ddelhicom · 3 years
How to send message from whatsapp without saving number. Step by step guide for android & ios user to send message from whatsapp without saving number to phone.
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legalupanishad · 2 years
Right to Privacy: Article 21 Scope (WhatsApp Privacy Policy)
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This article on 'Right to Privacy: Scope of Article 21 (with Landmark Cases)' was written by an intern at Legal Upanishad.
In the contemporary world, the privacy of an individual has become crucial. Privacy is concerned with the body and individual freedom, integrity, speech, data, consent, movement, and thoughts. There are several cases of breach of privacy where an individual’s personal information is collected and misused. Breach of privacy includes instances like phone tapping, privacy breaches in the health sector and by state, the breach in case of sexual identity, disclosure of personal data, etc. Various conventions have recognized the importance of the privacy and dignity of a human being. This article will focus on what is right to privacy, the scope of Article 21 under the Indian Constitution, and some important issues. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights sets forth the fundamental human rights that need to be protected. Article 3 of the declaration lays down that “every individual has the right to life, liberty, and security” and Article 12 states that “no one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his/her privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attack upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law under such interference or attacks.” However, this universal declaration is not binding to the member countries as it is not a treaty, moreover, it has led to the rise of some other international agreements which are legally binding on the countries that ratify them.
Right to Privacy (Article 21)
Under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, except according to a procedure established by law, no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty. Article 21 is divided into two parts, the right to life and the right to personal liberty. - Right to Life The right to life is the most precious fundamental right under the Indian constitution. It includes all the aspects of life without which a person cannot live a valuable life and the right to privacy is one of them. - Right to Personal Liberty This right, subject to reasonable restrictions, is meaningful for the development and growth of an individual’s personality. Supreme Court is the guardian of fundamental rights and the court must protect them. The fundamental right under Article 32, the right to constitutional remedy, plays a major role in safeguarding the life and liberty of a person. This Article provides different writs that can be used as a tool in violating fundamental rights.
Landmark Cases on Right to Privacy
Kharak Singh v. State of Uttar Pradesh ( 1 SCR 332, AIR 1963 SC 1295) The question of privacy arose in the case of Kharak Singh v. State of Uttar Pradesh where it was claimed that the right of the police to make domiciliary visits to habitual criminals or persons who are likely to become one infringes the right to life of a human. The apex court held that the interference by the police violates the personal liberty and right to life of a person under Article 21. However, the majority upheld that the right to privacy is not a fundamental right under the Indian constitution and therefore, there is no violation. Justice K.S. Puttuswamy v. Union of India (Writ Petition (Civil) No. 494 of 2012, (2017) 10 SCC 1) In 2017, in the case of Puttuswamy v. Union of India, a constitution bench (9 judge bench) of the Supreme Court declared that the right to privacy is a fundamental right under the Indian Constitution. This case involved the issue of the government’s Aadhaar scheme which made it mandatory for individuals to link their biometric ID with various government schemes. The apex court affirmed that there is no need to separately insert the right to privacy under part III and it is a part of Articles 14, 19, and 21 of the constitution. The court recognized it as a natural and inalienable right and will be legally protected if violated. However, it was also stated that like all other fundamental rights, the right to privacy will be subjected to reasonable restrictions, which means that it will not be absolute.
WhatsApp Privacy Policy
In 2021, there was a rise in the privacy issue regarding WhatsApp’s new privacy policy. WhatsApp updated its privacy policy and the users were asked to either accept it by 8th February or leave the platform if they don’t accept it. This means that users won’t be able to use WhatsApp if they don’t agree to it. According to this policy, WhatsApp will share user data with Facebook. The government of India ordered WhatsApp to withdraw its new privacy policy, stating that this update compromises and harms the privacy and data security of the Indian citizens and also terribly interferes with their rights. Measures were taken by the Ministry of Electronics and IT to question WhatsApp about its new privacy policy. The Ministry warned WhatsApp and sent a set of 14 questions on ways in which it collects data, the consent it obtains from domestic users, and whether they were different from other countries users. Along with this, the ministry also asked the company whether it conducted any profiling and what was its nature. WhatsApp came up with its response and clarified that the app is end-to-end encrypted, it cannot access the chats and location of an individual and it doesn’t share any private data with Facebook. The new update will only affect the business conversations. These businesses can set up an online Facebook store and communicate with their customers through WhatsApp, such as by answering questions and sending information. Further, the shopping activities of the users will be shared with Facebook to personalize their ads and recommendations on Facebook and Instagram.
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Right to Privacy: Scope of Article 21 (WhatsApp Policy) It is intriguing to know that the accept-the-terms-or-leave-the-platform condition doesn’t apply to its European users and therefore, this let down the rights and interests of the Indian users. However, it is important to recognize that Europe has strong data laws, and the citizens are protected by the same. Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives users the power to control their personal information shared on online platforms. The users can access and erase their information, along with this they can also withdraw their consent from WhatsApp for the processing of their data. In India, no law regulates the use of personal data of the users. The IT Act of 2000 does deal with data protection, but the provisions do not effectively regulate privacy. The Information Technology Rules, 2011 are restricted to sensitive data like medical history, sexual history, biometric information, etc. The Personal Data Protection Bill was introduced in the parliament to protect the personal data of individuals; however, it has not been passed yet. This supports that there is no control over the processing of personal data by tech companies. This bill also contains provisions for non-personal data, therefore, the joint committee of parliament recommended replacing its name with the Data Protection Bill, 2021, and, the Data Protection Act once passed. The bill is based on the Justice BN Srikrishna Committee’s report. Some major recommendations made by the committee are as follows: - If any personal data is misused or disclosed, then the law will have control over its processing. - Penalties in case of violation of the data protection law. - Setting up a Data Protection Authority. - Provisions for the withdrawal of consent. - Provisions for cross-border personal data transfer. - The law will not have a retrospective effect.
The new privacy policy of WhatsApp is a wake-up call for the Indian government to pass the Data Protection Bill urgently to protect the privacy of its citizens. It was easy for the European users to protect their privacy as their data protection law is sufficient and strong. Privacy is an important matter to be concerned about. The right to privacy is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Indian constitution and it is necessary to protect its dignity by passing suitable laws. Every human's right is to have privacy for any type of activity (assuming it shall be legal) he/she performs. In this digital era, an individual's privacy is exposed to social media, spy cameras, hackers, etc., and therefore it has become precious and sensitive data that should not be left unregulated. Hence, a state needs to seriously understand this issue and make laws accordingly subject to reasonable restrictions.
- Agarwal, S. (2021, November 27). Decoding Data Protection Bill. Retrieved: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/decoding-data-protection-bill/articleshow/87952722.cms - Bureau, E. (2018, July 27). Justice Srikrishna committee submits a report on data protection. Here're its top 10 suggestions. Retrieved: https://m.economictimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/justice-bn-srikrishna-committee-submits-report-on-data-protection-herere-the-highlights/articleshow/65164663.cms - Justice K.S.Puttaswamy (Retired). vs Union of India And Ors., 2017., Writ Petition (Civil) No. 494 of 2012, (2017) 10 SCC 1 (Supreme Court of India 2017). - Kharak Singh vs. State of Uttar Pradesh and Ors., 1 SCR 332, AIR 1963 SC 1295 (The Supreme Court of India 1962). - Misra, A. (n.d.). Different aspects of the Right to Privacy under Article 21. Retrieved: https://blog.ipleaders.in/different-aspects-of-right-to-privacy-under-article-21/?amp=1 - Mongia, S. (n.d.). Legal Analysis of Right To Privacy In India. Legal Service India E-Journal. Retrieved: https://www.legalserviceindia.com/legal/article-676-legal-analysis-of-right-to-privacy-in-india.html - Trilegal. (2017, August 31). India: Supreme Court Declares Right To Privacy A Fundamental Right. Retrieved: https://www.mondaq.com/india/privacy-protection/625192/supreme-court-declares-right-to-privacy-a-fundamental-right - Law Sikho. (2021, January 16). WhatsApp Privacy Policy and data protection laws in India . YouTube. https://youtu.be/eChu710D0Qg - Study IQ Education. (2021, May 22). WhatsApp Privacy Policy - Indian Government Warns WhatsApp with Legal Action . YouTube. https://youtu.be/GrgzpfZTOY0 - The Constitution of India Retrieved: https://legislative.gov.in/sites/default/files/COI...pdf Read the full article
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chaitanyabharatnews · 3 years
केंद्र के नियमों के खिलाफ कोर्ट पंहुचा WhatsApp, सरकार ने कहा- जिम्मेदारी से बचने की कोशिश कर रहा वॉट्सऐप
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चैतन्य भारत न्यूज वॉट्सऐप केंद्र सरकार के नए IT नियमों के खिलाफ कोर्ट तक पहुंच गया है। दरअसल, सरकार द्वारा फरवरी में जारी की गई गाइडलाइन में वॉट्सऐप और अन्य सोशल मीडिया कंपनियों को अपने मैसेजिंग ऐप पर भेजे गए मैसेज के ओरिजिन की जानकारी अपने पास रखनी होगी। सरकार के इसी नियम के खिलाफ कंपनी ने अब दिल्ली हाईकोर्ट का दरवाजा खटखटाया है। Government of India respects the Right of Privacy and has no intention to violate it when WhatsApp is required to disclose the origin of a particular message: Ministry of Electronics and IT pic.twitter.com/9CW8IFr7j3 — ANI (@ANI) May 26, 2021 इसके बाद इलेक्ट्रानिक्स एंड आईटी मिनिस्ट्री ने भी वॉट्सऐप के आरोपों पर जवाब दिया। इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स एवं आईटी मंत्रालय ने कहा कि, 'भारत सरकार निजता के अधिकार का सम्मान करती है। वॉट्सऐप से किसी संदेश का उद्गम (ओरिजिन) बताने के लिए कहा जाता है तो इसका अर्थ निजता के अधिकार का उल्लंघन करना नहीं है। ऐसी जरूरत सिर्फ उन्हीं केस में होती है, जब किसी खास मैसेज पर रोक जरूरी हो या सेक्शुअली एक्सप्लिक्ट कंटेंट जैसे गंभीर अपराधों की जांच और सजा का मसला हो।' आईटी मंत्रालय ने यह भी कहा कि एक ओर व्हाट्सएप अपनी एक अलग निजता नीति को लागू करने की मांग कर रहा है। जहां वह अपने सभी उपयोगकर्ताओं का डाटा अपनी पैरेंट कंपनी फेसबुक के साथ साझा करेगा। वहीं दूसरी ओर वॉट्सऐप कानून और व्यवस्था को बनाए रखने और फर्जी खबरों पर अंकुश लगाने के लिए आवश्यक मध्यस्थ दिशा-निर्देशों को लागू करने से इनकार करने का हर संभव प्रयास करता है। मंत्रालय ने कहा कि भारत में हो रहे सभी काम यहां के कानूनों के अनुसार होने चाहिए। वॉट्सऐप की ओर से दिशा-निर्देशों का पालन करने से इनकार करना, उस उपाय की स्पष्ट अवहेलना है जिसके इरादे पर निश्चित ��ूप से संदेह नहीं किया जा सकता है। Read the full article
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newsberrylive · 3 years
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While WhatsApp has over 53 crore users in India, says that the scale-down of services will not happen immediately for those who do not accept update to the new policy by May 15 #WhatsAppPrivacyPolicy #WhatsAppDown #WhatsApp https://www.instagram.com/p/COuY4N2D_TX/?igshid=lhbxdyjulm92
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newzradar · 3 years
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Delhi HC dismisses Facebook, WhatsApp pleas against CCI order to probe privacy policy
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tech-preacher · 4 years
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India🇮🇳: "You may be a three trillion dollar company....But People value their privacy", it's our duty & we have to protect people's privacy - #SupremeCourt to #WhatsApp (Facebook) Court will now take up the case for hearing after 4 Weeks. More Leaks on telegram: https://t.me/techpreacher #WhatsAppPrivacyPolicy #WhatsappPrivacy https://t.co/gRyJ9U62jm https://www.instagram.com/p/CLYJSy4g80r/?igshid=1mce53bh3tfbe
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techtrendspro · 4 years
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Signal is one of the most secure messaging platforms you can use to text your friends and family. If you recently moved or are wondering if you should switch to Signal, we have listed all its best features for you. 1. Personal Chats 2. Group Chats 3. Archive Chats 4. Pin Chats 5. Exciting Stickers 6. Delete for Everyone 7. Typing Indicators and Read Receipts 8. Message Reactions 9. Disappearing Messages 10. End-to-end encryption ☑️ Follow @TechTrendsPro for more interesting #TechUpdates Click on the bio link👆 . . . #signal #telegram #whatsapp #whatsappprivacypolicy #signalfeatures #features #contentcreator . . . . . . . #mobiles #phones #techfreak #technologyupdates #technologynews #techupdates #techsavvy #techlover #technology #technologynews #techiestuff #techinfo #techinformation #stayhome #stayhomestaysafe #instatech #techstuff #technoidcastleupdates (at United States America) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKL82TBFcQP/?igshid=rv6c19b86jwq
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shoplist1 · 4 years
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globalomtv · 4 years
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You quit WhatsApp or not? Your problem but Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is quitting the messaging app for good because of privacy policy change. It has been confirmed that Erdogan's media office is quitting #WhatsApp announcing that they'll be switching to BiP, a unit of Turkish communication company Turkcell, from today onwards. Source: @aljazeeraenglish #turkey #receptayyiperdoğan #turkishpresident #whatsapp #whatsappprivacypolicy #tech #technews #government #politics https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ5qtXngeKM/?igshid=dyuural32yuz
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ddelhicom · 4 years
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Redmi Note 10 Pro Max VS Redmi Note 9 Pro Max
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99chuckles · 4 years
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Poor Telegram 👀 #telegram #whatsapp #whatsappprivacypolicy #signal #dailymemes #trending #sillymemes #dankmemes #edgymemes #lol #funnymemes #random #op #indianmemes #hindimemes #abhishekupmanyu #comedy #hindi https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ3-CsPjL0M/?igshid=170xscehlslf0
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techsuvichar · 4 years
Whatsapp ya Signal | Data Privacy Pe Sawal
#Whatsapp #whatsappprivacyissue #whatsappprivacypolicy #whatsappdatabreach #whatsapplocationtrace #whatsappvstelegram #whatsappvssignal #signal #messagingapp #whatsappdataleak #whatsappfacebook #whatsappnewupdate
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Aap logo ne notice kiya hoga, ke aap shayadaapne dost ke saath kuch gadget khareedne ke baare me baat kar rahe honge, phone pe ya ghar pe baith ke. Uske baad jab aap Facebook ya social media open karenge, ya Google me koi website open karege, to aapko us product ka advertisement dikhega. Mere saath bahut baar hua hai, kya iska matlab ye hai ki aapka phone aapki baatein sun raha hai aur usko advertisers tak pahucha raha hai? Is ko data privacy kehte hai, yaani aapke choice aur preferences aapka personal information hai. Ye information kisko pata hoga, ye aap decide karenge, kyun ki agar sab ko ye pata hoga, to fir koi bhi us information ka use karke aapko manipulate kar sakta hai, aapke buying decisions ko impact kar sakta hai. Abhi 2021 me sabse bada sawaal is topic pe utha hai messaging service WHatsapp par, jiska owner hai Facebook. Whatsapp ke latest privacy policy ko lekar bahut debate ho raha hai, aur kuch log to whatsapp chor kar Signal naam ke ek naye meesaging app ki taraf jaa rahe hain, kuch log telegram ko messaging app ki tarah use kar rahe hain. Kya itna darna sahi hai? Experts kya kehte hain? Aaj ke video me main poora analysis karunga, Data privacy ko lekar jitne bhi rumors aaye hai, wo sab door karne ke liye. Video ko end tak zaroor dekhein, channel ko subscribe kijiye aur video ko like and share zaroor kijiyega, agar meri baatein aapko sahi lagi to.
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tech-preacher · 4 years
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⭕Data Collected by Different Messaging Apps 📌 ☀️Here is the Most Popular #apps 🟡Hope You Retweet and Spread Information 📢 More Leaks on telegram: https://t.co/pAmvplRNHj #Telegram #Signal #SignalApp #dataprivacy #telegrama #privacymatters #WhatsAppPrivacyPolicy https://t.co/kItZj32IFS https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ4oeLYg1t8/?igshid=1kn4vy5kggofa
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ddelhicom · 4 years
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Indian app Koo is getting a big push from IT ministers in the country, so much so that this app has seen a substantial hike in the number of users in the last few days. Here we mention all you need to know about the Indian alternative to Twitter.
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gitmobiles · 4 years
Delhi High Court handed CBI to Investigate WhatsApp New Privacy and Policy
Delhi High Court handed CBI to Investigate WhatsApp New Privacy and Policy #Whatsapp #WhatsappPrivacyPolicy #GitMobiles
Whatsapp: The Central Government told the Delhi High Court on Monday that the new Privacy Policy of WhatsApp, which is going to be effective from May 15, is being investigated at the highest level and The government is seeking some clarification from him on this issue. Justice Sanjeev Sachdeva (Justice Sanjeev Sachdeva), taking cognizance of this argument, gave the Center three weeks time for…
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