#what was that other one. pooner
psykoz · 1 year
Damn bitch ur fat as fuck
girl my url is pykoz i call myself a boygirl trannyfag cripple no shit im fat as fuck. im also hot and get sooo much head
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transmascissues · 9 months
silly little pooner... when will you realize that the reason you are oppressed is because of MISOGYNY? because you belong to the FEMALE sex class.
your brain may be gaslighting you, but your ovaries and fallopian tubes will ALWAYS know your truth.
alright, let’s see what we got here…
✅ immediate infantilization/condescension
✅ calling me a slur
✅ trying to explain my own life to me…
✅ …using clickbait-style CAPITALIZATION
✅ egregious misuse of the word “gaslighting”
✅ personification of my organs?? that’s new
anyway, idk what all this talk about a sex class is or who enrolled my gay ass in the female sex class, but you must be new here because you’re talking to the guy who regularly talks about how trans men still experience misogyny. the only difference between what you said and what i’ve been saying is that mine is actually based in the real life experiences of myself and other trans men, while yours is just based on a bunch of transphobic bullshit that happened to be half-right about one thing. something something broken clocks and all that.
nice try, though. you might have more luck next time if you do literally anything other than being weirdly obsessed with a stranger’s body.
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velvetvexations · 2 months
it's like. surely if she really believes that transmasc people face oppression and it's important she can produce one example that would stop making it look like she's talking out of her ass and doesn't actually believe that and so has never actually thought about it, right?
i also think it's worth noting she's made a bunch of points about unlearning unhealthy internalized shit from 4chan to the point of making posts warning other trans women about it, which is a genuinely good thing and it's always good to work to unlearn that kind of reactionary self hatred. however, i'm getting the indication that she stopped at unlearning specifically the shit she'd internalized about herself and people like her from that reactionary environment and did not go further into unlearning reactionary ideas about others that she has internalized. like, it's genuinely really good to have unlearned using degrading -cel and -oid language and aggressively trying to argue you're still cis and constantly putting yourself down and hating yourself and everyone in that situation should have that opportunity. but are you also going to unlearn what you've internalized about us gross pooners, or is that enough for you?
Sometimes with transradfems I think about that JKR tweet that was like "please believe me trans people, I've always been an advocate for human rights and I would be the first to stand for you if you faced oppression :("
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burningtheroots · 1 year
What's your opinion on the whole concept of "Transandrophobia/Transmisandry" VS "Transmisogyny" from a radfem perspective?
A little context of why the question: Lately (as in this month and so) there's been a lot of infighting in Transblr between TIFs and TIMS over the whole thing of "TMA" and "TME" ("Transmisogyny Affected/Excempt", take a guess wich one is for each sex), over if trans men can and do suffer systemic oppression for being both trans and male (or "masc"), if trans women can and do still hold systemic power for being "amab" and if one side can opress the other and yada yada
The "funny" thing it's that one particular drama that kinda starter everything was that a group of TIMs/a couple TIMs and some TIF pickmes (ex 4chan/lolcow-type users) between eachother started saying how "Those Transandro Trutring Cuntboys/Pooners need to be Puppypegged, fatten up and impregnated agaisnt their will so they become chiller and stop whining about false oppression" (exact same terms and core message) because there was a lot of popular liberal TIF blogs discussing that "Hey! Despite transitioning to ""mascs"" or not-women, society at large and even the stunning and brave transgirls from our own community treat us like shit and even below human! Isn't that weird?". Because of this the "gay queer masc" user @/spacelazarwolf called this groups of TIMs and self hating TIFs disgusting 4chan-y "transandrophobic" degenerates rigthfully, and it kinda just went down more since then to this day 🤷‍♀️
I‘m sorry that this took so long, I saw your message but didn’t find the time to read and reply to it at once. 💀
So, I haven’t witnessed this infighting, but from what you described, it seems pretty obvious, at least to me:
The trans community knows exactly who is male and who is female, despite constant denial, and treats its members accordingly.
Trans men and other non-women identities claimed by TIFs are female, and they‘ll always experience misogyny — and TIMs will always have male privilege.
"Transandrophobia" is basically misogyny repackaged, and it doesn’t surprise me that the TIFs (who are female) get silenced and harassed in their own community by TIMs (who are male) and their handmaidens.
This just proves further that it‘s a men‘s rights movement — otherwise trans women (males) wouldn’t talk over trans men (females) and throw such misogynistic insults & threats at them. "Puppypegged", "impregnated against their will" etc. speaks VOLUMES.
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pillarsalt · 1 year
What's your opinion on the whole concept of "Transandrophobia/Transmisandry" VS "Transmisogyny" from a radfem perspective?
A little context of why the question: Lately (as in this month and so) there's been a lot of infighting in Transblr between TIFs and TIMS over the whole thing of "TMA" and "TME" ("Transmisogyny Affected/Excempt", take a guess wich one is for each sex), over if trans men can and do suffer systemic oppression for being both trans and male (or "masc"), if trans women can and do still hold systemic power for being "amab" and if one side can opress the other and yada yada
The "funny" thing it's that one particular drama that kinda starter everything was that a group of TIMs/a couple TIMs and some TIF pickmes (ex 4chan/lolcow-type users) between eachother started saying how "Those Transandro Trutring Cuntboys/Pooners need to be Puppypegged, fatten up and impregnated agaisnt their will so they become chiller and stop whining about false oppression" (exact same terms and core message) because there was a lot of popular liberal TIF blogs discussing that "Hey! Despite transitioning to ""mascs"" or not-women, society at large and even the stunning and brave transgirls from our own community treat us like shit and even below human! Isn't that weird?". Because of this the popular "gay queer masc" user @/spacelazarwolf called this groups of TIMs and self hating TIFs disgusting 4chan-y "transandrophobic" degenerates rigthfully, and it kinda just went down more since then to this day 🤷‍♀️
I gotta be honest my friend, my eyes glazed over reading this. Here's how it is: there is no transandrophobia and there is definitely no transmisogyny. There's misogyny and there's homophobia and there's creepy misogynist fucks pretending to be women. No matter what you think your gender is, female people can never oppress male people based on sex. Transandrophobia is just misogyny aimed at trans-identifying women. I guess you already know that, but reading all that mind numbing bullshit made me depressed about the state of the internet addicted idiots who live among us lmao. That nasty shit in the middle that you quoted is disgusting though, I hope at least this wakes up some of the women and girls who are entrenched in this to the fact that men will absolutely be predatory degenerates even (especially!) when they call themselves women.
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biracy · 1 year
I'm terrified of opening 4chan ive heard too many stories. The list of new slurs that are produced by 4chan users, espexially transohobic ones, is enoufh to deter me. Have you ever went on it?
I have not, mostly because I live under a rock. Like anyone on here, I have little stereotypes of what other social media sites are like, and the stereotype I have of 4chan honestly just ends up making watching people say "pooner" or "troon" in full seriousness extremely funny
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hillnerd · 5 years
Would you do 002 for Remadora and 003 for Tonks?
REMADORA  002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when or if I started shipping it- I started shipping it after the 5th book came out and I found this great fic called ‘Shifts’ by Fernwithy. It just made sense and then when it turned out canon I was very happy :)
my thoughts: I love these two characters so much, and love the ship- I just don’t like how JKR executed in in 6th and 7th book. We saw none of the ‘happy couple together’ parts of their relationship- and frankly Remus being a pooner to Tonks for two books made me mad. Like, we could have some angst in book 6- didn’t need the angst and character assassination (Tonks getting nerfed, Remus being a pooner- both getting murdered offpage) 
What makes me happy about them: I love the dynamic of ‘semi-stuffy professor type with enthusiastic unconforming gal’ - Very Jo March and Professor Baer, which I love. I just imagine the two of them having so much fun together because they share a sense of humor, she brings out the light in him, and he helps her realize her depths more clearly.
What makes me sad about them: their deaths! And the angst
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I’m usually just happy to find Remadora :) I guess my big ones are 1) He’s only w/ her bc Sirius is dead 2) the Tonks bashing that takes place sometimes- where it’s supposedly remadora- but it’s really just angry wolfstar? Like- I’m of the mind that Wolfstar had its time when they were young- but things fell apart (otherwise why would Sir suspect Remus. Like I can see them being cute and young- but then Remus gets afraid of intimacy w/ Sir after ‘the prank’- is slowly withdrawing- and then by the time they’re 20 he doesn’t know how to be intimate with Sirius at all)
things I look for in fanfic: The two of them having fun. It being a relationship that isn’t just angst
My kinks: Cute mission flirting stuff during Order, restrained flirting, passionate love, Him knowing who she is no matter HOW she’s transformed
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Remus/Sirius Tonks/Charlie 
My happily ever after for them: That they lived through the final Battle. I read a WONDERFUL fic where Teddy brought them back- and it’s super well written and a perfect work around
TONKS    003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: I love her. The second she came into book 5 I immediately was drawn to her. I love her plucky attitude, how adorable she is, how friendly, but that it contrasts with the punky attire and her being a certified badarse
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I only actively ship Remadora
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Tonks & Charlie, and Tonks & Sirius
My unpopular opinion about this character: I’m not sure I have one. 
One thing I wish  had happened with this character in canon: she lived
my het ship: Remadora
my fem/slash ship: I guess Tonks/Fleur could be cute- never have shipped it 
my OTP: remadora
my OT3: golly, I can’t think of one.
my cross over ship: Why not- Um… Dr Maturin from Master & Commander :P IDK
my kink: Tonks having lots of ear piercings
a head cannon fact: She and Charlie were besties in school, she bi/pan
my gender bend: Male Tonks is basically the exact same. I’ve always seen Tonks as not quite fitting into the gender (or sexual) binary very firmly.
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