#what makes loki a loki?
thatsolacegirl · 1 year
Let's give it up for our new trio: FATHER, SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT.
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mobius-m-mobius · 11 months
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#the Nowhere Man who waits and the God of Stories who watches
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loki-us · 9 months
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I feel like we don’t talk about this scene enough. It’s the implication that Mobius knows every terrible thing Loki has ever done and has still never seen him as a villain because of it. It’s Loki intimidating Brad by saying that Mobius—the person who understands him best—would agree that Loki is capable of getting what he needs from Brad. It’s Loki admitting that Mobius is the one who knows him better than anyone else ever has. It’s the casual intimacy of the statement, just 3 ostensibly unimportant words thrown on at the end of a sentence that ultimately reveals how familiar and close they really are to each another.
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textsfromthetva · 4 months
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Loki + tumblr [182/?]
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tennant-davids · 1 year
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LOKI 1x05 Journey into Mystery // 2x01 Ouroboros
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lokimobius · 6 months
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LOKI  S01E05 “Journey into Mystery” S02E05 “Science/Fiction”
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meep-meep-richie · 8 months
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There was absolute no space in that room for Loki to move; that’s why he stands so close to Mobius here
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lokiiied · 11 months
ngl i got so scared they were gonna make mobius a fucking white picket fence two kids and a loving wife…and then they gave us “single dad” mobius “wife is long gone” hmm you’re really my friend? okay i ain’t arguing with a tall, handsome, dark haired stranger guess i’ll just follow you anywhere.
and then i was happy bc sylvie is so happy in her life!! by herself!!
and THEN i got so scared when loki & sylvie went for a drink and i was like alright here we go…and then i got “of course i know you. your friends are where they’re supposed to be. we’re writing our own stories. write your own.” and “i want my friends. i don’t want to be alone”
and then i was happy again bc she left to go listen to records!! and the record shop guy is cute! maybe she thought so. maybe not! she’s just vibing!!
and then i got, “it’s about who” while staring right at mobius.
what a fucking rollercoaster.
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holdfastperseus · 9 months
If there’s one thing about Odin’s children is they will leave to fulfill their burden glorious purpose
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p4nishers · 11 months
gays when they become widowers without even being in a relationship in the first place
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magicpiano · 2 months
I have seen a few DCxMarvel dimension travel fics, and quite a few of them are of them are Peter Parker post-blip. Which gives me a crack fic idea: everyone who got snapped ended up in the DC universe. Yes, all of them.
The current world population is around eight billion, so half of that would be 4 billion... Yeah that would cause so so so many problems. But the DC universe is used to crazy shit.
Obviously there would be a sudden influx of "new" heroes and villains but with absolutely no context it is hard to figure out who is who.
Batman immediately trying to make contingency plans for all these new heroes and villains as well as figure out their civilian identities but this is very difficult because literally no records exist yet.
Magic users from both worlds team up, but I think they were still unable to fix it, the infinity stones were just too powerful. Also I think Dr. Strange and Constantine can't stand each other.
While I am at it, Wonder Woman and Loki would probably hate each other too. DC is more Greek but it has had their own version of Norse mythology, so maybe they are the same and have beef?
They would struggle to feed and house that many new people, but getting them jobs and integrating them into society would be hard too. And good luck proving anything anyone says. "You swear you have a law degree from Harvard? Okay I guess."
Do doubles exist? Yeah a lot of people probably don't have an alternate universe double, but it stands to reason some do. How do you deal with having a new kind-of twin? Or a dead friend or relative coming back, but different? Or even someone you never knew/doesn't exist in this world insisting they are family.
Some au double ideas I have seen people toss around are: Dick Grayson as Richard Parker, Kara Danvers as Carol Danvers, Steve Trevor as Steve Rogers, and Slade Wilson as/being somehow related to Wade Wilson, but I am sure there are other fun ideas out there too.
The snap didn't just affect humans/earth! So other planets are having the same problems.
Then randomly, five years later, just when people were getting used to the change, they all disappear again without warning. This causes as many problems as the original appearance did.
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delyth88 · 6 months
I was watching Avengers the other day and noticed something I haven't ever joined the dots on before.
In this shot of Barton just before he shoots the arrow at the helicarrier, he's pale, sweating, and has dark circles under his eyes. I can only assume this is due to having been under the influence of the sceptre for the last few days.
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And then there's this more familiar shot of Loki having just come through the tesseract's portal...
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...pale, sweating, and with dark circles under his eyes.
Barton still has those bright blue eyes that indicate he's under the direct influence of the sceptre, and Loki doesn't.
So what I'm concluding from this is that Loki was recently under the direct influence of the sceptre just before he was sent to earth.
This direct control was removed before he was sent, but he remains under the more indirect influence that the sceptre has on people nearby (e.g. the Avengers on the helicarrier). We see his physical health improve the longer he's on earth, which would work with this theory, and this is the same as how Barton recovers after the influence is removed.
I'd never subscribed to the theory that Loki was under the direct control of the sceptre at any point during Avengers, but this makes me think it's very likely he was being directly controlled by it for a period of time shortly before he was sent to earth.
Maybe this was some form of conditioning? Maybe it's easier for the sceptre to influence someone indirectly after they've been directly connected with it? I don't know. Possibly these effects were due to something else, but since Endgame we know it's not travel by tesseract that causes this. Although there's a possibility whatever the SHIELD scientists did on this end of the portal could have had some effect. But it's just too similar a set of symptoms to be unrelated.
I curse it again that we were never given more of Loki's story with Thanos in the series or the Avengers films!!!
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mobius-m-mobius · 5 months
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#there are two types of actors 😂💖
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worstloki · 11 months
AU where Loki doesn’t interfere with Thor’s banishment at all and it takes Thor years to prove himself worthy and when he returns to Asgard everything is just. The same. Nothing seems to have changed at all and everyone greets him like his absence was a minor obstacle that didn’t fundamentally change Thor and the worst part is Loki stepped down from the place as regent without any delay and Thor can’t help but feel there’s something underlaying the way his brother looks at him now and won’t let him touch him and Thor doesn’t know what he could have missed because he doesn’t think he would have found anything wrong with the things around him and how everyone behaves if he hadn’t spent time on Earth reflecting.
#the warriors 4 not being interested in anything Thor ‘learnt’ at all#and making it clear that Thor was punished unfairly and the AllFather’s decision had been harsh#Loki saying he’s happy for Thor and Thor sees the way the smiles are forced and he sees the way Loki avoids any touch#Thor hating the way Frigga talks about Loki’s short regency and Thor’s absence like it wasn’t two whole decades or something#like she’s so grateful to have her other son back without ever addressing why he was gone#Thor just. growing during his time on earth and being much more aware of the behaviour around him#he learns to be critical and assess why people around him may act a certain way#once he realises that it’s possible for him or anyone else to be fallible and make mistakes it’s over for Asgard for him I think#Thor returns and Loki gives him the throne and everyone expects him to obviously have the throne#and Odin is sleeping and Thor isn’t comfortable with the way everyone accepts him as king regent after the banishment#Loki who either never lashed out against Jotunheim or did and it was brushed away and no one thinks about it as anything#but Loki is still deeply affected and acts the way he always would have but Thor can feel it’s not the same#he knows something is wrong and Loki won’t say anything about it and Thor doesn’t know how to bring it up#Thor sees Loki metaphorically receding into the shadows to become a nonpresence so loud Thor hears it even after returning from decades away#Thor goes to Earth and gets his priorities in order gets a new worldview learns not to take what he has for granted#and finds out he actually despised Asgard#he’s been back a week and he can’t stand it
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sserpente · 1 year
What makes a Loki a Loki?
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Synopsis: Every time the TVA annihilates a timeline in order to “fix” the universe, Variants get left behind. Variants who then get taken to the TVA to be either brainwashed or pruned, deleted from existence. But not you. Not those who fight back. As part of a rebellion against the ruthless time police, you live a life on the run, a life as a nomad, dedicating yourselves to one goal: To destroy the TVA just like it intends to destroy you. Nothing could have prepared you for the God of Mischief himself to interfere with those plans. So what happens when he finds out that in order to protect yourself, you pretended to be a Loki yourself?
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A/N: *tiptoes in quietly, gently puts the oneshot on your dashboard, tiptoes out again* This should have been posted weeks ago. I’m so sorry. I was in a writing slump and then I neglected it altogether because I was playing Baldur’s Gate 3 literally non-stop. Also threw in a request from @jazziefeybaby as it fit really well here, you’ll see! ;) SO, WHO IS EXCITED FOR SEASON 2 BECAUSE I AM!
Words: 4421 Warnings: semi-public smut
You skittered around the corner into a narrow alley. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Barbed wire, right in front of you. You didn’t slow down and took a deep breath instead. As soon as you were close enough, you jumped, pushing yourself off the brick wall with one foot to grab the very top of the wire. Pain rippled through your palm, a sticky wetness almost making you lose your grip but you pushed through and pulled yourself up.
With a lot more grace than you would have expected from yourself, you landed and kept on running. The man who was chasing you looked familiar but, being more concerned with your survival, you hadn’t taken the luxury of studying his face. He seemed more skilled, faster than the others.
You’d still outrun him. You knew these streets well enough to find your way about blindly. And that was exactly the reason why you came to a halt with a start, surprised and shocked to find the man chasing you appear right in front of you. Your eyes widened. For just a split second, you allowed yourself to take in his features.
Long black hair, a sharp jawline and cheekbones to die for, thin lips, and piercing blue eyes… there was no doubt. You had seen this man before. But it couldn’t be…
You turned on your heel, ready to bolt in the opposite direction when you saw the strange man charge toward you yet again. An illusion. The man who had appeared in front of you was an illusion…
“Nice try, you fucker…” you muttered. You turned yet again, running off. It wasn’t until you saw the illusion flicker and solidify that you realised your mistake. A groan escaped your lips when you collided with a hard chest, all air knocked from your body. The recoil threw you off balance and you tumbled to the hard asphalt, hurting your already bleeding palms further. They were burning like hell, adding to your anger. He had teleported. That fucker had teleported.
You glared at the questionable TVA agent, ripping off the black mask covering your face from the nose down. He had you. For now, it was game over. “Who the hell are you?”
The stranger’s lips parted, a frown growing on his face. He was about to speak up when you were joined by another TVA agent with grey hair and a moustache. He slowed down, out of breath entirely.
“Well done, Loki.” Loki. “T-take her,” he continued then, waving at the Minutemen in their silly armour. You growled when they grabbed you by the collar and pulled you back on your feet, fastening one of those ridiculous time displacement collars around you.
They had to drag you through the time door they opened all the while Loki kept on watching you in silence… and, if you were not mistaken, fascination.
“Take her to the interrogation rooms, I’ll be right with you,” the TVA agent with the moustache announced. Loki led the way and the Minutemen holding on to your arms to keep you in check retreated. You would have called them fools if you hadn’t witnessed a live demonstration of Loki’s powers only a moment ago. Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!
“Sit,” he said upon entering the room, pointing to a table with three chairs—one on one side, the other two on the opposite side. You rolled your eyes. The only reason you did as you were told, so you told yourself, was because your feet were tired from all the running, and thus made a point of it by crossing your arms before your chest.
“If you think I’m going to tell you anything at all, you’re a fool.”
Loki scoffed. “We’ll see about that,” he said, narrowing his blue eyes at you. “Let’s start with something easy. What’s your name? You already know mine by now. I am Loki, of Asgard.”
It was truly one of him then. You would have laughed out loud if it wasn’t for your fucked-up situation. So you told him your name coldly. A nickname, no last name. He didn’t deserve that information yet.
“Look, the more you resist, the harder you are going to make this for yourself. I know from personal experience. They can be quite brutal.”
“Oh, I know. That’s why we’ve been running from them.  And yet…” You smiled at him mockingly. “Here you are, right among them, wearing a TVA uniform.”
“Desperate circumstance,” was all he replied. “It’s complicated.”
It was on you to scoff this time.
“I understand that your group has been wanted by the TVA for a while now. Why? Who are you? Why are they hunting you down?” He stared at you for a few moments. It was like a game at this point. Who would blink first?
“Shit, you really don’t know, do you? They didn’t tell you a thing. Shouldn’t surprise me.”
Loki leaned back. “Tell me.”
“You’re serious,” you spat. “They recruited you to chase us and you don’t even know of the crimes we’ve allegedly committed?”
The God of Mischief remained silent. You had him—for now.
“So? What is a Loki Variant doing working with the TVA of all horrible corporations then? What desperate circumstances prompted you to team up with the enemy?”
“Mobius is not an enemy.”
You shrugged. “He is to me.”
The God of Mischief appeared to think about it for a moment. It was like he was contemplating whether you were telling the truth. Just before you could offer him another snarky remark, however, the TVA agent in question entered the room, breaking the intense eye contact between the two of you for just a fraction of a second.
He sat down as if this was a casual business meeting, fixing his tie in the process. “Any luck yet?”
“Define luck,” Loki said without taking his eyes off of you.
“Well… Loki has probably told you by now but I’m Agent Mobius. And listen, let me make one thing clear. You don’t wanna get on Loki’s bad side.”
You raised your eyebrows. “Is that supposed to be a threat?”
“Maybe. It could be. Or you could just tell us what you know.”
“And then die anyway? Or turn into a brainless TVA agent like you? No. I’d rather keep my dignity and my pride before I kick the bucket.”
Mobius sighed. “Who is your leader?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“How many of you are there?”
“More than one, clearly.”
You smirked all the while Loki kept glaring at you as if he was trying to figure you out. Which he probably was.
“You’re not going to leave this place either way. But if you cooperate now, then I can make sure to make this more comfortable for you, alright?”
“What? So you won’t wipe my memory, perhaps? Hire me like a puppet? Like him?” You nodded at Loki with your chin. “I’d rather die a slow and painful death.”
Much to your surprise though, Mobius smirked with a start. “Does she remind you of someone?”
Loki did not take his eyes off of you for a second. “Yes. Indeed she does.”
“You don’t think she could be…”
“One of me? Doubtfully. She has no powers or if she does, she was very good at hiding them.”
You frowned, overwhelmed by sudden hot flush. There was no way he could guess that…  “Powers? What are you on about?”
“Who are they, exactly? This group she belongs to,” Loki asked, ignoring you entirely.
“We call them time breakers. Rebels whose only purpose is to kill—us.”
You scoffed. “Wow, you really believe that, don’t you?”
“Oh, were you not trying to kill me back there?”
“I was. And I would try again. But not for the whitewashed reason you believe I would.”
Mobius sighed. “We understand that there is a small group of you here in Manhattan. Why don’t you tell us where your friends are? We could… help.”
“No,” you said dryly, crossing your arms before your chest again.
Mobius sighed once more. “Okay, you know what, let’s continue this tomorrow. See if you’re more approachable after a good night’s sleep. Then you can get patched up too,” he said, pointing at your injured hands.
“Hardly. Hope is a tedious thing.”
The TVA agent ignored your comment. “Thanks for your help today, Loki. Will you take her to the cells? Just in case she tries something.”
You rolled your eyes and stood, too proud to be dragged about again. Right before you could make your way to the door, however, Loki grabbed your arm. “There is something else.”
“You looked at me like you recognised me.”
“I did not,” you said quickly. “Clearly I did not.”
You could only hope that the God of Lies himself would fall for your words, for he could not know under any circumstances that this man, the infamous leader of the time breakers… was a Loki too.
Loki led you to the cells without a word. One of the Minutemen guarding it opened one of them for you to step in, seemingly used to agents bringing in new prisoners without asking questions. But unlike what you expected, Loki entered the cell with you.
“Comfy,” you said, sarcasm dripping from your voice. “But I actually have a bed. Perhaps I’ll like it here after all.”
“We’re alone now. You recognised me. Don’t deny it.” Damn it.
You rolled your eyes, anxiety rippling through you. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Yes. You do.”
You scoffed. “Do you wanna know why they’re really hunting us, Loki?”
He waited for you to continue. “It’s because they fucked up. You know how they destroy entire timelines, right?”
“Well, some of us didn’t take kindly to being… annihilated, to be wiped from existence. One of us… one of us was the first, he got away and he came for others, taking them under his wing and building an army with but one goal—to bring down everything the TVA stands for. I’m what they call a Variant, Loki. I’m just trying to survive. And if that means that I have to destroy those who aim to destroy me, I will. You of all people should know.”
You scoffed once more. “You’re a Variant too, aren’t you? It’s as clear as daylight.” You knew he was, so the question was a rhetorical one. He looked just like him, only this Loki… this Loki right before you, he seemed… softer. Gentler. He was just as handsome of course and yet… there was something about him that attracted you to the point it scared you.
“So there you have it. You captured me for a death sentence—but you already know that. They’re never gonna let me go. According to them, I shouldn’t exist. And I’d rather live a life on the run rather than become a mindless soldier like the others. Like you,” you spat. You’d attempted to despise him in the interrogation room. You just… couldn’t.
Loki swallowed. He studied you quietly for a moment and sat down on the edge of the small desk in the cell.
“I’m just like you,” you repeated. “You should be joining me, us, instead of working with them.”
“You don’t know Mobius like I know him. He is not a bad person.”
“Oh yeah?”
“No. He is not what you think he is.” His blue eyes darkened, yours widening when he stepped closer to you.
“Don’t you think we both know how corrupt the TVA is? I understand. I understand your pain and I understand your anger. You don’t have a home. Mobius and I, we can give you one. Not here at the TVA, not as an agent. But in order for us to do that, you have to tell us what you know. Some Variants, they are… dangerous. That Variant who leads you...”
You gnashed your teeth, meeting his piercing gaze. Perhaps that was your mistake. You swallowed.
Loki’s face fell. “He’s a Loki…”
“He’s a Loki, is he not?”
You tightened your jaw, remaining silent.
“So that is why you recognised me.”
Oh, fuck it. “Well, unlike you, he truly is a saviour, Loki.”
You didn’t know what to expect from him after that. But certainly not that he would sigh, turn around… and leave the cell, leaving you behind pondering over what the hell had just happened.
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He knew. Not just about you following another Loki but also… the effect that he had on you. Both of them. Mobius had kept his so-called promise. You were not going anywhere. Day in and out, they asked you more questions you refused to answer and even started taking you out on the field with them in the hopes you’d sooner or later provide useful information to them. You were on edge, constantly.
The more time you spent with him, the more Loki made you feel things you’d never thought possible. He might have figured out that he was not the first Variant you were dealing with—but he had still not yet found out how you had managed to survive that well.
It was an accomplishment you were rather proud of. The double deception had you reel with excitement and even superiority, for they were desperate for your secrets. Desperate. That’s what they truly were. Both Mobius, Loki, and the entire TVA were reaching for straws at this point. They needed all the help they could get—perhaps that was why you were still alive. Perhaps that was why they hadn’t turned you into a mindless agent. Or perhaps Loki had convinced them to keep you just the way you were.
You had seen the way he looked at you when he thought you didn’t notice. There was a silent admiration in his blue gaze whenever you caught him, along with an urge you hadn’t quite been able to place until you started spending more time together. It was desire. Carnal desire. And whatever connection there was between you, he was giving in to it.
It became a game all too soon. The subtle looks, the dancing around one another—wondering, preying on who would cave first. Sex was not off the table, you had realised that much. Neither of you needed to speak the word to agree that this was inevitably what your odd relationship would lead to. It was a circumstance Mobius had not failed to notice.
“I digress… is there something you want from me?” The man Mobius had managed to track down wasn’t quite part of your group. In fact, he’d tried to kill you before he had realised who you were, or rather… who you had pretended to be.
You kept in the background, quiet and observing, ensuring the slimy git wouldn’t catch a glimpse of your face. You didn’t even know his name.
“You’re hiding something,” Loki whispered with a start.
You flinched. His breath was a little too close for your liking. He enjoyed doing that, so you’d realised. Creeping up on you, catching you off guard like he was a predator and you were his prey.
“No shit?”
“I’m not talking about the Time Breakers. You know this man. Who is he?”
Frowning, you took a step back only to collide with a pillar. Damn it. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Instead of responding, Loki nudged you forward—and right into view of the git as you lost your balance and tumbled a little.
“You? Shit, they’re with you? I’m… I’m so sorry, I didn’t know. I apologise.”
“He’s afraid of you,” Loki stated with wonder in his voice.
You rolled your eyes. “What? Is that so unbelievable?”
“Actually, yes.”
“You don’t mess with a Loki,” the git responded for you.
You gnashed your teeth in response when Loki narrowed his eyes at him. Lucky for you, however, he appeared to think the git was referring to him rather than you.
“I’m sorry… a what?” His confused expression almost made you laugh but then again, the situation was rather sinister. “I‘m a Loki. I am Loki. Not her.”
Mobius clocked it first; and you were overcome with the overwhelming urge of wanting to wipe the shit-eating grin from his face fast.
“Ask her,” he said.
“Ask her what?”
“Ask her how she survived this long. Ask her why she has the respect of her leader.”
Loki raised his eyebrows. His blue gaze travelled over to you as if to silently pass on the question.
When you didn’t say anything, Mobius chuckled. “She’s pretending to be you, Loki. She’s pretending to be a Variant. That’s why Marcus here is so terrified.”
“Oh, Marcus? That’s what the slimy git is called?” Changing the topic did not work in your favour. Loki did not let it go.
“Thanks,” Marcus murmured.
Loki, on the other hand, remained unfazed. “You were pretending to be me?”
“Not you. One of you. A goddess of Mischief. It worked quite well for some time. It was his idea, actually.”
“So you were hiding this under my nose this entire time?” Loki smirked—certainly not the reaction you had expected from him. You’d assumed he’d lash out or feel deeply offended or perhaps both. Instead, you sensed pride.
“You’re taking this a lot calmer than I assumed you would.”
His smirk grew even wider—eerily so, almost. “I am flattered, darling.”
“You’re what now?”
“Well, I must say, it’s quite an impressive disguise. Tell me, did you wear something more flattering whenever you pretended to be me?”
“Oh fuck off.”
“Lokis have style, dear. Dressed like this I might have a hard time believing you.” Your heart skipped a beat when he winked. The way your body reacted pissed you off enough to growl.
“Are we done here? You got what you came for. The git doesn’t know anything else.”
“Wait! I know something. I know where her leader is currently hiding.” Marcus pointed at you.
“I can assure you, you do not,” you interrupted, crossing your arms before your chest.
“The docks, head to the docks! There’s a warehouse there, and it comes with a basement. There’s a hatch to the left of the south entrance. That’s where you’ll find him.”
You wished that Loki wasn’t as perceptive as he was when he noticed you stiffening—and perhaps, that was all both he and Mobius needed to know to confirm the git was telling the truth.
You stormed out before either of them could comment. You had to go back. You had to warn him. The Loki you were with now, you hated to admit that you trusted him. Hel, you even trusted Mobius now—but their cause? You didn’t trust that. Nothing good would come out of confronting the very Loki Variant who had helped keep you alive all this time… right? You owed him that.
You could swear that you heard Loki sigh when you took off, almost as if he didn’t take your attempt to escape seriously. You scoffed at the thought. He’d tricked you once before, he wouldn’t easily be able to pull the same maneuver on you again.
You left the main street fast, diving into a narrower side alley dimly lit by the street lanterns. It was getting dark out—that would make it easier for you to blend in with the shadows. Rapidly moving shadows, too.
Loki was right behind you. Even without turning around, you could practically feel him. His energy, his… his magic?
You gasped when you tripped over something seemingly invisible only to find a horned shadow gliding across the brick wall to your left. It was his shadow. He was making his shadow attack you. Before you were able to react, it wrapped its arm around your waist, ramming you against the wall. You hissed in pain.
“What the fuck!”
Pressed against the bricks, the invisible grip around your neck tightened immediately.
“I don’t think so, dear,” Loki purred. Annoyingly enough, he wasn’t even slightly out of breath. He narrowed his eyes at you as he approached you without a care in the world, the tension between you tripling. You struggled against the invisible bonds, unable to budge an inch. Within the twinkling of an eye, he was right in front of you, his hands replacing the shadowy shackles.
He was almost… surprised when he felt it too. Almost as if the constant banter, the unintentional flirting, and all those longing glances would not have led to this very outcome. And then, you could see it in his blue eyes, he realised that he’d won this game of seduction the two of you had been playing without ever setting the rules.
To hel with the other Loki. To hel with the git, to hel with Mobius, wherever he was. Loki was consuming you. Perhaps he already had a very long time ago when you had taken up on your leader’s advice and pretended to be a Variant yourself to keep yourself safe.
His kiss caught you off guard nonetheless, igniting you from the inside out. You moaned into his mouth, all of the bottled-up desire for this man unleashed at once. It felt like you were meant to be kissing, like you were supposed to become his all along.
Loki was met with no objection when he slid his slim fingers under your shirt, swayed by his own longing for you. You only pulled away when he lifted the skirt the TVA had given you to wear, his thumbs hooking under the hem of your knickers.
“You’re not going to fuck me in public!” you hissed, your resistance bleeding away more with every passing moment.
“Such vulgar language… did they truly believe you were a Loki with this mouth?”
“Oh, fuck off!”
Instead, he kissed you once more, pressing you against the wall even further until you gasped for air. That was it—the moment you were done for, taken in by his dominance and submitting, much to your dismay, willingly.
You jumped, wrapping your arms around his middle and holding on all the while he all but yanked the belt off of his TVA trousers, pushing them down just far enough to reveal the growing bulge between his legs. He’d kept his Asgardian underwear—but for now, it was in the way. The moan that escaped your lips the moment you finally felt his hard cock against your pussy lips to test your wetness was unholy if anything.
You had to press your face against his neck to stop yourself from crying out when he sheathed himself inside of you with but one swift thrust. Loki’s groans were heavenly—you could tell it took him every fibre of his being to not lose his composure even though right now… that was all you wanted. For him to fuck you like he meant it.
You threw your head back when he withdrew only to rut back into you, finding a rhythm that had your eyes roll to the back of your head. You didn’t have much time for this, of course. You weren’t keen on getting caught, especially not by Mobius.
And gods, he was screwing you good… working out that tension between you with every single stroke. It felt so right you could burst as you clung to him, inviting him even deeper both physically and mentally. Right now, in this very moment, you were his—and you were rather certain that he was yours. Where you’d go from there, you did not know but that didn’t matter right now. All that mattered was his warm dick sliding in and out of you, making you see stars—and doubling the frustration when he slowed down with a start.
“Why are you… stopping?”
“It’s been a while…” He smirked against your lips.
“Don’t hold back on my account. You’re a prince—I expect you know how to make it worthwhile for your partners.”
Loki growled in response and you knew then and there that he’d accepted your challenge. He ground against you, circling his hips, hitting pleasure spots hidden deep inside of you. He riled you up further and further, almost possessed by the idea of giving you pleasure before he took his own.
Your back was hurting at this point, the rough wall against your skin close to drawing blood. You didn’t care. You wanted more. More of him.
The God of Mischief picked up his speed again, burying his face in your neck now and inhaling your scent deeply—his little grunts had you dig your fingernails into his TVA jacket, and fuck, you never wanted this moment to end.
Faster and faster, Loki brought you closer to shattering into a million pieces. How the hell that was possible, you had no idea—the man had not even touched your clit, and yet, you were about to… gods, you were about to…
You cried out his name when you came, clenching around his cock repeatedly. Your toes curled as you milked him for all he was worth, triggering his own release fast.
With one final stroke, he buried himself inside of you as deep as he could before coating the inside of your pussy with his seed, his member jerking against your walls. And then—silence. Comfortable, relaxing silence.
You whimpered at the loss of him when he withdrew, set you back on the ground, and took a step back, his magic ensuring to make you both look presentable again.
“Thanks. Well, I certainly feel better now…” you muttered.
Loki smirked. “So do I. Well then. Shall we?” He offered you his arm, presumably to take you back to Mobius.
“You’re not…” Panting, you caught your breath for a moment. “You’re not really going to side with the TVA for this, are you?”
Loki sighed. “No. But I won’t let you destroy the TVA either. As much as I hate to say it, we need them—as strategic allies, if anything.”
“Spoken like a true king, huh?”
The God of Mischief narrowed his eyes a little, smirking down at you. “I wonder what else you have learned about me through this other… Loki.”
“More than you think.” You paused. “What about Mobius?”
“Mobius I trust with my life, pet.” Pet. Oh, for Heaven’s sake… “Don’t you worry.”
You wouldn’t. Not about this anyway. For now, you’d worry about not falling in love with him.
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A/N: And sceeene! Keep an eye on my socials, will you? I’ll be seeing the first 2 episodes of Season 2 at the BFI on the 5th and I’ll be doing the TVA Experience on the 7th! I’m so hyped! I simply must share it with you all! Also if you’re in London and you see me there… COME SAY HI!
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