#what steps can be taken to make your living room bigger
sainns · 3 months
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𝓢.ㅤ calling jay after a nightmare.
PJSㅤ୨୧ ⠀ femreader⠀ . . .ㅤ fluff, hurt/comfort, i'll be honest jay is barely in this, established relationship, this is purely self indulgent, it's implied that reader gets nightmares pretty chronically, semi-proofread ㅤ1255 words
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you wake up sweating, your heart racing as you take deep breaths in an attempt to calm yourself down. you don't remember a lot, the memory of it already disappearing, but you know that you had a nightmare—a bad one at that. one of your biggest fears made ten times worse, all thanks to your subconscious.
you press your hands against your face, sighing deeply while slowly sitting up in your bed. you look around the darkened room, your heart beginning to race again. the dark makes everything seem worse after you wake, as if everything that happened in your dreams could happen in real life. you glance at your nightstand—you really should invest in a lamp or something.
you've been having nightmares for the past few weeks, each one seemingly worse than the one before it. you haven't woken up this scared before, though. it seems like no matter how hard you try to push it from your mind, it comes right back. you don't even know what fully happened in your dream, so why are you so scared?
it isn't real and it won't ever be real, you say to yourself like a mantra, hoping you can get rid of the fear that's overtaken you. it doesn't really work—your mind doesn't believe what you're telling it, even though it's true.
reaching over to grab your phone from your nightstand, you let out another sigh. these nightmares are becoming an issues, you haven't slept well in what feels like forever. you unlock your phone, opening your contacts and scrolling until you see his—'jay <3', contact photo a close up of him that you had taken while he was sleeping a few months into your relationship.
your finger hovers over the call button. you want to call him but should you? he did say that you could call him whenever but did he really mean that? surely calling him at almost four in the morning isn't in the timeframe that he had meant.
but after a few moments of debate, you decide to call him—the fact that you heard something coming from the living room definitely did not help you make the decision.
you click the call button, holding your phone up to your ear. you listen as it rings, anxiously chewing on your bottom lip.
a small part of you hopes that he doesn't answer, not wanting to explain to him why you're calling this late into the night. a bigger part does hope that he answers, though, so you can't help but feel a little disappointed when he doesn't pick up. it is late, he's probably asleep, of course he wouldn't answer.
you frown, setting your phone aside—looks like you'll just have to get over it and go back to sleep or stay up the rest of the night, your sleep schedule be damned. you figure you might as well do something productive rather than fall asleep just to be woken up again.
right when you're slipping out of bed, mentally preparing yourself to make the at least eight-step journey to tour on your bedroom light, your phone lights up, buzzing against the wooden surface of your nightstand.
your boyfriend's contact name lights your phone up and you pause, your eyes widening. you did not expect him to call you back right now—maybe in the morning when he inevitably woke up confused by the late night call—you assumed you would have more time to come up with a believable excuse that's not something as silly as a nightmare (which you don't even remember).
you're in shock for too long because you miss the call but he calls back right away and this time you answer him on the second ring, moving back into the bed, as you put him on speaker.
"hi, baby, are you alright? sorry i missed your call, i didn't hear my phone ring,"
you could tell he had just woken up from his voice—it was deep and raspy, not to mention the slight slur in his words that most likely stemmed from his drowsiness.
"i'm okay, you don't have to be sorry. did i wake you up?"
"nah, you didn't," he's lying, "why'd you call then? are you sure you're okay? do you want me to go over?"
your head spins at the amount of questions he asked in what was most likely ten seconds. you can't help but melt a little—it feels nice to have someone worry for you—and stifle a giggle, it's a little funny hearing how worried jay is when he usually acts calm around you.
that's what he is—a calming presence in your life. when you're spend the night with him the nightmares that you've been having are suddenly nowhere to be seen. he's like your personal dreamcather.
you smile, letting out an amused breath, "i'm okay, i just had... a nightmare, it's not a big deal. it's late, you don't have to come over,"
"you sure? i swear it's not a big deal and i can if you need me to,"
"yeah, i'm sure,"
"if you change your mind tell me, okay?"
"okay," the conversation ends at that, the two of you sitting on the phone in silence. you should've said bye and hung up, but you can't bring yourself to do it. just being on the phone with him brought you the comfort that you'd been wanting, heart now racing for a completely different reason. your mind is taken off the darkness that you're enveloped in, instead focusing on jay and the sound of him moving around in his bed.
"...want me to stay on the phone with you?" he breaks the three minute silence, a hint of amusement in his voice, "or did you change your mind already?"
you grimace at the teasing, pulling your comforter up to your chin, trying to hide even though he can't see you. you stay silent, trying to convince yourself to just ask him—he's your boyfriend, there's no reason to be scared, "no... but can you just talk to me?"
"mhm, 'course, pretty girl. about what?"
"remember when i told you i liked you?" you can hear the smile in his voice.
"that's... talk about something else, that's still embarrassing,"
he laughs loudly, no doubt thinking about how badly you embarrassed yourself in that moment. it wasn't too bad, thinking back on it, but you're yet to get over how you acted. it was... a dark moment.
"it was cute," and he obviously disagrees with your sentiment.
"just talk about anything else,"
he spares you his teasing and listens to your request, responding by telling you about his day—even though you were with him for half of it—about his morning, what he did after he dropped you off at your apartment (he argued with his roommate), how in his friends' groupchat they were all trying to convince heeseung to confess to the girl he likes.
it was four when he called and you fall asleep an hour later, your eyes heavy as jay's soft voice lulls you to sleep. you sleep good—if you forget about the nightmare earlier that night—waking up the next morning to a text message from your boyfriend. you smile softly, assuming that he must have hung up after you finally fell asleep.
unlocking your phone, you read the message and immediately you feel the butterflies that show up whenever jay does anything in your stomach—"I love you and next time I'm going over, no matter how late it is".
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note. girl who gets nightmares just wants jay to comfort her 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ anyways confession fic coming soon Maybw
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jesswriteswrongs · 1 year
Black and Blue
Fandom: Shameless (US)
Characters: Lip Gallagher x Female Reader, Veronica, Fiona, Ian, Carl, Steve
Summary: reader turns up at the Gallaghers house freezing and broken
Warnings: mentions physical abuse, mentions of sexual abuse, medical talk
Inspired by Bruised by @theapangea
Minors DNI
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You ran, no idea where you were going, no time to grab a jacket, just running through the snowy night in nothing but your tank and underwear. You could barely focus, running and stumbling and running more, trying not to slip on the ice underfoot. Your feet were numb by the time you found yourself outside the Gallagher house, and the adrenaline that had got you there worn off. You gave two knocks, hoping they were loud enough, before slumping against the doorframe and willing the cold to take you over.
Inside the Gallagher house, Ian was watching a movie with Carl when there was a knock at the door.
“Hey Carl, did you hear that?” Ian asked his younger brother. Carl just shrugged.
“Hear what?” Ian frowned.
“I’m just gonna check the door, make sure nobody’s out there.” He reasoned, pausing the movie. He got up and opened the door to the empty street.
“Must’ve been the wind…” he muttered, before stepping back to close the door. Ian paled at the sight of you, covered in cuts and bruises, freezing to death in your underwear on the porch. “FIONA!” He shouted back into the house. There was a thundering on the stairs.
“What the fuck, Ian? I’m trying to…” Fiona’s voice trailed off. “Bring her inside.” Ian didn’t move. “Now, Ian!” Fiona shouted at him. The middle Gallagher bent down to pick you up, and you instinctively cowered away from him.
“Fi…” Fiona has already seen, and grabbed the thick blanket from the couch. She crouched beside you.
“Hi…” She said softly “look, I don’t know what’s happened, but what I do know is that you showed up at my house and if we don’t bring you inside you’re going to freeze to death. So, what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna wrap you in this blanket and Ian is going to bring you inside. He’s not going to touch you, just the blanket. Is that ok?” You nod slowly, barely hearing her as your brain was catching up with the events of the night. Fiona draped the blanket over you, and then there was an arm behind your back and another under your knees. Ian picked you up with ease and brought you inside the house, the warmth prickling against your skin.
“Carl, go next door and get V, tell her to bring her med kit.” Fiona barked, turning off the TV and clearing a spot on the sofa.
“Hey! I was watching that!” Carl protested.
“Bigger problems, Carl! You can watch the movie another time.” You barely registered this conversation as Ian gently put you down. Steve had appeared on the stairs to see what all the commotion was about.
“Ian, go and grab some of Lip’s clothes, sweats and a hoodie. Steve, I can see you on the stairs. Go put the kettle on the stove. Carl, V’s house, now. Everyone move!” The boys all went to do their respective jobs, Ian heading up the stairs, Carl grabbing his coat and Steve going to the kitchen. Fiona crouched down in front of you.
“It’s going to be ok, we’re gonna get you cleaned up and taken care of.” You nodded, still unable to process words to leave your mouth. Ian was the first back to the front room, clothes in hand. He put them on the arm of the couch so they were in easy reach, then went to the kitchen to “help” Steve. It was only another minute before Veronica entered the house.
“Ok, which Gallagher needs my help now, Fi?” Fiona stood up to greet her best friend.
“Not a Gallagher.” She sighed, leading V into the room. V saw you and immediately swore.
“Holy shit, Fiona! What the fuck happened here?”
“I don’t know,” Fiona said. “She’s a friend of Lip’s, showed up at the door a couple minutes ago and hasn’t said a word. She can hear and she’s reacting, fucking jumped out her skin when Ian tried to bring her inside, but I think she’s probably hypothermic.”
“Where d’she live?” Veronica asked, putting down her bag.
“117th.” Fiona supplied, running a hand through her hair.
“Fi, that’s a half hour walk from here.” V said.
“Yeah, I know.”
“In panties and a blanket?” Fiona bit her lip.
“Blanket’s ours.” Veronica swore again.
“That’s worse than I thought. I need a tub of warm water NOT HOT and some clean towels. Think you can get that for me?” Fiona nodded and went to get what was required. “Don’t you worry, Babygirl, we’re gonna get you all fixed up.” Veronica said to you. You didn’t respond.
Lip had been having a rough couple days, and had gone out for a few beers at the Alibi. He’d had a fight with his best friend about he didn’t even know what, but he knew it ended in her telling him to go fuck himself. He climbed the back stairs and opened the door into the kitchen, where he was greeted by Steve waiting for the kettle to whistle, Ian filling a plastic tub with water, and an air of intensity filling the house.
“What’s uh, what’s going on, guys?” Lip asked. Nobody responded. He moved further into the house and saw you sat on the sofa, Veronica in front of you, gently massaging your hands.
“What the fuck is she doing here?” Lip asked, his voice low.
“Lip…” Fiona warned.
“What the FUCK is she doing here?!” Lip shouted. You flinched, pulling away from Veronica and curling yourself protectively into a ball.
“Phillip Gallagher!” Lip stopped. Fiona only called him Phillip in court. It was only then that he actually looked around. You were balled up on the couch with Veronica and a medical bag in front of you, Fiona had her phone in her hand with 911 already typed in, just then Steve came in with a steaming mug of tea, Ian following behind with a tub of water. Then he looked at you properly. The skin that wasn’t bruised or bloody was pale, your lips practically blue, and you were in your underwear. As he put the pieces together he wordlessly removed his boots and jacket, no longer caring about your fight, and sat on the couch.
“Hey, Bug,” Lip said gently “let’s get you nice and warm.” He pulled you in front of him, pressing his chest to your back in order to share his body heat. He coaxed your legs out, to allow Veronica to pour warm water over them, when he noticed something.
“V, stop a second.” He said
“Lip, time is of the essence here.” She replied
“I get that but just stop and look. She’s had sex tonight.”
“Are you really thinking about your dick right now, Gallagher?” Veronica was getting annoyed.
“Veronica!” He watched as the realisation slowly dawned on her.
“Fiona!” Veronica shouted. Fiona came into the room, phone pressed against her ear
“…yeah, she just turned up at my door, not said a thing and she’s fucking black and blue, Tony.” She put the receiver to her shoulder. “What?”
“Who was it, Bug?” Lip was asking. “Your brothers? Guys from school? Guys from a club?” You shook your head no on each of those. “Your dad?” You stilled, breathing becoming shallow. “Motherfucker… I’m gonna fucking kill him!” Lip clenched his teeth. He turned to Fiona.
“Her dad.” He made a circle with his thumb and forefinger then put his other forefinger through. Fiona’s face immediately set into anger and she put the phone back to her ear.
“Tony, you gotta go now…. Assault, yeah… physical… and sexual… if you don’t, I think Lip will and he can’t go to juvie… yeah, 117th, we’ve got her, just get him.” She clicked the phone off. “Tony’s on his way to find her dad-“
“I’ll go with him.” Lip interrupted, sitting up away from you slightly.
“Lip, I’m not having you in juvie. None of my kids have gone to prison and you’re not being the first. Plus… you’re the only person she’ll willingly let touch her, she wouldn’t even let Ian and we all know he’s not exactly a threat.” Fiona sighed. “You gotta stay here.”
“No, I gotta go and kill the bastard-“ As Lip spoke he moved himself from behind you towards Fiona. There was a rush of cool air as you felt his body heat leave you, and it was all just too much. You suddenly felt everything at once, and started sobbing. The room stopped. It was the most noise you had made since you turned up.
“She needs you here, Lip.” Fiona stated. Lip nodded mutely and sat back down. He put his arms around you, his chest once again pressed to your back, his chin resting on your shoulder.
“Shhhh, it’s ok, Bug. Everything is going to be ok. I’m here, you’re safe.” He soothed. You were shivering violently as the warmth was finally penetrating your skin. “Fi, can you go grab some clothes from my room?”
“One step ahead of ya.” Fiona pointed to the clothes on the couch. Lip nodded his thanks, and held out his hand to Veronica. She handed him a damp washcloth.
“Veronica and I are gonna clean you up, if that’s ok? Then we can get you dressed and warm. You’re staying here for now, you’re not going home.” You nodded your consent and Lip slowly started rubbing the washcloth over your skin. “Can we get her in the bath?” Lip asked Veronica “Would that be better?”
“I barely got her in the house.” Ian chimed in “but you’re welcome to try and get her upstairs.”
“A bath would be better…” Veronica thought aloud “is there hot water?” She looked to Ian and he nodded. “Go run a bath, again, warm not hot.” Ian nodded and headed towards the bathroom.
“We can get her in the bath and clean this blood and… other stuff off while she warms up, see what the situation is, patch her up.” He didn’t want to think about what had happened, if he did he was going to prison, so he focused on helping you instead. After a few minutes, you had calmed to the point of sniffling and Ian came downstairs “Bath’s ready.” Lip nodded
“You ready?” He asked you. “Can you walk or shall I pick you up?” You turned towards him and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Ok, I’ll take you.” He kissed your temple softly, then slid an arm under your knees.
Lip didn’t bother undressing you, not that he could have with the blood sticking to your tank, he just lowered you into the water. He pulled his own shirt off so as not to get it wet, and grabbed the plastic cup from the windowsill. He stayed quiet as he poured cupfuls of water over your shoulders, occasionally pulling at your shirt to loosen the fabric from your skin. The once clear water was a pale pink by the time Lip put the cup down. “Can I take your shirt off?” He asked. You hesitated. “I’m just gonna clean you up, check out your injuries.” You nodded, closing your eyes. He carefully lifted your shirt, pulling the back up over your head and then down your arms. He didn’t react to the gash across your back, or boot print on your kidney, he just picked up a washcloth and ran it gently over your skin.
“Can I wash the blood out of your hair?” He asked quietly. You nodded again, allowing Lip to wet and shampoo your hair, his strong fingers gently working the blood from your scalp. He tipped your head back to rinse the suds, the bath water tingeing a deeper shade of pink. Once your hair had been rinsed Lip stood up “I’ll just be a sec, ok?” He said gently “V, can you keep an eye?” Veronica nodded and headed into the bathroom, looking at the various injuries that he littering your torso. Lip headed downstairs and found Fiona in the kitchen, nursing a coffee.
“You want one?” She asked, holding up the pot “‘s gonna be a long night.” Lip shook his head and went over to hug her tightly. “Lip, you’re too strong to be crushing me like this!” She scolded, before she felt the damp spots on her shoulder. “Oh. Oh Lip…” Fiona hugged her little brother back, trying to remember the last time Lip had cried like that. She held him tightly for a few moments, one hand on his head and the other rubbing his back, while he cried over his best friend.
After a few minutes Lip pulled away, wiping his nose. “Sorry, I just…”
“You don’t need to apologise, Lip. We all have our moments.” Fiona said gently.
“I should, um… I should get back upstairs.” Fiona nodded and shooed him away, shoving the clothes at him. When Lip got back upstairs he found Veronica putting the last few stitches in your back, and grabbed a towel.
“Come on, let’s get you out.” He said gently, lifting you out of the water and on to the towel. He wrapped you up like you were as little as Liam. “You’re starting to warm up, Bug. Your lips aren’t blue anymore…” You noticed his eyes were rimmed red. “V, can you or someone go into my room, second drawer of the dresser at the back there’s a grey shirt. Can you grab it for me?” Veronica went and retrieved the item while Lip carefully dried the water off your skin.
“What so special about this shirt?” She asked
“Softest one I own.” He said, pulling it over your head. He continued to dress you in his clothes, before taking you to his room. Fiona had already left a brush and hairdryer on the bed, figuring Lip would need them. He started brushing your hair gently, blotting the water with a towel, before he turned the dryer on to a low setting. As he dried your hair you looked at the clock on his bedside table, telling you it was gone midnight. You had no idea what time you had left your own house, and immediately felt guilty about bothering the Gallaghers with your family problems. You should have just stayed, not made a fuss, gone to bed, hidden everything under your clothes at school tomorrow and pretended you fell if anyone asked. You and Lip were fighting, you just wanted him to try harder at school, get out of the shitty neighbourhood you both called home, but it had ended in you both screaming at each other, and you telling him to go fuck himself. The hairdryer switched off and Lip followed your eyes to the clock.
“Hey, Bug, no.” He crouched down in front of you. “I don’t care that it’s late, I don’t care that we had a fight. I care that you’re ok, I care that you came to me and you trusted me. Now, Fiona will be next door, you can sleep in here and I’m gonna take the couch.”
“Stay.” It was the first thing you had said all night, coming out quiet and raspy.
“O-ok. I can stay if you’re sure that’s what you want.” You nodded. “I just gotta grab some stuff from downstairs, then I’ll be back.”
Fiona was still drinking her coffee when Lip reentered the kitchen.
“How’s she doing?” Fiona asked. Lip leaned against the counter and lit a cigarette. He took a drag before handing it to Fiona.
“Well, she spoke, which is good. I told her I was sleeping on the couch and she asked me to stay, so I guess that’s what I’m doing. V had to sew up a cut across her back, she has a fucking boot print on one side, the other isn't even skin, it’s just a bruise, her shithead dad fucking raped her and she nearly killed herself getting here, so um… I’m just hoping she’s still in the house tomorrow morning.” Fiona squeezed his shoulder then handed back the cigarette.
“Take some tea up for her, it’ll help her warm up. It’s good you’re staying with her, cuz you gotta keep an eye on hypothermic afterdrop.”
“Hypothermic what?”
“I don’t know. V said something about core temperature dropping because of cold blood? Just… make sure she stays warm and breathing and has a heartbeat, and Lip?”
“Yeah?” He looked round at his big sister.
“Don’t sleep with her.” Lip opened his mouth to argue. “I know you won’t, but I’m just… reminding you, I guess. She might tell you she wants to, but she’s really vulnerable right now. Don’t take advantage of that.”
“I won’t.” Lip said quietly. “I couldn’t do that to her…” Fiona gave him a small smile and his shoulder another squeeze.
“Get some sleep. I’ll call school in the morning, tell them you’re sick.” Lip nodded tiredly and pulled out a mug, making a fresh cup of tea for you.
“Hey, Fi?” He called as she started to leave the kitchen.
“W’sup?” Fiona turned to look at him
“Thank you. For… everything.” Fiona went back over to Lip and kissed his cheek.
“I wasn’t gonna let her freeze.” She got to the door before calling out to him “Make sure you turn the lights off.”
“Will do.” Lip finished making your tea and took it upstairs, turning off lights and appliances as he went. You were sat against the headboard and he handed you the mug.
“It’s chamomile, it’ll help, promise.” You nodded, sipping at it as Lip put on sweats and a tshirt. He got into the bed next to you, pulling the comforter over you both and stroking your hair as you finished your tea. He took the mug from you and put it aside before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “You’re safe now. Night, Bug.”
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kissitbttr · 6 months
mafia!toji first time meeting stripper!reader
a/n: reader is fem. and since i’ve been hit with biggest writers block known to a man, this one is inspired by one of my old work called gold. enjoy!
toji zenin is a ruthless man. that, you can definitely count on.
he’s known to be the one who shows little to no mercy. who’s soul isn’t as clean due to the countless of lives he had taken.
as crazy as it sounds, toji craves for the sound of piercing cries from someone who begs to spare them compassion. he likes to taunt them. mock them. pretending that he would eventually let them go just to see that little flicker of hope lighting upon their gaze.
a sinister smile would play coyly upon his lips before he decides the latter. pulling the trigger and watches the victim face planting the dark tile as their brains scatter all over the walls and floor.
it’s one way to teach people a lesson to not fuck with him. to not fuck with his business. because toji zenin is crazy like that.
he has no time for patience nor pity.
toji fixes the collar of his black sheer shirt, checking himself out in the mirror to make sure he looks good tonight. who are we kidding though? he’s toji fucking zenin,
tonight was supposed to be his day off. he had plans. before a motherfucker who runs a strip club decides to mess with him about the package deal and had almost lost him half of the money he’s supposed to own,
he could’ve let his right hand man to handle it. but this is bigger than anything he had ever done. is this goes to south, then one person’s death wouldn’t be the only thing on his agenda,
he’ll track down every single one of the bastards and kill them with his own hands,
however, tonight needs to be as clean as possible.he’s aware of the reputation he has put on himself to the world, so no point of hiding or camouflage. yet, he still doesn’t want to cause too much of a scene,
stepping away from the full length mirror, he swiftly picks his black velvet coat off the hanger before shrugging it on,
“talk to me, satoru” his heavy voice echoes the hallway as he steps out of the room to walk downstairs, watching a few of his men pocketing their weapons,
gojo satoru. his right hand man, nods,
“he’s there. word from bianco. he appears isn’t expecting you to stop by” he informs, showing toji the message on his phone. “it’s going to be crowded. but bianco is taking care of that right now. he’s got nowhere to run”
toji scoffs, snatching a glass of whiskey off the table before downing the remaining drink. “good. i need him to see me when he less expects it. owes me more than some fucking money” he mutters, tucking the G21 down his holster.
gojo raises an eyebrow. “G21? you’re going soft tonight eh, boss?”
toji shoots him a hard glare, one where the white haired man only chuckle at. “the car’s ready?”
another nod, gojo leads toji down towards the basement. “as requested. Lamborghini Murcielago. your personal favorite. packed with 640 PS and 471 Kw—i think you know what that means— rules around 213 mph if you consider on going hit and run. i packed a standard aeropack wing if you wanna go slow. windows? bulletproof. in case anyone tries to kill you” toji knows for a fact that gojo is only joking about the last part.
no one dares to try to take him down before he does it. it’s a pattern everyone knows by now,
toji lets out a low whistle, head softly shaking at the machine beauty before him. fingers tracing along the hood of the car,
“shit—you know i need to lay low, man? got anything less attractive?”
“i don’t do less. you know that, boss” he winks playfully, laughing to himself when he watches toji rolls his eyes. “besides. this thing right here will for sure earns you a bird. take her out on a stroll, bring her home. women love fast cars” he comments,
humming as a response, toji walks towards the driver’s seat. “i don’t date. were you born yesterday or something?” he speaks in a firm tone before catching the keys that gojo throws at him,
“no I wasn’t. but isn’t ‘she who shall not be named’ is like what? two years ago? and you got to stop with the one night stands. go get a girl tonight” he suggests, watching the dark haired man sliding himself into the car,
toji gives him a half hearted smile. “noted”
“i’ll be right behind you, boss. slow down, yeah?”
it takes about thirty minutes prior to arrival. toji blames it all on the traffic and the slow pedestrians crossing the road. cursing to himself every five seconds, each time he stops at red lights.
he parks his car close to the entrance before exiting from the vehicle, tossing his keys at one of the valet but not before roughly grabbing his collar and threaten to kill him if one scratch is prominent on his car.
clearing his throat, he walks into the bar. ignoring the stares and whispers at the sight of a notorious ruthless man who decides to pay the club a visit.
one thing he first to notice, the club is indeed packed. gojo wasn’t lying. as if God knew what is about to happen later on and isn’t going to let him get away with witnesses. he needs to play it safe tonight.
as he strides through the darkened room to find the table he had been reserved for, a few half naked girls walk right pass him. delicate fingers stroking his chest and brushing against his shoulders, making him smirk. he can’t lie, most of them are gorgeous and he’s tempted enough to touch their skin, but he has to hold it. not that he isn’t interested, because his mind changed. he is definitely taking someone back to his place tonight.
fucking gojo. he has to be right every time.
speak of the devil, the white haired man appears by his side in minutes. nodding his head towards the area where the business should be conducted. toji follows him close towards the end of the room,
he gently pulls back a chair for him to sit, as gojo and the two of his other men stands behind to watch over. toji specifically asks for the furthest table, with a glass of whiskey has been prepared for him.
toji feels irritated. he hates doing all of this dirty work just because some fucking bastard isn’t able to keep up with the deal. he should’ve known not to trust alec to do business, yet when the pathetic excuse of a man begged on his knees with a gun knocked against his head, toji thought why not? if he didn’t get to fulfill his demands, he gets to kill him either way.
“alright, alright—fuck! easy man!” alec’s frantic voice causes toji’s eyes to avert from the scene of the crowd. his eyebrows knitted, threatening gaze bores upon the man whose pushed forcefully by his men to sit, “mr. zenin! it’s always a pleasure to see you!”
mind that alec owes him more than fifty grand, and this fucker had the nerve to walk in and act like nothing happened,
he is definitely going to kill him,
“you don’t fucking talk to me that way, alec. i’m not your friend. you owe me something” toji warns, his finger pointing at him as he watches the trembling man gulp. “you remember?”
alec couldn’t feel more terrified as he casts a glance of toji’s gun on the table, facing towards him. “i—i know, man—sir” he corrects himself. “i didn’t forget. it’s just that the money is tight right now. the girls aren’t earning amount of money they—“
toji could only scoff, head thrown back. “i didn’t fucking hire your girls. i hired you. stop being a pussy and own up to that. you should know that me and patience never get along. i have one body bag left in my car and it would give me the tremendous pleasure writing your name on it” he grits his teeth, looking at alec with a dark look in his eyes as he balls his fist,
“i just need more time—“
“one month isn’t enough?!” toji barks, making alec jumps at the booming voice
“i need more. i promise. give me one more month. and i will do whatever you ask me to, sir zenin.” alec begs with hopeful eyes,
toji finds it disgusting and repulsive to see someone like him begging for mercy. or anyone at all. that gesture is weak and vulnerable. “i don’t give out second chances”
alec hears a gun clicks from behind. he doesn’t need to ask, he knows that one of the two men behind him is ready to blow his brains out. “sir zenin, please! just one more chance! please”
once again, toji isn’t a very patient man. he knows enough to understand that it’s a mistake. but he would love to see how this one goes, playing along with this little game of his.
toji isn’t a fool. never was.
he looks over at gojo, as if to ask what he thinks. the answer that gojo could give is ‘your choice, boss’
toji sighs, head shaking. “fine. you give me your best girl of the night, and i’ll give you one more month” he offers, taking a sip of his drink, leaning himself back to relax. “no more than that”
alec nods. though he feels like shitting himself because one month isn’t close enough for collecting the amount of money he owes toji to. still, he thinks this is better than nothing.
“take your pick, mr. zenin. or i could bring one or two here? we have twins in the back and they sure are on high demand, everyone has been begging me to—“
toji could only hum in response, not listening to a word he’s saying. his green eyes scanning over at the scene. the girls are putting on a show, showing off their skills, some are pulling a lap dance on a few customers. he cringes when one suddenly takes her bra off like she costs nothing. seems like none of these girls are his type. gorgeous? yes. but they don’t seem to do enough to make his cock twitch,
he’s about to take back the offer until his eyes fall on her. eyes widening in amusement and toji finds himself freezing on the spot.
a slight curvier woman has her leg hooked around the pole. long dark haired brushing against the marble floor as she arches her back slightly. toji observes the way her body moves so sensually yet gracefully, almost like a feather. the way she bites onto her pink glossed lips and how her eyes manage to flirt with the crowd with one simple look. she has them lured into her presence. himself included.
her body—fuck, he doesn’t even know where to begin. delicious curves cladded in navy blue bodysuit, full breasts supported by the cup of her outfit that bounces each time she moves. soft thick thighs wrapped by a white fishnet stockings and legs decorated in white fuzzy pumps. overall it’s quite revealing, but it still presents the modesty she has on her. he’s not quite sure if it’s the outfit or it’s just her,
but only a fool would assume that it isn’t the latter.
toji feels his pants growing tight when his gaze lowers to how her hips moving in circles. in painfully slow motion too. almost like she knows how to tease and she’s doing it so perfectly. if only he had spotted her from before, he would’ve move closer.
a damn fucking beauty she is.
“her. i want her” toji speaks in a firmer tone, almost territorial. he just can’t take his eyes off the woman. watching every single move and a wink being thrown.
he chuckles when she swats a couple of old hands who seems desperate to try and cope a feel with a dirty look on her face. he couldn’t make out what she’s saying but he knows for sure that she’s telling them off,
‘gorgeous and a fighter’ he thinks to himself
“angel? you want her?” alec asks after he realizes who he’s pointing at,
“that’s her real name?”
“no. she doesn’t let anyone know her real name. she goes by that ever since she starts working here” alec informs, watching toji nods,
so she’s new?
“some calls her birthday cake”
that makes toji’s brows scrunched. he is about to ask why the name until the answer is immediately given to him when she decides to do a side split, making her plump ass bounce against the floor.
oh that’s why
“gorgeous” toji breathes, cocking his head to the side. “not taken is she? not that i care anyway. what a fucking dime she is. you’re going to give her to me, correct?” his voice is threatening enough, dark eyes moving to look at alec who nods.
“yes! of course, sir! if that’s what you want”
“fuck yes i do. bring her to me” he demands before gulping down his drink, watching how alec immediately scrambles off the chair and hurries towards where angel is performing,
toji keeps his eyes set on the mysterious lady. refusing to move. he doesn’t want to miss a single thing. especially when she’s on her hands and knees, ass up in the air for the crowd to see and eyes looking over her shoulder earning cheer, applause and money flown just for her.
gojo lets out a wolf whistle. “good choice, zenin”
he hums, the girl now up on her feet. lifting herself up after she hooks her arm around the pole and give them a twirl. “tell me gojo. have you seen anyone as beautiful as she is?”
“definitely not. you just might hit the jackpot”
indeed he did. toji may have made a lot of mistakes but he’s never wrong when it comes to choosing partners . he’s always careful with it.
there is something so different about her and he’s very sure about it too. from how she’s not afraid to tell the men in the audience off, putting that smart mouth to use. unlike the girls he has seen around where they just take the humiliation. but her?
she fights back. just how he likes his women.
“fuck off alec, i mean it! my shift is almost over. i’m not interested being passed around to your friends or co-workers!”
he hears her protest. toji doesn’t even realize that she’s walking closer towards his table with alec’s grip around her elbow,
“who said anything about passing you around? i just need to introduce you to one of the most important men here!” alec defends,
“weird way of saying you want me to suck their cocks” she comments
a foul mouth indeed toji thinks
alec throws her a hard glare, in which she only scoffs and roll her eyes. “mr. toji zenin, I would like to introduce you to angel. she’s been here for almost a year now.”
toji grins at that, standing up from his chair and looks over at the beauty with a disinterested look on her face. seemingly look like she doesn’t want to be here. yet she smiles at him anyway, and he swears he has never seen something so pretty,
“nice to meet you, beautiful ” toji extends his hand for her to take, giving a soft kiss on it. his eyes aren’t looking away from hers. “hell. you’re even gorgeous up close”
she won’t deny it. this man is absolutely handsome. and she doesn’t see a lot of them working here. most are old and married, which something that she finds disgusting. but this man, toji? he is far from ugly.
first thing she noticed was how broad he’s built. the way he towers over her and he’s not even standing that close to her small figure. even the dark room fails to hide the definition of his muscles through the black shirt he’s wearing. and the thin scar over his pulled lips, showcasing a smirk.
is this man even a man?
as handsome as he is, angel raises an eyebrow, not feeling entirely influenced by the gesture. “so have you been observing me this whole time? that’s creepy”
“angel” alec hisses, gripping her elbow a bit tighter making her flinch a bit and her body to cowers a little.
“sorry” she mutters in irritation, gaze falling down to the floor
the interaction somehow irks toji to the bone. he eyes how alec treats her in front him, it would probably even worse behind closed doors.
he doesn’t even want to know.
“you can fucking let go now alec, you’re hurting her” toji demands, throwing him a sharp stare. alec’s pupils are wide open at that, causing him to release his grip almost immediately and for angel to nurse her reddening skin.
one thing that toji wouldn’t accept, is violence against women.
toji’s gaze beginning to soften yet again when he watches the pretty girl before him. how her long hair cascading down her back, exposing the sharp of her collarbones and valleys of her breasts,
if only her look of fear is replaced with a look of comfort,
“you can leave us be. thanks” toji coldly orders at alec, not wanting to be near his presence anymore. he’s had enough seeing that bastard,
he nods, avoiding his stare but not before muttering a ‘don’t fuck this up’ to angel before one toji’s men escorts him out,
“don’t worry about him doll. he’s gone, yeah?” he comforts her almost immediately, not wanting her to be scared anymore,
“oh—yeah, uhm thanks” she shoots him a smile. a genuine one this time, taking his hand in hers when he offers it. "so how do you want this--''
“if you don’t mind” he puts a hand behind her back immediately to guide her to the couch behind, earning a quizzical look on her face. “i want to get to know you first”
“mr. zenin. with all due respect, this is not a date. i’m working”
he chuckles at her forward response, still she lets him lead to the velvet couch. angel sits first, eyes glancing up for a moment and see a handsome white haired man with his arms crossed. he quickly removes himself from the presence and walk out. his other men following him from behind.
and now there’s just two.
“i just want to take my time with you. is that okay?” toji sits back down, watching her crossed her legs as she keeps the distance between them,
she smiles with a shrug, toying with the strap of her bra, “you could do that while i’m giving you a dance—if you want?”
toji makes a mental note on how her eyes glow under the violet lights when she stares at him. almost like it’s so easy for him to see what goes beyond that. they’re so so pretty. prettiest he’s ever seen indeed. despite the flirty tone lacing under her response, she still has the look of innocence that makes him smile back.
she’s no better too. the way he’s looking directly into her eyes should be a crime. his gaze speaks something. something… lustful and dangerous.
he nods, letting out a breathe of relief as he leans himself back before spreading his thighs as an invitation.
“show me what you got then gorgeous”
angel swears she can hear the beat of her heart getting louder the moment she sits herself down on his lap. still, without him having to suspect anything, she keeps her flirty persona for a show.
“my, my—you really are a fucking dime” he lowly whistles, eyes falling to the curve of her breasts. “i can see why people were loving you back there. hopefully they don’t get jealous when i stole you away”
she giggles, a small blush creeping on her cheeks. “aren’t you a flirt. you do this to every girl?”
toji places his hands on her plump ass, resting it there. he knows that there are rules where it’s forbidden you touch the dancers. but he doesn’t give a shit. and it’s not like anyone had the balls to tell him off anyway.
“only to those who i find interesting, baby” he says, eyes not looking away from the beauty as be squeezes her flesh making himself groan. “fuck me. that’s an ass? right here?”
his comment makes her laugh as she throws her head back. loving how genuine he actually sounds when he said that.
“so—mr. zenin” she begins, giving him a naughty smile as her hands finds their way to his shoulders, feeling how tense they are under his grip. “what brings you to this awful depth of town, hm?”
he clears his throat, wetting down the bottom of his mouth while keeping his hands steady on her hips. finding no desire to move them. “business. your bastard of a boss owes me something. I didn’t think i would actually be here right now, accompanied by a gorgeous woman like yourself”
damn. he sure is charming and cheeky. definitely a player. “you sure are a sweet talker, mr. zenin” she tells him before slowly beginning to grind against his bulge causing him to exhale another deep groan. “are you sure—you don’t make bitches wet talking like that?”
he mutters a low ‘christ’ when he feels himself growing hard under her sultry move, yet she isn’t stopping. and she only had just started. “believe me doll, i’ve had my fair shares with many—but damn, they sure don’t make me hard like you do—cross my heart”
her hips the move in tiny circles, keeping a painfully slow pace but enough to keep him satisfied. “i don’t trust you but okay—anyway, what did you and alec talked about anyway?”
“nosy, huh?”
she rolls her eyes. “i have the right to ask since he practically sold me to you for tonight—my shift was supposed to be over, mr. zeni—“
“toji” he cuts her off, thumb softly stroking against her hip bone
“what was that?”
“just call me toji” he repeats with a small grin. “and okay that’s fair—he has something very important of mine. was supposed to pay a month ago, but that piece of shit isn’t known to be the one who keeps his promises”
she hums in response, leaning herself back slowly and rests her palms upon his knees to keep her body steady. her hips are now moving back and forth.
toji shamelessly let his eyes wander down from her breasts to her thick thighs. “i was going to blow his brains out tonight. right here. on this one spot. but he begged like a bitch and i wanted to see how far he goes” he laughs almost darkly,
it scares her a little by how calm he’s being about murdering someone. with the way his eyes staring at her aren’t really helping too. like a predator eyeing his prey. almost like he knows how to make her weak on the knees.
“looks like he’s in big big trouble, then” she giggles cutely. “not surprised anyway. he owes alot of money to the girls too. mine included”
he cocks an eyebrow, feeling himself tensing. “does he now? how long?”
“can’t count. i had to pull bunch of shitty excuses to the landlord just so he won’t kick me out of the apartment. half of our earnings each night, goes to him. saying that he’ll pay me back but I know he never will” she spills casually, then her movement comes into a halt. “oh fuck, don’t tell him i said that”
with a chuckle, his head shakes. “i won’t. but i could kill him for you, if you want me to. just say the word” he speaks lowly, continuing to admire her body. “mind if i ask how long have you been working here?”
it takes her a while to answer. “almost a year. I quit college for this. not because i love it entirely, but i couldn’t pay for it anymore.” she sighs,
“i’m sorry to hear that. what were you studying?”
“bio-engineering” she smiles, “people tend to be surprised when i told them that”
“count me in as well, sweetheart, damn. not only she’s hot as fuck but she’s smart too?” he shakes his head in disbelief. “you even real, right now?”
she laughs, flipping her hair. “thank you, toji—can i ask you something?”
he hums, callouses hands move towards her back, holding her steady,
“what happened there” she points at the scar, struggling to find the urge not to trace her fingers across it,
he shrugs, “was from a fight years ago. nothing major”
“can i—touch it?” she softly asks him, looking so innocent yet teasingly,
toji smirks, head nodding. “go ahead, baby” he speaks in a low baritone. voice so deep and flirty that it almost makes her squirm,
she ignores the butterflies in her stomach when he calls her that. and without being told twice, she leans closer and her fingers reach out to pad the scar gently. feeling how soft his lips against her skin, paying attention to every single detail of it. wondering how on earth could a scar fit someone so perfectly.
there is no doubt on her mind, that he is the sexiest man she has ever come across to. she can feel the weight of his palm lowering itself down to her plump cheek, squeezing it. usually, she would tell anyone off for touching her like that. but this time, she doesn’t say anything. not because she’s afraid of him but she feels strangely turned on.
“fuck” he breathes out, feeling her ass one more time. hearing him like that just makes her giggle as she gradually picks up the pace grinding on him, catching toji off guard.
“such a naughty little girl—bet you wouldn’t mind having that ass spanked now would you?” he whispers against her ear, biting his lower lip hard.
though she would admit that she wouldn’t, she won’t allow him to win this game. she slowly shakes her head with a smirk, removing herself off his lap causing him to whine. angel spins around, not without swaying her ass side to side, sneaking a glance to make sure he’s watching,
her hand immediately circles around the pole in front of them. “dinner is mandatory if you want to go down to that path, mr. zenin”
toji watches carefully with lust and admiration as she now securing her arm around the golden pole, lifting herself off easily and give her body a gentle spin. eyes screwed shut and head thrown back. coming back down slowly, she re-enacts the movement from where she performed for the audience. legs spread apart, landing in a perfect split. long brown hair covering the side of her beautiful features, tongue licking her upper lip.
he follows the curve of her ass, eager to get his hands on them but he knows that he has to wait. there, he spots a small heart tattoo inked on her ass cheek,
angel is a little teaser. that’s for sure. enjoying herself too much in making a man hard yet refuses to be under the spell of a man’s touch. he likes that actually. likes that a lot. it may be painful to have his cock hard at the moment while she’s not doing anything about it but she’s worth it.
so, so worth it.
“you are so. fucking. sexy.” his voice switches into something darker, a seductive grin slowly forming as he thirsts over her. “must have made a lot of men mad out there”
“so i have been told” she declares with confidence, innocent smile pulling upon her lips as she begins to gently crawl towards him, eyes never leaving his.
she halts in between his open legs, settling on her knees. being the little minx she is, her hands find a place on top of his thighs. “i sense you carry danger everywhere you go, mr. zenin—am i wrong?”
she’s not dumb. she spotted his gun strapped against his holster an hour before she was even being introduced to the man.
he delicately caresses her soft cheek, almost came in his pants when she leans against his palm. “why? that scares you?” he moves a few strands of hair that are blocking his view of her pretty face,
she shakes her head, a smile doesn’t leave her face. in fact, he hears a soft giggle escapes her.
his eyes move from the curve of her breasts and up to her mouth. eyeing the way that pink gloss compliments her pretty skin.
“would love to have a taste—right here” toji whispers, his thumb grace her lower lip. his breath immediately hitches, and a groan rumbles deep in his chest the moment she opens her mouth.
“fuck—what a good girl” he moans lowly when she lets his thumb rest upon her warm wet tongue. the angelic look in her eyes disappears and is replaced with a look of lust. “s-shit” it takes him by surprise when she decides to suckle it, head bobbing her head up and down painfully slow,
“jesus—i wish it was my cock you’re sucking right now, baby” nonetheless, the amount of pleasure she’s giving him is enough to keep him satisfied,
“holy fuck, wow” she pops her lips off his thumb. wiping the saliva from the corner of her mouth before giggling again. the sound makes toji smile. genuinely.
“you’re trouble” he comments with a tsk, chuckling at the way she shrugs innocently as if she has no idea what he’s talking about. “alright. up you get, baby”
she gives him a questionable look, following his movement and rise to her feet. “mr. zenin, we still have thirty minutes left. alec gave me at least an hour and he would be upset if i—“
“if he touches you, you tell me and i’ll kill him. understand?” toji sternly orders, brows furrowing at the thought of that lowlife bastard putting his hands on her,
she’s baffles at that. how could he know what goes behind closed doors? still she nods anyway. “yes, sir”
“toji, baby. toji” he corrects with a smile. “besides, if i stayed for another ten minutes, i’ll l cream in my pants and that would be embarrassing” he shamelessly points out. she blushes at that and it makes toji’s heart skips a bit,
“this doesn’t mean it’s a one and done. i would love to see you again, sweetheart. can’t let you go too far now can i?” he pulls out his wallet from his back pocket and hands her thick amount of hundreds. “here you go, angel”
she gasps softly as her eyes go big, shocked by the bundle of cash in his hand. if she counts it right that’s gotta be at least close to one grand.
“toji this is—fuck this is too much, I—i can’t take these. twenty or fifteen is enough for me”
he frowns. who in the right mind think it’s okay for men to tip a gorgeous woman with a rocking body some loose change? fucking assholes.
“baby, you do realize who you’re talking to? i don’t give out twenty or less” he quirks an eyebrow, watching her adorable expression. “money isn’t a problem to me. a grand isn’t a problem to me. come on, you deserve it”
she stares down at his hand and hesitantly takes the money. flashing him a wide smile. “mr—i mean, toji, oh my god thank you so much. thank you, thank you!” without any second thoughts, she jumps out and wrap her arms around his neck,
“you don’t know how much this means to me. i needed this”
toji stumbles a bit, the sudden movement surprises him but he appreciates it. the way she keeps thanking him, muttering couple of blessings has somehow gives his heart a little kick,
a good one.
“no need to thank me, baby” toji grins, holding her by the waist to keep her secured for a moment before pulling away. “you take care of yourself yeah? don’t be wandering too far. would love to take you out on a stroll” he leans down to peck her cheek,
“I’ll be sure to stop by and see you again, gorgeous” with one last devilish smile, he walks out of the room. leaving her still in complete shock,
he is no ordinary man, alright. it kinda makes her feel a bit weird by all the butterflies that are erupting her stomach by how he acted earlier. has it been.. what? two or three years since she had been engaged in any sort of relationships with a man. and there has been no real man crawling around this city. only rats. she fucking hates rats.
but toji zenin? there’s definitely something about him that makes his whole aura and appearance a lot more sexier. again, she’s not stupid. she has seen the gun. observed his interaction with her boss. and the men he had protecting him suits?
that’s no 9-5 man. it’s dirty work.
and it should’ve scared her. it should’ve been a warning made for her to run and avoid him because he’s a man that carries danger everywhere he goes. toji zenin is a man that would not hesitate to paint the whole town in blood of his victims if one ever crosses his territory.
yet as she glances down at the bills being handed at her and promise from him that he would see her again, it makes her smile. heart thumping at the thought of the beautiful man coming back only for her.
angel clutches the money against her chest, squealing as she does little bounces in her heels with a giggle. overjoyed with the amount of cash that would help her,
she’s definitely making toji her new favorite client
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changetyre · 1 year
Squeaky Clean II Charles Leclerc Ⓢ Ⓦ
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Warnings: ** 18+**
SUMMARY: Your soon-to-be husband is always up to no good with new purchases except this time the newest purchase is not as bad as you thought.
You walked into your home expecting to see your fiancé around the corner at any second except this was one of the times he didn't
You knew this meant one of two things, he was outside in the garden and didn't hear you come in, or he was up to no good and something told you it was the latter.
You were cautious as you continued walking further into your home not sure what to expect from your soon-to-be husband who sometimes had a mind of a toddler.
"Charles?" You called out to him after not seeing him across the whole open space of your home which was the living room, dining room, and kitchen.
You were startled when you heard a loud clink coming from your room. You rushed your pace towards it hoping you hadn't accidentally killed your fiancé by alerting him of your presence.
"Cherié!" You let out a small yelp as you almost crashed into Charles as he was coming out of your room, your chest hitting his as you were attempting to go in.
You looked up at him a sly smirk on his lips. "What was that noise?" You asked him.
"What noise?" He giggled.
It was hard to try to be intimidating when those dimples were directly in front of you. "What the hell did you do this time?" You tried to look past him and the fact that he didn't try to block your view actually increased your nerves.
"D'you want me to show you?" He wiggled his eyebrows.
You hesitated for a second squinting your eyes at him. "I swear Charles if you've bought a bigger bed I'm blocking your credit cards." You threatened.
This wouldn't be a surprise to you as Charles in the past 3 years had already bought 5 different beds getting bigger in size claiming it was just not enough space for your nightly activities.
"Not this time but-" He was about to argue.
"Not buts Charles we are not getting another bed this one already takes over half the bedroom, 20 people could fit in it." You countered and he finally shut up.
"Okay well, it's not even that, c, mon let me show you." The smirk was back on his lips. He grabbed your hands and walked you inside the bedroom.
"Charles, can I shower before you show me whatever it is?" You asked your fiancé as he neared the bathroom.
"I was hoping you'd ask that." He wiggled his eyebrows once more, turning around and facing you stepping closer as he began sliding your blazer off your shoulders.
You couldn't help the smile that crept on your lips, the heat suddenly rising to your cheeks as you realized Charles's intentions but were still confused as to what he was hiding that involved...this.
"What are you doing?" You whispered as Charles slips started leaving wet kisses across your neck, his hands not stopping from undressing you.
"Shh just trust me, baby." He whispered into your ear making the hairs stand up all over your body.
You were never good at self-control once Charles got his lips on you so you knew that from this point you would do anything he'd ask.
He reached for the zipper in your pants undoing it and your button before letting them drop around your feet. He grabbed your waist lifting you off your pants.
You instinctively wrapped your legs around Charles's waist which you just realized was now bare completely oblivious to when he had taken his shirt off.
He walked you into the bathroom placing you down on the counter which caused a shiver across your body at the cool contrast against your hot skin.
He continued trailing kisses across your body as he began removing his pants along with his boxers leaving him completely bare.
As he did so you noticed a wrench outside of the shower reminding you of what was possibly Charles's new purchase but before you could let your eyes roam around the space Charles's fingers were dragging your panties down and removing your bra.
It was embarrassing how wet you already were from simply kissing and undressing but Charles loved to see the effect he had on you.
You bucked your hips when Charles's fingers ghosted over your mound, you knew he was teasing you. "Charles please-" You begged.
"What d'you want Cherié." He whispered into your neck where he was leaving his marks like he liked.
"Your fingers...please." You moaned.
He didn't have to be told twice as he let his finger slide through your folds collecting the juices that had already formed between your legs before starting to circle your clit at a torturous pace.
Your head fell back onto the mirror. "Just like that-" You moaned. You knew Charles didn't need to be told since he knew your body inside and outside like the back of his hand but the fact that you were always so vocal was one of his favorite things.
Your mouth opened in a gasp as he slipped two fingers inside you know you could take it as his other hand wrapped around your neck putting just the right amount of pressure around it like you liked it.
Charles watched and enjoyed how you were becoming putty in his hands but he couldn't forget what he had planned so he reluctantly pulled his fingers out of you just as you began rutting your hips against them.
"Charles!" You would've been embarrassed at how pathetic you sounded at the sudden lack of contact but you were so close to reaching your high it didn't matter.
"C,mon." Charles lifted you once more walking you now into the shower where he turned the water on.
"What are you doing? Please, Charles." You tried to reach his member but he kept you up high on his hips preventing you from doing so.
"Patience mon ange." He smirked against your lips before kissing you passionately once more.
After a few seconds of kissing and having the water reach its desired temperature Charles took the detachable shower head and began soaking you.
You jumped at the new sensation at first but you'd had this shower experience with Charles before so this wasn't unfamiliar to you. You'd both normally be soaked before he'd finally fuck you against the wall so you expected something similar.
What you didn't expect and completely took you by surprise was suddenly feeling a high water pressure on your legs. You didn't have much time after looking down before Charles had turned the shower head up into your pussy.
Your legs went weak but it seems Charles had been prepared for your reaction as he held tightly onto your waist.
"Charles! Oh my-" You gasped completely losing control of yourself, unlike anything you'd experienced before. The water hit the perfect spot overwhelming you with pleasure. "I can't-" you tried to voice your lack of control but Charles could see it perfectly.
The smirk only increased on his lips as he knew he'd made the perfect purchase, he carefully set you down on the bathroom floor hoping to be able to get a better look at what he was doing.
His steady pulse and incredible aim made it so the pleasure you were feeling seemed never-ending if you had been able to open your eyes for a few seconds you'd see how painfully hard Charles had begun from simply watching you writhe in pleasure in a completely new way.
Now that one of his hands was free Charles took it upon himself to stroke himself in attempts to alleviate the now uncomfortable tension accumulating between his legs.
He watched how you fought to keep your legs open which is why he scooted closer placing himself in between your legs using his body to keep your legs open. For a few seconds, you felt his member hit your stomach which made you jump from how overstimulated your whole body felt.
Although it felt like hours it was only a few minutes after Charles had set you down on the floor that your pleasure had reached it's piqued and you trembled as the fireworks erupted not only in your center but all over your body.
Reaching for Charles for some sort of stability a few seconds after you felt and were finally able to see Charles also finished over your body, his cum running down from your chest to the rest of your body quickly from how wet you were.
You watched as Charles twisted the shower head the pressure going back to normal and the water streaming from multiple holes before he rinsed himself of a little.
He then took it upon himself to help you rinse off, lathering his hands with soap and being careful to wash you not going anywhere near your most sensitive zone in order not to cause any pain.
"Did you like that cherié?" Charles smirked as he kissed the top of your head.
You laughed to yourself. "I think a little too much."
"See not everything I spend money on is bad." He laughed too.
"Maybe not bad but definitely naughty." you teased looking up at your fiancé with total adoration as he rinsed the shampoo of your hair.
His eyes met yours and the same feeling could be seen in his eyes as he admired you. "I love you." He whispered leaning down for a quick kiss before helping you get up from the shower floor.
You hissed in pain feeling like Bambi as you tried to steady yourself on your shaky legs but ultimately knowing Charles was holding you tightly enough to not let you fall. "I love you." You finally said back as Charles reached for a towel and wrapping around you carefully.
He lifted you up bridal style not bothering to wrap himself up in a towel. "I can't wait to marry you." He smiled as he led you to the bedroom.
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poppy-in-the-woods · 6 months
Sneak Peek
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Plot: Inspired by this post. Set during the lockdown, Noah's been ignoring you, and you're gonna make him pay.
Pairing: Noah x Female Reader
Word Count: 1534
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Tags: smut, teasing, sexting, oral (male receiving), double penetration, anal sex, somewhat public sex/exhibitionism.
Author's note: Some of you said you wanted a story about that idea, and before I knew what was happening, my fingers were furiously typing, and this is the result. Hope you enjoy it!
2020, the year the world came to a halt. You and your boyfriend, Noah, were trapped inside your shared apartment, and it was beginning to get kind of boring. There’s only so much stuff you can do inside before it gets repetitive. Even sex had started to get kind of predictable and uninteresting.
Lately, he had taken to streaming on Twitch, so that night, while he was streaming, you were on the living room, browsing the web on your laptop, desperately searching for a way to spice up your bedroom life. Then you found an article that seemed helpful and elaborated a plan.
Step one: buying some new risqué lingerie.
Step two: acquiring a new toy.
Step three: wait until they arrive and put on a show for him while he’s streaming.
Step four: success?
You managed to keep the packages a secret from him after they arrived, even when you had to thoroughly clean and disinfect the items, and wait a week after that so you could use them.
That evening he wasn’t looking at you. He hadn’t been looking at you for a while now, but you were going to make sure he’d look.
Noah had been streaming for half and hour now when he got the first text from you. Glancing at the screen he saw what you had written:
Babe [19:40]: I’m horny, come here.
He trailed off what he was saying while typing a response.
You [19:41]: I can’t, I’m streaming.
You didn’t stop at that, though, and he had to pause while going back and forth with you for a couple more messages.
Babe [19:43]: ☹ Pretty please? ☹
You [19:43]: I can’t right now.
Babe [19:45]: Your loss then.
He didn’t receive another message for ten minutes. The next one was a picture of your cleavage in a sexy red bra he was sure he hadn’t seen before. He smiled and pressed his lips together, but didn’t respond. He continued the stream as if nothing happened, though the picture was still on the back of his mind, like a splinter.
“No reply, bitch? Then it’s game on”, you said to yourself.
You snapped a few pictures in quick succession: a full body shot that showed your new lingerie set, one without the bra and completely nude.
You sent them, but he didn’t respond, and he didn’t even open the last message. Time to bring out the big guns.
Noah shifted uncomfortably on his chair. The increasingly sexy pictures you were sending were starting to make concentrating on the conversation pretty difficult. He didn’t open the last message, imagining what you would send next. He understood himself well enough to know that if he opened it, he wouldn’t be able to restrain himself, and he couldn’t leave his friends hanging now that the Mario Kart game was on, could he? No, sir, he was a man of his word and he was committed to finish.
But when his phone started buzzing insistently, he lost on purpose to look at it.
The nude picture wasn’t the worst (or was it the best?) you had for him in store.
Babe [20:23]: Wanna see my new boyfriend? Since you don’t pay any attention to me anymore, I had to get him.
The next message was a picture of a pretty realistic dildo, with a water bottle next to it, just for scale. Noah was a big guy, but that thing seemed bigger.
Babe [20:25]: How shall I name him? Noah II?
Next picture was the dildo, nested between your breasts, your tongue darting out to lick the tip.
He covered his mouth, stifling the unholy sound that was threatening to come out of his lips, shifting again on his chair. You surely had caught his attention, and he was starting to get hard. A new subscription popped in, distracting him. He lifted his eyes from the phone to look at it. The robotic voice read it before he could stop it:
UnsatisfiedGirlfriend06: Look at your phone, you coward.
And then, right after, a donation of ten dollars:
UnsatisfiedGirlfriend06: I dare you to ignore that. I double dare you. Bitch.
He looked at his phone. A new message had arrived. It was a video this time. No sound, just a close-up of your glistening pussy being penetrated by the dildo, going in and out, in and out, your fingers caressing your clit. Noah’s cock twitched in his pants, fully hard now. A new message popped in:
Babe [20:33]: Think you would be able to fill another hole? Or should I get another replacement for you?
He furiously typed a reply. If you wanted to play, he was going to play.
Your phone dinged.
Prettyface [20:35]: Replacement? Ha! You wish. Come here right now, and don’t forget to bring your new friend with you.
You looked at your laptop, with Twitch open on his streaming. It was still going on.
You [20:36]: But you’re still on streaming.
Prettyface [20:37]: Who’s the coward now?
You bit your lip hesitantly, looking at your laptop again. The camera showed that the door was not inside the frame, you just had to be sneaky and nobody would know you were there.
Noah didn’t turn around when he felt the door opening, but he backed his chair up a bit, opening some space under the desk. You crawled up to him, getting in that space. He pretended to drop his phone.
“Just a second, guys”, he said. Bending over, he put his face mere inches to yours. “You’ve been a very naughty girl”, he whispered. “To make up for it, you’re gonna suck me off while riding your new toy. And don’t you dare touch yourself or make a sound. Understood?” You eagerly nodded. “Good.”
He straightened himself, phone in hand, and left in on the desk. He lowered the seat and shifted once more, facilitating you pulling his pants and underwear down. His cock was already leaking some pre-cum, angry that it had been teased for so long.
You positioned yourself, guiding the toy back in your cunt, and once it was fully inside you, you took your boyfriend’s cock in your mouth, watching intently at how he reacted. Noah pressed his lips together, muffling a moan.
You kept sucking him, bouncing on the toy, using a hand to stimulate the rest of his shaft, and the other on his thigh to steady yourself. Thank god for microphones that filtered the unwanted noise, because even you were being quiet, there were still some sounds you couldn’t avoid producing, like the wet sound of your mouth over him, or the faint slaps every time you snapped your hips.
He abruptly closed the stream when he was about to cum. One of his hands flew to your head, keeping you in place while he came down your throat with a loud moan he was unable to suppress.
“Happy now?” he asked, still panting.
“Not yet. This was only a sneak peek”, you said, smiling. “I also bought a harness”, you informed him.
“What?” he said, confused.
“For Noah II. You always say you wished you had another cock to fuck my ass at the same time. Now you have it”, you explained.
He reopened the stream, acting like his Internet connection failed. He apologized to his friends, but said he was tired and was going to leave it there for the day.
He took your hand, helping you up and led you to the bedroom, where he proceeded to fuck you nice and hard doggy style, just like you wanted. Having him filling you up like that, in two holes at the same time, was a weird, albeit exciting, new feeling. Not so long after, your orgasm hit you harder than a demolition ball, leaving you exhausted. Noah still thrust a bit more, until he reached the climax too. You collapsed on the bed as soon as he was out of you.
“Okay, Noah II can stay”, he said, his breathing still shallow, his chest still rising rapidly, while lying next to you. “But don’t you ever dare to pull a stunt like that on me again.”
“Don’t ignore me for days at a time, and I won’t feel the need to”, you pointed out.
“Yeah, you’re right. This is pretty much my fault. I am sorry, babe, but I see you now”, he promised you.
“You better see me after what we just did”, you joked. You could almost still feel him inside you, like the ghost of a sensation.
“What about we shower, we clean everything, put on new sheets and go to bed early?” he suggested. “I want us to cuddle for a bit before sleeping.”
“By the way, you looked so beautiful while I was fucking you, but next time I want to see your face, ok? The dildo goes in your ass, that way I can be on top” he whispered into your ear, once you were under the sheets again and his arm was around your rib cage, hand possessively grabbing one of your boobs.
“Missionary+!” you joked. “Fine by me, you know I love to see your pretty face while you come.”
“Same, babe, same.”
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 3 months
Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?
I wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me (2)
Wandanat x human pet!fem!reader
Summary: Wanda and Natasha have been looking for a pet for some time, but they've had no luck until they meet you, will you be a good fit for their lives?
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: 18+ due to themes, MDNI, heavy pet play, human pets, abuse, violence, hurt/comfort
Authors Notes: A little bit of bouncing around with the first few weeks of life with Bumble and her owners
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Adjusting to your new life with Wanda and Natasha had been a challenge. You had been handed back more times than you could count, beaten, battered, broken, and subjected to unmentionable things by previous owners. Every new home started with a glimmer of hope that quickly faded into disappointment and fear. All owners seemed nice at first, but they always tired of you eventually. No one ever kept you more than a week. Your biting was a major issue, and you hadn't spoken in well over ten years. Your last owner had been particularly horrible, and you'd run away in desperation.
Now, as your first week with Wanda and Natasha passed, you found yourself left alone with Daddy more often. Natasha had taken your bed to her office which was a quiet and orderly space, filled with the scent of fresh flowers, a signature of hers. She did this so she could work while keeping an eye on you. So far, you had behaved yourself, but Natasha wasn't ready to let you wander the house unsupervised. You were always kept on a leash when outside to ensure you wouldn't run away. They knew you bit when scared and didn't want to risk you running off.
One afternoon, as you lay on your bed in Natasha's office, you heard the familiar sound of a car pulling into the driveway. Your heart leaped with excitement, and you bolted for the office door, pawing at it frantically. The sudden noise startled Natasha.
"What is it, Bumble?" she asked, her voice concerned.
You whined and looked back at her, your eyes pleading. Natasha got up, opened the door, and followed you as you bolted toward the front door. She worried for a moment but soon saw the reason for your excitement as Wanda stepped through the door. You jumped on her, nuzzling into her with fervent affection. Wanda smiled, dropping everything she had bought to wrap her arms around you.
"Hi Bumble! Did you miss Mommy?" Wanda asked, her voice filled with joy.
You showered her with affection, licking her face and wagging your tail furiously. She set you down, and you immediately began nosing through the bags she had brought. One particular item caught your eye—a new bed!
"This is going in the bedroom, Bumble, so you can be close to Mommy and Daddy!" Wanda announced cheerfully.
As Wanda carried the new bed to the bedroom, Natasha watched with a smile, clearly touched by the bond forming between you and Wanda. Wanda gave Natasha a kiss as she passed by, making you feel the warmth of their affection.
You happily followed Wanda into the bedroom. She placed the new bed on her side, ensuring there was enough room for you without the risk of being accidentally stepped on. The bed was even bigger and fluffier than the one in the living room.
You sniffed at the bed, your tail wagging and a smile on your face. Curled up in the soft, inviting cushion, you looked up at Mommy with a sense of contentment you hadn't felt in a long time. Wanda knelt beside you, running her fingers through your hair.
"You like it, Bumble?" she asked softly.
You wagged your tail even harder, the joy evident in your eyes. Wanda's heart melted at the sight, her love for you growing with each passing moment. She leaned in and kissed the top of your head.
"We're so glad you're with us, Bumble," she whispered. "You're part of our family now, and we love you very much."
As you lay there, surrounded by the warmth and love of your new family, a flicker of hope ignited within you. Maybe, just maybe, this time would be different. Maybe this time, you had truly found your forever home.
Wanda decided it was time to start a gentle training session with you. She gathered your favorite treats—small, savory bits that you had grown to love since your arrival. Wanda knew that training would not only help you adjust but also strengthen the bond between you.
In the living room, Wanda sat on the floor, treats in hand, her voice soft and encouraging. "Alright, Bumble, we're going to do some training today. It'll be fun, I promise."
You watched her with cautious curiosity, still a bit wary from your past experiences. Wanda's calm demeanor and the delicious scent of the treats in her hand, however, piqued your interest.
"Come here, Bumble," Wanda called gently, holding out a treat.
You approached her slowly, your nose twitching at the enticing smell. Wanda gave you a treat just for coming closer, a small reward to show that this was a positive experience.
"Good girl," she praised, her voice filled with warmth. "Now, let's try something simple. Sit, Bumble."
At first, you were unresponsive to the command. The word "sit" held no meaning for you, a foreign sound amidst the many you had heard before. You looked at Wanda, unsure of what she wanted.
Wanda remained patient, repeating the command gently and using her hand to guide you. She placed a treat just above your nose, slowly moving it over your head. Your instinct followed the movement, and as your head tilted back, your body naturally lowered into a sitting position.
"Good girl, Bumble!" Wanda exclaimed, immediately giving you the treat and showering you with praise. Her excitement was contagious, and you felt a flicker of pride.
They repeated the process several times. Each time you sat, Wanda's joy and the delicious treat reinforced the behavior. The word "sit" began to connect with the action and the reward. Your trust in Wanda grew with each successful attempt.
After a few more tries, you started to sit on command without needing much guidance. Wanda's face lit up with pride. "That's it, Bumble! You're doing so well!"
Natasha, who had been watching quietly from the doorway, smiled at the sight. She stepped into the room, her presence always reassuring. "Looks like you’ve made great progress, Bumble," she said, her voice full of praise.
Wanda looked at you, her eyes shining with affection. "You’re such a smart girl, Bumble. I knew you could do it."
You wagged your tail, the sense of accomplishment and the positive reinforcement making you feel secure and loved. This training session was more than just learning commands; it was a step towards healing, trust, and the bond you were building with Wanda and Natasha.
Wanda gave you one last treat and a gentle pat on the head. "That’s enough for today. You did amazing, Bumble. We’ll keep working together, and soon you'll know so many new things."
As you settled back into your cozy bed, you felt a deep sense of contentment. The kindness and patience shown by Wanda and Natasha made you believe that you were truly part of their family. And for the first time in a long while, you felt hopeful about the future.
You lay on your bed, eyes following Wanda as she moved around the room. She pulled out clothes, getting herself dressed first before turning her attention to you. Your previous owners had never dressed you; all you had known was your collar. But Mommy and Daddy liked to dress you up in cute little outfits. At first, you found them rather itchy, but over the past few weeks, you had slowly warmed up to the idea.
Wanda approached you with a soft, comfortable outfit in her hands. She smiled as she knelt down, her fingers gently guiding you into the clothes. "There we go, Bumble. You look so adorable," she cooed, giving you a pat on the head.
You wagged your tail slightly, feeling a bit more at ease in the outfit. But then, Wanda picked up your leash, and your heart began to race. Whenever a leash was involved, it usually meant you were being taken back to the pet shop. Panic set in as Wanda clipped the leash to your collar.
Sensing your fear, Wanda knelt beside you, her hand soothingly stroking your hair. "It's okay, Bumble. We're just going out for a little bit," she reassured you.
Despite her comforting words, the sight of the leash triggered a deep-seated fear within you. You bolted, the leash slipping from Wanda's hand as you ran to hide. You found a small, dark corner of the house and huddled there, trembling.
Wanda's voice echoed through the house as she searched for you, her tone calm and reassuring. "Bumble, where are you, sweetie? It's okay, you're safe."
Eventually, she found you, crouching down to your level, her eyes filled with understanding and love. "Hey there, Bumble," she said softly, extending her hand but not trying to touch you just yet. "It's alright. We're not going anywhere scary. I promise."
You whimpered, the fear still gripping you tightly. Wanda stayed there, patient and kind, giving you the time you needed to calm down.
"We're just going to the pet store," she explained gently. "You can pick out a toy, something special just for you. Wouldn't that be nice?"
You felt the reassurance in her words and, for the first time in a very long while, an unexpected surge of confidence. Taking a deep breath, you managed to find your voice, hidden for over a decade. A very soft and hoarse sound emerged from your throat.
"Yes, Mommy," you whispered.
Wanda's eyes widened in surprise, tears welling up as she realized what had just happened. She gently cupped your face in her hands, her expression a mix of astonishment and overwhelming joy. "Oh, Bumble," she whispered back, her voice choked with emotion. "You spoke!"
Hearing your own voice felt strange yet comforting. Wanda's reaction made you feel safe, and the warmth in her eyes told you that this was a big step for both of you.
Natasha, having heard the exchange, appeared in the doorway with a look of awe. "Did she just...?" she trailed off, her eyes locking with Wanda's.
"Yes," Wanda confirmed, still cradling your face. "Our Bumble spoke."
Natasha approached slowly, her usual stern demeanor softened by the tears in her eyes. She knelt beside Wanda, reaching out to stroke your hair gently. "That's amazing, Bumble. We're so proud of you."
Feeling the love and encouragement from both women, you nuzzled into Wanda's hand. The fear that had gripped you moments before started to melt away, replaced by a growing sense of belonging.
"Let's go to the pet store," Wanda said softly, her voice filled with pride and affection. "You can pick out anything you want, Bumble."
The pet store was a whirlwind of new sights, sounds, and smells, but with Wanda and Natasha by your side, you felt braver than ever. As you explored the aisles, countless toys and treats caught your eye, but there was one thing that stood out above the rest.
There, at the end of an aisle, was one of the biggest stuffed bears you had ever seen. It was just as big as you, with soft, fluffy fur and a friendly face. Without hesitation, you nosed your way over to it and grasped it in your mouth, your tail wagging furiously.
Wanda chuckled when she saw your choice. "Are you sure that's the one you want, Bumble?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with amusement.
You looked up at her, the giant bear clutched proudly in your mouth, and gave a little nod. Wanda shook her head with a smile. "I did say anything," she sighed, her voice full of affection.
Natasha laughed softly. "Well, if that's what she wants, then that's what she'll get."
You carried the enormous stuffed bear to the checkout, where the cashier gave an amused smile at the sight of you and your chosen toy. Once it was paid for, you proudly carried it out of the store and into the car, careful not to let it drag too much on the ground.
Back at the house, you eagerly carried the bear inside, its size making you stumble a little but never dampening your enthusiasm. Wanda and Natasha followed, watching you with warm smiles as you navigated the hallways with your new friend.
In the bedroom, you carefully laid the bear down next to your new bed, snuggling up to it immediately. The softness of the bear and the familiar scent of Wanda and Natasha made you feel incredibly safe and loved.
Wanda knelt down beside you, gently stroking your head. "I'm glad you like it, Bumble," she said softly. "You deserve all the happiness in the world."
Natasha joined her, placing a hand on your back. "We're so happy you're with us."
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orchidsangel · 9 months
notes/cw ~ fluff, minor(ish) angst, fem!reader, talks of having a baby, idk i just had really bad dad!jason brain rot and i felt like i had to share it with my lovely angels, (2.3k)
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The sound of laughter rings through your house like jingle bells during the holiday season, pitter patters of tiny feet tumbling against hardwood floors, and bigger ones chasing after them invade your ears. Squeals of laughter pour out through an open window as you pull bags of groceries out of the trunk of your car, the sound of running dying down when the trunk closes with a thump. "Is mommy home?" You hear a familiarly sweet voice say. "I think she is. Come on, let's see if we can beat her to the door."
Bags in hand, you walk up the pathway to the entrance of your house. The street of your suburban neighborhood, mostly empty on this chilly winter night, save for some residents walking their dogs before lights get turned off. The sound of a lock clicks before you're even halfway up the path, and soon after, you're met with Jason and your daughter standing in the doorway looking ridiculous, goofy grins on both of their faces. Red bows are hidden amongst his hair, some tied around short braids, some just hanging loosely on a few strands bunched together. Pink pajama pants peek out from under the red tutu she's wearing, and she dons pink ballet slippers on her feet as if she's about to perform the Nutcracker. 
He steps outside, meeting you at the top of the steps, hooking his fingers under the canvas straps of your reusable tote bags—an investment you'd made to offset some of the carbon emissions from his bike—and takes them into his hands. "New hair, huh?" you ask, eyeing the variety of red satin ribbons tied in knots littering the expanse of his head. "Yeah, you like?" He asks, turning towards you, lowering his head a bit so you can get a better look. You roll your eyes, but there's a smile playing on your lips at the image of Jason sitting down while your daughter's tiny hands play hairdresser with bows and barrettes.
You close the front door behind him as he makes his way toward the kitchen to unpack the groceries, turning your attention to the little girl in front of you sporting a toothy grin. "I thought ballet ended hours ago," you say, eyeing the layers of bright red tulle you had previously hidden to avoid the specks of glitter that shed every time she moved. "She had to practice her pirouettes." you hear Jason say from inside the fridge. "Yeah, mommy. I was practicing my pirouettes." She pouts her lips and cocks her head to the side, small hands fidgeting as she tries to use cuteness to get out of trouble. You cross your arms and squint your eyes at her, "Uh huh. And the hair?" You gesture to Jason, walking toward you. "What does that have to do with pirouettes?" 
He joins the two of you in the living room holding up a container of Gerber baby puffs, using them as a distraction to get both him and his little girl out of trouble. "What?" You ask, deadpan. "What d'ya mean what? We've got an infant I don't know about?" Your daughter gasps, eyes lighting up suddenly. "A sibling!" He laughs, turning towards you with a raised eyebrow. "No, you jerk. Him, not you, honey," you say, quickly correcting yourself. "They're for me." You snatch the container of blueberry-flavored rice puffs out of his hand, peeling off the lid and shoving a handful into your mouth. "God forbid women enjoy things." 
You pop a few more into your mouth before feeling a tug at the coat you still hadn't taken off. When you look down, you're met with your daughter, mouth open and waiting for you to share. She stares at you with wide eyes, using your inability to say no to her to her advantage. Sighing, you raise the container a bit and pause, "Only a few, and you have to get ready for bed after." she nods her head, mouth still open, and you tilt and pour out a substantial amount. She closes her mouth and displays her adorable little smile once again before running off to the bathroom to brush her teeth. "Hold on," Jason shouts down the hallway. "Say thank you to your mom!" You hear feet running again, and soon enough, feel the soft squeeze of your daughter giving you a hug; she presses her head into your lower abdomen as you bring your hand up to softly stroke her hair. "Thank you, Mommy." She says before moving on to Jason and giving an equally soft hug despite using all her might. "And thank you, Daddy, for letting me do your hair." She lets go and scurries off again, leaving a trail of red glitter in her wake for you to clean up.
She disappears into the bathroom, and you watch the hallway, now empty, as she gets ready for bed. You sigh, listening to the sound of water running while she independently does her end-of-the-night tasks, something you'd still helped her with not too long ago. Jason's arms creep around your waist, pulling you against him. His chin rests on your shoulder, and you feel something tickle your neck, but you're not sure if it's his hair or a ribbon. He notices the solemn look in your eyes, a stark contrast to the liveliness he'd seen in you just a few moments ago. "What's wrong? Is it the glitter? Because I can clean that up." He says. "No, not that." You nibble on your bottom lip, lost in thought, trying to organize your feelings. "Just… she's gotten so big." He hums in acknowledgment, his way of saying he shares the sentiment. "I just don't know where the time went." You mumble, overcome with an unexpected sadness. "She's only five." He says into your neck, bringing his hands up to your shoulders and gently pulling off the coat you'd forgotten to take off. "Yeah, but she was just a baby not that long ago. I swear."
The both of you watch her move between her bedroom and the bathroom, soft dark brown curls bouncing with every movement. At five, she was already more responsible than most children her age, having a pretty concrete idea of right and wrong well before most kids do. Responsible for her age, but still just a baby in the grand scheme of everything, and sometimes the two of you would wonder if Jason's occupation might end up inadvertently affecting her and warping her idea of justice, but those fears were almost always disproven as soon as they came and oftentimes you didn't worry more than a few minutes. "We're doing a good job." He says from behind you, rubbing your back in an attempt to take away some of the worry. Normally, it would go away with ease, today, not so much. "We're not bad parents." You say with conviction, but you both know you're just trying to convince yourself of it. "We're not. You know we're not." 
He turns you around to face him, away from the hallway, so you can't dwell any longer. His hands move to your upper arms, kneading gently as he searches for your eyes. "What's wrong? Talk to me." You struggle to make eye contact, unsure of your next words. "I think…I think I want another baby." You breathe out, looking down, unable to meet his gaze. Seconds pass, but they feel like minutes, and you barely breathe while you wait for his reaction. Not a single thing in the universe could've prepared you for the words that come out of his mouth. "Is that all? Is that what you were sulking about?" You look up at him, eyes wide, as he lets out a breathy laugh. Oh Jason, your Jason, taking your face in his hands and leaning down so he can look you in your eyes. "Don't scare me like that again, okay? Do you know how fucked up shit has to be for me to be the optimist out of the two of us?" It's your turn to laugh now, a weight having been lifted off your shoulders. "Language," you warn. "Aw, come on, she's way out of earshot." He bends down and presses his lips against yours; you close your eyes, leaning into him, hands finding his chest as you feel all of your worries melt away.
The sudden sound of a disgusted child, your disgusted child, pulls you away from Jason, and you wipe your mouth in embarrassment. It's just your daughter, but you still feel like a kid who's just been caught stealing candy and is about to get lectured into oblivion; Jason, however, handles it with ease. Taking on a playfully stern tone and pointing an accusatory finger at her, he asks, "Why are you up, little lady? Shouldn't you be in bed?" She mirrors his action, pointing a finger at him now. "You didn't tuck me in or read me my bedtime story." He puts his thumb and forefinger on his chin, seemingly thinking it over. "Hmmm, seems you've got me there." He shrugs before picking her up into his arms and giving her a kiss on the forehead. "You've gone soft," you say with a laugh, the embarrassment of being caught having passed. "What can I say? She's bossy. Gets it from her mama." You nudge his shoulder lightly as he turns in the direction of her room. "Alright, that's enough out of you." 
He leaves the door to her bedroom slightly cracked, and you can hear their whispers as they do their nightly routine of picking out a book to read, followed by her falling asleep in his arms. "What do you have in mind tonight?" He asks, laying her down gently on the bed adorned with princess sheets and stuffed animals he'd bought for her during trips around the world. "Can we finish Lord of the Rings?" She grabs her favorite stuffie, a gray bunny with droopy ears and button eyes, and holds it close to her chest as Jason climbs in beside her. "I don't think we can finish it, but we can fit a few pages in before it's time for you to go to sleep. That work for you?" He leans over the side of the bed and picks up a worn copy of Lord of the Rings that had been sitting on top of a stack of books he kept in her room solely for the purpose of bedtime. She nods her head at his question and snuggles further into him as he flips to the page they left off at.
You hear the sound of rustling and know the bedtime story has commenced, leaving you to clean up the mess of glitter and ribbons. Broom in hand, you start to sweep up the remnants of her "pirouette practice." Going up and down the hallway, sweeping back and forth. You catch a glimpse of the photos in the frames lining your wall before coming to a full stop and reminiscing about how far you guys have come. There were some pictures from when it was just the two of you, but most of those were kept digital, hidden amongst miscellaneous screenshots and disorganized photo albums. The majority of the framed photos came after she was born; something so special about being able to hold a photo of the three of you in your hands, to have it on display in your home proudly saying this is my family. Corny, maybe, but you'd never regretted starting the collection, especially since it had been Jason's idea. He'd been insistent that you keep a scrapbook to commemorate your ever-changing lives, but after realizing neither of you had the knack for cutting and gluing bits of paper onto pretty pages, you'd settled on the wall. Now, you look at them so often and always with fondness. Oh, how things had changed since that day, you'd met so long ago.
You don't know how long you'd been standing there, but you hear a door closing softly, and you turn to see Jason trying to make his way into the hallway with minimal noise. "Is she asleep?" You ask, barely above a whisper. "Out like a light." He says, joining you in front of the framed memories. A picture of her as a newborn, freshly discharged from the hospital, catches his eye, "she was really tiny, wasn't she?" He says, voice cracking a little as he remembers the overwhelming fear he'd experienced when you were in labor and how it all went away once he had held her in his arms. You hum in agreement as you both get lost in pictures of her from the past. Birthdays and holidays, family events and major milestones, there was a picture for everything.
There was one of her on his shoulders; she couldn't have been more than two at the time, her tiny fingers laced through locks of jet-black hair. You remember like it was yesterday; she had just watched Ratatouille and was trying to imitate Remy. He had played into it, and he couldn't get her off his shoulders for days after that. Another, taken from her first trip to the beach. You sit behind her, keeping her upright and holding her arms out, making one wave at Jason, who was behind the camera. You smile to yourself, the two of you standing outside of your daughter's bedroom, mostly content, remembering what it was like to have a baby in your arms. The memory of bringing her home floods his brain; how nervous he was yet so insanely happy he couldn't control the smile on his face. A shaky laugh falls from his lips as he pulls down a picture of the three of you still in the hospital, thumb pressed against the glass like he's trying to physically feel the moment. "Yeah…I could do it again." 
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been working on this almost non stop for 9 hours, literally my longest fic yet (only by like 600 words, but still !!!), special thanks to @kiyozu (my beloved) for giving me this idea !! eek, hope you guys enjoyed it <33 (user orchidsangel is going to sleep now) (also tried following up dialogue with actions this time, gonna see how that goes bc if it’s too hard to follow along with i’ll just go back to he said she said)
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luveline · 1 year
i’ve been re-reading some of the kbd au and was wondering if u would be up to writing a little kbd blurb wherein steve’s being all flirty and silly with reader? idk what it is but flirty kbd!steve specifically rips my heart open he’s so cute when he’s trying to charm r make r laugh <3 thank u as always mwah
thank you my love!! ♡ kbd au
Bethie brings a drink with her as she enters the living room. Steve a few steps behind her, your husband leans in the doorway and winces with every drop she spills on the floor. 
The cup is half full when it reaches you, but it is for you. "Here, mom." 
"Thank you," you say, tone enthused with bubbly affection. Bethie looks like you rather than Steve, and her smile is a mirror.
"Daddy says, uhm…" She looks over her shoulder at Steve. He nods encouragingly. She turns back. "Dad says to tell you that it's from a man at the bar. Because you look beautiful." 
You sniff at the drink, take an experimental sip. It's Steve's version of a virgin margarita, lemonade, orange juice and a spritz of fresh lime juice. "Ooh, so yummy. You want to try?" 
Bethie wrinkles her nose. "Will I like it?" 
Probably not. "I'm not sure, but it's got bubbles?"
Bethie shakes her head. You don't take it personally, scooping your second eldest up to sit on your thigh. She's not heavy. It's actually really nice when she leans back and uses your tummy as a chair, to be loved like this. 
Steve crosses his arms over his chest. "Come here often?" he asks with a wink. 
"Only every day, handsome." 
"Handsome? You're two timing the poor dolt stupid enough to buy you a drink, you know." 
"Poor dolt should've used his eyes." You gesture to either side of you, where Avery, the eldest, sits to your left and Dove, the youngest, lounges at your right. "I'm clearly taken." 
"Can't blame a guy for trying. I mean," —Steve whistles, looking you up and down, but he can't commit to his skit, and he cracks a smile— "hot damn, look at you." 
"Come here," you say. 
Steve's smile turns smug. He dodges the small margarita puddles on the way and leans down to kiss you, his hands on your face, a spritely peck that turns to kisses all over your left cheek. "Was the drink okay?" he asks, rubbing at your cheek with his thumb when he's done. 
You meet his eyes. Sugary brown, little flecks of honey crushed as his pupil grows bigger the longer he looks at you. "It's nice. I like your margaritas more than the store bought. Thank you, honey." 
"Oh," he hums, kissing you again. "You're welcome." 
"Daddy," Dove says simply. 
Steve knows what she wants, he can read their wants and needs from less, scooping her up to perch on the end of the couch. She can still fit into the curve of one arm if she tries. 
"Let me guess, you wanted a margarita," Steve teases, sliding a hand under her shirt to tickle her tummy. 
She laughs but ultimately protests, waiting for Steve to kiss her. He noses at her forehead, kissing her temple softly. "Better?" he asks. 
She settles in his arms and turns back to the TV, content. 
"See? You're not the only one in high demand." 
You sit back and beg him with your eyes to do the same. Steve does so immediately, shoulder to shoulder with you, pressing the tip of his nose to your cheek. Bethie wriggles in your arms and Avery asks about dinner, but for a few silly seconds, it's just you and Steve. 
"Love you. You look really, really pretty today. I had to tell you," Steve says. 
You reach out to squeeze Avery's hand to show you've heard her question. "I love you too, Stevie. Thank you." You make me feel really, really pretty. 
Especially when he says it like that. Three kids and he acts as though you're pretty enough for an urgent telling. Steve would tell you you're even prettier than the day he met you, and he's consistent enough that you genuinely believe it. He's your number one fan, and you're his. 
"Takeout?" you ask.
Steve's eyes glow with love. "Did I mention that you're beautiful?" 
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wonwoosthetic · 8 months
series masterlist
word count – 13.8k
a/n – you guys are really loving this omg😭😭😭 I’m so grateful, thank you thank you thank you🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
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Go Together NANA TOUR EP2 🌷Minnie
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parts written in italics were out of camera shot ˙ᵕ˙
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EP2-1. Good Morning
Gathered around the table, the idols passed each T-shirt to the designated member until everyone was in possession of their personalised top for the show. Minnie had gotten her own as well, holding it up to look at her name in big black letters printed across it. Before her eyes even found the little icon that was different for each singer, Joshua had looked over her right shoulder and caught a glimpse first.
"Aww!" He pointed at the shirt, making her look down, finding a small drawn mouse holding onto a much bigger flower, what appeared to be a tulip.
"Oh my God, that's so cute," she smiled at the clothing item, before turning her head to the producers, "Thank you!" Beaming at them with a bright smile.
After they all got to admire their T-shirts and got a hold of a charger for their own, the group split up again to their designated rooms. Next on the list was getting bedtime ready. After not having lived together as a group all together, the idols had almost forgotten about the struggle of sharing a bathroom. The apartment they were staying at had two, thankfully, but still... 13 people and only two showers... it was about to get stressful.
Thankfully, sleeping in a room right next to one of the bathrooms, Minnie got the privilege of being one of the first members to wash up. She had washed her hair and went through some steps of her skincare routine with the products in the pouch she had taken with her from the plane. While the rest of the members were looking for time slots to jump into the shower, she was on her bed, now in the shorts and shirt provided by the producers as she put on a clean pair of socks, not wanting to walk around in shoes anymore or barefooted.
She had her hair wrapped up in a towel, trying to dry it as much as possible as she had yet to find a hairdryer. After a few minutes of looking around the flat, she had given up the search and retreated back to her room, using the towel to squeeze out the last drops of moisture that were left in her long hair. That's when Mingyu suddenly walked in, making her turn around to look at him.
"What are you doing?" Minnie asked him.
The rapper passed her, and crouched down right behind her, "Your room is the only one with a socket close to a mirror." As he stood back up, the girl's eyes dropped to the device his hands were clinging on. So that's where the hairdryer had suddenly gone. Mingyu turned it on and started drying his hair with the hot air, brushing through it with his fingers.
Minnie got up from the bed and walked over to him. With her hand on his upper arm, she looked up to meet his gaze through the mirror.
"Can you leave the hairdryer here after you're done?" 
He must've not understood her probably, the blasting air being way too loud, as he turned to the side, subconsciously crouching down slightly as he had done so many other times before.
"Huh?" He raised his eyebrows in wonder.
"Leave the hairdryer here when you're done. I need it too," Minnie raised her voice to speak clearer before moving away to walk out of the room.
A sudden soft grab of her arm made her stumble back slightly. Looking back, she glimpsed up at her fellow '97 Liner, who motioned for her to turn around. With a gentle push on her back, she turned, now facing the door. Only a second later, Mingyu had moved the hairdryer from blow-drying his own hair to hers, using his fingers as a brush to detangle some of her strands. Carefully, he moved some of her hair to the side, splitting it up into sections, to make sure he was drying it correctly. Minnie moved her head along, leaning it to one side, so the hair would stay in the position Mingyu had put it in.
Once she noticed, it was getting harder for his fingers to glide through her strands, she turned around to stop his movements. Pointing over to her bedside table, he found the brush the girl was trying to tell him about. He handed her the blowdryer for a second as he walked over to get the brush, only to hold it in his own hands a few seconds later, getting back to help her with her hair.
The two members moved in complete silence the entire time. No talking, only grinning at each other through the mirror at most or Mingyu mouthing a 'sorry' whenever he'd get stuck on a knot in her dark mane. The only time either one of them had opened their mouth to speak was when Wonwoo appeared in the doorway, smiling over at the duo before knocking on the bathroom door. He asked who was inside, but had only gotten an incoherent answer back, so Minnie had to help him.
"Jeonghannie-hyung!" She called out to the '96 Liner, who turned to glance at her with awaiting eyes, asking her what she had said.
"Jeonghannie-hyung is in the bathroom," she repeated louder, getting a nod back in return.
After most of the members had each finished their shower, they moved on to brushing their teeth, which turned out to be another hurdle as there was only one tube of toothpaste. They had somehow managed to get a little bit for each one of them, brushing their teeth while walking around the apartment or sitting in their rooms.
Finished with everything, and even almost completely dry hair, Minnie had found herself in the kitchen, sitting between Wonwoo and Jeonghan, while Hoshi had taken a seat on the opposite side of the table, his toothbrush still dangling in his mouth. In the middle of their conversation, Dokyeom walked out of his room, joining the small group of four. He stopped by the table to look at his fellow members.
"It would be too greedy to ask for hair essence, right?" He asked everyone.
Right away, a nod and a hum came from the rapper, followed by an agreeing, "Yeah," from the Vice-Leader.
Minnie chuckled softly, "What? No, it's not. I asked for some too," turning towards the '96 Liner to her right before glancing over at Dokyeom again. "I put it in the little pouch on my bed. You can use it."
The girl nodded, "Of course."
[sharing is caring with SEVENTEEN]
As soon as the main vocalist left the room, Hoshi spoke up, "Wishing for too much is not what a vacation is." His voice still muffled by the toothpaste foaming at his lips. "You need to give up on things you can."
The girl leaned back with a deep breath in, stretching her shoulders. "Some of us just want to still look presentable. Even if we're on vacation."
"You shouldn't worry about that," the performance leader commented back.
"If I didn't use any hair essence, I'd look like a lion," the girl stated, referring to the long mane on her head, that would quickly turn into puffy dried weed if not being taken care of properly.
With scrunched eyebrows, Hoshi took the toothbrush out of his mouth, looking at her in confusion. "What's wrong with looking like a lion?" To which Minnie could only shake her head with a chuckle, the other two members following her, laughing along at the sound of pure offence coming from the '96 Liner.
Most of the group was already snuggled up in their individual beds. Only a few were still walking around, cleaning up after themselves or laying out their clothes and wet towels to dry somewhere in the apartment. Wonwoo and Dino had found comfort in sitting in the kitchen, with the only source of light coming from the hallway and music from the maknae's phone.
Before she would let herself get a good night's sleep, Minnie decided to keep up her habit of having either a glass or bottle of water next to her bed. She made her way into the kitchen, not expecting anyone in there anymore as it was dark, explaining her wide eyes when she entered and found the duo by the table.
"Oh," her hand came up to her chest in surprise, "What are you guys still doing?"
"Drinking," Dino answered her, nudging his head to the beer bottles on the table. 
Followed by Wonwoo, who just got done with his next bite of the Ramen he had made, "And eating."
With a nod, the girl chuckled, walking over to the sink without another word. The room had fallen quiet as the rapper was focused on his food and the maknae had turned his full attention to the '97 Liner moving around the kitchen, looking for a glass or anything remotely close to a cup.
The sound of Wonwoo slurping his noodles got a chuckle from the youngest in the room.
"Noona, did you know Wonwoo-hyung doesn't chew his Ramen?" He asked her.
From her place by the counter, up on her tippy toes, she turned around, "Yeah," she smiled, "He inhales them." Getting a laugh from the maknae in return.
"Exactly! That's what I said."
"Why are you two making fun of me?" The oldest of the three joined the conversation, glancing over at the girl to see her struggle of not being able to see to the far back of the overhead cabinet. He got up from his chair in an instant.
"We're not making fun of you," Dino argued.
Wonwoo got next to Minnie, easily reaching to the back of the cabinet, where a few glasses were, reaching for one before handing it over to her.
"But I told you it's bad for you," she smiled up at him, taking the cup from his grip. "Thank you."
Without another word, the '96 Liner sat back down and his focus was back on the food in front of him.
Minnie turned on the Fausset before she let her backside rest against the counter, taking a sip of the glass she had just filled up.
Dino's eyes were locked on her form. "You're drinking straight from the sink?"
The female member nodded, "You can do that here. The water is clean." Making the maknae nod, clearly impressed by the info he had gotten.
"Do you want to drink with us?" He asked her, sitting up a slight bit straighter, ready to get another beer out of the fridge. But Minnie shook her head,
"No, thank you. I'm tired, I'm gonna go to sleep."
"Ah, ok." Defeated, with his arms crossed, the youngest sank back into his seat.
Before she made her way back to the room she shared with Jun and Dino, Minnie took a few steps forward until she was right behind Wonwoo's seat, placing a hand on his shoulder, to make him look up. 
"Good night," she whispered. As soon as their gazes met, she leaned down. The rapper straightened his back to meet her halfway where their lips touched for a soft kiss. She could feel the palm of his hand resting on her left hip.
Dino's hand immediately came up to cover his eyes, even turning his head slightly away. Once they separated and their eyes fell on the maknae, the two chuckled in unison. The teasing would never find an end. Even in a group like Seventeen, where open displays of affection in any way, romantic or platonic, weren't a rarity.
Minnie shook her head, smiling at the maknae, while Wonwoo went back to eating the last bites of his cup noodles. Checking for clear waters, the '99 Liner dropped his hand, smiling at the couple before the girl turned her back to them to leave the room.
Early in the morning, every member was still deep in their slumber. Well, everyone, but two - Minghao and Vernon. The roommates had gotten up earlier than the rest, with a specific plan in mind. A plan that required money from the 'manager'.
Thanks to the girl's light sleep, she was woken up by the sound of footsteps around the room. Opening one eye at first, the sun that had just started rising, hit her view, making her squint, wanting to close them immediately again. But another footstep made her whip her head around. Her eyes landed on the intruder.
"Hao?" Her voice was still raspy and laced with sleep. To get a clearer view, she rubbed her eyes, trying to adjust them to the brightness of the room.
Minghao raised a finger to his lips, begging her to stay quiet to let the other members rest.
"What are you doing?" Minnie whispered.
"Vernonnie and I want to go out for breakfast, but we need money," he explained, tapping the shoulder of the maknae as he whispered out his name to wake him up. Right after he had given his 'okay' to take the money they'd need, Dino closed his eyes again to fall back asleep.
Minnie stayed sat up on the mattress, her hand running through her hair as her eyes were focused on the sunrise outside of their window.
"Minnie-ya," Minghao's voice drifted her attention back to him, "Do you want to come too?"
For a quick second, the girl stayed quiet, trying to gather her thoughts before nodding her head.
Hao copied her action, his light footsteps carrying him to the other side of the room where he had seen her personalised shirt hung up on the handle of the closet. Minnie had decided to only sleep in the Calvin Klein sports bra the producers had provided her with. That way, she could feel comfortable wearing the T-shirt around the city that day.
He pulled it off the hanger, "Here," he threw it over to her on the bed.
"Thank you," she whispered back to him before he disappeared through the doorway again.
Out in the warm morning air, the three members started looking for a breakfast place in the area. While the temperature was slowly rising, getting up to the normal summer heat Rome was faced with each year, there was still a fresh breeze blowing past the old buildings. Minnie pulled the black zip-up hoodie she had thrown over her shirt closer around her body. The sleeves were long enough to cover her entire hands as well.
Minghao found a restaurant around seven minutes away from their current location that was already open, even at the early morning hour they had decided to get up. The close distance let the trio walk through the ancient streets of the city, taking in the old-stone structures that were so iconic for Italian architecture. 
Each building they passed was more fascinating than the one before. From normal apartments to churches, or even just stores and supermarkets. The vintage design of downtown Rome was too different from their home in Seoul to not let them be amazed by everything they saw.
Arrived at their destination, the group found the restaurant to be relatively empty, making finding a table much easier. Minnie and Vernon took the booth seating up against the wall, while Minghao sat across the table from them. The waiter arrived only shortly after they had settled down and greeted them with a kind smile. Ordering was easy, thanks to the older man understanding English, and done by the youngest of the three. They opted for three orange juices, pasta, a chicken meal, and a serving of ravioli.
It was then, that the girl noticed the clothing choices of each of them, giggling to herself before commenting. "Why am I the only one wearing the shirt we got?"
All eyes fell on her, eyeing her outfit.
"I thought we had to wear them all the time," she whined out loud, getting a round of quiet laughter from everyone around her. Minnie glanced over at the cameraman, who just shook his head. "You're telling me I could've looked cuter than this."
Vernon, next to her, hit her shoulder with a chuckle as Minghao smiled at her. "It's okay, you wear it very well," he reassured her.
Their food arrived a short while later. The waiter gave each plate to each member, letting them finally admire what they had ordered.
"It really looks so good," Hao commented, taking a quick picture of his plate before putting the phone to the side again.
Minnie, who was focused on her own device, typing away on the screen, looked up, "Yeah," she nodded, "You can tell how fresh everything here is."
The three started to eat, splitting their meals up between them, giving each other a small portion of everything on the table.
Lost in the smooth taste of their food, taking in each small flavour their tongues picked up, the group enjoyed their moment of silence together. For a few seconds, they were too focused on the lunch meals turned breakfast, to even engage in a simple conversation.
Vernon was the first to break the quietness when a thought hit him like a brick, whipping his head to the girl, who was pouring herself a glass of water.
"You can speak Italian, right?" He wondered, gaining the attention of the entire table.
She nodded. "A little bit. The basics I learned in school. Why?"
The younger member chuckled with a scoff, "Why did you let me order then?"
The sip she was taking from the glass was interrupted when she came to stop, her mouth closed as she giggled, trying to swallow before she could speak up again. 
"You didn't ask me to," Minnie smiled. "Also, I think I would be too shy to speak with an actual person from Italy. My Italian isn't that good."
Vernon was just about to say something when Minghao shook his head. "But you should. You should get more confident in speaking foreign languages."
"Yeah, you're good at learning them anyway," the youngest added, referring to the only academic 'gift' the female member had. But she just shrugged.
A bigger group of members that had split up from the rest, found themselves in a shop recommended by Na PD himself. They had ordered sandwiches for each one of them, along with a few bottles of Coke Zero and some wine - not caring about how early in the morning it was.
Amid their meal, Mingyu suddenly found the urge to contact the leader, who was in Korea, where it was now sometime in the afternoon. He picked up the Facetime call after only a few rings but kept his face hidden as he was sitting in a salon chair, getting his hair re-done.
"Show us. Let me see your face," the '97 Liner repeatedly kept on nagging the oldest member, showing the screen of his phone to the camera to reveal his face once he'd shown it.
"But I'm getting my hair dyed!" Seungcheol argued back.
"So let us see it!" The younger rapper argued again.
"You guys keep on contacting me!" The leader whined out. "Minnie has been texting me already. I sent her a picture."
"But she's not here with us. She went out with Vernon and Myungho, so show us your face now," Mingyu told him, continuously demanding a face reveal. Cheol finally gave in, turning his camera around to film himself in the chair, while two hairstylists were working on bleaching his hair.
EP2-2. Roman Holiday
"Everyone's here!" Na PD called out after counting the members on the bus. Everyone had found a seat for themselves and was enjoying the passing view outside of the windows. "We're going to see the Arch of Constantine and take pictures today," he explained further.
Due to the large number of members, the producer split them up into smaller groups, depending on where they were currently sitting. Jeonghan's group on the left side of the bus consisted of four, as well as Seungkwan's group on the right.
"And Group 3, the line in the back," Yeongseok pointed at them with the little flag he was carrying around with him. "The members who don't listen."
"Let's gooo!" Mingyu and Dokyeom shouted out together.
"Huh?!" Minnie wondered loudly, glancing over to the loud duo on the other side of the row, who seemed to be proud of the reputation they had gained.
Dino, who was sitting in the middle caught the shocked face of the female member, "Ah, noona!" Making him laugh out loud. "She doesn't like that title, hyung!"
"Who? Minnie-ya?" The producer looked at the very back of the bus, seeing the head of the girl peeking over the row in front of her.
"We listen well!" She argued back, getting a chuckle out of the older man and the rest of the group on the bus. Everyone knew, there was only a small amount of truth to her claim.
He shook his head, "I don't think so," getting another round of laughter from the members, while the girl had to fight a smile as she sunk back into the chair.
Each group had made their way off the bus, now walking around the ancient ruins toward the arch they were supposed to take pictures at. The hot weather had let the members only walk around in their individual shirts, with some of them also wearing the different kinds of hats they had bought in souvenir shops around the city. 
Minnie had put up her hair in a ponytail, and a pair of sunglasses high on her nosebridge as she looked around the open area. She decided to just enjoy the view while letting her fellow '97 Liner run around and take pictures. Na PD was close by her. A chuckle from the older man made her turn around, only to find out why. Mingyu was a few steps behind her, crouching down on the floor while his phone was directed at her.
"What are you doing?" She asked him, but he just shook her off with his hand,
"Keep on walking."
With a confused look on her face, she did as asked, continuing her casual walk, while the older man next to her kept on laughing at what was happening.
"Wait!" The rapper suddenly called out, running up to the girl. Dokyeom was still behind all of them, taking pictures of the scenery with his own phone. "Turn around and look over there," he tried to usher her to stand in the right position, moving her around with two strong hands on her shoulder. "Oh-", he turned her around for a split second, fixing a strand of hair that stuck out from the top of her head.
"You're really passionate about this, Mingyu-ya," Yeongseok commented with a chuckle, standing back with his arms crossed, watching the duo closely.
He nodded with a proud smile, "We need to get good pictures." Taking a few steps back, he crouched down slightly once again, tapping on his screen a few times while Minnie continued to pose on the opposite side of the makeshift dirt road they were walking on.
"Look here!" He called out. "And over your left shoulder!" His directions made the girl roll her eyes, a chuckle tumbling from her lips quickly after.
"Mingyu, you're being too much," she smiled at the man, who still had his knees bent, not stopping taking one pic after the other, even as she continued to get him to stop.
"You'll thank me for the pictures later," the rapper nudged his head provocatively at the '97 Liner, who took a deep breath in before fixing her hair and going after his demands of posing in front of the camera.
"Hyung!" She called out to the producer, motioning with her hand for him to come closer. "Take a picture with me! Please!"
With a shake of his head, he quickly gave in to the girl's request, jogging up to stand beside her before he slung his arm over her shoulder, posing together with her for another few pictures taken by Mingyu.
They resumed their journey through the open field with Na PD, Minnie, Mingyu, and Dokyeom walking all together.
"Ah...," the rapper sighed out in relief, "Isn't this so nice, guys?" Throwing his arms over the other two '97 Liners.
"It's really nice," DK agreed. "It kinda really feels just like youth. Like it's the last in my late 20s before ending our lives."
"What?" Minnie and Yeongseok glanced over at the singer in surprise, "What did you just say?" The girl wondered.
"Why are you ending your life? Hey!" The producer questioned the sudden statement.
Dokyeom quickly excused himself, trying to get the meaning he had originally wanted to express right, getting a round of laughter from the people next to him. Minnie shook her head with a smile, mumbling something under her breath.
"You mean, ending your late 20s well," Na PD explained for him, to which the members agreed.
The girl had kept her head down, following a stone she was kicking along with her feet as they were walking. "Yeongseok-hyung is so wise."
Her comment got a whole-hearted laugh from the older man, his hand petting her back, making her look up at him with a big grin. "Ah... that's very sweet of you Minnie-ya." Her right arm slung across his back to lean into him, pulling him in for a side hug and joining the chain the four had created.
The Arch of Constantine was even more magnificent than any of the members could've imagined. They had split up, each to be on their own or in smaller groups, taking pictures or just taking in the structure right in front of them and next to the Colosseum. Their eyes raked over each detail engraved into the old stone, pondering how it was even possible to create masterpieces like this such a long time ago.
The producers asked them to gather for the group photo, having to recall their position in the line they had decided on the day before. 
A picture, a video clip, and a few more personal pictures later, they went on their way further around the city, when some of the members found a cute little ice cream stand. The members who were craving the famous Gelato were quick to get in line, their orders already in their heads. Manager Dino was right next to them, using the pocket money they were gifted to pay for each treat.
With the refreshments in their hands, they continued their way through the streets of Italy. Passing blooming gardens, trees on the side of the roads, smiling people, and more ancient buildings that made Rome oh so special.
"I think I can really go on a world trip with just a camera," Wonwoo suddenly spoke up. Minnie, only a few steps in front of him, chuckled on slowed down her walk as the rapper reached out, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder to walk right beside her.
"How many pictures have you taken yet?" She asked, to which he looked down at the apparatus.
"I don't know, to be honest. A few."
In the next moment, the female member was standing in front of a colourful they had found along their way. Decorated with graffiti and drawings by multiple different artists, it seemed. Wonwoo, in his usual fashion, was holding up the camera, looking through the lens with one eye, taking a few steps back and forward again, trying to find an angle he'd like. Minnie smiled brightly, her sunglasses still high on the bridge of her nose. While she turned away to continue their walk, the '96 Liner kept his hold on the device tightly, taking a few more shots of the girl before putting the camera down to glance around the area, trying to look for the next beautiful thing to photograph.
The group had finally made their way back into the much cooler bus. Some of the members sighed out loud in exhaustion, complaining about the heat they were enduring. Everyone took the same seats as before, letting their backs rest against the cushions.
Next on the list: Lunch.
Na PD revealed the restaurant they were heading to to be a celebrity 'hot spot'. Multiple stars, including singers, actors, football players, etc. had dined there, making it become a very popular destination for others. As an example, he mentioned Leonardo Di Caprio. The members hollered out in excitement.
"Vernonnie!" Dokyeom and Mingyu commented, getting a round of chuckles from the other members. Minnie, grinned at the younger member next to her, watching his lips curl up as he shook his head slightly. With a giggle, she patted his shoulder.
"Let's go eat!" Jun called out as soon as the bus came to a halt. They had arrived at their lunch spot for the day. Waiters ushered them in and brought them to the table reserved for the big group in a slightly more private area of the restaurant. The female member to her seat opposite Na PD, next to Wonwoo, at the other end of the table.
The members were more than excited. Hours of walking around the hot city had brought hunger to their stomachs, ready to get a taste of even more traditional Italian cuisine - some had already gotten a taste early in the morning.
One of the waiters came back into the room, greeting them in true Italian fashion. He rounded the table, handing out a few of the menu cards so that at least two or three members could look at one together. That's when they found a catch. Everything was written in Italian.
"Oh... I really have no idea. There's no English at all," Vernon noticed. Minnie reached for the card Wonwoo had just put down, her eyes scanning the words.
"Ah...," she repeated with a nervous chuckle, "there really isn't."
Different possible solutions for their situation were thrown around. While some members were trying to make some sense of the words they were seeing, Mingyu suggested just ordering the most expensive items of each category. What part of them forgot though was that they had two people who could converse in a basic conversation with their language knowledge.
"The one that says 'fritti' is kind of fried," Joshua explained to his half of the table. "I think it means fried." He continued to go over the menu, explaining what he thought each meal would translate to.
"Funghi Porcini," Minnie read out, just to herself and whoever would catch her voice, "is with mushrooms." 
"What is Pomodoro?" Woozi wondered out loud. As Shua was still busy talking to the maknae on his right, the female member decided to answer.
"Tomato. So it's like... probably like pasta with just tomato sauce and basil."
With scrunched eyebrows, the '96 Liner glanced at her. "You understand this too?"
She shrugged, "A little bit."
Back in her own world with Wonwoo right next to her, they went through the meals together, him asking her what some of the things meant and her translating everything for him. Lost in their little convo, she didn't react when her name was first called out, only when the man next to her nudged her before pointing at Joshua, who was trying to get her attention.
"Can you order for that side of the table, and I'll order for this?" He pointed to each side, as he asked her. "Is that okay?" Joshua apparently didn't forget about the mere two years she had to study the language in school.
Slightly lost in his question, the girl nodded before she could even say what she actually wanted. Because doing what he had asked of her was definitely not a thing she was ready to do. She didn't have the confidence some other members, *cough* Mingyu *cough*, were blessed with. She had never been one to just talk to random people, ESPECIALLY when those people spoke a language she wasn't fluent in. Just thinking back to her first days at Pledis. Seungcheol was the one who had to come up to her. Back then, he was surprised to find out that her Korean skills weren't half as good as he had thought. It hit her like a kick back into the past - now having to converse in a language she had spoken the last time when she was in school.
Vernon chuckled when a heavy sigh fell from her lips as she sunk into her chair. "Now you have to talk in Italian." Referring back to the morning they had spent together back at that breakfast place.
"This is gonna be so embarrassing." With a pained facial expression, she leaned over to put her forehead against Wonwoo's shoulder, taking a deep breath.
"They're not going to make fun of you," he tried to assure her, his hand patting her thigh in comfort. "They're nice. Just try it."
Minnie straightened her back again, almost quivering as her eyes fixed on the waiter walking into the room again. "They might not make fun of me openly, but they'll talk about it later. I have the worst accent when I talk Italian!" She shout-whispered, her fingers fidgeting in her lap.
Wonwoo tried his best not to chuckle at her reaction. He knew the situation was only half as bad as she interpreted it - always an overthinker. With a soft smile, he placed his hand on top of hers, trying to get her to calm down with his thumb running across her knuckles. 
"We all have accents when we speak English. But has that ever stopped like Seungkwan or Mingyu from speaking it?"
"Dino sometimes doesn't want to."
"But you're not Dino," he argued softly, just wanting to lean forward and gently kiss her pouty lips, but there couldn't have been a worse time or place for it than then.
"And I'm no Seungkwan or Mingyu either," she threw back, making him take a deep breath, but before he could say anything, Minnie shook her head. "I know, I'm sorry."
"Stop," he squeezed her hand. "Just don't overthink it, it's all good."
Their moment had to be cut short as the waiter had made his way over to their side of the table.
With a big smile, he greeted the group in his native tongue, forcing everyone to do the same. Minnie was handed the menu by Wonwoo, now at least able to point at the meals she possibly wouldn't pronounce correctly. She started off easily, talking slowly and trying to speak as clearly as she possibly could. Showing him the words on the card most definitely helped her. Every now and then, the man would ask questions as well, taking her back at first, but as he was just trying to get the order perfectly right, she warmed up to the situation. 
"Jeonghannie-hyung, what do you want?" She leaned forward to get a look at the oldest member. He had not given her his order yet.
He shook his head, "I'll eat anything you order for me, Minnie-ya." A quick glance at Woozi, he told her the same thing.
"And you, hyung?" She directed her attention to the man sitting across from her.
"Oh- this one please," he pointed at the menu he was holding onto, showing her the pasta meal he would want.
As scared as the female member was of messing up, she had only stuttered twice, and that was purely because she was unsure of the correct grammatical ending she would have to use in the sentence. The waiter nodded along with her order, writing down everything she mentioned on the menu before thanking her with another kind smile and disappearing again.
With a deep breath, the girl hunched over the table dramatically. Wonwoo chuckled at her antics, his hand coming up to rub her back.
"Damn," Vernon grinned, nodding his head at her.
The oldest man at the table couldn't take his eyes off the female member. His eyes were wide and a proud smile lit up his face.
"Woah... Minnie-ya," his voice made her look up. "How- I didn't know you spoke Italian so well."
She shook her head, "No... it's no- I only learned it in school for a bit."
"But that was really good!" He complimented her.
Minnie chuckled shyly, her shoulders lifting as she subconsciously leaned to the side.
Wonwoo patted her back one more time. "Good job," sending her a warm smile that she couldn't help but reciprocate.
Even though they had already gone through multiple jugs of the homemade house wine the restaurant had to offer, Na PD had ordered another few different types. The members only noticed it when there were new bottles put down on the table, along with more glasses as well. A green bottle and the same in red again were right in front of Minnie and Wonwoo, letting them try to read what the calligraphy around the logo said. As their side of the table was the first to receive the ordered wine, the other members got curious.
Mingyu got up from his seat, making his way over to stop in between his dormmates.
"Try and see which one is the expensive one," Yeongseok challenged them.
"Oh," Minnie chuckled, her hand placed on the arm of the '97 Liner as he leaned forward to get a better look at the bottles. "Mingyu will be good at this, I think."
Minghao joined them only shortly after.
"These two are different?" He wondered while Mingyu was already taking the first sip of what he had poured.
Minnie glanced up to her left, expecting her dormmate, only to be met with Dokyeom, who had also come along to the taste test. A pat on her shoulder made her look to the right. Mingyu handed her his glass of wine without a word, which she graciously took, taking a sip of the little bit he had left for her.
"Mm," she hummed, "I like this one."
He nodded, leaning against the wall as he looked down at her. "Me too, but I think it's the slightly cheaper one."
"I want to try the other as well. You too?" The girl wondered, getting a nod in return. She reached out to get a new glass and went to pour in some of it from the other bottle when it was suddenly snatched from her grip. Wonwoo got a hold of it, placing the glass closer to him before he let the liquid fill it up with a good amount.
"Don't pour yourself alcohol," he remarked before putting the glass back down in front of her. 
She nodded. "Thank you." Just as she was about to hand it over to Mingyu, he brushed her off with a motion of his hand.
"You take a sip first." Not fighting him back on it, she brought the rim up to her lips, tilting it back until the slight bitter taste hit her tongue. She took a small sip, her face scrunching up a bit as she put the glass down again.
The '97 Liner reached out to get it. "Not good?" He chuckled at her expression.
"That tastes like the red wine I usually don't like," she stated, taking a big gulp from the glass of Coke Zero by her plate.
"Oh," Mingyu commented, "I like it." After having tasted it and going back to take another sip.
"Then you can keep it," she told him, face still scrunched up by the bitterness, getting another chuckle out of him and a brush over the top of her hair.
Meal after meal was brought to their table, even more plates now filling even the smallest empty gaps. The members shared each pasta between them, handing over spoons full of each food they had ordered. 
They all were very well surprised by the tastes their tongue got to explore, but one member seemed particularly happy. Vernon.
"It's so good."
"Wow, it's really nice."
"This is really good." 
He kept on repeating, making the female member chuckle as she watched him closely.
She wasn't the only one to notice though. "He really likes spaghetti," Na PD pointed out, making the '98 Liner nod.
"I really like it."
"I haven't seen Vernon eat that well in a long time," Minnie commented, the corners of her lips still curled up.
EP2-3. On the Bus
The members had found themselves back on the bus after their well-enjoyed lunch break. Now, all full and happy, they were making their way up to the North, to their next destination: Tuscany.
Knowing, the drive would take a good 3 hours, some had already leaned back, ready to enjoy the long drive. They were wondering what the house they'd stay at next would look like. Knowing the production team, they probably went all out. Minnie had engaged in a comfortable conversation with Yeongseok during their lunch in the episode before, making them get closer than they were before. The girl had started to realise that this trip truly wouldn't be like the 'Youth Over Flowers' she had watched before. They had talked about the other members, life in general, and just getting to know each other member. She was definitely starting to warm up to him quite a lot. Minnie had been a fan of the man and the shows he had done in the past for quite a while, so getting to know him personally was quite intimidating. But just like the idol group as well, Na PD was too kind-hearted to not like him. The whole production crew in general. In some aspects, Minnie could see the members in some of the producers. How they could turn out in a few years, personality-wise. With shared humour and traits, it was easy to get close to them. They were enjoying a holiday together after all.
"Iced Americano...," Yeongseok suddenly spoke up. 
"I love it so much."
"Is so nice."
"Thank you so much." Came from different members as answers. They didn't know yet, that the drink wasn't being offered to them. 
At this point, Na PD was just showing off, as they had found out. "I really like it, that's just what I said," he commented with a devilish smile already teasing his lips. Some of the members were getting quite desperate, and he noticed it, but it only amused the older man even more.
"But... there might be some members who like it, right?" He wondered teasingly.
"Like it?" Minnie wonders out loud, her head popping out from behind the seats of Wonwoo and Woozi. "Seungkwan breathes Iced Americano!" Getting a round of chuckles from the members, including Yeongseok.
"Oh, is that so?" He asked the younger member who just so happened to sit right behind him. "Well... if there are other members that like it... we brought 13 cups just in case."
The bus was immediately filled with groans of desperation and shock, everyone surprised by the kind gesture. Especially from the members who had been living life on the limit with the caffeine deficit they had been enduring over the past few days as the espresso they'd get in the city was not pleasing their tastebuds.
So, Na PD was holding onto 13 cups of coffee, but he wasn't just going to give them to each of the members, they had found out. The production crew came up with an 'S.Coups quiz' where the prize of each rightly-answered question would be one of the cups. At this point, you could feel the heated personalities of the members rise up and physically watch as the more competitive members sat up straighter in their seats. Minnie smirked.
"As a reference, we don't know the answers either," Yeongseok explained. "We need to do a video call and find out."
"Ooooh," Minnie whispered to herself.
After going through the rules one more time, the first question was thrown at them right away.
"'Coups' quiz!" Na PD called out, "Right now, what is S.Coups doing? In detail."
A few hands shot up immediately, but Mingyu was the first to also call out his name, therefore getting picked first.
"After dying his hair, he's at home," he simply answered.
The producer repeated his answer, making sure he got each detail correctly.
"After he finished dying his hair, he went home," the '97 Liner explained one more time.
"But I'm curious about what he's doing at home right now," Yeongseong told him, making a few more hands come up.
"Minnie!" The female member shouted out, getting picked next. "He's playing video games."
"And what kind of video games?" He nagged further.
The girl sighed out with a smile, "How am I supposed to know that? He plays a lot..."
"I need to know everything in detail," the man clarified one more time.
The next member to try and get the right answer was Vernon, who repeated Minnie's answer with a little addition.
"Computer game," he stated.
"Ah, computer game? And what game?"
With a groan, the '98 Liner leaned forward, tilting his head into the narrow walkway of the bus, holding onto the handles by the seat in front of him, where Wonwoo was sitting. The older member turned to the side with a smirk on his lips,
"LoL, LoL, LoL," he kept on repeating, trying to help the younger rapper. This didn't go unnoticed by the girl, who gasped once Vernon repeated what he had just been told.
"You cheater," she whispered at him as soon as his back hit the cushion of his seat again.
"Blame Wonwoo-hyung. He helped me," he defended himself, only getting a shake of her head from Minnie in return, her lips pressed together tightly.
Hoshi, Jun, Woozi, and Joshua gave their own ideas as well, desperately hoping their answer would be the right one. Before anyone else could even be picked, Mingyu shouted out to grab everyone's attention. He had caught Minghao texting Seungcheol and filmed him to have evidence in his hands. The dancer was thrown out of this round by Na PD, making the other members celebrate in glee.
Wonwoo, Dokyeom, Seungkwan, Dino, and Jeonghan were the last ones to drop their answer - Minghao was still too sulky to give his.
Seungkwan was the one who would get to call the leader via video call. He fixed his hair while waiting for the oldest member to pick up. Dokyeom was hoping he'd be on the toilet pooping. After a good minute of silence from the other end of the line, they were close to giving up on the call when Wonwoo chuckled out loud. He had found S.Coups' 'online' status on the Discord app. They decided to call him that way, but only to tell him to pick up the video call from the '98 Liner, so they'd be able to see him. After another try, they were finally met with his face on the phone screen in the younger member's hands. They briefly went over the quiz they were currently doing before getting to the question they all had been desperately waiting to ask him.
"What are you doing?"
"Right now? Playing games," he told them, getting a loud shout of glee from Vernon in the very back.
"I said that!" Minnie argued with the member next to her, hitting his shoulder as he was celebrating his not-yet-fixed win a little too much.
"What game?" Dokyeom raised his voice so the leader would be able to hear him.
Seungkwan repeated it. "What game exactly?"
That's when the girl scoffed out with an annoyed smirk, letting the boy to her right shout out in glee. 
"I said LoL!" He proudly announced. The girl just shook her head. He was handed over his cup of Iced Americano and took a sip, followed by a happy sigh as he leaned back.
"I hate you so much right now," the girl joked, glancing over at the younger member.
Vernon chuckled, "You should've listened to Wonwoo when he said it."
"But he said it to you! He didn't even try to help me," she whined, the feeling of betrayal hitting her. "Unbelievable," she mumbled under her breath. The '98 Liner couldn't help but laugh at her. 
Thankfully, they were quick to move on to the next question.
"It's 11pm in Korea right now," Na PD started again. "Coups is currently playing a lot of LoL. BUT... before he played LoL... what did Coups eat for dinner?"
Everyone immediately agreed that the answer to this would be too hard for them to guess. After all, there were at least a thousand different things he could've ordered or made. But still, Mingyu was, once again, the first one to guess, giving his answer with, "Chicken breasts!" The leader was on a diet after all. The maknae decided on him probably not eating anything at all since the '95 Liner would be filming his part of the 'God of Music' music video the following day.
Dokyeom, Jun, and Joshua followed right after, each giving a different answer. Hoshi went against Dino's idea and threw out that the oldest of the group enjoyed a heavy meal before starting to play his game. And Vernon was the last one to give his answer.
"Did everyone guess?" The producer wondered out loud, losing count of each of the members once again.
The idols started looking around the bus. The ones who didn't want to give an answer shook their head.
"Minnie hasn't said anything yet!" Vernon called out, earning himself a nudge to his ribs.
"Oh- noona! What's your answer?" The youngest leaned forward as he glimpsed to his left to get a look at the female member.
Yeongseok pushed himself up to glance at the very back of the bus. "Minnie-ya!" He shouted out for her, "What do you think?"
"I don't want to say anything!" She whined back, still sulky from the moment between Vernon and Wonwoo.
"Ah- don't be like that," Na PD sighed. "You know S.Coups well, right?"
"I don't know," she shrugged, "Naengmyeon."
"Naengmyeon?!" The producer raised his voice in confusion, followed by the other members who did the same.
"Never mind," Dino shook his head, "She takes that back." His remark got a few chuckles from the others.
Seungkwan turned around, "But he has a shoot tomorrow."
"Well, maybe he wanted to treat himself before work. He likes naengmyeon," she argued back, looking over the seats in front of her.
"No... I don't think so," Mingyu muttered, daring to take a quick peek over to the side, where she was already glaring at him.
"Not everyone can enjoy a boring diet like yours," she threw at him, making Vernon laugh and push her back by her shoulders.
"No fighting, kids!" Na PD demanded with a smile and a shake of his head, mumbling something inaudible under his breath. "Let's find out."
That time, Jeonghan was handed the phone to call the leader. Within only a few rings, he picked up the second video call.
"Oh, Jeonghan-ah," S.Coups greeted the second oldest of the group, his eyes switching between looking at the phone screen and his computer.
"Hey, Coups. What did you eat for dinner?" He got straight to the point.
"For dinner?" Cheol wondered out loud. "Ehm... I had... Naengmyeon."
"Naengmyeon!" Jeonghan repeated it louder to let everyone hear. Loud gasps filled the bus in an instant.
Minnie shot up from her seat, "REALLY?!"
"You really ate naengmyeon?" Dokyeom couldn't believe the answer the leader had given them. "Why did you eat naengmyeon when you have the music video filming tomorrow?"
Vernon, still surprised by the actual answer, scooted forward in his seat. "Why are you eating naengmyeon?" All while Minnie was looking at the phone Jeonghan was still holding up with a big smile on her face.
A few more exclaims fell from the members, clearly stunned by the meal choice of the oldest member before Jeonghan tried to hang up the phone.
"Wait-," the leader called out, "Jeonghan. What do you think of my dyed hair?" 
The '95 Liner grinned, "Pretty, pretty!" He lifted the hand that was clutching onto the phone, "Guys, Coups' hair is pretty, right?" Of course, he got each member to agree with hums, nods, and words directed to the leader.
"Oppa, your hair looks so pretty!" Minnie shouted out happily, "Thank you for eating naengmyeon!"
"What did she say?" The oldest chuckled, moving closer to the screen with scrunched eyebrows.
Jeonghan chuckled, "She says your hair is pretty and thanked you for eating naengmyeon."
"Did she get it right?" To which the other member nodded. "You're welcome, Minnie-ya!"
"He says 'you're welcome'!" The singer turned around in his seat, his eyes immediately on the grinning girl, who sent a dramatic flying kiss in his direction. Vernon pulled her down with an amused shake of his head.
A few 'goodbyes' back and forth later, the video call ended.
"So, Minnie-ya!" Na PD called out for the female member, "You really got it right!"
"I know!" Grinning from ear to ear, Minnie's smile could've lit up a dark room instantly.
"Well done," Woozi nodded to himself, "I would've never thought he'd eat that while dieting."
Wonwoo glanced at his fellow '96 Liner, "Me neither."
"Noona apparently really knows Coups-hyung the best," Dino commented, watching the grin not leaving her lips.
"Seems like it," Dokyeom agreed.
"You deserved it. Enjoy the Iced Americano!" The producer congratulated her, handing over the cold plastic cup to the back, each member passing it further until it reached Vernon, who tried to take a sip.
A smack to his arm stopped him, "What are you doing?" The girl smiled at him, getting a chuckle in return as he finally handed her her prize.
"Thank youuuu!" She shouted one more time before bringing the coffee up to her lips, a smile still plastered on her face.
In true Seventeen fashion, they came up with a deal next. Agreeing, that the S.Coups quiz might be too hard, for some, they asked for an Italy trivia quiz instead. As Na PD was very knowledgeable in the culture and history, having been here before, he let himself get dragged into the agreement. Minnie already knew she'd prefer to stay in the background, happily sipping on her coffee while she watched the chaos unfold right in front of her.
Only when it suddenly turned into a quiz just for Dino, Minnie's ears perked up.
"Listen to the question first. Just think about it," Yeongseok told the maknae, who had moved slightly forward, now sitting at the edge of his seat. "What word refers to the world-famous first division of professional Italian soccer?" The members were quick to agree that the question was easy to answer, but the youngest just nodded along mindlessly.
Na PD tried to encourage him, promising that he'd be able to get to answer while looking for others to do the same. He called out Dokyeom, who was smiling at him, expecting him to support the '99 Liner, when instead, he suddenly shouted out the correct answer.
"Serie A!"
"W-Why are you saying it?" The producer laughed out loud, the rest of the group joining him, glancing back at the '97 Liner who started to apologise, not having realised he wasn't supposed to actually answer the given question.
"Oh..." Dino sat up straighter, "Is that the answer?"
Na PD couldn't help but laugh warmly at the maknae. "This-... He doesn't even know what it is!"
"No, I thought it was Paris Saint-Germain," he explained. The entire bus filled with laughter.
The girl whipped her head to the right, getting a chuckle from Vernon, who was already clutching his stomach from the antics of the other members. 
"That's the of a team!"
"That's a team from Paris!" Vernon and Minnie laughed out loud together, the younger member finding more humour in the situation while the girl looked genuinely concerned, her eyebrows scrunched together and her lips slightly agape. 
Mingyu patted Dino's shoulder, "That's in Paris!"
"It's Paris!" Vernon hit his thigh, raising his voice slightly.
"Dino-ya-" Minnie started, but was interrupted.
"Wait, wait-" the youngest stopped everyone around him, "Isn't Italy part of Europe?"
The '98 Liner could barely hold himself together anymore, nudging his elbow into the maknae's side, laughing out loud as if he was gasping for air. In shock, Minnie leaned back into her chair. The rapper looked over, finding her covering her mouth with a hand and closing her eyes to take a deep breath. It only made him laugh harder.
"Is he serious?" She asked him, chuckling at how he was barely holding on. "Is this real?" She shook her head, leaning over to pat the '99 Liner's thigh. "Dino-ya," he turned his head to meet her eye, "Paris Saint-Germain is a team from Paris. Paris is a city in France. Both Italy and France are in Europe, but one thing doesn't have to do anything with the other."
"Aaaah, really?" He nodded his head. At least somebody was educating this man.
With a defeated look, Minnie let herself fall back against the cushion. A quick peek to the side made her chuckle as Vernon was already looking at her with a grin plastered on his face.
EP2-4. Today's chefs, SEVENTEEN!
The bus went on for another hour or two that was spent quietly as each member focused on themselves. Most eyes were focused on the passing landside, and others were trained on their phones. Minnie managed to catch a quick nap of only a few minutes but it definitely helped to let the time pass.
"We're arriving at the supermarket in 20 minutes," Na PD announced. "Think about what we're going to eat today."
"Who wants to go to the supermarket?" Seungkwan questioned the room.
Mingyu was quick to react, "I want to go!"
"Me too," the '98 Liner added.
As Dino was the manager who was holding onto all of the pocket money the group had received, he wondered, "Should I go?" The members agreed.
The eyes of the biggest member drifted to the other side of the bus, "Minnie-ya," catching the attention of the girl. "Do you want to go too?" Knowing she'd actually be of big help in the grocery store as the designated members would only be able to converse in English in emergencies.
She nodded with a smile, "Yeah, sure."
"Minnie, Mingyu, Seungkwan, Dino," Wonwoo counted out loud, making the rest of the group nod. It was a good choice of members that would buy fun stuff, good stuff, but still responsibly.
Now that they had the chosen buyers that would hit the supermarket, the next decision would be what they'd even want to buy. What would be on the menu for the evening? It didn't take long to agree on the cuisine: Korean. None of them had the energy or confidence at that point to recreate any of the meals they were gifted during their lunch break. They knew they could cook something Korean, they just hoped they'd find the right ingredients.
The four got off the bus, heading over to get a cart first.
"Woah... it looks like an American Supermarket," the girl commented, following the '98 Liner who had already spotted the carts.
Inside, they immediately started looking for the meat section. They found the counter, with a woman and a man behind it, who was already looking at them as they got closer. Their eyes drifted over each meat they offered, trying to find something them and the others would enjoy. Minnie didn't get to say anything before Mingyu started talking to the employee, pointing at the raw meat he had found.
"Is that pork belly?" The girl wondered, stopping by his right, glancing at the butcher who was cutting it into thick pieces.
The rapper shrugged, "I think. It looks like it." They also found some pork neck, asking the man to cut some for them as well.
Next: Chicken. Just further down, they found more meat in individual coolers. Seungkwan reached out for one plastic-wrapped carton.
"Doesn't this look like chicken breast?" The maknae wondered.
Mingyu reached out to grab it, taking a closer look. "Isn't it intestines?" At the mention, Minnie's face scrunched up in disgust. She wasn't vegetarian, but she had her limits. "Do you know?" He looked down at her.
Taking a small step closer to his side, he held up the package for her. "Petto Pollo Coop? Pollo means chicken ...," she told the group. "And I'm pretty sure Petto means chest. But I don't know about Coop"
"Are you sure?" Seungkwan asked her, but her nod was hesitant.
"Like... 90%, yeah."
"That's good enough," Mingyu tossed it into the cart without another word, before leaning down into the cooler to get more. "Let's buy a lot of this."
At their stop in the seafood section, the girl stood back, letting the guys decide as she was the last person to ask when it came to a meal including anything from the ocean. The other members locked their eyes on some salmon and just decided to take a few more packages of it, not caring about anything else from that side of the supermarket.
They hit the vegetables and frozen foods section next, making a quick stop at a small stall that held freshly made warm chicken they could buy.
"The members would like this," they commented.
During their time in the drinks department, they noticed just how quickly the cart was filling up.
"The members drink a lot of Pepsi, right?" Seungkwan chuckled at the sight of multiple bottles and cans they had thrown in.
Minnie laughed, crossing her arms in front of her chest, "They need their caffeine." Knowing she was one of said members.
"Underwear," the '98 Liner suddenly remembered. "Underwear for the members.
"Oh, right," Mingyu nodded, "We have slippers, but we need to buy underwear." In the aisle, the girl split from the other guys as female underwear was on the other end of the line, having to look for it herself. Her fellow '97 Liner noticed her sudden absence, walking over to where she was standing.
"Did you find something?" He wondered.
Minnie nodded, holding up her hand that was clinging onto two hangers, each with a bra, while in her other she was holding a few three-sets of underwear. Without asking, Mingyu reached out, getting everything out of her grip as he noticed her eyes were still searching for something. She let go of it easily, knowing better than to fight his stubborn head when it came to carrying things for her.
"What are you looking for?" He asked her, walking along with her as she took slow steps down the aisle.
"A bikini."
"You mean a swimsuit?"
Minnie chuckled with a roll of her eyes, glancing up at him, a knowing grin on her lips. "Whatever I can find. But preferably a bikini." 
A few steps to the right, he stopped right in front of something he had found. "What about this?" He nudged his head towards the shelves. With raised eyebrows, the girl walked over, wondering what he had seen that she could want. As soon as her eyes fixed on it, she stopped in her tracks. A wetsuit. Of course.
"Funny," she jokingly glared at him, getting a chuckle out of him in return.
"I'm serious," he shrugged, knowing damn well that girl wasn't about to buy a wetsuit to wear to the pool they would have at the next place.
Minnie shook her head, her lips still curled to a smile. "No, I think I'll go with this one." Walking back to take what she had located earlier off the rack. "But thank you for your opinion." 
She held it up, watching Mingyu just turn around, ready to join the others again. The female member jogged a bit to catch up with him, giggling at his antics.
On their way to the register, they passed a snack aisle, stopping there for a bit to roam around, throwing anything that looked somewhat good into their cart. Crisps, gummies, literally anything. Minnie was the only one, who pushed them towards the fruits that were lined up against the wall of the grocery store. She got a few bananas and apples, still thinking about somehow evening out their intake of unhealthy snacks - it was a bad habit of hers that was hard to get rid of.
They had texted the other members early, once they got in line, so they'd come to help them with the almost insane amount of bags filled with food, clothes, and ingredients. Only 40 minutes later, they were outside and back on the bus again.
Minnie fell into another quick nap on the bus as the darkness illuminated by the warm street lights made her even sleepier than she already was. She only realised they had arrived when groans and hollers of happiness filled the confined space.
The group got off the bus and made their way forward towards the house, some had offered to carry the boxes and bags from the grocery store along with them. Minnie was one of the last ones in line as they finally got to the old-fashioned farmhouse.
Entering it felt like almost jumping into a new universe. Old stones and ancient furniture with an Italian touch surrounded them.
"Wow...," the girl gasped as soon as she walked it, trying to take in every corner she passed. "This is so beautiful... oh my God..." The members who were in front of her agreed, each one of them not able to grasp the beauty of the building they'd be staying in for the next few days. Every detail was so simple yet so pretty, the stones on the wall adding to the vintage feeling of the house. It was old, yet cosy and warm. It felt inviting.
The house had enough bedrooms for the members to share, some holding two beds, some having three. But who would get to sleep in which one, they'd decide through a game of 'Rock-Paper-Scissors'.
"It doesn't really matter here because all of them are nice," Woozi commented, making Minnie, who was standing next to him nod in agreement.
Once it was her turn to choose a room, she started roaming around again, taking a peek into each one to see what members had already occupied which ones. The two rooms right by the front door were the last ones she'd get to look at. She walked to the one on her left first.
"Oh, noona!" Dino greeted her with a big smile. Mingyu came back out from the attached bathroom, glancing at the girl.
"You guys are here?" She wondered, to which the two members nodded. "Alright." Without another word, she exited it again, walking across the floor to the other one.
"Hello?" She called out into the, what seemed to be an empty, room. When she didn't get an answer back, she shrugged and threw the tote bag, which Jeonghan had bought for each member back in Rome, on the double bed. Only a second later, she let her body fall onto the mattress, a pleasant groan tumbling from her lips. She let her eyes close for a split second before some of the other guys suddenly appeared in her doorway.
"Do you guys already have a bed?" 
Dokyeom nodded, "I'm sharing a room with Jeonghannie-hyung," he told her.
"And I'm with Vernon and Woozi," Hoshi told her, making her nod.
They were quick to walk back into their individual rooms again and Minnie decided to take a look at the bathroom, whose door was against the same wall as the bed.
"Where's a bed that's left?" The last member of the game, Wonwoo, shouted through the house. He walked into the room that was closest to him on his right. The room that Minghao and Jun shared.
"I think Minnie's alone in her room," the '97 Liner stated as soon as he saw the older member enter.
"Where's her room?" He asked them, turning around without waiting for an answer. "Minnie-ya?" His loud voice bounced off the old walls as he continued walking through the living room, towards the entrance door.
"What?" She called back, walking out of the bathroom again, towards the door to her room, stepping out to see what was going on. Her eyes met Wonwoo's, who was taking quick steps up to her
"Minghao said you have a bed left," he explained. Minnie nodded, a yawn suddenly coming up, making her cover her mouth. She walked back inside.
"You can share it with me," she spoke through the sign of sleepiness, making the rapper chuckle. The female member sat down on the bed, watching the '96 Liner put his stuff onto the chair in the corner. She leaned back to get a hold of her bag.
"Can you put my stuff there too? Please." She asked, handing him the tote bag to collect all of their clothes and personal items in one place. 
The two decided to walk back outside, finding some of the boxes the members had left in the living room that were filled with ingredients that would be more suitable in the kitchen. Just as they went to pick them up and make their way downstairs, Hoshi joined the duo.
"Are you going to the kitchen?" He wondered, looking at Wonwoo who nodded at him before his eyes fell on the girl, who was carrying one of the boxes that was clearly way too heavy. "Oh- wait, give that to me."
"No, no, it's okay," she brushed him off.
"No, let me help you," he argued back, winning the fight as she let go of the carton, choosing to follow him in silence down the stairs, where their maknae greeted them. As soon as they reached the ground floor, Dino walked over to the performance leader, taking over in carrying the heavy box.
"Hyung!" Minnie chuckled at the scene in front of her, "You said you wanted to help me."
"But our maknae is so strong, how could I say no," he defended himself with a grin, making the girl shake her head.
"I worked out," Dino proudly announced with a big smile on his lips, getting all three of the members to chuckle sweetly.
They put everything on the kitchen island before going through each item individually. Minnie took a second to look around the room.
"This... this really looks like a dream house. And a dream kitchen."
"I know," Mingyu agreed, "I said to Dino this is the perfect height for a counter," before turning around, "And the stove is really good too."
The female member looked down at the surface, her hands brushing over the wood, "Really pretty."
"This is egg," her fellow '97 Liner announced, handing the item over to the youngest who was standing by an open fridge door.
"Eggs. Multiple," Minnie chuckled. She didn't correct the other members' English very often, but every now and then, she would decide that a remark was more important. Just like now.
"Eggs," Mingyu repeated, continuing to go through their groceries. "This is- OH, ice cream. Ice cream, ice cream," his tone suddenly became rushed. "Come on yo, come on yo!" The girl couldn't help but laugh at her members.
"Emergency, emergency!" Dino played into it, repeating the words over and over again while finding a place for the item in the freezer.
"You guys are weird," she mumbled under her breath with a smile, collecting the bags of salad Wonwoo and Hoshi were placing on the counter.
The rest of the group had started to come together in the kitchen, circling the island. Everyone but Jun and Vernon as they had found comfort on the couch and their bed, motion sickness from the drive slowly catching up with them.
"Then, I will start," Mingyu, the main cook of the group announced. "We just need to grill the meat, chop the ingredients and set it up." He pointed at Dokyeom, "You need to make the stew, right?" 
His fellow '97 Liner nodded, "Yeah, I'll make the stew."
Hoshi, who already had his mouth full of snacks, spoke up. "There can't be too many chefs. You two be the main chefs," he decided. "Tell us if you need anything." The others agreed, knowing that too many members would just cause chaos they didn't need.
"Okay!" Mingyu exclaimed, rolling up his already short sleeves, "Let's move quickly." 
Dokyeom and Minnie had gathered at the corner of the kitchen island, eyeing the meat they had bought.
"I will do about four strips of pork," the singer clarified, "Four stripes." Glancing over at the rapper of the '97 Line, hoping to get his opinion.
He nodded, "Four strips would be good."
"What can I help you guys with? Anything I can cut up?" The girl wondered, but before DK could say anything, Mingyu shook his head.
"No, it's okay."
"But I want to help," she argued, walking over to the man by the stove. "Tell me what I can do."
He turned around, pointing straight forward. At the table. "Sit there."
The female member rolled her eyes and smacked his arm, "Stop, I'm serious." Watching him move around to gather everything he'd need. "I can hand you pots or something. A cooking spoon?"
"No," Mingyu shook his head with a chuckle, "I really don't need help."
"I could-" Not even letting her finish, the rapper grabbed her by the shoulders and moved her forward, stopping by the kitchen island.
"Just stay right here." He told her before going back to the fried rice he would be preparing on the stove.
Minnie sighed in defeat, taking her place next to Wonwoo and Minghao, who were focused on DK and Dino on the other side of the island. 
"Dokyeom-ah, can I help you with something?" She moved on to the next member, but he had already caught up on the conversation that happened behind him merely a few seconds ago.
"No, Minnie-ya. But thank you for offering."
Bored out of her mind, the female member waltzed through the room, looking around the walls and vintage display case in one of the corners. After that didn't seem to fill her boredom anymore, she stopped by the table. Wonwoo was already sitting on a chair on the left side of it.
"You need to leave the cooking to the ones who cook well," he stated, noticing the silence from the girl after she was practically thrown out of the kitchen.
"But I can cook as well," Minnie whined, "Or at least help." She took a deep breath in, "But I agree, you really shouldn't cook." Making both of them chuckle in unison.
"If I put my hands on it... not delicious," he stated, making the female member laugh with a nod.
She spent most of the rest of the time by the dining table, taking a few glances back at the kitchen, internally hoping, she'd get something to do. That's when her gaze fell on Mingyu, who just stood by the kitchen island... when he was supposed to be the one to cook. With scrunched eyebrows, she got up from the chair, making her way over to where more members had gathered together. That's when she saw it. Minghao had replaced the rapper's position by the stove.
She gasped quietly, "You let Hao help, but not me?" Minnie glared up at the man in front of her, who shook his head.
"Minnie-ya...," he sighed, meeting her eyes as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"Maybe you should live with him," she mumbled, a pout evident on her lips.
"Stop being like that," He reached out to get a hold of her arm, but she moved away swiftly. Only that she had forgotten about his much longer legs and arms. With a big step forward, he was able to grab her gently by her upper arm, pulling her to turn back around, facing him now.
"Do you really think I cook bad?" She asked him immediately, gazing up at him with her lips almost quivering. Mingyu could tell her sleepiness was catching up with her as this wouldn't be her usual behaviour. His eyes softened. He chuckled and shook his head,
"No, I don't think you cook bad. But can you please just sit back and relax. You fell asleep on the bus twice. Just rest for now." Pointing at the table, where Jeonghan was sitting now. She had already sighed too many times to count anymore.
At some point during their food preparations, Minnie had gotten up and rushed up the stairs to get her own zip-up hoodie, the same one Seungkwan had surprised them with. Once she was back downstairs again, the table was fully set, and the members were getting ready to sit down. The seat by the corner, next to of the dining table, right next to the main vocalist was kept free, suggesting that she could claim it for herself.
"It's comfortable, right?" Seugnkwan asked her as soon as she sat down, seeing the black hoodie engulfing her body.
The female member nodded with a smile, rubbing her hands up and down her arms, "It's really warm."
Each of them was able to put on their plate whatever their heart desired, they had enough options. Dokyeom's stew, Mingyu's meat and fried rice, the salad Dino made, along with the already cooked chicken they bought in the supermarket, as well as other small things they heated up during their cooking.
Once a spoon of the stew hit her tongue, the girl groaned in pleasure, "Woah...," she sighed, "Even on the other side of the world, Korean food still tastes so good." Getting a nod from the members next to her. "Well done, Dokyeom."
The singer grinned, "Thank you, Minnie, I'm glad you like it."
The members ate well, even if they didn't think they would, recalling their big lunch only a few hours ago. But with the variety they had, none of them could say no. Minnie filled her plate with some rice, along with the Salad the others didn't touch, due to the yellow mustard Dino had used instead of honey mustard, but the girl didn't mind.
"At least someone likes the salad," the maknae commented, noticing the girl eating it. With a piece of it in her mouth, she giggled, covering the lower half of her face.
"It's still good, Dino," nodding at him reassuringly, "You did very well."
The maknae smiled proudly, going back to finishing his own plate of food.
After the last member decided they couldn't put another piece of anything on the table into their mouths, the time for cleaning up arrived. Usually, the group would play a quick game to decide on the roles, but for that evening they just agreed to do it all together. Woozi and Hoshi would be in charge of washing the dishes, while the others would be cleaning up the table and collecting trash.
"What are you going to do with the leftover nuggets?" Wonwoo wondered while most of them were gathered around the table, cleaning the plates and throwing away the remains of what they had just eaten.
"We can wrap them up and put them in the fridge," Minnie suggested, holding onto two plates, on her way to get them to the sink.
"Wrap them in plastic?" He asked further.
The girl nodded, "Yeah, I'll do it here," nodding at the now almost empty counter.
"Wrap them in plastic. Wrap them in your rap," Dokyeom just spat out.
Wonwoo chuckled at the comment, "Should I?" Not even waiting for an answer, he already started, on his way into the kitchen. "YO!" 
Minnie, who came back to gather the nuggets from his hold, stopped to laugh, pushing him away from her with a slight shove.
"Oooh, nice, nice!" Joshua complimented him.
"What was that?" She chuckled along with the others. The rapper only shook his head, moving her to walk back towards the kitchen island with a hand on her back.
"What's with Wonwoo's form?" The '95 Liner wondered, still laughing along with Dokyeom.
"He really is a Hip-Hop-Unit member," Minnie commented, earning her a nudge to her side, but a round of chuckles from the guys by the table. She had found the cling foil and was about to cut a piece off it, the box of nuggets already in front of her.
"Ah..." Wonwoo sighed, "This is too big to wrap it up in my rap."
The female member shook her head again, "Stop," she couldn't hold back a giggle.
"I think we need to use Coups' rap," he explained to Dokyeom, who exclaimed his disappointment, continuing the joke.
A grin tickled Minnie's lips at the comment that came to her head. "Because he's a better rapper than you?" She teased, looking up once she heard a gasp from her fellow '97 Liner, but silence from her dormmate.
"Wow..." he met her eyes as she bit down on her lips, trying not to break into a fit of laughter. "Wow..." Wonwoo just repeated while Dokyeom was already crouching over from laughing right behind them.
Minghao, who was just on his way over to them had stopped in his tracks, "Did she say he's a better rapper than you?" With wide eyes, he glanced at the two. "Did you really?"
"I'm sorry," Minnie shyly admitted, reaching out to place her hands on the rapper's arm. Was she, though? Not really.
The reaction it got out of the members made it definitely worth it. Sometimes, they'd forget the sharp tongue the female member was born with.
"I just wanted to say because he's louder," the '96 Liner looked down at the '97 Liners who were chortling together. "Thank you."
"I'm sorry!" She laughed, wrapping her arms around his frame, her face squished up against his chest. "You're right, he's only a louder rapper than you."
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Taglist: @waosobii @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108 @soobzao @billboard-singer @cosmicwintr @zwiehe @alixnsuperstxr @angie-x3 @smooore @allthings-fandoms @lllucere
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l0vergirls · 1 year
omg i love your yandere batfam sm!!!! may i request a part 2 where they end up kidnapping the reader? id love if it was gender neutral reader but if not thats ok!!
hi anon!!! tysm for the love on the yandere batfam post !!<33
to be honest, i was planning on making the reader more willing in this au, but i haven't elaborated enough on their character yet! i was planning on the brothers slowly easing into the reader's life, as seen with dick, jason, and tim. then once the batfam feels that reader's relationship with tim has developed enough, he'll make his way into their heart— aka be the perfect boyfriend!
from there, the reader would be invited to the mansion a lot more often, also spending many nights there, as the reader would be feeling lonelier in their small, dingy apartment compared to a big mansion seemingly full of life. jason, dick, and damian would be introduced to the reader as tim's brothers, with the reader being mostly amused with the fact that they're already familiar with 2 of tim's older brothers. they'd write it off as a coincidence. at first.
bruce always seems to be too busy when you come over, so you've seen only fleeting glances of the man, with the way he disappears into the shadows feeling far too familiar.
but let's say the batfam is more impatient, and they're just itching to get to you already.
they're tired of watching you from the shadows, and through the cameras (where you always seem so close yet so far). so they make a plan: they'll take you in your sleep, all precautions taken of course, and settle you into your very own room at the wayne mansion.
they don't tie you to the bedpost of anything like that, no, you're not an animal! they'll all keep their distance, watching from cameras they've planted (again) as you gain consciousness.
you're a lot calmer than they expected, carefully looking around the unfamiliar room. they've rearranged the furniture to nearly mirror your own room in your apartment. nearly.
they've arranged some things for maximum comfort, that you've failed to do so in your place.
they can barely see your hand shaking as you reach to open the door.
they decide that tim should be the first one you see.
as you head down the corridor, you bump into your friend. you can barely make out signs of nervousness coming from him; his cheeks are flushed, and you can see a light sheen of sweat across his hairline. you choose to ignore how his eyes have almost lost all colour, with his dark pupils heavily dilated.
their goal here is to not freak you out and risk your running away. given what they know about you, there's a chance you'll stay, even with great hesitance.
so, they'll act slow and steady.
your heart races in your chest, threatening to jump out. if you're being honest, you can't even comprehend what had happened.
why were you in a strange room, in a strange house? you fell asleep in your bed, in your apartment.
so, how did you get here?
why is tim here?
what were you doing here?
you ask him as much, but your voice is no louder than a whisper.
it's a miracle he even heard you, but tim is always willing to strain his ears, to earnestly listen to you.
"why don't we tell you over breakfast?" he says, in his oh so kind voice.
you don't get a chance to answer before he's guiding you to the kitchen with a tight grip on your hand.
on your way there, you realise it's a house that was bigger than you thought. a lot bigger.
the enticing smell of breakfast reaches you before you get there. your steps only quicken by a beat, but tim notices.
as you turn a corner, you're surprised to see a few familiar faces. jason, your sweet neighbour, and dick, the funny detective that happens to be a regular at your work.
there are three other strangers in the kitchen.
bruce wayne, who isn't technically a stranger, you can't live in gotham and not know who he is, but a stranger nonetheless. his dark, dark eyes seem to pierce your very being and see right through you.
a boy, younger than you by just a few years. he's got a tan to his skin, and eyes that seem eerily similar to bruce wayne's.
lastly, an older man, in a tuxedo only befitting a butler. considering bruce wayne was in this house, you think he is a butler.
a look of recognition must have been present in your face, as dick, bless his heart, smiles gently at you, taking your hand from tim's and sitting you next to him.
his toothy smile does nothing to calm you, unlike many other times before.
your eyes snap to bruce wayne's as he clears his throat. a sign that he demands your attention.
you stay silent.
the familiar faces and smiles have done nothing to appease you, but why? why do they unsettle you, when you have turned to those same smiles for comfort?
"i'm sure you have a lot of questions, (y/n)."
usually, bruce wayne saying your name would be an occasion any other person would celebrate. though you can't find it in yourself to feel flattered, not when he says it with such ease... such intimacy, as if he had uttered your name many times before.
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ok i didnt know how to end this but i will elaborate on reader's character more next time !!! swear !!!! i have thought most of it out so please look forward to it! <33
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sopebubbles · 1 year
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Master list
Synopsis: in a world where alphas, betas, and omegas live along side modern humans as second class citizens, you've fallen through the cracks of a society that wants to take everything wonderful from you. Luckily a timely encounter with the boys just might save your life.
Chapter summary: the boys learn several uncomfortable things about you.
Warnings: nothing? that I can think of. Y'all know this shit is sad, but the pack is so comforting.
Wc: 4.5k
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"Where are you going?" Jimin asked when he opened his eyes to find you only a few steps from the door.
You froze before pivoting on your toes. "Sorry. I was trying not to wake you," you answered in a nearly inaudible voice.
Jimin stretched his neck as he sat up. "I wasn't really sleeping. What are you doing?"
You relaxed onto your heels and looked around in confusion, as though you weren't sure yourself. "I was just feeling suffocated in the room and wanted some air. I thought I could step out without bothering anyone since you were all sleeping."
He started to ask if you were leaving, but then he swallowed his words. "We can go out to the backyard if you want to walk around a little," he said instead.
You nodded as an answer and walked toward him.
"You'll want this," he told you when you came near, grabbing Yoongi's hoodie off the arm of the couch. He had changed into it when he got home from work several hours ago, and had taken the time to carefully scent it with all the alphas before casually leaving it downstairs, as if by mistake. But Jimin knew better. "It's chilly out tonight."
You took the sweatshirt he offered you. You sniffed it and tugged it on with less hesitation than he expected. Maybe you knew what Yoongi had predicted: some comforts you just needed. You were still just in someone's shorts, but he figured you wouldn't be out too long. The beta moved a pair of slides by the door in front of you to slip your feet into before he held the door open for you. You smiled so softly at him that he felt his heart stop, over the moon at how easily you accepted his gentle way of caring for you, and he returned a smile back.
There wasn't much in the square patch of the backyard. Jimin watched your figure as you walked down the three steps to the sidewalk leading to the back gate. To the left of the door, in the corner, was a table with several chairs sitting on a slab of concrete. The rest of the yard was just grass, not yet needing a cut as spring had only just started. Hobi had been begging Jin to make a proper patio for everyone to enjoy since Jimin joined the pack four years ago, but Jin kept insisting they would move into a bigger house soon. When they had bought the house shortly after Kookie became an established member of their small pack, with considerable assistance from their families, they hadn't imagined their numbers would more than double in size, at least not without any pups of their own. A bigger house would be nice, of course, but there was something cozy to Jimin about stuffing the just slightly too small house to the brim with love.
Jimin sat on the top step and leaned his elbows on his knees, and his eyes followed you as you skirted along the fence. He could see you were still a bit shaky on your legs, and you seemed to be focused on putting one foot directly in front of the other.
"Where are you from, Y/N?"
Your head snapped to look at him with wide, startled eyes, as if you'd forgotten he was there. You stared at him a moment before you said, "Sorry, I don't remember your name."
He smiled again, softly. "I'm Jimin."
You nodded and began to walk along the fence line again, ignoring his question, so he asked another. "How long have you lived in the city?"
"What makes you think I'm not from here?"
It was your accent, a slight drawl on your words that you'd never quite managed to eliminate. Jimin shrugged. "Just a hunch."
You turned the corner at the back of the yard so you faced the house and looked up at the dark windows behind which his pack slept soundly. "How do you know about True Life?" you asked, clearly not wanting to give him the control of the conversation.
You weren't going to answer his questions, but at least you were talking to him, so he didn't mind answering. "I work at a shelter for teens, so I know about all the shelters in the area."
Your mouth made a soundless 'oh' as you continued along the fence toward the house. Jimin wondered if you were aware you were marking their property or if it was subconscious. Maybe you were claiming their space as your own. Maybe you were trying to draw in other alphas with your scent. Maybe you just had no idea what you were doing.
"How long have you been there?" He asked when you didn't say anything.
"A couple weeks." You shrugged and added a moment later, "I lost my second job and couldn't pay my rent and now I don't know what I'm going to do."
"I can help you find a job." Jimin perked up at being able to make the offer. "I know places in town that have no problem hiring omegas and who offer heat leave."
"I don't need heat leave, as long as I can afford the good pills," you told him. "I just ran out this month."
"The ones they gave you can cause long-term infertility," Jimin told you.
You snorted. "I don't care about that. I'm not ever having kids. I just didn't take them because they make my stomach hurt so bad." Jimin nodded his head and went silent for a moment as you continued tracing a path at the edge of the grass. "Is that what you do then? You help people get jobs?" You asked as you turned around and went back the other way.
"I'm a social worker. I help people get the things they need. Whether that's a job or school…or a pack." Jimin saw your back stiffen at the word, a minor hiccup in your pacing before you resumed. "Would that be something I could help you with?"
You turned the corner to walk across the back perimeter again, hiding your face in shadow. "I don't need a pack," you said quietly but firmly.
"Living on your own in the city can be really hard. Making ends meet, taking care of yourself. There are all kinds of packs. Not all are together for mating. Sometimes a pack can just be friends who care about you. When Taehyung came to us, he wasn't looking for partners, but family."
You sighed heavily at his words. "Your pack seems nice enough, but not all packs are like that. Everyone acts like packs are something you have to have, but not all packs mean safety. Shitty people don't stop being shitty just because they're pack."
Jimin's breath caught in his chest. Of course, he knew most packs weren't as good as his. And he knew that there were plenty of bad people out there, even Lykos. But he didn't like to imagine what could have happened to you to bring out such bitterness in your voice.
"But I'm sure someone like you wouldn't understand that," he heard you mutter under your breath.
Behind him, Jimin could hear the front door open on the other side of the house. It had to be Jungkook coming home from his shift. He heard the thick clunk of boots where he took them off by the door, and then nothing as the other beta moved with practiced stealthiness around the otherwise silent house.
Jimin didn't take offense at your assumptions of him. It was obvious enough that you spoke from a place of pain, and that was something Jimin could easily understand, and even empathize with. He rubbed his palms together and gathered his thoughts before speaking.
"My parents died when I was ten. My mom was sap, my dad was a beta, so we never had a pack. We never even had a normal family. After the accident, I lived in a series of group homes. Some were fine. Some were worse than others, but the one nice thing was being surrounded by other people like me. I met lots of people who had it worse than me. Kids who had been adopted only to be sent back when their new family didn't want them. Others who got kicked out of the group home when they presented and couldn't control their instincts. I was lucky because I was able to go from there to college without having to navigate those years all on my own. But after I graduated it was really difficult for me to live alone. Through some friends, I found out about a…collective of sorts, where young Lykos lived together. They weren't a pack per se but they were able to help each other out in ways like a pack. Resource sharing, budgeting, physical closeness. Like I said, it wasn't a pack bond, not like what we have here, but it was better than being all alone."
You had stopped at the other side of the fence and stood with your back against the wooden planks. He waited for you to say something, but he didn't expect the words you spoke next. "I would've guessed a pack would've wanted someone like you very early on."
Jimin's face heated, and he was glad you couldn't see it in the dark. "I'm not sure what you mean by that." Although by your tone it sounded like a compliment.
"I just mean that you're attractive and pleasant to be around. And doesn't everyone want betas in their pack? You're supposed to be stable and reliable, right?" You tilted your head to the right when you asked in a very endearing gesture.
Jimin cleared his throat. He could still feel the blush on his cheeks. "I was a late bloomer. For a while I thought I might actually turn out to just be sap like my mother. To this day, my scent is still fainter than anyone I've ever known. So I guess I'm not as attractive as you think."
You snorted again and pushed away from the fence. "If I had been you, I would've just pretended I was normal. You could live a perfectly ordinary life. Not like us freaks." You mumbled the end but Jimin wouldn't ignore it.
"There's nothing abnormal or freaky about who you are. And anyone who told you otherwise is just plain wrong. I chose this life because it belongs to me. Anyone who has made you feel like being alone is better doesn't know what they're missing, whether sap or Lykos."
You stopped in your tracks away from him and to his surprise, you turned to walk toward him. "I was born to God-knows-who, and the first thing my mother did with me was throw me in the garbage. Literally. And instead of leaving me be, some idiots hauled me out of the dumpster and gave me to a family who wanted nothing but a slave and who threw me out as soon as I got my first heat. Being alone isn't a choice for me, Jimin. It's just what I am."
Without waiting for a response you walked past him up the steps and into the house, letting the screen door slam behind you, causing him to jump. Jimin hung his head in his hands, applying pressure to his temples as he considered what you had said and his own stupidity. He knew better than to assume he knew anyone's story, or to tell people what he thought they needed instead of asking first. But something about you prevented him from thinking professionally.
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Jungkook came home tired as ever. No, more tired than he'd been all week. He and his partner had been the first responders to an absolutely horrific scene of a murder. Although he spent most of his shift holding the police line, being the lowest man on the totem pole, it hadn't left him unaffected. As he pulled his feet from his shoes, he wanted nothing more than to plant himself face first on the closest soft surface and sleep for a day. He struggled clumsily with the buttons of his shirt, yanking the bottom free from his trousers before he fumbled with his belt buckle. He couldn't bring himself to climb the stairs to the pack's nest, so he shuffled to the spare room and left his clothes in a pile at the foot of the bed he now slept in more often than not. He kneeled on the bed in nothing but his boxers to crawl his way to the middle and sank into the warm space. The smells that greeted him were different but familiar. Hobi's sweet brown sugar was there, but faintly, hiding behind a saccharine apple. Jungkook registered the difference on some level, maybe even knew it was wrong to be there, but the scents were so comforting he couldn't help but melt into them. He pulled your pillow to his face and covered himself with the single blanket before he quickly fell asleep.
A loud bang had his eyes popping open. Alert to danger but still half asleep. Had he slept for hours or seconds? Moments later the door to the room closed harshly and the edge of bed dipped before a body collided with his. And then a scream. Jungkook scrambled off the bed for the light switch, nearly falling when his legs tangled in the blanket. After they turned on, Jimin appeared, throwing the door open to see what was wrong. All three of you breathed heavily as you looked at one another.
"What are you doing here?" You half screeched before the betas could say a word.
"Fuck! God. Y/N, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." Jungkook sputtered, gasping. "I was just so exhausted that I forgot you were staying here. I sleep here a lot and I just…forgot."
Jungkook's chest caved in as he watched you shake in front of him. He had promised you safety and security, assured you that no one would bother you, but he was the first to trespass. Regret stole his words from his mouth, and you said nothing at all. He looked to Jimin for some kind of help, and luckily the other man was there to give it. He took Jungkook by the wrist and pulled him gently out of the room.
"Sorry, Y/N. Get some rest, and I'll check on you in the morning," he told you quietly. He reached for the light switch before closing the door.
"Leave it," you said, urgently, fearfully.
Jimin nodded and pulled the door shut. It clicked with finality.
"I'm sorry, hyung," Jungkook breathed out in the relative darkness of the hallway.
Jimin shushed him as he led the larger man to the living room. "Don't waste your breath apologizing to me, Kookie. It was an honest mistake. She's a little worked up, otherwise I'm sure she'd see that, too."
Jungkook stopped cold, making himself difficult to lead. "What happened? Why's she worked up?" He looked back over his shoulder toward your door.
"Jungkook, you look like you're going to keel over. Sit down for a minute," Jimin coaxed, guiding him to the couch. He sat and took the glass of water Jimin offered him, drinking without hesitation.
"Did something else happen?" he asked after draining the glass.
Jimin shrugged. "Not exactly. I don't know. We were just talking, and I might have said the wrong thing or at the wrong time. She just said some things…about herself." He sighed and reached out for Jungkook. Feeling the beta solidly beneath his hands always had a grounding effect. "Her troubles haven't started recently, Jungkook. I think maybe her whole life has been nothing but pain and trouble."
"I know," Jungkook said, sounding like he meant it concretely, not merely as a suspicion.
"Did you find something about her?"
Jungkook sagged against the couch and rubbed his face with his hands. "I did, but is it okay if we go through it tomorrow?"
Jimin smiled softly and ruffled his hair. "Of course, Kookie. I'll help you get upstairs so you can get some rest."
Jungkook yawned wide, stretching out his long arms. "I'll sleep here. You can go up."
"No, baby," Jimin shook his head.
"It's okay. I promise I won't bother her again."
"It's not about her, Kook. It's about you getting proper rest in the nest. Now."
Jungkook sighed. "I can't. I don't smell right after work. I don't want to ruin everyone's sleep."
Jimin's face crumpled. "Is that why you never come up anymore?" Jungkook nodded, eyes fixed on his knees. It's at least most of the truth. "Baby, no one cares. They'll get you smelling right in no time. C'mon, let's go."
Jimin pulled Jungkook like dead weight, but eventually got him to his feet. Jungkook was too tired to not let the smaller man bear his weight as they made their way up the stairs. When they got to the pack's bedroom, the door opened with a creak that Hoseok had been meaning to fix. The omega lifted his head from the bed in an attempt at alertness.
"Pup delivery," Jimin whispered, placing Jungkook gently on the edge of the nest. Hands from more than one person reached out to hold him and he was completely engulfed, snuggled in by his mates before Jimin closed the door once again.
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Hobi could be nibbly in the morning. Jungkook had nearly forgotten about that. It had been a while since he had felt the omega's tongue lap at his scent gland, nudging him awake with his nose and gentle kisses.
"Morning, baby," Jungkook chuckled.
"Wakey, wakey," Hobi sang, though he was hardly awake himself, still feeling sleepy and far from ready to start the day.
"How did you sleep?" Jungkook asked conversationally as he carded his fingers through his omega's hair, keeping his voice low since he wasn't sure if the others were awake. The body on the other side of him—Yoongi probably—felt very still. Jungkook didn't know how he'd ended up in the middle of the nest, but he was pleased to be there.
Hoseok smiled against his shoulder. "So good, Kookie. I've missed you in the nest. I'll keep that girl here forever if it will make you sleep next to me every night."
Jungkook stiffened. Guilt for too many wrongs to count washed through him. But Hobi was quick to stroke a soothing hand down his chest. "I'm sorry," he choked out.
"Shh. I didn't say that to make you feel bad. I just love having you here. We've been together for so long that it doesn't feel quite right to have you missing. I feel like I wash the sheets twice as often because they don't smell the same without you," he chuckled. "But it's okay. I know you need space right now."
Jungkook pulled his mate tighter to him, inhaling the sweet scent from the top of his head. "I'll try not to be so distant. I know it isn't fair to you."
Hoseok shook his head. "I just want you to be happy, pup. But you don't seem very happy these days."
Yoongi shifted on his other side, wrapping an arm around his waist and nuzzling his other shoulder.
Jungkook hummed. "I'm happy right now."
"Now if only Jiminie were here this nest would be perfect," Hoseok mused.
"I'm here!" Jimin called from the hallway outside.
Hoseok lifted his head over Jungkook's chest. "Get your cute little butt in here then!"
Jimin didn't waste a second in following orders. He skipped to the bed where he was playfully pulled down to the mattress by a giggling Taehyung and squished into place between the alpha and Yoongi.
"Why were you out in the hallway, baby? Is everything okay downstairs?"
Jimin lifted himself up to hook his chin over Yoongi's shoulder. "Everything's…fine. I just missed you guys, and I thought I could do the job just as well from up here as down there," he admitted sheepishly.
"Was the door slamming and a scream last night real? Or did I dream about it?" Namjoon asked from the other side of the bed.
"Oh," Jungkook remembered. "I might have scared Y/N last night. On accident."
"After I made her upset, which is why she slammed the door," Jimin added.
Jin seemed suddenly aware, looking between the two betas with alert eyes. "How did you upset her?"
"I was trying to talk to her about the benefits of being in a pack. But I think I hit a nerve."
"How so?"
"She…she told me that she was abandoned as a newborn and adopted by saps who treated her horribly."
"And then I accidentally fell asleep in her bed and freaked her out."
Jin sat up, choosing for the moment to gloss over Jungkook's transgression to look at Jimin. "So she's basically always been alone?" Hoseok's hand found his, gripping him for comfort at such an unimaginable thought.
Jimin grimaced. "Not necessarily. Something she said last night stood out. I think she might have had a pack at one point. But based on what she said, it wasn't a good experience."
Hoseok tilted his head curiously. "What did she say?"
"She said bad people are still bad in packs, and packs aren't always safe," Jimin frowned.
Hoseok shuddered. "You might be onto something," Jungkook said.
Yoongi opened his eyes for the first time, though he'd been listening all along. "What did you find out?"
Jungkook cleared his throat but his voice came out nervously. "Before she came to this city, she served six months in a county jail in another state for solicitation."
"What?!" Several voices demanded, the whole nest suddenly in movement.
"A friend of mine who's on desk duty did some digging for me and found out she'd been arrested. In her testimony, she said that her alpha forced her to do it, but she pleaded guilty."
Hoseok thought he might actually throw up. He had heard stories on the news of omega sex workers before. Not just Lykos but even more often Sapiens would pay to have sex with omegas. But the thought that an alpha would do that to one they called their own chilled him to the bone.
Namjoon tugged his hands through his hair, his mind frantically trying to think of a way to make such an alpha pay for the crime. "Was the alpha arrested too?"
Jungkook shook his head. "She wouldn't give a name because she feared for her safety."
Jin's skin stretched painfully over his knuckles as he fisted the blanket. If his mother heard this she would use her family's considerable wealth and power to track down that alpha and make him suffer. Could he call in such a favor on your behalf?
Without a word, Taehyung got up and walked to the door.
"Tae, where are you going?" Jimin asked, anxious at the sudden loss of his mate.
"I don't want to hear anymore," Tae replied angrily.
"No. I don't want to hear any more about her from you. It feels wrong to know these things about her when she hasn't told me herself. It's an invasion of privacy and I won't listen."
"I'm sorry, Tae. I was just trying to figure out how we could help her," Jungkook defended himself.
Taehyung sighed, looking back at his lover. "I get that. And I want to help her, too. I just…ugh. I haven't even really seen her and I haven't gotten to talk to her. It feels weird for you to dig up information on her. It's like she's a character in a movie and not someone in our house. I don't know how to explain it but it makes me uncomfortable."
Jimin's heart melted. Taehyung's sensitive soul had a way of turning them all to mush. The beta slipped off the bed to wrap his arms around him. "Okay, alpha. No more digging, okay? Come back to bed. Don't be upset." Tae allowed himself to be pulled, always particularly sensitive to Jimin's coaxing. "Kookie won't do any more digging, right?" The maknae nodded. "Come back and let me cuddle you a little more, and then we can help Hobi get some breakfast going for her, okay?"
Taehyung followed Jimin back down into the nest with a pleased, boxy grin, wordlessly covering him with his body and nuzzling into his neck. While Jimin whispered sweet nothings into the youngest alpha's ear, the rest refocused their attention on Jungkook.
"Now, how did you end up in Y/N's nest?" Jin asked, appearing sterner than he ever was.
Jungkook blushed deeply. "I was an honest accident, hyung. I was just so tired and my feet carried me there. Jimin and Y/N were outside, so I didn't notice until she came back. Besides, it wasn't much of a nest. I usually sleep with more blankets than she had."
Hoseok frowned grumpily. He wondered if you would let him teach you. But it wasn't his most pressing issue in mind.
"What's wrong?" Jin asked, plucking a pouty lip.
Hobi turned to Jungkook once more. "I don't like that your first instinct is to go sleep in the other room." Jungkook opened his mouth to argue but Hobi wouldn't let him. "I know you have a long list of reasons why you do it, but I don't want to hear them. I don't care that you come home at 4 in the morning. You aren't bothering anyone. Do you think Jin and I sleep well knowing you're not here where you belong? I don't care if you come home smelling like the street and other people. I will make you smell like Jungkook again in no time. I'll make you smell like your pack. Unless you don't want your pack anymore. And if you're trying to pull away from us, then that's something we really need to talk about. Just be honest!"
A sad whine came from Jungkook's throat. Neither of them had expected those words to come out, though Hobi had been holding onto them for several weeks, only sharing them with Jin. "Hobi! I never want that. I never want to not be part of this pack. You're my home!" He whimpered, pulling the warm omega on top of him, forcing Yoongi to make way.
"Then act like it," Hobi mumbled into his chest.
"I will. I'll sleep here every night," he replied, holding his love close.
Hoseok smiled. At least that was one worry off the list.
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A/n: Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you thought in the comments and reblogs! They mean the world to me 💜
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soapoet · 1 year
what do you need to heal?
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oof, you all deserve a hug.
Shufflemancy: SENSITIVE by MOTHICA
your feelings are really potent. you feel like a pressure cooker, constantly ready to burst open. emotions are both your playground and your graveyard, it seems. you feel everything strongly, but there is almost a sense of it never being enough. you yearn for something more, something bigger and better to latch on to. you've probably been accused of being toxic once or twice, and there may be a trail of broken lines of communication behind you as a result. but you have no ill intent. you have so much to give, and all you want is equal returns for your investments. interpersonal relationships especially feel lackluster to you.
here's a storyline that might resonate: you meet someone, platonic or romantic, and sparks fly. you're so invested, they take interest in you, you're each other's favourite person, two peas in a pod, partners in crime, a dynamic duo. every day you pour your heart and soul into this connection, drop the drawbridge and invite them inside your walls to experience you and your world fully. and with every day that goes by, slowly but surely, the honeymoon phase begins to fade. their efforts lessen, even when they say you're their whole world they never seem to find the time, they stop sharing, and feel intruded upon when you inquire and poke around to see what's up. you step back, thinking yeah, alright, i just need to chill, give them space. but that just makes things worse, doesn't it? you end up feeling abandoned and the grief for what the connection once was is agonising. every time you try to rekindle the flames they lash out. you're overwhelming, nosy, obsessive, they feel cornered. oh my god, you're so toxic! and then you fight. you fight for your feelings and the relationship. they just seem to fight you. you tell them they knew what they were getting themselves into. you showed them everything. shared the deepest, darkest corners of your castle. didn't they say that it's okay, that you're perfect as you are, flaws and all, and that they'd never leave? and then they still do.
you're not a monster. you're not trying to lure people in and make their lives miserable. you simply seek companionship. the kind that seems impossible to find these days. you understand that everyone has a life of their own, things to do, and that it's okay to need time and space. what you do have a problem with is the lack of trust. when you drop your armour you need reassurance that it's not in vain and that you are safe. that your vulnerability won't be taken advantage of. you don't want to worry about whether or not you let wolves inside your castle walls. what you need to do is learn a healthy dose of discrimination. really vet the people you let in. take things slowly, and allow things to happen without having to force it. let people come to you. wield your emotions in a constructive way. if you feel like a fraud trying to fit into the whole love and light spiel, then don't force it! you're incredibly powerful. learn the art of transmutation and try to make your emotions work for you instead of against you. it may be easier said than done, but if anyone can do it, it's you.
Shufflemancy: Bridges by ALIKA
stop fooling yourself. you're really making yourself jump through way too many hoops. things don't have to be an obstacle course. there isn't some long, ever-changing list of things that need to happen before what you want can happen. it's like you're running around in a hamster wheel. chasing after what ifs, looking for signs and clues, and when something doesn't align then oops, there you go, right back to the drawing board. reconfiguring things, going back and forth, fine-tuning, undoing, scrapping everything and starting all over. reading your energy feels like i'm walking into a room with crumpled papers all over the floors. and when i look at them, your plans and ideas are so good! why have you cursed yourself into this space of false starts and stagnation?
because your head is full of doubt. your mind is like the static of an old tv screen. there is so much noise, buzzing around and it's so loud you're unable to think straight. there are so many distractions. you're being pulled in so many directions. everywhere except forward. you are so focused on that first step being absolutely flawless that you'll do anything but actually take the damn step. every time you gather yourself and tell yourself alright, it's go-time my dudes, you just stand there, or notice something that you just gotta fix real quick. and before you know it, you're doing all kinds of busy work. anything to make you feel better about not doing what you want to do and feel like you're at least making some contribution toward your dreams.
you heard there would be signs that you're on the right path or that your manifestations are working, and you took that personally. you see a sign, then look for confirmation that the sign really was a sign. then you tell yourself you need to stop actively looking for signs because then you won't recognise the real signs. but uh-oh, what if you were already doing that? does that mean that the sign you noticed was a false flag and you're just delusional and just out there fooling yourself? please give me a sign that— stop. sit down. cut the noise out and just breathe. you really need to start trusting yourself. you have a vision. a path forward. you got shit to do, things to achieve. stop checking the time, the mirror, the skies... just check yourself. still want what you want? great, you got it. have some faith in yourself. refocus your energy and try to stay present. it's okay to get distracted and it's normal to doubt, just don't let the doubts and distractions rule your present moment. the light has been green this whole time, so just go.
Shufflemancy: Trauma by NF
no. that's two letters, but it feels wrong in your mouth, doesn't it? like it's too big or like it'll break something. when we're drowning there is a period known as 'voluntary apnea'. our instinct to not inhale water is stronger than our need to release the buildup of carbon dioxide that occurs when we hold our breath for too long. the brain can cause us to endure the increasing terror and physical pain because of this survival instinct. and it feels like your ability to say no is behind this kind of mental block too. when you do say no to things it almost feels apologetic, and is riddled with apologies and reassurance. you don't want to do this or that, but it's just today, maybe some other time, you'll check your calendar, assure them it's not like you don't care, you're just busy, you gotta go. you'll find any excuse that sounds reasonable when you don't have one. and for what? you don't need to explain yourself. no is a full sentence.
it really feels like you're on the outside looking in. you have a fear of not just missing out, but being left behind. it's like you've convinced yourself that in order to be worthy and good you need to please everybody. maybe in your past you've been betrayed, experienced neglect or really, truly, felt all alone and without support and guidance. so when you're around people you're on your best behaviour. you listen and you are eager to learn. you adopt people's hobbies or otherwise make an effort to be there for them. people come to you for advice, you're a shoulder to cry on, a problem solver, a good time. but when you get overwhelmed, your nerves get the best of you and you need someone to lean on, you feel like you shouldn't burden people. they have better things to do. maybe they wouldn't be able to help anyway, so why bother?
in many ways you feel like a ghost. not quite sure where the influences of other people and life circumstances end and where you begin. your boundaries are so blurry it's no wonder you've accepted so many concepts of yourself that it feels like the hand of cards you were dealt are masks instead of tools. you may need some time in isolation and solitude for a while. not to say farewell to the world and become lonely, but learn to really be with yourself and figure out who you really are and who you want to be. put yourself on the operating table and start carefully removing things that don't serve your well-being. you are whole all within yourself, and i promise that it's all complete and good and worthy of so much love. you don't need to be patchwork quilt made of concepts forced upon you by the world. you're allowed to be yourself and grow in exactly the direction and at the speed that you want. there's room here under the sun for you too.
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arachine · 1 year
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. . . tender wounds & soft kisses (won't you stay?) ; i. midoriya
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── ˚₊✩‧₊ synopsis :: trouble comes knocking on your doorstep seeking salvation. the question is, do you answer it?
── ˚₊✩‧₊ general tags :: pro!hero au, angst, fluff
── ˚₊✩‧₊ content warnings :: fem!reader, mentions of blood + death but nothing explicit, reader patches his wounds, intense feelings, making out, 3k words
── ˚₊✩‧₊ notes :: part one of two (?) of a future mini series :3 next part will include filth pinky promise !
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it doesn’t matter how many times he shows up at your door like this—battered and bruised, that is. you’ll never get used to it. you want to turn him away, to tell him he’d have better luck going to a hospital—but—it’s half past midnight, and it’s cold, and it’s raining, and…he doesn’t know where else to go. 
he knows you’re tired. can see it in the way you lean your head against the door frame, and the way you blink up at him with indifference, as if your eyes are telling him “come in now or i’ll leave you out in the cold”.  
with an appreciative smile, he enters through the door and brushes past you. takes his heavy, muddy boots off, one by one, and leaves them to sit in the foyer where they contrast starkly against your pristine-perfect ones. 
it’s a sight that’s starting to become all too familiar to you. sometimes it looks like there’s another person living here, like there’s someone to share the space with, but you know his presence is only ephemeral. you’d wish it weren’t, though. especially since he already knew the floor plan of your apartment like the back of his hand. 
even in the pitch-black dark, his steps are confident. calculated. familiar. he dredges down the corridor with impressive precision, and yields absolutely no qualms of bumping into your many awkwardly placed pieces of furniture. doesn’t even trip over the new coffee table you recently purchased. because instead of him doing the bumping and tripping, you do.
izuku comes to a sudden standstill in the middle of the living room, and you walk right into his back, knocking him forward a bit from the force.
“what’s wrong?” you question, trying not to let yourself sound too concerned, but it comes out more tender than anything. he breathes out a quick nothing, and continues the trek to your bathroom, wincing through gritted teeth while clutching his side. 
if he’s in pain, he won’t say it. which is another reason why you’ve come to resent his spontaneous fix-me-up visits. impatiently, you side step by him and rush to the bathroom. turn on the light and stand at the door frame with your arms crossed over your chest, like you were practically urging him to quicken his pace so he could be out of here faster.
but he takes his time. because despite the sharp-ache in his ribs, and the sting above his brow, he gets to see you. izuku midoriya gets to be touched by you. to be cleaned by you. patched up by you. sinewy muscles and bruised flesh, all taken care of by—you. 
so, yeah. he takes his sweet time getting to the bathroom—even if he’s five steps from getting there. he’ll make it ten. anything to make this last longer. 
“come on, i’m tired,” you say, turning on your heels to open the cabinet. “i’d like to get back into my comfy bed as soon as possible.” 
when you take a look inside the cabinet, you frown at the shortage of supplies you’re met with. which, honestly, shouldn’t even really surprise you—considering he was the one responsible for its barren state. 
regardless, you pluck what you can of what’s left, then set them down on the counter in the order of which you’ll use them: clean rag, soap, ointment, steri-strips, and gauze (in case there’s a bigger wound somewhere under his tattered clothes). 
from your peripheral, you can see his silhouette appear from out of the darkness, and you watch intently through the mirror as his now fully-illuminated body trudges behind you. god, he looks worse than he did standing under the light of your front porch. 
well, that’s what you think. prior, a good portion of his face had been enshrouded by night, so you couldn’t really make out anything worth noting—even if you wanted to, at least.
but now you bear witness to the hues of red that dance across his face; both from the inflamed capillaries underneath his skin, and the blood ribboning down the gash above his brow. 
“you know the drill.” your gaze is pointed, and you eye him through the mirror while dousing the rag under the warm running water. 
he comes to a halt in front of the toilet, grimacing once, then clutches his side protectively before bending down to sit. you note that too. 
“so…” a beat. “you gonna need help taking that off? or—“
“i’ve got it,” the green haired boy quips, moving to retract his arm from his side. 
you throw your hands up in defeat, and reposition yourself to lean against the sink’s ledge. your eyes trace every movement, and you watch amusedly as he pathetically struggles to remove his gloves, but eventually achieves. 
next, he attempts to tackle his zipper. a grimace. then, he attempts it again, only to withdraw in pain. 
“let me do it,” impatience on the tip of your tongue. you lunge forward to unzip the damn thing yourself because you can’t bear to watch any longer, small hand swatting his much larger one away. 
dropping to your knees, you sit between his legs and zip it down until the entirety of his torso is revealed. a solemn frown settles on your lips, and it takes everything in you to not shed a tear. 
gathering your wits, you continue undressing him, gently pulling each arm from its consecutive sleeve, before moving to unclasp the mask tugged down his neck.
“i hate when you do that,” your voice speaks up, replacing the unpleasant silence. there’s evident irritation laced in it, and he can’t help but to wince from the way it pulls his heart strings. 
“when i do what?” you take a brief moment before answering him. busy yourself with the loose thread hanging on the side of his leg pant, tug on it until you snap it off. “when you pretend you’re not in pain.” 
izuku sighs through his nose, something long and heavy. “i’m sorry,” he attempts at an apology, though he knows he’d have better luck convincing someone else who wasn’t accustomed to seeing him like this. 
“no you’re not, otherwise you’d stop waking me up in the middle of the night to tend to your wounds.” there it is. that venomous tongue of yours, the one that doesn’t hold back in telling him what he needs to hear. he can’t even counter it—so he takes it. leans back into the cool porcelain of the tank, and watches as you walk away to the sink, only to return with a stool and rag in tow. 
for a minute, you mull over which area of skin to tackle first, until you decide on prioritizing his torso. you take the damp rag and run it along the perimeter of his wound where there’s a culmination of dried blood and fresh red. his abs flex in response to the sensation, a sharp intake of breath.
“sorry,” you mutter without looking at him, eyes focused and hands working diligently between swipes. 
“nope, ‘m fine.”
“yeah,” he breathes. 
“how’d you get this one, huh? oh, wait, let me guess. off doing god knows what, at god knows where, chasing after some guy you’re not even authorized to be chasing.” 
you rise up from your seat to dispose of the rag, grabbing the remaining items on the counter. “did i get any of that right?”
izuku laughs, a small admittance. “i don’t think i’m at liberty to say.” 
scoffing, you plop back down in front of him, and carefully, begin cleaning the inside of the wound with a damp piece of gauze. every now and then, you check his face to gauge for any pain, but his relaxed expression is unfaltering. because he’s looking down at you with so much warmth it’s scalding.
his gaze feels like a thousand little pricks, makes you shiver from the intensity, and you silently pray he doesn’t catch it. though, it’s really wishful thinking on your part. he noticed most things, was just in his nature.
“what are you looking at?” all bite. his eyes shift from your face to the tiled floor. suddenly, the grout was starting too look interesting, in fact, when’s the last time you touched it u—
“n-nothing,” he stutters, warmth spreading across his face to the tips of his ears. 
“so weird…” your eyes flit up once, before refocusing on covering the wound in clean, dry gauze. 
in juxtaposition to your jagged edged words, you’re so gentle. delicate in everything you do, but especially so, when you’re handling him. it’s something that he’s come to find massively endearing, and he hates that the only time he’s a recipient of your attentiveness, is when he shows up at your door all bloodied and bruised. 
“shit, uh, can you hold this in place for a second? gonna get some tape.” 
izuku nods in compliance. follows with trained eyes as your frame disappears into the dark. then, the sound of a flicker follows suit shortly after, and the light—from what he presumes to be your room—illuminates the rest of the hallway. 
in the distance, he can hear the soft thud of feet padding back and forth between rooms, and can just about isolate the cacophonous sound of drawers opening and closing, along with muttered obscenities. 
the impending sound of footsteps announces your return, and you take your seat between his legs, this time with a roll of tape in tow. 
“and,” you drawl, “done. now let me look at that nasty gash on your face.” 
he scoots closer to the edge to give you a better look, and the pair of your knees knock together. neither of you acknowledge it, nor do you make an effort to move. the proximity has him reeling, but you seemingly remain indifferent. 
reaching up, you take hold of his chin and maneuver him intermittently as you prod and poke at the open flesh. suddenly, a feeling of sadness washes over you upon the realization that one day he might not even make it to your doorstep. that maybe this will be the last time you hold his beautiful face in your hands. that this will be the last time those kind, green eyes look up at you. the reality of the situation is that every day may very well be his last. 
when you stop your ministrations, he knows something’s up. “what is it? what’s wrong?” the intonation in his voice rising, displaying the sincerity of his concern. a calloused hand finds solace on the side of your cheek, and you careen into its warmth. 
“i don’t…i don’t know how many times i can keep seeing you like this,” you admit, voice straining at the effort it takes to quell your tears. 
izuku brings a second hand up to your face, cradles it in his calloused palms. swipes his thumbs soothingly over the apples of your cheeks and shushes you before a sob can erupt from your throat. 
“nonono, don’t get yourself all upset over me.”
“how can i not ‘zu?!”
“‘cause ‘m not worth it,” he spits, and it almost scares you how much he believes in the veracity of his statement. 
“‘not worth it’…” you repeat, “if you weren’t worth it, i wouldn’t let you keep coming back into my house. i wouldn’t patch you up…wouldn’t let you keep making me feel like this.”
“i’m sor—“
“don’t you fucking dare say sorry,” you get up abruptly, releasing yourself from his grasp. “god, you make me—you make me fucking crazy! can’t you see?” your hands go to reach the ledge of the sink, and you rock back and forth on anxious heels. 
forgetting the ache in his side, the pro-hero rises to his feet. he lets his weakened legs drag him to where you stand. your head is down, and your arms are out-stretched to support your weight. he can’t see your face, but he hears the beginnings of a sob. 
thoughts race through his mind a mile a minute. what should i do? he thinks. how can he console you? should he touch you? hold you? but what if you don’t want to be touched? he racks his brain for an answer, to no avail.  
for a while, he just stands there—because in the short distance he traveled, he didn’t really think of a plan. just acted on impulse. but then he sees a big cartoonish teardrop land on the counter and he loses it. 
unthinking, the greenette takes you into his hold. slots himself behind you like a puzzle piece and wraps you up, one arm across your chest, and the other over your middle. the sudden contact surprises you, but you make no contests. instead, you find yourself relaxing into his grip, and he takes that as a silent confirmation to squeeze you further into his embrace. 
“don’t cry,” izuku whispers into the interstice of your neck, “can’t bear it. don’t like it.” you raise your head to lay against his chest, and wrap your fingers around his forearm. his body radiates a warmth that you find wildly comforting. it’s intoxicating, almost. and now that you’ve had a taste of it, you’re not quite sure you’d be able to let go. 
but while the feeling is nice, it’s also equal parts scary and debilitating. because you weren’t a couple. you weren’t temporary lovers. you weren’t…anything, and yet—you fit like one. and that was scary. terrifying. 
it scared you how much space this person took up in your life; how little he gave in return, and how much of your heart belonged to him. and the worst part of it all? how scared he was to trust you with a scintilla of his. of all the years you’ve known izuku midoriya, this is the coldest you’ve known him to be. 
“alright, i’m better now. you can let go,” you speak, though the words that escape your lips directly conflict with what you really feel. 
don’t let go. don’t let go. hold me a little longer, please. 
reluctantly, the bigger man releases you from his firm grasp. he holds your gaze through the mirror, waits for you to start the conversation—which your eyes seem to have already started, because he swears that right now, they’re singing a song of sorrow.
“be honest with me, please. don’t you think i deserve that much?”
suddenly, the pain in his ribs throbs. his forehead falls to rest on your shoulder. he’s stalling. biding his time so that he can come up with an answer. 
“of course you do, you deserve the truth and so much more. but…”
“but,” you repeat plainly, because of course there’s a but. 
“—but there’s things that i just can’t tell you. and i know it sucks, and i know it sounds like a bunch of bullshit, but if something were to ever happen to you because of the information you knew, i literally wouldn’t be able to live with myself.” the words flow from his lips hurriedly, like if he doesn’t get it all out now, they’ll detonate inside of him. 
“you gotta just give me this, please, baby.” 
babybabybaby. he called you…baby. your eyes widen like saucers at the pet name, and then it dawns on him that he let it slip through a fit of passion. 
“baby? uh, pft, i meant…” he tries to recant the part in his spiel that he let slip out, nervously scratching the back of his freckled neck. 
“i hate you.” a lie. but it sounds right to say, even though there’s no real weight behind it. still, how dare he? how dare he make you go years thinking your feelings were unrequited? how dare he fucking steal your heart again with one little word, two syllables, and four letters? 
izuku smirks. if you had uttered these words to him when he was still young and unsure of himself, he’d believe you. but he doesn’t—because he knows you. knows that your venomous tongue lacks potency. and he knows that your heart is reserved for him, always has been—even if his negligence almost cost him you. 
“you don’t,” he says matter-of-factly, viridian irises soft, staring back at you. 
“i do.” unceremoniously, two large hands grab your waist. they turn you around with uncharacteristic speed, pin you against the sink and leave you with no exit. a gasp bubbles in your throat. 
“okay, then say it to my face, “ izuku leans forward, strong arms encasing you between his chest and the sink he holds. his neck tilts downward so that he’s looking into your eyes, and god, he’s so big. so imposing, takes up too much space. too much. 
“tell me you hate me, and i’ll stop doing…this. i’ll get out of your hair for good.”
any and all semblance of composure you had up until that point, dissipates into thin air right then and there. your eyes squint into slits because he fucking proved you right. you were too much of a coward to say it, but on the off-chance that you did, he’d see right through you. one thing you hate more than being proven wrong, is feeling like you have no control over things.
things like izuku. he made your head all foggy with just a glance, and your stomach knotted up with an utter of your name. but this? god, you couldn’t handle this. the proximity, the intimacy of your rather compromising position, the intensity of his gaze, or the way his breath kissed the curve of your jaw. he was everywhere, all the time. omnipotent. 
“you’re right,” you admit with a huff, acquiescing to his boyish-grin. your admission has him lurching forward, inching closer, and closer to the pair of roseate lips pouting up at him so prettily (that they might as well be an open invitation for him to kiss you).
“i’m right.” 
you find yourself initiating a game of cat and mouse. every time he moves in, you move out. it’s so silly. makes you feel like a love-sick school girl waiting by the lockers to give her crush a handwritten note. but you’re relishing in it; and so is he, admittedly more so than you. 
with every passing second, you become less and less aware of your surroundings. all you know is that your lips are moving in tandem, hovering over the other, open-mouthed and panting. you want him. you want to taste him, to bite him, to give him another wound that will turn into a pretty pearl-grey scar amongst the rest. 
your desire for him is carnal, but you play this little game like time is infinite. and you suppose, time can be anything you want it to be when you’re encased between his body.
just as he’s about to close the gap, you whisper a plea into his ear. “promise me,” your voice is breathy, wanting, but still firm. his lips dip down to your neck, and he places a hot, open-mouthed kiss into the divot of your clavicle. trails upwards as he pops up to answer you.
“i’ll promise you a hundred things, i’ll - i’ll promise you whatever you want.” 
“promise me you’ll start being careful,” you say breathless, “that i won’t see your name as a headline on the news.” 
“i promise,” he delves back into your neck, repeating it like a mantra along the vein of your jugular until he kisses his way up to your lips. there’s a brief pause initiated by you when your hand pushes back his chest.
a look of confusion overtakes his features, and you’re looking at him with nervous eyes. are we really about to do this? they say. are we really about to cross that threshold? like you haven’t already done that and more within the span of ten minutes. but you need the reassurance, to be told that everything after this will be okay.
yes, his say. it’s fine. you can trust me.
you felt again the rush of helplessness, the push and pull of the current; until, finally, you let it sink you. he kisses you gently, delicately, then with a swift gradation of intensity that has you whimpering into his mouth. 
“hate you,” a kiss, “for making me,” another, “wait so - mmf - long,” you try to speak between clashes of teeth and tongue, smoothing your arms up his exposed chest before encircling them around his neck.
“i know, baby, i’m terrible,” he breaks away to suckle your neck, “i’m the worst.”
“the worst,” you agree. suddenly, you start to understand why people say kissing is like melting, because every part of your body he touches, has you dissolving rapidly into sea-foam. you’re so hot and bothered, you don’t even know what to do with your hands. 
they were around his neck at some point, but now they’re roaming freely. over his chest, his biceps, down his back, in his hair—on his face. maybe you’ve traveled too far, because the sound it elicits from him is teetering the border between pain and pleasure.
“sorry, did i do that?” you gesture to his brow, which he shields protectively. 
“just a scratch, i can take it,” he reassures, attempting to resume his assault on your collar bone. you grab hold of his chin, redirecting him to look at you.
“just a scratch, huh? well, you’re lucky you got away with just a ‘scratch’.”
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© arachine 2023
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fanfiction4sooya · 11 months
yeojin her as a camgirl
I'm slowly getting back into my writings, so hope you like it anon! thanks for your request by the way!!!
tw: +18, smut, size kink, strapon use, exhibitionism, hair pulling, etc; Minors do not interact.
It was an awkward start, specially since the Im Yeojin directly contacted you offering a deal for you to appear on her only fans.
You laughed, a bit taken aback by her bluntness as her eyes scanned you and she began explaining that she overhead your conversation with a friend about your family's money problems and that she could help.
"So, what do you say?" She leaned on your dorm's doorframe, her small figure seemed way too intimidating for you. "I'll make sure to cover your face, no one will ever know that you are the one with me" She stared at your face, impatience eating her insides with each second passed.
"I still have to think" You said, gulping and lowering your eyes. That whole ideia was ridiculously insane and so out of pocket.
She was somewhat famous, didn't care about people's opinions, drop dead gorgeous and she wanted to have sex with you? Like, you knew you weren't ugly, but no one knew you. You were just happy to go through life without anyone noticing you.
That's why her offer, 10k just to let her fuck you live, was way out of anything your mind has ever thought about.
"I searched about your site..." You told her, licking your ice cream after she took you shopping for lingerie just to "make friends" as she explained. "I saw you are one of the best selling content creators..." You timidly said, trying to avoid her piercing gaze. She hummed in response, leaning back on her chair.
"So now you know I make a lot of money" Her voice sounded always so cheerful that it never seemed like she was talking anything near the 'Sex on camera' thing. "Are you still not convinced?" She leaned forward very close to you, boldly licking a stripe of your ice cream. You shivered.
"Well it's not that like... about money and stuff..." You stammered, your eyes locked on hers. "I just feel shy on showing myself to..." You cleared your throat. "All of those people" She smiled up at you, clearly a predatory one. "What if I don't like women?" You whispered to her ear and she nodded.
"You don't have to like me..." Her small hand brushed a hair strand out of the view of your collarbone. "You just need to keep quiet and let me fuck you on live" You gulped. How could such an angelic face have these dirty things to do and say?
"What do you gain with this?" You managed to ask, trying hard not to let your cheeks get redder than they were.
"I gain..." She clicked her tongue. "I want it to be you" She bit her lip. "You seem perfect for what I want. You are taller and bigger than me, which is definitely...exciting"
Your eyes avoided hers again, your mind running wild for a lot of reasons.
"I want 15k" You licked your ice cream one more time, eyes locked on hers now. Her small smile opening wide and her eyes twinkled with excitement.
"Deal" Was her response.
You got in her car and she drove you to the hotel room she rented for the two of you. It was fancy and everything was carefully set, the camera, notebook, lighting, everything.
You heart was beating fast as you carefully put on a set of white lacy lingerie, your hair was down. You stared at the mirror, shame and excitement eating your brains.
She was wearing a red set, that color giving her a more sexy look to contrast with her angelic face. She fucked you with her eyes the moment you stepped out of the bathroom, a robe carefully put on over your taller frame. She reached her hand for you and sat you on the edge of the bed with her.
"Are you okay?" She asked, her hand carefully on your thigh. Hot and so inviting. You hummed, nodding. "She fixed your hair a bit leaning over you, her breath hot on your cheek. "Can I kiss you?" She carefully asked and you nodded, squeezing your thighs in an anxious, horny way.
Your heart jumped on your chest when her lips touched yours. Smooth and soft at first, but you could feel on the way she pulled you into her how she wanted that, how she thought about it over and over. Her tongue immediately massaged yours when you parted lips a little and your breath hitched, melting into it. Her hand went up and down on your thigh, making you shiver and you grabbed the sheets under you as she took off the robe from you. When you finally parted ways you felt as if you were on cloud nine, whimpering in a more needy way than you intended because you knew that as long as the live kept going you wouldn't be feeling her tongue on yours because of the mask.
"We are about to start" She said lowly, her pupils blown. She placed the mask on your face, tying it up behind your head. It was a kistune mask, white with red flowers in it. It was picked carefully by Yeojin because it covered your whole face, leaving only your beautiful eyes to be seen.
You felt a little suffocated, but you felt the need to do that. No just for the money but honestly because Yeojin wanted to and you were kind of into the idea of being seen. Just kind of, of course.
"I told you guys I had something special for today" She gleefully said starting the live, pulling you to her lap as if you were just a doll.
Your heart was beating loudly, not really paying attention to what she was saying, just to her hands on your waist and how her small boobs were pressing on your back.
"I know, I have a pretty doll right?" She smiled to the camera grazing her index and middle finger on your covered nipple. You tried really hard not to squirm, but it was almost impossible.
The comments were wild, from asking her to take off your mask to them asking for her to manhandle you, to fuck your ass and do all sorts of unthinkable things to you.
"Oh you want me to fuck her in the ass?" She said, turning you around and laying you across her lap, your ass towards the camera. She massaged it, still talking to the viewers.
You felt yourself growing aroused with all that dirty talk and her hands roaming your ass, massaging it.
"Fuck, don't worry" She said reading the comments. "I get horny just by speaking to her..." She lightly slapped your ass. "This beautiful thing makes me crazy everyday" She sounded a bit out of breath. "Oh is it?" She sounded surprised, turning to your masked face. "They say your panties are getting wet" You wanted to respond but she specifically oriented you not to.
She slowly pulled your panties down and they were sticking to your wet cunt, the cold air hitting your exposed intimacy. You bit your lip, gripping the sheets again.
"Look at this..." She touched your slit to gather your wetness on the tip of her finger, creating a thread of that sticky fluid between your cunt and her hand to show on camera. "Her pussy looks pretty, yes. The prettiest..." She dipped one finger inside you, making you moan. "Oh, I think she likes that..."
She dipped it in again, but this time she pushed it further inside and you clenched, closing your eyes. She started pumping her fingers at a strong, rapid pace and almost losing control over her own actions. She was trying her best to put on a show for her viewers, but she underestimated how badly she wanted you.
She wanted that since she first saw you on the hallways with your cute shy smile and amazing body. Since then she knew she needed to have you.
She grabbed one of the vibrators she placed nearby where she wanted you, turning it on and grazing it from your back to your thighs and next to where you wanted it the most. You were shaking like a leaf on a windy day. She took off her fingers from your wet pussy, licking them and mumbling how delicious you tasted.
"Isn't she such a cute doll?" Her voice dripped with arousal, and you could feel by how her free hand grabbed your hip that she was hitting her breaking point. "I'll fuck her good, don't you worry" She said.
Next thing you knew the vibrator was on your clit.
"yeojinie..." You whispered, taking her off guard. She gulped and exhaled sharply, pulsing hard. No one else could really hear your voice or what you said, and honestly she didn't want them to listen that part. She wanted to keep that cute way you said her name engraved on her mind and her mind only.
Without a warning she pushed it inside your hole and you could feel how thick that thing was, hitting your walls repeatedly as she kept talking to the camera as if nothing was happening. You were staring to feel yourself getting wetter, the pink vibrator coated on that thick white liquid coming out of you.
Suddenly she stopped, leaving a warm kiss on your hip and lightly pushing you off her lap, pulling the vibrator out of you. You whined when she pulled you entirely onto the bed, carefully placing you on all fours with your pussy still displayed on camera. You heard the notifications go insane with the chat and donations, but yeojin wasn't even paying attention to that anymore.
The only thing she could see was you. And she wanted you.
Getting on her knees, she kissed the back of your thighs admiring how beautifully exposed you were for her. That feeling of ownership was growing alongside with her wish to make you feel good. She looked back at the camera and the laptop to make sure both of you were on the frame, smiling and then licking a long wet stripe from your clit to your slit. Your scream muffled by the mask made her grin and grab your thick thighs to push her face further onto your pulsing cunt.
"God, your taste is so addicting" She told you, moaning while taking one hand to her own pussy and lightly rubbing it over her red thong. She shook, knowing damn well her viewers were going insane with that little action of hers.
They liked to see how her petite self fucked you hard and good and honestly? She did it too. Yeojin was honestly used to the fact everyone loved to manhadle her given her smaller frame, but she wanted to experience that too. She thrived on the idea of making someone her doll to play with.
She let go of your swollen pussy with a pop, putting on a show to make them see how wet she got you.
"Stay like that, don't move" She told you, massaging your folds then getting up to the bedside table. You could see when she put on the leather harness, a big dildo attached to it. You gulped, moaning and swaying your hips unintentionally to the camera.
'Fuck, I'm so aroused' Was the only thought inside your brain as she approached you, positioning your body in a way they couldn't see your pussy anymore, only your arched back and the profile of your bobs.
She picked up the camera from her tripod to film herself stretching you, her mischievous tone dripping lust. Your hips were in the air and your face down and she felt herself go weak, her heart also beating fast as hell inside her chest.
"Look at this..." She said, tapping your slit with the tip of the strap and making you jolt. "I always dreamed of doing this... fuck" She slowly pressed the tip to your aching hole, entering you little by little as you squirmed. "My little fuck doll" She cheerfully said, zooming in on your stretched hole.
Her free hand held your hip tightly, roughly pulling you into her and knocking the air out of your lungs. You moaned, your left hand instinctively seeking hers and scratching her arm as she pounded into you.
"Yeojin, oh my god" You loudly said and she slapped your ass, pulling your hair next and lifting your masked face from the mattress.
"I didn't knew dolls could talk" She continued her hard pace, placing the camera on the mattress in an angle that your body could be seen. She held both your wrists behind your back as she kept slamming her big cock inside you and you rolled your eyes to scream into the mask.
You were sure you came, but the way she fucked you felt so fucking good that you didn't wanted to stop as the arousal was still there.
"Fuck, I need to kiss you" She said onto your ear and you shook your head negatively, still very conscious of the fact that you were the one that couldn't be recognized. "I'll stop the live then" The rhythm was slower now that she was speaking to you, only that wet sound was more audible than your voices.
"You'll lose m-money" You managed to say between sobs and she scoffed.
"I don't care" She pulled it off, picking up the camera. "I am sorry babies, we had a slight inconvenience now but soon we'll be back" She immediately turned it off on the laptop and went back to where she left you, turning you around and ripping that damn mask off.
That kiss was rough and needy as your tongues sloppily battled against each other, she placed you on your back on the edge of the bed and slammed the fake cock inside your pussy one more time, her breath was heavy and there was sweat dripping from her forehead to her chin but she looked absolutely beautiful.
Animalistic, but beautiful.
"You have no idea how many times I pictured your pussy stretched out for me like this" She growled, kissing you.
"Please please, keep doing that" You held her face with one hand and the other pulled onto the harness, kind of guiding her hips into yours. "y-yeojinie, don't stop please p-lease fuck" She kept that hard pace, her eyes locked on yours and her tongue deep inside your mouth.
"If you call me yeojinie one more time I'm going to fucking cum too" She said smiling against your lips as her eyes rolled, her clit extremely stimulated by the strap as well.
"Yeojinie... yes baby, argh" You did it on purpose, your pussy clenching hard against her dick as you felt your climax wash over you, your body beautifully arching off the bed as she kept fucking you. Her orgasm hit as well, her eyes closing. Your moans and hers mixed up in a beautiful harmony.
She kept bucking her hips into yours with her eyes closed, kissing your lips kind of in a haze, hypnotized by the way your body felt against hers. You and her slowly stopped the kiss, her wet body against yours in a delicious way.
"I think you turned the live off too soon" You said, feeling a bit guilty for not wanting to take off the mask.
"I don't care" She rested herself against you. "They've seen you enough" She kissed your neck. "But don't worry mask girl..." Her thumb playfully grazed against your nipple and you hissed. "If you are that worried about my viewers, we can do this a second time" She kissed you in the lips and you returned it.
Maybe that wasn't such a bad idea.
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darkbluekies · 2 years
Oh, oh, I got an idea! How do you think the Yandere characters will do if they found out their s/o got kidnapped! Kinda like how the mad doctor kidnapped Yandere Doctor's s/o??
Warnings: killing, mentions of suicides, violence, manhandling, dismemberment, kidnapping, arson
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All hell will break loose once he understands what has happened. Everyone — even his own men — will be scared for their lives. Silas is angrier than anyone’s ever seen him before and the slightest wrong step will result in death. He will cause blood baths wherever he goes until he gets you back. The gang that has taken you will be sorry, Silas will make sure of that. He’ll grab every kind of weapon he can get his hands on before leaving with his men to go get you back in his arms.
“Alright, you shitheads, I’m going to fucking come for you. Touching my baby will be the last thing you’ll ever do. I’m going to make you regret the day you were born. Oh, I’m going to enjoy this …”
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Dr Kry: (oneshot where this happens)
He’ll be absolutely terrified if he doesn’t know where you are. This man will never stop looking for you. He’ll not eat, not sleep, not drink until you’re back in your room. This man is smart, he finds clues where others don’t. Dr Kry is a person who never gets down and dirty, his murders look like suicides or accidents. But when he finds the one that has taken you from him, he’ll beat them bloody until they’re on the verge of death. Then he’ll leave them to die. 
“Don’t worry, Y/N, I’m going to find you and I’m going to make sure you come back where you belong. Whoever took you from me is going to suffer. I’m going to kill them, don’t worry, you’ll be safe and sound in my arms soon …”
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King Edmund:
This man is ruthless as he is, but if someone dares to take you away from him, he’ll cause havoc. Every kingdom will know about your disappearance and they’ll fear what Edmund is going to do. No one is safe from his wrath. Edmund will burn down villages, he’ll throw people in dungeons, he’ll have public executions — everything to find the peasant (or royal) who took you. And when he finally does … they’ll be tortured for days and days on end until he finally has had enough and kills them himself. 
“The one that touches my queen will be sorry for a long, long time. The kingdoms shall feel my wrath. I’ll burn them all down if I need to. No one takes my queen from me …”
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This woman lives for revenge, but not these kinds. You should never be involved. If someone decides to kidnap you, Jerry will turn the world upside down to get you back. No one’s safe from Jerry’s anger. She’ll even hurt her own boss if he gets in her way. Her boss will help her get you back (mostly because he’s terrified of Jerry’s temper) and then, it’s over for whoever was stupid enough to think they could keep you away from her. Jerry is going to cut off limb after limb of the people that separated you from her with a smile on her face. 
“When I’m done with those people, they’ll be lucky if the police will ever be able to find all of them to give them a funeral. Because I sure as hell won’t let them. They’ll be so unrecognizable that they’ll be unsure which name to put on the gravestone! And when I have Y/N back, I’m going to cuff them to my wrist and plant a GPS chip in their neck. They’re mine only. No one else is allowed to touch them.”
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She thought you were safe. She really did. You’re a nobody! She realizes that the one that kidnapped you wanted her to get money, but figured that taking you would be a better way to get a bigger ransom. Hedwig will pay whatever price to get you back. Nothing’s too high. She’ll bring one body guard with her to the meeting place where she can exchange the money for you. She’ll hug your manhandled body tightly while you cry. 
“It’s okay now, sweetheart, you’re safe now. I-I’ll take care of you. I was so scared to never get you back. Don’t cry, my dear, those assholes will get what they deserve. I have my ways, don’t worry. They’ll never see the sunlight again.”
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marvelgirlstories · 1 year
I came up with this idea a while back and I only wrote one part. If you all like it, I will make it a series. It's a Stucky fanfic. Hope you enjoy.
Stucky x reader (female, shield agent)
Stole my heart
Warnings: A brief fight, Tony being a dick (no hate)
It was a Saturday morning when Steve woke up. He looked over to Bucky and smiled. It had been a rare night, because Bucky didn't have one of his nightmares. Although Steve knew how to deal with them, it was hard on both of them.
Steve carefully, trying not to wake him, pulled Bucky closer to him. "Morning, punk." He was awake after all. "Morning, Buck", Steve replied.
Suddenly Friday spoke into the silence. "Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes, you are requested to be in the meeting room at 9.00 am. "Who by?", asked Bucky. "Director Fury" The two supersoldiers looked at each other. Fury never came to the compound. "This must be important", said Bucky. "Tell Fury we'll be there", said Steve. "He said", Friday replied,"quote, You have no choice!" Both men chuckled.
Some time later the two supersoldiers made their way down to the meeting room, wondering what to expect. On their way, they met Nat. "Fury called you too?", she asked. "Yes, but who else?", answered Steve. "I have no idea."
But their questions were soon answered as they stepped into the room. Every Avenger had come and lots of them were sat in the chairs, some still arriving. When everyone was seated, Fury entered. "Today I want to assemble a team.", he announced. "A team?", asked Tony,"Like a team below us? To help us?" "No. Like a team inside a team. Experts if you will", Fury said. Everyone looked at each other. They were confused. "Hydras getting bigger. They have become a bigger threat.", he continued," I can not use S.H.I.E.L.D. anymore, because of this exact reason." "Well, I think any of us will be able to handle Hydra", Clint said. He was about to say something else, but Fury cut him off. "I have already chosen who will be in this team, and no, it is not you." "Well, who is it?", asked Wanda. "Sam, Cap and Romanoff have had experience before, so them" "Oh no, not again", Sam groaned. "Yes, Fury replied,"also Barnes, because he has a long history with Hydra." "But how will that work, I'm a big danger if someone says..." Fury cut Bucky off. "Lastly I have agent, who is very high up in S.H.I.E.L D. rankings and who also has a long history with Hydra. Y/N Y/LN." You walked in. "Agent Y/N Y/L/N"
Tony scoffed: "High up, are we?", he asked, trying to wind you up . "Hmm, well better than you", you said calmly. "We'll see about that", he said and stood up. As he walked closer, you didn't even flinch. You just waited. Everyone felt the tense atmosphere around the two of you. When he got close enough l, he put out his hand to summon his suit. But then you quickly kicked him in his balls. As he winced and doubled up in pain, you said: "Nice to meet you" and sat down at the table, Loki and Nat smirked, they liked her. "She will live at the compound, but only complete Hydra missions. She will also carry on with S.H.I.E.L.D. missions. Any questions?", said Fury, completely unfazed about what just happened. "Yes", said Tony, who had recovered a bit, "How long will she be staying?" "As long as I need to.", you answered. "Well, it's my duty to show new recruits around.", said Steve. "Thank you, but that won't be nessesary, as I already know my way around." "How?", he asked taken aback. "I know a lot of things." was your answer.
"The new team will stay, the rest of you can go.", said Fury. Toby wanted to say something, but then Fury said: "If I were you, I would get some ice." Pietro chuckled as he made his way out.
"Ok, now there is not much else. Y/N will lead during missions, as she is experienced and knows Hydra. She will also write the mission reports.", Fury carried on.
Suddenly Bucky said one simple word,"Shadow". You tensed up. "Not here, not now.", was all that you said. "We are finished now", Fury broke the awkward silence, that had formed.
After Steve and Bucky left the room, Steve asked a question: "What was that about?" Bucky's answer was only two words: "It's complicated"
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