and brushed against your ankle. You noticed it beginning to curl around the appendage and quickly stood up, knocking it back into the water. 
You backed away from the edge, ignoring the hurt look on his face, “I should really check on the electrical system. It might not be safe if the lights are acting up like this.”
“Noooo,” Floyd wailed, his eyes gleaming with hidden mirth, “Shriiimp, stay! We miiiiss you…”
You felt something brush against your ankle again and stepped back from the edge. Black tentacles slid back into the tank. Jade smiled pleasantly at you, “There’s no rush. You can stay with us.”
“No,” you backed away from the tank, “No, I think I’m done for today.” The lights continued to flicker, staying dark for even longer, sending shadows playing across the faces of the tank’s three inhabitants, making their leering faces look even more frightening in that moment.
As the door slammed behind them, Azul turned to the twins in amusement, speaking in what sounded like clicks to the cameras above the tank, “I believe I have her measurements down.”
Floyd giggled, “Next time?”
“Next time, she’s ours.”
You decided that, today, you would visit Idia before the snakes. You were much too excited to give him the gift you had brought him to wait any longer.
“Idia! I have a surprise for you!” you called out as you entered the enclosure. The lizard halfling was in the very back of the terrarium, curled up in the corner gloomily.
“What is it now?” he asked, not sounding enthusiastic in the slightest.
You handed over your old, blue Nintendo DS along with a ziploc bag filled with games. Idia’s eyes widened, “What is this?”
“It’s a handheld gaming device. You just pop the game you want to play in and open it up,” you explained happily, “It’ll eventually die but-”
“It will die?!” Idia looked horrified, “It is alive?!”
“No no no,” you quickly explained, “I just mean it’ll run out of battery, but I can always charge it again for you.”
Idia’s shoulders sagged in relief and the corners of his lips turned up in a soft smile, “Thank you.”
“I’ll leave you to it, then,” you said, straightening up and turning to leave. To your surprise, an electric blue tail curled around your ankle. You turned to face the lizard halfling and were met with pleading eyes.
“Stay, teach me to use it,” Idia begged. 
With a smile, you sat down and picked a random game out of the ziploc bag and popped it in the empty compartment. You flipped open the device and turned it on as Idia watched in awe.
“Hey, Jamil! Hey, Kalim!” you called out, your voice echoing in the heated terrarium. Jamil lifted his head from where he was coiled, his slitted eyes lazily studying you. Kalim, on the other hand, slithered forward eagerly.
“Yay! You’re back!” Kalim cried out, his arms wrapping around your midsection and his face burying itself into your stomach. You stumbled backwards at the enthusiastic force he put into his hug but managed to stay upright. 
“Jamil and I missed you. Jamil talked about you.”
You looked over at the viper halfling, who avoided eye contact. You stifled a giggle and said, “Well, I missed both of you too.”
Kalim’s face brightened, but Jamil’s expression remained guarded. There was tension in the air, something between the two that you couldn’t quite decipher. 
“Did you bring anything?” Kalim asked excitedly and you realized he was remembering the donuts from last time.
“I’m afraid not. I was going to bring curry but I didn’t have time to make it.”
Kalim made a disgusted face, “Why curry? Curry is gross!”
Jamil’s eyes flashed with irritation and he gave Kalim a fearsome glare, “Because that is my favorite.”
The tension between the two crackled like electricity and you quickly intervened, “I’ll bring some next time, Jamil. Kalim, can I bring you anything?”
Kalim looked puzzled as he tried to think of what you could bring. He finally smiled brightly and shrugged, “Anything but curry!”
Jamil continued to glare at his roommate as he said lowly, “Thank you, (Y/n).”
“How have you both been?” you asked.
Jamil opened his mouth to respond and was immediately cut off by Kalim, “I missed you soooooo much!”
You laughed, “I missed you too.” You looked at your watch and with a pang you realized you were running low on time already, “Have you been up to anything exciting?”
Kalim’s grin widened, “After you left, I cried. Then, I shed my skin. Then, I rested. Then…”
Kalim gave you a play-by-play of everything he had been up to since your previous visit. You watched as the seconds ticked by on your watch, fighting off boredom.
Finally, you realized you couldn’t stay any longer if you were planning to see the tigers and panthers today. You hesitantly interrupted Kalim’s droning and said, “I’m so sorry, guys, but I need to head out.”
Kalim’s eyes widened and he wrapped his arms around you once again, “Please, stay longer.”
“I can’t, Kalim. I promise I’ll be back soon,” you said, gently disentangling yourself from his grasp.
Kalim’s eyes filled with tears, “You’re always leaving! It’s not fair!”
“I know, and I’m really sorry. But I’ll make it up to you next time, okay?” you reassured him, reaching out to give his head a gentle pat.
Kalim’s sobs followed you out the door of the enclosure. You felt like a heartless monster as you closed the door, but you knew you couldn’t stay and now had to run to make it on time. 
Behind the closed door, Jamil hissed at Kalim to shut up and the boy stopped crying almost immediately. Then, his eyes lit up as an idea crossed his mind…
Meanwhile, you had finally arrived at the panthers and tigers exhibit. You hurried into the exhibit and stopped dead in your tracks. To your surprise, it wasn’t just Silver and Sebek standing near the employee entrance but, for the first time, Malleus and Lilia as well. 
Before you could question the sudden welcome, Lilia skipped up to you and linked his arm with yours, half-walking, half-dragging you over to the others.
“You’re late!” Sebek yelled.
“Sorry about that,” you winced at the volume of his voice and waved to the four halflings sheepishly, “How are you all?”
Lilia brought you closer to the other three and Malleus reached out and gently grasped your chin. He redirected your face to look at him and you frowned at his serious expression.
“Crowley,” Malleus said softly, “You cannot trust him. In fact, you cannot trust anyone here.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, suspicion spiking immediately. Sure, Mr. Crowley was eccentric, but to not be able to trust him? Wasn’t that going a bit far?
Malleus’s frown deepened, “He will allow anything to happen to you, if it is for the better of the zoo.”
You shook your head and let out an awkward, humorless laugh, “I don’t think that’s true…”
“A storm is coming, (Y/n),” Silver said softly.
“You can’t trust anyone,” Sebek affirmed.
“Least of all us,” Lilia said with an eerie smile.
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occamstfs · 5 months
Quite The Hangover
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The last one was a tad cerebral so I went a little more physical for this one! Twink to impossibly horny jock, hope y'all enjoy ! -Occam
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Foggy memories slowly rise to the forefront of his mind as he pours himself a glass of water and starts a tea kettle going. He stares at the outfit on the floor in shock as it is definitely not the usual attire of the men he sleeps with. Also, why on Earth is his whole outfit here if he apparently departed before Mattie woke up?
Mattie looks down at his body as he shivers and realizes he should probably throw something on, as he continues to wake up and start to steep some green tea he notices a definite soreness start to burn within him as he finds confirmation that he definitely bottomed last night. “God that fucker better have used a condom!” He twists and turns to inspect his body before getting dressed and finds little of note besides the soreness and a sporadic bruise or two.
Mattie decides if he left his clothes here surely this man left some identifying information and despite his incredible hangover he begins to groggily sleuth through the man’s abandoned clothes. There’s a tank top and a visibly filthy jockstrap lying over the couch, Mattie grimaces and wonders what on Earth could have had him bring home someone so far outside of his standard fare. Inspecting the jockstrap further that he thoughtlessly picks up only to find it stained with pre that now similarly mars his own hands. “Eugh god what was I thinking! Clearly I wasn’t, ah-”
As he raises his voice his headache piques once more, his vision goes white and he leans against the couch for balance, hands planted on the sweaty shirt and jock. Eyes slammed shut he makes a labored return to the kitchen to grab his tea. Before anything else he needs to at least try and get back to a base level of functionality. Uncharacteristically he neglects to wash his pre-covered hands before grabbing the steaming cup. 
He begins to drink his tea holding out for any modicum of relief, psychosomatic as it may be, and as he does so he finds a pleasant warmth begin to grow within him. Not in his stomach or chest as expected though, instead it starts to spread outward from the soreness in his ass before it begins to surge in waves into his crotch. Mattie grunts as a strange powerful pleasure begins to overcome him. His hangover immediately disappears as he sets down his cup of tea to palm his crotch.
He feels as his cock pulses with the waves of pressure surging from within him. It immediately pulses into the hardest erection Mattie can recall. His cock struggles against his briefs as they feel tighter than they have ever been before, almost as if they’re fully sizes too small. He moans loudly before covering his mouth with his other hand, absentmindedly getting this mystery man’s pre all over his face, impossible to miss as its odor begins to overload his mind, this pleasure, this warmth is the only thing that matters to him.
The sound of a tear rings throughout the room as his cock grows beyond its containment. Mattie falls to the floor as he is overcome by pleasure beyond reason resounding in mind from every corner of his body as his balls swell and pull up and he shoots a load larger than should be possible onto the kitchen floor. His eyes flutter and roll back as he returns to unconsciousness once more, lying in a pool on the floor as a warmth grows deeper within him and begins to work its influence on him.
As he lies there he dreams of a man's beard scratching his face at a bar as they make out. He feels his body leaning against this larger man, sweaty muscle rubbing against his smaller body. He feels something start to soak his shorts as he looks down to find himself sitting in the man's lap as pre began to pool. Street lights pass overhead as he pulls a behemoth in the direction of his apartment, arm straining as two two stumble towards their destination.
Mattie wakes up on the cold kitchen floor groaning as the heat has decidedly been replaced by a pervasive soreness, he stretches still face down on the floor feeling his torso slide on something wet and he feels a cock much weightier than it should be bump against the floor. He promptly rolls over and looks at his crotch, finally prescient enough to see that it has indeed expanded in every regard. He blushes and looks down at it, dumbstruck that he now has pipe large enough to put any man he’s been with to shame. Not only that but he suddenly has pubes thicker and darker than they ever should be. He had just shaved before going out had he not?
He continues to inspect his crotch, though his eyes do not notice the treasure trail that grows well into his torso. Instead his mind is suddenly preoccupied as a memory emerges, he has seen a cock exactly like this one. He is exactly as hung as the man he brought home last night. As soon as it does his mind is once more struck, as if a flashbang went off, and he feels the impossible weight of a hangover once more. 
He groans and stands once more, stumbling as he finds himself standing ever so slightly taller than he was before his collapse. He feels new hair scratch between his thighs as his pubes begin to thicken and fan out even further from his crotch. On the other side his ass has clearly grown significantly plumper while he was conked out on the floor. Hidden from his eyes he does not see the forest of hair that is absolutely pouring out of his crack and rising up his back. He even scratches at his expanded butt, though notices nothing out of the ordinary beyond a pleasurable itch.
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He slams his hand against the wall, struggling to find the switch as his arm swings at a distinctly different angle than he’s accustomed to. After a few attempts each with more force than the last he finally gets the lights, his eyes take time to adjust and as they do he stumbles against the wall in shock. His soreness immediately makes sense as he sees a body that has spent more time in the gym in a week than he has in his life entire. 
He sees as his chest grows weighter, tracing desperate patches of hair from where he laid in his own cum as the anxiety of his changed body begins to force heat through him once more. He inspects his face as he sees patchy stubble begin to poke out where he spread the mystery man’s pre earlier. His upper lip itches and tingles beyond reason as a mustache bursts out of his perpetually clean shaven face.
 His jaw begins to sharpen underneath and he grunts to hear a deeper voice reverberate through him. He stretches his shoulders as he feels them uncomfortably pull against the wall behind him, they spread larger as he does and he mouth tries to form a cocky smirk as he takes his body in before the shock and stress return anew. He twitches as his body forces him into a standing crunch as abdominal muscles push out of his ‘til now formless core as his pubes stray thicker towards and above his stomach. 
It has to be that guy, maybe it’s an STD or something. It’s gotta be an uh, hallucination or something for sure. He tries to find any reasonable excuse for what’s happening to him, doing so though his mind begins to grow foggy as rationality becomes an increasingly difficult target to hit. Each new thought, every attempt to find reason, to press onward, to remember who he is falls flat as his anxiety triggers an all too pleasurable to ignore feeling in his crotch. 
“No urgh, not again…” He grunts out, each word deeper than the last as he slides down to the floor, his thicker ass and thighs cushioning his fall as the scratch of his tiled wall sends pangs of intense desire into his mind. As he lies there trying not to touch his surging crotch as his balls demand attention, an image appears in his mind. He sees the face of the man- He strains to focus his attention to the image, doing so only increases his lust before he notices. Wait, is that? Is that not his face?
He feels stubble scratch his hand as he rubs his sharper jawline, one all too similar to the man in his mind's eye. He feels a pang of something deep within him besides the lust, something crying out and encouraging him not to give in. Though how can one voice win out when everything else in his body compels him to seek pleasure. What a simple act to follow as well, his cock hanging in the air in front of him, if he just hammers out a quick one he can get right back to uh, what was he doing? 
He stares hungrily at his pulsing dick, seeing pre stream down it in a fashion it has never done before. Or has it? He sees countless jockstraps soiled flash behind his eyes as if it is indeed a regular occurrence. He motions to give in, but before even laying a hand on his cock he loses control once more, shooting load after load onto himself, staining his hair as his mind goes totally numb to the pleasure. His eyes go dark once more as but a moment passes.
He remembers lying on top of this massive man on his couch. He sees a smirk on his face and Mattie reflexively matches it in the present. He sees the man’s cock surge just as his has done oh so many times this morning alone. He sees himself sitting on it as he recalls going at it for what seems like forever. Before he is simply back in his bathroom.
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He towels off his mess neglecting to see his hair has pulled into something far shorter and more masc than he ever would choose and his beard has filled out outright. He feels the burning on his chest shift to something more soothing, instilling him with confidence alongside his insatiable lust. Hair grows dense and dark across his whole body and he barely catches himself before he starts drooling at his own reflection.
He remembers he had something important to do this morning, he disrobes of his torn underwear as he leaves the bathroom to see a jock lying on the couch. He isn’t sure if it’s his or uh, whose else would it be yeah? He guesses he must have laid these out for himself right? He throws them on before hearing his phone chime. Oh duh, surely if it’s something important he would have set a reminder yeah?
He struggles to remember his phone password as his mind grows sluggish, finding the pace at which he is to think at from now on. He holds it up to his face and it immediately opens, deep in his subconscious this bothers him though as he is greeted to a twink's nudes he can’t find it within him to be bothered by anything. He gets a text from some trade looking guy named Lou. “Sup Bro!!! Hows it hangin this morning lol”
Matt can’t help but smirk as he clicks to see an image of his bro’s cock, as hard and familiar as his own. He laughs as he realizes that he somehow had forgotten his #1 fuckbuddy. He feels a lust begin to grow within him and realizes that evermore his hunger can never truly leave his mind. He texts back immediately, any memories of who he once was streaming out of his mind as pre spills in his already stained jock, “kinda hard already bro, u wanna go find a twink to tagteam” 
Not too far away Lou stares at a perfect partner for them both, a twink tearing up, having just been stood up for brunch. Lou shambles his way, struggling to walk straight as he makes his way over to an easy fuck, texting, “b over in five dude, hope your ready to have another bro lol”
Not too far away Lou stares at a perfect partner for them both, tearing up having just been stood up for brunch. Lou shambles his way, struggling to walk straight as he makes his way over to an easy fuc, texting, “b over in five dude, hope youre ready to have another bro lol”
Matt struggles to keep himself together as the thought sets his passion aflame. This finale message sends one last rush of turmoil in his mind. What exactly does Lou mean by that, another bro? He sits there unaware he’s subconsciously crossing one last threshold. Before any further moment can be spent however he burps and tastes cum, which sends him spiraling, awash with lust and pleasure, laughing at the idea of Lou bringing someone home for the two of them. He alights to get the apartment ready for company before guffawing and remembering he couldn’t care less for appearances, he just sits and waits on the couch. Staring at the door eager to bring another overthinking man into his world reigned only by an insatiable lust.
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sweetercalypso · 11 months
🫐 Abby and reader sneaking out so that Abby can take her to the aquarium for the first time :)
Salt Water || Abby Anderson
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Bathed in the murky blue glow of the empty aquarium tanks, Abby has never looked so beautiful.
The building is silent beyond your echoed voices and the hum of the dying water pumps, still producing idle waves twenty years after the aquarium doors had been boarded shut. You don’t think anyone’s been here since, except the occasional stragglers finding temporary shelter in their search for something better.
Abby had discovered this place on her own – a testament to her strengths in the field. She’d explored enough to be sure it was empty before returning to base and telling you about the “fish zoo” by the pier, practically begging you to sneak out with her to see it.
It didn’t take much convincing for you to let her guide you out of the stadium the next day to show you what she’d found. Truthfully, you’d follow her anywhere.
You don’t think you’ve ever seen her this excited before. She’s beaming as she leads you through the clear glass tunnels, hand gripping yours tightly as she pulls you along behind her.
Heavy green vines have overtaken the walls of the aquarium, though spots of color peak through the foliage in odd shapes and strings of letters that are too faded to read. Abby stops and points to a statue of a seal veiled in patina green moss that sits at the end of the hallway.
“Y’know I saw one of those the other day, except it wasn’t bronze… and it was alive.”
You roll your eyes with a huff of laughter, too excited to antagonize Abby’s failed attempt at humor.
She lets go of your hand to clear away the vines covering the set of double doors that she’d stopped in front of. There’s a key stuck in the lock and you briefly wonder how much she’d already explored without you.
“Wait ‘til you see the rest of the place. There’s a sailboat in the amphitheater and a big tank in the floor. Bet it’s connected to the ocean.”
She turns the handle and disappears through the doorway, and you’re left alone under the rippling shadows of the overhead tank. A pale, radiant light pours out from the room, guiding you to follow after her.
“Abby- slow down.”
 You push through the doors and your jaw drops at the sight. This section is different from the rest of the aquarium, shaped like a dome and made of glass, looking out into the ocean. The tanks you’d passed so far had all been empty, but in here, you can see the real flora and fauna living under the waves of the pacific bay.
Abby stands on the far side of the room with her hand hovering over the glass, watching a group of small silvery fish dart through the water. You tread over on silent feet to stand beside her, still taking in the breathtaking scene. She turns to look at you with a softened gaze, the reflection from the glass lighting up her features.
“My dad would’ve loved this place.”
You offer a half-hearted smile at the thought, weaving your fingers between hers and giving a gentle squeeze.
“He would’ve.”
She blinks and turns her attention back to the water. Everything beyond the glass shares the same cloudy blue haze, but you think it’s beautiful all the same. You can only imagine what the view would’ve looked like when the aquarium was still cared for.
“This place is just for us,” Abby decides after a breath of silence. Her shoulder brushes against yours as she sways in her spot, leaning in and pressing her lips to your cheek.
“You and me.”
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
I can’t stop imagining a crack scenario of contestant reader and Host flirting with each other while the other contestants are all just dying horrifically in the background
"Hey there, Handsome."
"Handsome?" The show host chuckles, taking your hand - ghosting the curve of his smile over your knuckles. "That's a new one. I take it my favorite star missed me as well?"
"It's a little hard to when you call me back for every show.." Leaning in, you swirl a finger around his tie; watching as the monotonous gray hue bleds a soft red. "But I'd be lying if I said no. Is it just me, or do our little games get easier everytime? Call me crazy, but I don't asking me if I'm single and undoing as many buttons I can on my shirt before time runs out are broadcasting approved. You trying to get rid of me already?"
"You're a shining star in your own element. How's that old saying go?" Host lifts your hand overhead as he leads you from behind the podium, throwing it over his shoulder as he pulls you in. "Hate to see you leave, but I love to watch you go."
You secure his tie around your hand - wrist bent from the momentum yank him forward, shut what little distance between you. "Lotta words just to say you like what I do behind closed doors. It's easy to detect your presence when you never leave. I do my best since there's always an audience, but sometimes I do wonder what sorta punishment I'd receive if I were too... underperform."
A hand slides from your spine to the back of your thigh, hiking your leg up to his hip. "I find the chance of that happening highly unlikely, but in the case that it did - I'd say some time tied up would be a sufficient penalty for an act like yourself."
"Hmm... So I wouldn't end like one of them?"
Peaking the madness, one of your fellow contestants sobs, drenching in water in a tank as the significant other they left to drown cries them a river. The one to your left is held captive by "peers", forcing them to eat every cent their family bribed teachers and law enforcement with. Host cups your jaw dragging your focus back to him where it so rightfully belongs as he purrs.
"Shame - I'm sure you'd love to see me soaking wet wouldn't you, Host?
"You know me so well... Point goes to you."
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talewrites · 6 months
Fragile Part 7
Sorry for the wait! It was hard to focus while writing this chapter, so I might be editing it for mistakes here and there. I hope you like it! :] <3
Generation: Bayverse TMNT
Tmnt x Reader Fanfic
Pronouns: Gender Neutral (except ‘dudette’, 'miss', and ‘princess’)
Warnings: injury, broken limbs, violence, drowning, not proof read
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
You were laying dazed on the cold metal floor. In too much pain to focus on anything else besides breathing. You heard a commotion, voices muffled through the thick glass. At least inside this tube they couldn’t touch you anymore. Your mind strayed to the turtles. You weren’t able to save them. You weren’t able to do anything. You just hope they can somehow get away safely. That April and Casey can somehow save them.
“I won’t ask again…. Where’s (y/n).” Leo growled. He grit his teeth as he lowered his stance, ready to strike.
Baxter Stockman was quickly typing commands into the program on his computer. Karai stepped in front of him and drew her katana.
“Out of your reach, Turtles.” 
“Aaaaand, there!” Stockman hit one last key on this computer and a red light started to flash on the tank, bringing the turtle’s attention to the crumpled form inside the glass. At the same time a multitude of files and programs started closing on the screen one after another, Stockman’s signature digital self-destruct program. Baxter stepped away from his computer and lifted his arms up triumphantly.
The sound of rattling pipes overhead catches your attention. 
“Ha! You’re too late, Turtles. For years, the Foot Clan has sought out the means to fight you mutants on equal footing. And now, we have our secret weapon! An endless supply of pure mutagen!!!” 
You heard a loud beeping sound, then a click, and the squeak of metal.
A gush of icy water pours down on you from above. The sudden cold shocks you and marginally distracts you from the pain. You pull yourself to the edge of the glass away from the heavy stream of water coming down from above, slowly starting to fill the base. You take a shaky deep breath and bang a fist on the glass. No use. Dizzy and numb, you look outside the tank for someone, something, anything that might help you. That’s when you see them.
And with dawning horror, they see you.
“Guys….?” You press your wet hand up against the glass. They’re here! They’re safe!!!
“(Y/n)....? (Y/N)!!!!” Leo shouts and lunges towards the tank. He tries to rush up to the glass but Rocksteady blocks his path. There’s blood on your cheek, and even a good distance away he can tell you’re in bad shape. 
“OUT OF OUR WAY!” Raph roared at Bebop and Rocksteady, crossing his sai in preparation for a fight.
“Uuuh hey guys? Why is (y/n) in a giant fish bowl…?” Mikey asked, nunchucks at the ready.
“They ain’t comin’ out anytime soon, short stack.” Bebop said with an evil grin. 
“You turtles totally fell for our trap!” Rocksteady chuckled.
Donnie immediately noticed the computer hooked up to the tank’s controls. He tried to subtly sneak past Bebop to get to Stockman but Karai stepped forward and blocked his path.
Karai pointed her sword at Donnie. “The Foot will be unstoppable.”
“And I will FINALLY get the recognition I deserve, for single-handedly creating an entire race of superhumans that will rule over the city!!!” 
“You’re crazy!! You don’t even know what kind of side effects that mutation will have on regular humans!” Donnie activated the electricity at the end of his bo staff, ready to fight Karai to get to Stockman. 
“I do have to thank you turtles for activating their mutant gene. Without your help, none of this would be possible!” Stockman’s laugh echoed through the large room. He waltz over to the canister filling up with the distilled mutagen from your blood. “We originally got (y/n) by a…. foreseeable mistake. But to our surprise, they survived where others had failed. And yet- their results were incomplete. Their animal DNA wasn’t materializing no matter what we did to them. So we came back to New York, where the population could supply us with countless more test subjects.” Baxter said cheerfully, popping the lid off the canister. “But now that we have the results we wanted, we have no need of them! We can preserve (y/n)’s body in a special chemical compound that will put them into a permanent hibernation. No need to worry, their body will be harnessed for science!” Stockman’s laugh was deep and evil, and to everyone’s shock-
He dumped the canister of mutagen over his own head.
Karai lept back out of the trajectory of the splash. Baxter’s laugh increased in volume as he began to morph and change. His head and eyes grew large, his body shrank, little papery wings sprouted from his back, and he mutated into a giant mutant fly. 
Bebop and Rocksteady were stunned by the transformation. “Eeeeewwww… he turned into a bug?” Bebop whined.
“Nasty!” Rocksteady shook his head. Neither of them were paying attention to the turtles so Raph and Donnie covered for Leo and Mikey to make a break for the tank you were in. By now it had filled enough that you were starting to float.
“We’re here babe! We’re gonna get you out!” Mikey reassured you. 
You whimpered helplessly. You were having a hard time keeping your head above water, not really able to swim with a broken dislocated arm and broken ankle. 
“Stay back!” Leo sliced at the glass, and Mikey hit it with his nunchucks as hard as he could, but their attacks barely left a scratch!
“Guys! We have incoming!” Donnie yelled as Stockman had started flying around the room, maniacally laughing as he swooped down and kicked the back of Mikey’s shell, almost knocking him over. 
“Dude, gross!” Mikey protested. Stockman looked to be drooling some kind of acid substance from his mouth.
Bebop and Rocksteady had recovered and started to charge towards them. Leo and Mikey had to jump away from your tank to avoid getting trampled. 
“Donnie, that glass is as hard as steel!!” Leo jumped up and kicked Rocksteady across his cheek, then retreated.
“What’re we gonna do? (Y/n)’s tank is already half full!” Raph shouted. He was using his sai to hold back Bebop’s tusks as he tried to charge them. 
You were doing your best to calm your breathing enough that you could float, but every time your head ducked below water you panicked. Your body was exhausted and protested against your desperate movements, but you needed to survive long enough for the boys to break you out.
“Donnie! See if you can turn off the water!!! I’ve got Karai.” Leo ordered
“Mikey! It’s you and me!” Raph called over, clanging his sai together and shouted a war cry running up to strike Rocksteady. 
“What?! What about the bug brained dude??!! Eep!” Mikey ducked as Stockman flew over his head. He looked down and realized he was kneeling at the feet of Bebop, who had taken the black taser out of his pocket.
“You wanna taste too, little man?” 
When Bebop flicked on the taser, Mikey saw the small stains of fresh blood on the pointed tips that buzzed with electricity. He looked back over to you struggling in the tank and how heavily injured you looked.
He saw red.
Mikey had a rare moment of true anger as he jumped to his feet and knocked the taser out of Bebop’s hand with his nunchucks, and in a flurry of rapid hits he beat back the warthog. He finished him off with a powerful roundhouse kick to the head.
“THAT’S WHAT YOU GET FOR MESSING WITH MY BAE!” He shouted triumphantly.
Raph looked back to Mikey with wide eyes, proud of his little bro for letting loose. “Woah. Way to go Mikey!” He ducked a hit from Rocksteady and punched him hard under his chin. Knocking him out cold. 
Leo was crossing swords with Karai. She was a skilled fighter. But he was much stronger than her. While he pushed her back with a heavy strike, she slipped on some of the mutagen that had spilled on the floor, allowing Leo to take advantage of the opening and disarmed her. He flicked her sword out of her hand and knocked her back. She glared daggers at him, quickly recovering. But seeing as Bebop and Rocksteady were knocked out, she opted for a tactical retreat.
“This is just the beginning.” She hissed and ran out of the lab door. 
Stockman was buzzing around your tank, still laughing maniacally. 
“You turtlezzzzz cannot defeat the mighty Dr Stockman!! I am invincible!! I am-“
Donnie turned on the taser at the end of his bo staff and vaulted it at the annoying human insect, striking him and electrocuting him, knocking him out of the air to fall on the floor with a gross splat.
“Good thing I always carry a bug zapper.” He deadpanned.
Donnie went back to trying to hack into Stockmans computer. He managed to get past the firewall with his hacking program, but he discovered that all of the interfaces connected to the tank control had been erased. 
There was no way to stop the tank from filling up completely. Donnie would have to write a whole new interface from scratch to control the tank.
There was no time.
You were running out of air, trying desperately to keep your head above water as the tank was almost full to the top. You took in one last deep breath just as the water consumed the last of the space. You held your good hand over your mouth and nose hard, trying to hold in the air, and floated down towards the bottom of the tank. 
No more air.
“ANGEL CAKES!!!” Donnie and Mikey yelled out in panic.
Your eyes snapped open, hearing their muffled voices outside the tank. You swam over to the glass and met eyes with Raphael. He had picked a spot and began punching at the glass over and over again with his sai in his fists.
The needled jabs just managed to scratch the surface. 
You looked at him sadly through the glass. He was stressed, sweating and desperate to break through. Mikey had grabbed a chair and had chucked it at the glass from another spot but it just bounced off and broke on the floor.
Leo was standing behind Donnie with his hand on his shoulder, but his eyes didn’t leave your face. 
Time was running out. You were choking on the stale air in your lungs. Head getting dizzy from lack of oxygen. You removed your hand from your mouth and pressed it up to the glass, some bubbles of air escaping your mouth. Your eyebrows knit together to concentrate on not breathing in the fluid in the tank. But you were suffocating and in pain. 
It was hard.
You looked back up at Raph, and forced a smile on your face. You felt sad. You didn’t want them to see you like this. They felt so far away. 
Darkness was consuming your vision. The last remaining bubbles of air escaped from your mouth and your eyes slipped closed. 
“NO!!! NO-! (Y/N), STAY WITH US.” Raph pounded his fist hard against the glass. 
“DAMN IT.” Donnie frustratingly slammed his fist down next to the keyboard, his head falling into his hands. None of the lines of command coding he was typing in were working.
Leo left Donnie’s side and strode up to the tank.
“Move.” Leo ordered as he came up behind Raph. He unsheathed his swords and began slicing at the glass again. It was barely making a scratch. But combined with the small dents Raph had been making, he was slowly chipping away at the surface.
“Leo! If you can manage to cut 1.2 centimeters deep, it should weaken the glass enough to shatter with enough force!” Donnie yelled from where he was still furiously typing into the stationed keyboard. His attempts to unlock the system all in vain. 
Leo and Raph worked together to stab and slice at the weakest point in the glass until finally-
A small fracture appeared in the glass. 
“There!!” Donnie called out. Raph and Leo switched to charging at the door and ramming it full force with their shoulders. Over and over as the cracks grew wider and wider.
Mikey came over, and with a hand on Leo’s shoulder, the leader stepped aside to let his little brother help. Mikey joined Raph and rammed the glass again with such force the crack split all the way across the glass. One more strike-
The glass shattered on impact.
The gush of water that burst through swept Mikey and Raph off their feet. The floor of the lab flooded, and your body washed up on the floor. Lifeless and unmoving.
“(Y/N)!!!!!!” The boys all yelled. 
Leo reached you first, falling into a kneel at your side. He ripped out the two needles from your back and held you in his arms. Donnie rushed over and slid down into the other spot at your side, his goggles pulled into place as he quickly checked you over.
“They’re not breathing. Put them down flat, now.” Leo obeyed and laid you on your back. Donnie first pressed down on your diaphragm to check for water blocking your lungs, then began compressions. 
The room was dead quiet all except for the sounds of Donnie’s whispered counting as he pressed down on your chest. He paused, opened your mouth, pinched your nose, and breathed into your lungs. 
Mikey was nervously walking around you back and forth, and Raph watched you from a distance, a vacant expression as he watched your face for any sign of movement, pleading with himself for you to be okay. 
After what felt like an eternity, you coughed. Leo quickly rolled you lay on your side. You spit up water, gasping for air. You felt like you were coughing up a lung full of ethanol. 
Mikey cheered and Raph took a deep breath, covering his face with his hands. Donnie fell backwards onto his butt and pulled his goggles off his head, so incredibly relieved you were breathing. Leo rubbed your back comfortingly as you got your breathing back under control.
Once you got a suitable amount of oxygen back in your lungs, you whimpered. Your throat was burning and a pain in your stomach and chest made it hard to breathe.
Leo picked you up again, and held you close to his chest. Your eyes fluttered open and you winced at the bright light from the ceiling.
“Welcome back.” Leo said with a smile on his face.
“Leo…?” Your voice was quiet and scratchy. You looked around at Donnie, Mikey, and Raph that all came into view around you and Leo.
“Guys….?” You felt barely conscious. Head foggy and tired like you were under water.
“We’re right here.” Donnie assured you, reaching down to pick up your good hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
All the fear and emotion of drowning and being captured suddenly crashed down on you all at once. You sniffed and big tears gathered in your eyes.
“I was… so scared… I thought I was going to lose you….!” You hiccuped and sobbed as Leo held your trembling form tightly against his chest.
“Shhhh, it’s okay. I’m here. We got you.” Leo soothed, rubbing his hand down your back. He buried his nose into your damp hair and held you tight.
“You had us worried there for a minute!” Donnie was smiling at you, soft and relieved. Mikey was standing behind him rubbing tears out of his eyes.
“Let’s get you home.” Raph said, kneeling down behind you. 
“Wait. I need to splint their arm and their ankle first. Mikey, can you find me some-“
“Will this work?” 
Mikey had already broken off the thin legs of a chair across the room. 
“Yeah that works fine.” He pulled out two rolls of gauze from one of the pockets on his belt, and took the offered sticks from Mikey, who knelt down by your feet. 
“What’re we gonna do about him?” He asked, motioning over to Stockman’s twitching form across the room.
The brothers all sneered at the fly mutant with similar levels of disgust on their faces, finding him rather gross. You smiled.
“Just leave him there, we can worry about him another time.” Leo offered, adjusting you in his grip. You winced terribly when your arm was moved. 
“….Is ...your arm dislocated?” Leo asked you, holding you upright in a sitting position, now thoroughly checking you over. 
Donnie and Mikey were working together to splint your ankle, Mikey holding up your foot while Donnie wrapped the splint to it.
“Let me see that.” Raph placed his hands on your shoulder and you clenched your teeth and whined quietly at the sharp pain.
“Leo, hold them still for a minute.” 
“Just hold onto me tightly, it’ll be over in a second.” Leo hugged you close, wrapping an arm around your good side.
Raph got hold of your tender arm, and with practiced ease, popped your shoulder back into place. You cried out loudly and buried your face in Leo’s shoulder, taking deep breaths. 
Raph tried to rub the soreness out of your poor shoulder. “Good job, princess. Now let Donnie get a look at that break.”
You hesitantly detached yourself from Leo, your shaking red and swollen arm was carefully picked up by Donnie, who set the splint and carefully wrapped the bandages.
“I’ll be able to get a better look at it with the x-ray machine back at home. For now we just have to be really careful not to jostle them too much when carrying them back.”
“I got em.” Raph volunteered. Leo looked to Raph, wordlessly nodding his head for his brother to take you from his arms.
“Careful of their arm….”
“Got it.” 
Without much effort, Raph scooped you up in his big arms. You winced as a sharp stabbing pain radiated through your stomach as you were held close to Raph’s chest.
Something was definitely wrong.
“I’m sorry, princess. It’s just until we get you home.” Raph apologized. Leo led everyone quickly out of the lab. 
Once back out in the hallway you had entered from, you noticed with visible shock the literal sea of bodies that covered the floor. Foot ninja. They fought through all of them, just to get to you.
Everyone exited the lab, careful to stick to the shadows as the sun began to rise. As the turtles made their way for their home, your stomach burned worse and worse with a white hot pain that radiated through your body. The movement of the city passing you by made you become dizzy, and your head felt like it was spinning. You felt nauseous and incredibly tired. 
“Hey Raph….?”
“Yeah princess?”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you guys…. You had to save me instead….” You weren’t making any sense. Raph could barely hear you as the wind whipped past his head. You just felt so tired.
“Hey, stay with me, princess. We’re almost there. It’s okay.” Raph didn’t know what the right thing to say was. But your eyes were starting to slide closed.
“Can we…. Can we watch Princess Bride again…. When we get home….?”
Raph smiled at that.
“Yeah. We’ll watch it as many times as you want, short stack.” He didn’t care if his brothers teased him for secretly liking your girly movie. He didn’t care if he had to watch it with you a hundred times. He just wanted you to get better.
“We’re almost there. How you holding up?” 
Your eyes were closed.
“Come on, wake up, we’re almost there.”
He was desperate. 
You hummed, but your eyelids felt too heavy to lift. You felt yourself sinking into a dark liquid abyss. You could no longer fight the pull.
“(Y/n)….. (y/n)? Hey…! Hey, no no no no no, you gotta stay awake. Come on princess…! (Y/N)!!!”
You felt Raph try to shake you awake, felt his muscles tense as he pushed himself to go faster. 
“We’re almost there, hold on…!”
“Hold on….”
Darkness overtook you.
Part 8
@itsberrydreemurstuff @thecreat0r64 @eli-chris @kurlyfrasier @autisticnutcase @drenix004 @donniesgirlie @cherryp-op @foggyturtleknightangel @blackrockshooter780 @l-n-g-t @peachesdabunny @silverwatergalaxy @willy-the-witch @caeliasaida @veri-varily @xnorthstar3x @leonardo-dabitchy @sh1ga-to3s
If anyone else wants to be tagged for the next update, let me know in the comments! :]
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marzipanandminutiae · 10 days
Marzi's Old House Supply Kit: A Non-Exhaustive List
So you've moved into an old house! Congratulations! No, no, look at me. Look in my eyes. Congratulations. You don't need smart lighting. You don't need paltry things like "showers that don't make ungodly noises if you set the water outside a very specific temperature range" or "logical staircases." Because those people who say They Built Them Sturdier Back Then is survivorship bias are wrong, lead paint is only a problem if you eat it, and your new home is basically a tank
also it might have stained glass. so basically you win
(no but seriously the Survivorship Bias argument is just like. tell me you don't live in a city with large quantities of remaining working-class 110-year-old buildings without telling me. I do. they're sturdier. end of.)
but you might need some things to make it a bit more comfortable. here's what I've found, over eight years of living in houses built 1920 or earlier
Power strips. Depending on the age of your house, it may or may not have had electricity originally. And even if it did, whoever lived there almost certainly had fewer things to plug in than the average denizen of the 2020s. There also may have been gorgeous wall sconces that some asshole heartlessly ripped out at some point, forcing you to use the hideous hateful Overhead LightTM or plug in a bunch of lamps. Either way, you're going to need to turn that single outlet in the room into several more. Hence, power strips.
(hey, I never said this list was free of my design biases. deal)
A Good Fan. You may live in a place where retrofitting with air conditioning was commonplace in the last several decades. I do not. So a good pedestal fan can make the difference between comfort and just not sleeping at all from late June to mid-September. Weirdly, I did once look at a place that was from the 1850s and had been retrofitted with central A/C, which is vanishingly rare in even urban Massachusetts. But I digress.
A stud-finder. "Marzi, you spent years of your life explaining to tourists that picture rails existed because trying to hammer nails directly into horsehair plaster and then putting weight on them did Bad Things." Yes I did. "What did you attempt to do the second week of living in your first house with horsehair plaster?" ...shut up. I used the Poltergeist Method to find solid wood- I don't know if it's actually studs or the lath or what; I'm not a builder -to hang my Lady and the Unicorn tapestry from, namely knocking on the wall until it doesn't sound hollow. You might want to go a bit quieter and more advanced. Or, if you have a picture rail, embrace the "long visible hanging wires" look. It is in fact there for a reason!
Window screens. You are actually required by Massachusetts state law to provide these to your tenants. Doesn't mean my last landlady did. And if you own your place, live in another state, or have a similarly laissez-faire building owner, you might end up needing to Bring Your Own Insect-Blocking Shield. Just make sure you've got them, one way or the other. Because see above re: fan vs. air conditioning in old houses.
WD-40. When's the last time those hinges were oiled? Potentially before television. And they WILL squeak. UPDATE I HAVE BEEN INFORMED THAT WD-40 IS NOT A GOOD LONGTERM SOLUTION. Find "actual oil." Not sure what the more specific name is. Good to know!
That's just what I've found needful so far, but I'm happy to update the list as required!
And you'd better believe, if I owned my own place, this would include "the name of a preservation contractor to undo all the unnecessary ~*MoDeRnIzInG*~ aesthetic bullshit the past owners did since the End of Mainstream Western House Beauty AKA 1920 (That Brief Rococo Revival In the 1930s Can Maybe Sit With Us)"
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evanescencelovrr · 10 days
this is part 2 of my college!simon idea :) enjoy! feel free to like comment & reblog.
Simon mumbled and grunted. He was heaved over the barstool of the Bistro, finished a long day of studies and classwork. A.D, B.C, blueprints of Greek palaces and Knossos rebuilding—my ass. He thought in annoyance, brows slashes down in a glare, rough eyes peering out from his balaclava mask. A girl beside him eyed his mask to which he stared, biting into his sandwhich.
All around the Bistro had calmed down, a few people in and out. Simon always took the seat closest to the exit, it was better for an escape—and he maintained situational awareness. Not only that, but he liked when he sat alone. His brooding form took over at least two seats.
“Bloody hell…the man took chicken outta chicken…” Simon said, staring at his sandwich in disgust. His eyes had widened by a fraction. He chewed the last bite before setting the stale sandwich down, already pissed they messed up his order. He shook his head in annoyance and then managed to catch you.
His head paused in its moment and he drank you in, hair illuminated by the dangling overhead lights. The warm light made your hair softer than usual, and you wore a flowy skirt, some boots and a buckled bag hang off your shoulder. Along with a tank top you’d managed to find in your laundry that wasn’t dirty.
Wait a minute. He’d seen you before. This was the lass that lived across from him. In that tiny corner of a “room,” your “dungeon” as he called it. His eyes narrowed as he watched you order your usual. He had no idea what it was but he was tempted to find out.
Only so he could get rid of whatever the hell he’d been ordering lately. After you received your ticket, you made your way to the opposite seating area away from him, hair flowing and following your movements.
“I keep seein’ that lass…tis a sign or wot?” He’d mumble, more so to himself. The plastic cup nudges his lips before he drank the water, washing away whatever chicken—fake chicken had been left.
Sometime later at night, he’d been walking down the pathway to his dorm. His hands were stuffed casually in his pockets, the sound of music blasting through his wired headphones was the only thing he was focused on. His boots crunched over pebbles, the gravely path taking a turn up a slope. The moon hung high and heavy in the sky.
It was then he caught wind of some laughter pouring out like champagne. Smooth, easy, flowing. Kind of like—you. There you stood, standing ahead and walking, just having finished dinner and on your phone, smiling widely. Your head was tilted up at the moon in amazement, talking about how you’d seen more balls than you cared to admit—
To which he cocked a brow curiously and carried on walking, although slightly slower this time. God. Maybe it was from all the training that weighed him down. He knew it was an excuse to eavesdrop more but to be fair: you piqued his interest. Ever since he’d seen you in that bathroom, hair tousled and half asleep.
“My damn window won’t shut.” He heard you complain, sighing as your head tipped down, focusing on the rocky path. You adjusted your bag, hair flowing. Some laughter sounded over the phone and then said, “Just get that masked man to do it, the one you been telling me about.”
Masked man?
Who else wore a looming skull mask in the dead of night? Him.
“No, absolutely not—I don’t even know him.” You said much quieter, eyes wide and lifting to peer around to see if anyone heard. It seemed like you didn’t know he was directly behind you, hanging a few feet back. He shuffled in his spot and for the first time in a while for the day, found his lip itching to grin. It was too easy. You seemed naive in the moment.
It also seemed apparent to him you’d been talking about him—to whoever friend it was over the phone. His finger tapped against his thigh, head cocking to the side curiously. Although he couldn’t blame you for doing so—lotta lassies fawned over him. He found himself disinterested though, unable to see himself in a relationship for the time being. Maybe it was the trauma, maybe it was the fact he preffered to be with his goldfish and venting to it, only to be returned with blobs of bubbles blowing out.
Just then, his boot crunched loudly on a twig and your head snapped around, hand clutching the phone. He stared, now pausing in his movements, as you were blocking his path. He watched as color drained from your face quite amusingly—and you fumbled to disconnect the phone call.
“Yeah, yeah, make sure to tell him what a nice ass—“
The phone cut off. Now both of you stood staring at each other.
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A Guiding Hand 4
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, parental neglect, depression, inference of self harm, violence, abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: your online academics are affected by your personal struggles but your professor won’t let you give up so easy.
Characters: Raymond Smith, Lee Bodecker in the background
Note: you all are beautiful.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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The professor’s shadow looms over you in your dim room. Now you have a face for your disappointment. The thought of his staunch expression fills you with dread and somewhat motivation. So it is that you at least try. Just try. Simple as that. Try. 
After your meeting, you spend the day cleaning your room, hoping for a clean slate to start over. You spend a bit too long contemplating useless possessions as if putting off the inevitable. Eventually you have to sit down and do the real work. Once you do that, you will be forced to face reality. This is the flip of the coin; success or failure. 
The next morning you turn on the overhead light, casting the space in a brighter tint than usual. You aren’t used to the clarity or the tidiness. You can see the floor. There isn’t clutter on the desk or the bookshelf and it just feels easier. 
Anxious to begin, you sit down and boot up your laptop. You open your notebook and find your place. The course book takes some time to load as you yawn and rub your forehead. You need coffee before you begin. That’s it. No other distractions after that. 
You get up and cross the room, a needling above your left eyebrow. Yes, coffee is a must. You come out into the hall and listen to the silence of the apartment. It’s early and you know your mother had a late night. You woke up several times to inexplicable thumps. 
You shuffle into the kitchen and wash out the dregs of yesterday’s coffee from the pot. You empty the filter and put in a new one; measuring the grounds particularly. Everything you do is deliberate now, it has to be. You pour water in the tank and pop the lid down, hitting brew to cap off the process. 
You lean on the counter and yawn again. You hang your head as your eyelids grow heavy. You can’t be sleepy all day. You need your energy. The equations will certainly do little for your pulsing head. 
You hear your mom’s bedroom door and you shift over towards the sink. A figure appears at the edge of your vision but you don’t look over. You assume it’s her until the deep rumble rises from the man’s throat. Lee nears and before you can sidle further, he’s behind you. 
“Mm, coffee smells good,” he rasps as he pens you in, reaching over your head to open the cupboard. His stomach presses to your back as you stare down at the sink, “scuse me.” He takes down a cup, lingering a moment before he backs away and sets the cup down with a loud clink, “you’re up early.” 
Him too. You keep the thought sewn up behind your lips. You shrug. 
“Heard you last night too. Skittering around in your room.” 
Your blink at him. He wears only a pair of white underwear, his belly pudgy but his arms firmly muscled. He hardly seems bothered by his bareness. He takes the pot off the burner mid-brew and fills his cup, emptying what’s there before he places it back. You tuck your lower lip under your teeth and cross your arms. 
“Night owl, huh,” he comments as he pulls the sugar dish away from the wall. He takes the lid off and sprinkles the sugar into his coffee without a spoon. You stand and watch him dumbly. 
He swirls the mug and takes a sip. He lets out a satisfied sigh, “mm, you make good coffee.” 
You bite into your lip before you let it free, “thanks, sir.” 
He scoffs, “sir? Ain’t got my badge on right now.” 
You nod and cross your arms. 
“How old’re ya?” he turns to lean on the counter, slurping loudly. 
You’re put off by his curiosity. Your run-ins are few and far between. That’s on purpose. You avoid your mother’s men and often, the do the same with you. You answer him and he hums, eyes slitting as he thinks. 
“And you’re still living here with ma?” He wonders, “old enough to be out on your own, ain’t ya?” 
“I guess,” you lock your arms tightly, your shoulders hurting from the tension. 
“Mmm,” he takes another gulp, his eyes still on you. “Ain’t bad. Ain’t bad at all. Bet lots of men wouldn’t mind.” 
“What?” You shift back on your heel. 
“Yeah, not too bad on the eyes, are ya? I mean, ladies are all the same when you get em naked,” he chortles and stands straight.  
“Sir, I... I got... I got homework,” you turn, swaying awkwardly as you drop your arms and march away. 
“Ah, smarty pants, huh? Men like that too,” he taunts after you. “Don’t matter much when they young like you.” 
You’re brittle, about to break. You don’t need another reminder of how much of a loser you are. Even when you try, it’s just not enough.  
You don’t look back, your skin crawling as he belches and you hear the carafe hit the top of the machine as he lifts it again. You close yourself in your room and frown at the wall. You didn’t even get coffee for all that. 
You pout and drag your feet to the desk. You sit down and brace your head in your hands. You’ll try to wait him out. He’ll have to leave eventually. Coffee doesn’t matter. You got to get through this course book. You promised you would. 
It takes two days to finish the coursebook, faster than expected. A gleam of pride flashes through your mind but quickly fizzles out as you attach your work to an email. It might be done but it matters more that it's done correctly.  
You don't know much of Professor Smith or truly of people in general, but he seems to be very precise. Forgiving in moments but given his feedback on previous submissions, he is strict about the numbers themselves. You make yourself hit send. 
You could take the afternoon on some self-congratulatory celebration, but you still have work to do. You open up coursework five and wait for the case studies to load. The most difficult part for you are the spreadsheets. There's so much data to sift through though applying the formulas and balancing them are easy enough. 
After a few problems, you stretch your fingers and lean your head on the heels of your hands. You yawn at the desk and roll your shoulders as you sit up. If you can get through just one course, you might just be able to do this. 
It's a bit ridiculous. The smallest of things are so big to you. The simple are overly complicated by your self-doubt and yet too often those doubts have proven true.  
You shake off the wave of grimness and stand up. You stop halfway, hovering between the seat and your feet, as an email chimes in. It's Professor Smith. You sit and blink at the laptop. 
'Thank you. I will have a look over and return with feedback. Hope you are keeping well. Good job on the speedy work. 
Your cheeks pinch as a smile threatens. He hasn't said whether you've done well or not but the acknowledgement feels like sunshine on your skin. It makes you want to keep going. 
You forget about the whim to have a cup of tea and settle back in to work at the next problem. If you get through the first section of the coursework, you might just be able to sleep. 
Groggy, you rub your eyes and grumble. You lean forward on the toilet and let the trickle out. You woke up with a horrible fullness and it hurts to let it out. You sigh as you stand and pull up your sweatpants. 
As you crank on the sink, you hear a groaning hinge that mirrors the noise. There's staggering and the shatter of glass. A body hits the wall just outside the bathroom door. You turn off the faucet and face the commotion.  
Your heart races as your mother cries out and there's the crack of flesh. Your reticence has you cowering as fire speckles over you. It's not just fear, it's anger, the frustration you tamp down each time you hear her bawling. 
"No good lousy bitch," Lee snarls as there's another slap. This time he grunts, "what the hell do ya think ya doin'?" 
You near the door and slowly turn the knob. You inch it open and see your mother crawling away from the man. The scent of vodka permeates the air and a broken bottle litters the carpet around her. 
Lee boots her rear and sends her to her stomach. She yelps as he steps over her, dropping down to straddle her between his knees. She's wearing one of her tattered night shirts and nothing else, one sleeve down her shoulder. 
"Now, I waa being nice and you just had to go and yip like a spoilt bitch," he grabs her hair and forces her head up as she whines. The thrashes out, the glass cutting into her arms and legs, as he shifts his weight and the elastic of his briefs tautens as he tugs at it. "Lemme show ya what you're worth--" 
Your heart races and your throat lumps. Your chest tightens and your adrenaline wakes you completely. You don't know what to do. Do what you always do; hide. 
You push the door towards the frame and your mother sobs again. You close your eyes and stop. You don't know what you're doing. Why you're doing it. It never helps. It never works. Not since that little girl ended up at the bottom of the stairs all those years ago. When she learned to keep out of the way. 
Those memories fade and you swing the door inward. Your feet stomp out across the floor and you leap onto Lee's back as he bares his ass. You hook your arms around his thick neck and he falls backwards as your mom yelps again. 
“Huh, oh,” she wriggles and drags herself from under you and Lee as you wrestle on the floor, “sweetie, no--” 
She reaches for you and Lee kicks her again. She falls back and you squeeze him tighter, as hard as you can, ignore the bite of the glass as it pierces through your shirt. He elbows your side and you gasp, the pain ringing through your ribs.
Still, you don’t let go. You don’t know why. Maybe because if you do, you lose. 
“What’re ya—dumb little brat—just like your ma,” he snarls as his weight crushes you and he tries to peel your fingers from around your forearm. “I’m gonna teach you--” 
“Don’t hurt her!” You mother jumps on him, further adding to the pile. You can’t breathe as you’re flattened beneath them. “That’s my daughter! My daughter...” 
Her words slur drunkenly as she cries and lays her fists weakly into the man atop you. He shoves her off of him easily but she doesn’t relent. She lands on her ass between his legs and yours. You barely keep hold of him as you head begins to thrum. 
“Hold him, baby,” she orders as you can only see the top of her head over the chaos. She jerks and the man atop you grunts and shrivels his hands flying down to cup below his waist. “God--- Irene. The—fuck.” 
“Baby, let him go,” your mother huffs and heaves as she struggles to her feet. 
She pulls on your arm, tugging you out from under him as he rolls onto his sides, his hand between his legs. She must have got a good shot in. She stumbles and sways as she pulls you up, hanging onto you as she almost topples again. She’s drunk. Very drunk. 
“Go to your room, sweetie,” she brings a hand to your cheek. “Please--” 
“But...” you trail off and look down at the man as he puffs out through gritted teeth, “make him go, mom. Please. He’s going to hurt you.” 
“It’s alright,” she coos and pets your face, “it doesn’t hurt so much.” 
“Wh-why?” You sputter. 
“You gotta go, baby,” she coaxes, “let me take care of him.” 
“Mom, please,” you beg her, eyes glazing with tears. “We can call the cops--” 
“He is the cops, baby,” she lets you go and turns to him, falling over him as she rubs his arm, “Lee, honey, I’m sorry. I was just scared--” 
“I oughta--” he chokes out, “that damn daughter of yours...” 
“Shush, honey,” she comforts him and bends to whisper in his ear. 
You stare down at them, mortified. All that effort and for what? She just folds for these men. Goes right back to taking the abuse. Over and over again. They don’t even treat her nice. 
She looks up again, her eyes glistening, “go. Lock your door.” 
Her hiss nips at you and has you scrambling to your room. There’s nothing you can do. You don’t know why you thought for that instant that you could. You don’t know why you think there’s anything you can do right. It all just ends the same. 
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trueangel420 · 2 months
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kit walker, “I said it really nicely, so can you be my savior?” kinda outta luck - ldr ౨ৎ part 2 of this wc 1038 (it’s so short)
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You stood at the payphone, fingers curled around the wire as you leaned back against the glass booth. Your mother’s voice boomed through the static: “You’ve been riding around the South with that man? Baby, you haven’t stolen his car yet.” She wasn’t one to judge; she knew how impulsive you could be. After a few hours of traveling with Kit, she was worried about her little troublemaker.
“Ma!” you whispered into the phone, glancing back at the gas station. “I’m not stealin’ his car. I tried already,” you mumbled, embarrassment washing over you again.
“We’ve been driving around all night, Ma. I’m trying to behave,” you said, hearing her sigh through the phone. She was always supportive, no matter what. “Go into that gas station and get something. You don’t have to hurt that good man. He’s helping you out of the kindness of his heart, Bunny.” That was true. You needed some clothes and refreshments, and you didn’t plan on paying for them. You hung up the phone and stepped out of the glass booth, walking past Kit as he filled up his tank.
“Need me to come in with you, doll?” He called out, making you pause. God, he was polite—probably the nicest man you’d ever met.
“No need, just grabbing a few things,” you replied, eyeing his clothes. Unlike you, he had extra clothes in his car and had changed into jeans and a tank top—something simple to beat the heat. His outfit was clean, showing off the outline of his body perfectly. He reached for his wallet, waving it.
“Here,” he offered.
You shook your head, forcing a smile. “No, I got it,” you insisted, even though you had nothing but the lint in your pockets. Kit watched you with those kind eyes as you turned and headed into the gas station, the bell above the door chiming softly as you entered.
The fluorescent lights buzzed overhead, casting a harsh glow over the rows of snacks and drinks. You grabbed a basket and started tossing in essentials—water, gas station sandwiches, and a six-pack of Coke. Making your way to the back, where the clothes were, you spotted an American flag bikini and a pair of shorts. A beach bag caught your eye—one big enough to fit everything. You decided to stuff all your items in there.
Glancing back, you noticed the old clerk wasn't paying any attention. Perfect. You looked outside and saw Kit waiting in the car, his hands tapping on the wheel. “Getaway driver,” you mumbled to yourself, laughing. That's what he's going to be when you're done.
You made your way to the cashier, holding the bag like it was yours and flashing him a sweet smile. “Do you happen to have any cigarettes?” you asked, trying to distract him. The man shook his head and looked behind him. "I don't suppose I do, little lady. We have... well," he started to search more thoroughly, and you slipped a chocolate bar off the counter into your bag.
“Well, I'll be on my way if you don't. Have a good day, mister!” you said, leaving—your pace casual, though you didn't want him to notice his loot slung over your arm.
You sat in the passenger seat, and Kit watched you closely before clearing his throat. “I feel bad for having you pay for it, doll. Can I make it up to you?” Though it had only been a few hours, Kit was already incredibly sweet on you.
You bit your lip, glancing over at him. He offered, and he’s been so kind—he doesn’t even know you. “I don’t even know where you're going. I don’t want this to be our last stop,” he confessed voice lower than usual, his eyes focused on you. “Do you want to keep going with me? Don’t you have people back home?”
He shook his head. “They don’t matter, not after I met you.”
“You don’t know me from a can of paint, Kit—” He shook his head again and started the engine, his hands tapping the wheel. “Don’t need to know you, sugar. Didn’t you hear me say that?”
“I’m bad news,” you blurted out, looking at him. His face twisted in confusion as he rubbed his jaw, keeping one hand on the wheel. He finally settled on his words.
“Don’t care.”
“Why?” you whispered, gawking at him like he was insane. He’d only met you hours ago and now he wanted to stay on the route you were going. A wild girl like you—you didn’t even have a plan, just to get as far away from that gun and that truck as you could. He turned on the radio, keeping the volume low as "My Girl" played.
“I got sunshine on a cloudy day,” he sang along, ignoring you. “I guess you say what can make me feel this way,” he glanced at you, “my girl.”
“Come on, Kit, stop—” you tried to keep a straight face, your lips pressed into a line.
“Why? Because you’re different, that’s why. You got somethin’ in you. I can see it now—you and me traveling together for a long time,” he said fondly, his cheeks slightly pink as he continued to drive. The road was quiet, and the sun started to set. You needed to make a decision about him. You needed to be truthful—you needed to be careful.
“Kit…” you started, turning towards him as you spoke. He glanced at you before staring at the road again. “I’ve hurt people. I’m a—” You recalled all the things you did; this wasn’t your first time stealing and hurting people close to you. Trouble followed you insatiably.
“I don’t need money, fortune, or fame,” he hummed to the song. “I guess you say what can make me feel this way, my girl,” he looked at you again, smiling.
“Kit, I’ve ki—”
“Don’t tell me,” your eyes widened at his words. What? Don’t tell him? What was his problem.. why did he trust you so much—why did he like you so much?
“D-don’t tell you?”
“Don’t tell me, sugar.” You nibbled your bottom lip, realizing he was serious about this, about being here with you. “Turn left here—it’s a motel,” you murmured, watching him nod and make the turn.
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solacebloom · 6 months
Steven Grant x Autistic!Reader
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Just some drabbles of what being friends/partners with Steven Grant would look like with an autistic reader since, I myself, am autistic. Autism is a spectrum so I tried to make it inclusive but some of the traits are obviously going to be more geared towards my experience since that's what I'm writing from. Also gender neutral!reader
TW: talking about stimming, autistic meltdowns, cpstd, insomnia, DID
Steven Grant
Steven Grant has a lot of autistic traits, so I’ll be treating him like he is.
Rigid routines, hyperfixations (Egyptology), always calling his Mom every morning, being visibly upset when his routine is changed, etc
CPSTD can exacerbate autism traits so whether or not Marc and Jake have autism in particular I’m not going to get into right this moment BUT
man has insomnia among other things he gets it he understands you better than most.
If you were cohabitating the both of you would have your safe spaces in the flat
On top of that the entire place would be sensory friendly, your little retreat
Overhead light never gets turned on when it’s with you two, Steven keeps the curtains open for some natural light
incense from his involuntary travels would be stockpiled
He definitely has some sort of trinket or keepsake that makes white noise of some kind
Might be a water feature or windchimes hung up by the window- Gus’ tank also emits some white noise from the filter and water pump
The flat will always have some sort of noise to drown out the busy streets outside
When the noises are overstimulating to the both of you though he’s got noise canceling headphones and earbuds- he misplaces them a lot so there’s always extra to go around
Though eventually he gets you your own pair for around the flat
If you use a cane or any sort of walker he invests in making sure you have a spot to put it while you’re around the flat and that there’s actually space for you to walk around with it if needed
While he loves his collections of books, if you can’t traverse the flat with all that stuff on the floor he’s going to find another spot for them. Shoved into a closet somewhere- a storage unit, whatever he can do to keep his books and you
You both definitely stay in a lot more than you do go out
The street just outside the flat is busy but in the quieter hours the two of you go on short walks under the moonlight
If you’re novelty seeking though Steven’s not going to be the best at helping but will do his best to tag along with you if it’s outside of the house. 
Sometimes he’s right there with you ready to go out and other times he’s just wanting to stay home, you don’t always match energies 
Novelty seeking at home though? Completely different story. He’s always happy to dive into a new topic with you, whether it’s related to his own hyperfixation or one of your own
Insomnia and DID affect his memory so even if he has come to terms with Marc he’s still going to be writing things down, taking notes on the subject you two are diving into
When you need to stim Steven has a TON of trinkets and stim toys around the flat if not already in his pockets
The only thing he wouldn’t share with you is his rubik cube, if that’s not already in his hands while the two of you are talking it’s in his pocket or misplaced on a shelf it’s definitely his most well loved stimming item and he has to fix it, often
Puzzles also! From old crosswords to literal picture puzzles he’s down to do them all with you and will probably be absentmindedly doing one while you info dump
He has a rocking chair somewhere in the flat that’s incredibly comfy and well loved for some full body stimming
I don’t think Steven would have a sensory swing and if he does he was to embarrassed to set up for himself
Like Steven doesn’t hate himself for being autistic
He never learned to mask but there’s still lingering anxieties, they just aren’t focused around his autism, more on his DID and just general trauma 
If you or any or the other alters found the swing though there would be some questions and a lot of hesitance and excuses on Steven’s end
Well you bet that swing is getting set up now
Even if Steven doesn’t end up using it as much he’s glad that it’s there if you or him need it at some point 
You both do parallel play/being alone together- you’ll focus on your task and he’ll do his while you both are in the same room
Whilst some tasks give Steven the ick he can’t offload all the chores to his alters 
So when the dishwasher needs to be opened or dishes cleaned in the sink he has a whole process to try and make it easier on himself
He wouldn’t be good at helping you out with these tasks either but his presence is appreciated 
If eating noises are triggering Steven will either fetch the noise canceling headphones or go eat out on the porch or off in another room
Safe foods! He has them written down if he doesn’t already remember them
The flat is stocked with both his and your safe foods
If you’re out of the house he keeps a backpack on him that would have snacks and trinkets
I don’t think Steven goes nonverbal often mostly because I think that version for him is probably just retreating back and forcing the other alters out so that at least someone is talking in whatever situation is happening
I think if it does happen in a safe space with you though he’s most likely writing down his thoughts to you over his notebook
When you go nonverbal he gets a little panicky, because he knows how he feels when that comes up so he’s much more fretful over that
He starts asking you a bunch of yes or no questions to things you may need which isn’t always entirely helpful as it can be a bit overwhelming
But after his anxieties are quelled he’s much more able to help out in whatever you need
Whatever communication device or tool you use he’s more than willing to accommodate and carries around cards in the backpack as well
When you have a meltdown for the first time in front of him he definitely isn’t entirely sure of himself, he doesn’t know exactly what you need so it takes some trial and error 
After the meltdown though he asks what you’d like to have happen when another one occurs
Whether you need physical touch or instead a weighted blanket or touch sensation at all he’s ready to help
Whatever entertainment medium you like he’ll put on/grab to keep your mind distracted and calmed
If it’s in public he will probably let another alter handle it since that’s overwhelming for him too though I think he feels guilty about it despite it just being a defense mechanism on his end. 
He wants to help you and himself, but part of that is accepting where he’s at and sometimes trying to push yourself is the opposite of what’s needed
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You suggested some merformer based asks, so consider this: Merformer! Shockwave x reader? Maybe the reader is a marine biologist and isn't used to being studied, especially this... thoroughly?
As usual I went way overboard, and with a slightly different vibe than you might have intended so I hope you like this, anon!! I was imagining a TFP Shockwave but of course you're free to imagine him as you choose!
For those who don't know: if you like my writing style, you can always commission me, and please reblog to help spread my work! Thank you!
Note: Thalassicon is just my word for what merformers call themselves.
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Holding on tightly to Shockwave, you reminded yourself that oxygen was limited as you sucked in each careful breath from your scuba tank, and that he'd promised you it was just a quick swim through these dark tunnels to reach his lair. You trusted him completely, but it was impossible to shake your instinctive anxiety as his massive frame pulled you through the underwater caverns without a trace of light. Time seemed to drag on until a light blue glow at the end of the path caught your eye through your goggles.
As the light grew brighter, the water around you became warmer as Shockwave had promised, and you clung less tightly to his back to raise your head for a better look, almost forgetting to breathe when he finally swam clear of the tunnel and entered a massive underwater cave.
Bioluminescent plant life gave the water a beautiful blue glow, their long, delicate tendrils swaying with the currents Shockwave left in his wake as he pumped his tail without urgency to swim forward. You barely remembered to hold onto his back as you tried in vain to mentally catalog the rich biodiversity before you, wondering if the mech had cultivated it all himself just to keep his home suitably lit. As you stared in open awe, a sudden gesture for you to let go caught you quite by surprise, and you blushed at having lost yourself to the beauty of it all. Releasing your hold on his back, you allowed the merformer to take control when he spun to face you, trusting him completely as he cupped your tiny body in one servo and pointed upwards. Overwhelmed by everything, you merely nodded and allowed him to take you to the rippling surface overhead.
The air above was thankfully far fresher than you could have anticipated so far beneath the ocean, and there was also no shortage of light to see by either, thanks to a similarly breathtaking species of bioluminescent plant casting its soft glow down from the high ceiling above.
"You can breathe freely. I installed air scrubbers to keep oxygen at an ideal level." Shockwave instructed, holding you at the surface so you didn't have to waste your energy treading water. Happily removing your mask, you took a deep breath and massaged the creases left on your face, savoring the feeling of unimpeded oxygen before you looked around for a better idea of your surroundings. The cave was absolutely massive, and had a number of adjoining caverns with varying levels of exposed stone atop which Shockwave stored his less water friendly technology and salvage. More than a few boat engines the size of automobiles were stacked about and waiting to have their parts repurposed, along with a number of shipping containers you doubted had been pulled from shipwrecks. All in all, his lair felt just as much like a pirate's treasure cove as it did a scientist's lab, and you loved it more than words could convey.
"I never thought you'd actually bring me here. Am I your first visitor?" you asked in awe, allowing him to pull you in as he floated on his back. Setting you down atop his ample chest, he ensured you were lying comfortably on your belly before he answered your question with a single word and a nod.
You smiled and looked up at the glowing vines swirling along the stalactites overhead, sighing softly at the beautiful scene and the warm water lapping at your wetsuit. Despite rarely understanding his technological feats thanks to your biology focused education, you were awed by everything he'd accomplished, and were beyond grateful to be given the privilege to behold his home. More than a few conversations had alluded to how his culture considered visiting one's home to be a great gesture of trust saved for only the closest of friends and lovers. Considering the hidden depths of your feelings for him, that thought carried far more weight in your head than you'd intended, so you quickly pushed it down as you always did such things. "Thank you for trusting me, Shockwave. I'm honored."
"You have proven yourself to be my ally." he affirmed, gently taking your hand between his thumb and foredigit. The touch made your heart flutter, especially as you met his single red optic and saw his helm accents twitch as they did when he was processing deeper than usual emotions. "I am not one for my people's superstitions, but I do believe in our custom of reciprocating gestures of trust. You gave me reason to trust you completely, and I wish to do the same." 
Straight away, your mind snapped back to the fateful day he spoke of, the terror and uncertainty still raw thanks to how little time had passed. It had been a blur; the ambush by government officials, the net that had unintentionally caught you with him, and his shock when you took the time to cut him loose after freeing yourself. Echoes of the shots that had so narrowly missed the both of you were still clear in your mind, and you could easily recall how he'd held you close to take the hits as he swam for your lives... In the moment freeing him had just been a matter of course, and looking back on it you couldn't imagine doing anything else. You needed him to know that, even if he still seemed to struggle believing it. "You don't have to reward me for what I did. It was the right thing to do, they were going to hurt you."
"Perhaps." he mused in deep thought, going quiet and averting his optic. You allowed him time to think, able to tell from his twitching antennae that he was running over something very challenging in his processor. Looking ready to drop the topic and move on for several defeated seconds, he suddenly steeled himself and met your gaze, holding your hand all the more tightly as he carefully enunciated every last word. "But you have done far more than earn my trust. I have found our time together... enriching.
Though he obviously didn't expect a reply, you were in no shape to give him one, the shock on your face giving him another moment of pause before he forged ahead. How like him, you'd have thought if your brain weren't frozen, to drop something like this so suddenly... Neither one of you excelled at handling your emotions.
"You are unlike any human I have ever met, observed, or would have theorized possible." he continued to confess, obviously struggling but feeling a deep need to get through this. Your heart flipped at his words, beating strongly enough you were halfway worried he'd be able to feel it through your wetsuit, though if he did he didn't let it stop him. The merformer looked to your tiny hand in his, sharp optic tracing all the details imperceptible to the human eye as he allowed himself a rare emotive sigh from his vents. "I have grown very close to you, even if our relationship started on purely academic terms."
"Shockwave..." was all you could say, your voice locked in your throat and your eyes damp with more than seawater. Perhaps in your most self indulgent dreams you'd have allowed yourself to fantasize about such a moment, but to have it happen in reality, which was hardly known for its kindness, you simply couldn't dare to believe you'd be so fortunate. Then again, hadn't your entire relationship been a kind of fantasy made reality? Bumping into this brilliant mech, earning his interest with your scientific endeavors, beginning a relationship of mutual academic benefit that had deepened into something more... You only wished you could find enough words to tell him you felt the same, and had for such a long time. Some of the other feelings he created within you could be discussed at a later date...
Before you could try to force out a reply, Shockwave shifted once again, his antennae twitching backwards and his gaze dropping more out of what you dared to call bashfulness than simple nerves. It seemed the merformer wasn't done surprising you with shared yearning
"For my people, bringing another to your home means more than displaying trust. It is also intended to express a certain amount of... desire." he explained in the most halting voice you'd ever heard from him, usual confidence nowhere to be found.
"O-oh?" you squeaked, hopeful the glow wasn't bright enough to betray the blush turning your entire face to fire. He couldn't possibly be speaking of the same kind of desire that had made you wonder what his servos would feel like on your bare skin, or the kind that had you theorizing what certain parts of his anatomy looked like and hoping to find out... Thankfully for your sake, he seemed even more overwhelmed by what he was trying to say, enough that he didn't even seem to notice your struggles.
"We... do not approach such matters like humans. When a Thalassicon wishes to have a relationship that is more... intimate, there is not a period of courting. That is not to say we do not engage in courtship, only that it is not a prerequisite for physical relations. Intimacy is more for... expressing a certain level of trust, as well as desire, and..." he drifted off, the uncertainty in his voice so thick it weighed down every last word. Slapping his face into the palm of his servo, he mumbled in total defeat, too overcome to continue. "This is very hard to articulate."
The last thing you wanted was for him to stop, especially when you could swear you understood what he was trying to say, and very much wanted the conversation to continue in the direction it seemed to be heading. Taking a firmer hold of his hand, you pulled it close to yourself and sat up quickly. Something primal within you gave you the capacity to speak. "Then... show me? Use your hands?"
"If I have your permission-" he began, holding his servos just shy of your wetsuit.
"My full consent, and ask questions if you need to." you explained as you stripped off your mask and oxygen tank in record time, fully motivated to get things moving. You dared to hope you really understood just what he was getting at, that he yearned for your relationship to be more physical, and that your own desire for the same was soon to be quenched. It was much harder to be bashful with such giddy excitement fluttering through your belly.
A surge of similar energy moved through his massive frame, and you felt all thirty or more feet of him become alive beneath you, making your position straddling his chest all the more exciting. Biting your lip to hold back an overwhelmed whimper, you welcomed both of his servos as they lifted from the water, taking a hold of each one and guiding them to your body until his digits settled on your hips. Straight away you felt how different the contact was from any time he'd touched you in the past, a realization that only intensified when he began to explore, sliding his servos over the tight fabric of your wetsuit with all the deliberation one would expect of a scientist. You sat up straighter to open more of your body to him, jaw going visibly slack as his thumbs massaged up your front and stopped just shy of your breasts.
Recalling that you also had a pair of hands that were very skilled at studying aquatic anatomy, you let out all of your pent up curiosity and arousal and began to explore his massive frame, tracing the seams on his chest and savoring the smoothness of his mesh. As his touches stirred something in you, so did yours in him, the hum of his spark intensifying beneath your very fingertips. You were flattered and awed by the mech's receptiveness to your obviously desired advances.
"May I see you as you are?" he asked suddenly, tapping a digit over the tiny zipper on your front. Thoroughly pleased by the bold request, you met his gaze to find far more of his usual confidence had returned, a change you hoped was here to stay. Your certainty that it would intensified when his other servo traced your curves and took their time savoring the softness of your organic body. "I wish to know you without obstacles."
"Here, let me..." you began helpfully, pulling down the zipper in a manner you hoped read as inviting. He'd made his fascination with human anatomy known only in passing, but as you unzipped your suit and revealed a thin sliver of skin beneath, his optic betrayed far more than just academic interest. Loving the attention, you tried to play it cool as you peeled the wet fabric off your shoulders, moving slowly thanks to how the swimsuit clung to you when it was soaked. You managed to free the upper half of your body without too much trouble, baring your breasts to the open air and earning a quiver of excitement from his frame before you decided help would make the remaining process much easier.
"If you could help me pull off- oh!"
To your continued surprise, he didn't hesitate to follow your instructions, peeling off your wetsuit in a series of precise movements and leaving you naked on his chassis as he tucked it away in a convenient subspace. 
Completely bare and wet, you looked to him in a brief moment of total vulnerability, fears of rejection rising up only to be quickly squashed down when his optic dilated and his voice rumbled more deeply than you'd ever heard it before. "Fascinating..."
Shockwave did just as you'd bid and began to explore, starting at your legs that had so often fascinated him as a being with a tail. Tracing the shape of your muscles and somehow finding every sensitive nerve along the way, he made a point to massage your thighs, encouraging you to spread them but not yet focusing between them. The mech was approaching your body as one would an exquisite meal, savoring every last bit and saving the very best parts for last. You were a bit too overwhelmed to be impatient when he made it to your ribs, circling his thumbs over the tender flesh on the sides before he dipped inwards to heft your breasts, making your breath hitch as he finally got to your erect nipples. Biting your lip was the only way to hold back a moan.
Beneath you, his frame grew heated, and you felt an almost crackling energy building in the mech as his arousal increased with your own. All the little feelings for him that you'd pushed down over the past few months were returning with interest, creating a fire between your legs that refused to be satisfied by simple touches and demanded attention. Granted your own boldness by your pent up needs, you took a hold of his wrists and pushed them downwards, sitting up to bring your pussy into view in the hope he might skip exploration and go straight for experimentation. A needy whine was your attempt at an invitation.
To your delight and near overwhelm, Shockwave growled at the sight, his desire letting you know the move was the right one even before he spoke with the same level of open, feral want. "How do you prefer to be stimulated?"
"Clit, circles, please." you begged, incapable of anything more eloquent. Thankfully he was quite the master of blunt communication, and seemed to find the invitation more than sufficiently invigorating from the desperation with which he slipped his servo between your legs. Supporting your weight entirely, he began to rub his way from the tender skin between your legs to the sopping lips of your entrance, where he found a wealth of lubrication to get started with. 
Your first moan echoed along the ceiling when his digits met your throbbing clit, the smooth mesh delighting you more than you could have ever imagined as he began to circle the erect bud as you'd requested. It occurred to you that you'd never once described such human anatomy to him, and even though you'd learned your species were shockingly similar in this regard you were confident the speed with which he'd found your sweet spot meant he'd been doing research. That thought alone had you moaning far more shamelessly, your hands holding on tightly to his servo as he adjusted you to press his thumb into your clit whilst his foredigit fingered your entrance to test its flexibility. Your eyes rolled back when you felt the heavenly stretch of him slipping inside.
"Need this. Need you." he said quickly, tail slapping the water as your open enjoyment egged him on. Dropping his spare servo to his waist, you had just enough scientific curiosity available to whip your head around in time to see his modesty plating retract, which allowed for an erection nearly as long as you were tall to swing forth with a splash. Beholding the full size and intensity of his arousal made your walls pulse around his digits, something that was not missed on the mech as he began to pump with a groan of pent up, frustrated arousal. You were hypnotized by the impressive purple length, watching in open mouthed desire as his digits moved up and down its streamlined ridges and simple rows of red biolights. 
"Shockwave..." you moaned again, grinding down into his palm as the water around you grew choppy from your shared exertions. Hearing his name had exactly the effect you wanted, his thrusting digit going deeper and curling up into your sweet spot as his thumb pressed firmer circles into your clit. The warmth of your arousal running down to pool in his palm made the scientist all the more eager, his tail churning the water as his other servo splashed into the waves with every pump of his erection. Though you wanted to watch him work, you found your eyes rolling back as a familiar coil began to build in your lower body, the promise of a long overdue release making it more or less impossible to care about anything beyond the ecstasy of the moment. 
"I'm so close!" you announced to encourage him, cries spilling out of you with every thrust of his wrist. Thighs quivered on either side of his palm as you practically bounced in his grasp, moving yourself to the rhythm of his masturbation and praying both of you could reach completion at around the same time. Judging by how his every sound was some animalistic growl or moan of want, you doubted it would be long, especially with his noises adding so much to your own enjoyment. There was something unspeakably flattering about having such a massive, beautiful, intelligent being moaning over what they were doing to you...
A sudden twist of his deeply buried digit and an increase in the pressure on your clit did you in without warning, making your entire body spasm in his grip as you came hard around him, throbbing walls sending waves of ecstasy through your very being. Stars swirled in the spinning lights overhead, forcing you to grab him for balance as you rode out the release you'd needed for weeks without relief.
Seeing you so overcome pushed Shockwave into his own explosive release, his spinal strut arching as he came in plentiful ropes of transfluid that gushed over himself and grazed your bare back. Moaning in euphoria, he somehow managed to keep you balanced and upright as his hips twitched into every throb, the remainder of the mess being washed away by the waves even before reality came hurtling back. You managed to catch a glance of his near theatrical release before your own orgasm faded into the afterglow, and by the time he did the same you were much closer to unconsciousness than you would have thought possible.
Collapsing in his grip, you very nearly fell off into the water before he released his spent spike to hold you up with both servos, chassis rising and falling as he ventilated hard to cool off. Naked and completely satisfied, you allowed the warm water to welcome you as you were laid flat on his chest, your own ribs expanding repeatedly for deep breaths of exertion. You weren't sure you'd ever been more spent in your life...
"I built a small station on the far side of my lair. There is a platform on which you can rest and dry off." Shockwave said suddenly, total exhaustion belying the monumental step forward the two of you had just taken. It didn't even really hit you when you nodded for him to proceed, your limp body staying just where he kept it on his chassis as he swam slowly in the direction indicated. Purring, you noted the lingering warmth of his release on your back with a bit of pride. Shockwave had needed this just as desperately as you had...
Laying on his chest as the two of you lazily floated towards your destination, you wondered what might come next in your relationship, but admittedly couldn't think of much of anything in depth with so little energy to spare. It was enough just to be happy with him, with how everything had turned out since the fateful day the two of you had met... Judging by how tenderly he cupped you to himself as he swam along, you dared to believe he felt the same way, and if he preferred to show such emotions the way you'd just experienced you were more than fine with it.
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loki-cees-all · 7 months
Fiji {James Conrad x Female Reader Drabble}
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Cee's James Conrad Fic Masterlist / AO3 Link
Pairing : James Conrad x Female Reader
Summary : A much-needed vacation for you and Conrad leads to nothing but lots of skin, sunshine, and the bluest blue you’ve ever seen.
W/c : 1.5k words
Content / Warnings : Established relationship, skinny-dipping, hurt/comfort (focus on the comfort for a change), some lingering angst, and just a touch of smut.
18+ Only - Minors DNI
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Daylight had only broken two hours prior, but you were already in the ocean. 
The bright cerulean sky overhead blended seamlessly with the crystal blue water below. At your shoulders, gentle and warm waves lapped at your skin, and in the distance, the calls of the local parrot finches provided the perfect soundscape for the island. Deep below the water’s surface, docile sand soothed the aching muscles of your feet, and if you submerged yourself completely in the water, you’d be able to see for almost a mile along the ocean floor. 
That is, if you were interested in thinking about anything besides the gorgeous man wrapped around you. 
Conrad had grumbled when you’d woken him up so early, just barely four hours after setting up camp and passing out on the vacant beach together. The face he’d made while trying desperately, and failing, to pull you back into the sleeping bag was infuriatingly adorable. But once his eyes had opened enough to see you happily stripping for a naked morning swim, his attitude had changed almost instantly. 
“Is this what you had in mind when you demanded a midnight boat ride to Tivoa Island?” Conrad had grinned as he peeled off his t-shirt and began working on his jeans. His hungry eyes were glued to your frame as you pulled your tank top overhead and then shimmied your shorts down your hips; his fingers, not quite as awake as his eyes were at that point, had fumbled with the buttons, struggling to free himself fast enough and catch up with you. 
You had laughed in response, walking backwards towards the water, taunting him with your nude form and an innocent smile on your lips. “I didn’t demand anything, darling. I politely requested that you find someone to give us a lift, that’s all.” 
The water was up to your knees by the time Conrad managed to catch up with you, wrapping his strong arms around your waist and lifting you up into a backwards bearhug. And you had squealed with delight as he buried his nose in your neck and began to move you both deeper into the healing waters.
“If I had known that this little excursion was going to include skinny-dipping, I would have found us a ride a lot sooner than midnight, my dear…” he had murmured against your skin, breathing in your scent and running his hands along your hips once you lowered you back to your feet. 
Conrad’s touch was heavenly - his skin was so soft and soothingly warm, his every muscle so steady and strong against your back. At that moment, you were happier than you’d ever been. 
You’d already spent ten whole days and nine entire nights with him - every minute was kept all to yourselves, and there were absolutely no interruptions. But still, neither of you could keep your eyes and hands off each other the entire time. This was by far the longest you’d spent together since that very first meeting back in Saigon, and the entire trip had been nothing short of perfection - exploring new places and cultures along the islands of Fiji by day, and making considerable amounts of love by night. Everything the soul needed to set itself right again. 
Conrad hadn’t been sold on the idea of a vacation when you first broached the subject; he was a working man by birth, a desperate martyr looking for some way to be of use, and never one to turn down a job that needed doing. Whether any particular job actually needed doing was always up for debate, in your opinion, and after the tragedy on Skull Island, you were prepared to become relentless in your insistence that he needed to rest. 
But much to your surprise, he had immediately given in. He acquiesced, without any further struggle or argument, and took you up in your offer to travel for pleasure instead of pain. Because something horrible on that island had finally broken him, and it killed you to see it. 
Initially, he hadn’t wanted to discuss it at all…much in the same way he never wanted to talk about the war. You didn’t want to pry or to push in respect for his privacy, but you knew whatever still haunted him was deep and painful haunting. Even months later, he still had nightmares, and he’d wake up with a start, bolting upright and shouting orders at the long lost ghosts of Skull Island. 
And all you could do was hold Conrad tight, hoping that somewhere along the way, between the sun and the moon and the water, he’d finally be able to unburden himself. 
It was the third night in Lautoka, while basking in the afterglow of the second round of lovemaking that evening, when he finally opened up about the horrors of that place. Conrad wasn’t usually one for being upfront about his feelings, especially the negative ones, but he actually admitted to being absolutely terrified, for what was probably only the fourth or fifth time in his entire life. 
But he wasn’t necessarily scared of the monsters, or of the people - no, he had been frightened of never seeing you again. Of never getting to hold you, or make love to you again - and that fear was something he just couldn’t continue living with. With you, there was just too much for him to lose. And if there was one thing trackers hated the most, it was being unable to regain something precious. 
So now here you both were, standing back to chest in the Pacific Ocean, bathing in the sunlight and letting the waves purge away the aches and pains buried deep within both of your souls. Conrad was feeling so much better; he was smiling and laughing again, he was appreciating the little things, he was looking forward to the future. He was alive, and thus, so were you. 
Because you were loved here, cradled in Conrad’s arms and floating amongst the waves of his heart. And he was safe here, protected by you and the sunshine and the gentle breeze, from every dark shadow and every monster that still lingered in his painful memories. The gentle breeze blew away the ashes of the past, and the graceful waves paved the way for a quiet, simple life. 
Nothing could hurt either of you here, and absolutely everything could heal you. 
Conrad squeezed your hips again as he pressed lazy kisses along your neck and shoulder, and you were suddenly reminded of the time constraints against you both. The boat would be heading back to Lautoka at exactly noon, and the docks were just under a half hour’s walk from the beach. As much as you’d love to spend another week on this remote and exquisite beach, the rest of your belongings and food were still tucked away in your room at the Seabreeze Hotel…
“We should probably get a move on, if we don’t want to miss the boat back…” you murmured reluctantly, even as your heart raced while his lips moved up to your ear. Conrad let out an enticing and teasing hum as he nibbled on your earlobe, and a shiver of excitement ran down your spine as he pressed himself harder against your backside. 
“Yes, and we should probably have a snack before we go…” Conrad’s fingertips dipped between your thighs, grazing you softly with the most delicate of touches and leaving your brain short-circuiting in bewilderment. 
“I think there’s, uh…crackers…in my bag…” you breathed heavily, feeling lost in his touch again. Conrad’s fingers matched the gentle ocean waves as they pushed and withdrew, gathering up any leftover anguish and leaving nothing except euphoria in their wake. 
He continued that motion for a few more moments, winding you up for another beautiful release. Your head fell back against his shoulder and your lips parted with heavy breaths as your hips rolled with his fingers. Just as you were about to come, your fingernails dug into his forearms and you moaned his name in just the way he liked. 
But shockingly, right when you were on the edge of an incredible orgasm, Conrad completely withdrew his fingers and scooped you up bridal style instead. You gasped in surprise and your brow furrowed with irritation at the sudden reversal he'd pulled on you. But as you hooked an arm around his shoulder and looked up into his glittering blue eyes, at those irises shining brighter than the ocean and the sun combined, your heart outright stopped in your chest, like you were seeing him for the very first time again.
Conrad’s skin had grown so very tan from the sun, and so very soft from all the salt in the atmosphere. As his skin had grown tanner, new and more impressive freckles had popped up along his high cheekbones and broad shoulders. His beautiful eyes sparkled in the bright light reflecting off the water - the bluest blue you’d ever seen - and you could have sworn he’d acquired several new laugh-lines since this much-needed vacation had begun. 
He was healing. He was whole again, and the ocean had done that for you both. The ocean forces you to let go of everything holding you down, so you could focus on clinging to what was actually important. Nothing else on this planet could ever compare to the ocean’s power. 
Conrad just laughed as he carried you back to shore. “Oh, let me assure you, darling…It’s not food I’m hungry for.” 
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izgnanik-a · 4 months
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MerMay GhostSoap 3
// MDNI // read at your own risk //
Johnny didn’t say a word about his venture into the restricted room to anyone, not even his roommate. He was beyond terrified, and worried he’d lost his own mind, let alone be fired for going somewhere he wasn’t supposed to.
He didn’t get reamed out for losing his lanyard like he thought he would, but there were questions that he’d built a lie for. His lie was far fetched and they believed it, or maybe they just indulged his horrible lie because they didn’t care.
Johnny learned his lesson about keeping it around his neck, and stuffing it into his pocket. He outlasted the week trial period and soon he’d get his paper check, letting the others down with his presence. He hadn’t seen Garrick around but assumed he was due to see him.
The anniversary of his week and a half employment was rolling by when he saw him again, smiling bright as usual.
“Hey. Good to see you still stuck around here.” He stopped before him in the halls, a duffel bag he kept his tools in clinked at his side. “How are you holding?”
Johnny didn’t know what to say; he’d been scared out of his mind for the week on what he could’ve saw in the water. Even too afraid to stare too long into the tank and see his reflection morph again. He was considering leaving and never showing up again. But the pay was good, and he needed to pay rent.
He blabbered off some nonsense that had Garrick chuckling. He liked the sound of that noise. It filled the hallway until it was swollen with something.
“I’m just glad you came in today. It’s good to see you again.” To that, it sounded like he was leaving.
“Hey.” Johnny came to his side, stifling his movement. “I know I’ve already asked you about the tank and everything but — what’s in it?”
Kyle looked at him with some amused look. “Shepherd has a hobby for collecting rare things.”
Johnny blinked at him. “So you’ve told me.”
“Look, John.” Garrick’s tone became serious, but some airiness remaining to keep it lighthearted and friendly. “You’ve got a good job here. Good benefits. Sometimes you should let the questions roll off. I stopped asking questions a long time ago.”
“I can’t help it. It makes me me.”
“And I find that admirable.” Garrick hesitated to put his hand out, pressing his palm into Johnny’s shoulder. “But you don’t have to be brave here. Just — watch the tank. Okay?”
Johnny glanced between his dreamy eyes, and assumed this was some sort of complacency tactic. They sent the dreamy eyed man to strangle the lively, curious bunch back in line and no one would say a thing because he was charming. Siren-like.
Johnny did that for his shift. Sat at his desk, idling thumbing through the book he’d brought in, and not reading a single word. He fixed his eyes on the tank ahead of him.
Every time Kyle had come by, it had become somewhat cleaner, brighter, but still harboring that darkness that could only be seen within the crevices of the ocean. His mind began to drift of some otherworldly thoughts of angler fishes and dreadful prehistoric anomalocaris’ swimming around, — when a flicker of something white flashed in his eyes.
He brought his focus forward and watched a speck from within the water shine off the overhead lights. Johnny stood carefully, rounding the desk, and squinted his eyes.
The object beckoned him forward, curled its finger at him, and dragged him to the glass with his hands pressed up against it only to realize —
“My fucking lanyard.” He watched it float towards him like some ghostly sentient beast, sitting out of reach behind a pane of glass.
Just as he’d pressed his brow to his hands to stare into the water, the ID card came blaring at it into the glass with a thud and he was sent back flying. His thighs hit the desk, scraping against the ground, and he caught himself with his hands on the desktop.
The lanyard was wrapped within the clutches of a beast, dark speckled hands pressed into the glass where his had been moments before. A face stared out at him.
All those nightmares came back to him.
Reflective cat-like eyes bored into his, wide and double slitted when they blinked at him in a humanoid way. Where Johnny could see a burly chest, the rest of it vanished into the darkness behind it. What broke his sense of reality was the ghastly face, a glower that burned his fear, replacing it with frozen trepidation.
Johnny didn’t realize he was panting until the audio cut back over his hammering heart in his neck.
All logistics told Johnny that this was just a diver cleaning the tank out, his eyes were playing tricks on him because he got spooked. But there were gills along the side of the creatures neck, webbed skin between its fingers, an unnatural pattern of flesh that sheen blue and purple as its rear flexed behind it to keep it from sinking to the bottom of the tank.
And John fucking MacTavish’s ID in its claws.
He should scream.
Was he screaming?
Why didn’t he scream?
Why did it look at him like that?
Johnny felt himself slowly thawing out when the creature blinked at him for the nth time in the last four minutes. He gulped with a strain in his neck, a dull throb in the back of his thighs from hitting the desk. He straightened out carefully, not yet taking a leap of confidence in stepping closer to the tank.
The creature watched him, like a vulture watching an injured animal, waiting for it to croak before diving in. The lanyard buoyed in front of its chest.
Johnny gulped again to wet his dry throat. “That—“ his voice cracked as he shoved his words forward, “was not — nice.” He gave a startled noise to his own response. He pointed briefly at the lanyard. “That’s mine.”
The creature, unamused, tapped the face of the ID into the glass as if to say ‘eat shit, mine now’.
Why Johnny’s first instinct was to reprimand was beyond him. But it felt more natural than screaming his way out of the building in confused fear.
“You should be ashamed of yourself.” Johnny muttered again.
The creature’s eyes shut behind its double lids, but to Johnny —
“Did you just- you rolled your eyes at me? Didn’t you?”
It dropping his lanyard where he could see it, right at the edge, and turned around.
Johnny spotted the massive tail fin behind it, and he didn’t feel a sense of awe but his scolding was to be heard. He pressed up against the glass looking in. “Listen here you numpty, fish breath. If I had a word with you, I’d tell you my mind. I’m not finished with you.” He knocked his knuckles against the glass. “Get back here.”
Johnny looked to the small closet-like door that led to the top of the tank. Tempted to get a look at this thing up close, definitely not to get in the last word, he found himself unlocking the deadbolt and leaning over the ledge.
“Where are you, you hackit fish?” Johnny smacked his palm against the surface of the water, ripples being splashed against the wall and returning. “You’ve got plenty to say for someone who looks like my grandad’s baw.”
At the edge of the water by Johnny’s right, out dipped a head and a pair of eyes. Oblivious to the watchful splashes against his palm, if Johnny had been an injured fish, a predator would’ve snatched him up already.
He didn’t realize, by tapping the water, he was displaying a meal for a starved beast.
“That’s what I thought. You’ve got all to say when you’re behind a glass.” Johnny sat back on his haunches, hands on his hips. “Im never coming back here—“
Water splashed up against Johnny’s knees before he was reeling himself back against the chalked door, and a body emerged out of the water entirely. Johnny’s eyes laid on the torso and up of the beast who’d been swimming in the water only moments ago.
A scream strangled it’s way up his throat as he struggled to get his feet under him, and when he reached out to snag the door handle to bring himself to his feet — the creature snatched his ankles, forcing him on his back.
The unbelievable weight of it trapped him, cornered against the wet concrete underneath as droplets of freezing salt water sunk into Johnny’s clothes. He pressed his palms into the slick amphibious scales of it to try and pry space but it’s body pressed him further into the ground.
It’s face was in his, dripping, drooling, and Johnny gave a pathetic cry as he leaned his face away from the salty licked of water across his cheeks. Threatening to sting his eyes, he looked to the bucket encrusted with old blood and reached out to snatch it.
Looking to his hands, the bucket went toppling over as the creature snatch it and brought it closure. Food association with the bucket made it thrum, a cat-like trill escaping its chest as it peered in only to see nothing, but smelt the chum lingering on it. It ignored the bucket and turned its attention back on Johnny with disappointment.
“I didn’t mean it!” He cried out. “When I said you looked like my granddad’s baw, I was just kidding!”
The crushing weight on his stomach grew as its tail flapped against the concrete above Johnny’s feet with a PLAP. It’s slimy hands clasped the bottom of his jaw before turning his head left and right.
In deep surveillance, ignoring Johnny’s blabbering, it eyed the scaleless, gill-less, warm blooded creature. Having seen the creature who feeds it as well as cleans the tank as best as he can, it hadn’t been able to get close enough to the surface without being caught. This one, brave enough to taunt it, was interestingly shaped.
It leaned down to sniff at the creature’s flesh.
“I don’t even want the ID back! You can keep it-“ Johnny yelped as the creature ran a slimy tongue up the side of his neck to his temple. “I don’t taste good! I taste horrible! Please don’t eat me! I’m sorry!”
It turned Johnny’s head up, baring his throat before running sharp rows of teeth along his jaw. The salty taste of him was appetizing, it thought. But would he bleed easily?
Johnny cried, looking up to what looked like half a piece of a sardine. He put his hand up to snatch at the decaying thing, and pull it up by its tail. “Here!” He muttered.
Holding it between himself and the finned beast, it set its wide eyes on the sardine before bringing its human mimicked nose to it. The sound that escaped it was something of an excited chirp, and Johnny could feel the vibrations against his own belly.
Tilting its head rather gently to fit the fish in its two rows of teeth, it pushed down on Johnny’s chest, with Johnny grunting in pain, before hitching itself over the ledge and back into the water with a splash that threatened to soak all of Johnny.
Johnny, covered in water and fish slime, sat up baffled. He looked over the ledge to the dark water to see what appeared to be half human-half bioluminescent fish eating a sardine with its fingers. It was human in manner; blinking and eating in bites instead of whole, using its human arms to push up on the ledge and grab Johnny —
“This can’t be happening.”
His voice brought the fish’s attention back up, once it was spotted, and it sunk back deeper into the darkness of the water.
“What the—”
Next chapter
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
@sensei-venus I just had a thought
Imagine if couple Hawk and Robby met cute single mom!Reader at the water park.
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She's there with her little 1 year old and they're just sitting in the kiddie pool as her daughter splashes around. They seem them, but think the little girl is her baby sister or something. They guys are undeniably attracted to her, but where Robby will keep such thoughts to himself, Hawk will comment about how hot she is in her swimsuit.
"Shut up, man."
"Am I wrong though?"
Robby proceeds to turn a dark shade of red and it isn't because of the sun overhead. He huffs and tells him to shut up again, then carry on with their day at the park.
They cross paths with Reader when she's walking by with her daughter on her hip. The baby girl is so excited, slinging her toy bunny around wildly. She can't go anywhere without her bunny, even though the water park isn't the place for such soft toys.
"Go!" she giggles and tosses her bunny into the pool they're passing. However, it's soon very evident a mistake as it floats toward the deep end. She starts crying, which turns into inconsoleable screaming.
Reader is at a loss for what to do. She can't very well leave her daughter on the poolside and go get the toy. She came there alone for a fun day with her baby, and so she has no one to turn to. It's a hot mess.
People are starting to stare and complain as she tries to bounce her once happy, giggly daughter, but nothing is going to be okay until Bunbun is back in her arms.
Hawk and Robby witness the whole thing and Hawk, being the showstopper that he is, jumps into the pool to get the toy. Robby can only roll his eyes along with all their friends.
Hawk climbs out at Reader's feet, soaking wet and glistening in the sun, and presents the bunny toy. It's swiped from him and the baby hugs it close in spite of it being soaked and needing a wash. Her little lip is still wobbly.
Reader smiles at him, then looks at her daughter. "Can you say thank you?"
"Tank ou," she says all cutesy.
Hawk flashes a smile. "It was no problem, little lady." He boops the baby's nose and all her tears are gone as she laughs.
Reader can only smile as she watches him, thankful that he did more than just gawk and talk behind her back. So she says for herself, "Thank you."
He smiles at her this time. "Really, it was no problem. I'm glad I could help. I'm Hawk, by the way."
Reader introduces herself and her daughter, at which point Hawk is a little taken aback to hear that the baby is hers. However, it's a quick shock and he doesn't let it phase him.
Robby watches from afar as they chat it up, unsurprised by Hawk's social butterfly behavior- especially when a pretty girl was involved. It doesn't get under his skin at all, in fact the view was nice. The two talking together, pretty smiles on their faces. The only thing that makes Robby weary is the little baby that constantly catches his boyfriend's attention. Children under 6 always make him uncertain, just because he didn't know how to interact with them or care for them.
Them all of a sudden Hawk is bringing Reader and her baby over to their little area of the park he and his friends have taken over for the day. He doesn't know what he's gonna do, but Robby might as well have a heart attack with how hard his heart starts beating.
And then idk what else 😂 I thought it was cute.
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Song of the Sea
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Pairing: Goodtimeswithscar x reader, Grian x Reader, Grian x Goodtimeswithscar
Summary: In which a kidnapping resulted in a relationship crashing in like a wave
Genre: Romance
Content warnings (If any): None, just babies being sweeties. 
WC: 3k 
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Future monarch of the Oceri, the grand kingdom that is in charge of most of the ocean. 
It was an intimidating title for a humble mer-person such as yourself. Yet Your husband, Crown Prince Scar of Oceri, made it seem like the easiest thing in the world. It wasn't but as you began to learn from the current queen, you began to become accustomed to the way of the kingdom. 
However, when you had a break, you and your husband love to head to the surface of the ocean to relax. With you, a Guard was usually brought for safety reason but the Guard was a good friend of yours.
"Cub!" You pleaded "Please?" 
"I'm sorry Y/n," He said softly "But I'm obligated to keep you down here. There's a pirate ship overhead and I've received information that they may be hunting for mer-people. If I see you two leaving I'm going to lose my job." 
"I'm sure a little bit of sun won't hurt. We'll stay under the water but we just want some sun." Scar spoke up, swimming up from behind "and its only if you see us leave."
"Plus you'll be able to watch over us once we beat you there," You said "Like always."
"If I see even a glimmer of your tails, I'm dragging you two back." Cub sighed and slumped forward while placing a hand over his eyes "You have a minute." 
You and Scar giggled and swam up to just below the surface as you as fast as possibly could, holding hands the entire way. The rays of the sun warmed your skin and you sighed as you began to float in the rays of the sun in the calming presence of the sea. Scar came up from under you and held you tight, humming a random tune and pressing kisses into your cheek. 
Despite all this love you two had for each other, it always felt like their was a missing piece. Like there should be someone else. However, You just brushed it off for always being in public and being mentally drained so you relaxed into your lovers arms and sighed happily. 
That's when cub came up urgently 
"Prince Scar, Y/n," Cub quickly swam up "I do suggest coming down quite a bit. The ship is really close now and I dont wanna risk anything." 
"I think I have to agree on that," You muttered and look at the shadow that was coming closer and closer by the second 
The men nodded and began to swim down, You took one last look at the warm upper water before turning to swim down to catch up with your husband and his best friend. As you almost reached Scar a thick net dropped in front of you and caught you and some other surface fish and it tugged you up 
"Y/N!" Scar cried and swam up to grab you but missed your hand by an inch as you were pulled out of the waters and into the boat where the air burned your lungs as you cursed to Poseidon for getting you into this mess. 
While you could turn into a human more suited for the air, that would leave you completely indecent and you had more sense of reason than your husband but it may- 
your thought process stopped when you were unceremoniously dumped on the ship deck and gasps caught your attention 
"We- WE CAUGHT ONE!" The crew cheered 
"Now put a gag on it before it starts singing!" One crew member said "And put it in water! We don't need it drying out!" 
The leader exclaimed and there was a flurry of movement that made you dizzy but soon you were gagged and were dumped in a way too small tank filled with sea water. 
"Hello Little siren," A man walked up to the tank "Welcome to the Architechs. A pirate ship that builds and designs better than the kingdom." 
You didn't answer. Something about him seemed... familiar. No matter what there was something else tugging at you about him. He was... pretty. 
thats it 
The captain of the ship was undeniably gorgeous. Nearly on par to your husband. 
but there was something more than the simple physical attraction, you just had no idea what it was
"I'm the Captain of this here ship, My name is Grian. This here is my first mate, Mumbo and our Quartermater Iskall." The man, Grian introduced 
Why did everything about him seem so familiar?
However, Down in the sea with Cub and Scar... 
"I'm going to get them!" Scar said and swam up to the surface and grabbed onto the ship that was starting to speed up “Make sure My father knows we’re safe! I'll deal with the humans! After all, they can't be all be that bad.” 
Unfortunately, Scar was unaware they could be that bad. 
For now, he began climbing up the ship and once his tail was fully out of water, he made sure to switch into the human form only royal family members had. 
He climbed up the ship and eventually made it over and onto the lower deck where no one was. He looked around, gaining his surrounding when he saw his partner tied and gagged in a small tank full of water. 
However as he got closer he noticed the crew of the ship and that you were staring at someone with eyes that held curiosity, wonder and... something else
but when Scar took one step closer, he understood. 
His attention was immediately drawn off you and to the man in front of you. A dirty blond with black eyes as dark as obsidian and most likely, the captain of the ship. Something about him made Scar want to grab him and You and drag you back down to  the bottom of the ocean. A need to protect, to love, to claim. 
Soon he caught your eyes. Scar saw you light up at the sight of him and you called to him in your native tounge. 
'Scar!' You chirped 'Isn't he pretty!' 
Scar nodded with a smile. Even after being kidnapped you were focused on something else.
Unfortunately, your call to him revealed his location and he had to move from out of the shadows. 
 When Scar did, most of the pirates covered their eyes at his indecency and Grian screeched something akin to 'put your clothes on!" while throwing his cape to the merman. 
Grian had recognized this idiot of a man. 
This was the crown prince of Oceri, Prince Scar. 
But why was-
Grian felt his eyes widen and he turned to see the 'siren' his men had captured pressed up against the glass tryng to be as close to prince scar as possible.
but if Grian recognized scar them...
"Greeting to His highness, the crown Prince of the Sahara Kingdom. It is a pleasure to see you again Prince Grian." Scar said and Gave Grian a deep bow 
Hearing the old title made Grian cringe but he held his face neutral as his crew gaped in shock. Then they began to shout and thats when Grian had enough. 
"GET BACK TO WORK! Mumbo! Iskall! Bring our prisoner and the crown prince inside my office! And will someone please stop the ship!” Grian shouted and quickly turned to head back inside his office 
Soon the four were in his office and the prisioner was wrapped in a red blanket and on two legs. 
that means... 
"You're Prince Scar's partner," Grian groaned and ran a hand down his face 
"I am indeed," You say and give the prince in front of you a sweeping bow "I hold no ill will against you for this." 
"I thank you for that," Grian said and slumped into the seat behind his desk, with Mumbo standing behind him on his right and Iskall on his left "But I cannot let you leave knowing that the crown prince of Sahara has run away to lead a gang of pirates. So, what will you like?" 
You looked to your husband and he gave you a subtle nod. 
"That is actually something me and my husband would like to talk about." You said "You see, Mer-people have this weird thing about knowing who is fated to us when first meeting. Think of it as a soulmate bond."
"And what does this have to do with me?" Grian asked while Mumbo and Iskall gave an exasperated look behind him 
"Well, When I boarded the ship there was a tug. At first it was a simple attraction to your looks but then my husband boarded... That simple attraction became ten times stronger and that is when I realized We... are bonded. And I suspect that this was the work of my husband and his tiny child brain."
"Admittedly, Yes," Scar gave a grin and a nervous chuckle "See when we had first met as children Grian, I had imprinted on you accidentally. Then I met Y/n, I imprinted on them accidentally as well. I had no idea I would marry them and I had totally forgot about imprinting on you until just a few minutes ago." 
"So?" Grian asked and raised an eyebrow "Its not like I will marry you two right away." 
"oh goodness no!" You spoke up "Thats not what means. See because he had imprinted on both of us, My attraction to you int as strong but it is definitely still there. What we would like to do, if okay with you, is possibly... ah- how do humans say it... enter the talking stage and possibly date? Truthfully, if you are uncomfortable then we can drop this and we leave with no troubles."
Grian seemed to mull over it and as he did small mutters escaped his lips "They would hush up... connect the kingdoms even further..." 
He then looked to Iskall and Mumbo who both shrugged before  looking back to the group. 
"No conditions?" Grian asked 
"Two," Scar spoke up "One, No more Hunting for merpeople or sirens and Two, We would like if you stayed in a nearby fishing town. My partner and I can't go far from the kingdom or it will cause a panic." 
"We could use a break," Mumbo spoke up softly "We've been at sea for years now without really ever stopping." 
"But we-" Grian started 
"I agree with Mumbo here," Iskall said ad watched as Grian slumped back in his seat "We could all use a break at sea. I havent felt real concrete for three years." 
"Fine," Grian waved them off and Iskall and Mumbo both silently cheered behind Grian "You may court me and we will see how this ends. Where is this fishing town?" 
You and Scar grinned widely and grabbed each others hands with joy
The next year and a half had your heart felt full. 
The missing piece now found. 
Grian was hesitant at first with the entire arrangement, That was understandable. You and Scar danced around him for months until he was comfortable enough to initiate hand holding and kisses. Grian fit perfectly between you and Scar, a perfect match for Scar's chaotic energy and your calm demeanor. 
Now you were watching Scar and Grian bicker of what to make for movie night date Scar and you had planned on a hidden end of the each near the fishing town, sat on the shore letting the water splash at your legs as you smiled at your boys stupidity.  
"We should make a filling meal!" Scar said 
"Or we can get a bunch of snacks and fill up on those?" Grian asked a sly smile on his face 
oh no-
That's when Grian pulled out his signature pout. Scar could never resist the look and neither could you. He must have learned that as a princeling.
With a defeated groan, Scar trudged over to the blanket and dropped down and rested his head on your lap. 
"That's what you get for trying to fight with our pretty bird." You snicker and jolt when Scar lightly swats at your leg in mock anger 
"Oh shush," Scar said but you felt his grin spread across your leg but his voice lowered as he started again "Are we-?" 
"Yes, I would like to," You whispered back and leaned down to press kisses onto his scalp "But if he doesn't want to then I'm willing to wait. Anything for the two of you." 
"What doing?" Grian asked as he sat down with the snack in his hands and spreading them amongst the three of you. There were normal human snacks but also the of the mer people snacks that you had introduced to him a while ago
"Talking," You answer quickly
You were slightly flustered that he caught you two talking about your plans, the entire reason for this date. 
After a little over a year, Grian had warmed up to the two of you exponentially. You had learned that within the first few months of courting Grian had fallen for the two of you, especially as he had gotten to know you and scar. 
Truthfully? You definitely felt the same if not more. 
 So last month, you had bought a ring and showed it to scar. 
You could never describe the way he lit up when he saw it. He told you he had the same idea and was going to talk about it with you that night when Grian was fast asleep. 
So You planned this.
and this was going very according to plan. 
"About?" Grian asked and sat down between you two, nuzzling into your side with closed eyes and a sweet smile that took your breath away 
You looked to your husband who gave you a singular nod and a thousand uninvited butterflies filled your stomach. Why were you so nervous now? Was it the idea of him rejecting the two of you? 
Despite your frantic thoughts you blurted out "You." 
That made Grian pay attention. His eyes snapped open and widened as his mouth gaped before he jolted upright and asked "Did I do something wrong?" 
His voice was soft and there was a thickness to it that indicted tears from the man. 
"Huh? Oh! Nononono!" You waved your hands frantically as your eyes widened in panic "Of course not our songbird!"
Grian let out a sigh of relief and slumped back into you, Meanwhile behind him, Scar moved to one knee and opened the small box with a pearl ring you had gotten from the town Jeweler 
"Sorry to scare you Songbird," Scar rumbled "But we have a very important question to ask." 
This piqued Grian's interest and he turned around before a sharp gasp came from him 
"We don't wanna scar you off," You started softly and moved up behind him, gently turning his hed so he can catch a glimpse of you from the corner of his eye "and Whatever you say, we will respect your opinion. No matter what we will love and-" 
"Y/n, Yes, I understand," Grian cut you off and then you noticed his eyes, filled with tears and adoration "Please ask the question?" 
"Grian H. Dreamslayer, Will you marry us?" You and Scar asked at the same only to be dragged to tackle Scar
"Yes!" He grinned and pressed small kisses to your and Scar's face "I was gonna ask next week but I'm kind of glad you two beat me to it. I didn't want to feel like I'm rushing you two." 
"Oh," You coo and caress his face "Songbird, We're practically soulmates. You could never rush us." 
You pressed a sweet kiss to your fiances lips before turning to kiss your husband who kissed you back. 
"Now, why don't we enjoy this movie and celebrate more at our home," Scar whispered and pressed a Kiss to Grian's lips 
"Yeah," Grian said and curled up between the two of you with a content smile
That night held many kisses, snuggles and some light showing off on Grian's part but it made you happy. 
So very happy. 
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sailor-aviator · 11 months
did skipper ever dream of jake before meeting him?
Oh, yeah! She sure did!!
It almost reminded you of the aquarium, where you're standing in a tunnel that goes through one of the large tanks. Where the fish and turtles swim overhead and it's almost like you're standing in the middle of the ocean. Only, this was real.
You could feel the gentle caress of the water as it danced around you, feel the tickle of the seaweed as you reached out to grab it. The blue of the water was unlike anything you could imagine, and you couldn't help the smile that grew on your face as you watched the fish dart about. It was the most amazing thing you had seen in all your thirteen years.
A flash of silver caught your eye, and you turned to see a head of blond poke out from between two stalks of green, matching eyes glittering with mischief as they looked at you. Your breath caught in your throat as the boy swam up to you, nose almost brushing yours with how close he was. He was handsome, and you felt your cheeks flush as he gazed at you. A dazzling smile pulled on his lips, silver tail glittering in the light from the surface as he began to swim around you, assessing you.
You twisted to follow him, not wanting to take your eyes away from him even for a second. His lithe form moved easily through the water, and you huffed as you realized he was much more graceful than you were with your clunky movements. He laughed, or at least that's what he appeared to be doing since you couldn't actually hear him.
He swam back up to you, hair dancing across his forehead and nose brushing yours. You balked slightly, not expecting the sudden proximity and he let out another laugh that made you blush. He twisted in circles of excitement as he watched you, reminding you of the sea lions you tried to visit every chance you got. You weren't sure what had him so excited, but you felt your skin burn as he cupped your cheek, eyelids drooping as he leaned in even closer. Your own eyelids dropped, waiting for the connection of this cute boy's mouth on yours.
Your eyes shot open, meeting the pale white of your ceiling. You blinked just as your mother opened your door and poked her head through.
"Honey, you need to get up and moving or we're going to be late," she told you gently, a small smile on her face as she took you in.
"Yeah, okay," you murmured, head still reeling from your dream. "I'll be down in a minute."
Your mother nodded before closing your door once more, leaving you sitting on your bed, fingers pressed gently to your lips.
Why had that dream felt so real?
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