#whatever yosuke has going on
citruscitrushope · 10 months
I like Persona 4 because Yu just stands there like •_• and then everyone falls in love with him
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daily-hanamura · 9 months
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Hanamura Yosuke's first appearance vs last
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bakafurai · 10 months
me, watching the P4 anime: ok yeah yosuke and yu are kinda gay ngl, i ship it.
me, playing P4Golden: jesus christ yosuke has known yu for a week and he's already calling him partner. gay as all hell ngl.
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neymiiie · 8 months
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Eyes of the SEES members ~
I’ve always admired artstyles where every character has super unique and recognizable vibes, so decided to try it with the gang. Super fun, highly recommend!
In the process of designing these I developed headcanons for each of their eyes, kind weird but if you want to read me ranting about why I drew Yukaris pupils a certain way or whatever, feel free to click read more lol.
Makoto: I wanted him to look tired, so a lot of his eyelashes go downward instead of upwards, also eye bags because he has insomnia and you can’t convince me otherwise. I didn’t want his eyes to look hollow/empty, but I didn’t want to put super obvious highlights and I think it works? Idk. Also drew his eyes in a way that reminds me of the ocean at night (Atlus gave me a ocean/water motif and I run with it ok?). His eyebrows are kinda “messy” in comparison to the others but I think it makes his eyes prettier so it is in character to me.
Yukari: I wanted her eyes to look a little more intense and turned them a little to give them a slightly “angry look”. Yukari should have a light case of rbf imo. I feel like Yukari puts a lot of effort into her appearance, and she probably wears more makeup but I cannot draw that to save my life lmao. Her eyebrows are probably the least messy other than Mitsurus, for the same reason as the previous one. Also hard to tell, but I put hearts in her pupils because it’s cute. Really proud of these ones, they read like hers so well to me.
Junpei: Junpeis eyes were so fun to draw! I feel like he’d have pretty short lashes and slightly smaller eyes, but still very vibrant! I really wanted his eyes to look full of life but still pretty simple, and I think I did pretty well! They feel very expressive to me. Also I feel like he’d have naturally very thin eyebrows, so gave him that lol.
Akihiko: idk how I feel about these, but I guess they’re alright? Gave him a kinda intense stare ig. I gave him really long natural eyelashes because I feel like he’d have them (canonical pretty boy that he is) and I’m somewhat proud of them because I stuggle with making longer eyelashes look masculine so guess this is a win. Gave him an eyebrow slit because I was so sure he had one in p4arena only to find out he didn’t even have eyebrows in it. What.
Fuuka: I feel like Fuukas neutral expression would still look slightly confused/concerns so her eyes are a little droopy. Gave her short but thick eyebrows because I thought it would be cute. Her eyes kinda remind me of rain and I like that! Also sidenote love the fact that official art draws fuuka with teal eyebrows. The implication that she was either born with teal hair or is so dedicated to the dye job she even dyed her eyebrows is hilarious to me. I know blue is treated as a normal hair color in persona-universe but Fuuka is literally the only one with teal hair how is it not dyed but yosuke and chies is??
Mitsuru: I wanted Mitsuru to be pretty. I gave her thinner but crisp eyebrows and eyeliner. I was a little worried because before I started shading her eyes looked kinda evil?? Lol but they turned out better in the end. Didn’t do a lot of details in her eyes because it felt like it worked better that way, but gave her bright highlights in her eyes to make up for it.
Aigis: These are my least favorite, and the first ones I did. Not sure if thats awful, because I wanted them to be very different from the rest. I feel like Aigis doesn’t actually have this wide eyes but willingly widens them so you can see the whole iris. I feel like her eyes would look more normal at a distance, and most of her classmates just assume she’s got weird eyes because they’re an uncommon eye color (major “give her brown contacts please” energy). Made her eyes look like does target-thingys and slightly plastic-y.
Ken: I didn’t want his eyes to be to bright, but still lively and childish. I gave him round wide eyes + smaller and thicker eyebrows to give a more childish feel. His eyelashes are pretty short but made them point more downwards since they looked too cheerful when turned upwards.
Shinjiro: dunno how readable these are as shinji, but theyre fine. Made his eyes very dark and put bright highlights cause I thought it looked better than the grey he actually has. Also gave him major eyebags because man has not had a good nights rest since like. Last October (sorry)
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pavaal · 7 months
Persona 4: Kiri no Amnesia (Summary)
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I said I would do it, so here it is! I bought the Persona 4 spinoff light novel a couple of days ago, ran through it, and decided to write a summary since I don't feel confident enough to translate the whole thing page by page. For those who don't know, Kiri no Amnesia is a light novel set shortly after Yukiko's dungeon, covering an accidental trip into the TV World with just Yosuke, Chie, and Yukiko. It was written in order to expand on the Shadows of the first two victims, Mayumi Yamano and Saki Konishi. It's not not canon, considering how it resolves in the end, but at worst I think it's some good insight for people who wanted to see more of Saki, like me.
There are no major spoilers for people who have played at least the first couple hours of Persona 4.
With that in mind...
The first part of the book is pretty slow and uninteresting. It basically functions as a recap of things up to this point, with the main trio (for this book: Yosuke, Chie, and Yukiko) doing some training after school without Yu. This was before any supplementary material named him, so he's just referred to as "the transfer student" or "leader" in the narrative, and he's also absent for pretty much the entire novel due to certain developments.
Yosuke angsts about Saki a bit, but he tries to keep it to himself and puts on a bright smile so as to not worry the others. I found this part, and other parts like it pretty sweet, because Chie is really attentive to him when he gets in these moods. Being novelized means that a lot of the wacky anime hijinks are toned down, and so there's a surprising amount of very sincere bonding between the trio that we don't get to see in other P4 media.
When they leave for the day, Yukiko and Chie are the first to go, while Yosuke hangs back. Reflecting on a discussion about how they need to use the same TV to enter the same place, Yosuke gets lost in thought about how Saki must have been lost and afraid when she was thrown in. He's shaken out of his reverie by the sound of someone crying from one of the other TVs, but although he's curious about it, he stops himself before doing anything stupid.
The next day, the group meets up again to train, but Yu is late and sends a text saying to wait up. Then there's some filler about them hanging out, eating, bonding, etc, but Yu texts again saying he's later than he thought and to go on without him. Initially, they don't want to, but they do go over to the TVs where Yosuke once again hears the weird voice—which he doesn't mention to Chie or Yukiko, but he's distracted enough that they comment on it. He then asks them to cover him while he just checks inside, but of course he can't see anything without the glasses. He starts to get back out of the TV, but of course at that very moment, a wayward child shoves him in and Yukiko and Chie naturally follow.
They end up in what we will term Magatsu-Inaba, but to them it's just Inaba inside the TV. Shadow Inaba? Whatever. Everyone gets mad at Yosuke for being stupid, he apologizes, but he figures that they can just walk back to the entrance since they all know how to navigate Inaba. (Teddie can't reach them through the fog.) The problem is that they quickly discover the landscape is covered in black holes, blocking the easiest path back. They decide to take a detour to a nearby park, which Yosuke says he didn't know about, but there's someone already there when they arrive. Sitting on the swings alone is... Saki Konishi. (!!!!)
Yosuke understandably freaks out, and his first reaction is a mixture of shock and anger, since his initial assumption is that this is the Shadow that killed Saki. However, when he confronts her, she doesn't know anything, and I mean anything. She doesn't know who or what she is, and she doesn't even know what Shadows are. Yosuke has trouble being angry with her after that, and the trio has a quick meeting to acknowledge that she probably is a Shadow, and Saki's Shadow for that matter, but things are different because she doesn't seem malicious. Up to now, the human-like Shadows they've encountered have known TOO well what they are, but this girl doesn't know anything.
Putting two and two together, they come to the conclusion that there are holes in the landscape because "Saki" doesn't remember anything, and if they can get her to remember, then they'll probably be able to get back. This means traveling with her, which everyone makes their peace with. (Yosuke in particular says that he can't ignore someone who looks like Saki, despite everything.)The first roadblock they run into is that Yosuke can't call her Saki because she may nevertheless be the Shadow that killed her. Considering her condition, they decide to call her Amnesia.
They do some traveling, a Shadow shows up but it's way too strong and they bolt. When they find a place to rest, they sit for a little while and try to jog Amnesia's memory. Yosuke is clearly struggling with Amnesia's existence when she looks so much like Saki, so Chie intervenes and they have a little back and forth where Yosuke says something mildly funny and Yukiko explodes in laughter. Yosuke apologizes to Amnesia for Yukiko interrupting their important conversation, but she wistfully says it's okay, and she's jealous of people who can laugh. Yosuke is conflicted: he wants to help "Saki," but this is likely "Saki's Shadow."
He muses on his friendship with Chie and Yukiko for a little while, quietly grateful for them because they were the first people to welcome him and make him feel actually wanted in Inaba, and then Yukiko finally calms down. They decide to take a snack break with some supplies they had from the real world, so the trio+Amnesia split Yosuke's several Dr. Salt NEOs. After some discussion about how weird the flavor is, Amnesia mentions... she can't taste it! The trio calls an emergency secret meeting about how weird it is that someone can't taste Dr. Salt NEO, so Amnesia is absolutely a Shadow, but they can't do anything about it right now.
Incidentally, when Yosuke opens his, he accidentally sprays it all over Chie and Yukiko. Although they try to use their Personas to clean up, this will be important later.
Some other stuff happens, and Yosuke muses on the differences between Amnesia and Saki. Amnesia is much more self-deprecating and pessimistic than Saki he knows, and Yosuke knows from Saki's brother that she was a "good sister," so Amnesia just seems particularly sad. He tells her that she might not be the Shadow that killed Saki after all...
Amnesia's eyes suddenly glow bright yellow, and she starts muttering "I... killed... I killed... I..." over and over to herself. Although the trio prepares for a fight, Amnesia suddenly snaps out of it and seems to have forgotten what even happened. Weird!
They try to keep moving forward after that, but Chie and Yukiko complain about being sticky and they decide to reroute to Amagi Inn, since they're not making any progress with Amnesia anyway. Chie and Yukiko are excited, Yosuke cannot believe they're actually going to go to the hot springs in the TV World, and Amnesia is just trying not to be a nuisance.
The girls all take a bath while Yosuke stands guard, and shockingly, there's nothing particularly perverted about this scene. Amnesia and Yosuke have a little moment where, after Yosuke insists that Amnesia take a bath too so she can relax and try to recall something, she calls him kind and he gets flustered. After she, too, joins Chie and Yukiko, Yosuke worries that he's starting to see Amnesia and Saki as one in the same. He wonders what the difference is between a human and a Shadow with no malice, but he decides that's not a question he can answer.
In the meantime, Chie has a moment where it says she's gazing at Amnesia "with the gleam of an old man in her eyes" and comments to Yukiko how pretty Saki/Amnesia is, so she understands why Yosuke was in love with her. She fills Yukiko in on Yosuke's crush on Saki and really brings the mood down, but it's a nice moment where they acknowledge that Yosuke is really in pain and he's working harder than any of them to solve the case. Chie also raises the hopeful possibility that Amnesia is the real Saki, and the body they found was her Shadow.
After a bit, they move on to lighthearted girl talk and Yosuke tries not to pop a boner outside from listening to them (Yukiko asks Chie to "open her body") while waiting for them to finish.
Amnesia leaves first, and in a thoughtful mood, Yosuke asks what Amnesia would do if she could leave the TV World. She says she wouldn't leave. Although she doesn't remember anything, she feels like being here is a punishment she must serve for a sin she doesn't recall. Yosuke says she's strong for carrying that burden, but she says it's the opposite—she feels like she's probably running away from something.
Yosuke is about to hit her with the ultra smooth line of "if you have to run, run to me," but then he's suddenly interrupted by a Teddie Transmission warning them of a huge Shadow in the area. Yosuke panics because Chie and Yukiko are still in the bath and Amnesia can't fight, but he says he'll buy time while Chie and Yukiko get informed and dressed.
The Shadow speaks to him from a black hole that has appeared, and he notes that the voice is familiar, but he can't place it immediately. It asks him if Amnesia is important to him, and although he hesitates, he ultimately answers yes—to which the Shadow cheerfully promises that she'll kill Amnesia and drop her to the depths of hell.
Yosuke says he's not going to lose "her" again, and the Shadow gets angry, telling him that he's stupid for placing anyone else above himself. "You use whatever you can, you take whoever you can, even if that means you have to have an affair! Are you stupid?!" The Shadow is particularly hostile to the girls once they all rejoin, saying that she'll let Yosuke run away while she kills the others.
The Shadow is obviously super overpowered, and honestly there was a lot of fighting description here that I didn't care about so I skimmed it, but the critical part of this whole fight scene is that the Shadow is about to get a KO on Yosuke—but he suddenly hears Amnesia call "Hana-chan!" and feels a chain wrap around his arm to pull him out of the way in time. They manage to escape with some effort, but in the process, the Shadow destroys the Amagi Inn, to which Yukiko vows revenge.
Yosuke later compliments Amnesia on her chain moves, and Amnesia suddenly hears a voice within her saying that she prayed to forget this power. Her mind goes blank, and she can no longer remember what they were talking about. She's shocked to hear that she apparently did something in that fight.
There's a little bit of a drag here where they boringly make it to Shadow Junes and boringly hang out, but suddenly Yukiko and Chie feel incredibly faint. Yosuke summons Jiraiya to Dia them, but it doesn't seem to have any affect. Amnesia gets the feeling that she can do something, and so she folds her hands and, unbeknownst to her, casts Posumudi... because the Shadow onsen poisoned them! Duh!!
But the same thing happens again where she forgets what she just did, which by now, is something very bizarre that none of them are sure how to handle. They're afraid to push it after her short-circuiting earlier, and the trio acknowledges that trying to force her to remember might result in her going crazy... you know, like a Shadow. Yosuke once again privately muses on the nature of a Shadow, thinking, “If she looks like Senpai, talks like Senpai, and acts like Senpai, who cares if she’s a Shadow? …is a crazy thing to think, isn’t it? But I…”
At this point, to him, "Saki" and "Amnesia" are the same person.
Anywho, a little more of this and the Shadow from before shows up with yet another hole, and this time they recognize it as Mayumi Yamano's Shadow, and realize the holes are from her and not a result of Amnesia's memory loss. She transforms into Iwanaga(-hime), and in what may be a series first, Yukiko actually recognizes the legend. She says that after she got Konohanasakuya, she did some research, and Iwanaga came up as part of the story. She gives them a quick rundown, which is that Iwanaga and Konohanasakuya were sisters who were offered to a man for marriage, but Iwanaga was rejected because of her appearance. Chie comments on how rude it is to judge people on appearances and glares at Yosuke, who gets defensive.
I once again skimmed over the battle stuff because it truly is boring to read, but if you really need to know, Iwanaga is made of stone. Her schtick is that she feels like she's the most important person in the world and she doesn't care who she has to hurt to get what she wants. She loathes Misuzu Hiiragi and feels as if she was unjustly punished, since she doesn't see what's so bad about falling in love with a married man. Although even her Shadow seems to have truly loved Namatame, she really hates women and constantly refers to the girls as dumb brats. She calls Yosuke "little boy."
Anyway, things are looking bad. Yosuke tries to reason with her, saying that although she/Mayumi Yamano is guilty, she doesn't have to live her life full of this resentment. This does not work, despite Yosuke's best efforts, and she really starts to beat the hell out of Yosuke. More things happen, everyone does some cool moves, so on and so forth. Yosuke knocks Amnesia out of the way of an attack, but in doing so, he falls into one of the holes. Although he manages to catch himself on the edge, he's slipping and there's too much space for anyone to come save him. I liked this part, so I directly translated it.
“So this is it, huh?” An image of his “partner” appeared in his mind—the boy who helped them all awaken the power of Persona. “Sorry… I guess I’ll have to leave the rest to you.” Yosuke’s eyes naturally fell to Amnesia, who was gazing at him in horror. He gave her a smile as if to say “don’t worry.” “Satonaka and Amagi will keep you safe. They’re good people, so you’ll be fine.” His smile conveyed all this without words. —“He’s going to disappear.” Amnesia heard a voice from within her. “Will you taste the same regret you did when you killed me?” It was her voice. It was the voice of Saki Konishi. Amnesia was the embodiment of Saki’s latent desires—a Shadow. Saki’s desires had been calm, so Amnesia was not full of the same anger that characterized so many other Shadows. But a Shadow was a Shadow. Destruction was their nature. When the fog clears, that destruction manifests. And on such a day, Amnesia had killed Saki. Unable to bear this sin, Amnesia had erased her own memories. Every Shadow has a unique power from its individual identity. And the power given to Amnesia, borne of Saki Konishi, was called “Oblivion.” Saki Konishi had wanted to run away from everything that was keeping her trapped, to forget all her pain.
So, obviously, Amnesia is able to call on her powers after this, and she uses her chains to save Yosuke from the hole. Now that she's "awake," she's able to help in the fight, and she tells Yosuke that she can erase memories. They come up with a plan to erase Iwanaga's memories so that they can defeat her and/or get away, whichever comes first, but Amnesia needs to be able to touch her. Everyone comes together for their epic battle, and once again, a part I liked.
Yosuke was full of confidence [as he prepared to face Iwanaga]. Saki’s voice observed this from within. “Hana-chan always had this unreliable air about him… but I guess boys grow up fast when you’re not looking.”
Although Amnesia manages to touch Iwanaga and unsettle her, her power isn't strong enough and she just sends Iwanaga into a mindless berserk state. Amnesia realizes that there's only one thing left to do, and although she didn't want to show anyone this form, she realizes there's no choice.
Her body is consumed by black flames, and once again, here's a little translation.
Her body grew twice as large, and a black lace shawl covered her face. She wore a long, jet-black dress with lace gloves up to her elbow: clothes that one would wear to mourn the dead. The skin that was visible between sections of black was as pale as snow, and the chains that had previously only extended from her arms wrapped around her body several times, as if binding herself. She had the appearance of a human, but she was not: she was a Shadow, and her golden eyes gleamed from beneath the lace shawl.
Seeing this, Yosuke is briefly pained by the undeniable realization that this is the Shadow that killed Saki, but if Saki had just known about Personas, if she had known to accept her true self, then she wouldn't have died.
With Amnesia's magnified power, they all manage to defeat Iwanaga, and with her death, the holes clear from the landscape and Teddie is finally able to properly contact them. Amnesia changes back to her "human" form, ashamed, but the trio is openly supportive and grateful to her for helping them. Knowing that they'll be headed home soon, everyone encourages Amnesia to come with them. Amnesia thinks that she shouldn't, but in Yosuke's mind "a Shadow that could become a Persona" is no different from a human.
She agrees to walk with them, at least, and as Yosuke glances back at her conflicted expression, he thinks, "I hope you can smile someday, even if it's not for me."
Moving on to the final chapter, everyone reunites with Teddie, and they come up with the great idea for Amnesia to stay with Teddie. That way, they'll be able to keep each other company, and Teddie will be able to teach Amnesia about being a Shadow-but-not so that she can understand herself better. Feeling optimistic, everyone happily says their goodbyes. Yosuke waves to her and grins, telling her "See you tomorrow, Senpai!" before going back to the other side.
In the TV World, Teddie and Amnesia discuss the less positive reality. Amnesia is going to disappear, since the person she came from is dead. It's possible for her to live a little longer if she doesn't use her powers, but ultimately, no matter what she does, she doesn't have long left. Amnesia says that it's not a problem... because she's going to use her oblivion powers to erase herself. She saw how heartbroken Yosuke was about Saki's death, and she doesn't want to do that to him again. So, she considers it the kindest thing she can do for the people who were so kind to her to quietly and secretly disappear. Teddie protests, of course, but as he's tearfully insisting for her to stay... he suddenly stops, and wonders what he was just talking to himself about. He feels sad for some reason, but maybe he's just lonely because Sensei and the others haven't visited yet?
He hopes they come back soon.
On the other side, Yosuke and the others are actually at the moment just before Yosuke falls in, and everything is fine. Yu contacts them telling them he's on his way, so they go to the roof. Yosuke realizes, however, that he feels strangely sad, and his chest hurts like he's lost something. Chie asks why he looks like he's about to cry, to which Yosuke actually does start to cry. Yu arrives at the same moment, and Yosuke hurriedly turns away so Yu can't see him shedding any tears.
Yu apologizes for being so late, and explains that he lost track of time helping a sick cat near his house. Yosuke, still sniffling, demands what's more important—them or a cat?! But when Yu turns thoughtful, Yosuke realizes that that's the type of person Yu is. He helps anyone, no matter who they are. He turns back to Yu and tells him that it's okay, because he wouldn't be Yosuke's partner if he didn't stop to help a cat, and then Chie and Yukiko make fun of him for having a runny nose.
Yosuke thinks to himself he's so glad that he has these people as his friends, but he can't help but feel he forgot something important as they leave. From the TV, he thinks he hears someone whisper "yes, you did, but please don't try to remember," but he writes it off as his imagination.
The End.
Despite this being a way longer summary than I set out to write, I did leave out a lot of small, non-plot-important details. If you love P4 and you can read Japanese, it's probably worth it! Yukiko and Chie are especially good in it and have lots of great friendship moments with each other and with Yosuke as well. I was really surprised by Yosuke and Yukiko's friendship, in fact, since I feel like the game and especially the spinoffs have kind of given the impression that Yukiko doesn't like him very much? But she respects his conviction here, and they're a great team. It was really cool to see how the three of them interact without Yu, and it gave a lot of insight into what their friendship might have looked like before he showed up.
Overall, I was really satisfied with this and I kind of regret that there weren't more novels like this. I thought Saki's Shadow was cool, and it was really interesting to see Mayumi manifest with such viciousness. Chie even comments that it's hard to feel bad for her!
Like I said, there is some other minor stuff I left out for ease of reading, so if you have any questions about stuff, feel free to ask!
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writers-reach · 3 months
can i request yu and yosuke with a reader who is suffering from really bad period cramps? like, curled up in a ball trying not to pass out bad?
persona 4: dealing with period cramps (yu narukami, yosuke hanamura)
notes: afab!reader, tried to be gender-neutral to the best of my ability, talks of menstrutation (duh), reader implied to be a part of the investigation team, yosuke being stupid, bc no fr me every month
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yu narukami
it was in the tv world when you started to feel the cramps. the small ones act as a bit of a warning before you start bleeding, so when you felt that familar twist in your gut, all you could think was "goddamnit."
yu noticed your sour mood instantly, even if you put on a bit of a positive facade. he'd ask you what was wrong, citing your slight grimace as a cause for concern. you'd wave him off, saying, "oh, it's almost that time of the month". he let you be, but let you know he's here to help :)
the next day, he got a call from you asking to come over.
you were miserable. ibuprofen, heating pads, hot water bottles, nothing seemed to help. yu came up to your room and saw you curled up in a ball on your bed, still in your pajamas.
"whoa. that bad, huh?"
you nodded, whining with a frustrated groan. "every month."
yu had to force back down a rather impassioned speech about the plights of women (we love a feminist king) when he heard another whimper of pain.
"alright, come here, do you think a massage might help? cuddling? food? whatever you need, i'm here for."
you settled for a massage and cuddles. it helped ease the pain slightly, but most of all, distract you for the time being.
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yosuke hanamura
he's, er, a little less learned than yu is in terms of menstruation. he's def one of those guys who like, crumples with those period pain simulators.
he only really notices when your mood gets a bit snippy and, whenever you sit, you hunch over slightly to put the pressure on your stomach. ...and when one of his female team members tells him what's going on. mentally slaps himself for not noticing sooner.
but he's eager to help you, no matter what. no partner of his is going to be in so much pain!
tries to make a game plan. go to junes, get whatever you need - heating pad, menstrutation products (he's scared to ask what size you need, he stumbles over his words like. seventeen times.), gets you your favourite comfort snacks.
practically kicks down your bedroom door holding plastic grocery bags of supplies.
"do not fear, your knight in shining armour has arrived! ...heh, uh, where can i put all this?"
at least his antics make you smile despite the cramping. eventually the two of you decide to spoon, with him being the big spoon, and waiting out the pain together. he did all he could to help, and as you waited for the pain to subside (and munched on the snacks he got), you helpfully gave him a run-down on how everything works.
he'll be well-prepared next month, for sure!
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Only one for me pt. 3
Parring: Hanaoka Y/N x Takajo Tsukasa
Summary: YasuKiyo knows some things they shouldn't
Warnings: she/her pronouns, fluff, mention of fight, wounds and blood
A/N: Hi! I'm back...again. Enjoy my work and let me know what you think😊
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Dark eyes scanning your face, gentle touch of a thumb caressing your cheek, causing blush to appear, the smell of his perfume tickling your nose. He was closer with every second. Your lips were about to touch. You were so close to kissing Tsukasa, only the air was between you two....
"Are you listening?" Yasushi's voice kicked you brutally out of your dream world, almost making you jump on your seat.
"Yes." You nodded vigorously, trying to not only convince YasuKiyo but yourself as well.
"Yeah, sure." Murmured Kiyoshi with a smirk. "And your red face says otherwise."
"It's just hot in here." Your answer was given too fast, and was totally out of the frame because everyone in Oya was wearing long sleeved clothes.
"Bullshit." Summarized Yasushi. "We know who you're thinking about."
"You're in love!" Yelled Kiyoshi as he burst laughing.
"No." You opposed.
"You're in love!" Joined Yasushi and now both of them were jumping around you, yelling that you're in love.
"Who's in love?" The crazy mood was interrupted by Fujio and Tsukasa coming into the room you and YasuKiyo have been sitting in.
The only response you could give the guests was more blush on your cheeks and the eyes on the floor.
"Your sister." You were ready to kill Kiyoshi for that, you were even planning his murder in your mind.
"Oooo." Fujio looked surprised but happy at the same time, his eyes were focused on his sister that has been looking away all this time. "With who?"
"No one." You jumped out of the table and headed towards the exit, but before leaving you ruffled Tsukasa's and Fujio's hair with a smile to hide your nervousness. "Bye."
And you left, leaving all four men with confusion in the air.
You walked out of the building and ended up on the patio you really liked, actually it was your favourite spot in the whole Oya, besides the roof.
Your eyes searched the surroundings, and when you saw nothing and no one, you sighed loudly. Your hands immediately touched your red and warm cheeks to cool them a bit. The impact Tsukasa had on you was huge, out of your mind, heart and will. And YasuKiyo noticed that, for your unfortunate.
"Still reacting like a girl in love?" Todoroki's voice made you roll your eyes and turn around to look at him.
"You have a problem with it?" The hidden side of Hanaoka siblings started slowly to show off.
"As long as you won't be walking around, smiling like an idiot with a red tomato face, then no." Yosuke shrugged. "I don't wanna see you drooling over Takajo on my floor."
You gasped offended. It's not like you weren't drooling over Tsukasa, you were, but how the fuck did he know that? Was it that obvious?
"I- I don't know what you are talking about." You huffed trying to hide your nervousness...again.
"Yeah, whatever." Todoroki shrugged and went away, leaving you with your thoughts.
You decided to consider them on your way home, that's why you left the Oya High and headed south.
Feet after feet, step by step, you were walking on the payment, trying to keep your balance on the edge with arms spread to the sides and eyes focused on your shoes. This lil activity made you feel a bit more nostalgic than anything else. You remembered running down the hill with Fujio and his friends. Doing make up with Madoka or watching Arata cook. But when your brother was spending time with the other group, now the Oya students, you preferred sitting on the swings on the playground or drawing in your room. It would be okay to say you had a favourite group.
"Where is the lady going?" The sudden appearance of the voice and three figures in front of you made you lose balance and step on the pavement.
"Alone." Added another man, the one wearing a cap with a dangerous smile.
"Well." You shrugged. "I like walking alone. It's comforting. So if you, gentlemen, excuse me, I'll be walking."
Without anything more, you continued walking, trying to pass the men but one of them grabbed your wrist and stopped you.
"Where do you think you're going?" Asked the man that stopped you the first time.
"Not a gentleman then." You whispered and the fire appeared in your eyes.
You didn't hesitate to throw a punch, you aimed at the nose, neck and the back of the head. Fujio taught you some things, and you were a good student.
"Y/N!" Tsukasa's voice made you look from above the suffering, bleeding and moaning in pain, men and wipe the blood from your lip, you didn't avoid wounds yourself, things like that only happen in books.
"What are you doing here?" You asked a bit confused but embarrassed as well, he's never seen you as messy as you were now.
"It doesn't matter, are you okay?" Blond haired stood in front of you and gently lifted your chin to examine the wounds.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You looked at the group still curled up and in pain. "I think they are not."
"They don't matter now." Tsukasa looked and sounded concerned and scared. "Let's take care of you."
Takajo grabbed your elbow and led you a few steps away from the place of the incident, but suddenly he stopped, turned back and walked slowly to the men. Without a problem, he grabbed one of them by the shirt, brought him closer to his face and whispered in his ear:
"You better don't mess with her. Next time she won't be that generous."
And he left, letting the man fall to the ground with a loud thud.
"Let's go." Again you were grabbed, this time by the wrist, and led towards the place only Tsukasa knew about.
You didn't ask anything, so did he. You were silent, enjoying the companion and rethinking decisions.
"Sit here." Finally the silence was interrupted by Tsukasa pointing the bench. "I'll be back."
You only nodded and obediently sat on the wooden bench by the playground.
Again the nostalgia hit you, you loved this place as a kid, you'd spent hours here by yourself on the swings or with Madoka. You felt the smile coming up to your lips. It hurt a bit, your bottom lip was cut in a few places, but you didn't mind it too much.
"Okay." Tsukasa showed up as quietly as a ghost and sat next to you on the bench. "Show me your wounds."
"Those aren't that serious." You whispered but turned your face his way.
When he touched your face with his cold fingers, the chills ran up your spine, making you shiver a bit.
"The guys out there...." Started Tsukasa as he was cleaning the cuts and bruises under your eyes and on the cheeks. "You gave them a lesson."
"Fujio taught me some tricks, I used them in self-defence." You shrugged with a little smile. "They were in the wrong place at the wrong time."
Takajo's smile was saying one thing, "I'm proud of you." So were his eyes, that were scanning your face for injuries.
"Okay, all done." Tsukasa put the last band aid on the wound on your forehead and gently caressed it, slowly moving his hand to the lost strand of your hair that he put behind your ear.
His cold fingers were touching your skin as he was going down your face, finally resting on your cheek, that was still red from the fight but also from his touch.
Your lips trembled, ready to say something but failed. Your eyes locked with Tsukasa's but only for a second because you dropped the gaze.
"Thank you." You whispered with a gentle smile that hid under your hair that fell down.
To show how grateful you were, you touched every and each band aid with fingertips.
"I didn't cover your lip injuries because you wouldn't be able to talk..." Explained briefly Takajo, sitting straight, his side facing yours.
"Don't worry about that. Some for sure would be happy if I were silent." You joked, having Fujio in mind.
Tsukasa chuckled quietly, making you feel those butterflies in your stomach. You loved this sound, it was so calming and gentle. You could listen to it every day.
Suddenly, your phone rang in your pocket so you quickly reached for it and looked at the screen. Fujio.
"Excuse me." You said and picked up. "What's up? Yeah I'm coming. Yeah. See you. I'm sorry."
"Nah, that's okay." Assured you Takajo.
"Fujio called. Said I should be coming home." You explained with a sad smile. "Guess I will be going."
"I'll go with you." Said Tsukasa. "I'm going this way anyway."
Your eyes brighten and widen. Was your life a book? Was it all real?
"Y-yeah, sure. Let's go." You both got up from the bench and headed one way in silence.
Blond haired hid his hands in his pockets, as usual, and started walking by your right side, the side closer to the main road.
You really felt like in a movie.
"It's here." You pointed at the wooden door and smiled. "Thank you for your help with those..."
You again touched your band aids and smiled a bit wider.
"But your lips...." Started Tsukasa but you interrupted him.
"Don't worry about that. You did a lot."
"I hope it helps." After saying that, Tsukasa came closer and left a gentle kiss on your lips.
Butterflies went crazy, breath disappeared but this warm feeling inside took it place. When the blond haired moved away a bit, you looked him in the eyes with this innocent but happy light.
"Take care." Tsukasa ruffled your hair and walked away like nothing had happened.
It took you a moment to properly understand what just happened. After blinking for some time and thinking too much, you turned around and came to your home.
"Hi! Where hav-" Fujio, who came to greet you, stopped in the middle of the way and went silent after seeing you on the floor with back against the door and a big smile on your face. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah." You whispered and nodded. "Yeah."
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thebigpapilio · 8 months
Persona AU I'm probably never going to write:
KanNaoRise Shrek AU! Read below for notes!
If you have ideas you want to add to this, feel free to drop a comment!
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Shrek 1 Notes:
Kanji is Shrek
Naoto is Fiona
Chie & Rise are both Donkey
Yukiko is the Dragon
Tohru is Lord Farquuad (here called Lord Tohru Wettsoch)
(Adachi has that last name because my buddy called that pathetic bastard a wet sock of a man when they first saw him.)
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Shrek 2 & 3 Notes:
Yosuke is Puss in Boots
Kashiwagi is Fairy Godmother
Daisuke and Kou are Redeemed!Prince Charming & Not Derogatory Trans/Drag Rep!Doris
Kuroi Shirogane (Naoto's Grandpa) is King Harold (there is no Queen Lillian)
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Puss in Boots Notes:
Yu is Kitty Softpaws
Teddie is Perrito
Marie is Goldilocks; Ryotaro, Margaret and Nanako are the Three Bears
(Yes, I ship Ryotaro and Margaret. Keep scrolling.)
Hisano (or the Shrine Fox; not sure which one yet) is Death
Mitsuo is Big Jack Horner
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Plot Notes:
Kanji and Rise were childhood friends. When Lord Wettsoch ordered Rise’s death, she escaped into the swamp and reunited with Kanji. The two fall in love over the course of the story, and Naoto makes three... eventually.
Yukiko can take a human form and prefers it (but her chains prevent her from doing that for as long as she likes). After Wettsoch takes Naoto, Chie (+ Rise & Kanji?) goes back to the castle to bust her out.
Chie is the first to find out Naoto is also an ogre or whatever. She tells Rise after Lord Wettsoch takes Naoto back, but Kanji finds out with everyone else as the gang crashes the wedding.
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The Big Papilio
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star2fishmeg · 1 year
Takajo Tsukasa, Todoroki Yosuke or Odajima Yuken (maybe all three at some point in the future but you can choose who to write) oneshots or headcannons with a foreign s/o that they somehow meet and keep it hidden from everyone until their respective schools find out about them? Like maybe it’s a long distance relationship and their s/o decided to visit them but the guys are at the hospital or getting treated because of a fight and they end up there. And the guys are like shocked or offended that they weren’t told they were dating and they pester the couple. Thank you if you do decide to write this. I love your blog, thank you so much for writing.
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Pairing: Takajo Tsukasa x gn!reader, Odajima Yuken x gn!reader, Todoroki Yosuke x gn!reader
Summary: the boys with a foreign s/o in which they (somehow) kept a secret until they don’t
Warnings: fluff, Todoroki’s s/o is mentioned to speak good English, mentions of injury in Todoroki’s
Authors note: okay this was interesting and so I did all three, I hope I did them some justice! I also want to clarify that reader is not explicitly a native English speaker, but they speak English (how much is up to you) but they do speak Japanese
Request: above!
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ᴛᴀᴋᴀᴊᴏ ᴛsᴜᴋᴀsᴀ
Tsukasa met their s/o in a corner shop, this is the Oya district we’re discussing
In fact they saw their s/o every Friday at the same time every week, it was like they both had a designated time they’d go and buy snacks or something
Y/n usually went to this corner shop bc it was local and they had a small import section, not that they didn’t like or eat Japanese food but sometimes you need a sense of home
Tsukasa actually had no idea if y/n spoke Japanese at all but he was interested in whatever the snack they loved so much was and tried his best to speak in his little English but he was saved when they smiled and responded in Japanese
 Y/n had just recently been accepted into university and moved early to gather their bearings
He knew at that moment he had a chance lmao and offered to walk home with them, continuing to converse and exchanging numbers/social media. Talking so much that y/n eventually ended up asking Tsukasa out on a date and well their relationship grew from there
He walked home with them more than just once a week after a while. He’d meet up with them basically to show them around and his friends began to wonder where the hell Tsukasa disappeared to at specifically 14:50
“Are you sure this is where he went, Fujio?” Jamuo whispered, struggling to peer around the wall while Fujio crouched behind a bush.
“Yes, now shut it or we’ll get caught!” The Hanaoka replied, whispering louder than Jamuo originally had. The two had caught onto Tsukasa’s pattern and feeling excluded, followed him out of the school, down the street and snuck behind a bush on the opposite side of the street, watching Tsukasa stroll into the store.
After ten minutes, Fujio groaned, “What’s taking him so long, he’s usually the one pestering me to hurry up. When did he even start going here anyway!” He dropped his head and ran his hands through his hair, sighing. A part of him felt slightly betrayed that his best friend was keeping something from him, if he needed help he could’ve come to him.
“Fujio! He’s-“ Jamuo perked up. Fujio shot back to his original position of peeping over the bush.
“-with a person? Who in the- why has he got his arm around them?” Fujio grinned, “Oh I am so bringing this up to him!”
And he kept his word. The whole of the next day all Fujio did was pester Tsukasa about this mysterious and oh-so-secret person. It honestly looked like an excited puppy jumping around as Tsukasa’s laid-back figure slouched on his sofa, somewhat hoping Fujio would fall off the roof. This teasing did not just happen at Oya, Fujio literally followed Tsukasa to the store, hoping to meet his friend’s s/o, and also followed them to y/n’s home and bombarded them with questions.
ᴏᴅᴀᴊɪᴍᴀ ʏᴜᴋᴇɴ
Yuken definitely met his s/o when they studied overseas
They probably made a comment under their breath, and he laughed and initiated further conversation
They exchanged numbers/social media and continued talking/calling/meeting while they had time together 
And the day they had to part ways he genuinely was upset, but the communication didn’t stop regardless of timezones, they both made the effort
Yuken asked them out, over video call definitely bc he’s a tease
Their relationship would’ve been kept a secret bc 1. It was no one’s business and 2. He didn’t want to drag them into any danger, even if they were overseas
And it stayed their little secret for a long time, maybe over a year until Yuken’s birthday was approaching and his s/o wanted to surprise him. They had organised it with Yuken’s parents, flew over, dropped luggage off at the Odajima residence and skipped their merry way over to Housen
Sachio definitely would’ve known about it in order to even make it through Housen, he also definitely would’ve told the others to keep quiet and keep Yuken’s surprise and surprise, no matter how confused they were
Creeping through the doors to the meeting room, y/n kept their footsteps light on the floor, watching the other Housen members almost struggle to keep their eyes on Yuken, who was talking with his back turned. Sachio’s gaze met theirs, as if to give a signal and with a gentle tap on Yuken’s shoulder, he calmly turned around. His eyes lit up, in both joy yet panic at seeing their figure standing with a grin on their face, holding their arms out.
“Surprise!”, they said quietly, Yuken lumping his body over theirs and wrapping his arms around them, “Happy birthday, Yuken.” He didn’t say anything, but the tight embrace spoke volumes for him as he buried his face into their neck.
“Okay, so when did, like, this happen? And why are we, the bros, just finding out about it?”
“Don’t ruin the moment, Shidaken.”
ᴛᴏᴅᴏʀᴏᴋɪ ʏᴏsᴜᴋᴇ
  Oh Yosuke…this man will never live it down
  And he would never tell anyone how he and his s/o really met, which was through English tutoring. He kind of did care a little bit about being educated and since Oya was not great in that department, he had to find some way to be intelligent so he found a tutor at one of the local regular high schools who was willing to help – and they just so happened to have a great grasp on English
 But they would text a lot rather than call, telling each other about their lives and stories from schools, probably teaching each other more about their languages and cultures
 His s/o would be 100% aware of his lifestyle and fights, Todoroki would want to make himself look good somehow
 But after one particular fight, he ended up more wounded than he had expected and found himself in the hospital for a head injury – nothing too serious
After not hearing from Yosuke, his s/o would start to become worried, his fights didn’t last more than three hours and yet they were sat there at 8pm with no word
Yet they knew where he’d be, and without hesitation would throw on a jacket and shoes and make their way down to the hospital
Todoroki Yosuke I’m gonna beat your arse when I get there.
Y/n frantically skimmed the numbers on the doors as they power-walked through the corridor of the ward, hand clutching their schoolbag, worry surging through their veins. When they eventually found his room, the speed they bundled through the door startled the nurse already in there, as well as – who they assumed to be – Todoroki’s friends he’d talked about, Tsuji and Shibaman. They dumped their bag on the floor, immediately standing over Todoroki’s bed to see the boy with a bandage wrapped around his head but still looking healthy with just bruised knuckles.
“Yo, who the fuck are you?” Shibaman grumbled, side-eyeing Tsuji in the process.
“S/o. Is he okay?” they replied, taking Yosuke’s hand into their own and gently holding it. Y/n pushed a few stands of hair with a feathery touch off his forehead, eyes softening at his gentle expression.
“Yeah. So…when did this become a thing?” Tsuji mumbled.
"Six months ago. I tutor him.” Y/n explained, almost panting still from the hurry. Tsuji - suspicious still - nodded, signalling his head towards the door at Shibaman and the pair left to give y/n some privacy. Y/n smiled at them before shifting their gaze back to Yosuke and planted a kiss on his wrapped-up forehead. Yeah, Todoroki had a lot of explaining and reassuring to do when he woke up.
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H&L harem (if you wanna be tagged/removed in future H&L content, comment or lemme know via ‘chat to me bbygorl’ :D);
@straysugzhpe @airbendertendou @strxwberrychocolate @rouzuchan @yuken-gf @rinwhore @simpforchuchu @thatpoindexterpixy @rainisawriter @cheshirecatuniverse
[Requests OPEN]
2023 © STAR2FISHMEG All rights reserved - do not plagiarise, translate, repost, copy any of my works. If you notice that any of these have been done to my work, please let me know.
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Glad you liked them, I have more Ojiro thoughts! Again, you can take or leave whatever!
Ojiro’s family!
So, his Grandparents are Genkai Ojiro, and his wife, Sumomo. Genkai’s Quirk is “Stubborn”, basically turning him into the Immovable Object, and Sumomo’s Quirk is called “Bounce”, letting her direct kinetic energy in her own body, or something that she’s in contact with, to “bounce” off things, also lets her jump really high. Both are martial artists, with Genkai having a dojo that’s been in his family for hundreds of years. Like, he can trace it back to before the Quirk era by a good several generations, at this point it might qualify as a heritage site.
Genkai has passed the Dojo to his oldest and only son, which was more coincidence, the son was the only one who wanted to take it over. Ojiro’s Uncle, Yosuke, also has the Quirk “Stubborn”, and runs the dojo with his wife, Keiko (why yes, I AM pulling names from Yu Yu Hakusho, why do you ask?), who has a Quirk called “Momentum”. It lets her increase or decrease the momentum of any object she’s in contact with, including herself, and she has enhanced durability, so she’s basically the “Unstoppable Force”. Yes, this IS an Unstoppable Force, Immovable Object joke. What happens when the two meet? Well, in MHA-verse, they get married and have eight kids. The kids are currently undefined, but most would also have a variation on Stubborn, though there’s room to play around if you want to add anything.
then there’s Masumi, the middle kid, who got Bounce, and none of the rest of the family’s “down-to-earth”, practical attitude. She’s Ojiro’s mom, but often left him to be babysat by his grandparents so she could “keep living her life”. One day, she just never came back to get him, and the family hasn’t heard from her since. Flighty, a bit ditzy, but a cunning gambler who has spent the past decade or so living the high life around the world. A recent string of “bad luck” has put her in an awkward financial situation, which is her primary motivator for reconnecting with her family, especially her son, whom she saw compete in the UA Sports Festival on TV. Not entirely sure what her plan IS, but she’s been calling up Shizuka, her sister, to being the process (without the yelling that would result from calling her parents or Yosuke).
Shizuka is Ojiro’s aunt, the youngest of Genkai and Sumomo’s kids, and works as a financial consultant. Her Quirk is a variation on Stubborn, rather than planting herself in a solid stance, she has to be holding onto something, and then she can’t be moved (for example, if she jammed a staff into the ground, and held on to that, her Quirk would work, both she and the staff become immovable). She has a partner of some kind (undefined at the moment), who she is planning to propose to. Shizuka spends at least a few days a month travelling, usually only about a week, but currently doesn’t feel like she’s in a “stable” place for kids or marriage. Growing up, Shizuka was the closest to Masumi, and has missed her sister, but has VERY mixed feelings about her, and unless she’s genuinely going to try to fix her relationship with Ojiro …
While Shizuka has an apartment across town with her partner, Genkai, Sumomo, Yosuke and Keiko all live next to each other. Yosuke and Keiko live in the family house, which is connected to the original Dojo - while it’s still used as such, the family purchases and rents spaces for their classes at local community centres, so they are more accessible - while Genkai and Sumomo have the house next door. They bought it and moved after Yosuke and Keiko got married, wanting to give the couple space, and Yosuke was inheriting. Yosuke and Keiko at first protested that there was plenty of room, but since they had their kids, concede that while everyone CAN fit in that house, the grandparents having their own space is probably wise. 
When it became clear that Masumi wasn’t going to come back, the family had a big sit down to discuss what to do. While Yosuke and Keiko were more than willing to take Ojiro in, they already had several kids, and Keiko at the time was pregnant again, and they worried that they wouldn’t be able to give Ojiro the attention he might need - the whole family was concerned he might have issues from being abandoned, and wanted to make sure they could pay attention to him. Shizuka, meanwhile, besides being younger, had just gotten her finance job, and was travelling A LOT, and knew if she got primary custody, she’d be leaving him with the others regardless, or taking him on lots of random trips, and felt that probably wasn’t great for him either. So, Genkai and Sumomo took primary custody, and Ojiro officially moved in with them. Considering they’re literally RIGHT NEXT DOOR to the dojo, and his uncle and aunt, the four of them ended up parenting him all together, along with Yosuke and Keiko’s kids, but it did give Ojiro a sense of stability, having a room and space he didn’t have to share with other kids, and his grandparents being the ones to look after him. While Ojiro loves his whole family, he’s probably closest with his grandad, who worked with him to help him learn to do martial arts with his tail, and was one of his biggest supporters in applying to UA.
None of them know who Ojiro’s dad is, and his grandparents in particular are incensed by this. They are very family oriented, and Masumi simply seeming to NOT CARE about Ojiro’s dad, was deeply offensive to them. Unless the guy was trash, he deserves to know his kid, to be in Ojiro’s life, and Ojiro deserves to know where that part of him comes from, to connect if he wants to. Genkai is especially pissed off, because Ojiro is the only one in their family with his Tail Quirk, and Genkai was in a similar situation growing up, being the only one in his family with Stubborn. Having someone with any kind of knowledge to help figuring that out would have been extremely helpful - not that Genkai let that stop him from helping Ojiro figure it out - and he hasn’t really forgiven Masumi for never seeming to care.
Other random shorter bits:
You’d think Ojiro might have faced some bullying or stigma from being “abandoned”, or an “out of wedlock” baby, but honestly, Masumi was so out of the picture, and Yosuke and Keiko had so many kids, most people assumed he’s one of theirs. Unless you are close to the family, most people don’t know he’s Masumi’s kid.
Scorpio moved to the town Ojiro grew up in shortly after graduating hero school, he wasn’t born there, and didn’t really become a prominent figure for a few years. He really only started getting popular when Ojiro was about seven.
Ojiro DOES, in fact, have a poster of Scorpio in his room. He’s seen a few of his villain takedowns, and admires him as a hero with a similar Quirk, who is doing fairly well with it. The fact that Scorpio is a hero, when his only advantage is basically “Tail” (even with the stinger) was what helped inspire Ojiro, and make him think HE could be a hero.
(When Scorpio finally gets told everything, and meets Ojiro properly, this story is going to reduce him to tears.)
That’s all I got right now, so tell me what you think, and feel free to dump or alter anything you like!
I love all of this and I’m slamming it right into CC as soon as I get a chance to and also when you said the thing about referencing other manga my brain swung right over to Ranma 1/2 for some reason because hey family dojo passed down through generations
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squidd-ink · 30 days
Music I think some persona characters would listen to because why not!!!
This has been in my drafts forever at this point. I'm just going to bite the bullet and post it. Enjoy...?
Yosuke: daft punk + queen
especially the discovery album
I think he'd also like queen... like dont stop me now and good old fashion lover boy.... tell me you see the vision
Ryuji: early 2010s party music (like LMFAO, kesha)
I say this because I think he might listen to music while training and high tempo music with a solid beat is good for working out to
also the high energy matches his vibes
this is also funny to me considering he doesn't really know English
he might also like some of jokers music, like TMBG
superstar toy box....
Junpei: pitbull + LMFAO + 2000s hiphop(?)
do I need to explain myself??
womanizer Britney Spears...
DJ got us fallin in love was released in 2010 and p3 takes place during 2009 mostly... which is a crime because I know Junpei would have loved to blast that shit during the summer of p3
Joker: alt rock/nu metal (like NIN, Muse, TMBG)
has that vibe to him (totally not projecting some of my music taste onto him)
I feel he prefers to listen to alt rock or really just anything punky if left to his own devices, but won't mind listening to whatever his friends have playing because its something they like
he doesn't really hate any specific genres
Futaba: videogame osts + minecraft music parodies + hardstyle
she would love videogame music... undertale would be one of her faves I just know it
might also listen to hardstyle while working to drown out other noise??
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 9 months
Autistic Anime Boys Side A Round 1 Match 11
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Yu -
"Like all Persona protags, he hardly canonically speaks. Seems too cool for school but is actually just a cringefail guy who loves his little sis Nanako, likes to fish and make beef stew, and also likes cats. He also solves murders with his friends and forcibly teach people the power of friendship! And to paraphrase one of my mutuals, "I love Yu because he just stands there like •_• and then everyone falls in love with him. Gets accused of dating like every girl he meets, gets teased by every girl on the investigation team, has whatever he has going on with Yosuke. This kid and his autism swag". Oh yeah there was also originally gonna be an option for Yu to romance said Yosuke guy, including the confession dialogue being recorded in both Japanese and English, but it was removed because ALTUS hates gay people </3 But don't worry because there's a mod that adds this option back in because the devil works hard but gay JRPG fans work harder."
Sechs -
"As a teenager his father reveals to him that he's actually not human and then he essentially intellectualizes his own crisis toward that so hard that he talks himself into enacting a doomsday plan to make all life cease to exist so technically nobody will suffer anymore. So he takes two of his fellow wizards both of whom are absolutely infatuated with him (one of which is the closest the BlazBlue series gets to a canon gay man imo), takes a super powerful weapon from his father and in a sort of misunderstanding slash random event ends up killing him, and then the three of them flee the country and start trying to act out his plan. He pretty much just stares at people silently and only talks occasionally, when he does it's usually either a short sentence that is either blunt or vague. His magical attribute is gravity magic idk as someone with vestibular/proprioceptive sensory issues gravity magic is an autistic as hell magic to master in. He also has a funny name. In the joke route he is also written adding a sort of gap moe attribute to his tendency to not talk a lot where he stops talking in any instance where he's thrown off a social script or doesn't know what to say, and in the gatcha spinoff of course because they have to make him at least cooperate with you he tends to read as less overtly evil and more just having low empathy and a strong sense of his form of "justice." There is so much more I could say about him he's one of my favorite characters in the entire BlazBlue extended universe he's just a very cool character both as a villain and a circumstantial ally. Vote for funny guy named sex as a win for autistic emo twinks everywhere."
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daily-hanamura · 10 months
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#p4#persona 4#hanamura yosuke#yosuke hanamura#EVERYDAY IM HOWLING. EVERYDAY IM SCREAMING.#for context this comes at the heel of yosuke charging at mitsuo kubo in rage because of his flippance towards killing saki and he's hit har#but souji and kanji jump in to protect him#like ok a lot of things going on here such as the obvious OH MY GODDDD yosuke being yosuke and taking things on for himself#because he doesn't want to bother people?? because he's made it his own responsibility? because his survivor's guilt is still lingering?#i mean don't tell me he doesn't look at how he surrendered to his shadow like apart from his self-sacrificing propensity#i low key feel like everytime yosuke demands answers about saki's death from the murderer/god/etc there's this undertone of how#he would rather it have been him#he cheapens his own life so much and for what#BUT ALSO!! ALSO!! not just souji jumping in because we know he would he's down bad for yosuke BUT ALSO KANJI#listen you've all heard me talk so much about how i adore kanji yosuke friendships#i can't really tell whether it's kanji or souji that says “haven't we earned your trust yet” but it's a line that hits SO HARD#regardless of which one of them was saying it and i think it hits hard in slightly different manners#it's kanji's admiration and how he looks up to yosuke and how he wants to be closer to yosuke as a friend/kouhai/whatever you want#tatsumi “who's your partner now!” kanji has so much respect for yosuke he wants yosuke to rely on him too!!!#and this stands out because kanji is very conscious of social hierarchies and such but as a kouhai as yosuke's junior#he's so specific about wanting yosuke to treat him as an equal#i smtimes feel bad for kanji because he has a bit of that vibe of a poor puppy trailing after souyo because he wants to be in their convos!#he wants to be included! but critically he also just! wants them to SEE him!!#going a lil off tangent but i think kanji's attitude towards souji is very much one of kouhai respect like he understands his place#of like deferring to souji or getting advice from him and just generally regarding him as a reliable mentor#and it's the same with chie and yukiko? but idk man. with yosuke. guys. with yosuke i always feel like kanji wants to break that hierarchy#that convention. that social norm. to cross a line and be closer to yosuke.#he's more willing to tease yosuke in a way he doesn't with the other 2nd years. and this isn't coming from a place of disrespect either#AGAIN. KANJI REALLY LIKES YOSUKE. he wants to protect yosuke!!! he jumps at the opportunity for yosuke to rely on him!!#i'm getting delulu but there's those hints of “yosuke senpai i want you to see me as a man!!!” kind of energy here and i'm it's yknow hmm
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lolo3h · 6 months
So I finally finished that shadow souyo fic idea. It has a few differences from the original idea but is overall the same in story. This is all so crazy to me because I haven't written a fic in nearly a year, so my witting/grammar may be a little odd but I had fun with it.
Summary: Shadow Yu loves his friends, and wanders around the TV world looking for their shadows. He runs into Shadow Yosuke, who is none too pleased to see him.
Word Count: 1108
Yu Narukami’s friends are everything to him. And that’s the truth.
They’re his happiness, his purpose, his reason for facing each day. Without them, he is nothing. An empty shell flitting from place to place without meaning. And even if may refuse to acknowledge that fact, his shadow is very much aware of it. Especially when he’s in the TV world, foggy and alone. 
It’s not abnormal for shadows to stick to themselves, but Yu’s shadow can’t help but feel lonely. His friends are a part of him after all, but what can he do? While his real self may be able to hang out with his friends freely, Yu’s shadow has a feeling that the shadows of his friends won’t be happy to see him. From his perspective, it’s easy to see why. Yu always strives to be the perfect friend, the perfect leader. To be perfection. But the shadow’s existence proves that isn’t true. He’s weak. Sad. Pathetic. And if his friends are too polite to say it out loud, he is certain that their shadows will. 
But even if he knows that his friends can’t stand him, he can’t help but be drawn to them. Wandering the TV world, he found himself at the entrance to the facsimile of Junes. Perhaps the happy memories enticing him inside, or maybe the familiarity. But whatever the reason, his feet carried him inside.
Half of the lights were off, causing the remaining lights inside to cast long shadows down the aisles. The store was silent, except for the constant buzzing of fluorescent lights throughout the store. It would have been eerie, seeing the normally bustling department store filled with people, but the TV world was usually devoid of people so the stark emptiness was just normality for him. Yu’s shadow aimlessly meandered through the store, absentmindedly glancing at the items on the shelves and on the displays. He didn’t know how long he was there for, maybe a few minutes, a few hours, but he suddenly stopped when a certain item caught his eye. 
He had wandered into the electronics section and was standing in front of a TV.
The TV. A replica of the real one that his real self and their friends would go through to enter the TV world. 
The thought of his friends caused Yu’s shadow a great ache within his chest. 
What were the shadows of his friends doing? Were they hanging out without him? Did they forget about him? Did they just not care? Would they all just leave him? 
“What the hell are YOU doing here?”
A boy’s shout snapped him out of his spiraling thoughts. He turned around to the source of the voice and came face to face with Yosuke’s shadow.
He was wearing a black jumpsuit with a long red cape around his neck, and a pair of large yellow four-pointed shurikens on opposite sides of his waist. Yu’s shadow would have been glad to see the other, if not for the expression of irritation on their face. 
Yu’s shadow really didn’t have a good answer. He knew his friend’s shadow would be displeased at his presence, but he couldn’t deny his intentions. 
“I came…to see you.”
“Really? Well I don’t want you here, partner. Get out.”
He was hurt by the use of his nickname, but Yu’s shadow didn’t want to just get up and leave already. He had finally found one of his friends, maybe they could talk and-
“Why are you still standing there for? Are you going to say something? Let me guess, come to gloat about yourself?” 
Yosuke’s shadow started approaching closer to him, his face shifting from annoyance into anger and pointing an accusatory finger. 
“Oh please, everyone knows that you’re superior. You’re not going to shove the fact in my face that you’re better than me? That you are the better student, the better fighter, the better hero?”
“That’s not-”
“Shut up! I can’t stand looking at your pretty face anymore! Get out of my sight!”
The boy pulls out a pair of kunai from behind his back and starts sprinting down the aisle. 
Shadow Yu barely has time to dive out of the way before having to step back and dodge another swipe of the kunai.
“What, are you not going to fight back? Are you trying to prove something?”
It seemed like the other shadow wasn’t going to back down. With a sigh, Yu’s shadow drew his sword and  stood in a fighting stance. He didn’t want to fight his friend, but if he wasn't going to stop then…
Yosuke’s shadow dashed at him again, and just before the kunai slashed at his chest, Yu’s shadow stepped to the side and kicked his feet out. This caused the other shadow to trip and stumble, and in the brief window of opportunity, Yu’s shadow channeled electrical energy into his sword and fired a bolt of lightning.
Hearing the other shadow’s visceral scream of pain made him flinch, but it eventually stopped and Yosuke’s shadow collapsed on his stomach. He hadn’t meant to hit him that hard, just enough to make him back away. 
Yu’s shadow hesitantly approached the collapsed shadow. 
“Are you-”
“Dammit, it’s not FAIR!” Shadow Yosuke slammed his fist onto the ground, causing shadow Yu to stop in his tracks.
“Why are YOU always the stronger one?! It’s not fair, none of it is fair!”
Yu had no idea this was how he thought. He was the reason why Yosuke was in such anguish, suffering, pain.
“Yosuke, I’m sorry…I never meant to hurt you.”
The other shadow sat up in response to his words, glaring at him with such fury behind his eyes that shook Yu’s shadow to the core.
“I can never win when it comes to you! Every time I look at you I’m reminded of how complete and utter SHIT I am! No matter what I do I can never be anything else than your hideous second place!”
“That’s not true at all!”
Shadow Yu kneeled at the other shadow’s side and clasped their hand in his.
“You’re so much more than you claim to be. You’re witty and charming. You saved me from being alone. You’re my friend, my partner.”
Shadow Yu embraced the other shadow and held him tight. He whispered into the other shadow’s ear. 
“You’re my hero.”
Yosuke’s shadow was stunned into silence, just sitting unmoving for several seconds. He mulled over the words in his head.
“Your hero huh? Coming from you that may almost be enough for me.”
Yosuke’s shadow hugged back with a content smile.
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disasterinbound · 11 months
seeing the villainess-like otome game au on @/hourlyhanamura twitter (thank you retrospring anon) has made my brain rumble and started making me (unfortunately) think.
Who would be the villain(ess)!!! It could go both ways!!! It really could!!!
Yosuke is the favourite but not really favourite antagonist—some people like him, some don't
Maybe some things like a romance path with him was cut (HM JUST LIKE. HM.)
And perhaps Yu gets recommended the otome game by a classmate. It's popular, the characters are cute, what more could you ask for
Yu is just like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "ok guess i'll try it" cuz it's not like he has anything else to do in his free time besides studying, housework and making meals for himself
The game is pretty fun, and it doesn't shove romance into your face every chance it gets. He definitely gets into the rabbit hole after he realises that he's been playing it for a very very long time
As he gets heavily invested into it and the characters, Yu starts crushing on the villainess (yosuke), and wishes that he could be in the game with him/out here in real life with him
idk the crush starts as something small cuz the story could progress and show the villainess as having a sympathetic side/being more than his cold, jerkish and standoffish side except GASP it's choice locked in another character's route, so players might miss it
And then story progresses more, more softer moments with yosuke and that all adds up into a mega fat crush on him
Want to add that almost all the endings of the game are just Yosuke leaving Inaba (Junes does not disappear tho) or being absolutely humiliated and never showing his face ever again. [Sorry yosuke]
Maybe he becomes more like shadow yosuke as the game progresses....
Though that also kind of asks what kind of villain yosuke would be... would he be a calculating cunning type or like cartoonishly evil kind of bullying. i'm kind of leaning towards a mixture of both because a) this image
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And b) the protagonist of the game is like. Idk a transfer student. Yosuke is as well, but unlike him, the protag is well-liked and well-received. And he wants that, wants to be liked as well but because of Junes and what it represents to Inaba, he gets none of that.
All he has are harsh glares and murmuring of housewives as they whisper to each other about yet another shop out of business. They really have nothing better to do, but neither does he, out in the god damned countryside.
So he becomes insanely jealous and he decides to be a prick to the protag out of his envy and the mindnumbing dullness of Inaba. He's mean to everyone tbh, but it's more or less a shield to protect himself.
And then in comes Yu, as the newly isekaid or something idk protag.
Despite all of Yosuke's general prickliness and jerkishness towardd him, Yu still showers him with care and affection, something Yosuke hadn't really gotten since... he came to Inaba. It's kind of nice, it's making him happy that someone likes him, but he's also waiting for it to be a huge prank/the other shoe to drop
Because really. Someone actually liking him? Someone making him feel like he's much more than the scourge of Inaba?
There's just no way. Sooner or later, the townsfolk or his classmates will convince him of the Prince of Junes who ruins everything, tell him that Yosuke's such a disappointing person, don't get too close to him if I were you and whatnot.
It's better for Yosuke to push Yu away before he inevitably leaves Yosuke alone.
But Yu continues to stay, continues to lavish him with affection despite there being other, better people to give it to.
Whatever. He'll just secretly bask in it as long as it lasts, until Yu moves on. This definitely doesn't make him stay awake at night, wondering why the popular transfer student would do this.
again its similar to if yosuke was the villainess, where he gets recommended a popular otome game and he plays it, and then having a big fat crush on yosuke
Except yknow. Yosuke has his own route instead of his moments being choice-locked in a different route.
Once more the cold and cruel villainess has bad endings, resulting in getting banished or whatever.
Now, Yu gets transported and becomes the villain. He definitely sees this as a chance to lavish all his affection onto Yosuke
This gives Yosuke a crisis because mmmm this guy is pretty much rumoured to be very bad, so why is he so caring??? with me??? why are there butterflies in my stomach.... why is he also such a dork as well i saw him petting twenty cats at once...
In Yosuke's route, he has some pretty low self esteem coupled with comparing himself to the protag and junes
Because the protag is a transfer as well, but they seem to be making themselves at home while he's stuck at the doorbell
I genuinely dont know how to explain this its all in my head and makes perfect sense right now. Maybe its something like JUNES related, ingame reasons and all.
But out of the way protag, Yu is now taking charge of Yosuke's route, regardless of whether he's the villainess or not.
I dont quite see Yu being able to play along with the rumours of the villainess being a ruthless and cruel person. Sure, he might come off as cold to people, but it's his "dont get too involved" mindset that carried over.
It would be funny if some misunderstandings start adding more fuel to the fire.
Torturing cats? No, he was actually feeding them fish. The angle looked really bad to the person.
Mugging an old lady? No, he was actually escorting mrs tatsumi across the road, something which kanji is very appreciative of
Bullying year 1s? Nope. They dropped something and he was trying to give it back to them
But yeah yosuke being unable to get to sleep because he's too busy getting flustered over Yu's actions, and wondering if everyone's got yu wrong or if this is just an act to trick him into letting his guard down.
But then again, what kind of evil person would go out of his way to make him... happy?
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It's the last round before the semifinals! Polls will be going up later today.
Link to the full bracket here!
Vote for who you think is more queer/gay (doesn't matter if you think they're bi, pan, gay, lesbian, ace, etc. Who's the most not straight!) You can vote on vibes alone, canon events, pretty much whatever your heart desires.
I will allow propaganda in the form of asks or notes (tags and comments) or reblogs.
Be nice and respectful. Not everyone has the same headcanons.
Remember, this is mostly just for fun! We have a few submitted characters for this exact purpose, so don't take things too seriously. (It doesn't matter what the results are, most persona characters will be queer-coded in my heart)
Matchups are as below:
Female Student from P3 vs. Tatsuya Suou
Yosuke Hanamura vs. Aigis
Jun Kurosu vs. Naoto Shirogane
Lala Escargot vs. Mitsuru Kirijo
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