#what's the actor's name again???
edwin's screams during niko's death being more haunting than his screams of literal torture is actually something so personal i just-
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nobigneil · 3 months
Out of Context Neil - At The Circus edition
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frecklystars · 14 days
I’m at my theater job rn and it’s my first shift all by myself. Super nervous!!! But I’m planning to make!!!! hundreds of dollars!!!! so I can!!!! buy myself a cameo for my birthday!!!!! (That’s the hope anyway lol) wish me luck!!!!!
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real-reulbbr-band · 10 days
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kinnbig · 3 months
never not thinking about that time that one of the big-name BL blogs on this site tried to insist to me that Tong isn’t gay and it was actually all just ‘marketing’
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laniidae-passerine · 2 years
love everyone speculating where Curtain put SQ. he’s lost in Europe. he fell in a ditch while on his walk and has been there for five days. he’s been forced to live with Jackson and Jillson and keeps trying to escape via the bathroom window but whenever he does, they knock on the door and ask what’s taking him so long and he has to awkwardly make up an excuse. Curtain put him in a canon and shot him to the moon. he emancipated himself and lives in a bff flatshare with Martina. he ran away. they left him on the boat. he’s in his bedroom watching the Princess Diaries on repeat. he’s in jail with Garrison as an accessory to warcrimes. he’s trapped in the mirror world.
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touchlikethesun · 5 months
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okay that does go hard i will admit i see why this is the pairing that spurred so much fan frenzy it got ao3 banned in china. based on these two frames alone, i get it.
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pics from the first readthrough of summer stock
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tomwambsgays · 1 year
Have you heard about the news with Nicholas Braun?
yup. it was all over twitter and i was so disappointed of him and i hate him for that. i hope everyone who was affected by his disgusting actions, especially those who are brave enough to come out and speak up, are doing better now.
personally though i will still continue watching succession because this is one of my favorite shows for years and i can't let one horrid man ruin that for me. it's going to be a weird couple of weeks and consuming this show wouldn't be as fun as before, especially as someone enjoys making art of greg and tomgreg in extension. but we move
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I’m so confused on how Ben Schwartz isn’t a celebrity. He’s literally been in movies and shows!
He is somewhat known, but he is nowhere near as big of a name as any of the top four primarily live-action actors at the top of the payroll. I can tell you from personal experience that maybe 10% of people who are interested enough in the Sonic Movies to watch the second one know any of Ben Schwartz's previous roles (or they had to be informed via the internet), whereas one time I told my dad I didn't understand why Jim Carrey was such a big deal and he looked at me like I just kicked a puppy
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mycological-mariner · 1 month
I finally gotta give in, Poldark is literally just a soap opera. This is giving SUCH “at my aunt’s house while she’s trying to make dinner and look after three kids and left the tv on while going out for a smoke and Guadalupe just came on so you might as well watch” energy
Cornish telenovela
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russell-crowe · 1 month
finaaaally watched russell's "actually me" appearance and it was so enlightening. i love the part where he talks about master and commander suffering from how it was marketed and the timing of release "people got a comedy big boat movie (potc), so they did not want a drama big boat movie" (paraphrased); and how it was labelled as "gladiator on the sea". he then mentioned that, given that it is a peter weir movie, they should have marketed more towards the smart kids and <3!! yes!! (i love peter weir)
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
For what I've seen, the ST production team has been working all o this time since none of them are part of neither the WGA nor SAG-Aftra. This probably means they've advanced a lot of work. Do you think that once the strikes are over, this will make it easier for them to start filming as soon as possible or even for the filming process to take less time than initially predicted? (Around a year)
It’s possible.
But it’s also worth noting that them needing a full year to film ST5 is for a multitude of reasons.
With all the delays, they now have to rework their entire schedule post-strike, as it won’t look the same as it looked before the strike. They need to be able to fit dozens of cast-members schedules together to ensure that their availability aligns with other cast-members they have scenes with.
While ST does get first dibs more than the casts other projects because of their contract with Netflix, it’s a lot easier to plan a schedule when you get everyone’s schedules, put them all together, and look at what aligns and what doesn’t, to make it easier for everyone.
For example, it made sense that despite certain cast members being unavailable in May to film, there were rumors (multiple statements from Noah himself) that he would start filming in May. And that’s likely because he started school again in the fall, and so it makes sense they looked at his schedule and determined it would be best to squeeze in as much filming for him as possible from May-August before school started in the fall, with him having a good chunk of time throughout the school year to go back to school for tests, etc..
Another example is David Harbour, who said he was going to be filming Thunderbolts in Atlanta simultaneously while he was filming ST5 in Atlanta. This means he would likely have at least 1-2 weeks of filming for ST and then 1-2 weeks of filming Thunderbolts, with days off and on within the mix, in order to accommodate both films schedules and when they need him for certain scenes.
I think a lot of fans assume that 1 year of filming means nonstop filming for each cast member, which is just not the case.
Even if certain actors have a lot of scenes in each episode, there are still scenes without them.
For example, let’s say Millie has 8 scenes total in 5x01 or something. There are still going to be several scenes without her, upwards of over 10 scenes give or take. That's scenes with other characters filming without Millie present because she does not have to be because she is not in any of the shots. Millie does not need to be strictly in Atlanta for those 1-2 weeks that it takes to film the block of scenes that do not include her. If they can make it so actors are able to be gone for 1-2 weeks of time, as opposed to just filming 1-2 scenes and then having to wait 2-3 days for their next scene, they’ll try to. Not saying that won’t happen occasionally, as I'm sure there are times when it's maybe a week on and week off or three weeks on and one off, but still, doing it in larger blocks to make it easier and accommodate everyone, is much more realistic because it just makes it a lot smoother to flesh out the schedule like that with their main (high demand) cast, and then fit side characters (not as high demand aka more wide open availability) around that.
For example, Amybeth only had like 4ish scenes total throughout the entirety of s4, and she lives out of the country, so it wouldn’t make sense to have her stay in Atlanta for upwards of a year. Instead Amybeth was only in Atlanta filming for two weeks total for those scenes featuring her, from mid May-early June 2021. That meant they had to ensure Maya (and Joe lmao) were available during that time Amybeth would be on set bc they had scenes together. Fun fact, if you pay close attention to the shots with Vickie during the pep rally, it's clear that it was filmed on a different day than the rest of the scenes, bc in the wide shots we don't even see the band on the bleachers (TV magic!). This means that only that corner with the band was filled up and the rest of the bleachers were empty when they shot that scene with Amybeth and Maya. No one else needed to be there since it wasn't necessary.
Usually, filming for 1 episode takes about a month. But it’s likely much of ST5’s episodes will be a little over 60 minutes as opposed to like 50 minutes. So giving them about 1-1.5 months to film each episode, 8 total (unless that changes), puts them at approximately 12 months aka a year. While some episodes might take only a month (or maybe even less) to film, the finale is going to be over 2 hours, which means filming for the finale will take closer to 2 months potentially.
This means 12 months is a very good estimate for how long it could take to film ST5 overall. Though to be fair, given the circumstances of them being on hiatus for so long and maybe being more prepared, maybe it’ll take a little bit less than that? But I honesty don’t think it will be by much, as most years they end up underestimating and it takes a little bit longer than anticipated bc of impromptu delays. (This is also assuming the strike ends and filming starts in Oct, only a couple months from now, which isn't guaranteed whatsoever either).
Even if the strike ends and filming is in full swing and they have a plan to finish in 12 months, there’s no way of knowing for certain if something else could impact filming and cause it to take longer. We should know by now with COVID and the strike that nothing is guaranteed until it’s all filmed. Once it’s all filmed, THEN we can actually start theorizing about when it will premiere.
ST5 premiered about 8 months after filming, not only because post-production is time consuming in and of itself, but because they wanted to have it come out in summer as opposed to Spring. Maybe the first few episodes were ready way earlier, but the later ones weren't even close, so holding off for a more suitable release period, Summer, which they prefer for ST releases anyways, makes sense.
A best case scenario rn, that I allow myself to hope for still, despite everything (assuming the studios get their heads out of their asses asap), is ST5 starting filming in October this year and finishing in October 2024. This puts them at a similar roll out period to ST4, with about 8 months of post-production and a premiere in the summer sometime in 2025 between May-August, whether that include two volumes or not. Netflix is a lot more likely to push for a summer release, regardless of them starting/ending filming sooner than October. Hell, even if they finished editing those first 5 eps by like March or something, Netflix would much rather stretch and wait to release those in early summer with the rest in mid/late summer again, bc they’ve never done Spring releases and I don’t think they’re going to start now. Especially bc I think it will be pushing it in terms of the working conditions being way too strenuous for VFX/editors. I'd rather have them push for a summer release and take their time and make it as good as they can, then to rush and make a spring release and have it feel half ass, only to be over forever.
I know people get sad knowing how long it's going to take to come out. But I just can't comprehend wanting it to be out ASAP, and most likely poorly, only to be over forever. Like this is the end for real. Maybe you'll see one of the characters pop up in a spin off, at best, but it wont be any of the mains that is for certain.
ST5 in 2024 is 100% not happening, so unless you want s5 to be edited for a mere 2 months at absolutely shit quality, let it go. If you want to hope for Spring 2025 go ahead, but that release period is already unprecedented with/without the strike, so don't hold your breath. I would try to accept ST5 Summer 2025 and hope that is as far as it goes. TBH if the strike goes past October, Netflix is going to have to come up with a deal because they are risking ST not premiering in the Summer like they want. If they don't make a deal by then, they'll presumably be forced to make a deal asap, otherwise they’d just be fucking themselves over.
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i dont know how to explain to you my 'here are my ocs but i treat them like they're a tv show' ocs
because i'm like 'yeahhh their storyline would be like a 14 season show, that would've gotten 15 but season 14 got boycotted for bringing back a former main character as a love interest for one of the newer queer characters.' and it's like... not a real show
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
if that was actually the case, i don’t blame the current cast for initially assuming the prime cast was going to replace them given what happened with the 4kids cast
yeah it wouldnt be an unfair assumption to make really, especially considering that they (as in most of the current cast) voiced the characters in a tv show before now just in games so its not like they couldnt do a cartoon
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magentagalaxies · 6 months
one thing you'll notice if you've ever done structured improv comedy with multiple separate groups of people is that everyone will have 100 different names for the exact same warmup and they're all convinced their name for it is the true name
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