whattodowithkpop ยท 2 years
๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ช๐ฎ๐ž๐ญ ๐๐ž๐ฅ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฒ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ! โฆ
hello, @whattodowithkpop! you have received a bouquet full of sunflowers from an anonymous sender! sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty, and longevity.
along with your beautiful flowers, a short message has been sent to you! it reads:
"I want to say is hope you are well and to keep up the great work but to also take care of yourself"
have a lovely day, and enjoy your flowers!
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(this delivery is from @view-bouquets, a virtual flower delivery service for fans of stray kids. for prettier flowers, click on the photo!)
Thank you anon for the beautiful flowers ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ We are sorry to be inactive, but we appreciate the continued support and we may come back some day soon ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’™ - Lio
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rq-s ยท 3 years
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The Real Thing | Carat Writers Club Secret Santa Event
Hi Lio! Happy Holidays โ„ Iโ€™m your secret gifter!
Iโ€™m sorry for not talking with you as much as I should have, but I never forgot about you and your gift! Like I said, I had a feeling about this one right from the start and I enjoyed putting it together. It was so cool to see that not only do we share the same biases, but a few of the same traits too!
Although this drabble doesnโ€™t include a Reader, I hope that you can still enjoy it and that the mood board is to your liking too. Youโ€™re a great writer and a cool person and I hope that this coming year has great things in store for you!
Pairing:ย None? Lee Chan & Carats
Genre: Light Angst & Fluff
Word Count:ย 545
Warnings: None
Fansite Image Credits:ย double.U and Dino_S2_0211
Chanโ€™s fingers tightened against the old tablet as he rewatched his own performance. His earphones were snug in his hear, playing the sound a tick too loudly as he nodded along to the beats. He still had this stage memorized, down to expressions, three years later. As much as it made him cringe, his pride was triple that.
He replayed the video for the fifth time that night, leaning back against the cushion of his lounge chair and holding the tablet up with one hand.
His mind wandered, and he realized that heโ€™d isolated the sound of the crowd cheering for him. The sounds of live reaction to his song and his stage. Of the shock and awe, of adoration and enjoymentโ€ฆ nothing motivated him quite like the sounds of a cheering crowd.
Hearing Carats now, after almost a year of a demoralizing silence, brought tears to his eyes and he felt his chest tighten with desire. Chan wanted nothing more than to be on stage. To be touring the world again to see as many of his fans as he could, and to let them see him.
The video finished without him realizing, and he felt satisfied enough now to not replay it. He set the tablet on his lap and looked up to the ceiling with a heavy sigh. These feelings of longing were on a paper-thin balance; a pleasantly bittersweet thing could easily turn saccharine and painful.
Once we get back on stage in front of an audience, itโ€™ll be such a relief. We may hate it now, but this time away might be good for us.
Thatโ€™s what him and the others tried to tell themselves. To cope with the emptiness that they felt, and to have some positivity about an otherwise doomful situation. It worked just fine for the most part, and Chan was convinced that things would go back to normal, if not be better than they were before, but other timesโ€ฆ
He felt at home with his family and with his members. He had aspirations and pursuits outside of being an idol. He was more than just Dino of Seventeen. Despite all this, and how content and glad he was for these things, he knew that his realest heart belonged on stage. Nothing could fulfill him more than hearing Carats cheers and knowing that they were proud of him and his efforts.
Chan took another deep breath before sitting upright, blinking the budding tears from his eyes. He wanted to reach out on social media. Whether to give or to receive encouragement, he wasnโ€™t sure, yet the urge was there regardless. But the words were escaping him, and he didnโ€™t have any new photos worth posting to justify it.
And so Chan drafted a wordy message to the membersโ€™ group chat. His thumb hovered over the send button in hesitation. He knew from experience to expect a lukewarm and teasing reaction, but he also knew that they were feeling the same way as him, to some degree, and would be understanding.
He pressed send on accident. In a panic, he began writing a backup message to cover his sentimentality with something lighthearted. Before he could, Jihoon replied, followed by Seungcheol.
โ€œHave you been drinking?โ€
โ€œInvite me next time.โ€
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dalgonachan ยท 4 years
I was stalking your blog when I suddenly realized you had a carrd and oh my gosh it's so cuteeeee! I love it! The bongo cat is my new favorite website XD
hahahaha thank you ๐Ÿ˜† i just made it last week i think? i didn't know what to put for the last button and i was thinking of either rickrolling people or bongo cat. i went with bongo cat of course ๐Ÿ˜‚
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whattodowithace ยท 3 years
Even Behind Your Mask Your Eyes Shine
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Title: Even Behind Your Mask Your Eyes Shine
Paring: Chan x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Count: 724 Words
Writer: Whattodowithkpop [Lio]
Summary: A request from our wonderful ๐Ÿ€ ๐ŸŒบ
I heave out a sigh as I sit in my chair, a small moment of resting before I had to go back to a busy schedule. It wasn't normally this busy, normally we had plenty of time to sit and rest and chat amongst ourselves. However, we had so many people who called in sick to their shifts, making our load double for half the amount of people. We were all exhausted and having to wear the masks over our noses made things a little more difficult.
The rest of the people on my shift joined me at sitting a short while after, heaving out sighs of their own as they groan from the exhaustion their bodies felt from the extra work they had inflicted on them.
"Why do they all have to call in on the same day?" One of my co workers asks, her irritation heard in the sharpness of her, normally, sweet tone.
"That's how it always seems to work, unfortunately." I comment, hoping she wouldn't say more and make me talk more than I wanted to.
The phone at our station rang, making her groan as she picked up the phone. Her voice was cheery as she chatted on the phone, that cheer washed away as soon as she hung up.
"They have something for you on the main floor." She tells me, no amusement in her voice, making me worried it was something to add to my stresses.
I groan as I stand from my chair. "I'll be back." I tell them as I make my way to the elevator to go to the main floor which was three floors below the floor I was stationed on.
Once the elevator doors close I rest my head against the wall of the elevator, resting my eyes as I listen to the pings of the elevator indicate we were passing floors on the way to the main floor. My stop comes all too soon as I trudge out of the elevator, making my way to the main information desk at the entrance of the building.
As I approach I greet the main desk, asking what they needed me for. They point to a figure, a figure that was very familiar for me and one that I had missed dearly. There stood my boyfriend, his jeans were a casual contrast to the black t shirt and black suit coat he wore on his torso. He wore a white mask over his nose as was mandatory for the building, but I could still see his shinning happy eyes crinkle from the overwhelming width of his smile underneath said mask. My heart jumped to my throat when I saw him, having missed him while he was busy with promotions and practice I had hardly seen him in a couple weeks.
I yell his name, running to him as I wrap my arms around his neck, his arms encasing my waist as he laughs his famous laugh.
"How are you, my love?" He asks, squeezing me in his embrace.
"I'm good now that you're here." I tell him as my voice was muffled from my face being buried in his neck.
He laughs his golden giggle. "I missed you."
"Not as much as I missed you." I tell him as I pull away enough to look into his eyes.
"I'll come get you when you get off, we can go grab a bite." He promises as his thumb rubs gentle circles into my back where his hands rested.
I nod, a wide smile stretching behind my mask. "That gives me something to look forward to."
"That's the idea." He winks with a laugh. "Okay, I won't keep you, I'll see you in a bit." He gives em one last squeeze before releasing me. He stays to wave me off until I can no longer see him, however his effect stayed with me as I worked the rest of my shift, the excitement of going on a date with him was enough to get me through the stressful shift I had ahead of me. However it was all worth it because when I saw him that night without our masks, he greeted me with a deep kiss which pushed all the stresses away from my mind.
A.C.E Masterlist
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pawk-junhee ยท 4 years
Hello! I am just sending in a request for if you're bored, dont stress too much about getting it out fast, just for when you are bored and need something to do :). I also apologize in advance if there are rules on requesting... I looked and couldnt find them so if I missed them, Im super sorry... I have a friend who is majorly whipped for Donghun, especially with his long hair. Is it possible to get a gifset to "attack" her with? Thanks so much and also I am in love with your account! Okay, bye!
hey! there are no rules for requests, anything can be requested so thereโ€™s nothing you have to apologise for! iโ€™m glad you like my blog, it means a lot to me!! anyway, your request has been posted
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seokminoots-archive ยท 4 years
I just realized this was Woozisnoots and I love this idea so much! It's such a cute concept and I am here for it! I just wanted to say this blog is adorable and I'm in love with it, thank you for this.
awe yes tis i! @woozisnoots (aka alex hehe) awe iโ€™m really glad you like it ๐Ÿฅบ and thank you for writing such great fics!! everyone deserves to see it ๐Ÿ’ž
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daybreakx ยท 3 years
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โ€œ๐˜พ๐™–๐™ช๐™จ๐™š ๐™ž๐™› ๐™ฌ๐™š ๐™˜๐™–๐™ฃโ€™๐™ฉ ๐™ฅ๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š๐™˜๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™€๐™–๐™ง๐™ฉ๐™, ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™˜๐™–๐™ฃ ๐™—๐™š ๐™™๐™–๐™ข๐™ฃ ๐™จ๐™ช๐™ง๐™š ๐™ฌ๐™šโ€™๐™ก๐™ก ๐™–๐™ซ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™œ๐™š ๐™ž๐™ฉ.โ€
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๐™’๐™€๐™‡๐˜พ๐™Š๐™ˆ๐™€ ๐™๐™Š ๐˜ผ๐™‰ ๐˜ผ๐™‘๐™€๐™‰๐™‚๐™€๐™๐™Ž ๐™“ ๐™†๐™‹๐™Š๐™‹ ๐˜พ๐™Š๐™‡๐™‡๐˜ผ๐˜ฝ ๐™ƒ๐™Š๐™Ž๐™๐™€๐˜ฟ ๐˜ฝ๐™” ๐˜ฟ๐˜ผ๐™”๐˜ฝ๐™๐™€๐˜ผ๐™†๐™“
this is my first time hosting a writing collab, and it is open for every kpop writer in the tumblr community that would like to join.
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The theme for this collab is theย ๐™ข๐™–๐™ง๐™ซ๐™š๐™ก ๐™˜๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ข๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™˜ ๐™ช๐™ฃ๐™ž๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง๐™จ๐™š, this means that as long as youโ€™re setting your story within that universe, it can be about anything* youโ€™d like!
If you would like to join this collab please send me (@daybreakx) a DM.
๐˜ฟ๐™๐™Š๐™‹ ๐™Š๐™๐™ ๐˜ฟ๐˜ผ๐™๐™€: SEPTEMBER 2021.
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๐‘๐”๐‹๐„๐’ & ๐†๐”๐ˆ๐ƒ๐„๐‹๐ˆ๐๐„๐’
14 slots are open (mine is #15), if someone else is interested i will open up to 20.
Since itโ€™s open for the kpop writing community in general, you can write about whoever you want (bg/gg, soloist, etc). But only one slot is allowed per idol, please check the updates.
First come, first serve basis.
*As much as we all love our friendly neighborhood spiderman, please donโ€™t make every idol spiderman.
**Take this into consideration when joining, I personally believe itโ€™s enough time, however we can adjust dates.
You must join the discord server for easier communication.
The length of the writing must be at least 1k words, no word limit.
Your story must be x reader and please try to make it as inclusive as possible.
nsfw content is permitted as long as you add the according warnings. (do not write overly triggering and inappropiate stuff such as non con, dub con, pedophilia, etc.)
do NOT write smut/suggestive content for minor idols nor if youโ€™re a minor.
Please state the movie/character youโ€™re using. Both can be used more than once, however letโ€™s avoid repetitions as much as we can!
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โœง nct yuta โ€” iron man โ€” @prettychannie
โœง nct jenoโ€” hawkeye โ€” @qianinterprises
โœง nct mark โ€” spiderman โ€” @geminirulesโ€‹
โœง nct kun โ€” moon knightโ€” @itsapapisongo
โœง ateez yunho โ€” black widow โ€” @yunkiwiiโ€‹โ€‹โ€‹
โœง nct jaehyun โ€” captain america โ€”โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹ @dundun-baby
โœง nuโ€™est baekho โ€” hulk โ€”โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹ @pollenat
โœง sf9 rowoon โ€” hawkeye โ€”โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹ @moonbaesic
โœง a.c.e jun โ€” captain america โ€”โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹ @whattodowithkpop
โœง ateez wooyoung โ€” loki โ€”โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹ @atozfic
โœง the boyz juyeon โ€” iron manโ€”โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹ @ki6hyunโ€‹
โœง nct haechan โ€” lokiโ€”โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹ @slightlymoreโ€‹
โœง skz felix โ€” deadpool โ€”โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹ @crispy-chanโ€‹
โœง shinee taemin โ€” venom โ€” @taemin-jaeminโ€‹
โœง ateez seonghwa โ€” the winter soldier โ€” @daybreakx
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callin-wonderland ยท 3 years
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Ask #12: A.C.E's Seyoon Pink Hair vs. Green Hair
Gif Set for @whattodowithkpop
Send me an ask and I will make you a gifs set
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whattodowithkpop ยท 4 years
Lazy Morning (Jun)
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Title: Lazy Morning
Pairing: Jun (A.C.E) x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 400 Words
Writer: Whattodowithkpop
The suns rays beamed into the bedroom, seeping through the thick comforter that covered my body. The heat of the sun waking me up, my eyes opening slowly at the warm feeling of the heat. When my eyes flutter open I am greeted by the sleeping face that lay next to me.
Jun and I had been dating a year now and our anniversary was the day before. This was the first time either of us had slept next to each other, let alone stay the night at each otherโ€™s place.
Waking up next to him gave me butterflies as I watched his form move up and down slowly from the soft breaths he took. His hair had gone into his face at some point during the night, covering his eyes and brushing against his eyelashes. I reach my hand out gently, swiping the hair from his face, another explosion of butterflies erupting once his face was fully reveled.
Junโ€™s eyes squeeze shut as he groans out. His eyes flutter open and he looks into my eyes. I smile at him as I continue to fix his hair. His face darkens in color as a smile reaches his lips.
โ€œGood morning.โ€ He says deeply, gently taking the hand in his hair to play with my fingers.
โ€œGood morning.โ€ I greet him back, watching as his eyes drifted to our hands, watching as they intertwined together perfectly.
I continue to watch his face, my feelings for him deepening with each breath we shared. He felt my eyes on him, making him turn to face me. I look down at his lips, wanting desperately to kiss them. I lean my head forward, my lips meeting his in a soft, slow kiss. I feel Junโ€™s body freeze, his hand frozen in mine while his lips went limp.
I open my mouth over his slightly, encouraging him to move them against mine, which he does. Junโ€™s hand resumes itโ€™s previous task, but he gently pushes against it, causing me to go from laying on my side to laying on my back, our lips not separating once. His hand grasps mine tightly as he pins it to the bed and hovers over me. He pulls away after some moments, catching his breath as he looks down at me.
โ€œCan we stay in bed all day?โ€ I ask him as I bring my free hand up to his hair, tangling it within his dark strands.
โ€œIโ€™m sure the guys will understand if I dont show up today.โ€ He agrees.
He leans back down to my lips, sharing one of the hundreds of kisses we shared on that lazy morning.
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akushiwritings ยท 2 years
Title: Your Eye
Paring: Yoosung x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Count: 207 Words
Writer: Whattodowithkpop
โ€œYour eye.โ€ She says after pulling away from the mind blowing kiss, her hand reaching up to run her hand over the bandage in a gentle way.
โ€œItโ€™s okay, youโ€™re safe now.โ€ Yoosung smiles, holding her close by her waist.
โ€œYou should rest.โ€ She finalizes, taking a hand from her waist and holding it tight in her own.
She pulls on him to get him to follow her, but she is met with resistance, her face turning back to his soft, smiling one.
โ€œYou did so well with the party, I want to enjoy it.โ€ He tells her, pulling on her hand to bring her close to him again. โ€œAnd I want you to enjoy it with me, then we can both rest together.โ€
Her eyes were filled to the brim with tears, her heart aching at seeing him hurt, but she couldnโ€™t deny his request, she couldnโ€™t beg him to rest because she wanted to be with him and wanted to enjoy his company at the party they all had worked hard for.
โ€œOkay.โ€ She agrees in a small voice. โ€œBut donโ€™t leave my side.โ€
Yoosung smiles wider, his teeth shinning under the party lights. โ€œI wouldnโ€™t dream of it.โ€
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tearsofsyrup ยท 3 years
Hi Vi! I am so sorry Iโ€™m so late in my reveal but HELLO! I am your local CW friend!! Iโ€™m so glad I got to message you throughout December and I have had so much fun getting to know you! I hope itโ€™s okay if I continue to send you messages cause I loved talking with you! Itโ€™s New Years now! I hope youโ€™re excited for a new year! I will come back to message you again soon! But I at least wanted to reveal myself before it got too late into January๐Ÿ˜…. Surprise Vi!!!
hello!ย ๐Ÿ˜Š i am so happy to have gotten to talk to you, youโ€™ve been so sweet!ย ๐Ÿฅบโค๏ธ and of course itโ€™s okay for you to send me messages, anytime! in fact, iโ€™d be delighted! happy new years, love ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
0 notes
dalgonachan ยท 4 years
Hello! I just read all your one shots and I love your writing style! My favorite has to be 'Petrichor'! I just wanted to leave you this quick message to say your works are amazing and keep up the amazing work! I'm excited to read more of your creations!
PWNSLWOWNSLW ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’–โœจ OMG thank u so much this means a lot aaaaaa ๐Ÿฅบ I'm so glad you're enjoying them. And that's so sweet of u to leave a message ๐Ÿ’• I'll make sure to post again some time soon! I'm just kinda busy with uni but surely I'll be able to find time to put out more works again ๐Ÿ˜Š OH and also I'll make sure to check your blog out too!! ๐Ÿ˜‰
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whattodowithace ยท 3 years
Types Of Kisses (A.C.E)
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Title: Types Of Kisses
Pairing: A.C.E x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1256 Words
Writer: Whattodowithkpop [Lio]
Summary: A.C.Eโ€™s favorite kisses
I hear a heavy groan next to me as a new weight encases itself around my waist. I hear the birds chirp as I stretch my limbs, breathing out with a moan of satisfaction before turning around, facing the body that lay next to me in bed. Junโ€™s face rested on the pillow in a peaceful manner, a slight smile gracing his lips as he pulls me closer to his body, his face nuzzling into my neck as a laugh goes through my chest.
โ€œGood morning.โ€ I whisper to him as my hand runs through the strands of his hair in a gentle way, combing through the bedhead he had earned whilst rolling around in his sleep.
All I get in response is a groan as he nuzzles his face against my neck again, the slight stubble that had grown overnight ticking the sensitive skin there.
Jun's head stills before a ticklish feeling invades my neck, a soft giggle escaping my lips. โ€œJun, what are you doing?โ€
โ€œIโ€™m attacking you with butterfly kisses.โ€ He states as the tickling feeling returns making my skin itch from the soft ministrations of Junโ€™s eyelashes.
โ€œIt tickles.โ€ I tell him as I go to to move away from him.
He moans at the loss of contact, a pout on his lips as he looks up at me, his arms out for me to snuggle back into. I smile as I lean down, resting my lips on his jaw as I copy his movements and flutter my lashes against his cheek, causing a giggle to come from him.
โ€œSee, it tickles.โ€ I smile at him as I snuggle back into his arms, my back to him and his face finding a home in my neck.
โ€œI like it though.โ€ Jun comments as he begins to rub my side in gentle strokes, his breath fanning over the back of my neck, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin.ย 
โ€œWhat about a kiss on the lips?โ€ I ask him as he looks upon to me.
โ€œI like those too.โ€ He states as he leans up to capture my lips in a sweet kiss.
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I hear Byeongkwan shuffle into the room as I put the final touches on my make up.
โ€œAre you ready?โ€ He asks, walking in to wrap his arms around my waist.
I hum as a yes and turn my head to the side, looking at him over my shoulder. He leans in and give my lips a quick peck, his eyes stare at my lips as he pulls away, his tongue peaking out to lick his own lips at a distracting, slow pace.
โ€œDo you have lip gloss on?โ€ He asks, his eyes never once leaving my mouth.
I laugh as I nod. โ€œYes, it's cherry flavored.โ€
Byeongkwan leans in again, kissing my mouth in quick, soft motions, only pulling away for a moment to lick the cherry flavor lip gloss off of his lips.
โ€œI think youโ€™re going to need to reapply.โ€ He says in a daze, his eyes glossed over and his lips and eyes still focused on the cherry flavoring that coated my mouth.
โ€œOr you can stop kissing it off.โ€ I suggest as I turn in his arms, my chest against his as I face him.
โ€œNo, I like the reapply option better.โ€ He states as he kisses me again, this time longer as he dwells in the cherry flavoring against my lips.
โ€œByeongkwan.โ€ I laugh. โ€œThen it runs out faster.โ€
โ€œIโ€™ll buy you more.โ€ He mumbles against my lips, his eyes remaining closed and only separating to mumble that quick sentence before pushing his lips against mine again, continuing toย  kiss off the cherry flavored lip gloss.
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I enter my shared apartment with Donghun, seeing him on the couch putting me into a good mood as I make my way over to his resting form. I climb onto Donghun's lap, my knees at his hips as I face him, this position causing him to look up at me
โ€œHey, Princess.โ€ He offers me a sweet smile, his eyes holding a deep love as they look into mine.
โ€œI missed you.โ€ I tell him as I lean my face down to his, resting my nose against his as I look into his eyes.
Donghun smiles as he pulls me closer until out bodies were flush against one another, all the while our noses stay together, prompting me to rub my nose against his in a gentle way, our noses squishing against one other as I moved my head back and forth.
Donghunโ€™s smile widens as he watches our noses meet.
โ€œYouโ€™re adorable.โ€ He tells me as he places a quick peck to my lips.
โ€œNot as adorable as your nose.โ€ I counter as I press the tip of my nose to his, earning me a deep, quiet chuckle.
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I round the corner of my hallway seeing Seyoon enter through the door and execrating my heart rate. I waste no time in running up to Seyoon, my body crashing into his, his arms wrapping around me as he lets out an โ€˜oofโ€™ from the momentum. I wrap my legs around his waist on instinct, hiding my face deep into the crook of his neck, taking deep breaths as I take in the feeling of his body against mine.
โ€œDid you miss me?.โ€ He chuckles as he traces loving patterns against my back, his thumbs drumming a soft beat against the fabric of my shirt.
My head leaves his neck, lifting enough to begin leaning my head to capture his lips with mine. His eyes close as he leans his lips towards mine, meeting me halfway as the patterns and beat on my back continue. The kiss was slow and passionate, lasting a long while before I felt him smile against my lips. His tongue peaks out of his mouth, his tongue licking my lips as his tongue trails over my nose before pulling away.
I laugh as I wince at him. โ€œSeyoon, really?โ€
โ€œDonโ€™t act like you didnโ€™t like it.โ€ He laughs as he leans in again for a proper kiss.
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Chan and I were sitting in front of the tv as the movie played in front of us. My heart was beating in anticipation as I waited for the long awaited kiss scene. Anytime Chan and I watched a movie alone he would always want to try to replicate to the best of our abilities.
The current movie was spider-man and of course everyone knows the famous upside down kiss.
I waited with bated breath as the rain scene finally came and Chan jumped up from his spot.
โ€œIโ€™m going to get ready!โ€ He exclaims as he makes his way to the sofa.
I laugh as I roll my eyes, watching as he lays on the couch, dangling his head off the cushions as he looks at me upside down.
I crawl over to him as the scene finally unfolds, Mary Jane kissing Spider-Man in the rain.
I smirk as I take my water cup and pour some water on Chan, making him whine in protest.
โ€œItโ€™s raining.โ€ I wink at him as I gesture to the movie.
Chan begins to protest again as I lean in and press my lips against his, silencing his whines. I feel butterflies irrupt in my stomach as I continue the kiss, getting lost in the sensation. I pull away slowly as I look to Chan.
โ€œCan we do it again?โ€ Chan asks with hopeful eyes. Answering his question as I lean in again.
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pawk-junhee ยท 4 years
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long haired donghun โœจ for @whattodowithkpop
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junquisite ยท 3 years
The first ten photos when you open pinterest are your aesthetic !
thanks @parkmejeon004 for the tag
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Whatever this is..
Tagging : @whattodowithkpop (both admins THIS SEEMS FUN) @star-lemonade @yuchoice @henlex @onlyoneofyouuuuu @224-12 @riamarie1031
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star-lemonade ยท 3 years
Tag game
Take the survey
Post your answer to one of the questions
The next person has to guess which question it was
Tag three writers!
1. โœ…
2. "20 to 21, depends on the person"
3. Iโ€™m the first so no guess :)
4. Tagging @whattodowithkpop @flurrys-creativity @cheriebeom
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